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COMPLETE PROGRAMS FOR WEEK ENDING FEBRUARY 19 E RADIO GUIDE TEN CENTS al2s. cv-e12Ä JEAN S,ABLON "Your Hit Parade" guest Saturday HUMPHREY BOGART On "Baker's Broadcast" Sunday BARBARA STANWYCK Meets Charlie McCarthy Sunday PATSY KELLY Visits AI Jolson show Tuesday MARGARET SPEAKS "Voice of Firestone" Monday LAURITZ MELCHIOR Sings on "Ford" hour Sunday LISTEN TO THEM! Vivian Frideli-Mary Noble of "Backstage Wife" TRUE STORY OF THE NATION'S NEWEST HIT -BEI MIR BIST DU SCHOEN RADIO Vol. 7. No. 18 GUIDE HAPPY M. L..ANNENRRRG :. CURTIS LISTENING PUBLISHER MITCHELL Editor O "Bei Mir Bist Dr Schoen" OUR radio has been full of it these last few weeks-full of some sort of a haunting rhythm with strange words which first seemed to us to be something about beer in a mist of sheen, but which we discovered were really Medal of Merit "Bei Mir Bist Du Schoen." It took James Street to inform us that such was not A Weekly Award for Excellence in Broadcasting originally German for "By Me You Are Grand," but-well, Hitler may not like it -it's a slight variation of a Yiddish song AWARDED TO THE NATIONAL FARM which had an inconspicuous debut in Brooklyn five years ago. More about AND HOME HOUR how Maestro Guy Lombardo is responsi- ble for +he number's current popularity will be found in a highly entertaining story by Mr. Street on pages 2 and 3. EVER since the formation of the National vest festivals, country -life meetings, and the Broadcasting Company it has felt that cf conventions major farm organizations to Herpetological Data the noontime belongs to agriculture; relay the story of the proceedings to Farm are some of our friends to whom since I928 it has! Back in the fall of that year and Home Hour listeners. THERE the mere mention of the word "snake" NBC conceived the idea of a national radio A revue of rural America, this program brings forth visions of slimy, slinking, vile - program designed to the special needs of is truly the farmers' show. In fit variety it, rural some creatures and a near fit of hysteria. the more than thirty million American agri- folk have chosen a much more meaty pro- Quite a natural behaviorism, psycholo- culturalists whose labors keep the bread -bas- gram as their own than have any of their gists declare-but one which is all un- ket of the country filled. That was the begin- urban cousins. Not only do they hear fine warranted, according fo scientists and students cf the reptile family (herpetolo- ning of the National Farm and Home Hour. music but thoy listen attentively to guests gists, if you please). Snakes, they'll have Now in its tenth year, this program, heard whose messages are broadening intellectually you know, are badly misunderstood. week -days over the NBC -Blue and profitable materially. They're not as bad as tradition and myth network, brings the farmer into There is none of the song -and - will have them. In fact, certain species daily contact with chief policy - patter or swing craze in this perform a distinct contribution to civili- making officers of the national series. They learn politics first- zation, what with the services +hey ren- der mankind. Next Sunday, on "The government and provides him hand, and they take more of a World Is Yours" program, scientists will with a ringside seat at the hand in self-government than attempt to dispel current misinformation most spectacular happenings does any other group of citi- about snakes. (See page 4.) in agricultural America. zens in the United States. The United States Depart- Needless to say, the National Calling Mr. Fred Smith ment of Agriculture is and al- Farm and Home Hour is a vital just love to wander into the ways has been the chief col- factor in helping rural America WE'Dlobby of New York City's Hotel laborator with NBC in present- form the views on which its New Yorker next Wednesday evening ing it. Other cooperating farm votes are cast. and have a bell -boy page "Mr. Fred Smith." But, we're not going fo because organizations, numbering al- Not only has the National we wouldn't like to be the cause of a most fifty and representing every phase of Farm and Home Hour's long record of radio near riot. That bell -boy would be a bit American agriculture, include the National service to farmers and homemakers of the perturbed when he found from 300 to 4-H Clubs, American Farm Bureau Federa- nation won it the title of "Farmer's Bulletin 500 Fred Smiths answering his call. Yes, tion, National Grange, Future Farmers of Board," but it has actually become known as there'll be that many bona fide Fred America, Farmers Union, and the Association the voice of American agriculture. Because Smiths at the New Yorker. As members of the B. & P. & C. U. O. of F. S. of A. of Land Grant Colleges and Universities. of its unselfish rendering of that service, (please see page 18 for explanation) Special broadcasts direct the scenes from Radio Guide joins with the nation in a salute they'll be having their second annual of important farm events are a regular fea- this week to the National Farm and Home banquet for the purpose of strengthen- ture on the Farm and Home Hour. Each year Hour. To it, the editors give its highest ing their code of "Don't worry about microphones are to be found at various live- award, the Radio Guide Medal of Merit, anything and never get into trouble." like to attend this meeting stock expositions, corn -husking contests, her - which will be presented on the air Tuesday. We'd of the "silliest society in the world," but our name isn't Fred Smith. So, we'll listen to NBC's account of the affair. RADIO GUIDE (Trade Mark Registered U. S. Pat. Office). Volume VII. Number 18. Week Ending February 19, 1938. Published weekly by Ilegal Press, Inc. Entered as second-class matter at the Post Office, Chicago, Illinois, February 24, 1932, under act of Marri 3, 1879. Authorized by Post Office Department. Ottawa. Canada, as second-class matter. Copyright 1938, by Regal Press. Inc. All rights reserved. Editorial, Advertising, Circulation and Business Offices, 731 Plymouth Court, Chicago, Illinois. Arnold Kruse, President; George d'Utassy, General Manager; Otitis Mitchell, Vice -President; Ed Zoty, Circulation Manager. Unsolicited manuscripts should he accompanied by stamped, self-addressed envelope for return. Ten cents per copy- in the United States. Subscription rates in the U S. and possessions and countries of the Pan-American Postal Union: six months. $2.50; one year, $4.00. Subscription rates in foreign countries: six months, $5.90; one year, $8.00. Remit by postal money order, express money order, or cheek drawn to order of Rion° GUIDE. Currency sent at subscriber's risk. PREVIEWS OF SOME OF THE BETTE REGULAR AND SPECIAL BROADCAST Handsome Bob retaliates by visit- Jack Benny will be Robert Taylor's ing Jack and his Jell-O Show-Sun. "Good News of 1938" guest-Thurs. WEDNESDAY, 16 SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 13 Lauritz Melchior ... for Ford FEBRUARY EST. "Sunday Evening Hour"-CBS, 9 p.m. George Brent Raymond Greene ... from London of the world, Considered greatest Wagnerian tenor Olivia de Havilland . .. star pair Everest Expedition-CBS, 1:30 p.m. EST. is a Dane by birth. He made his "Met" Melchior "Your Hollywood Parade"-NBC-Red 10 p.m. EST. Greene, veteran of the 1933 expedition to Mt. debut the same day as did Marion Talléy, Kansas Everest, will describe the "Assault on Everest." His City's protege, is best loved for his grand character- Olivia is known as the girl who plays in million - talk will concern the new Everest expedition of izations of the title roles of "Tannhaeuser" and dollar productions; most notable, "Captain Blood" seven men, leaving London last week. Although not "Siegfried." and "Anthony Adverse." Brent, a Dublin lad, got For pictorial highlights in the lire or Melchior. play. Recruited by Holly- a member of this latest expedition, Greene has please see page 22. his start in a Broadway helped in the preparation for it. wood, he became entrenched overnight as a leading man. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 14 Dr. Walter Damrosch ... Lincoln song "Magic Key of RCA"-NBC-Blue, 2 p.m. EST. Pan American . Temples to Friendship 27 murders ... drama macabre One day after the 129th anniversary of Abraham "Brave New World"-CBS, 10:30 p.m. EST. "Lights Out"-NBC-Red, 12:30 a.m. EST. Lincoln's birth, Magic Key presents Dr. Damrosch Beginning a new series of modern interests of the "Murder Castle" is the title of Arch Oboler's conducting his own composition, "An Abraham United States in Latin America, this broadcast will thrilling drama for murder -loving fans. It is based Lincoln Song." Dean of American musical conduc- tell about the Pan American Union, Latin American upon the story of the "Holmes Murder Castle" in tors, Damrosch recently celebrated his 76th birth- embassies, the Hispanic Museum in New York, and Chicago, a building which was the scene of twenty- day. This program will also feature Consuelo De various consulates in New York-all bonds of seven murders before the criminal was eventually LaMar, lyric soprano, singing from her native Cuba. friendship between the Americas. captured and hanged. Kagan guest pianist Pescha ... TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 15 FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 18 "Magazine of the Air"-CBS, 5 p.m. EST. Who is most photographed .