PRESENT Edward Smith (Chairman), Achilleas Georgiou, Del Goddard, Robert Hayward and Henry Pipe.

ABSENT Anne-Marie Pearce (Vice-Chairman)

STATUTORY Rev. R. Knowling (Church of England diocese representative), CO-OPTEES: Rabbi Levy (other faiths/denominations representative), Carmel Tylee (Catholic diocese representative), Alicia Meniru & 1 vacancy - Italics show absence

OFFICERS: Mike Ahuja (Head of Corporate Scrutiny Services), Gary Barnes (Assistant Director of Environment and Street Scene), Tim Strong (Assistant Director Human Resources) and James Kinsella (Democratic Services)

Also Attending: Councillors Neville (Cabinet Member for Environment & Street Scene), Buckland, Orhan and Rodin. Tashin Ibrahim & Costas Georgiou (Enfield Business Retail Association) & 8 members of the public.


The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting. An apology for absence was received from Councillor Pearce who was chairing a meeting of the Health Scrutiny Panel.


NOTED that no members of the Committee had any personal or prejudicial interests to declare in respect of items on the agenda.


Overview & Scrutiny Committee received a report from the Director of Finance & Corporate Resources (No.287) providing details of a call-in submitted in relation to the decision made by Cabinet (2 April 2008) on the extension of “Pay & Display” to new areas around the borough. The decision had been included on Publication of Decision List No.76/07-08 (Ref.4/76/07-08) issued on 4 April 2008.

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The Committee was advised that this decision had been called-in for review by 8 members of the Council. The reasons provided for the call-in had been as follows: • Consultation had not been clarified or illustrated and no resident views recorded. • Proposals made whilst Area Reviews and Place Shaping were underway. • No report had been provided on the financial impact on businesses. • The Parking Review had not yet been published and was still to report its findings.

The alternative action proposed under the call-in was for the decision to be referred back to Cabinet for reconsideration with a request for implementation to be delayed until completion of the Area and Place Shaping reviews (where appropriate) and Parking Strategy & Policy Review.

The members who had called-in the decision did feel that it was outside of the Council’s budget or policy framework, on the grounds that it had been taken before the Parking Strategy & Policy Review had been completed.

NOTED 1. The following issues highlighted by Councillor Rodin (representing the members who had called the decision in for review) in support of the call-in: a. Concern was expressed that the Cabinet decision had been made in advance of the Parking Strategy & Policy Review having been completed. It was felt the extension of Pay & Display needed to be considered as part of an overall package of measures and approach towards a Parking Strategy across the borough. b. Concern was also expressed at the potential impact that the introduction of Pay & Display schemes may have specifically in relation to the following areas identified within the Cabinet report: • – given the economic impact from the departure of Middlesex University and fact that the area had not previously been subject to parking charges. It was also felt the introduction of any Pay & Display scheme needed to be considered on a co-ordinated basis alongside the proposals being developed under the Place Shaping agenda & Area Action Plan; • Fords Grove – given the previous attempts to introduce charges and potential displacement of parking this may cause in neighbouring residential streets. c. In addition concerns were raised about the parking problems being experienced in Bowes specifically as a result of the introduction of a Controlled Parking Zone (CPZ) on the border by Haringey and commuter parking adjacent to Tube station. 2. The following comments from Councillor Neville (Cabinet member for Environment & Street Scene) in response to the call-in: a. Whilst acknowledging that the Parking Strategy & Policy Review had been delayed it was anticipated that the final report would be available by May/June 08. The Cabinet decision had however recognised this

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with specific reference to the fact that any subsequent implementation of Pay & Display schemes would need to take account of the Parking Review. b. The decision made by Cabinet was only seeking approval to undertake impact assessments on the areas identified at this stage. Once the impact assessments had been completed a further report would be provided and this would form the basis of a formal statutory and non- statutory consultation process. The outcome of this process would then need to be presented to members for final approval before any implementation of schemes could proceed. c. The Cabinet decision was not designed to contradict any outcome from the Parking Strategy & Policy Review. Whilst not yet published the draft Parking Review report had identified the benefit of Pay & Display schemes in areas with recognised parking pressures as a means of ensuring a turn over of vehicles. All of the areas identified within the Cabinet report were recognised to have parking pressure. d. Enfield Business Retail Association (EBRA) had been involved in discussions over the use of Pay & Display schemes and support had been expressed for their introduction in specific areas. As an example the Committee had been provided with a letter of support from EBRA for the schemes in Green and Broadway. e. As part of the impact assessment process, consideration would need to be given to business support for any scheme and also its potential impact given the current circumstances in specific areas such as Ponders End. f. Although not directly related to the call-in, the Committee was advised that Enfield had objected to the introduction of the CPZ by Haringey on the border with Bowes in view of concerns regarding parking displacement. The CPZ had however been introduced and despite an indication to the contrary from the Mayor for London, had advised that no funding would be available to assist in addressing the impact of the scheme in Enfield. Alternative funding bids were therefore being considered for the introduction of a potential CPZ in Bowes. At the same time the Committee was reminded that the proposals agreed by Cabinet related to Pay & Display schemes in local retail centres being funded as potential invest to save schemes and not CPZs.

The following issues were raised by members of the Committee in response to the call-in:

(a) Details were sought by Councillor Smith on the proposed timescale for the impact assessments. Gary Barnes advised that subject to the outcome of the call-in these were due to be commissioned within the next 4 weeks.

(b) the need to recognise the individual circumstances within each area where impact assessments on the possible introduction of Pay & Display schemes were being undertaken. In terms of the consultation process Councillor Neville confirmed that a balanced approach would need to be

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taken when considering any views submitted particularly in relation to any differences between traders and local residents.

(c) concerns were raised by Councillors Goddard & Georgiou about the decision to proceed with the impact assessments in advance of the outcome from the Parking Strategy & Policy Review having been finalised and members provided with an opportunity to consider them in more detail. In view of this, queries were raised as to whether the use of £64k to fund these assessments represented the most effective use of Council resources. Councillor Neville replied by reminding the Committee that Cabinet had not felt the decision to approve the impact assessments would contradict the final outcome from the Parking Review. In addition the Committee was advised that the Parking Review had been designed to focus on the overall parking strategy across the borough and how best to structure future provision given the competing demands rather than on the basic parking hierarchy.

(d) Councillor Pipe, supported by Councillor Hayward, felt that it would be possible for the impact assessment process to commence alongside completion of the Parking Review given that it was likely the assessment process would not be completed until after the Review had been finalised and fact that Cabinet had made it clear that the subsequent implementation of any schemes would need to take account of the Review.

The following issues were raised by other councillors and stakeholders present at the meeting:

(a) general support was expressed by representatives from EBRA in support of the principles behind introduction of Pay & Display in town centres. At the same time, however, the need was highlighted to ensure that: • account was taken of the individual circumstances within each area including the setting of parking charges and potential for the introduction of an initial free 15 minute parking period; • full consultation was undertaken on any proposals; • any implementation was undertaken on a joined-up and co- ordinated basis with the introduction or operation of any CPZs in the surrounding area; and • that introduction of any schemes was accompanied by the necessary level of parking enforcement;

(b) the concerns raised by Councillor Rodin to avoid decisions on the introduction of any schemes becoming driven by financial considerations. This was in view of the potential income generation benefits arising from introduction of any schemes, identified within the Cabinet report as £150k per annum up until 2013 then rising to £245k.

(c) the concerns raised by Councillor Orhan (as ward councillor for Ponders End) at the potential impact which the introduction of a Pay & Display

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scheme may have in that area. In addition she supported the view that the introduction of any scheme needed to be considered alongside development of the wider Place Shaping agenda within Ponders End rather than as a separate initiative. The lack of reference within the report to parking for the elderly and disabled was also highlighted as a concern. In response Councillor Neville pointed out that the development of the Place Shaping agenda was still in its early stages and Cabinet had been keen to begin addressing the long term parking problems in the areas identified for review as a matter or urgency particularly given their current affect on local trade. In terms of disabled parking, provision was already available in many areas through the blue badge scheme.

AGREED that:

(1) having considered the information provided at the meeting, Overview & Scrutiny Committee confirm, rather then refer back, the original decision taken by the Cabinet on 2 April 2008 in relation to the extension of Pay & Display across the borough;

(2) in reaching the decision in (1) above Overview & Scrutiny Committee noted:

(a) The Cabinet decision had only given approval to undertake feasibility studies on the potential impact of the introduction of Pay & Display in the areas identified within the report. No approval had been given for the implementation of any schemes and once the studies had been completed formal consultation on any proposals being considered as a result would need to be undertaken. The outcome of these studies and any further consultation would then need to be reported back to members for further consideration before any approval was given to proceed with their implementation.

(b) The final report on the outcome of the Parking Strategy and Policy Review was anticipated by May/June 08 and Cabinet had made clear that the subsequent implementation of any Pay & Display schemes in the areas identified would need to take account of the review.

(c) The comments from EBRA in general support of the principles behind introduction of Pay & Display in town centres. At the same time the issues identified as needing to be taken into account when considering these schemes had also been recognised.

(3) Having taken account of the issues identified in (2) above Overview & Scrutiny Committee did not feel that the Cabinet decision was contrary to the Council’s Policy Framework.

Councillors Edward Smith, Robert Hayward and Pipe voted in favour of the above decision. Councillors Georgiou & Goddard voted against the above

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OVERVIEW & SCRUTINY COMMITTEE - 24.4.2008 decision and in favour of referring the decision back to Cabinet for reconsideration.


Overview & Scrutiny Committee received and noted a report from Tim Strong (Acting Director – Human Resources) providing additional monitoring data on staff turnover, absence and the use of Agency Workers. The additional information had been requested by the Committee on 6 November 07 as part of its ongoing monitoring on the impact of the work being undertaken by the Human Resource function across the Council.

The following issues were raised by members of the Committee in relation to the update provided:

(a) Concern was expressed at the robustness and accuracy of the sickness absence data provided given, as stated in section 3.3.1 of the report, that the SAP HR system previously used to record absence was not able to accurately reflect the actual amount of time lost through sickness incurred by part time workers who worked less than five days a week (comprising approx 25% of Council’s non-school workforce). The system was further complicated by part time staff who had more than one job within the Council.

In response Tim Strong pointed out that the accuracy of the monitoring data was expected to significantly improve following the implementation of the new MI Portal system, which had gone live from 1 April 08. The new system would provide managers with direct access to employee records within their management remit and be used to log/generate reports on a range of issues including sickness absence. In addition the system would include details of individual work patterns, enabling more accurate monitoring data to be provided on the actual amount of time lost through sickness absence at departmental and service level. The new system would also allow employees to manage their own personal details and records without the involvement of HR or payroll.

(b) Members were keen to monitor progress on implementation of the new MI Portal system in order to review: • how successful implementation had been and any significant problems identified in terms of its level of use across the Council; and • how effective it had been at improving the accuracy and quality of monitoring data being captured and produced, particularly in relation to sickness absence.

(c) Details were sought on the action being taken to address the issue of long-term sickness absence, which the Committee noted accounted for 48.6% of time lost and had been incurred by 168 (approx 3.5%) staff.

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Tim Strong reported that one of the key initiatives introduced as a means of addressing sickness absence had been the appointment of a new provider for the Council’s Occupational Health Service.

(d) In terms of staff turnover further details were sought on the figures relating to the following reasons, identified within Appendix 2 of the report, for people leaving the Council: • Redundancy – 6%; • Retirement: Redundancy - 1.4% As part of the breakdown details were also requested on the actual number of staff involved, their grades and overall level of costs associated with the redundancies. Tim Strong advised that he would need to provide these details after the meeting.

As no further issues were raised the Committee thanked Tim Strong for the update provided.


(1) The Assistant Director – Human Resources provide the Committee with:

(a) an update report at its first normal business meeting in 2008/09 Municipal Year outlining the progress made with implementation of the MI Portal system in order to monitor its effect at improving the capture accuracy and quality of monitoring data, particularly in relation to sickness absence; Post meeting note: This update has now been scheduled for the Committee meeting on 9 September 08.

(b) further details, via e-mail, on the figures relating to the following reasons, identified within Appendix 2 of the report, for people leaving the Council: • Redundancy – 6%; • Retirement: Redundancy - 1.4% The breakdown to include staff numbers, grades and costs. Post meeting note: The information requested was provided to all members of the Committee via e-mail on 30 May 08.

(2) the Committee continue to receive, as part of its ongoing review of the Council’s HR Strategy, further periodic monitoring reports on staff sickness absence, turnover and the use of Agency Staff and these be included as part its work programme for 2008/09.


Overview & Scrutiny Committee (OSC) received a report from the Head of Corporate Scrutiny Services seeking comments on: • an outline draft of the Committee’s section for inclusion within the Scrutiny Annual Report; and • an outline of the complete draft Scrutiny Annual Report 2007/08.

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NOTED 1. The amended format for the Annual Report, as considered by the Committee at its previous meeting on 6 March 08, which had been designed to produce a more focussed and user-friendly document. The amendments included: a. a new shorter and more focussed format for the individual Panel reports; b. the introduction of new sections: • outlining the key achievements for scrutiny (across all Panels) over the year focussed around improvements to local services; • Looking Forward to outline future challenges for scrutiny; and • Providing a brief overall evaluation of the scrutiny function’s performance. 2. The need identified by members for the format of the sections from individual Panels to be consistent throughout the report.


(1) the draft report from the Overview & Scrutiny Committee for 2007/08 (as set out in Appendix 1 of the report) be approved for inclusion within the final Scrutiny Annual Report;

(2) subject to the comments outlined above, the format and outline content for the full 2007/08 Scrutiny Annual Report be approved (as set out in Appendix 2 of the report);

(3) the Chairman be granted delegated authority to approve the final version of the Annual Report for referral onto Council, subject to prior consultation on the final draft report having been undertaken with all members of the Committee via e-mail.


Overview & Scrutiny Committee received a report from the Head of Corporate Scrutiny Services outlining proposals for the scrutiny member induction and Panel work programme planning process being developed for 2008/09.

NOTED 1. The main aim behind the induction process to provide an opportunity for all Panel Chairman, Vice-Chairman and support officers to focus on the approach towards co-ordinating scrutiny and planning each Panel’s work programme over the next year. 2. The outline programme for the scrutiny induction session (as detailed in section 2.4 of the report) which had also been designed to include a briefing on the new powers for scrutiny established through the Police & Justice Act 06 & Local Government & Public Involvement in Health Act 07.

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3. The proposal to seek an external facilitator for the session from the Centre for Public Scrutiny (CfPS). Mike Ahuja (Head of Corporate Scrutiny Services) advised that Gareth Wall (Senior Policy Advisor – CfPS) had provisionally agreed to jointly facilitate the session. In response to members queries he pointed out that Gareth had been asked to provide an outline of the new powers available to scrutiny and how these were being developed across the country. 4. The format for the individual Panel work programme planning workshops proposed for 2008/09, as detailed in section 3 of the report. The workshops would include an opportunity for the relevant Director(s) and Cabinet Member(s) to attend at the start of each session to outline their key priorities for the year and beyond. 5. The request from the Labour Group for the induction session to be arranged on a date after 19 May 08 in order to enable their Annual Group meeting to have taken place.


(1) the programme and outline arrangements for the 2008/09 Scrutiny Member Induction session and individual Panel work programme planning sessions be approved;

(2) the date for the Scrutiny Induction session be arranged on a date after 19 May 08;

(3) as in previous years an open invite be issued for all Scrutiny Members to attend the Induction session.


NOTED that no specific items had been referred onto Overview & Scrutiny Committee for consideration at the meeting.


Overview & Scrutiny Committee received a briefing paper from James Kinsella (Scrutiny Secretary) outlining a reference made to scrutiny by Council on 26 March 08 regarding the establishment of a Scrutiny Commission to review young people’s life opportunities.

NOTED 1. The establishment of a Scrutiny Commission had been unanimously agreed by Council, following discussion of an Opposition Business Paper, as a means of investigating issues around the number of youth

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fatalities in the borough and how young people could be deterred from resorting to violence and crime. 2. The specific issues raised during the Council debate leading to the establishment of the Scrutiny Commission, as detailed in section 1.4 of the briefing paper. 3. The work already commissioned by the Executive designed to focus on youth provision within the Edmonton area, which it was planned to link into the Commission review. 4. The Commission had been tasked with making an initial report back to Council in September 08 and Mike Ahuja advised that work was already underway to produce a draft review scope, which would include: • a detailed review timescale. Members felt the initial aim should be to complete the review within a 6 month period; • proposals on the range of people to be involved in providing evidence and working with the Commission – including co-optees The review scope would need to be considered and approved at the first meeting of the Commission. 5. Nominations for membership of the Commission were currently being sought, with Council having agreed it should comprise of 6 members (3 majority & 3 opposition). 6. In addition to the Young People’s Life Opportunities Commission the Committee had also (following a separate reference received from Council during 2007/08) agreed to the establishment of a further Scrutiny Commission examining the reasons and consequences of the insolvency of Enfield Leisure Centres Ltd. This Commission had been on hold pending completion of the liquidators work but once completed there would be a need for the Committee to consider how it wished to progress this additional Commission and prioritise it against the existing scrutiny workload. In response to a request by members Mike Ahuja agreed to seek an update for Overview & Scrutiny Committee on completion of the liquidation process and feed this back as part of the work programme planning process for 2008/09.


(1) Overview & Scrutiny Committee formally endorse the establishment of a Scrutiny Commission to review young people’s life opportunities within Enfield, as detailed above;

(2) in order to assist with prioritisation of the scrutiny workload the Head of Corporate Scrutiny Services provide an update for Overview & Scrutiny Committee, as part of its 2008/09 work programme planning process, on the progress being made with completion of the Enfield Leisure Centres Ltd liquidation process and potential timescale for establishment of the subsequent Scrutiny Commission.


1.1 Specific items to be referred to Cabinet

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No items were identified at the meeting for referral onto Cabinet.

1.2 References from Scrutiny to Cabinet/Council: Monitoring Update

Overview & Scrutiny Committee noted that the following scrutiny reference had been considered by Cabinet since their last meeting:

Cabinet – 5 March 08: Reference from Overview & Scrutiny Committee – Local Government & Public Involvement in Health Act 07 and Police & Justice Act 06 Scrutiny Implications

NOTED 1. Cabinet had received a report (No.239) detailing the proposed changes to the Council’s scrutiny function as a result of the above legislation. A supplementary report was also provided for Cabinet detailing the comments made by Overview & Scrutiny Committee when considering the proposed changes at their special meeting on 26 February 08. 2. Having considered the comments made by Overview & Scrutiny Committee Cabinet agreed: a. to note the role of the Committee and scrutiny with regard to wider partnership working – with the Government keen to encourage more focus around the LAA and other key strategic plans/partners; b. to support the relocation of the Corporate Scrutiny Team into the new Governance Division of Finance & Corporate Resources; c. to note the proposed amendments to the scrutiny structure and Panel remits in order to establish a Crime & Safety Scrutiny Panel; d. to note the proposals for the establishment of Councillor Calls for Action; and e. to note the support arrangements for the revised scrutiny role and cessation of the Lead Support Officer role. 3. In reaching this decision Cabinet also noted the issues raised by Overview & Scrutiny Committee with regard to the ongoing scrutiny support arrangements & the high standard of scrutiny work already undertaken within Enfield. 4. Having been approved by Cabinet the changes to the scrutiny remits were subsequently considered and formally endorsed by the Constitution Review Group and Council (7 May 08).


AGREED that the minutes from the following meetings of the Overview & Scrutiny Committee be confirmed and signed as a correct record: • Tuesday 26 February 08; • Thursday 6 March 08

Members noted, in relation to the minutes from 6 March 08, that the Council had now been successful in achieving Level 3 accreditation under the Local Government Equality Standard.

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1.1 Overview & Scrutiny Committee: Work Programme 2007/08

Overview & Scrutiny Committee noted the progress made against its annual work programme during 2007/08.

1.2 Dates of Future Meetings

As this was scheduled to be the final meeting during the 2007/08 Municipal Year, Councillor Smith (as Chairman) took the opportunity to thank all members and officers involved in supporting Overview & Scrutiny Committee during the year for their hard work and effort.

The Committee noted that members would be consulted on a new programme of dates early in the 2008/09 Municipal Year.

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