November 2015 - Issue IV FEATURED IN THIS ISSUE: Changes in Recruiting Strategies Page 4 The Effective Use of Social Media by Police Leaders Page 10 University of Oklahoma Undergraduate Credit Program Memorandum Of Understanding Page 20 DID YOU KNOW: LifeLock partners with FBI-LEEDA, Inc. (Law Enforcement Executive Development Association), a non-profit training agency, to present educational programs about identity theft and fraud across the United States. Summits are open to all law enforcement including: prosecutors, command level, investigative personnel, and patrol officers. Also open to financial industry investigators and analysts. Together, we have educated more than 11,500 law enforcement officials representing over 4,000 agencies in all 50 states. FBI-LEEDA InFBI-LEEDAsighterNovember 2015 - Issue IV 2015-2016 Executive Board Feature Articles: PRESIDENT | Changes in Recruiting Strategies – Larry Barton, Ph.D. David Boggs, Chief 4 Broken Arrow Police Department 6 | From the Desk of DHS – Heather Fong, Department of Homeland Security 2302 S. First Place, Broken Arrow, OK 74012 Telephone: 918-451-8394 8 | Using Social Media Data to Help Identify Homegrown Extremists – Email:
[email protected] Louis F. Quijas, Wynward Group FIRST VICE PRESIDENT 10 | Membership Spotlight – The Effective Use of Social Media by Police Leaders – Paul Shastany, Chief Chris D. Lewis Stoughton Police Department 15 | Social Media Policy - Why Do We Need One? – Eric Daigle, Esq. 26 Rose Street Stoughton, MA 02072 16 | Develop a Brand Image for Social Media Structure – Eric Kowalczyk, Telephone: 781-232-9311 Instructor, Media & Public Relations, FBI-LEEDA Email:
[email protected] 20 | University of Oklahoma Undergraduate Credit Program SECOND VICE PRESIDENT | FBI Youth Leadership Program "Letter of Thanks" Thomas Alber, Chief 23 Garden City Police Department 26 | FBI Update - The FBI’s Police Executive Fellowship Program – 107 N.