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The following 60 pamphlets were recently dispersed from an accumulation of books at Newbattle Abbey, Midlothian, Scotland. A former Cistercian monastery, Newbattle became the seat of the Kerr family when the son of the commendator of the Abbey, Mark Kerr, was created Lord Newbattle (1591) and Earl Lothian (1606). Later courtesy titles were bestowed upon the same family, including the Earldom of Ancram, and in 1701 the fourth Earl, Robert Kerr, was further ennobled, becoming the first Marquess Lothian. The Abbey remained in the family until it became a College of Education in 1937.

The inclusion of presentation copies in this list is unsurprising. The family’s position amongst the British, Scottish and Irish landed gentry, connections with Scotland, England (where several Marquesses were MPs before taking their titles) and Ireland, and the military and constitutional roles of several of the Marquesses ensured access to vast social networks and interest in a wide-range of political events. Topics included in this list therefore include the , British radicalism, the Irish Act of Union, various royal and constitutional crises, and even the American Civil War.

Recipients of several volumes, and likely earlier owners of the works contained herein include:

General William John Kerr, 5th Marquess of Lothian KT (1737-1815) was a British soldier and peer, styled Lord Newbottle until 1767 and the Earl of Ancram from 1767 to 1775, when he succeeded his father as Marquess.

William Kerr, 6th Marquess of Lothian, KT, FRSE (1763-1824) was also a soldier, landowner and representative peer between 1817-1824.

John William Robert Kerr, 7th Marquess of Lothian PC (1794-1841), styled Lord Newbottle until 1815, and Earl of Ancram 1815- 1824, was a Scottish Tory politician. He briefly served as a government official in Peel’s second ministry.

William Schomberg Robert Kerr, 8th Marquess of Lothian (1832-1870).

The pamphlets are generally in tremendously unsophisticated state, largely stitched, as issued, and variously with and without wrappers.


1) [ADAIR, Robert, Sir]. A whig's apology for his consistency; in a letter from a member of parliament to his friend in the borough of ****. London. Printed for J. Debrett, 1795. First edition.

8vo. [4], 72, 161-192, 73-160, 193-198pp, [2]. With a half-title and a terminal publisher's advertisement leaf. Several gathering misbound. Uncut, stitched, as issued. Contemporary inked annotation to title- page, inked inscription to head of p.1, gathering 'G' (p.41-48) detached, lightly spotted/dust-soiled, some creasing.

The sole edition of Whig politician Sir Robert Adair's (1763-1855) impassioned defence of (1749-1806) and his opposition to Britain's involvement in the French Revolutionary Wars.

ESTC T28306.

£ 125

2) BARRUEL, [Augustin]. Lettrer d'un voyageur a l'abbe barruel ou nouveaux documens pour ses memoires, nouvelles decouvertes faites en allemange, anecdotes sur quelques grands personnages de ce pays, chronique de la secte, &c. [London]. Se vend chez A. Dulau et Co. et al., 1800. First edition.

8vo. [2], iv, [2], 191pp, [2]. Uncut and partially unopened, stitched, as issued, in original publisher's plain blue paper wrappers. Extremities lightly spotted, significant loss to spine panel. Short tear to upper margin of leaf L3, some worming to gutter margins throughout.

The sole printing of a series of letters on the politics, customs, and prominent figures of the German territories of the late eighteenth-century, that though claiming to be written by a 'Voyageur' to Jesuit priest Augustin Barruel (1741-1820), are likely the work of Barruel himself. The composition of the letters (and the lengthy appendix) would seem to suggest Barruel is more concerned with furthering his own agenda rather than providing an accurate account of the region. In his Memoires pour Servir a l'Histoire du Jacobinisme (1797-99), Barruel set forth his anti-revolutionary conspiracy theory, asserting that the Jacobins, in league with the Bavarian Illuminati and Freemasons, had designs to overthrow Christianity and as such had instigated the French Revolution - ideas that are once more referenced in the present work.

ESTC record copies at two locations in the British Isles (BL and Oxford), and a further five worldwide (Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Harvard, Philadelphia, Wayne State, and Yale).

ESTC T80011.

£ 200



3) [BESCHER, Rene-Francois]. Causes de la chute de louis XVIII. A Paris. Chez les Marchands de Nouveautes, [1815]. First edition.

8vo. 15pp, [1].With a half-title. Uncut, stitched, as issued. Lightly dust-soiled, some creasing.

The sole edition of a rare pamphlet by French journalist Rene- Francois Bescher (1763-c.1830) recounting the events surrounding the exile of Louis XVIII and the rise of Napoleon following the French Revolution.

OCLC records copies at only two locations (BnF and Strasbourg).

£ 150

4) BIGOT DE SAINTE-CROIX, L[ouis] C[laude]. Histoire de la conspiration du 10 aout 1792. Londres [i.e. London]. [R. Edwards], [1793].

8vo. [8], 161pp, [1], vi, [2]. With a half-title and a terminal errata leaf. Uncut, stitched into original publisher's plain blue paper wrappers. Extremities lightly marked. Contemporary inked ownership inscriptions to half-title and title-page, worming to gutter margins throughout.

Louis Claude Bigot de Sainte-Croix's (1744-1803) account of the tumultuous events of the Insurrection of 10th August 1792, the decisive blow by the Paris Commune which saw the downfall of the French monarchy. The author had been appointed Foreign Minister just 10 days previously, and as a dedicated Royalist was forced into self-imposed exile.

ESTC T6296.

£ 100



5) [BLANE, Gilbert]. Inquiry into the causes and remedies of the late and present scarcity and high price of provisions, in a letter to the Right Hon. , K. G. first lord of the admiralty &c. &c. &c. London. Printed for J. Wright, 1800. First edition.

8vo. [4], 71pp, [1]. With a half-title. Uncut and partially unopened, stitched, as issued. Lightly creased and spotted, inked correction to text of p.4, small hole to page numbers of leaf E4. Presentation copy, inked inscription to head of half-title; 'To the Countess of Carnarvon / with Dr. Blanes kind compliments.'

An inquiry by physician Sir Gilbert Blane (1749-1834) into the cause of food shortages in Britain at the turn of the nineteenth-century. Blane, with extensive reference to Adam Smith’s (1723-1790) The Wealth of Nations (London, 1776), concludes that the scarcity of resources is the result of adverse weather throughout 1799, and subsequent failure for agricultural supply to meet demands, the reduction of imports and increased consumption due to conflict on the Continent during the French Revolutionary Wars, and, less directly, the continued assize of bread - not to be addressed until the Bread Acts of 1822 and 1836. Blane had been directly appointed by Lord Spencer to the service of the Royal Navy as commissioner for sick and wounded seamen, a position he held from 1795 until the treaty of Amiens in 1802. The focus of the letter upon the detrimental effects of the food shortages on military personnel is testament to his devotion to the services which had most clearly be evidenced in his Treatise on the Scurvy (1753) and his instrumental role in the rationing of anti- scorbutic lemon juice to sailors.

ESTC T37243.

£ 450


6) [BONNAY, Charles-Francois, marquis de]. Le prophete jonas. Juillet 1793 par un emigre. A Ninive. [s.n.], [1793]. Seconde edition.

8vo. [2], 38pp. Uncut, stitched into original publisher's drab paper wrappers. Lightly dust-soiled, contemporary inked ownership inscription to upper wrapper; 'Monsieur De la Galailiere / a Moleubeck', likely the Marquis de la Galailiere, state councillor and intendant of justice and finances in Lorraine province.

A revised edition of politician Charles-Francois Bonnay's (1750- 1825) predictions on the course of French Revolution, presented in the form of a dialogue between the author and the 'Thinker'.

£ 100


7) BRISSOT DE WARVILLE, J[acques] P[ierre]. J. P. brissot, deputy of eure and loire, to his constituents, on the situation of the national convention; on the influence of the anarchists, and the evils it has caused; and on the necessity of annihilating that influence in order to save the republic. London. Printed for John Stockdale, 1794. New edition.

8vo. xl, 121pp, [15]. With a 14pp terminal publisher's advertisement catalogue, ESTC calls for 15 terminal advertisement leaves, but other copies appear to be known as here. Uncut and partially unopened, stitched, as issued. Inked ownership inscription to title-page, else clean and crisp.

Jacques Pierre Brissot (1754-1793), was a leading member of the Girondist movement during the French Revolution. He became a leading Abolitionist, and founded in Paris an anti- slavery group Society of the Friends of the Blacks, of which he was president.

ESTC T126841.

£ 75

8) [BROUGHAM AND VAUX, Henry Brougham, Baron]. Observations on Mr. brougham's bill "for better providing the means of education for his majesty's subjects;" shewing it's inadequacy to the end proposed, and the danger which will arise from it to the causes of religious liberty. London. Printed by T. Bensley, 1821. First edition.

8vo. 30pp, [2]. With half-title. Stitched, as issued. Lightly creased, spotted, and dust-soiled.

An anonymous attack of Chancellor Henry Brougham, Baron Brougham and Vaux's (1778-1868) bill of 1820 calling for education to be state- supported. The bill was ultimately unsuccessful, failing due to sectarian religious divisions.

£ 75


9) BRUEYS, [David-Augustin de]. PALAPRAT, [Jean de]. L'avocat patelin, comedie en trois actes et en prose, Par MM. brueys et palaprat. Representee pour la premiere sois a Paris, par les Comediens Francais, le 4 juin 1706. A Paris. Chez Mad. George, [1798]. Nouvelle edition [i.e. new edition].

8vo. 36pp. Uncut, stitched, as issued, in original publisher's drab paper wrappers. Contemporary inked ownership inscription to title, printed paper slip bearing the imprint of Chez Mad. George pasted over the actual imprint of Chez Fages, slight loss to lower margin of leaf D2, light spotting.

A scarce edition of one of many theatrical works co-authored by David-Augustin de Brueys (1640-1723) and Jean Palaprat (1650- 1721); a three act comedy premiered in 1706 and first published in 1715, L'Avocat Patelin enjoyed immense success, being performed 691 times at the Comedie-Francaise.

OCLC records a single copy (Warwick).

£ 100

10) BURKE, Edmund. Two letters addressed to a member of the present parliament, on the proposals for peace with the regicide directory of france. London. Printed for F. and C. Rivington, 1796. Ninth edition.

8vo. [4], 155, 155*-161*, 156-188pp. With a half-title. Pages 155 and 156 cancelled, with a four leaf insert (p.156*-161*) after p.155 (here pinned in place.) Uncut and partially unopened, stitched, as issued. Short tears to margins of leaves D2 and P4, tears to gutters of Bb1-2 - touching text without loss, very occasional light spotting.

The thoughts of Irish statesman (1729/30-1797) on the means of achieving a cessation of hostilities regarding the Anglo-French War of 1793-1802. Burke emphasises the extent to which the interests of Britain and Europe coincide whilst warning against appeasement on the part of the government and denigrating the newly founded French Republic.

ESTC T52084.

£ 75


11) BURKE, Edmund. A third letter to a member of the present parliament, on the proposals for peace with the regicide directory of france. London. Printed for F. and C. Rivington, 1797. First edition.

8vo. [4], vi, [2], 136, 139-165pp, [1]. With a half-title. Text is continuous despite pagination. Uncut and unopened, stitched, as issued. Lightly spotted.

Irish statesman Edmund Burke's (1729/30-1797) follow-up to his immensely popular Two letters addressed to a member of the present parliament, on the proposals for peace with the regicide directory of france (1796), continuing his thoughts on means by which the ending of the Anglo-French War (1793-1802) may be achieved.

ESTC T50078.

£ 150

12) BURKE, Edmund. A letter from the Rt. Honourable Edmund Burke to his grace the duke of portland in the Conduct of the Minority in Parliament. Containing fifty-four articles of impeachment against The Rt. Hon. C. J. Fox. From the original copy, in the possession of the noble duke. London. Printed for the Editor, and sold by J. Owen, 1797.

8vo. [4], 94pp, [2]. With a half-title and a terminal advertisement leaf. In this edition 'letter' in the title is printed in hollow Roman capitals, the rule above the imprint is 8.1 cm in length, and the catchwords on p.28, p/42, and p.83 are 'vernment', 'system', and 'led' respectively. Uncut, stitched, as issued. Some creasing, lightly spotted/dust-soiled.

A letter by politician Edmund Burke (1729/30-1797) denouncing Charles James Fox (1749-1806) for his sympathies towards the French Revolution and proposals of alliance.

ESTC T37975.

£ 75


13) CARLISLE, Frederick Howard, Earl of. A letter from the to earl fitzwilliam in reply to his lordship's two letters. London. Printed for John Stockdale, 1795. First edition.

8vo. 13pp, [3]. With three terminal pages of publisher's advertisements. Uncut, folded and unstitched, as issued. Contemporary inked annotation to head of title, occasional light dust-soiling/spotting.

The first edition of politician Frederick Howard, Earl of Carlisle's (1748-1825) response to William Wentworth Fitzwilliam, Earl of Fitzwilliam's (1748-1833) The two letters from Earl Fitzwilliam, previous to his departure from this country to the Earl of Carlisle: explaining the causes of that event (Dublin, 1795) which defended the latter's conduct in seeking to pass a bill for the emancipation of Irish Catholics which ultimately resulted in Fitzwilliam being removed from office in Ireland. Here Carlisle consoles his lifelong friend, proffering support in Parliament.

ESTC T37931.

£ 200

14) CASTLEREAGH, Robert Stewart, Viscount. Substance of a second speech of the marquis of londonderry...on the subject of the agricultural distress of the country, and the financial and other measures proposed for its relief... London. Printed for John Hatchard and Son, 1822. First edition.

8vo. 78pp, [2]. With half-title and a terminal advertisement leaf. Unopened, stitched, as issued. Creased, lightly spotted, dust-soiling to margins.

Robert Stewart Viscount Castlereagh, second (1769-1822) own copy of his address to delivered before the House of Commons on 29th April 1822 disclaiming government responsibility for the economic turmoil of the agricultural industry and proposing practicable methods for their financial relief.

£ 200


15) [CATHOLIC EMANCIPATION]. Considerations on the change of his majesty's ministers, and its consequences, As far as relates to the Question of catholic emancipation and the repeal of the test act with observations on the coronation oath. London. Printed for John Stockdale, 1801. First edition.

8vo. 24pp, [6]. With a terminal advertisement leaves. Uncut, stitched, as issued. Occasional creasing, lightly spotted.

A selection of articles extracted from the True Briton, The Porcupine, and The Times, both in support of, and vehemently opposed to, Roman Catholic emancipation and the mooted repeal of the Test Act of 1673.

COPAC records a single copy (Lambeth), OCLC adds three more (Kansas, Maynooth, and Yale).

£ 250


16) CHAUMEREIX, Jean-Hugues Duroy de. Narrative of m. de chaumereix, who escaped from the massacres of aurai and vannes, after the expedition of quiberon, with observations on the public opinion in brittany. To which is added a prospectus for pasigraphy, or, first elements of the art of printing and writing in a language to be understood in all language without translation. London. From the printing-office of T. Baylis, 1795. First edition.

8vo. [2], 46, 4pp. Stitched, as issued. Very occasional light spotting.

An unusual work by Jean-Hugues Duroy Chaumereix (1763-1841), both an affecting account his experiences in the 1795 massacres at Auray and Vannes which saw the execution of over Royalist sympathetic Chouans and emigres captured by following the Battle of Quiberon; and a description of his concept for a new universal language. This pasigraphy, combining elements of tachygraphy and stenography, is designed, the author claims, to be learnt by 'any intelligent person' of any nation in just a few hours. The scheme was sanctioned by Roch-Ambroise Cucurron Sicard (1742-1822), director of the celebrated school for the deaf at Paris.

ESTC records copies at three locations in the British Isles (BL, Cambridge, and Oxford), and a further three in North America (Library Company of Philadelphia, Missouri, and Washington).

ESTC T134715. £ 750


17) [COMBE, William]. A letter to his grace the duke of portland, from a country gentleman. London. Printed for John Stockdale, 1789. First separate edition.

8vo. [2], 73-88pp, [2]. Uncut, stitched, as issued. A trifle dust- soiled and spotted.

A reissue, with an added title page, of the third letter from Letters from a country gentleman to a Member of Parliament on the present state of the nation (1789) written by William Combe (1742-1823) whilst under government patronage, one of numerous pro-ministerial works produced during the Regency crisis - in this instance a celebration of the recovery of George III.

ESTC records a single location of this separate re-issue in the British Isles (Longleat), and none elsewhere.

ESTC N498151.

£ 125


18) [D'AUMONT, J. B.]. A narrative of the proceedings relating to the suspension of the king of the french, on the 10th august, 1792. Manchester. Printed by M. Falkner and Co., 1792. First edition.

8vo. 58pp, [2]. Unopened, stitched, as issued. Occasional light spotting.

A Manchester-printed account of the events of the Insurrection of 10th August 1792 when the National Guard of the Paris Commune stormed Tuileres Palace, forcing the suspension of Louis XVI and thus the downfall of the French monarchy.

ESTC T98334.

£ 250



19) DESLAVIERS, [Xavier-Joseph]. Eloge historique de marie-therese, walpurge-christine, d'autriche, Imperatrice - Douairiere, Reine de Hongrie et de Boheme, Archiduchesse, &c. &c.. A Vienne [i.e. Vienna]; Et se trouve A Paris. Chez L. Jorry, 1781. First edition.

8vo. 55pp, [1]. With an engraved portrait frontispiece. Stitched, as issued, in original publisher's drab paper wrappers. Extremities marked. Internally clean and crisp.

A rare survival of the sole edition, printed in Vienna, of a eulogy celebrating the life of Maria Theresa Walburga Amalia Christina (1717-1780), the sole female ruler of the Habsburg dominions and the last of her house. Remembered primarily as the mother of Marie Antoinette, Maria Theresa promulgated financial and educational reforms, and promoted commerce and the development of agriculture throughout the Hapsburg dominions.

OCLC records a single copy (BnF).

£ 375

20) DILLON, Arthur-Roger. Exposition abregee des principes et des evenemens qui ont le plus influe sur la revolution francoise. A 'usage des etrangers. A Londres [i.e. London]. De l'Imprimerie de T. Spilsbury & Fils, 1793. First edition.

8vo. iv, 63pp, [1]. Uncut, stitched, as issued. Title-page and verso of terminal leaf marked and browned, else clean and crisp.

The sole edition of an analysis of the causes of the French Revolution by Arthur-Roger Dillon (1751-1810), of whom little is known. Dillon, evidently an anti-revolutionary prejudiced against those he deemed responsible for the collapse of the monarchy, levels the majority of his accusations at finance minister Jacques Necker (1732- 1804), whose dismissal from office contributed to the Storming of the Bastille.

Outside of the UK, ESTC locates copies at only four libraries (Columbia, Huntington, Kansas and Yale).

ESTC T5297.

£ 200


21) [DILLON, John Joseph]. The question, as to the admission of Catholics to Parliament, considered, upon the principles of existing laws. With supplemental observations on the coronation oath. London. Printed by W. and C. Spilsbury, 1801. First edition.

8vo. [4], 79pp, [1]. Uncut and partially unopened, stitched, as issued. Printed errata to verso of advertisement leaf, with contemporary manuscript errata notes beneath, some creasing/spotting,

A pamphlet attributed to Sir John Joseph Dillon (d.1837) discussing the possibility of repealing the Test Acts of 1673 and 1678 which prevented Catholics from sitting in Parliament.

£ 100

22) [D'ORLEANS, Henri]. Lettre sur l'histoire de france. Francfort [i.e. Frankfurt]. Henri Keller, 1861. First edition.

8vo. 29pp, [1]. With a half-title. Original publisher's green printed paper wrappers. Extremities a trifle dust-soiled. Lightly spotted.

A letter addressed to Napoleon III by Henri d'Orleans, Duke of Aumale (1822-1897) on in response to the Emperor's violent attacks against the Orleanists due to their support of a constitutional monarchy.

£ 50


23) [EAST INDIA COMPANY]. Copies of the several testimonials transmitted from bengal by the governor general and council, relative to warren hastings, Esq. Late governor general of bengal. London. Printed for John Stockdale, 1789.

8vo. 176pp, [8]. With a terminal publisher's advertisement leaf. Uncut and unopened, stitched, as issued. Title a trifle marked and dust-soiled, slight loss to head of leaves N1-2.

One of three editions, all published in the same year, of a parliamentary paper comprised of testimonials submitted by officers of the East India Company regarding the character and conduct of colonial administrator Warren Hastings (1732-1818) following his impeachment on charges of alleged maladministration and unlawful execution during his tenure as Governor-General of Bengal.

All are rare. Of this edition, ESTC records copies at two locations in the British Isles (BL and Oxford), and a further four in North America (California, Case Western, Kansas, and Kansas State).

ESTC N2006.

£ 250

24) [EAST INDIA COMPANY], STEWART, Robert, Viscount Castlereagh. Substance of lord castlereagh's speech, delivered in the house of commons, on thursday the 19th of july, 1804, previously to his moving for several accounts relating to the finances of the east-india company, in india & europe, for the last ten years. London. Printed by Cox, Son, and Baylis, 1804. First edition.

8vo. 31pp, [17]. With a half-title. Uncut and unopened in original publisher's plain blue paper wrappers. Extremities a trifle marked.

An analysis of a speech delivered by politician Robert Stewart, Viscount Castlereagh (1769-1822) on the financial position of the East India Company at the turn of the nineteenth-century; with an appendix providing receipts and expenditures of the company for 1802-3 and expected revenues for 1804-5.

COPAC locates copies at Manchester and Oxford only; OCLC adds ISIG, NLI, NYPL, Minnesota, Missouri, Pennsylvania and Yale.

£ 125



25) [FONTON, Felix]. Necessite d'une place forte federale pour la defense de la suisse par un ami de ce pays. Lausanne. Librairie Martignier et Chavannes, 1860. First edition.

8vo. 32pp. Original publisher's drab printed paper wrappers. Extremities lightly rubbed and dust-soiled. Inked ownership inscription to title.

A monograph calling for the establishment of a dedicated federal military for the defence of Switzerland in light of the conflict with Napoleon III over the territories of Savoy.

£ 100

26) FOX, Charles James. A letter from the right honourable charles james fox, to the worthy and independent electors of the city and liberty of westminster. London. Printed for J. Debrett, 1793. Third edition.

8vo. [4], 43pp, [5]. With a half-title and two terminal leaves of publisher's advertisements. Light dust-soiling to margins, very occasional spotting.

A letter by Member of Parliament for Westminster Charles James Fox (1749-1806) to his constituents addressing the motives behind his recent motions in Commons, particularly his efforts in averting conflict with France. It is notable that the Fox wrote his remarks on 26th January 1793, six days prior to the French declaring war on Britain, which may account in part for the immense popularity of the publication, with 16 editions appearing within a year.

ESTC T74041.

£ 75



27) [FRENCH REVOLUTION]. La limoniere renversee: potpourri politique et litteraire. A Bruxelles [i.e. Brussels]. Et se trouve a Londres. Chez de Chez Owen, 1793. First edition.

8vo. [2], 23pp, [1]. Unopened in original publisher's printed paper wrappers. Lightly dust-soiled, worming to margins.

A rare survival of a curious pamphlet, presented as a dialogue held in a Brussels park between a Monsieur Dulimon and 'a man of taste', evaluating the political climate of the late Eighteenth- century, specifically the French Revolution, and discussing the merits of literature; Sallust in particular.

OCLC locates a single copy (Princeton).

Not in ESTC.

£ 375

28) [FRENCH REVOLUTIONARY WARS]. Lettres de l'armee en egypte, gouvernement francois. Interceptees par la corvette de sa majeste britannique, el vincejo, dans la mediterranee. Publiees par Autorite. A Londres [i.e. London]. De l'Imprimerie de Baylis, [1800].

8vo. iv, 95p, [1]. Uncut, stitched, as issued. Some spotting/creasing.

A printing of dispatches recovered in 1799 by the Royal Navy vessel El Vincejo from a French transport ferrying members of Napoleon's staff from Egypt, including 76 officers. The 16 letters include dispatches to both Bonaparte and Kleber (the latter having assumed command following the formers retreat), on the failing Egyptian campaign and the condition and situation of French forces.

The text in this edition is the same as in another printed in the same year as the 'Troisieme partie', following on from Correspondance de l'armee française en Egypte and Copies des lettres originales de l'armee du general Bonaparte en Egypte, interceptees par la flotte sous le commandement de l'amiral Lord Nelson.

ESTC records copies at three locations in the British Isles (BL, NLS, and Oxford), and a further five worldwide.

ESTC T81637.

£ 125


29) HALHED, Nathaniel Brassey. Testimony of the authenticity of the prophecies of richard brothers, and of his mission to recall the jews. London. Printed for H. D. Symonds, 1795. Second edition.

8vo. iv, 40pp. Stitched, as issued. Contemporary inked ownership inscription to head of title. A trifle creased/dust- soiled.

A testimony by orientalist Nathaniel Brassey Halhed (1751- 1830) vigorously defending the divine inspiration of self- proclaimed prophet Richard Brothers (1757-1824). Halhed's reputation would be severely damaged following his appearance before Parliament to oppose Brother's conviction as a criminal lunatic, a motion that was roundly dismissed.

ESTC T49998.

£ 200

30) HARPER, Robert Goodloe. Observations on the dispute between the United States and France, addressed. [Dublin] Philadelphia printed. Re-printed by P. Byrne, 1798. Fourth edition.

8vo. 160pp. Uncut and unopened, stitched into original publisher's plain blue paper wrappers, as issued. Significant loss to wrappers, short tear to lower margin of leaf K4, very occasional spotting.

First published in 1797, Federalist Robert Goodloe Harper's (1765- 1825) critique of the French Republic's continued indignation regarding the Jay Treaty of 1795 (which facilitated a decade of peace between the United States and Britain), proved remarkably popular in both America and England, with 19 editions appearing before 1799.

ESTC N10722.

£ 50


31) [HOUSE OF COMMONS]. Extracts from the minutes of evidence taken before the select committee of the house of commons Appointed to Enquire into the State of Ireland. 1824- 25. London. Printed by R. G. Clarke, [1825]. First edition.

8vo. 201pp, [3]. Largely unopened, stitched, as issued. Text- block separated into constituent gatherings. Horizontal tears to text of leaves A2, F7, and F8, dust-soiling to title and terminal leaf.

The proceedings of a meeting of the parliamentary select committee regarding the state of Ireland generally, and the continued impact of the Act of Union specifically, and the increasing frequency of calls for Catholic emancipation.

£ 75

32) []. Extracts from the minutes of evidence taken before the select committee of the house of lords Appointed to Enquire into the State of Ireland. 1824-25. London. Printed by R. G. Clarke, [1825]. First edition.

8vo. 95pp, [1]. Stitched, as issued. A trifle spotted, verso of terminal leaf soiled.

The proceedings of a meeting of the parliamentary select committee regarding the state of Ireland generally, and the continued impact of the Act of Union specifically, and the increasing frequency of calls for Catholic emancipation.

£ 75



33) JERSEY, George Bussey Villiers, Earl of. The correspondence between the earl and countess of jersey, and the rev. dr. randolph, upon the subject of some letters belonging to h. r. h. the princess of wales, of late so much the topic of public conversation. London. Richard White, 1796. First edition.

8vo. [2], 37pp, [1]. Uncut, stitched, as issued. Some creasing, lightly spotted, loss to foot of final leaf - not touching text.

A printing, with explanatory notes, of the correspondence between George Villiers, Earl of Jersey (1735-1805), his wife Frances Villiers, Countess of Jersey (1753-1821) and clergyman Francis Randolph (1752-1831) concerning their involvement in a scandal surrounding the loss of letters belonging to the Princess of Wales. Randolph had been entrusted to deliver the letters by the Princess, but, being unable to complete his task had them returned via carriage. They disappeared in transit. Lady Jersey, a mistress of the Prince of Wales, was accused in the press of having intercepted them and of passing several to Queen Charlotte, whom they disparaged. She denied the allegations and attempted to lay the blame on Randolph. The Earl of Jersey published the subsequent correspondence between Randolph and his wife in an attempt to clear her name. The matter was never satisfactorily resolved and Lady Jersey remained persona non grata in many circles.

ESTC T1230.

£ 150

34) [LONDON CORRESPONDING SOCIETY]. Letter to the right hon. henry dundass, secretary of state for the home department. By the london corresponding society, united for the purpose of obtaining a reform in parliament. London. Printed for James Ridgway, 1792. First edition.

8vo. 8pp. Folded and unstitched, as issued. Chipping to fore-edge, worm- trail to foot, lightly foxed/dust-soiled.

An address by the London Corresponding Society to Secretary of State Henry Dundas, Viscount Melville (1742-1811), signed by chairman of the societies general committee, the radical Maurice Margarot (1745-1815), motivated by the prospect of constitutional and parliamentary reform akin to the recent political freedoms achieved in France.

ESTC T122622.

£ 250


35) LOUVET DE COUVRAY, Jean-Baptiste. Quelques notices pour l'histoire, et le recit de mes perils depuis le 31 mai, 1793. A Paris...Et a Londres. Chez J.-B. Louvet...Chez J. Johnson, [1794].

8vo. ix, [10]-296pp. Uncut in original publisher's blue paper wrappers. Extremities lightly dust-soiled/creased, loss to head and foot of spine. Neat contemporary ink correction to price, else internally clean and crisp.

The memoirs of novelist and politician Jean-Baptiste Louvet de Couvray's (1760-1797) which document the trials and tribulations suffered between his fleeing Paris following the downfall of the Girondists and his eventual return after the fall of Robespierre.

Numerous editions of varying length and format appeared throughout 1794-95; this edition of 296pp is not recorded by ESTC, though COPAC does locate a single copy held at Oxford.

Not in ESTC.

£ 250

36) [MACKENZIE, Colin]. Notes relating to the procedure in the elections of the representatives in the british parliament of the Peers of Scotland. Edinburgh. Printed by J. Hay & Co., 1818. First edition.

8vo. iv, [1], 6-68pp. Uncut and unopened, stitched, as issued. Inked annotation to head of title, title and p.68 a trifle dust-soiled, some creasing, occasional light spotting.

A rare analysis of electoral procedures of the representative peers of Scotland attributed to Scottish lawyer, and school friend of Sir Walter Scott, Colin MacKenzie (1770-1830).

COPAC records three copies (Cambridge, Edinburgh, and NLS), OCLC adds two further (Kansas and New York Public Library).

£ 100


37) MALLET DU PAN, [Jacques]. Considerations sur la nature de la revolution de france, Et sur les Causes qui en prolongent la duree. A Londres [i.e. Brussels?] Et se trouve A Bruxelles. Chez Emm. Flon, 1793.

8vo. viii, 79pp, [1]. Uncut, stitched, as issued. A trifle dust-soiled.

Genevan-French Journalist Jacques Mallet du Pan's (1749- 1800) condemnation of the French Revolution. An ardent supporter of the Royalist cause, Mallet du Pan loyally served Louis XVI. In 1792 he was sent to entreat with the Emperor of Austria and King of Prussia in other hopes of convincing the rulers to support the troubled monarchy, whilst absent his possessions were confiscated and he was thereafter unable to return to Paris. In 1793, whilst residing with the Archduke Charles in Brussels, he published the present work; nine editions appeared that year, all with a false imprint claiming London origin, a translation into English appeared soon after. The Irish statesman Edmund Burke (1729/30-1797) is said to have remarked that when reading the work he was convinced he had written it himself, so closely did it echo his own sentiments.

ESTC N53879.

£ 100

38) [MILES, William Augustus]. A letter to the prince of wales, on a second application to parliament, To discharge Debts wantonly contracted since May, 1787. London. Printed for J. Owen, [1795]. Eighth edition.

8vo. [4], xxiii, [1], 67pp, [1]. With a half-title. Uncut, stitched, as issued. Inked annotation/in-spotting to half-title, lightly spotted.

An enlarged edition, printed in the same year as the first, of political writer William Augustus Miles' (1753/4-1817) condemnation of the second application brought before parliament by the future George IV calling for a cancellation of his accrued debts caused by obscene overspending. Parliament, unwilling to grant a relief, would instead provide an additional annual allowance of £65,000.

ESTC N10469.

£ 50



39) [MIRANDA, Francisco de]. Original correspondence between generals dumourier, miranda, pache and beurnonville, ministers of war, since January, 1793...Translated from the french, published by general miranda. London. Printed for J. Owen, 1794. First edition.

8vo. [4], 136pp, [4]. With two terminal advertisement leaves. Uncut, stitched, as issued. Contemporary inked inscription to title, lightly spotted.

The first edition in English of the correspondence of Francisco de Miranda (1750-1816), who participated in the American, French and Spanish American Revolutions, exchanged with French officers during the war of the First Coalition, from the invasion of Holland to the Battle of Neerwinden.

ESTC records copies at four locations in the British Isles (BL, Manchester, NLS, and Senate House), and a further six in North America (California, Chicago, Harvard, Huntington, Missouri, and Royal Military College).

ESTC T117531.

£ 125


40) [NAPOLEON]. L'homme du siecle et de la patrie. [Paris]. [De l'Imprimerie de Hocquet], [s.d., c.1815]. First edition.

8vo. 20pp. Uncut, stitched, as issued. Horizontal tears to text of final two leaves, lightly spotted.

An anonymous panegyric celebrating Napoleon as the 'man of the century', presumably written during the Hundred Days, and prior to the second restoration of Louis XVIII in July 1815.

OCLC records a single copy (BnF).

£ 250


41) [NOE, Marc-Antoine de]. Discours de monseigneur l'eveque de lescar, Sur l'etat futur de l'Eglise. A Magliano. A l'Imprimerie de Sa Saintete, 1788. First edition.

8vo. 44pp. The imprint is false, actually printed in France. Uncut, stitched, as issued, in original publisher's plain blue paper wrappers. Slight marking to extremities. Very occasional inked annotations/underlining.

The rare first edition of an address by the Bishop of Lescar Marc- Antoine de Noe (1724-1802) on the future development of the Catholic Church, delivered at the Assembly of the French clergy in 1785.

OCLC records copies at a single location (BL).

£ 100


42) [PHILIPS, George]. The necessity of a speedy and effectual reform in parliament. Manchester. Printed by M. Falkner and Co., [1793]. First edition.

8vo. iv, 72pp, [2]. With a terminal errata leaf. Uncut in original publisher's plain blue paper wrappers. Lightly dust-soiled. Very occasional spotting, some creasing.

The sole edition of Mancunian textile industrialist and politician Sir George Philips's (1766-1847) plea for universal suffrage, including advocating the extension of voting rights to women. Philips's drew immediate criticism for the work's publication, and soon after retracted his remarks.

Outside of the UK, ESTC locates copies at only seven libraries (Boston Athenaeum, Boston Public, Duke, Lafayette, Library Co. Philadelphia, Queen's and Rutgers)

ESTC T39723.

£ 375


43) PHILLPOTTS, Henry. A letter to the right honourable george canning, on the bill of 1825, for removing the disqualifications of his majesty's roman catholic subjects, and on his speech in support of the same. London. John Murray, 1827. Fifth edition.

8vo. [4], 167pp, [7]. With a half-title and seven terminal advertisement pages. Largely unopened, stitched, as issued. Half-title and verso of terminal leaf lightly dust-soiled, some creasing.

A letter by Anglican clergyman Henry Phillpotts (1778-1869) to Foreign Secretary George Canning (1770-1827) denouncing the latter's support for Roman Catholic emancipation, arguing that proposed strategies provided inadequate security, and suggesting an alternative test in which Catholics would acknowledge potential salvation within the Church of England and swear to do no harm to it.

£ 50

44) [PITT, William]. A collection of addresses and letters, that have been sent, or may be sent to The Right Honorable ------, chancellor of the exchequer, &c. on his vigorous and successful support of the constitution. [London]. Printed for C. Stalker, [1812]. First edition.

8vo. [2], 87pp, [1]. With a half-title and a terminal errata leaf. Unopened, stitched, as issued. Lightly spotted, some creasing.

A rare compilation of predominantly anonymous letters addressed to Prime Minister William Pitt (1759-1806) declaring support for his actions whilst in office, a notable inclusion being one signed 'Africanus' from an emancipated slave praising Pitt for his continued efforts towards abolishing the slave trade.

COPAC records a single copy (BL).

£ 375


45) PLAYFAIR, William. Letter to the right honourable the earl fitzwilliam, occasioned by his two letters to the earl of carlisle. London. Printed for John Stockdale, 1795. First London edition.

8vo. 24, 4pp. With two terminal publisher's advertisement leaves. Uncut, stitched, as issued. Lightly spotted, small worm-trail to head of all leaves.

A letter, by political economist William Playfair (1759- 1823), addressed to William Wentworth Fitzwilliam, Earl of Fitzwilliam (1748-1833) chastising him for his recently published correspondence regarding proposals for the emancipation of Irish Roman Catholics, his administration of Irish affairs, and, specifically, his dismissal of, and negative treatment towards, John Beresford, former first commissioner of the revenue in Ireland. Two editions printed in Dublin appeared the same year.

ESTC T13497.

£ 75


46) POLIGNAC, Camille Armand Jules Marie de Prince. L'union americaine apres la guerre. Paris. E. Dentu, 1866. First edition.

8vo. iv, [1], 6-48pp. Original publisher's printed blue paper wrappers. Lightly dust-soiled/spotted, a trifle creased.

A rare survival, in original state, of Camille Armand Jules Marie, Prince de Polignac's (1832-1913) analysis of the United States Union after the American Civil War. Polignac had served with distinction as an officer in the Confederate army during the conflict, being instrumental in the victory at the Battle of Mansfield at the opening of the Red River Campaign.

Sabin 63742.

£ 250



47) [POLITICAL REVIEW]. A short and impartial political review of the year 1788. London. Printed for the Author; And sold by T. Hookham, 1788. First edition.

8vo. [4], 27pp, [1]. With a half-title. Uncut and unopened, stitched, as issued. Dust-soiled, significant loss to half-title, adhesive residue to title-page.

A rare survival of a review of the political events of 1788, including an account of the continuing Regency Crisis brought on by the mental illness of George III, the attempt by Margaret Nicholson to assassinate the King, an elegy on the death of the Duke of Rutland, and a defence of the behaviour of the Prince Regent.

ESTC records a single copy (NLS) of this London edition, and just three of the 1789 Dublin edition (BL, Harvard, St Patrick's College)

ESTC T175741.

£ 250

48) PORCUPINE, Peter [i.e. COBBETT, William]. Democratic principles illustrated by example, part the first. Part the second, containing an instructive essay, tracing all the horrors of the french revolution to their real causes; The licentious politics, and infidel philosophy of the present age. Dublin. Printed for J. Milliken, 1797 [i.e. 1798]. Fifth edition.

8vo. [2], 23, [1]; [2], 52pp. With a general title-page and a half-title before part 2; each part has separate title-page dated 1798, separate pagination and register. Uncut and unopened, stitched into original publisher's plain blue paper wrappers, as issued. Some chipping to spine, occasional spotting/dust-soiling.

William Cobbett's (1763-1835) impassioned treatise on the failings of eighteenth-century democracy and horrific events of the French Revolution resulting from the aspirations of immoral politicians.

All editions are scarce, with this fifth being no exception. ESTC records a single copy in North America (Illinois), and none elsewhere.

ESTC N50835.

£ 125



49) [ROUSSEAU, Jean Jacques], [STAEL-HOLSTEIN, Anne Louise Germaine de]. Lettres sur les ouvrages et le caractere de j. j. rousseau. [Paris?]. [s.n.], 1789. Derniere edition [i.e. second edition].

8vo. [4], 88pp. Uncut, stitched into later marbled paper wrappers. Extremities marked and chipped, wrapper separating from text- block. Contemporary inked annotation and later ink-stamp of crown motif with initials 'H. A.' to title, several lines of p.7 deleted in ink (bled through to p.8-9), lightly spotted.

The first work by Swiss-born French woman of letters Anne Louise Germaine de Stael-Holstein (1766-1817), a succinct biography of Swiss philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712- 1778), published in the same decade as the first printing of his Confessions. The daughter of Jacques Necker, Stael-Holstein was educated according to the principles of Rousseau, whose views on personal and political freedom were evidently well received.

£ 125


50) SCOTT, Francis E[dward], Sir. Shall the new foreign office be gothic or classic? A plea for the former: addressed to the members of the house of commons. London. Bell and Daldy, 1860. First edition.

8vo. 70pp, [1]. With a tipped-in errata slip. Stitched, as issued. Title and verso of terminal leaf a trifle dust-soiled, short closed tears to leaves A4- 5, vertical crease to all leaves. Presentation copy, inked inscription to head of title; 'The Hon W C Talbot MP / from the Author.'

The sole edition of a pamphlet by the chairman of the Government School of Art, Birmingham, Sir Francis Edward Scott (1824-1863) addressed to the members of the House of Commons arguing that the proposed Foreign Office building be constructed in the Gothic style. Construction commenced in 1861, architect George Gilbert Scott (1811-1878) had initially envisaged a structure in the Gothic style but his decision was ultimately overruled by the then Prime Minister Lord Palmerston who insisted on a Classical Italianate facade.

£ 250


51) SCOTT, Major [John]. A second letter from Major scott to Mr. fox, containing the final decision of the Governor General and Council of Bengal on the Charges brought against Rajah Deby Sing. London. Printed for John Stockdale, 1789. First edition.

8vo. 28pp, [4]. With two terminal advertisement leaves. Uncut and partially unopened, stitched, as issued. Title-page marked and lightly damp-stained, some creasing.

A letter addressed to politician Charles James Fox (1749-1806) by Major John Scott (1747-1819) providing an account of the actions of Governor-General of Bengal Warren Hastings (1732-1818) regarding the trial of Rajah Deby Sing, a debt collector of the district of Dinagepore, on charges of torture. Edmund Burke (1729/30-1797) had raised the event as evidence for the prosecution during impeachment proceedings brought against Hastings. Scott, here presents official records transmitted from Bengal which appear to entirely vindicate Hastings of any involvement in the hiring of Sing, and that indeed suggest that Sing never committed any of the numerous horrific actions of which he had been accused.

ESTC records copies at four locations in the British Isles (BL, Cambridge, Manchester, and NT), and a further three in North America (California, Kansas, and Texas).

ESTC T84552.

£ 375

52) SCOTT, Major John. A letter to the right honourable charles james fox, on the extraneous matter contained in Mr. burke's letter to Mr. montague, with observations. London. Printed for John Stockdale, 1789. Second edition.

8vo. [2], 136pp, [4]. With a half-title and two terminal advertisement leaves. Uncut and unopened, stitched, as issued. Lightly spotted/dust- soiled.

The second edition, printed in the same year as the first, of Major John Scott's (1747-1819) letter to politician Charles James Fox (1749-1806) defending the character of Governor-General of Bengal Warren Hastings (1732-1818) from charges levelled by Edmund Burke (1729/30-1797) of alleged misconduct and unlawful execution during his tenure in India. Scott, a former agent of Hastings, passionately condemns Burke's prosecution efforts during both impeachment proceedings and the subsequent trial, believing the facts to be grossly misrepresented. Scott would be reprimanded by the speaker of the House for this attack, though nonetheless continued on his course. When in 1795 Hastings was acquitted, Scott presented his former employer will a bill for £21,850 for expense incurred in his defence, including pamphlet printing costs.

ESTC T169934.

£ 100



53) SEMPILL, Hugh Sempill, Baron. A short address to the public on the practice of cashiering military officers without a trial; and a vindication of the conduct and political opinions of the author. To which is prefixed, his correspondence with the secretary at war. London. Printed for J. Johnson, 1793. First edition.

8vo. 47pp. Uncut, stitched, as issued. Spotting to title, else clean and crisp.

The sole edition of British Army officer Hugh Sempill, Baron Sempill's (1758-1830) account of his attempts to secure a trial having been stripped of his commission in 1792 for contact with French Jacobins.

ESTC T48113.

£ 125


54) SEZE, Raymond de. The oration of deseze, in defence of lewis the sixteenth, king of france; pronounced at the bar of the national convention, On Wednesday, the 26th of December, 1792, in the first year of the republic. To which is added the will of the king, in french and english. London. Printed for C. Dilly...and J. Debrett, 1793. First edition in English.

8vo. [2], iv, [2], 91pp, [1]. With a half-title. Uncut, stitched, as issued. Half-title marked and dust-soiled, occasional spotting/creasing.

The first edition in English of French advocate Raymond de Seze's (1748- 1828) eloquent, yet ultimately futile defence of Louis XVI before the Convention and the charges levelled of high treason and crimes committed against the state.

ESTC records copies at five locations in the British Isles (BL, Bristol, Cambridge, Senate House, and NT), and three further in North America (Boston, Harvard, and Minneapolis).

ESTC T97597.

£ 250


55) [TARGET, Gui-Jean-Baptiste]. Les etats-generaux convoques par louis XVI. [Paris?]. [s.n.], [s.d., c.1789]. First edition.

8vo. [2], 75pp, [3]. With a half-title. Uncut, stitched, as issued. Half-title and verso of terminal blank leaf dust- soiled and creased.

French politician Gui-Jean-Baptiste Target's (1733- 1806) account of the assembly of the Estates-General of 1789, convened by Louis XVI, in light of revolutionary tensions, to allow the members of each of the three Estates to air their grievances. Target served as a deputy to the Third Estate, and was instrumental in compiling the Cahiers de doleances.

£ 75


56) TCHIHATCHEV, [Pyotr Aleksandrovich]. Nouvelle phase de la question d'orient. Paris. E. Dentu, 1860. First edition.

8vo. 32pp. With a half-title. Original publisher's printed blue paper wrapper. Lightly marked/spotted, some chipping to margins

Russian naturalist Pyotr Aleksandrovich Tchihatchev's (1808-1890) examination of the 'new phase' of the Eastern Question, a study of the political and territorial changes within Asia Minor and the Ottoman Empire resulting from the Crimean War.

£ 200


57) [WELLESLEY, Richard Wellesley, Marquess]. Substance of lord mornington's speech in the house of commons, on tuesday, january 21st 1794, on a motion for an address to his majesty at the commencement of the sessions of parliament. London. Printed for J. Debrett, 1794. First edition.

8vo. [4], 176pp, [8]. With a half-title and four terminal advertisement leaves. Without preliminary errata leaf. Uncut, stitched, as issued. Inked ownership inscription to title-page, very occasional light spotting.

An address by Richard Wellesley, Marquess Wellesley (1760- 1842) regarding the impracticability of obtaining peace with France in the continuing Revolutionary Wars, and the necessity of hostilities in achieving security for the British people from the prospect of Republican terror.

ESTC T48783.

£ 75


58) WEMYSS, David. Letter to the right honourable the lord high chancellor of great britain, upon the present state of the scotch law of entail. Edinburgh. Printed for Bell & Bradfute, 1822. First edition.

8vo. [4], 46, 2pp. With a half-title and a terminal advertisement leaf. Uncut, stitched, as issued. Half-title and verso of terminal leaf lightly dust-soiled, vertical crease to all leaves. Presentation copy, inked inscription to head of half-title; 'Marquis of Lothian / With most respectful compliments / from the Author.'

A rare survival of a letter by Scottish solicitor David Wemyss addressed to Lord Chancellor John Scott, 1st (1751-1838) concerning the negative effects upon the people of Scotland caused by the law of entail (a limitation imposed upon the inheritance of property), which the Chancellor had lately suggested Legislature address. This copy presented to the Marquess of Lothian, presumably the sixth of that title, British Army officer and representative peer William Kerr (1763-1824).

COPAC records three copies (Glasgow, NLS, and Sheffield), OCLC adds no further.

£ 150



59) WILDMAN, Daniel. A complete guide for the management of bees throughout the year... London. Printed for the Author, and Sold by him, at his Bee and Honey Warehouse, 1792. Tenth edition.

8vo. viii, 9-48pp. With two engraved folding plates. Uncut, stitched into original publisher's blue plain paper wrappers. Some loss and inked annotation to head of upper wrapper. Internally clean and crisp.

A practical guide to the keeping of bees, including the structure of hives, remedies for diseases which affect the insects, and methods for gathering honey without causing harm. First printed at Dublin in 1774, the work reached a fourteenth edition by the turn of the century. All editions are rare, with this tenth being apparently unrecorded.

Not in ESTC.

£ 250


60) [WILLIAMS, David]. Lessons to a young prince, by an old statesman, on the present disposition in europe to a general revolution. With the Addition of a Lesson on the mode of studying and profiting By Reflections on the french revolution, by the right honourable edmund burke. London. Printed for M. D. Simmons, 1790. Third edition.

8vo. [2], iv, [2], 159, [1], 8pp. With a half-title, an engraved portrait frontispiece, a further five engraved plates, and nine pages of terminal publisher's advertisements. Uncut, stitched, as issued. Dust-soiling to half-title and terminal leaf, worming to lower margin of first two gatherings.

A series of 10 lessons addressed to the Prince of Wales, later George IV, by political theorist David Williams (1738-1816) lambasting abuses of power in Britain and discussing the American constitution and the early stages of the causes of the French Revolution. The second edition, and all subsequent editions, contain an ad hominem attack on Edmund Burke (1729/30-1797) as an enemy of the French Revolution, dubbing him a 'political Swedenbourg'.

ESTC T108840. £ 100




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