Save the Children Sweden Regional Office for the Middle East and North Africa P.O. Box 113-7167, Beirut, Lebanon Phone: + 961 1 738 654/5 Fax: + 961 1 739 023
[email protected] Manara Network: A Civil Society for Child Rights in the MENA Region Morocco Country Profile Country Profile of Morocco A Review of the Implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child August 2011 This project is funded by Country Profile of Morocco A Review of the Implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child August 2011 This publication is fully funded by SIDA (Swedish International Development Coop- eration Agency). SIDA has not taken part in its production and does not assume any responsibility for its content. The Child Rights Governance Programme in Save the Children Sweden’s Regional Office for the Mid- dle East and North Africa implemented the activities of the Manara Network: A Civil Society for Child’s Rights in the Middle East and North Africa Region. Work on Child Rights Governance aims to build societies that fulfil children rights by establishing and strengthen- ing the infrastructure necessary for states to effectively implement the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child and other child rights obligations. It seeks to support a vibrant civil society pushing children up the po- litical agenda and holding states to account for what they have or haven’t done to realise children’s rights. It is an ef- fective strategy for impacting at scale the lives of millions of children, resulting in structural and lasting change.