Meteorological Society of New Zealand Newsletter155 Summer 2018-2019 Page 1 ISSN 0111-1736 Meteorological Society Of New Zealand (Inc.) NEWSLETTER 155 Summer 2018-2019 Meteorological Society of New Zealand Newsletter155 Summer 2018-2019 Page 2 Meteorological Society Of New Zealand (Inc.) NEWSLETTER 155 Summer 2018-2019 PO Box 6523, Marion Square, Wellington 6141, New Zealand Please forward contributions to Bob McDavitt,
[email protected] CONTENTS Page Foreword from our President 3 Conference 2018 4 Kidson Medal , Photo competition 5 AGM minutes 6-17 Spring: NIWA review 18-21 Notable events 21-31 Christchurch, Ben Tichborne 31 Pick of the clips 32-63 Your Committee President: Michael Martens Immediate Past President: Sylvia Nichol Secretary: Katrina Richards Treasurer: Gregor Macara Circulation Manager: Lisa Murray Website Liaison: Stefanie Kremser Journal Editor: Nava Fedaeff Newsletter Editor: Bob McDavitt Auckland VP: Petra Pearce Wellington VP: [vacant] Christchurch VP: Jiawei Zhang Dunedin VP: Daniel Kingston Hamilton VP: Tim Gunn General Committee: Luke Sutherland-Stacey, Mike Revell HydroSoc Liaison: Charles Pearson Views and endorsements expressed in this newsletter are those of the contributors and advertisers, and not necessarily those of the Meteorological Society of New Zealand. The mention of specific companies or products does not imply that they are endorsed or recommended by the Society. Meteorological Society of New Zealand Newsletter155 Summer 2018-2019 Page 3 Dear members of the Meteorological Society of New Zealand In December at our AGM, I became the new President of the Meteorological Society of New Zealand. Let me tell you a bit more about myself: I was born in Germany and lived for over 10 years in Hamburg.