Inside-Outside on the Work of Petra Blaisse and the Architecture of the Drape
Dirk van den Heuvel I wish to thank Petra Blaisse, without whom this article would not have been Inside-outside possible. I had a number of extensive conversations with her about her work. She was also very helpful with the On the work of Petra Blaisse selection and provision of illustrations. 1 and the architecture The most interesting publications in this connection are: Hans Kollhoff (ed.), Uber Tektonik in der Baukunst, of the drape Braunschweig/Wiesbaden, 1993; Werner Oechslin, Stilhulse und Kern. Otto Wagner, Adolf Laos und der evolu tionare Weg zur modernen Architectur, 1994; Origins Zurich/Berlin, Kenneth Frampton, Studies into tectonic culture. The poetics of construction in nineteenth and For a long time, the drape was unthinkable as a part of architec twentieth century architecture, ture. Modern architectural thinking was dominated by structure Cambridge/London, 1995; Mark Wigley, and construction. Rereadings of Gottfried Semper's theories White walls, designer dresses. The brought about a radical change in the description of contemporary fashioning of modern architecture, Cambridge/London, 1995; Harry Francis architectural production. In retrospect, this rereading has led to Mallgrave, Gottfried Semper, architect of fundamental rewritings of the history of modern architecture. the nineteenth century, New The textile, the woven material that Semper indicated as one of Haven/London, 1996. the original, or primal, sources of architecture, was further 2 elaborated into a possible tectonic theory of architecture. Te xtile, Henk Engel, 'Stijl en expressie', in: Jan de Heer (ed.), Kleuren architectuur, moreover, was linked with an understanding of the outer wall as Rotterdam, 1986, pp. 63-74.
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