Reimagining White Ethnicity Expressivity, Identity, Race Conference April 27-28, 2012 John D
Reimagining White ethnicity expRessivity, identity, Race cOnFeRence apRiL 27-28, 2012 JOhn d. caLandRa itaLian ameRican institUte 25 West 43Rd stReet, neW yORK city Cosponsored by the Center for Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies, Queens College, CUNY FOR mORe inFORmatiOn: 212.642.2094 OR WWW.Qc.edU/caLandRa Reimagining White ethnicity: expRessivity, identity, Race proGram (subject to change) Films about Greek americans in new york: a Case Study of the italian americans and Whiteness through the lens of ThurSday, april 26, 2012 Greek-american image in american Cinema, dan GeorGaKaS, americanization: towards a Critique of racial reason, JameS S. 6–8 pM: Welcome & ReceptiOn Center for Byzantine and modern Greek Studies, Queens paSto, Boston university College, Cuny From oppressed to oppressor without even trying, JameS S. pula, purdue university north Central _____________________________________Friday, april 27, 2012 clef Notes On Music 9:30–10:45 AM the Wanderers: italian-american doo Wop, Sense of place, and Imagining GreeK AMeRicAns racial Crossovers in postwar new york City, Simone Cinotto, Changing images of Greek immigrants within american RepResenting itAliAn AMeRicAns università degli Studi di Scienze Gastronomiche mainstream Society: a Historical overview Based on images of italian americans in african-american literature living the dance in tarpon Springs, panayotiS leaGue, documentary Sources and Case Studies, ConStantine G. during Jim Crow, Samuele F. S. pardini, elon university Hellenic College Hatzidimitriou, new york City
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