TRIBUTE TO THE LATE CONGRESS­ Washington Post, and the Times, tional rights of free speech and association MAN, GARRY BROWN, 1923--1998 Speaker GINGRICH, Majority Leader RICHARD and the right to freely contract for goods and ARMEY, Majority Whip TOM DELAY and House services no longer exist if you are registered HON. FRED UPTON Republican Chairman JOHN BOEHNER either as a Democrat. In fact, you may be sum­ OF MICHIGAN themselves called or instructed others to call moned before a Congressional Committee to member companies of the Electronics Alliance IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES explain all of your business dealings. This new Industry (EIA) and demand that EIA break its 1990's McCarthyism is a way of life for the Tuesday, October 20, 1998 contract with former Democratic Congressman Republican party. Light must be shed on it Mr. UPTON. Mr. Speaker, many of you may Dave McCurdy and hire a Republican as its and it must be stopped. not have heard of the passing a few weeks new president. In case that was not sufficient Let me provide another example about how ago of our former colleague, Congressman warning, the Republican leadership then re­ this Congress is punishing people for being Garry Brown, who represented southwest moved legislation to implement the World In­ Democrats or having the audacity to hire Michigan. Through more than a decade of tellectual Property Organization Act from the Democrats to work for them. Last week Chair­ service in the House of Representatives, floor schedule and told EIA it was to "send a man JOE BARTON of the Oversight and Inves­ Garry Brown will be remembered as an am­ message" that McCurdy and other Democrats tigations Subcommittee of the Commerce bassador from a more genteel era of politics. were not welcome in Republican leadership Committee, came to the floor to announce that Brown served six terms in the U.S. House offices. EIA stood up to the pressure, but he intended to refer to the Justice Department of Representatives, from 1966 to 1978, where some member companies now are talking for further "investigation" his allegations that he was known for his hard work and solid about leaving the association to set up a more certain highly connected Democrats and command of the issues. Brown's personal Republican-acceptable one. Democratic supporters had lied under oath at foundation was rooted in his high ethical This is not new. Since 1995, Representative subcommittee hearings, paid illegal contin­ standards. His belief that Members could re­ DELAY has been threatening trade associa­ gency fees for government leases and con­ main close friends while disagreeing over the tions, law firms and lobbying groups to remove spired to commit all manner of mayhem in vio­ issues helped carry him through some of the Democrats from top jobs and replace them lation of the federal conspiracy statute. most difficult times in our Nation's history. with Republicans. To see him, Representative Chairman BARTON also demanded that the His service to his Nation was not limited to DELAY told one company, "you have to hire a General Services Administration "take imme­ the House. Preceding his congressional ca­ Republican." As Representative BILL PAXON diate steps"-apparently without going through reer, Brown was a brave member of our said, Democrats are "the enemy" and should proper legal channels and by breaching a armed services during the Second World War not be supported. ["Speaker and His Directors valid contract-to get back all the rent it has in Japan. After the war, he worked. for the FBI Make the Cash Flow Right," Washington Post, paid for the Portalls II building, the new head­ before he came home to Schoolcraft, Ml, to Nov. 27, 1995.] Apparently, the Republican quarters into which the Federal Communica­ enter State politics. A delegate to the Michigan leadership no longer believe in a robust two­ tions Commission will begin moving next Constitutional Convention, he played a major party system. week. Chairman BARTON .also wants the GSA role in crafting the present State constitution. In many countries in the world, the actions to recover all fees paid to Washington lawyers Later in life, Garry Brown returned to his of the Republican majority would be routine by one of the partners in that development. farm in Schoolcraft, Ml, where he spoke of the behavior. Persons affiliated with the ruling dic­ Exactly how this is to be done legally is quite pride and joy he gained in his role as an elder tator or party and its henchmen get good pri­ unclear, particularly since on October 7, 1998, statesman. He will be remembered as the vate and public jobs for themselves and their GSA issued a "lease status" letter indicating gentleman from Michigan in every sense of families; special deals when public businesses that the government was not aware of any the word. He led his life with dignity, served are "privatized"; and many other luxuries. "defense to its obligations under the Lease." his community with respect, and lived with a Several billionaires were made in Mexico over The chairman did not further enlighten us. profound love for his country. the past decade because of such affiliations The special order appeared to be a last­ Mr. Speaker, please join me in sending my with the ruling party-the PRI. Dissidents in minute, cheap shot bid for press attention­ condolences to his daughter, Ms. Frances the former Soviet Union and its satellite states and speech-and-debate protection-for old, Brown, and to all of Gerry's family and friends. were denied the right to work at their chosen unproven allegations and an investigation that Congressman Garry Eldridge Brown will be professions because of their political views. In has drilled a dry hole. There is no report nor sorely missed by us all. the Congo,· the right to work at all under is a referral letter yet written. One must ques­ former dictator Mobutu often depended on po­ tion why a subcommittee chairman needs to litical party affiliation. The right to work and go to the floor to give instructions to his staff. ATTEMPTS TO BLACKLIST PEOPLE speak in China today can depend upon a per­ More importantly, this referral is not based BECAUSE OF DEMOCRATIC son's political views. Indonesia, Malaysia . . . on credible evidence but is an attempt to pun­ PARTY AFFILIATION I could go on and on. ish private persons who happen to be Demo­ From our vaunted and privileged perch in crats by forcing them to go through months of HON. RON KUNK what is still the world's greatest democracy, additional investigations when the Subcommit­ OF PENNSYLVANIA we call these countries and their leaders "cor­ tee's own work failed to uncover any criminal rupt," "backward,' and "undemocratic." We wrongdoing. Attorneys' fees to defend against IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES decry the "inefficiencies" that result from such a continuing string of unsuccessful investiga­ Tuesday, October 20, 1998 interferences with individual and corporate tions can be used quite easily to cripple indi­ Mr. KLINK. Mr. Speaker, there was a time freedoms. We spend millions of dollars every viduals with different political views. As much when people were blacklisted from jobs be­ year to bring the message of our "democracy" was threatened at the Subcommittee's Octo­ cause of alleged affiliation with the Communist to the benighted of the world. But unfortu­ ber 6, 1998, hearing. In his opening state­ Party. Today, attempts are being made to nately, in the Congress of the United States, ment, Committee Chairman BULEY told the blacklist people because of their affiliation with the majority party too is now imposing the lit­ witnesses that he believed that their behavior the Democratic Party. mus test of party affiliation to reward or punish was "wrong," and that "if they continue down How do they do that in our democratic sys­ our citizens. The Republicans are using party the path of evasion and avoidance, they tem? Through direct threats to employers' affiliation to determine who has the right to pe­ should know the consequences will be far pocketbooks. According to Roll Call, the tition the government. The sacred constitu- greater." (emphasis added)

e This "bullet" symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. October 21, 1998 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 27663 Chairman BULEY stated that the witnesses' though these were the very same persons charges of abuse and meddling in business previous testimony, in which they denied any who had supposedly paid for influence at that is entirely and properly private, not public. wrongdoing, raised "serious questions about DOE, according to the majority's allegations. The first new role is a judicial one. We set a whether these men intended to mislead the The minority's request to have Molten Metal's new standard for evidence that sworn testi­ Committee." He claimed the Subcommittee Republican Washington representative testify mony by individuals is evidence only if it is had "other testimony and evidence" that about his role for the company was turned backed up by documents. Otherwise, it is just should cast "significant doubt" on their expla­ down. talk. nations. But, as staff and members already Not surprisingly, the Subcommittee's inves­ Second, we became the D.C. Bar's ethics knew, there was no new testimony or evi­ tigation turned up no evidence of wrongdoing, guru because some law firms have billing and dence to be presented at that hearing or the but there were very heavy and tangible pen­ partnership practices that we don't like. This following hearing on October 9. In fact, on Oc­ alties placed on the parties targeted. Molten was brought to our attention by disgruntled tober 9, witnesses from two government agen­ Metal was driven into bankruptcy. Two hun­ former partners who one would assume can cies denied that any misconduct had occurred, dred people, including the president of the litigate their own differences and file bar com­ confirming statements that they had made to company, lost their jobs. Personal reputations plaints. staff months before. Nonetheless, Chairman were damaged. Private individuals amassed The third new role was that of making sure BULEY complained again about what he huge legal fees; and the taxpayer will probably that private businesses-particularly those viewed as "implausible stories and expla­ never benefit from the $33 million invested in with chief executives of Democratic leaning­ nations." the technology. No report was ever written: no who agree to do business with the govern­ As Rep. JOHN DINGELL, ranking member of apologies were ever made by the Republican ment take no steps to understand the busi­ the Commerce Committee, and others stated accusers or those who leaked negative stories ness or the risks involved before they invest in the press last week, these statements are to the press. their funds. "Due diligence" by Democratic nothing more than the last gasp of a Sub­ The second investigation, which Rep. BAR­ business people-especially if it involves hun­ committee staff that has labored unsuccess­ TON says he will refer to the Justice Depart­ dreds of millions of dollars-is forbidden. fully for almost two years. In two investiga­ ment-to find the evidence that the Sub­ Phone calls, meetings with anyone who might tions, this subcommittee has engaged in a fu­ committee could not--grew out of the first know about the project-all are suspect. If car­ tile effort to link Peter Knight, the well-paid one. During the Molten Metal investigation, ried out, such activities are put under a Re­ lawyer/lobbyist who successfully managed the majority staff heard that Mr. Knight had been publican microscope for months on end. 1996 Clinton-Gore re-election campaign, and paid $1 million by another client and decided Even when no wrongdoing is found, Repub­ Vice President AL GORE to some type of illegal that such a fee was too large. Molten Metal licans continue to sully the reputations of activity. This was done to the detriment of was soon forgotten, as the Subcommittee those innocent people. Is there no decency much more important investigations that could plunged forward into another year-long inves­ left in the GOP? have been done on health care, securities, tigation of another of Mr. Knight's clients. This The people did not pay us to come to telecommunications, and other issues under investigation involved the $1 million payment Washington to punish those of different polit­ the Commerce Committee's jurisdiction. by Franklin Faney, a Tennessee developer, to ical views, to eliminate our two-party system During most of those two years, there was Mr. Knight for three years' work of various real and political debate or to look into people's little or no effort to conduct a fair investigation. estate projects, mostly in the Washington private businesses because we think they are During 1997, the majority worked mightily to area. Mr. Haney also had the misfortune to be paid too much or don't like the way they comb show that Molten Metal Technology, a small an active Democrat, a former Democratic can­ their hair. Millions of dollars in public and pri­ Massachusetts company which hired Mr. didate for governor of Tennessee and a big vate funds have been expended on these in­ Knight as its Washington representative, re­ contributor to the Democratic Party. The vestigations already because certain business ceived special treatment from the Department project on which the Subcommittee focused people were seen by the Republican majority of Energy and Vice President GORE in obtain­ was Mr. Haney's ultimately successful attempt as Democratic "enemies" of this Congress. ing research and development contracts for a to become a participant in the Portals II build­ Hopefully, the Justice Department can sepa­ nuclear waste clean-up technology it was de­ ing. rate a political referral designed to save face veloping. The president of that company, a The chairman alleged at various times that from a legitimate investigation and end this life-long Democrat, had contributed to both the Mr. Haney had paid illegal contingency fees charade. Democratic and Republican national parties, and improperly and politically influenced deci­ but the allegation was that he has received sions by government officials on a supple­ special treatment only because of his Demo­ mental lease agreement signed on January 3, TRIBUTE TO JOSEPH P. KENNEDY, cratic contributions. 1996. All testimony and documents to the con­ II, MEMBER OF CONGRESS The political purpose of that investigation trary were ignored, particularly the evidence was revealed before even a single hearing that Mr. Haney was not a member of the Por­ SPEECH OF was held. Two days before the first hearing, a tals partnership at the time in question, Chair­ HON. JOHN LEWIS Subcommittee staff memo was leaked to the man BARTON stated at various times that he OF press in which the staff stated that it had no did not have evidence of improper contingency IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES evidence of wrong-doing and no evidence of fees or other improprieties, but the investiga­ any linkage to Vice President GORE. This was tion and the hearings continued-hours and Monday, October 12, 1998 already clear to the minority staff which had hours of hearings. The final one consumed al­ Mr. LEWIS of Georgia. Mr. Speaker, I rise reviewed all of the documents and participated most nine hours during which eleven govern­ today to honor the good-hearted gentleman in many interviews. But the majority staff rec­ ment witnesses denied any improper behavior from Massachusetts. I have had the great ommended-and the chairman concurred-'­ or influence by Mr. Haney or his representa­ privilege to serve in the United States Con­ that hearings be held anyway to "highlight tives. A number of them denied even knowing gress with JOE KENNEDY since we were both . . . the cozy relationship among the key play­ Mr. Knight or Mr. Haney. Chairman BARTON elected in 1986. Over the years, JOE KENNEDY ers, and the substantial flow of campaign con­ said that he hoped to "gain a much clearer has become more than just my colleague, he tributions to Democrats." One of the benefits, picture of the contracts and negotiations" at has become my friend and my brother. He will according to the Republican memo, would be that session, but what he heard apparently did be missed in this great institution. He will also "enormous press coverage" and forcing key not meet his pre-conceived view of the facts. be remembered for his indefatigable capacity players to "deny allegations of misconduct So he came to the floor of the House to try to help those and to stand up for those who under oath." McCarthyism at its worst. again to do what his subcommittee could not have been left out and left behind. Strangely, after the "enormous press cov­ do-ruin Peter Knight's reputation. Why? Be­ It is no great secret that JoE KENNEDY is the erage" resulting from Mr. Knight's appearance, cause Peter Knight happens to be a Demo­ oldest son of my friend and hero, Robert F. at which he denied "allegations of misconduct crat. Kennedy. There goes a saying that the apple under oath," the majority had to be pressured This investigation has also established a never falls very far from the tree. Since I first by the minority to allow the executives from number of new, expansive roles for Congres­ met JOE, I knew he possessed the same pas­ Molten Metal Technology to testify-even sional committees that make us vulnerable to sion for justice and equality that characterized 27664 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS October 21, 1998 the extraordinary political career of his father. dedicated to the preservation and enhance­ school administrators. He held other leader­ For some, to follow in the footsteps-let alone ment of the global water environment and is ship positions in the community, including be the eldest son-of an American hero would committed to providing technical information to President of the Broadway Lions Club and a be a curse. But for JoE, he honors his father a worldwide audience, expanding quality serv­ board member of the Broadway United Meth­ and his mother, Ethel Kennedy, by being a ices to members, and building alliances with odist Church. passionate fighter for what is right. Our nation other organizations. I send my sincerest condolences to his fam­ has been well served by his advocacy for bet­ VWEA selected Coors for its environmental ily for the loss of such a great man and cor­ ter public and affordable housing for every commitment in the area of wastewater treat­ nerstone of the Broadway community. American, by his tireless efforts for low income ment for using the most advanced technology energy assistance, by his tenacious efforts to and for adhering to the highest of water quality stop the practice of redlining by banks and standards-all in the effort to protect the NATIONAL BREAST CANCER other institutions and by his leading opposition South Fork of the Shenandoah River. The As­ AWARENESS MONTH to the School of the Americas, better known sociation also recognized the company for de­ as the "school of assassins." I will miss JOE veloping and implementing specific actions for HON. BOB SCHAFFER KENNEDY, but the poor, the elderly, the dispos­ eliminating nonpoint source pollution, and edu­ OF COLORADO sessed and the lovers of democracy will miss cating the citizens of the Commonwealth IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES him even more. about the protection, conservation and wise Tuesday, October 20, 1998 When you consider all the accomplishments utilization of water. of JOE KENNEDY, both as a private citizen and This forward-thinking operation is a model Mr. BOB SCHAFFER of Colorado. Mr. as a Member of the House, he has stood tall for any company that seeks to go above and Speaker, today I rise to recognize the efforts for the "dignity of mankind." He has never fal­ beyond simple compliance in its management of community leaders, health care providers, tered in the long walk toward justice. He has of environmental issues. non-profit organizations, contributors, and never feared the good fight. He knows how to After all, water is one of the most important Congress in promoting breast cancer aware­ build a coalition and bring together disparate ingredients in beer, and it is one with which ness and prevention. This month is National voices under one tent. We need more JoE consumers closely identify the company. Breast Cancer Awareness Month, the perfect KENNEDYs in the U.S. House of Representa­ Coors' commitment to water conservation and time to begin life-saving practices such as tives. We need men and women who are will­ environmental control began when the brew­ mammograms and other methods of early pre­ ing to stand up for the enduring principles of ery opened its doors 125 years ago, and their vention. It is also the perfect time to celebrate democracy. JOE KENNEDY is, above all else, commitment clearly continues to this day. with breast cancer survivors, to stand with an American patriot-he cares deeply for jus­ The Coors Shenandoah facility at Elkton, those who still fight, and to embrace those tice, equal opportunity and peace. , has been a great neighbor, a good who have lost the women they love. These As we lose one of the finest members of employer, and a place we have over the years are the live-saving practices we should start this Congress, Massachusetts gains a con­ come to count on for true leadership on a now and never stop doing. cerned and tireless citizen. I know he will not range of important environmental issues. It is Mr. Speaker, the facts serve as a reminder give up in fighting for those who will need with pride and pleasure that I pay tribute to that there is still so much to be done: One out heated homes for the long New England win­ the outstanding performance of Coors Shen­ of nine women in America will develop breast ters. He will continue to speak up and speak andoah. cancer in her lifetime; breast cancer takes the out for what is right and for what is just and lives of more than 44,000 women a year; for what is fair. breast cancer is the second leading cause of It was JoE's father-Robert Kennedy-who HONORING THE LIFE OF MR. CLEO cancer death for women and the first for used to say: "Some men see things as they WILLIAMS women between the ages of 40 and 55 years are and say why, I dream of things that never of age; although mammograms are a proven were and say why not." JoE KENNEDY has HON. BOB ETHERIDGE method of early detection, a large proportion lived up to his father's words. He has always OF NORTH CAROLINA of women are not using mammography on an said "why not?" IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES annual basis. A recent study reports that 56 I am convinced that the spirit of history will percent of postmenopausal women did not continue to guide JoE KENNEDY. I pray that the Tuesday , October 20, 1998 have a mammogram the past year. spirit of history guides him to even greater Mr. ETHERIDGE. Mr. Speaker, I rise today Lest we despair, let us also remember great challenges. Thank you, JoE, for your great to honor the life of an outstanding North Caro­ medical accomplishments and personal vic­ service to our nation. You have made a pro­ lina educator, Mr. Lion Cleo Williams. Mr. Wil­ tories: more than 1.6 million women who have found difference in the lives of millions of liams passed away on July 16, 1998 at the fought breast cancer are alive today; and early . I will miss you, your colleagues age of 81. detection and prompt treatment are saving will miss you and the American people will While pursuing his undergraduate teaching more lives each year. The 5-year survival rate miss you. Keep your eyes on the Prize! degree from North Carolina Appalachian State after treatment is more than 90 percent! Teachers College, he interrupted his studies to This year I cosponsored House Resolution RECEIPT OF THE ENVIRONMENTAL serve in the United States Army during World 565 which stresses the importance of mam­ EXCELLENCE AWARD BY COORS War II. He later received his master's degree mograms and biopsies as methods of early BREWING COMPANY from the University of North Carolina at Chap­ cancer detection. This bill also recognizes ef­ el Hill. Cleo Williams began his 35-year career forts by community organizations, government as an educator with the Lee County School agencies, and health care organizations in HON. BOB GOODLATTE System in 1947. He served 19 years as a promoting breast cancer awareness and af­ OF VIRGINIA teacher and athletics coach at Broadway fordable access to cancer prevention care. I IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES School. He taught a variety of subjects, includ­ am proud to say this resolution passed unani­ Tuesday , October 20, 1998 ing social studies, physical education, book­ mously on October 9 of this year. Mr. GOODLATIE. Mr. Speaker, I rise today keeping, and typing. He coached football, girls Mr. Speaker, I would like to end on a per­ to pay recognition to the outstanding work and boys basketball, baseball, girls softball, sonal note. A dear friend of mine and close done by Coors Brewing Company in its Shen­ and volleyball. Mr. Williams was also the very advisor has spent much of this month in the andoah facility in the area of protecting the en­ first driver's education instructor in Lee Coun­ hospital fighting breast cancer. I think of her vironment. Under the leadership of plant man­ ty. In 1966, he became the principal of Broad­ every day. When I pray for her strength and ager, Bob Merchant, Coors was recently way School and held that position until he re­ healing, I also thank God for the place she awarded the Environmental Excellence Award tired in 1982. has had in my life and my success in Con­ by the Virginia Water Environment Association Mr. Williams touched the lives of many peo­ gress. (VWEA). ple in the Broadway community throughout his I am humbled that while she is weak, she VWEA is one of 77 members of the Water career. He influenced numerous students and thinks of me and that I am in her prayers. She Environment Federation. The Federation is served as a mentor to other teachers and continues to lend me her wisdom, her humor, October 21, 1998 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 27665 and her strength. While she struggles, I can HONORING THE MEMORY OF DR. CARDINAL GEORGE DELIVERS offer her only my friendship and my prayers. KENNETH JERNIGAN, PRESIDENT HOMILY AT RED MASS CELE­ It is God who watches over both of us who will EMERITUS OF THE NATIONAL BRATED AT ST. MATTHEW'S CA­ bring her through. FEDERATION OF THE BLIND THEDRAL HON. HENRY J. HYDE HON. ROBERT L. EHRUCH, JR. OF ILLINOIS HONORING HOWARD F. SOMMER INSTITUTE FOR COMMUNITY OF IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES LIVING AWARDEE IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Tuesday, October 20, 1998 Mr. HYDE. Mr. Speaker, on October 4th of Tuesday, October 20, 1998 HON. EDOLPHUS TOWNS this year, the new Cardinal Archbishop of Chi­ Mr. EHRLICH. Mr. Speaker, I rise to pay my cago delivered the homily at the Red Mass held at St. Matthew's Cathedral here in Wash­ OF NEW YORK respects to Dr. Kenneth Jernigan, who passed ington, DC. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES away on Monday, October 12, 1998, after a The Red Mass is traditionally celebrated on courageous fight with cancer. I offer my warm­ Tuesday, October 20, 1998 the Sunday prior to the first Monday in Octo­ est sympathies to his family, friends, and the ber, which marks the beginning of the Su­ Mr. TOWNS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to National Federation of the Blind, the organiza­ preme Court's new term. honor Howard F. Sommer for service to the tion for which he served as one of its principal Permit me to share Cardinal George's in­ Brooklyn community, and congratulate him as leaders for more than forty-five years. spiring homily with my colleagues. a recipient of an Institute for Community Living HOMILY: 1998 RED MASS award. I have greatly admired and respected Ken­ neth Jernigan and the National Federation of ST. MATTHEW'S CATHEDRAL; WASHINGTON, DC, Since late 1995, Howard Sommer has man­ the blind since my days in the Maryland State OCTOBER 4, 1998 aged the New York Community Investment Legislature as a state delegate. With chapters .Francis Cardinal George, OMI Company L.L.C. (NYCIC) as its President and Archbishop of Chicago CEO. NYCIC, an equity investment and loan in every state and almost every community, the Federation is the nation's oldest and larg­ Your Eminence, Cardinal Hickey, Your Ex­ fund established by the ten member banks of cellency, Archbishop Cacciavillan, Members the New York Clearinghouse Association, pro­ est organization of blind persons. Its influence of the judiciary and of the bar and of the vides growth capital to small businesses today serves as a reminder of the culmination government and Congress, Members of the throughout New York and offers similar risk of Kenneth Jernigan's lifetime work and com­ John Carroll Society and friends. capital to not-for-profits who contribute to eco­ mitment to improving the quality of life for the The picture of Jesus given us by the evan­ nomic and community development. NYCIC blind throughout this nation and the world. gelist Luke places him in the synagogue of currently has over $25 million under manage­ Nazareth, his home town, ready to begin his Occasionally, an issue is brought to my at­ ment. public ministry under the inspiration of the tention where I can seek a meaningful legisla­ Holy Spirit. This was to be his only, his last Formerly, Mr. Sommer was a principal in tive remedy for a substantial number of peo­ occasion to preach in Nazareth, for his mis­ several privately owned corporations involved sion took him elsewhere in Judea and Israel ple. Four years ago, with the assistance of Dr. in related funding activities to the business and, finally, to his death outside Jerusalem. Jernigan and the Federation, I began to work community. For twenty years, he served as In the mission and preaching of his disciples President of U.S. Capital Corporation and with my colleagues in the House to reestablish after Jesus' resurrection from the dead, the Social Security earnings test link between Luke has Jesus taken farther: to Antioch Fundex Capital Corporation-managing in ex­ and Corinth and Rome, to the ends of the cess of $100 million in small business invest­ senior citizens and the blind. Dr. Jernigan em­ earth. ments and loans. phasized to me how the "de-linkage" of this In Luke's Gospel, Jesus does not preach Mr. Sommer was also active in the federally historic tie would have a negative impact to until after listening and proclaiming the administered Small Business Investment Com­ the self esteem of blind workers, preventing word of God. In the text within our Gospel them from pursuing better employment oppor­ text, the prophet Isaiah proclaims a time of pany (SBIC) program. After several years as a Jubilee, of deliverance from captivity, a board and executive committee member, he tunities. In his memory, I pledge to continue time of liberation; only then does Jesus served as Chairman of the National Associa­ pushing for bipartisan legislation to restore this speak and explain the prophet in such a tion of SBIC in 1994. During that time, he important incentive. way-"This day, these words are fulfilled in worked closely with the Congress, the Small your hearing." That Jesus' friends and Dr. Jernigan will be grea.ly missed. His self­ Business Administration and the Investment neighbors, far from being liberated by his Advisory Council to improve the federal gov­ less accomplishments on behalf of the blind words, took him to the edge of the hill on ernment's efforts to assist small business on a and the sighted are immeasurable. Because of which their city was built and tried to kill his example, many of us will do the right thing him. Jesus listened, he spoke, he escaped to national level. take up elsewhere the mission given him by by furthering his good work. It has been a Earlier in his professional career, he held his Father. That mission makes possible our various management positions with IBM and great honor to have worked with such an influ­ coming together today at this end of the XEROX corporations. ential and highly respected leader. earth as we and the entire world, with re­ newed self-consciousness as a globe, look to­ Mr. Sommer holds a Bachelor's degree in In conclusion, I would respectfully enter into ward the celebration of a new millennium. Electrical Engineering form the City College of the RECORD one of Dr. Jernigan's favoable If we today believe that where there is New York and attended NYU's Graduate sonnets, "Remember" by Christiana Rossetti: Jesus there is Jubilee, how is it that we are School of Business. He serves as a director of still enslaved? Every five years, as you may Remember me when I am gone away, know, each bishop of the Catholic Church several public and private business corpora­ Gone far away into the silent land; tions and, with his wife Arlene, have a long goes to Rome to pray at the tombs of Peter When you can no more hold me by the hand, and Paul; then he goes in to talk with Pe­ history of involvement in charitable causes. He Nor I half turn to go yet turning stay. ter's successor. This year, the bishops of the looks forward to continuing his support of the Remember me when no more day by day, United States are making their visits ad Institute for Community Living and the valu­ You tell me of our future that you planned; limina apostolorum, and the bishops of Illi­ able services it provides to the people of New Only remember me; you understand, nois, Indiana and Wisconsin made theirs to­ York City. It will be late to counsel then or pray. gether last May. When I went in to talk with Yet, if you should forget me for a while, Mr. Speaker, I would like you and my col­ the Holy Father, he listened politely as I ex­ And afterwards remember, do not grieve; plained that the report he had received had leagues from both sides of the aisle to join me For if the darkness and corruption leave been drawn up by my staff since I had only in honoring Mr. Howard F. Sommer for his in­ A vestige of the thoughts that once I had, recently come to Chicago. He looked at it, valuable service to the Institute for Community Better by far you should forget and smile, put it aside and asked me a single question: Living and the Brooklyn community. Than that you should remember and be sad. "What are you doing to change the culture?" 27666 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS October 21, 1998 I was surprised, but shouldn't have been, for And a second question, put to use often culture or any other. Hence the Church can the Pope has spoken often of how culture lib­ these days by Pope John Paul II: does the vi­ speak only with deep humility a language erates us, creates the world in which what is sion of the human person found in public which purports to give definitive access to best in human experience can be passed on laws and decisions adequately express what God's designs in history. Even prophetic and celebrated and of how, conversely, cul­ it means to be human? Do our laws not only judgment, while certain in its proclamation, ture can also blind us, enslave us and must protect contracts but also tend to force all is tentative in its final outcome. The Spirit sometimes be changed in the light of God's human relations into them? Is the language is always free, but never self-contradictory. word. of contract becoming the only public lan­ Tentatively, then, let us try the language Taken by surprise, I spontaneously began guage of America? Does the model of asso­ of prayer and ask that God's judgment fall to speak to the Holy Father about the ciation which is accorded public rights tend lightly on us and our nation. Gratefully, I Church's relation to the legal profession in more and more to constrain or even exclude pray that God reward your dedication to Chicago, of the many contacts and gath­ the natural family, the life of faith, cultural public service and your desire to create a erings, of the several Chicago priests who are and racial groupings, relations which cannot common language adequate to the experi­ also civil lawyers, of the pro bono work for be unchosen without destroying the human ence of all our people and open to all others. the poor, of the Catholic law schools and of persons shaped by them. Joyfully, let us hope that the Jubilee intro­ many initiatives similar to what takes place Christian faith gives us a vision of a person ducing the coming millennium may restore here through the good offices of the members we call the Word of God, made flesh. Cru­ to the United States a sense of authentic of the John Carroll society. Then I backed up cified and risen from the dead, Jesus sends us freedom rooted in an ever-growing gen­ and began to explain that, in the United the Holy Spirit, who speaks every language erosity of spirit. May God bless us all. Amen States, the law is a primary carrier of cul­ and gives every good gift. This vision should ture. In a country continuously being knit set us free from any lesser picture of things; together from so many diverse cultural, reli­ the language of faith should keep us from HONORING MRS. ELIZABETH gious, and linguistic threads, legal language supposing that we adequately understand re­ TERWILLIGER most often creates the terms of our public ality in its depths and heights. This is a vi­ discourse as Americans. A vocation to make sion that should humble and, in humbling us, and to serve the law is a calling to shape our open us to other worlds. Approaching a third HON. LYNN C. WOOLSEY culture. Christian millennium (using what is now a OF We live in worded worlds. If there is no common calendar), we gather to worship the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES common language, very likely there is no God we believe to be the Father of Our Lord common vision and citizens find themselves Jesus Christ and therefore, in Christ, our Fa­ Tuesday, October 20, 1998 trapped in separate worlds. Listening to ther as well. It is good to do so, for if we do Ms. WOOLSEY. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to God's liberating word, in this Mass and else­ not worship God we will inevitably end up honor a truly outstanding and special woman where, believers must wonder where the lan­ worshipping ourselves. Nations worshiping in my Congressional District, Mrs. Elizabeth guage of civil law and the language of faith themselves have plagued this last century of might share a common vocabulary. The the second millennium, and Gods word Terwilliger. Everyone knows her as "Mrs. T," Catholic Church has tried for some genera­ prompts us now to examine a new ourselves and it's not an understatement when I say that tions to speak here a language of natural and our history. Without warrant, we have almost everyone in Marin County, California, law, a languag·e that presupposes God speaks associated ourselves with the biblical city on knows Mrs. T. Her devotion to people and the in nature as well as in history, a language, a hill, not Nazareth but Jerusalem itself. environment has made Mrs. T legendary, and therefore, able to speak of God's ways with­ Without right, we too often judge other peo­ has truly shown what a very special person out explicitly confessional terminology. But ples and nations by our standards and inter­ she is. our various attempts have not really pro­ ests, assuming that our interests must be As an internationally recognized environ­ vided a dictionary ·shared between American universal. Without sense, we even seriously culture and Catholic faith. The National consider if this nation is the end of history, mentalist and naturalist, Mrs. T has molded Conference of Catholic Bishops often tries to as if our present political and economic ar­ generations of nature lovers who now care for speak the language of policy, hoping that rangements were surely the culmination of our nature trails the way she does. For the well argued policy statements will influence God's designs for the universe. Lincoln, who last four decades, hundreds of families in legal discussion; but the common under­ had the good grace to speak of us only as an Marin County have joined Mrs. T for her re­ standing generated has clear limitations. " almost chosen people", would surely blush, nowned nature walks. No one has cared for There is the language of Holy Scripture and so should we. Marin County's pristine, natural surroundings itself, common to great extent to all Chris­ Today, as yesterday and tomorrow, the the way she has, which is why the exceptional tians and Jews, but the Bible's phraseology Church speaks a language of respect for pub­ and stories are no longer common cultural lic office holders, whose vocation is shaped Elizabeth Terwilliger Nature Education Center parlance in our country. by the constraints of law; both the Church, was dedicated in her honor. Speaking, in order to be heard today, a today as yesterday and tomorrow, also The Nature Center was founded to foster language largely shorn of religious nuances, speaks as best she can to judge the actions Mrs. T's unique multi-sensory teaching tech­ the believer can still ask two questions of and decision of public officials, and the cul­ nique that advances the exploration of our en­ the vision behind legal discourse: ture shaped by them, when these are inad­ vironment. The Center allows children to dis­ First, can the vision of courts and legisla­ equate to the vision given us by the truths of cover nature through a variety of field trips tures expand to see at least dimly God's ac­ faith. "Faith must become culture," Pope and educational resources, and arranges the tions and purposes in history? Abraham Lin­ John Paul II says. "What are you doing to coln of Illinois used public language to speak change the culture?" he asks. But how can famed nature walks for all ages. Last year of God's purpose at the end of a bloody we speak of change in America today when alone, these wonderful programs involved American civil war: "With firmness in the the law itself blinds us to basic truths? One 70,000 children from the Bay Area in the won­ right, as God gives us to see the right, let us egregious blind spot is our very sense of lib­ ders of nature and the stewardship needed to strive to finish the work we are in." Lincoln, eration construed as personal autonomy. An preserve it. who wrestled like a biblical prophet with autonomous person has no need of jubilee, of Recently, the legions of Elizabeth God's purposes in history and his judgment freedom as gift; he has set himself free. The Terwilliger's fans gathered in Olompali State on this nation, grew, because of his public fault line that runs through our culture, and Park in Novato, California to celebrate her service, in his ability to bring together, al­ it is sometimes exacerbated rather than cor­ 89th birthday. Fittingly, these events are as ways tentatively, the law he defended finally rected by law, is the sacrificing of the full with his own and God's word which, like a truth about the human person in the name of spontaneous and special as Mrs. T herself. two-edged sword, cuts through the rhetoric freedom construed as personal autonomy. It Families brought picnics to the park to enjoy of public as well as personal deceit. Lincoln is a blind spot as deep as that in Marxism's the company of each other and the wonderful knew that God judges nations as well as per­ sacrifice of personal freedom in the name of woman who brought them all together. This sons, and he forged a language which, at the justice construed as absolute economic year, a wonderful bronze statue of Elizabeth end, placed even the personal liberty to equality. Such a profound error makes our was unveiled as part of the celebration. which this nation was dedicated second to future uncertain. Will the United States be I would like to take this opportunity to salute the designs of God himself. Are we permitted here when the human race celebrates the end Mrs. T and offer my sincere birthday wishes. to speak similarly today or must the lan­ of the third millennium? Not without a very guage of law, rather than setting use free, changed, a very converted culture. She is what makes California's Sixth Congres­ blind us and leave us mute in any world not The Church, however, must also listen first sional District so wonderful. Elizabeth constructed by our private interests and in­ to God's word before she speaks, before she Terwilliger's curiosity and passion for both na­ tentions.? translates God's word into the words of our ture and people has been infectious among October 21, 1998 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 27667 Marin County residents, and that is her gift to interest allocation rules of Internal Revenue Strongly committed to his community, Tom us all. I am proud to honor this living legend, Code section 864. The proposal would allo­ gave freely and often of his time and talents. and I ask my colleagues to please join me in cate and apportion interest expense attrib­ He was frequently a gifted master of cere­ recognizing Mrs. Elizabeth Terwilliger. utable to qualified infrastructure solely to monies for many community functions. One sources within the United States. "Qualified in­ prominent businessman described, "The guy frastructure indebtedness" would be defined was into giving back to the community. That TAXATION OF FOREIGN OPER­ as debt incurred in a corporation's trade or was his ethic. He wasn't afraid to put his time ATIONS OF U.S. ELECTRIC AND business of furnishing or selling electricity or and effort into helping people." GAS UTILITIES natural gas in the United States. Further, the Feted as both a business and community rates for such furnishing or sale of electrical leader, nonetheless family was first and fore­ HON. JIM McCRERY energy must be regulated or set by the federal most to Tom Hart. To his wife, Kathleen, his government, a State, the District of Columbia OF LOUISIANA children Sheila, Mary Lynn, Michael, and Tim­ or a political subdivision thereof. othy, and nine grandchildren, he leaves a leg­ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES I am also aware that my colleagues on the acy of love and commitment. May their memo­ Tuesday, October 20, 1998 · Committee on Ways and Means, Congress­ ries of this strong, self-willed, self-made man, men HOUGHTON and LEVIN, together with Sen­ Mr. McCRERY. Mr. Speaker, today, I am in­ devoted husband, father, and grandfather, ators HATCH and BAucus, have been leading troducing legislation to remedy a problem shine through to sustain them. brought to my attention by the U.S. utility in­ a multi-year effort to reform the international dustry involving the taxation of foreign oper­ tax laws. I am a strong supporter of that effort, ations of U.S. electric and gas utilities. These which is intended in part to rectify the dis­ firms were prohibited for many years from connect between our nation's favorable trade STATEMENT REGARDING THE CRE­ doing business abroad until the National En­ laws and our tax laws, which too often penal­ ATION OF A PUBLIC HEALTH ergy Policy Act (NEPA), enacted in 1992, re­ ize American firms wanting to expand into for­ PESTICIDE REGISTRATION PRO­ moved that prohibition. With passage of eign markets. The problem of interest alloca­ GRAM NEPA, and as some foreign governments tion has not yet been addressed in the Hough­ began privatizing their national utilities and in­ ton-Levan legislation, but I strongly urge that creasing energy demands necessitated the this provision be included in any foreign tax HON. PETER J. VISCLOSKY reform bill introduced in the next Congress. construction of new facilities to fulfill the new OF INDIANA Further, because the process of getting legis­ capacity, U.S. utilities began to make foreign IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES investments. Since 1992, U.S. utility compa­ lation enacted into law properly involves con­ nies have made significant investments in util­ sultation with Treasury, the affected industry, Tuesday, October 20, 1998 ity operations in the , Aus­ and the bar, we encourage those with subject Mr. VISCLOSKY. Mr. Speaker, the com­ tralia, Eastern Europe, and South America. matter expertise in this area to review our bill. I believe my bill reflects the best thinking now mittee report which accompanies the Labor, Foreign utilities are particularly attractive in­ available on how to address this serious prob­ HHS, Education appropriations bill, as ap­ vestments from a U.S. viewpoint. They are not lem, but we are certain that further reflection proved by the Appropriations Committee, en­ "runaway plants", but rather stimulate job cre­ will yield an even better for U.S. utilities at­ courages the National Institute for Environ­ ation in the U.S. in design, architecture, engi­ tempting to invest overseas. mental Health Science (NIEHS) to cooperate neering, construction and heavy equipment with the Environmental Protection Agency manufacturing. When the subsidiary of an U.S. (EPA) to support provisions in the Federal In­ utility builds generating plants, transmission TRIBUTE TO TOM HART secticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act lines, or distribution facilities to serve its for­ (FIFRA), as amended, relating to the registra­ eign customers, these most often come from tion and re-registration of public health pes­ U.S. suppliers. Given that the U.S. energy HON. MARCY KAP'IlJR ticides. market is mature, overseas investments are a OF OHIO good way for U.S. utilities to diversify and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES In 1996, FIFRA was amended by a set of grow, to the benefit of their employees and Tuesday, October 20, 1998 reforms which were enacted in the Food Qual­ ity Protection Act (P.L. 104-170). This legisla­ their shareholders. Ms. KAPTUR. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Unfortunately, the Internal Revenue Code tion authorized $12 million per year for the pay tribute to a legendary leader of my com­ creation of a public health pesticide data col­ penalizes these investments by subjecting munity. Tom Hart of Toledo, Ohio, died on the them to double taxation. Under the foreign tax lection program within the department of morning of August 25, 1998 at the age of 62 Health and Human Services (HHS). Many credit rules, the interest expense of a U.S. after waging a battle of courage and grace person is allocateo in part to its foreign oper­ pesticides are specialized products with a low­ against cancer. volume sales markets. for many of these prod­ ations based on the theory of the "fungibility of A veteran, Tom was born and raised in To­ money." The allocation formula in Internal ucts, the cost of generating the data nec­ ledo, graduating from Central Catholic High essary to maintain registrations far exceeds Revenue Code section 864 requires U.S. do­ School and the University of Toledo, and es­ mestic interest expense to be allocated based return on sale. Consequently, many EPA reg­ tablishing a successful marketing and public istered pesticides are cancelled for economic on the value of the company's foreign and do­ relations firm in his hometown. As his busi­ reasons. mestic assets. If a firm has mature (depre­ ness grew, he earned a solid reputation for his ciated) U.S. assets and newly acquired over­ marketing expertise, his connection to the The EPA Administrator, in consultation with seas assets, like many U.S. utilities, a dis­ community, and his creativity. Tom Hart was, the Secretary of HHS should promote re­ proportionate amount of U.S. interest expense in fact, the mastermind behind many of the search on products used in combating and will be allocated abroad. The result is a very Toledo area's successful political ad cam­ eradicating urban pests, including rats, mice, high effective tax rate on that foreign invest­ paigns. From 1967 through 1987, his ads cockroaches, flies mosquitos, ticks, and fleas. ment and a loss of U.S. foreign tax credits. were part of eleven mayoral election victories. These pests pose a serious health risk to Rather than face this double tax penalty, some Long-time Toledo Mayor and elder statesman the general population in densely populated U.S. utilities have actually chosen not to invest Harry Kessler noted, "He could put more in a cities and suburbs. Vulnerable sub-populations overseas and others have pulled back from 22 second commercial than any man I ever such as children, the elderly, and individuals their initial investments. knew." His style in advertising became a fix­ with compromised immune systems are par­ One solution to this problem is found in the ture in our regional landscape, as Tom won ticularly at risk. Pesticides registered for public legislation that I am introducing today. Our many awards over the years for his creativity health uses are utilized to prevent the spread remedy is to . exempt the debt associated with and achievement. His ads have become part of bacteria which are carried by pests, such as a regulated U.S. utility business (the furnishing of Northwest Ohio's political and financial his­ Salmonella, Legionnaire's Disease, E. Coli, and sale of electricity or natural gas) from the tory. Lyme Disease, Encephalitis. 27668 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS October 21, 1998 IN RECOGNITION OF CARLTON A. Commissioner's Conference in Denver, Colo­ led to other arrests to include three members FUNN, SR. rado. I would also like to recognize the out­ of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) standing leadership of District Director Luis and a citizen of Yemen who is wanted for HON. JAMES P. MORAN Garcia and the superb job he has done in El genocide in his home country. OF VIRGINIA Paso. We all owe these agents a word of thanks In addition to Assistant District Director IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES and our deepest gratitude for a job well done. Saenz, the following members of the El Paso All too often, we only hear about the job of our Tuesday, October 20, 1998 team deserve special recognition: Special law enforcement community when something Mr. MORAN of Virignia. Mr. Speaker, I Agent Jeffrey Roberts; Special Agent Hector goes terribly wrong. I am glad to stand here would like to take this opportunity to recognize Valencia; Supervisory Deportation Officer today and celebrate a job well done by the El Mr. Carlton A. Funn, Sr., a distinguished Qasem M. AI-Aii; Immigration Inspector Paso INS Investigations Team. teacher and contributor to the preservation of Ahmed Adil Abdallat; and Supervisory Special Africa-American history in Virginia and Agent Clyde McKenzie. This team brought throughout the nation. down a smuggling ring responsible for bringing EXPRESSING CONCERN OVER IN­ Mr. Funn's life's work and passion began in hundreds of illegal aliens from nations that are TERFERENCE WITH FREEDOM OF 1947 as a seventh grade student at Lyles­ state sponsors of international terrorism and THE PRESS AND THE INDEPEND­ Crouch School in Alexandria, Virginia. Read­ each of these men should be applauded. ENCE OF JUDICIAL AND ELEC­ ing his Virginia history textbook, he noted the It is difficult to account for all of the accom­ TORAL INSTITUTIONS IN PERU absence of any reference to the contributions plishments of Operation: Eastern Star. How­ and achievements of African-Americans in Vir­ ever, on every level it was a tremendous suc­ HON. BENJAMIN A. GILMAN ginia history. Upon his return to Lyles-Crouch cess. I believe the manner in which this oper­ OF NEW YORK School ten years later as a seventh grade ation was planned and executed speaks vol­ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES umes about the professionalism and dedica­ teacher, Mr. Funn was dismayed to find that Tuesday, October 20, 1998 the same textbook was still being used. Moti­ tion of the agents involved. Primarily, as a re­ vated by this discovery, Mr. Funn began to sult of this investigation, the El Paso District Mr. GILMAN. Mr. Speaker, I am introducing collect memorabilia and artifacts that reflected Office for Investigations focused attention not this resolution to express concern over inter­ African-Americans' contributions to Virginia only on the existence and magnitude of Middle ference with freedom of the press and the and the United States. Eastern smuggling organizations, but also on independence of judicial and electoral institu­ What started as a small collection has their potential threat to the national security of tions in Peru. grown into a large exhibit highlighting the con­ our nation. In light of growing tensions and ac­ I have been one of Peru's strongest sup­ tributions to our national history of African­ tivities in the Middle East, Operation: Eastern porters in Congress. There is no question that Americans, and other minority groups. Mr. Star brought attention to the INS's ability to Peru has made it back from the brink of the Funn's exhibit has been shown in eleven dif­ participate in international operations aimed at abyss. No one should forget that not so many ferent states on more than 380 occasions. protecting the United States from foreign year ago, Peru was a terrorized nation. This display is truly an inspiration to young threats. Peru has also become a good partner in the people and adults alike. As a result of this investigation, Operation: war against drugs. Now that coca prices in Mr. Funn has served our region as an edu­ Eastern Star was able to establish excellent li­ Peru have dropped to historically low levels, cator for more than 42 years, first as a teacher aison on a District level with federal agencies there is a real chance to help farmers grow le­ in the Alexandria School system, then in Fair­ focused on National Security issues. Oper­ gitimate crops. I have been pleased to encour­ fax County, and currently with the D.C. Public ation: Eastern Star was called upon by several age our European allies to join us in seizing Schools. He was recently honored as the Mid­ United States federal agencies, as well as the this opportunity to promote meaningful alter­ Atlantic Region recipient of the 1998 Excel­ Royal Canadian Mounted Police, for its exper­ native development in Peru. lence in Teaching Award presented by the Na­ tise and ability to communicate with the na­ During my visit to Peru this past spring, I tional Council of Negro Women, Inc. This very tionalities involved. El Paso District agents made it clear that President Alberto Fujimori competitive award honors teachers who instill continue to be utilized by these agencies, as deserves much credit for these accomplish­ a thirst for knowledge in African-American chil­ well as other INS Districts and Sectors, in an ments. dren. effort to further enhance cooperative law en­ Nonetheless, ~ feel it is important for the Mr. Speaker, I am grateful for the contribu­ forcement efforts worldwide. This effort was Congress to speak up at this time. I am in­ tion that Mr. Funn has made to the education responsible in part for the identification of over creasingly concerned by signs that the inde­ of children in my district, and children through­ fifteen major smugglers trafficking in Middle pendence of Peru's legislative, judicial and out the nation. Thanks to the work of Mr. Eastern nationalists from their home countries electoral branches is being compromised. Funn, students in communities all over the na­ through Asia, and Central and South America. Moreover, the continuing actions taken by tion have been able to appreciate the contribu­ The ultimate goal of Operation: Eastern the government of Peru against Baruch lvcher, tions that African-Americans and other minori­ Star, however, was accomplished through its the Israeli-born owner of television station ties have made to American history. successful dismantling of a Global Alien Channel 2, have become emblematic of gov­ Smuggling Organization, preventing its mem­ ernment interference with freedom of expres­ bers from further activity. Perhaps the most sion in Peru. It is chilling that these acts of OPERATION: EASTERN STAR fulfilling achievement was the successful ap­ blatant intimidation were precipitated by Chan­ prehension and prosecution of renowned alien nel 2's exposes of abuses-including alleged HON. SILVESTRE REYES smuggler Geroge Tajirian, who has eluded torture and murder-by Peru's intelligence OF TEXAS United States authorities for over twenty service. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES years. He was sentenced to a mandatory thir­ This resolution resolves that the erosion of teen years in federal prison, thus ending his the independence of judicial and electoral Tuesday, October 20, 1998 estimated earnings of more than $3 million branches of Peru's government and the bla­ Mr. REYES. Mr. Speaker, as a former em­ each year. Compare this staggering amount to tant intimidation of journalists in Peru are mat­ ployee of the Immigration and Naturalization the less than $95,000 cost to the U.S. tax­ ters for concern by the United States. It would Service (INS), I am proud to rise today to payers for this operation. The small team of be very unfortunate if these trends were to un­ honor the outstanding performance of the El highly trained El Paso INS Special Agents dermine Peru's hard won stability and Paso INS Investigations Team and their inves­ managed to arrest Tajirian in Panama with the progress. tigation, Operation: Eastern Star, which dis­ invaluable assistance of the State Department This resolution also calls for an independent mantled a global smuggling network. The El and the Department of Justice Office of Inter­ investigation and report on threats to press Paso INS Investigations Team, headed up by national Affairs. The team of agents used their freedom and judicial independence in Peru by Assistant District Director Roberto S. Saenz, is investigative experience and fluency in mul­ the Inter-American Commission on Human receiving the INS Commissioner's Meritorious tiple languages to infiltrate this highly sophisti­ Rights of the Organization of American States. Service Award on October 26, 1998 at the cated network within one year. Tajirian's arrest I believe that it is most appropriate for the October 21, 1998 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 27669 Inter-American community to look into these Resolved, That it is the sense of the House was released from the Jefferson County cor­ matters. of Representatives that-- rectional system without her knowledge. She I am pleased that the distinguished ranking (1) the erosion of the independence of judi­ was shot seven times by Donovan Harris as Democratic member of our Committee, the cial and electoral branches of the Govern­ she left work on that day, her 21st birthday. gentleman from Indiana, Mr. HAMILTON, and ment of Peru and the blatant intimidation of journalists in Peru are matters for concern Mr. Harris had been incarcerated for the rape the gentleman from California, Mr. LANTOS, by the United States; and and kidnapping of Ms. Byron less than a also a member of our Committee, have joined (2) the United States should seek an inde­ month before. Congress should enact this leg­ me in co-sponsoring this resolution. pendent investigation and report on threats islation on behalf of all the victims of domestic We must, of course, continue to fully en­ to press freedom and judicial independence violence and sexual crimes-and to the mem­ gage Peru in our important bilateral relation­ in Peru by the Inter-American Commission ory of Mary Byron. ship, particularly in our shared fight against on Human Rights of the Organization of drugs and terrorism. Peru's efforts in these American States. areas deserve our recognition and strong sup­ OPERATION PROVIDE COMFORT port. However, despite these very positive as­ OVER IRAQ pects in our relationship, the United States DOMESTIC VIOLENCE VICTIM should not be expected to turn a blind eye to NOTIFICATION SYSTEM ACT HON. JOHN CONYERS, JR. interference with freedom of the press and the OF MICHIGAN independence of judicial and electoral institu­ HON. SCOTIY BAFSLER IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tions in Peru. OF KENTUCKY I realize that this resolution is being intro­ Tuesday, October 20, 1998 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES duced on the last day of this session. How­ Mr. CONYERS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to ever, I believe it is important to bring this reso­ Tuesday, October 20, 1998 express my support for legislation in the 106th lution to the attention of our colleagues and to Mr. BAESLER. Mr. Speaker, I am proud to Congress to compensate the families of the the attention of Peru's authorities. introduce the Victims Notification or "VINE" Americans who were killed on April 14, 1994 H. RES. 609 Act to amend the Violence Against Women while serving in Operation Provide Comfort Whereas the independence of Peru's legis­ Act. This Act builds on the success of the Vio­ over Iraq. This is an important issue and lative and judicial branches have been lence Against Women Act, the 1994 Crime bill should be a priority in the next Congress. brought into question by the May 29, 1997, and provisions I authored to prevent rural do­ On April 14, 1994, 15 Americans, 14 military dismissal of 3 Constitutional Tribunal mag­ mestic violence, and the establishment of the personnel and 1 civilian, and 11 foreign na­ istrates; Whereas actions related to efforts to au­ first statewide VINE system in my home state tionals, were killed when their Army Black thorize President Alberto Fujimori to seek a of Kentucky. Hawk helicopters, were shot out of the sky by third term in office have raised questions Kentucky Governor Paul Patton's Office of two Air Force F-15's. According to the Gen­ about the independence of the National Child Abuse and Domestic Violence Services eral Accounting Office, this horrible tragedy re­ Council of Magistrates and the National launched the first statewide VINE system in sulted from over 130 separate mistakes by the Election Board in Peru; the nation in 1997. Since its inception, the Air Force and the Army. After this incident, the Whereas the Department of State's Peru statewide victim notification system has reg­ Country Report on Human Rights Practices Department of Defense made $100,000 pay­ for 1997, dated January 30, 1998, found that istered almost 4,300 victims and others who ments to the families of the foreign nationals " [i]ncidents of harassment of media rep­ wished to be registered, and has made over in addition to the other death benefits they re­ resentatives increased to such an extent as 1,000 notifications upon the release of an in­ ceived from their own countries. Unfortunately, to create the perception of an organized cam­ mate. In January of 1998, the juvenile deten­ the Pentagon was not willing to give the same paign of intimidation on the part of the Gov­ tion facilities were also brought on line with treatment to the American families. ernment, specifically, on the part of the the VINE system. Mr. Speaker, the Pentagon was wrong not armed forces and intelligence services" ; Whereas the Department of State's Peru Drawing on the proven success of the VINE to give our own personnel the same treatment Country Report on Human Rights Practices system and the National Domestic Violence that they gave the survivors of the foreign na­ for 1997 states that Channel 2 television sta­ Hotline, the new National VINE system estab­ tionals. The Immigration and Claims Sub­ tion reporters in Peru ''revealed torture by lished by this legislation would constitute an committee held a hearing on this issue on Army Intelligence Service officers; the sys­ integrated computer and phone system where­ June 18, 1998 and heard from both Govern­ tematic wiretapping of journalists, govern­ by victims of domestic and sexual crimes ment witnesses and the families. At that hear­ ment officials, and opposition politicians; would receive notification of vital information ing, the Pentagon was unable to provide a and the income tax return of Vladimiro concerning their assailants, such as release Montesinos, President Fujimori's senior in­ credible answer for why they did not give the telligence adviser"; from prison, probation hearings, etc. Like the Americans the same treatment as the foreign Whereas on July 13, 1997, Peruvian immi­ National Crime Information Center and the nationals. The Pentagon first could not answer gration authorities revoked the Peruvian computer systems for child support enforce­ whether they had the authority to make the citizenship of the Israeli-born owner of the ment and child care background checks, VINE payments to the Americans. Later, the Pen­ Channel 2 television station, Baruch Ivcher; would enlist state-of-the-art technology as a tagon acknowledged that they had the author­ Whereas Baruch Ivcher subsequently lost weapon in the war against domestic violence ity to act but simply were unwilling to. control of Channel 2 under an interpretation of a law that provides that a foreigner may and sex crimes. At that hearing, the Subcommittee members not own a media organization, leading the The legislation does this by establishing a heard the stories of the American families and State Department's Report on Human Rights private, non-profit entity to establish and run a the pain they suffered. This hits particularly Practices to conclude that " the Govern­ VINE system with a Justice Department grant. close to home for me because Anthony Bass, ment's action in this case was widely inter­ The VINE system will provide information con­ one of the personnel killed, was the son of my preted as an attempt to prevent the station cerning domestic violence and sex crime con­ cousin and I know the great suffering his fam­ from broadcasting any more negative stories victs' correctional and legal status to sex crime ily has endured. The Basses and all of the about the regime" ; Whereas the Peruvian Government and domestic abuse victims, as well as infor­ families, put their sons and daughters, and empaneled a special court to prosecute Ba­ mation concerning legal recourse and re­ husbands and wives, in the care of our armed ruch Ivcher for alleged tax offenses employ­ sources available to victims. Finally, the legis­ forces, but they were let down when the for­ ing judicial procedures described by Peru­ lation outlines logistical requirements for the eign nationals were treated better than their vian legal experts as completely irregular VINE system, including creation of a 24 hour loved ones. and as constituting political interference in toll free hotline and automated system that Mr. Speaker, I would particularly like to the independence of the judiciary; and would proactively call to contact victims. commend the leadership of Mr. WATT, the Whereas the Peruvian Government has issued an INTERPOL warrant for Baruch Mr. Speaker, the VINE system was origi­ Ranking Member and Mr. SMITH, the Chair­ Ivcher's arrest and has initiated investiga­ nally created in Jefferson County, Kentucky, man of the Immigration and Claims Sub­ tions aimed at prosecuting members of Ba­ as a county-wide notification system for vic­ committee, who have worked in a bipartisan ruch Ivcher's immediate family: Now, there­ tims after the 1993 murder of Mary Byron. Ms. fashion to make the Pentagon do the right fore, be it Byron was killed by her ex-boyfriend after he thing. There were a number of bills introduced 27670 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS October 21, 1998 during the 105th Congress, including Con­ Under the DCI's direction, the 1998 report that the Intelligence Community must at­ gressman WAn's bill, H.R. 3022, to correct responded to legitimate criticisms levied at tach likelihood judgments to our projec­ this tragic inequity and fairly compensate the our earlier work. It also incorporated the tions; the Commission did not. Thus, we project our most likely scenarios and then families. Unfortunately, the Subcommittee did recorrunendations of outside experts who re­ viewed the 1995 NIE. As a result, the 1998 re­ include other scenarios with likelihood judg­ not have time this year to consider this impor­ port already addresses many of the Commis­ ments attached. The Commission illustrated tant issue because of the many other issues sion's concerns, especially those regarding several possible scenarios, which we agree before the Committee. how we discuss foreign assistance, alter­ are possible, but did not attach likelihood I look forward to the 106th Congress when natives to increasing a missile's range, and judgments. But let me repeat, we agree that we will pass legislation if the Pentagon con­ approaches to circumvent development. their scenarios are possible, as are many tinues to refuse to correct this injustice. Let Work is already underway on the 1999 report, other scenarios we have looked at, including and we are looking differently at how we outright sales. me say, though, I hope the Pentagon chooses Let me now summarize the body of our 1998 to act so Congress does not have to. Thus far, characterize uncertainties, alternative sce­ narios, and warnings as a result of our inter­ report, which focused on threat projections the Pentagon has sent a message to tell our action with the Commission the past several through 2010: military personnel and civilian employees that months and I expect successive reports to be Theater-range missiles already in hostile the lies of foreigners are worth more than better, addressing additional questions as hands pose an immediate threat to U.S. in­ theirs. That is wrong and must be corrected. they are asked. terests, military forces, and allies. The This morning, I will outline our March 1998 threat is increasing. More countries are ac­ report; discuss areas where the substantive quiring ballistic missiles with ranges up to MISSILE THREAT conclusions of the Commission's report and 1,000 km, and more importantly, with ranges our thinking agree and differ; and discuss between 1,000 km and 3,000 km. As Iran's what we are doing differently for our 1999 re­ flight test of its Shahab 3 medium-range bal­ HON. JOHN P. MURTIIA port. listic missile (MRBM) demonstrates, this is OF PENNSYLVANIA not a hypothetical threat. It is a reality that OUR 1998 REPORT IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES has to be dealt with now. With a range of Secretary Rumsfeld has expressed concern about 1,300 km, the Shahab 3 significantly Tuesday, October 20, 1998 that people not judge the Commission's re­ alters the military equation in the Middle port before they read it. While I share that East by giving Tehran the capability to Mr. MURTHA. Mr. Speaker, the following is concern regarding our 1998 annual report­ an excellent analysis of the world's missile strike targets in Israel, Saudi Arabia, and which gives a full appreciation for our views most of . The Pakistani Ghauri, also threat presented by Mr. Robert Walpole to the and concerns about this growing threat-it tested this year, 'allows targeting of Saudi Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. remains classified, and therefore cannot be Arabia, Kuwait, and the Gulf. SPEECH AT THE CARNEGIE ENDOWMENT FOR released to the public. But, I can give you a Foreign assistance is fundamental to the INTERNATIONAL PEACE feel for what the report says. growing theater missile threat. As we de­ In our report, we underscore the signifi­ scribe in the 1998 report, for example, Iran (By Robert D. Walpole, National Intelligence cant role foreign assistance has played and Officer for Strategic and Nuclear Programs) received important foreign assistance in de­ continues to play- indeed throughout there­ veloping its Shahab 3 MRBM. Moreover, Good morning. I welcome the opportunity port are several major discussions of tech­ countries are seeking the capability to build to be here today to talk about the ballistic nology transfer. For example, the report be­ these missiles independently of foreign sup­ missile threat to the United States. Assess­ gins with several pages discussing the extent pliers. The growth in the sharing of tech­ ing and defining that threat to our homeland of foreign assistance from numerous sup­ nology among the aspiring missile powers is and interests worldwide is one of the most pliers to even more recipients. It also notes also of concern. important intelligence missions in the post­ how foreign assistance has helped specific While we project that Russia's strategic Cold War world. And I must tell you that we missile programs, such as assistance with forces will shrink, they continue to be mod­ consider foreign assistance to be funda­ Iran's Shahab 3 missile. ernized and will remain formidable. China mental to the threat, not merely an inci­ Our report also underlines the immediate has about 20 CSS-4 ICBMS, in addition to dental aspect of the problem. Finally, the threat posed by medium-range missiles, our shorter-range missiles. Most of these are tar­ threat is real, serious, growing, and dy­ continuing concern about existing and geted against the United States, and mod­ namic. For example, since our annual report emerging ICBMs, and the increasing danger ernization efforts will likely increase the six months ago, the Ghauri, Shahab 3, and that comes from the proliferation activities number of Chinese warheads aimed at the Taepo Dong 1 missiles/launch vehicles have of countries that possess or are developing United States. all been tested. For these reasons, we are such systems. We and the Commission have Our report further noted that we judge mandated by Congress to report on our as­ some different views on some of our that an unauthorized or accidental launch of sessments of this threat annually. timelines for ICBM development, using the a Russian or Chinese strategic missile is At the outset, let me emphasize how appre­ available evidence, group debate, and outside highly unlikely, as long as current security ciative we are of the Commission's work. I expert review. Nevertheless, where evidence procedures and systems are in place. Russia particularly like the fact that they received is limited and the stakes are high, we need employs an extensive array of technical and approval to publish a relatively detailed un­ to keep challenging our assumptions-a role procedural safeguards and China keeps its classified report on the threat. As you have we will perform on this issue at least annu­ missiles unfueled and without warheads undoubtedly heard, we gave the Commission ally. mated. access to all the available intelligence infor­ Let me make three points on our method­ Among those countries seeking longer­ mation, regardless of classification. The ology. range missiles, we believe North Korea is the Commission made a number of excellent rec­ First, we do not expect countries to follow most advanced. Its Taepo Dong- 2 (TD-2), ommendations for how we can improve our any specific pattern for missile development. which we judged will have a range between collection and analysis on foreign missile de­ In fact, the United States, the former Soviet 4,000 and 6,000 km, could reach mainland velopments. Indeed, their report reinforces Union, and China all took different ap­ Alaska and the Hawaiian Islands. Our report the DCI's call for a stronger investment in proaches. We frequently caution ourselves noted that North Korea could flight test the analysis and more aggressive use of outside against any mirror-imaging. Just because missile this year and that it could be de­ expertise. Incorporating the Commission's the United States, Russia, or China was able ployed in a few years. Beyond the North Ko­ ideas will strengthen our own work in this to accomplish certain feats certain ways in a rean TD-2, we judge it unlikely, despite the area. specific period of time-short or long- does extensive transfer of theater missile tech­ We and the Commission agree that the not mean another country will. nology, that other countries (except Russia missile threat confronts the Community Second, we recognize that foreign coun­ and China as just mentioned) will develop, with an array of complicated problems that tries can hide many activities from us. These produce, and deploy an ICBM capable of require innovative solutions. At the same countries are generally increasing their se­ reaching any part of the United States over time, the Commission challenges some of our curity measures and are learning from each the next decade. conclusions and assumptions, particularly other and from open reporting of our capa­ Of course, the key word here is develop. As those in our 1995 National Intelligence Esti­ bilities. the report noted, the purchase of a missile, mate- Emerging· Missile Threats to North Third, our methodologies really are not either complete or as components of a kit, is America During the Next 15 Years (NIE 95- that different. Given the fact that in many a different matter. In fact, we identified sev­ 19). Our March 1998 Annual Report to Con­ cases we have limited data, we are both eral alternative scenarios for a country to gress on Foreign Missile Developments was forced somewhat to use both input and out­ acquire an ICBM capable of reaching the prepared in response to a request by Con­ put methodologies to evaluate the threat. United States sooner than 2010. These in­ gress for a yearly update of that assessment. The biggest difference in methodology is clude buying an ICBM or SLV to convert October 21, 1998 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 27671 into an ICBM, or buying a complete produc­ Foreign assistance and the proliferation of warnings about missile developments- not tion facility for either. We judge that the ballistic missile technology is the funda­ just indicating that a country has an ICBM current policies of Russia and China make mental reason for the growing ballistic mis­ program and that it could flight test an these scenarios unlikely, given potential po­ sile threat. ICBM this year, both of which are i~portant litical repercussions, the creation of a self­ Foreign denial and deception efforts and messages. We need to include clearer lan­ inflicted threat, and China's own military resource constraints are making it more dif­ guage and more details about how we might needs. Our report points out that we cannot ficult for us to monitor foreign missile devel­ and might not be able to warn about specific be certain that this will remain true over the opments. milestones in an ICBM development effort, long term. Indeed, the further into the fu­ Finally, there are plausible scenarios that judgments that will likely vary by country. ture we project the politico-economic envi­ could result in an increased missile threat to 1999 REPORT ronment, the less certain we would be that the United States for which there would be the 'value' of the sale would not outweigh little or no warning. We are already working on the 1999 annual these factors in foreign thinking. And, as report and are planning to include signifi­ WHERE WE DISAGREE cant additional outside expertise and red North Korea develops its Taepo Dong mis­ I will now walk through some of the areas siles, their sales become an increasing con­ teaming into next year's report: of disagreement between the Commission Private-sector contractors will be asked to cern. and our 1998 report. The Commission's report A number of countries have the techno­ postulate missile threats that apply varying indicate's that intelligence analysts are too degrees of increased foreign assistance. logical wherewithal to develop the capability dependent on evidence and seem unable to to launch ballistic (or cruise) missiles from a These will be in addition to the Commis­ make judgments without it. In actuality, de­ sion's postulations and some of our own. forward-based platform, such as a surface spite the lack of evidence in some areas, our ship. Forward-basing from dedicated vessels We are also asking academia to postulate analysts make judgments and projection. I future politico-economic environments that or from freighters could pose a new threat to highlight that to allay concerns that we the United States in the near term-well be­ foster missile sales and ever increasing for­ would consider 'the absence of evidence' to eign assistance. fore 2010. be 'the evidence of absence.' Quite the con­ Our 1998 report assesses that our abilities In addition, the Intelligence Community trary, our analysts routinely face gaps in recently published a classified paper that to warn about the above-mentioned threats their evidence and must make analytical and postulated concerns vary: . postulates ways a country could dem­ judgments to project plausible scenarios. We onstrate an ICBM capability with an SLV, We could provide five years warning before need to do better. Working with limited evi­ deployment that a potentially hostile coun­ and examines various ways it could convert dence and make judgments is central to our its SLVs into ICBMs. This work will also try was trying to develop and deploy an job, as long as we underscore where we have ICBM capable of hitting the United States, feed into the 1999 report, as a generic look at little or no evidence. They did so in the case some alternative approaches. unless that country purchased an ICBM or of the critical threats some missiles pose. In space launch vehicle (SLV), including having Finally, drafting is underway on a paper fact, we note that successful missile tests that examines how countries could push another country develop the system for would give countries an emergency, launch them); had an indigenous space launch vehi­ Scud technology beyond perceived limits. capability with any missiles in their inven­ Scientists and non-scientists are involved. cle (SLV); or purchased a turnkey produc- tory, even without evidence of deployment. tion facility. . Sometimes, those already outside the box As I indicated earlier, we are in basic can think so more readily. We could not count on providing much agreement with the Commission on North warning of either the sale of an ICBM or the We also intend in the 1999 report-after dis­ Korea. While they did not indicate so, I as­ cussing our projected timelines for likely sale and conversion of a SLV (conversion sume they do not disagree with our judg­ could occur in as little as two years). Never­ missile developments and deployments, as ments that North Korea was capable of test­ well as our concerns for ICBM sales-to pos­ theless, if a hostile country acquired an ing both the Taepo Dong 1 and 2 this year. SLV, we would warn that the country had an tulate and evaluate many alternative sce­ The Commission considers Iraq to be be­ narios, including those developed during the inherent ICBM capability. I note, however, hind North Korea and Iran relative to bal­ that both the United States and the Soviet Commission's efforts and those mentioned listic missile technology. We view Iraq as above. Finally, we will be much more ex­ Union used systems we did not consider as further along in some ways. Iraq was ahead ICBMs to place their first satellites into plicit in our discussions about warning. All of Iran before the Gulf war. They have not these evaluations will be made through the orbit. The satellite we orbited weighed only lost the technological expertise and cre­ 14 kg. lens of potential denial and deception ef­ ativity. If sanctions were lifted and they forts, to ensure that as our task gets more These two warnings need to be understood tried to develop indigenously a 9,000 km in tandem. Unfortunately, the warning re­ difficult, we provide our policymakers with a range ICBM to be able to reach the United clear representation of what we know, what lated to sales may dominate in the near States, it would take them several years. If term. As North Korea proceeds with its we don't know, what we can't know, and fi­ they purchased an ICBM from North Korea nally what we judge based on evidence, the Taepo Dong developments, we need to as­ or elsewhere, it would be quicker, depending sume that they will follow their current path lack thereof, and expertise from inside and on the range and payload capability of the outside the government. and market them; at a minimum, aspiring missile. If the missile already had the range recipients will try to buy them. capability, further development would be COMMUNITY ENHANCEMENT We probably would obtain indications of moot. In recent months we have undertaken nu­ the construction of a turnkey facility before The Commission considers Iran to be as far merous steps that will enhance the Commu­ it was completed, providing several years' along in its technological development ef­ nity's abilities to tackle the increasingly dif- warning. forts as North Korea. In our view, that is not icult tasks we face, including addressing the If a country had an SLV, it could probably the case. The recently tested Iranian Shahab emerging missile threat. For example, we convert it into an ICBM in a few years, sig­ 3 is based on the No Dong and followed North have increased " red teaming" efforts to en­ nificantly reducing warning time. Korea's test, even with foreign assistance, by sure that we question our assumptions and Adapting missiles for launch from a com­ several years. Iran will likely continue to examine out-of-the-box possibilities. Fur­ mercial ship could be accomplished covertly, seek longer range missiles, and would need thermore, last year the DCI strengthened the and probably with little or no warning. to develop a 10,000 km range ICBM to be able Nonproliferation Center to ensure that we Finally, our report noted that nonmissile to reach the United States. If they follow a have an aggressive, well-coordinated effort delivery of weapons of mass destruction­ pattern similar to the Shahab 3 time frame, to address the nonproliferation target. At chemical, biological, nuclear and radio­ it would take them many years. On the other DCI direction we are taking actions to en­ logical weapons-pose a serious, immediate hand, if they purchased an ICBM from North sure that we have the analysts and skills threat to US interests at home ap.d abroad. Korea or elsewhere, it would be quicker, and needed to cover those issues of greatest im­ WHERE WE AGREE depending on the range and payload capa­ portance. These include: increasing the size Now I'll go over some of the points of bility of the missile, further development of the analytic cadre; creation of the Com­ agreement between our 1998 report and the might be a moot point. munity executive boards to leverage the best Commission's work. We agree that: The Commission indicates that our ability experts on critical issues to drive collection The threat is real and growing. The me­ to warn is eroding and that we may not be and analysis against the most significant in­ dium-range ballistic missile threat to US in­ able to provide warning at all. I've covered telligence needs and gaps; introducing new terests in the world is already upon us. Mis­ our views on warning earlier, and I fear fur­ training methodologies, technologies and sile forces of Russia and China pose a signifi­ ther detail would only help proliferators analytic tools, and improving the mix of cant threat to the United States and this more. They're already learning how to hide skills to address our most pressing problems; threat will continue to exist for the foresee­ some aspects of missile programs, I'd rather creating mechanisms to increase cooperation able future. Our reports also agree on North they not learn more. I will say this, however. and better integrate the efforts of all ana­ Korea's capabilities. We need to be much more explicit in our lytic production centers. 27672 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS October 21, 1998 CONCLUSION KIDS PEACE gives positive recommendations to help the This is a serious and complex issue, one of community. It is part of a nationwide 'Y' pro­ many others that we're working. The Intel­ HON. PAUL McHALE gram we all should join to reduce the epidemic ligence Community uses many vehicles, in­ OF PENNSYLVANIA of violence in America and make our country cluding estimates and annual reports, to secure for all. convey our analyses to policy makers and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Congress. We will continue to do so. Tuesday, October 20, 1998 DIVORCING THE MARRIAGE TAEPO DONG 1 LAUNCH Mr. McHALE. Mr. Speaker, I insert into the PENALTY Before I close, let me make a few com­ CONGRESSIONAL RECORD the following poem ments about the Taepo Dong 1 satellite written by the talented young actress, Kristin launch attempt. While the system's third Dunst. Ms. Dunst recited this poem at a press HON. BOB SCHAFFER stage failed, the launch confirmed our con­ OF COLORADO cerns regarding North Korea's efforts to pur­ conference in Washington sponsored by sue an ICBM capability and demonstrated KidsPeace, the National Center for Kids Over­ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES some unanticipated development&. coming Crisis, on September 23. The event Tuesday , October 20 , 1998 We have been following North Korea's sought to highlight the results of a national survey by KidsPeace of early teens and to Mr. BOB SCHAFFER of Colorado. Mr. ICBM progress since the early 1990s, most no­ Speaker, I rise today regarding the elimination tably, their efforts to develop what we call identify new ways to strengthen America's the Taepo Dong 1 medium-range missile and youth and families. of the marriage penalty. This reform is long­ overdue, and I am pleased to hear the con­ the Taepo Dong 2 ICBM, which we assessed It is ·in the idleness of our. dreams that we sistent, overwhelming support of many con­ were two-stage missiles. will find the city of angels lies deep with­ This recent launch used the Taepo Dong 1 in our minds. stituents in Colorado's Fourth Congressional and a third stage. They tested some impor­ There is no loneliness or fear but if you feel District. tant aspects of ICBM development and flight it, know they're near. As every married couple knows all too well, roughly on the timetable we expected. And, In this world of so much hate, there could be the marriage penalty is the amount of com­ for example, they were successful at mul­ a twist of fate. bined tax a couple pays in excess of the tiple stage separation. Just think about the angels, they will find amount they would have paid had they filed as As we have analyzed the information that your lost soul mate. "single." For instance, suppose a husband has come in so far, we have been able to de­ In this tranquil world behind my eyes, your termine much of what happened. dreams won't turn to wasted lies. and wife each earned $30,500, resulting in a Indeed, this is a work in progress, and as No judging face or different race in this tiny combined income of $61,000. They would pay we continue to receive information, it will place behind my eyes. $8,563 in federal taxes. However, if they were give us a more detailed picture. You can always tell who has wings, because to file as "single," each would owe $3,592, for Although the launch of the Taepo Dong 1 their soul and mind will sing, a combined total of $7,184. By filing together, as a missile was expected for some time, its And the ones who are opposed, you will know this couple is unfairly hit with a $1 ,379 mar­ use as a space launch vehicle with a third their wings are closed. riage penalty. stage was not. Government should encourage the strength­ The existence of the third stage concerns ening of the American family, not undermine it us; we had not anticipated it. · HONORING YWCA OF YONKERS with ill-conceived taxing schemes. According We need to conduct more analysis on it, WEEK WITHOUT VIOLENCE to the Congressional Budget Office (CBO), 42 trying to identify more about it, including percent of married couples-numbering 21 its capabilities and why it failed. million couples-were subjected to the penalty The first and second stages performed to HON. EUOT L ENGEL North Korean expectations, providing what OF NEW YORK in 1996. Per couple, they paid approximately could amount to a successful flight test of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES $1,400 more in taxes due solely to the fact the two-stage Taepo Dong 1 medium-range they were married. This is clearly wrong. Tuesday, October 20 , 1998 missile. I support a number of approaches to solve However, we believe North Korea would Mr. ENGEL. Mr. Speaker, today I rise to pay this problem. The first is the 1999 federal need to resolve some important technical tribute to a laudable program of the YWCA of budget recently passed by the House. As an issues-including the problems with the Yonkers in which a week-long series of events alternative to the $128 billion in new taxes and third stage-prior to being able to use the will highlight the struggle against violence. spending in the President's proposed budget, three-stage configuration as a ballistic mis­ This is th~ fourth year in a row in which the House Republicans crafted a plan that will de­ sile to deliver small payloads to ICBM 'Y' is sponsoring a "Week Without Violence" crease government growth by 1 percent. The ranges; that is, ranges in excess of 5,500 km. The Intelligence Community is continuing program to inspire people to consider alter­ savings are set aside to eliminate the mar­ to assess the North Korean capabilities dem­ natives to violence by demonstrating that peo­ riage penalty. I supported this reasonable ap­ onstrated by this launch and the treat impli­ ple from all communities can live together proach, and voted for the measure when it cations of the missile. without violence in their homes, schools and passed the House by a vote of 216-204 on In particular, the Community is assessing neighborhoods. June 5, 1998. how small a payload would have to be for From October 18 through October 24 the 'Y' Another approach is a bill I cosponsored, this system to fly to something on the order is sponsoring a series of programs and re­ H.R. 3734, which will change the tax code to of an ICBM range. membrances with the support of the Police assure the rates of taxation for married and We need to look at the implications of Department, the Public Schools, the Martin single people are equitable. I strongly support lighter payloads and possibly a third stage Luther King, Jr., Commission for Nonviolence, this excellent proposal and will actively work to for the Taepo Dong 2. My Sister's Place, and Cluster's Conflict Reso­ see its passage in the next session of Con­ We also need to ensure that we continue aggressive collection and analysis efforts lution Program. gress. against proliferation and foreign transfers, The series includes a public education cam­ Recently, Chairman BILL ARCHER (TX) intro­ and their effects on advancing missile pro­ paign to identify and activate practical alter­ duced H.R. 4579, the Taxpayer Relief Act of grams. natives to violence. It also includes a day of 1998, which would reduce taxes by an esti­ And we need to be much more explicit in remembrance in memory of Yonkers residents mated $80 billion over 5 years. I strongly sup­ our warnings about missile developments­ who lost their lives to violence, most especially ported this bill and voted with the full House not just indicating that a country has an the Biller family and Frederick Pagliara. to approve it on September 26. Specifically, ICBM program and that it could flight test The week includes programs which treat vi­ the proposal reduces the marriage tax penalty an ICBM in a given year, both of which are olence against women as well as violence by expanding the standard deduction for a important messages. We need to include married couple to twice the amount a single clearer language and more details about how against men and the scourge of race and hate we might and might not be able to warn crimes. taxpayer can deduct. about specific milestones in an ICBM devel­ The 'Y' program, by spotlighting violence Unfortunately, President Clinton has shown opment effort, judgments that will likely and the harm it does to all of us, and by offer­ little support for our efforts. Once again, Re­ vary by country. ing alternatives, such as conflict resolution, publicans must fight the liberal legacy of tax- October 21, 1998 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 27673 and-spend, anti-family policies. Through many in history, Mrs. Albertina Sisulu of South Afri­ BROAD-BASED SUPPORT FOR THE different schemes, Democrats have consist­ ca, who was elected as a member of Par­ POLICE BADGE FRAUD PREVEN­ ently demonstrated an aversion to the funda­ liament in 1994. TION ACT (H.R. 4282) mental institutions of this great country: reli­ Born in the Transkei, she lived in Johannes­ gion, morality, family and life. burg when the African National Congress HON. STEPHEN HORN Even though we were unable to include OF CALIFORNIA Youth League became active in 1944. It was marriage penalty relief in the Omnibus Appro­ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES priations bill this week, eliminating the mar­ an eventful year for her. She joined the Tuesday, October 20, 1998 riage penalty will continue to be a major pri­ League, qualified as a nurse and midwife, and ority for me, and I will continue to pursue married Walter Sisulu, the political leader and Mr. HORN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to call every opportunity to repeal this unfair tax on friend of Nelson Mandala who shared his pas­ the attention of the House to the Police Badge the American family. sion for freedom and justice. Fraud Prevention Act (H.R. 4282) and the broad-based support it is drawing from our na­ Together, the Sisulus fought oppression and tion's law enforcement community. This meas­ WORLD POPULATION AWARENESS endured enormous anguish as Welter, who ure bans the interstate or foreign trafficking of WEEK 1998 was then the general secretary of the ANC, counterfeit badges and genuine badges. When was imprisoned eight times between 1953 and the measure is reintroduced in January, it will HON. HAROLD E. FORD, JR. 1964. Mrs. Sisulu joined the ANC Women's include exceptions for cases where the badge OF TENNESSEE League and became an executive member of is used exclusively in a collection or exhibit; IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the Federation of South African Women. She for decorative purposes; or for a dramatic Tuesday , October 20, 1998 played an active role in the 1952 Defiance presentation such as a theatrical, film, or tele­ vision production. Mr. FORD. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to call Campaign and in the protest against the Bantu A counterfeit badge or a fraudulently ob­ World Population Awareness Week 1998 to Education Act. In 1956, she was prominent in tained real badge can allow a criminal to de­ the attention of my colleagues. October 24-31 the historic national demonstration in Pretoria ceive someone into opening the door to their marks the 13th annual celebration of World when 20,000 women protested against the ex­ home or the window of their car. The use of Population Awareness Week. More than 300 tension of passes to African women. In 1959, badges in home-invasion robberies and other family planning, environmental, educational, she was elected treasurer of the ANC Wom­ crimes has damaged the trust people have in community and service organizations in 61 en's League. men and women in uniform. Law enforcement countries are co-sponsoring the week in an ef­ organizations, both nationwide and in my Mrs. Sisulu showed tremendous courage in fort to raise awareness of the need for uni­ home state of California, have recognized this continuing her anti-apartheid activities after versal voluntary family planning. and have endorsed this legislation. I submit I call Governor Don Sundquist's proclama­ her husband was sent to Robben Island and their endorsement letters to be included in the tion to the attention of my colleagues and ask she herself was placed under banning orders RECORD. I encourage all Members to consider that it be submitted for the RECORD. for nineteen years, ten of them under house co-sponsoring this legislation when the 106th . THE STATE OF TENNESSEE PROCLAMATION arrest. In August of 1983, she was charged Congress reconvenes . Whereas, more than half of the world's with furthering the aims of the ANC. Six FRATERNAL ORDER OF POLICE, NA­ population will live in urban agglomerations months later she was found guilty and sen­ TIONAL LEGISLATIVE PROGRAM, by the turn of the century; and tenced to four years' imprisonment, but her Washington, DC, July 24, 1998. Whereas, the growth of cities provides op­ Ron. STEPHEN HORN, portunities, but also portends risks that conviction was overturned. While she was in U.S. House of Representatives could intensify poverty, pollution, disease, custody awaiting trial, she was elected as the Washington, DC. social disintegration, violence and human Transvaal President of the newly-formed DEAR CONGRESSMAN HORN, I am writing to misery; and United Democratic Front. She also became advise you of the strong support of the more Whereas, urban poverty is already as high than 272,000 members of the Fraternal Order as 60 percent in some metropolitan areas, National President of the South African Fed­ of Police for H.R. 4282, the "Police Badge more than one-third of the urban population eration of Women. In 1988, she was again Fraud Prevention Act." has substandard housing, and 40 percent lack banned and her freedom to travel was re­ Your bill complements existing State stat­ access to safe drinking water of adequate stricted. Undaunted, she joined other promi­ utes against impersonating a law enforce­ sanitation; and ment officer with respect to the possession Whereas, in all regions of the world-north nent Soweto citizens who negotiated with the or use of counterfeit badges or illegally ob­ and south, rich and poor-rabid urbanization then Soweto City Council on the question of tained real badges. The American public has spawned a number of common problems rent boycotts. She was also nominated by a knows and recognizes the brave men and including unemployment, a shortage of ade­ number of international figures for the post of women in our nation today by the badge quate housing, traffic congestion, declining rector of the University of Edinburgh. In 1989, they carry. They know they can count on infrastructure, and lack of funds to provide them when they are in trouble or in need of for basic services; and she was part of a delegation which visited help. Your bill takes a necessary step to en­ Whereas, urban crises, stemming from high President Bush and Mrs. Thatcher to brief sure that the public can continue to place population density and activity is expected them on the situation in South Africa. In Octo­ their faith and trust in law enforcement offi­ to be among the major challenges of the 21st ber, her husband and other leaders were re­ cers and not be deceived by those with crimi­ century, nal intent. Now therefor, I Don Sundquist, Governor leased from jail. On behalf of Grand Lodge, Fraternal Order of the State of Tennessee, do hearby pro­ Since the landmark year of 1990, she has of Police, I want to extend my thanks for claim the week of October 24-31, 1998, as continued to be in the forefront of South Afri­ your leadership on this issue. If there is any­ World Population Awareness Week in Ten­ thing I can do to assist you in the passage of nessee and urge all citizens to join me in rec- . ca's continued challenges, serving as Deputy this legislation, please do not hesitate to ognizing this worthy observance. President of the ANC Women's League and contact me or Executive Director Jim Pasco as a member of the National Executive of the at my Washington office. ANC. In 1993, she served as President of the Sincerely, TRIBUTE TO ALBERTINA SISULU World Peace Council in Basie, Switzerland be­ GILBERT G. GALLEGOS, OF SOUTH AFRICA National President. fore becoming a member of Parliament. Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues here in the INTERNATIONAL BROTHERHOOD OF HON. DONALD M. PAYNE POLICE OFFICERS OF House of Representatives to join me in hon­ oring Mrs. Sisulu, a valiant woman who has Alexandria VA, May 15, 1998. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Hon. STEPHEN HORN, charged countless lives for the better, as she Tuesday, October 20, 1998 U.S. Congress, celebrates her 80th birthday this week. Washington, DC. Mr. PAYNE. Mr. Speaker, I rise to pay trib­ DEAR CONGRESSMAN HORN, The Inter­ ute to a great woman who has earned a place national Brotherhood of Police Officers 27674 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS October 21, 1998 (IBPO) is an affiliate of the Service Employ­ Mail order badge suppliers cheat the public LEN SWINEHART'S BIRTHDAY ees International Union, the third largest out of their confidence in the police by sell­ union in the AFL-CIO. The IBPO is the larg­ ing to anyone with the correct amount of HON. NEWT GINGRICH est police union in the AFL-CIO. money, the very symbols of trust and safety OF GEORGIA On behalf of the entire membership of the we are taught as children to look to for help. IBPO I want to thank you for introducing a IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES bill that would make it a crime to deal coun­ Police and sheriff badges should be sold only terfeit badges of state and local law enforce­ to authorized law enforcement personnel, Tuesday, October 20, 1998 ment agencies. and then only, after the company ensures Mr. GINGRICH. Mr. Speaker, it isn't often The IBPO has heard numerous incidents that the agency is a bona fide entity. that someone can celebrate their 50th birthday where criminals obtain police badges which Please register our support of this very im­ and help pass a 4,000-page appropriations allows them to pursue illegal activities. portant legislation. bill. Len Swinehart has been a hardworking, Many of these budges can be purchased by Sincerely, Internet and mail-order sales. We appreciate knowledgeable and effective member of the GARY S. PENROD, Speaker's staff. He has specialized in budget your legislation will ban the interstate or Sheriff. foreign trafficking of counterfeit badges and and appropriations issues and he has effec­ genuine badges. tively represented the taxpayers of America. A police officer's badge means much more CITY OF SIGNAL HILL For the last two weeks Len has been im­ than another form of identification. To see lt POLICE DEPARTMENT, mersed in monitoring the details of this mas­ used for criminal intent is a slap in the face Signal Hill, CA, August 6, 1998. sive $500 billion budget. Tonight he will be Congressman STEPHEN HORN, to every police officer in this country. able to celebrate his first half century and a The IBPO endorses your bill and looks for­ clo Connie Sziebl, District Director, 38th District ward to working with you to see this bill be­ of California, Lakewood, CA. job well done. Happy birthday Len and thank you. come law. If you have any questions, please DEAR CONGRESSMAN HORN: I would ·like to do not hesitate to contact me. take this opportunity to thank you very Sincerely, much for introducing HR 4282-the Police PROTESTING SECTION 103 OF DIVI­ KENNETH T. LYONS, Badge Fraud Prevention Act. I believe it will National President. SION A OF THE OMNIBUS APPRO­ go a long way to stem this ever increasing PRIATIONS BILL CALIFORNIA problem and help protect the citizens within PEACE OFFICERS' ASSOCIATION, our community and throughout the United Sacramento, CA, October 7, 1998. States. HON. RODNEY P. FRELINGHUYSEN OF NEW JERSEY Han. STEVE HORN, I will be contacting police organizations in U.S. House of Representatives, California for support of this bill and, hope­ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Washington, DC. fully, they will be sending you letters of sup­ Tuesday, October 20, 1998 DEAR CONGRESSMAN HORN: The California Peace Officers' Association strongly supports port very soon. Mr. FRELINGHUYSEN. Mr. Speaker, today HR 4282, which would curb the sales of phony I have enclosed a copy of the program from I introduced a measure to correct H.R. 4328 police badges in the United States. Law en­ Fox Channel 11 News on counterfeit badges by striking section 103 of division A. As forcement is faced with the possibility of a which aired on Monday, July 27, 1998, at 10:00 passed now, section 103 of division A will cost criminal using a phony badge to commit a p.m. It provided some excellent publicity on American taxpayers $1 billion because it per­ crime. These impersonators have made this problem and on HR 4282. mits the Tennessee Valley Authority to refi­ women become fearful of stopping for legiti­ mate police officers because of crimes imper­ Once again, I would like to thank you and nance some of its $30 billion debt through the sonators have committed using phony police your staff for your quick response to our Federal Government. badges. Law enforcement officers have only concerns and your continued support of law I have thought for a long time that New Jer­ one visual thing to prove who they are to the enforcement. sey taxpayers should not have to help pay to public, and that is the badge. Sincerely, subsidize electricity for the Tennessee Valley Mail order badge suppliers have cheated DAVID M. SINGER, which is one reason why I have fought to end the public out of their confidence in the po­ Chief of Police. the Federal Government's subsidies for TV A. lice by selling to anyone with the correct But compared to TVA's refinancing deal, the amount of money, the very symbols of trust and safety which identify the law enforce­ CALIFORNIA NARCOTIC non-power program subsidy was peanuts. ment officer. Police and sheriff badges OFFICERS' ASSOCIATION, Taxpayers will be footing the bill for this back­ should only be sold to authorized law en­ Santa Clarita, CA, October 15, 1998. room deal and the cost is over $1 billion. forcement personnel, and then only after the Re: HR 4282-Letter of Support Striking out this section would wipe out the company ensures that the agency is a bona Stephen Horn hidden provision to allow TV A to refinance its fide entity. U.S. Representative, 38th District billions of dollars of debt through the Federal Please register our support of this very im­ Washington DC. Government at the cost of U.S. taxpayers. portant legislation. DEAR MR. HORN: The California Narcotic Since the New Deal, TVA has asked for and Sincerely, Officers Association's (CNOA) 7,000 members, received the Federal Government's help to JOHN LOVELL, comprised of men and women, are Califor­ Government Relations Manager. control flood waters in the Tennessee Valley, nia's first line of defense against the pro­ but when it comes to the flood of Federal dol­ SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY liferation of illegal drugs. CNOA has histori­ lars for the TVA, they just say "let it flow." SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT, cally provided opinion and expertise to the This refinancing scheme and extra funding is San Bernardino, CA, September 22, 1998. legislature based upon our experience and not fair to taxpayers in New Jersey and all Han. STEVE HORN, training as drug enforcement professionals. around America and it is against the ex­ U.S. House of Representatives, CNOA supports House Resolution 4282 pressed will of Congress. Washington, DC. which you author. Mail order badge suppliers I led the efforts to zero out this annual Fed­ DEAR CONGRESSMAN HORN: The San who sell to anyone for money facilities vi­ Bernardino County Sheriff's Department eral subsidy contained in the Energy and strongly supports HR 4282 which would curb cious crimes that occur in our society such Water Appropriations bill. Both House and the sales of phony police badges in the as home invasion robberies. Badges should Senate Appropriators agreed with me, and this United States. Every day law enforcement is only be sold to bonafide entities. year we cut the $70 million subsidy in the faced with the possibility of an impersonator Please accept this letter as our Associa­ FY99 Energy and Water Appropriations bill al­ eroding the public's trust by using a phony tion's support for this very important legis­ ready signed into law by the President. badge to commit a crime. Women have be­ lation. We thank you for taking the leader­ But in a last-minute deal, two amendments come fearful of stopping for red lights on po­ ship on this issue. slipped into the Omnibus bill which will cost lice vehicles because of crimes committed Sincerely using red lights to stop their victims. Law the taxpayers. One amendment would provide ROBERT S. ELSBERG, $50 million for the TVA's non-power programs enforcement has only one thing to prove, Legislative Chairman. who they are visually to the public, and that in 1999. But another provision would cost tax­ is the badge. payers much more than the $50 million or October 21, 1998 EXTENSIONS OF RE~ARKS 27675 even the original $70 million for TV A's non­ Section 223(a) provides that whoever While I am hopeful that H.R. 3783 will be­ power programs. The second TVA provision makes any comment, request, suggestion, come law this Congress, it should be recog­ also attached to the Omnibus bill would permit proposal, image or other communication which nized that the Commerce Committee intends TV A to refinance some of its $30 billion debt is obscene or indecent, knowing that the re­ to fully exercise its jurisdiction over future con­ through the U.S. Treasury's Federal Financing cipient of the communication is under 18 years sideration of such matters, including involve­ Bank. If passed, TV A would be allowed to bor­ of age, shall be subject to criminal fines and ment with the National Academy of Sciences row $3.2 billion from the Federal Government penalties. While certain parts of section 223 study authorized under H.R. 3494. The Com­ and taxpayers would be forced to pay for the have been successfully challenged in the court mittee intends to monitor the implementation $1 billion cost of this refinancing. system, the Supreme Court upheld the con­ of section 401 by the Attorney General par­ Despite the vehement protests of appropri­ stitutionality of this provision relating to trans­ ticularly as it relates to section 223(a) of the ators and authorizers, the legislation allows mittal of obscene material. Thus, it seems that Communications Act. Support for H.R. 3494 this giant utility to refinance its debt without section 401 of H.R. 3494 would overlap with passage this Congress should not be read as paying the contractually-required prepayment the provisions of section 223(a), providing an a lack of interest in the relevant jurisdictional penalty. additional tool f0r prosecutors to use. In doing matters. TV A is already $30 billion in debt, pays no so, it should be clear that whether a pros­ taxes, enjoys access to low-cost capital, and ecutor uses section 223(a) of the Communica­ avoids scores of Federal laws and State regu­ tions Act or section 401 of H.R. 3494 to ad­ lations. The taxpayers must not be burdened dress the increasing problem of the availability THANK YOU, MRS. ROBIN MOLL further by TVA. of obscene material to minors available MEAGHER through a telecommunications device, the Commerce Committee retains oversight re­ COMMERCE COMMITTEE CONCURS sponsibility. HON. BART GORDON WITH H.R. 3494 Section 901 provides for the Attorney Gen­ OF TENNESSEE eral to contract with the National Academy of HON. TOM BULEY Sciences to conduct a study of computer­ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF VIRGINIA based technologies and other methods to ad­ Tuesday, October 20, 1998 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES dress the problem of access to pornography by children. The provision requires the study Mr. GORDON. Mr. Speaker, I want to give Tuesday, October 20, 1998 address a number of issues, including the thanks to Robin Moll Meagher, my legislative Mr. BULEY. Mr. Speaker, I rise in support present-day computer-based technologies for director, who will be leaving Capitol Hill after of H.R. 3494, "the Protection of Children From controlling electronic transmission of porno­ six years of dedicated service. Sexual Predators Act of 1998." Several days graphic images, research needed to develop Robin has become my right hand on tele­ ago, the House concurred with amendments effective computer-based technologies for communications and healthcare policy. made to H.R. 3494 by the Senate. The legisla­ such purposes, potential limitations of com­ tion is now being prepared for the President's puter-based technologies for such purposes, This session, she helped me pioneer legis­ signature. and operational procedures necessary to en­ lative action on telecommunications fraud In general, H.R. 3494 amends current law to sure the computer-based technologies are ef­ called Cramming, by developing Congres­ strengthen the provisions that protect children fective. sional Hearings, drafting groundbreaking legis­ from sexual predators. The amendments are Over the last few years, the Commerce lation, and working with industry leaders to re­ needed to ensure that our laws keep pace Committee has addressed computer-based solve this problem. with technology and that we do all we can to technologies, including software screening Whether confronting complicated federal bu­ maintain the innocence of our children. While programs and computer-based age verification reaucracies, or helping a constituent solve a the actions of sexual predators are inexcus­ technologies. In fact, section 901 is similar to difficult problem, Robin has never forgotten able, subjecting our children to this sick and the provisions added to H.R. 3783, the Child the peoples' priorities. harmful behavior is morally unacceptable. Online Protection Act (COPA), which recently On a daily basis, I have been able to count These practices are degrading and undermine passed in the House, to limit access to porno­ on Robin to manage policy issues in my office, the fabric of our society. H.R. 3494 will help graphic material by children. Section 104 of coordinate the legislative staff that help me do put an end to such practices. H.R. 3783 establishes a Commission com­ my job, and keep the overwhelming amount of The Commerce Committee has been inte­ posed of government and industry experts, in­ information coming in organized and manage­ grally involved in a similar effort to protect chil­ cluding representatives in the business of pro­ able. dren. The Commerce Committee has worked viding Internet filtering and blocking services in the past with the Judiciary Committee to and software, Internet access services and I owe her a debt of gratitude, and I am not craft similar legislation. Thus, the Committee Internet labeling or ratings services. the only one. was pleased to see the development of H.R. The purpose of the Commission is to study Like the Oilers from her hometown of Hous­ 3494 as it proceeded through the legislative methods to help reduce access by minors to ton, Robin came to serve the people of Ten­ process and cho$e not to raise jurisdictional material that is harmful to minors on the Inter­ nessee after a long period of service with issues that may have prevented the legislation net. The Commission is tasked with submitting some of my former colleagues from Texas. from moving forward. It is important, however, a report to Congress which will include: (1) a Working for Congressman Pete Geren and to highlight our jurisdictional interest in this im­ description of the technologies and methods Jake Pickle, Robin's diverse skills helped her portant matter. identified by the study and the results of the achieve important successes in trade policy, I note that at least two sections of H.R. analysis of each such technology and method; by amending NAFT A implementation lan­ 3494, sections 401 and 901 fall within the ju­ (2) the conclusions and recommendations of guage; transportation policy, by helping secure risdiction of the Commerce Committee. Sec­ the Commission regarding each such tech­ important aviation routes for her state, and by tion 401 imposes a new prohibition on the nology or method; (3) recommendations for assisting her state in a number of other ways transfer of obscene material to minors (under legislative or administrative actions to imple­ that benefited her bosses' constituents; and the age of 16). The scope of this provision ment the conclusions of the Commission; and her alma mater, the University of Texas. would cover all transfers of such material, in­ (4) a description of the technologies or meth­ cluding via mail or telecommunications net­ ods identified by the study that may meet the Like many bright young Americans, after works. Congress has already addressed this requirements for use as affirmative defenses Robin graduated college-from a school in matter when it enacted section 223(a) of the provided under other provisions of law. Austin we in Tennessee call "the Other UT"­ Communications Act of 1934, as added by title I believe the Commerce Committee and the she came to Washington to serve her country, V of the Telecommunications Act of 1996 Judiciary Committee have arrived at com­ its elected representatives, and its people. (also known as the Communications Decency plimentary solutions. The study authorized by We are grateful for her help. As Robin Act), which was jointly written by Members of H.R. 3494 would fit well within the study au­ opens a new chapter in her life, I would like the Commerce and Judiciary Committees. thorized by H.R. 3873. to say good luck and thank you. 27676 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS October 21, 1998 IN MEMORY OF THE POLKA KING the top of the music charts. Yankovic, 83, about the plight of the Hmong Veterans and died last Wednesday in New Port Richey, promoting the importance of H.R. 371, a bill Fla. which I was again proud to introduce. I would HON. DENNIS J. KUCINICH Police officers blocked traffic along the OF OHIO route from St. Mary to Calvary Cemetery as like to thank the Lao Veterans of America, the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the funeral cortege passed. nation's largest Hmong and Lao non-profit or­ A delay in the hearse's departure from the ganization, for its leadership role on these cru­ Tuesday, October 20, 1998 church created the opportunity for a cial matters; Colonel Wangyee Vang, the Na­ Mr. KUCINICH. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to miniconcert outside. Eight of Yankovic's tional President; Cherzong Vang, Chairman of remember Frank Yankovic, America's Polka musician friends had brought their accor­ the Minnesota State Chapter; Philip Smith, King. The story of Yankovic's rise from a hard dions, planning to play as Yankovic's casket who serves as the Washington, D.C. director; scrabble youth on the streets of Cleveland, was taken to the hearse. Angela McCaffrey, Attorney at law; and Chris They ended up repeatedly playing "Blue Ohio to the country's best selling Polka music Skirt Waltz" and " Just Because," Johnson, a Hamline University law school stu­ artist deserves recognition. Yankovic's biggest hits from the 1940s, the dent. I would also like to thank the Lao Family In a recording career that spanned 60 only two polka songs ever to sell more than Community in Minnesota, Inc., whose head­ years, two gold single records, thirty million a million copies each. quarters are in St. Paul, for their special ef­ records sold, and the first Grammy Award in Many of the mourners, especially older forts, specifically: Chong Bee Vang, President; the category of Polka music, Frank Yankovic's ones, began singing along when the im­ Ying Vang, Executive Director; Yao Lo, Spe­ "Cleveland-Style Polka" has been widely cred­ promptu band broke out some old-fashioned cial Projects Director; and Mr. Kue Xiong, ited with catapulting an Eastern European art folk Slovenian songs. The musical scene was Special Assistant. repeated at Calvary Cemetery, where an esti­ form into a mainstay of American music cul­ mated 250 people bid their polka hero fare­ Mr. Speaker, I am extremely proud that ture. Tinkering with orchestrations and trans­ well. Hmong veterans and their families, under the lating lyrics into English, Yankovic proved that During the funeral Mass, members of leadership of these two St. Paul-based, non­ Polka music could appeal to millions of Ameri­ Yankovic's family went to the altar to ex­ profit community organizations, helped to .or­ cans and become a vehicle for mass enter­ press their love for him, calling him a loving ganize national recognition ceremonies in re­ tainment. His millions of record sales are a and caring husband, father and grandfather. cent years to honor the Hmong and Lao vet­ testament to this vision. The Rev. John Kumse, pastor of St. Mary, erans at both the Vietnam War Memorial and An inductee of Chicago's International Polka said everyone benefited from and can be Arlington National Cemetery. These events thankful for Yankovic's gifts as an enter­ Association Hall of Fame and the "Cleveland­ tainer. were the first of their kind and attracted inter­ Style" Polka Hall of Fame, in addition to the Yankovic's loyal .followers, many in their national media coverage. They drew thou­ Wisconsin and Michigan Polka Halls of Fame, 70s and 80s, attended the service. sands of people from Minnesota and across Yankovic collaborated with an eclectic group Emma Yudovich, 70, traveled from El Paso, the nation to Washington, D.C. I was deeply of artists, ranging from Duke Ellington to Doris Texas. honored to provide remarks and participate in Day to Chet Atkins to Drew Carey. Yankovic "He would tour in those early days and we these historic events, including the dedication was featured with his own float in the 1996 would travel hours to see him to concert or of the monument at Arlington National Ceme­ Presidential Inaugural Parade. The "Frank at a dance, wherever he was, because we loved his polka music," she said. "We are tery, which prompted the following editorial in Yankovic Band" has performed to enthusiastic sad, of course, but we cannot be too sad for the Washington Post which I would like to in­ crowds across the country and around the him because he lived one of the fullest lives clude in the RECORD at this time. world and made its Kennedy Center debut in one could live." Mr. Speaker, the people of the Southeast 1998. Cleveland Councilman Michael D. Asian community in St. Paul are playing an in­ My fellow colleagues, Frank Yankovic was Polensek, who grew up in Collinwood, creasingly positive role as they pursue edu­ indeed an inspiration. He will be greatly Yankovic's old neighborhood, said the Polka cation, home ownership and fill key roles in missed, but his enormous contribution to King "was a hero in the neighborhood." our society. Although serious challenges per­ He said that as a councilman he was con­ American music culture will never be forgot­ stantly asked to get a council resolution sist, this generation will have a magnificent im­ ten. honoring Yankovic on his retirement. "I pact upon shaping tomorrow's Minnesota. It is FINAL GOODBYE POLKA think I must have produced 10 of them over important that Congress honor their history, (By William F. Miller) the years, and then Yankovic would change culture and background today. They had come to mourn his death, but the his mind and continue playing," Polensek Once again, I would like to salute all those Polka King's rollicking music worked its said. who supported and cosponsored H.R. 371 magic one more time. which I plan to reintroduce during the 106th . As faint strains of Frankie Yankovic's Congress. TRIBUTE TO HMONG AND LAO " Blue Skirt Waltz" and "Just Because" [From the Washington Post, May 20, 1998] drifted through St. Mary Church yesterday VETERANS from accordionists warming up outside, peo­ DEBTS TO THE HMONG ple at the solemn funeral Mass looked up in To anyone with a memory and a commit­ recognition. HON. BRUCE F. VENTO ment to keeping one's word, it is bound to Then they began to smile. OF MINNESOTA come as a shock that the United States is A few minutes later, they stood outside IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES still not fulfilling its obligations to its Hmong and Lao allies in the Vietnam War. and sang along. Tuesday, October 20, 1998 "The music seemed like it was coming Eleven years ago, Congress authorized the from heaven," remarked a woman wearing a Mr. VENTO. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Vietnam Veterans National Medal for the babushka. pay tribute to Hmong and Lao Veterans and now-American survivors of the secret army "It looked like rain, but did you notice the their supporters from St. Paul and across the that helped America fight its battles in Laos skies turned to blue when the accordionists United States. Working together as patriotic in 1961-73 and that paid dearly for it. Yet only the other day was the medal actually played the 'Blue Skirt Waltz'?" said August and civic-minded citizens, they have success­ Pust, special assistant for multicultural af­ bestowed on the few thousand veterans of fairs to Gov. George V. Voinovich. fully pressed H.R. 371, the Hmong Veterans that army who had gathered in Washington. "I'm speechless and so happy for the music Naturalization Act, forward through the House In a march meant to recall their earlier es­ they are playing for my father," Yankovic's Judiciary Committee with 77 bi-partisan co­ cape across the Mekong River to Thailand, daughter, Andrea McKinnie, said through sponsors. More importantly, they have helped the Hmong group crossed the Potomac to the her tears. "That is exactly-yes, exactly­ to bring overdue national recognition to the grave of John F. Kennedy, the first Amer­ the way he would have wanted it, and thank­ Hmong and Lao people and the noble cause ican president their units had served. fully they knew to do it. God bless them that they served during the Vietnam War. The Hmong, or "Meo," and Lao recruits formed under CIA direction at a time when all." I would like to salute and bring to the atten­ An estimated 800 people attended the their very presence and role were officially tion of my colleagues a number of those indi­ chu~ch service for Yankovic, a Cleveland na­ denied. Diverting large numbers of North Vi­ tive who won the first Grammy ever given viduals who worked tirelessly during this 105th etnamese soldiers from their primary (Amer­ for polka music and whose tireless touring Congress, spearheading efforts to help edu­ ican) targets, the secret army gathered intel­ brought Cleveland Slovenian-style polka to cate the public and Members of Congress ligence, protected U.S. navigational sites October 21, 1998 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 27677 and rescued hundreds of downed American to provide a credible answer for why they did my staff, providing a level of leadership and pilots. In turn, the United States took on not treat the Americans in the same matter as wisdom that could only be gained through specific protective obligations and of course the foreign families. First, they could not an­ twenty-one years of service. an overwhelming moral obligation. These swer whether they had the authority to make debts were fulfilled only raggedly when Com­ How best to describe twenty-one years on munist North Vietnam swept over Laos. the payments to the Americans, then after the Capitol Hill other that stating the obvious point Hmong and Lao soldiers and the families hearing, when the Department did provide the that Brent is the kind of employee rarely seen were alternately repressed by the victorious Subcommittee with a response they did not this day-and-age in the workforce. He is the forces and forced into exile. Some 135,000 now answer the direct question posed. Rather than consummate Capitol Hill staffer and a model live in the United States. providing a statutory bar to payment under for anyone wishing to answer the call of serv­ Their current complaints go well beyond Section 127 of Title 10, the Department's re­ ice to his country and Congress. the tardy receipt of medals for their valor. A sponse discusses "limitations that have histori­ Brent's tenure in the House of Representa­ concern for their kin has made them advo­ cates of an American policy to press the Lao­ cally been applied" and "compelling reasons tives began in the office of Rep. Goodloe tian government harder to ensure fair treat­ against making such payments". Byron, where he was hired as a staff assistant ment for those left behind and to begin It would appear that historical applications in 1977. He stayed on with Rep. Beverly Hmong-language broadcasts on the now and compelling reasons were compromised Byron after Goodloe's death and advanced to American-supported Radio Free Asia. They when the Department chose to make ex gratia Chief of Staff. also protest the recent immigration-law payments to the families of foreign nationals Brent's career path moved from Rep. By­ changes that limit benefits to non-citizens, killed in the same incident with Americans. By ron's office to Rep. RoN KLINK in 1994 and, fi­ including elderly Hmong who have been un­ doing so, the Department has placed the Gov­ nally to work for me. able to learn English for the citizenship exam. ernment in the position of appearing to value Brent has a well-earned reputation for un­ In Arlington Cemetery, the Hmong un­ foreign nationals lives more than American tangling really tangled messes. No task is too veiled a memorial to their combat veterans lives. large or too small for him to handle. Whether and Ameican advisers. In the Lao and Hmong It is clear that some remedy must be af­ Brent is attending a White House signing cere­ languages the writing on the monument fected to rectify the inequities created by the mony for legislation he helped his boss push states, "You will never be forgotten." They actions taken by the Department in this inci­ through or defending a two-year-old child with almost were. dent. Our service personnel deserve to be Leukemia against a large health insurance treated better. I have been working with Con­ company, he handles his duties with ease. gressmen COLLINS, CONYERS, and WATT of Brent's ability to get into the trenches has OPERATION PROVIDE COMFORT IN North Carolina to fashion a bipartisan solution been a true motivating factor toward empha­ IRAQ to this problem. sizing a team atmosphere in our office. The Subcommittee did not have time to act Speaking of team efforts, included in the HON. LAMAR S. SMITH this year, but we will revisit this issue next long list of Brent's accomplishments one of his OF TEXAS year. I hope that the Pentagon will correct this greatest assets is his running ability and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES injustice and make the payments to the fami­ knowledge of the sport, which has helped Tuesday, October 20, 1998 lies without Congress having to take action. Team Gordon successfully win the Capital However; if the Administration is not willing to Challenge six consecutive years. Mr. SMITH of Texas. Mr. Speaker, I rise act, the Immigration and Claims Subcommittee He has been a staffer's advocate, too, and today regarding a very important bipartisan will consider legislation in the 106th Congress the House is a better place to work because issue that will need to be addressed in the to give the American families the same treat­ of his tenure. 106th Congress, that is compensating the ment as the foreign families received. Brent was instrumental in establishing a fit­ families of the Americans who were killed on ness program for staffers. He helped begin a April 14, 1994 while serving in Operation Pro­ program of assisting new offices in setting vide Comfort over Iraq. PERSONAL EXPLANATION up-thereby easing the transition to Congres­ Mr. Speaker, I have been very disappointed sional life for new staff. Every staffer and by the Pentagon's handling of this issue and HON. DANNY K. DAVIS former staffer who worked with or under him their refusal to treat fairly the families of the OF ILLINOIS praised his leadership, his calmness, and his American service personnel who were killed IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ability. on this incident. I have several constituents I have heard Brent explain his long tenure whose loved one was killed in this incident Tuesday , October 20 , 1998 in this way, "I came in, I put my head down, and I am disappointed that the Department of Mr. DAVIS of Illinois. Mr. Speaker, I was un­ I did my work; when I looked up twenty-one Defense has not treated them more fairly. avoidably detained in the district on October years had passed." With well earned acco­ On April 14, 1994, 15 Americans, 14 military 13th and 14th. As a result, I missed rollcall lades and a long list of good memories in personnel and 1 civilian, and 11 foreign na­ votes 527-531 . If I had been present, I would hand Brent will end his era of congressional tionals, were killed when two Army Black have voted "aye" on rollcall 527, "nay" on roll­ service on November 15, 1998. Hawk helicopters, were shot down over the call 528, "aye" on rollcall 529, "nay" on rollcall On that day the House of Representatives "No Fly zone" in Iraq by two Air Force F-15's. 530 and "aye" on rollcall 531. will lose a strong and capable resource and According to the General Ac;cou.nting Office, veteran, his colleagues, both past and this loss of life resulted from 130 separate present, will lose a friend and mentor and I will mistakes by the Air Force and the Army. After THANK YOU MR. BRENT AYER lost a Chief of Staff, the likes of which come this incident, the Department of Defense made along once in a lifetime-if one is as lucky as $100,000 ex gratia payments to the families of HON. BART GORDON I. the foreign nationals in addition to the other OF TENNESSEE It is with sincere thanks and gratitude that I death benefits they received from their own IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES say good bye and good luck to Brent Ayer. countries. While making these payments to the foreign families, the Administration was Tuesday , October 20, 1998 unwilling to give the same treatment to the Mr. GORDON. Mr. Speaker, today I want to REPUBLICAN EDUCATION next of kin of the Americans. pay tribute to the career of Mr. Brent Ayer. ACIDEVEMENTS My subcommittee held a hearing on this Brent has served my office in the capacity of issue on June 18, 1998 and heard from both Chief of Staff for two years; however, he has HON. BOB SCHAFFER the Pentagon and the families. Before the served the United States House of Represent­ OF COLORADO hearing, I requested the Pentagon be pre­ atives loyally for twenty-one. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES pared to answer whether authority exists As Chief of Staff, Brent has performed his under current law . to compensate the families duties with meticulous skill and care. His abil­ Tuesday , October 20, 1998 at the same level as the foreign families. Dur­ ity to organize and prioritize keeps the office Mr. BOB SCHAFFER of Colorado. Mr. ing their testimony, the Pentagon was unable running like clockwork. Brent is a true asset to Speaker, I rise today to clarify what has been 27678 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS October 21, 1998 done in the 105th Congress regarding the ber 19, 1998, as Karen Thorndike Day in Providing more effective crop insurance would many education issues facing our schools honor of this courageous woman. It was a give farmers another important tool in their today. Work on education reform has now great day for Port Angeles, and I wanted to tool box with which to combat the inherent and been completed, and I want to update my col­ share with my colleagues in the House of uncontrollable risk of their business. Regard­ leagues on the accomplishments of the Re­ Representatives the text of the proclamation less of the long-term benefits to farmers of publican Congress, and the challenges of the that Mayor Gary Braun presented on behalf of these requests, the crop insurance program future. the City Council, so that Karen Thorndike can and the marketing loan program remain the During this Congress, we approved 22 serve as an example of courage, determina­ same. major education initiatives, including: the tion, and perseverance. Again, I commend the citizens of rural Min­ Reading Excellence Act (H.R. 2614), the Indi­ nesota who have spoken out about their need PROCLAMATION IN RECOGNITION OF KAREN to have fair prices for the commodities which viduals with Disabilities Education Act (P .L. THORNDIKE DAY they produce. I agree with their request and 105-17), a school nutrition bill (H.R. 3874), A+ Whereas, Karen Thorndike, the first Amer­ Education Savings Accounts (H.R. 2646), a ican woman to solo circumnavigate the regret that our leaders in Congress have not quality Head Start bill (S. 2206), a charter world, is a native of Washington State; and heard their plea. schools bill (H.R. 2616), and the Dollars to the Whereas, This American pioneer in her 36- Classroom grants (H.R. 3248). In addition, we foot yacht "Amelia", survived winds and waves of terror south of the five Great Capes H.R. 4679: THE ANTIMICROBIAL are sending $1 .1 billion to the States to fill REGULATION TECHNICAL COR­ teaching needs. These Republican initiatives of the world: Cape Horn, Cape of Good Hope, Cape Leeuwin, South East Cape of Tasmania, RECTIONS ACT OF 1998 will send more Dollars to the classroom, honor and South West Cape of New Zealand; and State and local authority, promote quality in Whereas, Karen Thorndike is only the sev­ our Nation's schools, and increase parental in­ HON. TOM BULEY enth woman in the world to sail alone in OF VIRGINIA volvement and responsibility. These common­ open ocean around the globe; and sense reforms will foster excellence in our Na­ Whereas, Karen Thorndike overcame seri­ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tion's schools while limiting Washington's con­ ous illness off the Falkland Islands, and com­ Tuesday, October 20, 1998 trol of the classroom. pleted her historic journey of more than Mr. BULEY. Mr. Speaker, I would like to Unfortunately, President Clinton, despite his 33,000 nautical miles by returning to San provide additional background information on Diego, California on August 18, 1998, two rhetoric, has politicized and hampered our at­ years and two weeks after departing San Congress' intent and understanding regarding tempts to improve schools. The President has Diego; and H.R. 4679, the "Antimicrobial Regulation threatened to veto the Dollars to Classroom Whereas, Karen Thorndike became a role Technical Corrections Act of 1998." Act, which would send $2.7 billion directly to model for youth and adults all over the With the enactment of the Food Quality Pro­ public schools, prepaid college tuition plans, world by her inspirational example of perse­ tection Act (FQPA) of 1996, changes were and bilingual education reform. In addition, the verance against the relentless elements of made in the definition of "pesticide chemical" President has already vetoed safe schools nature. and "food additive" under the Federal Food, legislation, a teacher testing bill, and our A+ NOW, THEREFORE, I , GARY BRAUN, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FFDCA). In addition, Mayor, on behalf of the City Council of Port FOPA added a definition of "pesticide chem­ Education Savings Accounts proposal. These Angeles, do hereby proclaim October 19, 1998, actions clearly demonstrate Clinton's desire to to be "Karen Thorndike Day" in Port Ange­ ical residue." These new definitions had a sig­ thwart real reform and local decision-making. les in recognition of her extraordinary jour­ nificant and unintended impact on the regu­ I will continue to fight the President and his ney in which she became the first American latory responsibility for approving the use of administration in their plans to complicate and woman to solo circumnavigate the globe. certain antimicrobial substances in food con­ stifle our efforts to lead this country in a new GARY BRUAN, tact applications. Historically, such substances direction for the 21st Century. Although much October 19, 1998. were regulated by the Food and Drug Admin­ still remains to be done, I remain optimistic for istration (FDA) as food additives and were ap­ the future. With persistence, focus, and input proved by that agency under Section 409 of from the people of this great country, we will MINNESOTA'S FAIR FARM PRICES the (FFDCA). With the FQPA definitional empower our Nation's children, parents, and NOW PETITION changes, such substances now fall within the teachers to achieve their greatest potential. term "pesticide chemical" and are subject to HON. DAVID MINGE regulation by the Environmental Protection OF MINNESOTA Agency (EPA) under Section 408 of the KAREN THORNDIKE-FIRST AMER­ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES FFDCA. ICAN WOMAN TO SAIL SINGLE­ Since the passage of the FQPA in August HANDEDLY AROUND THE WORLD Tuesday, October 20, 1998 1996, these shifts in regulatory jurisdiction Mr. MINGE. Mr. Speaker, I rise tonight to have led to delays in the processing of peti­ HON. NORMAN D. DICKS commend all the Minnesotans who have tions for clearance of certain antimicrobials OF WASHINGTON signed the "Fair Fram Prices Now" Petition. I under the FFDCA. In the interim, in addition to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES have received petitions which were signed by the losses to the companies with pending peti­ thousands of farmers and citizens of rural Min­ tions, the American public is losing the eco­ Tuesday, October 20, 1998 nesota communities. These people have come nomic and environmental advantages that Mr. DICKS. Mr. Speaker, yesterday when I to Congress with a simple request: that they these products may offer. An amendment was home in my congressional district, I had be given a fair price for their hard work. They similar to the proposed technical correction the great pleasure of meeting a Washington have asked that their elected representatives was considered in October 1997, late in the State native who recently became the first answer their petition by uncapping and raising conference on the FDA Modernization Act American woman to sail singlehandedly the marketing loan rate, by extending the (FDAMA) but was deferred for later consider­ around the world. In a heroic voyage that took terms of the marketing loan, and by making ation. In the FDAMA Conference Report, how­ her just over 2 years, Karen Thorndike fought crop insurance coverage more effective. ever, the conferees urged the interested par­ off serious illness and the relentless elements Unfortunately, this outpouring has not been ties to pursue a new vehicle to achieve resolu­ of nature in circumnavigating the globe unas­ adequately heard by Congress. Although the tion of this jurisdictional issue. sisted on her 33,000-mile journey. She set a Omnibus Appropriations Conference Report, The technical correction made by H.R. 4679 remarkable example of perseverance and de­ which will be voted on this evening, does pro­ does not remove any use of a substance from termination as she piloted her 36-foot yacht vide a substantial agricultural disaster pack­ regulation as a pesticide under the Federal In­ "Amelia" around the five great capes of the age, it does not make the changes which secticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act world: Cape Horn, Cape of Good Hope, Cape these farmers have requested. Uncapping the (FIFRA). Thus, any use of an antimicrobial in Leeuwin, South East Cape of Tasmania, and marketing loan rates would have given pro­ the manufacture of packaging for both food South West Cape of New Zealand. I was ducers more flexibility in handling the fiscal and non-food applications that is a pesticidal proud to be in Port Angeles, WA, yesterday as roller-coaster that these families have faced use under FIFRA would, in addition to FDA re­ the Mayor and City Council proclaimed Octo- and will continue to face in the coming years. view as a food additive, continue to be subject October 21, 1998 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 27679 to pesticide registration under FIFRA. More­ and EPA's authorities under that statute would volunteer at museums, hospitals, or other over, the proposed legislative language does not be changed. Companies selling or distrib­ community sites, and observe professionals as not affect FDA's existing jurisdiction over anti­ uting antimicrobial pesticides must apply to well as hear them speak about what they do microbial substances (with the exception of EPA for registration of their products. EPA will on a daily basis. These volunteer opportunities ethylene oxide and propylene oxide) used in review the applications under FIFRA sec. 3, help inspire kids to be more than they believe or on processed food, which are not "pesticide which requires among other things that the they can be or do. For example, one young chemicals" under the FFDCA. products not cause "unreasonable adverse ef­ woman after volunteering at an office in the H.R. 4679 would achieve the following: fects on the environment." That term is de­ Nueces County courthouse stated happily, "I 1. Consistent with its traditional broad regu­ fined in FIFRA sec. 2(bb) to mean: "{1) any can really be a lawyer. Women can be law­ latory authority over food products and proc­ unreasonable adverse effects on the environ­ yers." The program gives students self-con­ essing, FDA would have authority under ment taking into account the economic, social, fidence and gives them a view of the real FFDCA Section 409 to regulate as food and environmental costs and benefits of the world outside of what they daily experience in additives- use of any pesticide, and (2) a human dietary school. Those antimicrobial substances used in or risk from residues that result from a use of a Once again, I congratulate Linda Bushell for on food, or water that comes into contact with pesticide in or on any food inconsistent with the superb job she does in the education food, if such substances are used where food the standard under section 408 of the Federal arena for students in South Texas. We are for­ is prepared, packed or held for commercial Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act . . . ." tunate to have teachers like you teaching our purposes. Thus, it is Congress' intent that EPA, in de­ children. You deserve this recognition for you Most antimicrobials used as food contact ciding under FIFRA whether to grant, amend, have given your heart and much hard worked substances, such as those used in the manu­ or cancel a registration for an antimicrobial hours for our students. Keep up the work. facture of food contact packaging. pesticide that poses a human dietary risk, 2. Consistent with EPA's traditional role in shall take such action only if EPA determines reviewing uses of antimicrobials in agricultural that the risks from such residues are not in­ THE BEST OF STAFF applications, EPA would retain authority under consistent with the safety standard in FFDCA FFDCA Section 408 to regulate- sec. 408. Additionally, Congress intends that HON. THO~J.MANTON Antimicrobials used on raw agricultural com­ in granting, modifying, or canceling a tolerance OF NEW YORK modities, or on water used on such commod­ for a pesticide chemical residue under section IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ities in the field; in a facility where raw agricul­ 408, EPA consider exposures to substances Tuesday, October 20, 1998 tural commodities are the only food treated, regulated under section 409 where applicable. and the treatment is in a manner that does not Overall, the technical correction made by Mr. MANTON. Mr. Speaker, I rise to pay change the status of the food as a raw agricul­ H.R. 4679 presents an opportunity to reverse tribute to my staff, both past and present, for tural commodity (e.g ., washing, waxing, fumi­ a change that Congress did not intend to their fine work, dedication, and loyalty. gating, and packing such commodities in such make and allow companies to bring these Mr. Speaker, today, I likely cast my last vote a manner); or during transportation of raw ag­ beneficial antimicrobial products to market as a Member of this august body. For fourteen ricultural commodities between the field and without further unnecessary delay. Importantly, years, I have served proudly my constituents such a treatment facility. shifting regulatory jurisdiction over certain anti­ of the 7th Congressional District of New York. Under this legislation, Congress intends that microbial uses of FDA will continue to ensure I hope that I have served them well. I would EPA will continue to regulate fumigants ap­ public health protection provided by the be remiss, however, if I did not acknowledge plied to stored raw agricultural commodities in FFDCA. and praise the hard-working men and woman the above locations. who have served with me. 3. EPA would have regulatory authority Congressional staff are all too often over­ under FFDCA, over residues of the fumigants REGARDING LINDA BUSHELL looked in their daily duties and under-appre­ ethylene oxide and propylene oxide on both ciated for their efforts. But, as my colleagues raw agricultural commodities and processed HON. SOLOMON P. ORTIZ well know, this great democratic institution food, including ground spices. Additionally, OF TEXAS simply could not function without the good use of ethylene oxide and propylene oxide on IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES work and commitment of our staff. foods, including processed foods, will be a Mr. Speaker, I have had the great good for­ pesticidal use under FIFRA. Tuesday , October 20, 1998 tune to have what I consider to be one of the 4. EPA would have regulatory authority over Mr. ORTIZ. Mr. Speaker, I rise to speak best offices in the Congress and I offer this residues of antimicrobials used on semi-per­ about and to congratulate a great teacher in statement as a small tribute to their good manent or permanent food contact surfaces my Congressional District, Linda Bushell. deeds. While individual staffers have come other than food packaging. Similarly, EPA Linda Bushell, now an assistant principal at and gone over the years, the office has al­ would have regulatory authority over anti­ Martin Middle School in Corpus Christi, Texas, ways functioned as a team, always striving to microbial substances impregnated in semi-per­ is being recognized for her work with students do their best for me and for the citizens of manent or permanent food contact surfaces when she taught history at Baker Middle Queens and the Bronx. I thank them all from other than food packaging if the substance is School from 1990-May 1998. She is being the bottom of my heart. intended to serve the same purpose as appli­ named to the All-USA Teacher Team, a rep­ Mr. Speaker, I would like to take this oppor­ cation of an antimicrobial to the exterior of resentative of all outstanding teachers who tunity to mention a few of my closest and such surface. daily work to open kids' minds and advance longest served staffers; individuals who I have 5. A "grandfather/transitional" provision their knowledge. Nineteen individuals and one come to rely upon without hesitation and would ensure that any regulation authorizing team of four, were selected from 649 nomi­ whom I consider to be friends. the use of an antimicrobial substance that, nees. Jim Mathews, my current Chief of Staff, has under this legislation is not a pesticide chem­ These exceptional teachers are being hon­ served with me for over ten years. First as my ical use and thus is subject to FDA's regu­ ored for making a difference. They inspire us Legislative Assistant for Merchant Marine and latory authority under section 409, would be not only as working professionals but also as Fisheries, later as my Legislative Director, and considered a regulation issued under Section citizens. Their extraordinary talent to connect then as my Staff Director for the Sub­ 409. Thus, after the passage of the amend­ with students and their ability to make learning committee on Fisheries Management. After a ment, all antimicrobial products under FDA's fun enables them to reach out to kids and help two year stint as the Deputy Assistant Admin­ food additive authority would be regulated them expand their horizons with special pro­ istrator for the Office of Solid Waste and under the same statutory authority. grams. Linda Bushell is one of four teachers Emergency Response at the U.S. Environ­ Except as noted for ethylene oxide and pro­ who began the Community Connection pro­ mental Protection Agency, Jim was kind pylene oxide, this amendment would affect the gram in Corpus Christi, Texas, a program to enough to return to work for me in his current regulation of antimicrobial pesticides only give at risk students an up-close look at why position. under the FFDCA. EPA would continue to reg­ academics are relevant to real-world success. Steve Vest was with me from the start, first ulate antimicrobial pesticides under FIFRA, In this program Baker Middle School students as my Legislative Director and then as my 27680 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS October 21, 1998 Chief of Staff for many years. He has gone on In my District Office, Angela Dekker has had this community, and it recognizes the struggle to a successful career as Vice President of the unenviable task of keeping my schedule to gain the freedom they have enjoyed for the Government Affairs with Rupert Murdoch's straight, and has done so with alacrity. Irene past eight decades. Latvian-Americans con­ News Corporation. His advise and counsel al­ Baker has done an outstanding job taking over tinue to hold on to their Latvian heritage, cul­ ways served me well. the office's press duties and working with my ture, traditions and maintain ties with family David Springer served as my first Chief of constituents on a multitude of issues. Julia Ji­ and friends who live in their native land. Staff. Without David's excellent political insight menez has slogged through countless immi­ and working knowledge of the Congress, I gration cases without missing a beat. The two could not have been as successful as I was newest District staffers, Ivan Lavios and Tim TRIBUTE TO FRANCES LOUISE early on in my House service. He has since Higgins, have brought a new zest and deter­ JACKSON BALTIMORE put his skills to work as a partner in the pres­ mination to working with my constituents. And, tigious Washington Group. Fran Mahony Reilly, my Bronx District Office HON. CORRINE BROWN John Olmsted, my Office Manager, has Manager, has successfully taken on the re­ OF been with me since I took the oath of office in sponsibilities of a several person office all by IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 1985. How a son of Minnesota made his way herself. Without her, I simply could not have Tuesday, October 20, 1998 to the office of a Congressman from New York adequately represented my Bronx constitu­ City I do not know, but I am glad he did. John ency. Ms. BROWN of Florida. Mr. Speaker, I rise has kept our computers running and my ex­ Mr. Speaker. Finally, I would like to mention today to pay tribute to a remarkable woman pense account straight. I will miss his advice a few other members of my staff, both past who has recently departed this life. Frances on the market as I head towards retirement. and present, who have made my offices very Louise Jackson Baltimore (1918-1998) was a Brian Browne has served me well as my special over the years: John Feeney, Rodney wonderful mother, wife, and friend to many. Queens District Office Manager. Balancing a Bedford, Sean Mcintyre, Jorge Rodriguez, She was born to the late Cornelius Jackson new family with the long hours of a District Tom Messina, Tara Thompson, John Smythe, and Fannie Burrells Jackson on June 18, 1918 staffer meeting with constituents at almost any Neal Fenton, and Peter Praeger. I am leaving in Linden, Virginia. She .married at an early hour of day or night, Brian has done a great many individuals out of this list, but I hope age to Bishop Eugene E. Baltimore, and gave job. I wish him well in his new career at my they understand that they all played a very im­ birth to six children-Anna, Florence, Barbara alma mater, St. Johns University. portant part in keeping the offices running and Jean, Eugene, Wilbert, and Darlene. She was Lizzy O'Hara has been my eyes and ears the constituents of the 7th Congressional Dis­ preceded in death by Barbara Jean, Eugene, on issues relating to Ireland and Irish Ameri­ trict happy. and Darlene. cans. I take some small credit for helping Mr. Speaker, again I congratulate and thank Frances attended the Cherry Hill Elementary move along the peace process in Northern Ire­ all of my staff for their many years of service. School in Linden, Virginia. She married Bishop land, which culminated in the Good Friday Ac­ I will miss them, as I will miss my colleagues Eugene Baltimore in Front Royal, Virginia, and cord. My success in this regard owes much to and this great institution. they relocated to Johnsontown, Jefferson the tenacity, gregariousness, and hard-work of County, West Virginia. She and Eugene raised Lizzy. five children, and ran a clean, tidy household Elaine Simek, now a prominent securities HONORING LATVIAN of modest means. She had numerous skills, lawyer in New York, previously served as my INDEPENDENCE DAY many of which she passed on to her children, Legislative Director and my right-hand-woman including sewing, cooking, canning and pre­ on Irish issues. Her dedication over the years HON. DENNIS J. KUCINICH serving, and decorating. She worked very hard helped make the Congressional Ad-Hoc Cau­ OF OHIO to raise a proper family during the depression cus on Irish Affairs the successful organization IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES era. it is today. And, like me, she was able to hold After her children were grown, Frances down a full-time job while getting her law de­ Tuesday , October 20 , 1998 moved to where she received gree at night school. Mr. KUCINICH. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to her GED and earned a Certificate of Comple­ Bill Driscoll and Fran Kraft both served as recognize Cleveland's Latvian community in tion in Geriatric Nursing. She lived and worked my District Office Managers for many years. celebrating 80 years of independence. Lat­ in New York for more than 20 years and was Their knowledge of the District and local poli­ vian-Americans have become an important active in the lives of friends and family there. tics kept me out of hot water more times than part of this area, enriching it with their native She later took up residence in Annapolis, I care to remember. heritage and lively culture. Maryland, in 1982, and became a member of My good friend and colleague, Walter The Latvian Community in Cleveland traces her son Wilbert's church, the Holy Temple Ca­ McCaffrey, served me admirably as my very back its origins to 1897, when 28 families thedral Church of God. first District Chief of Staff. He later went on to formed the Emmanuel Lutheran Parish. At the Frances was the matriarch of a very tal­ win election to the New York City Council, end of World War II, the evasion of com­ ented family. Her offspring have gone on to where he still serves with distinction in the munism caused a massive immigration of become successful professionals, many of seat I once held. Latvians to the United States, during which whom earned advanced degrees and served The rest of my current staff have all played more than 2,500 displaced Latvians chose the honorably in the military. On October 11, an important role in keeping me informed and Cleveland area as their home. 1998, Frances succumbed to Alzheimer's Dis­ knowledgeable of a multitude of issues and This community of Latvian immigrants has ease. She will be remembered as a stylish, concerns. As I said before, they are the real grown throughout the years, entering Amer­ dedicated woman, who always knew how to backbone of a successful Congressional of­ ica's economic and educational mainstream, make a little go a long, long way. fice. but always maintaining their Latvian heritage Cinnamon Rogers, my Legislative Director, by sharing native foods, folk songs and danc­ has done a yeoman's job for me on tele­ ing with their neighboring communities. The QUALITY DAY CARE PROTECTION communication and finance issues under the Latvian organizations in Cleveland have pro­ ACT OF 1998 Commerce Committee. Matt Socknat, has moted and preserved their native values and helped me obtain crucial funding for cleaning­ culture, as well as worked to expose the rav­ SPEECH OF up a local water body and successfully fought ages of communism. They contributed to the HON. RICK LAZIO to stop additional flights in and out of dream and final reality of an independent Lat­ OF NEW YORK LaGuardia Airport. Maggie Berman has done via, when the country regained its independ­ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES a great job juggling my schedule while working ence in 1991, after 50 years of Soviet domina­ on a number of tricky legislative issues. Adam tion. Thursday, October 15, 1998 Wolf has brought a unique sense of humor, My fellow colleagues, please join me in hon­ Mr. LAZIO of New York. Mr. Speaker, I rise dedication, and caring to his staff position. No oring Latvia's 80th Independence Day celebra­ today because an increasing number of moms one is better at obtaining White House tour tion in the Greater Cleveland area. This event and dads are placing their loved ones in day tickets. commemorates the many accomplishments of care. The time is right for me to introduce a October 21, 1998 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 27681 new bill, The Quality Day Care Protection Act. So, they are forced to place their loved ones housing are at risk, $1 0 million was appro­ This bill has two parts: (1) A misdemeanor for in child care while they work. Currently, 77 priated in 1999 for an Affordable Rental In­ a person who misrepresents intentionally the percent of all women with children under 17 vestment Fund to finance the acquisition, re­ credentials of the day care provider or the hold a job. Each day, about 13 million children habilitation and debt restructuring of federally conditions of the care provided and (2) A fel­ under the age of six spend part of their day in assisted rental property and for making equity ony for a person who causes serious physical day care. There are six million infants and tod­ take-out loans. This laudable effort, however, injury to a child under his care. This bill gives dlers who are being cared for by people that is only one state and even there, the re­ parents the peace of mind knowing that their parents are hoping they can trust. sources allocated cannot match the great children are safe and secure while being Every parent wants to feel secure in know­ need for affordable housing, especially for cared for by responsible, reliable, licensed ing their loved ones are receiving quality day seniors · and those with special needs, other professional day care professionals. care. Quality care means providing a safe and states and local governments must step for­ Last July in Albany, New York, a couple left healthy environment where care givers safe­ ward with funding to help, Federal housing their three-month old daughter, Julia, in the guard infants and nurture their development. policy should encourage and facilitate such care of a licensed, in-home day care provider. Quality care means having a minimum number action. The provider lied about the number of children of children for each care giver. The best of all H.R. 4838 recognizes these kinds of com­ for whom she cared on a daily basis. The pro­ worlds means every child in day care receives mitments and matches them with two federal vider left Julia alone. The baby · had been as much one-on-one attention as possible. dollars for every State dollar. If there is not placed in a swing and left unattended. Julia This bill gives moms and dads what they de­ funding for the federal Low Income Housing was not supervised for twenty minutes. During serve-the peace of mind that goes with Preservation and Resident Homeownership that time, Julia threw up her food and choked knowing their children are safe and secure Act (LIHPRHA) perhaps this new Housing on her own vomit. She was rushed to a local when in the arms of a day care professional. Preservation Matching Grant can encourage a hospital, placed on life support, and tragically The Quality Day Care Protection Act is a forestallment of prepayment, which places she was diagnosed as brain dead. fair bill. Prosecutors will be allowed to pursue low-income families at risk of losing their The critical fact in this horrible story is that day care providers that deliberately break the homes. With action and enactment of this bill the day care provider lied. She told Julia's par­ law. Parents will see justice done when their in the next Congress we could provide a ents that she was caring for four children. An child is seriously injured or dies. I urge my col­ benchmark for states and local communities to official investigation discovered that eight chil­ leagues to support this legislation. work from and with as they produce their own dren were receiving care. I must tell you another tragic story. Last initiatives to avert this pending national crisis January, three month old Jeremy Fiedelholtz in affordable housing. H.R. 4838, THE HOUSING PRESER­ A section-by-section of H.R. 4838 follows: was being cared for by a licensed, in-home VATION MATCHING GRANT OF day care operator. The parents left Jeremy 1998 Section 1. Short title with the professional for two hours. It was a The short title of the Act is the "Housing trial run; the parents were deciding if this day HON. BRUCE F. VENTO Preservation Matching Grant Act of 1998" . care professional was one they could trust. Section 2. Findings and purpose OF MINNESOTA When the Fiedelholtz' returned they found Jer­ (a) Findings.-The Congress finds that- emy face down in a crib, in a pool of his own IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES (1) more than 55,300 affordable housing vomit, dead. The State of Florida had licensed Tuesday, October 20, 1998 dwelling units in the United States have been lost through termination of low income this facility to care for six children, but this Mr. VENTO. Mr. Speaker, on October 14, woman had taken in thirteen children that day. affordability requirements, which usually in­ 1998, I introduced, H.R. 4838, the Housing volves the prepayment of the outstanding On the day that Jeremy died, while the owner Preservation Matching Grant of 1998, which ran errands, all 13 children were left at the principal balance under the mortgage on the would authorize the Secretary of HUD to make project in which such units are located; mercy of a poorly trained staff person who grants to States to supplement State assist­ (2) more than 265,000 affordable housing was not CPR certified. The provider lied to ance for the preservation of affordable housing dwelling units in the United States are cur­ Jeremy's parents. rently at risk of prepayment; The circumstances surrounding the deaths for low income families. I consider this bill advance notice for the (3) the loss of the privately owned, feder­ of these two infants are frighteningly similar. In ally assisted affordable housing, which is oc­ both cases, the day care provider misrepre­ agenda of the 106th Congress which should curring during a period when rents for unas­ sented to parents about how many children begin in allocating resources to match the ef­ sisted housing are increasing and few units would be accepted daily, who would be re­ forts of some States in preserving affordable of additional affordable housing are being de­ sponsible for caring for the child, and the housing units across this nation. During the veloped, will cause unacceptable harm on qualifications of the person who would care for consideration of the FY 1999 VA, HUD and current tenants of affordable housing and Independent Agencies Appropriations bill, I at­ w111 precipitate a national crisis in the sup­ the child. Two children died after the day care ply of housing for low-income households; professional misrepresentations. In both tempted to offer an amendment that would ex­ pand the notification a tenant receives from 60 (4) the demand for affordable housing far cases, the only recourse for the parents was exceeds the supply of such housing, as evi­ in civil court. No federal or state criminal law days to 12 months that a building's mortgage denced by studies in 1998 that found that (A) applied. Under my bill, a crime will be com­ will be prepaid, ending its lower income afford­ 5,300,000 households (one-seventh of all rent­ mitted if a day care provider intentionally mis­ ability. In the end, we succeeded in achieving ers in the Nation) have worst-case housing represents the credentials or the conditions of a five-month notification requirement. A great­ needs; and (B) the number of families with at the day care provider: (1) Credentials licenses er victory, however, would be to achieve the least one full-time worker and having worst­ long-term preservation of those housing units case housing needs from 1991 to 1995 by or permits that the provider or the staff pos­ 265,000 (24 percent) to almost 1,400,000; sesses; (2) Number of children for whom they as affordable housing. We are facing a dire situation with regard to (5) the shortage of affordable housing in care; (3) Quality of the day care facilities. the United States reached a record high in Most states do not have adequate criminal affordable housing needs in this country. Low­ 1995, when the number of low-income house­ laws in this arena. Critical gaps that would to moderate-income residents receiving hous­ holds exceeded the number of low-cost rental safeguard the basic health and safety stand­ ing assistance are on the cusp of a crisis and dwelling units by 4,400,000; ards for child care exist. In many states, there Congress must act to attempt to avert the (6) between 1990 and 1995, the shortage of are standards but they are not consistently en­ breakdown and loss of the national public and affordable housing in the United States in­ forced. For example, many states do not re­ assisted housing stock. Without preservation, creased by 1,000,000 dwelling units, as the quire small, in-home day care providers to the best of the worst case scenarios is a supply of low-cost units decreased by 100,000 "vouchering out" of what little affordable hous­ and the number of low-income renter house­ apply for a license. Those providers are not in­ holds increased by 900,000; spected. Even when states require in-home ing remains. (7) there are nearly 2 low-income renters in providers to be licensed, most of the time Some states are allocating resources to the United States for every low-cost rental there are no inspections. save federally subsidized housing for the fu­ dwelling unit; Today, millions of parents have no choice. ture. In my home State of Minnesota, where (8) 2 of every 3 low-income renters receive They must make ends meet to pay the bills. 10% of the roughly 50,000 units of assisted no housing assistance and about 2,000,000 27682 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS October 21, 1998 low-income households remain on waiting by a resident council for the housing or is TRIBUTE TO REVEREND AL lists for affordable housing; approved by HUD for such purchase, for con­ SHARPTON (9) the shortage of affordable housing version to homeownership housing as under dwelling units results in low-income house­ LIHPRHA of 1990. holds that are not able to acquire low-cost (e) Combination of assistance.- Notwith­ HON. JOSE E. SERRANO rental units paying large proportions of their standing subsection (a), any project that is OF NEW YORK incomes for rent; and otherwise eligible for assistance with grant IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES (10) in 1995, 82 percent of low-income renter amounts under (b) or (c) and also meets the households were paying more than 30 percent requirements of the (1) in either of the other Tuesday, October 20, 1998 of their incomes for rent and utilities. subsections- that is, it is a 221(d)(3), (b) Purpose.-It is the purpose of this Act­ 221(d)(5), or a 236 building, or, is subject to a Mr. SERRANO. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to (1) to promote the preservation of afford­ contract for project-based assistance-will pay tribute to a great civil rights leader and able housing units by providing matching be eligible for such assistance only if it com­ political figure, an outstanding individual who grants to States that have developed and plies with all the requirements under the has devoted his life to his family and to serv­ funded programs for the preservation of pri­ other subsection. ing the community, the Reverend AI Sharpton. vately owned housing that is affordable to Section 5. Grant amount limitation Still in his early 40's, Sharpton for the past two low-income families and persons and was decades has played a major role in virtually produced for such purpose with Federal as­ The Secretary can limit grants to States sistance; based upon the proportion of such State's every significant movement for civil rights, em­ (2) to minimize the involuntary displace­ need compared to the aggregate need among powerment, and social and economic justice. ment of tenants who are currently residing all States approved for such assistance for Born October 3, 1954, to Alfred Sr. and Ada in such housing, many of whom are elderly such a fiscal year. in Brooklyn, New York, Reverend Sharpton or disabled persons; and Section 6. Matching requirement grew up in Brooklyn and Queens in a Black (3) to continue the partnerships among the middle-class family. After his parents sepa­ Federal Government, State and local govern­ (a) In general.- The Secretary of HUD can­ not make a grant that exceeds twice the rated, Sharpton's mother became a domestic ments, and the private sector in operating worker and raised him and his sister in the and assisting housing that is affordable to amount the State certifies that the State low-income Americans. will contribute for a fiscal year, or has con­ ghettos of Brooklyn. He attended public tributed since January 1, 1998, from non-Fed­ schools, graduating from Tilden High School in Section 3. Authority eral sources for preservation of affordable 1972. While at Tilden, young Sharpton distin­ Provides the Secretary of HUD with the housing as described in Section 4(a). guished himself. He served as vice-president authority to make grants to the States for (b) Treatment of previous contributions.-Any low-income housing preservation. of the Student Government Association, Presi­ portion of amounts contributed after 1.1.98, dent of the Afro-American Club and Co-Editor Section 4. Use of Grants that are counted for a fiscal year, may not of the school's newspaper, The Gadfly. He (a) In general. -Grants can only be used for be counted for any subsequent fiscal year. was also a member of the debating team, the assistance for acquisition, preservation in­ (c) Treatment of tax credits.-Low Income centives, operating cost, and capital expendi­ Housing Tax Credits (LIHTC) and proceeds Forum Club, and the Panel of Americans. tures for the housing projects that meet the from the sale of tax-exempt bonds shall not Sharpton went on to Brooklyn College, major­ requirements in (b), (c) or (d) below. be considered non-federal sources for pur­ ing in contemporary politics, leaving after his (b) Projects with BUD-insured mortgages.­ poses of this section. sophomore year. (!) The project is financed by a loan or Section 7. Treatment of subsidy layering re­ Sharpton began his ministry at the age of mortgage that is-(A) insured or held by the quirements four. At that tender age, he preached his first Secretary under 221(d)(3) of the National sermon, "Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled," to Housing Act and receiving loan management Neither section 6 or any other provision of assistance under Section 8 of the U.S. Hous­ this Act should prevent using the Low In­ hundreds at Washington Temple Church in ing Act of 1937 due to a conversions for sec­ come Housing Tax Credit in connection with Brooklyn. The legendary Bishop F.D. Wash­ tion 101 of the Housing and Urban Develop­ housing assisted under this Act, subject to ington was his mentor throughout his adoles­ ment Act of 1965; (B) insured or held by the following Section 102(d) of the HUD Reform cent years. By age 9, Sharpton was licensed Secretary and bears interest at a rate deter­ of 1989 and section 911 of the Housing and and ordained by Bishop Washington and ap­ mined under 221(d)(5) of the National Hous­ Community Development Act of 1992. pointed Junior Pastor of the 5,000 member ing Act; (c) insured, assisted, or held by the Section 8. Applications Washington Temple congregation. The young Secretary or a State or State Agency under minister also began preaching throughout the Section 236 of the National Housing Act; or The Secretary shall provide for States to (D) held by the Secretary and formerly in­ submit applications for grants under this United States, Canada, and the Caribbean, as Act with such information and certifications sured under a program referred to in (A), (B) the "Wonder Boy Preacher." He made one or (C); that are necessary. tour with gospel great Mahalia Jackson. (2) the project is subject to an uncondi­ Section 9. Definitions Mr. Speaker, at age 12, Reverend Sharpton tional waiver of, with respect to the mort­ For this Act, the following definitions became interested in politics. He was mes­ gage referred to in paragraph (1)- apply: merized by Harlem Congressman Adam Clay­ (A) all rights to any prepayment of the (1) Low-income affordability restrictions.­ ton Powell, Jr. (D-NY). During Rev. Powell's mortgage; and (B) all rights to any vol­ With respect to a housing project, any limi­ New York trips, Sharpton would join his entou­ untary termination of the mortgage insur­ tations imposed by regulation or agreement rage, and in 1967 he formed the Youth Com­ ance contract for the mortgage; and on rents for tenants of the project, rent con­ (3) the owner of the project has entered mittee for Powell, to protest the Congress­ tributions for tenants of the project, or in­ man's expulsion from the House of Represent­ into binding commitments (applicable to any come-eligibility for occupancy in the subsequent owner) to extend all low-income project. atives. At age 14, Sharpton became involved affordability restrictions imposed because of (2) Project-based assistance.-Is as defined in in the Greater New York chapter of the South­ any contract for project-based assistance for ern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC), the project. section 16(c) of the U.S. Housing Act in 1937, except that such term includes assistance founded by Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. (c) Projects with section 8 project-based assist­ under any successor programs to the pro­ Sharpton was appointed Youth Director of the ance.-A project meets the requirements grams referred to in that section. under this subsection only if- SCLC by Rev. Jesse L. Jackson and Dr. Wil­ (1) the project is subject to a contract for (3) Secretary .-Means the Secretary of the liam A. Jones, Jr. His tasks were to organize project-based assistance; and (2) the owner Department of Housing and Urban Develop­ youth to picket and demonstrate against dis­ has entered into binding commitments (ap­ ment. criminatory practices. plicable to any subsequent owner) to extend (4) State.-Means the States of the U.S., In November of 1993, Reverend Sharpton such assistance for a maximum period under DC, Puerto Rico, the Northern Mariana Is­ was appointed the National Director of the Na­ lands, Guam, the Virgin Islands, American law and to extend any low-income afford­ tional Rainbow Coalition's Minister Division by ability restrictions applicable to the project. Samoa,. and any other territory or possession Rev. Jesse L. Jackson, its President and (d) Projects purchased by residents.- A of the U.S. project meets the requirements under this Section 10. Gives the Secretary authority Founder and Rev. Dr. Wyatt Tee Walker, subsection only if the project- to issue any necessary regulations. Chairman of the Ministers Division. Sharpton (1) is or was eligible housing under Section 11. Authorizes $500,000,000 from 1999 serves in this position as he continues as LIHPRHA of 1990; and (2) has been purchased through 2003 for grants under this Act. president of National Action Network. October 21, 1998 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 27683 Reverend Sharpton's political career has DR. WILLIAM R. HARVEY, PRESI­ serves as a member of the Board of the Vir­ challenged the New York political establish­ DENT, HAMPTON UNIVERSITY­ ginia Museum of Fine Arts. Dr. Harvey was born in Brewton, Alabama. ment. IN COMMEMORATION OF THE 20TH ANNIVERSARY OF HIS He is a graduate of Talladega College and In 1992, running for the U.S. Senate in the PRESIDENCY earned a doctorate in College Administration Democratic primary against three formidable from Harvard University. He is married to the and well-financed candidates, Sharpton won HON. ROBERT C. SCOTT former Norma Baker of Martinsville, Virginia; they have three children. 15% of the total statewide vote, 21% of the OF VIRGINIA New York City vote and 70% of the statewide Mr. Speaker, I commend to you the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES achievements of Hampton University President Black vote. In 1994, Sharpton astounded pun­ Tuesday, October 20, 1998 William R. Harvey and ask that they be made dits by running against U.S. Senator DANIEL Mr. SCOTT. Mr. Speaker, I rise to call atten­ a part of the permanent record of this body. PATRICK MOYNIHAN, then Chair of the Senate tion to the record of excellence and out­ Finance Committee. Though outspent over 10 standing contributions amassed over the past to 1 , Sharpton received 26% of the statewide INTERNATIONAL ANTI-BRIBERY 20 years by Dr. William R. Harvey as the 12th ACT OF 1998 vote, 33% of the New York City votes, and President of Hampton University. over 80% of the statewide black vote. In Sep­ Dr. Harvey came to Hampton in 1978 fol­ SPEECH OF tember 1997, Sharpton achieved his greatest lowing a record of achievement in the adminis­ political feat. Though outspent 20 to 1, trations of Tuskegee University, Fisk Univer­ HON. EDWARD J. MARKEY Sharpton came within a fraction of 1% of forc­ sity and Harvard University. Under his leader­ OF MASSACHUSETTS IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ing the first Democratic primary runoff for ship, Hampton University has grown in promi­ Mayor of New York City. nence as well as in physical stature. The stu­ Wednesday, October 14, 1998 dent population has more than doubled, in­ Mr. MARKEY. Mr. Speaker, S. 2375, the Reverend Sharpton is married to noted creasing from 2,700 to 6,000, and the average "International Antibribery and Fair Competition songstress Kathy Jordan and they have two student SAT score has increased by 300 Act of 1998" is important legislation for this daughters, Dominique, age 11 and Ashley, points. Forty-five academic programs have Congress to approve and for the President to age 10. been added, including graduate degree pro­ sign. I am an original cosponsor of the House Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me grams in Business Administration, Museum companion to this measure and fully support in paying tribute to a great civil rights leader Studies, Applied Mathematics and Chemistry, the bill we are approving today. with PhD programs in Physics, Pharmacy, and political figure, the Reverend AI Sharpton. International bribery and corruption continue Physical Therapy and Nursing. Eleven build­ to be problems worldwide and the Administra­ ings have been erected, including the William tion has done excellent work in gaining con­ R. and Norma B. Harvey Library, the L. Doug­ sensus among a large number of nations to KHALISTANI LEADER REC- las Wilder Dormitory, a Convocation Center crack down on these corrupt practices. The OMMENDED FOR NOBEL PEACE and a Science an,d Technology building, and Commerce Department has stated that it has some $35,000,000, has been spent on the PRIZE learned of significant allegations of bribery by renovation of existing buildings. During the foreign firms since 1994 totalling over $100 same period, Hampton's endowment has billion. Taking action today to update the For­ HON. DAN BURTON grown from $29 million to over $130 million. eign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) in concert Dr. Harvey's visionary zeal has not been with action to be taken by our major trading OF INDIANA limited to the campus of Hampton University. partners, is designed to achieve an inter­ He brought about the development of the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES national marketplace of greater integrity and Hampton Harbor Project, a residential and fairness. Tuesday, October 20, 1998 commercial development which includes 246 Most of the provisions of this bill are iden- apartments and 60,000 square feet of busi­ tical to the provisions which passed the House Mr. BURTON of Indiana. Mr. Speaker, a ness space for lease. This project contributes a few weeks ago. Much time has been spent resolution was passed at last week's annual funds for student scholarships, provides jobs over the last few days to nail down provisions convention of the Council of Khalistan that for area workers and tax revenues to the City that are integral to any legislation hoping to recommends Dr. Gurmit Singh Aulakh for the of Hampton. His contributions to the broader pass muster as a comprehensive antibribery Nobel Peace Prize. As you know, Dr. Aulakh Hampton Roads community have been signifi­ and fair competition measure. The legislation has served as the Council's President for the cant, as well. He was Chairman of a record­ we are sending back over to the Senate takes past eleven years. setting $6.6 million Virginia Peninsula United modest steps toward a more equitable market­ Way Campaign. To expand opportunities for place environment for international satellite Dr. Aulakh has worked for the freedom of at-risk youth on the Peninsula, he established telecommunications. The simple fact is that Punjab, Khalistan ever since it declared its the Job Education Training (JET) corps to pro­ INTELSAT and lnmarsat are intergovern­ independence in 1987 from India. The Council vide academic improvement and job skills mental organizations that compete in the mar­ of Khalistan has repeatedly stated its commit­ training to selected at-risk youth, and Project ketplace against private U.S. companies. This ment to peaceful, democratic, nonviolent H.O.P.E. (Hampton Opportunity Program for is unfair. Everyone recognizes that this must means to achieve this goal. They have con­ Enhancement), a special admission, scholar­ change. Even the U.S. signatory to these or­ sistently and strongly rejected militancy. ship and support program for students who ganizations-COMSAT-realizes that this situ­ demonstrate the academic ability, but do not ation has to change. No entity in the global For his tireless work to liberate the Sikh have the full credentials, for admission to marketplace ought to enjoy special privileges homeland-Punjab, Khalistan-and for his Hampton. when competing against private American persistence in exposing Indian repression of The business acumen that Dr. Harvey ex­ companies. American jobs and innovation are the people of South Asia, I believe Dr. Aulakh hibited in his leadership at Hampton was also at stake. would be an excellent candidate for the Nobel manifested in the greater business community. It is not surprising that intergovernmental or­ Peace Prize. I congratulate the delegates for He is the owner of the highly successful ganizations will do everything they can to per­ recommending him, and I proudly add my Pepsi-Cola Bottling Company in Houghton, petuate their current existence. It is also not voice to those suggesting that he receives this Michigan, and he serves on the Boards of Di­ surprising that monopolies and dominant pro­ distinguished award. rectors of First Union National Bank, Newport viders will do everything they can to squash News Shipbuilding, Inc., and Trigon Blue the competition. That is why it is often incum­ Mr. Speaker, I would like to place the reso­ Cross/Blue Shield of Virginia. He has gener­ bent upon policymakers to act to curtail anti­ lution recommending Dr. Aulakh for the Nobel ously contributed his business skills to the competitive activity. Peace Prize into the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD. public, serving on national advisory boards In the international arena, American compa­ under four U.S. Presidents, and currently nies are trying to gain market access and win 27684 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS October 21, 1998 markets while intergovernmental organizations TRIBUTE TO MS. GLORIA E. most distinguished professors in the history of are trying everything in their power to slow HOLLIDAY Florida A&M University. down American competitors, using intergov­ Dr. Beck was born in McCarley, Mississippi ernmental privileges and hiding anticompetitive HON. DIANA DeGETIE on May 25, 1925. He departed this life August action against American companies behind the OF COLORADO 13, 1998, at the age of 73, leaving behind a cloak of special immunity granted ages ago. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES legacy of precedents to be remembered. Dr. This has to end. What this legislation provides Tuesday , October 20, 1998 Beck began his educational experiences in the is a modest step to level the proverbial playing. Ms. DEGETTE. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Carroll County public schools of Mississippi field. No marketplace participant ought to be recognize Gloria E. Holliday, a member of the and completed high school in Grenada, Mis­ immune from the legal parameters of the mar­ board of directors for the Regional Transpor­ sissippi. He then attended Jackson State Uni­ ketplace, no intergovernmental organization tation District (RTD), the E-470 Authority, and versity in Jackson, Mississippi, but received ought to compete against the private sector in the Keep Denver Beautiful Board in Denver, his Bachelor of Arts Degree in Philosophy and delivering service to consumers. Colorado. Ms. Holliday was recently honored Religion from Fisk University, Nashville, Ten­ The bill before us contains provisions to ad­ by the Colorado Black Women for Political Ac­ nessee in 1950. In 1951, he received his Mas­ tion (CBWPA) as the 1998 recipient of the dress the special advantages of the intergov­ ter's Degree in Guidance and in 1959 a Doc­ ernmental satellite organizations and to ensure Politics Award. Ms. Holliday came to Denver after receiving torate in Education from Indiana University. that they do not improperly escape coverage During the time between his master's and doc­ by the FCPA. Thus the legislation is designed her Bachelor of Arts degree from Jackson State College. Born and raised in Jackson, torate degrees, he served our country in the to make clear that bribery of intergovernmental Mississippi, Ms. Holliday began her lengthy Korean War as a soldier in the Army Signal organizations does not escape the coverage career in various political activities at the age Corps, receiving an Honorable Discharge in of the FCPA. of 4, when she was forced to ride in the back 1954. After fulfilling his duty to his country, he It also contains provisions to remove the of the bus. Since that time, she has been priv­ returned to the field of education as the Dean special advantages of such organizations. The ileged to work with several local and nationally of Men at Jackson State University. Following legislation stipulates that international organi­ renowned and distinguished civil rights leaders a short period at Jackson State University, he zations providing commercial communications including Clarence Mitchell Sr., Earl V. moved on and propelled his career becoming Dickerson of Chicago, Roy Wilkins Jr., and services shall not be accorded immunity from Professor of Counselor Education and Chair­ suit or legal process in connection with their late Irving Andrews, Medgar Evers, Walter White, A.J. Noel Sr., and Mrs. Gladys Noel man of the Department of Educational Leader­ role as a provider, directly or indirectly, of ship and Human Services at Florida A&M Uni­ commercial telecommunications services to, Bates. She has worked and participated in eco­ versity. From 1966 to 1968, he served as the from, or within the U.S. I believe this is an im­ nomic boycotts, the historical desegregation Director of the Desegregation Center and Pro­ portant step forward and one which recog­ struggles of hotels in Atlanta, Georgia, voter fessor of Counselor Education at the Western nizes that American companies should not registration drives, and helped to change the Kentucky University. After his service to West­ suffer competitive disadvantages due to privi­ hiring practices toward achieving a more inte­ ern Kentucky, he returned to Florida A&M Uni­ leges and immunities enjoyed by intergovern­ grated work force at major retailers in Denver, versity in 1968 to serve as professor of Coun­ mental organizations competing with the pri­ including the old Denver Dry, King Soopers, selor Education and once again became Chair vate sector but having failed to fully privatize Safeway, and several movie theaters. She ac­ of the department. Until his health required in a pro-competitive manner. In addition, the tively fought for funding for the businesses af­ him to withdraw from administrative duties, Dr. bill directs the President to secure the elimi­ fected by the Light Rail construction in the his­ Beck chaired his department for 30 years. He nation, or substantial reduction, of all privi­ toric Five Points area and continues to over­ served as Professor of Counselor education leges and immunities that are accorded see the efforts of the RTD Board to increase until his death. lntelsat and lnmarsat. financial support for these businesses. Ms. Holliday is currently a member of the He will be remembered by thousands of stu­ Given that this will be the first time in a NAACP, the Urban League of Metropolitan dents who recall his traveling throughout the great number of years that the Congress has Denver, and the East Montclair Association. A spoken on international satellite communica­ state teaching extension courses long before member of Macedonia Baptist Church, she the interstates and turnpikes were a part of tions I believe it underscores the strong bipar­ sings with the Martin Ensemble and Mass our lives. He traveled roads up and down the tisan desire of the Congress to move expedi­ Choir. She is also a vocalist with the Denver tiously toward a pro-competitive privatization Jazz Orchestra (DJO) and a member of the state spreading goodwill for Florida A&M Uni­ of the intergovernmental organizations. Taken Delta Sigma Theta sorority. versity, emphasizing "Excellence With Caring" in the context of the overwhelming vote this I am honored to join together with CBWPA for our present and new educators. Moreover, year for H.R. 1872 in the House, the direction and the Denver metropolitan community in The Heart Transplant Support Group, his fa­ of policy desired by Members of Congress is recognizing Ms. Holliday, who continues to vorite among many affiliations, will remember clearly toward putting all companies on even serve both her professional and personal affili­ his diligent support to them after he became a footing and letting the marketplace decide win­ ations with strength, purpose, and integrity. heart transplant recipient in 1988. His family ners and losers. Our overarching goal is a will recall the moments they spent together freely open competitive marketplace bringing TRIBUTE TO JAMES D. BECK growing flowers and vegetables, feeding to an end the era of government sanctioned ducks, and attending football games near and communications cartels in satellite commu­ HON. CORRINE BROWN far. Dr. Beck will also be remembered for being considerate and compassionate, and for nications. OF FLORIDA always having a positive word about others. I want to commend the leadership and te­ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES He leaves to us his wife Jacqueline Bolden nacity of Chairman BULEY in ensuring that Tuesday, October 20, 1998 these important satellite provisions are in this Beck, who shared 41 years of marriage, his Ms. BROWN of Florida. Mr. Speaker, I rise daughter Juanda Beck-Jones, and grand­ comprehensive bill. I want to also commend today to pay tribute to Dr. James D. Beck, a the work of Chairman MIKE OXLEY, Mr. DIN­ daughter Elizabeth Anne Jones who I am sure friend and former college professor of mine. are very proud of him and his accomplish­ GELL, as well as our Senate counterparts. In He was a brilliant and outstanding educator ments as a family man and professional. addition, I want to also salute the work of our who devoted his extraordinary career to cre­ Commerce Secretary Bill Daley, for spear­ ating new frontiers in counselor education as As a former student of his, I am proud to heading this effort from the Administration and a psychologist while serving his community pay tribute to the life and legacy of this great for the excellent result we have achieved due and being dedicated to his wife and family. Dr. man. to his effort. Beck was a giant in his field and one of the October 21, 1998 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 27685 TRIBUTE TO HELEN WALTON 1.6 million members, and the company's deci­ eighth through the One Hundredth Con­ sion to provide these basic patient protections gresses. HON. ASA HUTCHINSON to its members follows its long-standing com­ During his tenure on the Committee on OF ARKANSAS mitment to quality care. I hope other health Foreign Affairs, Dante Fascell was instru­ mental in enacting an astonishing array of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES plans in North Carolina and across the country will follow Blue Cross and Blue Shield's nota­ bills that significantly advanced America's Tuesday, October 20, 1998 ble example and endorse the Consumer Bill of interest abroad. These included the creation Mr. HUTCHINSON. Mr. Speaker, I rise Rights. of the National Endowment for Democracy, Radio Marti, the Inter-American Founda­ today to pay tribute to a true philanthropist. During the 105th Congress, much has been tion, and the North-South Center. Congress­ Helen Walton recently made the largest single said about changes that are occurring in man Fascell also authored and advanced nu­ gift to an American business school in United health care and about how patients and the merous bills to improve international nar­ States history: $50 million to the College of doctor-patient relationship can be protected in cotics control and aviation safety, as well se­ Business Administration at the University of this sometimes unsettling environment. Gov­ curing passage of the Freedom Support and Arkansas. ernment has an important role in this, I be­ SEED Acts, the Fascell Fellowships, and bi­ This gift will enable the University of Arkan­ lieve, but it is even more important for insurers ennial State Department Authorization bills. sas to provide the highest level of business themselves to assume responsibility for the Dante Fascell was also a driving force behind and management education to Arkansans, im­ quality of their product and for the access of establishing the Commission on Security and prove campus facilities and conduct important their customers to the quality care they need. Cooperation in Europe. research. That is what Blue Cross and Blue Shield of We respectfully request you submit this In making this contribution, Mrs. Walton North Carolina has done in endorsing the nomination to the President to award Dante said, "This gift is about improving the lives of Consumer Bill of Rights. We should recognize B. Fascell the Presidential Medal of Free­ people through education, and we hope it will dom, pursuant to Executive Order 11085, in and honor this kind of corporate responsibility recognition of Chairman Fascell's exception­ improve the lives of thousands of students in when we witness it, and I am pleased to do ally meritorious contributions to the na­ the state of Arkansas." so today. tional security interests of the United Mr. Speaker, this country is great because States. of the generosity of Americans such as Helen Sincerely, Walton. I commend her for her gift. NOMINATING DANTE B. FASCELL BENJAMIN A. GILMAN, FOR THE PRESIDENTIAL MEDAL Chairman, OF FREEDOM Committee on International Relations. COMMENDATION OF BLUE CROSS JESSE HELMS, AND BLUE SHIELD OF NORTH HON. LEE H. HAMILTON Chairman, CAROLINA Committee on Foreign Relations. OF INDIANA RICHARD G. LUGAR, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES United States Senator. HON. DAVID E. PRICE CHRISTOPHER J. DODD, OF NORTH CAROLINA Tuesday, October 20, 1998 United States Senator. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. HAMILTON. Mr. Speaker, last week LEE H. HAMILTON, more than 100 Members of Congress signed Ranking Democratic Member. Tuesday, October 20, 1998 their names to a letter nominating Hon. Dante Committee on International Relations. Mr. PRICE of North Carolina. Mr. Speaker, B. Fascell for the Presidential Medal of Free­ CONNIE MACK, United States Senator. I rise today to commend Blue Cross and Blue dom. It is a measure of respect for Dante that Shield of North Carolina for becoming the first BOB GRAHAM, those names include prominent Republicans United States Senator. company in the state, and one of the first in as well as Democrats, and Members who the nation, to pledge its voluntary compliance know him only by reputation as well as many Sam Gejdenson (D- Matthew Martinez with the Consumer Bill of Rights and Respon­ close friends. CT) (D-CA) sibilities developed by the President's Advisory I submit the text of the letter and the accom­ David Bonior (D-MI) Doug Bereu ter (R- Steny Hoyer (D-MD) NE) Commission on Consumer Protection and panying signatures to be printed in the CoN­ Quality in the Health Care Industry. Jim Oberstar (D-MN) Ben Cardin (D-MD) GRESSIONAL RECORD. Dick Gephardt (D- Jim Barela (D-MI) The Consumer Bill of Rights sets forth eight CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES, MO) Bob Clement (D-TN) recommendations to promote quality and pro­ Washington, DC, October 14, 1998. Gene Taylor (D-MS) Solomon Ortiz (D- tect consumers in the health care system. The Mr. PHILLIP M. CAPLAN, Dan Miller (R-FL) TX) recommendations call for health plans to guar­ Assistant to the President and Staff Secretary, Hal Rogers (R-KY) T.J. Manton (D-NY) antee consumers' access to clear information The White House Washington, DC. Martin Saba (D-MN) Ellen Tauscher (D­ about their health plan, allow sufficient choice DEAR MR. CAPLAN: We write to nominate Donald Payne (D-NJ) CA) of physicians and hospitals, provide access to Dante B. Fascell to receive the Presidential Tome Lantos (D-CA) Gene Green (D-TX) emergency services and to grievance and ap­ Medal of Freedom. As Chairman of the Com­ Robert Mendendez Neil Abercrombie (D­ mittee on Foreign Affairs, Dante B. Fascell (D-NJ) HI) peals processes, ensure confidentiality of exercised strong, principled leadership for John Olver (D-MA) Peter DeFazio (D­ health information, and encourage participa­ our country during the final chapter of the Tom Barrett (D-WI) OR) tion by the consumer in treatment decisions. Cold War. He has the respect of Democrats Henry Hyde (R-IL) Elizabeth Furse (D­ The Consumer Bill of Rights also calls for an and Republicans and should be properly hon­ David Dreir (R-CA) OR) environment of mutual respect between con­ ored for his service to America. We believe Owen Pickett (D-VA) Jose Serrano (D-NY) sumers and the health care industry and rec­ that the Presidential Medal of Freedom Dave Obey (D-WI) Mike McNulty (D­ ognizes that consumers should take reason­ would be the most appropriate honor. Porter Goss (R-FL) NY) able responsibility for their health care. Dante B. Fascell, born in Bridgehampton, John Mica (R-FL) Karen McCarthy (D- New York, March 9, 1917, moved to Florida in Lincoln Dlaz-Balart MO) Congress tried to pass legislation this year 1925 where he completed his education and (R-FL) Lynn Rivers (D-MI) which contained many of these same patient was admitted to the bar in 1938. Dante Fas­ Ileana Ros-Lehtinen Bill Luther (D-MN) protections. Our citizens deserve these assur­ cell entered the Florida National Guard on (R-FL) Jack Quinn (R-NY) ances in the changing health care market­ January 6, 1941. Commissioned a Second Robert Wexler (R- Zoe Lofgren (D-CA) place, and I was disappointed that we could Lieutenant May 23, 1942, he served in the Af­ FL) Frank Pallone, Jr. not resolve our differences on this issue. How­ rican, Sicilian, and Italian campaigns of Jim Davis (D-FL) (D-NJ ) ever, it is very heartening to see that Blue World War II. Dante Fascell served as a Jim Leach (R-IA) J o Ann Emerson (R- Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina is member of the Florida state house of rep­ Gerry Solomon (R- MO) resentatives from 1950-1954. Subsequently, he NY) John Conyers (D-MI) taking the initiative to adopt fundamental rights served in the House of Representatives from Clay Shaw (R-FL) Elliot Engel (D-NY) and guarantees for its health care consumers. January 3, 1955 to January 3, 1989. Congress­ John Fox (R-PA) Peter King (R-NY) Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina man Fascell served as Chairman of the Com­ Chris Smith (R-NJ) Howard Berman (D- is the largest health insurer in the state, with mittee on Foreign Affairs from the Ninety- Dan Burton (R-IN) CA) 27686 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS October 21, 1998 Barney Frank (D­ Tom DeLay (R-TX) that seventy-five percent of those afflicted with RHODE ISL ANDERS HELPING THE MA) Marcy Ka pt ur (D-OH) an autoimmune disease are women. I doubt DOMINICAN REPUBLIC Carolyn McCarth y Joe Moa kley (D- MA) many of my colleagues are aware that multiple (D- NY) Nick Rahall (D- WV) sclerosis is twice as common in women com­ Nita Lowey (D- NY) Nan cy P elosi (D-CA) HON. ROBERT A. WEYGAND Denis Kucinich (D- P a t rick J . Kennedy pared to men. OF RHODE ISLAND OH) (D-RI) These statistics do not adequately reflect IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Billy T auzin (R-LA) Tom Allen (D- ME) how important autoimmune diseases are to Tuesday , Octob er 20, 1998 Don Young (R-AL) Ada m Smith (D-WA) women. The best available research suggests Mr. WEYGAND. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Bob Livingston (R- Henry Waxman (D- that autoimmunity may be the cause of 50 to thank the many people and organizations LA) CA) 60 percent of unexplained cases of infertility throughout the great State of Rhode Island Rick White (R-WA) Bob Borski (D- P A) and is also a major cause of miscarriages. But Alcee Hastings (D­ Rober t Ma t sui (D- who united to collect much needed supplies these numbers only hint at the pain and doubt FL) CA) for the humanitarian relief efforts for the vic­ John Dingell (D-MI) Gary Con dit (D-CA) experienced by women and their families as a tims of Hurricane Georges in the Dominican Louise Slaughter (D­ Norm Sisisk y (D-VA) result of autoimmune diseases. Republic. As you know, during the week of NY) Sanfor d Bishop, J r . The suffering of patients from the clinical September 15, 1998, Hurricane Georges tore Sherrod Br own (D- (D-GA) manifestations of these diseases and dis­ OH) Cor rine Brown (D- through the Caribbean. orders can be exacerbated by a lack of infor­ From a root of tragedy has grown a stem of Carrie Meek (D- FL) FL) mation and understanding. A recent study by Martin Frost (D-TX) Eva Clayton (D- NC) unity, especially among the Hispanic commu­ Charlie Rangel (D- Lois Capps (D-CA) the American Autoimmune Related Diseases nity. The relief supplies collected in Rhode Is­ NY) Norm Dicks (D-WA) Association found that two-thirds of all women land by local Hispanic churches and other re­ F rank Mascara (D- Ed Markey (D- MA) suffering from autoimmune diseases has been lief groups will go directly to the Dominican PA) Allen Boyd (D-FL) labeled "chronic complainers" before being Republic-one of the islands hardest hit by Jim Mor an (D- VA) Collin Peterson (D- correctly diagnosed. No woman should have Hurricane Georges. The residents of this is­ Jack Mur tha (D- P A) MN) to experience such insensitivity and lack of land have suffered tremendous losses in both Bob Weygan d (D- RI) Mart in Meehan (D­ awareness when seeking care for serious dis­ possessions and lives. The generosity of Anna Eshoo (D-CA) MA) eases. Rhode Islanders will help get these residents The Federal government is pursuing an back on their feet to begin rebuilding their NIH OFFICE OF AUTOIMMUNE agenda of research and education on auto­ lives. As the donated supplies grew in size, I was DISEASES ACT OF 1998 immune diseases. For several years, the Na­ tional Institutes of Health (NIH) has supported pleased to work closely with the Providence a multi-institute research program on the and Worcester Railroad and Sammy Sosa and HON. HENRY A. WAXMAN mechanisms of immunotherapy for auto­ the Sammy Sosa Foundation to secure trans­ OF CALIFORNIA immune disease. There is an NIH research portation for these much needed supplies. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES program for autoimmunity centers of excel­ Both the P&W Railroad and the Sammy Sosa Tuesday , October 20, 1998 lence. And last September, several NIH insti­ Foundation agreed to cover the associated costs of transporting the goods to the Domini­ Mr. WAXMAN. Mr. Speaker, I am pleased to tutes and the Office of Women's Health Re­ search initiated a research program focusing can Republic. P&W donated the cost of the introduce the NIH Office of Autoimmune Dis­ rail transportation between Rhode Island and eases Act of 1998. This bill is intended to pro­ on genetic susceptibility to autoimmune dis­ eases. Miami. In Miami, the Sammy Sosa Foundation mote discussion of how we can enhance the will transfer the goods to a cargo ship headed Federal government's response to the severe But it is clear that more can be done. The NIH recently established an autoimmune dis­ to the Dominican Republic. The Sammy Sosa impact of autoimmune diseases and disorders Foundation and the Providence and Worcester on our country. Most importantly, it is intended eases coordinating committee, to help facili­ tate the innovative research being conducted Railroad have made it possible for the resi­ to highlight the urgency of treating auto­ dents of the Dominican Republic to receive immune diseases as a priority women's health on autoimmune diseases. My colleague, Con­ gresswoman MORELLA, has played a leader­ canned food, bottled water, blankets, batteries, issue. clothing, powdered milk, medical supplies, and Today, there are at least eighty recognized ship role in this regard. The Congress has also dramatically increased NIH funding over other goods. autoimmune diseases, ranging from multiple This past Sunday, a sunny, beautiful New the past few years, with the expectation that sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis and lupus to ju­ England fall day, these groups and their volun­ autoimmune disease research would benefit venile-onset diabetes, scleroderma, Graves's teers joined together once again at the Pine from this trend. disease and thyroiditis. All of these diseases Street Railyard in Pawtucket, Rhode Island. and disorders are characterized by This bill would take these promising devel­ Everyone gathered to load the supplies that autoimmunity, the terrible case of the body's opments a step farther. Progress on finding had been collected since the Hurricane first immune system rebelling against itself. Fre­ cures and treatments for autoimmune dis­ struck the island onto the huge P&W boxcar. quently inherited, these diseases and dis­ eases would surely be expedited by a perma­ Forming a human chain, the volunteers un­ orders lead to death or severe disability, nent office at the NIH dedicated to developing loaded cars, trucks, vans, and pickups onto cause a painful loss in patients' quality of life, a consensus research agenda, as well as pro­ the car. With the help of all assembled, the and inflict a tremendous toll on their families moting cooperation and coordination of ongo­ long line of cars were soon emptied and the and communities. Collectively, autoimmune ing research. Such an office could serve as an boxcar was loaded to the brim. The energy diseases cause untold mortality and morbidity advisor to the Director of NIH and the Sec­ and enthusiasm of the crowd of workers was in this country, as well as billions in health retary of Health and Human Services, and act truly amazing, Mr. Speaker. I was most care expenditures and lost productivity every as a high-level liaison to the many important moved, however, to see Rhode Islanders from year. autoimmune disease patient groups, such as different walks of life-people who ·might not Yet last December, Acting Deputy Assistant the National Multiple Sclerosis Society, Amer­ otherwise spend the day together-joining to­ Secretary for Women's Health Susan Wood ican Autoimmune Related Diseases Associa­ gether to help those who can not help them­ observed that, "Despite their devastating tion, the Arthritis Foundation, Juvenile Diabe­ selves. human and economic toll, autoimmune dis­ tes Foundation and the National Organizations The following organizations collected goods, eases are among the least investigated, most for Rare Disorders. donations and delivered the supplies to the difficult to diagnose, and physically and emo­ I am introducing this legislation with the in­ departure sight in Pawtucket: WPMZ Poder tionally painful diseases that face Americans tention of fostering discussion. I look forward 1110; Gtech Corporation; Quisqueya in Action; today." to working with the NIH, the Administration Rhode Island Committee for Puerto Rican This is a terrible and unnecessary situation. and patient groups on it. Upon its introduction Statehood; Hurricane George Relief Fund; Even worse is that the disproportionate impact in the next Congress, I urge my colleagues to Centro Las America, Worcester, Massachu­ of these diseases on women is even less well support it as a step forward in the search for setts; Teamsters Local 251, Providence; recognized. Few people in our country know cures ,for autoimmune diseases. Teamsters Local 170, Worcester. October 21, 1998 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 27687

While many organizations offered their serv­ istr~tion end this doublespeak, and act now in its armed forces on the Syrian border. the ices, it was individuals who collected and Turkey. Administration did not condemn Turkey's boxed the relief supplies and then loaded Mr. Speaker, I also ask that the following action as a violation of the UN Charter arti­ them into the boxcar. While hundreds were in­ letter from the A.H.I. be inserted in the cle 2 (4) and a threat to regional stability. Instead it referred once again to the PKK as volved at some point, a select few deserve RECORD following my statement. a "terrorist" organization and called upon special recognition for their efforts. I am sure AMERICAN HELLENIC INSTITUTE, INC., Syria to " cease its support of the PKK." In I can speak for the residents of the Dominican October 15, 1998. effect, this denies the Kurds the right to au­ Republic in thanking the following for their tire­ HON. WILLIAM J. CLINTON, tonomy which we are championing for the less efforts. President of the United States, Washington, DC. Kosovo Albanians. Senator Jack Reed, Jennie Rosario and RE: DOUBLE STANDARD ON THE APPLICATION When in August 1998, President Demirel Jose Mendez with the Rhode Island Com­ OF THE RULE OF LAW TO TURKEY issued a statement claiming unspecified mittee for Puerto Rican Statehood, and Tony DEAR MR. PRESIDENT. The present crisis in Greek sovereign territories in the Aegean, Mendez with ·WPMZ Poder 111 0. Kosovo impels me to write to you once again the Administration made no statement con­ From the Providence and Worcester Rail­ on the double standard that underlies the demning this irresponsible irredentism of Administration's foreign policy approach to Turkey against an American NATO ally. road: Mrs. Heidi Eddins; Katherine Eddins; Turkey. At a time when our nation has in­ When in December 1997 the European Scott Eddins; Brett Eddins; Mr. Norbert voked the threat of military intervention Union unanimously found itself unable to ac­ Cabral, Sr.; Mr. Paul Arrighi; Mr. John over the application of UN Security Council cept Turkey's application for membership on Corrigan; Mr. Jerald DeMello; Mrs. Diane Resolution 1199 on Serbia, we utterly fail to the deeply seated grounds of Turkey's funda­ DeMello; Mr. Robert Kraemer; Mrs. Patricia apply the same standard of the rule of law to mental lack of normal democratic govern­ Kraemer; Mr. Larry Berg. Turkey. ance and adverse human rights record, the In addition, Mr. Art Sandoval from the The American Hellenic Institute is ap­ Administration took Turkey's side. Sammy Sosa Foundation deserves a great palled by and wholly condemns the violence When in early 1997 the Republic of in Kosovo. We welcome the Administration's deal of thanks. announced its intention to acquire a modest efforts to address the Kosovo crisis as being increase in its self-defense capability, the And last, but certainly not least, Mr. Sammy in the best traditions of our nation's moral Sosa. When we mention the name Sammy Administration created the S-300 con­ and humanitarian values. These values, how­ troversy by taking the lead in criticizing Cy­ Sosa we immediately think of the Chicago ever, as also under attack in Turkey where prus. It subsequently allowed to go Cubs player who hit a record breaking sixty­ the Turkish military is conducting a ruth­ uncontested Turkey's absurd interpretation six (66) homeruns. Sammy Sosa and his foun­ less campaign of ethnic cleansing and repres­ that this challenged the balance of power in dation have hit yet another home run , possibly sion against its own Kurdish citizens. Just as the Eastern Mediterranean. the most memorable one of all, especially in we acted in Kosovo, so our country needs to undertake similar efforts in Turkey in de­ The sad fact is that the Administration has the eyes of the Hispanic community in Rhode fense of U.S. interest and values. thrown its lot in with the Turkish military Island. Turkey's fourteen year war of terror controlled government. We supply them with Sammy Sosa is not only a true sports hero against its 20% Kurdish minority in Turkish the arms needed to oppress their own citi­ but a true humanitarian. Sammy has repeat­ Kurdistan is no secret. The Turkish armed zens, we take their side against the Euro­ edly shown that he has not forgotten his coun­ forces have killed over 30,000 Kurds and de­ pean Union; we fail to condemn their re­ stroyed 3,000 villages resulting in over two peated challenges to international law in the try of origin, and I am sure his country will Aegean and over Cyprus; we stand by when never forget him. million refugees. Ethnic cleansing has taken place on a vastly wider scale than in Kosovo. Turkey time and time again demonstrates it And yet our government does nothing. is the primary source of regional instability. CLINTON ADMINISTRATION'S DOU­ On Bosnia and Kosovo, high officials of our The explanation AHI is regularly offered government have repeatedly spoken out in for this bizarre policy that so obviously con­ BLE STANDARD OF FOREIGN protest. We have mobilized our armed forces. tradicts both American interests and values POLICY Over turkey the same officials are conspicu­ is that Turkey is a secular Islamic state and ously silent. that any alternative U.S. approach might HON. MICHAEL PAPPAS If, as demonstrated over the past weeks, risk delivering Turkey into the hands of Is­ lamic fundamentalists. OF NEW JERSEY we are ready to intervene militarily on be­ half of the Kosovo Alabanians, we should be Mr. President, this analysis is fundamen­ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ready to apply the same principles on behalf tally erroneous. The true fault line in Tur­ Tuesday, October 20, 1998 of the Kurds in Turkey. If we do not and in­ key is not between secularism and fun­ stead continue U.S. support for Turkey, then damentalism but between military rule and Mr. PAPPAS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to we are turning ourselves into an accessory to democracy. The Administration's current voice my concern on the Clinton Administra­ Turkey's massive human rights violations in policy supports the military and ignores de­ tion's double standard of foreign policy appli­ Turkey. This is a stain on U.S. honor. mocracy. In Iran we found at great cost that cation toward Turkey. I fail to understand why Mr. President, our country cannot live by this approach did not work. We should not the same policy that is now being imple­ double standards. In 1991 the U.S. went to make the same mistake in Turkey. mented against the Bosnian Serbs, who are war with Iraq to eject it from Kuwait. What The Turkish constitution affords the mili­ denying basic human rights and imposing is the difference in principle between the tary political powers far exceeding anything Iraqi invasion and occupation of Kuwait in than would be acceptable in the U.S. or other death sentences upon hundreds of ethnic Al­ 1990 and Turkey's invasion and occupation of banian women and children in Kosova, is not normal democracies. Instead of siding with 37.3% of Cyprus in 1974? There is none. In­ the military and its political and diplomatic being implemented upon Turkey. deed, the military controlled government of puppets, the Administration should support, For 14 years, the Turkish military has been Turkey is in violation of more laws than as does AHI, the brave Turkish citizens with­ conducting an inhumane campaign of ethnic Saddam Hussein in his invasion of Kuwait. in Turkey struggling for human rights and cleansing and oppression on its own Kurdish The Administration's vigorous actions and the rule of law. resolve in Kosovo stand in harsh contrast to people in no different a way than the Serbs A guiding principle in foreign affairs for are. The Turks' war of horror against the its willingness to support Turkey's repres­ sion (some would say genocide) against its the U.S. should be the words of President Kurds has killed over 30,000 Kurds and has own Kurdish citizens and to its unwilling­ Dwight D. Eisenhower in the 1956 Middle left over two million refugees without homes ness to enforce a series of UN Security Coun­ East crisis, when he condemned and reversed and lives. cil and General Assembly resolutions con­ the invasion of Egypt by Britain, France, The situations in Kosova and against the demning Turkey's illegal invasion and occu­ and Israel. In a memorable address to the na­ Turkish Kurds are unacceptable and must be pation of Cyprus dating back to 1974. Why is tion on October 31, 1956 Eisenhower said: dealt with swiftly, so that more innocent peo­ our country so selective in enforcing certain "There can be no peace without law. And resolutions and disregarding others? there can be no law if we invoke one code of ple will not die. If the United States military is international conduct for those who oppose ready to intervene in Kosova, then someone The answer, I regretfully have to conclude, is that the Administration is mesmerized by us and another for our friends.'' could ask are we ready to do the same Turkey. Consider the following recent exam­ The need for a change in our policy toward against Turkey? A double standard foreign ples: Turkey is critical in the interests of the U.S. policy is not good policy, especially when in­ When in October 1998 Turkey threatened Respectfully, nocent lives are at stake. I ask that the Admin- military action against Syria and mobilized EUGENE T. ROSSIDES. 27688 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS October 21, 1998 SENIORS' VIEWS OF SOCIAL 26 this year. Known as the Taxpayer Relief HONORING MONSIGNOR JEROME SECURITY Act, the -Republican tax cut plan will return to BOXLEITNER Americans 10 percent of the surplus in the HON. BOB SCHAFFER form of tax cuts, while reserving the remaining HON. BRUCE F. VENTO OF COLORADO 90 percent of the surplus to save Social Secu­ OF MINNEAPOLIS IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES rity. As a cosponsor of legislation to reduce IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES taxes on Social Security, capital gains, mar­ Tuesday, October 20, 1998 Tuesday, October 20, 1998 riage, and inheritance, I was pleased to sup­ Mr. VENTO. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Mr. BOB SCHAFFER of Colorado. Mr. port this proposal. Given the importance of Speaker, I rise today to speak about issues af­ honor and commend the work of an inspira­ this bill to seniors, I was surprised and sad­ tional leader from my district, Msgr. Jerome fecting senior citizens in my district. Recently, dened by the President's veto threat. I was contacted by several seniors' groups. Boxleitner. Msgr. Boxleitner, the executive di­ Tired of broken promises from liberals in Con­ Mr. Speaker, isn't it time Congress listen to rector of Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese gress and the administration, they have ap­ America's seniors? The groups I heard from of Saint Paul and Minneapolis, has recently announce his plans to retire after 35 years of pealed to the rest of us to save Social Secu­ this week have some great ideas. While Re­ social work and 21 years as the Catholic rity and provide much-needed tax relief. publicans have made strides toward tax relief Charities founding leader. In a survey taken by the United Seniors As­ and fiscal responsibility, I know we can do more. We must. Next year, I plan to use these I've been pleased to work with Msgr. sociation, respondents expressed grave mis­ Boxleitner on key issues such as homeless givings about the future of social security. The ideas and introduce a Balanced Budget Act and a taxpayer relief bill. I urge my colleagues shelters, hunger, and the social services which results of the survey are as follows: are so essential in meeting the needs of the to listen to their elders and join me in this pur­ Only 11 percent of respondents believe their vulnerable in out community. His profes­ suit. Social Security benefits will be safe and avail­ sionalism and personal effort has made a able for the rest of their lives. wonderful and enormous difference. Sixty-six percent of respondents believe that Msgr. Boxleitner worked tirelessly to build last year's budget agreement will not actually Catholic Charities, an institution which aids a balance the budget over the next 5 years. DESIGNATION OF THE NORTH/ variety of disadvantaged people, from the Seventy-two percent know that the Govern­ SOUTH CENTER IN HONOR OF homeless to troubled children. It is now the ment is spending surplus Social Security funds DANTE B. F ASCELL largest private provider of human services in on other Government programs. the Twin Cities, with 75 programs in 30 loca­ Eighty-four percent do not think that Con­ tions which are staffed by 600 employees and gress will repay the money owed to the Social HON. NORMAN D. DICKS 12,000 volunteers. Security Trust Fund without legislation requir­ OF WASHINGTON Msgr. Boxleitner rightly emphasizes the im­ ing them to do so. portance of taking the time to recognize each Mr. Speaker, these seniors have every rea­ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES person served by Catholic Charities as an in­ son to doubt the long-term solvency of the dividual, rather than categorizing them as just Trust Fund. Their benefits and their children Tuesday, October 20, 1998 one of many in need of help. Literally thou­ and grandchildren's benefits have been imper­ Mr. DICKS. Mr. Speaker, it is a great honor sands of people have benefited from Msgr. iled by uncontrolled spending. The national for me to support the passage of H.R. 4757 in Boxleitner compassion, selfless service and debt currently stands at $5.4 trillion. Each year the House of Representatives, which recog­ leadership. I have included, for my colleague's review, deficits continue because there is no Balanced nizes the many contributions made by our article which appeared in The Catholic Spirit, Budget Amendment to ensure responsible pol­ former colleague, Dante B. Fascell. icy. As a cosponsor and avid supporter of a the weekly newsletter of the Archdiocese of Balanced Budget Amendment, I was deeply This legislation names the University of Mi­ Saint Paul and Minneapolis. This article out­ disappointed when the President and his Con­ ami's North-South Center after Chairman Fas­ lines Msgr. Boxleitner's achievements and gress allies blocked such an essential reform. cell, and I believe it is a tribute that is well-de­ contributions to our community. Robert Myers, former Chief Actuary and served and long overdue. Having served with Msgr. Boxleitner is a truly great example of Deputy Commissioner for the Social Security Dante for 16 years, I know that Chairman Fas­ those who make the Twin Cities a wonderful Administration has stated that, "Regaining cell was the driving force behind the creation place to live. We are all richer for his friend­ control of our fiscal affairs is the most impor­ of the North-South Center, which has been ship, example, and service that he has so tant step we can take to protect the sound­ working for more than fourteen years to im­ generously given to our community. It is with ness of the Social Security trust funds. I urge prove relations between the United States, heartfelt thanks and gratitude that I wish him the Congress to make that goal a reality." Latin America, and the Caribbean. I think it the best of health and a well deserved retire­ Mr. Speaker, we can make a balanced only proper that the building he helped to ment. · budget a reality. We can save Social Security. erect at his alma mater, the University of [From the Catholic Spirit, Oct. 16, 1998] I pledge today that I will introduce a Balanced Miami, should bear his name. THE GOSPEL, ACCORDING TO MSGR. Budget Amendment next Congress and will do BOXLEITNER, IS WITH POOR Few members who have served during my Msgr. J. Jerome Boxleitner said that work­ all I can to see that it passes. For our seniors, tenure in the House have possessed the .un­ ourselves, and our children, it is imperative ing with the needy was where he found satis­ derstanding and appreciation for the nuances faction both as an occupation and in his that we gain control of our budget and ensure of foreign policy as Dante Fascell did. His priesthood. the safety and solvency of the Social Security memorable leadership of the Foreign Affairs " It was fulfilling for me- l think that's program. Committee here in Congress is his legacy, where the Gospel is, working with the poor," said Msgr. Boxleitner, who is stepping down Moreover, with fiscal responsibility, I believe particularly his strong views on U.S. policy to­ we can provide another much-needed service as executive director of Catholic Charities of ward Latin America and his deep concern for to our seniors-tax relief. The Senior Coalition the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis international human rights. And thus it is fitting has developed a straightforward six-point tax after 35 years of social work and 21 years as that the North/South Center will carry his Catholic Charities' founding leader. relief plan. It is as follows: name into ·the future, permanently recognizing On Oct. 13, Archbishop Harry J . Flynn an­ Repeal the earnings limit on Social Security; the many contributions he has made. nounced Msgr. Boxleitner's retirement, ef­ repeal the 1993 tax increase on Social Secu­ fective Dec. 31. rity benefits; reduce capital gains tax from When he retired in 1992, Florida lost one of Father Larry Snyder, Catholic Charities 20% to 15%; eliminate the Federal inheritance its finest Representatives, and the House lost associate director, will succeed him on Jan. one of its greatest statesmen. I wanted to take 1, 1999. tax, or "death tax," and make health insurance A priest of the archdiocese for 42 years, 100% deductible for small business. this opportunity today, now that the House has Msgr. Boxleitner was a parish priest for five Much of this common-sense plan was incor­ acted on the bill H.R. 4757, to express my ap­ years before pursuing graduate studies in so­ porated in the tax relief bill which passed in preciation to all of my colleagues who joined cial work at Catholic University of America the House of Representatives on September this effort. in Washington. October 21, 1998 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 27689 He earned a master's degree in 1963 and be­ ENERGY CONSERVATION gether in mourning was not only a murder. It came director of Catholic Welfare Services of REAUTHORIZATION ACT OF 1998 was certainly not only a robbery. It was an at­ Minneapolis. He led the consolidation of four tempt by two people to send a message to an Catholic social service agencies, creating SPEECH OF entire community. Catholic Charities in 1977. HON. TOM BULEY The alleged perpetrators of this crime made Under his leadership Catholic Charities no efforts to hide their actions. Mr. Shepard's OF VIRGINIA grew to an organization of more than 600 em­ dying body was not buried in a ditch. He was IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ployees and more than 12,000 volunteers. not hidden. He was not disguised. He was left Today, Catholic Charities serves men, Thursday, October 15, 1998 to die, hung on a fence in an ostentatious bid women and children in the 12 counties of the Mr. BULEY. Mr. Speaker, the House now for discovery. The message Mr. Shepard's archdiocese through more than 75 programs considers S. 417, a bill to extend certain con­ attackers intended to send is clear. Their mes­ in 33 locations. During the past year, Catho­ servation and export promotion programs au­ sage was that lesbian and gay people should lic Chari ties provided emergency services to thorized under the Energy Policy and Con­ not feel welcome anywhere, a message that 91,175 persons and provided social services to servation Act, the Energy Conservation and lesbian and gay Americans everywhere should 70,761 persons. Production Act, and the National Energy Con­ fear for their safety. This message is the "It's a good agency, and it's got a good rep­ servation Policy Act. wrong message in a democratic society. utation." Msgr. Boxleitner said when asked I want to begin by observing this legislation As Americans we have a moral responsi­ what he takes the greatest pride in from his enjoys broad support. The gentleman from bility to send our own message back. A mes­ years with Catholic Charities. Colorado, Mr. SCHAEFER, the Chairman of the sage that despite our divisions, we all hold in­ "What I like most is that the staff, the Subcommittee on Energy and Power of the alienable rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit board and the volunteers see the poor as Committee on Commerce, crafted this legisla­ of happiness. A message that we, as a coun­ peers not as objects of pity. tion closely with the minority, and the bill is co­ try and as a community, condemn not only "Sure, there is some of the thought that sponsored by Mr. HALL, the Subcommittee this murder, but all crimes perpetrated against there but for the grace of God go I, but the Ranking Member. The bill was approved by our fellow Americans for their race, religion, people of Catholic Charities have great re­ the Committee on Commerce by voice vote gender, disability or sexual orientation. spect for the people that we serve," he said. and passed the House under suspension on We have an opportunity to send this mes­ In announcing that Msgr. Boxleitner would September 28. Not one Member spoke sage by passing the Hate Crimes Prevention become director emeritus of Catholic Char­ against the bill when it was considered by the Act before we adjourn the 1OSth Congress. ities, Archbishop Flynn said the 67-year-old House. I understand the Department of En­ We must not drag our feet any longer. I urge priest would continue to be an advocate in ergy supports the legislation, as do many en­ my colleagues to pass the resolution con­ the community for several issues that he has ergy efficiency organizations. I commend Mr. demning Matthew Shepard's murder, and I championed throughout his career. SCHAEFER for working so closely with the mi­ also urge them to pass the Hate Crimes Pre­ "Msgr. Boxleitner opens our eyes and our nority and the Department of Energy on this vention Act now. Let's send the clearest pos­ hearts to the poor," the archbishop said. "He legislation. sible message that American values are the knows the importance of helping people to I support the bill. In particular, I support lan­ values of tolerance, non-violence, and equal­ self-sufficiency while never minimizing their guage crafted by the gentlemen from Colorado ity. immediate needs." that expands the use of energy savings per­ In March, Gov. Arne Carlson presented formance contracts, permitting Federal judicial Msgr. Boxleitner with a certificate of com­ SPEAKER'S RALLY FOR THE 105TH and legislative agencies-in addition to execu­ CONGRESS mendation from the State of Minnesota for tive branch agencies-to enter into these con­ outstanding service. tracts. That will cut the energy bill of the Fed­ " Msgr. Boxleitner truly epitomizes all that eral government and save taxpayers money. HON. NEWf GINGRICH is good in life," Gov. Carlson said . . The Government Printing Office alone esti­ OF GEORGIA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES "He is the embodiment of what religion is: mates that use of energy savings performance love, compassion and selfless service to man­ contracts will cut their energy costs by Wednesday, October 21, 1998 kind. And he tops it all off with a delightful $500,000 per year. Mr. GINGRICH. Mr. Speaker, the 105th sense ofhumor." I want to commend the Department for its Congress has achieved numerous victories for Earlier in his career Msgr. Boxleitner was aggressive support for energy savings per­ the American people. Among many other Minnesota Corrections Person of the Year as formance contracts. Recently, the Department things, we have balanced the budget for the chaplain at the state prison in Lino Lakes, a announced it had awarded contracts to seven first time in decades, kept funding in the con­ ministry he still continues. energy savings companies to begin capital im­ trol of local officials for their schools, passed From 1983--85 he chaired the national provements at Federal buildings in 20 States. strong anti-drug legislation, increased funding Catholic Charities USA. That group's cur­ The energy savings performance contracts en­ for the military, and passed tax cuts so Amer­ rent president, Jesuit Father Fred Kammer, tered into by DOE to date have the potential ican families can keep their hard-earned pointed to him as a national leader con­ of cutting the energy bill of the Federal gov­ money. I submit the following speech for fur­ cerned with the common good. ernment-and saving taxpayers-$3 billion. ther consideration of the accomplishments of " Msgr. Boxleitner's prophetic voice calling I urge support for S. 417. the 1OSth Congress. us to implement the social dimension of the RALLY FOR THE 105TH CONGRESS, OCTOBER 20, Gospel has won the respect of his peers," Fa­ SENSE OF THE HOUSE REGARDING 1998 ther Kammer said. " He built a strong local (By Ron. Newt Gingrich) agency. He also made great contributions on MURDER OF MATTHEW SHEPARD Mr. GINGRICH. It's truly disorienting and I the national level." SPEECH OF commend the other speakers. They got up The priest, who will continue to lie where here and looked out over a sea of eager he has for years at Catholic Charities' St. HON. DENNIS J. KUCINICH young faces and to see Bill Young and Bill Joseph's Home for Children in south Min­ OF OHIO Thomas in the middle of them is one of the neapolis, most recently has been instru­ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES more disorienting moments of this entire mental in developing a plan for residential Congress. (Laughter.) academies to serve at-risk youth. Thursday, October 15, 1998 The thought of the two of you as interns is almost beyond comprehension. And we can't Archdiocesan Catholic Charities board Mr. KUCINICH. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in support of this resolution. It is appropriate that get them up here. They both deserve a lot of chair Karen Rauenhorst said, " Msgr. credit. Blll Young worked very hard on the Boxleitner has not only served the poor of the House should honor Matthew Shepard in defense effort that we put in this year. And our community but has touched the lives of his death, and condemn the heinous crime Bill Thomas, an achillean effort working so many. I have been deeply impacted by his which took his life. with Mike B111rakis and Bill Archer and with commitment to living as Christ did in serv­ But I also rise to say that this resolution is Tom Bliley managed to get home health care ice to the widows and orphans in our midst." not enough. The event that has brought us to- included at the very last minute. 27690 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS October 21, 1998 And a very important home health care As Heather pointed out, we took the presi­ as a back-bencher offering his own budget (off-mike). I'm delighted both of you are dent's proposal. Look this negotiation took when all of us thought he was nuts and I in­ back here. (Applause.) nine days. clude myself in that group. We all opposed I want to drive home three messages and We could have done it the three if we just him. Came back as the ranking member then illustrate them for a minute because I caved. We took the president's proposal for a when we were the minority. Came back as think it's important that we recognize that Washington-based, Washington-con trolled, our budget committee chairman fought his politics at its best is an educational experi­ Washington-regula ted, narrowly-designed way through. And without John Kasich's ence. Despite the 30 second commercials and teacher plan. We broadened it out to include courage and charisma and effort, we would the some times mindless talk shows, the fact every grade. We brought it out to include not have a balanced budget today. (Ap­ is that the way a country grows over time is special education and special needs teachers. plause.) by engaging in the poll tical process. We brought Chairman Bill Goodling, who is Mr. KASICH. Now let me just say one thing. And there are three lessons at the end of an expert on the topic, into the room. If you think that Newt and I early on fought this year I think. The first is that this is an And we returned power back exactly as for a balanced budget, because it wouldn't be American victory. And I kept getting phone Heather Wilson said, to the local school done without Newt's help, we are going to calls from reporters and the president who board. We didn't say the Republican school have a huge, giant tax cut next year. And we was in the Rose Garden claiming credit for board. We didn't say the Democratic school are going to fight for it every single day the budget, and I wanted to set up a fight. I board. We said the local school board because until we get it done. (Applause.) wanted to say well, don't you want to claim we believe it is American to have local peo­ Mr. GINGRICH. So if my (off-mike) was that credit? And I said, you know, Republicans in ple working with local teachers to have local this is an American victory, and my second the Congress deserve five percent of the cred­ children get an education under local con­ point is it takes persistence, remember I said it for balancing the budget. The president trol. And that's a big difference in the two we had the contract. It took us through the under our Constitution had to sign the philosophies. (Applause.) summer of last year and January, I began agreement and he deserves five percent of The second point I'd make is that you get talking about four goals per generation. the credit. And 90 percent of the credit for major achievements by sheer persistence. We They were very direct. Win the war on drugs balancing the budget belongs to working, tax ran on a Contract with America. We didn't and violent crime, give us a world class sys­ paying Americans who sent the money to get it all. We learned that the Senate's not tem of education and learning, use the sur­ Washington. And that's what ought to be. always easy and the White House is far hard­ plus to save Social Security and modernize (Applause.) er. We learned the hard way in the fall of government to reduce its cost so we can ulti­ Well if you think about it, the things we've 1995 that the president, no matter how weak mately lower taxes so that no American paid tried to do for the last few years are the he is in the polls, nonetheless has a veto pen. more than 25 percent of their income in total overwhelming sentiment of the over­ And a clever president can use it well. taxation state, federal and local combined. whelming majority of Americans. Welfare re­ And we got back up and we kept moving. Let's look at this year. We will pass .to­ form according to " The New York Times" Three months after that, we cut $100 billion night the strongest anti-drug measure in the the week before it was finally signed into out of domestic discretionary spending. We history of the Congress. We will pass a sub­ law after two vetoes, 92 percent of the Amer­ passed the Freedom to Farm bill liberating stantial increase in interdiction money and ican people supported it. Virtually every midwestern farmers. We passed the Tele­ we will ban the federal government, block Democrat, virtually. every Republican, vir­ communications Reform Act. And five the federal government from distributing tually every Independent. It was an Amer­ months after that, we passed the welfare re­ free needles to drug addicts because it is ex­ ican victory that we were simply the vehicle form bill, and then we had the election of actly the wrong signal. You cannot have of the American people in getting their will 1996 and we campaigned on getting the job healthy drug addicts. The message we should through to a Washington, DC that didn't done, completing the contract, and in the send to drug addicts is, we want to reach out want to believe in the people. summer of 1997 we passed a bill to save Medi­ a helping hand for you to be rehabilitated The question of balancing the budget, care exactly as we had promised, without and get on drugs. Not we want to help you every poll for 30 years has shown that wheth­ raising taxes. We passed a tax cut, as Tom stay on drugs. But at least your government er you're a Democrat, a Republican or an pointed out, the first in 16 years, including will give you clean needles. I think this is a Independent, you thought balancing the $500 tax credit per child because we believe major victory in the right direction. (Ap­ budget mattered. The Republican party parents are better than bureaucrats and the plause.) through the Contract with America became center of raising children. (Applause.) Second, we began to insist on point after the vehicle for the American people's will We reduced the capital gains tax substan­ point on the basic concept of dollars for the and we moved from a three trillion, one hun­ tially, and I would suggest to you as you classroom of returning power back to local dred billion dollar projected deficit over 11 look at market turmoil around the world control and allowing the local community to years when we were sworn in as a majority this year, it's a pretty good thing the Repub­ really take a grip on their local education in January of 1995 to a one trillion, 650 bil­ lican Congress insisted on lowering the tax system. And we're going to continue in that lion dollar surplus over the same period now on investment at a time when we need to direction. And again this evening, · we'll be that we've had three-and-a-half years to get make sure that the investment community voting on an important step forward for our a job done. (Applause.) doesn't have the kind of problems it could second goal. But those lower interest rates that Heath­ have if we had liberal Democrats raising Our third goal frankly got postponed for a er described are a victory for every young taxes and imposing regulations. year. I'm sorry it did. I began talking with American who's going to college. The lower And finally, we got to a balanced budget. the president and working with the president interest rates that Vito Fossella described September 30th, we ended the 1998 fiscal in October of last year on saving Social Se­ earlier are a victory for every small busi­ year, and they will report in the next few curity. John Kasich and Bill Archer whom I ness, every family farm, every person who days somewhere a $71-75 billion surplus last saw a minute ago, both worked very hard. buys a home. All Americans are better off. year, that will go to paying down the na­ We've been working with President Bush and When you balance the budget, lower interest tional debt and setting the stage for us to President Reagan's economists. We think it's rates and have lower taxes because you don't save Social Security. (Applause.) possible to develop a program to use the sur­ have to tax this entire generation to pay the The bill we will pass tonight still provides plus to save Social Security by creating per­ interest on three trillion dollars in debt. So for over $60 billion in surplus, and if the sonal savings accounts for every person that that's an American victory. economy grows, I suspect we'll be above $80 pays the FICA tax so they can have a savings Strengthening our defenses for the first billion next year and I might point out, in accounts they control that has a tax free time since 1985 is an American victory be­ January when the Congressional Budget Of­ build up of interest of dividends with no cause every American should care about the fice was talking about an $8 billion surplus, Washington politician taking the money young men and women who have the courage I was saying they were way off and way too away from them. But frankly, in this kind of and the patriotism to put on our uniform and small. And all year they played catch up be­ an election year, with all of the other prob­ we did the right thing in the vote we're fore they got the $70 billion. And I noticed by lems that began in January, it was not pos­ going to have tonight in rebuilding our de­ the way that the architect of the historic sible to move that dialogue as far as we fenses, and as Tom DeLay pointed out, in es-. balanced budget act I think just walked in would have liked. tablishing a national missile defense. Be­ the room back there. Direct from Iowa I be­ I also repeat what John just said, because cause if we can save one American city from lieve, John Kasich come up here and join us I agree with him entirely. We fought for a a North Korean, Iranian, Iraqi or other mis­ John. (Applause.) tax cut this year. I am proud of the House sile, one city, that will be a victory for every If you weren't .. . I just read that you because we passed an $80 billion tax cut this American and the lives that we 'll (ph) lead were in Iowa. You were on a hiad (ph). Well year. That was the right thing to do. I am (ph) there because we had the foresight to in­ thanks for (off-mike). I just want to say, very disappointed that the Democrats in the vest in the right kind of defenses. And that's when I talk about persistence, no one can Senate and the president blocked us passing an American victory. (Applause.) tell the story better than Kasich who started a tax cut. October 21, 1998 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 27691 But I want them to know that very early sus that will reach out to every minority outstanding service to the nation's elderly and next year, with Chairman Archer's leader­ neighborhood that will count every Amer­ disabled. ship, we're going to bypassing a bill that ican because we believe we have a constitu­ 1 have been working with these constituents both saves Social Security and takes any tional duty to have a government effective to make reforms in the Interim Payment Sys­ extra surplus and turns it into a tax cut on enough and modern enough to count every tem (IPS) that was part of the Balanced Budg­ a very simple premise. The number one dif­ American in an actual enumeration as re­ ference between liberals and conservatives in quired by the Constitution. et Act. An unintended consequence of that Act American today is that we believe the sur­ Similarly, we're very proud that we've has been an unfair payment system that has pluses belongs to the American people who began strengthening defense because we caused a 15 percent drop in Medicare certified pay the taxes. They believe the surplus be­ think it's important that this country lead home care agencies in Oklahoma. Regretfully, longs to the Washington bureaucrats and the world. I'm frankly proud that the presi­ the complexities of the IPS have resulted 1n who ought to be allowed to spend it. And ev­ dent is working today trying to bring peace misunderstandings in Congress as we search erybody knows if you leave a trillion dollars to the Middle East. I am proud that this for a solution. sitting around here near AI Gore and Teddy president reached out in Northern Ireland. Kennedy, they will find a way to spend it. This week I received a letter from former And I can tell you from my own visits there, Senator Frank Moss who sponsored the origi­ So we're going to get it back home first to and my conversations there that without his save Social Security, and second as a very leadership and Senator Mitchell's leadership, nal Medicare home care benefit. His perspec­ large tax cut early next year. (Applause.) we would not have made progress. We can tive on and explanation of this benefit is en­ Our fourth goal to modernize government work together as Americans even when we lightening, and I would like to submit his letter in order to be able to reduce taxes and I disagree about basic philosophy or even for the RECORD. As we continue to work on mean modernize at all levels-state, federal when we have other problems we have to this issue in the next Congress, Senator and local to reduce all taxes combined to 25 work on. percent on the moral premise that in a free Moss's letter will help us move forward in find­ And so we believe that just as the 1994 elec­ ing a solution. society in peace time, no one should have to tion changed the direction of America, and work longer than Monday and half of Tues­ no serious person believes that the Demo­ SALT LAKE CITY, UT, day to pay their taxes. That the rest of their crats would have balanced the budget, cut September 30, 1998. week in peace time ought to belong to them­ taxes and reformed welfare if they had re­ Hon. JULIUS CAESAR WATTS, selves, .their family, their community, their U.S. House of Representatives, Washington, DC. mained in charge. Jim Traficant, a Demo­ DEAR CONGRESSMAN WATTS: Your assist­ favorite charity, their church or synagogue crat has said flatly, he tried every year with or mosque, their own retirement. That's ance, in a matter of great importance to the his own leadership to bring up the IRS re­ nation's disabled and older Americans, would going to be a big complicated job and it's one form bill. And they would never bring it up. that we're going to be enlisting every Repub­ be very much appreciated. I am appealing to It took a Republican Congress, it took Rob you to help save the Medicare home care lican committee chairman to work on. We're Portman as chairman of the IRS commis­ going to try enlist every committee to begin benefit, which is in grave jeopardy at the sion, it took Bill Archer as chairman of the very time when we need it the most. next year working with the budget com­ Ways and Mears Committee to pass IRS re­ mittee on this. You may remember that I was the sponsor And I've already been talking with gov­ form. So elections do matter. of the Medicare home care benefit. This And two weeks from today, this country came in 1965 after I had spent several years ernors, mayors, county commissioners, can vote for higher taxes by voting Demo­ school boards, because it has to be done at investigating nursing home abuses. We were crat or it can vote for lower taxes by voting looking for the best way to care for the every level including tracking the state leg­ Republican. It can vote for more power and islators. And we'll be having a conference in growing numbers of disabled seniors. Home bureaucracy in Washington by voting Demo­ care keeps families together; it keeps seniors December of state legislative leaders around crat. It can vote for more power back home the country to talk about how we can work independent in their own homes where they by voting Republican. want to be; and home care is cost-effective in together to reduce the cost of government at It can vote for a weaker defense by voting all levels so we can have a one-third cut in comparison to institutional care. I still be­ Democrat or it can vote for a stronger de­ lieve in home care so much that I volunteer taxes over the next 10 to 15 years so the fense by voting Republican. It can vote for American people can be working for their my time to serve on the Board of the local less effort on the drug war by voting Demo­ Visiting Nurses here in Salt Lake City, as room families more of the time and for gov­ crat. It can vote for a much stronger effort ernment bureaucracy less of the time. well as on the Board of our national organi­ Let me say finally, in addition to this on the drug war by voting Republican. These zation. being an American history, in addition to are basic legitimate philosophical dif­ You may remember that I devoted a sub­ persistence paying off, elections matter. ferences. And I think we've proven over the stantial part of my career to policing Medi­ There is a very big difference in where the last four years, it makes a big difference care and Medicaid programs. I am sending two parties will take America. I sometimes whether or not you're elected to try to move you a few clippings that capture this history. get distressed by our friends in the media be­ in one direction or another. I conducted more hearings and investiga­ We're think we 're getting our message to tions and authored more investigative re­ cause they try to reduce everything to gos­ the American people. And if we come back sip, scandal mongering and cynicism that, I ports on the subject of fraud and abuse than think is profoundly false for this country s and we're a majority for the third time, anyone. Among the legislation that I au­ future. which would be the first time since the 1920's thored were provisions that: (1) made Medi­ There is an enormous difference in the two in 70 years. We will have our marching or­ care and Medicaid fraud a felony, (2) created parties. We would go two very different ders from the American people to get some the Office of the Inspector General and the places. The Democrats legitimately stand for more American victories starting with sav­ Department of Health and Human Services, a big government, big bureaucracy, high tax ing Social Security and cutting taxes. Thank and (3) created State Medicare Fraud Units. vision of the future. There's nothing dishon­ you very much. (Applause.) Our committee put every part of Medicare orable about it. Charlie Rangel can defend it and Medicaid under the magnifying glass. eloquently. It is his vision of how America Home health care was unique. It was one works. More bureaucrats with more paper­ MEDICARE HOME HEALTH part of the many programs that had the least work based on more taxes from working BENEFIT PAYMENT SYSTEM amount of fraud and abuse. One reason for Americans. They have a model of big unions this is that the reimbursement formula that and big trial lawyers gradually wiping out I wrote into the Medicare home health law is small businesses and medical doctors. But HON. J.C. WAITS, JR. a veritable fiscal straight jacket. My most it's a rational model. And we need to honor OF OKLAHOMA recent review of Medicare and Medicaid con­ it by having honest debate and talking about IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES victions indicate that while there have been how really different the two parties are. Wednesday, October 21, 1998 a few highly publicized cases, the relative in­ We favor a smaller central government, cidence of fraud in home health is miniscule lower taxes, more free enterprise, more job Mr. WATTS of Oklahoma. Mr. Speaker, when compared with the record of the doc­ creation, more volunteerism. We favor wish to commend the staff members and ad­ tors, nursing homes, hospitals and other pro­ money being in the family rather in Wash­ ministrators who provide home health care viders. I still insist, however, that we con­ ington. And there are places we do think services in my home state of Oklahoma and tinue with our policy of zero tolerance for government has a powerful legitimate role. across the country. During the past year I fraud. I commend all Members of Congress For example, we want to census strong who have continued the oversight work that enough that it's accurate. That's not a weak have had the opportunity to work with hun­ was so important to me. government. dreds of dedicated home health care pro­ There is no doubt that we are on the verge We truly are prepared to work with the viders, and they should all be very proud ~f of a national crisis with respect to home Black and Hispanic caucuses to design a cen- and we should all be very thankful for the1r health care. To assist you in understanding 27692 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS October 21, 1998 what is happening, I include herewith, a list nursing homes or physician services. In my percent cut contingent. Any portion of it of questions & answers, which I have de­ view, we should recognize the fact that we that is needed will be employed to make sure scribed as myths and realities. There is no have cut the home care benefit by twice that the Medicare home care benefit does not way to get around the fact that 1200 home what Congress has intended, projected by exceed the ceiling established in the 1998 health agencies (1/8 of the total) have either HCF A at $37 billion instead of $16.2 billion CBO baseline. I helped create the Senate dropped out of Medicare or closed their doors from FY 98-02. Total spending for home Budget Committee, and was one of its char­ over the past ten months. The home health health in FY 98-Q2 is down from $127 billion ter members. I hope CBO will agree with my problem has many parts. The root, however, to $89 billion. I do not know how we can be judgments. is an element within the interim payment thinking of tax cuts when the burden of this The HERO legislation gives providers the system (IPS) called the aggregate per bene­ gift will be on the backs of the sickest of the breathing room they need until Prospective ficiary limit (ABL). Agencies already had sick-patients who need home care. I would Payment is ready. Because it sets overall their per visit costs limited. However, this argue that we should restore some of the spending limits and includes a Gramm-Rud­ new limit also spells out how much home cuts in home care by canceling the per bene­ man-Hollings-like trigger, it is clear to pro­ health agencies can spend per patient based ficiary limit, since the Medicare home care viders that this is not a signal to return to on their historical reimbursement numbers. benefit, to date-according to CBO (January business as usual. To do so means a swift Agencies that have been cost-efficient in the 1998) estimates-has already been cut by $9.9 crackdown from HCF A. Because payments to past are now being penalized. They may now billion more than the Congress intended home health are capped, there is no way that have a per beneficiary limit of $2,000 or less. when the Congress passed the Balanced expenditures can exceed budget limits and Other agencies who have been less careful Budget Act. It seems only fair to give some therefore, no way that home health spending with Medicare monies may have $15,000 or of this money back by repealing the per ben­ can trigger increased out-of-pocket costs, more to spend per patient for patients with eficiary limit. It is this limit which works such as increases in the Part B premium. Fi­ identical needs, in the same locality. It is against patients who do not understand why nally, HCFA should be able to administer easy to see why the aggregate per bene­ there is a limit in the first place and why it this legislation easily. It will require little ficiary limits are fundamentally flawed and could possibly be in hugely differing or nothing in terms of computer capacity. unfair. amounts depending on the agency that they This will free up resources to help solve their If our intention was to reduce the inci­ visit. Undoubtedly, the behavior the patients Y2K problem and point them in the direction dence of fraud and abuse, this new aggregate will exhibit is to try to shop for the home of developing a PPS plan for home health per beneficiary limit does exactly the oppo­ care agency that has the highest per bene­ care. What is best of all-this proposal does site. We are losing many of our best home ficiary limit. This, in turn, will have an ef­ not involve new spending. I urge you to con­ health agencies because they are at a com­ fect of raising overall costs to the Medicare sider the HERO approach. petitive disadvantage. To make matters program. With best wishes, worse, home health agencies were asked to C. Replace it with another limit. A final Sincerely, comply without knowing, with certainty, option, which has great merit, is to replace Senator FRANK E. Moss (ret.). what these limits will be. Nearly a full year the aggregate per beneficiary limit with an­ into the program, many agencies still do not other limit. One example might be a global know the exact dollar amount of their lim­ budget for Medicare home care expenditures, THE AMERICAN COMMITMENT TO its. Moreover, when agencies do know their which sets ceilings for spending each year HUMAN RIGHTS ON CYPRUS ABL, as computed by the intermediary in­ that cannot be exceeded under any cir­ surance companies who administer Medicare cumstances. This concept could be coupled for the government, they find that the per with a Gramm-Rudman-Hollings-like trig­ HON. BENJAMIN A. GILMAN beneficiary limit works at cross-purposes ger, which could be applied prospectively. OF NEW YORK with the existing agency per visit limitation. This mechanism would automatically ini­ Making matters even worse, HCFA has said tiate cuts if the Secretary of Health and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES that they cannot comply with the October 1, Human Services finds that there is any dan­ Wednesday, October 21,1998 1999, deadline for putting in place a prospec­ ger that the fiscal ceiling could potentially tive payment system (PPS) for home health be breached in any year. The advantage of Mr. GILMAN. Mr. Speaker, I would like to care under Medicare. This means the IPS, this approval is obvious. By substituting one share with my colleagues the following re­ with its lethal and unfair per beneficiary financial limit for another, the proposal marks by George Paraskevaides, a renowned limits, will be in place indefinitely. If all should be budget-neutral. One suggestion Cypriot businessman, concerning the situation this is not bad enough, another 15 percent that has been made is to incorporate the on Cyprus. Mr. Paraskevaides, a very good across the board cut in the Medicare home CBO 98 baseline as the ceiling. The essence of friend of the United States, as a citizen of Cy­ health benefit is scheduled to take effect on this proposal is included in H.R. 4404, the prus, has some excellent insights to offer with October 1, 1999. Homebound Elderly Relief Opportunity Act regard to why the American people need to be There are only three ways to fix the prob­ of 1998 (HERO), sponsored by Congressman concerned about achieving a peaceful and just lem with the aggregate per beneficiary limit. Van Hilleary (TN). Senator Thad Cochran Option one is to abandon the idea of using (MS) has introduced a companion bill in the solution to the Cyprus problem. agency specific costs as the basis for it and Senate, S. 2508. Mr. Speaker I submit the full text of Mr. use instead a blend of national and regional As I noted above, the repeal of the aggre­ Paraskevaides address to the 50th Annual costs. The second option is to delete the per gate per beneficiary limit is probably the Dinner Dance of the American-Hellenic cham­ beneficiary limit. Option three is to replace best way to go. This is a world apart from a ber of Commerce to be inserted at this point the per beneficiary limit with another cost moratorium, or total repeal of all home in the RECORD. control limit. Following are comments on health provisions in the Balanced Budget each. Act, or even a repeal of the entire IPS. It is ADDRESS BY MR. GEORGE PARASKEVAIDES A. Develop a blended rate. The idea is to a more limited and rifle specific application. Your decision to honour me with the 'Man set a limit based not on a home care agen­ I believe Congress should be content to save of the Year' award, on this your 50th Anni­ cy's historical costs, but upon some formula $16.2 billion from the Medicare home health versary Dinner Dance, has deeply touched of national and regional averages. My anal­ benefit, as planned, when the Balanced Budg­ me, and I thank you from the bottom of my ysis is that this simply will not work. No et Act was passed. We should return the rest heart. Please allow me, to consider this matter what percentages are used, some peo­ to the home health patients, the sickest of honour as extending to all Cypriots, both in ple will be helped and others will be hurt. the sick, who need it. This approach would and out of Cyprus, who are struggling for the You simply create different winners and los­ also allow Congress to cancel the forth­ liberation of our country. ers. The idea, by definition, is divisive. It di­ coming October 1, 1999, additional 15 percent Although not a resident of this great coun­ vides not only providers and patients, but cut. try, I am well aware of the success of your also members of Congress, the latter who can For those who insist on the strict defini­ business activities, which, in many cases, are be expected to endorse a blend that most tion of budget neutrality (and that home not limited to the boundaries of the United helps their part of the country. Under this health should be cut by more than $16.2 bil­ States. approach there can be no national con­ lion), the notion of replacing the per bene­ I am sure that all of you, Americans, sensus- to help New England is to hurt the ficiary limit with another financial ceiling Greek-Americans and Cypriot-Americans, Southeast, or vice-versa. Medicare is a Fed­ makes great sense. Because it incorporates are very concerned with the problems of Hel­ eral program that should offer patients and and makes an absolute ceiling of the Medi­ lenism. Among these, the Cyprus problem is provides alike a level playing field. care FY 98-Q2 CBO baseline, the HERO pro­ very high on the list of priorities, and I beg B. Repeal the per beneficiary limit. This is posal should be budget neutral. HERO will your permission to elaborate on this. probably the best option overall. There is no also blunt the effect of the pending 15 per­ I am of the opinion, that we all agree, that parallel limit in Medicare for hospitals, cent cut. To be more precise, it makes the 15 the Second World War was a disaster for October 21, 1998 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 27693 mankind, with millions of victims. We also Indeed, just the other day I received a letter refused to endorse bankruptcy reform legisla­ believed that such sacrifice would have re­ from a constituent and veteran, Walter tion which passed overwhelmingly with bipar­ su~ted in universal freedom, democracy, the McCostlin, which served as another reminder tisan support in both the House and the Sen­ Rule of Law, and respect for Human Rights. Principles that should apply to every corner of how much good Thelma has done over the ate. The conference report to H.R. 3150, the of the world. years. Walter wrote that "We are only as good Bankruptcy Reform Act of 1998, would have Regrettably, since the tragic events of as those with whom we associate and/or sur­ restored personal responsibility to our bank­ 1974, when Turkey invaded Cyprus, these round ourselves." Walter went on to say that ruptcy laws, protecting women and children, principles, which form the corner stone of "Mrs. Hummel's dedication to seek truth and small ·businesses, consumers, the financial the Constitution of the United States, and of justice, devotion to uphold traits expected of markets, state and local governments and all the Free World, have not been implemented government officials, and perseverance to taxpayers who pay a $400-a-year bankruptcy in my country. The Turkish occupation, with all its evils, still continues. safeguard [our] rights ... cannot be sur­ tax on goods and services. Now that the You are citizens of the United States of passed. Her attention to duty and persever­ groundwork for bankruptcy reform has been America; but you are also descendants of an­ ance while supporting and assisting constitu­ laid, I plan to reintroduce bankruptcy reform cient Greeks, and you carry with you the ents . . . characterizes her as an example to legislation next year. ideals of Democracy. You are more sensitive be followed by all legislative employees." I Despite economic growth, low unemploy­ to its principles, because democracy grew could not have said it better, Mr. McCostlin. ment and rising disposable personal income, out of the bones of your ancestors. The ancient Greeks, did not keep democ­ Mr. Speaker, the constituents of the 8th personal bankruptcies are soaring, reaching a racy and civilization to themselves; they Congressional District of Illinois should be record 1.42 million and costing consumers spread them, and taught them to the world, grateful and proud to have Thelma Hummel more than $40 billion in the past year. This through Alexander the Great. working for them . problem continues to worsen. In fact, the Ad­ Nobody can deny the great and important ministrative Office of the U.S. courts recently role that the Greeks contributed to today's reported the highest number of consumer civilization. The world, no doubt, is grateful TRIBUTE TO JOHN MORRISON bankruptcy filings ever in the last quarter. to Greece. It is my humble request, that you sustain Over the past decade the number of personal and even increase, if possible, the efforts of HON. MARCY KAPTIJR bankruptcy filings has doubled. the world Hellenism to help Cyprus resolve OF OHIO I am deeply concerned about the fact that its tragic situation, and reach a fair solution IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES we have had such a tremendous increase in of its national problem, for all its people, Wednesday, October 21, 1998 bankruptcy filings during a time of economic whether Greek, or Turkish, or other ethnic prosperity. When the economy begins to turn, Ms. KAPTUR. Mr. Speaker, over Labor Day minorities. I have no doubt that the misery absent reform, we will have many, many more weekend, John Morrison died suddenly of an and suffering brought about by the Turkish bankruptcy filings. The White House could occupation, have increased the desire of all apparent heart attack at his home in Dubberly, have played a part in preventing that-along Cypriots to live together against as friends, Louisiana. Across the country, his family, with encouraging basic personal responsi­ in a united and peaceful country without ar­ friends, and colleagues were shocked by the bility-but they chose not to work with us. In­ mies. news. His leadership and vision for all farmers Dear friends, the island of Cyprus, in the stead of taking the high road of reform, they will be greatly missed. For the past six years, center of the Eastern Mediterranean, can be chose to take the low road of political spin and John had been the Executive Director of the made into a shining star, which can help to emotionally heavy, but factually light, rhetoric National Country Poultry Growers. He had change the whole of the Mediterranean, so based on untruths about the bill. One can only that the people of the area can live in broth­ founded the organization due to his own expe­ presume that the White House is so political erly peace, for the glory of peace in the riences as a contract grower facing the unfair­ that they reject any Congressional, i.e. Repub­ whole world. ness of his contract and the control exerted by lican, idea out of hand, even if that idea is Thank you once again for honouring me the large poultry companies. tonight, and on behalf of my wife and family, firmly bipartisan, i.e. Republican and Demo­ and my fellow Cypriots, I wish you health, It was the commitment and leadership that John and other family farm organizations had crat. This political fact, obvious to all, is sadly happiness and continuous progress with noted. But, with the also obvious fact of in­ God's blessings. that prompted me to sponsor H.R. 2738-The God bless America and Cyprus. Family Farmer Cooperative Marketing Amend­ creasing bankruptcies, I urge the White House ments Act. Other colleagues have joined me to work with us next year to stem this tide be­ as co-sponsors. On one of the last days of the fore it becomes uncontrollable. There are a host of societal reasons caus­ A DEDICATED PUBLIC SERVANT session nearly a year ago, I met with rep­ ing more Americans to file bankruptcy includ­ resentatives of the NCPGA and national allies ing, divorce, gambling, credit practices, stu­ that are working together to increase support HON. PHIUP M. CRANE dent loans, health care expenses, and aggres­ OF ILLINOIS for this legislation in the countryside. That sive attorney practices. Congress should ad­ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES meeting was two days after the momentous dress each of these causes of bankruptcy as Wednesday , October 21 , 1998 defeat of fast-track legislation. I remain committed to working for passage they merit individual attention. After the Na­ Mr. CRANE. Mr. Speaker, I wanted to take of this legislation in the next Congress. It is an tional Bankruptcy Review Commission issued this opportunity before we adjourn to recog­ its report last October, the Judiciary Sub­ important step towards restoring social and nize the longest serving member of my staff, economic justice to an entire group of farm committee on Commercial and Administrative Thelma Hummel, for all the excellent work she Law-the subcommittee I chair which has pri­ families; those who are growing and marketing has done over the years on behalf of thou­ mary jurisdiction over bankruptcy legislation­ their commodities; whether poultry, grain, sands of Illinois citizens residing in Chicago's was tasked to use the Commission Report as hogs, or livestock under the excessive control Northwest suburbs. Thelma has been a case a starting point to formulate fair and effective of major corporations. This legislation will en­ worker with my office since 1988, and never bankruptcy reforms. The Bankruptcy Reform able farmers in their cooperative associations will you find a more dedicated hardworking Act of 1998 was intended to help people get to negotiate for a fair contract. public servant. She has had to contend with the relief they need-no more, no less-once the often frustrating task of trying to help con­ they have filed for bankruptcy. stituents work with the many various agencies H.R. 3150, THE BANKRUPTCY This legislation contains provisions en­ and departments which comprise our all too REFORM ACT OF 1998 dorsed by the National Association of Attor­ massive federal bureaucracy. neys General and child support agencies While Members of Congress often receive HON. GEORGE W. GEKAS throughout the country that close the "loop­ credit for the good deeds our offices may ac­ holes" which exist in bankruptcy making it OF PENNSYLVANIA complish in helping individual constituents, it is nearly impossible for ex-spouses to collect IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES our staffs which deserve much of the recogni­ child support and alimony payments. Current tion. My reputation, with respect to my con­ Wednesday, October 21,1998 bankruptcy law protects debtors and in some stituents, has benefited greatly from all the ex­ Mr. GEKAS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to ex­ instances places ex-spouses in competition cellent work Thelma has done for my office. press my disappointment that the President with other creditors, including the big banks 27694 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS October 21, 1998 and credit card companies. H.R. 3150 states priations Act. This extension is a positive sign sion that the extraneous remarks were agreed unequivocally that alimony payments and child that bankruptcy reform will be addressed to by the conferees who signed the final con­ support would receive the number-one priority again in the Spring. ference report. in determining which debts are repaid. Without As Chairman of the Judiciary Subcommittee Mr. Speaker, let me state for the record, this legislation, child support and alimony pay­ on Commercial and Administrative Law, I am nothing could be further from the truth. This ments will continue to rank seventh on the list committed to making bankruptcy reform a top extraneous material, which should have been of priority payments in a bankruptcy pro­ priority for the subcommittee during the 106th placed after the remarks of the distinguished ceeding, while payments to bankruptcy attor­ Congress. Over the recess, my subcommittee Chairman, does not represent my view per­ neys continue to receive the number-one pri­ will begin the process of redrafting bankruptcy taining to whether recklessness satisfied the ority. This legislation would have given added legislation and organizing hearings. The legis­ scienter requirement nor should it be regarded protection to families dependent on this in­ lation will revisit many of the issues we fo­ as the view of the Conferees. This was a con­ come. l.am disheartened and saddened by the cused on in this Congress as well as other tentious issue during the conference and dur­ fact that the White House would use political issues that have been brought to my attention ing discussion of the bill on the floor. Every scare tactics and demagoguery at the ex­ throughout the process. With signs of an eco­ work of the Managers' Statement on this issue pense of women and children on this issue. nomic downturn, which will increase the num­ was negotiated. The reason for this is the America's women and children deserve better. ber of consumer and business bankruptcy fil- Managers' Statement is the most authoritative Moreover, H.R. 3150 incorporates provi­ . ings, we will hold a series of hearings on a va­ statement related to the legislation. My col­ sions from H.R. 4393, the Financial Contract riety of bankruptcy issues, focusing not only league, Mr. Cox, an opponent of the language Netting Improvement Act to control systemic on consumer bankruptcies, but the impact of in the Managers' Statement conceded this risk in the financial markets. The current bank­ bankruptcies on business, such as the tele­ point when in his colloquy with Chairman Bu­ ruptcy code does not cover many new finan­ communications and health care industry. LEY he referred to the earlier Managers' State­ cial instruments such as asset backed securi­ Mr. Speaker, let me take this opportunity to ment in the 1995 Securities Litigation Reform ties which play a major role in the modern fi­ thank all of the Members, their staffs and the Act "as the most authoritative construction of nancial world. These provisions define these outside groups who spent countless hours the 1995 Act." new financial instruments, promoting liquidity working on this much-needed legislation. The Mr. Speaker, I highlighted this error because and legal certainty, two important components strong bipartisan support that we received on as courts and lawyers research the legislative of risk management. With the current insta­ this legislation is a reassurance that we will intent of this Act and review our actions as re­ bility of the global market, these provisions are enact fair and meaningful bankruptcy reforms corded in the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD, I urge necessary to provide market participants with next year. them to thoroughly read each reference to this certainty that their contractual arrangements legislation. It is essential that a bright line be will be honored, and to minimize the risk that drawn between what is included in the con­ the bankruptcy of one party to a transaction REGARDING CORRECTION OF MA- ference report, and those views which were will cause negative ripple effects in the finan­ TERIAL AFTER MANAGERS' specifically rejected by the Conferees of S. cial system. STATEMENT ON S. 1260 1260. The legislation also includes provisions that I'm pleased to report that the Government help state and local government save tax dol­ HON. ANNA G. FSHOO Printing Office has reprinted the October 13, lars by closing the loopholes that limit the gov­ OF CALIFORNIA 1998 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD and issued a ernment's ability to collect taxes when some­ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES corrected version. The Parliamentarian has one files bankruptcy. To the extent that debt­ Wednesday, October 21, 1998 corrected the Permanent Record of the House ors in bankruptcy are freed from paying their to reflect the true content of the Managers' tax liabilities, the burden of making up the rev­ Ms. ESHOO. Mr. Speaker, last week on Statement. enues lost must be shifted to other taxpayers. Tuesday, October 13, 1998, the House of H.R. 3150 includes language that ensures that Representatives passed the Conference Re­ local school districts, police and fire depart­ port of S. 1260, the Securities Litigation Uni­ HONORING STATE SENATOR ments, and a wide variety of community serv­ form Standards Act. This legislation, pre­ CHARLES D. COOK ices are given priority in bankruptcy pro­ viously passed by the other body, is expected ceedings to recover back property taxes. to be signed by the President and closes a HON. BENJAMIN A. GILMAN School districts around the country are losing loophole in securities litigation by assuring that OF NEW YORK money because they tend to be last in line to lawsuits involving nationally traded securities IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES collect back taxes owed by property owners remain in federal courts where they have tradi­ Wednesday , October 21 , 1998 who have filed for bankruptcy. It is unfortunate tionally been heard. I'm proud to have been that we were unable to enact bankruptcy legis­ the lead Democratic co-sponsor of this legisla­ Mr. GILMAN. Mr. Speaker, I wish to call to lation which ensures that more money is put tion. the attention of our colleagues a truly remark­ back into our. schools. During remarks by my colleagues on the able gentleman whose sterling career in public Under our current bankruptcy laws, women floor regarding S. 1260 there was confusion service is unfortunately about to end. and children, small businesses, school dis­ as to what was included in the joint Managers' Charles D. Cook was originally elected to tricts, and consumers are the losers when an Statement signed by the Conferees. The con­ the New York State Senate in 1978, having individual or business decides to file bank­ fusion was caused by the fact that in the previously served three terms in the Assem­ ruptcy. The conference report to H.R. 3150 House version of the Conference Report (pub­ bly. In his capacity as a State Senator, he be­ contains provisions that ensure that women lished by the House Commerce Committee in came one of the most respected public serv­ and children receive alimony and child support the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD) the final page of ants in our state, and by the time he an­ . payments; protect small businesses by simpli­ the Managers' Statement was omitted. This nounced his retirement earlier this year, he fying the process by which they collect pay­ error ultimately led to a statement made by ·was truly revered by his constituents and col­ ments from debtors; protect consumers filing Commerce Committee Chairman BULEY during leagues alike. for bankruptcy from aggressive attorneys; and floor debate on the final passage of this legis­ Charlie is a native of Deposit, New York, in ensure that state and local government do not lation. He clarified that omission of this very the beautiful upper Delaware River valley. lose tax revenues because of loopholes that important page was a clerical mistake. Educated in local schools, Charlie graduated allow debtors to avoid paying taxes. I am Another mistake was made in the printing of from Hartwick College. Soon after leaving col­ hopeful that we will be successful in enacting the October 13, 1998, CONGRESSIONAL lege, Charlie became the editor of a local these important reforms next year. RECORD of the final passage of the legislation. newspaper, having adopted journalism as a Nonetheless, I am pleased that Chapter The extraneous remarks submitted by Chair­ way of serving his neighbors. Except for a dis­ 12-a part of the Bankruptcy Code tailored to man BULEY were erroneously placed directly tinguished stint in the U.S. Army, he continued the special financial circumstances of farm­ following the Managers' Statement. These re­ his journalistic career until 1965, when he was ers-has been extended for six months under marks were then printed in the same typeface elected by his neighbors to the position of an agreement reached in the Omnibus Appro- as the conference report, giving the impres- Treasurer of Delaware County, NY. In 1971, October 21, 1998 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 27695 he was appointed commissioner of Social A survey of the Island reveals dramatic con­ ation, a consensus developed among the Services in that County, and was elected to trasts in both its landscape and wildlife. Trust supporters here in Congress. A legisla­ the State Assembly in 1972. Formed by volcanic eruptions more than 120 tive proposal was developed, in conjunction Charlie most especially made his mark in million years ago, Puerto Rico is small in land with the Governor of Puerto Rico, the Sec­ the State Senate as Chairman of the Com­ area-3,500 square miles. Yet it supports di­ retary of the Interior and my office to accom­ mittee on Education. In that position, he made verse biological communities including more plish this task with the proposal's funding clear his commitment to the young people, on than 3,000 plant species, 232 species of birds mechanism being tied to the rum tax that is which our future rests. Recognizing the need and numerous reptiles and amphibians. Many collected on rum tax entering the U.S. from to remain competitive on the ever-shrinking of these plants and animals are unique to the the Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico. A portion world marketplace, Charlie always adhered to Island. A large percentage are included on the of this rum is returned (covered over) to Puer­ the belief that education is the most valuable endangered species list, among them the to Rico and the Virgin Islands and it was with investment we make as a people. Puerto Rican Parrot, one of the most endan­ a portion of this covered over amount that the Charlie also served on the Committees on gered birds in the world. Trust would receive funding for a five year pe­ Agriculture, Children & Families, Crime Vic­ Puerto Rico's small land surface currently riod. It was the hope of me and many of my tims, Crime and Corrections; Health; Housing sustains 3.7 million inhabitants, a population colleagues to implement a solution in this and Community Development; Local Govern­ density of 1 ,000 per square mile, the second year's tax bill. Unfortunately, this did not hap­ ment; and Tourism, Recreation and Sports largest in the hemisphere. This is translated pen. Development. Charlie has long been active into approximately one million dwellings. There Under the excellent leadership of its Execu­ with the National Conference of State Legisla­ are 1.8 million automobiles and four times tive Director, Javier Blanco and its Deputy Ex­ tures, and served as Chairman of the Legisla­ more roads per square mile than on the ecutive Director, Jose Barreto, the Trust has tive Commission on Rural Resources. He is a United States mainland. It has been said that done a superb job with limited resources in former member of the National Advisory Com­ you can fit the entire population of Puerto Rico fulfilling its mission. With this statement, I want mittee on Rural Health. in the front seat of the cars on the Island. to assure my colleagues that, should I be re­ Charlie and his lovely wife, the former Doro­ Moreover, in the metro area of San Juan, the elected, I plan to continue to find an equitable thy Behrens, live in Delhi, NY, not far from his constructed acreage has increased from solution to the plight faced by the Trust so that birthplace. They are members of the United 10,000 acres in 1950 to more than 60,000 Javier and Jose can continue to do their good Ministry of Delhi, and are the proud parents of acres by 1994. work. a daughter, Linda, and two sons, John and In Puerto Rico, the history of land conserva­ Jeffrey. tion in the last century is scant. All major land Earlier this year, the political establishment reserves, such as the United States Forest TRIBUTE TO GEN. WALTER A. of our region was thunderstruck by the an­ Service Caribbean National Forest and other CHURCHILL nouncement that Senator Charles D. Cook forests under government jurisdiction originate would not be seeking re-election in 1998, from Spanish colonial times. During the past HON. MARCY KAPllJR choosing instead to spend more time with his 25 years the only significant efforts to pre­ OF OHIO family. While we are losing an outstanding leg­ serve critical land resources has been con­ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES islator, leader and community servant, we rec­ ducted by the Conservation Trust. Even with Wednesday, October 21, 1998 ognize that few persons have done more to this active role, only 5% of the Island of Puer­ earn retirement than has Charlie Cook. to Rico is under some protection by either fed­ Ms. KAPTUR. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Mr. Speaker, I urge our colleagues to join eral or local conservation agencies or by the honor a true patriot and outstanding American, with me in saluting a true, dedicated official, Trust. This number is half the percentage of Gen. Walter A. Churchill. On September 21, and extend to Charlie and Dorothy our best the United States and less than 25% that of 1998, Gen. Churchill lost his battle to a series wishes for a long, happy, healthy and produc­ Costa Rica. The Trust is the only real entity in­ of debilitating strokes and passed away at the tive retirement. volved in land acquisition projects for con­ age of 94. He was a friend to us all. Yes, he servation in Puerto Rico. was a demanding General but even more he was a compassionate human being. SAVING THE CONSERVATION In the original plan, the Trust was funded by Enlisting in the Marine Corps at the young TRUST FUND OF PUERTO RICO a fee imposed by the Secretary of the Interior on the petroleum industry operating on the Is­ age of nineteen, Gen. Churchill remains one land. This financial arrangement existed for of only a few to rise to the rank of Marine HON. PHIUP M. CRANE approximately 10 years but, as the industry Corps General. He retired on December 1, OF ILLINOIS left the Island, a new source of funding be­ 1963, following 41 years and eight days of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES came necessary. In the mid-1980s to mid- service to our country. In addition to his active Wednesday, October 21, 1998 1990s that source became Section 936 of the membership in the Marine Corps League, Mr. CRANE. Mr. Speaker, before we ad­ Internal Revenue Code and the so-called Gen. Churchill established himself as a local journ I would like to address an issue that I re­ QPSII (Qualified Possession Source Invest­ political leader and a successful businessman gret we have been unable to resolve in this ment Income) provision of that law. This al­ in our district. Congress. I am speaking about the plight of lowed the Trust to ultimately generate an in­ Gen. Churchill knew how to build community the Conservation Trust Fund of Puerto Rico. come that reached a peak of $10 million annu­ and a better future. He followed in the foot­ The Conservation Trust was created in 1968 ally. In 1993, the Trust realized that Section steps of his father and uncle in 1917, and through a memorandum of understanding be­ 936 might have a finite life span and halted all managed a successful grocery business in tween the Department of the Interior and the major property acquisitions and capital im­ northwest Ohio. He became the national lead­ Government of Puerto Rico. The people of provements. The Trust started saving money er in one stop shopping in 1971, when he Puerto Rico are the sole beneficiary of the to build an endowment to fund the Trust in fu­ opened the Monroe Street store. Always an in­ Trust which was created to carry out a con­ ture years. It was estimated that approximately novator in the business world, Mr. Churchill servation plan for the protection and enhance­ $80 million would need to be accumulated to has provided countless numbers of young ment of the ·natural resources and beauties of achieve this goal. To this day roughly $30 mil­ people with the opportunity to earn money Puerto Rico. In this area the Trust has been lion has been saved. while attending college, and many retirees highly successful, blending both environmental Unfortunately, Section 936, which did much have found employment in his stores to sup­ and historical sites in a manner that preserves to raise the standard of living in Puerto Rico plement their retirement income. He was al­ them for generations to come. and expand employment opportunities ways helping others. The Trust Fund has accomplished this at a throughout the Island, was phased out, over Mr. Churchill served as a loyal member of time when the natural resources of Puerto my objections, by Congress in 1996. With the the Toledo Rotary Club where he maintained Rico are shrinking rapidly under pressure from elimination of Section 936, the Trust was left 37 years of perfect attendance. He served on urban development and population growth. without a source of income to continue the the Board of Directors of the Toledo Better Even mountains, once inaccessible, are now savings program. Several alternatives were Business Bureau, the Toledo Small Business impacted by new construction. explored and, after a great deal of consider- Association, and he served as president of the 27696 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS October 21, 1998 National Association of Retail Grocers. He Laurie Flaherty was awarded the Lifetime orous application process, these students will was not just a member of these organizations Achievement Award from the Emergency be eligible for one of 2,400 National Merit but he was an activist. On many occasions, he Nurses Association and inducted into its Nurs­ Scholarships, worth $2,000. The Merit Scholar traveled to Washington, DC to bring his views ing Hall of Fame last month at its annual con­ winners will be announced next spring. on national issues to those serving in elected vention in Denver, Colorado. This is an honor Having more National Merit Scholar life. He always came with a twinkle in his eye that has been bestowed on only twelve other semifinalists than every public and private and a remarkable zest for life. , nurses in the history of the organization. This school in Texas underscores that Bellaire High Gen. Churchill's commitment to his employ­ great honor is a fitting recognition of the con­ School is a premiere institution of learning, ees and our community, and his love for our tributions Laurie Flaherty has made to the pro­ where students work hard and take pride in country will be missed by all who had the fession of nursing and to the health and wel­ their accomplishments. The teachers, school pleasure to know him. A mighty oak fell when fare of our nation's citizens. administration, parents, and community are he passed from this life. The Emergency Nurses Association drew doing an extraordinary job preparing these On behalf of our entire community, we ex­ special attention to Laurie Flaherty's roles as young men and women to take their place in tend deepest sympathy to the family and a teacher and author in pediatric emergency the world. This is what is possible when teach­ friends of Gen. Walter A. Churchill. He was care. Association members extolled her work ers demand excellence and parents and stu­ "always faithful." at the Department of Transportation where dents place a high value on academic excel­ she designed and implemented a national lence. Bellaire High reflects a level of aca­ strategy for safety programs. And finally, the demic success that is becoming Houston Inde­ PENNSYLVANIA SENIORS NEED Association chose Laurie Flaherty to receive pendent School District's trademark. MORE RELIEF WHEN IT COMES these honors because she has never stopped Mr. Speaker, I congratulate the National TO HOME HEALTH CARE being an emergency staff nurse. Whether in a Merit Scholar semifinalists at Bellaire High helicopter in Wisconsin, in an ambulance in School: Ramsey Ashour, Averille Asprec, HON. GEORGE W. GEKAS Santa Clara County, California, or now work­ Jason Barnard, Adam Block, Patrick Bloom, OF PENNSYLVANIA ing at Suburban Hospital in Maryland, Laurie Andrew Cheung, Jonathan Chung, Lindsay IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Flaherty has never forgotten that an emer­ Derman, Kevin Elias, Dan Feng, Brian Foo, gency nurse must ultimately take care of those Christina Fu, Emily Gray, Michael Hollington, Wednesday, October 21,1998 in need, one patient at a time. Jane Hu, Ana Islam, Risha lsrani, Irwin Law, Mr. GEKAS. Mr. Speaker, while today I gen­ Mr. Speaker, when the ENA honored Laurie Dennis Lee, Amy Len, Nicholas Lindsay, Mi­ erally support home health care measures Flaherty it was most fitting that they under­ chael Lipnick, Simon Lu, Amir Marouni, Maria added to H.R. 4238, the Omnibus Appropria­ scored her care and compassion for children. McKeehan, Uzochukwu Odili, Jeremy Rahe, tions Conference Report, this solution actually In addition to her expertise and experience in Suzanne Sacher, Brett Solomon, Gregory does little to relieve the enormous cost being pediatric care, Laurie Flaherty's love and dedi­ Stoll, Angel Sun, Harriet Sun, Karla Sussman, borne by Pennsylvania's senior citizens and cation to her daughter, Megan Flaherty, is a Andrew Swaffar, Erin Tavgac, Margie Teng, the home health agencies that serve them. testament to what she considers one of her Millie Thomas, David Tsai, Stanley Tsao, Irene Pennsylvania is particularly affected due to the greatest lifetime achievements. Tung, Craig Wellington, Beverly Wind, Diana fact that it has one of the largest elderly popu­ Mr. Speaker, Laurie Flaherty represents the Yang, Ethan Yeh, and Chendi Zhang. lations in the country. According to home best of a group of professionals that give their Additionally, I would like to congratulate an­ health agencies in my district, the interim pay­ all to us every day in the emergency depart­ other National Merit Scholar semifinalist, Jen­ ment system will eliminate approximately ments and trauma centers across our nation. nifer Guest of Westbury High School, which is 294,500 visits to home bound senior citizens We are exceedingly grateful to them, and .also in the 25th Congressional District. in Pennsylvania, a federal savings of $486 mil­ today I'm especially proud to have you and lion at the expense of Pennsylvania's elderly our colleagues in the House of Representa­ during the first year of the interim payment TRIBUTE TO REVEREND RUBEN tives Join me in congratulating Laurie Flaherty, DARIO COLON system. The current proposed interim payment R.N., M.S., and C.E.N. on reeeiving this pres­ system will restore only about 15 percent of tigious recognition from her peers. the dollars taken from Pennsylvania beginning HON.JOSEE.SERRANO in FY 2000. The new agreement is reported to OF NEW YORK cost $1.65 billion with $900 million to come HONORING BELLAIRE HIGH IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES from home health providers themselves by re­ SCHOOL'S MERIT SCHOLAR Wednesday, October 21, 1998 ducing future inflation factors. Thus, only $750 SEMIFINALISTS Mr. SERRANO. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to million is new home health funding. Ironically, pay tribute to Rev. Ruben Dario Colon, one of the contributions of Pennsylvania seniors (85 HON. KEN BENTSEN the longest serving members of Community percent of $486 million) is $413 million more OF TEXAS Board #4 in the Bronx, who will be retiring than half of the additional funding provided na­ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES from the Board this month after years of serv­ tionwide beginning in the second year of the Wednesday, October 21,1998 ice. interim payment system. This is a total injus­ Born in Puerto Rico, Rev. Colon attended tice to the people of Pennsylvania. This issue Mr. BENTSEN. Mr. Speaker, I rise to honor the University of Puerto Rico and the Theo­ must be re-addressed next year to help elimi­ the 45 National Merit Scholarship Semifinalists logical Seminary of Puerto Rico and, in 1947 nate the enormous burden placed on Penn­ at Bellaire High School in Bellaire, Texas. This he married Ms. Ramonita Orabona, with whom sylvania's seniors and home health agencies. is the most of any school in Texas and more he had a son and a daughter. than all but seven in the Nation. In the United States, he obtained a bach­ Every year, the National Merit Scholarship elor's degree from Adelphi University. He also IN HONOR OF LAURIE FLAHERTY Corporation awards approximately 7,000 holds a Master of Divinity from the Lutheran scholarships worth $28 million for under­ Theological Seminary and a Master of Social HON. ANNA G. ESHOO graduate study. Becoming a National Merit Work from Fordham University. OF CALIFORNIA Semifinalist is an extraordinary accomplish­ Rev. Colon was ordained in 1950. He has IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ment. Some 1.2 million high school juniors served at Evangelical Lutheran Church of the enter the competition by taking the Preliminary Resurrection since 1959 and became its Pas­ Wednesday, October 21,1998 Scholastic Aptitude (PSAT)/National Merit tor in 1968. His ministry is faithfully committed Ms. ESHOO. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Scholarship Qualifying Test. To become a to bringing spiritual enlightenment to the com­ honor Laurie Flaherty, a distinguished emer­ semifinalist, a student must score high enough munity. In addition, he serves as the highest gency nurse, who has resided and practiced on the PSA T to be in the top one percent of ranking Hispanic Chaplain of the New York her profession in my congressional district and all scores in Texas. City Police Department and also serves as who has been recognized by her peers with Next, the students will compete to become Chaplain at the Bronx Veterans Administration an extraordinary Award. National Merit Finalists. If selected after a rig- Hospital. October 21, 1998 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 27697 As a psychiatric social worker, Rev. Colon [From the Miami Herald, Oct. 18, 1998] THOUSANDS SIGN UP has provided psychiatric therapy for adults and COLLEGE CRUSADER-DEVELOPER PAVES ROAD When the first enrollment period ended in families at many institutions, including Cov­ TO EDUCATION January 1989, the Florida Prepaid College enant House and the Bronx Psychiatric Cen­ (By Jack Wheat) Program had sold 58,651 contracts-below Florida's prepaid college tuition program Tate's initial expectation of 100,000 but far ter. He was organizer and President of the more than skeptics ever imagined. New York City Puerto Rican Community Chil­ kicks off its second decade on Monday as the Tate, 70, said he had highly personal rea­ drens Hospital. He is a member of the Board most successful plan of its kind in America, sons for his crusade as well as general prin­ of the Morrisania Diagnostic and Treatment allowing Floridians to pay for a child's fu­ ciple. ture college tuition at today's cheaper rates. Attending the University of Florida in the Center of the New York City Health and Hos­ The Florida Prepaid College Program is pitals Corporation. 1940s was one of the toughest ordeals of his considered such a good deal that more than life, he said in an interview last week. The professional, religious and civic organi­ 375,000 children, from birth to high school The son of a tung-oil dealer from Miami zations to which Rev. Colon belongs, like the age, were signed up in the first 10 years. Beach, he was the first in his family to go to honors and awards he has been given are al­ In hindsight, that kind of popularity seems college. He worked at Gainesville's Primrose most beyond counting. Among the many hon­ a foregone conclusion. After all, it's possible Inn restaurant for tips and meals. For two ors bestowed upon him, Rev. Colon is the first to buy a contract that will allow a fourth­ years, he couldn't go home for Christmas grader to attend a state university in 2007 for Puerto Rican to receive the Silver Medal of break; otherwise he would have lost his job. slightly less than what this year's under­ That experience illustrated how deeply he the Academic Society of Arts, Science and Lit­ graduates pay. values a college education. erature of France. But the program's success is a civic Cin­ "I have always said that if this state is Reverend Colon has lived to help those who derella story, in which a real-life godfather going to prosper, we've got to have more of have needed him. His long and fruitful career came in the rescue: our young people going to college and stay­ as a pastor, counselor, chaplain and commu­ Meet Stanley G. Tate, a millionaire Miami ing in Florida," Tate said. nity activist has touched thousands of individ­ developer whose iron will and deep pockets As a developer who built a real-estate em­ pire in Florida and South Carolina, he knows uals in our community. Reverend Colon has made a winner out of a little-known program that looked like it was going nowhere when that a large pool of highly educated workers been an outstanding leader and a great role contracts first went on sale in 1988. is a magnet for industries and corporate op­ model, not only to the organizations he has "There were a lot of people who were say­ erations. They buy prime property and con­ served so well but also to the Hispanic com­ ing it would never fly," said Tallahassee law­ struct upscale facilities and pay well. Their munity and other religious organizations. yer Philip Blank, general counsel for the employees buy nice houses, cars and boats, As it is written in Hebrews 6:10 "for God is program. "But when Stanley was appointed and they get involved in civic and cultural not unjust; he will not forget your work and the to the board, he took it to mean he needed to life, making communities stronger, he said. love you have shown him as you have helped do what he would do with his own private A POLITICAL FIGURE business.'' He was a case in point. He graduated from his people and continue to help them." The Florida was the second state to try a pre­ community, too, recognizes him and is hon­ UF, came back to Dade, built a home in Bay paid tuition program. The first, Michigan, Harbor Islands, served 20 years in Bay Har­ oring him. was struggling through a troubled start-up. bor Islands government as a councilman, Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me Although the Florida legislature approved vice mayor and mayor. He also became a fix­ in recognizing Rev. Ruben Dario Colon for his the program over-whelmingly in 1987, its ture in Republican politics, but worked com­ remarkable career serving the community and staff was instructed to watch its progress fortably with Democrats, too. bringing hope to the many individuals he has closely for signs of trouble. In 1993, President Clinton nominated Tate touched. While he is leavi11g Community Tate knew it was sound because he helped as chief executive officer of the Resolution design the plan from ground up. Trust Corp., which was charged with clean­ Board #4, I am confident that Reverend Colon, In 1986, Gov. Bob Graham asked him to ing up the national savings-and-loan mess. a wise and talented leader will, continue serv­ work with the legislative staff to develop a He spent five months in Washington pre­ ing our community. program like one just started in Michigan. paring to move into the job, but returned to Tate and the staff learned from Michigan's Miami when the Senate would not set con­ glitches and put together a program of guar­ firmation hearings. TRIBUTE TO STANLEY G. TATE­ anteed prepayment of future university and Tate's critics accused him of trying to get MAKING HIGHER EDUCATION community college tuition. involved in details of agency decision-mak­ ing on behalf of friends and politicians. Tate, POSSIBLE FOR HUNDREDS OF The next year, Gov. Bob Martinez ap­ THOUSANDS OF FLORIDA'S CHIL­ however, believes he was a victim of sniping pointed Tate to the prepaid college plan from insiders who objected to the strong DREN board, and he became its first-and so far, hands-on management methods he believed only-chairman. were necessary to identify and correct prob­ HON. CARRIE P. MEEK STATEWIDE CAMPAIGN lems in the troubled regulatory agency. OF FLORIDA In 1988, with initial sales significantly In any event, in Tate's mind, all of his IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES lower than he had predicted, Tate feared other civic achievements pale in significance that the program would die the uncere­ to the prepaid program. · Wednesday, October 21, 1998 monious death of new products that are la­ "When you think of all the many thou­ Mrs. MEEK of Florida. Mr. Speaker, in 1987, beled duds. sands of college educations we've helped with my strong support, the Florida Legislature So he put his business and personal life on make possible, that's a real legacy," he said. The program succeeds because it lets fami­ created the Florida Prepaid Postsecondary hold and started barnstorming. "I went all over the state, from Pensacola on down," lies work together to the benefit of Education Expense Program to allow families Tate said. everybody's children, said Tate, who has en­ to prepay college tuition and housing ex­ During a three-month crusade, he visited rolled all of his Florida grandchildren. penses for their children at a lower rate than local school boards and state education offi­ A MATTER OF MATH the projected costs at the time of enrollment. cials, promising he would get program pam­ He knew the plan could work after he saw Florida was only the second state to try phlets to every school that would distribute two sets of figures, he said: such an innovative program. Today it is a run­ them to kids to take home to their parents. From 1967 to 1987, state university tuition away success, thanks largely to the Chairman " I printed up two million pamphlets," he rose an average of 7 percent a year. During of the Board of the Florida Prepaid Postsec­ said. the same period, stocks and bonds earned an The fledging program paid for as many as ondary Education Expense Program, Stanley average of 7.5 percent a year. The statistics it could. The plan, starting up with $600,000 showed that if parents, grandparents and G. Tate, whose brilliant leadership and per­ borrowed from a state insurance fund, other benefactors paid into the plan at cur­ sonal commitment have made Florida's pre­ couldn't pay for them all. rent tuition rates, a well-run investment paid college tuition program the most success­ Barnett Bank donated ad agency services, would make their money grow enough to ful in the nation. and Tate wrote checks to TV and radio sta­ ·cover future tuition increases. Stanley Tate deserves the congratulations tions around the state to broadcast spots. He Tate predicts the recent erratic stock and and thanks of every Floridian, and I join with paid all his travel costs, too. bond markets will stimulate a surge of inter­ our community in saluting him. The Miami He estimates his campaign cost him est in prepaid tuition this year. $200,000 out of pocket. At first, he called it a In the past, experts like Mike Powers, Herald recently profiled Mr. Tate in a page­ loan, but he never sought repayment. whose book Investing for Your Child's Col­ one article, which I would like to share with my "I can't get him to take state reimburse­ lege Education has just appeared, have rec­ colleagues. ment to save my life," Blank said. ommended prepaid plans for poor money 27698 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS October 21, 1998 managers. But Powers wrote, "When exam­ NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH FUNDING biomedical research. The agency will fund ined from a purely economic perspective, The National Institutes of Health has been innovative research training programs that they're a lousy investment." operating for many years at funding levels emphasize trans-disciplinary work, will in­ But Powers wrote his book during a five­ far below its capacity. Many new and excit­ crease by 25% the stipends that are currently year market boom. By the time it hit book­ ing research ideas that hold tremendous provided to graduate students and post-doc­ stores, markets were plunging. promise for the prevention and treatment of toral fellows and a research environment When investors get stockbrokers' reports disease have gone unfunded because of lim­ will be created that offers improved stability "and see their value has gone down 15 or 20 ited dollars, not due to lack <;>f scientific and increased likelihood of research funding percent," Tate said, they'll see new merit in merit. These trends, coupled with the wealth than was true in early years of this decade. the idea of paying this year's tuition rates to of emerging scientific opportunity, under­ The promises of biomedical research to cover college costs that will be incurred up better human health can only be achieved if to 22 years from new-when this fall's score the need to enhance our national in­ vestment in the health sciences. we strengthen the nation's capacity to per­ newborns are college seniors. form clinical research, especially the re­ But he worries that a souring economy An increase of 23% over FY98 in NIH fund­ ing would be required to address scientific search carried out through direct inter­ could lead prepaid tuition contract-holders actions with patient populations. With new who need the program most to drop out. If opportunity in all of the Institutes under a scenario where budget dollars were unre­ funds in FY99, NIH will initiate several new recession hits, he fears, thousands of cash­ categories of awards to enhance training and strapped Florida families who are prepaying strained. The " Omnibus Appropriations" measure provides an historic 15% increase support of clinical investigators; a program tuition in monthly installments will let the that will finance a supervised five year ap­ contracts lapse. for the NIH. NIH has developed specific ac­ tion plans for each of its Institutes to guide prenticeship for over 400 young investiga­ Contract-holders who let their payments tors; a program that will provide salary sup­ lapse get a refund of what they paid in, with a significant resource expansion. Although it is impossible to identify which of the lines of port for the clinical research activities of 250 no interest. But the contracts cannot be re­ to 400 mid-career scientists who can serve as instated. scientific investigation will lead to a new "It's probably the second-most important treatment or cure, there is no shortage of mentors; and a training program that will debt payment you can make, right behind emerging scientific opportunity which bring organized didactic programs in clinical your mortgage payment," Tate said. should, as judged by past example, produce research to over twenty institutions. positive results to improve the quality of life NIH will significantly increase support for in this Nation. the national outstanding centers for clinical For example, in the National Cancer Insti­ research, including the General Clinical Re­ NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF tute alone, professionals have called for a search Centers; will expand their new pro­ HEALTH FUNDING JUSTIFICATION $3.19 billion budget in FY99. The House Ap­ gram on the NIH campus that introduces propriations proposal of a 9% increase would medical and dental students to clinical re­ HON. GEORGE W. GEKAS provide approximately $2.78 billion for NCI. search; continue loan repayment programs OF PENNSYLVANIA Richard Klausner, NCI Director, said the dif­ to clinical trainees from disadvantaged IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ference would mean that, under the full in­ backgrounds in the intramural program and crease, one-third of the agencies' grants support the continued construction of the Wednesday, October 21, 1998 would be funded rather than 28% being fund­ Mark 0 . Hatfield Clinical Research Center of Mr. GEKAS. Mr. Speaker, in the midst of ed under the latter scenario. Secondly, NCI the NIH campus. political controversy, I rise to thank my col­ is considering a major expansion and rede­ As with all federal agencies, NIH is com­ leagues, Senator ARLEN SPECTER, Chairman sign of its clinical trial system. Funding will mitted to frequent review and close over­ sight of its scientific and administrative JOHN PORTER of the Labor, Health and Human affect the speed with which NCI can expand this system so that the trials are faster and practices. Despite a traditionally strong rep­ Services, and Education Subcommittee, the more trials can be done. Additional funds utation for expert review of grant applica­ entire Appropriations Committee, and the would also help bring the clinical trials sys­ tions, the Center for Scientific Review is Speaker for their leadership on the House tem up-to-date with technology. Instead of currently reexamining and restructuring Labor HHS Appropriations bill, thus disproving the pencil and paper system in place for over NIH's peer review panels. Last year, the the disturbing mischaracterization of this Con­ 40 years, the additional increase could help agency commissioned a large-scale review of gressional session, what some have called a pay for a new information-based electronics administration at NIH, conducted by Arthur "do nothing" Congress. Instead, I am proud to system to accommodate the more complex Andersen. While the review was generally complimentary of NIH's practices, the agen­ be here today to talk about the historical clinical trials associated with biological markers. cy is currently in the process of imple­ achievement that has taken place, the fruit of The funding increases provided for the NIH menting recommendations for improvement. many years of work. in this bill will accelerate research across This year, the Institute of Medicine con­ I'd like to thank my colleagues for making the board, but particularly in six key areas ducted a study of the process by which NIH medical research funding a priority this year of emphasis: disorders of the nervous system, identifies priorities for research funding. by providing a 15% ($2 billion) increase for the genetic medicine, pathogenesis, computers NIH is moving expeditiously to implement National Institutes of Health. Over the years, and instrumentation, new approaches to dis­ the IOM findings by building new avenues for the Labor HHS Appropriations bill has allo­ ease prevention, and new avenues to thera­ public input. cated money wisely and responsibly; this leg­ peutics. In FY99, NIH plans to increase the number islation is known as a fiscally conservative bill. of grants substantially to an all-time record MONEY LAUNDERING AND FINAN­ The few allocations that are made, such as of just over 30,000 awards. Nearly 8,300 new · NIH funding, are carefully considered. CIAL CRIMES STRATEGY ACT OF and competing awards will be made, achiev­ 1998 It is essential to point out that money in­ ing a success rate very close to 1 of every 3 vested in basic research cannot be expected grants being funded. In addition, the size of SPEECH OF to achieve a specific outcome. Instead, we the average new and competing award will can expect to use such funds to accelerate increase by about ten percent, permitting In­ HON. NYDIA M. VELAzQUFZ the pursuit of knowledge. As the new millen­ stitutes to fund a greater number of grants OF NEW YORK nium approaches, we are on the cusp of a at the levels recommended by review groups and to better support more expensive forms IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES "golden age" of medical and health discov­ of research such as patient-oriented research Friday, October 16, 1998 eries. Additional money will help increase the or research that requires vertebrate animals likelihood that such discoveries will take place. to provide models of human disease. Ms. VELAZQUEZ. Mr. Speaker, to many, The outcomes will contribute to reducing suf­ Funds will be used to develop new and money laundering may seem like the stuff of fering and improving the quality of life for fu­ more powerful instruments; to attract train­ spy novels. But, to my constituents, money ture generations of Americans and all human ees and scientists in other fields to the prob­ laundering by drug cartels is a plague on the beings. lems posed by biology and medicine; to allow community. The fact of the matter is that I thank my colleagues for their work and for more groups of investigators to purchase money laundering has become big business, having the chance to discuss this achievement shared instruments; and to expand the use of which is why it is drawn to financial centers computers for analysis, exchange, and stor­ with you today. I encourage my colleagues to age of data. like New York City. But in doing so, it has set­ read the detailed justification for an increase in With increased resources, NIH will be able tled in areas like Jackson Heights, Queens in NIH funding which I am submitting for the to enhance their efforts to recruit and train my district. The unfortunate reality is that record. the most talented individuals for careers in these criminals do not bring investment dollars October 21, 1998 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 27699 and a better way of life for my constituents­ is more narrow, while giving the Secretary of CONFERENCE REPORT ON H.R. 4328, they bring guns, fear and death. the Treasury the ability to keep up with the dif­ DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPOR­ To date, Congress has done little as a part­ ferent ways that money can be moved in, out TATION AND RELATED AGEN­ ner in this war. The time was long overdue for and through any financial institution in the CIES APPROPRIATIONS ACT, 1999 Washington to reach out even more and form United States. However, the definition of SPEECH OF partnerships with those on the front lines. money laundering in this legislation has al­ Finally this year, the Banking Committee ways included related state and local statutes, HON. MARSHALL "MARK" SANFORD held a hearing to highlight the work of the El and it still does. OF SOUTH CAROLINA Dorado Task Force in New York City. El Do­ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES rado is a network of federal, state and local The goal of the strategy is to coordinate a law enforcement officers and prosecutors who response to money laundering between fed­ Tuesday, October 20, 1998 focus on fighting money laundering in Jackson eral, state and local law enforcement and Mr. SANFORD. Mr. Speaker, I rise in oppo­ Heights, Queens and Washington Heights, prosecutors. The intention was never to give sition to this bill for a number of different rea­ Harlem. the Secretary of the Treasury new powers sons. Fundamentally, I rise because this Om­ El Dorado has targeted money remitter over other agencies or for the Department of nibus Bill validates the idea that we are run­ services that are used more and more fre­ the Treasury to usurp the authority of other ning surpluses in Washington, when in fact, by quently by drug cartels to launder money agencies involved in our war on drugs. How­ any normal accounting standards, we are not. abroad. In fact, the task force identified 12 This year we will borrow $1 00 billion from the ever, some concerns were raised by the large scale businesses in the New York Metro­ Social Security Trust Fund that will, in turn, politan area that were used to wire hundreds Chairman of the Commerce Committee with yield what Washington calls a surplus. This bill of millions of dollars in illegal drug proceeds respect to the Securities and Exchange Com­ will take $20 billion, one-third of that "pro­ overseas. These companies are affiliated with mission. As author of this bill, I will state clear­ tected surplus" and spend it, and yet doing so hundreds of smaller businesses ranging from ly and unequivocally for the record that it is would break the President's commitment to travel agencies to beeper and cellular tele­ not the intention of this legislation to give the saving every dime of the surplus for Social phone outlets, which are found in predomi­ Secretary of the Treasury any new or addi­ Security. If Congress is unwilling to pass the nantly poor immigrant neighborhoods through­ tional powers over the SEC. It is purely our in­ tax cut, and I took the President at his word out the city. tention that all agencies involved work to­ because we want to save this so-called sur­ The result was that communities like Jack­ gether and coordinate a federal response plus for Social Security, how can we possibly son Heights were becoming magnets for drug against money laundering. Since agencies like take that money and spend it? I do not think cartels to funnel their illicit proceeds from drug the SEC, although not political in nature, regu­ we can and that is fundamentally why we sales to drug source countries. That is how I late entities that are subject to a lot of money should vote against this bill. . It, as well, establishes a horrible precedence became involved almost four years ago. laundering, the SEC needs to participate in Hoping to reclaim their neighborhoods, I of going over budget. When people back developing the strategy and combating these was approached by several constituents dur­ home write an overdraft on their checking ac­ ing a community meeting in Jackson Heights. crimes. count, they have to pay the finance costs. They told me that Roosevelt Avenue was be­ Additionally, state and local law enforcement They are normal repercussions for families or coming overrun by envios, or money wire voiced their concern about not having enough businesses when they exceed a budget, and services, that drug dealers were using to laun­ resources to fight huge crime syndicates. They yet Congress just creates a new category der money to Medillin and Cali. They wanted made it clear that they wanted to be at the called Emergency Spending and says, my help, because they saw their neighbor­ table in order to include their experience. For "Oops," and moves on. $20 billion is hardly an hoods being overrun by drugs, violence and that reason, the definition of money laundering "oops" by the definition passed to me from more crime. stipulates that State and local statutes on people along the coast of South Carolina. Joining forces with District Attorney, Richard money laundering are to be considered when Even what has been thrown into this emer­ Brown, I formed a working group to put an gency category is a stretch by any imagina­ developing the national strategy. Also, the end to this type of crime. First of all, everyone tion. The Inman Report, in 1985, listed 126 theme throughout the legislation is a coordi­ agreed that the best way to attack the drug embassy facilities that should be improved to cartels was to get them where it would hurt nated response with localities, to help them thwart attack. Forty buildings were improved them the most-their profits. In order for car­ deal with the problem of money laundering. upon, the rest were left as they are. While the tels to reap profits, proceeds must be In fact, the designation of high risk money attacks this year in Africa were tragic, they laundered. That is how the Money Laundering laundering areas is meant to highlight that cer­ were hardly an emergency in that the possi­ and Financial Crimes Strategy Act was con­ tain communities experience more severe bility has been talked about for over 13 years. ceived. problems with money laundering and need Similarly, the Y2K problem, of which billions The idea was to bring together every person more help. The grant section of the legislation are in this bill, is certainly a great problem, but and entity involved in the war on drugs from is specifically meant to provide additional not an emergency. CONNIE MORELLA and STE­ state and local police and prosecutors to fed­ money to local law enforcement officials and PHEN HORN have held numerous hearings on eral agencies. In order to better coordinate the Y2K problem facing this Nation. There are prosecutors-especially those with a proven these efforts to fight money laundering, the other examples like that, and in fact, within the Department of the Treasury was made the track record of joining forces with other local­ embassy section $100 million is there for a lead agency, in conjunction with the Depart­ ities-to help them combat money laundering. Capitol Hill Visitor Center. The Capitol Hill ment of Justice. These localities should be the recipients of the Visitors Center has been the subject of much The two agencies were charged with devel­ grant money-not federal or state officials. debate over the last 2 years. How a topic of oping a national strategy that would coordinate The goal of H.R. 1756, the Money Laun­ conversation for 10 years becomes an emer­ efforts between all Federal, State and local fi­ dering and Financial Crimes Strategy Act of gency, I do not quite understand. nancial institutions, law enforcement, and 1998, is the formation of better partnerships Finally, this bill offers sham offsets and prosecutors. Since cartels change their mode and more equitable distribution of resources in sham reforms that I do not think pass the lit­ of laundering illegal proceeds as quickly as mus test of common sense. The offsets are our war on drugs. Greater attention can now law enforcement officials catch up with them, peculiar. For instance, in this bill, the Federal be given to fostering participation by smaller the definition for money laundering was key. Government takes over the pension fund liabil­ The original definition of money laundering in­ local law enforcement agencies, by making ities of the District of Columbia. The District of cluded many predicate offenses, that might additional resources available and giving them Columbia now invests in conventional invest­ cause confusion when developing the national a greater ability to share information with each ments like stock and bonds, and will take strategy. For that reason, the Administration other and the federal government. Together, those assets, sell them in the marketplace and requested and the Senate agreed to change we will be able to hit drug cartels where they use that money to pay for current spending the definition of money laundering. As it fs feel it the most. Together, we will win this war and call that an offset. Meanwhile, we ignore now defined in H.R. 1756, money laundering on drugs. the fact that the pension one day will have to 27700 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS October 21, 1998 be paid as people retire. That is not really an Eben Tisdale was a mentor for countless in­ but I welcome the fact that the essential fund­ offset, that is picking up a liability and yet we dividuals associated with high technology ing for the IMF was included in the Omnibus call it "offset" in this bill. issues in Washington, D.C. today. Eben was Appropriations legislation that we adopted last Similarly with the IMF, while it has a real ex­ in a class by himself-a top professional, an night. This important reversal in policy is in no penditure of $18 billion, which I think is basi­ excellent strategist, a loyal friend and a first­ small part due to the thoughtful and weighty cally disguised foreign aid, its reforms are no rate human being. He is survived by his wife arguments that George Soros advanced in more than fig leaves in substance. We had a Ann, a son Anthony and a daughter Jessica. testimony he presented at the Banking Com­ very small amendment that would simply list Mr. Speaker, I ask all my colleagues in the mittee hearing a few weeks ago. IMF expenditure like every other expenditure House of Representatives to join me in ex­ I ask, Mr. Speaker, that Mr. Soros testimony in the Federal Government. My own leader­ pressing condolences to Eben Tisdale's fam­ before the House Banking Committee be ship, for some odd reason, yielded to the ily, and to commemorate his extraordinary placed in the RECORD, and I urge my col­ views of the Executive Branch and prevented service and contributions to the well being of leagues in the House to give it the thoughtful this reform. I think it makes sense because our nation. consideration that it clearly deserves. The right now if the Federal Government buys 100 matters that he discussed, which are of great thousand acres of land in Wyoming or buys a significance for all of us in this body, have not new Federal building, it is viewed as an ex­ GEORGE SOROS DISCUSSES THE been resolved. Further important decisions pense. However, if we invest $18 billion in the INTERNATIONAL FINANCIAL SYS­ await the Congress, and George Soros' TEM AT BANKING COMMITTEE IMF, it is viewed as picking up an asset as we thoughts are important for all of us as we con­ pick up the drawing rights. Most people I know HEARING-U.S. ACTION AND AS­ sider our nation's economic future. would much rather have as collateral 100 SISTANCE IS ESSENTIAL thousand acres in Wyoming or the Federal TESTIMONY OF GEORGE SOROS-COMMITTEE ON building in Georgia than drawing rights for a HON. TOM LANTOS BANKING AND FINANCIAL SERVICES, SEP­ TEMBER 15, 1998 loan made to the Soviet Union. In fact, the last OF CALIFORNIA This hearing is very timely because the $4 billion the IMF sent to the Soviet Union, by IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES all accounts, has been squandered. There are global capitalist system which has been re­ other reasons this bill does not make a lot of Wednesday, October 21 , 1998 sponsible for the remarkable prosperity of sense. Particularly, the fact that we are not Mr. LANTOS. Mr. Speaker, last night this this country in the last decade is coming apart at the seams. The current decline in seeing what we are voting on. The idea of vot­ House approved the Omnibus Appropriations the US stock market is only a symptom, and ing for something you can't see is, I think, a Act which included funding for the Inter­ a belated symptom at that, of the more pro­ particular disservice to your constituents that national Monetary Fund (IMF). Earlier this found problems that are afflicting the world you represent in Washington and I think it is month, the IMF and the World Bank held their economy. Some Asian stock markets have a gross act of mismanagement to fund a third annual meetings here in Washington, D.C., suffered worse declines than the Wall Street of all government spending in a process that against a backdrop of international financial crash of 1929 and in addition their currencies is jammed into a 2 or 3 week time frame. I turmoil and serious concern about the econo­ have also fallen to a fraction of what their don't know of any businesses that could sur­ mies of a number of key countries in the world value was when they were tied to the US dol­ lar. The financial collapse in Asia was fol­ vive if they operated in this fashion. and about the ability of the international finan­ lowed by an economic collapse. In Indonesia, For these reasons, it's validating a surplus cial system to deal with the crisis. The IMF for instance, most of the gains in living when we do not have one, setting a precedent has not been successful in resolving the eco­ standards that accumulated during 30 years of going over budget, incorrectly defining non­ nomic problems in East Asia and in Russia of Suharto's regime have disappeared. Mod­ emergency spending as emergency, and its thus far. ern buildings, factories and infrastructure sham offsets say to me that a "no" vote is a Just a few weeks ago, Mr. Speaker, George remain, but so does a population that has vote that makes common sense. It is also one Soros, the international financial genius, ap­ been uprooted from its rural origins. The that does not rob from the Social Security peared before the House Banking Committee Japanese banking system is in deep trouble. Trust Fund, which I thought was something The world's second largest economy just re­ to issue a somber warning to the Congress of ported an annualized 3.3% decline in eco­ that the Democrats and the President were the United States-Unless Congress is willing nomic activity for the second quarter. Cur­ serious about. to support the IMF and. take supportive action rently Russia has undergone a total financial in dealing with the faltering international finan­ meltdown. It is a scary spectacle and it will cial system, the disintegration of the global have incalculable human and political con­ IN MEMORY OF EBEN TISDALE capitalist system will have dire consequences sequences. The contagion has now also for the United States economy because we spread to Latin America. HON. ANNA G. ESHOO are at the center of that system. We cannot by It would be regrettable if we remained OF CALIFORNIA and do nothing while other countries face eco­ complacent just because most of the trouble IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES is occurring beyond our borders. We are all nomic crisis. part of the global capitalist system which is Wednesday, October 21,1998 The instability and enormous losses that characterized not only by free trade but Ms. ESHOO. Mr. Speaker, I rise today be­ have been suffered on Wall Street in the past more specifically by the free movement of fore the House to celebrate the life of a most few weeks are just the latest indications of the capital. The system is very favorable to fi­ distinguished citizen and incomparable profes­ scope and gravity of this crisis. While this ini­ nancial capital which is free to pick and sional, Eben Tisdale, who passed away on tial impact upon our own country has been choose where to go and it has led to the rapid October 18, 1998. limited so far to our financial markets, the con­ growth of global financial markets. It can be Eben Tisdale was the dean of high tech­ sequences of further deterioration would be envisaged as a gigantic circulatory system, sucking up capital into the financial mar­ felt throughout our economy with con­ nology advocates in Washington, D.C. He kets and institutions at the center and then served as Hewlett Packard Company's Gov­ sequences that would be felt by all Americans. pumping it out to the periphery either di­ ernment Relations Director in Washington, Mr. Speaker, George Soros told the Banking rectly in the form of credits and portfolio in­ D.C. since 1984, and is credited with giving Committee that the Congress has an extraor­ vestments, or indirectly through multi­ the industry a needed daily presence on Cap­ dinary responsibility and obligation to assure national corporations. itol Hill. Tisdale joined Hewlett Packard fol­ the success and the continued viability of the Until the Thai crisis in July 1997 the center lowing five years as Vice President of the Sci­ IMF and the international financial system. Mr. was both sucking in and pumping out money entific Apparatus Makers Association in Wash­ Soros also told the Committee that "I am con­ vigorously, financial markets were growing ington, D.C. vinced that the attitude of the Congress was in size and importance and countries at the In the 1970's, Eben helped create the Semi­ already an important element in the failure to periphery could obtain an ample supply of capital from the center by opening up their conductor Industry Association and the Elec­ deal with Russia" with all of the serious con­ capital markets. There was a global boom in tronics Association of California. He is also sequences that could bring. which the emerging markets fared especially credited with convincing the high technology Mr. Speaker, I regret that there was destruc­ well. At one point in 1994 more than half the industry that it needed to establish a strong tive dithering and dallying on the part of the total inflow into US mutual funds went into presence in Washington, D.C. · leadership of the Congress earlier this year, emerging market funds. October 21, 1998 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 27701 The Asian crisis reversed the direction of that individual countries have begun to opt they will seek to return to the equilibrium the flow. Capital started fleeing the periph­ out of the global capitalist system, or simply position. This belief is false. Financial mar­ ery. At first, the reversal benefitted the fi­ fall by the wayside. First Indonesia, then kets are given to excesses and if a boom/bust nancial markets at the center. The U.S. Russia have suffered a pretty complete sequence progresses beyond a certain point it economy was just on the verge of over­ breakdown but what has happened in Malay­ will never revert to where it came from. In­ heating and the Federal Reserve was con­ sia and to a lesser extent in Hong Kong is in stead of acting like a pendulum financial templating raising the discount rate. The some ways even more ominous. The collapse markets have recently acted more like a Asian crisis rendered such a move inadvis­ in Indonesia and Russia was unintended, but wrecking ball, knocking over one economy able and the stock market took heart. The Malaysia opted out deliberately. It managed after another. economy enjoyed the best of all possible to inflict considerable damage on foreign in­ There is much talk about imposing market worlds with cheap imports keeping domestic vestors and speculators and it managed to discipline but, imposing market discipline inflationary pressures in check and the stock obtain some temporary relief, if not for the means imposing instability, and how much market made new highs. The buoyancy at economy, then at least for the rulers of the instability can society take? Market dis­ the center raised hopes that the periphery country. The relief comes from being able to cipline needs to be supplemented by another may also recover and between February and lower interest rates and to pump up the discipline: maintaining stability in financial April of this year most Asian markets recov­ stock market by isolating the country from markets ought to be the objective of public ered roughly half their previous losses meas­ the outside world and squeezing short sell­ policy. This is the general principle that I ured in local currencies. That was a classic ers. The relief is bound to be temporary be­ should like to propose. bear market rally. cause the borders are porous and money will Despite the prevailing belief in free mar­ There comes a point when distress at the leave the country illegally; the effect on the kets this principle has already been accepted periphery cannot be good for the center. I be­ economy will be disastrous but the local cap­ and implemented on a national scale. We lieve that we have reached that point with italists who are associated with the regime have the Federal Reserve and other financial the meltdown in Russia. I am not making will be able to salvage their businesses un­ authorities whose mandate is to prevent a any predictions about the stock market, but less the regime itself is toppled. The meas­ breakdown in our domestic financial mar­ I am ready to assert that we have reached ures taken by Malaysia will hurt the other kets and if necessary act as lenders of last that point. I have three main reasons for countries which are trying to keep their fi­ resort. I am confident that they are capable saying so. One is that the Russian meltdown has re­ nancial markets open because it will encour­ of carrying out their mandate. But we are vealed certain flaws in the international age the flight of capital. In this respect Ma­ sadly lacking in the appropriate financial banking system which had been previously laysia has embarked on a begger-thy-neigh­ authorities in the international arena. We disregarded. In addition to their exposure on bor policy. If this makes Malaysia look good have the Bretton Woods institutions-the their own balance sheets, banks engage in in comparison with its neighbors, the policy IMF and the World Bank-which have tried swaps, forward transactions and derivative may easily find imitators, making it harder valiantly to adapt themselves to rapidly trades among each other and with their cli­ for others to keep their markets open. changing circumstances. Admittedly the ents. These transactions do not show up in The third major factor working for the dis­ IMF programs have not been successful in the balance sheets of the banks. They are integration of the global capitalist system is the current global financial crisis; its mis­ constantly marked to market, that is to say, the evident inability of the international sion and its methods of operation need to be they are constantly revalued and any dif­ monetary authorities to hold it together. reconsidered. I believe additional institu­ ference between cost and market made up by IMF programs do not seem to be working; in tions may be necessary. At the beginning of cash transfers. This is supposed to eliminate addition, the IMF has run out of money. The this year I proposed establishing an Inter­ the risk of any default. Swap, forward and response of the G7 governments to the Rus­ national Credit Insurance Corporation, but derivative markets are very large and the sia crisis was woefully inadequate, and the at that time it was not yet clear that the re­ margins razor thin; that is to say, the value loss of control was quite scary. Financial verse flow of capital would become such a se­ of the underlying amounts is a manifold markets are rather peculiar in this respect: rious problem and my proposal fell flat. I be­ multiple of the capital employed in the busi­ they resent any kind of government inter­ lieve its time has now come. We shall have ness. The transactions form a daisy chain ference but they hold a belief deep down that to establish some kind of international su­ with many intermediaries and each inter­ if conditions get really rough the authorities pervision over the national supervisory au­ mediary has an obligation to his will step in. This belief has now been shaken. thorities. We shall also have to reconsider counterparties without knowing who else is These three factors are working together the workings of the international banking involved. The exposure to individual to reinforce the reverse flow of capital from system and the functioning of the swap and counterparties is limited by setting credit the periphery to the center. The initial derivative markets. . lines. shock caused by the meltdown in Russia is These issues are beyond the competence of The sophisticated system received a bad liable to wear off, but the strain on the pe­ Congress. There is, however, one issue which jolt when the Russian banking system col­ riphery is liable to continue. The flight of is very much within its purview. That is the lapsed. Russian banks defaulted on their ob­ capital has now spread to Brazil and if Brazil request to authorize an increase in the cap­ ligations, but the Western banks remained goes, Argentina will be endangered. There is ital of the IMF. I am aware that Congress on the hook to their own clients. No way was general panic in Latin America. Forecasts was greatly influenced by the testimony found to offset the obligations of one bank for global economic growth are being stead­ given by George Schultz opposing such an in­ against those of another. Many hedge funds ily scaled down and I expect they will end up crease. I hope my remarks will serve to con­ and other speculative accounts sustained in negative territory. If and when the decline tradict that testimony. large enough losses that they had to be liq­ spreads to our economy, we may become George Schultz argued that it is better if uidated. Normal spreads were disrupted and much less willing to accept the imports markets are allowed to look after them­ professionals who arbitrage between various which are necessary to feed the reverse flow selves than if they are looked after by regu­ derivatives, i.e.: trade one derivative against of capital and the breakdown in the global fi­ lators. There is an element of truth in his ar­ another, also sustained large losses. A simi­ nancial system may be accompanied by a gument: regulators do make mistakes. The lar situation arose shortly thereafter when breakdown in international free trade. IMF approach clearly did not work, other­ Malaysia deliberately shut down its finan­ This course of events can be prevented wise we would not find ourselves in the cur­ cial markets to foreigners but the Singapore only by the intervention of the international rent situation. But that does not mean that Monetary Authority in cooperation with financial authorities. The prospects are dim, financial markets can look after themselves. other central banks took prompt action. because the G7 governments have just failed Everybody looking out for his or her self-in­ Outstanding contracts were netted out and to intervene in Russia, but the consequences terest does not lead to equilibrium but to the losses were shared. A potential system­ of that failure may serve as a wake-up call. what Alan Greenspan called irrational exu­ atic failure was avoided. There is an urgent need to rethink and re­ berance and afterwards panic. These events led most market participants form the global capitalist system. As the George Schultz inveighed against the to reduce their exposure all round. Banks are Russian example has shown, the problems moral hazard of bailing out irresponsible in­ frantically trying to limit their exposure, will become progressively more intractable vestors and speculators. Here he has a valid deleverage, and reduce risk. Bank stocks the longer they are allowed to fester. point. Bailouts did encourage irresponsible have plummeted. A global credit crunch is in The rethinking must start with the rec­ behavior not so much by speculators- be­ the making. It is already restricting the flow ognition that financial markets are inher­ cause we know that we have to take our of funds to the periphery, but it has also ently unstable. The global capitalist system lumps when markets decline- but by banks begun to affect the availability of credit in is based on the belief that financial markets, and other lenders who could count on the the domestic economy. The junk bond mar­ left to their own devices, tend towards equi­ IMF coming in when a country got into dif­ ket, for instance has already shut down. librium. They are supposed to move like a ficulties. The IMF imposed tough conditions This brings me to my second point. The pendulum: they may be dislocated by exter­ on the country concerned but it did not im­ pain at the periphery has become so intense nal forces, so-called exogenous shocks, but pose any penalties on the lenders. This 27702 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS October 21, 1998 asymmetry in the treatment of lenders and is a true icon in the reporting field, offering would not receive any citations or fines, and borrowers is a major source of instability in high-quality and accurate reporting on myriad would not be inspected for at least one year, the global capitalist system and it needs to stories, profiles, and news-making events. In a unless there was a serious accident or a com­ be corrected. It has to be a focal point in the soul searching that the IMF must undergo, time when the media is under a constant mi­ plaint was made to OSHA. These consulta­ but I am glad to say that the IMF is learning croscope, the Vidette is a true asset to the tions would be provided through state agen­ fast. In its $2.2 billion program in Ukraine, it community in which it circulates. cies, not by OSHA directly. My own company is imposing a new condition: 80% of Mr. Speaker, Ohio's Fifth Congressional has participated in the consultation program Ukraine's treasury bills have to be " volun­ District is by far one of the largest districts in run by North Carolina OSHA, and I am tarily" rescheduled into longer-term, lower the State stretching more than 150 miles pleased that we were ·able to authorize con­ yielding instruments before the program can across northwest Ohio. My district is scattered sultation services as the first "program" go forward. This is a long way from the with dozens of daily and weekly news publica­ Mexican bailout of 1995 where the holders of amendment to OSHA. With increased funding .Mexican treasury bills came out whole. tions. In my years of service, I have found the and availability, this consultation program-in The moral hazard now operates in the op­ Putnam County Vidette to be of the finest which the government works · with employers posite direction; in not enabling the IMF to quality and of the highest reporting standards. and their employees to improve safety and do its work when it is most needed. Congress The dedication and attention to detail from the health in the workplace-can be an excellent bears an awesome responsibility for keeping staff of the Vidette have certainly elevated the model for further changes in OSHA. the IMF alive. I am convinced that the atti­ Vidette to a plateau of excellence. The second change we enacted this year tude of the Congress was already an impor­ addresses a fundamental problem with OSHA tant element in the failure to deal with Rus­ Mr. Speaker, public officials have the good sia. As you probably know I have founda­ fortune to work with news organizations on a enforcement. During most of the years of tions in many of the formerly communist daily basis. As we work to improve the quality OSHA, under Democrat Congresses, OSHA countries. Some of these countries are badly of life for the constituents we are elected to was measured in terms of enforcement: how hit by the fallout from the Russian collapse. represent, the media is charged with the re­ many citations were issued? How many and Countries like Moldova and Romania have sponsibility of covering our message and ac­ how large were the penalties against employ­ no one else to turn to but the IMF. The IMF curately reporting that information to the read­ ers? Individual inspectors and their super­ is perfectly capable of assisting them. It ers and listeners. The Putnam County Vidette, visors were evaluated by the same criteria; would be tragic if it ran out of resources. Replenishing the capital of the IMF will for 125 years, has done a marvelous job cov­ raises and promotions were based on how not be sufficient to resolve the global finan­ ering events affecting the Putnam County many citations and penalties they issued. So cial crisis. A way has to be found to provide area. It is my pleasure to stand before the it is no surprise that inspectors focused more liquidity not only at the center but also at House to offer my thanks and congratulations on finding nitpicky and paperwork violations to the periphery. I believe there is an urgent for those fine efforts. cite than the overall safety and health condi­ need for the creation of Special Drawing Mr. Speaker, I would urge my colleagues to tions of the workplace. The change enacted Rights which can be used to guarantee the rollover of the already existing debt of coun­ stand and join me in paying special tribute to into law this year prohibits that practice. OSHA tries which receive the IMF's seal of ap­ the Putnam County Vidette, for 125 years of may not use enforcement measures, such as proval. If there is no reward for good behav­ reporting excellence, and in wishing the penalties and citations, to evaluate the per­ ior, meltdowns and defections will multiply. Vidette continued success in the future. formance of their compliance officers or their But such radical ideas cannot even be consid­ supervisors. The goal of OSHA should be safe ered until Congress changes its attitude to­ and healthy jobs, not achieving a certain level wards international institutions and the IMF OSHA REFORM IN THE 105TH of citations and fines. in particular. CONGRESS The third change enacted this year was a So far our stock market has escaped rel­ atively unscathed and our economy has actu­ bill sponsored by Senator Enzi to apply to ally benefited from the global crisis but HON. CASS BALLENGER OSH Act, including enforcement and penalties, make no mistake: unless Congress is willing OF NORTH CAROLINA to the U.S. Postal Service. The Postal Service to support the IMF, the disintegration of the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES has, in terms of the OSH Act, been consid­ global capitalist system will hurt our finan­ ered a federal agency, even though it is now cial markets and our economy as well be­ Wednesday, October 21, 1998 largely independent and directly competes cause we are at the center of that system. Mr. BALLENGER. Mr. Speaker, over the with private companies. Furthermore, worker past three years, Republicans in Congress health and safety has been a continuing con­ have worked to reform the Occupational Safe­ A SPECIAL TRIBUTE TO THE PUT­ cern at the Postal Service. Putting the Postal ty and Health Administration (OSHA). For too Service under OSHA enforcement helps to NAM COUNTY VIDETTE ON THE long OSHA has been marked by burdensome OCCASION OF ITS 125TH ANNI­ "level the playing field" as it competes with and over-reaching regulations and unfair en­ private companies. VERSARY forcement. It has employers as foes rather In addition to these three amendments to than as partners in improving worker safety the OSH Act, I am pleased that the omnibus HON. PAUL E. GILLMOR and health. Not only has OSHA's approach appropriations bill authorizes and funds a OF OHIO made it one of the most disliked agencies in comprehensive and independent study of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the whole Federal Government, but also study ergonomics, to be conducted by the National Wednesday, October 21, 1998 after study has shown that OSHA's approach Academy of Sciences (NAS). In past years, Mr. GILLMOR. Mr. Speaker, it is my pleas­ has been generally ineffective in improving Congress has explicitly prohibited OSHA from ure to rise today to pay special tribute to a safety and health in the workplace. promulgating an ergonomics standard. This truly outstanding organization from Ohio's Fifth I am pleased to report that we have been year's appropriation bill does not include such Congressional District. Today, Wednesday, able to make some progress in reforming a prohibition. However, OSHA is required by October 21, 1998, the Putnam County Vidette OSHA, though much more needs to be done. its statute to base an ergonomics standard on will be celebrating the joyous occasion of its Three bills amending the Occupational Safety "the best available evidence," and the pur­ 125th Anniversary. and Health Act were signed into law during pose of the NAS study is to assess and report Mr. Speaker, the Putnam County Vidette, a the 105th Congress. What makes this more on what the best evidence is with regard to widely-circulated weekly newspaper in Colum­ remarkable is that in the 28 years since OSHA the nature, causes, and prevention of so­ bus Grove, Ohio, is the source of a great deal came into existence, there has been only one called ergonomics injuries. It would therefore, of information for its readers in and around the other change made to the law, and that was in my view, be inconsistent with the statute for Putnam County area. The Putnam County the penalty increase enacted as part of a tax OSHA to promulgate an ergonomics standard Vidette has been sending the community up­ and revenue increase bill by the Democrat before the NAS study is completed. dated news coverage and insight on county, Congress in 1990. We also made progress on several other State, national, and international events for the The first change we made requires OSHA to items, but we were unable to enact those last 125 years. provide consultative services to small busi­ changes into law this year. I am disappointed During that lengthy period, the readers have nesses. A small business that requests a con­ that we were unable to enact legislation to come to know that the Putnam County Vidette sultation and then corrects the violations help small businesses handle the paperwork October 21, 1998 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 27703 burden imposed by OSHA's Hazard Commu­ legal protections for employers and employees wrote: "If there is any success in the U.S. nication Standard. This was bipartisan legisla­ who make efforts to improve safety and health Coral Reef Initiative, or any of the local initia­ tion in both the House and the Senate. It sim­ in the workplace. Opposition from the Clinton tives which followed, Mrs. Fanning is directly ply made clear that employers could comply Administration also continues to stalemate ef­ responsible. She worked tirelessly to make the with the OSHA Hazard Communication Stand­ forts to allow greater employer-employee co­ Initiative a living document with real and ard's requirement for Material Safety Data operation on safety and health and other measurable goals and direction. Without her Sheets on hazardous substances through the issues in their workplaces. My colleague, and support, the damage done to Guam's reefs use of electronic means, rather than paper Chairman of the Small Business Committee, from Typhoon Paka would have been much copies. It also provided that certain basic infor­ Representative JIM TALENT, together with Sen­ greater. Nancy worked quickly to identify mation on the substance be attached and writ­ ator MIKE ENZI, have proposed a forward-look­ ten in terms understandable to non-chemistry ing plan to allow companies to self-certify clean-up funds and transfer them to Guam in majors. The bill passed the House on voice OSHA compliance, encouraging the pro-active the most expedition manner possible. One of vote, but opposition to the bill from the Depart­ use of private experts instead of waiting for a her legacies will be that reefs surrounding the ment of Labor prevented this bill from being relatively rare OSHA inspection. All of these U.S. insular areas are healthier and better considered in the Senate in the final days of are issues and proposals which we should managed because Nancy was there to help." the session. This is most unfortunate, as it continue to work on next Congress. During her years at what is now called the would have benefited both small business and In response to our efforts, OSHA has also Office of Insular Affairs, Nancy has worked on workers. made administrative changes which have virtually every significant insular issue the Fed­ I am also disappointed that we were unable helped to focus more of its resources on seri­ eral Government since the 1970's. Included in to make more progress in reforming OSHA's ous health and safety concerns. I applaud the long list of major issues in which she has standards-setting process. Charles Jeffress, those changes. Other changes, however, such the current Assistant Secretary for OSHA, has as the misnamed "cooperative compliance participated, are the creation of an elected complained that OSHA's standards-setting program," have shown how difficult it is to governor for American Samoa, the phase-out process is broken and needs to be fixed. He change OSHA's traditional "command and of Interior-run administration of the former is not the first Assistant Secretary to acknowl­ control" approach. The slow pace and incon­ Trust Territory and the introduction of local edge that, and I agree that there are serious sistent direction of OSHA's own "reinvention" self-government in these Pacific Islands, the problems with the current standards-setting changes points to the needs for continued leg­ Reagan-Bush negotiations on Guam Com­ process. The Committee on Education and the islative reform as well as continued oversight monwealth, discussions over Guam excess Workforce attempted to address that problem to ensure that OSHA effectively promotes the federal lands and the introduction of the Asian this year with two bills that would have re­ goal of safe and healthful jobs for our nation's Development Bank into the Federated States quired OSHA to use outside, independent ex­ workers. of Micronesia and the Marshall Islands. perts to "peer review" the technical scientific and economic data used as the basis for As Director of Policy, Nancy used her vast standards, and to write standards that are NANCY BOONE FANNING RETIRES experience with the islands and their unique specific to identified industries and operations. FROM INSULAR AFFAIRS relationship with the Federal Government to Together these reforms would make OSHA's ensure that the Department of the Interior was standards more credible and more efficient in HON. ROBERT A. UNDERWOOD able to meet its moral and legal obligations to protecting health and safety without imposing OF GUAM the residents of America's territories and pos­ undue costs. Ironically, Mr. Jeffress' own De­ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES session. In the process, several generations of partment of Labor opposed both of these com­ Wednesday , October 21 , 1998 island leaders and a host of Washington offi­ mon sense reforms. Rep. Wicker also worked cials, including many on Capitol Hill, found very hard to include a provision in the appro­ Mr. UNDERWOOD. Mr. Speaker, I rise to that Mrs. Fanning was a Federal employee announce that a long-time friend of Guam and priations bill, similar to the bill that passed our who could be depended on time after time to Committee, that would have required OSHA to a dedicated public servant has retired. Mrs. get the job done. It was never a surprise to conduct peer review of the technical scientific Nancy Bonne Fanning, who has worked at the anyone who knew Nancy to find her in her of­ and economic data and assumptions used as Department of the Interior, mainly on island the basis for standards. As my colleagues issues retired at the end of September, after fice late at night or on weekends, working know, credible scientific enterprise includes 27 years of dedicated service to this Nation. hard, and never complaining. Those who won­ peer review. Study after study and report after It is no exaggeration to say that this won­ der whether Federal workers earn their pay report-all have urged federal agencies, in­ derful lady will be missed by her colleagues at have obviously never met Nancy Boone Fan­ cluding OSHA, to use peer review. The blame the Office of Insular Affairs (OIA), where she ning. for the state of OSHA's standards-setting has been the Chief of Territorial Liaison and Nancy Boone arrived at Interior just a few process falls squarely on the Department of Director of Policy and her many friends in days short of her eighteenth birthday from her Labor, which has consistently opposed even America's offshore areas. All of us have come home in West Virginia in September, 1971. the mildest and most common sense reforms to know and respect Nancy as a first-rate civil She was educated in a one-room school servant who put the interests of her staff and in that process. house during her elementary school years, There are other issues that still need to be her job before those of her own. Over the and made the decision to seek work in Wash­ addressed as well. OSHA does little to en­ years, she has encouraged the talents and ca­ courage voluntary workplace efforts by em­ reers of countless subordinates and been a ington after graduation from high school. Nan­ ployers and employees to improve safety and strong advocate within the bureaucracy on cy's first job at Interior was as a secretary with health, and some of OSHA's policies actually their behalf. the pay level of GS-3. Twenty-seven years discourage those efforts. During this Con­ She will also be missed by the leaders of later, she was at the top of the Federal pay gress, I proposed changes that would have America's offshore islands, who have come to schedule, a reflection of just how valuable she limited OSHA's access of an employer's own know and rely on her professionalism, intense has been to the Department of the Interior. safety and health audits and assessments. knowledge of island affairs, and devotion to With 27 years of long hours and endless OSHA's use of those for enforcement discour­ duty that has always been a hallmark of Mrs. commute behind her, Nancy has decided to ages companies' voluntary, thorough, and Fanning's career. In the process, she has won change her life's priorities and devote time to honest evaluations. I also proposed that we the trust and friendship of numerous island her husband Mike Fanning and their young improve the legal protections for employees presidents, governors, legislators and other son, Michael. All of us wish her and her family who raise health and safety concerns, to en­ leaders. the best of success in the future. sure that they have a fair and adequate In a letter recently sent to Interior Secretary means of redress if they are discriminated Bruce Babbitt, the Honorable Carl T.C. Gutier­ I extend to Nancy my best wishes in retire­ against for raising these concerns. Unfortu­ rez, Governor of Guam, talked about one area ment and thank her, on behalf of my constitu­ nately the Clinton Administration was unwilling in which he believed that Mrs. Fanning has ents, for the outstanding work she has done to go along with these changes to improve the made a valuable contribution. The Governor on our behalf over the years. 27704 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS October 21, 1998 CONFUSING BANKRUPTCY Mr. Speaker, this was not a· vote for or MAKING FURTHER CONTINUING PROVISION against the President. It was, in fact, a vote APPROPRIATIONS FOR FISCAL about fairness to the American people and YEAR 1999 HON. JOHN CONYERS, JR. what is in our national interest. The President OF MICHIGAN must be held accountable by our constitutional IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES process, but the American people should not HON. JIM SAXTON Wednesday, October 21, 1998 be punished by how Congress applies that OF NEW JERSEY Mr. CONYERS. Mr. Speaker, as ranking process. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES member of the Judiciary Committee, I want to elucidate on the meaning of an isolated and Wednesday, October 21 , 1998 confusing bankruptcy provision which unfortu­ nately appeared in the omnibus appropriations TRIBUTE TO THE SOCIAL SECU­ Mr. SAXTON. Mr. Speaker, as Chairman of bill approved by the House yesterday. Section RITY ADMINISTRATION CHICAGO the Congressional Task Force on Terrorism 603 of Division I of the bill, entitled Chemical EAST FIELD OFFICE and Unconventional Warfare, I strongly sup­ Weapons Convention should have originally port Section 117 of the Treasury Appropria­ been referred to the Judiciary Committee for tions Conference Report now part of the FY action and study. As the Speaker is aware, HON. BOBBY L. RUSH 1999 Omnibus Appropriations Bill, which was bankruptcy legislation is quite complex and re­ passed by the House of Representatives on quires scrutiny of Members who are familiar OF ILLINOIS October 20, 1998. This Section arose out of a with the impact of proposed amendments. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES need to assist American victims of terrorism or Most importantly, this legislation shf>uld not Wednesday, October 21 , 1998 extrajudicial killing in recovering assets of be read to expand the exceptions to the auto­ states that sponsor terrorism in order to help matic stay to cases where governmental units Mr. RUSH. Mr. Speaker, 1 rise today to pay satisfy civil judgments against such state­ are merely seeking to exercise control of a tribute to and recognize the Chicago East sponsors. debtor's property to satisfy debt. I believe that the provisions should be read to restrict the Field Office of the Social Security Administra- I would like to comment briefly on the oper­ exception to the automatic stay to cir­ tion as they celebrate the grand opening of ation of Section 117. Subsection (f)(1 )(A) clari­ cumstances where a governmental unit is en­ their new office o~ Thursday, October 22, fies existing law to allow the post-judgment forcing its police or regulatory power, but not 1998. seizure of blocked foreign assets of terrorist acting to collect a debt or other financial obli­ Since 1939, the Chicago East Field Office states to help satisfy judgment resulting from gations. This interpretation is consistent with has provided outstanding service to the people actions brought against them under section 28 Chairman HYDE's reading of the language, of the city of Chicago and indeed, the entire USC 1605(a)(7), the Foreign Sovereign lmmu­ which is reflected in a statement inserted in state of Illinois They have been l·nstrumental nities Act's exception to immunity for acts of the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD on his behalf by · state sponsored terrorism involving the death International Relations Committee Chairman in rebuilding public confidence in the long term or personal injury of a United States national. GILMAN subsequent to previous Congressional solvency of the Social Security Trust funds, Retirement and Survivors Insurance, Disability Subsection (f)(2)(A) establishes require- consideration of this legislation. See 143 Insurance and Supplemental Security Income ments upon the Secretary of Treasury and Cong. Rec. H 10951 (Nov. 13, 1997). Secretary of State to assist in the location of I am also concerned that by repealing Programs. the blocked assets of terrorist states in order §362(b)(4) and §362(b)(5) of the automatic The Chicago East Field Office is an exem- to facilitate attachment and execution. Section stay, some may assert that governmental units plary community-based, public service institu- (d) allows the President to waive the require­ may now be required to seek relief from stay in order to enforce their pales for regulatory lion that has been cited on numerous occa- ments of Subsection (f)(2)(A). Section (d) how­ powers in all cases, except in the instance sions by the Social Security Administration for ever does not allow the waiver of subsection when the governmental units' activities in­ successfully processing critical workload as- (f)(1 )(A), as that subsection modifies existing volves action under the Convention in connec­ signments that have led to improved service law, but imposes no "requirement." tion with chemical weapons. I do not believe delivery for the agency and cost-effective sav- The Clinton Administration understands the that this new requirement was intended, nor ings to this nation's taxpayers. This office has operation of Section (d)'s waiver and has would it be desirable. worked tirelessly and cooperatively with my · strongly opposed it. During the negotiations district office to ensure that the residents of over the Omnibus Appropriations Bill, the Ad­ ON IMPEACHMENT INQUIRY the First Congressional District receive quality, ministration vigorously sought to expand the RESOLUTIONS timely and courteous assistance from their scope of the waiver to include Subsection Federal government. (f)(1 )(A). Various proposals to expand the HON. ANNA G. FSHOO The employees of the Chicago East Field waiver to include Subsection (f)(1 )(A) were re­ OF CALIFORNIA Office are intimately involved in civic endeav- ceived from Under Secretary of State Eizenstat, the National Security Counsel Staff IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ors, contributing thousands of dollars annually and the Department of State's Office of the Wednesday, October 21, 1998 to the financially less fortunate, through the Legal Advisor. Each of these many proposals Ms. ESHOO. Mr. Speaker, on October 8, Combined Federal Campaign and other local, were rejected by Congress. 1998, I cast what I believe was the most sig­ charitable, gift giving initiatives. The intent of Congress is clear. We will not nificant vote of my entire six-year service in Mr. Speaker, I am honored to recognize the tolerate the murder of our children in acts of the House of Representatives. The issue of Chicago East Field Office of the Social Secu- state sponsored terrorism. When a Court of impeachment is as weighty as the Constitution rity Administration and Clara J. Bowers, Dis- competent jurisdiction has determined that a itself-it is a matter that has been debated only three times in the history of our nation. trict Manager; Renette Coachman, Assistant terrorist state has sponsored acts of terrorism The House of Representatives received two District Manager and Doris Murray, District resulting in the death or personal injury of a proposals. Both proposals directed the House Operations Officer for their unwavering service United States national, any and all of their as­ to proceed with an inquiry for impeachment. and commitment to our community. I am sets in this country may be attached and axe­ Where the proposals differed was in scope proud to join the celebration of the grand cuted to satisfy the judgment. The significant and duration. I voted for the proposal that in­ opening of their new service facility and 1 am financial loss to terrorist states will be a critical structed the House Judiciary Committee to privileged to enter these words in the CoN- deterrent to further acts of terrorism targeted conclude its work by the end of the year, and GRESSIONAL RECORD of the United States at the citizens of this country. I applaud all to examine and make determinations on the · House of Representatives. those members who helped make section 117 Starr Report and the Starr Report only. a reality. October 21, 1998 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 27705 THE BIGGEST FAILURE OF THE STATEMENT BY CONGRESSWOMAN ibility. With the significant investment 105TH CONGRESS-NO HATE CONNIE MORELLA, CHAIRWOMAN made in the U.S. by developers, manufac­ CRIMES LEGISLATION SUBCOMMITTEE ON TECH- tures and service providers of wireless tele­ communications technologies, [it is impera­ NOLOGY, COMMITTEE ON tive that the U.S. Government] should work SCIENCE diligently to ensure that these investments HON. EDOLPHUS TOWNS are not rendered worthless through the OF NEW YORK HON. CONSTANCE A. MORELLA international standard setting process. OF MARYLAND To further emphasize this point, I entered IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES into a colloquy with Commerce, Justice, State Wednesday, October 21 , 1998 Wednesday, October 21, 1998 Appropriations Subcommittee Chairman HAR­ Mrs. MORELLA. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Mr. TOWNS. Mr. Speaker, on this our last OLD ROGERS {R-KY) on August 3, 1998 indi­ address the House on an issue of importance day of the 105th Congress, I must voice my cating that the Department of Commerce, the to our Nation's ability to compete in the 21st deep regret that we refused to take any action Federal Communications Commission, and the Century's high-tech economy. Although the on a Federal "hate crimes" bill. Many of my Department of State need to work diligently to issue involves arcane subjects such as inter­ ensure that the large U.S. investments in built colleagues argued that the assault and homi­ national standards, chip rates and band width, cide statutes in the individual states were suffi­ networks are not rendered useless through the it has the potential to impact every American international standard setting process. cient to address any abuses perpetrated consumer who owns a cell phone and every That danger persists today. The European · against our citizens because of race, religion, U.S. manufacturer and service provider whose Union {EU) is currently considering adoption of ethnicity or sexual preference. Others argued products enable our citizens to communicate a single technical standard known by the acro­ that many states already had hate crimes laws on-the-go. on the books and therefore a Federal statute The International Telecommunications Union nym W-CDMA. W-CDMA is not compatible was simply an unnecessary duplication. {ITU) is currently in the process of deciding on with existing COMA technologies. Because of previously approved EU-wide technological Unfortunately, our failure to act signals a third generation wireless communications standards, COMA is not being used in the EU. much more than a concern about duplication standards, better known as 3G. 3G is intended COMA, however, is one of the leading tech­ of laws or an honest debate about the suffi­ to provide cell phone customers with seamless nologies used in the United States. While U.S. ciency of state laws to protect innocent citi­ global roaming capacity. In theory, wireless consumers, manufacturers, and service pro­ zens against crimes which occur simply be­ communication devices will be able to work viders use a variety of technologies, many are cause the victims are in some way "different" not only in every State in the Union, but in vir­ heavily vested in COMA technology. from their attackers. These physical attacks tually every country. have increased with alarming frequency; they Such a universal standard, or series of I have long been a proponent of allowing have been both racially motivated and standards, clearly has the potential to greatly the marketplace to determine which tech­ homophobic. During the 105th Congress, we benefit U.S. consumers, cell phone manufac­ nologies survive. In the case of wireless saw violent racial attacks on Black men and turers, and wireless telecommunications pro­ standards, however, we currently face a gov­ viders. It also has the potential to harm all children which resulted in severe injuries in ernment mandated technological monopoly in three. two cases and death in another. The recent Europe and a free and open technology mar­ That is why I, along with Technology Sub­ ketplace in America. death of Wyoming student, Matthew Shepard, committee Ranking Member JAMES BARCIA was due solely to the fact that he was gay and {0-MI) and Congresswoman ELLEN TAUSCHER Clearly, the current system is unfair and his attackers hated gays. Bias and prejudice (D-CA), wrote to the administration outlining greatly disadvantages a number of U.S. com­ are not figments of a liberal imagination; they our findings from a hearing entitled "Inter­ panies. It is my goal to ensure that the 3G are very real acts especially when they result national Standards Part II: The Impact of process does not perpetuate this unfair tech­ in death or injury. Standards on the Digital Economy." The hear­ nical barrier to trade, and unnecessarily waste Unless we make a clear public policy state­ ing was held by the Subcommittee on Tech­ billions of dollars in U.S. investments. ment opposing these acts, we give the nology on June 4, 1998, in advance of the Though often overlooked, international attackers the impression that their abhorrent U.S. submission to the ITU of proposed stand­ standards, including 3G, are an extremely im­ behavior is acceptable. That is why I have ards for 3G. As the letter stated: portant component of international trade. We sponsored amendments to The Civil Rights While the witnesses at the hearing had di­ must, however, be ever vigilant to ensure that Act, H.R. 365, which would give Federal civil vergent views on a number of substantive these standards are not used to bar U.S. busi­ rights protection against discrimination on the issues, one issue which seemed to generate a nesses from competing abroad. basis of sexual preference. But we must go significant degree of consensus was the need to ensure that any future glogal standard Mr. Speaker, as the 1OSth Congress draws beyond anti-discrimination laws; we must en­ not strand technologies which are currently to a close, I want to assure my colleagues sure that there is a Federal statute to punish in use. While some members of the panel that, if my constituents give me the honor of the perpetrators of bias-based attacks. made the point that this is only one of sev­ representing them in the 106th Congress, I will It is my fervent hope that the biggest failure eral important issues that must be addressed continue to vigorously pursue, through hear­ in 3G, they all agreed that avoiding strand­ of the 105th Congress will not be repeated in ing systems was an important goal for any ings and if necessary legislation, the arcane the 106th Congress. Let us pass a Federal global standard. but vital issue of preserving U.S. competitive­ hate crimes bill as our first order of business One method to ensure technologies are not ness in the international standard setting in January. stranded is to require backwards compat- arena.