July 10, 2017 Via Electronic Email:
[email protected] Phillip Vinet, Mayor 2 Fifth Street P.O. Box1000 Balmertown, Ontario P0V 1C0 Greetings Mayor Vinet: RE: Far North Electoral Boundaries Commission – Release of Preliminary Report Thank you for hosting the Far North Electoral Boundaries Commission’s public information session. We are pleased to release the Preliminary Report including the Commission’s recommendations. For your reference, an electronic copy of the report has been attached to this letter. Hard copies of the Preliminary Report will follow by regular mail. The Far North Electoral Boundaries Commission will be accepting submissions on the Preliminary Report and recommendations in preparation of our final report and final recommendations due to the Honourable Minister Yasir Naqvi on August 1, 2017. Given the quickly approaching deadline of August 1, 2017 the Commission strongly encourages you to submit written submissions via email to
[email protected] as soon as possible. We will be receiving written submissions until 5 p.m. on July 13 th , 2017. We look forward to hearing from you and to the release of the Commission’s final report. Respectfully, The Honourable Joyce L. Pelletier Judge, Ontario Court of Justice Chair, Far North Electoral Boundaries Commission fnebc-cdcegn.ca 101-981 Balmoral Street 1-844-853-0958 Thunder Bay, Ontario P7B 0A6 Table of Contents 1. Executive Summary .................................................................................................. 5 2. Signatures of Commissioners ..................................................................................