PLANNING COMMITTEE Date : 4Th March 2013
LONDON BOROUGH OF ENFIELD PLANNING COMMITTEE Date : 4th March 2013 Report of Contact Officer: Ward: Cockfosters Assistant Director - Aled Richards Tel: 020 8379 3857 Planning, Highways & Andy Higham Tel: 020 8379 3848 Transportation Mr R.W. Laws Tel: 020 8379 3605 Application Number : P12-02266PLA Category: Dwellings LOCATION: FORMER CAT HILL CAMPUS, MIDDLESEX UNIVERSITY SITE, CAT HILL, BARNET, EN4 8HU PROPOSAL: Demolition of existing buildings and redevelopment of site to provide a total of 231 residential units comprising 162 self contained flats and 69 houses comprising the following break down: Block (A) 3/4 storey with balconies (10units: 2x1 bed and 8X2 Bed), Blocks B, C, D, E, F, which are part 4/5 storeys (which incorporates the part ground floor/ semi basement parking for these 5 blocks) as well as projecting lift shaft/ stair case elements above these blocks and recessed balconies. Block B (32 units: 8x1 bed, 16x2 bed and 8 x 3 Bed), Block C (28 units: 8x1 bed and 20x2 bed), Block D: (32 units: 16x1 bed 8x2 bed and 8x3 bed), Block E (32 Units: 24x2 bed and 8x 3 Bed), Block F (28 Units: 8x1 bed, 8X2 bed and 12 x3 Bed). 57 terraced house comprising a mixture of 3 and 4 bed units with dormer windows to front and rear ,some with balcony area, 12 x4 bed semi detached houses with front and rear dormers together with raised ground level stepped terraced rear gardens, a total of 245 car parking spaces, pumping station, electricity sub station, trim trail, private amenity space as well as communal amenity space including 3 play areas, landscaping and internal access roads, as well as changes in ground levels including raising of ground levels and other ancillary works including drainage.
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