27662 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS October 21, 1998 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS TRIBUTE TO THE LATE CONGRESS­ Washington Post, and the New York Times, tional rights of free speech and association MAN, GARRY BROWN, 1923--1998 Speaker GINGRICH, Majority Leader RICHARD and the right to freely contract for goods and ARMEY, Majority Whip TOM DELAY and House services no longer exist if you are registered HON. FRED UPTON Republican Chairman JOHN BOEHNER either as a Democrat. In fact, you may be sum­ OF MICHIGAN themselves called or instructed others to call moned before a Congressional Committee to member companies of the Electronics Alliance IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES explain all of your business dealings. This new Industry (EIA) and demand that EIA break its 1990's McCarthyism is a way of life for the Tuesday, October 20, 1998 contract with former Democratic Congressman Republican party. Light must be shed on it Mr. UPTON. Mr. Speaker, many of you may Dave McCurdy and hire a Republican as its and it must be stopped. not have heard of the passing a few weeks new president. In case that was not sufficient Let me provide another example about how ago of our former colleague, Congressman warning, the Republican leadership then re­ this Congress is punishing people for being Garry Brown, who represented southwest moved legislation to implement the World In­ Democrats or having the audacity to hire Michigan. Through more than a decade of tellectual Property Organization Act from the Democrats to work for them. Last week Chair­ service in the House of Representatives, floor schedule and told EIA it was to "send a man JOE BARTON of the Oversight and Inves­ Garry Brown will be remembered as an am­ message" that McCurdy and other Democrats tigations Subcommittee of the Commerce bassador from a more genteel era of politics. were not welcome in Republican leadership Committee, came to the floor to announce that Brown served six terms in the U.S. House offices. EIA stood up to the pressure, but he intended to refer to the Justice Department of Representatives, from 1966 to 1978, where some member companies now are talking for further "investigation" his allegations that he was known for his hard work and solid about leaving the association to set up a more certain highly connected Democrats and command of the issues. Brown's personal Republican-acceptable one. Democratic supporters had lied under oath at foundation was rooted in his high ethical This is not new. Since 1995, Representative subcommittee hearings, paid illegal contin­ standards. His belief that Members could re­ DELAY has been threatening trade associa­ gency fees for government leases and con­ main close friends while disagreeing over the tions, law firms and lobbying groups to remove spired to commit all manner of mayhem in vio­ issues helped carry him through some of the Democrats from top jobs and replace them lation of the federal conspiracy statute. most difficult times in our Nation's history. with Republicans. To see him, Representative Chairman BARTON also demanded that the His service to his Nation was not limited to DELAY told one company, "you have to hire a General Services Administration "take imme­ the House. Preceding his congressional ca­ Republican." As Representative BILL PAXON diate steps"-apparently without going through reer, Brown was a brave member of our said, Democrats are "the enemy" and should proper legal channels and by breaching a armed services during the Second World War not be supported. ["Speaker and His Directors valid contract-to get back all the rent it has in Japan. After the war, he worked. for the FBI Make the Cash Flow Right," Washington Post, paid for the Portalls II building, the new head­ before he came home to Schoolcraft, Ml, to Nov. 27, 1995.] Apparently, the Republican quarters into which the Federal Communica­ enter State politics. A delegate to the Michigan leadership no longer believe in a robust two­ tions Commission will begin moving next Constitutional Convention, he played a major party system. week. Chairman BARTON .also wants the GSA role in crafting the present State constitution. In many countries in the world, the actions to recover all fees paid to Washington lawyers Later in life, Garry Brown returned to his of the Republican majority would be routine by one of the partners in that development. farm in Schoolcraft, Ml, where he spoke of the behavior. Persons affiliated with the ruling dic­ Exactly how this is to be done legally is quite pride and joy he gained in his role as an elder tator or party and its henchmen get good pri­ unclear, particularly since on October 7, 1998, statesman. He will be remembered as the vate and public jobs for themselves and their GSA issued a "lease status" letter indicating gentleman from Michigan in every sense of families; special deals when public businesses that the government was not aware of any the word. He led his life with dignity, served are "privatized"; and many other luxuries. "defense to its obligations under the Lease." his community with respect, and lived with a Several billionaires were made in Mexico over The chairman did not further enlighten us. profound love for his country. the past decade because of such affiliations The special order appeared to be a last­ Mr. Speaker, please join me in sending my with the ruling party-the PRI. Dissidents in minute, cheap shot bid for press attention­ condolences to his daughter, Ms. Frances the former Soviet Union and its satellite states and speech-and-debate protection-for old, Brown, and to all of Gerry's family and friends. were denied the right to work at their chosen unproven allegations and an investigation that Congressman Garry Eldridge Brown will be professions because of their political views. In has drilled a dry hole. There is no report nor sorely missed by us all. the Congo,· the right to work at all under is a referral letter yet written. One must ques­ former dictator Mobutu often depended on po­ tion why a subcommittee chairman needs to litical party affiliation. The right to work and go to the floor to give instructions to his staff. ATTEMPTS TO BLACKLIST PEOPLE speak in China today can depend upon a per­ More importantly, this referral is not based BECAUSE OF DEMOCRATIC son's political views. Indonesia, Malaysia . on credible evidence but is an attempt to pun­ PARTY AFFILIATION I could go on and on. ish private persons who happen to be Demo­ From our vaunted and privileged perch in crats by forcing them to go through months of HON. RON KUNK what is still the world's greatest democracy, additional investigations when the Subcommit­ OF PENNSYLVANIA we call these countries and their leaders "cor­ tee's own work failed to uncover any criminal rupt," "backward,' and "undemocratic." We wrongdoing. Attorneys' fees to defend against IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES decry the "inefficiencies" that result from such a continuing string of unsuccessful investiga­ Tuesday, October 20, 1998 interferences with individual and corporate tions can be used quite easily to cripple indi­ Mr. KLINK. Mr. Speaker, there was a time freedoms. We spend millions of dollars every viduals with different political views. As much when people were blacklisted from jobs be­ year to bring the message of our "democracy" was threatened at the Subcommittee's Octo­ cause of alleged affiliation with the Communist to the benighted of the world. But unfortu­ ber 6, 1998, hearing. In his opening state­ Party. Today, attempts are being made to nately, in the Congress of the United States, ment, Committee Chairman BULEY told the blacklist people because of their affiliation with the majority party too is now imposing the lit­ witnesses that he believed that their behavior the Democratic Party. mus test of party affiliation to reward or punish was "wrong," and that "if they continue down How do they do that in our democratic sys­ our citizens. The Republicans are using party the path of evasion and avoidance, they tem? Through direct threats to employers' affiliation to determine who has the right to pe­ should know the consequences will be far pocketbooks. According to Roll Call, the tition the government. The sacred constitu- greater." (emphasis added) e This "bullet" symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. October 21, 1998 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 27663 Chairman BULEY stated that the witnesses' though these were the very same persons charges of abuse and meddling in business previous testimony, in which they denied any who had supposedly paid for influence at that is entirely and properly private, not public. wrongdoing, raised "serious questions about DOE, according to the majority's allegations. The first new role is a judicial one. We set a whether these men intended to mislead the The minority's request to have Molten Metal's new standard for evidence that sworn testi­ Committee." He claimed the Subcommittee Republican Washington representative testify mony by individuals is evidence only if it is had "other testimony and evidence" that about his role for the company was turned backed up by documents. Otherwise, it is just should cast "significant doubt" on their expla­ down. talk. nations. But, as staff and members already Not surprisingly, the Subcommittee's inves­ Second, we became the D.C. Bar's ethics knew, there was no new testimony or evi­ tigation turned up no evidence of wrongdoing, guru because some law firms have billing and dence to be presented at that hearing or the but there were very heavy and tangible pen­ partnership practices that we don't like.
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