CONGRESSIONAL RECORD— Extensions of Remarks E1398 HON
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E1398 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks July 22, 2010 world view, unmatched civility and integrity bers today, one of the largest caucuses in nizations, many of which are located or have and was a great organizer. He was energetic, Congress. business interests in the Downtown area. In a great communicator and a loyalist. In short, Cyprus is playing a vital role in European af- 1997, Carol’s vision led to the creation of the Paul Coverdell was a statesman and someone fairs while also strengthening relations with the Downtown Center Business Improvement Dis- whose example I try to follow to this day. United States. It has joined with us on issues trict (DCBID). As the DCBID’s President & f important to our own security, including the CEO, Carol’s leadership has been instru- fight against terrorism and other international mental in the district’s growth to include more COMMEMORATING UNITED STATES crimes. Ending the island’s tragic division will than 2,200 parcels and 1,200 property owners MARINE CORPORAL LARRY D. pave the way to prosperity and peace through- located in the 65-block Central Business Dis- HARRIS, JR. out the entire region. trict of Downtown Los Angeles. Today, this in- Last year, I was joined by Hellenic Caucus fluential business district is among the largest HON. MIKE COFFMAN co-chair Representative GUS BILIRAKIS in urg- of its kind in Los Angeles County. OF COLORADO ing our colleagues to sign a letter to President Revenue generated from property tax as- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Obama thanking him for his vocal support of sessments within the district pay for more than a unified Cyprus and urging the United States’ 140 employees to provide security, cleaning Thursday, July 22, 2010 continued support for a solution to the Cyprus and other services in the area. The district Mr. COFFMAN of Colorado. Madam Speak- problem that is by Cypriots, for Cypriots. also promotes business retention and recruit- er, I rise to pay tribute to a hero: United States To date, Turkey has repeatedly ignored all ment, acts as a housing resource to potential Marine Corporal Larry D. Harris, Jr. of Thorn- U.N. Resolutions pertaining to Cyprus and has residents and developers, and carries out a ton, Colorado. continued to occupy the island in complete Downtown marketing program that includes Corporal Harris, a Marine Corps veteran of violation of international law. Turkey has con- special events, promotional offers, advertising Iraq and Afghanistan, graduated in 2003 from tinued to do so despite the fact that it has campaigns and other public relations efforts. Boulder High School where he played football been a member of the U.N. Security Council With a budget of more than $6 million, the and ran track. He loved being an infantry Ma- since January 2009. Turkey has also refused DCBID has made Downtown safe and clean rine on the front line. to abide by the Judgments of the European and provided a catalyst to bring incredible new Corporal Larry Harris displayed heroism and Court of Human Rights in numerous cases, residential and commercial investment to service to others—both overseas and at thereby continuing to violate the basic human Downtown Los Angeles. home. He was awarded the Navy and Marine rights of the Cypriot people. This is an out- Under Carol’s dual leadership, the Down- Corps Achievement Medal for helping civilians rage. town Center Business Improvement District severely injured in an automobile accident The current negotiations aim at reaching a working in conjunction with the Central City near Camp Pendleton. comprehensive settlement of the Cyprus prob- Association of Los Angeles operate under a On July 1, 2010, while on patrol in Helmand lem based on a bizonal, bicommunal federa- shared mission—to enhance the quality of life Province Afghanistan, another Marine was tion with political equality, as defined in the in Downtown. shot in the leg. Picking up his fellow wounded relevant U.N. Security Council resolutions, Under Carol’s direction, CCA created the Marine to carry him to safety Corporal Harris with a single sovereignty, single citizenship ‘‘Downtown Development Strategy’’ as an up- tripped an explosive device, absorbing the and single international personality. The solu- dated supplement to the 1985 Downtown Stra- blast. Though he died in the explosion, his ef- tion must reunite the island, its people, its in- tegic Plan. The plan includes all aspects of a forts saved the life of the wounded Marine. stitutions and its economy and safeguard the revitalized Downtown, from the creation of Corporal Harris is a shining example of human rights and fundamental freedoms of all mixed-use/mixed-income projects to new United States Marine Corps service and sac- Cypriots and the withdrawal of Turkish occu- transportation amenities. Carol was also in- rifice. As a Marine Corps veteran, my deepest pation forces from Cyprus. strumental in initiating the Figueroa Corridor sympathies go out to his family and to all who The United States and the international Plan and the reauthorization of the Civic Cen- knew him. community must continue to provide support ter Authority, which led to the Civic Center f to this process. The people of Cyprus deserve Master Plan. a unified and democratic country, and I remain In one of her most significant achievements, THE 36TH YEAR OF ILLEGAL hopeful that a peaceful settlement will be Carol utilized the full force of the association’s TURKISH OCCUPATION OF CYPRUS found so that the division of Cyprus will come lobbying muscle to win a legislative victory key to an end. to the Downtown Los Angeles Renaissance. HON. CAROLYN B. MALONEY f Passed in 1999 by the Los Angeles City OF NEW YORK Council, the Adaptive Reuse Ordinance cham- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HONORING CAROL E. SCHATZ FOR pioned by the association is widely credited for TWO DECADES OF SERVICE TO Thursday, July 22, 2010 allowing developers to convert empty office THE CENTRAL CITY ASSOCIA- buildings to housing. As a result of this prop- Mrs. MALONEY. Madam Speaker, this TION OF LOS ANGELES erty use conversion, Downtown today boasts week, once again, we commemorate the tragic more than 16,000 new residential units, a 141 36th anniversary of the 1974 illegal Turkish in- HON. LUCILLE ROYBAL-ALLARD percent increase since 1991. In addition, vasion of Cyprus. Thirty-six years later, Turkey OF CALIFORNIA Downtown has experienced a dramatic popu- continues forcibly to occupy more than one- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES lation increase of residents from 19,000 in third of Cyprus with more than 43,000 troops. 1991 to 43,000 today. This amounts to almost one Turkish soldier for Thursday, July 22, 2010 Tapping into this expanded pool of cus- every two Turkish Cypriots. It is time for Tur- Ms. ROYBAL-ALLARD. Madam Speaker, I tomers, the number of Downtown businesses key to withdraw its troops from Cyprus so that rise today to honor my friend, Carol E. Schatz, has also increased, from 11,725 in 1991 to the island can move forward as one nation. on the occasion of her 20th anniversary with 17,028 today, including 180 new restaurants, I am honored to represent Astoria, the Central City Association (CCA) of Los An- bars, and nightclubs that have made Down- Queens—one of the largest and most vibrant geles in the 34th Congressional District. town Los Angeles an entertainment and dining communities of Greek and Cypriot Americans During her tenure with the association, I destination. in this country. I truly enjoy participating in the have had the pleasure of working closely with Carol embraces a vision of Downtown as a life of this community and treasure the won- Carol in our joint efforts to revitalize Downtown place where professionals live and work and derful and vital Cypriot friends that I have Los Angeles. families come to have fun. Her tenacious ad- come to know. Cyprus has long been a key Carol started her career with the CCA in vocacy was instrumental in bringing the Sta- partner for the United States, and our friend- 1990 as the Director of Legislative Affairs. ples Center to Downtown—the proud home of ship rests on the bedrock of shared demo- Five years later, she became the association’s the Los Angeles Lakers, Clippers, Sparks, and cratic values. President & CEO—the first woman in the as- Kings. Carol was also a strong proponent of As co-chair and co-founder of the Congres- sociation’s history to hold this leadership posi- the creation of LA Live, which has become sional Hellenic Caucus, I have worked dili- tion. one of the most vibrant centers for urban gently with my colleagues in the Caucus out of Established in 1924 as an advocacy organi- nightlife in the nation. our mutual concern for the continued division zation for businesses, the CCA represents Madam Speaker, I ask my colleagues to and occupation of Cyprus. We have 158 mem- more than 450 member businesses and orga- please join me in thanking Carol E. Schatz on VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:56 Jul 23, 2010 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K22JY8.002 E22JYPT1 tjames on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with REMARKS.