Garden State Ballet selects MHS -■ w v : • / . «-<>., > :> \ Decision has been made by Garden state Ballet Foundation to move its , productions in thfsAire from Summit High School to Mlllbutn High due to { better loca|lon and facilities. See Page S forttory. V, • ... , -y-; - | '• ^ From piano to records to. law

dings and plans to study entffrtffnmenUawJeterview is oh Page.2. *

m m s • ■ i * S S • Town Committee meets tonight ,, By reason of finding itself short of funds for pumping station. Township . Committee wil holdextra summer session tonight s f r p T Story' is on VETERAN BALLOON SALESMAN- ■Lastweek's Mr. Nelson has' beeri, a pnf-tffcya-year balloon ■ ■ Pag**- ■.'.y , ; > 4th of .July festivities saw Hubert Nelson, a member salesman for approximately two decades.. Poods of the Millburn RoJarv'Club, performing his annual raised by the Rotary Club oh the 4th of Ju ly ate task—selling balloons Vw yo ungsters who came to designated, .for support of the orgarfUatieirv.'s .the high school Athletic fielwto enjoy the free rides.. cl}aritabliendeavors!

•Serving the township, s** ooituaries ^Ki«i for 92 years <^5===- Sports--:.'.

OF MILLBURN AND SHORT MILLS t- Thursday; -July 19; 1980' 'Founded 1888^ Vol. 92, No. 27 Member of tidU S t i n s of Circulations 25 Cents Copy, 2 per Year by Mail to Your Door Firecracker vandals

Seventeen windows on the south side of -the-window-shattering explosioQS., MiBburn-Jliflh School were time-bombed. cigarette taped below which failed to ignite • After surveying the -damage, Mr. Dyas Carefully applied tape was still visible on . _ Monday night .Jay youths who employed estimated it coutd ^un above ll.008 Win-.. H w lickersas'their explosives -^miora~0rr

~ shoW'wlflcjnvifr replace ■ Hie1 tentlsstl iftee— •assembly-jobs, at 9TW a7m7',7Eut we-should ■ ■” 7,8WFppund elepfianf-as' she hauletf-heavy business near. Washington, D.C.r the Hoxie Gaithersburg, calamity. The circus must ; nave it - up-byq ————^ ™ equipment' such as the center poles and Rips, circus made a comeback last Thur­ - make dueNrith the temporary tent untii the ' Jim was right about the problems. J3ut it rigging, ropes from a truck to the center o f, sday in Millburn.* new one is completed. was,almost 12:30 pm before two huge Ihe field. Bonnie whs also one of the two The circus got itself together again Here -/-W hen the Hoxie Bros, caravan Tolled '- elephants-started dragging ■a set- of chains -pachyderms that pulled up the tent, and she mm. with a borrowed tent. Its regular canTas had passed . the Publi6 Library and onto the- ; attached to tbe pulley ropes that hauled the also provided rides for circus-goers durina - been shredded by a tornado June 29 In junior high schobl ateTetiC fierd rari^ canvks aloft. Three times the .elephants mtermissipn at the show. Every circus day b Gaithersburg, Md.,'in the middle of a show. Thursday there .was a certain- uneasiness hauled the Chains, and each time the tent is. a long one for Bonnie. All spectators got out before thestent was among the troupe of 100. T|je equipment was rose.on its center pedes a third of the way up ' , So fascinated were the Ideal spectators by blown apart. intact—huge vans tor the seven elephants, Approximately 20 roustabouts and tem- * Ihe proceedings that some’ went home-to When-the first show hire Went oh Thur: mobile units for circus headquarters ana.1 porary circus hands, a7few of m om were procure umbrellas when a light.rain began— sday at 6 p.m., few in the dudierreerealized ^ refreshment stands, a "chow” trailer fromV recruited among local high school students -' to fall Not ones to let a sates opportunity that only a couple of days before there had which roustabouts were handed out coffee at uie tield when the show arrived, ac­ slip by, the operators of. the refreshment been no “big top’*- under which trapezists, and doughnuts, a giant equipment vehicle complished the tent-raising job in about four * stand started purveying hot dogs and soda cloyms, elephants and horses Could perform. containing the tent poles and riggings,'and a ■ hours. This compared to two hours for the* Among thosteon the. grounds- was Hoxie Bros managed to,acquire a tent "spool" truOk with the rolled up tent.i- "show itself and an h6ur and 45 minutes Raymond Solimerio Jr., son orMr. and Mrs. taken out of mqtebal|sby.a coihpany which ' But the longest and toughest job in a taking down the tent after the second show Solimeno of*-467 Walnut Avenue, a former is making anew $85,0u0 eahvascoverfor-the ■ traveling circus is getting the tent up, and Thursday flight; After that the show moved ■ down with Hoxie Bros now performing in the uneasiness existed because, the oil to Maplewood for another appearance the nightclubs, Ray renewed" acquaintances LOST,. 14K gold bracierw lth diamonds; borrowed one was oval in shape ana the following day, July 4" with fprmer circus buddies. name In dlamortds' spells out Rose. roustabouts were used to setting up a rec­ About 50 local Residents watched the tent- '. Although the setting up of the circus'was a Reward. Reply to BoxTtr, The ttem: ~~ tangular one, Thatchangedthebasic layout. raising preliminaries from the bleachers at ' thrill for the youngsters who got elose-to-the Dl D YOU KNOCK?—Bonnie, a 7,500 pound elephant who t^isorte Ott "There are some-problems,” baid Jim the edge of the junjor high field. A score of. stellar -attractions of last week|s -circus, peers from Her wo^ Crawford, a Vqteran of hundreds of big top youngsters followed Bonnie, as 35^ear-oid, Continued on Page 13 home—a Hoxie Bros.tratier—arroustaboutsljegin rrggIngthe big tO| Pw? 2 THE ITEM (Sf M HIb««rn^S^hoiJ Hilii, N.J., July 10, {980 "

Although hr..eojoys singing and paying percussion in' the C a re e r of musical yduthhi^s several notes group. Steve says that he . " '• * „• • •»<■ • — ! -r* "■ ’ ' ...... * ,«pittnplans lo quit that for a while Ji ■ \i - j *«f prof«*|*«Iiy adopted Thesonggot so popular Hlkt..Billon ana toe group in aipronrentrate on producing t - 1 name of Stephen Sharp in no Stove and .1 fellow memberof waiting to decide whether to, songs and going to law school ri ' ! misnomer for a musically Ihf group. Prank Murray of release tin* (M g, com ; It look*-like he’ll'be •'huay^' * ' | talented local youth. 'Boston, formed a record mercially. . ’ > young man for-some Umo to I 1 Steve, son of .Mr and Mrs. company and Steve Said that a 'three-to-j come, Harold S^Shapiro of db bacust * firm . four, minute song' takes "aT ‘Avenue, at so has demon j The duo formed "random uple of months of planning) strated considerable sharp- j" records, Inc." The company ' anL«f IHrehearsing R H M I B^[StargaZeT B W ness and aeumeiHn-nol onijr r started out slowly and has now. j recordingwording time for in-studioinsludiofc It , O rilingi - and-jl -recording — music, ~ , T grown and . introducing ^ „ songs I production could be another 20 but in producing it as well for other musical groups , hours.” - . . * S r S o f U f f o In addition to thatT>5tfve j Sieve said, "you do well, get Asked about whetherSharp! _ .- plans to atfend New England I recognition, and then more will release an album instead; tff'JlP fiulptf School of Law, Boston, in contracts” —** ” ' ; . i of just singles. Steve sgldvwe September. He Intends to Mr. Edwin l’ Hamada. a are college students and we “"Neon signs in the sky" will' include entertainment law lawyer -frero Boston, and don't have time to cut SUWler tractions at a "Star .Party at -with his musical work. He director Of J and I, Meyer. Steve is also working on Hniou College, Cranford. recently . received, his Inc., helped the two form producing music-groups In­ Saturday night. The session is bachelor's degree cum laude random records Steve is the dependently He is currently frci» to the public. from Berklee College of Music executive director and producing “V’*, a popular - iiiirtuM ••! Amateur Astronomers,-Inc., in Boston. producer of the company, Boston rock group He twid, " I will host the first "Star Party" tine of Ms many ac­ while Frank is the president. do producing projects because of the -summer at the Sperry complishments is being a Mr Hamada is the company's they are fvin/' observatory, which the group member of the popular rock- lawyer. The company has five Steve commented on how operates jointly with the music group Sharp Sharp has - other employees, all ot w hom fortunate pe has beenH q college, EATING P L A C E — The pewest spot iiHown-to eriloy a quick blte-to eat is released'one single recording are student!,; _ _ ^ ,' •" said, "We (the group Sharp) iStar Party-Chairman John the snack-bar at Gero Park. Shown-above enjoying their snack after a called -'Combat Zonc“~ and Steve kliid ,:i^ iv e d help got lucky We accomplished in Lowe of Cranford - said all round of swimming are, left to righti Andy Dill, John Murray, Robert plans on releasing- another from another- member off his three months whal'tgjtes most interested^ stargazers are Gallltelli and David Toolan. single shortly. . “Combat, family. The-songs are pressed bands.four years." Part of the invited. AcltvyiesAcuty will begin at Zone" was , written and onto vinyl at record pressing reasm the. grounb doing so dusk'and continue throughout UfMI JtA Utfr ic nonmioa l .L l# ™ produced by Steve. He also plants in South Jersey, and well,-he said; is because their the evening. If the skies are sang and played the drums in Unmet. -Steve's brother, songs have received play on overcast, the program will-be the Recording.ui*g- helped bi&dn ving-ttp to Boston two J large Bosfop .radio postponed to a-later date Auip Mishaps injure 3 '"Comfiat Zone’ started oy with Bag, retards after they stations Star Clusters, double stars - .Stev«c '|g>r*BUi^iiy n liked as a joke," said Steve, adding ...... y* nebulae and phinetsr wtll all be Three persoip were Injured, telephone pole at Millburn car exiting the parking lot of - lhat the song is about a place After, founding, their redbrd ’ music, hesaid/dieplayed in ort the viewers' bill of fare. pone seriously, in automotgle Avenue at Parkview -Drive. in Boston that is similar toihe j company.* Steve yid Frank, j the *local/*rock group, Sneaky Pete's restaurant in LAVif A ND MUSIC— Steve Shapiro, as have is tjie lafet month 1n the accidents in the township oyer .Mr. Carroll sustained face the Millbium section ojMorris • area around 42nd Street ih also foamed Chicken .Pox j Opulence,'and Was also in tl* ydSr to see Jupiter SatYr^ Ihe Juiy AtgcngraimnartroT ^ many youths across the country, graduatede d cocol- k New York CityCit; ------J WWfc i1 nmsir mihlishinn jliaiulBlIlmhiflhashiali i lm AW, skyr Earty Frlttay mdffaiii a car passenger, Susan Sloan, 18, of her car. Patrblman .Ebert" JJiiA-agtiavygfiu piaitt'to s w w n AvyS ' cRoSF ~~ recetecdarr icompany aTfttttfted .1 saW ii plays53a*lcal music according to Arthur Cacella of. pSlZB d was distributed to I driven , by ■ Robert*“ W. lit Everett Place, MaplewoSi, arrested Mr.^ Zagorski in the. this fall. Steve, howevej^Je plaiting to speciafhe. _ „ Broadcast* M usic.,-iflRTaTas well as rock. .Lk*»» Brunswick lecturer' at Mohrhouser III, 18. of 3 a neck injury. Sdth were parking lot. He was released . nationally * n o u g |& M I ^ U ln hto gpare tW . [WMd> g S nnH n S l S . r i p c t l n f l jy g . ffTterfflf fn an College-andand-Bducathftr WomHitll -Ortve. MapIwmJ. treated at Overlook Hospital in $225 bail for bearing July. 14. comparui^- ...... j liraitedrsteve scuba dives, is a chairman of AAI.” By the end yvent out of control am struck and released. , ^ -w fa < ^ .^ id H t8 s -B lig a d ^ led ftjg i .liStb profe^- The song was played locally Thgroup's newesratngll. 1 green beHr Which is middle- i ’WmeketatuVntthatfrelcT of" July.July, Mr. CiCacella* ex-'ttwa telephone poles on Glen The driver told PdtrOlmatt' on radio station-WNEW-FM in entitled “You Hit Me-Right." range in karate, *and is im plained, these planets * — m cs»e of a pokes or medical New York. ~ lias just started playing in - j.volved m (he big brother Avenue-between Cypress Giambattista that he was cut setting an hour and a'half Street -and Myrt le Avenue; A d f by another car, causing emergency, both' the Millburn after gunset and will be too far passenger in the car, Mark him to hit the pole. Giam- police Department and the MiU- 'below (Ke horizon to be ob- burn.-Short Hilt Volunteer First Haggerty of Tuscan Road, b&ttista reported skid marks Aid Squad can be reached by Maplewood, • Was taken to pf 195 feet on the roadway. telephoning 32(2100. i. Mr. Cacella explained that Overlook' Hospital, ydie^ he Another accidehl early last 4the nehullte-clauds often was treated for a head'injury Thursdayresulted jn.a drunk Jreferred lb l fie "neon j and released. The driver driving charge against Daniel ^lights'.' l i *the sky—are lefused medical aid. E. Zagorski of 30 Ciocle Drive, florescepi louds irradiated j » On Saturday at 1:33 a.m. an Rockaway. Mr. Zagorski was by ultra-violet radiation from eastbotind car driven'by arrested by Patrolman THE ITEM of Millburn vprv HaI slars that otvo nff m . ^ .«al very hot stars that give off Jamesi Xamarroll, 21; pf 1902 Warcpn Ebert after Romtie end Short HUIv iiiwo light similar to man-made U%i T r a niy Ave pue, Smechtihterman of Ml.. Martin published every Thursday, neon signs." Morgair/town. W. Va , struck a Place, Cranford, reported a by The Item Publishing ’They’re always Inc., a corporation at - fascinating to view.'' he said, ioa East willow street; "But* are particularly Millburn, official i beaijtiful this tirtie of-^ear. NOBODY BEATSOUR newspaper of the Township Viewars will have an op- of Millburn, subscription HIGH MTEREST port unity to observe all these PRJCES ON NEW * rates by mar ~f celestial 0bJect5~ttireagR~tBe $500 one - yea n - wimirt Essex7 vatory Union and Morris Counties, 1 telescopes—a 24-inch reflector BE WISE - FIND OUT $J2; elsewhere, *iy. ■ and IP-inch refractor—as weH REBATES Entered as Second Class FREE DEALER PREP 4 Matter October «, w t at as through a number of BIG DEALER DISCOUNTS FOR smaller telescopes set-up on [be Post Office of Millburn, PLUS New Jersey; under Act of the observatory grounds. AAI Marph 3, 1879, and second members will be on hand to |- class postage has been paid I explain to viewers wt»t they I a t Millburn, New Jersey Ure seeing a n d ' the 1000 07041. Telephone (20!> 'astronomical, significance of I 376-1200. lock in this high rate raO months teach. Pastieipants are also I invited to bring their ‘own j DISCOUNTS with as little as m o *. - I telescopes and learn ho.w -to ! "imoredltlly utilize.them, I • $1,000 minifnuiri investment ^Interest earned may be mailed you at • Interest compoundeiT daily from day of~ to the end df eacfi calendar quarter or it can deposit* when paid at maturity. be deposited into your checking account.

THE THREE R'S PEACEFUL PLEASURES Roomy, Right, Reasonable describes this 4 I. Await your family when you decide oh this custom 4 move-in cqnditroh Colonial. Formfal dining room, full bedroom, 3 bath custom Ranch xttting»on a secluded basement with rec room and summer kitchen. Lovely heavify treed lot in Short HHIs. 2 zwie hot water heat. lot.$1S9,IRRr;Mi1tburn location. 10»A% mortgageevailable to qualified buyers. $23S,000.

& ANN UAL FlATE Effective July 10 Throughduly 23 GRACIOUS COLONIAL ' __ - . INSTANTLY APPEALING First. National-Stale has Ihe plan to turn a savings oLas litt^as'“ $1,000 into 3 bedroom Colonial in Short Hills, featuring spacious Is this bright, sunny custom built Ranch in Short Hills. a 30-month guaranteed investment. Visit the First National State, office ? living itobn; with fireplace, large formal dining room,, Large living-room with fireplace, 2 master sized modern eat-in'tnrthen, iovely rec room in the full base­ bedrooms, Igyely lot. 10HX mortgage to qualified • neatest you )oday for all the details. • A ment. Deerfield area. $139,900.- buyers, $110,000. ■

Ngarly witbdrawa and interest ^ le tt on deposit 1pr a fujl yeai ^ V C .

Rrst^a; s o l i ...... SUPERIOR ‘ . . FASHIONABLE value with family comfort is evident lAMhis 4 1 ...... A fashionable home in a fashionable neighborhood e t National 2 year young French Normandy in Short Hillls. Lovely lin.uu.r i T ^ fVrw'NCO-i'aiVantio bedw V l ^ ^ i t ^ m ^ Nrepw^;^retfwwT S State plaVroonf^islanding (of. $209,000. s - ; Hiec'k, lovely landscaped lot. $37J,000. - .The largest 'seller *df homes: in suburban Essex. A great bank for tough times. FIRST NATtONAL.STATE BANK OF NEW JERSEY * FIRST NATIONAL STATE BANK OF CENTRAL JERS.EY - t i a n FIRST NATIONAL StATE BANK-BOUNTY • FIRST NATIONAL STATE BANK-EDISON J . 'FIRST NATIONAL STATE BANK OF NORTHWEST-jER9£V»_&BST-NAnF)NAI MHATE RANK OF WFST-.IFRSFV V MEMBERS FIRST NATIONAL StATE BANCORPORATION, \ ' 467^3883 l . 550 BROAD STREET, NEWARK, NEW JERSEY. O-7J01. MEMBERS FDIC. ' ; - ♦ The Degnan Company, Realtors, Est 1923 ■ 59 Main Street, Millburn. Serving you locally in Miilburri/Short Hills, 397^Millburr»t/\venue. . 50 Mt Pleasant Ave., Uvingston 992*6363 ;; 331 Main St,'Wrist Orange 325-1500 m 1

V . THE. TSUI,’ ' G ro s m a n a d d re s s e s ' Ceramics New York tawyers Another first! at library Alan M, Grosman of u M^rsh presents the Birchwood Drive will be a Original ceramics ‘from featured out-of-state divorce [history, story and life are expert at special semtnan for i Currently on display at attorneys on the new equitable I Mdjfiarn fSbttFubraryT nbx Tucker Pitcher distribution divorce Jaw in Trie questions of artist ..Jjfiaf Yflrt , State, which- wUI Redmond, each is in take effectJuly. 18 divfduaHy handcrafted, first inporcelain, then painted. ManytifthefioraTof children come from children's "The Ancient Mariner,'] "The Litjtle Lame Prince," "Cupid/' “Elizabeth ‘I and Kdwartl~VI." . , Kathy Redmond'* lias exhibited abroad as weB as in thin country . Sane of her' works arejn the-Wictoria and Albert Museum' in London*" The' artist works from her home, in Detroit, Mich The library display is loaned by her aunt', Mrs; Emily Bassi of South Orange.

r Park- c o n c e r t s

The Recreation Depart-

Thursday, July-i? when the “Happy Days String Band" .from' MoiUAdMth/Couhty will perform at Taylor Park, the, fTfpt! in a Series ofSignifijSarlt * costumed band moves, in .- . Fine CHrna-Qeproductions frorn the CbijjRrifinrW Mummers' style. _ , The concert starts at 7:30 • . ■ Ofth^mithscMTian Institution ~ * - pin- It to suggested 'residents Bring hrwfcrimirs. The concert WpinviteVowf inspection of themagmficenl Tucker Pitctje'r if • fr«* To resflents and guests. is a faithful Lenox Chinareproductiap of an early example tof. : Chubb & Boh is sponsoring American-made porcelain OngmaiJ'y produced-3 :-:Pe pome- the concert lain manufactory established in Philadelphia by William Efts Tucker in l826. the original is on display atihe Smithsonian ■ L -Institution, Pitcher is 9 V tail, and lavishly decorated with In case of a police or medical 24-karat goldand multi-color designs; florHonone side, fruit emergency, both the Millbtirn SMILE, IT'S FU N— Despite the expression on the (ace of 3-year old'Sean Police Department and the Mill* ton the other. 24-karat jo ld back- stamp .carries .the Lenox Smith of Blaine Street, every parent knows there's nothing that a burn-Short Hills Volunteer___ , __fitsf China' crest ana The mark of the Smithsoniaaihstitution Eie- youngster enjoys more than apony ride. Sean had his first ride at the 4th ^ ^ dnCi*7nfti?rJ>MCh#0 by gantly gift-packaged. $175 • . of July festivities at the high school athletic field. j telephoning 37wioo [.-jr-i Conroe is participant in Newark ‘July FesT Marsh - 14 DeBeers ____ . ' " fofW Mnnar ' ~~ 7 ■ —...-1 demonstrations, j Also on the schedule* is an Milton-, Street, teacher and with support from the City of Childrens theatre, puppets, 1 escorted house tour of Newark, UieJVew Jersey State grafter in macrame, will be danceby aSpanish troupe and j distinguished homes along the among the arts and crafts Council on jhe Arts, Newark the Ggrden State Ballet, park, and. newly-added per- Preservation and Landmarks demonstrators at “July Fest performances by the -Newark | formances by members of the ’80” in Newark’s Ljpcbin Park Committee,* NewarkI Sym- ; Boys .Chorus and the New Drum, and Bugle Corps of phony Hall, Essex County Saturday. Jersey Symphony Orchestra. Cranford and of the Clan na Hie festival will offer, an Division of Cultural Affairs, and .more Vale Pipe Band of Bergen the Recording Companies of entertainment—smorgasbord The celebration ends with (County. A- variety of ethnic in the historic park starting at America, Local 16 o,f an NJSQ "performance of and international fooda will be American Federation of ■freheilweetty’e wt2 Overture ' sold at the fete, 'irje Jewelers & QRtprsrmths smgf Jfoe The festivities, celebrating Musicians, • Music' I Per- 365 Mffiourn Av6 MillbdrifMj Of041 • ^%376-7-fOO complete with special cannon I - In case of rain the entire I fomance Trust Fund] Local ‘a neighborhood reborn,” will effect! The orchestra startg program moved ' IOMnMondm||A|hursdaystii9fyM include jazz, folk music, arts 21 International Alliance oi ...ftmenoan Express • Diners Club • VISA #• Master Charge playing at 7. p.m.' N nearby Newark Symphony1 Theatrical Stage’Employees, 'Hall. and the corporate Community; ' will leave from the jfiilbujrh railroad station at -3 p m. and return at thd end of the festival. Reservations for seats, & $5 each, may be made through Liz Del Tufo at ■ . the Esse r Comity Division df~ (Cultural Affairs, 482-6400. The complete schedule comprises: Noon—Opening ceremony and r bagpipe and drum bands; 12:30—New -¥outh—Ensemble of—the G ydeiijState Ballet: 1^3 “Henny Penny" by*JB 9 Co,; 1:30-Chink Wing -and Com- pany ipzz hanr|: house tour ana Estampas de I Boriquen Spanish Dancers; T^tfJ-Puppeteer jean Rapicano; 3:30—Folk Music ^Society of Northern New Jersey; 4—Newark. Boys Chorus; Garden State Ballet itt^'Footages-v add - ‘‘Tom' Sawyhl';*' B-^-Alen-Behyblr percussion ensemble followed by a supper break; 7—New [Jersey Symphony Orchestra. 4-^^e NJSQ^-i^-progfam- will offer the Overture to “Fledermaus'’ and the Blye Danube Wattz ^by-. St-ratzss, Ives'— Variations on "America;” Gershwins’' "American ‘ .in Paris,” selections from Bernstein’s “West Side Story,” John / The.Millburn Avenue Kings Williams’ Suite from “Close — - Encounters of the Third Kind11- and the Tchaikovsky 1812 Overture. The orchestra .will ~~.jwi#closelts -doors? be under., the direction of George Marrinef Maull. -'pr The .Boys Chorus, finder the at 7p.rn.onSatiirday, July 12 th. director of Gayiord French, will^ing a program of popular and classical-music. The Gjfrden . Stalls performances are choreographed by Peter Anastos. And your brand new Kings*- : The festival is sponsored bje the. Lincoln Park Association op MormTurnpike will-open * IMPORT at 9 a.m. on Tuesday, julv 15th :---‘-fi----*-4--... .v---- — EXCHANGE * ~ ■ ' , - — ' 1 ...... ' . " : WICKER FACTORY OUTLET WE'VE MOVED « Come shop the LET’S - . Special New Kings. " MAKE ? . v-v' ; " (next to' M edi MartX : A DEAL! 173 MAIN STREET WEST ORANGE 731-1440 Wexl to Fabulous Wall Cover iMffiw Rs m 0 n to M't «■ 4 THE ITEM of Millbum and Short Hilli. N.J., July 10, 1»«U 1 r m ...... ' * *;•. • Carteretintroduces THE OPTIONAL MONEY MARKET CERTIFICATE. Only $50(Xminimum deposit and you pick the

If you hav em on ey morket funds treasury btlb bf SOvtngscettlftca tg r MSHESTKAIEAVAILABLE ANYWHERE' - that ore maturing or ony savings thnt orp paying you less rhon 9.50% interest per yeor, this pew exclusive, certificate is for you. Com pare! HEADS UONSCLyB-LouiS,Saccoo* (laity was recently Installed as president o f the Mlliborn . Lions Club. installing officer / for th e . dub higher than-commercial bonks and m m irlrm hly |gQhrr .than the ceremony was Ted Hart, former deputy district^ current 6-morith treosury bills ond sowings certificates most ’oovernorv— a ••"**** finonciol institutions) Interest is compounded dolly ond paid monthly tMW M compoundad dotty andpotd monthly. YoudiootB

Louis Saccone was installed vice president; Carl Griilo, T f iu s Si* Month Money Market Certificate(Sl0,'(l00.min.).Rate available at the recent meeting of the secbnd vice president; Arthur .July IS thru July 14. This rata fs higher than that of any commercial bank. Millbum Lions Club as the Horowitz. third * vice organizations president for (be presraent; Sam S. Minneci. 8 .9 2 5 \& 8 .6 1 4 coming year. ' secreur>- treasurer. .Alfonso The installation ceremonies, Adnolfl, ta il' twister; and led b y , Ted Hart, former John Arsi,- lion tamer. deputy district governor, were Installed a s membersotthe held at the Mountainside Inn: club's board of drieciors were Choose one of these fine gifts Whpn you deposit $StQQQ, or more Ollier- officersinstalled Hudy Cutler, Joseph Dolce, were:, Dominick Petrlllo, Len Lorio, In Q new sewings occount. odd-on deposit or savings carrlflcote- nr Charles Yablonsky, first Frank Rdno and Ted Siawski College Corner Regal. 4-8 Cub JOHN A. TURNER, son of Mrs. James A..Comerci of the Mr. and Mrs. John A. Turner township, received a of 449 Wyoming Avenue, was bachelor’s ‘ degree in named to the dean’s list for the engineering with a con­ centration la moehanical i fniversity, i & , Greenville,' S.C. engineering-from Stevens MARGARET L. McDER- Institute of - Technology, MOTT, daughter of Mr. and. Hoboken, in May. He is a Mrs. John L. McDermott of 61 member of, the American Slayton Drive, received a Society of Mechanical". bachelor^ degree -from Engineers and was active in Rosemont (p a .) Colftge the . inlertormitory council. ‘ recently. * 1^ HfS practical experience in­ cluded machine shop work ’ CRAIG IVAN BALAAM, son and engineering assistant for of Mr. and Mrs. William Exxon Solar Thermal Systems Balsam Of 55 Oyal Road. hfiS Division? . ' ' been named to the dean’s list for the spring quarter at. ' DAVIDS. SHANKER, son of Emory University,- Atlanta, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Bisk of' Ga. 183 Parsonage Hill Road, will be attending the biennial LAUREN ELIZABETH convention of the international BURNS, daughter of Mr. aid fraternity of Phi Gamma Mrs; Hubert J,. Burns of tt Delta m Nashyiile, Tenn., Briarwood Drive, and HamiltonBeach August 12, through 16. Mr. Portable Mixer . ALLISON' D.. GREEN, Shanker is a student at the daughter of Mr. and MiS. University of Rhode Island Aaron M. Green of 25 Fairfield where he ' m e i w former treasurer pf the Kappa bachelor’s degrees In Rho Chapter of Phi Gamma sociology from Ithaca (N.Y.) Delia. ' ' College in May., CHE&Yt R. SINGER, daughter of Dr. and Mu ... FLEA MARKET -Milton-Singer- eMMtemHton- -TheertslEJtoSfdBntfixrUnff Road, was named to the of St.' Elizabeth’s Hospital, Q.E. AM/FM dean’s list and received class Elizabeth, is planning a flea Portable— honors for the past school year market September 6 in the Radio at Duke. University, Durham, hospital parting lot. Vendors N.C Miss Singer is a m I are urged to reserve since graduate : of Millburn High oarly. Those interested in School. ~ ~ . , donating items to the flea JAMES GERALD market or renting space, call COMERCI, son of Mr. and 753-5022.

MONTESSOM OF MILLBURN v Nursery School SUMMERCAMP \ • Place stifl available, and . drop-in. Ages, 2 to 5 9 A M to \2 P k t h r u J u ly 31 str

Enter Our.'De o Mllllortoire for o ' JerseysLargest Weakend" SvreepstbkeirXlothingS: JO buy. No apery No r A D T w D w T ■ ^ saps, ■ - h jirSgleslo write.. fcmry bionks with dl| detoils ore available pf ony office. Simply fill one & f or a iA K I lllll rfe** facsimile, oftctmoli or d rop o f - ar ony office * - - - .T $CRRT€R€T SAVIOGS ROD LORD RSSOCIATlOn 727 Morris Turnpike (Inslda 8hopRlte Supermarket), Springfield, N.J, Q7081»[261146,7-0656 :— " * * |

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I on • reinvestment el ItOCAf IONS Bernardsvilje • BricK Town • ClrftwooP • East Orange • Hnddon Htngnis • Hamiliofi.Tdiwi ly chanpe at the timed^reinvlatmenf, t-Plu« Certificate ' rwlet/Holmdel • Hiirioor«ugh • HitlsKvXeansburg *liyinpaftm Wvlngftpn SnSurtito» Madison » Maiaejo, o metur]ty, federal reguianom require theta pinalty bo MBHWS.TWaaMMO.^aiMaeeian M B Broad Street. rapSmad Strefil Penh^enfoh ft dlannn ■*": jp M jjp ^ U S n am pipepasam ^ 600 Bloomhtld Avenue 82S Sandto-fl Avenue "1? So' "Uteid Avuiun. jradell . Hi u„tb ^ VT.wa ka me^e^V ; ~ •-...... • BocKiway' South Orartge • Sduffi OrangeVaitvnarV•'Springfield • ynirtn * Vwona . WiWmpm . Woodbury ' THE ITEM of MiUbum and Short HiUa,ft.J.,July 10, 1980 Pap oncernedCitizens ’fight tree station Garden State ballet ■ A group of township citizen* proved * , plans call'for removal of the a preliminary site plan •P- could, legally, reopen, the; making that decision. represent ing garden clubs, Before the formation of. the civic associations, the Citizens "4" • -•* i Proyal. , • hearing .so that additional! TherCo Concerned Citiiena, in i is moving to MHS ad hoc group, Monday mor­ The PlannlngBoard two; Planning Board chairman': testimony could be madespart I letter which was sent to Mr. Lpsgtw 01 Environmental ning, which, is identifying Action Now (CLEAN), the weeks,-ago -held a 3-hour! WIUsrdBurns toldThe Item lo fth ereco rd ,* '---. . J Bunas Monday ere suggesting Abo at MiUburn High, the itself as “ConcernedTitiaMis hearing‘on the plans for thej Tuesday night that be had,: The Planning Board! a*"tdim>«rary postponement" The. .Garden-State' Ballet Pors Hartshorn Arboretum foundation has announced it ■lift will " present its for Saving the Bcedi Tips,” it railroad station work which > been informed that's group of 1 chairman uid he had not! di aetim on the pari of die epertory, I program of and the municipality's own has been .expected rM the is moving its area per' Shade free Advisory Board have been submitted by l citizens would be a t , this [madeadeciaiortaa towhat his j Plarihitw Board More' any 'Swan Lake, Act. II, ' Airs Planning Board might be MiUburn Sution Ltd. £ t the week's meeting and would be.' course would be if a request decision oF th e : aUtion ap- formances next acaaon frorf was scheduled to come before Summit - High School to and Variation!" by William announcing its decision on the conclusion oT that meeti%, the requesting permission to be I for the reopening or the* plication' ii rendered. The dollar and "Footage" by the Planning Board in an remvation-enlargiement plans Mlllbum High School effort to save a 136-year old hoard announced that public heard. Mr. Burns continued hearing was put before him. Concerned Citiaent in the Peter Anastos A special at the- meetihg which was comments on the application that he hsd-aireadv contacted lard indicated that he would, in | letter state that If, is--their '^According to an adviaory copper beech tree* which children's matinee will be taking place last nighfas The were being closed and the July the PUnning Board’s attorney - all likelihood, consul! with his I opinion “that* surely in from the foundation, the shift . .. w -- would be destroyed if plans for Item went to press . 9 meeting would be limitetl to is - being"' made because !*J the renovation and and had hern advised that he j fellow board members More Mlllbum Township there it A letter to the editor in The discussion among board • , ! enough ingenuity to conceive MUlbum High School “is a. M*rcfc 1 * >’» enlargement of the Mlllbum Item last week pointed out members and possibly more centrallocation and ,» j ‘.J , ____ Railroad Station were ap­ tint the station renovation decision on . the request for i*“ “SvA 5fS Summer is short for to continue his plans fbr The ballet will also perform presented. here May is at t

W6*,cenlury-pH tree" Montclair There will be six, performance of the season,, Town Committee located at the westerly en d of performances in Mlllbum which wtU dose May IS at The traditional summer J. (sake announced that life Die existing station and grows “Nutcracker." ffaturmg Montclair High Repertory 11 hiatus in public meetings of received By the municipality on a site which, under tie choreography by Pe^tr will include "Promenade" by the Township Committee for work at a pumping station plans for the structure, would N.J, Opera Annsu>» will be performed at William. Dollar; “ Harlequin comes. to an abrupt end exceeded.theamount provided be occupied by an addition al M'.iburn High School for President” by Eugene’ tonight when a special in a bonding ordinance which the station building. Accor- December6ait2 38and8 pm l-ormg. and' “ Donizetti meeting of the municipality's had been adopt^lgatly in the ding to testimony put before reelects IB&MdBjHiCitfhher 7 at 2:3K Variation*-1'-—by-— George— governing Jbody will be held. spring. the board atfhe| | hearing | two p.m Balanchine . The d^mmfttee, which held As a- resuli of th at message, j weeks ago,* it - would- cost a session only ust week, had the Committee scheduled the 810,000 to 115,000 to move the Hager originally intended not to hold special meeting for tonight, at tree, to another location on the Peter A Hager of 2 Lake another public meeting until which «tknft it plans to in­ property. Road-wad'reelected ‘vice AugntS. troduce an amendment to the |» relocate the tree Would president of the board of (he That intention telT by the bonding ordinance providing' also reduce ttiennmount of «m- New Jersey State Opera at the ' . complirrientarv wayside near (he conclusion of the additional funds. § site' parking at the station. recent annual meeting of that last week's meeting when -The meeting will be held at Even without that potential organisatipn ’ ’ champagne Breakfast and' Township Engineer -Anthony Town Hall beginning at 8 p.m loss o f parking spaces, the Mr Hager, a limited part­ And -if all goes according to plant submitted to th e " Oriane Mini facial Cllnl^ in case of a ponce or medical ner of Goldrnan. Sachs- and emergency, doth the Mlllbum schedule, it will b e the final Planning Board by MiUburn Company, New York Cil». hu Ponpe Department and the MU- Committee meeting ‘until Station Ltd. not m w rltfF been a member of Uie board of Demonstration civ ile Ortane^* „ August 5. townahip’tapirai Itj^rem m ^. Jfor Ianvernnra aI ih> ^StWA-hlillS Volunleer Amt “ “ NewYorv *» squad c u b e reached by ■iiuixiim_. company linos 1978 and- has *"M*pboning 3f9-2i 00. served Is vice president since m Morihavjuivd4,i0:00a.m Business area designs 197g, . - • -A trustee of the Cora Haiti-' Continued from P age t At that, meeting it was a n ­ shorn Arboretum and .Bird \ business center! nounced that curing the early Sanctuary, here, and of- the The students suggest the summer the students would Kessler Institute lo r 'construction "of - brick provide design concepts fo r Rehabilitation, West Orange, A L M a ll - < oroaaw slb* on • -M tilbum -storasJocatsdsnywherein th e Mr. Hager is a graduate of ~ j Avenue and a brick treatment township; Since that a n ­ Princeton University and the S79-S224 „ 279 Mlllbum Av«. Mlllbum i of some sidewalk areas nouncement approximately 20 Graduate“Schoor of Business j- Improvements * fbr in- "requests for design concepts Administration of Harvard m -. (dividual commercial! have bieen received at Town University. ' . ] to a FREE GIFT and | properties are "for- the most I part confined to individual signs, windows \ and I I suggestions for repainting. I Township Committee. KAPLOW&CO. The design concepts/of the J 1 " " 'j m TOP INTEREST, too! students, limited for the most and Pi u " part to the two. .blocks of haSjpf] INSURANCE" MiUburn Avenue on either chanl j side. of Main Street. ■ were S^OART APPLEBAUM : [ unveiled to merchants at a j special meeting lot the design co fMiUburn-Shgrt Hilts-Chamber names of I ; IS PL E A S E !? TO ANNOUNCE THE RELOCATION • . H two tMUtnltk agA sujgiliers..

TV./. Theatre Blaze OF HIS OFFICE TO . | \ project opens damages 348 MILLBURN AVENUE 1 ' [this evening P.0 BOX-735 ;> V | The New Jersey Theatre obdekrv I Project opens tonight at A blaze in w 1 MILLBURN, NEW JERSEY 07041 Summit Playhouse. 10 New a- - — described as I- ...... I England Avenue, Summit, (^01)467-8711 ; I with its premier production, k . "Same Time) Next Year" by Bernard Slader The produc­ tion trill star Judith, Ailvvyn ceiling^^ the|(irage housing it and Gerald Cantor,, with ; According to Ore < £ a h r, direction bv Andrew Wilk. the 10 a.m . blaze was caused Local audiences ‘.will, by a fueHineleak ih the engtne^ remember stars Juditb- of the. vehicle parked in th e AUwyn and Gerald Cantor garage of Andy Szpara of th e from previous local produc­ Rector^.-Streef':address:. TWe tions Last, spring,, Miss alarm was turned in after Anwyn- appeared a s Lady heavy— smoke 'was seen Macbeth intheCraig-Theater, pouring from the unattached Summit, production- of structure. ‘M a c b e t h . • Cantot- -"The fire damaged tire starred as Henry Higgins, in engine, upholstery and,front 'My Fair Lady," which was tires, which was presented by *•«** w t - e Andrew- Wilk was co- Damage to the garage ceiling [ptwii was minimai ' ------— Emmy Award winning CBS special, "Why A Conductor?” for the New York Philhar­ P r i n c i p a l monic Young Peoples’ ’Con­ . ALL WEATiftER SCARF & UMBRELLA 7 WESTCLOX TRAVEL CLOCK certs, - ; . Continued from Page V SHOULDER TOTE BAG •- “ *B GE STEAMA DRVIRON" ^ "Same -Timei Next Year" in 1973. He majored in ■ RA^QUET A J A L t BAG (Includw onot4«»nl»WI«) ncems an adultefotis love -edumionfftTdunaations a t affair taking place only once a Rutgers. He earned his year, for 25. -years. _ Fer- , supervisory certification from Roots Your money WORKS HARD for you at Berkeley Federal Savings! ' ►formances are Thursday Kean College in 1974 and h is N ow , y o u ’ve really got a ch o ic e . . .8 great gifts or our restaurant cou p on book! through Sunday starting j administrative certification Semi-Annual. Just come In and Invest $10,000 In a 6 Month Savings Certificate or $5000 or jUly JT; through-iJr om ljeTiigii' Dnivefsiiy-'tn r more in any other high-interest certificate and help yourself to any gift you'd like. 1977. H e has finished his course requit .iftAnts—for- ■doctor o f education at New' Clearance Sale —w' 4^. APPRAISALS by 1 York UniyersityV Division o f roryotir dining pleasure, you may choose Graduate Advance^ Studies and is Now invorogress Berkeley’s money-saving booklet of 10 great G„er^ologists (G.I.A.) preparing to write • his dining-out discount coupons good at fine North whose credentials are research dissertation. accepted by A L L - Mr. Neigel is a member of Jersey restaurants, instead of one of the merch­ J nsurance Companies, tite National'Association of andise gifts shown here . . BON APPETIT! and INSISTED upon Secondary School Principals, An important opportBfttty~‘T^ the N .J. Association of bymarvy. Secondary School Principals,- the New Jersey Council on . , to savg up to 50% / Social Studies, 'and the. $10,000,6-Month Savings Certificate National Association of on your summer clothing f Supervision^ and Curriculum Development A resident 'of Morris. Plains, helis married - for men, voting men, boys^ 8.926%.^ 8.614% X"' And the teither of tvuo children. J’~‘ " ' -Rate W eek of July 10 thru Inly 16, , * ' , and women. yield Meumlng principal end tnteraet am ra-tnvaalad at maturity at tfic 'aame Intavaat ij, the Inteiaat rata m a y ba h la h a r ot'low at th a n It 1« n o w . ' . _ W hateVfftaiNeed ■tf tvihwRitmb naaiei TvaKwemirtat AOOINO MACH INIS CALCULATOR* x-Year C ertificate / .SAL It • SIR VICI RENTALS : DoTi't’fniss this Roots sale. Enjoy of JK OFFICE MACHINES 1% v^ 9.50% corner of Summit Avenue and dank Street, Summit ou«ibthes, and,„th§t substantial savings vye offer, A./ . -R«teperiod-thru-July'D3-'----- ■■ ^... i opened In thta'period and U guaranteed for tha anttra l Npt ill sizis and cbloff in. ail stylis, so ebrtie ekrly for best selections.’ a Boys' wear u^ mmjy RexLBank acLdjJomstnwn nniy .... Robert la Valley • FURNACES* GARBAGE DISPOSAL*’ Ifcrp JOSSlNGOUfi SPSCiAlTY : ^ o t ...... ' V ••kninit/monday arid thursday until 9 /'2 7 7 -1 2 3 4 -, . ' - rod bank/Wednesday anclfnday until 9/ 747-18GO merristowit/wfednesday and friday until.9/ 2 67-1234 ___ 'MlLCBORftf riwortide square, hackanaack/monclay through fnid^y untij 9:30/ 342 B5CX3 *» - x ; - Cohimenitory

> - : X THe I tE tf O f M illbum and Short HiU» Court, tree and odors - v (USPA 348-680) Cofirt imbroglio . finest specimen trees-taj idtranlup.' Place at toe tot adjacent to .toe MiUburn weeks they have been most offensive bet­ )0A East Willow Street, As one who fivas in Short HUls,Hills, bXmore _ Library, to say Dotting of toe kuieTot Pa#* 5 July 10,1980' Editor, The item: ween tampraximately) 9 p m and • a n all AAilJhprn, N.J. 07041 . frequently commutes from the MUBwn behind too former library building which is nights store ttftfh Saturday. What started out -as a petty police court stauon to New York, I have for mgpy years often quite empty. V - 201 374 1700 imbroglio over , the ticketing qt cars near . Responses to the inquiry have been enjoyed the serenity and tranquility ■ J n view of toe above I wrtrid like to educational and helpful and 1 wish to ex- - Gero Park has turned into a First Amend' -provided by this magnificent work of nature meat confrontation ■ request of the owner of toreproperfy, too pros my thanks far them: It sppesrs tost etch morning prior to combatting the hustle architect of the new building and our own othdrshgvelndeedfowd tote sir pollution to Coming together It should be accepted as axiomatic that a and bustle of the cky. I am sure many other Planning Board that one iaat effort be ra d s newspaper editor cannot be summoned into be a serious nuisance of long standing. persons have appreciated this lovely tree as to save tots lovely copper beech -tree by Effects range from stuffy noses and sinus s r For it community, • to the broader is somef ijinglnore than the news of the court to listen to* demand bran a judge to well. * - >v-' ' • designing- around it-indeed utilising its retract or even explain a newt story Which. troubles to difficulty breathing snd namaa meaning of that word, the jum m er has day from Washington or Moscow, the Now, however, I understand that the tree graniw r -as a focal point for toe new There is an ominous resemblance to the -begun on a high note for the residents of the judge considers offensive. wiMbedeetroyed merely to permit a handful building-rather than designing th ro w U. dosing quotation r n p ,Wall Street and In d ^ ~ participation in this incident Love Cpnal episode and recent discovery of Millbum Township. certainly more important than the of additions! patting pieces apparently What beauty God and nature hast token Judge W lg tS tf and Mr, Crysr misused needed in connection with the-proposed cancer-producing elements in asbestos words,utterM m l Town Hall meeting more than a century to create ahead not be building materials used in East Ruther <„«Sf8,veral weekends ago it; was Ui$ their officii posit ions They Reserve severe renovations to the Conrail station. Although destroyed by man in ope fell iwooo and for f^ynnK lU . ----- !— room or appearing in this space.' - M g f r j with ttw> „.ttU| tire, standi M q m m wm reordhiwjf a utiiUM'Is » w macadam or i'i« mnwga wit m item p a w r to comtruct tbe addition to the station, tbs Those who believe they are suffering Battle of Springfield celebration which ■■wrearor ‘loiirSfnnfeT concrete based parking ptecea. impBrtant berm from this cause would be sobering responsibilities, but certainly With such docility tq, thisintimidation by tree could be moved to an even more drew us together Atjd last week it was public' officials Who should have known well. advised to oommiMilcats with toe we are the most ignorant of all - prominent position oh toe present property, the tfaditimal, yet new, Fourth of July bettor'. such as directly to front of the mam en­ “Department of Environmental Protec creatures to have walked the earth if torn,' a state agency with hendquartere for celebration which brought the long­ William J. Ivey trance to toe origtoal station building, but Noxious odors we fail to appreciate its opportunities this tree to P arsippeny. Their telephone time residents and - the 1 newcomers %. * 26 Saratoga Way . for the fact tost sgeb persons (to not wish to Editor. The Item: for- simple pleasures. We glory gtva up i (anyone livinghece less than a score.of It is not necessary to Identify the culprit, watching- slots at that location. In my letter to the editor which appeared Editor, The Item: which is fortunate because (hr layman will clear summer night, in sharing space It would appear, however, that at. the in the June 28 issue I inquired whether encouter difficulties producing what would Tils occasions such* 1 *4as these; albeit , Next to the Conrail station in MUlburn present tone there are many unused others-particularly jn the South Mountain. on ttmjiigh school athletic field, with a - Stands a beautiftd and stalely copper beech be acceptable as “hard evidence" in court. taken for granted by those not ,con­ new-found friend, n is but q day in a parking places both in toe large commuter Estates area—had been troubled by waves That is toe job of this agOcywith your help < - tre^which Is over 110 years old., It is con Jot ontoe other side of toe tracks from toe cerned about the ptohnWig an d ' the of noxious chemical flumes which appear to- jPaul H. Jeynes lifetime, bum ^H ‘ in n 'n 1 « E fa liR » h tViiiiiiiiinii$j It is of ‘-July Committee, who made it !h«ual||lw hich remind.^ That Jif^. jx&ible..^ 2-—-

T^vo m essages

T~ O ur attention was caught tMp -week < - Assemblywraianwiflnrgio. a state by twu unrelated messages: one ap; ^legislator w h » W i n ■ i WMytftnc. terpriq^participition and other federal " awarded-a *5.4 million contract'to do th e ; occupying abotit one-tenth of ah acre, ia fai pearm ps an advertisement on die op­ Have drawn our support amTtvhqse employment standards are forcing-some - daign work. The Work was lobe completed an environmentally dead area. The prospective bidders to seek exception* or in 1977. . ed page of yesterday's N.V. T im a, the proposed project is to prevent raw sewage views we normally find in accord with waivers because they have been.unable to- Incredibly, only 70 per cent of their work other appearing in a coiumpuvnttenby “ our own, taka us a bit aback this week. from being discharged into the Delaware gar* these federal standowfa , is now complete, but they have been paid a ■ River. - v . Assemblywoman Jane Burgfo.whteh» Speaking of the state's $5.1 billion. - The Department of Transportation hired ^whopping $10 million as of December 31, The inflation rate during- the delay time published oh this page. Tile precise budget which Govefltor Byrne signed V Erie-Lackawanna commuters are bearing the consulting firm of Ganne| and Fleming 1979. They are presently asking for an ad­ added 24 million in extra coats to this SS3 subject m atter pf the twb ts different last wedc, Mrs. Burgio writes that it ■ the brunt of bureaucratic bungling by the at a cost of eight and one-half million dollars ditional 25 million to complete toe work they New Jersey Department of Transportation. million project. and yet both should be read by all in­ represents “an enormous amount of .to oversee the re-electrification work during were supposed to have finished in 1977. Not The much hailed re-clectriFicaUon df the a two-year period. The firm is assigning 65 New Jersey stands to lose abort 2100 terested in government in Washington money and neither I nor anybody else counting delays, extra c a t to taxpayers :jll0 million in federal Clean Water funds on " rail Una continues to be plagued [with persons to the project. With only a miles of. million !' • and in Trenton. believa it is all well spent.'* No * September JO: The reason? Bureaucratic " delays. Best guess for completion: Fall, track, that averages one consultant for each The Department of Environmental , The advertising message placed in argument there. 19821 Maybe later;.. . r ■] mite of track. bungling in the DEP has stalled the ..- Protection, with an assist from the Army program with a multiplicity of tMigrffecsnt the.N Y. T im a poses the question of But when Mrs. Burgio continues: . .Only two of the 15 construction contracts. To supplement these Gannet and Fleming - Corps of Engineers, has cost New Jersey whether politics mould be a lifetim e involved in the re-electrification project but tithe consuming regulatory “Yet the figure is only about 7,9 per i consultants, the NJDOT will have about 50 taxpayers an .additional 24 million on a requirements. Career or a citizen's duty. Noting that have been execute;!. One contract is penaing people supervising and Conrail is to provide Trenton sewer project. cent higher than hB fyear’s,~well below award and four are put for advertising _ New Jersey taxpayers can ill afford this in congressional elections held since another tfrJt-wilFbe a small miracle if the ThC unbelievably complex permit the inflation level, am i if die number is According to the Morris County Board of ton of federal help. I am proposing" 1962, an average of 94 per-cent of jh e work crews can squeeze past the super­ procedures and duplicate application ' big then so is the economic puition of Public Transportation. federal visory personnel. legislation to require the DEP give prompt incumbents have staged successful New Jersey, it needs and its roour- ' requirements, delayed the project ap­ approval or rejection of a project within six ’.requirements on minority ’ business en- Back in 1975 the firm of Gibbs & Hill was proximately one year This small pRQec£ reflection ~ campaigns, the AmWay c a . “ We must demur. months of application Corporation message argues. that Mrs, Burgio writes of the give and "concern for reelection; has over- - take, the compromises that are By Assemblywoman Jan* Burgio shadowed the desire to m ale the hard necessary on the part of all those who decisions needed to solve the nation's are involved with formulating e state problems" • • - ~T. budget. We recognize the need for give 'The advertisement, which continues and take, for compromise ih the The state’s $5.1-billion budget by advocating a Constitutional political process—hu t still the message amendment to limit congressional we glean from Mrs. E l i o 's column is The duty of the Joint Committee is. to amended the budget to provide it. terms, is a serious one deserving of of a state budget predicated more on . '-receive the governor's budget, analyze it.. The concept of a “balanced" budget for todn t get it, but we did get a 21-milllon retoiction. I did some lengthy homework serious thought by all citizens.* * porkJbarrei than on economy. item by item, program by program,' New Jersey is not a matter of debate or department by department, and add and over printing and office auppUa* for 2&2 doalra—tba NJ.-constitution prohibits separate state departments and [xognuns delete as the committee sees fit. In the . anything but a balanced budget. The and recommended a cut of some 2l >toiuion ■ ....• - ,-r - process, eveiy activity rtf' the state *ia problem is getting-thOre. The threatened ■ On Monday, June 30, Governor ,Byme scrutinized through lengthy intovtews with which passed within the iahguageof another - signed Senate Bill 1309, the .title of which 2200-million shortfall 'made life difficult. resolution. • department heads, administrators and However, revenues proved“to be vastly 4 begins “An Act making appropriations for other officials;by referral to otlirtr umteratimated -and it turned out thft the • On the up side-1 shot for 2750,000 for the Coming events die support of the State G overnm ent.Its documentation; by solicitation of Outside .164 pages, and $5.1 -billion impart says that final- 25.1-bfllion total budget was only Paper MiH, and ended up with 2350,000 in the .expert opinion and testimony: and by. 2200,000 leas than had iwen requested by the Today, July 10 ’ Tuesday. Augusts • — - the StatoofNew-Jerseywtil function fortiitr budget. 1 added 250,000 to IfeTJepartmeht of 10 a,th.-z p.m, -New Eyes lor ihe Needy ^receiving in open hearing the- .words of Governor. The' final" $5.l-billion .figure Health for a “DES” program that will • 2 p.rtt. “ Fotd Play," Millbum Library.'' twelve months commencing'July f, 1980. . anybody in New Jersey who has something , summer sale. 7:30 p.m. “FoulPlay," Millbum Library. remains an enormous amount of money and pennit screening for the daughters of ’ This, the budget for the State of New to_say upon the subject in question. neither I nor anybody else beleivea it to aH ‘ 5 p.m. Smorgasbord slipper., St. Stephen's p.mNTowtahip Committee meeting, Jersey is the result of a prodigious effort on wmmefrwho-took -toe drug; DES, in chlld- ^ The 24 members ofRiE committee submit •wfell spent. Yet, the figure iS'bnly about Parish Hall. ’ r I .’ - the part of many people, including your bearing years and who see. at risk of Sunday. July i3 . • Wednesday, August > ' w amendments—some 53S this year, which— per cent higher than test year’s, well below developing cancer. . ' - Assemblywoman, who served~a third term add ordelete funding for. anything that in- the inflation level^ n d if foe mftnber is big 10 a.m. Disabled American Veterans 8 p.m. Planning Board meeting. Town as a member of the Joint Senate As«prnh|y -volves- state morfey lneffectrtiiis governs their so ia the economic pMition of New r meetingr/Tcylor Park Community Center. Hall. Appropriations .Committed [ which is I failed in an attempt to authorize Tuesday: July IS. ■ • . ■ nearly all state activity for without tending Jersey, its needs Snd its resources. 21,000,000 for Alcoholism Services but within Thursday, Augusts------— -— -responsible for making o budget laty. 1 the activity does not exist. All the testimony, 2 pttn. Sunshine Boys," ‘ Mtilburn 7:30 p.m. Polish night music and dancing, There is much’ change in the budget from another bill succeeded in restoring 2100,000 Pressured by a presumed 2200-million lobbying and expression of needlmeahs tabrayy. . - ■ Taylor Park. shortfaH between - receipts and what the committee receivetf Trom the for programs for gifted and talented. nothing until .a Senate or Assembly com­ governor and what the i»mmittee reported Children. ” t^ m’ Boys," Mlllburn • penditures, we started earlier, worked more mittee member submits a budget amend­ Sunday, August 10 . . days, and concluded later than ever before. out aS:a trill. Money was added, money • Wednesday, July. 18- ' ment. An example is tending for the Paper deleted; programs curtailed, programs You will discern a healthy level nf gin* _ 10 a.m. Disabled American .Veterans Yet, In my judgment the resulting budget is Mill; Playhouse reconstruction: The nowt — J L P.m. Arherican' Legion Auxiliary ^expanded, 1 submitted amendments in both and lake wlthih toe coiW ittre/ TWs -meeting, Taylor.PariL Community Center^ -Hlflrerafinnat aneboverall Benflltflyffiarnt'S" was expressed by those associated with the • meeting, Guy R Bosworth Post home. Tuesday, August 12 directions.::, - :1.... i-i ...... —— prevails between parties, between Houses, others on.which I have worked,^and-cer­ Playhouse; toey money-will flow because -Thursday, July l?"-, • ;; 2 pirn. “Young Frankenstein," Millbum tainly better than could have been expected. On the down side-^I ufj§ed a 27-million cut and’ among individuals, and in general 7: 30 p, m. Monmouth County String R a n rf { Assemblyman Kavanaugh and mvself the Department,of Traaportatiogi Wo , .serves, to-got-tho-job-done. '------——- 1 Tliylor "ParK."1-'"™ 7:3|D pim. “Young Frankenstein^’ , Friday. July 18 . \ ? . v Millburn library. , 1-3 p.m. Hypertension arid diabetes Friday, August 15 . By Assemblyman Frodoric Remington ' screening, Taylor Park Community Center. 1-3 p.m. Hypertension and diabetes Tuesday. July 22 screening, Taylor Park Community Center. — 2 p.prr. “ Bad News Bears,” Millburn Tuesday, August 1* 2 ttm. ‘ ‘SanirdayTfight Fern,” Millbum . 7:30 p.m. "Bad Bears," WHlbum Library. Library. 7:30 p.m. “Saturday Night Fever," Wednesday, July 23 Millbum library: 7:3bp,m: Planning Board meeting, Town Anof jM h m HalLf -.------' ------Wednesday, August 20 ~ ' ~ — Thumday, July 24 8 p.m. American Legion Auxiliary ^. 7:30 p.m. Smoky Warren and his country meeting, Guy R. Bosworth Post home. music, Taylor Park Community Center. Tuesday, August 26 Tuesday, July 20 2 p.m. “That’s Entertainment,’’ Millbum Under New Jersey’s Constitution, any developing budgets and the only way it can ^ '2 p.m. “Tumihg'Point,” Millburn Library. . I.ihrary -f revenue raised through taxes-must ho. gambling profits...... 1^. be altered is-through an amendment to the Because both of these tax programs were utility rate program to cover more j...... ” 7:30 p.m. “Turning Point," Millbum 7:30 '"That’s Entertainment,” placed in the general treasury out of which constitution. »V.,T Library. rather narrowly-drawn, the money they" - increase the utility creditor -expand" the, — Millbum Library,— - -'— v — state programs apd operations 'fcre sup­ The two most prominent examples ofjhir $enior citizen homestead rebate. ' . ported eS8h year. The prohibition on sq- produced cahnot be diverted to any use dedication in New Jersey are the property lJ f .to e legislature approved any of three called dedicated funds was written into the aside .from those, specified to the com =taxrelieftmdrwWcm’s supplied by revenue stitution. recommendations they would faU within toe. constitution in an effort to give as much from the income tax, and the casino revenue limits defined in the constitution since they flexibility as possible to state officials in ’ And, this is the area in which a-problem • fund, supported by the state tax on casino has arisen, a problem involving an em­ involve property tax relief or aid in meetijig barrassment of riches. r ;'■• utility bills. Any. new programs, however, The spectacularilfinancial success Of would be prohibited unless the constitution casino gambling if Mantle City has poured was. amended by public referendum. And .millions of. dollai»s-tet(Hhe=dedicated ac­ toe earliest such gn amendment.could be count. There is currently 228 miUioq in this submitted to the electorate is tote School bond financing fund which can't be spent because toere are November. ho constitutionally-acceptable programs to Twq such amendments are under con­ sideration in' the legislature. One would bill recently passed by-both houses of provide general support for puDuc scnuoia. spenefiton: . the. state legislature. Assembly Nfr.- l?68r- default were Mieved tejiave an adverse exclusive of bonds whose debt service is r permittoe casino tax revenue to be used for This provisiem was continued in the 1947 e f f e t on new bortd issudl' pausing lnu>ar The casino tax fund has reached $4«- . l upan^ -the-govornor,-promises to- ..paid-by. state appropriations, witoin-the- hew ,and--expamte^ prograina for senfor Constitution; Statutory “toa^srof The TumT ■ creart ratings, higher interest rates, and Jimitof thefund's resources (now nearly.$34 TnUiion affeady thls year, largely due to an citizens; one would support an increase in l-save New Jersey’s school,; districts, - dates, to 1903 when income from ihe sale,- incrase in toe tax approval last year. ‘ rmuhicipalities and counties millions oT poor bond rttarketebility The pledging bf million).-The reserve nijist be composed -■ toe current $160 senior citizen property tax lease, or rental of state owned riparian the school fund for school bonds in 1958 /The constitutional amendment which Reduction. _ J . dollars a year in interest cost on future entirely of direet obligations of the U.S. permits legalized casino gambling in lands was committed to the fund. appears to have had la s than contemplated Government or obligations guaranteed by • ----- schobLjhonds,. observes the. New Jersey ~.—A 4058 -amendment- to-the- New -Jersey- -Atlantic City specifies that the tex revenue Whatever toe o«ttf5rne; the.entire epteode , Taxpayers Association. ' impact on subsequent credit ratings corr- the'fulHaitli and credirbf toteU.S. Goverft- involving the casino tax revenue could be Constitution specifically authorized the fund sidering that only eight local districts from it is to be dedicated to programs of ment. Additionally, securities repraentine property tax relief ’ and assistance turned to the advantage of those who oppose The “-New Jersey SchooTBond Reserve to be used to pay interest, and purchase presently enjoy a Standard and Poors gating at jeast one-third of the minimum m a ^ i a"u ' »nyufynfdedicauuu uii lHebasis that it tire' -sqbool hoRds-whenafinanciaiiydistressed- ■Act!’ requires that a«peciflc Hnroonrtjrsgr ■ of AA. " ------,. ■ .* '■ ;; -vaiue to be held m the school b^nd H r v e d H a i S d S S e',glD,t * “je,hands of the legislature and removes the aside from the “Fund For The Support Of local unit could not meet its financial . The new School Bond Reserve Actfollows must mature within one y a r of the date of ability to direct funds to areas of need or to ‘ Free .Public Schools” to establish a obligations. The amendment was intended an understanding between the state issuance or purchase What has occurred, however, is that the. . mret emergency-situations. ■>. . ■ ‘ * • guaranty reserve to pay for any school- to haprove the credit rating of local units treasurer and major bond_rating_ggendies_ revenue has poured intp the fund at such a . After niany attempts to-upgrade school rapid pcce.that it has built up a substantial .. “ the tegisteturefails to act to appropriate - “ 4 bonds for which the issuer is unable to tnake and the marketability of their bonds by that all School districts^will be assigned»at aistricti bond ratings over the-past two the surplus in the fund, I fear the poaubility v • payment.' / v - placing behind them ; the reserves of toe least an AA bond rating alter toe legislation decades,'the statefiqglly appears tp have a surplus while the legislature h a not enacted that pressure Will mount for dedicating only J state school fund, then approximately 218 becomes law and its statutory requirements new programs for which the money can be a portion of the tax revenue to senior citizen / The original Fund fo t the Support of JFree million. ! ’ ■ procedure which assures saving taxpayers used, v- m m | , ", m aYe implemented. . 1 programs or for eUminatlitg the dedicatory/ Public Schools, created in 1816 with a m ojiey, tfotes the NJTA' Jphn L McDonnell, Andf under (he constitution, it wbirid be That amendment was considered needed A major provision of the bill is the president of the New Jersey Taxpayers provisionrattogetoer. f Revolutionary Rfar^ebt paid to the state, " . MUIUSh the depression: of the thirties which unlawful for toe money to be spent for creation of an annual reserve'tequal to at Association, has commended the governor, Further delay eould be costly, indeed, t o \ was intended to finance the education of caused default by a nuiHber of New Jersey least l'/a per rent of the total issued and anything other than the areas spelled out in’ . the-senior, citizens and disabled who ac- A . poor, children. The fund Was recognized in units dn their bonds was still on the tninds of toe state treasurer and his staffs ana the the constitution. o'utatanding bonded indebtedness of allTocal legislature for their efforts in bringirtg about cepted^ the government promise-that the tne 1844 New Jersey Constitution as a furid to many bond dealers and investors. Fears of „ units of goveram^ifTBr school ^gurposa, nigh cost of living would, for them, be ^ allevtetedv- . * - f —. Tlffi ITEM -of Millburn and Short Hilfs, N’.J.^ July 10, 1980 Page 7 ;4tc< VirbHMsk steamship lines B Hornet-stung boy I died, t-.ujitnijj I *ardue kept that Industry reference edited by Mahon tpromise' < ,ap(.iiii Paftjflr is a | retired captain of Moore Jam a J. Mahon of 2 Ran­ publisher, provides, in-j,two other township residents' the hospital industry J McCormack ships, and' lorig-' dall Wive U the general editor formation an accountant or were participants, lit- th e ' other industries in . the [fn ears full recovery time resident of the township of a 2-volume reference auditor needs to understand! reference work Sk***-; rafawnce ■' , J I __old Joh'n David 1 was soil/ were building- H.L, (£rlos who was married at designed to provide instant the way s particular industry j Wallace A Sprague of 33 * Commercial banks; mutual ft 'nllejns who was attacked byj home in Hit' niudd , If- access to the business and functions and to demonstrate Birch Lane, magazine and savings banka, savings and a swarm’ of, yellow jackets! The boy batrSPen playing in t*, to Jhr coH^.pwitatipiv accounting practices of ib that understanding to -a newspaper publishing com ' loan associations, consumer i .Ittne-Tjfrai-The home of CipUIB’j IT portable- pool with his !{"]er. J1® B,‘ ...... major industries , prospective client. sultant and co-owner of The! loan and finance; real eMate Spencer Pul dm- of 135- Par j brothei, ^arlos Kobert. c j killed by f nlomluu w iOastn The reference work. Each of the 18 guides is Item, was the author of < retail trade; hospitals, ' The poys mother, Itubiella iW attackof Ha- gMj “Mahon's Industry Guides foe written by an industry expert Industry Guide's section on j and motel*, restaurants Accountants and Auditors," or Sam of experts aim is newspaper pubtliiilng Dr ['Miter food service* has been published during the edited by Mr. Mahon, a foe-1 Joseph Lindner Jr gf a rm « | publishing : yard.atlraoted j ***' past month by Warren. mer partner of Coopers & dates. president"of. Saint j publishing; construction who pulled off ! W ; Gorham It Lamont. Industry Lybrand. - Barnabas Medical Center was | coal; nonferrous metals, non- | shirt through . » Guides, according to Ute In addition to Mr. j which-the hornet* were biting. soda lb the sting kournto until the, First Aid Squad armed j I t g W p C e t i d e n t and treated the youngster*! * *, who. had been stung''on the j J throat and chat and who had' Herkefby ' lie lapsed mlo- unconsciousness. |president of U

treatment Jay the family overtook Hospital where he he !9fin si pn-sidc physician of the Fardoes since was treated and released later1 J the Frol Friday He received injections jn the evromg | Agent* j which ^re aimed at curing hjs The boy's father. Carlos. Blpdiitig «Htrgy t* hornet-stings tjfhen foileja*. cameio the Paging fPiA'Cralu Fran Brody, i l i a agent he ret oThs'lo Culomfiia! he will ffie feuutw BHraw } Boar (ilk with Norma Lehrhoff Altman receive ihe inivctioiis an ■ a^irorntse-hy Uaptatn; Fardnr {Atlantic t ity Junc^tta24 Realtors hi the townshiprand M j g - —;.■ '.■■^53 '{StiiKecare of him mthe event ] Mr TR*V her husband. Herbert, 9 ip Alt .ii-k by i t hornets fitlhe death of Carlos faTher, jPlA mcM president of Supermarket! m-curred in the area of v .\0io‘was n victim,' of- heart Jjtas'..aMSfiflftB General Corporation. will he garden, which" had—hem diweaw-—-Whew- the—-gwtor rpt-V-tOi-n honored August 10 at the 25th $ 10, which the | (’allejas. whr» was an agent Bi [chairm^A anniversary dinner dance of R EM IN D ER — Members of-Giilri ScouTYrroop 130 |W se th e gryipsd^cCqjombia Uie Fight for sight League of Antonia Kentc L inda B a ht. Carolyn Doyle ana

residents that curbside newspaper coHectionV 2 -are^heid throughout the ,toyvnsbfppn,Ih# s e c o n ^ ’ guats « nonor ai uie silver . T ..n n i,y , anniversary affair of the and. fourth Tuesday*-, Wednefdros^ antf dfganization at Mayfair ThursdaysUreachmonffrY'heseoontfInafourm > NOTICE Farms.- West- Orange. Mrs. Tuesday are newspaper collection days for those Brody is* a past president of with Wednesday and Saturday garbage cotter - the Fight for Sight league. tlons;. Wednesday is for newspapers if garbage is, Estate Buying Service Mrs. Brody has also been a collected Monday and Thursday; and Thursday^ Chories Jourdon fund-raiser for' bottle the ! Children's Specialized Is for newspapers if garbage is collected Tues Marsh wilkx>me TO YOUR HOME orTO YjOUR DnmoMogli Handbags Hospital in Warfield and for day and Friday, BANK^AULT and APPRAISE or PURCHASE Alyn Children's Orthopedic UP to We pay premium prices It’s with afirjr Yves St. Lourent 70% Off ] Hospital Jn Israel, of which Uhe is a bard member *! Church replica winner of exceptional experience and integrity ofover 72,ye; Mr. Brodv is diairman or of • ! • , _ r MoudFrizon I S. MtMMmck Ra. g.mi Neck, nv * We invite . taut aar-aoso Givenchy ooo 217 Mlburn Avenue. Mlbum, PM . MUoteiSnol S g g A gfflfa playground parade ; I ndividuals. estate attorneys and financialjnstUuuoa . lion aiwuaa lay no dagos Yorit^ Region of American ' - v- ..* FrieOs of Hebrew University, I Slayton Field won first prize i placed second and t C a ll for appointm ent and a director of the Friday liight in the Recreation [ Mountain third in the 376-7100 Federation of Jewish Department's traditional July petition. Honorable Philanthropia. 4 tfryground parade at the went to Tav4or Park. “ The Fight for -Sight League.] JughscfiooTathletic field.., Hills andtiero Park, f of Northern Jersey has r~ *' ,',7 ,.. -judges •- were ——Wi established four eye ctinics,nia. i ; . oiayton Slayton Fieldnew s-ds-aiyisioa, iv w aaj r .mirw a i.m- ite m j fatuieti a ropca of UW First] jra Schwartft, '’Fine jewelervS^lversmiihs since 1908 *______league, i*is iPrabyterian Prea^rtgrian Church in Other other plAygfoundplaVRi'i leaders I 265 M«xirn fine MWufrTN J 07041 • 201-37 composed of volunteers w hois}^'|8f5 w f*6 disP|ay in' are: Soqth Mountain.^ulta] Open Monday and Thursday-tili 9 PM railefunds for vision treat- cludetfs revolutionary cannon Glaser; Taylor Park. Ellen | . .with cannon balls and a 200- Lynch and Megan McHugh; 1 year-old wagon. Ann Marie Glenw-ood. Ann Honceray jm d ) Heckman and Sandra Kurtz SisSy Brothers; Short HHis. are th e Slayton Field]'Mary Beth dougherty and Hospital award playground leaders Gndy Jones, aitid Cipro Park. ] FREE Handicapping Session in the paddock area every day is presented Glenwood Playground; Mary Beth Sullivan. 12.30. Let expert Hanatcapper-ChuckHandtcapper Chuck Badone tell you how he picka winrierei Questions and answers toWow. ,~~=~ Dr, Schwartz Environmental Center Enjoy. Thoroughbred Racing at i, I announces activities The ChanticterfTJr/ Harold , there .is a $2 fee. 'Children five, through t!" { yearsold-aeeom'pamerf bv~5Tr| adult are invitied .to snare j N ow thru f Dr Schwartz is a c»ni«r! CentgrJpc_J^ivirewmentaF "Nature^s Experiences afT] S e p t . 1 p m. on Saturday. Readings of j. various nature stories will be) m e key to summer pleasureis foliowed • ty —a / ‘sensitivity Medieal Center- and is an trailwalk.’1, Registration is l. assistant clinical professor of Fireflia" i$ the. title of the evening walk being offered^ required.- ■ Makel a dgfearidyoTii ils fi the New Jersey College of thriUtrta SDOrtsactionl_^: Medicine “ -tomorrow at 8 p.m. Naturalist) - The very--young wiU be He is the past dtractof of the Robert May/ will guide par* treated -to a f'ln-filled Eoriofoim aUoaon group Newark Beth Israel Medical -ticipAnte ternoon of “ Mother Goosi discounts (ui lO or more: * enter OBS^JYN Department identifying llie UlffereBptypK ’Tales’ on Sunday at 2 p.m and was the; director of the of these insects., Flashlight Penny Jones & Company and -insect repellent is ad- Puppeteers will recreate such vaginal cytology section of the >' 5eiiiuiCiHz(in!,t|^ )s s ' . . " y. pathology, • dapartmegt Gruff" and "The Gingerbread] 9 races daily exc Suns * Post time Newark Beth Israel Medical , For those who haveHP an Center He is a former art,*tlC flair, a workshop Man'-' with delightful puppet ! - qceanport; new jersey center. He is a former | ..Sunprinting.. wiil ^ tB tn i characters. There will be a 81 president of the New Jersey \ w ^ miles from harden StPkway Exi OB5W1VN Society 'He has i Saturday, from 10 a.m. to. admission fee. -4

years for- the New Jersey vide the opportunity for CoUeee of OBS-GYN ingenuity .to reproduce “ He^s a retit^ n's~Navy]^°uettes of flowers, grassa Reserve Commander; Ior leaves via 8ttflPnP S r —- Registration- is reouired and]

- -In case ot a police or mefllcat Local^dentisl emergency, both the Millburn Police Department and the Mflj- gelt fellowship burn-Shorr Wills Volunteer First Aid Squad Can be reached by from academy teleptioning 379:1100. Dr. Paul Haimoff of 393 -White Oak Ridge Road, war a.warded a fellowship of.the Academy of General Den­ tistry (A6d > June 29. More than 500 Academy members received jthe award in: a special convocation, ceremony WE AT during AGD's 28th anhual mating in San. Diego. . Dr, Haimoff,l a 1958 Warrington School graduate of. the. New-York University dental school, has practiced family dentistry in the township "since 1968, Hie areproudfoiinnounceour 2"3rdyearGfcontinuou3qual!ty wife, Sandra, is a member of education jn our own specially designed school building: the Millburn Board of iewichtimr.':" * ,Sixi>eautlful acres ol fields, orchard and woods. • ■— M O N E Y for Home Improvement. Don't- put off-4li tontotrow svhat your home-needs today! N O W Is the best time to repair or improve,your • Large grassy playgfduod featuring a real Tire engine, ~ | , Otlice hours at Town Hall are I large muscle climbing-equipment, seretTs wings,- sand j"8r30 a;m, tO'4.30 g.m. The 'Town11 property. Berkeley T?ederal Savings has m oiiey toJeiid at very competitive ? pit and much more. ‘.Han telephone number ftrt' rates, tailor-made to suit your budget. {-976-2030; • . Y , - Come In or call to And ouj h«w easily you c^n get the needed cash 4 FOR OUR SCHOOL PHILOSOPHY AN& DE. for-new siding, Insulation, a modern kitchen, aneyv heating eystem or a njw SCRiPTION OF OUR PROQRAM, PLEASE SEND \ roof.. .anything for your hotne to make daily living more enjoyable and to ' FOR OUR FREE BROCHURE BY CALLING 992- Improve the valtie of your property/ ] Y .. •' 6620. f 1 ■ l e a o E r s Limited openings are still available for the thoroughly Berkeley Federal S avin gs. .".Borrow From The. People You Can Trust. kindergarten andpre-school programs. flushed. EXTENDED HOURS AND TRANSPORTATION INSURED - MAY REARRANGED. I2S to $45 Minor Trot Trimmin# J- Clip ’n Save ^ ■' j B e r k e l e y 76 Passaic Ave. Federal Savlngsand Loan . (NaarthatlvIngatonMail) M S t m i w | SHORT HILLS: S55 Millburn Ayenue/467-2800 BtANCHE BROWN, D/RgCTOft" ; ■ i Hours: Monday thry HridayT6'45 to 3:30 iThuraday Evenings. 6^'fb8:0p/Saturday.9{{(lMto--Kl). l 7 Days - J-S P.M. Best Tlm» j Page 8 THE ITEM o f MUlbum and Short. H ills,JU ., July TO, 191jQ.^ Robert Lawrence Friedman nuptials iMarilyn Kraus displays takes Ohid bride at B’nai Jeshurun \oilpaintings at library Mitt Margaret TWyile, Olmsted, and Miss-Uze Licitis i Mias Nan&y Jay Friedman, ] was an usher. A reception was • Oil paintings by Marilyn at a very early age prompted daughter of Mr and Mrs of Lakewood, 'Ohio, and Mrs, ^daughter of Mr. and Mrs. held at the Manor in West Kraus of 17 Inwfrod Road are Mrs. Kraus te begin art William Wylie ;of North Eric Markley of Long Island, IJerome G. Friedman of j Orange on display at the Mill burn studies of her own. She has Olmsted, Ohio, wae recently n.y , ■ Forest Drive * South, was Ai"*graduate of Windham Public Library thto month studied with John Graubach the bride of Robert. Steven Daniel Mckeon of An- fmarried June 29 to Hertry A; College- in Putney, Vi., the Originally from California, and continues to study with Lawrence, sbn of Mr. and Mr*, chorage, Alaska, served as iCohen, son of Mr. and Mrs. bride received s master's Mr*. Krauie earned . a Paulfite.,- Lorenta at the j^Jtchard best man. Ushers were j Percy A.’ Cohenihen of Nashville, degree tiir social work from bechekw'* degree in biology at” Summit Art Cantor * * Weiellingtoh Avenue. *" Richard Lawrence Jr. of Term. • '; :• Washington University in fit. the University of Minnesota Robert, a graduate of Yale Hie Rev. James Wattter Silver Spring!, Md.. John and Rabbi Ely PilchBc officiated Louis, Mo., last month. She and (hen studied^ physical University, and ^ officiated the wedding Craig Lawrence of Wellington at the ceremony a) Temple will be employed, as s therapy at Harvard. Medical Anne, a graduate o f the March 21 at Rocky River A ve. ail brothers of the lFriai Jeshurun- Miss Karen psychiatric social, worker in: School.. , . — ... University of Pennsylvania, ( Ohio) Presbyterian Church. bridegroom (Groban ofTfocago was maid Los A ngeles. * l ar$ working at careen in A reception followed at the The bride graduated from of honor. Wihiam iCohen of 'The bridegroom graduated (toon completion of ’ her pamtingin New York City. , Marriott Hotel, lit Cleveland, Baldwin Wallace College in CimogaPark, CalifVstrvedas from the. University of studies at Haryglrd she Since: the children have Cihio Berea, Cntio. She, is an best man for life bYi it Berkeley and Mrs. Hanry Cohan returned to thk University of grown, . Mr* Kraus , has trgupMW'HipMW aids wa master’s de^jee Minnesota where jh e worked returned work full time as a father, the bride wore a white department Joseph SJheonaft’dlt p n y im rto resRofir^aT organza gown re-embroidered Cleveland.!7'. Vt., and Miss Vicky I and a master's in social work Federation of Los Angolas. years and thereafter did Morristown orristi , Memoria r 1 Alencotf lace and pearl of West Orange. Richard Mao from Washington Following s wedding tripto graduate work - ait Ute Hospital, V __ beading, She carried J a The bridegroom, also’ a F(iedman of. Forest thrive University. Heistbeaasistant Hawaii, the couple wifi reside University bf Southern Many df the paintings shown cascade of orchids, white graduate of Baldwin-Wallace South, brother of the bride, director of the Jewish in Reseda, Ctfl. California. Fdllbwihg this, die wpre painted in the Rockport- roses, peach glameUas, fugi. College, is a commercial food married Walter Kraus and Gloucester area of mums and stephanons salesman for GUdden-Durkee Lt. aod Mrs, Earle Mulrane! devoted full time to raising a — Mlsa- Heidi Atbwtettt of Rift-in family of five chUdren from the Sum^nit Art Center Medina; Ohio was* maid of Following a wedding trip to * The avid interest bf her goes in die month of- Sep- honor. Bridesmaids were Miss Sanibel Island, Fla., the to a( third child, Robert, in drawing tember each year. Leslie NiefniU of North "home in Bay Village Patricia Keating Around and about By Pat Andarscm : wedsLt. Mulrane , Dr. and Mn. $. J. Ranzarinoof Keats Road Ana LaGreca, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. reoehtiy retuftied from a weekVvaeationifr Barney LaGrece of Myrtle Avenue, willJ bf. the brtde,..Mra. P a ifKh Holy Trinity Cliaptfi Of Off the Cloisters Hotel in Sea Island, Ga. where return Sunday from a sue-week session at U S. Military Academy, at. Mulrane cf Tony River, and West Point,’ N.Y., iror Bte W a. Dennis Mulrane '5T *they feted herparents, Mr; aiit^Mrs Joseph (W 'AiMlllm t t H PUBLlCKSttE setting May ■ 81, forithe Franklin Lakes They wore Laico of Springfield, who were celebrating. Crosse, Wis. A June graduate oTMiilbirn marriage .of Miss Patricia opricot chiffon gowns and their 50th wedding anniversary. Alio , HighSchool, Mia* LaGreca was awarded a Ann Keating, daughter of Mr. carried bpuquets of spring hosting the week where the couplek son end muRte* sdioferelUp to Bee school fo r her hiswtferDr.andMrs. JtoepbLaicoof New proficiency on me French horn. She and Mrs. Robert Keating of flowers. , (he French hero She will Invitations Unfosraily toAfearte, flu. | Frank Mytrane. son qf Mr. River was his brother's best this falT. Eitherertgraved or elegantly printed and Mrs Rarie Mulrane of man, Robert and Michael, Special savings on the clothes, Emerson . Keating of ML, Ararat Road., Richard t orino, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Jane Werner, daughter of Donakl Wermr .The. Rev, Alfred Burke, brothers of the bride, Dennis ; !■ J. Corino of Stewart Road, la currently of Farbrook Drive and Jeanne Hanlon of you like to lim iti chaplain at Holy Name Mulrane of Franklin Lakes enrolled in the. Move Ahead Program* at FineMottotoln, Ga., was listed bn the spring Mortpttal; in. Teaneck, and Brian Tavfe of Union* Stevens Institute of Technology in Hobo hep. term high honors listatth e New Hampton Plus sale savings on some celebrated the nuptial mass ushered, ' " , A senior at Pingry School in HHtolde, he has ( N.H.) School. Min Werner graduated the school tost montti. and perforated thedouble ring The bride is % graduate of been accepted for courses for coieg ' gifts too!' ceremony. A /.reception Ladyeiiff College in Highland followed aUhe Officer's Club Falls, N.YThe bridegroom of the academy. graduated May 28 from the | Couples Miss Margaret Keating of military academy. ,376-3385 _ Mfc Ararat‘Road was maid of fallowing a wedding trip to honor for, her sister. Acapulco, the ' couple, is schedule^ •681 Morris Turnpike, Springfield, N.J. - Bridesmaids were the Misses residing in Chester.-Va;,-while Between Short Hilts Caterers It Huffman Koos « Linda and Mary Ann Keating hecompletesofficer's training Sabbath* of Ml Ararat Rd., also sisters at Fort Lee, Va. The Couples Club of Temple I’hai Jeshurun will hold its annual Couples Club Sabbath wivvillduy Local youth to model and oneg sabbat tomorrow at YOUR GOtD, 8:30 p m. a t the temple. The M SILVER for Sears ’81 catalog community to invited. Members of the dub par- f, DIAMOND! ticipating h r the se rv ic e d v^Mr. and Mrs. George Donohue dude Mr. odd Mrs. Jerfy AT THE HIGHEST PRICE AROUND. . oHtSrKhom Drive, will visit Dreskin, Mr. and Mrs. James Chicago next, week to model | With the price of {fold becoming more, Rothschild and Dr. and Mis. for Sears, Roebuck and Co. j Robert Fischbein. stable each and every day, we are in ah ex­ The 12-year-old was recently Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Red- cellent position fb buy, trade or remodel named one of the 20 nation­ bord - of fiouth Orange- are On the-High Road (Route 202) your outdated jewelry. The expertise bj wide winners of 190,000 entries chairmen o f' the' event. between Morristown and Bemardsville, NJ, over 50 years .of* business is at you/ in the company’s first catalog Assisting them are U r. and - (201) 539-1117 or (201) 766-im disposal i , • model contest for children. Mrs. Eric Sporn, Mr. arid Mrs. His photo will appear in the Richard Kteinbierg, Mr. asd We honor Anson Newton charge cards, American boys' apparel section of the Mrs,-Albert Maifor' Mr.- and r Express, VIm and Master Charge. FREE PURCHASE PROPOSAL Sears spring-summer 1981 Mrs. Philip Spies end Mr. and gefiera! catalog.The youth HONORED=Hlftrs. Earl KSpp of the Elizabeth Mrs. Bernard Sarrel.'. will receive -standard chapter of ;the Daughters of the American Wa wHI coma to your home, office modeling fees for his work, Revolution presents ’the group's Junior Good plus accommodations while in Citizenship Award to Deborah-Devine, daughter (or bank to expertly evaluate your Chicago., • • -• -gold, »Hvor and diamond fewelry... A seventh grader at Pingry -of-AAr; antkAArsr John Devine of Whitney Road. Deborah was chosen, for fhfrhonor by her A f NO CHARGE! School this fall, Christian served as president pf - the classmates and the faculty at Vail-Deane School Appointment! arranged at your convenience Student Council there and of in E liza b eths — - his,sixth-grade homeroom. He 50 Years or also played soccer and Honetl Service lacrosse,-. sur s To Our Neighbors No in-person modeling was required in the ' competition 505 M1LLBURN AVENUE open only." to non- -■ (eorShortrfiltS Ava.) professionals. Judging was ■ SHORT HILLS, N.J. (201) 376-5400 - — Open n»lly ^ m^7TgSn~trTfti.r«

•phjotogenic qualities and representation of the national ElEMINGTONFtJR population. THE Specialist infer Care ^PERMATHENE-1 fur Storage sconc e ConiJnuotis ^ Protect the investment you Capsule Reducing Plan^Graduall, made in fine fur with proper warm-weather fur care. Bring your precious furs to Remington and take advantage of the world’s finest scientifically controlled fur storage vaults, *6 j m F / f r Yes, it’s true-NOW lose pound, after pound, eftor' FUR CLEANING ■\ pound depending on how overweight you are Be w ise... have your fur } e without crash diets t without torturous exercise^ - cleaned by otrpatented \ ■ without even giving up sensibly snacks or desserts "Safurteing" process for \ ■ just read and follow important Permathene low new lustre and longer life.' \ calorie reducing piagbooklet iiyevery package - All at our famous T hirik. pi i(. You lake lull one pl these . , time-release capsules each mornins...then (pr the low, low prices.. rest eLtke day, tiny doses of pne of the most power- ’ 1 * ‘ reducing aids ever released for public M H H k fc iM v /H i t the maJm cause oroy|awj -^TmtiiiajoireaoSiiFw r t a r " " - Let Flemlngtorfs talented Thanks jy PERM ATHENE-12'; "miss-nomeali' craftsmen transform eating priwam. no) only do you eat r l-JMM ihto a sparkling new helps youf-body. TURN ROOD -INTO BURNE _ UPENEROt INSTEADqF INTOF^I! fur1 fashkm. Come ... Here* whal happens: > • CHawlac baapet p a p *rc suppressed, so” lakes less lo a d to satisfy you, meaning y o ■ foeeevetojiation ’ your calorie Intake. Aod, the (ood you d o and cost estimate. ' bumJd up euern iusteud of lei. Geiiidcdiuretic acifonc Met n u bloat. . flem itigton fu r company Open Sunday & every day i&a.m. to 6 :p,m. ^0-i!SPRING^;ELEMlNGTQa:NEW: JEBSEY^; ’^ rteblthe Wortd's Lar^esrSp^iatistS in fine Furs. 18 ^ 410 springfiold ave. aoimmif • free parking • houn fi am to 6:30 pm THE ITEM of MWbum m d Stiort HiUs, N .i„ July 10,1980 Ps«e { h r - n . Cindy Arons wed to Jackie Carien Mill Cindy Sue Aron>. daughter of Mr and Mr*. Jacqueline Goldman Of New .Bertram £ Atom of Green­ York, coUiin " of- the Fashionable timekeeper. wood Drive, was united in bridegroom, was TOWfcr girl. marriage June 1$, to Jackie UliMrt included Alan Arons Bient Carton, ion of Mr. and ofitaywardandiUcki Arana Butovas newest quartz Mft. Irwin Carien of 8Uver of Highland Park, brothers of Spring, Md. the^ridb;-Teny. Topf of r Rabbi Victor Mirelman Scottsdale; Michael Gordon and Cantor Joahua Stevie, and David GitUss, both of now at Marsh both of Congregation B'nai Silver Spring? Bill Sandlin of Israel, officiated at the Germantown, M l; Jeffrey

. .BATHAGCCSSORIES Federal Sownwond Loan f it ;BUWkfrs w-gtHtfS Main O ffice SHORT HUJLS. 5SS MIDbtim A m ./467-2S00 - TOWELS • TIIUUMRS , HQat$Jdon.thai Fii-8&5to3:3Q; Thuri. Eva»r6to 8, Sat. 9:30 to 1:00______Qthef bmttChes: East Hanover. Livingston, Unk>n~N*warit. Whiting. Lakohurst/Manchotter BID lUHtMS* RUGS VISIT OUR GIFT MUTIQU!

.. — ft - Page 10 THE ITEM of Millburn and Short Hill*, N.J., July.10, 1980 t I m m m - ' i • ■ m | | m % — Hubert F. O’Brien, 70,- • Residents *j industrial executive, dies receive A funeral maai was offered Friday at St. Kofe of Lima testimonials Church for Hubert y.-OW anr 70, who died July t . at his “ Seymour Lehrhoff of, Stewart'Road home. -■ Hickory Road and Sidney > Mr. O'Brien was chairman Dodis of Clive Hills Road were of the boird and director of recently awarded the State of the Pirelli Cable Corp. in Israel's 6avid Ben-Gurion Union and a member of the. Award al Israel Bond New JeMey Board of Higher estfmonia) Hinnjrg {Education. He was also a were lauded for their work on member of the New Jersey behalf of Judaism. Supreme Court’s Advisory Congregation B’nal Israel Committee otrJUdicial Con­ spone^redL a .tribute to j f l l duct. . '■ Lehrhoff at the short . Hills ■ Bom in'East Orange, Mr. caterers. Charles Bemhaut of O’Brien lived in South Orange Greenwood Drive and Leon before moving to the township Jenet of Farmstead Road in 1969. Active in civic .affairs, served as advisors while Mr. be had served on the board of Hubert and Mrs, Lester Lieberman of. trustees of the Millburn Springfield were chairmen. Insurance Co., Maytag Corp..... Library, New Eyes for the Peerless Tube Corp., Penn- M«mh»r« hf ..Graatmnnt Needy >and Paper Mill Country Clutf gave a dinner walt Corp: and L.F.E. Corp. . T R IB U T E— Alan Bloom, left, general chairman Playhouse. , . He was formeriy president dance, at the club in honor of of the Metropolitan New Jersey Stjfte of Israel . Mr. O'Brien was.a director Mr. Dodis. Dr, AllenBrotman and “director ,of the now Bonds, presents Israel's David Ben-Gurion of several - corporations in­ defunct , A.P. ** Smith" served as testimonial cluding N ew -Jersey Beil jch&uma4 assisted by Paul award-do. Sidney Dodis at a recent testimonial Manufacturing Co. of East ‘ Telephone .Co., Howard Orange ami a director and BOND TESTIM O NIAL— Seymour Lehroff, se-4 afflfie'3hort flilis CaTerers Lookiho on are M rs. Klelnbreg and Dr. Jerome dinner dance for Mr. Dodis at Crestmont Court-, Savings Bank, Colonial life Lelyolf,. I9IL and M r.a n d Mrs.. Lester. Lieber Zirts-of -Farmstaad-SKad. - tt>ciut>rln West grange^ - ■ — r - officer «f the U& Pipe and pM d J r om. toft; re g lv ^ ..tha. .Stott jot. I»caet'.S- foundrir Co. ' David Ben-Gurion plaque from Charles Ber- man, event chairmen. A. graduate of Princeton nhaut at a recent Israel Bond testimonial dinner Univmity, Mr. O'Brien was Chapelslates evangelist vice chairman of the board of trustees of New. Jersey The Rev. Art Williams, f ilnstitute’ of Technotogy in international instruction Newark. paigners of Wheaton ! 11, an Virginla;two s«u,William of evangelist -group, will be the Freeport, Maine and Hubert guest preacher at White Oak Jr. of South Thoma$ton. Rjdge Chapel Sunday^the 10 Maine^tvvo daqghtfrs, Kerry a.m. service. . 1 of Portland, Maine and Wendy. - Ordained in 1962 to the of Morristown; three sisters, Baptist ministry," .Rev. Mrs. Helen Newman, Mrs. Williams has worked for the Frances Good- and ■ Mrs, Open Air Campaigner! riemrly Margaret. Wright,* a'nd - five 20. years. He resides with his graidchildren. wife and their four children in Memorial donations may be * Plainfield. matte to the Hubert F. O’Brien - While the Rev. , Peter Cardiac. Care Unit Fund at Burgess, pastor, is on Overtook Hospital in Summit. vacation, guest speakers will be featured at the chapel this Dominick Bufo' FREE for opening or renewing a 6-Month Savings Certificate month. The community is Dominick Bufo, 71," of invited.- •- Wtttow Street dted last or depositing $10,000 or moretoanytnvestors’ Savings Account Thursday at Overlook Mr. Geoghegan Hospital in Summit. A funeral Rev. Art William* massjyas-offered Monday at A funeral mass for Charles St. Rose of Uma Church. P. Geoghegan, 77, of Millburn Sally Eccles A lifelong resident of the Avenue Was offered Tuesday township, Mr. Bufb was a at St. Rone of Lima Church. Former resident Mrs. Sally member of the Casa Coltimbo • Mr. Geoghegan died last Eccles, 72, of Toms RiVer died Association: Before retiring rhursday at Overlook Saturday at the. MohfhoUth five years ago. he was a se¥ Hospital in Summit. Medical Center in Long employed mason and. Born lit Newark, Mr. Branch. A funeral mass was bricklayer in Summit for Gpoghegan lived there before' offered Tuesday at St. many years. moving to the township six Joaeph’s Church in Toms .Sundvors include his wife, yeans ago, Hegraduated Iran Bbrifc— ------:------Michefina; a ton, Donald of St. Itenedtot’s^prep where he Bom in BellevUle, Mrs. Bailey Road; a daughter, Mrs, was a track star. He later ran Eccles lived in Kearny and Irene Dolansky of - Cfedar for ttse Newark Athtelic Club then the township before Street; tour brothers, Frank, and set the New Jersey state moving to Toms River eight Anthony, Michael and Lewis; record for the 880-yard run. years ago. three sisters,- Mrs.

Union service* Clinton Appliance Inc. 7 6 ? r ? 8 0 0 — set at Morrow 78 MILLBURN AVE. AfULLBURN, N.J. Union Warship Services will begin Sunday at 10 Aim. continue through this month at Morrow-Memorial Methodist UNIONSUMMERSERVIG& Church in Maplewood. Par­ your choice? ticipating in the services will be congregations of that Place: Christ Church, Short Hills c h u r c h . P_r_oap_ex -Qualifying deposit musHemain'in the account for & months ' _ - PresbyterianGhurehand St. Time: Sunday, 10 A.M, . . - t feRargiaJgP^ gift wili b e mado: Investors Saririgo wserves the right ^ George's Episcopal Church, Preacher: Dr. James Kirby to substitute gifts, if merchandise becomes unavailable. Maplewood...... -MONTH SAVINGS CERTIFICATE Theme of the - annual summer series is Christian unity. Preacher for this Child Care will be provided Sunday's service will he the Rev. Jam es CL Blackburn archdeacon for program of the . ‘* ' . % Newark Episcopal Diocese' 8 9 2 5 8 614 aralYouhdtng pastor of the • r f ' " * : Rate’Available Wfeek of July 1 0 - July 16 Glasgow (Deli Ecumenical — ------..You’ll earn the h igh efl rateallbwed by law on thisshort-termcertiticate. Minimum S10J300.6-fnonth te^m. „ Minis try-The Rev. Maxwell BIRDS These Savings Certificate rates’vary from week to week; however, thejatein effect when you purchase your certificate is gutlttnleed until maturity. -ToW, Morrow pastor, Will join Withdrawals prior to maiurify are not permitted. Federal regulations prohibit compounding of interesfbn new 6-Month Certificates. him in leading the celebration : There are no commissions or added costs, and of course, savings are insuredto $.100,,000 by the FSLIC. of the Lord’s Supper. TALKING & TAME . ' - P ‘Thisls in effective annual yield assuming reinvestment ot principal and intemst-armatucityismade at the St. George’s .will host the Jit THE PUP TENT same interest rite Attbe timeofreheWaiyour interest rate, might be higher ot lower t han it is nowT services August-3 to 17 and '9: Prospect-, will. offer .them Dog Grooming - Tropicaf,Fish - Pot Supplies r m sOT onTH'Savings Certificate August 24 and 31. A nurseiy will be provided during ser­ 38 Mortis Tpk., Summit — 273-1442, 7 vices apd. a fellowship hour - ~~: | 0 >| ^ ^ 9 .5 O% fe^r will foUowjieach. WE LOOK iMUCH BETTER ON fHE INSIDE! ;. • •__ • •' ■ . Effective July—! U-.-1 July 16 ______u . • ruthe bruder 783.2941 This rate is gMaranteed for thd 30-month terjjr\; M(himum$1,000. Interest is compounded continuously, payable'quarterly. 30-month maturity. Federal regulations require substantial penalties for early withdrawals, € U K P L A C E ^ aritr Drdnes and sportswear Remain* open this summer INVESTORS SAVINGS SUMMER HOURS: AND LOAN ASSOCIATION ' ) . ’/ Tuotday, Wednesday ft Thursday jhOME OFFICE: 249 Millburn Avenue, Millburn NAVESINK Highway 36 and Valley Drive EAST ORANGE: 27 Prospect.Street PLAINEIELD;400 Perk Avenue v 10:00 a.m. tb 5:00 p.m, U FREEHOLD: Highway 9 and Adeiphia Rost) » SHORT HILLS: The Mail (Upper Level) ;. HILLSIDE: 1128 Liberty Avenue SPRINGFIELD: 173 Mountain Avenue^H -IRVINGTON: 34 Onion Avenue. SPRING LAKE HEIGHTS: Highway 71 fJ Up to 50% OFF | ;1 3 3 1 Springfield'Avenue ■_ and Warren Avenue J03O VALLIY STR KIT • j lOBSStuyveeant Avenue ' ■ ONION: B 7 7 :9 7 9 m W ^ n t Avenue T ” on BtleclecL y ' merchandlte . - MAPLiWOOl^ THfi ITEM of Mill bum and, Short Hills, N.J., July 10, 1980 Page 11 Tri-County nine wins Suburban Baseball Team, , pair for 3 to 1 record 3, plays at home tonight MillbUrh Recreation dun* in the third ahd-fifth, I Rooney, the Millburn pitcher, • With a win Over Berkeley while Jim White on to baseman, hit thrte ter three Department's .Suburban Millburi; scored two runs in I hurled no-hit ball for 5 and Heights Monday night at Gero pitch in long relief to hold while both Jiin White, third . Baseballjream lost two out of the second inning on singles by-[oae-lhird innings., Maplewood Part, the MiUburnTri-County Berkeley Heights scoreless in baseman, and , Donald 1 three games tost week bowing Joe Brat-p «»nfl | thwufa gnnUflfM BftsebaU All Sure *re the first liflUt.ii»inM.,,DArid rVMMiihw*. CiGitig away t to Summit',3-2, and to Verona, Zdunitwiez They were born teajn in the six-community top of ‘the seventh.. Frank de all three outs with twohitseach. Also hitting 4 3. out defeating MapleWood, driven home J)y. Rich Cino's Fiorelli came in with the hues tournament, to win three unassisted at siacond' base In were Mike Mkrlnello,. left- 2-1, before a large Fourth of double. ,, gamea. No MUIburn lead), in 1 loaded’ and stiudk out two the third Inning and led the fielder, and(John Nittolo, July crowd. Summit scored a run in the bettors to end the inning. prior year* ha* surpassed a team with three hits, a double shortstop whose defensive job Millburn and .Summit went bottom of the sixth hr win It. two-win record in thMull 10- and two singles. Scaring two lists eight 'straight put outs In the bottom of the seventh, into the bottom of .the sixth The'holiday crowd'Friday Rob GallijelH of Millburn illbur hits eechrwere Rich Madden, without an error. wiih'the icdrt~Hedat two aH 1 walked arid war forced al . with' Nttintn, .Ion Schell and Millbum’s next home game summit had scored siwgl per cent o( the competition Jim White. . , *- will bis Friday *t 6:15 p m at second mi a bunt attempt by compietod. In a July 2 game at Chatham Gero Park when they will face Ed Ralston, Ra Ip ton.then stole In Monday's game against Towrahlpt Jon Schell struck Chatham Borough, the only second. He went toThtrii on a Berkeley Heights Milltara's out It baiters and pitched the team to beat them to date. Sandwich Barn plays ground out tw Andy Dill. :Joe Chin Keenan pitched i f the 9-4 Victory for Millburn. Rioh Mitlbum ts potnttnig for this Braea then hit the first pitch early win by a score of 13-2 Madden, MUlburn’s ace Hrst game. far a triple to ritfit center Sneaky P eie’s in final driving in Ralston. With Rich -TheSandwich Bare took two Sneaky Pete's, the defei Cino up, M&plewood pitcher out fif, three games from ding diampions. counter with jrild-pitcbed Braca home to Rennert, Winitsky in tourney Keenan Plumbing, 8-3,3-4, g-ls a veteran lineup: Greg Bor * U>e gaiqe, (Mid Sneaky Pete’s also took chert and ‘ Tom Mctreorge Peter Renhert * of -Great hada win over Brian Gottfried e ' team's record ntriv ” the quartpn In T9 at the US. two out of three games froth make *up the best 'keystone stands at two and three as . Neck, N.Y., Colin Dibiey of ft the- Trapsamerica Open, Pro Indoor in the doubles combination-m the league Chatham, Van-Winitsky of Rennert was runner-up to E Y E FO R BASKETr-Fourteen-year old Jacqueline Holle receives Hill's Angels. 5-8. 4-3. >3, in they lost. a close game to diviaibn and was runner-up to their semi-final matches. Roth Mark arid John Secrutq lepd Verona Monday night. 4-3 Miami and Jay Lapidua of Vsot Hof at the I960 NCAA Harold Solomon - a t the statewide basketball free-throw championship 'trophy from ‘ Charles power to" the middle oL the Princeton have joined the Championships * - have advanced to the finals of They played South Orange Marlboro Bahamas Opep last Plsciotta, left, former grand knight of St. Rose Council, Knights of Colum- the Recreation Department's lineup while. Bpice ftarkhorri. yesterday and. return home-,. field for the upcoming 173,000 Dibiey, 33, ranked 54 in the December. bus, as her father, Richprd Holle, a member of the council,, looks on. is a steady veteran ptaf^r ^ j today for: a game -against Mutual,Benefit Life open world, possesses one of the Men's blo-Piich League Lapidua, 21, 4s an AH- 'I'hoThe Tinkle finals sariIIrill haainbegin Vnn.Sun Tedar flrAnaGrove-at .wt c6 np m -mm on fk tW X tennis tournament .insSouth biggest secyes ip tbegknfe He ^ a t e w lie free-throw tourney was sponsored by Knights of Columbus. " - Sandwich Bam features American■* left-hander from Wrong pitching -of Jim dav in >*m • Tnvlor ParV wqh school - Orange, it was announced Utif jrijD the singles tllle at Orange Princeton University where I , - , V : «..-i- week. ’ ianand the powq£ hitting Lawn in IMS. . . . he' plays the no. 1 singles mbardi and-. Eric Rennert, 21, ranked44 in the Winitsky,, 21-,. is in ex-, position. Lapidua reached the .Rose girTfouftoss ^ world, is an All-American and iremely talented gift-handed xemiKAt. the Mutual Benefit m l singles player at Stan-, player. A strong junior player, LtfeOpen in *79 before bowing „■ Jacqueline Holly, the entry b ask etb all f rA#ahrow age 11 .through 14;. fieldRk in right fieW tfrxl'th'rd BEIFUS- lord University. He was a Winitsky captured both jhe. to John MflEnrpe. ■ • > of-St. Rose Council, Knights of championship inin wRfch, she TjheXftle is the fifth won oy base respectively . semi-finalist at the National 21 Junior Wimbledon and Forfeit The signing of McEnroe, Columbus, has won th^state competed against giflS-irorp Jacqueline, who recently Championships in 1970 and Hills titles in 1977. He reached Jcee Luis C terc'afdjf Fril^ K i p tibeTmmship was woh -an Amateur Athletic Program openmg:career Association foul-shooting YBURGQHVENiENT^BU^K- be from July 27 to" contest in 1977. the Pepsicola Littl& League A ll Staffs August 3 For tickets call 782- "HotShot” stateJinals 1^.1978, top+Mets, V\ ERGEDES BENI-DEALER 8210. opportunities foryouth T the Elks district foul-shooting compefTUanFih 1979 and the begin play on Saturday t-17 West s o .*ora nge Ayj, - 'Essex Cifonty youth -are |MernBMi»-qF4hq,Prudentia] 1988 New York Daily Neyfs then bath free-throW contest for Nw Action continued fast Week SOUTy ORANGE 762-7500 The Millburn Little League Tripioiyogton getting a taste of career' op--! Insurance Company, New in - the Millburn Recreation Union American League All- portunities ,in some, of New Jersey Bell' Telephone Jersey. ’. All-Star Teams open {day Stars at 1p.m. at the Union In capturing the state Department’s ‘summer by Ychmpets Jersey’s major corporations Company, the Howard baseball'league. • . Saturday in the Williamsport Little League field. this summer through an Savings Bank and Waiter Knights of Columbus tourney National Little League The Red Sox defeated the The Millburq ‘ National unusual -internship program Kiddc and Company and other, in Lincroft, Jacqueline sank 21 baseball tournament with League All-Stars will play The Summit Area YMCA sponsored by the. Cdunty jfirmsT ... / - free throws. A resident of 3 Z: as ^ itte Marinella games at Union and at home. 7 had two hits. Kerin Santiago Clark International ‘League traveling camp, the Y Division of Employment Council member Robert Maplewood, she graduated The Millburn American All-Stars at 3:15 p.m, at Gero scored two runs for the §px,_ Rangers, ir ' taking Training’s Private Industry Gilbert, personnel manager at this spring from Sotittr League All-Stars wul play the Park. - registration of children en­ Orange-Maplewood Junior John Nittolo led theMets with tering grades 4 to 9 for a trip to Council. the,Walter Kidde and Co three. County Executive Peter Belleville plant, is coor- High School. Her father. Boston, Mass. This year's four Jacob Holle, is a funeral wthe Pirates defeated ihe Shapiro today announced {he ’dinating a drive lo involve Yankees, 7<,as Mike Pagnitig day-five night trip is directed launching of, the program, more private emplbyers in the director in Maplewood and ffie by Lou Fasulo ■ family attends St. Rose of sedred three runs and-had known as the Vocational program. three hits. Chris Murray pit SUMMER Roller Skating The Ranger program is an Exploration Program, -which Mr. Hislop, a vice president I Lima Church. safely twice. Sal Stelluto extension of the Camp Can- Will , give participants an at Howard Savings Bank, said SCHEDULE nundus day camp run by the scored two runs for the Yanks, alternative to .traditional that companies being sought The Yankees defeated Use Summit YMCA. Its two-week summer .job experience-by to participate are'three with- State lists session includera full week of Red Sox, 4-3, as Bruce Pollock exposing them to a variety of job opportunities in growth hit a two-run bonier*. John day . camp and a week of job and career opportunities', industries, such as those opens A Noon-and historical touring-. Tile H-wacfc inlPfnst^ jida.'m i.d ntributed you can, play Amusemont July, 14 to July 2S Ranger . The Red Sox were’Ied by u m u M i ' - Machines includes a weqk of orientation, recent economic development session will take the campers two weeks* of life skills Rich Cino's ■three" safeties $2 00 tnc. Skate Rental study as having, the greatest catches including' a double. . to Boston and Plymouth, training and eight weeks of local growth potential during Bill’s Automotive Service " SAT & SUN 2-5 PM Mass. They will join in- the career exploration, during the eighties. These' areas Fi've. new . state record PQWPLETE REPAIRS , T " Open every Nile (except Mon.) celebration of 350 years of which the intern will be saltwater spdrt fish have been Doug Hiscano 8 pm to ■ in'clude"' com puters, history in this northeastern rotated among the employers' chemicals, medical and other recognized by .the New Jersey Heavy Duty Towing port.. While in- Boston, tine gets Wesleyan Rmk Available for Private various departments and health, technologies,,jv o rd Division of Fish, Game, and and Parties-992-6161 Rangers will spend a complete functions'. Following com­ processing, and electronics. Wildlife. Air Conditioned day on the Freedom Trail pletion of the internship, the “Through this program, the The five newiesords placed soccer letter Flatbed Service which includes the House of participants '• wilt -enter * a on the li^- are as follows: Douglas R. Hiscano. who Commons State House, site of county can take advantage of ITS MAIN STREET training prqgram geared the area's growth fields and recently finished" his. juniof. LIVINGSTON the Bostpn. Massacre, site of A: grea ter—am berjack - 379-9704 MILLBURN, N J . 07041 intensively for one of the contribute, to that growth at weighing 39 pounds caught year at Wesleyan ! University j R O L iS R R I N K the Boston Tea Party and occupations explored during in Middletown, Conn., earned ^ AIS So. Livingston A vo. Bunker Hill. The Rangers will the same time;’’ Mr. Hislop by Russell M-" Smith of the previous ll weeks. said.- Wildwood on June 30. 1979. • 9 varsity letter in lacraesg. Livingston. also visit Eel way Park. Cape “I bplieve Uie vgegOOttSE head coach Terry 'Jackson Cod and Salem home of the Hislop emphasized that the An Atlantic croaker , 992^161 Exploration Program is ah .program will enable par- Weighing 4 pounds and 5 announced. _ _ _ _ _ ISYOURCHILD CAUGHT Witch Museum. exciting and imaginative son of Mr. an?' To sign up for Hie Ranger ticipatine companies— to ounces caught by Charles" to-several problems reduce recruitment costs, cut Mrs. Raphael Hiscano of 11 IN A FAILURE CHAIN? trip and for further details, K richer.,jn the "'Delaware • . I» he w o r k in g to p o t e n t i a l ? » faced , by both employer and down on high turnover rates Bay on August 8,1979. — West Road, scored seven goals caU Lou Fasulo at the Summit prospective employees who and added two assists for the • Does he^nderstand what he reads? YMCA, 273-3330. by giving the employer access A blue marlin weighing ‘ T* e I* h e b o r e d ? v ' Michael T. Kicenui k, M.D. are just entering the labor to trained, informed and 672 pounds and 12 ounces Cardinals from his midfield- • It he easily.frustrated or distracted^ Announces The Opening of His Office ■ market," Shapiro said. career oriented employees/ caught by Donald Kline off position. Wesleyan posted a 6- Thf LEARNING CENTER con help your child tee hori much “These interns will have a and participate in the training: 6 record, its best-in five years, fun learning feolly is by building sldlls and regaining lost * For The Practice of Manasqtian on August" 5, cgnlleehce' cowPiTiONEP chance to-really experience and development of the 19fc. ' *: and scored a team-record 153 goals:' : v--., .s a S The LEARNING CENTER provides individual testing srlth" OBSTETRICS, and GYNECOLOGY. ^ e --var ious opportut)jties |coutrty;s-4abor for€^ - - ~?A”bfuenntuna=welgh1ng tutoring in redding. Writihg. phbnics. speHing. math, study ;__ '..../or. — before thejm, ..and con­ “This close coordination -955 pounds- ahd 8 ounces -An economics -major- at skills'bnd S A'.T. exam prep. sequently to choose a career Wesleyan, Hiscano. .attended 349 E. Northfleld Road Suite 201 . between the County govern caught by Michael H .. A THE I EARNINO CENTEB— path with greater confidence, ment-and its .business com Pinery School, where, he.: Llvlngston,44r J . 07039 Fermichetttroff Behiiar on ' Call u*.w, con hilp- an achievement . and" understanding, Young •munity is the direction'we ai% November 5,1979 lettered in lacrosse, soccer m § ■ . 9 9 4 - 2 9 0 0 Hours by Appointment in Ametican-rinema. people who go through - a trying to go with our CETA . A little tunny weighing 24 and baseball. During the faO,- - 4 0 0 S o . L iv lfig U o /1 Llvlng.ton, N. i. 0 7 0 3 4 vocational exploration in- funded job' • training pounds and "15 ounc4f ' he plays midfield for 992-3479 A. ternship will be tatrgffi— py Wraleyan's soccer tcanr-— productive employees as commented! Niemczyk off Sea Bright on result of their experience and ’October 2, 1977. training." . LOSE 17 To 25 POUNDS During their internship, 2 injured while For information about the tfa HONOB THE participants will be paid by playing baseball New Jersey state record fish IN JUST SIX WEEKS the Employment Training- program ^ and ap- DiviSUjn witlt federarTOm.- i T’wo teen¥ge boys wha/play plicatioTiforws send" a5 of lovedjOnes^and Friends prehensive Employment and {for the Millburh "Suburban stampedT" self-addressed, with lifegivmg MEMORIALS Training Act (CETA) funds. | League Baseball team were niiijibtfri ten eovelope {’or- Record Fish, .New Jersey to the Heart Fund- Private employers aTre under injured Tuesday afternoon ( center) no obligation Jc^hire: interns, during a practice^ session.- Division of Fish/ Game, lind Essex County itoghtheyma^aqsqiatiaiiv i^ldIIfe^ P . O. Rnx !«()»-- and Mrs, Ralph Meyers of 852 Trem db. NJ" 08625.; Heirt Assoc. Walter Hislop, the (Jiairman FREE CONSULTATION 70 Ewt f i riiStr...... -Ridgewood-Road-was- hit -wittr — 420 Morris Ave. 107 E. Ml. Pleasant Ave. of the Division’s Private a baseball and complained of Residents attend East Orange, N.|. . Industry Councitrstated that I What About YourMake-up??': ‘ Springfield 376 2990 Livingston 533-0720 dizziness,.police reported. He 677-0880 45 intrims are joining the was taken by his motber to the wrestling clinic- ^50,000 mile . program -this month, with emergency, room at Saint. "'warranty avail. Have YourFace “Done" Professionally As You Do Chris Clayton and Hans -Your-Huir and Nails At . .. Barnabas-Mpdic-ftj rorggr, Willis of* the township 1 were wtib'S7f7leo3ifig was treated and relgasetL— amgng -159 participants from 'Joel Braca.M5, -Son of Mr.e five states'who took-part last - 9-One-lo-One— and Mrs,. Enrico Braca_of 3P wfeelHiHhe-'first-of Rve one- attention Mechanic Street was hit with a week Wrestling clinics, at 42$ Bloomfield Ave. tfolTWhiS"iight vipsrd&iHog Lehigh ^clJtiiveraity. 'in- Enin48 Garden Stale Pkwy JAGISOI VALLEY WRESTLII6 JEAIF practice. His parents-took him" Bethlehem, Pa. Lehigh head BloomlieW. N J 201-748-8200 featuring ' „ - to. the- emergency room at coach Thad Turner: directedf JOmlnule* from N.Y.C. LES A N D ERSO N — IOWA' STATE Overlook HospitaMvheTe he was treated and released - _ B O B K O P N ISK Y — MISSOURI ~ — MANY O W M S ------Subscribers te- The,:Hem- c2 Keen's Tennis rgeeive .tbeit. hometown news- • Raper each Thursday in the:mai -The subscription price is 3)0 a year, a 33 savings compared to An out-of-the*ordinary $ 1 1 0 per.week the newsstand'price: • M L Summer Sale for the out-of-the-of^iiary | Call 201 - 267-4991 P ? in fine knitting yarns. INDIVIDUAL FORM IMPORT Starts July 10th Weearty the latest in fall and winter -! EXCHANGE WICKER FACTOHY OUTLET D e s i g n e r y a r n s . | Addret, -: : . ; C2-t 1.10-9-8-7 /own/St./Zip , Ttiis House P ; , g . “KNIT WITH TH EBEST., . ANDSAVE!’-' \ WE'VE MOVED Phone. ( • 30% t© 50% OFF ' This is -the Smith HoTne.’innay net" 88 the fanciest *Aen’(.Sh'tr.t Site: S-M-t Height.. . 1 . . ‘weight ...... on all hoyse-onthe-bloek-rbut it'Certaintyls thedeanest. t JULY 6-H; . tl JULY 13-18 - III AUG 1115 IV AUG. 17-22 GIANT Que_st(pn-..^ . . y . t ...... i . ^ ... l et CHOICE: HHIl iv ! .' ALTERNATE CHoicE* I IlliilV Mr. arid Mrs. Smith both worJoand their two children ioach ., ...... T,...... Home Phone:, CASH & CARRY SALE RACKS o to school — So h’owdoes Mrs. Smith kawp a ripan .School: ' SOUSe? - "7- , ■ ■ r . ■■■" Parent',Signature:)( , , ■ . , , . , , , . , , . ;, . ,,,, Answer'-She Doesn't " ’ . , i“ 21E. Northfleld Rd. DEPOSIT: •(' J92GT00'* . ’ • • Due:$: / >. *' S C R U G S Y S T E M S ; (Red Barn Village Complex) .1,3 MAIN STREET 454 Pleasant Valley Way (; ) $

ht^h-tar cigarettes: ' 3S^^53IngfHi^5ZbrarSj£^£igafettes havingtwice the tar! .'; Lon^Term Satisfaction: In the latest survey of-former hjgk- - Smoker Preference: Amoag J the 95% of smokers stating . tar smokefS' who-have switched to t ^ reference^o M ERI3Dtew ^4 I M E R l T ? good taste-^orfibination was

MERJUte the f3e^tastiftgdow-tar- SHT p O D rA ^ £Y &rokerTRsstsOffM- ■ • i ^ j j H H S P l - ’ MERIT S the proven alterna^. bmoter^steOffw rive to high tar smoingXna ^ MTestslln ' yn„ mn taste it. - . where-brand identity"^ >.%9S'^ ^-9-,3r' O-Gjpjeatine'-IOO's Reg:*10mg"tar,''0.7"mg-nicoiine— JLUJ-sJvlfifl: M mg' '#/&,8-mg ru.cotine atLpfr Cigarette,FTC Report Dec!79

Warning: The Surgeon General Has JDeteTmined That Cjgaratta-Sflioking is Dangerous to Ypur Health. Kings & KX}’s .

k i * * THE ITEM of Millbum and Short 10 ‘ 1980 Pag# 18 V ; ..|g ...... : •.* f l l i i ^ ’ •. .* >, ‘ qu won circus

LONG MAY:IT WAVE—Tim Maerkisch, *a BRAWN OF MAN AND-ELERHANT—-Wherv it comes time to raise .the yeterant>l3byears of-circus irfe, attaches the' big tap, man and elephant have important roles to play. Butch Capo, (up­ United Styes f lag to a center pole of the big top per photo) a roustabout with the Hoxle Bros. Circus, drives one of the poleslntb the ground to which a tent rope will brtied. Below, two of the circus elephants with tent ropes tied to their harnesses; pull away frtfttr IF DISASTER STRIKES.. the fent. As the elephants walk aWay hauling the ropes, the big top rises W ILL YOUR on the two center support poles. INSURANCE COMPANY

Provided you can establish the extent of .your loss they will. According to'the insurance Information in ­ stitute, the best way to documentYour {xiswi-e sious is pltotogra[>lvfeally~"H n

S3 9S

Dutch Wonderland

fewfealesof hay.

Are you paying HERE’S YOUR life insurance? BIG TICKET

.. Or too W tie?,.-. , r ~ Bonnie 2 The cost'Ol simifer life insurance policies^ - may am er from company to company i » TO T H E ! lAwdeetM ^aijct^aupAjM^ b u lw a rk ■■protltre^neroftkiri pfOtectiShai little extra cost. VOU’VE A .....But cost is only-one .tactor to be considered • WANTED • Offices ' in planning a life insurancp program that will help, Organizations of circus you and your fam ily get the most out pMife. PAVTOTHE-^ajL Continued from Page i The bast way to draw up an insurance program that's exactly right for you is to call on a elephants, and a dividend Provident Mutuatageo.tJfiJtexp|rl^uidaaca,^atk. _ Nowia.tJieiimeto order show for the adults on hand, it to one s o o n .. - r ; Now you caft use the equity' PERSONALIZED JEWISH was just another day of laying 1 •. % ,. your home K> yet the thrhgsycjtr WsTT NEW YEAR CARDS ropes,- driving stakes' and" attaching riggings" for the . - ahaNneed fT*fti — :■■■"> ■■—— Get the most out of life with M. roustabouts, It was one of 236 • A.hev£kitchen, batfvor family room > 299 M lllb u m Avenue (20 1 ) 3 7 9 -1 5 1 5 similar stops made by ttem PROVIDENT M iijburh, N.J. 07041v , r V ' _ between April and November, the period in Which the circus MUTUAL \ • A suiifceit condominium orahideaway4n the mountains * Quick Printing is our Major business - - is on the road'as far north as • The vacation you’ve always dreamed*bC:* < ~~ 1-v .; Maine' and J a r west as ,#_44^ney to pay oiff your bills '■■■ ' ^ Chicago. ■ It takes something like a SALE tornado to cause the circus to ‘ miss a show. sA M E R IC A N NATIONAL IS READY FALL B A G S .. “Did - you~ever hear, the, TO LEND YOU expression^ the sKowinusrgiT $10,000 to $50,000 NOW. on’,” asked one of the circus AND crew. - - Ceil (201) 285-2241 or mail this SPRING BAGS - Everyone had - - / - ' ‘Well, that’s a quote from a i Your Golifc Silver, Platinum, coupon to find out how you can cash circus owner who didn't want , In yottr BIG TICKET for the thingsr , any refunds,^-he-avened — r r- Diamonds, Coins’ AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK you want Snd need. SPECIAL RATI: 65T«iadisdh. Avenue. SAVE 40% or more There Wdfe no problems are worth much more than you think . AVAILABLE THROUQN- * Morristown, Nbw Jersey 07^60.. - abo’if the show going on , AUGUST 15,1980. > - - Attn: Mr. Jack ReiKy;..... : T> rsday night; and just jout everyone fillinjg the - spectator stands felt they saw Please send me more-infprri^icmrJ":- a good one, "— Leathers, Suedes, SflonlPli Skins, Evening Bags, etc

a ire 1 »rn$er is leaving FooTgotf! fiOUAL OPPORTUNITY LENDER Phone No. ( ? 7 fj Slilfburn ft -I Page 14 THE ITEM o f Millburn and Short Hills, N.J., July 10, }9S0 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING5 | RATES/ $3.50 for 15 words! 10* each additional word Classified Display: $6.00 percolum ninch To Place Classified Ads Phone 376*1200 DEADLINE - 3 p.m. Tuesday . Right to classify, edit or reject any advertisement j It reserved by, Tlj« item Publishing Co.

SNORT HILLS & est i t / c / i i $ e 4 v n e f t f ENGLISH CHARM \ Delightful Tudor bright-tunny,living room with cetement leaded glass windows end targe stone fireplace, dining ■ j y p n p i n / ropm, modern kitchen, family “roam, 3 bedrooms.. New root .excellent condition-throughout. Walk to schools and Station Ceil May Bairfsatr. COMFORTABLE I CHEERFUL! m ! > ■ CHARMING! Very special home jn SEYMOUR KINS1ER SCHERMERHORN perfect condition. Beautifully land­ .-IB E Mam Street Mendhem • . • 379-3434 7 • ^ 1 : scaped. A small home with large (301} 543*7146 rooms; plus fireplace, paneilechdeny two car garage, fr«jnch poors from dining ropm to patio. In Short HiMs OARAOESALES MISCELLANEOOS lo r $120,000! Honest! SH8027 n Harvey Drive, Short Hitts - FISH tank, iWod grained stand, Doctor's wife cleaning out twenty gallons completely Items, Includes collectibles; fur equipped, plus' light. Perfect atture^oys. let. July IWh, tout;- 4 MannerhU 1 Rd, Summit. NEARLY new-detlgner dresses, Mwimowers. patio chairs, bi­ Pint suits, tweeters and coats. cycles, furniture, plants, Sizes S to 10; nothing bvtr HO. 17AT716. V *

STE R EO C ^M ^O N EN tT , 9:30 13:30, end Tuesday BOOEN FM tuner, TECHNICS eve. July- 1Sr7t#r9;3Q, Morrow turtttable.'JCNSBN'tpeakfrs, * Churdi, Ridgewood M . a Baker perfect condition S200. Can MOVE-JN CONDITION tn -tfft. ■ ' $85,700,.“ . TWs ittnftm. Htwfj decoratedtpaeiil ha's center lull giant garage sale. Antiques, ORIENTAL RUGS. AuttMhtlC Mfltet. dm.nt ram. raedsra spec.bwi kitchen, limit) room, thne Scdraens clothing, furniture, etc. Friday Tabriz, Kerman; Bdkhara, ms sad a toll lulks. sad. a two cn p u p Well landscetwd yard All wait to thru Sunday, 1174. 260 AAafn Keshan, etc. Ftnp quality, half cersetMi, wasM/ikyir. WinJet traarimants, and free m conditions in me Street, Millburn. price. S67-S563. ’ ad. Don't ram that ncteUonjHf nice bane! Call EkMt fnedlind, a REDOING KITCHEN - selling ■ " ... Enfoy summer on your own private BEOSPRBAOS, draperlras, curtains, clothing, bikes, port­ existing cabinets (elf Formica), screened porch. Charming colonial able tewing machine,- vanity appliances, Hotpolnf top cabinet A sink, toys, books, and range stove and double oven, Allsopp Realtors in a park-like setting. Easy walking mtny household items. -7-11 A double sink. Celt after 6 p.m. distance to schools, shopping and 7-1IJB4.- : ^ r —- S76-M12. y 376-2266 LOCATED IN OLD SHORT HILLS trains. $122,900 SH8022 .- Jm m aculatecrantir liall Colonial - ovar an acreo f professionally landscaped rosew o o d pedestal table, OldSbort Hills Rd. Millburn wicker sota, peeCh A royal BOSCH MIXER, with all attach­ grounds. A lflargt rooms, sunken living room, formal dining room, library overlook­ ments.-Lika paw. .$17$. Call ing flagstone patio with barbeque, large up-to-data kitchen with breakfast area, Chinese rug, 9 x 12, mah. library table, mbmmw—- 1764612 after 6 p.m. l a a z z a i r i Ask about eut EQUITY ADVANCE PROGRAM powder room a n d glassed-in-porch, dour bedrooms an three bath's on 2nd floor with two m ore bedrooms and bath on 3rd. Lovely carpeted r ic room with wet-bar and . more. $395,000. Pleas* call for information and inspection -- we hovo the koyt HOUSE SALES ” M & A UNIQUE HOUSE SALE MISCELLANEOUS STRATTON REALTORS -1040 SONNY SLOPE DRIVE, MOUNTAINSIDE m t m FRL SAT. July 11-13,10:00-4:30. NaCheck. =Ir «'lT*i^OorrisAve. (Springfield) toAtountaln Ave. to CHATHAM ' 266Essex Street Millburn Rte 22 West, right turn at Getty station iSum m if-tv.x^,. TOWNHOUSE STYLE FOR SALE TOmmlt/g Sunny Slope) T-woM/ruly Cuienialon large- ' 3 / 6 - 7 5 2 5 .'-SaJ Chinasa oriental rugs, all sizes, Chinolserie OR sat with double lot: each side otters 3 sarvgr A byeaktront, Hammond concert orgep with Leslie BR .and bath upstairs and Nwaker, mah. sacratary & and tables,^-Chinese brocades, LR, - dining-room, Setsuml A Cloisonne, lamps, complete French Provincial kitchen downstairs. Utilities br set A other BR furniture, washing machine, color TV, and heat separate. Annual EXECUTIVE CUSTOM COLONIAL hLfl; records, dinette sat, Limoges china, silver tea income $12,000. Asking slfrvice, oriental oBM a kitchenware, much bric-a-brac $106,000. Please call 376-B60&. ______ByiRYTNINQ MUST BOf No brokers, please. h « r t m -*'... LOTS ANDACREAGE % 1 1 . / AHOTHERSPEMpSvAn?!^^V w ■ BY APPOINTMENT ONLY ; T UNION. St.lS' x 194.04', clean - - , CLAN I DOR NO. I, VBRONA add ready for buildingrH66>- WEDNESDAY ATHURSDAY, Juiyii A 17 ‘ Burnet A ve..Union. 4*4-9 W. NO ONB WILL BB ADMITTED WITHOUT — -ASPRCfAL APPOINTMENT SHORT HILLS Earthtone striped velvet sofa, fabulous Karges braakfront : with 4 brass grille doors & glass- shelves, marble base PRIME BUILDING LOT „ round glass cocktail table, pr. salmon velvet barrel chairs, d»pki SaJmon velvet hlghback cane arm chair, leopard - Beautiful Old Short Hills upholstered bench, art nouveau Inkwel I, gold velvet lounge area, As acre. $115,000, best S eYMOIR. Kl\SLER. SfHERMERHOR\. IM. ‘ chair, large Karges buffet with brass gallery, gold ioffer. Financing available' ■ hlghback occasional chair, large antique armalre with 379-9588 Looking for a with all the wrinkles ironed out? This brick front Colonial was ^ Hard to find spacious interior for great family beveled mirror door, Bing A Grondahl plaques! sterling, to « e ,l’ans,erred owner less than two years ago with every detail for com- Lenox, Llmogas fish sat; Carole Stuped pink tea set, hvlng. The entrance foyer with cathedral ceiling and spiral staircase reflects am * you're relocating this'might be your last move! Offerred at '* service for 10; Sheffield travA tee service, Ivoryirinw-A- f L ^ e?aHc^ <)und ,h.ruout- There is 8 spacious family room w/llreplace, super kitchen, » -$T75»000. Celt Inez Q r eenbergto inspect.” ’ - * other Interesting- Ifemt. You must call bea far your RENTALS tiyefflmiiy bedfoomsplu&maid's quarters. Call Eleanor Dey to see It today I 376-13*7 ------special appointment time. Conducted by :- Nettee-to-" prospective • renters/ Any rents advised herein (or l fb- :,A:venue~ ^ . 379-3434 qualified real- rental property may be subject to any rebate or fTESoM HARRlS 1 GIANT MOVING SALE credit required by State law -k ‘ JR E A IT O R * J (N.J.S. M:4-6.3etseq) HELP WANTED HELP WANTED CONTENTS of fineold South Orange home. Partial listing HELP WANTED ♦527 M illburn Avenue, S h o r t Hills, N J. 07078 467-3222* includes: Antiques: sideboard, dressers, stained glassy OFFICES MEDICAL SECRETARY, LEGAL SECRETARY FOR (including pr. of stained glass doors & stained a im a. I , Bronze chandeliers. 200' . MwOEMN, cbrpeied.506 sc5! Gulf railroad station, -5 day week, Springfield seeks secretary with ^Victorian fancy wrought-lron fencing A gates, carved pew, ; room, prb day week; position. Catt 762-3393. tation. 672-S803.' Douiton, Spode, Wedgwood, Many single beds, desk chairs, etc., suitable for students, MAPLE WOOD -1 Office suite, including sat a.m.- Reply- Box Colt now, Vfki Gosumaria, CHURCH SECRETARY POSI- | bisque figurines. Cranberry, jXantSt including huge cacti; new A salvaged construction 596, Summit, N,J.07MJ._ ParsonntI Assistant, N.J. satin,cobalt & cut glass, English godd location, paneled, A-C, Rehabilitation Hospital, 243 tlon available -lmme Den, ~KH7,- nltureracqwaorlaa, eollactlbler, < rpom apt. Millburn vicfnltyr train. - Livingston area. care for adorable children 7 and Raliipje person, retiree Ac- lawns, cleaning podls*.paintlng, ture,^'cherry double dresser, oak Sept, occupanty.Please ^m IF A lary testae. .Fee f%rd. ceptable, wanted for various yafd work, etc. 4<7-t7t9 aHer 1 brs of turn., glOss, crystal, dolls. GALLERY of MIN I A, r/7 in my home Sept, to June, 8 Cesk,liall trees, oak A metal file china, starling Incl.- BOEHM TURES, 1350 Galloping Hill Rd. evenings 376-8321. v - - ,s BERKELEY EMPLOY­ to 4. 376-S498. office duties, such as porter- P.AA. or evenings. - . cabinets, rugs. Washing math- MENT. AGENCY, Berk. PART-TIME \ handymen, malersome driv­ pcs;; Dresden, Prussia. Rosen- •at M all:: Union. 964-DOLL. 1(T tne, power mower, tools, much, thal, collection o f. ANTONIO percent discount with ad. MOTHER. 8, 7 yr. Old daughter Temp.- Help Svce., 308 SWITCHBOARD ANSWERING T E L L E R S > ing, etc. In Millburn office. more. Tues. 15th thru Thurs. seek 4 room ap>. for immed. Springfield Ave., Berke­ Call Mr. Nelsoa3624943. • DO YOU NEED A NURSE? I occup. Pr.efer private home In SERVICE, part time, and week- Billion Dollar 'First Na­ j Competent RN's, l p n 's,» 17th, 10-4. 7 Park Way, Morris brlc-a-brac, ■' mahogany, fruli ley Heights. 464/4000. qQdsrWrosmave car.467-39fl ■ - Plains (Speedwell Ave. west LUCITE PiCTURE FRAMES+ residential area. Call 964-7681.: tional State Bank of New 2 Aides available wood, teak pcs., dolls, toys#: a full line of Ludte gift items, Jersey has.immediate posi­ beyond railroad,, station; to small appl., pots A pahs,clothes. HOUSEHOLD HELP WANTED Jacqui Tto "Park W ayJ NO Thousands of ltems. - * ■ . - serving dishes, bathroom ecces-; WANTED: - Furnished and EARN GOOD MONTY tions for Part.’Timfijrellers' PRIOR SALE, niel soriat, desk Items. AAost Items unfurnished:_apartmeols_and. ACCOUNTS-PAYABLE FULL-TIAAE OR PART-TIME only 'in both our suburban housekeeper needed for 3 SANDRA KONNEBiASSOC. up 16 50 percent lower than rete ll houses tor/our carefully se- and/NewarkLocattons. school-age children, M 6n»thru prices. WE SPECIALIZE In' leered 'transferred akOCTu- COST ACCT. CLERK BECOME AN WfON HOUSE SALE , inexpensive personalized Party fives. Ode of these fine fami­ Come In and talk ^to 'us contents of house. 40 years OARAOE SA S. 711-3142. ; lies would 'love- caring fpr A'-P experience and accu­ * REPRESENTATIVE: — about our new Teller Com-, accumutatloh. inlaid malt, din­ buy a beautiful French dining rate typing necessary for Call 994-4367 or 711-SSOO. fOI your home.- Call Mary Hynes, pen sat ion Program and HOUSEKEEPER -SHORT FORSALE ing rbonHset: tablbKserver/ fable, leaves A 4 chairs plus a tfUROpORFF REALTORS, this diversified job. Com. details. sideboard, 6 Chlppendaie style carved braakfronl. Alao KITCHEN CABINETS puter background helpful! convenient afternoon HILLS moderntiqme needs lov- Professionally Rellnished (301) 522-1800. schedulingrWe Will be con­ ANTIQUES chairs. 2 bedroom sets: mah. A round cocktail tables, glass­ Salary to $220. Fee Paid. | ing care 2 days a week.- Easy to oak; small oak armolre & cheit; - 379-4250 ducting special interview­ . keep dean; transportationneedU, ware, bone china service for 12, BERKELEY EMPLOY­ “ EXCELLENT small secretary, glass door top. , clothing, office MENT, AGENCY, Berk TYPING SKILLS?? • ' ing on: Sfc workihig couple; F or Inter- f NEW SHIPMENT OF Asstd. tables Srchalrs, 2 dome- HELP WANTED , vlewL call Mr. DeBlls. 467-9050 type Chain A,sofas, tandem Temp. /Help Svce.. 308 Accounting firm seeking a FRIDAY, HILY |1,1M 0 top trunks, cherry headboard, . blke,-flgurfnot, pictured and Springfield Ave;, Berke­ I ex* MX ------:——L ^ HUMMELS oad A mirror, oak chest (cedar TREMENDOUS SAVINGS ley Heights. 464-4000. mature, personable—Indtvl^ F R O M R O O N T 0 3 T . M . \ ARRIVED! ' more. Onb day only, Friday, ------dual with - excellent typing lined), line china, oyster 7-11,9 A.Mt-4 P.M. 26 Broadlawn Great savings on tour large RESUM ES^ sklljs,’ congenial office; good AT D O R EMPL0YMEWT WANTED I Hardjjo flnd figurines - off E. Mt. Pleasant Ava., selection of antique furnl- benefits. Centrally located. -BR00KDALE OFFICE plates-bWIt-lrames. Jttfo, retail. stpr.a counters, Each resume-! a result of in- YOUNG lady seeks day's work /Calll^theLucey old hand fans, beautiful linens, display cases, -building CteWtf infecvJew.andgenuine ExpertirtCd preferred. Call 1 0 8 0 B R O A D ’S T R E E T ‘ j 742-1737 . . Gooeropportuhlty for person'who or fakrng care of eldOrly.CaltT some ol.d clothes, kitchenware; H>W. CONTENTS OF materials, draperies, light­ concern, for your needs, call/ needs part time work with flex­ • - ‘B L O O M F IE L D , N.J. ! 673-SI22;7 a.m.-lOp,m. • 1 pots h pens, dishes, Ping-Pong ing fixtures, etc. By appoint- for an appoTnfmehtr273>20i5, table,, workbench, old porch ible hours. We need bookkeeper Or you may stop Into o u r BICYCLES itt«tt on t^ ^ M 4 0 A M 9 7 ^ ^ l wjth real estate experience and TYPIST NURSES Aide, experienced, [. gilder, tools & more. Frl.-Sat, KERN A. ULRICH Employment office, ‘ in y will work with elderly o r hqndl- 7-11A 12,9:3*4 p.m. 74 Oakvltw light typing fpr one person of- wfe'ekday, between 9-li ROSS to 'Speed tSyrg-nlR^ir 763-1030 after 5:30. j* NEW SHOIfTHilLSCO. j capped, 9 a.m.-i p.m. 399,11351 excellent Condition, Ilka new. Terrace, - Short Hills turn at (peer Columbia High School) JtUJ2SBi‘-RNAr 4.RN, f utl-bf-part- $11-12,000 ------FEE-PD, a.m^or ltKWtBGpmt;------a fter 5p:rrr------—*------— r Best offer, after 6 p. m. 376-3445.' 'B*fralrsi‘“ Tc6rrier § y « " ? o r TJeedyl-flrstleft/flrstrlght, 3rd SOFA, chain, tables, rattan ^lm e,_ ITP- T .t® or small SECRETARY ■ exp., steno re­ Seeking several-mature Indi­ first Rational state dining room, beds nursing- bome!. call for appt. viduals with good typing OQD JOBS - College.>etudentsi b>ck turn left, first left. Con- MMIT quired, excellent position, Short BANK OF NEW JERSEY Ol RUSSctiw)nn5 speed bicycle docteg by y . owui. ■ rugs, sewing machine, meole between 9a.m.-3 p.m. 464,9260^ . frills. Non-smoker r467-T333r .skills for their -management- experienced* and rellable/wltr and to speed, oicycie. Exceilwit kitchen set, music cabinet, Wed. thru *41.Sat. it-;tt-4 F.M. consulting department. Also ' 500 BROAD STREET Clean yard, cellar or garage; GOOD USED BOOKS condition, cell 376912*. 510 OLD SHORT HILLS ROAD, sheet music,, book cases, DRIVER, part time, own ejar, to LEGAL Secretary MlllbCirn of- seek experienced-statistical ’ NEWARK, N .L weed your, garden and other bboka, trunks, pictures, quilt- . BOUGHTASOLO deliver papers 5:30-2:30 Sunday typist to train on word pro­ odd |obt. Call Andy, 992-7021, or Short: Htlli%33 $q. yds. ’ blue flee, p arto r full -time; expari- Oa r a g ^ ales carpeting a (most haw. Plrtg,* fot$-of a.m. No collecting. 378-4000." ence preferred. 376-S400. cessor compufer/ Plush David 994-1476, „ ; - linens, china, glaaa, silver, off ice, lop benefits, 779-1703. Pong table, lot* -of lewelry, }COMPLIMENTARY GARAGE kltcharfetable, chandelier, trev- Interesting TYPIST Receptionist tor south* ACME AGENCY YOU NO WOMAN seeki dayliL 'SALE.SIGNS now available at i/EbOd typing skiskill-.- €011-^ Orange doctor, fuH- tlme?^=Eif-: ^^JOISCIIffonAve'^^ arse rodsj efc. Saf./5im,:7.n2,7n5- OFFICE; Wtrau r- • local,— W»CM«*T/ We.m. i.Jlop.m -stutfrrFtlTT'taih? 37M5TT peYlenced or will (rain. Box 114, CllftOn,N-J.07013 • owrf-transporta floh. S 7i^2 iriREALTORS- office. . CalL The Item, Millburn, 07041. after 6 p.m. 376-4545 --

I TJJE ITEM «f Millbum ahd Short Hills, July 10, 1980 Page 15 MISCELLANEOUS ' WANTED TO BUY VICTORIAN velvet sofa A University in Nev York where B lin ku n noti iK-fh chair, 3 small Chineet-' rbgt, LIMEADES LANDSCAPING. Furniture valued Ph.D conferred he earned a professional Hhure dividend. lamp, 2 large wool rugs, pair Rutgers Landscape Archlfoc fluStoma in educational ad i , . . . ■ blue sofa chairs, leather sofa 62 , ture graduate. Design, planting, j.upon resident zmnistratiorF And supervision • ’.Lan^-rari^ano,-chairm an leather chairs,. Cell 44*-S321 sodding, pruning, cleanup, etc at $2r000 taken His doctoral 4 iissertafioft was ^ 9 * Iiiter Com- attar SP.M. Free estimates:- Reasonable. H Call-141-7404. . „ ------. . . , . ri‘i iiiilffflffliwfi of A entitled. An Analysis of the i " ^ ‘‘y ®*nk- »N **P *d that WP1 wit sol) the contents James Esteue of 27 Rippling Another in a series of moped KlioL Place xccenRy received IF-e veto pm e n t 0,(} the Batik will pay a cash" RCFRIOIRATOR. Sears cold Organizational Ideologies dividend of Si per share to spotfrosflass, 1125.00741-441*. • Of your pome or estate, W.B.LAND$CAPHW Brook Drivereparted that Iheftawas reported. Andrea I a doctorate dgre<* in IN ONE WEEKEND1 several piecaa_jjtjuniiture1 Barnes of If Timber Acres ‘ educational theory fr«n The Behavioral Implication ’ ttockholdm -record as of,, MATTRESSES, box springs, Ai) nems organized . Complete lawn maintenance, , valued at 12,000 were' found itoklpblioe that her moped was iTtihgers University in. .sew For the Public* School Leaded , Jun* represpnU doubff and twin sals, excellent mvenioriPd and priced I RR'tles, Sod, seeding, plants^ Manyvearsi-olJisperierlOe -shrubs, guaranteed, reason 'missing from his house last;taken Bom her garage last Brunswick. Dr. Feu,sod. a The 33-year-old educatto- is-1 fouWh 25 oivltfcmd condition. 174-S44I after 4:10 Thursday.. Police report that • jflTday, 1 11984 graduate of Cotuinbiii superintendent of x-hools in.) P8"1 »■** Itecember, 1978 p.m. and selling skills - ;abla. Free astlmatas. - 1 j i inf- i i >1744511. back door: was Rlund open | 'R tm rd Loyndof 19Randall [High School, holds a Mount Arlington * Jamea S Coowajy, prandsm FIREWOOD, -NT cord Vised on There was no forced entry, (Drive reported to police that bachelor's. and 'm aster's | and’ chief executive .Officer, ung they reported. Ipomeone smashed a . large, i degree from Kean College of L. ..rrr~ " -— • rmated that: the Bank had , Nicholas Luciano of 59 Pine [plate glass window on hb New Jersey. IoIm Sm w Ss.f.^Ti5,,(f, SONY lap* recorder*, Mlnox •SANDRA K0 NNER ASSOC Street reported to police that [house, with a rock. The [ He completed adykoceil bum Thl tatoph'onetsleotiorie numharnumber «is ' ,a*ler' 3182.622 binoculars. Creig AM -FM cass­ light trucking A moving. Cel­ Increase of over 32 per ceni * ’ ette car radio, Bearcat scanning 575-1665 lars, attlcS A garages cleaned his house was entered July 2 estimated damage is $8$0. ] graduate study af Eordhanf 37B-1200 ' - ' Rubbish removed. Reasonable through a second story win­ ihe^similar, periodin 1979 rales. Quick so: /ice. Call Pat/ dow.'- Nothing' -wai reported 377-9215. •.______mksiog At Jhe tiinA .mmmmm Several other locations in WANTEO:Hth century English MOVING*- 1 the lownship were scenes 6f 376-1200 B u s i n e s s & Service D irefctory style furniture by Baker,■ Kit- HAVE PICKUP TRJICKI LIGHT TRUCKING i -attempted burglartaai, Walter " ' or other fine manufactur, Rubbish'S debris W arty kind | Experienced college Student I Matkiwaky of 45 Old Short ' CARPENTRY r •4010, quantify rtmnvtd. -with carpeted-von drill move AUTOREPAIRS AUTO REPAIRS AUTOMOTIVE 0*r | 9**I furniture,' appliances, apart- 8 Hills Road reported that the ts, household -Items; *Ftocie Additions * goibg-- , THE PARK AVENUE the back windows of the house. Slate Re inspection Aulo Nepal*. . , -• rtteiPTAMn • gy^tlCKUPAOJSClVE ILC0 CONSTRUCTION REASON ABLE RATES Police‘ also -report that the kei^indlfoA'Serwce — CONSIGNMENT SHOP RELIABLE SERVICE Recreation House at Gqrp r ” compTe ft All Ifl-St R vrc\ t Bii|n jpWahst flo iter t Ttkiij»- ■ •I Athwood Ave., Summit OLD DOLLS. PLEASE! V ROOF I NO A SIDING CAR RIP AIRS ALTERATIONS A ADDITIONS - CALL WAYNE Park was the site of an at­ TONING • Toning-Hear) Duty t Windows • Dootv \ July-Aug hrs: 12:204:20 OLD JEWELRY. PLEASE! STORM Wl NDOWS A DOORS WELDING Tues-Wed.-Thurs. OLD ANYTH!NO, PLEASE’ 522-1386 tempted burglacy^-Eriday. All MikA Road Sfftttr - CALL RMSS PATIOS, REDWOOD DECKS /Police said that a scrfefHud foreign 4 Domestic ' 3fg-3-222‘ ■ Clothing, collectibles, house- - Antiques S Elderly Things --replaces Woodburning Stoves - Junk cars bought. - Stale Reimpectton ,. 376-1302 763-1697 wares, furniture, erestei . . Wan ted by 'been removed from a front ..(«t«er et ‘ 31b 2 6 i y Huniti Wh eel JlniuneHt. sliiTO-ll. 5224111 NANCY HERMANCE jwtadmvand mevFBtdow frame ■ * loco I ref. svalloblo Jbut SERVICE snaps. Brick and stonr! .CONTRACTORS OEilCATE^EN DRIVEWAYS , MOTORCYCLES. i N Passaic Ave CHE w^S'J&rtyswayi', indoW- btas-4-- y S C f i .. S3S-2733 Tims. ^ CUSTOM . tering. 277-0S37. -—l-1 , A .Millbum- OlftrBlKB i97%SuiuMJU ^377-213S 377-2054 S3RESSMAKINO ZAVOCKI PAVING bough Lin ifao, dfceUMRS LEGAL NOTICE AND DESIGN MISCELLANEOUS. COMPANY, INC. tion. 274-1444. LADIES TAILORING The annual report of the Charles •Expert Carpentry • Oelicotessen . JACQUELINE KATZ . . . _ — u k AlVmer Krleger Foundahoitis 197* KAWASAKI KZ 4000, low PIX ITS Pairtting, < (yapabia tbr inspectidn during •Siding-Aluminum & Vinyl Soiodt Cold Cwfs-, mileage, good mpg, with extras. carpentry, aldetnciLTplwmbing., regular business hours atthe6tflce- Call 4S7-1144. * repairs and new installations. I0t -the accountant of the Foun • Additions-Extensions No iob tod smqut Reliable and dafion . located at 2ZS Millbum airing lots Reiamftg Wail- ten YAMAHA IT 1750, excel reasonable 271-47SI. Avenue, Millbum, New Jersey. • Kitchens & Bathrooms lent condltlotC * low mileage, * . / 1 ■ *'— j...... ■—• The name 61 thp principal Backhoe and many extras. Serious Inquiries COLLEGE STUDEJiT will hand' manager ot the Foundation Is • Roofing-flat & shin|)ed Trackloador rentals wash, hand compound and hand I Charles K.jfrltger, * . omy.Vs-lm. P. D’ANDREA PAVING •Gutters 4 Leaders 1 328 Miffburn Av Simonlze your ear for $30 Call i Dated: July to, 19S0 Tree Estimates CaU For Free Estimates ms YAMAHA YZ 2S0E, ASPHALT DRIVEWAYS Steve,991-7339.J ... ' Fat: $3.36 Otfiie! 9 5800 MASONRY WORK. Fully Insured (• Sheetrock ceilings 675-1198 LILLIAN SMITH , WATER PROOFING CARS WASHED AND SIMON- SUMP PUMPS INSTALLED LEGAL NOTICE IZEO. Reasonable rates Call The Assistant Superintendent LIQUIDATORS 374-SSS30T 3744457. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS *N o.lln‘ 376*5558 for. Business of the Board of ELECTRICIAN . ___ GUTTERS GUTTERS House A Estate Sain Education ot the Townshlp of PIANO,....Steinway Studio Up- Iq New Jersey PAINTING- AAlllbura Ip the County of Essex, 'g u t t e r s ; FREE ESTIMATES righju'ixcellent tone' and condi­ ...... ~—------State ot New Jetsey.-by authority f; WE McCORMACK PAVING l e a d e r s tion. Moving, must sell, reason­ SELL-BUY-APPRAISE 2 TOWNSHIP collage studants, ot said Board, solicits sealad bids 11 able. SSS-1424. Residential-Commercial exmerlenced-in interior^ andl for the following, said bids to be If BARNETT ELECTRIC thoroughly GUTTERS CLEANED »*■«** or 224-7145' Asphalt Driveways, Parking exterior painting, offer reason- ‘ received at the Business Office of (j ELECTRICAL cleaned, Installed, Repaired - MAGNIFICENT Chlckerlnfr areas,'Seal coating, Curbing, able prices. Call for free-esti-i ,h« Board ot . Education. 424 II CONTRACTORS - grahd piano, carved music rest. Sidewalk*. All typn mason­ mate: Russell Thomas, 37444M' *w,b“rn AvwwerYiAHfoum. Ne* ; flushed. . ROOFING; Asphalt Slate -Built to late HOP'S. SS400. or David Francis, 279-74N. . j J LIC. NO. 593$ ry. Free Estimates. |-Drevaillng time, July 22, 1980, and || IN S U R E D Wood Ttit r B E A J A C O B S mmmmmB a n a a a n p n e there and men to be puDiiclyi --♦ RE SIDENTIAL 3 2 5 tO $45 SPECIALIZING^ THE , 1 2 5 -2 8 6 6 .opened • C O M M ER C IA L J - M.n« Tree TAmm.we------JMPW'*- : BEPAIRES~ 4001 Base SALE OF COMPLETE OfTY Reconstruction of' Concrete Guitar, $270, Yamaha USB 100 PARTIAL HOUSEHOLD ELECTROLYSIS Steps • and Jhe Resurfacing of INDUSTRIAL I t Cllp’n Sive , CHIMNEY CLEANING w att Base'A mplifier, $300. CONTENTS ’ Macadam ("Walks; Removal and Wire Brujhed - vacuumed 4474052. 1 Moving? An estate to settle? I CYNTHIA HUNTINGTON, R.N. I Construction of Discus Shot Put \ > < l S l 8*V(»ll« C.J. Condon BABY grand piano S1.S00, pool Redecorating? If you must Royal College .e l Nursing, dispose of the contents of London. Certified Elactrologist- 221-1811 table, washer-dryer, trash Unwanted hair removed. Pays t-ae» m test Time compactor. Please call 27741*2. your house or apartment, after 5 P.M. call me for a successful sale. U5-7t9e. [ Personalized service. Finest following. Years -at experi­ USED 8 REBUILT PIANOS ence. Mailing tJsU. CMi i Largest Selection in N.J. Steinway, Baldwin, Knabe, Mason A Hamlin, Softener ROBERTA WAREHOUSE PIANO OUTLET 774 Bloomfield Ave. Verona POND Wad.BFrl. tilt p .m, . / 239*4191 _ Cash paid for used jtianos

PETS PGMBRANIAN puppies 9 wks. old, AKC with papers: 43S-2404. ADORABLE—little1 kittens, healthy and playful need a lov- inghome.4IS4U4.— SUMMIT ANIMAL WELFARE LEAGUE-For adoption: NfNA, smalt black lab mix, very gentle; 1MP, small short-haired tan mix, 8 mos. old and a rtu r able; CESAR, handsome short- haired tan- mix, 4 mot. old. Lovely selection of cats -and- klttens; many pure breeds. Someone has to careabout these, animals, won't you? For adop- "Fftm Information only, call 273-2443, 9-S weekdays, )74-1439 94 weekends. For neutering information only, call 274-W38- Batty and weekends. .

USEECARS LOQAL new car dealer will pay over.booR price for clean sub­ urban used cars, all makes and models. A'lso vintage cars. Immediate cash. Call Mr. Carr, 7414224 Of 743-1400. AUTOS-NE EOEOI Madtson Auto Sales is interested In buy­ ing all dean used cars. 140 Maim SMRte 24), Madison, S22-0S02. JUNK CARs WANTED. Highest prices paid..Quick pickup. Call Jake anytime, 447-2253. 1971 JEEP'Cherokee. Chiaf. Like' .-new, all extras, regular gas, yellow A black. Must sell, $4,900 or best Offer. 374-5405. '47 AjlUSTANO ConV. 4 cyl. 3 spd. new tgp,_new mag wheels. Sold as whole. Good condition except for frame A brekes. $050 or best , offer. 374-4315. ' pWlTIACSunblrd '74 V4, A C, AT, PS, plus more/Good condi­ tion. 3744410 after 7:00 P.M. '74 OLDS TORNADO to settle estate. Fully equipped, all op­ tions, perfect c6nditlotr379439S.

overarive, tun root/ wiirMwi* FM stereo, 00,000 highway miles. Best offer. 445*2319., : 743-7410. 1973 GUiCK LoSabre, blue, . 4 -door. 54,000 miles, automatic. • transi, V-5, A-C, PS, PB. Excel- Tent condition; rebuilt carbure- .tor and trans., no rust. $450. 3744125. “ . l ■ ‘ 1*70 VOLKSWAGEN Fallback, orange, 52,000 miles. Good con-, dltlon - but needs *1500 engine repair. Asking SI ,200.741-44I4. t A. Page 16 THE ITEM o f Mtllbum and Short Hills, N.J.. July 10,’ 1980 Aliaoa Despisito and Josh I Hbwley were Red Cross T heater helper*. • David •Crow, Kevin Playgroundscontinue activities in 2nd week Stoeckley and Victor Despisito were soldier* and Laura . JownihlpL playground! Rachael, two pussycat! introduced by Beth Haberiie, i talents In the Fourth of duly j Our Unde Sam who led our J July parade.'Wendy Liu, Katy AlkerawMc a colonial woman. tim etable continued into their aocoild played by Susan and Susan, the arts and crafts instructor j parade The children who [playground was “Danny liMgrkou. Matt and. Frank Frans was in the front on. a ' MIUMSiN week With many activities two Tlagholdefs i Tim and Finally, we ended the afi! participated In the parade j Carrol Playing our colonial; Ricci were »*ome of the docorated bike Although we Mlllburft Twin 1-Thurl; Srlj includingparticipating in the Ronnie, two banner holders ternoon by reeking two * wert: Jason Goldmr. Suite j girls were Beth Fox, Suzette I children who helped decorate didn’t ^ ice, we had great fun Fourth of July parade The Peter dhdi Kim and our float posters for the parade Thia i Brown, Christopher Taplante. Sobodi, Jane Agnew,Melinda j our float. A contest was held and ail-did a super job. Sun; 1: Mi 4: « ; 7: 10; St M. following are the weekly barrier, Mariam involved .using several, dif-. Meredith Aman, Tamar J Medley and Diana Smlth.f Thursday, July 3. for the beat Mary Beth Dougherty arid, Miilbvm Twto. I—Thvrsi, JH j' report# submitted by Mont Tut*; W»d, BRUBAKER; . Julia Glaser fereni light colors on the 'JbkajmZuberman, ai 'Cathy James, i Carrying red, white and biuel decorated bicycle Maryann pi* Cynthia Jonea, 7: Mi 1: SO; Sat; Sun; 2; 4: 30; playground leaders: Playground feader paper, and then adding a Debbie James, Dana Harmon. balloons were Kyung Goglia was the luoky winner Playground leadefs 7i f: 30. . 80VTH MOUNTAIN . . g e Ro p a r k darker color over the light Wendy- Harmon, and R!ma Kamkoong and Tarry Don­ wno led the parade. Bicycles MAPLtWOOO PLAYGROUND Last week was probably one colored crayons, and finally Shanawani. nelly. Bobby Donnelly and are a big attraction at our MoptowoodThootsr—Thors; Mon; In our ^econd week of camp of the most active: and scratching out the lettering. Congratulations to everyone Drew Snow Were pulling our park, Those who bring them SLAYTON FIELD Tuts; Wod; COAL MININ’S Week two at Slayton Field OAUOHTER; 7; »; tJ; Prl; 7; we did many fun things. We reative week' of the entire The children who were "for dung such a splendid job- cannon' until the wheel fell oft regularly are; Max Doerfler, 7: IS; Sot; S; is It; 7: to; t; 40; had to get ideas for the parade summer program at QeTo engagedin this project in thf parade.- Alto our thanks but thinking quickly they held Becky Cornish, and Julie Included' a stuffed animal sun; 2: 30; 4: 40; 7/Jj 1$, , ' and then make a float. Park. Shortly aftecp; 15. on Taptar Zuberman, Meghan to all the parents who helped it throughout the rest of the Hinei. show and the Fourth of July Everyone helped with ideas Monday morning we irti** Suzie Brown and with costumes Special thanks parade. We are proud to Also on Thursday , Beth, the kiddle parade:: Moat of our Rudy R. Cutler Strand Thootor—Thurs; Frl; Jtime was dedicated to * the Mon; Tuet; Wod; MARY Michael^ Jtoobie and Mor medun«l}ScdhUnued our work Doiiglaa Webster. • to Mr. Aman for lending us hit nounce second place wlfii arts and craft* director; FPFFINS; 2; 7; *: 22; Sat; Sun; helped make the float which on the Fourth of July parade As Monday drew to a close, pick up truck; which wd the twenty dollars in mjch the taught us MW... to decorate construction of floats for the If 4:20: *• 43; t;Jg. parade. We did manage to find Maplewood was a replica of Old Sow, a by painting the paper’logs for we also were sad to see Chris parade, and to-Mr, Rackley youngsters will decide what glass cantors with multi­ BIRKILIVHSIOHTS cannon used in the Rattle of the "bonfire " Some of the Rackley,. AdamTevenaon, amt: who offered us his son's wagon they’d like to do with it. colored tiles. Other craftt i t time for a few games of Mdfr Btrktky Clntmo-Thurt; Frl; Springfield. Robbie and children who participated in Nancy teventon go off to for our float. (It was my first On Tuesday Beth, our crafts the playground include ball, checkers, backgammon, unit elects Mon; Tvoi; THE BUIKO Michagl also worked.on the this activity were: Chris camp We all wish' them a experience driving a truck!) person, came in the afternoon coloring, painting and four square and whiffle ball. BROTHERS; 7:11; »: 20; Oat; The first Mg event took . 7: IS; 9: 30; Sun; .2; 4: 45; banner, .supervised by Chris, Rackley, Aw Smith. Robert wonderful summer! Weall had a good Ume and are, and made tile ash trays with especially the art of lanyards. 7: IS; 9LJ0. who ‘ draws excellent Carter and Rachel Falconer. place on Wednesday, 'it was Cutler Tuesday, was.another busy looking forward to many more’ the children who -seemed tt Margherita Olivieri, Sue w Rudy R. Cutler of 220 firecrackers Later on as a change of day. In the morning our main exciting-weeks ahead. . really enjoy Working on them Muknerjee end Leslie Slayton Field's annual stuffed WESTORANOt animal show Our two guest -MiMbur n - Avenue -has been Etux Orton Cintmo 1—Thors; — AH our work was rewarded all enjoyed-pleywut- asvtiyHy Utvultgf - g raiiTng- — r“— wryBMhsumvar Ttwwgtw k m m r n w p Mientine area few who have thru Wad; THE EMPIRE because we won third prise in an exciting game of “hide and i Lori Heilman and elected president of the different. colored flames for, Playground leader were; George and Melinda mastered it. Maplewood Chamber of STRiKCl BACK; 12: 20; 2: 4S; the parade. In our section ot aeek“‘' the "Jjonfire.''' Since the, Medley, Diana Smith, Adriana Our athletic activittos this Michele O’Connor, awarded "1; 7: 20; 9: SO. the parade, we had two .fine During k£good part of the GLENWOOD SCHOOL the owners ribbons baaed on Commerce for the coming Etwx Orton Clnomt 2—'Thun; children worked so hardinthe' Silvferi, D.J., Tony and weak included ballgames such thru Wtdf TNI SHINING; soldiers played by Robbie and afternoon,, many of thej Thfs past week at the Suzette*$obodi. several categories. The year.'. morning, we decided to devote Glenwood School playground a* spud, kickbau, running Mr. Cutler, vvho located the 1: 20; 4: M; 7; 45; 10:15. Michael, a drummer played children worked diligently the afternoon to playing some On Wednesday we had a bases, and kick the can; , but winning stuffed animals k f Eutx Orion Clntma 3—Thurt; by Greg,, two beautiful Inman we were quite busy forking on eluded Gorgeous Gordo,. Rudy Ft. Cutler Agency, Inc., thruWod; AIRPLANE; 2^4; 4; making ule.coasters, This was j new games The one we en­ our floats £pr the Fourth of water balloon fight which the the moat popular game, was Sri trikufance firm,' in princesses played by Mor and the first of many art projects children enjoyed and we also our citeners tournament' of Nulmegt* Patches, Candy, joyed the most is called1 July parade We had four Maplewood 23 years ago, is a ‘mother rimy I." This game went To the Arboretum whore champions, ~ in . which Camel with wrinkly knees, LIVINOSTON -•Wjafr flojjto which were Missy Charlie, Bitsy, Kicky, Teddy, past president of the N.j; Colony which was introduced by Simoe as Betsy Roes, John the^ children played near the. playground director, Phil ICS; . Frl; Mary Kay Phillippi, involves stream and taunt each other knig came out on 1pp.- *' Droopy, Easter, Boo Bob, Chapter of the, Chartered! monj tum* w*o> th Moriarity with his Yankee Property end . Casualty ““ “ one person being "it” and to skip stones: We had a very " •- Ellen Lynoh'apd Fluffy, Mr. Peanut, Snoopy, BEIFUS poodle horse, David Simonas Jake, Admiral Penguin, Underwriters. each person to take a Benjamin Franklin sighing enjoyable week *.. • ’ Megan McHugh, m number of steps forward until We congratulate the-. Rover,v Robin, Sam, Petey, Mr. Cjitler has been in the _ UNION Pie Declaration of Indepen- playground Leadei rince 1940 one person reaches the fintslf children for their hard .work. SHORTH.TOTL1 H lL l£ —* Spotty,' Scetter. Oen. ‘ ' ' i IN-SOUTH ORANGE dance and Brian Agnew, Padington, Bear, Holly, and holds both Hie CPCU and Tuo»; Wod; LA CAOK line. Jimmy Poiitia, Gregg Henry P L A Y G ^ AUX FOLLES; 7: 20; ,2:15; As the week continued we P « a d e ^ The w eekoR R Fourth of Wendy, Stripes, Jennifer, ch artered life underwriter -Wrt; 7; 0: 40; 10: » ; Sat; S: 10; ‘ YOUR CONVENIENT- BUICK- and Geoff Henry portraying Benji, Ben, Bbbbie, King Kong degrees. He also lias 7:'10; 0 :4S; 10: JO; Sun; 2:30; alsoallenjojedgluing the logs Washington; crossing .the Sissy BroURI add Juljnwas filled with a’vanety ■4: 13; 5:10; 7: 20; 9: If, _ together, attaching the * Anna RonceAy, of eJtRs at the Short Hilto n d n # ln “b ------u r g e 15 . ,ln risk management, MEROEDE'S BENZ DEALER Delaware. Tito famed "Spirit Congratulations)lations to all of their1 ------flames, and shaping the tjf~*7h“'was played by Geqgg/ - : , Playground leaders School, playground. On cannon out of clay. TAYLOR PARK Monday mornidg, Katie vneril ■' . Medley, Tony Sobodi and As the week drew to a close. * : . M 7 W E S T S O . O R A N G E AV E ^ ___ I Finally, on Friday night, all Christian Oertel, and the This p u t week' at Taylor McHufRi came and taught [of the children had an exciting Park, everyone was busy gymnastic* and cheerleading. work was being completed ori .SO U TH OR ANGE 762-7500 mystery soldier was D.J. our Fourth of July floats. Thia [time demonstrating their Sobodi getting ready for the Fourth of Margaret Crow, J.W. Connolly and Corfiiey Richuaty all year’s theme centered on the participated while others Battle of Springfield. We played ah exciting game of chose to construct a model of kickball with Josh Howley as a the Presbyterian Church that big hitter. Tuesday morqiing played an important role in Beth came and we all made the battle. The Slayton Field hats to wear In the parade, Was carried by Jennifer PRIMATIVE LIQUID The Maplewood That day we worked on our Crowel and Katie Christou. Kevin Gosling and Kellie plans and preparations for the W ater can save your life where drainage water a n parade. Sam Howiey brought Tansey represented Rev. and Bank &Trust Company's Mrs. Caldwell with Jennifer in the desert; it can provide be routed arountfthe high In a box of costumes which a bundle of fun in the form Side of thehousefor runoff proved to be quite useful. The Marcelliano and Laurie Metzgeraatbeir children. The to » qtoet lake

- -To celebrateourQOyears of service to the people in r ^tnd around Maplewood, we’re * baying a month-long^ Diamond i Jobber Sweepstakes - and we’re giving away 60 spectacular gifts. In eluding a It ip fui two 10 oermud^i for six days and five nights! * . We’re also giving away: five Panasonic tape recorders, ten Cross pens, J en Black and Decker V« ” drills, twelve-Merit crock frotar and twenty-two • Spirit pump beverage dispensers!

Panasonic Recorder

TheMillbum AvenueKings w3l close its dnnrs A have to do to enter: simply fill out as many gjitry blanks as yoii like (but no fac- ' „ ' at any of our four offices between now closing time on July 30th and drop. them In the official Diamond Jubilee Sweepstakes Box will be selected by random at 7 p.m. on Saturday, July 12th. , drawing on Thursday, July 31st. Winners will be notified. Green Leaf Service 7 And your brand new Kings ^When you come In to enter our Diamond Jubilee Sweepstakes, take a tow moments to ask about Maplewood s new Green Leaf Service, the highest-standard of personal banking! We'd like ^ 9?,/J°*no!ry ?!£ and we ditto you to get to know us. In a sense, getting to know each other Is on Morris Turnpike will open What Grepn Leaf Service Isbell about! » Trlp inctudss ah tore ana accomoaatlons for lwo. trahsportatlon between ths hotel and airport while In______a^^n^sd^Tul^ptli.

FULL-SERVICE BANKING FOR P^OPLE ON TH&isO, ;; Come shop the mftPLEIilQQD KHTK Special New Kings; is-; m and Trast Gompang ^^(nexttb M e d i M a ^ . - ' ; v ' ^ ■ .. | ' - MAIN OFFICE PROSPECT OFFICE HILTON OFFICE . PARKER - IRVINttTON OFFICE 'Bltoiaplewood Avenue Springfield Avenue at Springfield Avstnus sT • " 709 Irvington Avenue m 7627100 ' PrqppecfStreet - Jacoby Sires] ' ;