MOBILE 09-15BSNL Oct, 2002 NOW! 1

ST COME 1 MORE ST SERVE coverage 1 NHway, , , Panorama Pakyong, 17th Mile Color Lab  SMS  Voice Message Service  Internet Beyond LOWEST RATES Competition ROAMING MG Marg, , - 737 101 BharatSancharNigamLtd.SIKKIM ph: 25098 / 22488 For details call: 27500, 24722 GANGTOK WEDNESDAY, Oct 09-15, 2002 Vol 1 No 18  Rs. 5

Dear Readers... Happy Dasain. And on that happy note, we would like to inform you that there will be no edition of NOW! next week HOMEWARD BOUND owing to the festive occasion of Dasain. We shall, however, return to the newsstands the following week, on Wednes- day October 23, 2002. If Dasain favours us well, we might have some surprises for you, so wish us luck even as we join is conveying our best wishes to all for Durga Puja and Dasain... the NOW! team THE MURDER

The 15 days of Dasain could arguably be the most im- portant fortnight on the calendar of any Nepali. These are the 15 days every Nepali sets aside for family and AND AFTER BIRKA BDR that special day of Tika when parents bless their chil- TURN TO pg 8 FOR DETAILS dren with a generous streak of vermillion and rice grains. We all know that. We also know that at least Gangtok IN KARKI will empty into the busties and neighbouring regions of and Darjeeling as everyone heads for their Mool Ghar to be with the brood. While most of us un- rajdhani dertake the relatively comfortable journey of a couple of hours ride at most, the Namleys at times trek two PREPARES days from the last outpost back home to their respec- tive villages. Their journey makes Dasain even more eventful. NOW! chats up Birka Bahadur Karki, a Namley from Nepal and tries to understand what Dasain means IT’S SHOWTIME for him. Birka Dai is frank and forthcoming. Dasain FOR SIKKIM GIRLS FOR DASAIN means everything to him... ON ZEE TURN TO pg 12 FOR DETAILS “Sikkim will decide how naughty the humour gets AN EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW WITH CHELSEA PLUMLEY ON” pg 7 2 NOW! RECAP SIKKIM 09-15 Oct, 2002 CONFUSING THE BANGLA FLAVOUR MELLI’S BANDH RAGE a NOW REPORT OF SIKKIM’S DASAIN GANGTOK: Although there were a NOW REPORT CLAIMS ONE no ugly confrontations, the 72-hr GANGTOK: Every year, as bandh called by the Kalimpong unit Gangtok prepares for the Durga a NOW REPORT of GNLF starting on the evening of Puja, in one corner of the town, a October 3, managed to throw ve- group of artisans work tirelessly MELLI: On September 24 angry hicular traffic between Sikkim and round the clock to erect the only customers gathered outside Melli off gear. Although DGP, Bengali pandal in the State. Telephone Exchange. The public Sikkim Police, RK Handa, con- While many local Durga Puja was reportedly furious with poor vinced GNLF’s Kalimpong chief, pandals are coming up in the town, telecom facilities there. When the Dawa Pakhrin to allow Sikkim ve- this particular pandal is an excep- AE (T) of BSNL reached the spot, hicles to ply on National Highway tion. It is one of the oldest and the the crowd got even more agitated 31-A, there were incidents when the only pandal set up by the Bengali and demanded the that GM (T) be same were turned back. community based in Gangtok. present. Matters cooled down only Some vehicles did manage to The pandal is set up by the when telecom services were re- reach Siliguri on the night of Octo- Sarbajanin Durga Puja Committee stored. ber 4 following the parleys between (SDPC) and is in its 29th Durga Puja Violence seems to come eas- the DGP and Mr. Pakhrin. The next of uninterrupted display. The elabo- ily to Melli as a resident day, however, while some vehicles rately done-up pandal, constructed Chandra Bahadur Rai realised made it through, others were not as at the Community Hall premises to his peril. Official sources re- lucky and were turned back from two here adds the Bangla flavour to Sik- veal that on October 2, Kulman points - Kali Jhora and Labar Bhotay. kim’s celebration of Dasain. and Kailash Rai of Bikmat, en- On October 6, the day of the slain The construction of the pandal WORK IN PROGRESS: Artisans race to complete Sikkim’s only Bengali Durga Puja pandal at Community Hall, Gangtok. a NOW! pic tered Mr. Rai’s house and GNLF leader’s funeral, there was ve- has already begun and will be ready started beating him up. hicular movement on the highway but just in time for Maha Shasthi on items on the stage. The Pujas are On Dashami, the Dashami Puja The attack proved fatal and October 11. The chief artisan is SNT buses and trucks and other pas- conducted by Bengali priests. is held in the morning, followed by the victim succumbed to his in- Dipendra Nath Burman of the Jai senger service vehicles did not ply in The Durga Puja celebrations here the Sindur Khela (a symbolic ritual juries the next day. What has order to avoid any untoward incidents Guru Decorators in Siliguri, who at the SDPC pandal commence on where married women smear sindur baffled the cops here is that given the emotional procession they have been involved in the construc- Maha Shasthi on October 11, with the on each other’s forehead), which there was no apparent reason would have crossed at Labar Bhotey tion of Sikkim’s Bengali pandal for kalprambha initiation in the morning gives a first-hand glimpse of the near Melli, the cremation spot for the past 14 years. He is being assisted and bodhan (invocation) in the Bengali culture here in the State. to prompt the attack. Kalimpong’s Hindus. by 8 people. Mr. Burman oversees evening. Pujas will be held through The State’s lone Rajya Sabha The accused tried to flee the Traffic on the highway returned every detail, from the pillars to the the Maha Saptami, the Maha Ashtami MP, PT Gyamtso, is the honorary area, but were nabbed the next to normal on October 7`. arches and the Bengali “cultural” and the Maha Navami. president of the SDPC. day from the Maupur area. Sikkim State Lotteries Gives you many chances to become instantinstant LakhpatisLakhpatis Buy & Win Dear Set of Weeklies; Kuil Set of Weeklies; & Time Laxmi Set of Weeklies

Don’t delay. Don’t lose the opportunity. BUY NOW. For who knows... you may be the one among all SOLE DISTRIBUTOR: M/s Martin Lottery Agencies Ltd., “Daisy Plaza” 355-359, 6th Street, Gandhipuram, Coimbatore - 641 012, Tamil Nadu 09-15 Oct, 2002 UP-FRONT NOW! 3 Leprosy Eight Years of Pro-Poor Governance eradication by 2004 a NOW REPORT The Sikkim Democratic Front Government completes 8 years GANGTOK: The fourth and last Modified Leprosy Elimination Pro- gramme (MLEC) was launched in governance on October 11, 2002. During these eventful years throughout the State at a function here at the health secretariat on October 8: the present ruling Government spared no effort to bring about The main aim of this campaign is to help create widespread aware- ness on Leprosy and its early de- an all-round political, social and economic development of tection and prevention. In her welcome address, Dr. C Zangmo, programme officer, Sikkim laying particular emphasis on improving the lot of the MLEC, said that the objective was to eliminate Leprosy by the year 2004 and the State Leprosy Society underprivileged and vulnerable sections of our society by has launched a number of informa- tion, education and communication (IEC) activities at the District as initiating a number of poverty alleviation and welfare schemes. well as the State level. She also said that the support of the local NGOs will be taken to make this campaign In fact, the Chief Minister of Sikkim, Pawan Chamling, has said a success. FOR SALE ALTO VX 1.1 that his government’s dream is to see that every citizen of his Dec 2000 model, owner driven, doing 12,000 kms. In state gets a roof over his or her head, a square meal and basic excellent condition.  AURA Alloy wheels  Music system 1500 amenities like education, health including social justice without Watts (Sony Player, Pioneer Amplifier,4 Nos Pioneer Dual Cone Speakers, 1 Pio- any fear of favour. Chamling admits that the path is difficult and neer Woofer) For further details and test drive contact Hotel Rendez- work is hard but adds that we should be determined to march vous, Behind Telephone Ex- change Phones: 26270 - 74 on, hand in hand, with the rest of the country, and make Sikkim

FOR SALE Bundled offer a peaceful, poverty and illiteracy free and model state in the of Rs.1,10,000/- flat for: 2 nos French tables (5’ x 10’) 2 nos Pool tables ( 4’x8’) country. 2 sets Aramith Pool balls 3 sets Aramith Snooker Balls 1 set extra nets It is indeed a matter of great satisfaction for the SDF government 14 cue sticks 15 nos Elkmaster tips 20 pcs Triangle chalk that it has succeeded in achieving these cherished objectives in Contact Hotel Rendezvous, Behind Telephone Exchange the last eight years. True to its promise and people’s aspirations, Phones: 26270-74

BEFORE THE LD. OATH COMMISSIONER this government has been able to bring about the much-needed EAST SIKKIM AT GANGTOK AFFIDAVIT Whereas I, Miss Tenzing Kipa Bhutia, fundamental shift in the style of governance during this period. daughter of Mr. Chotim Norbu Bhutia, age about 32 years, by faith - Buddhist, by occu- pation - Government Employee, resident of Singtam P.O. and P.S. Singtam, East Sikkim, The SDF government has taken multifarious measures to restore do hereby solemnly affirm and declare as un- der:- My correct and full name is MISS TENZING KIPA BHUTIA as recorded in my Schedule the faith of the Sikkimese people in the democratic governance. Tribe Certificate and other document, but I am also known as MISS TENZING KIPA as re- corded in my Academic Certificate, but both It has brought development process back on rails with its pro- the names are of the same person i.e. My- self. Both the names i.e. MR. CHOTIM NORBU BHUTIA as recorded in my Schedule Tribe poor schemes and successfully covered vast multitudes of our Certificate and other document and MR. CHULTRIM NORBU as recorded in my Aca- demic Certificates are the names of the same society with the development process. person i.e. my natural father. I do hereby verify and declare that what I have stated above is true to the best of my knowl- edge and belief. Issued by I have signed this Affidavit at Gangtok, East Sikkim on this 4th day of Oct. 2002. sd/- Deponent Department of Information & Public Relations sd/-; Identifier; Wangchuk Bhutia, Nam Nang, Gangtok Release Order No: 184/IPR/2002-2003 Government of Sikkim sd/-; Ajay Rathi, Oath Commissioner, Sikkim 4 NOW! POWER-PLAY 09-15 Oct, 2002 GubernatorialGubernatorial goodbyesgoodbyes ELECTION COMMISSION TURNS DOWN CPI (M) COMPLAINTS OF INTIMIDATION toto thethe “island“island ofof peace”peace” ASSAULT MAYBE, INTIMIDATION DEFINITELY NOT Purna Dhakal, had not been allowed they had done so and had the po- a NOW REPORT to contest in the Panchayat elec- lice denied such help then the Elec- tions. tion Commission could have looked GANGTOK: The State Election According to Mr. Koirala, the into their complaint more seriously, Commissioner, DK Gazmer re- two candidates along with Anjan he said. As things stand, the episode vealed that the State Election Com- Upadhaya, another member of CPI is being seen as one of law and or- mission has decided not to postpone (M), had been assaulted by alleged der and not of political intimidation. elections at Gelling Samsing Zilla SDF party supporters and were thus Another factor which went Panchayat and Gelling Ward prevented from filing their nomina- against the complainants was the Panchayat. tions for the said elections. timing. “They approached us a day Mr. Gazmer, while admitting after the last date for filing of nomi- also to point out the drawbacks and The fate of panchayat elections that the complainants may have nation papers and it was too late. create public opinion on basic issues. a NOW REPORT in the said constituency had hung been assaulted, told NOW! that Had they come to our office the The Press in Sikkim has to develop on a balance following complaints there was no evidence to suggest same day, the story would have been GANGTOK: The outgoing gover- itself in this direction,” he said. filed with the SEC by Punya that the assault was politically mo- different,” Mr. Gazmer said. nor, Kidar Nath Sahani, has de- Mr. Sahani also said that the Koirala, secretariat member, CPI tivated. “They did not even ask for He, however, revealed that the scribed Sikkim as “an island of institution of Panchayati Raj has (M), State Unit, that CPI (M) par- police escort to help them file their case is still under investigation by peace” and the people as “most cul- taken deep roots in Sikkim. The ty’s candidates, Umesh Bharati and nomination papers,” he added. If the Police. tured and simple and gentle.” Press should play a positive role in Addressing a gathering of me- creating awareness in the dia persons at the Press Club of Sik- Panchayats in the process of mak- kim here on October 3, Mr. Sahani ing the Sikkim one of the most de- Sports & Youth Affairs not to blame said that Sikkim was rich in natural veloped States in the country, the resources and there was tremendous Governor said. scope for further development and The Governor said that the his for unsporting activities of SAI progress. stay in Sikkim for about sixteen He said that plenty of Central months has been very “happy and by TINA RAI assistance was coming to the State fruitful.” He said that the love and DEPTT NOT HAPPY and it has achieved remarkable affection that he got from the peo- GANGTOK: Following com- progress in every field, but there ple of Sikkim would be his most plaints regarding alleged misadmin- COORDINATOR EITHER was plenty to be done as far as all valuable asset. istration of SAI Training Centre es- round development of the State is He described his relation with tablished at in 2000, NOW! Yougyal, Deputy Director NOW! that the administration of the concerned. “This depends upon the the Press in the State as “very in- decided to get some clarifications. (Namchi), told NOW! that he had said Centre lay “solely in the hands elected representatives and the bu- formal” right from the day he took The said letter accused Shanti also “heard” of the going-ons at the of SAI”. reaucrats to push forward the pace the oath as the Governor. Singh, the Coordinator-cum-coach, of SAI Training Centre and had al- “The Department has done its of development,” he said. Mr. Sahani said that his relation the Centre of being guilty of taking ready informed his Secretary of this duties by informing the SAI Direc- In this context, Mr. Sahani said with the chief minister, Pawan bribes to ensure recruitment of can- particular case. tor in-charge of the case and has that the responsibility of the Press Chamling has been “very cordial” didates at the centre. The letter even Secretary, Sonam Gyamtso, told even asked the Coordinator to be was manifold, as it is the Fourth and the various speculations about questioned the motive behind the De- NOW! that when the allegations replaced,” the Secretary said. pillar of democracy. the soured relationship between the partment of Sports & Youth Affairs were first voiced to him some time “Our Department is not to be “The responsibility of the press is two appearing in some section of opting to remain a silent bystander. back, he had written to the SAI Di- blamed at all. If there is any guilty not only praising the government but the media was “far from reality”. When contacted, Karma rector, Kolkatta, Dr. G Kishore, ask- party here, it is SAI,” said Mr. ing him to visit Namchi and inves- Gyamtso, “The ball is in their court. tigate the matter for himself. We are nothing but watch dogs,” Come and join us discover The Director was schedlued to added his Deputy Director, Mr. visit Sikkim in September to look Yougyal. into the matter but could reportedly When NOW! tried to contact Mr. not do so due to ill health. Singh it was learnt that he had left after 55 years of Independence Mr. Gyamtso further informed for Kolkata on “official” business. (DURING WINTER AND LOSSONG HOLIDAYS) Through TashilaTashilaTours Post Box 70, Gangtok - 737 101, Phone: 29842/22978; mobile: 98320-35753 Tours Name & No. of Days Departure date Last Booking Date Tour Rate 7 days Tour: Kolkata-Puri-Konark-Bhubaneswar 7th & 16th Dec. 2nd & 9th Oct. Rs. 4,700/- p.p. 8 days Tour: Delhi-Agra-Brindavan-Mathura-Jaipur 8th & 15th Dec. 2nd & 8th Oct. Rs. 5,000/- p.p. 16 days Tour: Delhi-Agra-Mathura-Brindavan-Jaipur Mumbai-Goa-Kolkata 14th & 29th Dec. 5th & 20th Oct Rs. 12,000/- p.p. 17 days Tour: Kolkata-Mumbai-Goa-Mysore- BARISTABARISTA Hyderabad-Secunderabad-Bangalore 13th & 29th Dec. 5th & 20th Oct. Rs. 12,500/- p.p. 21 days Tour: Kolkata-Mumbai-Goa-Hyderabad-Mysore-Bangalore -Chennai-Coimbatore-Ooty-Trivandrum-Kanyakumari 2nd Jan, 2003` 22nd Oct Rs. 14,500/- p.p. The Xpression World 27 days Tour: Delhi-Agra-Jaipur-Mathura-Brindavan-Goa-Mumbai -Mysore-Hyderabad-Bangalore-Puttapatty-Ooty-Kolkata-Coimbatore Gift items, Toys, Cosmetics, Archies Collection, -Chennai-Pondicherry-Rameswaran-Kanyakumari 29th Dec. 20th Oct Rs. 17,700/- p.p. Rate includes train tickets, sightseeing, entry fees, hotel, insurance, tour escort, but does not include food, Foreign Crockery, Cards, Mugs, Ladies bags portarage. Please ask for brochure and details from Booking Agents: EAST: Secretariat - 81828, Nirman Bhavan - at reasonable prices 28734; District Office - 22512, Forest - 24194, Krishi Bhavan - 31154, Power - 27580, STNM - 81828, Penlong - 37040, Ranipol - 51207, Pakyong - 57814, Rongpo - 40766, Singtam - 33752, Rumtek - 52203. WEST: Gayzing - 50378, FREE GIFT WITH EVERY PURCHASE ABOVE RS. 50 Sombare - 54335, Soreng - 53279, Uttarey - 55258, Yuksam - 41216, Hee-Bermiok - 44214; SOUTH: Namchi - 63711, Jorethang - 76047, Ravangla - RTDC; NORTH: Mangan - 34320, Kabi - 27886, Phensang - 37528, Dzongu - 28116; ALSO AVAILABLE, MOBILE CASH CARDS DARJEELING GHC: Darjeeling-52741/55672, Kalimpong - (Premdan) - 57143 p.p., Siliguri - 530160/ 98320-62835. FOR INFORMATION: (1) State Bank of India avails personal loans for Salaried/ Govt. employees. - BARISTA, NAM-NANG, GANGTOK - 2) We travel under National Insurance care. PH: 26883 NOTE: We conduct Bangkok-Pataya-Singapore-Hongkong and various tours on demand. 09-15 Oct, 2002 NOW! 5 GANGTOK 09-15 OCT, 2002 6 NOW! ED-SPACE09-15 Oct, 2002

SIKKIM MATTERS ON TURNING EIGHT NOW, FOR SOME The Sikkim Democratic Front should count itself lucky. It com- pletes eight years in continuous power with a clean sweep of PEACE PLEASE the panchayats and no visible signs of rebellion in the ranks. Of course, there will always be the odd instance of a disgrun- tled leader blowing off some steam in an embarrassing man- ner, but the SDF, by and large, has had a smooth run thus far. Except the near successful overthrow bid in the wake of the Employment Exchange Act extension fiasco in 1997, the party has not really hit any stumbling blocks as yet. There may have been many Intra-party differences, but that’s for the party bosses to know and for them to resolve. On the surface, SDF appears a cohesive unit with sharp political manoeuvring skills and strong survival instincts. It boasts a reasonably present- able track-record of achievements and the Sikkimese people seem in no real hurry to take to the streets in protest. In short, the State is at peace with its leaders. It’s for these very reasons that the present government can- not afford to get complacent. Even Bhandari could pull off a continuous stretch of eight years when he did not have a se- he first steps towards peace early resumption of dialogue be- rious political exigency to tackle. Uneventful times, because in the Kashmir Valley should tween Pakistan and India would be they demand much fewer political compromises, are times of Tnot be allowed to go to DEEP the former’s acceptance of the re- real development in a democracy. These are the brief