ONOM C IC County Economic Development E D All Stars T Symposium Speakers E N V E ELOP M Mark Barbash, Executive Vice President of Strategic Initiatives, Finance Fund
[email protected] Mark Barbash is the Executive Vice President of Strategic Initiatives at Finance Fund, a statewide non-profit community development entity that moves public and private cap- ital into low-income communities to improve the quality of life for people. He is responsi- ble for identifying funding opportunities, developing relationships and proposing strategic initiatives that can have major impact on Finance Fund’s performance. His 30 years of economic development experience includes service as Chief Economic Development Officer for the State of Ohio, Development Director for Columbus Mayor Michael B. Cole- man, Executive Director for the Columbus Countywide Development Corporation, and Vice President for the National Development Council located in Washington, D.C. Mark earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in Political Science from the University of Wisconsin-Mad- ison. Mark has been honored as an IEDC Fellow Member and an SBA Small Business Finan- cial Advocate. Colonel Cassie Barlow (ret.), Ph.D., Executive Director, Aerospace Professional Development Center, Wright State University -
[email protected] Cassie Barlow is currently the Executive Director of the Wright State University Aerospace Professional Development Center and the Advanced Technical Intelligence Center. Both of these organizations are laser focused on workforce development needs across Ohio primarily in the aerospace and defense industry. Previously, she was the 88th Air Base Wing and Installation Commander at Wright-Patterson AFB in command of one of the largest air base wings in the Air Force with more than 5,000 Air Force military, civilian, and contractor employees.