Nanakian Philosophy ( Gurmat ) The Path of Enlightenment by Baldev Singh, Ph.D. 2035 Tres Picos Drive, Yuba City, CA 95993, USA E-mail:
[email protected] Telephone: 530-870-8040 CONTENTS INTRODUCTION Chapter 1: Guru Nanak & the Indian Society Chapter 2: The Nanakian Philosophy Introduction Theology/Religion 1. God 2. Guru and Sikh 3. Purpose of Life 4. Soul 5. Salvation 6. Divine Benevolence Cosmology 1. Cosmos and Evolution 2. Hukam 3. Ecology/Environmental Harmony Cause of Human Progress and Suffering Maya and Haumai Repudiation of Old Dogmas 1. Karma and Reincarnation 2. Hell and Heaven Universal Equality and Human Values 1. Moral and Social Responsibility 2. Ethics a. Knowledge b. Truthful Living c. Compassion d. Love e. Humility and Forgiveness 3. Exaltation of Woman a. Role of Women in the Sikh Revolution 4. Message of Universal Humanism Justice and Peace 1. Just Rule 2. Babur Bani Establishment of Sikh Panth Punjabi Language and Literature Conclusion Introduction Guru Nanak’s advent (1469-1539) is an epoch-making singular event in the recorded history. His unique, revolutionary and liberating philosophy of universal humanism –liberty, love, respect, justice and equality, is applicable for all. Sikhs and non-Sikhs alike have written abundantly about him, on his philosophy in Punjabi, English and some other languages. Regrettably, most if not all, is addressed in a superficial, superfluous and contradictory manner; so much so that some authors in the spirit of ignorance even exercised repudiation of Nanak’s precious thoughts which are enshrined in the Aad Guru Granth Sahib (Sikh Scripture), the only authentic source of the Nanakian philosophy ( Gurma t).