Perceived stress and resilience and their relationship with the use of mobile phone among nursing students 1 Maya Sahu Original article Sailaxmi Gandhi2 Manoj Kumar Sharma3 P. Marimuthu4 1 RN, RM, BSN, MSN. Ph.D Scholar, Department of Nursing, National Institute of Mental Health & Neu- rosciences (Institute of National Importance), India. Perceived Stress and Resilience and Email:
[email protected] 2 RN, RM, BSN, MSN, Ph.D, Additional Profesor & Their Relation with the Use of the Head, Department of Nursing, National Institute of Mental Health & Neurosciences (Institute of National Mobile Phone among Nursing Students Importance) India. Email:
[email protected] Corresponding author 3 M.Phil (Medical & Social Psychology), Ph.D, Profe- sor, Department of Clinical Psychology, National Ins- Abstract titute of Mental Health & Neurosciences (Institute of Objective. The study sought to explore the relationship National Importance) India. Email:
[email protected] between levels of stress and resilience with the use of 4. BSc (Statistics), MSc (Statistics), PhD (Science), the mobile phone in nursing students. Methods. Cross- Department of Biostatistics, National Institute of sectional study conducted with 102 nursing students Mental Health & Neurosciences (Institute of National Importance) India. from several Nursing schools in India who were invited Email:
[email protected] to participate in the research. The data were gathered by Conflicts of interest: none. using the following instruments: Perceived Stress Scale Received: December 4th, 2018. (PSS) by Cohen, The Connor-Davidson Resilience scale Approved: September 30th, 2019. (CD-RISC), and Mobile Phone Involvement Questionnaire How to cite this article: Sahu M, Gandhi S, Sharma MK, (MPIQ) by Walsh. Results. Most of the participants were Marimuthu P.