
Read Ebook {PDF EPUB} Things a Little Bird Told Me Confessions of the Creative Mind by THINGS A LITTLE BIRD TOLD ME. Biz Stone, the co-founder of , discusses the power of creativity and how to harness it, through stories from his remarkable life and career. BIZ STONE. From GQ’s “Nerd of the Year” to one of Time’s most influential people in the world. Biz Stone represents different things to different people. But he is known to all as the creative, effervescent, funny, and remarkably savvy co- founder of Twitter-the platform that singlehandedly changed the way the world works. Now, Biz tells fascinating, pivotal, and personal stories from his early life and his careers at and Twitter, sharing his knowledge about the nature and importance of ingenuity today. Biz Stone. Our editors will review what you’ve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. Biz Stone , byname of Christopher Isaac Stone , (born March 10, 1974, Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.), American entrepreneur who, with Evan Williams and , founded (2006) Twitter, an online microblogging service. Stone attended two universities in Boston ( and the University of Massachusetts) for one year each and then worked as a designer at the publisher Little, Brown and Co. In 1999–2001 he was creative director at , a blog community that he had helped form. Stone was then invited by Williams to take a position at , a company developing blogging software. When Stone was hired in 2003, it had recently been purchased by Google. Stone worked there until 2005, when he left to join Williams in shaping Odeo, a podcasting company. Stone and Williams were then approached by Dorsey, whose ideas about led the three men to develop and found Twitter. The service allowed users to share status updates in the form of 140-character messages known as “tweets.” After Twitter went live in 2006, Stone served as creative director for the company. It quickly became a popular social networking hub as well as a mainstream form of communication. With endorsements from corporations, celebrities, and news outlets, Twitter had by 2011 more than 100 million monthly active users, with one billion tweets being sent each week. That year Stone stepped down as creative director. In 2012 Stone and Ben Finkel began work on a new venture, Jelly, a search app in which users posted questions that were answered by others in their social network. It launched two years later and was sold to in 2017. Shortly thereafter Stone returned to Twitter. In addition, Stone served as an adviser to several Web companies. His books included Blogging: Genius Strategies for Instant Web Content (2002), Who Let the Blogs Out?: A Hyperconnected Peek at the World of Weblogs (2004), and Things a Little Bird Told Me: Confessions of the Creative Mind (2014). Twitter Co-founder Biz Stone on the Power of the Creative Mind. When Biz Stone moved to in 2003, it wasn’t simply to take a job at Google working for its newly acquired Blogger platform. He wanted to work with fellow entrepreneur Evan Williams. A group that included Stone and Williams left Google in 2005 to form Odeo, a podcasting company. A two-week “hackathon” at Odeo produced a prototype of Twitter, a side project that quickly moved center stage. In this interview with Knowledge@Wharton, Stone discusses his new book, Things A Little Bird Told Me: Confessions of a Creative Mind, which tells the story of his nontraditional path to co-founding one of the world’s best-known brands. He emphasizes the importance of pursuing apprenticeships, embracing failure and benefiting from constraints, and also talks about his new venture, the social search engine Jelly, the first company for which he has served as CEO. An edited transcript of the conversation follows: Knowledge@Wharton : You place a lot of value on simplicity and constraint, two words one might expect to see paired together. But then you throw in a third, less-expected word: provocation. How do constraints create provocation, and why is that good for business? Biz Stone : Constraints inspire or provoke creativity because it’s human nature. When our back is to the wall, we’re forced to come up with the creative solution. It’s the MacGyver in all of us. Given restraints, we come up with incredible solutions. If you ever watched the movie Apollo 13 , you remember that scene where … Ed Harris says: “[Mission Control] needs to put a square peg in a round hole. We need to build an air filter out of this…. It’s a pencil, a hanger and a piece of tin foil….” And they do it. It’s that kind of thing that I really believe in. “Look at Twitter. We had this failed company, Odeo. [And then] Evan Williams had this great idea….” I had dinner once with [Hermann Hauser] who founded ARM, the chip maker. He said, “You want to know the secret to my success? I gave my team no time, no money and no resources, and [they] came up with this genius, low-powered chip that was perfect for mobile phones.” Knowledge@Wharton : You also tell the story about the incubators made out of automobile parts. Stone : That’s part of my bright spot theory…. When everything around you seems terrible, and [there] doesn’t seem to be anything going right, try to find something, anything … good that’s happening. That story was about a developing nation where they had a very high infant mortality rate. A hospital in New York said, “We’re going to donate these very expensive incubators [to] help lower your infant mortality rate….” They donated them. They went back a year later and said, “What’s up? Your infant mortality rate is still really high.” [The hospital in the developing country] said, “These machines are so fancy and they require maintenance. They broke, and nobody knows how to fix them.” That attracted the attention of another doctor in Boston who went out there and said, “Well, here’s what I’m going to do. I’m just going to find out what is working. Forget about the incubators. What in this area is working?” He noticed that there were a lot of old Toyota trucks that were still running. He said, “Well, the folks in this place seem to be really good at fixing Toyotas.” So, what did he do? He worked with a design lab to come up with an infant incubator made out of automotive parts, where the headlight was the warming [mechanism]…. He told them, “If this breaks, call the mechanics.” I thought that was just so great. It sets a great example of not only looking for the bright spot but very non-linear thinking. Who would have thought that a Toyota 4Runner would be the key to lowering infant mortality rates in that region? Knowledge@Wharton High School. Knowledge@Wharton : Aided by the arresting image of the Fail Whale, you essentially turned Twitter’s early technical difficulties into a tool for engaging your customers in a deeper way. How can other business leaders adopt that approach? Stone : We embraced our own failure, and we were authentic about it. We just told it like it was. When something would break, I would act as the embedded reporter and go around and try to figure out what exactly happened so that I could, as soon as possible, publish to our blog what had happened, what we did about it and why it [wasn’t] going to happen again. That’s not to say we’re not going to break in some other way, but at least we won’t break in exactly this particular way again. I think that served to humanize the company, which becomes a way of building a brand. You build good will. “We’re living in such a different time now. We launched Jelly, and within 24 hours, we had more than double the accounts created in the first year of Twitter.” The opposite is presenting yourself as bulletproof. If you do that, then the second you have a failure, people slam you for it. You don’t get any breaks. But if you recognize the value in vulnerability, you can build up some good will as long as you are open and honest about it but also working to fix it. That doesn’t last forever because you also spend good will and it runs out. You can’t just lean on that forever. Knowledge@Wharton : You talked about how your decision to drop out of college and pursue book jacket design was essentially choosing apprenticeship over schooling. Do we place too much emphasis on degrees and credentials and not enough on promoting a learning culture within companies? Stone : It comes down to the individual. For me, that was a better way. For me, the immersive experience of focusing and working eight to 10 hours a day with a master in his field was just the perfect thing. It was what I needed. For other people, the structure of a school environment is better. [But] part of me does think that we tend to focus too much on … testing. There’s a lot to be said for cooperative learning. There’s this guy named Professor [Sugata] Mitra at Newcastle University who has studied self-organizing systems and new ways of learning that are not hierarchical and go against the traditional ways that we have built our educational systems…. [The research shows] how children are able to learn on their own. Teachers can — as long as they act as the guides, nudge them or keep them in bounds, so to speak — [help children] do miraculous things on their own. Knowledge@Wharton : You’re a big fan of the artist Andy Goldsworthy, whose creations are by design ephemeral. Business leaders, by contrast, like to think that they are building something lasting. In an economy marked by flux and constant change, is there a business lesson to be learned from Goldsworthy? Stone : That’s a good question because I haven’t thought about it that way. I’ve just enjoyed his work. But if there’s a business lesson to be taken from Goldsworthy’s work, it’s … work with the resources you have around you. That’s what he does. He goes out into the woods, and he just builds using the stuff that’s there…. He’s built huge, gigantic snaking stone walls out of felled buildings and things like this. Not all of his stuff is completely ephemeral, but a lot of it is. It disappears with the wind or the tides…. Look at Twitter. We had this failed company, Odeo. [And then] Evan Williams had this great idea: He said, “How about let’s all of us pair up and just work on something that you think is cool?” Twitter grew out of that…. Knowledge@Wharton : How has the process of launching your new venture, Jelly, been different from that of launching Twitter? “How do you institute change in a company? You change what you measure. You change the measurement of success.” Stone : Worlds apart. We’re living in such a different time now. We launched Jelly, and within 24 hours we had more than double the accounts created in the first year of Twitter. That’s because of Twitter and . When Twitter started, word of mouth was word of mouth — actual mouths. Now you can launch something, and if it’s good, [people] just buzz about it on these [social media] feeds. They tell their friends, and they retweet it and so forth. You just explode onto the scene. Not only that, we don’t have servers. We have servers, but they are Amazon’s. We don’t have to go into a room and unplug things and rewire things. It’s amazing. It’s a really, really different experience. We could potentially have a service where we have hundreds of millions of customers and tens of employees. Knowledge@Wharton : You have reinvented your professional and creative career several times. Do you have any advice for executives and entrepreneurs trying to reinvent themselves or their companies? Stone : In the introduction to my book, I talk about faking it ‘til you make it. You say something, and then you start becoming it. Once I dropped out of college, people would ask me, “What do you do?” I would just say, “I’m an artist.” People believed me. I started to believe myself, and then I was. Part of reinventing yourself is just taking that first step and just saying what you want to be. Then you slowly back into it. Knowledge@Wharton : How about on a company level? Stone : That’s a lot harder, especially if you are a big, publicly traded company…. In that case, I think change has to come from within. People fear change, because humanity seeks homeostasis. Our bodies themselves always try to get back to that same temperature…. So, when you want to change, you have to shake things up and get to that new homeostasis, that new place. Then that’s who you are… For example, Citibank — I spoke to their chief marketing officer a few years ago. They were part of this whole giant banking crisis. They were part of why families were breaking apart — because they couldn’t afford their mortgage, because they were given a mortgage they couldn’t afford. What they did was they changed what they measure. They decided to radically change their internal metrics. They put goals on the board like: How many people can we save from foreclosure? Given the fact that we are definitely going to have to foreclose on “X” number of people, how many of those people can we help get into an apartment? They set goals like that to reinvent themselves and get back to that idea of Citibank becoming the provider of the American Dream, which they had lost sight of. How do you institute change in a company? You change what you measure. You change the measurement of success. Twitter's role in social protests was a surprise to co-founder Biz Stone. Twitter co-founders Jack Dorsey (L), Biz Stone and Evan Williams (R) speak after the Twitter Inc. IPO on the floor of the , November 7, 2013. "It wasn't about the technology, it was about the people," Twitter co-founder Biz Stone says of the social media company's rise as a global political organizing force. "It just happens to be that Twitter was the right tool at the right place and right time." While many people credit Twitter with starting the Arab Spring and changing the way we interact, Stone pushes back against that idea. "It's people — it's not the platform — that's changing the world," he says. "I always like to say that AT&T didn't claim credit for bringing down the Berlin Wall just because people used telephones in the process." But when Stone helped co-found Twitter in 2006, no one envisioned that the social media network would be used for anything more than sharing fun updates and photos with friends. That changed for him when a University of California-Berkeley student traveled to Egypt in early 2008 and sent out two one-word tweets that became "one of many powerful moments, eye-opening moments" to Stone in Twitter's evolution. The student had never heard of Twitter before his trip to Egypt, but signed up for an account while he was there, so he could find out when and where protest actions would take place. At one rally he attended, he was detained by police and only had time to tweet the word "arrested." His friends back in the US were able to see this tweet, contact a dean at the university to get a lawyer, and ultimately help free the student a few hours later, at which pointed he tweeted "released." "What happened to me personally when I heard about people using the tool to self-organize and protest, and essentially topple regimes . what occurred to me was that it wasn't about the technology," Stone says, echoing a dominant theme from his new book, Things A Little Bird Told Me: Confessions Of The Creative Mind. "It was about these brave people who were bleeding in the streets. And I came to the conclusion that if Twitter was to be a triumph, it was not to be a triumph of technology, but a triumph of humanity." And while Twitter came to embrace these people using the platform to organize revolutions and protests, the oppressive governments of several countries, of course, did not. But Stone asserts that this never affected Twitter's perspective on the issues of global free speech. When it came down to deciding where to draw the line on what users could say about their government in certain countries, Stone says the company always considered how to do right by the people using Twitter and not worry about what governments thought of its decisions. "It didn't matter where the line is or how angry any government became because [the tweets] weren't theirs to do with as they pleased," Stone says. "We always erred on the side of trying to defend and protect the people using Twitter, because we thought of Twitter as a way to foster the freedom of speech around the world." He acknowledges that today, as a massive corporation, Twitter "does have the challenge of being a publicly traded company — it has investors to answer to." But he doesn't think that will change the . "From my perspective, the ethos of Twitter has been deeply embedded into its culture and it's part of what makes Twitter special. It's part of why people are attracted to Twitter in the first place," Stone says. He is now the founder and CEO of a new social media venture called Jelly. According to Stone, "Jelly is a reimagining of how we get our answers to queries, something that really hasn't been done in 15 years." The platform connects users with questions to other users who have answers, by routing people's queries to people in their social networks, their friends' social networks, and in nearby locations. "It really potentially increases the reach of your question to every person in the world," he says. Curious what Stone's first name Biz is short for? Well, so was The World's Carol Hills. And it turns out, it's not short for anything — it's baby talk. Stone says when he was little, he would pronounce his real first name, Christopher, as "biziba'"in an attempt to replicate his father's Boston- accented pronunciation of his name. His mother thought it was cute, shortened it to Biz, and it stuck. Want a seat at the table? Every morning, the editorial team at public radio’s international news show The World meets to plan what they'll cover that day. Want to see what's on deck? Sign up for our daily newsletter TOP OF THE WORLD and get the big stories we’re tracking delivered to your inbox every weekday morning. Things a Little Bird Told Me: Confessions of the Creative Mind by Biz Stone. Confessions of the Creative Mind. Description. Biz Stone, the co-founder of Twitter, discusses the power of creativity and how to harness it, through stories from his remarkable life and career. Things a Little Bird Told Me. From GQ 's "Nerd of the Year" to one of Time 's most influential people in the world, Biz Stone represents different things to different people. But he is known to all as the creative, effervescent, funny, charmingly positive and remarkably savvy co-founder of Twitter-the social media platform that singlehandedly changed the way the world works. Now, Biz tells fascinating, pivotal, and personal stories from his early life and his careers at Google and Twitter, sharing his knowledge about the nature and importance of ingenuity today. In Biz's world: Opportunity can be manufactured Great work comes from abandoning a linear way of thinking Creativity never runs out Asking questions is free Empathy is core to personal and global success. In this book, Biz also addresses failure, the value of vulnerability, ambition, and corporate culture. Whether seeking behind-the-scenes stories, advice, or wisdom and principles from one of the most successful businessmen of the new century, Things a Little Bird Told Me will satisfy every reader. Praise For Things a Little Bird Told Me: Confessions of the Creative Mind … " Things A Little Bird Told Me is a moving, funny and illuminating life story, and Biz pours himself into the telling, bringing a unique gift of perspective to anyone dreaming of taking risks, changing their lives and changing the world." -- Arianna Huffington. "In THINGS A LITTLE BIRD TOLD ME, Biz gives away all his secrets to success. I advised him against it. If you're not inspired and informed by this book, then you haven't read it." --Stephen Colbert. "Biz Stone's anything-but-ordinary journey both surprises and inspires. Things A Little Bird Told Me is a peek into a unique mind that, I'm happy to add, entertains us as well." -- Ron Howard. "As someone who has personally experienced Biz's generosity and genius, I'm thrilled that readers of Things a Little Bird Told Me can now draw inspiration from his values and vision. A must-read for anyone who wants to tap their creative potential." --Charles Best, Founder and CEO of DonorsChoose.org. "Most tales of startup success revolve around a lone genius out-maneuvering the competition. But the story Biz Stone tells is a riveting-and often hilarious-break from that tradition: a story of collaboration, sharing, and the power of networks."-- Steven Johnson, New York Times bestselling author of Where Good Ideas Come From. Grand Central Publishing, 9781455528714, 240pp. Publication Date: April 1, 2014. About the Author. Biz Stone became an Internet entrepreneur in 1999. He went on to work for Google, helped to create both blogging and podcasting, and then co- invented Twitter.