A Stand Alone, and Stand-Up Guy by Gary Delagnes, Never Complained, and Just Did the Job

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A Stand Alone, and Stand-Up Guy by Gary Delagnes, Never Complained, and Just Did the Job c Official Publication Of The c SAN FRANCISCO POLICE OFFICERS ASSOCIATION This Publication was Produced and Printed in the USA ✯ Buy American ✯ Support Local Business VOLUME 45, NUMBER 4 SAN FRANCISCO, APRIL 2013 www.sfpoa.org President’s Message A Stand Alone, and Stand-Up Guy By Gary Delagnes, never complained, and just did the job. involving the sale of our properties at SFPOA President He was the first one through the 7th and Bryant Streets, as well as the door on a search warrant, and also the purchase of the property at 2nd and When Kevin Martin retired in No- first one to volunteer to come in early Townsend Streets and its subsequent vember, I immediately asked Marty or stay late to help out another cop. lease arrangement. Marty did this with Halloran to assume the role of vice He was the guy I would go to for no formal training. He achieved all of president. He agreed to do so, and has help when writing a search warrant, this on behalf of the membership us- again risen to the occasion, showing and his professionalism was respected ing good old-fashioned common sense unquestioned loyalty to this organiza- by all. and sound judgment. tion and providing me tremendous The other thing I admired about He knows the organization back- counsel on a variety of issues. He is Marty was his ability to say “no.” wards and forwards and for the past stubborn, cantankerous, and at times Without a doubt, the toughest thing three months he has been establishing argumentative, but my admiration we have to do at the POA is sometimes crucial relationships with the Mayor, and respect for Marty has never wa- tell a member we cannot help him The Board of Supervisors, and essential vered, and it makes it much easier to or her, and while Marty is one of the media. One of Marty’s apprehensions leave this office knowing that he will qualities in Marty that made him and most compassionate people I have ever about taking the job is that he will be stepping in to lead this organiza- Kevin Martin my first two choices to known, he can also make the tough miss the gratification of performing tion forward. join me on the Executive Board when decisions sometimes needed when his daily, routine police work. Policing Marty knows the tasks ahead will I assumed office in 2004. running a union. San Francisco was long ago decided be difficult. He comes into the presi- First of all, his loyalty to his fellow While serving as Treasurer of the as his chosen profession. He loves the dency at a time when there will likely officer and the POA was unquestioned. POA, Marty was instrumental in sta- job, and he loves this city. But, he will be more bad news than good. Pension Secondly, after working with him bilizing our financial situation and has step-up for the good of the member- and health care issues remain in the in Narcotics all of those years, I have established the POA as an economi- ship if he knows that the members forefront, and additional compensa- never seen a more organized, focused, cally viable organization with a net support him and are confident that tion for some of the highest paid po- and professional officer. worth of over $12 million. Together, he will always have their best interest lice officers in the country will not be His chronologicals were impeccable, he and I have made tough decisions at heart. I thank Marty for his service likely in the immediate future. That and when given a task — usually one about the future of our organization, and his loyalty, and I cannot think of said, I assure the membership that that nobody else wanted — Marty including the real estate transaction a better successor to lead the SFPOA. nobody is more prepared to lead the way than Marty Halloran. I appeal to all of you to lend him your support, encouragement, and confidence. I first met Marty Halloran in the New SFPOA Public Relations Campaign mid 1990’s when he was appointed to In an ongoing effort to highlight the fine work of Please visit the new site at www.sfcitycops.com to the Community Services Committee the SFPD, the POA is launching our next television view the current and previous television commercial at the POA. I later had the opportunity commercial spot, along with billboard advertising. spots of our members. You may also visit our other to work with him in the Narcotics We have established a new public relations website. POA Website at www.sfpoa.org Division for about 10 years. Marty and I both possessed some- what quirky personalities, and we were both stubborn and set in our ways. We also both enjoyed the taste of a good beer, and shared an undying loyalty to our fellow police officers. While I realized that Marty was a Sacred Heart graduate and would never be able to attain the intellectual quali- ties of a St. Ignatius graduate, I also saw SAN FRANCISCO POLICE OffICERS THEY WORK TO MAKE YOUR DAY SEE THEIR stORIES sfCITYCOps.COM 2012 Dispatcher of the Year By Lorrie Serna, Swing Shift DEM Selected by her peers at the Department of Emergency Management (DEM), Cori is recognized and honored based on her outstanding service remaining calm and poised while assisting San Francisco Police Officers during a high speed chase involving a suicidal male who was firing shots at the officers. This commendable effort is indicative of the quality of work she produces on a daily basis. For nine years she has dedicated herself as a dependable dispatcher serving the citizens, visitors and field units of this city. Her contributions reflect professionalism and integrity. Cori will be honored at DEM during National Telecommunicators Week on Tuesday, April 9 at her 12:50 line up, followed by a visit to the Board of Supervisors meeting for a Proclamation. Periodicals postage paid at San Francisco, (USPS CA #882-320) Corinina Cruz More Telecommunication News on page 12. Page 2 POA Journal April 2013 Minutes of the March 13, 2013 SFPOA Board Meeting* 1. Sergeant-at-Arms Valdez called the recent Face Book postings from for the Honda Unit and Mounted would be donated to Father Healy meeting to order at 1205 hours and an active member indicating that Unit during these meetings. as a token of appreciation from the lead the Pledge of Allegiance. the POA is being investigated by 9. President Delagnes announced that entire membership for the work 2. Secretary Montoya conducted the Federal Authorities. There is abso- based on the actuaries provided to Father Healy does for and on the roll call of the Board of Directors lutely no merit to this allegation the SFERS, employee retirement behalf of our members. and Executive Board. or rumor. contributions will increase by 13. Vice President Halloran talked 3. Rep. Lyons (TTF) made a motion to 6. Vice President Halloran thanked 1.5% effective July 1, 2013 (Cur- about current and future POA PR accept the minutes from the Febru- Rep. Frost (Inv) for Chairing the rent 10.5% increase to 12%). This projects. Vice President Halloran ary 2013 Board Meeting. Motion recent POA Blood Drive. To date, contribution rate is based on the then showed the Board of Direc- was seconded by Rep. Sorgie (Co G) this is the largest turn out ever by Cities contribution rate of 24.82%. tors the current PSA involving Of- and passed by voice vote without those who donated blood. 10. President Delagnes announced ficer Steve Gritsch and Office Matt opposition. 7. Vice President Halloran reminded that the POA has scheduled a set of Cloud of Bayview Station. This PSA 4. Vice President Halloran talked members that the annual St. Pat- meetings with the City to discuss a and previous PSA’s can be viewed about the upcoming POA event rick’s Day Parade will take place on possible contract extension. at www.sfcitycops.com. where members of our armed forces Saturday March 16, 2013 at 1100 11. President Delagnes announced that 14. Vice President Halloran provided will be recognized at the Paragon hours. Any member marching in discussions involving health care each board member with a copy of Restaurant on April 4, 2013. To uniform shall wear their Class “A” are on going. the monthly profit and loss sheet. date only five POA members have or Class “AA” uniform and meet at 12. On behalf of the POA, President 15. Rep. Moylan (TTF) reminded the nd responded to the RSVP request. In Market Street and 2 Street. Delagnes presented SFPD Chap- Board of the upcoming fundraiser the event more members do not 8. President Delagnes announced the lain Father Mike Healy with a for the Westbrook Family. The respond to this limited seating POA is in the final stages of meet- used vehicle for his personal use. fundraiser will be held on Sunday event, the event will be cancelled. ing with the Department and City This vehicle is the vehicle that the April 21, 2013. Contact your repre- Please look for the posters at your over the P-1 process. In order to POA was leasing for recent retiree sentative for the time and location. respective assignment. be efficient we have also included Steve Johnson. Rather than sell the 16. President Delagnes thanked Rep. 5. Vice President Halloran addressed discussions regarding a P-2 process vehicle, it was determined that it Kirwan (Airport) for his 10 years of service representing the SFPOA on the CCLEA Board of Directors.
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