FACULTY PROFILE 1. Name (Block letters) ` : DR.SHIVAYOGI R. KORISHETTAR 2. Date of Birth : 20-07-1967. 3. Mother tongue : Kannada 4. Blood group : O +tv 5. Present designation : Assistant Professor 6. Category : GM 7. Residential Address : Sadashiva Nagar, Ist Cross , Lakamapur Haveri-581110. 8. Permanent Address : Do 9. Phone Numbers : --- Residence Phone No : --- Mobile No : 9844191975 Email :
[email protected] 10. Academic Qualifications: (from UG course) Sl.No. Qualification University Year of Class Awards Passing 1. B. A. K U Dharwad. 1988 II 2. M. A. K U Dharwad. 1990 II 3. Dip in Epi K U Dharwad. ,, 4. Ph.D. K U Dharwad. 2018 11. Service particulars: Sl Position Year Name of the Institution No. From To 1. Part-Time Lecturer 1991 1997 M A S C College, in History Haunsbhavi. Tq, Hirekerur 2. Temporary Lecturer 1998 2005 S R.R. College, in History Ranebennur. 3. Permanent 2005 Till today KLE’s G. H. College, Haveri. Assistance Professor in History 12.Research : Thrust area of research a) Title of the Research : Basauru-140: A Cultural Study b) Projects sanctioned : Title of Minor/major projects : Grant (in lakhs) c) Projects completed/Submitted : d) Publications : National/international Peer reviewed journals /others. Details: 1) Karajagiya Jaina yakshiya Apurva Shilpa Shasana Shasana Adhyayana, Vol,9 (ISSN 2277-4041) 2014.Page No-38 to 41 2) Pracheena Shakti Devateya Aradhana Kendra Divyada Posavuru Itihasa Darshana, Vol,29 (ISBN No.978-81-921255-4-1) 2014. Page No-215-217 3) Historical Tanks of Basavuru Kampana (With Special Reference to Heggere of Haveri ) Global Journal For Research Analysis International Vol-3, Issue-10, Oct 2014.