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PERRY COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA Update – 2005 A NATURAL AREAS INVENTORY OF PERRY COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA Update – 2005 A NATURAL AREAS INVENTORY OF PERRY COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA Update – 2005 Prepared by: The Pennsylvania Science Office The Nature Conservancy 208 Airport Drive Middletown, Pennsylvania 17057 Submitted to: The Tri-County Regional Planning Commission Dauphin County Veterans Memorial Office Building 112 Market Street, Seventh Floor Harrisburg, PA 17101-2015 (717) 234-2639 This project was financed in part by a grant from the Keystone Recreation, Park and Conservation Fund, under the administration of the PA Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, Bureau of Recreation and Conservation and a Community Development Block Grant, under the administration of the PA Department of Community and Economic Development, Office of Community Development and Housing. ii Subwatersheds of Perry County Perry Co Perry_cnty_others.shp Perry Co streams (order) 0 - 2 2 - 4 4 - 7 Perry_subsheds.shp Forested buffers help protect streams and creeks "BLAIN HOLLOW" "GUTSHALL HOLLOW" from non-point sources of pollution and help "LITTLE INDIAN HOLLOW" "PO TASH HOLL OW" maintain cool water temperatures for improved "SHAW HOLLOW" "STAMHAUGH HOLLOW" "STILLHOUSE HOLLOW" water quality and wildlife habitat. "TOAD HOLLOW" "WILDCAT HOLLOW" "WOLF HOLLOW" ACKER RUN BAILEY RUN BAKEN CREEK BARGERS RUN BIG SPRING RUN BIXLER RUN BOARD RUN BOWERS RUN BOYERS RUN BRYSON HOLLOW RUN BUCKS RUN BUCKWHEAT RUN BUFFALO CREEK BULL RUN COCOLAMUS CREEK COVE CREEK CRAIG RUN DARK RUN DOBSON RUN FISHING CREEK FISHING RUN Preservation and repair of forested FOWLER HOLLOW RUN GREEN VALLEY RUN stream corridors in even heavily HARTS RUN HEMLOCK RUN urbanized areas can significantly HORSE VALLEY RUN HORTING RUN increase protection for water quality HOWE RUN HUNTERS RUN and wildlife habitat within the region. JUNIATA RIVER KANSAS VALLEY RUN KRAMER RUN LAUREL RUN LITTLE BUFFALO CREEK LITTLE JUNIATA CREEK LITTLE VALLEY CREEK LOSH RUN LUTMAN RUN MCCABE RUN MONTOUR CREEK MUDDY RUN PANTHER CREEK PATTERSON RUN PERRY FURNACE RUN PISGAH RUN RACCOON CREEK REIDERS RUN SHERMAN CREEK SHULTZ CREEK SO UTH BRANCH LAUREL RUN SPRUCE RUN SU GAR RU N SUSQUEHANNA RIVER TROUT RUN WEST BRANCH CONOCOCHEAGUE CREEK WH ITE R UN WIL DC AT RUN iii Perry County Site Index # 1 LIVERPOOL Site Index by Township 2 # 19 GREENW OOD # TUSCA RORA HOWE O L BUFFALO I 18 V 15 E # R # JUN IA TA # 17 # WATTS 3 # 20 # # # 14 16 MILLER SAVILLE 13 # # 21 31 # 22 # 4 WHEATFIELD CENTRE # NORTHEAST 12 MADISON 11 SPR ING # 5 SOUTHWEST # 10 # TYRONE # 32 MADISON 23 # 6 24 PEN N # # # # 7 25 9 # 33 # 6 # RYE JACKS ON 29 CARROLL # # 28 # 34 8 35 # # # # 40 TO B OYN E # 26 # 39 27 # # 38 36 DA LM ATIA 37 # # 1 MIL LERS TO W N MIL LERS BURG MEX ICO RE W ARD 2 # 19 # 18 15 SPRUCE HILL # NE W PORT # 17 # # 3 # 20 # # # 14 MC COYSVILLE 16 13 ICKESBURG # # 21 DUNCANNON 31 # 22 # 4 HA LIFAX # 12 11 # 5 # 10 # ANDERSONBURG # 32 23 # 6 24 # # # # 7 BLAIRS 25 9 # MILLS 33 # 6 # LANDISBURG # BLAIN 29 # 28 # 34 8 35 # # # # SHERMANS DALE WERTZVILLE HA RRIS BURG # 26 40 WEST # 39 27 # NE W VIL LE 38 # DOYLESBURG 36 37 NE W BURG # Site Index by USGS Quadrangle iv Index to Perry County Sites—Listed by Site Number • Note that natural areas with species of special concern are in capital letters while locally significant sites are in lower case letters throughout the document. • Sites numbered from West to East, North to South Site Changes Since USGS Page(s) Site Name Municipality # 2000 Quadrangle(s) SUSQUEHANNA RIVER AT STATE Liverpool Twp. & Dauphin 1 NEW Millersburg 52 GAME LANDS #258 Co. SUSQUEHANNA RIVER AT Buffalo Twp. & Dauphin 2 NEW Millersburg 36 MILLERSBURG Co. Buffalo & Watts Twp. & 3 SUSQUEHANNA RIVER AT HALIFAX NEW Halifax 36, 84 Dauphin Co. 4 STATE GAME LANDS #290 Watts Twp. & Dauphin Co. Duncannon, Halifax 84 Duncannon, SUSQUEHANNA RIVER AT 5 NEW Penn Twp. & Dauphin Co. Harrisburg West, 62 SPEECEVILLE Wertzville Penn, Rye Twps. & 6 SECOND MOUNTAIN CLIFFS Harrisburg West 62, 66 Dauphin Co SUSQUEHANNA RIVER AT FORT Rye Twp., & Daupnin & 7 UPDATED Harrisburg West 66 HUNTER/ROCKVILLE Cumberland Cos. LAMBS GAP/TROUT RUN 8 UPDATED Rye Twp. Wertzville 66 HEADWATERS 9 Pine Ridge Swamp Penn, Rye Twps. Wertzville 62, 66 10 SHERMANS CREEK AT PINE RIDGE Wheatfield Twp. Wertzville 88 Duncannon, 11 COVE MOUNTAIN SLOPES Penn Twp. 62 Wertzville AQUEDUCT BLUFFS/JUNIATA RIVER Penn, Watts Twps. & 12 Duncannon 62, 84 SCOUR Dauphin Co. 13 LOSH RUN VALLEY Miller, Wheatfield Twps. Duncannon 54, 88 14 WATTS MOUNTAIN Watts Twp. Duncannon 84 JUNIATA RIVER AT HALF Buffalo, Howe, Miller, 36, 46, 15 UPDATED Duncannon FALLS/HALF FALLS MOUNTAIN Watts Twps. 54, 84 16 WHITE RUN VALLEY Miller Twp. Duncannon 54 JUNIATA RIVER SCOUR AT 46, 54, 17 Howe, Miller, Oliver Twps. Duncannon TRIMMERS ROCK 60 Howe, Oliver Twps. & 18 JUNIATA RIVER AT NEWPORT Newport 46, 60 Newport Boro. Greenwood, Oliver, JUNIATA RIVER - MILLERSTOWN 44, 60, 19 Tuscarora Twps. & Millerstown TO OLD FERRY STATION 80 Millerstown Boro. 20 LITTLE BUFFALO CREEK MARSH UPDATED Centre, Juniata Twp. Newport 42, 50 21 LIMESTONE RIDGE WOODS Centre Twp. Newport 42 v Site Changes Since USGS Page(s) Site Name Municipality # 2000 Quadrangle(s) BOX HUCKLEBERRY STATE FOREST 22 Centre Twp Newport 42 NATURAL AREA Landisburg, 23 MILLIGAN RIDGE PONDS UPDATED Spring Twp. 74 Shermans Dale 24 Gibsons Rock Woods Carroll Twp. Shermans Dale 40 SHERMANS CREEK - DROMGOLD TO Shermans Dale, 25 UPDATED Carroll Twp. 40 SHERMANS DALE Wertzville Tyrone Twp. & 26 WAGGONERS GAP NEW Landisburg 82 Cumberland Co. Tyrone Twp. & 27 FLAT ROCK SITE NEW Andersonburg 82 Cumberland Co. Tyrone Twp. & 28 TUSCARORA TRAIL SITE NEW Andersonburg 82 Cumberland Co. 29 BOWERS MOUNTAIN SITE - EAST Jackson Twp. Andersonburg 48 30 Bull Run School Cliffs Jackson Twp. Andersonburg 48 PEPPERBUSH HILL PONDS / LIBERTY 31 UPDATED Northeast Madison Twp. Spruce Hill 58 VALLEY POOLS 32 BIG KNOB NEW Jackson Twp. Blain 48 CONOCOCHEAGUE MOUNTAIN 33 NEW Toboyne Twp. Blairs Mills, Blain 76 SITE 34 FOWLER HOLLOW ROAD SITE Toboyne Twp. Blain 76 35 BOWERS MOUNTAIN SITE - WEST Jackson, Toboyne Twp. Blain 48, 76 Toboyne Twp. & 36 THREE SQUARE HOLLOW EAST Newburg 76 Cumberland Co. Toboyne Twp. & Franklin, 37 GUNTER VALLEY AND RIDGES NEW Newburg 76 Cumberland Cos. Toboyne Twp. 38 SECOND NARROWS SLOPES UPDATED Newburg 76 & Franklin Co. Blairs Mills, 39 THE HEMLOCKS Toboyne Twp. 76 Newburg 40 BIG ROUND TOP WOODS UPDATED Toboyne Twp. Blairs Mills 76 vi Index to Perry County Sites—Listed Alphabetically by Site Name • Note that natural areas with species of special concern are in capital letters while locally significant sites are in lower case letters throughout the document. • Sites numbered from West to East, North to South Site Changes USGS Site Name Municipality Page (s) # Since 2000 Quadrangle(s) AQUEDUCT BLUFFS/JUNIATA Penn, Watts Twps. & 12 Duncannon 62, 84 RIVER SCOUR Dauphin Co. 32 BIG KNOB NEW Jackson Twp. Blain 48 40 BIG ROUND TOP WOODS UPDATED Toboyne Twp. Blairs Mills 76 BOWERS MOUNTAIN SITE - 29 Jackson Twp. Andersonburg 48 EAST BOWERS MOUNTAIN SITE - 35 Jackson, Toboyne Twp. Blain 48, 76 WEST BOX HUCKLEBERRY STATE 22 Centre Twp Newport 42 FOREST NATURAL AREA 30 Bull Run School Cliffs Jackson Twp. Andersonburg 48 CONOCOCHEAGUE 31 NEW Toboyne Twp. Blairs Mills, Blain 76 MOUNTAIN SITE COVE MOUNTAIN OUTCROP see SECOND MOUNTAIN CLIFFS Duncannon, 11 COVE MOUNTAIN SLOPES Penn Twp. 62 Wertzville Tyrone Twp. & 27 FLAT ROCK SITE NEW Andersonburg 82 Cumberland Co. FOWLER HOLLOW ROAD 34 Toboyne Twp. Blain 76 SITE 24 Gibsons Rock Woods Carroll Twp. Shermans Dale 40 GUNTER VALLEY AND Toboyne Twp. & Franklin, 37 NEW Newburg 76 RIDGES Cumberland Cos. HALF FALLS MOUNTAIN see JUNIATA RIVER AT HALF FALLS/HALF FALLS MOUNTAIN JUNIATA RIVER - Greenwood, Oliver, 19 MILLERSTOWN TO OLD Tuscarora Twps. & Millerstown 44, 60, 80 FERRY STATION Millerstown Boro. JUNIATA RIVER AT HALF see JUNIATA RIVER AT HALF FALLS/HALF FALLS MOUNTAIN FALLS JUNIATA RIVER AT HALF Buffalo, Howe, Miller, 36, 46, 54, 15 FALLS/HALF FALLS UPDATED Duncannon Watts Twps. 84 MOUNTAIN JUNIATA RIVER AT see JUNIATA RIVER - MILLERSTOWN TO OLD FERRY STATION MILLERSTOWN Howe, Oliver Twps. & 18 JUNIATA RIVER AT NEWPORT Newport 46, 60 Newport Boro. JUNIATA RIVER SCOUR AT 17 Howe, Miller, Oliver Twps. Duncannon 46, 54, 60 TRIMMERS ROCK vii Site Changes USGS Site Name Municipality Page (s) # Since 2000 Quadrangle(s) JUNIATA RIVER TO OLD see JUNIATA RIVER - MILLERSTOWN TO OLD FERRY STATION FERRY STATION LAMBS GAP/TROUT RUN 8 UPDATED Rye Twp. Wertzville 66 HEADWATERS LAUREL RUN ROAD SITE see SECOND NARROWS SLOPES LIBERTY VALLEY POOLS see PEPPERBUSH HILL PONDS / LIBERTY VALLEY POOLS 21 LIMESTONE RIDGE WOODS Centre Twp. Newport 42 LITTLE BUFFALO CREEK 20 UPDATED Centre, Juniata Twps. Newport 42, 50 MARSH 13 LOSH RUN VALLEY Miller, Wheatfield Twps. Duncannon 54, 88 Landisburg, 23 MILLIGAN RIDGE PONDS UPDATED Spring Twp. 74 Shermans Dale PEPPERBUSH HILL PONDS see PEPPERBUSH HILL PONDS / LIBERTY VALLEY POOLS PEPPERBUSH HILL PONDS / 31 UPDATED Northeast Madison Twp. Spruce Hill 58 LIBERTY VALLEY POOLS 9 Pine Ridge Swamp Penn, Rye Twps. Wertzville 62, 66 6 SECOND MOUNTAIN CLIFFS Penn, Rye Twps. Harrisburg West 62, 66 SECOND NARROWS POND see SECOND NARROWS SLOPES SECOND NARROWS SITE see SECOND NARROWS SLOPES Toboyne Twp. & Franklin 38 SECOND NARROWS SLOPES UPDATED Newburg 76 Co. SHERMAN MOUNTAIN/GUNTER ROAD see SECOND NARROWS SLOPES SITE SHERMANS CREEK AT PINE 10 Wheatfield Twp. Wertzville 88 RIDGE SHERMANS CREEK - Shermans Dale, 25 DROMGOLD TO SHERMANS UPDATED Carroll Twp. 40 Wertzville DALE 4 STATE GAME LANDS #290 Watts Twp. & Dauphin Co. Duncannon, Halifax 84 SUSQUEHANNA RIVER AT Rye Twp., & Daupnin & 7 UPDATED Harrisburg West 66 FORT HUNTER/ROCKVILLE Cumberland Cos. SUSQUEHANNA RIVER AT Buffalo & Watts Twps. & 3 NEW Halifax 36, 84 HALIFAX Dauphin Co.
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