70 Years On, Battle of Britain Pilots Remember Rier Pigeon Beat out a Rural £Sd Broadband Connection

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70 Years On, Battle of Britain Pilots Remember Rier Pigeon Beat out a Rural £Sd Broadband Connection Before you next trip to Britain get your Essential London Kit RREMEMBEREMEMBER AARMISTICERMISTICE DDAYAY UUJJ RREADERSEADERS SubscribeSubscribeLLeo etotoo 0% Subscribe to E 1 Kit includes discounted tickets to: NNOVEMBEROVEMBER 1111 GGoo ttoo wwww.ujnews.com/poppies/ww.ujnews.com/poppies/ & SSAVEAV 10% UnionUnion JackJaKaren’sKackre Now!nN’os w! • 3 Day (Zones 1-2) Peak London Travelcard BBUSINESSESUSINESSES OORR BBRITRIT CCLUBSLUBS eetc.tc. ttoo ffindind wwherehere yyouou ccanan ggetet yyourour ppoppyoppy nnow!ow! • The London Eye • Tower of London A ggrowingrowing llistist ofof nnearlyearly 100100 locations.locations. CaliforniaCalifornia View..View.. FForor a bboxox ooff ppoppiesoppies oorr ttoo oofferffer yyourour hhelpelp $ fforor OONENE YYEAR.EAR • The Original London Sightseeing Bus Tour 1100%00% ooff tthehe ddonationsonations hhelpelp iinjurednjured bbyy LLeoeo35 & KKarenaren LLewisewis Email:Email: mbarnes@britishsocialnews.commbarnes@britishsocialnews.com sserviceervice ppersonnelersonnel aandnd vveteranseterans SSeeee ppageage 7 & 1144 SSeeee ppageage 3 Go to: ujnews.com [click on the VisitBritain Shop logo] discount code UJNEWS Vol. 28 No. 7 October 2010 Woolas, who has served as a lawmaker THE HEADLINES since 1997, was re-elected to his district Vatican Declares Pope’s Visit To Britain A Success in Oldham East and Saddleworth, in By Nicole Winfield northern England, following two re- Hague Denies Any Truth In counts. He had a majority of 103 votes. THE VATICAN declared Pope Benedict XVI’s ‘Gay’ Rumours Helen Mountfi eld, lawyer for Watkins, four-day visit to Britain a “great success” last FOREIGN Secretary told a specially convened election court month, saying the pontiff was able to reach out William Hague is the that Woolas and his team used mislead- to a nation wary of his message and angry at his latest politician to fall ing campaign materials, which wrongly church’s sex abuse scandal. prey to internet gay accused the Liberal Democrat of winning On his fi nal day, Benedict praised British heroics against rumors. The former support from Islamic extremists. the Nazis to mark the 70th anniversary of the Battle of Conservative leader’s Watkins is seeking to convince judges Britain and moved an Englishman a step closer to possible sexuality became a to invoke a rarely used section of elector- sainthood. al law, hoping they will declare the result scandal when male aide Vatican spokesman the FAREWELL resigned in response to void and force a rerun of the vote. High Court Justices John Griffith Reverend Federico Lom- Prime Minister David the “malicious rumors” they shared a bardi said the important thing Cameron, in his farewell motel room together. Williams and Nigel Teare will decide whether to order a new election in the wasn’t so much the turnout speech before Benedict’s Speculations about the two men’s – crowds were much smaller departure ceremony, said relationship surfaced when the seemingly district, and whether Woolas should be barred from public offi ce. than when Pope John Paul the pope had “challenged under-qualifi ed Christopher Myers was II visited in 1982 – but that the whole country to sit up appointed for the $30,000 a-year post. Benedict’s warning about the and think, and that can only Later reports confi rmed that Hague took Ed Miliband Makes First dangers of an increasingly be a good thing.” his aide on a a publicly-funded visit to Pitch To Voters secularized society had been At the same time, he Afghanistan before he had given him ED MILIBAND made received “with profound seemed to take issue with the job. interest” from Britons as a Benedict’s contention that Hague, married, denies these claims. his debut speech as main opposition whole. secularization was taking Labour Party chief, Indeed, the British media hold more and more in Brit- Unions Warn Government pitching to restore coverage was remarkable in ain. Over Spending Cuts the trust of voters left the seriousness with which “Faith is part of the fabric UNION LEADERS are warning the angered by bankers’ newspapers and television of our country. It always has government that plans for deep cuts in bonuses, the corrosive took Benedict’s message, been and it always will be,” public spending will be met by a wave lawmakers’ expense and TV stations ran virtually Cameron said shortly before of strikes and demonstrations. scandal and competition from foreign all of the pope’s speeches, the pope was fl own out from The country’s main union federation, migrants for jobs. Masses and other events Birmingham Airport. the Trades Union Congress, called for co- The 40-year-old Miliband, who nar- live. That was certainly evi- ordinated resistance September 13 during rowly defeated his older brother David “Everyone is agreed about dent on the Popes fi nal day its annual conference in Manchester. to win the post in an election last month, the great success, not so of his visit September 19, as The government says departments has vowed to overhaul the platform of- much from the point of view Benedict beatifi ed Cardinal must slash spending by up to 25 percent fered by predecessors Tony Blair and of the numbers, but ... by the John Henry Newman before in a bid to reduce Britain’s £155bn defi cit. Gordon Brown – and to strike a humbler The Queen and Pope Benedict XVI leave to meet school fact that the message of the tens of thousands of faithful It is due to announce details of the cuts tone – after the center-left party was children outside the Palace of Holyroodhouse, the pope was received with re- who paid £25 to attend. This this month. dumped from offi ce after 13 years at Queen’s official residence in Scotland, on September 16, spect and joy by the faithful,” trip marked the first time The unions say more than 200,000 May’s national election. in Edinburgh. Lombardi told reporters. Continued on page 4 jobs are at risk and claim the cuts will Miliband, who has previously been devastate police forces, schools and other critical about Blair’s choices over Iraq, public services. planned to tell an annual rally in Man- TUC general secretary Brendan Bar- chester, northern England, that activ- Brit Paras v US Marines ber said the cuts “will do irreparable ists must also confront uncomfortable economic and social damage.” truths about the party’s handling of the fi nancial crisis. In Marathon Challenge Judges To Rule On Election He planned to use his speech to dis- A BRITISH Parachute Regiment team including wounded tance himself from Blair’s apparently soldiers will compete in the prestigious US Marine Corps Corruption Case uncritical approach to London’s fi nancial Marathon in Washington DC, on October 31. This 35th run- A DEFEATED Liberal Democrat can- industry, and Brown’s claim before the ning of the event through the capital city of the USA is a didate last month became the fi rst aspir- onset of an 18-month-long recession major international event, attracting military teams from all ing lawmaker in almost a century to that his stewardship had ensured Britain over the world including US, Denmark and the UK. challenge a British election result over would never again return to a cycle of Our ‘Maroon Five’ in Team PARA are: Capt Mike Kerrigan, allegations of dirty tricks. economic boom and bust. OC Team; Cpl, Pete McCoombe, 2 i/c who has lost an eye; Elwyn Watkins alleged that Labour “When you saw the worst fi nancial Pte Jaco van Gass (lost arm); Pte Keiron Dry, (GSW to head) lawmaker and ex-minister Phil Woolas crisis in a generation, I understand your and L/Cpl Tom Neathway (triple amputee). Tom plans to made unsubstantiated personal attacks anger that Labour hadn’t stood up to the start out on his artifi cial limbs for as long as he can, and against him ahead of Britain’s May 6 old ways ... which said deregulation was election to secure his victory. Woolas the team will make sure he goes the whole distance with denies the claim. Continued on page 4 their help. It will be a real PARA team effort. Tom Neathway, Jaco Van Gass, Keiron Dry and Mike You can support them by donating online at www.justgiv- Kerrigan. ing.com/Parachute-Regiment-Charity-USMC-Marathon lea Charities, has extended a warm welcome to Broadband Loses The Parachute Regiment Charity benefi ts wounded sol- wounded and active service warriors of Britain and GGreatreat GGiftift IIdeas!deas! diers and the families of the Regiment and Airborne Forces the Commonwealth nations to participate ‘Side x UNION JACK Race To Old-Time in the UK. www.paracharity.org Side’ with American comrades in the 35th running of SUBSCRIPTION Carrier Pigeon The Allied Forces Foundation, in partnership with Aza- Continued on page 4 12 issues all IN A UNIQUE race to send year long! a video from one county to another last month, a car- 70 Years On, Battle Of Britain Pilots Remember rier pigeon beat out a rural £sd broadband connection. By Jill Lawless reminisce and keep the past alive, but “The Few,” from Prime Minister Winston COIN SETS Rory the pigeon car- reluctant to dwell on either their bravery Churchill’s tribute: “Never in the fi eld of ried the fi ve minute video OWEN BURNS remembers the cold, the or their fear. human confl ict was so much owed by so $29.95 loaded onto a computer memory card from howling wind, and the silk underwear he “There were times when you were really many to so few.” Beverley in East Yorkshire to Wrangle in wore to protect him from the bitter cold. frightened, without a doubt,” said Rose, September 15 was the symbolic climax English-American Dictionary Lincolnshire.

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