
The Journal of Neuroscience, December 1992, f2(12): 4575-4585

Feature Article

The Active

Peter Dallas Auditory Physiology Laboratory (The Hugh Knowles Center) and Department of Neurobiology and Physiology, Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois 60208

The cochlea is a hydromechanical frequency analyzer located the resulting modification of the receptor output is responsible in the inner (Fig. 1a). Its principal role is to perform a real- for the remarkable performance of the system, were certainly time spectral decomposition of the acoustic signal in producing unexpected. a spatial frequency map. The frequency analysis may be un- The biological processes that perform auditory frequency derstood with the aid of Figure 1 b, which shows a straightened analysis vary among : there is no such thing as the cochlea with a snapshot of its displaced in cochlear mechanism. One apparently widely used and also well response to a single-frequency sound (pure tone). Upon delivery understood mechanism among lower vertebrates is spectral of an acoustic signal into the fluid-filled cochlea, the basilar analysis by electrical resonance in the sensory receptor cells membrane undergoes an oscillatory motion at the frequency of themselves. In the turtle cochlea, these resonance frequencies the sound, resulting in a wave traveling toward its distal end. range from 20 to 600 Hz. This mechanism is reviewed by Fet- The drawing shows an instantaneous view ofthis traveling wave. tiplace (1987). Mechanical resonance of the sensory cell’s re- The wave is spatially confined along the length of the basilar ceptive organelles, the ciliary bundle, may be the principal means membrane, and the location of its maximum amplitude is re- of frequency analysis in some other reptilian cochleae (Weiss et lated to the frequency of the sound. The higher the frequency, al., 1978). the more restricted the disturbance to the proximal end. The In , the range generally extends to frequen- vibrating membrane supports the of hearing, the cies so high that simple resonance, electrical or mechanical, as spiral (Fig. 2) which is deformed maximally in used in many lower vertebrates, is no longer adequate for their the region of the peak of the traveling wave. In this location, analysis. Consequently, in mammals there is a shift away from the sensory receptor cells of the organ of Corti receive maximal analysis by the individual receptor cell as the tuned element, mechanical stimulation, transduce it into maximal electrical toward a concerted interaction among receptors and their greatly signals, and thus produce maximal afferent sensory outflow from elaborated sensory accessory structures. The means of satisfying the cochlea. Thus, mechanical frequency analysis is performed the demands upon the mammalian cochlea appear to be a non- by matching particular frequencies with particular groups of linear local feedback process, which is assumed to result in a auditory receptor cells and their fibers. cycle-by-cycle boost of vibratory amplitude (Gold, 1948; Davis, Understanding of frequency analysis in the pro- 1983). The amplification preferentially functions at low signal gressed through three main epochs. The first was dominated by levels, and confers high sensitivity and wide dynamic and fre- Helmholtz’s suggestions that lightly damped, spatially ordered, quency range on the ear’s operation. mechanically resonant elements in the cochlea perform the spec- Here, we consider cochlear function in mammalian only. tral analysis (this period was reviewed by Wever, 1949). The Moreover, the discussion is restricted to the operation of the second epoch, lasting from the late 1940s to the early 1970s general mammalian ear, while specializations developed to serve was dominated by von Bekesy’s description of the traveling infra- or ultrasonic hearing are not addressed. wave (von BtkCsy, 1960). We are now in the third epoch (an overview of its evolution is given in Dallos, 1988) during which Design objectives a fundamentally different paradigm has emerged. According to Virtually all environmental and biologically significant sounds this paradigm, von Btktsy’s traveling wave is boosted by a local change their amplitude, frequency, and phase, from instant to electromechanical amplification process in which one of the instant. The ear must be capable of analyzing the time-varying mammalian ear’s sensory cell groups, outer hair cells, function features of these sounds and representing them in a spatiotem- as both sensors and mechanical feedback elements. The ideas poral array of neural discharges in the fibers of the auditory that the operation of a sense organ is dependent upon local nerve. When analyzing a signal, its frequency spectrum and mechanical feedback modification by what resembles a sensory temporal characteristics are reciprocally related. The spectrally receptor cell, that such mechanical feedback may operate at simplest signal, a continuous sine wave, corresponding to a pure audio frequencies utilizing some novel cellular motor, and that tone in acoustics, has only one spectral component, the fre- quency of the sound, and lasts forever. In contrast, the tem- This work was supported by NIDCD Grants DC00089 and DCOO708. porally simplest signal, an impulse, corresponding to a click in Correspondence should be addressed to Peter Dallas at the above address. acoustics, is infinitesimally short in duration but contains all Copyright 0 1992 Society for Neuroscience 0270-6474/92/124575-l 1%05.00/O frequencies. Natural sounds present a continuum between these 4575 Dallas - The Active Cochlea

_-----\ extremes: they have finite duration and finite spectral breadth. a ,,,,y,----\;“j However, there is a reciprocal relation in this continuum: the ,I ;---- ‘\ : : shorter the signal, the broader its frequency band, and con- I !,.---. ‘Q ,’ versely, the longer the signal,the narrower its frequency band. ” i ‘\ ’ ,x’ : ! \ : TCochlea A device constructed to analyze signalsis constrainedthe same : :, : :, !’ way: in order to assuregood frequency resolution of the signal, it must be processedin narrow frequency bands and observed for long duration; in contrast, to resolve short temporal features in the signal, it must be processedby relatively broad-band analysis.These are conflicting requirementsfor which earsmust find an optimal solution. They must also perform over exceed- ingly broad intensity and frequency ranges, and with high res- olution. Let us examine the severity of the requirements. Under laboratory conditions, young adult humans can dis- criminate betweentwo soundswhose frequencies differ by only about 0.245%. This indicates that the neural representation of such two soundsprepared by the cochlea is sufficiently dif- ferent to enable the cerebralcortex to distinguishbetween them. Let us assumethat only spectralclues (not related to the timing window of neural spikes) are used for analysis. Then, resorting to a relatively simple model of frequency discrimination, one can estimate that filters usedto perform such analysis would have to possessbandwidths of approximately 1.2% of the center fre- quency of the filter. A filter of this sharpness,when excited by b a brief transient, would persistin its ringing oscillatory response for a significant time period, correspondingto a time constant equivalent to 26 cycles. Such long persistenceof the response would preclude a useful temporal analysis of brief sounds,yet timing differencesof 6-l 0 psecbetween signals presented to the two earscan be detected by human subjects.Furthermore, at detection threshold, the ear respondsto soundcausing displace- ments in the cochlea that are subatomic in dimensions.From Cochlear base recent measurements,one can estimate thesedisplacements to Scala vestibuli be lo-lo to 10-l’ m (Sellick et al., 1982). Broad-band thermal noise motion of the ciliary (hair) bundles of sensory receptor Basilar membrane cells is estimated to be at least 1O-9 m (Bialek, 1987). After prefiltering by the cochlea’smechanical frequency analysis,the thermal noise displacementof the ciliary bundle may be of the order of lo-lo m. It follows that the sensorycells detect signals that may be smaller than, or of the same magnitude as, the background noise. The ear is also capable of processingsounds over an at least a millionfold range in energy. Another requirement for optimal sound detection is the ability to respondover a relatively broad Cochlear apex,&) frequency range. While mammals processsounds that can en- compass10 octaves, nonmammalian vertebrates generally re- spond to much narrower frequency bands lying at the bottom Figure 1. a, Outline of the peripheralauditory (solid lines) and ves- end of the mammalian frequency responserange. In fact, the tibular (broken lines) systems.Sound is conductedto the cone-shaped desideratum of extending the frequency range may have been eardrumthat setsthe three ossiclesof the into vibratory the primary pressurefor developing mammalian hearing spe- motion. The innermostossicle, the ,delivers these vibrations to cializations. the fluid-filledinner ear. The roundwindow providesacoustic pressure release.Details of the cochlearpartition, containingthe sensorycells within the organof Corti, shownwith hatching at the cut crosssection of the cochlea,are given in Figure2. b, The snail-shapedcochlea shown and organ of Corti in a is straightenedout, andone of its internaldividing boundaries, the Figure la showsa simplified sketch of the peripheral auditory basilarmembrane (see Fig. 2), is shownas a taperedribbon. An in- stantaneouspicture of the travelingwave is indicatedby the shapeof system. Airborne sound entering via the propagates the basilarmembrane, assuming that the soundinput is a pure tone. to the lateral boundary of the middle ear, the , which The amplitudeof the travelingwave is grosslyexaggerated. is set in vibratory motion. These vibrations are mechanically transmitted by the ossiclesto the fluid-filled cochlea. In most mammals, the ossiclesare a chain of three linked that are suspendedby ligamentswithin the air-filled middle ear cav- ity. The inner ear, comprised of a vestibular (shown in broken The Journal of Neuroscience, December 1992, 12(12) 4577

Reticular lamina


Figure 2. Crosssection of the cochlear partition, or Scalamedia, with oneof three OHCs (left) and an IHC (right) shownenlarged. Boundaries of the par- tition areReissner’s membrane, basilar membrane,and the peripheralwall, linedby the striavascularis. The organ of Corti is on the Scalamedia side of the basilarmembrane; it containsan array of supportingcells and the OHCs and IHCs The tectorial membraneis abovethe organof Corn. Nerve fibers enter the organ from the central bony core of the cochlea. Inside the partition is ; outside it and within the organ of Corti spaces is . The reticular lamina, formed by support cell processes, is a flat plate covering the organ of Corti. Modified from Dallos fibers (1985). outline) and a cochlear portion, is a system of cavities in the bed; it producesthe endolymph, and as a byproduct of its trans- of the . The entire cavity is fluid filled. The port process,it positively polarizes the endolymphatic fluid. middle ear and the inner ear communicate via two openings in This endolymphatic potential rangesfrom +80 to + 100 mV the temporal bone, the oval and round windows. The innermost with respectto the perilymph. ossicle, the stapes, is inserted into the and sealed Reissner’smembrane is acoustically transparent and doesnot by an elastic ligament. The is covered by a flexible influence the cochlea’smechanical functions; its likely role is to membrane. The length of the cochlea itself is about 35 mm in separateendolymph from perilymph. From the vantage point humans; it coils as a snail shell about a center core through of cochlear fluid mechanics,the scalaevestibuli and media may which the auditory portion of the eighth cranial nerve enters. be thought of as a single compartment. In contrast, the basilar Key elements for understanding the neurobiology of the coch- membrane, while permeable to and thus allowing spaces lea are situated within the cochlear partition. This triangular- within the organ of Corti to be filled with perilymph, is one of shaped duct, shown in the cutaway of Figure la and in detail the salient hydromechanical elements in the workings of the in Figure 2, is the cochlear portion of the membranousinner cochlea. Its mechanicalproperties control the passive, von Bt- ear. The latter contains the sensoryepithelia of the auditory and k&y-type traveling wave that is sustainedby it upon sound vestibular systems.The elaborateduct systemroughly conforms stimulation. When flattened and straightened,as in Figure lb, to the shapeof the bony inner ear. The spacebetween the bony the basilar membrane appears wedge shaped, with its width and membranousportions of the inner ear is filled by a filtrate gradually increasing from the cochlea’s“input” end (its base) of , the perilymph, while the membranous toward the far end (its apex). The changein width results in a portion is filled by endolymph, the predominant cation of which 104- to 105-fold reduction in the membrane’sstiffness from base is ([K+] - 160 mM; [Na+] < 1 mM; [Caz+] -20 PM). to apex (Steeleand Taber, 1981). This stiffnessis conferred by The boundaries of the cochlear partition (also known as Scala the membrane’sdense strands of fibers running per- media) are the basilar membrane(separating it from one of the pendicular to the long dimension and making the membrane perilymph-filled channelsthe Scalatympani), Reissner’smem- highly anisotropic (Voldrich, 1978). brane (separating it from the other perilymphatic channel the The geometry of the organ of Corti and its deformational Scalavestibuli), and the lateral wall of the cochlea. The auditory properties are determined by the arrangementand structure of sensory , the organ of Corti, is a cellular matrix lo- specializedsupporting cells that sendactin- and tubulin-packed cated on the Scalamedia side of the basilar membrane.As shown phalangealprocesses toward the roof of the organ of Corti. The in Figure 2, a complement of support cells and two types of processesflatten into an intermeshednetwork, the reticular lam- sensory(hair) cells form a unit segment,which is repeatedabout ina, that is closedto the endolymphatic spaceby tight junctions. 3500 times along the length of the organ of Corti. The Scala The apicesof sensorycells are sealedby tight junctions into the media is separatedfrom the surrounding structuresby a luminal reticular lamina. The remaining cochlear structure of great im- layer of cells that are sealedby tight junctions. This arrangement portance is the . This is a collagenous,acel- affords the biochemical isolation of the Scalamedia from its lular gel paralleling the reticular lamina. The spacebetween surround. The stria vascularis, lining the lateral wall, is a three- tectorial membraneand reticular lamina is apparently open to cell-layer, -transporting epithelium incorporating a vascular endolymph. Consequently,the apical facesof hair cells and the 4578 Dallas l The Active Cochlea entire reticular lamina are bathed in this fluid. The complex intramembranous particles, possibly associated with ion chan- consisting of tectorial membrane, organ of Corti, and basilar nels. IHCs are surrounded by supporting cells, whereas OHCs membrane may be thought of as the accessory structures to the are free along virtually their entire longitudinal extent; they are hair cells. Their role is to deliver a processed mechanical signal bathed in the perilymph that fills the cavities of the organ of to the appropriate group of sensory receptor cells whose primary Corti. mechanical input is related to the relative motion between tec- torial membrane and reticular lamina. Innervation The discovery of the disparity in innervation patterns between Hair cells IHCs and OHCs (Spoendlin, 1970) clearly paved the way to our Hair cells are the common receptors of the auditory and ves- present concept of cochlear function, in which IHCs take the tibular sensory organs and of the lateral line. They are epithelial role of the sensory receptor in the hearing organ and in which cells of somewhat variable morphology. Only the two types of the search is ongoing for understanding the primary function of mammalian cochlear hair cells, inner and outer hair cells (IHCs, OHCs (Dallos, 1985; Rim, 1986). OHCs), are considered here (Fig. 2). In the human cochlea there terminating on IHCs comprise 90-95% of the affer- are approximately 12,000 OHCs and 3500 IHCs. A recent re- ent pool. While about 20 afferents yield punctate, solitary bou- view by Hudspeth (1989) provides additional information about ton endings on each IHC, OHC afferents branch profusely and hair cells and their functioning. The flat, apical surfaces of both may innervate about 10 OHCs in the cochlear base and as many types of are crowned by a ciliary, or sensory hair, as 50 in the apex. In the adult ear, no fiber innervates both IHCs bundle. Each bundle contains cilia in an array that has a distinct and OHCs. Central of both types of ganglion cells synapse organization and an axis of symmetry. This axis is largely radial in the ipsilateral of the medulla. An overview in the coiled cochlea. IHC cilia form a shallow U-shape, and of afferent innervation is found in Spoendlin (1970). Efferent OHC cilia present a W-, V-, or U-shape depending on their connections also differ between the two receptor cell types. The location. The of the configuration points toward the pe- final descending path emerges in the . riphery of the cochlear spiral. Cilia are evaginations of the cell, Unmyelinated fibers originating in small cells near the lateral sheathed by the plasma membrane. Their internal core consists superior olivary nucleus descend, mostly ipsilaterally, toward of extensively cross-linked filaments (Flock and Cheung, IHCs. They terminate on the afferent coming from 1977; Tilney et al., 1980), rendering the cilia rigid; upon de- IHCs, rarely on the cell bodies themselves. Myelinated fibers flection at their tip, they pivot at the tapered insertion points stemming from larger cell bodies near the medial superior olive but do not bow (Flock et al., 1977). When displaced at the tallest travel mostly contralaterally toward OHCs. These fibers ter- cilia, the entire bundle moves as a unit, due to adjacent cilia minate in large granulated endings that dominate the neural being connected to one another with filamentous material (Pick- pole of OHCs. The efferent influence on OHCs is presynaptic les et al., 1984). (possibly affecting motility), while that on IHCs is postsynaptic. While the apical aspect of the hair cell is dominated by the An overview of efferent innervation is found in Warr and Guin- cilia, its basal, infranuclear end has the hallmarks of presynaptic an (1979). regions in the IHC and both pre- and postsynaptic regions in the OHC. The extended supranuclear segment of OHCs is re- Transduction in hair cells markable for its minimal cytoplasmic content and for its elab- Input to hair cells orate subplasma membrane specializations, which are thought The excitatory proximal to any hair cell is the bending to participate in the cell’s motile activity. The illustration in of the ciliary tuft toward the (Hudspeth and Corey, Figure 3, along with the inset in Figure 2, should aid in visu- 1977) or, in case of mammalian hair cells, toward the tallest alizing this region. The most conspicuous feature is several lay- row of (Russell and Richardson, 1987). Forces ex- ers of subsurface, or lateral, cistemae, having the appearance of erted on the ciliary bundle derive from relative displacements smooth endoplasmic reticulum, that run concentrically along between the reticular lamina and the tectorial membrane, either the cell membrane from the cuticular plate down to the synaptic due to the direct attachment of cilia or, alternatively, due to region. One finds large numbers of mitochondria closely ap- tectorial membrane-driven flow of endolymph around the cilia. posed to the innermost cistern. There is a gap between the The latter forces are more efficient in stimulating cilia that are outermost cistern and the plasma membrane, which houses an not attached to the tectorial membrane. In OHCs, the tallest elaborate cortical network. This consists of a helical filamentous row of cilia is firmly connected to the underside of the tectorial backbone, probably actin, having a pitch of about 75” with the membrane, but it is possible that IHC cilia are either entirely long axis. Adjacent turns are cross-linked with approximately freestanding or only tenuously attached (Lim, 1980). OHCs, due 3-nm-diameter fib&, conceivably spectrin or cu-actinin (Holley to their direct tectorial connection, can efficiently deliver forces and Ashmore, 1988). The entire structure is linked to both the via their cilia; the W-pattern, and the resulting stiffening of their plasma membrane and the outermost cistemal wall by periodic ciliary bundle, may serve this function. OHC motile response pillars (Flock et al., 1986) 4-6 nm in diameter. The OHC lateral presumably alters the input to IHCs by modifying the tectorial membrane has a high protein content, accounted for by ap- membrane-reticular lamina relationship (Zwislocki, 1990). proximately 6000 large protein particles per pm*, covering up Consequently, the strong coupling between OHC cilia and tec- to 75% of the membrane (Forge, 1991). The particles seem to torial membrane and the concomitant decoupling of IHC cilia be apposed to the pillars but do not penetrate the membrane may be one corollary of the development of OHC mechanical (Arima et al., 199 1). Since the estimated ion channel density in feedback in the . IHC cilia, with their flattened U-pat- the lateral membrane is much less than that of these particles, tern, appear ideally sculpted to be stimulated by endolymph it is likely that their majority subserves another function (con- flow. ceivably motility). The lateral walls of IHCs possess clusters of As a result of the viscoelastic coupling of forces to IHC cilia, The Journal of Neuroscience, December 1992, f2(12) 4579

, Fracture face

Figure 3. Subplasma membrane cor- tical structures of the OHC. The pitch of the thick helical circumferential til- aments is approximately 15”. These fil- Circumferential aments (probably actin) are cross-linked filament (-6 nm) by thinner strands (cY-actinin or spec- trin) and attached by pillars to the out- ermost lateral cistern and to large pro- tein particles (candidate motor molecules) in the inner leaflet of the nlasma membrane. The lateral cister- nae are membrane-bound organelles that form multiple concentric layers within the cell’s perimeter. Modified Lateral cisternae from Holley (199 1) and Arima et al. Cross link (-3 nm) (1991). at low frequenciestheir displacementis likely to be proportional restingpotential and the positive endocochlearpotential, a total to the velocity of motion of the basilar membrane. Becauseof of 120-160 mV. Potassium loading of the cells from the en- this velocity dependence of IHC input, very low-frequency (DC) dolymph is also useful in reducing their reliance on indigenous signalsare probably ineffective in stimulating IHCs. In other Na-K ATPase (Ashmore and Meech, 1986)and transferring the words, DC displacementsof basilar and/or tectorial membranes, sourceof metabolic energy to the remote stria vascularis. The which may arise from asymmetrical nonlinearities of the coch- potential drop on the basolateralcell membrane, produced by lear mechanics, are not likely to produce an IHC response. This the receptor current, may be shapedand altered by the passive means that the DC receptor potential, all important at high reactanceof the cell membraneand by voltage- and time-de- acoustic frequenciesin producing an output (neurotransmitter pendent conductances.One form of influence is due to the in- release)from the IHC, is due to the IHC’s own rectifier char- evitable low-passfiltering, owing to the parallel resistanceca- acteristics. pacitance(RC) of the basolateralcell membrane.The filter shunts those frequencies that are above its comer frequency: f, = Transduction 1/2rRC, and consequently limits the size of the AC receptor A coherent and well supported hypothesis of hair cell trans- potential at high frequencies.Thus, limitations on neural phase- duction implicates mechanically gated channels located at or locking are largely a consequenceof this presynaptic filtering near the tips of stereociliathat are controlled by changingtension action by IHC membrane(Palmer and Russell, 1986). As dis- in attached elasticelements, termed “gating springs”(Hudspeth, cussedbelow, filtering by OHC membraneinfluences high-fre- 1989). Slender filamentous tip links of unknown structure (elas- quency motility of this cell. tin?) reach up from the top of short cilia to the side of adjacent Two types of K+ flux dominate OHC basolateralmembrane tall cilia, paralleling the mirror-symmetry axis (Pickles et al., currents; one is activated at membranepotentials between -90 1984). The arrangement of these tip links, assumedto be the and - 50 mV, and the other at membranepotentials more pos- gating springs,is consistent with the cell’s directional sensitivity: itive than -35 mV (Ashmore and Meech, 1986; Housley and bundle displacement toward the tallest cilia, resulting in the Ashmore, 1992). Input conductancesof OHCs changemono- stretching of the links, is excitatory; movement in the opposite tonically with cell position alongthe cochlea,with highestvalues direction is inhibitory, while orthogonal displacementis inef- (-50 nS) found in the baseand lowest (-4 nS) in the apex. fective. Due to its direct activation by the mechanicalstimulus, This spatialconductance gradient affectsthe receptor potentials the openingand closingtimes of the gateare very short, certainly in a frequency-specific manner (Housley and Ashmore, 1992). lessthan 50 psec(Hudspeth, 1989). Basolateralmembrane conductancesin IHCs (Kros and Craw- In all inner ears,the cilia, and hencethe transducerchannels, ford, 1990) are dominated by two different voltage-gated K+ are in contact with endolymph, making potassium the likely channels, active in the -60 to -20 mV membrane potential carrier of transducer current (Fig. 4). The driving force for K+ range that encompassesin vivo values. Diagrams of IHC and is not an electrochemical potential but the electrical gradient OHC, shownin Figure 4, depict the various currents and chan- acrossthe ciliary membrane, produced by the sum of the cell’s nels that dominate hair cell electrical phenomenaand also sym- 4580 Dallas l The Active Cochlea

ENDOLYMPH +80 mV Figure 4. OHC and IHC cellular ma- chinery. Solid arrows indicate the ex- citatory direction of ciliary bundle de- flection. Hatched arrows symbolize K+ flow from endolymph into the hair cells. There is a resting K+ flux down the elec- trical gradient, and this is modulated by the transducer channels that are di- rectly gated by cilia deflection. OHCs and IHCs have different resting poten- tials. OHC basolateral membranes con- tain voltage-gated Ca*+ channels and Ca-activated K+ channels. Depolariza- PV -40 mV tion (6V’) due to the receptor current (K+ flux) and subsequent calcium and potassium fluxes produces the ultimate receptor potential. In OHCs, the recep- tor potential activates the motile mech- anism (V-M converter) that produces cellular shape changes and delivers me- chanical feedback. The dominant in- nervation of OHC is efferent. IHC ba- solateral membranes contain at least two PERILYMPH types of voltage-gated K+ channels and 0 mV Ca*+ channels in the synaptic region. IHCs are almost exclusively innervated by afferents.

bolize the mechanism of the voltage-to-movement transducer in soundpressure are ineffective in displacing the acoustic par- associatedwith the OHC cell membrane, which is assumedto tition. be the substrate of the cell’s mechanical feedback function. The pressuregradient acrossthe acoustic partition produces a force upon it, setting it in motion and originating a wave that Cochlear mechanics propagatesaway from the window region (Fig. lb). The wave’s Passive mechanics speedof travel and properties are determined by the physical The contemporary view of the operation of the mammalian ear characteristics of the flexible boundary. Since with increasing is that a hydromechanical event, von B&k&y’s traveling wave, distance from the window region, the stiffness of the basilar devolving from the physical structure of the cochlea, provides membranedecreases, so doesthe speedof travel, v, of this wave the basis for frequency analysis. This rather crude mode of while its amplitude increases.At a given frequency, f; as the analysis appearsto be augmentedby a local cochlear feedback wave’s velocity decreases,so doesits wavelength, X, sinceX = processthat relies on OHCs as the effector elements. Defor- v/f Acoustic energy propagation progressively slows until the mations of the organ of Corti, caused by the traveling wave wave effectively halts with the energy “piling up” at a particular, augmented by OHC feedback, produce the relative motions “characteristic” place (Lighthill, 1991). As the energy is con- between tectorial membrane and reticular lamina that effect centrated in a very narrow region, traveling at very low speed, mechanoelectric transduction in both types of hair cell. In this any mechanicalloss (damping) of the basilar membraneis suf- view, IHCs transduce the preanalyzed signals and, via their ficient to dissipateit since this processof dissipation can take dominant afferent connections, convey acoustic information to a long time. At the location of the membrane’sown resonant the CNS. Our first task is to understandthe physical genesisof frequency, it is purely dissipative, and it is there wherethe wave the “passive” von BCkCsywave, before discussingthe “active” is extinguished, that is, its amplitude falls to zero. Any location feedback processthought to be mediated by OHCs. has a characteristic frequency (CF), largely determined by the Sound-induced, pistonlike motion of the stapes produces membrane’slocal stiffness.The CFs are arranged according to pressurechanges in the adjacent cochlear fluid. The resulting a spatial map, so that they progressivelydecrease from cochlear acoustic events are dominated by a wave that develops as a baseto apex, just as stiffnessdecreases along the length. Thus, pressuregradient across the basilar membrane-tectorial mem- any location, x, has a resonantfrequency, which is the limiting brane sandwich, functioning as an “acoustic partition” between frequency for waves propagating toward it. A wave whose fre- Scalatympani and Scalamedia. This gradient is made possible quency is the sameas the resonancefrequency will achieve zero by the presenceof the flexible round window membrane, which wavelength at X, that is, it becomesextinguished. Waves with fronts on the air-filled middle ear space,and is at approximately lower frequency propagate through this point; waves with higher atmospheric pressure.At the far, apical end of the cochlea, the frequency do not reach it. endolymphatic spaceends blindly and there is communication Theseconsiderations indicate that a particular basilar mem- between the two perilymphatic scalaethrough an opening that brane motion pattern may be expected on simple physical provides an acoustic shunt acrossthe cochlear partition for in- grounds.This traveling wave sustainedon the basilar membrane frasonic frequencies.For that reason, extremely slow variations wasfirst measuredby von Btktsy (1960) in cadaver ears,using The Journal of Neuroscience, December 1992, fZ(12) 4561 optical methods that necessitated very high input levels to make 61 the vibrations large enough to be visible. Response pattern in the live cochlea von Btktsy’s measurement of the traveling wave indicated lin- earity. In other words, except for amplitude scaling, the traveling wave was not dependent on stimulus level. It also showed shal- low tuning. It is now known that he described the behavior of the “passive,” or dead cochlea. In the living ear the wave motion of the basilar membrane is different both qualitatively and quan- titatively from that seen in the dead ear. It shows an exceedingly nonlinear dependence on stimulus level and is much more sharply tuned (Sellick et al., 1982). Examples are shown in the top panel of Figure 5, which depicts basilar membrane amplitude at one particular location along the cochlea at different sound fre- quencies and levels. The plots are normalized to input stimulus level and, thus, approximate gain functions between basilar membrane displacement and stimulus. The gain is conspicu- ously dependent on stimulus level. If measured at a high level, the displacement is similar to that found by von Btktsy. As stimulus level decreases, however, the gain functions become increasingly sharper. The frequency at the peak of the sharpest (lowest level) gain curve defines the CF of the basilar membrane location. It is noted that the gain increases in the vicinity of the CF only, and that for frequencies less than an octave below CF the gain is independent of level. Hence, the response reflects a band-limited nonlinearity around the CF (Rhode, 197 1). This nonlinearity, as well as the sharpness of tuning, depends on the physiological condition of the cochlea (Rhode, 1973). This is demonstrated in the bottom panel of Figure 5. Two sets of gain curves are shown, 20 decibels apart in stimulus level, for live and for dead ears. As in the top panel of Figure 5, in the live cochlea the gain is higher at the lower stimulus level. Upon death, however, this gain difference disappears and the tuning becomes independent of level. Putting it another way, the nonlinearity disappears with death. To summarize, at any point along the basilar membrane, one specific frequency produces maximal response. The frequency selectivity of this response, reflected by the sharpness of the gain curve, is greatest near stimulus threshold and gradually decreas- es with larger inputs. The nonlinearity, expressed in the level- dependent bandwidth of the gain curves, is dependent upon the state of the cochlea. In a dead ear, all gain curves are nested and they are all equally poorly tuned. The frequency-selective gain increase (amplification) of the live cochlea over the dead Figure 5. Top, Normalized basilar membrane amplitude at the sound one is now assumed to be due to mechanical feedback by OHCs. pressure levels indicated as parameters. All curves converge below 10 kHz, indicating linear response and equal gain, irrespective of level. Active mechanics and OHCs Measurements were performed using the Miissbauer technique in the basal turn of the guinea pig cochlea. Maximal response frequency, - 17 The bases of our present concept of an active cochlear function kHz. From Johnstone et al. (1986). Bottom, Gain functions of basilar were developed in the 1970s and early 1980s. Only a few salient membrane displacement measured in the basal turn of the chinchilla ideas are presented here; a detailed review is found in Dallos cochlea with laser Doppler velocimetry. Maximal response frequency, (1988). Two major notions comprise the basis of the present -8.5 kHz. Measurements are shown at two sound levels, 75 and 95 dB, and in conditions of live and dead cochlea. From Ruggero and Rich framework. First, normal cochlear function is dependent on an (1991). active, mechanical feedback process, and second, OHCs are the agents of feedback. Let us examine the evidence for these two concepts. lear process was indicated by the detection of sound in the ear The physiological vulnerability of gain, tuning, and nonlin- canal, due to spontaneous oscillations, apparently of cochlear earity has been discussed above. This vulnerability indicates origin, retransmitted by the middle ear. These so-called spon- that the hydromechanical processes of the cochlea are dependent taneous otacoustic emissions (Wilson, 1980) are the strongest on normal metabolism and are exquisitely sensitive to external evidence available that vibrations may be produced in the coch- interference of virtually any type. Passive systems do not have lea. Sound emissions from the ear that originate in the cochlea such characteristics. The mechanical nature of the active coch- in response to acoustic inputs also support the validity of active 4582 Dallas l The Active Cochlea processes providing local amplification (Kemp, 1978). Finally, membrane, at a location basalto the CF, and thereby boost the experiments showing that electrical stimulation of the cochlea responseamplitude (Kolston et al., 1990). with AC potentials can result in acoustic emissions and that The feedback is neededat and just above threshold in order these are physiologically vulnerable (Hubbard and Mountain, to improve the signal-to-noiseratio ofdetection, and isgradually 1983) relate the active mechanical process to intracochlear elec- disabled as stimulus level increases.Disabling is achieved by trical signals as likely precursors. the saturation of the feedback element at high stimulus levels The intimate involvement of OHCs in the modification of (Zwicker, 1979). The gain of the feedback path becomeszero cochlear output was suggested by observations that, in spite of and hence the feedback loop is opened. Saturation is also es- IHCs providing 90-95% of afferent sensory innervation, elim- sential in stabilizing the feedback loop. ination of OHCs results in significant (Ryan and Dallos, 1975) and alteration of tuning (Dallos and Harris, 1978; Active mechanics and micromechanics Harrison and Evans, 1979). Even though efferents almost ex- OHC motility clusively terminate on OHCs, their stimulation results in de- The demonstration that OHCs isolated from the cochlea are tuning of the IHC response (Brown et al., 1983) and altering capableof shapechanges at audio frequency ratesupon electrical the production of otacoustic emissions (Mountain, 1980). These stimulation was a key discovery (Kachar et al., 1986; Zenner, data suggest that interference with OHC function profoundly 1986; Ashmore, 1987). These electromotile responsesconsist affects the active mechanical process. Evidence for the identity of primarily length changes,up to 3-5% of the total cell length of OHCs as the mechanical effecters in the active process be- under maximal electrical stimulation. The controlling variable came compelling with the discovery of in vitro alterations of is transmembranepotential change(Santos-Sacchi and Dilger, their soma shape,induced by membranepotential changes,and 1988). Depolarization of the cell results in contraction; hyper- by their chemical manipulations (Brownell et al., 1985; Zenner polarization results in elongation, while small diameter changes et al., 1985). are also measurable(Ashmore, 1987). The motile responseis An active mechanicalprocess that may be electrically elicited nonlinear, showingrectification in the contraction direction and and that is entirely dependent on functioning OHCs is most also exhibiting saturation (Evans et al., 1989; Santos-Sacchi, parsimoniously identified with the OHC itself. These cells are 1989). The sensitivity of the responseis approximately 2-20 then conceived to perform two transducer functions. First, they nm/mV at low stimulus frequencies, but the processmay be are mechanoelectrical transducers, as are all hair cells; they low pass,in that at constant-amplitudeelectrical potential input, transduce mechanicalinput, the ciliary deflection, into an elec- the responsedecreases as stimulus frequency increases(Ash- trical signal, the receptor potential. Second, they are electro- more, 1987). While membranepotential is steppedto different mechanical transducersin producing a mechanicaloutput, pre- levels under voltage clamp, the correlated behavior of motile sumably somatic shapechange, in responseto their own receptor responseand nonlinear capacitive (“gating”) currents suggests potential. This dual sensor-effecteroperation of the OHC is the that motility involves the movement of membrane-bound apparent basisof the amplification of the passivetraveling wave chargedmolecules (Santos-Sacchi, 199 1). Other work also sug- by the postulated active feedback. geststhat OHC electromotility is produced by the concerted direct action of a largenumber of independentmolecular motors that are closely associatedwith the cell’s basolateralmembrane Modeling of the live cochlea (Holley and Ashmore, 1988; Dallos et al., 1991) conceivably Theoretical considerationsindicate that the frequency response with the densely packed particles seentherein. Displacements patterns, shownin Figure 5 under conditions that yield optimal produced by the motor moleculesmay be coupled to the related tuning, are so shaped that they cannot be accounted for by cell cortex (Fig. 3). The responseis not dependent on ATP or models in which all basilar membrane vibratory energy is de- Ca2+,and is of speedso high as to rule out all hitherto described rived from the original sound input (de Boer, 1983; Neely and motile mechanisms(Kachar et al., 1986; Holley and Ashmore, Kim, 1983). This includespassive linear and nonlinear models 1988). that allow for more than one degreeof freedom in describing When OHCs are incorporated in their natural environment, basilar membrane-related movements and tectorial membrane their shapechanges alter micromechanical processes:their dis- resonance(Allen, 1980; Zwislocki, 1980). placement affects the traveling wave-induced deformation of Instead, the performance of the living ear can be accounted the organ of Corti, feeding back energy so that the resulting for by active models that assumea local supply of energy that compound deformation, and indeed the resultingaggregate trav- may be utilized to boost basilar membrane motion selectively. eling wave, is amplified. The details of this micromechanical It is generally believed that energy needsto be supplied to the processare poorly understood, but its .end result, dictated by traveling wave in a region that is basalto the CF. Such active the hair cells’ directional sensitivity, of producing highly local- models usually incorporate the formalism of providing “nega- ized radial sheermotion betweenreticular lamina and tectorial tive damping,” referring to some means of counteracting the membrane, is clear. In vivo, the electromotile responseis likely inherent dissipation of energy in the basilar membrane and to be driven by the receptor potential produced in OHCs that cochlear fluids (de Boer, 1983; Neely and Kim, 1983).The basic results from acoustic stimulation. These responsesconsist of idea is to provide a cycle-by-cycle force to the basilar membrane both cycle-by-cycle (AC) and tonic (DC) components.As sym- in opposite phasewith the resistive force produced by the pas- bolized in Figure 6a, length changesresulting from alternating sive damping; the two forces thereby cancel, and much larger depolarization and hyperpolarization may feed back an AC me- responseamplitude is achieved. Alternatively, it is possibleto chanical force upon the basilar membrane-tectorial membrane obtain the desiredresponse character by assumingthat the coch- system. In addition, due to the rectifier properties of the trans- lear amplifier feeds back a reactive force to the basilar mem- duction processand of electromotility, a DC length changewould brane. Such a force would reduce the impedanceof the basilar be produced as well (Fig. 6b). The AC force can counteract The Journal of Neuroscience, December 1992. L?(W) 4583 viscous damping while the DC may alter the basilar membrane- a tectorial membrane relationship or the effective stiffness of the + basilar membrane (to which OHCs are coupled) and, thus, set BM-TM the operating point ofthe micromechanical system (Dallos, 1988). The DC receptor potential of OHCs is positive around the CF and negative at lower frequencies (Dallos et al., 1982); conse- quently, the operating point may be adjusted in opposing di- rections, enhancing or impeding the amplification process. OHC receptor potentials as well as the motile mechanism itself sat- OHC urate at high levels, thus providing the necessary limiting of the b feedback process. Aside from stimulus-evoked fast motile re- sponses, a wide variety of agents are capable of stimulating slow + BM-TM contractions of OHCs (Brownell et al., 1985; Zenner et al., 1985; L Flock et al., 1986). The response elicited by focal application I- of ACh, the transmitter substance for cochlear efferents, is of particular interest. The possibility exists that the state of the organ of Corti may be mechanically modified by the CNS, via DC shape changes of OHCs mediated through efferent influence OHC (Kim, 1986) as well as stimulus-evoked DC responses (Fig. 6~). The receptor potential contains significantly more energy than the eliciting acoustic stimulus. This is due to the modulation of local metabolic energy by the hair cell transduction process. At least at low frequencies, the receptor potential is capable of supplying energy greatly in excess of that required to overcome the OHCs own internal stiffness in producing extension-elon- gation cycles that are commensurate with basilar membrane OHC (eff. movements in viva How this is affected by the organ of Corti’s mechanical load upon the cell in situ is unknown, however. Figure 6. Block diagrams of the cochlear feedback system. a, The feedforward path is the basilar membrane-tectorial membrane system Problems and uncertainties @M-TM), and the feedback path is the OHC. The OHC performs both sensor (transducer) and effector (motor) functions. The IHC is the de- An often mentioned problem in associating OHC electromotile tector of the output of the feedback system. In this panel, it is assumed responses with a feedback role in vivo is the high-frequency that the motor (OHC) produces a cycle-by-cycle (AC) force that is summed attenuation of the receptor potential due to the cell’s basolateral with the basilar membrane displacement in some appropriate phase, membrane capacitance and the possibly low-pass character of producing either positive or negative feedback, depending on frequency. the electromotile process itself. The dual high-frequency atten- b, Same as in a, but here the assumption is that the OHC produces a DC feedback force that alters the operating point of the basilar mem- uation clearly reduces the cell’s ability to produce sufficient mo- brane-tectorial membrane system. This is a parametric feedback ar- tile feedback at the high end of the audio range. For example, rangement. c, Same as in a, but the modifying effect of the efferent one can extrapolate to 20 kHz from available data at 100 Hz, system upon OHCs is incorporated as a part of the total DC control that at the threshold of hearing the mechanically unloaded OHC system. From Dallos (1988). produces about 0.00 15 nm motion under the least favorable estimate and about 0.3 nm amplitude motion for the most fa- mary effect of OHC motility in vivo is a stiffnesschange (Allen, vorable. The latter number is commensurate with the displace- 1990; Kolston et al., 1990). ment of the basilar membrane at threshold (-0.2 nm), but less In addition to the problem of feedback force amplitude at optimistic estimates are not, calling into question the efficacy high frequencies,a conceivably even more formidable problem of the entire feedback scheme. The problem of adequate feed- is the necessityof providing cycle-by-cycle OHC feedback with back amplitude at high frequencies is exacerbated by the need an appropriate phase, determined by stimulus frequency. This for the feedback force, if it is to counteract viscous damping, to is equivalent to the necessity that the feedback be frequency increase in proportion to velocity, that is, stimulus frequency. specific and bear a deterministic relation to the basilar mem- Admittedly, the in vitro experiments on OHCs may under- brane’s resonant frequency. OHC electromotility in vitro has estimate their gain and misestimate their frequency response. not been shown to possesstuning. However, some data do in- It is also possible that some other aspects of motility, hitherto dicate that isolated OHCs have tuned motile responsesupon unobserved in mammals, are the critical variables, for example, mechanicalstimulation of their basolateralmembranes but not ciliary movement or stiffness change. Such phenomena have of their ciliary bundles(Brundin et al., 1989). Theseresponses, been detected in nonmammalian hair cells (Crawford and Fet- in contrast to electromotility, are reported to be sharply tuned, tiplace, 1985). It may be that the key effect is that the prominent intimating a band-passprocess intrinsic to the cell itself. These DC component of OHC motility modifies the system in a para- findingsare coherent with measurementsin an intact but in vitro metric feedback arrangement (Fig. 6b.c; Dallos, 1988). One could cochlea, in which primary tuning has been attributed to hair conceive in a system of more than one degree of freedom that cells, as opposedto the traveling wave (Khanna et al., 1989). It coupling of organ of Corti to tectorial membrane could be af- still remains to demonstrate the existence of OHC motile re- fected via the stimulus-controlled alteration of ciliary stiffness sponsesto mechanical stimulation of their ciliary bundle and (Mountain et al., 1983). Alternatively, the effective mechanical to examine the frequency-responsecharacteristics of this “me- impedance of the basilar membrane can be modified if the pri- chanomotility.” At the time of this writing, the most unsettled 4584 Dallas l The Active Cochlea and interesting aspects of the cochlear puzzle are the identity of ponents that are not present in a multicomponent sound spec- the motor elements (molecules) themselves, the means of cou- trum and with a severe distortion of the contour of the input pling of the force exerted by the motor molecules to the OHC spectrum due to mutual nonlinear interference among frequen- cortex, and the mode and nature of interaction between OHC cies. Some such interference can result in acoustic contrast en- feedback and organ of Corti-basilar membrane micromechan- hancement and thus be beneficial in the processing of complex its. The need for feedback is well demonstrated, and the OHC sounds, such as speech. is almost certainly the mediator. 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