REALTIME ADAPTIVE PROTOTYPING FOR D2.3 DESIGN GUIDELINES FOR THE RAPID-API INDUSTRIAL DESIGN OF MULTIMODAL INTERACTIVE EXPRESSIVE TECHNOLOGY D2.3 DESIGN GUIDELINES FOR THE RAPID-API Grant Agreement nr 644862 Project title Realtime Adaptive Prototyping for Industrial Design of Multimodal Interactive eXpressive technology Project acronym RAPID-MIX Start date of project (dur.) Feb 1st, 2015 (3 years) Document reference RAPIDMIX-WD-WP2-UPF-D2.3.docx Report availability PU - Public Document due Date June 30th, 2016 Actual date of delivery July 31st, 2016 Leader UPF Reply to Sebastian Mealla C. (
[email protected]) Additional main contributors Panos Papiots (UPF) (author’s name / partner acr.) Carles F. Julia (UPF) Frederic Bevilacqua (IRCAM) Joseph Larralde (IRCAM) Norbert Schnell (IRCAM) Mick Grierson (GS) Rebecca Fiebrink (GS) Francisco Bernardo (GS) Michael Zbyszyński (GS) xavier boissarie (ORBE) Hugo Silva (PLUX) Document status Final version (reviewed by GS) This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement N° 644862 D2.3 DESIGN GUIDELINES FOR THE RAPID-API Page 1 of 32- MIX_WD_WP1_DeliverableTemplate_20120314_MTG-UPF Page 1 of 32 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This deliverable updates the user-centred design specifications defined in D2.2 to include guidelines for the RAPID-API development, according to the requirements of research and SME partners, and end-users beyond the consortium. D2.3 DESIGN GUIDELINES FOR THE RAPID-API Page 2 of 32 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 INTRODUCTION