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THEEEPUBLTC: MOXIflLT. JULY 30.3000. .fl 'S NEWS IN BRIEF. M'NULTY PREDICTS DIRECT NEWS FROM PEKIN. LOCAL AND lIH'Rn.W. 2 The Flrft German M. E. Church nt Grani- te- City was dedicated BRYAN'S VICTORY. OSigfr t The headquarter iif the lf-for- r"l n. oiillnnrit l'rnni I'.nce line. taZMW No. Sli' N stro-t-. were opuned at Twtlflh DIIT ROODS COMPANY. ft collision between a Southern Uieetrlc In by the. New York Herald Ccmpanv 1 The 'immmc ttr and. a picnle wagon tevera! persons wire BssVOsss44s44ss9 J Dully Mail publishes the lollovvlng from its Injured. Prc-Invcnto- I EXPLANATION OF X ry Kat St. Loui police art Investigating a Ximv York Party I.u1it Say special evrresonileit Sale w s. Reductions -- A telegram report that white children are In cativlt 'n y ilic "Shanghai. Siiturdaj a gypsy camp. JiiMiioiTat.s Will Can from Missionary Morgan, I KAISER'S SPEECH. ''' Monday - The theme of Keverend W I). Tlolton of Knipiro Suite. ut Slilnnn-F- Mating that In Shan-S- I Provi- For and Tuesday, July 30th 31st. the irondVlct Kaptlst Church na", "Tin nce- the natives .i:.d were being BY H0H1:NI.0HE, s Call to Sinful Men." niatsacrtd :uul that live moie fortisner-hu- d I'RINCB In the preparation of our stock for inventory wc hnd m piece goods varied lengths anc?s light (Chancellor of Gtrinnii. t Smle mm a photographer's fiafh IHn mui dered. we on Krnadway treated a arc scare, several "Tuol.il Slieiig Merd.iv made public n s SI'HCIAL BY IWllLi: broken' assortments, which have marked at prices to secure their prompt sale. being called out. TRIUMPH. sV Inly 2.-tC- opv right by lire citrines HARMONY ASSURES tel.aruiii received on July 19. eonllrming the Iteilln. 1!'". body Tiara. Ogle, the St. Loui W. R O The of murder of th firelmier-- i who remain"! n He .rst ) The Kaiser's sp,ech girl- who tmimitte.l MilcM In New Vork. s demanding vtngeance on China for h'-i- burning of for- Cotton shlr-pe- ! and the all the wl"l be :iflT the Iniiuet s 'oulraglni the of Ambasa- - Dress Fabrics. ShirtWaists White Goods. liel eign i ri'inl .". He brazeui.v stated that lit sanctit dors" ought nut to be Judwed as a 4 lia-- ; pres- Fancy Lawn and Percale Waists, The thirty-nint- h annlver.-ur- of the ejp-- i by Kniourapini: had kept this ntivs back since the Will Fashion pronounced for French Organdy and Novelty l'.nan l'lfsiMfd the HHveli from or as Mmil.'tr 1 .re of ".imp Jack-o- n wa teWirrttnd by Chlne-- e hordes are no (! iLglni: th" the throne in favor of sheer, light- with plain front and tucked Dentelle Striped Lawn, ."f From ilio Kasi s to an ottinul protioiinrenient. ent use rot. U. A. l: , at Concordia tuitt Piovititf of i'ht-1- .' v.lih Chri-:ia- n bi.wl French back, in extensive variety IIalM.-- r Cornnund- - weight gootU, willi pretty dainty 1'art--: Suutlay for Di'inot ratic More than ierson.--. have aiieady Tlie spoke as tlie 8Jjc Per Yard, ?0 4 - of this season's best styles, harlet IIoHi'rt. who hot and l.llled butch, re I. Tho Catholic Cathedral at of the unny to his eoni- colorings., cither m the ground Saturday, and Ximiimt1. lm- - Instead of 15c. 0tar Hulten .it Henverslde Is bv5ief,ed and tlie Inmates are s in bis usual impulsive ami s or in the design as against the 50c Gach, hlios-l- f. died etrr-d.t- y Mho afterward :sliot s lstuoui luunner, under the intliieui t Instead of H-"- . dt unit d. fancy woven effects. 40-iuc- afternoon. h 22-in- ch SI of the unrightful events which this s Victoria Lawn and 111.. "Yu Hint, tbe Governoe o: Sliau lias Kd Hy.tn wan nrrrsted at Madison. in-v- v converts-b- s Chinese stvle of ir has forceI in Plain White Lawn Waists, with Striped Organdy, Hearing clothed which officers said belonged itUt'i'UMc ordtrtd that all aiul P.atistes are very much favor. to comnulH eamd while on :i hi::iau. ed. upon ii". tucked front, elaborately trimmed a who dlapi Lincoln. Julv a JU. llrj li.nl a niussari We show a manufacturer's stock 10c Per Yard. Neb. in Mi-lo- Ylr.s-Chuv- one to fishing trip ten weekt ago. "The China Inland n at oucbr not criticise lils words. s in embroidery and lace, It. Tt-- e lery uneventful day of it. In th morniiiK Making to iind scpanvte and uude- - O of reserved styles. They are Reiereml Doctor TJowmnn Np:tnhel has bt-e- buinrd. tt 15c Jra he went to church and a Provlrtt. " 75c Each. Instead of and 35c. "inung of the Lindell Avenue Metho.lin lunrd lHpti: "A tilfl is tast approaching here War- servetl connection between them and s (extra wide) inches, Church preached fiom the text. "I AVlll inlnistLT pre.icli on "Tlie I'lvii.e Oratory." 4 th' wl! understood Imperial pollcj. s Instead of .$1.50. ships ale fomviitrating. (treat artivitv Is 82-in- ch ;Uts Thee, and Thou Shalt be a Blessing." The remaimler of tlie Ia he p.lt.eI in s We hnve no At 12jc Per Yard, English Cambric, manif-s- t ;imong the Chine-- e tlrdeis bav'" toward China sejar:it teat. He thi- - tmng tliat l.e ex- box-plait-- Persian Lawn 2S - DOMKSTIC been garrisons to or sp. ti.ii intentions. Our cohesion s Instead of 2.c. Scotch Madras Waists, and inch GKNUItAL pected to be .ililn to dellnilely wnt to all tho forts and asrm-tle- d sin-tl- y O wlih Ibe action of the other Powers 1 10 Checked Madras, The German editor of Wlsconlr.. Irullau-aiKll- be on their guard. It is rumored front and back, in distinct Sive the itinerary of the tilp to 4 Is fully ranged. V in convention, condemn inipernllsm in th it Ii'.iW troops liave Ixeii secri tly moved at Muslinet, Corded liatiste. Dim- patterns of high novelty Interview, tn which they for thelr upon which he turn Auirnt f. stripes 20c Per Yard. JuJt,e V. 1. JlcNult the Pemocratlo to the vicinity of Sirai. glial and Woosung. ity, Lawn and Organdy in spots, made especially for fine retail .or.stitutnta. "The arsenal In Nankin has been ordered sss.ssssssB Instead of 30c. Two persons were fatally "pounded and leader In Saratoga County. New or.t stripes and figures on White, trade, tn-d- to large quantities of swords and nine others were Injured by th e.ill.d uiwn Jlr. llrnn lie was Black, Pink, Delft, Marine, Xavy S1.75 Each. jiremalura discharge of cannon at tins the first New York mm! .Mr. lliy.m haw hid ats. Number- - of Boners from Nankin am BOER GENERAL Persian Lawn and Fancy Dotted Yang-T-- many Blue, Yellow, Red, etc, Instead of S3.50. mcampment of a cavalry brigade. N. G. a chante to talk with since David U. illll spreading over the " vallev. Swiss Muslin, 3 . Camp Sprlnglield, 111., neighborhood at Lincoln, was here, and receled a warm welcome. eolng to Shanghai and the 74c Per Yard, 25c Yard, They Wfrtt lisgm-- d as coolies and prlesis." Per clostted for over an hour, and ELUDED -- Silk I'u-lea- u BRITISH. Instead of 12 Shirt Waists. A report Just Issued by tl.o TrcdBury Mr. Bran was visibly .dated over the xoh! ;KClt.I. MTIATION ItlllKIMI. jc. Instead of 35c. of Statistic on our foreign commerce, 4.1.", Ki ntwj brought. London. Jnl . a. ni. The Shanghai Fancy Stripe, Plain Taffetas and phows to have been greater during tho "2-inc- It corie-pouile- nt Dally Telegraph says h S-inch 'just any other Vork lloulitrul. of the China Silk Waists, hemstitched, Figured Swiss, fiscal j car doiod than in Ai th-i- t he Is still firmly convinced that tho having The Judge in fcie-ca- -t year of the nation's history, paasid whs enthuslaitlc his Minl-ttr- s are safe, but. with the eceptlon Remnants. tucked and corded effects, assort- French and Shamrock Lawn, tho two billion dollars mark. of Novembers reMilt In K'ew Yotk. of trom legation General Koliprts'H Return to Pie He ,i iuts.ige the Japanse 1,500 of Imported and Do- ed colorings, 35c Per Yard. The dames of Chicago University. based the probabllli) of democratic In I'ekin. dateil Jul l?, brought by it nin-m- r. Ends unl-erei- ty toria ilay Indicate a domestic economy as applied to success theie on tte haimonv now e lift- sa.vlng that the legation was Mill de mestic Cotton Dress Novelties, $3.00, Instead of 60c. students, decided that It la possible ing in the part, on opposition to the Re- fending Itself, nothing has vet been pub- Defeat. but not pleasant for a student to support including Batiste. Mousseline, Instead of 7.00. publican machine, and President McKIn-ley- 's lished giving nn'thing in the nature of himself and wlfo on ?30O durli-- a terra of pr.of. Dimity, Organdy, Lawn, Jacko-ne- t, atlltudo on the trust and !mpe-i..l-ls- 100 Plain Taffetas Silk Waists, Lace Dept. nine months at the university. On the other hand, tli daily ItiP.imin etc., from two to twelve A warrant has beon issued" for the arrest He aid: reports of the massui-r- of and elaborately corded and hem- Main Aisle. L. Swazey, yards in length, of Edward charged with Intent "Tlie adminMr.ition In special ftirtUnem leave only the most slender FAILED TO ROUND UP BOTHA. stitched front and back, black or to defraud the Third National Bank of thread upon hang hope. privileges to It favurlte, ns for example which to a one-ha-lf Remnants of Dress Trimmings, Sprlnglield. Mara., by attempting- to sell tho The general situation is steadily becom- At about early season's colors, in the lettlne of war supply contract-"- . Its Laces, Chiffon Fancy-Gauzes- 1 tnk a fecond mortgage on 261 head of ing d.irkoi, an.l a crisis Is approach- $5.00 Each, Nets. and failure to mforce the at.tl-tru- st laws and fast prices. cattle on tho representation thst It was a. t uncertain and hypocritical of ing. from one to three yards lirst lien. treatment econd Japuie.-- e Instead of $8.00. the Filipinos and Porto will com- With the arrival of the nmnnKtaiiPCK in length at just one-hi- lf regu- Rlcans. iu Indicate That the Imminent ChlcnRO divines denounce the bine to In Its certain defeat in the division the allied forces at T.iku and Tieu-Ts- g aist lar prices. For instance: nations of Kurope ax being Empire State tl:i fall. Roosevelt will vtill number Tl'.'U'. The river Hoods Forward Movement Is Knded for Tailor-Mad- e Tien-T-i- n diminishing. Embroideries. Suits. entirely responsible for present troubles prove a near ure Con-cernin- the disappointment to his supporters. tlie Present Reports c 50c goods for 25c ' 6 in China, and btatti that Boxers are la -- It is reported that Russians from Harbin All-Over- s, Man-Tailor- the for ha not nearly so trong In hU own Tucked and Lace varied Women's ed Broad- patriots who are defending their country State as they Imagine. Had he renom have arrived at it point 1TJ miles rutin, of De Wet. $1.00 goods 50c I a the rapacity of Invading ben I'ekin. designs, cloth and Serge Suits, tight-fittin- g for...... iraint and creed mated for Governor thN fall he would $1.50 goods for 75c foreigners. surely have been defeated. Tlie builne:" $1.50. or coat effect, lined through- Mrs. John A. Logan stated In an Interview interests of the State recognize in him an $2.00 goods for $1.00 i l criticism on eccentric and EXPECTING A MESSAGE. Instead of 53.00, 53.50. out with silk, that her the appointment of unsafe individual, and one p.v Mrs. Potter-Palm- er to tho position of er on whom little dependence can be placed. spnci vi. c.m.n. $15.00 Each, at the Paris Exposition was not "The Republican will doubtleei nominate Sjiios Have P.ocn Scut to I'ekin ly London. July Si. (Cops right. li-- by thn lj-ya- lengths of Nainsook Instead of 850.00. lr tended in any way as a reflection uion B. I). Odell or New burgh for Governor. New York Herald Company.) It seems after Edgings and Insertions, assorted Leather Belts. Mrs. Palmer, who, eho stateB, has been mis- He is Tom Piatt's understudy, and purelv a I'owi. all that Gereral Rolierts's attempt to round led by misquotations of her criticism. machine man. Outside of th- - few who will patterns, 1" up Botha has failed, probably be- 150 Mo- place him In nomination, he U .carcely Washington. July There is a grov.lr.ff Ueieral Parasols. Plain and Fancy English y'r Speculative figures on the coining presi- cause expected-wa- s 45c, 68c, 90c, $1.15 known at the present time, h!.- asso- feeling at the State Departnuiit that news the he not At Per Length, o0 Plain Silk Parasols, with two rocco, Calf and Genuine Seal dential election show that the battle hinges and forthcoming. on the Central State, in which the large ciation with the ring means hi certain de- tif the utmost Important- - may be forthcom- Instead of 60c, 95c, 51.15, $1.45. deep ruffles, colors Pink, Green, Leather Belts, with Metal and Herman-America- n vote, known to In large- ft at. ing at any moment fiom Pekln. It was Tho l'leld Marshal has returned to Pre- 1 Lavender, Blue assorted , Covered Buckles. ly disaffected from the Republicans by the "It dlfllcult to say who tbe Democratic even thought that something might bo re- toria, and It may be presumed that tho for- Natural administration policy on imperialism, is nomlneo for Governor will be. Several good ceived but this hope, was doomed ward movement I ended for the time being. Wood Handles. 25c Each, confidently lead-er- r, men nre being suggested, 1 expected, by Democratic but believe the to few-- cablegrams News (omit frctn the western part of Hie Millinery. to make Brynn chances are slightly In of Senator The $1.09 Each, Instead of 60c, 75c, 61.00, $1.25,81.50. the next President. favor to the effect Dtlnrey Is ln Mackey of Buffalo. He has rec- tliat wtre received referred to minor mat- Transvaal that Instead of 2.00, $2.50. an enviable Iiaden-I'onel- Our entire stock of Untrinirned FOREIGN. ord as a member ters ami did t.ot touth all upon condi- ltustenbiirg. where Colonel l. of the State legislature, at Trimmed Millinery, consist- Clilna makeji the open threat that an ad- and his Keographleal location In the State tions in the Chlnse capital. It Is believed the hero of Mafeklng. is shut in. and Plain and Novelty Silk Parasols, vance on Pfckm. will be tho signal for tho is in his favor. The general opinion seems that the basis for this txpectatlon Is tho A rtrllef force under Colonel Hickman at- ing of Paris and London Model Stamped Linens. to te B.vlen-Powel- assorted colorings, Natural Wood, massacre of the Ministers. The white peo- be that on man should be nomi- knowledge on the part of the officials tempted to rescuo l. but proved ex- ple nated. E. M. Sheppard that Hats, together with our own 500 In the interior of the Empire are be- of Brookljn i aNo otrtnln machinery heretofore la mo- too weuk and was forced to retire. It is Ebony and Enameled Sticks, Center Pieces, Squares and lieved to bo doomed. prominently mentioned, but It Is o.uIte like- st clusive effects. tion may result in opening up of com- worth noticing that this news, which has D'Oylies at one-thir- d their orig- General Roberts has returned to ly that his failure to lend enthusiastic sup- the Pretoria, reli-ub- le Dally having port to the ticket of 'ffi will bo against him. munication through some secret but been recfttved from Pretoria by the At Less Than Half Original Prices Instead of $6.00. inal prices. failed to round up General Botha, re- probably on account of lack of That year he is supposed to have been only channels. It is known that, si second Mall. Is th first d.'ilnlte information It is surmised that tho Field Mar- passively a Democrat, not actively. Elliot effort has been made by our own. Govern- ceived concerning the siege of Rustenburg. shal's return sienlntd a. terioua British de- Danforth is being urged by his friends, but ment to get unotlit r message from Jlr. Various reports are afloat as to Chris feat. I doubt his ability to win in the convention. Conger and that nearly all or the Powers tian Do Wet. According to one of these Bird S. p, A, cable has been received In New Tork Coler, Comptroller of New York also have resorted to private agencies In stories, Dq Wet is surrounded at Klcrks-dur- KING SNOT City, is also a dangerous competitor of all ITALY'S J advlsliu? that the Chinese lines between men. their own Interest with a, like object. Th but It must be remembered that this How AJbout Eyes? these Your Che-F- oo Ho has a micnlfleent record. bhanghal and are interrupted. This has just be-- devi lopul one gentleman has been "cornered" a number your eyes yon. may mean laving been especially succcMsful In jr fict that of If trouble have them an outbreak between the two N the last of Ute Colonel be- of. times before, but haa always broken hU iltlea. a forward movement on oart the citys Interests In the control aits the LIcum THROUGH THE HEART. examined by best opticians the cf fore his death Tien-Tsl- n was to under- vvav through the British cordons and the in Bt. the allies toward Fekin. or slmpl. an ef- of franchises. at Harmony Ansures Victory. take the dispatch of a spy to Pekln. Louis fort on the part of Stuns, the director of . I "New York State Is normally Deniot ratio General Dorvi-ard- the HritUh command- A dispatch to the Daily Telegraph from telegraphs, to prevent any more new3 from 1'uge Bttwtea OUvt IX by many thousands, but the party has been n, I'ontlunetl I'ron One. mnt LontU Retting Tien-Tsl- n by Chee-Fo- o. ing officer Tltii-Tnl- nlso out two lyortnio Marquez. dated July iT, says: EGGERT ft FISHER, R. out of nay of so vic- at sent 317 St., Mercmatlt Club BalMlagS divided for the last few joars tint messengers, Is "A big tight Is expected wlion, Smith tory was impossible. At n result tho Repub- and It believed that the but the ICIng commuted his sentence to of Italy was Japanese did the Up one sliould the Boers be beaten. President Kru-g- er Kins Humbert assassinated lican will suffer this fall from overconrl- - snnie. to date not He had been a. An- Tlen-T.-l- Pr.al servitude for life. Sunday evening at Monza, Italy, by an - dence, while the Democrats will be In th of thete messengers has returned to n. will trek through Swaziland to Dclagoa to cnrr. and play before her at the palace. - j cook, --9 years old. archlst. who gave the- name of Anplo flcU wIth ail IntercatM unitel and working nor has there Ieen, a slnglo wurd Bay. to take steamtr to Europe." and was In literature Queen Mnrgherita has read JlrvrnL The murderer fired three revolver This optlmlstln prediction was sent before SIgnor Calroll nas confined to his bed for widely. Her taste turns much in the direc- In harmony with a determination of win heartl ficm any of Hit in. This fact, how- . rhots at the King sa the latter was enter- Roberts returned to Prrtor-.- and the 5ome days The King visited tion of English books, though French and ning. Hill and Croker will stsnd shoulder to ever, has not caused tho abandonment of afttrward. ft--p ing his carriage to return to the palace frpm shoulder this fall and tight without or Indicate that If the battle took him, and with most profue expressions of tlermin literature Is well represented on fear hoje", and this In of tho place wer I.t ii publla distribution of prizes la connection friction for the success of the party both is true particular the British forces defeated. his gxatltudo conferred upon him the gold her table. She keenly Interested In gymnastic competition. One message expected Conger. Min- UtlUlal reasons the Held Marshal's works of travel and ehe regrets hhe See Tblt Erealatfs Pipers. with a of the locally and nationally, and there can be but from Jlr. for medal military valor. whole that chots pierced his 1eart and he fell back Wu is perhaps the this hope retrograde movement are not yet forth- for The affair has been unable to roam through foreign one result victory. New York I? the pivotal ister btIs for awakened tho greatest concern and sympa- dead. The assassin was immediately ar- State, and no one knows tills than on our part, and ho tnulntuiiis an unshaken coming. couatrlts. Italy Is well known to her even better HKTIR.NS. thy In people gen- to the remote Tho Queen gen- rested. the two State leaders. Mr. Hill will be confidence In his oilginal assertion that tint IIOIIKRT.S tho minds of the Italian recedes. early this morning when Informed of th .1:1; m. Operations In erally, and when the King returned to erally Feeral weeks at the end of SPORTING. found on the stump early In the campaign. news when it does come will show that the London. July 10. a. Alps assassination of Humbert. At first they; In my opinion Home was wonderful scene. The tho summer either In tho SnLts or 'he It that his lirst speech will be legatloners are alive. Thu message South Africa hae again arrived at a,,fcOrt there a con- wore Inclined to doubt the news, but when Imp may race no more. made Albany, us no ratlflcatlon meeting Senators, Deputies and Magistrates met Austrian Tyrol. As she has a robust prtxe at tn have wm through Missionary of standstill. Pretoria telegrams announce stitution he Is enabled to find great en- shown a cablegram announcing tho Klng3 Jake 'VTeldntr won first time in the has yet been held there. After that time he him on his arrival, and death, they Che-I'o- u, Is regarded most that Lord Roberts has r turned there with at the station joyment in mountaineering. became wildly excited. Peerless Road Race, run at Forest Park will probably be ut the service of the Na Wlbler. at as Many yonnger yesterday. promising. his sts.IT. uppirently finding It useles3 to there were great fetlvitlet. Queen Margherlta speaks English. of the men declared th tional Committee. There Is no question as Kucaped French, fluently. She Information was Joyful tidings to to tho loyal support of both Hill and Croker Miuisur Wu had no cablegrams himsIf spend his energies ngalnst & constantly re- Vorkrun'N DaiiKer. Itusidan and German them. . Tills was not the only occasion upon Is a splendid conversationalist and an ad- "Down with the King!" they cried. "Xow JIarlae for Mr. Bryan and ths Kansas City plat- y, nor had the Stale Dejurtnient :iny treating foe. a Kepubllc for St. Michael, -- In mirable listener. Italy." July 3 Passed Steamer form, and with New York In the Democratic General Delarey Is besieging General Baden- which his llfo has been attempted, or Genoa, Naples Gibraltar, directly Horn China. King Humbert and hLt Queen celebrated Others sorrowfully expressed their regret Kn. and for New -Powell April of 1S97, when ho wns driving column Mr. Bryan's election is assured." at Rustenburg. In Western rut cf wedding In at the death of the King, and advanced tn York. the Capanelln race course, workman their siler 1X. suggestion Mon- Transvaal. The relief forro sent to General a Althvugh she not young In age, her that ho had Xallea the Mctlm Morille, July 3. Arrived Parisian. Iladen-l'ov- SENATOR WELLINGTON FLOPS. COOLIDGE'S REPORT. v ell's assistance, under Colonel struck at him with a ducgcr. The Kirg. beauty .still remains and she Is remarkably of an Anarchist. treal for Liverpool. Hickman, proved to effective, 29 too weak be however, escaped without any Injury, ond well preerved. The excellence of her taste Queen3town, July Arrived Steamer and was obliged to fall back on'Prctorln. Servla, New Tork for Liverpool, and pro- He iWill Take the Stump Against Describes the Pari .Ninth Infantry , the man was arrested, and, like Hasstnante, in dress has been frequently commented CROKER AND A dlpntch from rourlesbj-.rg- dated July to spend rost of his days :n upon. HILL TOGETHER. ceeded. Tien-Tsi- 27, shows capture of Fourlesburg condemned tho Hong-Kon- g. 3IcKiuJey. Placed at that the Queen Margherlta was devoted to King July Ji. Arrived, previously was preceded by heavy fighting to forco a prison. Xew Steamer Monmouthshira, Portland, Ore- -, Humbert. Her line iualitie of heart and York Democratic Leaders via . Depart- passage passes, stub-liorn- ly An Incident worthy of r.olc In the Klcs's to Yokohama. SPECIAI Washington, July The War of the which 'was mind rendered their marritd life very hap- .Work iu Washington, July 12). Senator George L ment to-d- received a ca bit gram from contested for two days. General history Is that when, in VS4. the cholera py. Tho charity and benevolence of tho Harmony for Bryan. Movllle. Sailed Anchorla, Glasgow for In ftl-n- ds Hunter's forces hid tho hardfst work was working terriblo havoc In Naples, New York. Wellington will. hl" here assert, Lieutenant Colonel Coolldge. who lleud Queen of Italy hate made her deeply loved 1.CTCBX.IC SPECIAU forcing Reliefs Nek, his casualties amount- his among In Quecnstown. July 19. Sailed Steimer take tlie stump for Ury.in this fall. His command of the Ninth Infantry after the tho King. iig.ilnt the earnest advice of alike the shephertlt the wldo New York. July Campania Liverpool. ing to about HI. Ministers, proceeded and rendered all j stretches of the Campagne.wlthout the walls James K. from New York. reason for leaving the Republican party Is death of Colonel I.iscum, giving an account The, dispatch there Jones of New July 29. Arrived: Steamers War Ortlco has received a power. heiolc of Home, the tiopulace on and the Democratic Xatlona! Commit- York. that ho Is Irreconcilably opposed to Im- of tho part plajed by that organization n explaining only the asslttanco in his His tee California. Marseilles. Genoa, etc.; Maas-daj- n, from Lord Robert that about tho Hay of Njples and In the huts of concluded his conferences with perialism, to which he believes the party, Tien-Tsl- n. re- night conduct wan much admired. th Rotterdam and Boulogne. during the fighting at The one train was captured on the of the charcoal burners on the slopes of the nominal Xew York and Pennsylvania lead, hns committed itswlf. port July 21, between Kroonstad and the Vaal On tho whole, Italy has prospered under -, New York, July 13. In speaklmr St. is as follows: Itnllan Alp.- near which she first saw the ers at Elberon to-d- with these W. A. Croffut of this city, who cost his "Che-Fo- o anci nipplles and two of- King was hi reign results: MiohaelA Gib- Corbiu. Washington: SU com- that It eontalnrd Humbert. It after light. Absolute harmony passing Ems Nw York for first vote for Lincoln, and every tuccesflve If") Welsh Fusileers. Is promised between raltar, Naples and Genoa. panies Ninth lnfantiy under Llscum, with ficers and men of the commenced that the triplo alliance was the Croker and Hill wings of vote save one for the Republican nominee, belongs. the party, so but who is now alienated from Ms marines touimanded by Meade, joined to which Italy CITY OF THE CRIME. for ns the national campaign is concerned. iarty. King wan very The Tammany A SUDDEN 'SUMMONS. becauso of Its Imperialistic levvs, us he British forces under Central Dot ward In In appearance Humbtrt chief and the CANNON EXPLODED. grent eyes ponder- have agreed that no pen,onal differences considers them, said conjunction with French and Japanese and striking. HI sharp nnd It Was There Kins Humbert and they may have Io-)- had shall be permitted to "I saw Senator Wellington a few days attacked ;outhwest part of walled city ous mustacho mnke him Just what h interfere with complcto unity of purpose irrs. Koenig Died liile "Walking ago In this city, and talked over the politi- at Injured at Spring- Spent Their Honeymoon. in having daybreak on the 11th. "Tho Ninth Infantry Eleven Persons was one of ltaly.i bravest eons and mot the electoral Vote of Sev York, .With Her Husband. cal situation with him. I aked him if he distinguished soldiers. thrown to Urvun nnd atncmnn on right were gain field Encampment. King Humbert was assai-slnate- d. was with and he replied: 'Yes, I am tho east of the south Monza. where Xelther the Governorship nor any M in. AVounded In - other, r to 1 tri-In- g Duttle. IS Mrs. Koenig, C. L--. Koenig. with you, am with any one who Is protecting the allied forces from flanklnt; had great Interett for the ruler of c.ait- lo oecotne involved In t Maria wife of JIKIU'BMC SPEfrAI- - He probably the only European mon- Presldentl.it f!e)ir- in tii -- a to defeat the conversion of this coun- llre. After btlng under lire for fifteen hours wi Italy and his Queen, for it was there that - - ""s mKo.nu..n.""" 7f.t.,it t u workman In Alton Glass Factory, died .!. !...... V te the an Imperialistic republic. 1 will Springfield. 111.. July carelessly tho end of his reign who had been ""- titer, inramany can nc le the caTitrf-da- Manning Upper try Into they were withdrawn to the outer mud wall arch at they ipent their honeymoon Immediately lor Governor if organization on street in Alton do anything: In my power to defeut Presi- caused the premature ex- In actual modern warfare, the oc- that night. at night. Ninth Infantry had sixteen killed. tosed tiearotte v.ounded after their marriage wishes to do so. but as yet no man has last dent McKlnley and the Republican ticket a. cannon at Camp Lincoln this being of been, upon. sKty-nln- e one missing plosion of casion at the battle Cuetaxza. Monza Is In tlio Prn lr.ee of Uhlan, on concentrated Hlchard Croker Mr. and Mrs. Koenlir left their Lorna on this fall. I will take the stump ngalnst wounded and out of wcro fatally goes to Stratoga next Thursday to post- afternoon. Two militiamen He was a vegetarian, xhook hands with the Illver Lambo. The royal palace, built consult Brown street. Cpper Alton, to take a walk him, and make us many speeches as my t7i engaged at this point. Company A. lc-- s leaders us to whether they prefer Injured and h. bcoro of others more or everybody, down to humblest peasant In 1777. with Its eitenslve gardens and through the neighborhood. Mrs. Kocnlg was health will permit."' ed at the railroad east of tho Pel-H- o, the 'William h Muokey of Erie. Robert Earl apparently. station he met In his walks, and enjoyed a park?. Is not far from tho town. of Herkimer. in the best of health and spirits A letter from tho Senator to Mr. Croffut was exposed to heavy shrapnel fire, los- heriously hurt. whom Edward M. Shepard or IJird While walking toward home on Manning 1'ATU.LV IXJtllF.D. game of billiards now and then. He was a I,ncttl authorities elalm for Monza the S. Coler of Kings, or another to be mutual- street sho suddenly tho sidewalk reads as follows: ing two killed and seven wounded In addi- of it Homnn colony, but It Is belie, ed ly agreed upon, for tank to ut "Cumberland, Md.. July 17. lieu I shall JKSdR ItrrirrtT. JUttne CrnnmlMrr and good sportsman nnd had a wealcr.es- for rank Itoosevelfs successor. her husband's feet. tion to the foregoing. On the morning of the vt horses, but In ways his later to have not been a place of conequenie The Democratic State Convention will prob- Mr. Koenig quickly picked lier up. bo glad to so to Indiannpollri to attend lib- Quartenna!er PatterrA. flue thtr pe- ably lm She 14th Japanese blew up the south CHAM.CH 1IAI.SI.EV. Corporal of Hattiry A. were frugal. until the time of Theodurlc. Dutinc the held at Saratoga September 11. was unconscious. Ha carried her into the erty on August 13 If health and the tnstes Republics, Monza some- When Senator Jonest was lntervleweI at w.-u-s m:iuol'mi.y room In which he worked was barren riod of tho wat liome of Joseph Meyer, where it found other matters will permit. At present 1 entering the walled city. Allied forces ih'iit. The subject Senator Murphy's cottage about his visit she wab dead. every JIKXRV FCHKOEnilK. of lottery of all adornment eicept military books, times Independent, sometimes to and his ui.ferences with Now Yorkers, that am fedlng very badly, but will make town. Assigned the southeast quarter SEnt Milan. tho Tho funeral will tak place Tuesday morn- efTort be- present our friends on A: ticolmninl pigeon holes and the mere necessaries of a he said, chicrlly: ing 9 to with the to the Americans for police add protection. of Battery A: of ry tlie city hns stood at o'clock. above referred to." i:riWAIU SMOOT. pritat fc clerk's oltice. In the course "I urn more than delighted with the cor- occasion were established In the American thirty-tw- o sieges and has been repeatedly diality of my reception und with the man- Mr. Croffut sold that Senator Wellington l.nilllT STEVEN'S, private of Battery A: It was said that the King and Queen of quarter, which was already on fire, - dUcus-do- plundered. ifest desire and Intention of all Democrats ANNIVERSARY OF had not become a Democrat In any Mne. llrltlsh Italy sometime- had a little oer here to work together ST. IGNATIUS. highly praised sol- face bumf!. for the triumph of and he doubted If the Senator had adopted commander American J. ;. GltlTTON. cf Kattery A: fco tiio rot of a dress, but In other respects tli9 national ticket. They realize that w tho principles of the Chicago' platform. diers for arduous work and gallantry In tr.ncu. the private and home life of Italj's rubra ITALIAN COLONY PERTURBED. have tho candidates and the Issues which iWM Be Celebrated St. Chlc-atr- d nt Francis communication to Meade the TIcn-Tsl- n CHAltL.CS HIIAItl. private of the was a model of simplicity and good senso. should be invincible, am! they are going to toohm-- nt niise mahej and do level i ef the Hltnal Cirrw; their best to the of Xarier's Church. PHOTO-ENGRAVER- OUTING. Julv til (Signed) lvlDgn Saw?. Kroltl. Ts Kegretted by For- retrieve result fact butned. was upon his life Assassination 1SX. The onnlvcrsary of tho death or St. Ig- "COOUDGE." terribly When the attempt made is more than a fighting chance for lrAItltr UnilLKlt. 1j; two years ago by nn Anarchist, while he mer Residents in Italy. Thtre natius of Loyola, founder of the Jusult crw-'Kh- probably Democratic victory In New York. I am Winners and Prizes in tlie Various Lurred ibout fact; IeMml. Itusplan .Embassy, the colo- Order, will be commemorated in St.Xavler's aeron.-m- : fiu-- was driving to the The Italian, Austrian anil Assyrian more than hopeful of victory. I have con- TETKlt JONEs). badly burned. to tho Church, Grand avenu and Llndell boule- Athletic Kvents. MARCHING ON PEKIN. t Iin.STKIl HI'NT. cltlztn: fa-- e burned. King ordered his attendant to hasten nies in St. Louis were much perturled last sulted with Murphy. Hill. Croker. vard, next Sunday. Because mnny of the Coto-rs-- n. uiako formal apology Cimpl ell and others, and they are all hard The annual outing of Photo-Engrave- ONIK S.01.0MAN'. ni'mbrr of nnnlnwr Kmbnssy. and thtre night when the news of Kins Humbert's priests attached to St. Xavier's Church are bunds badly burnrj. for the delay. at it to win." absent, giving missions, tho services will Union No. 10 was given at Fern Glen, on the Chinese General Li II o Keh Or- Peveral received painful turns about cause of the assassination was received. Universally tho eonsist only of solemn high mass 10:20 others Nothing was fald the 1". at a. Missouri Pacilic Railroad, yesterday, and It alraut the laces and bodies, bu. as they punctilious King falling to keep hbi appoint- nssah?imtlon was regretted and grave fears Judge II. Chambers Dead. in., at which a panegyric on the balnt will , Ex-Jud- m was largely attended. There, was dancing, ders Extermination of Christians. did not retpiire mfdlcal were expressed for Italy's political future. Detroit. Mich.. July 3. be pronounced. tbtir ment. opinion H. Chambers, one of. the most St. ItmatiUH died In the year 3512. He singing and refreshments and an cicelloit names were not learned. things like this made the King- of Many were of tho that Humbert's wi Toklo. Saturday, July lo reporteil Littlo directly lffi-c- t situa- prominent members of the Detroit bar. programmo 3. It e. death would tho war a member of a noble family of Spain, and of athletic events. The accMent happcnwl s.33 o'clock, Italy beloved by the great mass of his ieo-pl- died to-d- of paralyslt, aged 67 years. llioto-Engrave- rs h, Shanghai at ultimately In his early life was an officer In the Span- The the from that tho Iloxera attnckd when poldlera were orepiri.i,? the tion In China anil would result in ish Army. When J jears old he received a nine by u score of 24 to 1. Features the missionaries and native Christians nt the lor n In the united l'roiinces of game w evenins parade. Hundreds of MMtort were wound In battle. While h was laid up of the ere the pitching of Grlilln and I Italy. with on July S. A foreign physician rcite-me- nt tho wound he made up his mind to Income his home run with three men on bases. He congregated about camp .nd Uio KING HUMBERT'S WIDOW. Oarallnt Oaraboldl. a retired fruit mer- . a priest. After his ordination he organized htruck out twenty men. The other evints and 2,ft converts were masnacred. follow ln tlie nccident wti Intcrse. chant, who Is associated with the Italian Feeling Poorly? "tlio Society of Jesus." There were but ten resulted as follows: The Chin, mi General I Ho Keh Is now When - Free-for-a- n. J the moke of the vharu cltartd In St. Louis, wept blttery when ll FO yards John-o- Accomplished Contulate Apietlte poor, and you are- all run down, members nt flrgt. Now It numbers H.wo. race. J. J. on away ground In of car.-:ui-i Queen of Italy an first prize, silk umbrtlla; 1". C. Watmbold, marchlns I'ekin. He has ordered his thi front the informed of the death of his monarch. He dull, tired and without energy? troops to all Christian-;- . Al- was strenn with the torn and blejdliiR mc-tlro- f. knew- - the ICIng personally, Can't FIESTA WAS A FAILURE. second prize, hat. Members, race. PJ jard exterminate Lady. said that he and sleep? What you need to good toning F. C Warmbold, flrsf prize, lifty cigars; ready one French priest and from iCO to The clothes of tceral of the mjimed that his father, who is now living in Italy, a Ranee, prize, groant were heart-rtnilln- g. up with n course of Hood's Sarsaparllla. Leo second morocco belt; 3,000 native have been slaughtered. were afire ami their Queen Margherlta of Italy, who is now Is an attiiclm of the Klng household. Louis Melsheimer. third prize, twenty-fiv- o Hecoverlng from consterna- This medleino purifies, vital- Filipinos Took Xo Interest in Am- their suddenly bereaved of her royal d. Is "Of all the monarchs of Europe. Klntr enriches and cigars. Ladles' race MlKs Dozler, lirst prbt, tion, the bystander rushed to tho aid of was most prudent, most blood, strengthens nesty Celebration Mauila. rocked; Mies Schoen. second prize, purse. IS AT TAKU. one of the most charming and accomplished Humbert the wlso izes the the stomach, at Boys' the suffering. and most said Garaboldi. quiets the nerves, regulate.- - the kidney, Manila, 11:10 p. by race Master Holllnshead. lirst prize, of Europe. Happy Is he who It hon- July 3, m. (Edited the catching glove; Master Dunn, second prize, Ambulances were summoned and the moro ladles and gives vitality to the whole system. Cnsor.V-T- he two days' fiesta in Manila, league ball. Sack race Mr. Bradshaw. first Fourteenth Infantry lias A reived Fcrlously injured were conveyed to down- ored by a command to epend nn hour in her "NOW A REPUBLIC." organized by Senor I'aterno and his polit- prize, hat; Mr. Dunn, second prize, quart of town hospitals. Others were cared for at prestnee. If he lie intellectual and fond of at Chinese Port. -t Is partic- ical followers to commemorate the amnesty, whisky. Tug of war O. RIcliter. L. Sehicies, the po- hospitals. royal entertainment. The Queen Hood's Sarsaparilla G. Schlelc;.. H. Itlchtcr, winners, prize, In the excitement the tragedy ularly fond of mulc and literature. Hr "ev York Italians Received News resulted in a fiasco. The people were passive, Che-Fo- o, Shanghai. Sunday, shirt each. Friday. la the person who threw the cigarette es- love of mus.c bat contributed much to rait- of Death Is America's Greatest Medicine. Prepared unenthuslastio and not even Interested. July '.Copyright. 1W0, by the New York public lit Home. She is an ex- King's With Joy. only by I. & Co.. 3. caped Identity. Btanders declared .hit ing the taste 9PECIAI C Hood Lowell. Mas. Failing to perceive any tangible, effective Former Ctinisressnian Dead. Herald Company.) The Fourteenth United h wan member of Cavalry cellent musician hers-l- f. and her powers of RTPrnMC Manaaas. Va.. Julv 23. a the First very gra- New York, July 30. Scores of of Hood's Pills crura liver Ills; nonlrrlUtlag; Mtdls of amnesty, they they can see States Infantry from Manila lias arrived Regiment and wort) tho stripes of a Ser- criticism aro high. The Queen Is Italians ccl uf E. E. Meredith died at his home hre this at a. "" Wj.mniJy-wWMir- n. young musicians In uHo.wluc Ih.m, Mulberry Head gathered la caf DBthaola to jakajritb Hoo4' SaoaparjUa, ...-- ' afternoon. Tftku. geant. - cious Jo .ier

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