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#337616 in eBooks 2016-02-02 2016-02-02File Name: B0165HVTR4 | File size: 64.Mb

Hideaki Sena : Parasite Eve before purchasing it in order to gage whether or not it would be worth my time, and all praised Parasite Eve:

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. A hugely influential, greatly satisfying scifi-thriller any fan of the genre ought to read.By InvalidwordsA Japanese classic, well translated and easy to read. Well, relatively - the one caveat being that the book has a near Moby Dick-esque level of technical detail involving its subject matter. I think that ultimately the book benefits from that level of realism but probably that's a matter of personal preference. After a bit of a slow burn the book develops into a page-turner I had to rip through in just a couple sittings.The protagonist, I believe, is the titular character, but most would probably argue it's her lover - in any case the story is about the two of them coming together and ultimately changing the world. The author was actually working on his PHD in pharmacology when he wrote the book and he makes the idea of a sentience lurking undiscovered in each of our cells hideously believable. If I have any complaint it's that the sequels are only available as Playstation games, but they are not impossible to find...1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. the book left me feeling bored, more than anything elseBy S. PhillipsWhen I was a young lad, I played parasite eve for the original PlayStation. The game was thrilling, interesting, and above all, terrifying. When I saw this novel, and realized it had been the basis for the game, I bought it without a second thought. Thats where my excitement ended. I started with high hopes. I waited for the characters to stand out. I waited for the horror to start. I was mostly disapointed. The characters remained bland, and frankly, ridiculous, throughout the entirety of the novel. The author repeated ad nasuem the moral quandry regarding braind dead individuals and organ transplants. The mediocre parts far outweigh the interesting portions, but there are moments where I found myself horrified and sickened at the unnatural scenes unfolding, which is really what I expected throughout. The novel partially redeems itself in the final quarter, but overall, I would not reccomend the read. Perhaps my expectations were based too largely on my nostalgia for the game, but in the end, the book left me feeling bored, more than anything else.0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Parasite Eve PS1By ArchaicMuseI played the video game that came out on the ps1. I loved the game and when I found out that it was based off a book I had to read it as well. The book started out kind of slow but ended great. The entire time I was reading I was comparing the two and seeing how part of the game was taken out of the book. I knew how the game ended and was anxious to find out how the book matched it. There were a lot of "omg" and shocking moments. Moments that they couldn't use in the video game. Overall great game and happy to have seen the author who helped bring of my favorite games of all time to life.

When Dr. Nagashima loses his wife in a mysterious car crash, he is overwhelmed with grief but also an eerie sense of purpose; he becomes obsessed wiht reincarnating his dead wife. Her donated kidney is transplanted into a young girl wiht a debilitating disorder, bu the doctor also feels compelled to keep a small sample of her liver in his laboratory. When these cells start mutating rapidly, a consciousness bent on determining its own fate awakens, bent on becoming the new dominant species on earth.Parasite Eve was the basis of the hugely popular videogame of the same name in the U.S. and has been cinematized in Japan.

From Publishers WeeklyJapanese pharmacologist Sena's biochemical horror novel, which won the first Japan Horror Novel Award, has lost something in translation. Notwithstanding the many academic footnotes, the author fails to suspend disbelief in the book's outlandish premise;that mitochondria, subcellular organelles, have secretly evolved and developed an intelligence superior to Homo sapiens. Alternating between past and present, the story opens with a car crash that imperils the life of Kiyomi, the wife of scientist Toshiaki Nagashima; that "accident" sets in motion the mitochondria's elaborate scheme involving a parasitic kidney transplant to inherit the planet. The plot reaches almost farcical levels when the cell component manipulates organic matter to form podlike human simulacra, complete with fake genitalia. Readers expecting the thrills or suspense of Curt Siodmak's classic Donovan's Brain or even Michael Crichton's Prey will come away disappointed. (Sept.) Copyright copy; Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. "Parasite Eve combines Michael Crichton's scientific cutting-edge plausibility wiht David Cronenberg's abject flesh/sex horror. Throw in Frankenstein and The Blob, synthesize, and enjoy." - Fangoria "Parasite Eve will appeal to general readers, and not just devotees of science fiction and horror." - SF Magazine Japan About the AuthorHideaki Sena Ph.D. Pharmacology, was still a graduate student when his first novel, Parasite Eve, turned him into a pop cultural heavyweight. He became the first recipient of the Japan Horror Award and is credited-- alongside Koji Suzuki, whose Spiral appeared the same summer--with initiating a smart, new style of horror writing in Japan. Subsequent novels include the Japan Sci-Fi Award winner Brain Valley and Tomorrow's Robots. Dr. Sena, who lectures on microbiology and genre ficiton, lives in , Japan.

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