Low-cost Computational Astrophotography Joseph Yen Peter Bryan Electrical Engineering Electrical Engineering Stanford University Stanford University
[email protected] [email protected] Abstract 2. Related Work When taking photographs of the night sky, long ex- Currently, most astrophotographers compensate for posure times help photographers observe many stars, the rotation of the earth by physically moving the cam- but the rotation of the earth results in long star streak era along with the earth. However, some attempts arcs about the celestial pole. An algorithm for re- have been made to remove this requirement. To accu- moving these star streaks and substituting accurately rately localize stars in streaked images, one researcher placed point-like stars is designed and implemented. has re-mapped the star streak to polar coordinates, so Images containing star streaks are transformed into that all stars will have the same point-spread function. ones with un-streaked starry skies while retaining This technique was designed for locating specific stars color and brightness information. The procedure is for the purpose of identifying specific stars, but will shown to work consistently on a 35-image dataset. be applicable for our purposes when removing star streaks [4]. Other factors besides streaking can cause quality degradation in star images, and attempts have 1. Introduction been made to correct this. These have used such tech- niques as Richardson-Lucy deblurring [2] and maxi- Astrophotography is a widespread pastime in which mally sparse optimization [1]. DSLR cameras are used to take images of objects in space. Certain factors make this a very expen- sive hobby.