Journal of Information and Computational Science ISSN: 1548-7741


Dr. Suryakanth Kokatanur Assistant Professor of History SCMP. Government First Grade college, Lokapur-587122 Dist: , Mob:9945159108


Toragal is a village in Ramdurga taluk of the Belgaum district. It was headquarters of Toragalenadu-6000 and administrative unit during the Seunas and the Vijayanagar empire.1 before that this area was under the control of the Chalukyas of Kalyan and their feudatories. After the fall of Vijayanagara Empire it was passed in the hands of Adil Shahis of Bijapur, the Mughals, the Marathas, local Jagidars and Desais. Several monumental, inscriptional and other evidences of this place have been identified and they help us to reconstruct the history of this place. Beautiful temples have been constructed and renovated by different rulers. Among them Bhutnath temple complex is well known for its incredible architecture. These temples were built by king Bhutesh(Bhutankush)2 and renovated by the subsequent rulers and these are temples the best examples of the Chalukyan architecture. The Torgal fort is also one of the well-known structure in this region. In this paper I tried to analyze the architectural importance of Bhutnath temples of Torgal village with the help of extensive field work.

KEY WORDS: Inscription, Torgal, Bhutnath, Shiva, Adil ShahisVijayanagar, Moghul, Architecture, Shivaji, Kadambanagara , Fort


Toragale is modern Torgal (presently known as Hole Torgal) village in Ramdurga taluka of Belgaum district of Karnataka. It is about 10 km. from taluka headquarters, which falls in the Khan Junipet revenue village on the bank of the river Malaprabha.3 It was also called as Toragale Six-thousand and Toragala in the inscriptions. It was chief town and the was headquarters of Toragalenadu, a 6,000 province under the Seunas and the Vijayanagar, which even continued to be the place of headquarters of a province former princely state of that name, now merged in Belgaum District. Geographically, it lies between15.94E and 75.22N. Toragl is said to have built in the year 1100 AD by a Hindu chief named Bhutankush.4 Toragal Six thousand was also one of the principal divisions of Kuntala( Country of Kuntala) 5 of famous political division of ancient Karnataka. A number of epigraphical and other evidences found here have help us to reconstruct the history of this village. It was part of the Rastrakutas, the Chalukyas of Kalyan, the Seunas, the Adils Shahi, the Vijayanagar, the

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Mughuls, Shivaji, the Peshwas and the British. It was also controlled by few local Jagirdars. Many temples have been built in this place. Among them Bhutnath temple complex is well known. There are more than eight temples belonged lord Shiva religion. Few are in good condition and some are in dilapidated condition. These resembles Dravida and Kadamaba Nagara temple (The Chalukyan and later Chalukyan)features. Presently these are protected by government of Karnataka.


The history of this area goes back to 9th century AD. Since it is on the bank of Malaprabha river, gave shelter to many kingdoms. The Rastrakutas were controlling this region with the help of their subordinate officers. An inscription from Konnur6 dated 860AD, refers that the Holeyarasa of Kolenur ruling from Konnur -7 administrative unit,. It was part of Toragale- 6000 during the rule of Amoghavarsha. Thus history of Toragale goes back to Rastrakutas. The Chalukyas of Kalyan with heir feudatories administered the Torgal and its surrounding area. Along with other parts of the Belgaum district, few officers were in charge of Torgal. The inscriptions found in different places help us to understand the history of Chalukyas. In 1050 A.D. when Akkadevi was administering Kisukadu -70, during that period Torgal-60 along with the council of consisted of seven members7 was also under her supervision. Another inscription from Sudi8 dated 1054 A.D. refers that the Chalukyan princess and sister of Jayashimha Akkadevi was ruling over the area of Toragale (Torgal), when she was overlord of Kisukadu-70. Certain Chagaladevi wife of a feudatory of Toragalenadu is mentioned in an inscription dated 1106 A.D. of Nilgund9 from in . It also refers the death of Chavugavunda and Holligavunda in a battle on the occasion of a campaign of Nilagunde by Chagaladevi. The Kadambas of Goa, have expanded their territory in Belgaum district. Epigraphical and other evidences help us to understand their influence over Torgal area. One of the inscription from Torgal dated 1187 A.D. belonged to the Kadambas of Goa,10 refers Mahamandaleshwar Barma and his wife his wife pious lady Suggaladevi. It records the grant of land to the god Suggaleshwar by Suggaladevi with permission of her husband. The Barma had titles of Dandiangova and Nigalankamalla. He controlled the areas of Lokapur-12, Holalagund-40,Kolenuru-30, Navilagunda-40 and other nearby areas. The Yadavas or Seunas of Devagiri also ruled over the vast area Maharastra and Karnataka. They had their sub-capital at Torgal and their officers were in charge of Torgalenadu-6000. Some of the epigraphical records refers the Seuna king Mahadeva and Singana along with their local officers. During 1223 A D this area was under the control of Singhana. One of Singhana-II's inscriptions dated 1223A.D. found at Manoli11 mentions his commander (General) Jagadala Purushottam as governing the Torgal Six-thousand and made several grants to the temple of Panchalingadeva at Munipura or Munivalli in Toragale-6000. An inscription dated 1263A.D. from Chouddadanapur,12 is an important source to reconstruct the history of Toragal. It is belonged to Mahadevaraya of Yadava king of Deavagiri. He was devotee of lord Shiva. There are references of various grants to lord Mukteshwar for the services of Linga and Jangama. These grants were made by Mahapradhana and Sarvadhikari Devarasa of Torgal

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to Shivadeva. Mukteshwar was one of the important Shiva centers of Karnataka. Another inscription13 from the same place dated 1265 AD from the same place refers the Kallarasa Mahapradhana of Toragal and his wife Kannadevi. Kannadadevi built the Kalideva temple in the memory of her deceased husband. She was a pious lady, was always engaged in the service of Guru and Jamgama. It also refers the Mahapradhana Devarasa who was ruling from his capital Torgal and grants were made by him to Mukteshwar. In the first half of the fourteenth century Vijayanagara empire came to power along with Bahamani sultans. The Viajayanagar empire also extended to few parts of Belgaum district.They had partial control over the district. A Chronicle of Torgal14, published by J.F.Fleet in 1876 is an one of the important records to reconstruct the history Vijayanagara in th Belgaum district area. It speaks about Vira Bukka the universal emperor and his minister Madhavamantri Vidyaranya. This is the reference to the Bukka-I. This Chronicle refers the other names of few princes like Narasinga,Viranarasinga, Krishan, Achuta, Sadashiava and Rama and etc. This record also refers the Veera Bukka had appointed members of a particular family of astrologers at Torgal. This record confirms Torgal and Belgaum were under Viajayanagara empire. Goribale15 inscription of Harihara-II speaks about Ganaga Amatya who was ruling over Toragale-6000. The name of Dandanayaka Goparasa is also referred. Inscriptions of Gumgol16 of the reign of the king Krihnadevaraya show that this tract was included in Toragale-venthe.16 It refers to Vira-Narasinganayaka and the Durgadhipati of Toragale. One of the inscriptions Murgod17 of Sadashivaraya speaks about the remission of the terige (tax) on the barbers of the villages in the Toragale-sime in favour of Timmoja, Kondoja and Bhadroja of the community. After the defeat of Vijayanagar in the famous battle of Talikot, the Adil Shahis of Bijapur extended their territory in Balgaum district. Torgal province was under the control of Adil Shahis of Bijapur. Two of Persian inscriptions of Adil Shahi period were found at Torgal.18 One is belonged to Ibrahim Adil Shah-I, records the completion of evidently of bastion in 1535A.D. by Ismail son of Abdul Aziz Khurd Sala (of younger age i.e. junior). Another is little damaged belonged to Ibrahim Adil Shah-II, records the construction of a Bastion called ‘Burj-i-husaini’in Shuhur in 1583A.D. by Khan –i- Azam Ibrahim Khan. The Adils Shahi havaldars of Toragal Ali Aga,Sultan Aga,Ramaji Pant, Krishnaji Pant, Abdulla Vaderu,Bade Malik,Sidi Yakot and Sidi Salim refered in the Torgal Chronicle.19 After the battle Ali Adil Shah took the fort of Torgal in east Belgaum, the sub- divisions of In 1566. Ali Adil Sháh rewarded Vitta Gauda by creating him Sar Desai of Torgal20 and conferred on him many rights and honours." Because during Ali Adil Shah's campaign against Vijayanagar, he marched with a force of 1,000 horse and 2,000 foot and having greatly distinguished himself by the capture of the fort of Torgal, he was entrusted with the subjection or the surrounding districts. But later on, Vitta Gowda seized a few strategic forts in Belgaum district and established himself at Torgal as a semi- independent ruler and refused to accept the suzerainty of Bijapur kings. But during 1575 Adil Shah marched on Turkul, that is Turgol. After a seize of seven months Vitta Gouda of Venkatti gave himself up and was put to death with tortures. 21 Torgal was part of Shivaji state. On marching towards other parts of Karnataka Shivaji halted at Toragl.22 In 1674 he built built the Rayagada23 at Torgal along with other forts of Belgaum District

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During 1685 Torgal was Mughal one of the Moghul Sarkars.24 In 1686 Bijapur was conquered by Aurangazebe and one of its nobel Abdul Rauf Khan entered the Moghul service and with the title of Dilwar Khan Bahadur Jang was appointed Mansabdar and granted him administrative powers over 22 mahals including Torgal.25 Few officers of Toragal who served during Moghuls like Killedars Kadiradad- Khan, Mahaja-Khan, Lachhiram and Ramasinga and etc are mentioned in the Torgal Chronicle.26 In 1690 the Maratha leader Rajaram took control of Torgal27 and later on in the year 1701 the fort of Torgal was taken by the Marathas. It was taken from Bijapur government by Narsorirao and given to him as saranjam or military grant by Rajaram (1689-1700).28 Narasoji was also honoured with the title, Sena Khas Khel. After the death of emperor Aurangzeb in 1707 A.D. this province came under the Kolahpur state. Even during 1780s Marathas rule, Navalgund Paragana was part of Torgal District. Later, the place came under the Kolhapur branch of Marathas, who had granted Torgal and other villages to a Sardar called Shinde.29 The British rule came to an end in August 1947 and the last among them was Narasojirao Shindhe, who ruled Torgal jahagir between 1932 and 1949. In 1949, the kingdom was merged into the republic of India30

3. DESCRIPTION OF TEMPLES As I have mentioned already, Torgal is situated on the river Malapahari or Malaparabaha witnessed some beautiful temples. These temples are built in the fort area. This is an area of temple complex. Because 8-9 temples are built together. Among them few are architecturally remarkable. These temples are called ‘Bhutnath’ temples. It is said that they are built in Bhuteya or Bhutankush. Some are in good condition and few are in ruined status. The Government of Karnakata has renovated few temples here. These beautifully created temples are wonderful examples of the Chalukyan, Later Chalukyan with Dravida and Kadambanagara architecture. These temples are dedicated lord Shiva and various grants were made towards various activities of these temples by Bhutnkush and subsequent rulers. This place was one of the well known Shiva centers and many saints were residing here. Decorated with beautiful carvings the temples are built in red sand stones and built on two to five feet height flat form. There are nine temples to gather, but here I am briefing about only six temples which are almost in good condition. Most of these temples have similar features with slight difference.The following is the brief analysis of these temples.

a) Bhutnath temple one:

This is the biggest and important among all temples of Toragl. It is in good condition and built in Chalukyan style with red sand stone. Facing east has a garbhagriha, an antarala and a navarang having three side entrances. It is a nirandhar temple. This temple is dedicated to lord Shiva and this is the only temple worshipped by the people. In the garbhagriha an ancient Shivling is installed and four corner pillars here. The ceiling is decorated with inverted padma and a small step like structure is attached to the western part of the wall. Its doorway is decorated with sthambha shakha model. In the lalata portion is not fully visible due to application of whitewash on it. A jalapranali is attached to the garbhagriha and is decorated with makara.

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The antarala is attached with the garbhagriha. Here also we find inverted padma is attached in the ceiling. The door jamb is decorated with (pierced window) jalandras with octagonal designs. Gajalaxmi is engraved in the lalata of anatarala doorway. Two ardhagambas are also attached in the either sides of the doorway.Four devakoshta (decorative niche) are created in the wall of antarala and corners of navarang. Presently the Shivalings are being installed in two koshtas and other two are empty. These khostas are well embellished with architectural detailing to the effect that each resembles a small shrine complete with elaborate vimana structure and supported with two circular pillar like structures. They are having dravida shikhara miniatures on the top of these devakoshtas. This temple has a spacious navaranga with beautifully carved four pillars and a square like flat form is created in the centre of the navarang which is now covered with modern tiles and a Nandi is installed on this. Along with four main pillars eight other pillars also attached in the navrang. These pillars are decorated with various designs. The peetha part of the pillars is simple in nature. They are only decorated with nasis. The pada part is square. In the dandabhaga is decorated with octagonal, chain and ghata like designs. In dandagra part kalasha and other circular strips are running around the pillars. In the potika part square type plates are created. Along with these four pillars other twelve pillars are also beautifully designed. They are decorated with octagonal, lotus and garland type designs. Eight pillars are also attached with the kaksana part.The bhuvaneshwari of navaranga is decorated with beautifully carved inverted lotus. The temple has open mukhamantapa and decorated lotus in the ceiling. Three entrances have roof slab with slope and attached to the mukhamantapa. The entrances of north, west and south the mukhamanatapa are running through the yalis and they are decorated with floral designs. Originally it had slopping roofs on four sides of built of laterite by corbelling. Much of the old roof slabs have been collapsed and accordingly at present it is covered new slabs. The kaksasana part made the temple made more beautiful which runs around the three sides of the temple with slanted parapets. Here also few new slabs are attached. Eighteen semi pillars are attached here. Outer side of this part is embossed with various carvings. Flowers, pot like, shimhaprabhavali, Anjaneya, erotic scenes and other sculptures are engraved. The outer wall, (bhitti part) of the temple is chiseled with beautiful engravings. Miniature decorative dravida style tower (aedicule) miniature pillars(kudyasthambha) are extended up to prastara part of the temple. Between the passages pillars and nagar shikhara models are engraved. They are decorated with shala, shikhara models and shimha prabhavali. There are sculptures of different gods, human figurines and floral articulations etc. The models devakostas are also engraved and they have shikhara models. The adhistan part is simple and resembles upana, jagati and kumuda like feature. The temple had beautifully decorated dravida shikhara with sukhanasa on its garbhagriha. It is consisted of shala, talaprastahara, nashikosta, karnakuta, kshudranashi, griva, nashi, stupi and kalasha and other etc.

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b) Temple two:

This temple is facing to main temples towards west having a common entrance. Built on five feet high flat form. It has a garbhagriha, an open antarala, a avarang and three entrances. In the garbhagriha facing west has an ancient Shivling. There four corner pillars here and the ceiling is decorated with inverted padma and a small step like structure is attached to the northern part of the wall with nasis. Its doorway is simple. The udumbara of the doorway has decorated sculpture and it is almost invariably possesses a central semicircular projection. The jalapranali is attached to the northern part of the garbhagriha The temple has an open antarala and it is connected to navaranag. This temple has a open navarang with simple carved four pillars and a square like flat form is created in the centre. Along with four main pillars eight other pillars also attached in the navrang. These pillars are decorated with various designs. Its peetha is simple, ispada part is in square. The ashtakona and padma structures are created in dandabhaga and in the dandagra part the pillars are have circular designs. Above these the vrutavetra and harikas are engraved with square plates. In the upper most part the potika is simple. Along with the main four pillars, additional eighteen pillars beautified this temple. The bhuvaneshwari of navarang is decorated with inverted padma and the same padma decorations have been engraved in the four corners of ceiling. The temple has tree entrances in west, north and south. The western face is connected to the common entrance of the main Bhutnath temple. Four small pillars are attached to these entrance. Three entrances have roof slab with slope and attached to the mukhamantapa. These slabs have semi circular curves facing upward. Outer side of the slabs are decorated with nasis. In the lower portion of these slabs are also decorated with floral like designs. The entrances are attached with steps.The outer wall (bhitti) is simple, because the walls of garbhagriha are fully renovated. The shikhara part of is fully vanished. The adhistan part is also simple having features like upana and jagati. There are pot hole which witnessed the kaksasana was created in three sides of the temple. But parapet part of kakasana is not existed today. Only the potholes are visible.

c) Temple three:

This is one of the famous temples which is in good condtion. It is located to the south of main Bhutnath temple and built in red sandstone. Facings towards north consisting of a garbhagriha, an antarala and a navarang. The garbhagriha is spacious in size and a Shivaling is enshrined in it. Four corner pillars are installed and they are decorated in lower portion. The ceiling is decorated with inverted padma (lotus). The lalata has a carving of a sculpture, but it is not in good condition. Above the lalata, a stone panel consisting of nasi is attached. Three dravida shikhara models are engraved. The pedya part is simple and udumbara of the doorway has decorated with two fold semi circular projection. A jalapranali is attached to the garbhagriha in the eastern side of the wall. An antarala is connected with the navaranga and garbhagriha. The the doorway is decorated with sthambha shakha model. Lalata is decorated with gajalaxmi sculpture. A panel with nasi is attached and above this three dravid shikhara models have been created.

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Two square pillars are installed either side of the entrance. Two devakostas are created in the corner walls of antarala and navarang. They are designed with stambhshakha pillars and decorated like a temple with shikhara, stupi and kalasha. The nasi designs are decorated like kadambanagara shikhara. No sculptures or images of gods are kept in the koshtas. The temple has a spacious navaranga having four decorated pillars in the centre. A square flat form with circular design is added in the middle. The ceiling is decorated with inverted padma. Along with this eight miniatures of lotus have been created in the panel. The pillars have beautifully carving like the Chalukyan pillars. Lower peetha part is decorated with nasis. Pada part is simple and engraved with square like design. Above this danda part is engraved with padma. Above this portion the panels of octagonal and square are created. The same designs are repeated in dandagra part of the pillar. Some circular, pot like structures and square panels are designed in mandi part of the pillar. Bodhige or potika part is simple. Along with the four main pillars, fourteen general pillars and two corner pillars are also attached in the navaranga area. The temple has open mukhamantapa attached with kaksasana. The has three entrances to the east, north are decorated with yali and steps. Above these entrances have flat roofs with stones slabs arranged in slope. The kaksasana which runs around the three sides of the temple connected with entrances joined with slanted parapets. In this portion eights pillars(half pillars) are created and they are also designed like main pillars. The outer part of the kaksasana is plain. The bhitti part of the temple is simple and plain. Only devakostakas have been created in three sides of the wall of the garbhagriha. They resemble like models of temples. They also resembles the features of sthambha shakha and dravida shikhara models with stupi and kalasha and this stupi part is decorated with nasis. The temple has a shikhara of kadambanagara style. It is in good condition. The kadamba temples vimana usually square in plan, the tower is pyramidal shape and constitutes a series of horizontal step stages decorated with uniform series of quadrangular vertical projections and covering vestibules attached to vimana. In this shikhara fourteen stages have been created with uniform series of quadrangular vertical projections. The stages are more numerous and less elevated, devoid of pavilion ornamentation. Presently the kalasha part is damaged. In the vimana, below the stupi part three sides are decorated with ornamented with sculptures of different god and goddesses. In the south, the panels of Vishnu and his various avataras are created. In the north, Krihsna, Vishnu, Saraswati and other images and in the western part lord Shiva, Ganesha and others sculptures have been attached. In eastern portion of the vimana decorated sukhanasi is designed. The temple has a simple adhistan which runs up to kakasana part. The outer part of kakasana reflects upana, jagati and kumuda like features.

c) Temple four:

This is also one of the temples in good condition. It is also situated to the south of main temple. Facing east has garbhagriha, an antarala and a navaranag. It is ekakuta (single cell) and a nirandhara temple. The garbhagriha is empty. No gods have been installed. As per the local people a Shivalinga was installed there but, it is dislocated now. This part of the temple is dug-up by robbers. There are four corner pillars and ceiling is decorated with

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inverted padma. The northern side of the wall is consisted a half flat form like structure. The doorway of the entrance is simple and decorated with sthabha shakha model. Gajalaxmi is engraved in the lalata along with floral design. In the uttaranga part few shikhara models are created but they are not in good condition. Two half pillars are attached with either sides of the doorway. A jalapranali is attached to the northern part of the garbhagriha and has been used as outlet used water from garbhagriha. The antarala as usual created with garbhagriha. The ceiling of anatarala is also decorated with the inverted padma. The doorway is simple and tree sides of this door is decorated with jalandra. They are in octagonal designs. Two devakostas attached to the wall of antarala. They are very simple in nature and four shikhara models have been created. Presently these koshtas are empty. A navarang is connected anaratala. There are four grotted main pillars in the middle. Between these pillars a square like flat form is added which connects the four central pillars. The ceiling is decorated with inverted padma. The pillars are decorated like Kalyana Chalukyan style. The peetha part is simple with nasis. The pada part is square and decorated with upwarded padma. Above this octagonal and square like panels have been created. The nasis are designed over this and kumbha like panel is also executed. Over the kumbha part vrutavetra and hariti panels are seen in the mandi part of the pillar and square like plates have been added. The potika part is simple. The navarang has three side entrances towards east, north and south. The roofs over these entrances are flat with stone slabs. The entrances are attached with steps and yalis in either side. The temple also has a ksasasana part which runs along with the three sides of the entrances. This part is decorated with half pillars. These are also designed like main pillars and connected to the ceiling. The outer part is simple. Most of the slabs(slanted parapet) in the kaksasana are dislocated. The temple has a beautiful kadambanagara shikhara. The vimana usually square in plan, the tower is pyramidal shape and constitutes a series of horizontal step stages decorated with uniform series of quadrangular vertical projections. This temple also has a Kadamba nagara shikhara. It had seven pyramidcal steps like super structure above the lintel level. The these steps are decorated with nasis. Above this the stupi part is also designed with nasis. The kalasha is not there and it is dislocated. Facing towards the east the shikhara is attached with a sukhanasi (projecting part of shikahara) in eastern side and decorated arch like structure and covered with three side slabs. The bhitti part is simple. The adhistan part looks simple and most of its part is buried in the ground.

d) Temple five:

This temple is also situated to the north of Bhutnath temple. It is also built in red sand stone. Facing east has a garbhagriha, an antarala and a navarang having three side entrances. It is also a nirandhar temple. In the garbhagriha enshrined with an ancient Shivaling, it has been kept aside by robbers by digging up its foundation. As usual four corner pillars seen here and the ceiling is decorated with inverted padma. Along with this, a small step like structure is attached to the western part of the wall. Its doorway is simple. In the lalata portion Gajalaxmi is engraved. Over this panel a series of some shikhara type of models are

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designed in a panel. In the udumbar part, it is decorated with the projection of a six fold stone carving. A jalapranali is attached in the northern part of the garbhagriha. Antarala is attached with the garbhagriha and its ceiling is inverted padma. The door jamb is decorated with jalandras (pierced window) with octagonal designs. The sculpture in the lalata part is not visible. Two devakoshta are created in the wall of antarala and corners of navarang. Presently they are empty. They are having nagara shikhara miniatures and nasis on the top. This temple has a navarang with beautifully carved four pillars and a square like flat form is created in the centre. Along with four main pillars, eight other pillars also attached in the navarang. These pillars are decorated with various designs. They looks like the Chalukyan pillars. The peetha part of the pillars is simple in nature and decorated with nasis. The pada part is square. In the dandabhaga is engraved with octagonal, chain, circular designs, ghata like designs. In dandagra part kalasha and other circular strips are running around the pillars. In the potika part square type plates have been installed. We can see eight pillars in the kaksana part and they are also decorated with square, padma, octagonal and square type designs. The bhuvaneshwari of navaranga is decorated with beautifully carved inverted lotus. There are three entrances connected with navaranag in east, south and northern part. They are also attached with the steps and decorated either side with hasti hast type of yalis. The temple has beautifully designed kaksasana. Eighteen semi pillars are attached here. This part is attached with slanted parapets. Outer portion is embossed with various carvings like flowers, pot like, shimhaprabhavali, kumbhalate, Anjaneya, erotic scenes and other sculptures are beautifully executed. The temple has a beautiful kadambanagara shikhara. The vimana usually square in plan, the tower is pyramidal shape and constitutes a series of horizontal seven step stages decorated with nasis. Above this the stupi part is also decorated with nasis. The kalasha is installed on the top of shikhara. Facing towards the east, the shikhara is attached with a sukhanasi in eastern side and decorated arch like structure and covered with three side slabs. The bhitti part is very simple and it doesn’t have any sculptures.The adhistan part is simple and it is almost buried in the ground.

e) Temple six: This is also one of the simple temples and it is in good condition. It is also located in south of main temple. Facing north has a garbhagriha, an antarala and an open navaranag. It is also ekakuta (single cell) and a nirandhara temple built on two feet high flat form. In garbhagriha a shivlinga is enshrined on a half feet high pani peetha. The entrances of the garbhagriha is simple with four panels. The lalata is empty and uttarang part is also not fully visible. The antarala as usual created and connected with garbhagriha. The ceiling of anatarala is also decorated with the inverted padma. The doorway is simple and three sides of this door in two rows , decorated with jalandras. They are in octagonal designs. The lalata part is not visible. The jalapranali is attached in the western part of the garbhagriha. There is an open navarang in the temple. There are four simple main pillars in the middle. Between these pillars a square like flat form is added which connects the four central pillars. The ceiling is decorated with inverted padma. There are other four miniature padma decoration in the beams of the navaranag. Four central pillars are simple and they have

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simple peeth. The pada part is square. The danda part is designed with geometrical designs octagonal and hexadecagon panels. The dandagra part is fully plain and circular. Above this nasis have been created. Potika part is also very simple. The navaranga has its entrance in three side. The three edges of the navaranga is covered with slabs arranged in slope like Kadamba temples. These slab are big in size and they are bent like semi circular in inside the hall. The entrances are attached with steps and yalis in either side. The bhitti part is simple. The adhistan part looks simple The shikhara part is completely ruined. Regarding kaksasana at present we can see only the potholes for which the slanted parapets were to be fixed on kaksasana portion.


Torgal was one of the historically important place since ancient time. The Chalukyas of Kalyan, the Seuna, the Adil Shahi, the Moghul, the Peshwas, the Marathas and others ruled here. It was considered as a capital and a sub capital for few ruler. They have directly or indirectly and built several temples and grants were made for the development of these temples. Over the period these temples have been renovated by kings and their officers. They have also issued inscriptions which help us to reconstruct the history of ancient Toragal. Today Torgal has become a place of interest. Many tourist, even foreign people visits this place. The temple complex is now protected by the government and local people have also taken keen interest in protection of these monuments. Even few garbhagrihas of the temples are being dug-up by robbers and Shivling and other images are displaced for various reasons. This should be stopped and government must ensure the safety of these historically important monuments. Thus we protect our heritage and legacy.


1. A district Census hand book Belgaum,2011, Directorate of Census Operations, Karnataka, Bengaluru,2011, pp-84 2. Campbell James ,Gazetteer o the Bombay Presidency, Volume-XXIV, Kolhapur- 1886,pp- 320 3. A district Census hand book Belgaum,2011 Directorate of Census Operations, Karnataka, Bengaluru,2011, pp-84 4. Campbell James , Kolhapur- 1886,pp-320 5. Campbell James ,Gazetteer o the Bombay Presidency,Volume-XXII,Dharwad- 1884,pp- 397 6. Epigraphia Indica-VI,pp-25-37 7. Epigraphia Carnatica-XV,pp-78-79, South Indian Inscriptions-XI.PI.86(BKI-48 of 1927 8. South Indian Inscriptions-XI.II.91 BKI-290 of 1926-27 9. South Indian Inscriptions –XI.II .188 BKI-166 of 1928-29 10. Suryanath Kamat (Ed)., Karnatak State Gazetteer, Belgaum District, 1987,pp-949 11. Journal of Bombay Branch of Royal Asiatic Society, XII-1886, pp-03 12. South Indian Inscriptions –XVIII.No.246

Volume 10 Issue 4 - 2020 185 Journal of Information and Computational Science ISSN: 1548-7741

13. South Indian Inscriptions –XVIII.No.249 14. Indian Antiquary-V,pp-33-35 15. Indian Antiquary-V-II,pp-95 16. South Indian Inscriptions, XV, No No.250 (B.K.No. 223 of 1929-30) 17. Annual Report of South Indian Epigraphy-1935,pp-245 18. A district Census hand book Belgaum,2011 Directorate of Census Operations, Karnataka, Bengaluru,2011, pp-84 19. Indian Antiquary,V-II,pp-95 20. H. J. Stokes , An Historical Account of The Belgaum District in the Bombay Presidency, Byculla.1870,pp-36. 21. Campbell James, Belagum- 1884,pp-371-72 22. R. Sathianathaier, R. Sathyanatha Aiyar, History of the Nayaks of Madura, Asian Educational Services, Madura1991 - pp-179 23. H. J. Stokes , An Historical Account of the Belgaum District in the Bombay Presidency at the Education Society's Press1 Byculla.1870,pp-42 24. Campbell James,Dharwad, 1884,pp-442 25. Campbell James, - Belgaum,1884,pp-376 26. Indian Antiquary,V-33-35 27. Campbell James , ,Kolhapur- 1886,pp-321 28. H. J. Stokes , An Historical Account of The Belgaum District in the Bombay Presidency at the Education Society's Press1 Byculla.1870,pp-45 29. Suryanath Kamat (Ed)., Karnataka State Gazetteer, Belgaum District, 1987,pp-949 30.

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