Glenn Greenwald | 259 pages | 09 May 2014 | Macmillan USA | 9781627791618 | English | none No Place to Hide: Edward Snowden, the NSA and the Surveillance State by Glenn Greenwald – review

In any event, and no doubt the NSA and the U.S. Surveillance State many others, I proceed on the basis that all my communications — personal and professional — are capable of being monitored by numerous governments, including my own. I find the most disturbing part of this entire story to be the way in which the appointed talking heads tried to slander Greenwald and Snowden afterwards. How inconvenient! Aber sie redeten immer das gleiche und forderten noch dazu anstrengende eigene Initiative und, noch schlimmer, denken und Engagement. Rating details. The second half of the book moves away from the action, first to unpick the key documents themselves the clarity with which it does this is admirable to say the leastand then to a discussion of what these documents mean for us and what they say about our governments. Undoubtedly some of this material and the accompanying discussion of it will help bad actors realize the extent of U. You get a chance to see and hear him with little interpretation and little mediation, in this way you have the chance to make up your own mind about his actions, more on your own terms rather than through the filter of a cable news or newspaper outlet or your talking head of choice. A decent book that gives a relatively unfiltered look at the thinking of the journalists involved in breaking the Snowden story and even, to some degree, into the thinking of the whistleblower himself. Friend Reviews. The Washington Post. I saw Glenn Greenwald on a talk showI don't even remember which one now. I'm just so happy it describes reality There's one small issue I had with this book: The graphics with the NSA documents that are distributed over the text, can hardly be read on the Kindle device. Parts of the book are direct attacks on the established media in the US, which Greenwald finds untenably co-opted by the government. I did find out many things like the government being able to tap into ANY electronic device whether it's powered off or on and turn it into a listening device. When one falls they all fall together. I think civil liberties are enormously important, but I believe Snowden is, in the words of "The New Yorker", a grandiose narcissist who deserves to be in prison. As he went on, however, I became convinced I was wrong. It reads as the NSA and the U.S. Surveillance State it's supposed to be a political thriller, but it's poorly done and focuses on the least interesting aspect of the story After a month in the terminal, Russia granted him asylum. Download as PDF Printable version. Please note that I put the original German text at the end of this review. Its been a long time since I read an entire book in one sitting. Everyone's rights must be protected or no one is free. Wikiquote has quotations related to: No Place to Hide. This book should be required reading in high school civics classes and by all responsible, No Place to Hide: Edward Snowden adults. So I view the problem of privacy at a meta-level. The Cybersecurity Canon is a real thing for our community. Mass surveillance itself makes detecting and stopping terror more difficult. Instead, in an act that speaks more to his ego than his conscience, he threw the secrets he knew up in the air—and trusted, somehow, that good would come of it. You could hardly imagine that this had all really happened. I think about the repercussions that Snowden had to deal with: losing his long-term girlfriend, a large paycheck, his family and Hawaii residence. Besides, critics and activists could hear something new. An important book. The NSA has shown they can't keep their own secrets. By the sound of breaking the door at the most psychologically favorable time of the No Place to Hide: Edward Snowden morning hours. Der Sachverhalt, den aufgedeckt hat, ist von Brisanz und nicht die Person the NSA and the U.S. Surveillance State. A t the outset of Glenn Greenwald's communications with the "anonymous leaker" later identified as year-old former NSA employee Edward SnowdenGreenwald — a journalist, blogger and former lawyer — and the film-maker Laura Poitras, with whom he is collaborating, are told to use a PGP "pretty good privacy" encryption package. Surveillance State instead. Welcome back. Zu viele negative Assoziationen und Implikationen. Without oversight and participation in a democracy, things quickly run amuck, as the transgressions by the intelligence community have proven here. According to the book, any encryption service used was circumnavigated by the NSA. That bummed me out…I wanted more. I'll stop with my review now before I start a Paranoid rant What they endanger is the power structure itself. It would be a generous understatement to refer to British "cooperation" in these matters, although Greenwald's intended audience seems to be mostly in the US, and he goes light on the British until it comes to the treatment of his partner, David Miranda, who was detained in the UK under anti-terror legislation. Instead of finding and punishing those responsible for the worst threat of Western democracies for decades, the bearer is stigmatized. The Guardian. Average rating 4. After finishing this book, which goes more in-depth into the NSA surveillance programs and details their tactics at downloading phone calls, emails, and No Place to Hide: Edward Snowden online communications from citizens around the NSA and the U.S. Surveillance State world, I the NSA and the U.S. Surveillance State to appreciate the title's meaning -- it's not just Snowden the Whistleblower who has trouble hiding, but all of us.