Mouthdrumming Resource Guide ** and Beatboxing are forms of mouth drumming that involve imitating acoustic and electronic drum kit sounds with the mouth and articulators***

Bass Drum! B Hi Hat! T Ts ! Pf Psh 1. tighten your 1. place tip of tongue at K corners corner of gums and teeth 1. Pf- make a ‘P’ sound and 2. roll lips in 2. apply pressure and ‘F’ right after- Poof – o’s 3. apply back release 2. Psh- B + Sh, short and pressure Open (Ts) - let tongue crisp, Push – u 4. force your lips linger after release and let 3. K- form a ‘K’, force air out air flow out out

Breathing: - Weave your breaths into the beat to make it feel natural, disguise the breath - Never take too much or too little air, train yourself to take just the right amount (breath control and management) - Only breathe from your diaphragm! no shoulder breaths, fill up all around like a doughnut

Inward Sounds - Inward snare, find your ‘duck place’ - Side click - Nose breath - Sip breath - Crab scratch

A great resource!

Vocal Percussion: This technique is strictly for music. The VP’s main goal is rhythm and feel, they are the mouth drummer in the vocal band. A Vocal Percussionist may not have as many sounds as a beatboxer because their main concern is driving the rhythm and not drawing unnecessary attention to themselves.

Famous Beatboxers Butterscotch Chesney Snow Kenny Muhammad Greg Patillo Reeps One Kenny Urban Skiller Shlomo Eklips Luckey Monkey Kaila Mullady Tom Thumb Bellatrix Julia Dales