TheOrder of AndrewA therchon Apostle, Archons of the Ecumenical in America Order of Saint Archons of the Ecumenical Patriarchate in America

(P) 212 570 3500 (F) 212 774 0214 [email protected] August-September-October 2009 90 Tombs Desecrated in historical Baloukli Orthodox Christian Cemetery


Ecumenical discusses minority rights with Turkish PM Erdogan

Our Spiritual Shepherd N. MANGINAS

Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew to make Apostolic Visit to the

Will preside at Religion, Science, and Environmental Symposium in New Orleans; Honor Demetrios on 10th Anniversary of Enthronement; Additional stops include New York, Atlanta, and Washington D.C. PAGE 5

cumenical Patriarch Archdiocese and where he at Sts. Constantine and Helen Bartholomew’s sixth will receive an honorary doc- in Annapolis, MD. E visit to the United torate, and to Washington, States will take him to New where he is scheduled to meet The Ecumenical Patriarch Orleans, where he will par- with President , and about 200 other partici- ticipate in the eighth Religion, Vice President Joseph Biden pants – theologians, scientists, Science and the Environment and leaders of Congress. policy makers, environmen- (RSE) Symposium, to New talists, representatives of busi- York, where he will honor His All Holiness also will mark ness and NGOs, and the me- Archbishop Demetrios for his 18th year as Ecumenical SCHEDULE OF EVENTS his first decade as head of the Patriarch in a doxology service Continued on page 2 » PAGE 9 1 The Archon Order of Saint Andrew the Apostle, Archons of the Ecumenical Patriarchate in America

new orleans • new york atlanta • washington d.c.

« Continued from page 1 participants – international and regional dia – under the patronage of the Ecumenical religious leaders, scientists, environmental- Patriarch, will gather for a five-day period ists, policy makers, media representatives of plenary sessions, discussions and shore visits. and other prominent figures in politics and Some 80 members of the international media are business – directly to endangered bodies of water. expected to attend. Policy and planning for the symposia are devel- After a welcome from Louisiana Gov. Bobby oped by the Religious and Scientific Committee Jindal, Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew composed of senior international figures from will deliver the opening keynote address religion and science, under the chairman- prior to the first plenary session. Other ship of The Most Rev. Metropolitan John of Orthodox Christian participants include Pergamon. Representatives from countries Fr. John Chryssavgis, former profes- relevant to each symposium are also part sor at Holy Cross School of , of the organizing committee. who is scheduled to speak on the topic “Can Religion Help Save the Previous symposia have been attend- Planet?” ed by heads of state, environmental ministers, ministers of economic Since 1995, RSE has convened affairs and prominent intellectual seven symposia to study the fate figures. (More information on the of the world’s waters which cov- Mississippi symposium: er seven-tenths of our planet’s surface. These assemblies of scientists, environmentalists, Following the New Orleans sym- policy-makers and representa- posium, His All Holiness will fly tives of the world’s main reli- to New York for a series of events gious have established a over a four day period that will in- vibrant environmental ethics clude the acceptance of an honor- movement. ary Doctor of Laws degree from Fordham University, meetings Underlying RSE’s strategies with U.N. Secretary General is a core belief that the ana- Ban Ki-moon and with Jewish lytical tools of science and the religious and lay leaders host- spiritual messages of religion ed by Rabbi Arthur Schneier, must work in harmony if the president of the Appeal of earth’s environment is to be Conscience Foundation. safeguarded. The symposia take place afloat, bringing

Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday October 20 October 21 October 22 October 23 October 24 October 25 October 26 October 27 October 28

New Orleans, LA New Orleans, LA New Orleans, LA Astoria, NY New York, NY New York, NY Arrival Religion, Science and the Environment Symposium Symposium St. Demetrios Fordham Metropolitan The Great Mississippi River: Restoring Balance concludes Cathedral University Museum of Art

Departure New York, NY United Nations SCOBA / SCOOCH Merrick, NY United Nations Appeal of St. Demetrios Prayer Service Conscience Church

2 August / September / October 2009 Order of Saint Andrew the Apostle, Archons of the Ecumenical Patriarchate in America

[Above] His All Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I of was joined by reli- gious leaders from all over the world to participate in a “silent prayer for the planet” during the en- vironmental symposium, “The Arctic: Mirror of Life”, held in Ilulissat, Greenland in September 2007. [Right] His All Holiness walking through the Amazon’s rainforest while participating in the Religion, Science, and the Environment’s 2006 Amazon River Symposium. photos by N. MANGINAS

After a two-day sojourn for a pri- Holy . He is scheduled to attend vate visit in Atlanta, he will return a session of the Archdiocesan Council to New York to celebrate Archbishop on October 31st. Demetrios’ 10th anniversary at a con- cert at Lincoln Center. From Nov. 2-5, the Ecumenical Patriarch will be in the Washington The Ecumenical Patriarch also will area for a series of events, includ- tour a pictorial tribute in honor of his ing meetings with U.S. government pioneering leadership for the environ- leaders. He is scheduled to speak at ment hosted by the American Bible the Brookings Institution and attend Society at the Museum of Biblical Art a joint House and Senate luncheon in Manhattan. hosted by Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and Senate Majority He will be the honored guest of the Leader Harry Reid (D. - Nev.), and a Archons of the Order of St. Andrew dinner at the State Department hosted at their annual Grand Banquet at the by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Waldorf-Astoria Hotel; and will preside n at the investiture of the new Archons at the Archdiocesan Cathedral of the [Source:]

Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday October 29 October 30 October 31 November 1 November 2 November 3 November 4 November 5 November 6

New York, NY Atlanta, GA New York, NY New York, NY Washington D.C. Washington D.C. Washington D.C. Washington D.C. Washington D.C. Departure The Coca-Cola Archon Holy Trinity Archdi- Turkish Embassy Georgetown Brookings Department Departure Company Grand Banquet ocesan Cathedral University Institution of State for Atlanta, GA Embasy of Greece Secretary of State Arrival Departure Archon Investiture U.S. Ambassador Naval Observatory Annapolis, MD to Vice-President Annunciation New York, NY Departure SS. Constantine Cathedral MOBIA and Helen Church Washington D.C. Tribute to Peace- Arrival makers Concert 3 The Archon Order of Saint Andrew the Apostle, Archons of the Ecumenical Patriarchate in America

90In His Tombstorical Orth oDesecradox Christian Cemeteteryd istanbul, Turkey The unknown individuals, lives in the Nursing Home of in the past, the government who committed the sacri- Baloukli. has tracked down desecra- inety tombs were lege act, entered by the stone tions of smaller scale but this desecrated by van- fence of the cemetery that The vandals broke into piec- is the first time that so many N dals in the be- faces the road. es the tombstones that were burial plots have been van- ginning of September, at bearing the cross, the names dalized. The destroyed tomb- Baloukli cemetery, bringing After viewing the destroyed and dates of birth and death stones will be restored when to mind the tragic pogrom tombstones, the Board of of those who died. The au- the work for building the of the Greek community in Trustees of Baloukli Hospital thorities are looking into the outside fence is completed so September 1955. The vandal- began construction of a high- case. This incident, which has that a new “invasion” of van- isms were ascertained in the er fence so that access to the not yet been widely known, dals will be prevented. n morning of September 2nd by cemetery may be prevented. has created great concern the guards of the nearby his- In most of the graves, are among the Greek minority in [Report by N. Manginas] torical of the Life- buried ethnic Greeks who Istanbul. It should be noted giving Spring of Baloukli. lived the last years of their that on many other occasions

His All Holiness is led by a nun of the Monastery of the Life-Giving Spring of Baloukli where he inspects the condition of the vandalized graves. photos by N. MANGINAS

4 August / September / October 2009 Order of Saint Andrew the Apostle, Archons of the Ecumenical Patriarchate in America Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew discusses Minority Rights with Turkish PM

ISTANBUL, Turkey tion in which His All Holiness voiced his community’s concerns. is All Holiness Ecumenical They also visited the Patriarchal Patriarch Bartholomew Orphanage on Buyukada, which H had a luncheon meetng was seized by the Turkish state a on the island of Buyukada with decade ago. The European Court of Turkish Prime Minister Recep Human Rights issued a landmark Tayyip Erdogan and other senior decision last year that the Turkey ministers concerning non-Muslim Government had wrongly confis- minority and religious freedom cated the property. The government rights on Saturday, August 15, has yet to act on that ruling. His 2009. The meeting coincided with All Holiness also raised the issue government reform aimed to ad- of the Halki Seminary, but Erdogan dress decades-old tensions with the made no statement on the issue. An country’s 12 million Kurds. His Ecumenical Patriarchate official lat- All Holiness, joined by leaders of er said. “We believe the prime min- the Armenian, Jewish, Assyrian ister is looking for a way to open the Orthodox, and Catholic communi- school. There is movement on this. ties, delivered a report on the main It was a very positive, very friendly problems of religious minorities meeting.” and presented it to Erdogan. His All Holiness presents a painting of the Saint George Monastery to Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan. photos by N. MANGINAS Turkey signaled last month that The 88-article report includes such the seminary may open after pres- issues as reopening the Orthodox state-run Turkish Radio and The government is against both sure from the EU and U.S. President Theological School of Halki, viola- Television Corporation were al- ethnic and religious nationalism, Barack Obama who, while visiting tions of property rights, and bring- lowed to attend the meeting, Prime he continued, underlining that they Turkey in April said, “Freedom of ing attention to cultural diversity Minister Erdogan promised demo- have kept an equal distance from religion and expression lead to a and to the problems of local admin- cratic reforms to the religious lead- every ethic and religious group in strong and vibrant civil society that istration on the island of ers. Turkey is passing through a society. “Are there not deficiencies only strengthens the state, which is (Halki). transition period, Erdogan said in regarding implementation? Yes, why steps like reopening the Halki his remarks, admitting that prob- there are. We will overcome these Seminary will send such an impor- While only reporters from the lems have been experienced dur- [deficiencies] with a struggle to be tant signal inside Turkey and be- Anatolia News Agency and the ing this process carried out all together, and I be- yond.” along which the lieve that this gove r n me nt will change a lot of things in our The EU has made reopening Halki has been country. Only if we stand hand in Seminary a test of the government’s The Prime Minister is given a tour by His All Holiness exerting ef- hand and shoulder to shoulder.” commitment to religious freedom of the Patriarchal Orphanage. The historic orphan- forts for fur- for non-. The Theological age is the largest single-structure wooden building ther democra- Erdogan was quoted as saying by institution was forcibly closed by in Europe and second largest in the world having tization of Anatolia. “Persians have a saying, the Turkish Government in 1971. served as the Patriarchal Orphanage until it was con- the country, ‘They gathered, talked and dis- fiscated by the Turkish Government in the 1960’s. Anatolia re- persed.’ We should not be of those Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew ported. who gather, talk and disperse. A re- voiced pleasure over the meeting sult should come out of this.” with the Prime Minister, saying “We have been inspired with hope; Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew we are optimistic.” His All Holiness and the Prime Minister later toured was also quoted saying the meeting the Haghia Yorgi Church, where was “historical” and “a big step.” n they had a private conversa- 5 The Archon Order of Saint Andrew the Apostle, Archons of the Ecumenical Patriarchate in America

Fordham University symposium focuses on religious freedom concerns for the Ecumenical Patriarchate

New York, NY leadership of the Christian com- have to adhere to the EU’s reli- the conference and thanked or- munity,” explains Demacopoulos. gious protections. ganizers for “shedding light on a is Eminence Archbishop complex issue.” Demetrios, National Emanuel Demos, Esq., general Panelist Ruti G. Teitel, the Ernst H Commander Dr. counsel for the Greek Orthodox C. Steifel Professor of Comparative He recalled attempts by Presidents Anthony Limberakis, members Archdiocese of America, briefly Law at New York Law School, said and George W. Bush of the National Council together discussed some of the persecution the move also could bring risks. to convince Turkish officials to with Archons, scholars and legal of the Ecumenical Patriarchate reopen the Halki seminary. This experts gathered together at New throughout the years, such as the “What I’ve seen in looking at is- past April, President Barack York’s Fordham University for pogrom of 1955, riots driven pri- sues of religious minorities more Obama also urged the prime min- a symposium that examined the marily by Islamic fanaticism that broadly in the European Court is ister of Turkey to reopen the semi- core issues threatening the Mother targeted the Greek population of that the court tends to be more nary. Church of Constantinople from Istanbul with the intent of driv- conservative in its rulings and the perspective of international ing non-Muslims from Turkey, upholds whatever the state regu- “It was a nice meeting. It went so law. The Sept. 16 conference and the closing of the Orthodox lation requires,” Teitel said. The beautifully,” he said, “but then “Religious Freedom in Turkey: Theological School of Halki in European Courts have justified there was a unanimous decision The Case of the Ecumenical 1971 by Turkish authorities. civil liberties in a number of cases against it, which, to me, indicates Patriarchate,” featured discus- in countries such as France and the unpredictability on the part of sion about efforts to end the In July 2008, the European Court Switzerland, where Islamic wom- the Turkish government.” persecution of the Ecumenical of Human Rights ruled in favor of en were banned from wearing Patriarchate. the Ecumenical Patriarchate that head scarves in public as a way to The conference was sponsored the 1964 evacuation, closing and maintain order and avoid giving by the Law School’s Institute George Demacopoulos, Fordham subsequent taking of a historical preference to any religion, Teitel on Religion, Law and Lawyer’s University associate professor of orphanage, once owned by the said. Work and Fordham’s Orthodox theology and co-founding direc- Ecumenical Patriarchate, was un- Christian Studies Program. tor of the Orthodox Christian lawful. “There are a number of coun- Studies Program spoke in depth tries in Europe that … have this “The questions we are exploring of the seizure of property by the “Even the name of the case idea that public domains need to tonight are of particular inter- Turkish governments; the closure was significant—’Ecumenical remain antiseptic and free of re- est and concern, not only for the of Patriarchal seminaries while Patriarchate vs. Turkey,’” Demos ligious symbols,” she added. “My Orthodox community, but for its prelates are taunted by extrem- said. “In the opening paragraph concern is that Europe, because of anyone who would like to see the ists who demonstrate outside the of the case, they indicate the the specter of , will end up protection and growth of religious Ecumenical Patriarchate; and His Patriarchate is ecumenical and coming out with a case law that freedom, anywhere in the world,” All Holiness who is denied of his ‘unites the Orthodox communi- is ... more along the lines of those said Amy Uelman, director of the title as “Ecumenical” Patriarch. ty,’ shooting down the things the countries.” institute. n Turkish government has denied.” “… the [Ecumenical] title was His All Holiness Ecumenical embedded in Roman law as ear- Demos said Turkey’s 2005 ap- Patriarch Bartholomew will visit George Demacopoulos, Fordham ly as the sixth century because plication to the Fordham in late October during University associate professor of the- Christians throughout the world (EU) could be a positive develop- his Apostolic visit to the United ology and co-founding director of the understood that the Patriarch of ment for the Orthodox Christian States. His Eminence Archbishop Orthodox Christian Studies Program, Constantinople played an interna- community, as the country would Demetrios of America attended addresses symposium attendees. tional and transnational role in the D. PANAGOS

6 August / September / October 2009 Order of Saint Andrew the Apostle, Archons of the Ecumenical Patriarchate in America U.S. RELIGIOUS FREEDOM RESOLUTION Legislators asked to back religious freedom resolution for the Ecumenical Patriarchate / resolutions UPDATE Resolutions for religious freedom for the Ecumenical Patriarchate continue to become introduced to state lawmakers around the country. Two new resolutions have been introduced to the Ohio Senate and House of Representatives: SCR 14 was introduced by Senator and HCR 29 was introduced by Rep. Tom Letson.

In Ohio, Fr. Thomas M. Constantine of St. John the Forerunner Greek Orthodox Church has been a main advocate for the Mother Church of Constantinople, testifying in Columbus, Ohio before the Senate's state and local government affairs committee in support of a religious freedom resolution.

Archon Stephen Georgeson, who serves as the national coordinator for the state resolutions project for the Order of St. Andrew said, "We are grateful to Fr. Constantine, along with Archons Dr. Tererzis, Dr. Manuel Tzagournis, and Mr. Harry Meshel for their efforts."

An article on these efforts in the Ohio Senate was published in The Vindicator, the daily newspaper in Youngstown, Ohio.

Boardman pastor asks Senators to back anti-persecution resolution By Marc Kovac / the vindicator daily newspaper in youngstown, oh

COLUMBUS, OH OHIO Boardman clergyman SCR 14 - Introduced on 5/14/2009 is hoping state lawmak- Adoption Pending A ers will take a symbolic Senator Joe Schiavoni stand against persecution of HCR 29 - Introduced on 9/15/2009 Eastern Orthodox Christians by Adoption Pending the Turkish government. Rep. Tom Letson In Ohio, SCR 14, has been introduced "In Turkey, one is not allowed by Senator Joe Schiavoni and HCR to express his religious free- 29 was introduced by Rep. Tom dom," said the Rev. Thomas M. Letson. Constantine, from St. John the Our efforts are being led by Archon Forerunner Greek Orthodox Dr. Nicholas Tererzis, Archon Dr. States highlighted in: Church, Glenwood Avenue. Manuel Tzagournis and Mr. Harry LIGHT BLUE indicate that the resolution has been introduced. "One cannot wear a cross or Meshel. GOLD indicate final adoption and no further action is necessary. any other religious symbols. A DARK BLUE indicate no resolution has been introduced at this time. clergyman must wear secular The church has some 300 mil- clothes and is not allowed to cel- lion members worldwide. But ebrate freely. Many Christians in the Turkish government does He added, “This is clearly a vio- government has not taken any Turkey must worship secretly." not acknowledge the church's in- lation of the kinds of religious decisive action to stop these at- ternational status and has con- freedoms we would expect of a tacks.” Father Constantine testified fiscated its properties and taxed nation known to be a loyal ally of Tuesday in Columbus before the a church hospital. the United States and an impor- Schiavoni's resolution is a sym- Senate's state and local govern- tant representative democracy in bolic gesture, offering the state's ment affairs committee in sup- "Over the years, the govern- the region.” official opinion of the matter. port of a resolution offered by ment of Turkey has pared away Sen. Joe Schiavoni of Canfield, at the institutional presence of Father Constantine said there "It is our prayer the persecution D-33rd. the Patriarchate, including clos- have been increased physical at- of the Ecumenical Patriarchate ing down the Halki Seminary, tacks on Christians in the coun- cease, as well as the persecution Senate Concurrent Resolution the only school of theology in the try, as well. to all the Christians," Father 14 urges Turkish officials to country for training Orthodox Constantine said. "We pray that "respect the rights and religious ," said Thomas Kasulis, "Hand grenades, cluster bombs, there will be religious freedom freedoms of the Ecumenical a professor of cultural studies gasoline bombs have been in Turkey. The passage of this Patriarchate of the Eastern at Ohio State University and thrown into the Patriarchate resolution is a major step in that Orthodox Church," which has former head of the American compound, which have damaged direction." n existed in Istanbul since the mid- Society for the Study of Religion. the buildings and injured some 1400s. people," he said. "The Turkish As of 9/25/2009, 28 resolutions have been adopted by 24 states. 7 The Archon Order of Saint Andrew the Apostle, Archons of the Ecumenical Patriarchate in America

DAY of the protection of the Environment encyclical of ecumenical patriarch bartholomew

+BARTHOLOMEW By the Mercy of God Archbishop of Constantinople, New Rome and Ecumenical Patriarch

To the Plentitude of the Church, and Peace From the Creator of the Entire Universe, Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ

s we come again to the changing of the Church year, We have rendered the Market the centre of our interest, our we reflect once more on the state of God's creation. activities and, finally, of our life, forgetting that this choice of A We think about the past and repent for all that we ours will affect the lives of future generations, limiting the have done or failed to do for the earth's care; we look to the number of their choices that would probably be more oriented future and pray for wisdom to guide us in all that we think towards the well-being of man as well as the creation. Our hu- or do. man , which has made us consumers, is failing. The divine economy, which has made us in the image of the loving These last twelve months have been a time of great uncertain- Creator, calls us to love and care for all creation. The image we ty for the whole world. The financial systems that so many have of ourselves is reflected in the way we treat the creation. people trusted to bring them the good things of life, have If we believe that we are no more than consumers, then we brought instead fear, uncertainty and poverty. Our globalised shall seek fulfilment in consuming the whole earth; but if we economy has meant that everyone - even the poorest who are believe we are made in the image of God, we shall act with far removed from the dealings of big business - has been af- care and compassion, striving to become what we are created fected. to be.

The present crisis offers an opportunity for us to deal with Let us pray for God's blessing on the United Nations Climate the problems in a different way, because the methods that cre- Change Conference in Copenhagen in December, so that the ated these problems cannot provide their best solution. We industrially developed countries may co-operate with devel- need to bring love into all our dealings, the love that inspires oping countries in reducing harmful polluting emissions, that courage and compassion. Human progress is not just the ac- there may exist the will to raise and manage wisely the funds cumulation of wealth and the thoughtless consumption of the required for the necessary measures, and that all may work earth's resources. The way that the present crisis has been together to ensure that our children enjoy the goods of the dealt with has revealed the values of the few who are shaping earth that we leave behind for them. There must be justice the destiny of our society; of those who can find vast sums of and love in all aspects of economic activity; profit - and es- money to support the financial system that has betrayed them, pecially short-term profit - cannot and should not be the sole but are not willing to allot even the least portion of that money motive of our actions. to remedy the piteous state the creation has been reduced to because of these very values, or for feeding the hungry of the Let us all renew our commitment to work together and bring world, or for securing safe drinking water for the thirsty, who about the changes we pray for, to reject everything that is are also victims of those values. On the face of every hungry harming the creation, to alter the way we think and thus dras- child is written a question for us, and we must not turn away tically to alter the way we live. to avoid the answer. Why has this happened? Is it a problem of human inability or of human will? September 1st, 2009 A.D. Your beloved brother in Christ and fervent supplicant before God,

† BARTHOLOMEW of Constantinople

8 August / September / October 2009 Order of Saint Andrew the Apostle, Archons of the Ecumenical Patriarchate in America

301 park avenue, new york, NY Tel: 212-355-3000 SCHEDULE OF EVENTS

FRIDAY, October 30, 2009 SATURDAY, October 31, 2009 SUNDAY, November 1, 2009

4:00 PM – 7:00 PM 12 Noon – 1:00 PM 9:00 AM ARCHONS-ELECT ORIENTATION DINNER LUNCHEON [Hilton Room] MATINS [Archdiocesan Cathedral] [Fordham University, Lincoln Center Campus, All Archons, Archons-elect, Wives and Family 12th Floor] Members Archdiocesan Cathedral of the Holy Trinity Archons-elect, National Council and Regional 319-337 East 74th Street Commanders with their Guests 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM (between 1st and 2nd Avenues) ARCHON GENERAL ASSEMBLY [Empire Room] New York, NY 10021 Fordham University All Archons, Archons-elect, Wives and Family Tel: 212-288-3215 Lincoln Center Campus, 12th Floor Members 113 W. 60th St., 9:30 AM New York, NY 10023 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM PROCESSION OF ARCHONS Tel: 212-636-6000 RECEPTION [Basildon, Jade & Astor Salon] AND ARCHONS-ELECT Archons and Banquet Guests [Cathedral Undercroft, Lower Level] Transportation (Round Trip) will be available Archons and Archons-elects from the hotel at 49th Street between Park 7:00 PM and Lexington Avenues. Depart 3:15 PM sharp ARCHON GRAND BANQUET [Grand Ballroom] Archons and Archons-elect assemble in Honoring His All Holiness Bartholomew Cathedral Undercroft, lower level for instruc- 8:00 PM – 10:30 PM Archbishop of Constantinople, New Rome tions, photos and procession into Cathedral. TRIBUTE TO PEACEMAKERS CONCERT and Ecumenical Patriarch Archons wear emblems! [Alice Tully Hall] Orientation Dinner Guests are invited to at- * Archons-Elect * Be sure you have reserved tend the concert in honor of His All Holiness, your Archon emblems and Cross of St. Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew and in Andrew by contacting the National Office celebration of the 10th Anniversary of His at 212-570-3550 Eminence Archbishop Demetrios as Archbishop of America and Exarch 10:00 AM PATRIARCHAL Alice Tully Hall, Lincoln Center Celebrated by Ecumenical Patriarch 70 Lincoln Center Plaza Bartholomew with concelebration of Hierarchs New York, NY 10023 and Clergy Tel: 212-875-5000 12:00 PM INVESTITURE of new Archons of the Ecumenical Patriarchate by Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew Presentation of Offikia and Cross of St. Andrew

1:00 PM RECEPTION [Cathedral Ballroom] 9 The Archon Order of Saint Andrew the Apostle, Archons of the Ecumenical Patriarchate in America

BY Fr. Mak arios Griniezakis

On August 4, 2009, a website posted an article presenting ness. During their Synaxis if they were obedient to their this past October, the Primates , if they respected the some of the recent developments taking place at the of the Orthodox Church signed canons of the Church, and if Moscow Patriarchate. Specifically, the Holy Synod of an official declaration that re- they recognized the authentic- the Patriarchate of Moscow had begun reevaluating emphasized who has the first ity of the Holy Synods, then place in . We are they would not have reached the ecclesiastical rank of the Orthodox Churches. troubled, however, that only the point where they created According to Archpriest Maxim Kozlof, a member of the a few months after this his- division in the unified Body toric moment a committee of Christ. Consequently, it is committee entrusted with this task, the Patriarchate of is formed to reevaluate the not enough for us to uphold Moscow is considered a Church of the , that ranking amongst Orthodox the dogma of the Fathers in Churches. We remind the read- isolation--even the “old-cal- is, of the five Churches of ancient Christendom. He also er that the Primates, includ- endarists” do this. We must claims that by virtue of its magnitude, the Patriarchate ing the Patriarch of Russia, also maintain the ethos of the of Moscow maintains such a status. He also declares stated that they gathered “at Fathers, which helps to secure the invitation and under the the unity of the Church. that the Patriarchate of Moscow has extended its presidency of the First among jurisdiction across numerous countries. After reading us, Ecumenical Patriarch 3. When we speak about eccle- Bartholomew.” If this state- siastical ethos, we certainly these comments, Fr. Makarios Griniezakis, a professor ment is not sufficient, then do not identify with the logic of theology and ethics at the Theological Academy our faithful brothers in Russia based on size and figures. If we should refer to the Patriarchal did, we would give the impres- of Heraklion in Crete, responded with a different Tome of 1589, which granted sion that we were economists, perspective. In what follows, Fr. Makarios frames the to them the Patriarchal Status. sociologists, and politicians. In In the pages of this document the life of the Church, and es- claims made by Fr. Maxim in their proper historical, they will discover exactly who pecially in our spiritual lives- canonical, and ecclesiological setting. signed the Tome, and thus real- -which the Church of Russia ize who holds the eminent po- has much fruit to offer--two sition in Orthodoxy. plus two does not always equal Fr. Makarios Griniezakis is an Archimandrite of the four. When we emphasize our Ecumenical Throne; he is also the official preacher of the 2. To question issues that have vastness and point to statisti- been settled by Ecumenical cal demonstrations, it means Archdiocese of Crete, and the director of the Archdiocese’s Councils and established for that we are not shepherds, but radio station. centuries is quite dangerous. rather operatives of power, ex- We speak in terms of “danger” ploiting the administrative and because even a cursory study spiritual authority that springs few days ago your committee’s work. With regard of history shows us that every forth from our position. Â reputable website to these comments, but also , schism and ecclesiasti- This is even more so the case A posted an article that in response to various eccle- cal division stemmed from per- when we put forth such efforts discussed a series of efforts by siological and theological un- sonal ambition and egotism, to earn the praise of the world the Holy Synod of the Church certainties often put forth by only later to be robed in the and acquire the primary posi- of Russia to formulate the Russian clergymen and theolo- mantle of dogmatic diversity. tion in Orthodoxy. Given our Patriarchate of Moscow’s posi- gians, permit me the following Arius, Dioscorus, Nestorius, current condition, those who tion relative to the ranks of the thoughts: Apollinarius, and Marcion, participate in the administra- Orthodox Churches. In a re- were pious and religious; tion of the Church must con- cent interview, the Archpriest 1. The fact that an Orthodox however, they also were men sider that their role is not to Maxim Kozlof, a member of Patriarchate has yet to clarify who had tremendous egos and compete on stage with Stalin this newly formed commit- in its conscience who is the lacked ecclesiastical ethos. If and Hitler. They are called to tee, provided the details of the First of Orthodoxy incites sad- they truly believed in God, enter that sacred space where

10 August / September / October 2009 Order of Saint Andrew the Apostle, Archons of the Ecumenical Patriarchate in America

Church Fathers such as Basil Michael Kerularios, while Canon is unambiguous and an official Church arbitrarily the Great, Saint of Russia was elevated to the sta- mentions geographical juris- creates a committee (according Nyssa, Saint Gregory the tus of a Patriarchate in 1589, dictions and not ethnicities. to Fr. Maxim’s comments) to Theologian, and Saint John under Patriarch Jeremiah II. Every Orthodox Church has evaluate matters that have al- Chrysostom live, and to be in- If there was ever a pressing a specific geographical bor- ready been resolved; to decide spired by them. This is what need to replace Old Rome this der. Constantinople, however, on those issues for which the we mean when we pronounce, would have occurred immedi- maintains the license to extend Church has already decided. “we who follow the fathers,” ately after the schism (1054), throughout the Ecoumene, ex- We would expect a Church especially since the patristic and not five centuries later, cept, of course, into those areas such as Russia, which has era has not ended. Every mo- when Russia was elevated to a under the canonical jurisdic- undergone trials and tribula- ment in time has the poten- Patriarchate. tion of other autocephalous or tions, to have a completely tial of becoming patristic if synodal Orthodox Churches. different way of thinking. We it secures and protects the 5. It is also noted “that af- would expect to see the Church Orthodox ecclesiological crite- ter the fall of Rome, the The present ecclesiological of Russia rely more on ria for responding to prevalent Patriarchate of Moscow ac- circumstances are accepted than on logic, on miracles rath- problems and concerns. This is quired a seat amongst the five through ekonomia. After er than facts and figures. lost when we follow the philos- most significant Churches, all, it is not ideal to have five ophy and logic of the world, of and extends its jurisdiction of America, or It is clear from the discus- arithmetic, of expediency, and over a series of countries.” At to have multiple ecclesiasti- sion that the Ecumenical of statistics and consequences. this point we must emphasize cal jurisdictions in a single Patriarchate will certainly not that the 28th Canon of the European country. We should lose the position of primacy 4. It has been noted that, “the Fourth not forget, however, that our that it maintains; the ranking place of the Patriarchate of grants only to the Church of compliance with the current of the Orthodox Churches will Moscow in the pentarchy of Constantinople the jurisdic- state of affairs through ekono- not change; and the committee the ancient is tional oversight of the “bar- mia should not become an oc- in question--or any other com- very significant.” It seems that baric lands.” casion for boastful arrogance mittee that is formed--will not some have still not realized and deviation from canoni- institute rebellious changes that which is quite obvious, The extension of the Patriarch cal tradition. Moreover, the in the Orthodox Church. We that is, that the Patriarchate of Russia’s jurisdiction across uncanonical extension of a owe it to the faithful to always of Moscow has never been lands outside its ecclesiastical Church’s jurisdiction should speak the truth so that they a member of the pentarchy borders is uncanonical and not be viewed as a strict execu- may hear a different perspec- of the ancient Patriarchates. a violation of Church order. tion of canon law, nor should tive, and in order to avoid stir- The pentarchy is comprised This is the case when other it be perceived as a priori right ring false impressions in them. of Old Rome, New Rome Primates act similarly. Local that every Primate enjoys be- It is important not to forget (Constantinople) and the Churches would have been able cause of their canonical juris- that truth abides. The truth Patriarchates of Alexandria, to extend into lands beyond diction over a specified ecclesi- will release us from our pa- , and Jerusalem. Not their established ecclesiastical astical geographic region. rochial attitude and self-love; only was Moscow never con- border if the canon referred to the truth will liberate us from sidered a member of the pent- ethnicities (“barbarians”) in- The thoughts that we have spitefulness and our egos; the archy, but also there are no stead of geographical regions shared express a much deeper truth will allow us to move be- ecclesiastical or canonical (“barabaric lands”). If this problem concerning what is of- yond feelings that instigate in- texts that designate Moscow were the case we would have ten said about primacy in the ternal quarrels and erect nar- as the replacement or sub- been able to say, for example, Orthodox Church, about the cissistic partitions. ‘The truth stitute for Old Rome. This is that the Romanian Patriarch idea of a “third Rome,” about shall set us free.’ Irrespective made clear when we look at is the spiritual leader of the ecclesiastical rank, etc. These of who we are, as members of some of the central moments Romanian people across the ideas would not be taken seri- the Church we have a constant in church history: the schism world, or that the Russian ously had some random lay- and sacred duty to actively de- with Old Rome occurred Patriarch is the leader of every men or clergymen issued them. fend the truth. n on 1054 during the reign of Russian. However, the 28th It is disturbing, however, when 11 8 East 79th Street, New York, NY 10075-0106

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THE ARCHON is published bi-monthly by the Order of Saint Andrew Archons of the Ecumenical Patriarchate. Members are encouraged to submit material pertaining to the Ecumeni- cal Patriarchate and Orthodoxy. All material should be typed, signed with name, address and phone number. The editor reserves the right to edit all material submitted for publication. Send to: [email protected] or to His Grace Savas of Troas offers a Ms. Ruti G. Teitel, the Ernst C. Steifel THE ARCHON, 8 East 79th Street, New meditation on the daily Gospel and Epistle Professor of Comparative Law at New York York, NY 10075-0106. © 2009 lessons during the September National Law School, was among the featured speakers John J. Mindala II, Council Meeting held at the Greek Orthodox at the Fordham University Religious Freedom Editor & Graphic Designer Archdiocese of America. J. MINDALA Symposium. d. panagos

ORDER OF SAINT ANDREW THE APOSTLE Archons of the Departed Archons Ecumenical Patriarchate 8 East 79th Street New York, NY 10075-0106 George P. Condakes George Husar Jr. Peter H. Paleologos Archon Megas Notarios Archon Hieromnimon Archon Ekdikos Phone: 212 570 3550 Beverly Farms, MA • Sept 2009 Binghamton, NY • July 2009 Silver Spring, MD • May 2009 Fax: 212 774 0214 Web: Thomas Bartzos Gus Kyrkostas William Zacharellis E-mail: [email protected] Archon Ekdikos Archon Kastrinsios Archon Proto Psaltis Englewood Cliffs, NJ • August 2009 East Marion, NY • July 2009 Elmhurst, PA • 2009 His Eminence, Archbishop Demetrios Exarch of the Ecumenical Patriarchate Dr. John E. Skandalakis John S. Manos Rev. Alexander Karloutsos Archon Megas Aktouarios Archon Depoutatos Spiritual Advisor Atlanta, GA • August 2009 Philadelphia, PA • June 2009

Anthony J. Limberakis, M.D., Committee Executive Aktouarios,National Commander Nicholas J. Bouras, Depoutatos May Their Memory Be Eternal National Vice Commander John Halecky, Jr., Ekdikos Secretary James C. Fountas, Depoutatos Treasurer STAY CONNECTED!

Christopher Stratakis, Esq., Notarios Functionaries Follow the Archons’ latest news and events through these social networks: Legal Counselor Christo Daphnides, Kastrinsios Historian FACEBOOK TWITTER.COM/ORDEROFSTANDREW Alexander Pritsos, Hieromnimon Sergeant-at-Arms