Annual Report and Accounts 2009 DCC ANNUAL REPORT AND ACCOUNTS 2009

DCC is a broadly based Group, operating across five focused divisions: - DCC Energy - DCC SerCom (IT & entertainment products) - DCC Healthcare - DCC Food & Beverage - DCC Environmental

85% of DCC’s profits are derived from procurement, sales, marketing and distribution businesses, with 15% from business support service activities.

DCC Energy DCC SerCom DCC Healthcare DCC Food & Beverage DCC Environmental

Procurement, sales, • Oil SerCom Distribution • Hospital supplies • Healthfoods • LPG IT & entertainment • Mobility & Rehab • Indulgence foods marketing and • Fuel cards products to products distribution businesses • Retailers • Resellers • Enterprise markets

Business support SerCom Solutions • Outsourced • Chilled and frozen • Waste management • Outsourced solutions to the logistics and recycling services procurement and health & beauty services supply chain sector management services

DCC currently employs approximately 7,200 people and is listed under Support Services on the Irish and London stock exchanges.

DCC’s strategy is to generate sustainable, superior returns on capital through • growing as a diversified Group in its two broad business activities: - procurement, sales, marketing and distribution - business support services; • seeking, over time, to concentrate its focus on those businesses in which it has already established, or has the opportunity in the medium term to establish, leadership positions (typically No. 1 or No. 2 in their respective markets); • focusing its acquisition activity on strengthening existing market positions and on carefully extending its geographic footprint where it believes that leadership positions can be built; • attracting and empowering leaderships teams; • maintaining a strong balance sheet and a prudent capital structure.

strength through diversity DCC ANNUAL REPORT AND ACCOUNTS 2009 1 Highlights for the year ended 31 March 2009


Reported +15.7% €6,400.1m Constant Currency† +31.0% Operating profit*

Reported +7.9% €180.4m Constant Currency† +22.4% Adjusted earnings per share*

Reported +2.5% 169.13 cent Constant Currency† +17.0% Dividend per share

62.34 cent Reported +10.0% Operating Cash Flow

€304.9m (2008: €129.0 million) † Constant currency figures quoted are based on retranslating 2008/09 figures at prior year rates * excluding net exceptionals and amortisation of intangible assets

Operating profit (€m) Operating profit Operating profit 10 year CAGR 12.9% geographic split sector split

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Contents Highlights 1 Corporate Governance 48 Group at a Glance 2 Report on Directors’ Remuneration and Interests 52 Board of Directors 4 Statement of Directors’ Responsibilities 56 Chairman’s Statement 6 Report of the Independent Auditors 57 Chief Executive’s Review 8 Financial Statements 58 Strategy Review 12 Group Directory 112 Business Review 14 Shareholder Information 115 Financial Review 34 Corporate Information 117 Sustainability Report 40 Senior Management 118 Report of the Directors 44 Index 119 Principal Risks & Uncertainties 46 Five Year Review 120

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