BHE Gives Meister BCC Emeritus Honor
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BHE Gives Meister BCC Emeritus Honor President Meister's long ca- reer in public educational ser- vice has been filled with many awards and honors pay- ing tribute -to these services which were so ably perform- ed . In recogntion of his count- less community activities, beneficial to education and scholarship, President Meis- ter has been awarded still an- other honor. The Board of Higher Education has be- stowed upon Dr . Meister the title of PRESIDENT EMERI- TUS. Dr. Meister continued, The President was award- "There is too great an empha- ed this title at a meeting of sis in public thinking on the the Board of Higher Educa- liberal arts education as the tion held on January 24, 1966 . only higher education . It is a In an interview following the form of status seeking. Ca- award, Dr . Meister said, "The reer programs are not termi- importance of general educa- nal in any sense . Our . studies tion included as, a basic core have shown that many grad- in our career programs stems uates of the career curricu- from the fact that technolo- lum continue their studies on gies are changing so rapidly a part-time basis, upgrading that work in the community Dr . Morris Meister receiving a gift at the graduation dinner . The their knowledge while on the presentation is being made by Louis Ligouri, President of the BCC colleges must not be entirely job." Alumni Association . Further information in the next Communicator. on a vocational level. The col- lege attempts to give the stu - -dents basic principles which Dr. Snow's enable young people to adapt Tauber Now Dean-In- themselves to evolving tech- New Post Dr . Robert Snow, formerly of niques." Syracuse University, is now the new Director of the Evening and Charge, Heads College Extension Division of BCC . Dr. Day - Evening Snow is directly responsible for the On January 24, 1966, Dean Abraham Tauber, Educational Services for the stu- ed as the Acting President of Bronx Community College . dent who attends classes after 5 Starting with the spring semester, Dr. Tauber will serve as Plan Dances PM . When asked what he thought of The Evening -Session Student the Dean In Charge ; the term lasting from Feb. 1, 1966 to BCC now that he has been appoint- Council has announced plans for August 31, 1966, or until such time when the Board of Higher ed to this high position, he said, a freshman social, to be called "The "I came to BCC because I have Education elects a successor for President Meister . Red Velvet Snowball (Valentines) Dean Tauber, commenting on his heard that it is a place where all Dance ." . This dance is also supos- new position of acting president : students are considered worthy of paths that we set forth in the sed to cover the Washington's "I consider it a great privilege the very best instructional service college . The leadership in this col- Birthday holiday. The date for the responsibility, and a challenge to that the faculty can provide . I have lege has always stressed team- social event is Friday, February join the faculty in continuing the been told that the College staff is work between the faculty and the 18, 1966, at 8 PM . work that we have been doing un- committed to helping everyone who The dance will feature a rock- administration in the best interests comes here to learn - not just the der President Meister's able lead- and-roll band, the suggested group ership. We hope to continue in the e of the students of the college ." `brains' but the people like myself is called The Killers, who are part that the faculty can provide . I have of the Meyer Davis Orchestra . Also been assured that this holds true featured will be a group of girls whether the student is full-time or from Pi Epsilon Pi, running a "Kiss part-time, matriculated or non- for a Quarter" booth, proceeds go- matriculated . It better be true, or ing to the Heart Fund . sions of orientation so that they I'm going to walk out ." The admission will be free and The mid-year Freshmen Orienta- can help themselves . We want the He has found the staff very the dress is semiformal . No girls tion Program got underway Fri- students to feel free at anytime to friendly and he stated that he "is with slacks or men without sports day, January 28, with a general seek guidance from anyone from amazed at how patient the stu- jackets will be allowed entrance . meeting of all incoming freshmen . Freshmen Orientation . We also dents are during the tiresome reg- The student Freshmen Orientation urge them to consult their faculty There will be no exception to the istration ." Society provided a group of sen- advisors, as these counselors are rule. Dr. Snow is married, has two The day session student council iors to act as big brothers and big the students' best friends ." sons, one of whom is now attend- will also sponsor 'a freshman so- sisters to the newcomers at BCC . The Society was set up for a ing Syracuse University where he cial The Society itself is under the number of services . Many clubs ob- . The date for theirs will be himself received his Ph .D. He has direction of Al Greene, Day Coun- tain members through the So- February 11, 1966. The dance will served for six years previous to begin at 8 PM, dress casual . cil ' President, and Bob Baram, ciety's meetings which encourage this appointment as the Admin- Chairman of the Society. Mr . Ba- greater student participation in all For the day session dance, :buses istrator of Continuing Education ram expressed his objectives and activities . Present plans call for will run from the Nursing Center at Syracuse University . purposes for the Society and ad- representatives of all clubs plus to the Main Building at 7 :30 . & Dr . Snow is occupying Room 1-30, ded, "We try to help them, but student council to speak to students 8:30 and return later in the eve- near the Business Office, this was they must he willing to attend ses- (Continued on Page 4, Col. 1) ning to the Center. formerly Dean Tauber's office . Forum 7 SPIRITUS MUNDI LETTERS TO THE EDITOR By essay reese ................................... The views expressed in the following column are those of the author _ and are not necessarily COMMUNICATOR editorial policy . COMMENDATION Riding up to Bronx Community, I found myself seated next to a To the Editor of copy of the Daily News. Unobtrusively I picked this thing up . It was THE COMMUNICATOR I would like to take the time or probably one of the truly enjoyable moments of my intersession . Turning to page one (It had been turned to the Yonkers' charts), I to commend Mr. Byrne Bullpen- stein at this time for his pertinent was struck by the wonderfully bland headline, "Candy Lawyers say article on the right to keep an Three Lied," with the sub-headline reading, "Charge Coersion of Wit- bear firearms . I have known Byrne nesses ." At a glance, the reader would presume that some candy manu- for over two years now and bar facturer was on trial and the prosecution had managed, somehow, to always found him to be a comp( coerse some witnesses (perhaps those with a sweet tooth) . In small tent and trustworthyindividual. type, below the headline, it read, "story on page 3 ." The most likely Many of the members of the rifle reason for the small type was that the story on page 3 was not much club are my good personal friend of a story. In reality, some lady (Candace Mossler) and her nephew and it is my belief that the act (Melvin), who had been previously indicted for first degree body dis- vities of their club should not b posal, were making a last ditch effort to avoid having their case go criticized by "certain individuals to trial . This, with a battle going on in Viet Nam (some call it war), who know nothing about stringing was, in the opinion of the publishers of this newspaper, the most press- a guitar ;thus, why should the ing and important story of the day . know about constitutional right Below this story, another headline read, "Sex, Booze and Cops Probe (for the United States Constitution Gets Hotter ." This was surprising to see as this is usualy the type which I respect, gives an America of things one would expect to see in the New York Times . Now this citizen the right to keep and bear headline can be interpreted in a number of ways . First, it is reasonable arms) . The "anti-rifle club types to assume that where one finds sex and booze together, it is also rea- are the same people who criticize sonable to assume that certain things will get kind of hot . When the a club charter but never would at cops arrive on the scene, the heat becomes unbearable . tend a meeting of that same club On page two, a headline read, "War in Heavens? We Have Answer ." even when they were personally This seems to imply that some place in the religious atmosphere of the asked to do so by the club presi- world there is a questionable balance of power . It also leads the reader dent . Yes, even ill this wonderful to believe that the Daily News has submitted to the Vatican a righteous nation of opportunity for all they settlement . Reading further, one discovers that the article has no re- are those who would deny another ligious bearing whatsoever but is a rather objective story accusing the the rights that are theirs under Russians (indirectly, of course) of planning our country's demise by constitutional law due to their un- means of orbital atomic bombs .