MAY 2008

Approval of the thesis:


submitted by EMRE SEYREK in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Geological Engineering Department, Middle East Technical University by,

Prof. Dr. Canan Özgen ______Dean, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences

Prof. Dr. Vedat Doyuran ______Head of Department, Geological Engineering

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Bora Rojay ______Supervisor, Geological Engineering Dept., METU

Examining Committee Members:

Prof. Dr. Erdin Bozkurt ______Geological Engineering Dept., METU

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Bora Rojay ______Geological Engineering Dept., METU

Prof. Dr. Kadir Dirik ______Geological Engineering Dept., HU

Prof. Dr. Vedat Toprak ______Geological Engineering Dept., METU

Ahmet Aytaç Eren, M.Sc. ______Exploration Manager, Güney Yıldızı Petrol Üretim, Sondaj Müteahhitlik ve Tic. A.Ş.

Date: 06.05.2008

I hereby declare that all information in this document has been obtained and presented in accordance with academic rules and ethical conduct. I also declare that, as required by these rules and conduct, I have fully cited and referenced all material and results that are not original to this work.

Name, Last name : Emre Seyrek

Signature :




Seyrek, Emre M.Sc., Department of Geological Engineering Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Bora Rojay

May 2008, 100 pages

Adıyaman region is situated within SE Anatolian Fold and Thrust Belt which is a part of Alpine-Himalayan Mountain Belt system. The Belt is evolved as Eurasian plate and Arabian plate amalgamates in SE Anatolia. There are two main contractional deformational periods, Late Cretaceous and Late Miocene, which are followed by a strike slip deformation, during post-Late Miocene characterizing the tectonics of SE Anatolia.

Series of folds and thrusts have a trend of almost ENE-WSW direction. The analysis on bedding planes and folds shows around N70E trend. On the other hand, two overthrusts that are closely linked to the folds and a sinistral strike-slip fault with reverse component are differentiated. The overthrust belt with ENE-WSW trend bounds the study area from north with a vergence from north to south and situated on top of folded upper Miocene sequences. Another overthrust and a cross-cutting strike slip fault with reverse component –Adıyaman Fault- form a “pop-up” structure (positive flower structure) which is characteristic for in a transpressional regimes manifested in geological cross-sections done from borehole correlations and seismic sections.


To conclude, by combining the surface (field data) and subsurface data (seismic and borehole data), the Alidağ anticlinal structure that is formed along the Adıyaman Fault are developed after the Late Miocene under transpressional regime.

Keywords: Adıyaman, SE Anatolia, Alidağ Anticline, Post-Miocene, Deformation.




Seyrek, Emre Y.Lisans, Jeoloji Mühendisliği Bölümü Tez Yöneticisi: Doç. Dr. Bora Rojay

Mayıs 2008, 100 sayfa

Adıyaman bölgesi, Alp-Himalaya Dağ Kuşağı Sisteminin bir parçası olan GD Anadolu Kıvrım ve Bindirme Kuşağının içinde yer alır. Kuşak, Avrasya ve Arap plakalarının GD Anadolu’da çarpışması sonucu oluşmuştur. GD Anadolu’nun tektoniğini karakterize eden iki ana sıkışmalı deformasyon dönemleri olan, Geç Kretase ve Geç Miyosen, Geç Miyosen sonrası doğrultu atımlı deformasyon ile takip edilir.

Kıvrım ve fay dizilerinin gidişi yaklaşik olarak DKD-BGB yönelimindedir. Tabaka düzlemi ve kıvrım analizi K70D gidişi göstermektedir. Diğer taraftan kıvrımlarla yakından ilişkili iki bindirme ve ters bileşenli sol yanal atımlı bir fay ayırtlanmıştır. Çalışma sahasını kuzeyden sınırlayan DKD-BGB gidişlili ve kuzeyden güneye tektonik taşınma yönü olan bindirme kuşağı ve kıvrımlanmış Üst Miyosen istifine bindirir. Diğer bindirme ve onu kesen ters bileşenli doğrultu atımlı fay – Adıyaman Fayı- jeolojik kesitlerde ve kuyu korelasyonlarında da ortaya konduğu gibi transpresyonel rejimlerde karakteristik olan bir “pop-up” yapısı (pozitif çiçek yapısı) oluşturmaktadır

vi Netice olarak, yüzey (saha verileri) ve yeraltı verileri (sismik ve kuyu bilgileri) birleştirilerek Alidağ antiklinal yapısını oluşturan Adıyaman Fayı’nın tektonik evriminin Geç Miyosen’den sonrası transpresyonel rejim ürünüdür.

Anahtar Sözcükler: Adıyaman, GD Anadolu, Alidağ Antiklinali, Miyosen sonrası, Deformasyon.


To My Family,



Firstly, the author wishes to express his gratitude and appreciation to his supervisor Assoc. Prof. Dr. Bora Rojay for their guidance, advice, criticism, encouragements and insight throughout the research.

The author would also like to thank to Aytaç Eren (MSc) and Dr. Mehmet Erdoğdu for their suggestions and comments.

He expresses his gratitude to Cenk Yardımcılar (MSc) for his helps during the analysis of geophysical studies.

The author thanks to Prof. Dr. Vedat Toprak, Prof. Dr. Erdin Bozkurt and Prof. Dr. Kadir Dirik for their suggestions related to content of the study.

He would also thank to his brother Eren for his helps during the thesis studies.

Lastly, the author would like to thank to the administration of the company Aladdin Middle East, Ltd. for the permission and helps for using the company’s archive for the thesis and for letting him to conduct the field excursion study.



ABSTRACT...... iv ÖZ ...... vi ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ...... ix TABLE OF CONTENTS...... x LIST OF TABLES ...... xii LIST OF FIGURES ...... xiii CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION...... 1 1.1 Purpose and Scope ...... 1 1.2. Geographic Location...... 2 1.3 Methods of study...... 4 1.4 Previous studies...... 5 1.5 Geological setting of the Adıyaman region ...... 9 2. STRATIGRAPHY ...... 14 2.1 Surface Stratigraphy...... 14 2.1.1 Upper Germav Formation (Tşg)...... 14 2.1.2 Midyat Group (Tm) ...... 16 2.1.3 Şelmo Formation (Tş)...... 17 2.1.4 Alluvium (Qa) ...... 18 2.2 Borehole Stratigraphy ...... 19 2.2.1 Derik Group (€d) ...... 33 2.2.2 Mardin Group (Km) ...... 33 2.2.3 Adıyaman Group (Ka)...... 34 Karaboğaz Formation (Kk)...... 35 Sayındere Formation (Ks) ...... 35 2.2.4 Şırnak Group (KTş)...... 36 2.2.5 Karadut Allochtonous Complex (Kka)...... 37

x 2.2.6 Midyat Group (Tm) ...... 37 2.2.5 Şelmo Formation (Tş)...... 37 3. STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY ...... 39 3.1 Attitude of Bedding...... 39 3.1.1 Surface Data...... 39 3.1.2 Subsurface Data (Dipmeter Data) ...... 41 3.2 Folding ...... 47 3.3 Unconformities...... 55 3.4 Faults...... 56 4. CORRELATION OF WELL DATA ...... 58 5. DISCUSSION ...... 67 6. CONCLUSIONS...... 71 REFERENCES...... 73 APPENDICES A. Wells in the study area...... 79 B. Dip-strike measurements on the beds of Paleocene - Oligocene ...... 80 C. Dip-strike measurements on the beds of Upper Miocene ...... 82 D. Bedding attitude of the units cut in the wells...... 85 E. Dipmeter logs of the wells...... 99




Table 1.1: Flowchart of the thesis ...... 5 Table A.1: Surface elevations, the TD and the units at their total depths of the wells in the study area ...... 79 Table B.1: Dip-strike measurements on the beds of Paleocene - Oligocene in age (Upper Germav Formation & Midyat Group)...... 80 Table C.1: Dip-strike measurements on the beds of Upper Miocene in age (Şelmo Formation) ...... 82 Table D.1: Bedding attitude of the units cut in the wells...... 85




Figure 1.1: Location of the study area ...... 2 Figure 1.2: Geographic location of the study area ...... 3 Figure 1.3: Geographic setting of the study area ...... 3 Figure 1.4: Generalized columnar section of SE Anatolia ...... 11 Figure 2.1: Geological map with stratigraphical columnar section of the study area 15 Figure 2.2: Upper Germav Formation composed of marl...... 16 Figure 2.3: Midyat Group composed of partially silicified limestone...... 17 Figure 2.4: Conglomerate of Şelmo Formation overlying finer clastics of the same formation...... 18 Figure 2.5: Generalized stratigraphic section of the study area...... 21 Figure 2.6: The stratigraphic section of A1972 Well...... 22 Figure 2.7: The stratigraphic section of A1976 Well...... 23 Figure 2.8: The stratigraphic section of C1967 Well...... 24 Figure 2.9: The stratigraphic section of EH 2002 Well...... 25 Figure 2.10: The stratigraphic section of H1973 Well...... 26 Figure 2.11: The stratigraphic section of K1971 Well...... 27 Figure 2.12: The stratigraphic section of KE2006 Well ...... 28 Figure 2.13: The stratigraphic section of T1984 Well ...... 29 Figure 2.14: The stratigraphic section of T1974 Well ...... 30 Figure 2.15: The stratigraphic section of SH1994 Well ...... 31 Figure 2.16: The stratigraphic section of KH1959 Well...... 32 Figure 3.1: Bedding planes of Upper Germav Formation...... 40 Figure 3.2: Bedding planes of Midyat Group ...... 40 Figure 3.3: Rose diagram for the strike data measured on the beds of Paleocene- Oligocene in age (Upper Germav Formation & Midyat Group)...... 42

xiii Figure 3.4: Rose diagram for the strike data measured on the beds of Upper Miocene in age (Şelmo Formation) ...... 42 Figure 3.5: Bedding attitudes near the wells T1974, A1972, A1976...... 44 Figure 3.6: Rose diagram showing the strikes of the beds of Paleocene to Oligocene in age (Upper Germav Formation and Midyat Group) in the A1976 well...... 45 Figure 3.7: Rose diagram showing the strikes of the beds of Paleocene to Oligocene in age (Upper Germav Formation and Midyat Group) in the A1972 well...... 45 Figure 3.8: Rose diagram showing the strikes of the beds of Upper Miocene in age (Şelmo Formation)in the A1972 well ...... 46 Figure 3.9: Rose diagram showing the strikes of the beds of Paleocene to Oligocene in age (Upper Germav Formation and Midyat Group) in the T1974 well...... 46 Figure 3.10: Geological map showing the labels of the structures and location of cross-section...... 47 Figure 3.11: N-S section showing the structural elements of the study area ...... 51 Figure 3.12: Stereonet for the strike-dip data measured on the beds of Paleocene- Oligocene in age (Upper Germav Formation & Midyat Group)...... 52 Figure 3.13: Stereonet for the strike-dip data measured on the beds of Upper Miocene in age (Upper Şelmo Formation)...... 52 Figure 3.14: Strereonet diagram showing the dips of the beds of Paleocene to Oligocene in age (Upper Germav Formation and Midyat Group) in the A1972 well...... 53 Figure 3.15: Strereonet diagram showing the dips of the beds of Paleocene to Oligocene in age (Upper Germav Formation and Midyat Group) in the A1976 well...... 53 Figure 3.16: Strereonet diagram showing the dips of the beds of Paleocene to Oligocene in age (Upper Germav Formation and Midyat Group) in the T1974 well...... 54 Figure 3.17: Stereonet showing the dips of the beds of Upper Miocene in age (Şelmo Formation) in the A1972 well...... 54 Figure 3.18: Extent of the Midyat Group in the study area and the control of the southern fault as manifested from borehole data ...... 57 Figure 4.1: 3D-Diagram showing the logs of the wells in the study area...... 58

xiv Figure 4.2: Extent of the Mardin Group in the study area...... 59 Figure 4.3: Extent of the Karaboğaz Formation in the study area...... 59 Figure 4.4: Extent of the Sayındere Formation in the study area...... 60 Figure 4.5: Extent of the Şırnak Group in the study area...... 60 Figure 4.6: Extent of the Karadut allochton complex in the study area...... 61 Figure 4.7: Map showing location of the cross-sections...... 63 Figure 4.8: Cross section-1 passing through wells T1974-A1972-A1976-EH2002 KH1959-C1967...... 64 Figure 4.9: Cross section-2 passing through wells T1984-KE2006-C1967...... 65 Figure 4.10: Cross section-3 passing through wells K1971-A1976-KE2006...... 66 Figure 5.1: The simplified neotectonic map of the Eastern Mediterranean Terrain .. 68 Figure 5.2: Tectonic evolution of the Alidağ pop-up structure (Alidağ Anticline) ... 70 Figure E.1: Dipmeter logs of the well A1972 for the beds of Upper Miocene in age (Şelmo Formation) ...... 99 Figure E.2: Dipmeter logs of the well A1972 for the beds of Paleocene - Oligocene in age (Upper Germav Formation & Midyat Group)...... 100




1.1 Purpose and Scope

The study area is one of the geologically important terrains of SE Anatolia which is situated near oil producing field, Adıyaman oil field. Adiyaman Region is situated within the SE Anatolian Fold and Thrust Belt (Rigo de Righi & Cortesini, 1964), where closely bounded by East Anatolian Fault Zone in north, Karacadağ Volcanic Province in east and Akçakale Graben in south (Figure 1.1). Intensely and highly deformed region is sculptured mainly by Late Cretaceous and Late Miocene compressional and Plio-Quaternary transtensional tectonics.

The study area is an important target region for petroleum exploration in Turkey. There are several oil fields which are in and around the study area. The study area is near Adıyaman city and currently covered by several exploration licenses of several companies. The region is geologically and stratigraphically well-documented by oil companies because of high oil potential.

The main purpose of this study is to define the order of tectonic deformation developed during post-Eocene in the Adıyaman region and the tectonic meaning of the Alidağ structure by combining the surface (field surveys) and subsurface data (borehole data and seismics). To do that; i) the stratigraphy of the region is studied in the field and from borehole logs, and ii) structural data from the field, from the correlation of the borehole stratigraphy and seismic sections of the region.


Figure 1.1: Location of the study area (from MTA’s 1/2000000 scaled geological map of Turkey)

1.2. Geographic Location

The study area is situated in the east of city Adıyaman, SE Turkey (Figure1.2). It covers an area of 201.5 km2. The south of the study area is bounded by Atatürk Dam Lake. Malatya Mountains, which are a part of Southeastern Taurides, are surrounding the area from north. Karacadağ volcanic mountain is located to the east of the study area (Figure 1.2). The highest point of the study area is the hill Sırakaya in the northwestern corner of the study area, whose elevation is 1061m. (Figure 1.3). The lowest points in the area are in the Ziyaret River in the middle parts of the southern edge of the study area, whose elevation is around 500 m. Mountain Alidağ having an elevation of 874m is situated around the center of the study area (Figure 1.3). The study area is covered in 1: 25 000 scale topographic M40b3, M40b4, M40c1, M40c2 sheets.


Figure 1.2: Geographic location of the study area.

Figure 1.3: Geographic setting of the study area (DEM is prepared from 1: 25 000 scale topgraphic maps).

3 1.3 Methods of study

The study is based on collecting data, analyses of the data and combination of the surface and subsurface data (Table 1.1). The surface and the subsurface data was studied separately and combined later.

The archive of the company AME was investigated. The 1/25000 scaled topographic maps corresponding to the study area were digitized by using software TNTmips version 6.4. The digital elevation model (DEM) of the area was generated (Figure 1.3). Topography was digitized for 3D visualization and for determination of the relation between topography and geological structures.

The AME Oil Company’s geological map corresponding to the study area was enriched in the field. The dip-strike data from field measurements were plotted onto the geological map and later used for analysis of the possible paleostress orientations. These planar data were evaluated by using software Rockworks 2006. The rose diagrams and streonets were drawn. Same software was also used to analys some diagrams obtained from the well logs and to prepare panel diagrams to emphasize the extent of the stratigraphic units in subsurface.

To determine the change in the paleostress directions, the dip and strike measurements were analyzed with respect to the beds of outcrops of sequences bounded by unconformities. The statistical relationships were studied. The trends of the faults and folds were determined.

The seismic lines on seismic location maps were classified according to their vintages, their energy sources and the processes applied to them. The seismic lines passing through wells were determined. The seismic lines were evaluated and selected according to their quality, i.e. the persistency of the reflections and the usable good-quality sections were determined. The paper copies of the seismic lines which have no digital files were digitized and analyzed by use of the software Lynx.

4 Table 1.1: Flowchart of the thesis

The wells drilled in the study area were determined and correlated. The tectonic structures are interpreted by use of seismic sections.

The surface and subsurface geological data was combined and the post-Eocene deformational history of the study area and the tectonic evolution of the Alidağ structure with the attitude of the Adıyaman Fault is studied.

1.4 Previous studies

Adıyaman region is important especially for petroleum geology and structural geology of the SE Anatolia. Therefore, majority of the previous studies are based on stratigraphy and petroleum geology.

5 Before 1960’s several geologists did research on tectonics of the region (Arni, 1939; Kraus, 1958; Ketin, 1959; Tromp, 1941; Egeran, 1952; Erentöz & Ternek, 1959). Some of them worked on the tectonics of the SE Anatolia and some on oil potential of the SE Anatolia linked to the startigraphy.

Arni (1939) studied the main tectonic units of Eastern Anatolia basing on the stratigraphy, magmatism and orogenic activities comparing with the Iranian tectonics. Kraus (1958) worked on the orogeny of the Eastern Anatolia and width of the thrust zones. Ketin (1959) discussed the evolution of the southeastern Anatolia in his “Orogenic development of Turkey” research. Tromp (1941) worked basically on tectonostratigraphy and oil potential of southeastern Turkey by comparing with the surrounding region. Egeran (1952) studied the relationships between the tectonic units and the petroleum accumulations in Turkey. He investigated the closeness of the tectonic units with the locations of oil shows from Paleozoic to Miocene. Erentöz & Ternek (1959) evaluated the petroleum potential of the sedimentary basins of Anatolia. They divided the zones in the basins as favorable or unfavorable for oil prospects.

Following the 1960’s, the researches are mainly based on the oil exploration. Two studies are pioniers of the surveys done in SE Anatolia; Rigo de Righi & Cortesini (1964) and Perinçek (1980).

Rigo de Righi & Cortesini (1964) studied the allochtonous and autochtonous units in the Taurus region. They worked the gravity tectonics in foothills structure belt of SE Anatolia and implications of gravity tectonics for petroleum exploration in SE Anatolia.

The tectonics of Taurid belt with the sedimentation on the Arabian shelf is studied and discussed by Perinçek (1980). He investigated the effects of orogeny from the eastern Mediterranean region to the Arabian continental shelf.

6 Besides these two, the petroleum geology of the area is studied by many geologists (eg. Sungurlu, 1974; Ala & Moss, 1979; Demirel et al., 2001; Şengündüz & Aras, 1986; Duran et al., 1988; Görür et al., 1991; Uygur et al., 1997; Ulu & Karahanoğlu, 1998; Sarı & Bahtiyar, 1999). These studies are briefly as follows:

For the petroleum systems point of view;

Sungurlu (1974) studied the geology of the north of SE Anatolia and the possibilities of petroleum systems. He has drawn conclusions about the general petroleum potential of SE Anatolia, the tectonics of SE Anatolia and the evolution of Kastel Basin.

Ala & Moss (1979) studied the petroleum geology of Turkey and compared petroleum geologies of SE Anatolia and northeast Syria in terms of depositional cycles, regional tectonic setting, and the structural framework. They implied that SE Anatolia and NE Syria belong to the Persian Gulf basin. Large, elongated folds of Miocene-Pliocene age dominate the structure of the region, and the intensity of deformation increases towards the north, in the direction of the Taurus orogenic belt.

Demirel et al. (2001) studied petroleum systems of the Adıyaman Region. They used stratigraphic well data in order to investigate the petroleum systems around Adıyaman region and presented detailed petroleum event charts. According to Demirel et al., (2001), several source rocks exist within the sequence, including shales, mudstones and carbonates of the Cenomanian to Middle Campanian sequences, with the oil prone Type II kerogen. Dolomitic wackestone of Santonian - Lower Campanian, Cenomanian – Turonian, and especially the dolomites of the Albian - Cenomanian units are the important reservoirs according to the porosity (3% to 15%) and the permeability values. According to Demirel et al. (2001), critical processes determining the hydrocarbon accumulations occurred from the Upper Cenomanian-Lower Turonian to Aqutanian.

7 For the stratigraphical point of view;

Şengündüz & Aras (1986) studied the facies of Mardin Group and Karabogaz Formations, their diagenetic characteristics and generated the depositional models.

Duran et al. (1988) worked on the stratigraphy and sedimentology of the Midyat and Silvan Groups and their hydrocarbon potential in SE Anatolia.

Görür et al. (1991) studied the platform carbonates as being a part of continental margin. The platform Cretaceous Mardin Carbonates in SE Anatolia were interpreted as the continution of the Arabian Continental Margin.

For the source rock and geochemical studies;

Sarı & Bahtiyar (1999) evaluated Besikli oil field, Kahta, Adiyaman geochemically. They correlated the source rocks with the crude oils around the region.

Aydemir et al., (2006) studied the source rock potential of Karaboğaz Formation in Adıyaman region. They used the geochemical characteristics of the source rock potential of the Karaboğaz Formation and its maturity in order to estimate the gravity of the oil that could be generated.

For the reservoir geology;

Uygur et al. (1997) examined the reservoir characterization of Cretaceous Mardin Group Carbonates in the east of the Adıyaman region. They compared the overthrust and foreland zones petrographically and petrophysically. They stated that around 95% of the total oil production of Turkey form SE Turkey, and mostly from Cretaceous Mardin Group carbonates. The source, reservoir, and seal rocks of the oil fields are all Cretaceous carbonates. It is stated that clayey, fossiliferous wackestone of the Upper Campanian age Sayındere Formation is the dominant seal rock for Mardin Group. Generally, the source rocks are also effective seals. The overburden is

8 composed of thick Upper Cretaceous and Tertiary sequences. In the foreland area, oil fields are structurally defined by NE-SW trending low relief Miocene age en echelon folds and faulted folds. In the overthrust zone, they are defined by Cretaceous age, east-west elongated, closed, and asymmetrical thrusted anticlines of imbricated zone (Uygur et al., 1997). The API gravity of oil is varying from 11 to 34 in the Adıyaman region.

Ulu & Karahanoğlu (1998) investigated the characterization of the Karababa-C reservoir in the South Karakus oilfield. They used geostatistical methods for the reservoir evaluation of Karababa-C formation of Mardin group.

1.5 Geological setting of the Adıyaman region

Adıyaman is surrounded by the East Anatolian Fault Zone (EAFZ) and Bitlis-Zagros Suture Zone from north, Karacadağ volcanic terrain from east, Akçakale graben system from south and the Areban thrusts from west (Figure 1.1).

The Adıyaman region oil prospect area covers about 1800km2 in SE Anatolia and is located in the northwestern part of SE Anatolia. SE Anatolia is lying along the northern margin of the Arabian plate of Gondwanaland throughout the Paleozoic (Şengör & Yılmaz, 1981).

The Precambrian and Lower Paleozoic Derik and Habur Groups are the basement of the autochthonous units of SE Anatolia (Figure 1.4). The region was a positive area with series of Paleozoic Highs extending from northern Arabia through Turkey (Best et al., 1993). In the Adıyaman area, Uppermost Cambrian to Ordovician stratigraphic units are missing due to Mardin-Kahta high during the Caledonian and Hercynian orogenies (Demirel et al., 2001).

The Zap Group (Figure 1.4) was deposited in the western and eastern parts of SE Anatolia during Upper Devonian through Early Carboniferous. Due to the regional

9 uplift, entire SE Anatolia was experienced a non-depositional period during Middle Carboniferous and Early Permian times. The Late Permian Tanin Group was deposited in the southeastern part of the region. The Middle Triassic-Lower Cretaceous Cudi Group sequence deposited afterwards. Late Paleozoic and Lower Mesozoic eroded by Pre-Aptian erosion (Demirel et al., 2001). The Silurian and Lower-Middle Devonian Diyarbakir Group is missing in the whole of Southeast Anatolia except for Diyarbakir and the eastern part of the Mardin–Derik areas (Perincek et al., 1991)

SE Anatolia constitutes the northernmost part of the Arabian Platform that formed a part of the north facing, passive Gondwanaian margin of the southern branch of the Neo-Tethys Ocean during Cretaceous (Şengör & Yılmaz, 1981).

Before deposition of the Mardin Carbonates, the Arabian Platform had undergone an extensional tectonics up to the Late Jurassic (Ala & Moss 1979). The extensional regime started in Jurassic and continued until Early Cretaceous. During Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous, rifting caused a block faulted terrain with topographic highs and lows. In fact, during that time SE Anatolia was an E-W trending topographic high. As the transgression flooded this high during the Aptian and Santonian the Mardin carbonates were deposited (Görür et al., 1991). Following the extension, a subduction started during Valanginian. The subduction of Arabian plate lasted until Maastrichtian (Önalan, 1988).

From the mid-Early Cretaceous, the shelf area deepened northwards into the southern branch of the Neo-Tethys Ocean and ophiolites originating from the Tethyan ocean floor were thrusted southwards over the Arabian Shelf as a result northward subduction (Perinçek & Özkaya 1981, Şengör & Yılmaz, 1981).


Figure 1.4: Generalized columnar section of SE Anatolia (Dinçer, 1991)

11 According to Perinçek (1979, 1980) the Campanian-Early Maastrichtian interval is an important period. During this period the Kastel Foredeep formed to the south of Tauride orogenic belt. The Koçali and Karadut complexes settled with gravity slides into this foredeep (Rigo de Righi & Cortesini, 1964). SE Anatolia was affected by a regional marine transgression during the Campanian and the Kastel Basin, a narrow rapidly subsiding foredeep, developed to the south of the Campanian to Early Maastrichtian thrust belt (Ala & Moss 1979; Rigo de Righi & Cortesini, 1964; Sungurlu, 1974). The Kastel Basin developed in front of the allochtonous units. Oceanic crust (Koçali complex) and Karadut complex (deep marine carbonate flysch) overthrusted along the northern margin of the Arabian Platform during Late Campanian to Early Maastrichtian (Sungurlu, 1974).

From Late Maastrichtian to the Late Eocene restricted shallow-marine shelf and relatively deep-marine environments were developed due to sea level changes in the SE Anatolia while subduction continues (Demirel et al., 2001).

As a result of this intense deformation, tectonic belts classsified as northern high, imbricated zone, overthrust zone, depression and main high developed form north to south in SE Anatolia (Aydemir et al., 2006).

According to Perinçek (1980) the early Paleocene tectonics caused uplifting, regression, nondeposition and local erosions in the continental shelf environments in Southeast Anatolia. There is an early Eocene transgression resulted in carbonate deposition in Southeast Anatolia (Perinçek, 1980). During Early Miocene in the NW and N of SE Anatolia, a deep and narrow WSW-ESE, E-W trending trough developed. Due to tectonic activities this trough was closed in Middle Miocene.

The late Miocene interval is marked by continental deposition and compressional tectonics in the in the Adıyaman region. Due to compressional tectonism, which created a series of thrusts and thrust belts in the northern regions, extensional tectonism has developed and produced a group of grabens in the south. Akçakale

12 Graben is one of the last products of the intense tectonism occurred during and after the Miocene in SE Anatolia (Tardu et al., 1987).

There are two distinct thrusting periods resulting from N-S compressional regime which are Late Cretaceous and Late Miocene overthrust belts. Both are thrusted from north to south in an imbricated manner.

Adıyaman area forms part of the foreland to the south of these arcuate Late Cretaceous and Late Miocene thrust belts (Perinçek, 1980). According to Şengün (1993) ophiolites thrusted onto the passive continental margin sequences and imbricated in the early stages of collision. They are slided into the the foredeeps according to the rotational periods of the collision.

The suture of southern Neotethys is situated to the north of Bitlis-Pütürge and the collision ended at the end of Miocene (Şengör & Yılmaz, 1981; Dewey et al., 1986).

The accumulated stress and strain along the fold and thrust belt is released during the neotectonic period, which is post-Miocene (Hempton, 1987). The neotectonic period in SE Anatolia is characterized with the evolution of EAFZ and DSFZ together and escape of Anatolian Plate onto African Plate along the Mediterranean ridge in an anticlockwise manner (Rotstein, 1984). The bifurcation of DSFZ in northern Syria and SE Anatolia and linking to the EAFZ resulted in the development of strike-slip deformational structures in a complex array in close vicinity of the Adıyaman. These might be Areban Thrusts, Bozova and Kalecik faults, and Akçakale graben.

Miocene to Quaternary volcanism is a characteristic input in the tectonic input in the tectonic evolution of the SE Anatolia from İskenderun Bay to Hatay graben to Karacadağ volcanic province.




The stratigraphy of the study area is discussed on mainly two aspects. First aspect is related to surface stratigraphy and second aspect is related to subsurface stratigraphy. Surface stratigraphy was studied by field observations with the aid of previous maps. The data related to subsurface stratigraphy was obtained from the borehole logs of the wells, which were drilled in different years by different companies in the study area. The formations exposing in the area were explained under the heading “surface stratigraphy” and the formations encountered in the wells were explained under the heading “borehole stratigraphy”.

2.1 Surface Stratigraphy

There are four stratigraphic units exposing in the study area. They are Paleocene Upper Germav Formation of the Şırnak Group, Eocene – Oligocene Midyat Group, Upper Miocene Şelmo Formation and Quaternary alluvium (Figure 2.1).

2.1.1 Upper Germav Formation (Tşg)

Şırnak Group is represented by Upper Germav Formation at the surface in the study area (Figure 2.2). The Germav Formation is firstly named by Maxson (1936) in the Hermis Anticline. Afterwards according to the depositional period and the fossil content the formation, Kellogg (1961) used the Upper Germav Formation


15 terminology. The type locality is near the Germav village, 40 km east of the Gercüş town of Batman (Yılmaz & Duran, 1997). Upper Germav Formation consists of beige, gray, light brick red, light brownish orange colored very soft marls; gray colored, medium hard, subfissile, calcareous shales and very rarely various colored, polygenic, medium hard-hard thin sandstone layers. Upper Germav composed of shale-marl intercalations. The maximum thickness of the formation is 684m in the A1976 well (from completion report of the A1976 well). Upper Germav Formation is overlain by Midyat Group conformably (Perinçek, 1980). The age is Paleocene. The depositional environment is supratidal to sabkha environment. (Aydemir et al., 2006).

0 1m

Figure 2.2: Upper Germav Formation composed of marl (NE of Beşyol village)

2.1.2 Midyat Group (Tm)

The group is firstly named by Maxson (1936). The type locality is near Midyat town of Mardin (Yılmaz & Duran, 1997). Midyat Group consists of white, cream, yellow,

16 light orange colored, occasionally silicified, hard - very hard, cryptocrystalline, very occasionally clayey, fossiliferous limestones (Figure 2.3). In some areas, chalky dolomites, sands and evaporates were also seen in the Midyat Group. The maximum thickness of the formation is 384m in the T1974 well (Figure 2.14). The age is Eocene-Oligocene. Şelmo Formation covers the Midyat Group unconformably. It was deposited on the carbonate platform. (Duran et al., 1988).

Figure 2.3: Midyat Group composed of partially silicified limestone (the height of the boy is 1.80m) (on the western slope of the Alidağ Mountain)

2.1.3 Şelmo Formation (Tş)

The formation is firstly named by Yoldemir (1987). The type locality is near the Şelmo village, SW of the town Sason of city Batman (Yılmaz & Duran, 1997). It consists of various colored polygenic, hard, subangular-subrounded gravels, various

17 colored polygenic, moderately sorted sandstones, light brown, light brick red, yellow colored, soft, calcareous, silty claystones (Figure 2.4). The maximum thickness of the formation is 664m in the T1984 well (Figure 2.13). Alluvium overlies Şelmo Formation unconformably. The age of the formation is Late Miocene. Şelmo Formation was deposited in continental environment (Dinçer 1991).

0 1m

Figure 2.4: Conglomerate of Şelmo Formation overlying finer clastics of the same formation (SW of Sevenk Village)

2.1.4 Alluvium (Qa)

Quaternary age alluvium covers the low relief topography and river valleys. Coarse grained sediments, mainly unconsolidated, uncemented, gravel and sands has a thickness up to 50m (Aydemir et al., 2006). Alluvium overlies the Şelmo Formation unconformably.

18 2.2 Borehole Stratigraphy

Due to oil exploration activities, the area was investigated by several oil companies and many wells, including exploration and production wells, were drilled. In the study area, there are around 20 oil production wells, whose data could not be obtained, and 20 exploration wells, data of 11 of which were obtained. These eleven were drilled in diferent parts of the study area (Figure 2.1). The actual names of the wells were changed to symbolic names (appendix A).

Beside the stratigraphic units exposing in the study area, there are some other older units cut in the wells as well. They are namely the other formations of Upper Campanian to Paleocene age Şırnak Group Lower to Upper Campanian age Adıyaman Group, Aptian to Lower Campanian age Mardin Group, and Upper Cambrian age Derik Group (Figure 2.5). The stratigraphic section was prepared according to the borehole log data of the wells (Figure 2.5).

The borehole logs of the eleven wells were taken from the well completion reports of the wells (Figures 2.6-2.16). The well completion reports were from closed AME oil company reports.

Due to the point of view of petroleum exploration companies and due to its little thickness the alluvium was not differentiated from Upper Miocene age Şelmo Formation during drilling of the wells.

Karaboğaz Formation is selected to be the key horizon because of its distinct lithology and thickness. The Karaboğaz key horizon could not be reached in the well T1974 due to its shallow total drilling depth.

The boundaries between Şelmo Formation and Midyat Group, between Karaboğaz Formation and Mardin Group, between Mardin Group and Derik Group are

19 unonformable, the boundaries between Midyat and Şırnak Groups, Şırnak Group and Karaboğaz Formation are transitional.

Eleven wells were studied. Some of the borehole stratigraphic sections were reinterpreted and some of the lithologic contacts were changed. These are: Şırnak – Sayındere boundary in the A1972, K1971, SH1994, KH1959 wells, Sayındere- Karaboğaz boundary in H1973, K1971, SH1994 wells and Karaboğaz-Mardin boundary in A1976, C1967, K1971, KH1959 wells.

20 200m 0

Figure 2.5: Generalized stratigraphic section of the study area (modified from Dinçer, 1991).


Figure 2.6: The stratigraphic section of A1972 Well (from completion report of A1972 Well (TPAO)).


Figure 2.7: The stratigraphic section of A1976 Well (from completion report of A1976 Well (TPAO)).


Figure 2.8: The stratigraphic section of C1967 Well (from completion report of C1967 Well (TPAO)).


Figure 2.9: The stratigraphic section of EH 2002 Well (from completion report of EH2002 Well (AME Oil Company))


Figure 2.10: The stratigraphic section of H1973 Well (from completion report of H1973 Well (AME Oil Company)).


Figure 2.11: The stratigraphic section of K1971 Well (from completion report of K1971 Well (TPAO)).


Figure 2.12: The stratigraphic section of KE2006 Well (from completion report of KE2006 Well (AME Oil Company))


Figure 2.13: The stratigraphic section of T1984 Well (from completion report of T1984 Well (TPAO))


Figure 2.14: The stratigraphic section of T1974 Well (from completion report of T1974 Well (TPAO)).


Figure 2.15: The stratigraphic section of SH1994 Well (from completion report of SH1994 Well (AME Oil Company)).


Figure 2.16: The stratigraphic section of KH1959 Well (from completion report of KH1959 Well (ESSO Oil Company)).

32 The stratigraphy of the study area from borehole logs are Paleozoic Derik Group, Aptian-Lower Campanian Mardin Group, Middle Campanian Karaboğaz Formation (Key Horizon) and Upper Campanian Sayındere Formation of the Adıyaman Group, Upper Campanian-Paleocene Şırnak Group, Upper Miocene Şelmo Formation, Quaternary alluvium and Upper Cretaceous Karadut Allochtonous Complex. The tectono-stratigraphy is as follows:

2.2.1 Derik Group (€d)

The unit is firstly named by Taylor (1955) as Derik formation. In 1977-1978, the rank of the unit is decided to be a group by the geologists of TPAO during the field excursions in SE Anatolia. The type locality is near the town Derik of Mardin (Yılmaz & Duran, 1997). The lithology consists of gray colored sandstone, siltstone shales and siltstones. There are marls at the lowermost parts of the unit. The maximum thickness of the formation must be greater than 195m because the penetration of the KE2006 well in the Derik Group is 195m (Figure 2.12). According to Aydemir at al. (2006), Cretaceous Mardin Group overlies Derik Group unconformably. The age of the group is Upper Cambrian. The depositional environment is shallow marine (Dinçer, 1991).

Derik Group is drilled in the study area by the wells (C1967 (Figure 2.8), K1971 (Figure 2.11), KE2006 (Figure 2.12), KH1959 (Figure 2.16)).

2.2.2 Mardin Group (Km)

The unit is firstly named by Schmidt (1935). The type locality is the Mardin region (Yılmaz & Duran, 1997).The group rank is firstly used by Dorsey & Franklin (1959) for the Triassic-Cretaceous carbonates. Tuna (1973) and Sungurlu (1973) named and described the Mardin Group. The lithology of bottom parts consists of limestones,

33 slightly argillaceous dolomites and sandstones. Sarı and Bahtiyar (1999) stated that the bottom of the Mardin Group consists of basement clastics. According to Wilson and Krummenacher (1959) top of the basement clastics, dolomites, limestones and gray colored shales deposited. Dolomites intercalated with limestones and medium hard to hard anhydrites deposited towards the middle sections of the Group. There are dark colored shale interbeds occasionally (Demirel et al., 2001). From the middle parts towards top, totally carbonate section were found. White, cream, beige colored, medium hard to hard, crypto-microcrystalline, rarely clayey, rarely dolomitic, and rarely fossiliferous limestones intercalated with dolomites were deposited. The maximum thickness of the formation is 340m in the KE2006 well (Figure 2.12). Karaboğaz Formation overlies Mardin Group unconformably (Perinçek, 1980). The age of the group is Aptian - Early Campanian. The depositional environment of the group is changing from beach, coastal environment to marine environment, and became finally shallow marine/lagoon/tidal environments (Şengündüz & Aras, 1986).

Mardin Group was drilled in the wells A1972 (Figure 2.6), A1976 (Figure 2.7), C1967 (Figure 2.8), H1973 (Figure 2.10), K1971 (Figure 2.11), KE2006 (Figure 2.12), T1984 (Figure 2.13), SH1994 (Figure 2.15), and KH1959 (Figure 2.16).

2.2.3 Adıyaman Group (Ka)

The name was firstly used by Çoruh (1991). Adıyaman Group is divided into two formations as Karaboğaz and Sayındere Formations. Karaboğaz Formation is considered as a key horizon in the study area due to its lithology and extensive distribution. Its thickness and lithology which is dark colored cherty limestone can be easily distinguishable.

34 Karaboğaz Formation (Kk)

The name was firstly used by Tuna (1973). The type locality is the southern slope of the mountain Karababa, 32 km south of Adıyaman (Yılmaz & Duran, 1997). The lithology consists of dark colored, medium hard to hard, clayey, generally cryptocrystalline, occasionally earthy textured, fossiliferous, occasionally clayey, rarely chalky, rarely microfractured limestones with brown or black colored, very hard, chert interbeds and nodules. Sarı & Bahtiyar (1999) stated that phosphates, glauconites and organic matter are abundant in Karaboğaz Formation. The depositional environment for the Karaboğaz Formation is deep marine. The maximum thickness of the formation is 39m in the A1976 well (Figure 2.7). The boundary between Karaboğaz and Sayındere Formations is transitional. (Dinçer, 1991). Age of the formation is Middle Campanian. According to Soylu et al., (2003) Karabogaz Formation is phosphate and chert bearing organic-rich pelagic carbonates. After deposition of the Mardin Group the environment deepened during the deposition of Karaboğaz Formation.

Karaboğaz Formation was cut in the wells A1972 (Figure 2.6), A1976 (Figure 2.7), C1967 (Figure 2.8), EH2002 (Figure 2.9), H1973 (Figure 2.10), K1971 (Figure 2.11), KE2006 (Figure 2.12), T1984 (Figure 2.13), SH1994 (Figure 2.15), and KH1959 (Figure 2.16). Sayındere Formation (Ks)

The formation was firstly described by Gossage (1959). The type locality is the western side of the Sayındere River, 10 km far away from the Gölbaşı town of Adıyaman (Yılmaz and Duran, 1997).

Sayındere Formation composed of pelagic clayey limestones (Aydemir et al., 2006). It consists of white, light gray, cream, beige, light brown, grayish beige colored,

35 medium hard- hard, generally crypto- occasionally microcrystalline, argillaceous, rarely stylolitic, rarely fractured, occasionally chalky, fossiliferous, rarely stylolitic limestones including pyrite crystals and microfractures filled with calcite crystals. The maximum vertical thickness of the formation is 512m in the A1976 well. This thickness is more than the twice thickness of the same formation in the surrounding wells impying the existence of a reverse fault (Figure 2.7). The boundary between Sayındere Formation and Şırnak Group is transitional. Age of the formation is Late Campanian. The depositional environment for the formation is deep marine (Dinçer 1991).

Sayındere Formation was drilled in the wells A1972 (Figure 2.6), A1976 (Figure 2.7), C1967 (Figure 2.8), EH2002 (Figure 2.9), H1973 (Figure 2.10), K1971 (Figure 2.11), KE2006 (Figure 2.12), T1984 (Figure 2.13), SH1994 (Figure 2.15), and KH1959 (Figure 2.16).

2.2.4 Şırnak Group (KTş)

The name was firstly used by Tromp (1940) for the upper parts of the Germav formation. Later, Perinçek (1978) used the Şırnak Group rank for the whole units between the Adıyaman Group and the Midyat Group in SE Anatolia. The type locality is Şırnak (Yılmaz & Duran, 1997). It consists of marls, and shales, thin limestone layers in the lower sections, various colored conglomerates, shale interbedded with limestone beds, gray, beige marls in the middle sections. Thin various colored calcareous cemented sandstone and limestone beds exist through whole of the formation (Perinçek, 1980). In the lower sections of the sequence marls and shales are dominating. In the wells drilled especially in the northern half of the study area, bioclastic limestones are followed by light brown, brown, brick red colored, silty, calcareous claystones and white colored to transparent, soft-medium hard, crypto-microcrystalline gypsums interbedded with cream, white, yellow, orange colored, hard-very hard, occasionally silicified and fossiliferous limestones..

36 There are thick limestone and conglomerate packages in the Şırnak Group (Aydemir et al., 2006). The maximum thickness of the formation is 2138m in the A1976 well (Figure 2.7). The age of the Şırnak Group is Late Campanian – Paleocene. Depositional environment of the formation is deep marine to continental slope (Dinçer 1991).

Şırnak Group was drilled in the wells A1972 (Figure 2.6), A1976 (Figure 2.7), C1967 (Figure 2.8), EH2002 (Figure 2.9), H1973 (Figure 2.10), K1971 (Figure 2.11), KE2006 (Figure 2.12), T1984 (Figure 2.13), T1974 (Figure 2.14), SH1994 (Figure 2.15), and KH1959 (Figure 2.16).

2.2.5 Karadut Allochtonous Complex (Kka)

The complex found in the study area is the Karadut complex. The boundaries between the Şırnak Group and complex are tectonic.

The name was firstly used by Turkish Gulf Oil (1961) at the drilling of the well Kevan-1. The type locality is near the village Karadut, NE of Adıyaman (Yılmaz & Duran, 1997). The slices of the Cretaceous Karadut Allochtonous Complex was cut only in the wells northern part of the study area, i.e. in the wells T1974 (Figure 2.14) and T1984 (Figure 2.13). Complex has typically flysch character. It consists of predominantly reddish brown, light green colored, hard- very hard, totally or locally silicified, subfissile shales, white, light gray colored, crypto-microcrystalline, hard- very hard, occasionally silicified, occasionally microfractured cherty, limestones, and occasionally marls. There are intercalations of shales and sandy limestones on top of those units (Perinçek, 1980). There are siltstone and shale intercalations occasionally. The maximum thickness of the formation must be greater than 1074m because the penetration of the T1974 well in the Derik Group is 1074m. The depositional environment of the formation is deep marine.

37 During closure of the southern branch of the Neotethys, i.e. during closure of the Kastel basin in the Southeast Anatolia, the Koçali-Karadut complexes thrusted onto the Kastel Basin (Aydemir et al., 2006) or slide into the Kastel Basin (Gravity sliding) (Rigo de Righi & Cortesini 1964). The deposition of the Şırnak Group continued during the thrusting. There are layers of Şırnak Group below, above and between the imbricated slices of the Koçali and/or Karadut complexes in the Kastel Basin. Şırnak Group continued its deposition before during and after the thrusting of the complexes (Perinçek 1980). According to Yılmaz & Duran (1997) the age of the Karadut formation is Cenomanian – Early Turonian. The Karadut Formation is the age equivalent of the Mardin Group (Sungurlu, 1974, Aydemir et al., 2006).

2.2.6 Midyat Group (Tm)

(Please see page 16, section 2.1.2. Midyat Group)

2.2.7 Şelmo Formation (Tş) (Please see page 17, section 2.1.3. Şelmo Formation)




The study area is a part of structurally highly deformed terrain, SE Anatolian Orogenic Belt. There are several fold and faults in the study area. Main trend of the structures is ENE-WSW (Figure 2.1). During the study, bedding analyses are done and incorporate with faulting which is recorded in the field and from the boreholes and seismic data.

3.1 Attitude of Bedding

The attitude of bedding is studied in order to figure out the folding and possible paleostress orientations operating since Eocene in the region. The attitude of bedding is studied by the analysis done from the field measurements (surface data) and the dipmeter logs from three wells using the software Rockworks 2006.

3.1.1 Surface Data

344 dip-strike measurements were taken in the study area (Appendix B & C) (Figure 2.1, 3.1, 3.2). For the fold axis analysis; Upper Germav Formation and Midyat Group (Figure 3.1, 3.2) were studied together because of being conformable units. Due to unconformity surface between these units and the Upper Miocene age Şelmo Formation, the dip and strike of beds of Şelmo Formation was studied and evaluated separately for the fold axis analysis. To sum up, the fold analysis are done for the post-Eocene – pre-Miocene and post-Miocene periods.


Figure 3.1: Bedding planes of Upper Germav Formation. Bedding attitude N50E/35NW (hammer for scale is 33cm long) (N of Beşyol village)


0 1m Figure 3.2: Bedding planes of Midyat Group (E of the village Sevenk, just to the west of bed of Ziyaret River).

40 The basic statistical work was done for these planar data. The rose diagrams and stereonets were drawn by using the software Rockworks.

The rose diagram (Figure 3.3) for the surface bedding plane measurements of the Paleocene-Oligocene units shows that there are two dominant strikes are around N45E and N75E orientations.

The rose diagram for the surface bedding plane measurements of the Upper Miocene units shows the dominant strikes are around N50E orientation (Figure 3.4).

The rose diagram (Figure 3.4) for the surface bedding plane measurements shows, the dominant strikes of the Upper Miocene units are around N50E.

The dominant strike directions of the Paleocene-Oigocene age beds, which are N45E-N75E, are close the dominant strike direction (N50E) of the Upper Miocene beds.

3.1.2 Subsurface Data (Dipmeter Data)

There are dipmeter logs taken from three wells (A1972, A1976, T1974) (Appendix D&E). All of these data were compared and evaluated in order to determine the ternd of the dominant bedding.

The dipmeter logs of three wells (A1972, A1976, T1974) were studied for the Paleocene Upper Germav Formation and Eocene – Oligocene Midyat Group. Despite the local significance of the wells, the bedding attitudes of the surface beds and the bedding attitudes in the wells, they are highly conformable (Figure 3.5).


Figure 3.3: Rose diagram for the strike data measured on the beds of Paleocene- Oligocene in age (Upper Germav Formation & Midyat Group).

Figure 3.4: Rose diagram for the strike data measured on the beds of Upper Miocene in age (Şelmo Formation).


Well A1976 is located on the southern flank of the syncline (FL3). The surface beds and the layers drilled in the wells are dipping towards N-NW at that point (Figure 3.5) (Appendix E). The dipmeter log was taken to the bottom of Upper Germav Formation (from surface to 807m). The rose diagram of A1976 well shows a dominant strike direction of N85E (Figure 3.6).

Well A1972 is located on the footwall of the fault (F3). The surface beds and the layers drilled in the wells are dipping towards NW at that point (Figure 3.5) (Appendix E). The dipmeter log was taken to the bottom of Şelmo formation during the first run (from surface to 372m). Second run was taken from middle parts of the Midyat group to the bottom of Upper Germav Formation (from 560m to 1508m). The rose diagram of A1972 well shows a dominant strike direction of N75E (Figure 3.7). There is only one dipmeter log measurement for Upper Miocene Şelmo Formation in the well A1972. As the surface beds’ strikes the dominant strike direction is N65E (Figure 3.8).

Well T1974 is located almost on the thrust plane to in the N of thrust fault (F2). The surface beds and the layers cut in the wells are dipping towards S at that point (Figure 3.5) (Appendix E). Due to the data quality of the dipmeter log two sections could be studied. The first section is in the Midyat Group (between 800-935m) and the second section is in the Upper Germav Formation (1115-1195m). The rose diagram of T1974 well (Figure 3.9) shows a dominant strike direction of N80E.

The general trend for the Paleocene –Eocene age Upper Germav Formation and Oligocene age Midyat Group from borehole dipmeter data is N80E. And the main trend for the Upper Miocene age Şelmo Formation from borehole dipmeter data is N65E. To conclude, the results of the rose diagrams both for the surface (field data analysis) and subsurface layers (borehole dipmeter) are similar.



Figure 3.5: Bedding attitudes near the wells T1974, A1972, A1976 (refer to Figure 2.1 for the legend).


Figure 3.6: Rose diagram showing the strikes of the beds of Paleocene to Oligocene in age (Upper Germav Formation and Midyat Group) in the A1976 well

Figure 3.7: Rose diagram showing the strikes of the beds of Paleocene to Oligocene in age (Upper Germav Formation and Midyat Group) in the A1972 well.


Figure 3.8: Rose diagram showing the strikes of the beds of Upper Miocene in age (Şelmo Formation)in the A1972 well

Figure 3.9: Rose diagram showing the strikes of the beds of Paleocene to Oligocene in age (Upper Germav Formation and Midyat Group) in the T1974 well

46 3.2 Folding

Folds are distinguishable geological structures developed in the Paleocene to Upper Miocene units in the SE Anatolia. Anticlines and synclines throughout the study area are in mappable-scale. General trend of the fold belt is ENE-WSW (Figure 3.10).

FL1 is the anticline on the thrusting Paleoene –Oligocene units in the northwestern corner of the area. The anticline is developed in between two thrust faults (Figure 3.10). The axial plane strikes ENE-WSW. The average dip amount of the northern flank is 30º, the southern flank is 47º. Therefore it is an assymetrical anticline, with a vergence of N to S.

F1 FL1 A F FL4 FL5




F3 FL3



F4 A’

Figure 3.10: Geological map showing the labels of the structures and location of cross-section A-A’ (refer to Figure 2.1 for the legend)

47 FL2 is the anticline to the north of the city Adıyaman. The axial plane is in the southern slope of the mountain Karadağ. The fold axis is parallel to that of FL1 - ENE-WSW-, and it is plunging towards East. The average dip amount of the northern flank is 18º, the average of the southern flank is 20º Therefore it is an almost symmetrical plunging anticline.

FL3 is the area where an anticline and a syncline developed on the hanging wall of the north verging thrust (Figure 3.10). These are the folds near the top of Alidağ Mountain around at the center of the study area with an E-W trending axial plane. They are asymmetrical anticline and syncline. Both folds terminate at the east, along thrust fault bounding the structures from north (F3).

FL4 is the syncline lying south of the Gebeli and Toptepe villages just in the front of the thrust fault (F2). The axial plane lies in the Upper Miocene Şelmo formation having a trend of WSW-ENE. The average dip amount of the northern flank is 37º and the southern flank is 30º. Therefore it is an assymetrical syncline. This syncline is thrusted by a thrust from north.

FL5 is the anticline to the south of the village Toptepe and passes through Çemberlitaş village having a trend of WSW-ENE. It is a doublely plunging anticline. The average dip amount of the northern flank is 40º and the southern flank is 30º. Therefore it is an assymetrical anticline, with a vergence of S to N. The folds, FL2 and FL5, are en echelon folds (Figure 3.10).

FL6 is the syncline lying between the villages Akbulut and Gözebaşı and the axial plane strikes NE-SW. The average dip amount of the northern flank is 14º and the southern flank is 11º where axial plane displays a curvilinear trend. Therefore it is an almost symmetrical syncline. The axial plane lies in the Upper Miocene Şelmo formation overlain by Quternary alluvium. There is no folding effect in the Quternary units.

48 FL7 –Alidağ anticline- is one of the major anticlines forming the crest of Alidağ Mountain at the center of the study area with a strike of NE-SW trending axial plane. The FL7 anticlinal structure is bisected by a left lateral strike-slip fault with reverse component (Adıyaman Fault) from the southeastern flank (Figure 3.10). The southern flank of the anticline is bisected by the fault. However the fold axis displays symmetrical to asymmetrical pattern. This fold (FL-7) and other folds closely associated (FL-3) form a gross positive structure.

FL8 is the syncline whose axial plane lying to the south of the wells SH1994 and EH2002, and north of the Kızılcapınar, Çanakçı and Kuştepe Villages. The trend of the fold axis is WSW-ENE. It is a gentle fold with a northern flank of 7º and with a southern flank of 4º. Therefore it is an almost symmetrical open syncline. The axial plane is in the Upper Miocene Şelmo Formation and covered by Quaternary alluvium.

FL9 is the anticline passing to the north of EH2002 well with an E-W trend. It is bounded by fault (F4) from N (Figure 3.10). It is in the Upper Miocene Şelmo Formation burried under the Quaternary alluvium.

NNW-SSE oriented cross-section shows the relationships between the faults and folds (Figure 3.11). To the north of the Adıyaman Fault (F4), the study area is intensely and highly deformed when compared with the southern part.

Fold analysis is performed by plotting overall bedding plane data (dip-strike measurements) on stereonets in order to find out a possible attitude of the fold axis of a large structure present in the region. Schmidt net (equal-area net) was used while performing the process. The stereonets for the surface bedding plane data of Paleocene-Oligocene units (post-Eocene – pre-Miocene period) and the Upper Miocene units (post-Late Miocene-pre-Quaternary period) were prepared in Rockworks 2006 (Figure 3.12, 3.13). The dipmeter data from the well logs of the A1972, A1976 and T1984 wells were drawn (Figure 3.14-3.17). Despite the local

49 significance of the wells and the monoclinal appearance of the stereonets, they are presented just to have a support from the borehole data.

In the stereonet (Figure 3.12) for post-Eocene – pre-Miocene period, the regional fold axis has a strike of around N65E. In the stereonet for post-Late Miocene-pre- Quaternary period, the regional fold axis has strike of around N68E (Figure 3.13). The results of the two stereonets are almost giving similar fold axis trends.

In the stereonet (Figure 3.14-16) for post-Eocene – pre-Miocene period prepared from borehole dipmeter data of three wells, the average regional fold axis have strike of almost N70-80E.

To sum up, the stereonets that are drawn from both field data and borehole dipmeter data are conformable with the regional fold trends. Therefore, regional fold axes trends could support an almost NNW-SSE compression in the region for both post- Eocene – pre-Miocene and post-Late Miocene-pre-Quaternary periods.



Figure 3.12: Stereonet for the strike-dip data measured on the beds of Paleocene- Oligocene in age (Upper Germav Formation & Midyat Group).

Figure 3.13: Stereonet for the strike-dip data measured on the beds of Upper Miocene in age (Upper Şelmo Formation).


Figure 3.14: Strereonet diagram showing the dips of the beds of Paleocene to Oligocene in age (Upper Germav Formation and Midyat Group) in the A1972 well.

Figure 3.15: Strereonet diagram showing the dips of the beds of Paleocene to Oligocene in age (Upper Germav Formation and Midyat Group) in the A1976 well.


Figure 3.16: Strereonet diagram showing the dips of the beds of Paleocene to Oligocene in age (Upper Germav Formation and Midyat Group) in the T1974 well.

Figure 3.17: Stereonet showing the dips of the beds of Upper Miocene in age (Şelmo Formation) in the A1972 well

54 3.3 Unconformities

There are four unconformity surfaces defined from the borehole data and field survey.

The first unconformity is between the Upper Cambrian Derik Group and the Cretaceous Mardin Group. This boundary was cut in the boreholes C1967 (Figure 2.8), K1971 (Figure 2.11), KE2006 (Figure 2.12) and KH1959 (Figure 2.16). The transgression carbonates of Mardin Group were deposited on top of the clastics of the Derik group. The unconformity is interpreted as angular unconformity.

The second unconformity surface is between the Cretaceous Mardin Group and Upper Cretaceous Karaboğaz Formation (Dinçer, 1991). This unconformity was cut in the wells A1972 (Figure 2.6), A1976 (Figure 2.7), C1967 (Figure 2.8), H1973 (Figure 2.10), K1971 (Figure 2.11), KE2006 (Figure 2.12), T1984 (Figure 2.13), SH1994 (Figure 2.15), and KH1959 (Figure 2.16). The unconformity is interpreted as an angular unconformity.

The third unconformity surface is between Eocene-Oligocene Midyat Group and the Upper Miocene Şelmo Formation as observed in the northern part of the study area. This is an angular unconformity. The strikes and the dips of the units of pre-Miocene and Upper Miocene are quite different. This unconformity surface was cut in the wells A1972 (Figure 2.6), A1976 (Figure 2.7), T1984 (Figure 2.13) and T1974 as well (Figure 2.14). In the southern part, this unconformity surface is seen between the Paleocene Upper Germav Formation (Şırnak Group) and the Upper Miocene Şelmo Formation as seen in the wells C1967 (Figure 2.8), EH2002 (Figure 2.9), H1973 (Figure 2.10), K1971 (Figure 2.11), KE2006 (Figure 2.12), SH1994 (Figure 2.15) and KH1959 (Figure 2.16).

The fourth unconformity surface is between the Upper Miocene Şelmo Formation and Quternary Alluvium.

55 3.4 Faults

There are three faults in the study area. One is thrust faults (series of thrusts) in north; second one is another thrust fault in the center of the study area linked to the third one which is a strike-slip fault with reverse component.

Along the northern thrust faults, F1 and F2, the Eocene-Oligocene Midyat Group is thrusted onto the Upper Miocene Şelmo Formation with a vergence from north to south. This series of thrust faults bounds the region from the north.

The second thrust fault -in the center of the study area- is to the north of the Alidağ Mountain. The Eocene-Oligocene Midyat group is thrusted onto the Upper Miocene Şelmo Formation with a vergence from south to north. This thrust is interpreted as a fault linked to the southern Adıyaman Fault as interpreted in seismic section.

The final fault –Adıyaman Fault- that is so characteristic and important in the deformation is the left-lateral strike-slip fault with reverse component (F4) (Perincek et al 1987). The Upper Miocene Şelmo Formation is faulted against pre-Miocene units. The trend of the fault is almost NE-SW extending almost 10kms. The extension of the fault can not be seen on land due to the Quaternary alluvium cover. It is a left lateral strike-slip fault having a reverse dip slip motion and has a maximum 13 km left lateral displacement (Perincek et al 1987; Aydemir, 2006). According to the well data, the Adıyaman Fault bounds the Midyat group (Figure 3.18). There are no boreholes cutting the Midyat Group to the south of the fault. The group forms a hill around Alidağ in seismic sections.

Geomorphologically the faults controlled highlands of the northern and central parts of the study area indicating that the faults were active until Quaternary. These highland areas were possibly the uplifted areas during the evolution of the Quaternary as seen from the geological map (Figure 2.1). The faulting should be post-Upper Miocene and pre-Quaternary.


Figure 3.18: Extent of the Midyat Group in the study area and the control of the southern fault as manifested from borehole data.




To understand the spatial distribution of the sequences and geological structures beneath the surface, boreholes and seismic sections cross-cutting eleven wells is studied (Figure 4.1). The rock units in boreholes are correlated on the existence of a key horizon –Karaboğaz- rock packages basis and 3D-panel diagrams are prepared basis on the formation thicknesses and depths with respect to the sea level (Figure 4.1 – 4.6).

Figure 4.1: 3D-Diagram showing the logs of the wells in the study area (note that the coordinates are not the real coordinates)

58 The distances between the wells in the diagrams are proportional to real distances between them. The surface profiles between the wells are very close to surface topography because the profiles were taken from the digital elevation model of the TNT file.

Figure 4.2: Extent of the Mardin Group in the study area

Figure 4.3: Extent of the Karaboğaz formation in the study area


Figure 4.4: Extent of the Sayındere Formation in the study area

Figure 4.5: Extent of the Şırnak Group in the study area

60 By correlating the boreholes, it is clearly seen that the Mardin group, Sayındere formation, Karaboğaz formation are in close conformity whereas the Şırnak Group completely reflects different attitude (Figure 4.2 - 4.5). However, from the previous literature and borehole surveys an unconformity between Karaboğaz and Mardin units are proposed. And Şırnak unit displays a conformable relation with underlying Sayındere Formation. A clear spatial difference in paleomorphology and thickness is observed in the panel diagrams. This might be resulting from the emplacement of Karadut complex from northwest to southeast (Figure 4.6). The Karadut complex exists only to the NW of the study area (drilled in boreholes T1974 and T1984 (Figure 4.6).

Figure 4.6: Extent of the Karadut allochton complex in the study area

Another important observation is the increase of thickness of units towards north. This gives clue on the paleogeography of the units depositing during Cretaceous- Paleocene period. Thickness of the Şirnak group is increased at the center of the study area around Alidağ whereas the Cretaceous deepens towards north.

61 Finally, it is so characteristic that there is not any Eocene-Oligocene age Midyat Group to the south of the Adıyaman Fault (Figure 3.18). In the boreholes T1984, T1974, A1972 and A1976, which are located to the north of Adıyaman Fault, Midyat group is drilled, however, in the other boreholes there are no Midyat units.

To understand the regional geology and Alidağ Structure, the surface geology is supported with three cross sections passing through boreholes. Two of the sections are N-S oriented and one in NE-SW oriented (Figure 4.7). Beside the borehole data, seismic sections were selected according to their quality, closeness to the boreholes and their directions with respect to the trends of the folds and faults in the study area. The digitized sesismic sections were loaded into the software Kingdom Suite (TKS 8.1) and the sections were interpreted by the geophysicts of the AME Oil Company. The correlataion of the wells were done by using the thicknesses of the sequences cut in the wells and the attitude of the bedding planes at the surface.

According to the results of the interpretation of the borehole data and seismic data, the subsurface stratigraphy and structural geology was studied and evaluated. From the cross-sections combined with the seismic surveys, it is clearly seen that the Alidağ displays a distinct morphological high, depicting a fault controlled structure (Figure 4.8).

Some of the faults were detected from the seismic sections, but they could not be seen from the surface geology because they were buried, and younger sediments cover them (Figure 4.8, 4.9). Some other large scale faults were seen in the seismic sections and due to the contact relationships of the stratigraphic units at the surface it is concluded that they are deep faults. The well data shows thickening and thinning of the sequences due to the intense deformation of the area, i.e. due to faults and folds.

The faults surrounding the Alidağ structure were detected in seismic sections as well. The structure forms a “pop-up” structure or positive flower structure that is characteristic for strike slip faults (Harding et al., 1983) (Figure 5.1).

62 “Pop up” is a relatively uplifted block between thrusts verging in opposite directions applied to structures in thrust and fold belts (Butler, 1982). The structure is termed as a “positive flower structure” which is an array of upward-diverging fault splays within a strike-slip zone that are dominantly with reverse separation and commonly associated with a prominent antiformal structures (Harding & Lowell, 1979, Harding et al., 1983).

F1 FL1 F2 FL4 FL5

1 FL6

FL2 2


F3 FL3



3 F4

Figure 4.7: Map showing location of the cross-sections (refer to Figure 2.1 for the legend)







The Adıyaman sector is the region where effects of the Arabian, African and Eurasian plate convergence intensely reflected with the complex tectonic evolution and overprinted structures.

The contractional regime (subduction to continental collision in SE Anatolia) since Late Cretaceous is converted to strike-slip deformation (after a period of 10 Ma quisence) by 4.5 Ma (Girdler and Styes 1971; Cochran 1983; Hempton 1987); this phase is expressed by the linkage of the Eastern Anatolian Fault Zone (EAFZ) and the Dead Sea Fault Zone (DSFZ) by 4.5 Ma (Hempton 1987; Rojay et al., 2001) and is commonly referred as neotectonic period.

During the post-Miocene deformational period, the escape of the Anatolian plate between NAFZ in north and EAFZ in the south resulted in the development of various faulting with complex arrays in SE Anatolia.

On the DSFZ, from Gulf of Aquaba in south with 105-107 km offset (Freund et al 1981) to 70-80 km offset in Syria (Dubertet 1966) and to 10-20 km offset in SE Anatolia is proposed whereas 3.5 -13 km offset in EAFZ is proposed to the sinistral offset (Figure 5.1). As it is proposed with documented data, the motion is consumed and constrained to the north from Gulf of Aquaba to Anatolia along Palmyra range and Areban thrusts (Figure 5.1).


Figure 5.1: The simplified neotectonic map of the Eastern Mediterranean Terrain (Modified from, Muehlberger; 1981, Perinçek et al.; 1987, Rojay et al.; 2001)

68 The sinistral EAFZ being Pliocene in age is result of this regime (Arpat & Şaroğlu, 1972; Bozkurt 2001; Yılmaz et. al., 2006).

The DSFZ splays out in northern Syria (Figure 5.1) (Muehlberger 1981; Çoşkun and Çoşkun, 2000). One of the main splays bifurcates after Afrin (Syria) in a lineament of NE-SW in Adıyaman – Lice trend. The NE-SW trending the Adıyaman Fault that lies parallel on this lineament displays a left-lateral fault with reverse component with 13 km displacement (Perincek et al 1987). The Adıyaman Fault links to EAFZ in Palu-Hazar Lake segment in north. The Fault is well-supported with the correlation of the borehole data combined with seismic sections (Figure 4.8, 4.9, 4.10). The age and the lateral motion of the Adıyaman Fault are well compatible with the EAFZ, which is left lateral strike-slip fault originated during Pliocene.

The folds having a trend of ENE-WSW support an almost N-S compression operating during post-Eocene – pre-Miocene and post-Miocene – pre-Quaternary periods. This orientation also supports the existence of a NW-SE trending left-lateral fault with a reverse component –the Adıyaman Fault-.

Therefore the linkage between the EAFZ and the Adıyaman fault manifest a faulting parallel to Lice fault and active faulting in the region.

The Adıyaman Fault and the Alidağ structure display a positive flower structure that is characteristic for transpressional zones in strike slip faults (Figure 2.1, Figure 4.8, Figure 5.2).


Figure 5.2: Tectonic evolution of the Alidağ pop-up structure (Alidağ Anticline) (Ts: Şelmo Formation, Tm: Midyat Group, KTs: Şırnak Group, Kkt: Cretaceous Karadut complex, Ka: Adıyaman Group, Km: Mardin Group




The results on the structure of the Alidağ Anticline, the Adıyaman Fault and the post Miocene-deformation of the area according to the evaluated and interpreted surface and subsurface data are;

1) ENE-WSW trending fold and thrust belt is identified. The fold analyses show a regional fold axis striking N62E for the Paleocene-Oligocene units and N68E for the Upper Miocene units. From the fold analysis and field surveys the general vergence is from north to south.

2) The sinistral strike-slip fault with reverse component (the Adıyaman Fault) bounds the Alidağ structure from S where the northern block is uplifted. It has a trend of ENE-WSW. The Alidağ “pop-up” structure (positive flower structure) was evolved within a sinistral fault zone with reverse component in a transpressional regime during Pliocene (post-Late Miocene- pre-Quaternary).

3) The borehole analysis point out; i) The basin was deepening towards north according to the formation depths and the thicknesses. ii) The formations get thicker around the Alidağ High due to the existence of a “pop up” structure. iii) The Creatacous allochtonous complex thrusts from NW to SE. Complex was cut only in the northern wells in the study area.

71 iv) Eocene-Oligocene Midyat Group is bounded by the Adıyaman Fault. No wells cut the Group to the south of the fault (Figure 3. 18).

To sum up, the N-S compression is the possible operating stress direction since Pliocene when compared with the regional tectonic framework. It is the stress that ruptures the Adıyaman Fault and the Alidağ anticline as a “pop up” (“positive flower”) structure.



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Table A.1: Surface elevations, the TD and the units at their total depths of the wells in the study area (SE: Surface Elevation, TD: total depth).

WELL NAME SE (m) TD (m) UNIT AT TD A1972 627 2814 Mardin Gr. (Cretaceous) A1976 872 3080 Mardin Gr. (Cretaceous) C1967 623 1285 Derik Gr. (Cambrian) T1984 766 3585 Mardin Gr. (Cretaceous) T1974 803 3294 Karadut Allochton Complex (Cretaceous) EH2002 683 1131 Karaboğaz Fm. (Cretaceous) H1973 607 1928 Mardin Gr. (Cretaceous) KH1959 653 1462 Derik Gr. (Cambrian) K1971 626 1345 Derik Gr. (Cambrian) KE2006 696 2155 Derik Gr. (Cambrian) SH1994 557 1072 Mardin Gr. (Cretaceous)




Table B.1: Dip-strike measurements on the beds of Paleocene - Oligocene in age (Upper Germav Formation & Midyat Group)

Location Strike Dir Dip Dir Dip Amount Location Strike Dir Dip Dir Dip Amount 14 75 165 24 232 90 180 45 16 80 170 19 233 87 177 12 41 79 349 10 234 274 4 30 42 0 90 12 235 80 170 65 43 85 175 14 236 75 165 45 44 40 130 15 237 75 165 60 45 73 343 21 238 63 153 60 46 302 32 10 239 45 135 45 47 291 21 12 240 65 155 85 48 327 57 7 241 275 5 40 49 303 33 10 242 68 158 25 52 80 170 4 243 278 188 60 53 70 160 10 244 37 127 30 54 71 161 15 245 60 150 27 55 47 137 45 246 67 337 10 56 26 116 15 249 70 160 60 57 38 128 20 250 85 175 20 119 47 317 45 273 282 192 40 120 48 318 70 274 271 181 47 121 75 345 58 278 50 140 35 122 61 331 60 279 88 178 75 123 63 333 70 280 88 178 53 124 82 352 40 281 67 157 60 125 84 354 56 282 277 187 25 126 83 353 40 285 67 337 40 127 282 12 35 286 70 160 47 128 75 345 28 309 289 19 12 129 323 53 30 313 40 310 43 131 88 178 40 314 45 315 50 132 337 67 30 315 47 317 70 133 335 65 35 326 10 280 60 134 355 85 30 327 30 120 20

80 Table B.1: Dip-strike measurements on the beds of Paleocene - Oligocene in age (Upper Germav Formation & Midyat Group) (continued)

135 351 81 33 328 30 300 60 163 45 315 40 329 35 305 35 164 48 318 40 330 40 310 30 165 41 311 40 331 40 310 30 166 38 308 40 332 50 320 35 167 47 317 40 333 50 320 45 170 43 313 40 334 50 320 60 171 42 312 45 335 50 320 62 172 50 320 34 336 60 330 38 177 53 323 8 337 70 340 10 178 44 314 45 338 70 340 22 179 45 315 40 339 80 350 30 180 45 315 45 340 80 350 40




Table C.1: Dip-strike measurements on the beds of Upper Miocene in age (Şelmo Formation)

Location Strike Dip Dir Dip Amount Location Strike Dip Dir Dip Amount 1 79 349 29 154 325 235 6 2 50 320 19 155 65 335 3 3 54 324 27 156 87 357 3 4 54 324 15 157 49 319 4 5 75 345 27 158 70 340 3 6 76 346 22 159 53 323 14 7 45 315 20 160 53 323 15 8 54 324 24 161 40 310 32 9 35 305 26 162 41 311 35 10 55 325 30 168 40 310 35 11 55 325 22 169 48 318 40 12 58 328 30 173 52 322 40 13 31 301 20 174 40 310 44 15 75 165 21 175 43 313 53 17 78 168 20 176 39 309 52 18 68 158 37 181 308 218 7 19 63 153 46 182 315 225 4 20 67 157 35 183 80 350 8 21 54 144 32 184 323 233 5 22 65 155 32 185 274 184 3 23 316 226 25 186 337 247 7 24 323 53 25 187 339 249 6 25 323 53 14 188 315 225 6 26 32 122 20 189 328 238 12 27 47 137 17 190 274 184 8 28 80 170 50 191 330 240 12 29 58 148 5 192 280 190 4 30 46 136 16 193 322 232 7 31 288 198 14 194 292 202 9 32 42 132 15 195 321 231 8

82 Table C1: Dip-strike measurements on the beds of Upper Miocene in age (Şelmo Formation) (continued)

33 295 205 14 196 34 304 3 34 37 127 12 197 35 305 2 35 47 137 13 198 299 29 7 36 49 139 6 199 293 23 2 37 41 311 14 200 54 324 7 38 37 307 21 201 68 338 2 39 37 307 15 202 40 310 2 40 40 310 15 203 76 346 3 50 313 43 26 204 300 30 6 51 347 77 25 205 5 275 4 58 83 173 10 206 40 310 4 59 55 145 20 207 68 338 4 60 56 146 22 208 314 44 12 61 45 135 35 209 60 330 17 62 41 131 26 210 32 302 18 63 43 133 25 211 80 350 21 64 66 156 23 212 85 355 18 65 43 133 22 213 55 325 16 66 29 119 20 214 273 3 42 67 35 125 13 215 273 3 27 68 302 212 21 216 300 30 16 69 309 219 8 217 305 35 10 70 314 224 7 218 285 15 20 71 74 344 5 219 271 1 14 72 72 342 11 220 280 10 15 73 54 324 20 221 290 20 30 74 50 320 20 222 300 30 14 75 30 300 5 223 300 30 20 76 34 304 7 224 325 55 15 77 20 290 9 225 320 50 15 78 36 306 5 226 330 60 17 79 47 317 7 227 305 35 20 80 47 317 5 228 286 16 15 81 46 316 5 229 15 105 10 82 43 313 8 230 85 175 42 83 55 325 15 231 70 160 44 84 41 311 10 247 57 147 40 85 52 322 20 248 64 154 20 86 57 327 25 251 75 165 30 87 42 312 35 252 50 140 10 88 42 312 40 253 74 164 45 89 47 317 50 254 85 355 20 90 39 309 40 255 45 315 25 91 75 345 50 266 52 322 18 92 77 347 35 267 56 326 33 93 85 355 45 268 277 187 52

83 Table C1: Dip-strike measurements on the beds of Upper Miocene in age (Şelmo Formation) (continued)

94 75 345 35 269 64 334 65 95 281 11 35 270 57 327 52 96 279 9 40 271 48 318 50 97 277 7 35 272 60 330 50 98 278 8 30 275 280 190 36 99 295 25 25 276 58 328 60 100 283 13 30 283 84 174 55 101 301 31 30 284 295 25 34 102 279 9 30 287 74 344 40 103 295 25 30 288 60 330 52 104 314 44 30 289 70 160 35 105 294 24 20 290 90 0 23 106 274 4 30 291 85 355 58 107 55 325 25 292 90 0 35 108 77 347 25 293 90 0 25 109 324 54 10 294 75 165 60 110 64 334 38 295 65 155 40 111 69 339 10 296 40 130 26 112 85 355 20 297 55 145 20 113 79 349 20 298 51 141 15 114 320 50 5 299 79 349 17 115 353 83 5 300 83 353 75 116 45 135 5 301 268 358 4 117 272 2 4 306 32 302 4 118 48 318 50 307 66 336 3 130 281 11 40 308 71 341 4 136 65 335 25 310 42 312 4 137 333 63 40 311 54 324 6 138 332 62 35 312 59 329 15 139 356 86 25 316 322 232 6 140 85 175 18 317 323 233 6 141 60 330 20 318 323 233 5 142 55 325 10 319 343 253 5 143 65 335 18 320 310 40 30 144 291 21 10 321 275 5 30 145 284 14 10 322 78 348 25 146 283 13 10 323 295 25 10 147 283 13 10 324 282 12 10 148 282 12 10 325 49 319 30 149 293 23 10 341 20 290 10 150 296 26 10 342 20 290 40 151 58 328 4 343 330 60 30 152 311 221 2 344 0 270 40 153 14 284 4




Table D.1: Bedding attitude of the units cut in the wells (u: upper, dir: direction)

well name formation dip dir. strike dir. dip amout well name formation dip dir. strike dir. dip amout

A1972 selmo 337 247 40 A1972 u.germav 345 255 35

A1972 selmo 337 247 40 A1972 u.germav 345 255 35

A1972 selmo 337 247 40 A1972 u.germav 345 255 35

A1972 selmo 337 247 40 A1972 u.germav 345 255 35

A1972 selmo 337 247 40 A1972 u.germav 345 255 35

A1972 selmo 337 247 40 A1972 u.germav 345 255 35

A1972 selmo 337 247 40 A1972 u.germav 345 255 35

A1972 selmo 337 247 40 A1972 u.germav 345 255 35

A1972 selmo 337 247 40 A1972 u.germav 345 255 35

A1972 selmo 337 247 40 A1972 u.germav 345 255 35

A1972 selmo 337 247 40 A1972 u.germav 345 255 35

A1972 selmo 337 247 40 A1972 u.germav 345 255 35

A1972 selmo 337 247 45 A1972 u.germav 345 255 35

A1972 selmo 337 247 45 A1972 u.germav 345 255 35

A1972 selmo 337 247 45 A1972 u.germav 345 255 35

A1972 selmo 337 247 45 A1972 u.germav 345 255 35

A1972 selmo 335 245 45 A1972 u.germav 345 255 35

A1972 selmo 335 245 45 A1972 u.germav 345 255 35

A1972 selmo 335 245 45 A1972 u.germav 345 255 35

A1972 selmo 335 245 45 A1972 u.germav 345 255 35

A1972 selmo 335 245 45 A1972 u.germav 345 255 35

A1972 selmo 335 245 45 A1972 u.germav 345 255 35

A1972 selmo 335 245 45 A1972 u.germav 345 255 35

A1972 selmo 335 245 45 A1972 u.germav 345 255 35

A1972 selmo 335 245 45 A1972 u.germav 345 255 35

A1972 selmo 335 245 45 A1972 u.germav 345 255 35

A1972 selmo 335 245 35 A1972 u.germav 345 255 35

A1972 selmo 335 245 35 A1972 u.germav 345 255 35

A1972 selmo 335 245 35 A1972 u.germav 345 255 35

A1972 selmo 335 245 35 A1972 u.germav 345 255 35

A1972 selmo 335 245 35 A1972 u.germav 345 255 35

A1972 selmo 335 245 35 A1972 u.germav 345 255 35

85 Table D.1: Bedding attitude of the units cut in the wells (u: upper, dir: direction) (continued)

A1972 selmo 335 245 35 A1972 u.germav 345 255 35

A1972 selmo 335 245 35 A1972 u.germav 345 255 35

A1972 selmo 335 245 35 A1972 u.germav 345 255 35

A1972 selmo 335 245 35 A1972 u.germav 345 255 35

A1972 selmo 335 245 35 A1972 u.germav 336 246 35

A1972 selmo 335 245 35 A1972 u.germav 336 246 35

A1972 selmo 335 245 35 A1972 u.germav 336 246 35

A1972 selmo 335 245 35 A1972 u.germav 336 246 35

A1972 selmo 335 245 35 A1972 u.germav 336 246 35

A1972 selmo 335 245 35 A1972 u.germav 336 246 35

A1972 selmo 335 245 35 A1972 u.germav 336 246 35

A1972 selmo 335 245 50 A1972 u.germav 336 246 35

A1972 selmo 335 245 50 A1972 u.germav 336 246 35

A1972 selmo 335 245 50 A1972 u.germav 336 246 35

A1972 selmo 335 245 50 A1972 u.germav 336 246 35

A1972 selmo 335 245 50 A1972 u.germav 336 246 35

A1972 selmo 335 245 50 A1972 u.germav 336 246 35

A1972 selmo 335 245 50 A1972 u.germav 325 235 35

A1972 selmo 335 245 50 A1972 u.germav 325 235 35

A1972 selmo 335 245 50 A1972 u.germav 325 235 35

A1972 selmo 335 245 50 A1972 u.germav 325 235 35

A1972 selmo 335 245 50 A1972 u.germav 325 235 35

A1972 selmo 335 245 50 A1972 u.germav 325 235 35

A1972 selmo 335 245 50 A1972 u.germav 325 235 35

A1972 selmo 335 245 50 A1972 u.germav 325 235 35

A1972 selmo 335 245 50 A1972 u.germav 325 235 35

A1972 selmo 335 245 50 A1972 u.germav 325 235 35

A1972 selmo 335 245 50 A1972 u.germav 325 235 35

A1972 selmo 335 245 50 A1972 u.germav 325 235 35

A1972 selmo 330 240 40 A1972 u.germav 325 235 35

A1972 selmo 330 240 40 A1972 u.germav 325 235 35

A1972 selmo 330 240 40 A1972 u.germav 325 235 35

A1972 selmo 330 240 40 A1972 u.germav 325 235 35

A1972 selmo 330 240 40 A1972 u.germav 325 235 35

A1972 selmo 330 240 40 A1972 u.germav 325 235 35

A1972 selmo 330 240 40 A1972 u.germav 325 235 35

A1972 selmo 330 240 40 A1972 u.germav 325 235 35

A1972 selmo 330 240 40 A1972 u.germav 325 235 35

A1972 selmo 330 240 40 A1972 u.germav 325 235 35

A1972 selmo 314 224 40 A1972 u.germav 325 235 35

A1972 selmo 314 224 40 A1972 u.germav 325 235 35

A1972 selmo 314 224 40 A1972 u.germav 325 235 35

A1972 selmo 314 224 40 A1972 u.germav 325 235 35

A1972 selmo 314 224 40 A1972 u.germav 325 235 35

A1972 selmo 314 224 40 A1972 u.germav 325 235 35

A1972 selmo 314 224 40 A1972 u.germav 325 235 35

A1972 selmo 314 224 40 A1972 u.germav 325 235 35

A1972 midyat 339 249 40 A1972 u.germav 325 235 35

86 Table D.1: Bedding attitude of the units cut in the wells (u: upper, dir: direction) (continued)

A1972 midyat 339 249 40 A1972 u.germav 325 235 35

A1972 midyat 339 249 40 A1972 u.germav 325 235 35

A1972 midyat 339 249 40 A1972 u.germav 347 257 35

A1972 midyat 339 249 40 A1972 u.germav 347 257 35

A1972 midyat 339 249 40 A1972 u.germav 347 257 35

A1972 midyat 339 249 40 A1972 u.germav 347 257 35

A1972 midyat 339 249 40 A1972 u.germav 347 257 35

A1972 midyat 339 249 40 A1972 u.germav 347 257 35

A1972 midyat 339 249 35 A1972 u.germav 347 257 35

A1972 midyat 339 249 35 A1972 u.germav 347 257 35

A1972 midyat 339 249 35 A1972 u.germav 347 257 35

A1972 midyat 339 249 35 A1972 u.germav 347 257 35

A1972 midyat 339 249 35 A1972 u.germav 347 257 35

A1972 midyat 339 249 35 A1972 u.germav 347 257 35

A1972 midyat 339 249 35 A1972 u.germav 347 257 35

A1972 midyat 339 249 35 A1972 u.germav 347 257 35

A1972 midyat 339 249 35 A1972 u.germav 347 257 35

A1972 midyat 339 249 35 A1972 u.germav 347 257 35

A1972 midyat 339 249 35 A1972 u.germav 347 257 35

A1972 midyat 339 249 35 A1972 u.germav 347 257 35

A1972 midyat 339 249 35 A1972 u.germav 347 257 35

A1972 midyat 339 249 35 A1972 u.germav 347 257 35

A1972 midyat 339 249 45 A1972 u.germav 347 257 35

A1972 midyat 339 249 45 A1972 u.germav 347 257 35

A1972 midyat 339 249 45 A1972 u.germav 347 257 35

A1972 midyat 339 249 45 A1972 u.germav 347 257 35

A1972 midyat 339 249 45 A1972 u.germav 347 257 35

A1972 midyat 339 249 45 A1972 u.germav 347 257 35

A1972 midyat 339 249 45 A1972 u.germav 347 257 35

A1972 midyat 339 249 45 A1972 u.germav 347 257 35

A1972 midyat 339 249 45 A1972 u.germav 347 257 35

A1972 midyat 339 249 45 A1972 u.germav 347 257 35

A1972 midyat 339 249 45 A1972 u.germav 347 257 35

A1972 midyat 339 249 45 A1972 u.germav 347 257 35

A1972 midyat 339 249 45 A1972 u.germav 347 257 35

A1972 midyat 339 249 45 A1972 u.germav 347 257 35

A1972 midyat 339 249 45 A1972 u.germav 347 257 35

A1972 midyat 339 249 45 A1972 u.germav 347 257 35

A1972 midyat 339 249 45 A1972 u.germav 347 257 35

A1972 midyat 339 249 45 A1972 u.germav 347 257 35

A1972 midyat 339 249 45 A1972 u.germav 347 257 35

A1972 midyat 339 249 45 A1972 u.germav 347 257 35

A1972 midyat 339 249 45 A1972 u.germav 347 257 35

A1972 midyat 339 249 45 A1972 u.germav 347 257 35

A1972 midyat 339 249 45 A1972 u.germav 347 257 35

A1972 midyat 339 249 45 A1972 u.germav 347 257 35

A1972 midyat 339 249 45 A1972 u.germav 347 257 35

A1972 midyat 339 249 45 A1972 u.germav 347 257 35

87 Table D.1: Bedding attitude of the units cut in the wells (u: upper, dir: direction) (continued)

A1972 midyat 339 249 40 A1972 u.germav 342 252 15

A1972 midyat 339 249 40 A1972 u.germav 342 252 15

A1972 midyat 339 249 40 A1972 u.germav 342 252 20

A1972 midyat 339 249 40 A1972 u.germav 342 252 20

A1972 midyat 339 249 40 A1972 u.germav 342 252 20

A1972 midyat 339 249 40 A1972 u.germav 342 252 20

A1972 midyat 339 249 40 A1972 u.germav 342 252 20

A1972 midyat 339 249 40 A1972 u.germav 342 252 20

A1972 midyat 339 249 40 A1972 u.germav 342 252 20

A1972 midyat 339 249 40 A1972 u.germav 342 252 20

A1972 midyat 339 249 40 A1972 u.germav 342 252 30

A1972 midyat 320 230 40 A1972 u.germav 342 252 30

A1972 midyat 320 230 40 A1972 u.germav 342 252 30

A1972 midyat 320 230 40 A1972 u.germav 342 252 30

A1972 midyat 320 230 40 A1972 u.germav 342 252 30

A1972 midyat 320 230 40 A1972 u.germav 342 252 30

A1972 midyat 320 230 40 A1972 u.germav 342 252 30

A1972 midyat 320 230 40 A1972 u.germav 342 252 30

A1972 midyat 320 230 40 A1972 u.germav 342 252 30

A1972 midyat 320 230 40 A1972 u.germav 342 252 30

A1972 midyat 320 230 40 A1972 u.germav 342 252 30

A1972 midyat 320 230 40 A1972 u.germav 342 252 30

A1972 midyat 320 230 40 A1972 u.germav 342 252 30

A1972 midyat 320 230 40 A1972 u.germav 342 252 30

A1972 midyat 320 230 35 A1972 u.germav 342 252 30

A1972 midyat 320 230 35 A1972 u.germav 342 252 30

A1972 midyat 320 230 35 A1972 u.germav 342 252 30

A1972 midyat 320 230 35 A1972 u.germav 342 252 30

A1972 midyat 320 230 35 A1972 u.germav 342 252 30

A1972 midyat 320 230 35 A1972 u.germav 342 252 30

A1972 midyat 320 230 35 A1972 u.germav 342 252 10

A1972 midyat 320 230 35 A1972 u.germav 342 252 10

A1972 midyat 320 230 35 A1972 u.germav 342 252 30

A1972 midyat 320 230 35 A1972 u.germav 342 252 30

A1972 midyat 320 230 35 A1972 u.germav 342 252 30

A1972 midyat 320 230 35 A1972 u.germav 342 252 30

A1972 midyat 320 230 35 A1972 u.germav 344 254 30

A1972 midyat 320 230 35 A1972 u.germav 344 254 30

A1972 midyat 320 230 35 A1972 u.germav 344 254 30

A1972 midyat 320 230 35 A1972 u.germav 344 254 30

A1972 midyat 320 230 35 A1972 u.germav 344 254 30

A1972 midyat 320 230 35 A1972 u.germav 344 254 30

A1972 midyat 320 230 35 A1972 u.germav 344 254 30

A1972 midyat 320 230 35 A1972 u.germav 344 254 30

A1972 midyat 320 230 35 A1972 u.germav 344 254 30

A1972 midyat 320 230 35 A1972 u.germav 344 254 30

A1972 midyat 320 230 35 A1972 u.germav 344 254 30

A1972 midyat 320 230 35 A1972 u.germav 344 254 30

88 Table D.1: Bedding attitude of the units cut in the wells (u: upper, dir: direction) (continued)

A1972 midyat 320 230 35 A1972 u.germav 344 254 30

A1972 midyat 320 230 35 A1972 u.germav 344 254 30

A1972 midyat 320 230 35 A1972 u.germav 344 254 30

A1972 midyat 320 230 35 A1972 u.germav 344 254 30

A1972 midyat 320 230 35 A1972 u.germav 344 254 30

A1972 midyat 320 230 35 A1972 u.germav 344 254 30

A1972 midyat 320 230 35 A1972 u.germav 344 254 30

A1972 midyat 320 230 35 A1972 u.germav 344 254 30

A1972 midyat 320 230 35 A1972 u.germav 344 254 30

A1972 midyat 320 230 35 A1972 u.germav 344 254 30

A1972 midyat 320 230 35 A1972 u.germav 344 254 30

A1972 midyat 320 230 35 A1972 u.germav 344 254 30

A1972 midyat 320 230 35 A1972 u.germav 344 254 30

A1972 midyat 320 230 35 A1972 u.germav 344 254 30

A1972 midyat 320 230 35 A1972 u.germav 335 245 30

A1972 midyat 320 230 35 A1972 u.germav 335 245 30

A1972 midyat 320 230 35 A1972 u.germav 335 245 30

A1972 midyat 320 230 35 A1972 u.germav 335 245 30

A1972 midyat 320 230 35 A1972 u.germav 335 245 30

A1972 midyat 320 230 35 A1972 u.germav 335 245 30

A1972 midyat 325 235 35 A1972 u.germav 335 245 30

A1972 midyat 325 235 35 A1972 u.germav 335 245 30

A1972 midyat 325 235 35 A1972 u.germav 335 245 30

A1972 midyat 325 235 35 A1972 u.germav 335 245 30

A1972 midyat 325 235 35 A1972 u.germav 335 245 30

A1972 midyat 325 235 35 A1972 u.germav 335 245 30

A1972 midyat 325 235 35 A1972 u.germav 335 245 30

A1972 midyat 325 235 35 A1972 u.germav 335 245 30

A1972 midyat 325 235 35 A1972 u.germav 335 245 30

A1972 midyat 325 235 35 A1972 u.germav 335 245 30

A1972 midyat 325 235 35 A1972 u.germav 335 245 30

A1972 midyat 325 235 35 A1972 u.germav 335 245 30

A1972 midyat 325 235 35 A1972 u.germav 335 245 30

A1972 midyat 325 235 35 A1972 u.germav 335 245 30

A1972 midyat 325 235 35 A1972 u.germav 335 245 30

A1972 midyat 325 235 35 A1972 u.germav 335 245 30

A1972 midyat 325 235 35 A1972 u.germav 335 245 30

A1972 midyat 325 235 35 A1972 u.germav 335 245 30

A1972 midyat 325 235 35 A1972 u.germav 335 245 30

A1972 midyat 325 235 35 A1972 u.germav 335 245 30

A1972 midyat 325 235 35 A1972 u.germav 335 245 30

A1972 u. germav 346 256 35 A1972 u.germav 335 245 30

A1972 u. germav 346 256 35 A1972 u.germav 335 245 30

A1972 u. germav 346 256 35 A1972 u.germav 335 245 30

A1972 u. germav 346 256 35 A1972 u.germav 335 245 30

A1972 u. germav 346 256 35 A1972 u.germav 335 245 30

A1972 u. germav 345 255 35 A1972 u.germav 335 245 30

A1972 u. germav 345 255 35 A1972 u.germav 335 245 30

89 Table D.1: Bedding attitude of the units cut in the wells (u: upper, dir: direction) (continued)

A1972 u. germav 345 255 35 A1972 u.germav 335 245 30

A1972 u. germav 345 255 35 A1972 u.germav 335 245 30

A1972 u. germav 345 255 35 A1972 u.germav 335 245 30

A1972 u. germav 345 255 35 A1972 u.germav 335 245 30

A1972 u. germav 345 255 35 A1972 u.germav 335 245 30

A1972 u.germav 335 245 30 well name form. dip dir. strike dir. dip amout well name form. dip dir. strike dir. dip amout

A1976 u. germav 0 90 15 A1976 u. germav 347 257 40

A1976 u. germav 0 90 15 A1976 u. germav 347 257 40

A1976 u. germav 0 90 15 A1976 u. germav 347 257 40

A1976 u. germav 0 90 15 A1976 u. germav 347 257 40

A1976 u. germav 0 90 25 A1976 u. germav 347 257 40

A1976 u. germav 0 90 25 A1976 u. germav 347 257 40

A1976 u. germav 0 90 25 A1976 u. germav 347 257 40

A1976 u. germav 0 90 25 A1976 u. germav 347 257 40

A1976 u. germav 0 90 25 A1976 u. germav 347 257 40

A1976 u. germav 0 90 25 A1976 u. germav 347 257 40

A1976 u. germav 0 90 25 A1976 u. germav 347 257 40

A1976 u. germav 0 90 25 A1976 u. germav 347 257 40

A1976 u. germav 0 90 25 A1976 u. germav 347 257 40

A1976 u. germav 0 90 25 A1976 u. germav 347 257 40

A1976 u. germav 0 90 25 A1976 u. germav 347 257 40

A1976 u. germav 0 90 25 A1976 u. germav 347 257 40

A1976 u. germav 0 90 25 A1976 u. germav 347 257 40

A1976 u. germav 0 90 25 A1976 u. germav 347 257 40

A1976 u. germav 0 90 25 A1976 u. germav 347 257 40

A1976 u. germav 0 90 25 A1976 u. germav 347 257 40

A1976 u. germav 0 90 25 A1976 u. germav 347 257 40

A1976 u. germav 0 90 25 A1976 u. germav 347 257 40

A1976 u. germav 0 90 25 A1976 u. germav 347 257 40

A1976 u. germav 0 90 25 A1976 u. germav 347 257 40

A1976 u. germav 0 90 25 A1976 u. germav 347 257 40

A1976 u. germav 0 90 25 A1976 u. germav 347 257 40

A1976 u. germav 0 90 25 A1976 u. germav 347 257 40

A1976 u. germav 0 90 30 A1976 u. germav 347 257 40

A1976 u. germav 0 90 30 A1976 u. germav 347 257 40

A1976 u. germav 0 90 30 A1976 u. germav 347 257 40

A1976 u. germav 0 90 30 A1976 u. germav 347 257 40

A1976 u. germav 0 90 30 A1976 u. germav 347 257 40

A1976 u. germav 0 90 30 A1976 u. germav 347 257 40

A1976 u. germav 0 90 30 A1976 u. germav 347 257 40

A1976 u. germav 0 90 30 A1976 u. germav 347 257 40

A1976 u. germav 0 90 30 A1976 u. germav 347 257 40

A1976 u. germav 0 90 30 A1976 u. germav 347 257 40

A1976 u. germav 0 90 30 A1976 u. germav 347 257 40

A1976 u. germav 0 90 30 A1976 u. germav 347 257 40

A1976 u. germav 0 90 30 A1976 u. germav 347 257 40

A1976 u. germav 0 90 30 A1976 u. germav 347 257 40

90 Table D.1: Bedding attitude of the units cut in the wells (u: upper, dir: direction) (continued)

A1976 u. germav 0 90 30 A1976 u. germav 347 257 40

A1976 u. germav 0 90 30 A1976 u. germav 347 257 40

A1976 u. germav 0 90 30 A1976 u. germav 347 257 40

A1976 u. germav 0 90 30 A1976 u. germav 347 257 40

A1976 u. germav 0 90 30 A1976 u. germav 347 257 40

A1976 u. germav 0 90 30 A1976 u. germav 347 257 40

A1976 u. germav 0 90 30 A1976 u. germav 347 257 40

A1976 u. germav 0 90 30 A1976 u. germav 347 257 40

A1976 u. germav 0 90 30 A1976 u. germav 347 257 40

A1976 u. germav 0 90 30 A1976 u. germav 347 257 40

A1976 u. germav 0 90 30 A1976 u. germav 347 257 40

A1976 u. germav 0 90 30 A1976 u. germav 347 257 40

A1976 u. germav 0 90 30 A1976 u. germav 347 257 40

A1976 u. germav 0 90 30 A1976 u. germav 347 257 40

A1976 u. germav 0 90 30 A1976 u. germav 347 257 40

A1976 u. germav 0 90 30 A1976 u. germav 347 257 40

A1976 u. germav 0 90 30 A1976 u. germav 347 257 40

A1976 u. germav 0 90 40 A1976 u. germav 347 257 40

A1976 u. germav 0 90 40 A1976 u. germav 347 257 40

A1976 u. germav 0 90 40 A1976 u. germav 347 257 40

A1976 u. germav 0 90 40 A1976 u. germav 347 257 40

A1976 u. germav 0 90 40 A1976 u. germav 347 257 40

A1976 u. germav 0 90 40 A1976 u. germav 347 257 40

A1976 u. germav 0 90 40 A1976 u. germav 347 257 40

A1976 u. germav 0 90 40 A1976 u. germav 347 257 40

A1976 u. germav 0 90 40 A1976 u. germav 347 257 40

A1976 u. germav 0 90 40 A1976 u. germav 348 258 40

A1976 u. germav 0 90 40 A1976 u. germav 348 258 40

A1976 u. germav 0 90 40 A1976 u. germav 348 258 40

A1976 u. germav 0 90 40 A1976 u. germav 348 258 40

A1976 u. germav 0 90 40 A1976 u. germav 348 258 40

A1976 u. germav 0 90 40 A1976 u. germav 348 258 40

A1976 u. germav 0 90 40 A1976 u. germav 348 258 40

A1976 u. germav 0 90 40 A1976 u. germav 348 258 40

A1976 u. germav 0 90 40 A1976 u. germav 348 258 40

A1976 u. germav 0 90 40 A1976 u. germav 348 258 40

A1976 u. germav 0 90 40 A1976 u. germav 348 258 40

A1976 u. germav 0 90 40 A1976 u. germav 348 258 40

A1976 u. germav 0 90 45 A1976 u. germav 348 258 40

A1976 u. germav 0 90 45 A1976 u. germav 348 258 40

A1976 u. germav 0 90 45 A1976 u. germav 348 258 40

A1976 u. germav 0 90 45 A1976 u. germav 348 258 40

A1976 u. germav 0 90 45 A1976 u. germav 348 258 40

A1976 u. germav 0 90 45 A1976 u. germav 348 258 40

A1976 u. germav 0 90 45 A1976 u. germav 348 258 40

A1976 u. germav 0 90 45 A1976 u. germav 348 258 40

A1976 u. germav 0 90 45 A1976 u. germav 348 258 40

A1976 u. germav 0 90 45 A1976 u. germav 348 258 40

91 Table D.1: Bedding attitude of the units cut in the wells (u: upper, dir: direction) (continued)

A1976 u. germav 0 90 45 A1976 u. germav 348 258 40

A1976 u. germav 0 90 45 A1976 u. germav 348 258 40

A1976 u. germav 0 90 45 A1976 u. germav 348 258 40

A1976 u. germav 0 90 45 A1976 u. germav 349 259 40

A1976 u. germav 0 90 45 A1976 u. germav 350 260 40

A1976 u. germav 0 90 45 A1976 u. germav 350 260 40

A1976 u. germav 0 90 45 A1976 u. germav 350 260 40

A1976 u. germav 0 90 45 A1976 u. germav 350 260 40

A1976 u. germav 0 90 45 A1976 u. germav 350 260 40

A1976 u. germav 0 90 45 A1976 u. germav 350 260 40

A1976 u. germav 0 90 45 A1976 u. germav 351 261 40

A1976 u. germav 0 90 45 A1976 u. germav 351 261 40

A1976 u. germav 0 90 45 A1976 u. germav 351 261 40

A1976 u. germav 0 90 40 A1976 u. germav 351 261 40

A1976 u. germav 0 90 40 A1976 u. germav 351 261 40

A1976 u. germav 0 90 40 A1976 u. germav 351 261 40

A1976 u. germav 0 90 40 A1976 u. germav 351 261 40

A1976 u. germav 0 90 38 A1976 u. germav 351 261 40

A1976 u. germav 0 90 38 A1976 u. germav 351 261 40

A1976 u. germav 0 90 38 A1976 u. germav 351 261 40

A1976 u. germav 0 90 38 A1976 u. germav 351 261 40

A1976 u. germav 0 90 38 A1976 u. germav 351 261 40

A1976 u. germav 0 90 38 A1976 u. germav 351 261 40

A1976 u. germav 0 90 38 A1976 u. germav 351 261 40

A1976 u. germav 0 90 38 A1976 u. germav 351 261 40

A1976 u. germav 0 90 35 A1976 u. germav 351 261 40

A1976 u. germav 0 90 35 A1976 u. germav 351 261 40

A1976 u. germav 0 90 35 A1976 u. germav 351 261 40

A1976 u. germav 0 90 35 A1976 u. germav 351 261 40

A1976 u. germav 0 90 35 A1976 u. germav 351 261 40

A1976 u. germav 0 90 35 A1976 u. germav 351 261 40

A1976 u. germav 0 90 35 A1976 u. germav 351 261 40

A1976 u. germav 0 90 35 A1976 u. germav 351 261 40

A1976 u. germav 0 90 35 A1976 u. germav 351 261 40

A1976 u. germav 0 90 35 A1976 u. germav 351 261 40

A1976 u. germav 0 90 35 A1976 u. germav 351 261 40

A1976 u. germav 0 90 35 A1976 u. germav 351 261 40

A1976 u. germav 0 90 35 A1976 u. germav 351 261 40

A1976 u. germav 0 90 35 A1976 u. germav 351 261 40

A1976 u. germav 0 90 35 A1976 u. germav 351 261 40

A1976 u. germav 0 90 35 A1976 u. germav 351 261 40

A1976 u. germav 0 90 35 A1976 u. germav 351 261 40

A1976 u. germav 0 90 35 A1976 u. germav 351 261 40

A1976 u. germav 0 90 35 A1976 u. germav 351 261 40

A1976 u. germav 0 90 35 A1976 u. germav 351 261 40

A1976 u. germav 0 90 35 A1976 u. germav 351 261 40

A1976 u. germav 0 90 35 A1976 u. germav 351 261 40

A1976 u. germav 0 90 35 A1976 u. germav 351 261 40

92 Table D.1: Bedding attitude of the units cut in the wells (u: upper, dir: direction) (continued)

A1976 u. germav 0 90 35 A1976 u. germav 351 261 40

A1976 u. germav 0 90 35 A1976 u. germav 351 261 40

A1976 u. germav 0 90 35 A1976 u. germav 351 261 40

A1976 u. germav 0 90 35 A1976 u. germav 351 261 40

A1976 u. germav 0 90 35 A1976 u. germav 351 261 40

A1976 u. germav 0 90 35 A1976 u. germav 351 261 40

A1976 u. germav 0 90 35 A1976 u. germav 351 261 40

A1976 u. germav 0 90 35 A1976 u. germav 351 261 40

A1976 u. germav 0 90 35 A1976 u. germav 351 261 40

A1976 u. germav 0 90 30 A1976 u. germav 351 261 40

A1976 u. germav 0 90 30 A1976 u. germav 351 261 40

A1976 u. germav 0 90 30 A1976 u. germav 353 263 40

A1976 u. germav 0 90 30 A1976 u. germav 353 263 40

A1976 u. germav 0 90 30 A1976 u. germav 353 263 40

A1976 u. germav 0 90 30 A1976 u. germav 353 263 40

A1976 u. germav 0 90 30 A1976 u. germav 353 263 40

A1976 u. germav 0 90 30 A1976 u. germav 353 263 40

A1976 u. germav 0 90 30 A1976 u. germav 353 263 40

A1976 u. germav 0 90 30 A1976 u. germav 353 263 40

A1976 u. germav 0 90 30 A1976 u. germav 353 263 40

A1976 u. germav 0 90 30 A1976 u. germav 353 263 40

A1976 u. germav 0 90 25 A1976 u. germav 353 263 40

A1976 u. germav 0 90 25 A1976 u. germav 353 263 40

A1976 u. germav 0 90 25 A1976 u. germav 353 263 40

A1976 u. germav 0 90 25 A1976 u. germav 353 263 40

A1976 u. germav 0 90 25 A1976 u. germav 353 263 40

A1976 u. germav 0 90 25 A1976 u. germav 353 263 40

A1976 u. germav 0 90 25 A1976 u. germav 353 263 40

A1976 u. germav 0 90 25 A1976 u. germav 353 263 40

A1976 u. germav 0 90 25 A1976 u. germav 353 263 40

A1976 u. germav 0 90 25 A1976 u. germav 353 263 40

A1976 u. germav 0 90 25 A1976 u. germav 353 263 40

A1976 u. germav 0 90 25 A1976 u. germav 353 263 40

A1976 u. germav 0 90 25 A1976 u. germav 353 263 40

A1976 u. germav 0 90 25 A1976 u. germav 353 263 40

A1976 u. germav 0 90 25 A1976 u. germav 353 263 40

A1976 u. germav 0 90 25 A1976 u. germav 353 263 40

A1976 u. germav 0 90 25 A1976 u. germav 353 263 40

A1976 u. germav 0 90 25 A1976 u. germav 353 263 40

A1976 u. germav 0 90 25 A1976 u. germav 353 263 40

A1976 u. germav 0 90 25 A1976 u. germav 353 263 40

A1976 u. germav 0 90 25 A1976 u. germav 353 263 40

A1976 u. germav 0 90 25 A1976 u. germav 353 263 40

A1976 u. germav 0 90 25 A1976 u. germav 353 263 40

A1976 u. germav 0 90 25 A1976 u. germav 353 263 40

A1976 u. germav 0 90 25 A1976 u. germav 353 263 40

A1976 u. germav 0 90 25 A1976 u. germav 353 263 40

A1976 u. germav 0 90 25 A1976 u. germav 353 263 40

93 Table D.1: Bedding attitude of the units cut in the wells (u: upper, dir: direction) (continued)

A1976 u. germav 0 90 25 A1976 u. germav 353 263 40

A1976 u. germav 0 90 25 A1976 u. germav 353 263 40

A1976 u. germav 0 90 25 A1976 u. germav 353 263 40

A1976 u. germav 0 90 25 A1976 u. germav 353 263 40

A1976 u. germav 0 90 25 A1976 u. germav 353 263 40

A1976 u. germav 5 95 25 A1976 u. germav 353 263 40

A1976 u. germav 6 96 25 A1976 u. germav 353 263 40

A1976 u. germav 8 98 25 A1976 u. germav 353 263 40

A1976 u. germav 11 101 25 A1976 u. germav 353 263 40

A1976 u. germav 20 110 25 A1976 u. germav 353 263 40

A1976 midyat 29 119 25 A1976 u. germav 353 263 40

A1976 midyat 29 119 25 A1976 u. germav 353 263 40

A1976 midyat 29 119 25 A1976 u. germav 353 263 40

A1976 midyat 29 119 25 A1976 u. germav 353 263 40

A1976 midyat 29 119 25 A1976 u. germav 353 263 40

A1976 midyat 29 119 25 A1976 u. germav 353 263 40

A1976 midyat 29 119 25 A1976 u. germav 353 263 40

A1976 midyat 29 119 25 A1976 u. germav 353 263 40

A1976 midyat 29 119 25 A1976 u. germav 353 263 40

A1976 midyat 29 119 25 A1976 u. germav 353 263 40

A1976 midyat 29 119 25 A1976 u. germav 353 263 40

A1976 midyat 29 119 25 A1976 u. germav 353 263 40

A1976 midyat 29 119 25 A1976 u. germav 353 263 40

A1976 midyat 29 119 25 A1976 u. germav 353 263 40

A1976 midyat 29 119 25 A1976 u. germav 353 263 40

A1976 midyat 29 119 25 A1976 u. germav 354 264 40

A1976 u. germav 309 219 25 A1976 u. germav 354 264 40

A1976 u. germav 309 219 25 A1976 u. germav 354 264 40

A1976 u. germav 339 249 25 A1976 u. germav 354 264 40

A1976 u. germav 339 249 25 A1976 u. germav 354 264 40

A1976 u. germav 339 249 25 A1976 u. germav 354 264 40

A1976 u. germav 339 249 25 A1976 u. germav 354 264 40

A1976 u. germav 339 249 25 A1976 u. germav 354 264 40

A1976 u. germav 339 249 25 A1976 u. germav 354 264 40

A1976 u. germav 339 249 25 A1976 u. germav 354 264 40

A1976 u. germav 339 249 25 A1976 u. germav 354 264 40

A1976 u. germav 339 249 25 A1976 u. germav 355 265 40

A1976 u. germav 340 250 25 A1976 u. germav 355 265 40

A1976 u. germav 340 250 25 A1976 u. germav 355 265 40

A1976 u. germav 340 250 25 A1976 u. germav 355 265 40

A1976 u. germav 340 250 25 A1976 u. germav 355 265 40

A1976 u. germav 340 250 25 A1976 u. germav 355 265 40

A1976 u. germav 340 250 25 A1976 u. germav 355 265 40

A1976 u. germav 340 250 25 A1976 u. germav 355 265 40

A1976 u. germav 342 252 30 A1976 u. germav 355 265 40

A1976 u. germav 342 252 30 A1976 u. germav 355 265 40

A1976 u. germav 342 252 30 A1976 u. germav 355 265 40

A1976 u. germav 342 252 30 A1976 u. germav 355 265 40

94 Table D.1: Bedding attitude of the units cut in the wells (u: upper, dir: direction) (continued)

A1976 u. germav 342 252 30 A1976 u. germav 355 265 40

A1976 u. germav 342 252 30 A1976 u. germav 355 265 40

A1976 u. germav 342 252 30 A1976 u. germav 355 265 40

A1976 u. germav 342 252 30 A1976 u. germav 355 265 40

A1976 u. germav 342 252 30 A1976 u. germav 355 265 40

A1976 u. germav 342 252 30 A1976 u. germav 355 265 40

A1976 u. germav 342 252 30 A1976 u. germav 355 265 40

A1976 u. germav 342 252 30 A1976 u. germav 355 265 40

A1976 u. germav 342 252 30 A1976 u. germav 355 265 40

A1976 u. germav 342 252 30 A1976 u. germav 355 265 40

A1976 u. germav 342 252 30 A1976 u. germav 355 265 40

A1976 u. germav 342 252 30 A1976 u. germav 355 265 40

A1976 u. germav 342 252 30 A1976 u. germav 355 265 40

A1976 u. germav 342 252 30 A1976 u. germav 355 265 40

A1976 u. germav 342 252 30 A1976 u. germav 355 265 40

A1976 u. germav 342 252 30 A1976 u. germav 355 265 40

A1976 u. germav 342 252 30 A1976 u. germav 355 265 40

A1976 u. germav 342 252 30 A1976 u. germav 355 265 40

A1976 u. germav 342 252 30 A1976 u. germav 355 265 40

A1976 u. germav 342 252 30 A1976 u. germav 355 265 40

A1976 u. germav 342 252 30 A1976 u. germav 355 265 40

A1976 u. germav 342 252 30 A1976 u. germav 355 265 40

A1976 u. germav 342 252 30 A1976 u. germav 355 265 40

A1976 u. germav 342 252 30 A1976 u. germav 355 265 40

A1976 u. germav 342 252 30 A1976 u. germav 355 265 40

A1976 u. germav 342 252 30 A1976 u. germav 355 265 40

A1976 u. germav 342 252 30 A1976 u. germav 355 265 40

A1976 u. germav 342 252 30 A1976 u. germav 355 265 40

A1976 u. germav 342 252 30 A1976 u. germav 355 265 40

A1976 u. germav 342 252 30 A1976 u. germav 355 265 40

A1976 u. germav 342 252 30 A1976 u. germav 356 266 40

A1976 u. germav 342 252 30 A1976 u. germav 357 267 40

A1976 u. germav 342 252 30 A1976 u. germav 357 267 40

A1976 u. germav 342 252 30 A1976 u. germav 357 267 40

A1976 u. germav 342 252 30 A1976 u. germav 357 267 40

A1976 u. germav 342 252 30 A1976 u. germav 357 267 40

A1976 u. germav 342 252 30 A1976 u. germav 357 267 40

A1976 u. germav 342 252 30 A1976 u. germav 357 267 40

A1976 u. germav 342 252 30 A1976 u. germav 358 268 40

A1976 u. germav 342 252 40 A1976 u. germav 358 268 40

A1976 u. germav 342 252 40 A1976 u. germav 358 268 40

A1976 u. germav 342 252 40 A1976 u. germav 358 268 40

A1976 u. germav 342 252 40 A1976 u. germav 358 268 40

A1976 u. germav 342 252 40 A1976 u. germav 358 268 40

A1976 u. germav 342 252 40 A1976 u. germav 358 268 40

A1976 u. germav 342 252 40 A1976 u. germav 358 268 40

A1976 u. germav 342 252 40 A1976 u. germav 358 268 40

A1976 u. germav 342 252 40 A1976 u. germav 358 268 40

95 Table D.1: Bedding attitude of the units cut in the wells (u: upper, dir: direction) (continued)

A1976 u. germav 342 252 40 A1976 u. germav 358 268 40

A1976 u. germav 342 252 40 A1976 u. germav 358 268 40

A1976 u. germav 342 252 40 A1976 u. germav 358 268 40

A1976 u. germav 342 252 40 A1976 u. germav 358 268 40

A1976 u. germav 342 252 40 A1976 u. germav 358 268 40

A1976 u. germav 342 252 40 A1976 u. germav 358 268 40

A1976 u. germav 342 252 40 A1976 u. germav 358 268 40

A1976 u. germav 344 254 40 A1976 u. germav 358 268 40

A1976 u. germav 344 254 40 A1976 u. germav 358 268 40

A1976 u. germav 344 254 40 A1976 u. germav 358 268 40

A1976 u. germav 344 254 40 A1976 u. germav 358 268 40

A1976 u. germav 344 254 40 A1976 u. germav 358 268 40

A1976 u. germav 344 254 40 A1976 u. germav 358 268 40

A1976 u. germav 344 254 40 A1976 u. germav 358 268 40

A1976 u. germav 344 254 40 A1976 u. germav 358 268 40

A1976 u. germav 344 254 40 A1976 u. germav 358 268 40

A1976 u. germav 344 254 40 A1976 u. germav 358 268 40

A1976 u. germav 344 254 40 A1976 u. germav 358 268 40

A1976 u. germav 344 254 40 A1976 u. germav 358 268 40

A1976 u. germav 344 254 40 A1976 u. germav 358 268 40

A1976 u. germav 344 254 40 A1976 u. germav 358 268 40

A1976 u. germav 344 254 40 A1976 u. germav 358 268 40

A1976 u. germav 344 254 40 A1976 u. germav 358 268 40

A1976 u. germav 344 254 40 A1976 u. germav 358 268 40

A1976 u. germav 344 254 40 A1976 u. germav 358 268 40

A1976 u. germav 344 254 40 A1976 u. germav 358 268 40

A1976 u. germav 344 254 40 A1976 u. germav 358 268 40

A1976 u. germav 344 254 40 A1976 u. germav 358 268 40

A1976 u. germav 344 254 40 A1976 u. germav 358 268 40

A1976 u. germav 344 254 40 A1976 u. germav 358 268 40

A1976 u. germav 344 254 40 A1976 u. germav 358 268 40

A1976 u. germav 344 254 40 A1976 u. germav 358 268 40

A1976 u. germav 344 254 40 A1976 u. germav 358 268 40

A1976 u. germav 344 254 40 A1976 u. germav 358 268 40

A1976 u. germav 344 254 40 A1976 u. germav 358 268 40

A1976 u. germav 344 254 40 A1976 u. germav 358 268 40

A1976 u. germav 344 254 40 A1976 u. germav 358 268 40

A1976 u. germav 344 254 40 A1976 u. germav 358 268 40

A1976 u. germav 344 254 40 A1976 u. germav 358 268 40

A1976 u. germav 344 254 40 A1976 u. germav 358 268 40

A1976 u. germav 344 254 40 A1976 u. germav 358 268 40

A1976 u. germav 344 254 40 A1976 u. germav 358 268 40

A1976 u. germav 344 254 40 A1976 u. germav 358 268 35

A1976 u. germav 344 254 40 A1976 u. germav 358 268 35

A1976 u. germav 344 254 40 A1976 u. germav 358 268 35

A1976 u. germav 344 254 40 A1976 u. germav 358 268 35

A1976 u. germav 344 254 40 A1976 u. germav 358 268 35

A1976 u. germav 344 254 40 A1976 u. germav 358 268 35

96 Table D.1: Bedding attitude of the units cut in the wells (u: upper, dir: direction) (continued)

A1976 u. germav 344 254 40 A1976 u. germav 358 268 35

A1976 u. germav 345 255 40 A1976 u. germav 358 268 35

A1976 u. germav 345 255 40 A1976 u. germav 358 268 35

A1976 u. germav 345 255 40 A1976 u. germav 358 268 35

A1976 u. germav 345 255 40 A1976 u. germav 358 268 35

A1976 u. germav 345 255 40 A1976 u. germav 358 268 35

A1976 u. germav 345 255 40 A1976 u. germav 358 268 35

A1976 u. germav 345 255 40 A1976 u. germav 358 268 35

A1976 u. germav 345 255 40 A1976 u. germav 358 268 35

A1976 u. germav 345 255 40 A1976 u. germav 358 268 35

A1976 u. germav 345 255 40 A1976 u. germav 358 268 35

A1976 u. germav 345 255 40 A1976 u. germav 358 268 35

A1976 u. germav 345 255 40 A1976 u. germav 358 268 40

A1976 u. germav 345 255 40 A1976 u. germav 358 268 40

A1976 u. germav 345 255 40 A1976 u. germav 358 268 40

A1976 u. germav 345 255 40 A1976 u. germav 358 268 40

A1976 u. germav 345 255 40 A1976 u. germav 358 268 40

A1976 u. germav 345 255 40 A1976 u. germav 358 268 40

A1976 u. germav 345 255 40 A1976 u. germav 358 268 40

A1976 u. germav 345 255 40 A1976 u. germav 358 268 40

A1976 u. germav 345 255 40 A1976 u. germav 358 268 40

A1976 u. germav 345 255 40 A1976 u. germav 358 268 40

A1976 u. germav 345 255 40 A1976 u. germav 358 268 40

A1976 u. germav 345 255 40 A1976 u. germav 358 268 40

A1976 u. germav 345 255 40 A1976 u. germav 358 268 40

A1976 u. germav 345 255 40 A1976 u. germav 358 268 40

A1976 u. germav 345 255 40 A1976 u. germav 358 268 40

A1976 u. germav 345 255 40 A1976 u. germav 358 268 40

A1976 u. germav 345 255 40 A1976 u. germav 358 268 40

A1976 u. germav 345 255 40 A1976 u. germav 358 268 40

A1976 u. germav 345 255 40 A1976 u. germav 358 268 40

A1976 u. germav 345 255 40 A1976 u. germav 358 268 40

A1976 u. germav 345 255 40 A1976 u. germav 358 268 40

A1976 u. germav 345 255 40 A1976 u. germav 358 268 40

A1976 u. germav 345 255 40 A1976 u. germav 358 268 40

A1976 u. germav 345 255 40 A1976 u. germav 358 268 40

A1976 u. germav 345 255 40 A1976 u. germav 358 268 40

A1976 u. germav 345 255 40 A1976 u. germav 358 268 40

A1976 u. germav 345 255 40 A1976 u. germav 358 268 40

A1976 u. germav 345 255 40 A1976 u. germav 358 268 40

A1976 u. germav 345 255 40 A1976 u. germav 358 268 40

A1976 u. germav 345 255 40 A1976 u. germav 358 268 40

A1976 u. germav 345 255 40 A1976 u. germav 358 268 40

A1976 u. germav 345 255 40 A1976 u. germav 358 268 40

A1976 u. germav 345 255 40 A1976 u. germav 358 268 40

A1976 u. germav 347 257 40 A1976 u. germav 358 268 40

A1976 u. germav 347 257 40 A1976 u. germav 358 268 40

A1976 u. germav 347 257 40 A1976 u. germav 358 268 40

97 Table D.1: Bedding attitude of the units cut in the wells (u: upper, dir: direction) (continued)

A1976 u. germav 347 257 40 A1976 u. germav 358 268 40

A1976 u. germav 347 257 40 A1976 u. germav 358 268 40

A1976 u. germav 347 257 40 A1976 u. germav 358 268 40

A1976 u. germav 347 257 40 A1976 u. germav 358 268 40

A1976 u. germav 347 257 40 A1976 u. germav 358 268 65

A1976 u. germav 347 257 40 A1976 u. germav 358 268 65

A1976 u. germav 347 257 40 A1976 u. germav 358 268 60

A1976 u. germav 347 257 40 A1976 u. germav 358 268 60

A1976 u. germav 347 257 40 A1976 u. germav 358 268 70

A1976 u. germav 347 257 40 A1976 u. germav 358 268 70

A1976 u. germav 347 257 40 A1976 u. germav 358 268 70

A1976 u. germav 347 257 40 A1976 u. germav 358 268 70

A1976 u. germav 347 257 40 A1976 u. germav 358 268 70

A1976 u. germav 347 257 40 A1976 u. germav 358 268 70

A1976 u. germav 347 257 40 A1976 u. germav 358 268 70

A1976 u. germav 347 257 40 A1976 u. germav 358 268 70

A1976 u. germav 347 257 40 A1976 u. germav 358 268 70

A1976 u. germav 347 257 40 A1976 u. germav 358 268 70

A1976 u. germav 347 257 40 A1976 u. germav 358 268 70

A1976 u. germav 358 268 70

well name form. dip dir. strike dir. dip amout

T1974 midyat 174 84 50 T1974 u. germav 172 82 65

T1974 midyat 174 84 50 T1974 u. germav 172 82 50

T1974 midyat 174 84 50 T1974 u. germav 172 82 50

T1974 midyat 174 84 50 T1974 u. germav 172 82 50

T1974 midyat 174 84 50 T1974 u. germav 172 82 50

T1974 midyat 174 84 50 T1974 u. germav 172 82 50

T1974 midyat 174 84 55 T1974 u. germav 172 82 50

T1974 midyat 174 84 55 T1974 u. germav 172 82 50

T1974 midyat 174 84 55 T1974 u. germav 172 82 50

T1974 midyat 174 84 55 T1974 u. germav 172 82 50

T1974 midyat 174 84 55 T1974 u. germav 165 75 50

T1974 midyat 174 84 55 T1974 u. germav 165 75 50

T1974 midyat 174 84 55 T1974 u. germav 165 75 50

T1974 midyat 174 84 55 T1974 u. germav 165 75 50

T1974 midyat 174 84 55 T1974 u. germav 165 75 50

T1974 midyat 167 77 55 T1974 u. germav 165 75 50

T1974 midyat 167 77 55 T1974 u. germav 165 75 50

T1974 midyat 167 77 60 T1974 u. germav 165 75 50

T1974 midyat 167 77 60 T1974 u. germav 165 75 50

T1974 midyat 167 77 60 T1974 u. germav 165 75 50

T1974 midyat 167 77 60 T1974 u. germav 165 75 50

T1974 midyat 167 77 60

T1974 midyat 167 77 60

T1974 midyat 167 77 60

T1974 midyat 167 77 60

T1974 midyat 167 77 60

T1974 u. germav 172 82 65








Figure E.1: Dipmeter logs of the well A1972 for the beds of Upper Miocene in age (Şelmo Formation) (The arrows show the dip direction and the distance from the left edge show the dip amount (vertical lines represent 10º-intervals))

99 A1972 A1976 T1974 800 600

100 850

700 900 200

800 1125

300 1150

1175 900



500 1100

600 1200

700 1300

800 1400


Figure E.2: Dipmeter logs of the well A1972 for the beds of Paleocene - Oligocene in age (Upper Germav Formation & Midyat Group)