
ISSN 1610-2606 ISSN 1610-2606 newsletter 19/12 DIGITAL EDITION Nr. 323 - Dezember 2012 Michael J. Fox Christopher Lloyd

LASER HOTLINE - Inh. Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Wolfram Hannemann, MBKS - Talstr. 11 - 70825 K o r n t a l Fon: 0711-832188 - Fax: 0711-8380518 - E-Mail: [email protected] - Web: www.laserhotline.de Newsletter 19/12 (Nr. 323) Dezember 2012 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog Montag, 10. Dezember 2012 gen kurzerhand als Taschentuch Umfeld zurückgreifen, dann bietet der Zurück in Mittelerde verwendet wird, dann darf gekichert Film mit Sicherheit eine große Menge Mit großem Blockbuster-Kino startete und auch geschmunzelt werden – auch an Wiedererkennungspotenzial. “Das heute die vorletzte Pressewoche des wenn das total ekelig ist. Darsteller, geht anderen also genauso so,” wird Jahres. Musik, Kameraarbeit (hervorragend in sicher einer der Gedanken sein, der 3D, speziell in dafür ausgestatteten sich dann manifestieren wird. Getragen DER HOBBIT – EINE UNERWARTETE HFR-Kinos) und Tonmischung lassen wird der Film von einem überzeugenden REISE (1:2.35, 3D, HFR, DD 5.1 + 7.1 + keine Wünsche offen. Keine Frage: Ensemble, allen voran Susanne Lothar Atmos) DER HOBBIT wird die Kinokassen als Mutter und Stephanie Stremler als OT: The Hobbit: An Unexpected klingeln lassen und das Publikum be- Tochter. Journey reits jetzt auf die Fortsetzung heiss Verleih: Warner machen. VERGISS MEIN NICHT (1:1.85, DD Land/Jahr: USA 2012 5.1) Regie: Dienstag, 11. Dezember 2012 Verleih: farbfilm Darsteller: Sir Ian McKellen, Martin Muttertag Land/Jahr: Deutschland 2012 Freeman, Richard Armitage, Christo- Im ersten Film eine alles unter Kontrol- Regie: David Sieveking pher Lee, Elijah Wood le haltende Mutter, im zweiten eine an Kinostart: 31.01.2013 Kinostart: 13.12.2012 Alzheimer leidende – in der Presse war heute Muttertag. Vollkommen unvorbereitet trifft David Nichts liebt so sehr wie sein kusche- Sieveking die Nachricht, dass seine liges Zuhause. Doch als eines Tages STAUB AUF UNSEREN HERZEN Mutter an Alzheimer erkrankt ist. Der Zauberer Gandalf bei ihm aufkreuzt und (1:1.85, 5.1) Dokumentarfilmer entschließt sich dar- ihn zu einem Abenteuer einlädt, befin- Verleih: Movienet (24 Bilder) aufhin, in die Heimat zu reisen und die det er sich schon bald in Gesellschaft Land/Jahr: Deutschland 2012 ganze Angelegenheit im Film zu doku- eines verwegenen Haufen von Zwer- Regie: Hanna Doose mentieren. Herausgekommen ist dabei gen, die ihr einstiges Zuhause wieder Darsteller: Susanne Lothar, Stephanie ein sehr persönlicher, fast schon inti- zurückerobern wollen. Da ist dann die Stremler, Michael Kind mer Film nicht nur über Davids Mutter, Tatsache, dass er sein Taschentuch Kinostart: 17.01.2013 sondern über die ganze Familie. Sein zuhause vergessen hat, noch das klein- Vater, ein pensionierter Mathematiker, ste Problem... Eines ist klar: es bedarf Kathi, alleinerziehend mit einem kleinen hatte sich seinen Ruhestand eigentlich schon an echtem Sitzfleisch, um Peter Sohn, versucht sich als Schauspielerin. ganz anders vorgestellt. Doch seit die Jacksons erneuten Ausflug nach Doch ihre langsame Art ist dafür leider 73-jährige Gretel an ihrer Mittelerde zu überstehen. Denn mehr kontraproduktiv. Ihrer Mutter Chris Demenzkranheit leidet, bestimmt die als 160 Minuten ohne Pause können kommt das gerade recht. Denn die Pflege seiner Frau seinen gesamten Coach Potatoes nicht mehr aushalten – Lebensberaterin will die volle Kontrolle Tagesrhythmus. Was dies tatsächlich sind sie doch schon seit Jahren von über ihre Tochter haben. Nicht ohne bedeutet, bekommt David am eigenen der Werbeindustrie auf Werbeunter- Hintergedanken hat sie die Wohnung Leib zu spüren, als sich sein Vater eine brechungen im Fernsehen konditio- unter ihrer Wohnung gekauft, in die Auszeit nimmt und in die Schweiz reist niert. Doch wer sich in eine pausenlose Kathie mit ihrem Kind einziehen soll. und ihm die Pflege der Mutter Vorführung von DER HOBBIT wagt, Als plötzlich Kathis Vater wieder auf- überlässt. Die Szenen, die er in seinem der wird reichhaltig belohnt. Die Action taucht, um sich mit seiner Ex, Kathis Film zeigt, sind manchmal zum Lachen in dieser Vorgeschichte zu der HERR Mutter, wieder zu versöhnen, führt dies komisch, jedoch bleibt einem dieses DER RINGE Trilogie ist derart furios, dazu, dass Mutter und Tochter ihren Lachen oft im Halse stecken angesichts dass eine Pause ihren adrenalin- Konflikt nicht länger unterdrücken der Tragödie, die über die Familie her- treibenden Fluss extrem stören würde! können... Hanna Doose inszenierte ih- einbricht. Als David realisiert, dass er Es ist unglaublich, was mittels modern- ren Film ohne große Kinkerlitzchen, über seine Mutter, die nichts mehr ster Computertechnik im Film inzwi- dafür aber umso authentischer. Das weiß, eigentlich selber gar nichts weiß, schen möglich ist. Da fliegen die Kame- allerdings macht das Duell zwischen wird in ihm der Wunsch geweckt, mehr ras quasi schwerelos durch die giganti- Mutter und Tochter zu einer Zerreiß- über seine Mutter zu erfahren. Nach sche Szenerie, wie etwa in der Szene, in probe für den Zuschauer. Will man das und nach beginnt David die gesamte der die tapferen Gefährten gegen eine wirklich im Kino sehen? Wenn man auf Familiengeschichte aufzuarbeiten und Überzahl greußlicher Gestalten antre- Heile-Welt-Filme gepolt ist, dann sollte macht dabei erstaunliche Entdeckun- ten müssen. Neben solchen man STAUB AUF UNSEREN HERZEN gen. Es lässt sich natürlich schwer ab- actiongeladenen Szenen haben die tunlichst vermeiden. Ist man jedoch an schätzen, wieviel von dem, was David Drehbuchautoren allerdings auch den psychologisch interessanten Themen Sieveking in seinem Film zeigt, tatsäch- Humor nicht vergessen. Wenn der arme interessiert und kann vielleicht sogar lich echt ist oder nicht. Zweifelsfrei Bilbo beispielsweise von einem riesi- auf ähnliche Probleme aus dem eigenen leidet seine Mutter, der er diesen Film

LASER HOTLINE Seite 2 Newsletter 19/12 (Nr. 323) Dezember 2012 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog gewidmet hat, an der unheilbaren Beziehung mehr oder weniger scho- Krankheit. Doch sind seine Reaktionen nend bei, dass es aus ist – und küm- und die Art und Weise, wie er mit sei- mert sich auch sonst um alles, was ner Mutter umgeht, echt oder für die dazu gehört. So teilt er beispielsweise Kamera inszeniert? Unabhängig davon dem armen Toto nicht nur mit, dass gelingt es dem Film, für Gretel Sympa- seine Liebste mit ihm Schluss gemacht thien aufzubauen und ermöglichen es hat, sondern auch, dass er bitte sofort dem Zuschauer, sich nicht nur in ihre die Wohnung zu räumen hat. Damit Lage hineinzuversetzen, sondern auch aber hat Paul erst recht ein Problem. in die der Angehörigen. Denn um zu verhindern, dass sich das Sensibelchen Toto umbringt, muss er Donnerstag, 13. Dezember 2012 ihn fürs Erste bei sich aufnehmen. Und Gruseln und Lachen als ob das nicht schon genug wäre, Heute gab es zwei Filme aus deutscher macht auch noch Pauls Freundin mit Produktion, aber aus vollkommen ent- ihm kurzerhand Schluss... “Liebe ist gegengesetzten Filmgenres. nichts für Feiglinge”, sagt Toto irgend- wann im Film zu Paul, der das zu die- ZIMMER 205 – TRAUST DU DICH sem Zeitpunkt aber noch lange nicht REIN? (1:2.35, DD 5.1) nachvollziehen kann. Doch diese Er- AT: 205 – Zimmer der Angst kenntnis wird ihn am Ende des Films Verleih: NFP (Filmwelt) auch noch ereilen. Aber vielleicht ist es Land/Jahr: Deutschland 2011 ja dann bereits zu spät? Auch seine Regie: Rainer Matsutani Wäsche einfüllt, dann macht das rich- zweite Regiearbeit führt Matthias Darsteller: Jennifer Ulrich, Julia Dietze, tig Spaß und generiert Spannung. Zu Schweighöfer wieder in die Welt der Inez Björg David diesem Zeitpunkt ist man dann auch Komödie. Jedoch ist nicht immer alles Kinostart: 28.03.2013 noch durchaus gewillt, über Logik- so richtig lustig in diesem romanti- probleme hinwegzusehen. Doch im Ver- schen Road-Movie, das seine Protago- Um endlich auf eigenen Beinen zu ste- lauf des Films überwiegen diese leider nisten quer durch die Republik schickt. hen, entschließt sich die junge Katrin, und das Licht flackert einfach zu oft, Immer wieder erliegen die Filmemacher Psychologie zu studieren. Im Studen- als dass man sich darüber noch gruseln der Versuchung, es genauso gut (oder tenwohnheim bezieht sie ausgerechnet könnte. Wenigstens lässt es der Film besser: schlecht) zu machen wie ihre jenes Zimmer, dessen Vorbewohnerin weitgehend offen, ob man als Zuschau- großen Vorbilder in Hollywood. Die auf mysteriöse Art und Weise ver- er nur die subjektive Wahrnehmung wohl beleibte Dame ohne jedwedes schwunden ist. Fast scheint es so, als von Katrin sieht oder ob es sich um Lächeln etwa, mit der Toto würde der Geist der verschollenen Stu- objektive Bilder handelt. Aber mögli- unfreiwilligerweise in der Disco anban- dentin nach wie vor Zimmer 205 bewoh- cherweise ist sich das Drehbuch hierin deln muss, könnte direkt aus BRAUT- nen. Oder ist es nur in Katrins Einbil- selbst nicht ganz schlüssig. Festzuhal- ALARM entsprungen sein. Und die dung, hervorgerufen durch ihre abge- ten ist auf jeden Fall, dass derlei tech- Landung mit dem Auto auf Drahtseilen setzte Medizin? Als jedoch plötzlich nische Handwerkskunst, wie sie hier in schwindelerregender Höhe ist eben- ausgerechnet jener Student, mit dem gezeigt wird, ein weitaus besseres falls typisch amerikanisch. Als ob es sie eine Nacht verbracht hat, unter ge- Drehbuch verdient. nicht auch typisch deutschen Humor heimnisvollen Umständen in der gäbe. Und tatsächlich gibt es ihn – Waschküche des Heims ums Leben SCHLUSSMACHER (1:2.35, DD 5.1) wenn auch nur für einen kurzen Mo- kommt, beginnt Katrin mit Nachfor- Verleih: Fox ment: in Form des Comedy-Duos “Ba- schungen und begibt sich damit in töd- Land/Jahr: Deutschland 2012 desalz”, das in die Uniformen einer liche Gefahr... Es ist ein Jammer, dass Regie: Matthias Schweighöfer, Torsten Hotelrezeption schlüpft und mit eng- deutsche Genre-Filme fast immer am Künstler lisch-hessischer Mundart zum Lachen Drehbuch scheitern. Ein Jammer des- Darsteller: Matthias Schweighöfer, Mi- animiert. Mehr davon und der Film halb, weil eben alles andere souverän lan Peschel, Catherine De Léan, Nadja wäre richtig gut geworden. So aber beherrscht wird. Wenn in Rainer Uhl, Heiner Lauterbach wirkt er nur halbgar. Dem Spiel von Matsutanis Mystery-Thriller die Kame- Kinostart: 10.01.2013 Schweighöfer und Kollege Milan ra beispielsweise auf ein Loch in der Peschel tut das natürlich keinen Ab- Wand zoomt, aus dem dickflüssiges Bringen Sie es nicht übers Herz ihre bruch – sie meistern ihre Rollen bra- Blut quillt, und dieser Zoom unmerklich aktuelle Beziehung zu beenden? Kein vourös. übergeht in einen anderen, bei dem aus Problem. Denn dafür ist Paul genau der einer Waschmaschine heraus auf die richtige Mann. Im Auftrag einer Freitag, 14. Dezember 2012 Protagonistin gezoomt wird, die gerade Trennungsagentur bringt er es Ihrer Der Weltuntergang findet an einem

LASER HOTLINE Seite 3 Newsletter 19/12 (Nr. 323) Dezember 2012 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog Dienstag statt ne Hochzeit platzen lassen, da läuft ihr Zum Abschluss der Woche ging es im Jeshua über den Weg. Die Gute kann Kino noch einmal richtig rund. natürlich nicht ahnen, dass es sich um Jesus handelt, der sich kurz vor dem THE SAPPHIRES (1:2.35, DD 5.1) Tag des jüngsten Gerichts (ein Diens- OT: The Sapphires tag übrigens) noch einmal die Men- Verleih: Senator schen auf der Erde anschauen möchte. Land/Jahr: Australien 2012 Prompt verliebt sich Marie in den Beau Regie: Wayne Blair – und er in sie. Ob das vielleicht die Darsteller: Chris O’Dowd, Deborah Welt retten könnte? Florian David Fitz, Mailman, Jessica Mauboy als Drehbuchautor und Hauptdarsteller Kinostart: 20.06.2013 mit VINCENT WILL MEER sehr erfolg- reich, gibt mit der Romanverfilmung Australien 1968. Noch immer gelten die von David Safier sein Regie-Debüt – Aborigines im eigenen Land als Men- und erleidet damit leider gleich eine schen zweiter Klasse, als Fauna und Bruchlandung. Der Film wirkt wie eines Flora. Trotzdem träumen Gail, Cynthia der vielen Event-Movies der privaten und Julie von einer großen Karriere als TV-Kanäle. Sprich: ein kleines bisschen Country & Western Trio. Bei einem Feeling, etwas mehr visuelle Effekte mit lokalen Wettbewerb wird der Musiker Peng! und ganz viel Klamotte. Wäre da und Manager David Lovelace auf die nicht Marcel Barsottis fulminanter Mädchen aufmerksam. Da kommt eines Score gewesen, ich wäre in arge Versu- zum anderen und die drei Girls – er- chung geraten, die Pressevorführung Indizien führen alle zu dem ehemaligen gänzt durch die sehr hellhäutige Kay – rechtzeitig zu verlassen. Seine Film- Armee-Scharfschützen James Barr. gehen auf Tour. In Vietnam sollen sie musik hält einmal mehr Stand mit den Doch anstatt ein Geständnis abzule- die amerikanischen Truppen mit Soul- besten Scores aus Übersee und ver- gen, verlangt er nach einem gewissen Musik begeistern. Liebe, Eifersucht leiht dem missratenen Film wenigstens Jack Reacher. Offensichtlich soll ihn und Ruhm werden zu ihren ständigen noch Anstand und Würde. Fitz gibt der große Unbekannte entlasten. Doch Begleitern... Hier ist es endlich – das sicherlich einen Bilderbuch-Jesus und der scheint wie vom Erdboden ver- Feel Good Movie der Saison, das so Nicholas Ofczarek einen herrlich schollen zu sein. Umso überraschter wunderbar in die Weihnachtszeit schmierigen Teufel ab, aber das genügt sind die Cops, als er plötzlich leibhaf- gepasst hätte, aber dem deutschen einfach nicht für einen richtigen Kino- tig vor ihnen steht. Schon einmal hatte Publikum erst im Februar zugänglich film. Aber Schwamm drüber – beim der ehemalige Militärpolizist gegen den gemacht wird. Die durch eine wahre nächsten Mal wird es bestimmt richtig Scharfschützen ermittelt – ohne Erfolg. Geschichte inspirierte Story hat alles, gut. Gemeinsam mit der Anwältin Helen was einen guten Film ausmacht: Musik, Rodin macht er sich daran, den Fall zu Tanz, Gefühl, Drama und – ganz wich- Montag, 17. Dezember 2012 lösen. Und der erscheint plötzlich nicht tig! – ein glückliches Ende. Vom groß- Der einsame Held mehr so einfach und trivial wie anfangs artigen Darsteller-Ensemble beein- Blickt man auf die Pressewoche, so hat gedacht. Nicht nur Reacher, auch die druckt insbesondere Chris O’Dowd als man nicht gerade das Gefühl, dass bald Anwältin schweben jetzt in Lebensge- Entdecker und Manager der schon Weihnachten ist: acht weitere fahr... Die Skepsis, mit der ich in diese Aborigines-Sängerinnen. Eine exzellen- Screenings warten auf mich. Pressevorführung ging und die das te Auswahl an Soul-Klassikern wird Ergebnis des zuvor gesichteten den Musikliebhaber begeistern (und JACK REACHER (1:2.35, DD 5.1 + 7.1) Trailers war, erwies sich als unbegrün- zum Kauf des Soundtrack- ani- OT: Jack Reacher det. Vielmehr entpuppte sich JACK mieren). Verleih: Paramount REACHER als handwerklich vorzüglich Land/Jahr: USA 2012 gestalteter Action-Thriller, der sich JESUS LIEBT MICH (1:2.35, DD 5.1) Regie: Christopher McQuarrie darüber hinaus auch noch wohltuend Verleih: Warner Darsteller: Tom Cruise, Rosamund Pike, von ähnlichen Filmen abhebt. Denn Land/Jahr: Deutschland 2012 Richard Jenkins, Werner Herzog anders als bei der Konkurrenz brennt Regie: Florian David Fitz Kinostart: 03.01.2013 diesem Film an keiner Stelle die Siche- Darsteller: Jessica Schwarz, Florian rung durch. Die Inszenierung läuft sehr David Fitz, Henry Hübchen, Hannelore Das Blutbad, das ein Scharfschütze am entspannt ab und – jetzt kommt’s! – Elsner hellichten Tag unter zufällig ausge- Tom Cruise und Rosamund Puke stei- Kinostart: 20.12.2012 wählten Passanten anrichtet, ist für die gen nicht ins Bett. Allerdings sei auch ermittelnden Kriminalbeamten schon gesagt, dass sich Tom Cruise (seines Gerade eben noch hat Marie ihre eige- innerhalb kürzester Zeit aufgeklärt. Die Zeichens Produzent des Films) in der

LASER HOTLINE Seite 4 Newsletter 19/12 (Nr. 323) Dezember 2012 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog Rolle des Jack Reacher als der einsame trem neurotischen Fahrlehrer, bei dem und über alles erhabene, durch und Catherine ihre Fahrprüfung ablegen durch gute Held inszenieren lässt. Eine muss. WILLKOMMEN IN DER BRE- Rolle, in der er sich sichtlich gefällt. TAGNE ist Kino mit hohem Der Spannung tut das aber keinesfalls Wohlfühlfaktor, nach dem man liebend einen Abbruch und der Unterhaltungs- gerne Bäume ausreißen möchte! wert ist stets gegeben. Bild- und vor allem tontechnisch mangelt es an FLIGHT (1:2.35, DD 5.1) Nichts. Regisseur Christopher OT: Flight McQuarrie weiß die Surrounds auch Verleih: Studiocanal wirklich effektvoll zu nutzen. Interes- Land/Jahr: USA 2012 sant ist die Besetzung des Bad Guys Regie: Robert Zemeckis mit Star-Regisseur Werner Herzog. Of- Darsteller: Denzel Washington, Don fensichtlich versucht er jetzt das Loch Cheadle, Kelly Reilly, John Goodman zu füllen, das Klaus Kinski hinterlassen hat. Und wer könnte das besser als Kinostart: 24.01.2013 sein erklärter Lieblingsfeind. Dass die Amerikaner den Start des Films auf- Flugkapitän Whip Withaker ist es zu grund des neuerlichen Amoklaufs an verdanken, dass nur sechs von mehr einer amerikanischen Grundschule ver- als Hundert Passagieren einen verhee- schoben haben, ist verständlich. renden Flugzeugabsturz nicht überlebt haben. Whitaker, der die Absturzursa- Dienstag, 18. Dezember 2012 che auf Materialmängel schiebt, wird Frauenpower und Alkoholprobleme die gute Stimmung. Aber Bretonen wä- routinemäßig zum Gegenstand einer Nach dem Hochgefühl, das mir der er- ren keine Bretonen, wenn sie einfach Untersuchung. Was bislang noch nie- ste Film verursachte, wurde ich vom kampflos aufgeben würden... Mit dem mand weiß: Whitaker hat ein Alkohol- zweiten Film schnell wieder auf den etwas unglücklich gewählten deut- problem und hatte auch am Tag des Boden geholt. schen Titel möchte der deutsche Verlei- Unglücks Alkohol im Blut. Um diesen her vermutlich suggerieren, dass es Makel nicht öffentlich machen zu müs- WILLKOMMEN IN DER BRETAGNE sich um eine ähnlich herzhafte Komö- sen, versucht er, dem Alkohol abzu- (1:1.85, DD 5.1) die wie WILLKOMMEN BEI DEN schwören. Doch er scheitert und kommt OT: Bowling SCH’TIS handelt. Aber weit gefehlt. In schließlich an einen Punkt, an dem er Verleih: Alamode Marie-Castille Mention-Schaars Komö- sich entscheiden muss: soll er mit der Land/Jahr: Frankreich 2011 die (entstanden nach einer wahren Ge- Lüge weiterleben oder soll er sich sei- Regie: Marie-Castille Mention-Schaar schichte) geht es nur vordergründig nen eigenen Dämonen stellen? - Dass um die Eigenheiten der Bretonen, deren sich hinter Robert Zemeckis neuestem Darsteller: Mathilde Seigner, Catherine markanteste Eigenschaft die Sturheit Film nichts weiter verbirgt als ein Alko- Frot, Firmine Richard ist. In seinem Grundaufbau könnte der holiker-Drama, versteht der Regisseur Kinostart: 31.01.2013 Film so etwas wie Frankreichs Antwort während der ersten halben Stunde sehr auf den vorzüglichen WE WANT SEX gut zu kaschieren. Da schildert er mit Als die Personalmanagerin Catherine (ebenfalls nach einer wahren Geschich- viel Liebe zum Detail und unter bra- ihre Stelle in einem Krankenhaus im te entstanden) sein. Und es ist ein rich- chialem Bild- und Tonaufgebot den bretonischen Carhaix antritt, macht das tig hübsche Antwort dazu. Sturheit und katastrophalen Flugzeugabsturz, bei die Belegschaft bereits misstrauisch. vor allem Frauenpower zahlen sich aus dem Flugkapitän Whip Whitaker das Denn Catherines große Aufgabe be- – so die klare Botschaft des im Original Schlimmste gerade noch verhindern steht darin, das Krankenhaus rentabel schlicht BOWLING betitelten Films. Es kann. Was sich daran anschließt, gibt zu machen. Das Problemkind ist ausge- macht großen Spaß, gemeinsam mit sich in der Inszenierung leider recht rechnet die Entbindungsstation – es dem sorgfältig ausgewählten Ensemble bieder und wirft die Frage auf, warum gibt einfach zu wenig Geburten. Trotz gegen die Schließung der Entbindungs- für dieses Drama weitere zwei Stunden ihrer heiklen Aufgabe gelingt es station aufzubegehren. Großen Anteil benötigt werden. Als willkommene Ab- Catherine, mit den Frauen dieser Stati- daran hat die Filmmusik von Erwann wechslung gibt es zwei kurze Auftritte on ein freundschaftliches Verhältnis Kermorvant, der mit großem Orchester von John Goodman mit Vollbart, Son- aufzubauen und wird von ihnen sogar und an schottische Klänge erinnernden nenbrille und kurzer Hose, der den in das örtliche Bowling-Team aufge- bretonischem Einschlag für große Emo- skurrilen Kumpel von Whitaker mimt. nommen. Als jedoch von oberster Ma- tionen sorgt. Auch flicht die Regisseu- Das ist zwar ganz lustig, wirkt aber im nagement-Ebene beschlossen wird, die rin immer wieder nette kleine Pointen in Gesamtkonzept wie ein Fremdkörper. Entbindungsstation zu schließen, kippt ihre Geschichte ein wie etwa den ex- Fazit: den langen Weg eines Trinkers

LASER HOTLINE Seite 5 Newsletter 19/12 (Nr. 323) Dezember 2012 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog bis hin zu seiner Läuterung haben an- schon so oft erzählten Geschichten, für spondieren, darüber hinaus auch noch dere Filme schon wesentlich packender die offenbar gerade deutsche Filmema- interessant anzuschauen. inszeniert (erinnert sei an Billy Wilders cher prädestiniert sind sie zu erzählen. SIGHTSEERS war der Eröffnungsfilm THE LOST WEEKEND). Zemeckis‘ Film Und sie ist ziemlich vorhersehbar – des Fantasy Filmfest 2012 und hielt hingegen ist da fast schon langweilig. auch für ungeübte Kinogänger. Womit auch einer erneuten Sichtung nach wie dann eigentlich nicht mehr viel bleibt, vor Stand. Mittwoch, 19. Dezember 2012 was den Film interessant machen und Ein Flüchtling als Samenspender ihn von einem durchschnittlichen Fern- DER HYPNOTISEUR (1:2.35, DD 5.1) Ein deutsches Drama machte meinen sehfilm unterscheiden würde. OT: Hynotisören Mittwochvormittag zu einem richtigen Verleih: Prokino (Fox) Drama. Donnerstag, 20. Dezember 1012 Land/Jahr: Schweden 2012 Schwedenkrimi weit unter Potenzial Regie: Lasse Hallström ENDE DER SCHONZEIT (1:1.85, DD Meine Lektion für heute: nicht alles, Darsteller: Mikael Persbrandt, Lena 5.1) was aus Schweden kommt, ist automa- Olin, Tobias Zilliacus Verleih: farbfilm (24 Bilder) tisch gut. Zum Glück gab es zuvor Kinostart: 21.02.2013 Land/Jahr: Deutschland, Israel 2012 noch einen guten Film. Regie: Franziska Schlotterer Als eine Familie fast komplett einem Darsteller: Hans-Jochen Wagner, Bri- SIGHTSEERS (1:2.35, DD 5.1) unbekannten Mörder zum Opfer fällt, gitte Hobmeier, Christian Friedel OT: Sightseers überlebt nur der Sohn. Weil dieser im Verleih: MFA Koma liegt, soll der in Ungnade gefal- Kinostart: 14.02.2013 Land/Jahr: Großbritannien 2012 lende Arzt und Hypnotiseur Erik Bark Regie: Ben Wheatley Kontakt mit ihm aufnehmen. Mit Erfolg: Ein Bauernhof im Schwarzwald 1942. Darsteller: Alice Lowe, Steve Oram, unter Hypnose erzählt der Sohn von Seit zehn Jahren sind Emma und Fritz Eileen Davis einem Brief. Hat ihn seine wie vom Erd- verheiratet, aber nach wie vor kinder- Kinostart: 28.02.2013 boden verschwundene ältere Schwe- los. Die Arbeit bestimmt den Alltag, ster verfasst? Während sich der ermit- Zeit für Zärtlichkeiten gibt es nicht. Der Mutter gefällt es gar nicht, als Tina telnde Kriminalbeamte auf die Suche Eines Nachts entdeckt Fritz beim Wil- zusammen mit ihrem neuen Freund nach der Schwester macht, geschieht dern den jungen Albert im Unterholz. Chris mit dessen Wohnwagen auf Tour ein weiteres Unglück: Eriks kleiner Er nimmt ihn mit auf den Bauernhof geht. Doch Tina findet es klasse, end- Sohn wird entführt. Die Forderung des und gewährt im Unterschlupf, wohl lich einmal einen Freund zu haben und Entführers: er darf nicht weiter Hypno- wissend, dass Albert ein Jude ist. die über fürsorgliche Mutter hinter sich tisieren, sonst stirbt der kleine Benja- Emma geht auf Distanz, aber Fritz fin- lassen zu können. So steht einem eroti- min... Schwedenkrimis sind in. Oder sie det Gefallen an Albert und lässt ihn schen Urlaub im englischen Yorkshire waren es zumindest eine ganze Zeit heimlich auf dem Hof arbeiten. Eines nichts mehr im Wege. Was Tina jedoch lang. Jetzt springt auch Regisseur Las- Tages bittet er ihn um einen Gefallen: noch nicht ahnt: Chris ist ein Serien- se Hallström auf diesen Zug auf. Mit Albert soll an seiner Stelle Emma killer... Die triste braune Landschaft der Bestseller-Verfilmung DER HYP- schwängern, damit endlich ein Stamm- dominiert die Bilder in Ben Wheatleys NOTISEUR von Lars Kepler jedoch halter nachkommt. Anfangs noch zö- neuem Film. Weitaus zurückhaltender scheint er sich den falschen Stoff ge- gern willigt Albert schließlich ein. als in seinem Film KILL LIST präsen- griffen zu haben. Denn der überlange Dann jedoch passiert etwas Unvorher- tiert er zwei ganz normale Menschen, Film langweilt leider mehr als das er gesehenes: Emma verliebt sich in den die Gefallen am Morden finden. Chris‘ unterhält. Das liegt insbesondere an Juden... Die Bilder wirken farblos und Opfer haben den Tod verdient – so der extrem konventionellen Inszenie- matt und der Bauernhof wird von einer zumindest seine Meinung. Denn wenn rung sowie an den Ungereimtheiten in deprimierender Stimmung dominiert. jemand einfach Abfall auf den Boden der Geschichte. Die macht es sich ziem- Regisseurin Franziska Schlotterer und wirft oder sich über das Häufchen des lich einfach: wenn die Mutter verrückt Kameramann Bernd Fischer visualisie- kleinen Hündchen Poppy aufregt, dann ist, dann ist es der Sohnemann selbst- ren nicht nur die Beziehung zwischen sieht er einfach rot. Tinas Gründe hin- verständlich auch. Und der ist dann den Eheleuten perfekt, sondern gleich- gegen sind ganz egoistischer Natur: sie sogar so verrückt, dass er aus dem zeitig auch die drückende Stimmung im eliminiert Konkurrentinnen. Augen- Koma erwacht und von Null auf Hun- Dritten Reich, die bis ins letzte Berg- zwinkernd und mit einer großen Portion dert loslegt, als wäre nichts gewesen. dorf reicht. Erzählt wird die tragische schwarzen Humors schildert der Film Alle Welt weiß zudem, dass in einem Geschichte rückblickend aus der Sicht den Wettkampf im Morden, dem Tina Entführungsfall immer Polizisten im von Albert, der Anfang der siebziger und Chris schon bald verfallen sind. Hause des Entführten verweilen, um Jahre von seinem vermeintlichen Sohn SIGHTSEERS macht Spaß und ist eingehende Erpresseranrufe abzufan- Bruno in einem israelischen Kibbuz zur durch den eigenwilligen Umgang mit gen. Warum im vorliegenden Fall diese Rede gestellt wird. Es ist eine jener Bild und Ton, die nicht immer korre- Polizisten nur am allerersten Tag vor

LASER HOTLINE Seite 6 Newsletter 19/12 (Nr. 323) Dezember 2012 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog Ort sind und sich danach in Luft auflö- kommen möchte und dann damit endet, riode als Präsident der Vereinigten sen, versteht vermutlich nur der Dreh- dass der Leichnam von Bin Laden von Staaten von Amerika will Abraham Lin- buchautor. Ein weiteres Manko ergibt der CIA-Agentin positiv abgenickt coln nicht nur die Sklaverei abschaffen, sich durch die Besetzung. So wird bei- wird, wird in Amerika niemand auf den sondern auch den Bürgerkrieg been- spielsweise Mikael Persbrandt (KOM- Gedanken kommen, dass Folter den. Doch um den Zusatzartikel in die MISSAR BECK) für die Rolle des Erik schlecht wäre. Schließlich hat man ja amerikanische Verfassung aufzuneh- Bark weit unter seinem Potenzial einge- den Übeltäter dadurch in seinem Ver- men, fehlen ihm noch 20 Stimmen. 20 setzt. Es bleibt rätselhaft, warum sich steck entdeckt. Bigelow stellt hier we- Stimmen, für die er kämpfen wird... Mit Lasse Hallström nach vielen internatio- der die Frage nach der Rechtmäßigkeit “History in the Making” könnte man nalen Erfolgen ausgerechnet mit die- einer Folter noch danach, ob denn nun Steven Spielbergs Biopic überschrei- sem sehr durchschnittlichen Krimi wie- tatsächlich Bin Laden erschossen wur- ben. Das zweifelsfrei hochkarätig be- der in seiner schwedischen Heimat zu- de oder nicht irgend jemand anderes. setzte Epos ist freilich speziell für Ame- rückmeldet. Auch wenn es zu Beginn des Films auf rikaner von großem Reiz. Ob der Film einer Schrifttafel heisst, dass der Film auch ein Publikum in Deutschland fin- Freitag, 21. Dezember 2012 auf authentischen Protokollen beruht, den wird, wird sie zeigen. Der Film zeigt Amerikanische Geschichte(n) so darf man doch gesichert davon aus- die letzten Monate im Leben des Abra- Falls heute die Welt untergegangen ist gehen, dass die Öffentlichkeit mit Si- ham Lincoln, zeigt ihn als geschickten – ich habe davon nichts mitbekommen, cherheit nicht die ganze Wahrheit er- Taktierer, aber auch als Vater und Ehe- weil ich mir die letzten beiden Presse- fahren wird. Seit es die gefälschten mann. Er endet mit dem tödlichen At- vorführungen des Jahres angesehen Fotos im Irak-Krieg gibt, ist man zumin- tentat, das Lincoln endgültig unsterb- habe. dest hierzulande nicht uneingeschränkt lich machte. gewillt, alles zu glauben. Auch die Fol- ZERO DARK THIRTY (1:1.85, DD 5.1) ter als Mittel zum Zweck wird bei deut- OT: Zero Dark Thirty schen Zuschauern mit Sicherheit auf Verleih: Universal breite Ablehnung stoßen. Von einer Land/Jahr: USA 2012 Regisseurin wie Kathryn Bigelow hätte Regie: Kathryn Bigelow man sich eine wesentlich bessere und Darsteller: Jessica Chastain, Jason kritischere Aufarbeitung des Stoffes Clarke, Edgerton, Jennifer Ehle, gewünscht. So bleibt ihr Film aber lei- Mark Strong, Kyle Chandler, Edgar der sehr oberflächlich und teilt die Ramirez, Taylor Kinney, Scott Adkins, Welt auf ganz einfache Art und Weise Mark Duplass, Chris Pratt, Harold in Gut und Böse ein. Auch dramatur- Perrineau jr., Frank Grillo, James gisch lässt der überlange Film zu wün- Gandolfini, Stephen Dillane schen übrig. Die Unterteilung in ver- Kinostart: 31.01.2013 schiedene Kapitel beispielsweise macht keinen Sinn. Immerhin hat der Film mit Zwei Jahre nach dem Anschlag auf das Jessica Chastain in der Rolle der erbar- World Trade Center geht der CIA ein mungslosen CIA-Agentin Maya Lam- Fang ins Netz, der offenbar über Infor- bert die optimale Besetzung aufzuwei- mationen verfügt, die direkt zu Osama sen. Bin Laden führen. Agentin Maya Lam- bert heftet sich an den Fall, der sie LINCOLN (1:2.35, DD 5.1 + 7.1) mehrere Jahre auf Trab halten und OT: Lincoln durch viele Länder führen wird... Ver- Verleih: Fox mutlich wird man Kathryn Bigelows Land/Jahr: USA 2012 teilweise minutiös genaue Inszenierung Regie: der fieberhaften Jagd nach Osama Bin Darsteller: Daniel Day-Lewis, Sally Laden in den USA mit vollkommen an- Field, David Strathairn, Tommy Lee deren Augen betrachten als hierzulan- Jones de. Wenn der Film mit der ausführli- Kinostart: 24.01.2013 chen Schilderung einer Folter beginnt, durch die der CIA Informationen be- 1865. Während seiner zweiten Amtspe-

Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog gibt es immer tagesaktuell im Internet: www.wolframhannemann.de

LASER HOTLINE Seite 7 Newsletter 19/12 (Nr. 323) Dezember 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc BRD

Hotel Transylvania Komödie/Drama 2010 75min. Dir. Genndy Tartakovsky Lighthouse Home Entertainment Vertriebs Animation Zeichentrick 2012 92min. GmbH & Co. KG(Cine Global) 22.02.2013 Home Entertainment (SPHE) 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20051037 Blood C - Die Serie, Volume 3 07.03.2013 tba BestellNr.: 20051066 Abraham Lincoln - Vampirjäger Blood C Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter Dir. Tsutomu Mizushima, Yukina Hiiro, One Piece - Die TV Serie - Box Benjamin Walker, Dominic Cooper, Anthony Hiroyuki Hata Wendecover Vol. 5 (6 Discs) Mackie, Mary Elizabeth Winstead, Rufus Zeichentrick/Action 2011 72min. Wan Pîsu: One Piece Sewell, Marton Csokas, Erin Wasson, Jimmi Splendid Film(I-On New Media) 04.01.2013 Dir. Kônosuke Uda Simpson, Joseph Mawle - Dir. Timur 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20051100 Booklet Bekmambetow Zeichentrick/Action min. Audiokommentar, Making of Blood C - Die Serie, Volume 3 AV Visionen(Kazé) 25.01.2013 Action/Horror 2012 101min. 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20051115 Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment (Blu-ray) 14.02.2013 Blood C Pandora Hearts - Box 2 (2 Discs) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20051141 Dir. Tsutomu Mizushima, Yukina Hiiro, Pandora Hâtsu Hiroyuki Hata Abraham Lincoln - Vampirjäger Wendecover Zeichentrick/Fantasy 2009 175min. Zeichentrick/Action 2011 72min. AV Visionen(Kazé) 25.01.2013 (Blu-ray 3D, + Blu-ray 2D, + DVD, Splendid Film(I-On New Media) 04.01.2013 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20051114 + Digital Copy) (Blu-ray) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20051104 Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter Die Schnorchels - Die komplette Benjamin Walker, Dominic Cooper, Anthony Findet Nemo (Blu-ray 3D, + Blu- erste Staffel (2 Discs) Mackie, Mary Elizabeth Winstead, Rufus ray 2D, Steelbook) (Blu-ray) The Sewell, Marton Csokas, Erin Wasson, Jimmi Finding Nemo Trailer Simpson, Joseph Mawle - Dir. Timur Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1984 286min. Dir. Andrew Stanton, Lee Unkrich Bekmambetow AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Trickfilm/Komödie 2003 100min. Audiokommentar, Making of AG(Fernsehjuwelen) 08.02.2013 Action/Horror 2012 105min. Walt Disney Studios Home 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20051058 Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Entertainment(Disney) 07.03.2013 Germany 14.02.2013 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20051103 Die Schnorchels 1 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20051154 Findet Nemo (Special Edition) The Snorks Trailer Abraham Lincoln - Vampirjäger Finding Nemo Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1984 143min. (Blu-ray) Dir. Andrew Stanton, Lee Unkrich AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter Trickfilm/Komödie 2003 96min. AG(Fernsehjuwelen) 08.02.2013 Benjamin Walker, Dominic Cooper, Anthony Walt Disney Studios Home 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20051059 Entertainment(Disney) 07.03.2013 Mackie, Mary Elizabeth Winstead, Rufus 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20051099 Die Schnorchels 2 Sewell, Marton Csokas, Erin Wasson, Jimmi Simpson, Joseph Mawle - Dir. Timur The Snorks Findet Nemo (Special Edition) Trailer Bekmambetow Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1984 143min. Audiokommentar, Making of (Blu-ray) Action/Horror 2012 105min. AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Finding Nemo Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment AG(Fernsehjuwelen) 08.02.2013 Dir. Andrew Stanton, Lee Unkrich Germany 14.02.2013 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20051060 Trickfilm/Komödie 2003 100min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20051153 Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment(Disney) 07.03.2013 Soul Eater, Volume 1, Folge 01-13 Adam Chaplin (Blu-ray) (k.J.) 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20051102 (2 Discs) Adam Chaplin Sôru îtâ Emanuele De Santi, Valeria Sannino, Georgie - Gesamtbox (4 Discs) Dir. Takuya Igarashi Alessandro Gramanti, Paolo Luciani, Chri- Lady Georgie Trickfilm 2008 260min. stian Riva, Giulio De Santi, Monica Muñoz - Dir. Kyosuke Mikuriya, Shigetsugu Yoshida polyband Medien GmbH 25.01.2013 Dir. Emanuele De Santi Booklet, Produktionsnotizen 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20051098 Horror/Science Fiction 2011 65min. Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1983 990min. Splendid Film(I-On New Media) 22.02.2013 KSM(NewKSM) 21.01.2013 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20051164 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20051040 Hotel Transsilvanien Film Adam Chaplin (k.J.) Adam Chaplin Hotel Transylvania Emanuele De Santi, Valeria Sannino, Dir. Genndy Tartakovsky Der 90. Geburtstag oder Dinner Alessandro Gramanti, Paolo Luciani, Chri- Zeichentrick 2012 88min. for One stian Riva, Giulio De Santi, Monica Muñoz - Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Dinner For One Dir. Emanuele De Santi 07.03.2013 May Warden, Freddie Frinton - Dir. Heinz Horror/Science Fiction 2011 62min. tba BestellNr.: 20051062 Dunkhase Splendid Film(I-On New Media) 22.02.2013 Hotel Transsilvanien (Blu-ray 3D) Komödie 1963 18min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20051148 Studio Hamburg Enterprises(ARD Video) (Blu-ray) 14.12.2012 Das Adlon. Eine Familiensaga (3 Hotel Transylvania 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20051073 Discs) Dir. Genndy Tartakovsky Josefine Preuß, Heino Ferch, Marie Zeichentrick 2012 92min. Abel (OmU) Bäumer, Burghart Klaußner, Wotan Wilke Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Abel Möhring, Katharina Wackernagel, Ken 07.03.2013 Christopher Ruiz-Esparza, Gerardo Ruiz- Duken, Johann von Bülow, Jürgen Vogel, tba BestellNr.: 20051067 Esparza, José María Yazpik, Karina Gidi, Thomas Thieme, Anja Kling, Christiane Paul, Geraldine Alejandra - Dir. Diego Luna Hotel Transsilvanien (Blu-ray) Sunnyi Melles, Nora von Waldstätten, Eva-

LASER HOTLINE Seite 8 Newsletter 19/12 (Nr. 323) Dezember 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc BRD maria Salcher, Rosemarie Fendel, Tom Interview, Entfallene Szenen, Alternative Ende, Featurette David Huband, Stephanie Moore, Zachary Schilling, Michael Schenk - Dir. Uli Edel Horror 2004 91min. Bennett, Diego Klattenhoff, Tony Munch, Episodenfilm 2012 270min. Splendid Film 04.01.2013 Mike „Nug“ Nahrgang - Dir. Ernie Barbarash Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20051107 Trailer, Making of, Audiokommentar, Bio- und Filmografien, 14.01.2013 Bildergalerie Science Fiction/Thriller 2004 97min. 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20051072 Black Sheep (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Black Sheep 3L Vertriebs GmbH & Co.KG 14.02.2013 Alpen (OmU) Matthew Chamberlain, Oliver Driver, Nathan tba BestellNr.: 20051132 Meister, Danielle Mason, Peter Feeney, Alpeis Cube Zero (k.J.) Aggeliki Papoulia, Aris Servetalis, Johnny Tammy Davis, Glenis Levestam - Dir. Cube Zero Vekris, Ariane Labed, Stavros Psyllakis, Jonathan King David Huband, Stephanie Moore, Zachary Efthymis Filippou, Eftihia Stefanidou, Audiokommentar, Making of, Interviews, Entfernte Szenen, B- Roll, Blooper Reel, Easter Egg, Originaltrailer Bennett, Diego Klattenhoff, Tony Munch, Constantina Papoulia, Sotiris Horror/Komödie 2007 min. Mike „Nug“ Nahrgang - Dir. Ernie Barbarash Papastamatiou, Tina Papanikolaou, Nikos Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 15.01.2013 Trailer, Making of, Audiokommentar, Bio- und Filmografien, Galgadas, Maria Kirozi, Fotis Zahos - Dir. 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20051089 Bildergalerie Giorgos Lanthimos Science Fiction/Thriller 2004 94min. Trailer Brake 3L Vertriebs GmbH & Co.KG 14.02.2013 Drama 2011 89min. Brake tba BestellNr.: 20051126 Rapid Eye Movies HE 01.02.2013 Stephen Dorff, Chyler Leigh, JR Bourne, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20051077 Tom Berenger, Bobby Tomberlin, Kali Darkness (Unrated Version) (Blu- Alt-Heidelberg Rocha, King Orba, Kent Shocknek - Dir. ray) Gabe Torres Darkness Gert Fröbe, Heinrich Gretler, Rudolf Vogel, Audiokommentar, Making of, Musikvideo, Trailer Anna Paquin, Lena Olin, Iain Glen, Sabine Sinjen, Siegfried Schürenberg - Dir. Thriller 2012 88min. Giancarlo Giannini, Fele Martinez, Fermi Ernst Marischka Concorde Home Entertainment(Concorde Rexach, Stephan Enquist - Dir. Jaume Booklet, Trailer Home Edition) 14.02.2013 Drama 1959 108min. Balagueró 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20051064 AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Interviews, Behind the Scenes Horror 2002 103min. AG(Fernsehjuwelen) 08.02.2013 Brake (Blu-ray) Splendid Film 04.01.2013 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20051082 Brake 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20051105 Amphibious (Blu-ray 3D) (Blu-ray) Stephen Dorff, Chyler Leigh, JR Bourne, Tom Berenger, Bobby Tomberlin, Kali - Die komplette Staf- (k.J.) Rocha, King Orba, Kent Shocknek - Dir. fel 3 (6 Discs) Amphibious 3D Gabe Torres Doctor Who Janna Fassaert, Michael Paré, Monica Audiokommentar, Making of, Musikvideo, Trailer Christopher Eccleston, David Tennant, Matt Sayangbati, Dorman Borisman, Francis Thriller 2012 91min. Smith, Billie Piper, Freema Agyeman, Magee, Joshua Pandelaki, Timo Ottevanger, Concorde Home Entertainment 14.02.2013 Catherine Tate, Karen Gillan, Arthur Darvill, Verdi Solaiman - Dir. Brian Yuzna 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20051069 Trailer John Barrowman, Elisabeth Sladen, Camille Horror/Abenteuer 2010 93min. Der Bunker (Blu-ray) Coduri, Noel Clarke, Shaun Dingwall - Dir. Keith Boak, Euros Lyn, Joe Ahearne, Brian Lighthouse Home Entertainment Vertriebs The Bunker Grant, James Hawes GmbH & Co. KG(Mr. Banker Films) Sir , Richard Jordan, Cliff Science Fiction/Abenteuer 650min. 22.02.2013 Gorman, James Naughton, Michael polyband Medien GmbH 25.01.2013 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20051056 Lonsdale, Piper Laurie, Susan Blakely - Dir. 54,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20051095 George Schaefer Amphibious (k.J.) Drama 1981 145min. Elvis - 8 Movies DVD Collection Amphibious 3D Koch Media 18.01.2013 Janna Fassaert, Michael Paré, Monica 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20051130 (30th Anniversary, 8 Discs) Sayangbati, Dorman Borisman, Francis Acapulco / Blaues Hawaii / Girls! Girls! Magee, Joshua Pandelaki, Timo Ottevanger, The Bunnyman Massacre (Blu- Girls! / Café Europa / König der heißen Verdi Solaiman - Dir. Brian Yuzna ray) (k.J.) Rhythmen / Mein Leben ist der Rhythmus / Trailer Seemann Ahoi / Südsee-Paradies Bunnyman Horror/Abenteuer 2010 89min. Elvis Presley Lighthouse Home Entertainment Vertriebs Cheryl Texiera, Matthew Albrecht, Matthew Diverse GmbH & Co. KG(Mr. Banker Films) Stiller, Alaina Gianci, Veronica Wylie, Scott Musikfilm 771min. 22.02.2013 Kuza, Joseph Darden, Lucia Sullivan, Paramount Home Entertainment 03.01.2013 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20051036 Karen Brown-Cronin, Rebecca Grayce, 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20051108 Carl Lindbergh - Dir. Carl Lindbergh Steve Austin Action Box (4 Discs) Audiokommentar, Featurettes, Behind the Scenes, Interviews Empört Euch! (OmU) Thriller/Horror 2009 84min. Indignados (k.J.) Infopictures 08.03.2013 Isabel Vendrell Cortès - Dir. Tony Gatlif Damage / Hunt to Kill / The Stranger / 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20051090 Tactical Force Drama 2012 72min. Steve Austin The Bunnyman Massacre (k.J.) absolut MEDIEN(arte Edition) 25.01.2013 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20051080 Making ofs, Interviews Bunnyman Action 2009-2011 366min. Cheryl Texiera, Matthew Albrecht, Matthew WVG Medien(E1 Entertainment One) Erotica Collection (4 Discs) Stiller, Alaina Gianci, Veronica Wylie, Scott 25.01.2013 Black Emanuelle / Sogno proibito / La Kuza, Joseph Darden, Lucia Sullivan, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20051121 spiaggia del desiderio Karen Brown-Cronin, Rebecca Grayce, Erotik 327min. The Bell Witch Legend (Blu-ray) Carl Lindbergh - Dir. Carl Lindbergh Audiokommentar, Featurettes, Behind the Scenes, Interviews VZ-Handelsgesellschaft 15.01.2013 An American Haunting Thriller/Horror 2009 81min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20051042 Donald Sutherland, , Rachel Infopictures 08.03.2013 Hurd-Wood, James D´ Arcy, Matthew 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20051085 Erotica Collection 2 (4 Discs) Marsh, Thom Fell, Sam Alexander, Zoe Boutique / Byleth - il demone dell’incesto / Thorne, Miquel Brown, Shauna Shim - Dir. Cube Zero (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Intimo profondo / Papaya - Die Liebesgöt- Courtney Solomon Cube Zero tin der Kannibalen

LASER HOTLINE Seite 9 Newsletter 19/12 (Nr. 323) Dezember 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc BRD

Erotik 329min. Frankenstein: The True Story (2 Cyran, Petra-Maria Cammin, Sascha Kekez, VZ-Handelsgesellschaft 15.01.2013 Discs) Jana Hora, Yvonne Burbach, Michael Witte tba BestellNr.: 20051043 - Dir. Bart van Leemputten Frankenstein: The True Story Kinderfilm/Mystery 2006-2007 1465min. James Mason, Leonard Whiting, David Ewiger Walzer - Die Strauß Dyna- Studio100 Media(Universum Kids) McCallum, Jane Seymour, Nicola Pagett, 08.02.2013 stie Michael Sarrazin, Agnes Moorehead, Sir 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20051052 Bernhard Wicki, Hilde Krahl, Annemarie Ralph Richardson, Sir John Gielgud - Dir. Düringer, Willy Trenk-Trebitsch, Hans Putz, Jack Smight Das Haus Anubis - Staffel 1, Teil Ulrich Bettac - Dir. Paul Verhoeven Clips, Bildergalerie, Trailer, Intro, DVD-ROM-Part, Booklet, Booklet, Trailer Wendecover 1, Folge 1-61 (4 Discs) Drama 1954 96min. Horror 1973 172min. Het Huis Anubis AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Florian Prokop, Kristina Schmidt, Daniel AG(Fernsehjuwelen) 15.02.2013 AG(Ostalgica) 08.02.2013 Wilken, Franziska Alber, Karim Günes, 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20051084 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20051083 Alicia Endemann, Féréba Koné, Marc Dumitru, Kai Helm, Gerda Böken, Ulrich The Expendables (Extended Gregs Tagebuch 1,2 & 3 (3 Discs) Cyran, Petra-Maria Cammin, Sascha Kekez, Director’s Cut, + Kinofassung, Li- Diary Of A Wimpy Kid 1-3 Jana Hora, Yvonne Burbach, Michael Witte mitierte Sonderedition, 2 Discs) Zachary Gordon, Robert Capron, Rachael - Dir. Bart van Leemputten Harris, Steve Zahn, Devon Bostick, Chloe (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Kinderfilm/Mystery 2006-2007 732min. Moretz, Grayson Russell, Connor Fielding, Studio100 Media(Universum Kids) The Expendables Owen Fielding, Peyton List, Laine MacNeil - 08.02.2013 Sylvester Stallone, Jason Statham, Jet Li, Dir. Thor Freudenthal, David Bowers 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20051045 Terry Crews, , David Audiokommentar, Entfallene Szenen, Featurettes, Outtakes Zayas, Giselle Itie, Eric Roberts, Steve Kinderfilm/Komödie 2010-2012 278min. Das Haus Anubis - Staffel 1, Teil Austin, Randy Couture, Mickey Rourke, Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Charisma Carpenter, Arnold Germany 25.01.2013 2, Folge 62-114 (4 Discs) Schwarzenegger, Danny Trejo - Dir. Sylve- 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20051061 Het Huis Anubis ster Stallone Florian Prokop, Kristina Schmidt, Daniel Das komplette Paket!, Wendecover Hannibal - Der Albtraum Roms Wilken, Franziska Alber, Karim Günes, Action 2010 114min. Hannibal Alicia Endemann, Féréba Koné, Marc Splendid Film 25.01.2013 , Ben Cross, Mido Dumitru, Kai Helm, Gerda Böken, Ulrich 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20051137 Hamada, Shaun Dingwall, Rob Dixon, Emilio Cyran, Petra-Maria Cammin, Sascha Kekez, Doorgasingh, Valentin Ganev, Tristan Jana Hora, Yvonne Burbach, Michael Witte The Expendables (Extended Gemmill, Vincent Riotta, Hristo Mitzkov, - Dir. Bart van Leemputten Director’s Cut, + Kinofassung, Li- Bashar Rahal - Dir. Edward Bazalgette Kinderfilm/Mystery 2006-2007 636min. mitierte Sonderedition, 2 Discs) Dokumentation Studio100 Media(Universum Kids) Historienfilm 2006 90min. 08.02.2013 (k.J.) polyband Medien GmbH 25.01.2013 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20051046 The Expendables 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20051096 Sylvester Stallone, Jason Statham, Jet Li, Das Haus Anubis - Staffel 2, Teil Terry Crews, Dolph Lundgren, David Haunted - Die komplette Serie (4 1, Folge 115-174 (4 Discs) Zayas, Giselle Itie, Eric Roberts, Steve Discs) (Blu-ray) Het Huis Anubis Austin, Randy Couture, Mickey Rourke, Haunted Florian Prokop, Kristina Schmidt, Daniel Charisma Carpenter, Arnold Matthew Fox, Michael Irby, Lynn Collins, Wilken, Franziska Alber, Karim Günes, Schwarzenegger, Danny Trejo - Dir. Sylve- John Mann - Dir. Vern Gillum, Peter Markle, Alicia Endemann, Féréba Koné, Marc ster Stallone Einführung, Featurette, Musikvideo, Wendecover Martha Mitchell, Rick Wallace Dumitru, Kai Helm, Gerda Böken, Ulrich Action 2010 109min. Trailer Cyran, Petra-Maria Cammin, Sascha Kekez, Thriller/Mystery 2002 462min. Splendid Film 25.01.2013 Jana Hora, Yvonne Burbach, Michael Witte 3L Vertriebs GmbH & Co.KG 14.02.2013 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20051127 - Dir. Bart van Leemputten tba BestellNr.: 20051134 Kinderfilm/Mystery 2006-2007 726min. Studio100 Media(Universum Kids) Flucht von Alcatraz (Blu-ray) Das Haus Anubis - Die komplette Escape From Alcatraz 08.02.2013 , Patrick McGoohan, Roberts 1. Staffel, Folge 1-114 (Limited 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20051047 Blossom, Fred Ward, Jack Thibeau, Paul Edition, 8 Discs) Benjamin, Larry Hankin, Bruce M. Fischer, Het Huis Anubis Das Haus Anubis - Staffel 2, Teil Frank Ronzio - Dir. Florian Prokop, Kristina Schmidt, Daniel 2, Folge 175-234 (4 Discs) Thriller 1979 112min. Wilken, Franziska Alber, Karim Günes, Het Huis Anubis Paramount Home Entertainment 03.01.2013 Alicia Endemann, Féréba Koné, Marc Florian Prokop, Kristina Schmidt, Daniel 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20051116 Dumitru, Kai Helm, Gerda Böken, Ulrich Wilken, Franziska Alber, Karim Günes, Cyran, Petra-Maria Cammin, Sascha Kekez, Alicia Endemann, Féréba Koné, Marc Fragile - A Ghost Story (Special Jana Hora, Yvonne Burbach, Michael Witte Dumitru, Kai Helm, Gerda Böken, Ulrich Edition) (Blu-ray) - Dir. Bart van Leemputten Cyran, Petra-Maria Cammin, Sascha Kekez, Frágiles Kinderfilm/Mystery 2006-2007 1384min. Jana Hora, Yvonne Burbach, Michael Witte Calista Flockhart, Yasmin Murphy, Elena Studio100 Media(Universum Kids) Kinderfilm/Mystery 2007-2008 710min. Anaya, Gemma Jones, Richard Roxburgh, 08.02.2013 Studio100 Media(Universum Kids) Colin McFarlane, Michael Pennington, Daniel 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20051051 08.02.2013 Ortiz, Susie Trayling, Ivana Baquero, Max 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20051048 Batista, Geoffrey Beevers, Lavinia Bert- Das Haus Anubis - Die komplette ram, Freda Dowie, Richard Felix, Matyelok 2. Staffel, Folge 115-234 (Limited Das Haus Anubis - Staffel 3, Teil Gibbs, Stuart McLauchlan, Arthur Rogers, Edition, 8 Discs) 1, Folge 235-304 (5 Discs) Ben Temple - Dir. Jaume Balagueró Het Huis Anubis Het Huis Anubis Featurette, B-Roll, Making of, Florian Prokop, Kristina Schmidt, Daniel Florian Prokop, Kristina Schmidt, Daniel Horror 2005 101min. Wilken, Franziska Alber, Karim Günes, Wilken, Franziska Alber, Karim Günes, Splendid Film 04.01.2013 Alicia Endemann, Féréba Koné, Marc Alicia Endemann, Féréba Koné, Marc 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20051106 Dumitru, Kai Helm, Gerda Böken, Ulrich Dumitru, Kai Helm, Gerda Böken, Ulrich

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Cyran, Petra-Maria Cammin, Sascha Kekez, Andrew Rannells, Paul Corning, Ella Rae Splendid Film 22.02.2013 Jana Hora, Yvonne Burbach, Michael Witte Peck, Arden Myrin - Dir. Leslye Headland 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20051163 Kinderfilm/Mystery 2008-2009 861min. Trailer, Wendecover Studio100 Media(Universum Kids) Komödie 2012 87min. Kampf auf hoher See 08.02.2013 STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Longitude 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20051049 Germany 21.03.2013 Jonathan Coy, Christopher Hodsol, Jeremy 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20051156 Irons, Peter Cartwright, Gemma Jones, Das Haus Anubis - Staffel 3, Teil John Nettleton, Michael Gambon - Dir. 2, Folge 305-364 (4 Discs) iCarly: Meine Hobbys, Deine Hob- Charles Sturridge Het Huis Anubis bys (2 Discs) Trailer, Bildergalerie, Bio- und Filmografien Historienfilm/Drama 2000 199min. Florian Prokop, Kristina Schmidt, Daniel iCarly KSM(NewKSM) 21.01.2013 Wilken, Franziska Alber, Karim Günes, Miranda Cosgrove, Jennette McCurdy, 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20051039 Alicia Endemann, Féréba Koné, Marc , Jerry Trainor Dumitru, Kai Helm, Gerda Böken, Ulrich Bonus-Episode Komödie/Familie 181min. King of Queens - Die komplette Cyran, Petra-Maria Cammin, Sascha Kekez, Paramount Home Jana Hora, Yvonne Burbach, Michael Witte Serie (18 Discs) (Blu-ray) Entertainment() 03.01.2013 Kinderfilm/Mystery 2008-2009 767min. The King Of Queens 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20051110 Studio100 Media(Universum Kids) Kevin James, Leah Remini, Victor Williams, Patton Oswalt, Larry Romano - Dir. Pamela 08.02.2013 In Time - Deine Zeit läuft ab (Blu- 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20051050 Fryman ray) Serienrückblick, Über die Autoren, Thanks to the Fans, Feier In Time der 200. Episode, Biografien, 120-seitiges Buch Hawaii Five-0 - Die zweite Komödie 1998-2006 4736min. Justin Timberlake, Amanda Seyfried, Cillian Season (5 Discs) (Blu-ray) Koch Media 25.01.2013 Murphy, Vincent Kartheiser, Olivia Wilde, Hawaii Five-0 169,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20051129 Alex Pettyfer, Johnny Galecki, Matt Bomer, Alex O’Loughlin, Scott Caan, Daniel Dae Shyloh Oostwald, Colin McGurk, Will Harris Kim, Grace Park, Taylor Wily, Masi Oka, Die Kunst zu lieben - Dir. Teilor Grubbs, Lauren German, Terry Featurette, Entfallene und erweiterte Szenen, Trailer, BD-Live L’ Art D’Aimer O’Quinn, Claire van der Boom, Brian Yang, Science Fiction/Thriller 2011 109min. François Cluzet, Frédérique Bel, Julie Dennis Chun, Mark Dacascos, Larisa Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Dépardieu, Emmanuel Mouret, Pascale Oleynik, Will Yun Lee, Reiko Aylesworth, Germany 02.01.2013 Arbillot, , Judith Godrèche, Michelle Borth, William Sadler - Dir. Brad 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20051065 Louis-Do de Lencquesaing, Gaspard Ulliel, Turner, Steve Boyum, Duane Clark, Matt Laurent Stocker, Élodie Navarre - Dir. Earl Beesley, Larry Teng Das Jahr, in dem wir uns kennen- Emmanuel Mouret Bonus-Episode, Featurettes, Entfallene Szenen lernten / Without Men (2 Discs) Komödie/Lovestory 2011 84min. Kriminalfilm 2011 986min. EuroVideo Bildprogramm 14.02.2013 The Year Of Getting To Know Us / Without Paramount Home Entertainment 03.01.2013 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20051138 69,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20051117 Men Drama/Komödie 2008-2011 180min. Die Kunst zu lieben (Blu-ray) WVG Medien(E1 Entertainment One) Hawaii Five-0 - Die zweite L’ Art D’Aimer 25.01.2013 Season (6 Discs) François Cluzet, Frédérique Bel, Julie 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20051101 Hawaii Five-0 Dépardieu, Emmanuel Mouret, Pascale Alex O’Loughlin, Scott Caan, Daniel Dae Der junge Hercules - Volume 2 (4 Arbillot, Ariane Ascaride, Judith Godrèche, Kim, Grace Park, Taylor Wily, Masi Oka, Louis-Do de Lencquesaing, Gaspard Ulliel, Teilor Grubbs, Lauren German, Terry Discs) Laurent Stocker, Élodie Navarre - Dir. O’Quinn, Claire van der Boom, Brian Yang, Emmanuel Mouret Dennis Chun, Mark Dacascos, Larisa Ryan Gosling, Dean O’Gorman, Chris Komödie/Lovestory 2011 88min. Oleynik, Will Yun Lee, Reiko Aylesworth, Conrad, Jodie Rimmer, Nathaniel Lees, An- EuroVideo Bildprogramm 14.02.2013 Michelle Borth, William Sadler - Dir. Brad gela Marie Dotchin, Kevin Smith, Joel 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20051150 Turner, Steve Boyum, Duane Clark, Matt Tobeck, Meighan Desmond, Sharon Tyrell, Earl Beesley, Larry Teng Katrina Browne, Alison Bruce - Dir. Chris Der Lügner Bonus-Episode, Featurettes, Outtakes Graves, Charlie Haskell, Andrew Merrifield, Heinz Rühmann, Giulia Follina, Annemarie Kriminalfilm 2011 947min. Simon Raby Düringer, Gustav Knuth, Werner Hinz - Dir. Paramount Home Entertainment 03.01.2013 Abenteuer/Fantasy 1998-1999 420min. Ladislao Vajda 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20051109 Koch Media 18.01.2013 Trailer 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20051124 Komödie 1961 90min. Die Hochzeit unserer dicksten AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Freundin Jurassic Attack AG(Fernsehjuwelen) 08.02.2013 Bachelorette Jurassic Attack 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20051081 Kirsten Dunst, Isla Fisher, Lizzy Caplan, Corin Nemec, Vernon Wells, Gary Stretch, Rebel Wilson, James Marsden, Adam Scott, Alicia Ziegler, Michael Worth, Natascha Lust ohne Grenzen (k.J.) Hayes MacArthur, Kyle Bornheimer, Berg, Israel Sáez de Miguel, Philip Coc, Año Bisiesto Andrew Rannells, Paul Corning, Ella Rae Berne Velasquez, John Frear, Ganney Monica Del Carmen, Gustavo Sanchez Peck, Arden Myrin - Dir. Leslye Headland Dortch - Dir. Anthony Fankhauser Parra, Marco Zapata, Armando Hernandez, Trailer, Wendecover Abenteuer 2012 83min. José Juan Meraz, Nur Rubio, Ernesto Komödie 2012 84min. Splendid Film 22.02.2013 Gonzalez - Dir. Michael Rowe STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20051147 Making of, Musikvideo, Trailer Germany 21.03.2013 Drama/Erotik 2010 88min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20051143 Jurassic Attack (Blu-ray) Alamode Film(Pierrot Le Fou) 01.02.2013 Jurassic Attack 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20051074 Die Hochzeit unserer dicksten Corin Nemec, Vernon Wells, Gary Stretch, Freundin (Blu-ray) Alicia Ziegler, Michael Worth, Natascha Man nennt mich Hondo (Blu-ray) Hondo Bachelorette Berg, Israel Sáez de Miguel, Philip Coc, John Wayne, , Ward Bond, Kirsten Dunst, Isla Fisher, Lizzy Caplan, Berne Velasquez, John Frear, Ganney Michael Pate, James Arness, Rudolfo Rebel Wilson, James Marsden, Adam Scott, Dortch - Dir. Anthony Fankhauser Acosta, Leo Gordon, Lee Aaker - Dir. John Hayes MacArthur, Kyle Bornheimer, Abenteuer 2012 87min.

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Farrow AG(Fernsehjuwelen) 25.01.2013 Audiokommentar, Intro, Making of, Bildergalerie, Trailer, Midnight Son - Brut der Nacht 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20051076 Teaser (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Western 1953 83min. Navajo Joe (k.J.) Paramount Home Entertainment 03.01.2013 Midnight Son Navajo Joe 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20051118 Zak Kilberg, Maya Parish, Larry Cedar, Arlen Escarpeta, Shawn-Caulin Young, Burt Reynolds, Aldo Sambrell, Nicoletta Mann beißt Hund (Special Editi- Kevin McCorkle, Juanita Jennings, Jo D. Machiavelli, Fernando Rey, Franca Polesello, Lucia Modugno, Tanya Lopert, on) Jonz - Dir. Scott Leberecht Entfallene Szenen, Interviews, Audiokommentar Pierre Cressoy - Dir. Sergio Corbucci C’Est Arrivé Près De Chez Vous Horror/Drama 2011 94min. Western 1966 88min. Benoît Poelvoorde, Rémy Belvaux, André Lighthouse Home Entertainment Vertriebs Koch Media 18.01.2013 Bonzel - Dir. Rémy Belvaux, André Bonzel, GmbH & Co. KG(Donau Film) 22.02.2013 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20051122 Benoît Poelvoorde 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20051055 Satire 1992 91min. Pain (Blu-ray 3D) (Blu-ray) (k.J.) STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Midnight Son - Brut der Nacht Vile Germany(Arthaus) 21.03.2013 (k.J.) Eric Jay Beck, Akeem Smith, April Matson, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20051063 Midnight Son Greg Cipes, Elisha Skorman, Heidi Mueller, Maya Hazen, Rob Kirkland, McKenzie Mann beißt Hund (Steelbook) Zak Kilberg, Maya Parish, Larry Cedar, Arlen Escarpeta, Shawn-Caulin Young, Westmore, Ian Bohen, Kieron Elliott, Artie (Blu-ray) Kevin McCorkle, Juanita Jennings, Jo D. Baxter - Dir. Taylor Sheridan C’Est Arrivé Près De Chez Vous Jonz - Dir. Scott Leberecht Wendecover Benoît Poelvoorde, Rémy Belvaux, André Entfallene Szenen, Interviews, Audiokommentar Thriller/Horror 2011 84min. Bonzel - Dir. Rémy Belvaux, André Bonzel, Horror/Drama 2011 90min. Splendid Film(I-On New Media) 22.02.2013 Benoît Poelvoorde Lighthouse Home Entertainment Vertriebs 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20051158 Satire 1992 95min. GmbH & Co. KG(Donau Film) 22.02.2013 STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20051035 Pain (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Germany(Arthaus) 21.03.2013 Vile 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20051068 The Musketeer Eric Jay Beck, Akeem Smith, April Matson, The Musketeer Greg Cipes, Elisha Skorman, Heidi Mueller, Der Mann vom schwarzen Fluss Justin Chambers, Mena Suvari, Catherine Maya Hazen, Rob Kirkland, McKenzie Allegheny Uprising Deneuve, Stephen Rea, Tim Roth, Bill Westmore, Ian Bohen, Kieron Elliott, Artie John Wayne, , Olaf Hytten, Treacher, Daniel Mesguich, David Baxter - Dir. Taylor Sheridan George Sanders, Brian Donlevy, Robert Schofield, Nick Moran, Steve Speirs, Jan- Wendecover Thriller/Horror 2011 84min. Barrat, Wilfrid Lawson, Chill Wills, Ian Gregor Kremp, Jeremy Clyde, Michael Splendid Film(I-On New Media) 22.02.2013 Wolfe, Moroni Olsen, Eddie Quillan, John F. Byrne, Jean-Pierre Castaldi, Tsilla Chelton, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20051157 Hamilton - Dir. William A. Seiter Luc Gentil, Catherine Erhardy, Max Dolbey Wendecover (D’Artagnan) - Dir. Peter Hyams Pain (k.J.) Western 1939 81min. Making of, Featurette, Interview, TV-Spots Intergroove Media(Voulez Vous) Abenteuer/Action 2001 100min. Vile 22.02.2013 Splendid Film 25.01.2013 Eric Jay Beck, Akeem Smith, April Matson, 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20051071 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20051125 Greg Cipes, Elisha Skorman, Heidi Mueller, Maya Hazen, Rob Kirkland, McKenzie Medium - Season 7, Vol. 1 (2 The Musketeer (Blu-ray) Westmore, Ian Bohen, Kieron Elliott, Artie Discs) The Musketeer Baxter - Dir. Taylor Sheridan Thriller/Horror 2011 80min. Medium Justin Chambers, Mena Suvari, Catherine Splendid Film(I-On New Media) 22.02.2013 Patricia Arquette, Miguel Sandoval, David Deneuve, Stephen Rea, Tim Roth, Bill 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20051144 Cubitt, Sofia Vassilieva, Maria Lark, Jake Treacher, Daniel Mesguich, David Schofield, Nick Moran, Steve Speirs, Jan- Weber - Dir. Aaron Lipstadt, Larry Teng Painted Skin: The Resurrection Making of, Featurettes, Outtakes Gregor Kremp, Jeremy Clyde, Michael Kriminalfilm/Thriller 2010-2011 292min. Byrne, Jean-Pierre Castaldi, Tsilla Chelton, Hua Pi Er Paramount Home Entertainment 03.01.2013 Luc Gentil, Catherine Erhardy, Max Dolbey Zhou Xun, Chen Kun, Zhao Wei, Mini Yang, 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20051111 (D’Artagnan) - Dir. Peter Hyams Feng Shao-feng, Kris Phillips, Chen Tingjia Abenteuer/Action 2001 104min. - Dir. Wuershan Medium - Season 7, Vol. 2 (2 Splendid Film 25.01.2013 Fantasy/Abenteuer 2012 131min. Discs) 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20051131 Splendid Film(Amazia) 22.02.2013 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20051145 Medium Die nackten Augen der Nacht Patricia Arquette, Miguel Sandoval, David Painted Skin: The Resurrection Cubitt, Sofia Vassilieva, Maria Lark, Jake (k.J.) Weber - Dir. Aaron Lipstadt, Larry Teng Les Cauchemars Naissent La Nuit (Blu-ray 3D) (Blu-ray) Making of, Featurettes, Outtakes Diana Lorys, Paul Müller, Colette Giacobine, Hua Pi Er Kriminalfilm/Thriller 2010-2011 249min. Jack Taylor, Andrés Monales, Soledad Zhou Xun, Chen Kun, Zhao Wei, Mini Yang, Paramount Home Entertainment 03.01.2013 Miranda - Dir. Jess Franco Feng Shao-feng, Kris Phillips, Chen Tingjia 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20051112 Trailer - Dir. Wuershan Kriminalfilm/Horror 1970 80min. Fantasy/Abenteuer 2012 137min. Mein Bauer, seine Kuh & Ich (Blu- Donau Film 15.02.2013 Splendid Film(Amazia) 22.02.2013 ray) 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20051086 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20051160 Grabben I Graven Bredvid Elisabeth Carlsson, Michael Nyqvist, Annika Natalie - Endstation Babystrich Painted Skin: The Resurrection Olsson, Anna Azcárate, Rolf Degerlund, Anne-Sophie Briest, Nina Hoger, Udo (Blu-ray) Anita Heikkilä, Axelle Axell, Sara Amia, Schenk, Annekathrin Lange, Volkert Kraeft, Hua Pi Er Paula Brand, Lasse Petterson - Dir. Kjell Falk Willy-Wild, Melanie Rühmann, Tobias Zhou Xun, Chen Kun, Zhao Wei, Mini Yang, Sundvall Nath, Barbara Kramer, Oliver Korittke, Hans Feng Shao-feng, Kris Phillips, Chen Tingjia Trailer, Bildergalerie Zürn - Dir. Herrmann Zschoche - Dir. Wuershan Komödie/Drama 2002 90min. Interview Fantasy/Abenteuer 2012 137min. Drama 1994 92min. 3L Vertriebs GmbH & Co.KG 14.02.2013 Splendid Film(Amazia) 22.02.2013 tba BestellNr.: 20051136 AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing

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20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20051159 Heup, Nito Torres, Endrit Bajrami, Kristina Drama/Mystery 2011 79min. Cammann, Christopher Becker, Robert Planet Media Home Entertainment Parkour - Beat Your Fear Steudtner - Dir. Tina von Traben 26.02.2013 Speed Pioneer Entfallene Szenen, Outtakes, Interviews 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20051152 Prince Qiu, Sara Lin, Ma Ling, Liu Hui - Dir. Komödie 2012 85min. Francis Lam EuroVideo Bildprogramm 26.02.2013 Die siebente Papyrusrolle, Teil 1- Action 2011 90min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20051151 3 (2 Discs) Lighthouse Home Entertainment Vertriebs The Raid (Special Edition, 2 The Seventh Scroll GmbH & Co. KG(Blockbuster) 22.02.2013 Wilfried Baasner, Jeff Fahey, Karina Lom- 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20051034 Discs) (Blu-ray) (k.J.) bard, Katrina Gibson, Phillip Rhys, Roy Serbuan Maut Scheider, Laszlo I. Kish, Art Malik, Jeffrey Parkour - Beat Your Fear (Blu-ray Iko Uwais, Yayan Ruhian, Joe Taslim, Doni Licon, Tony Musante, Edmund Purdom, 3D) (Blu-ray) Alamsyah, Ray Sahetapy, Ananda George, Valeria Marini, Younes Megri - Dir. Kevin Speed Pioneer Verdi Solaiman - Dir. Gareth Evans Connor Prince Qiu, Sara Lin, Ma Ling, Liu Hui - Dir. Trailer Booklet Action 2011 101min. Francis Lam Action/Drama 1999 268min. Koch Media 25.01.2013 Action 2011 94min. AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20051128 Lighthouse Home Entertainment Vertriebs AG(Fernsehjuwelen) 15.02.2013 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20051087 GmbH & Co. KG(Blockbuster) 22.02.2013 The Raid (Special Edition, 2 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20051054 Discs) (k.J.) Ein Sommer in (Blu-ray) Parkour - Beat Your Fear (Blu-ray) Serbuan Maut Suburban Girl Speed Pioneer Iko Uwais, Yayan Ruhian, Joe Taslim, Doni Sarah Michelle Gellar, Alec Baldwin, Dennis Prince Qiu, Sara Lin, Ma Ling, Liu Hui - Dir. Alamsyah, Ray Sahetapy, Ananda George, Albanese, Audra Blaser, Vanessa Branch, Francis Lam Verdi Solaiman - Dir. Gareth Evans Geoffrey Cantor, Chris Carmack - Dir. Marc Action 2011 94min. Trailer Klein Action 2011 97min. Lighthouse Home Entertainment Vertriebs Trailer, Bildergalerie Koch Media 25.01.2013 Komödie/Drama 2007 94min. GmbH & Co. KG(Blockbuster) 22.02.2013 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20051119 3L Vertriebs GmbH & Co.KG 14.02.2013 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20051053 tba BestellNr.: 20051135 Personal Belongings (OmU) Scanners (Uncut) (Blu-ray) Scanners Spider City - Stadt der Spinnen Personal Belongings Jennifer O’Neill, Stephen Lack, Patrick Spiders 3D Caleb Casas, Heidi García, Osvaldo McGoohan, Lawrence Dane, Adam Lustig, Patrick Muldoon, Christa Campbell, William Doimeadiós, Roly Peña, Yasser Vila, Raul Chuck Shamata, Michael Ironside - Dir. Da- Hope - Dir. Tibor Takács Pomares, Gilda Bello, Rubén Breñas - Dir. vid Cronenberg Making of, Interviews, B-Roll Alejandro Brugues Audiokommentar, Trailer, Isolierte Tonspur mit Filmmusik & Horror/Abenteuer 2012 87min. Drama 2006 95min. Geräuschen, Bildergalerie, Interview Splendid Film 22.02.2013 Lighthouse Home Entertainment Vertriebs Horror/Science Fiction 1980 Ltbx DTS-HD 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20051146 GmbH & Co. KG(Cine Global) 22.02.2013 5.1 MA (D) DTS-HD 5.1 MA (E) 103min. 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20051038 Subkultur 17.12.2012 Spider City - Stadt der Spinnen 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20051093 Pippi in Taka-Tuka-Land (Blu-ray) (Blu-ray 3D) (Blu-ray) Spiders 3D Pippi Långstrump Pa De Sju Haven Sea Patrol - Die komplette vierte Patrick Muldoon, Christa Campbell, William Inger Nilsson, Maria Persson, Pär Sund- Staffel (4 Discs) Hope - Dir. Tibor Takács berg, Beppe Wolgers, Martin Ljund - Dir. Sea Patrol Making of, Interviews, B-Roll Olle Hellbom Ian Stenlake, John Batchelor, Matthew Horror/Abenteuer 2012 90min. Kinderfilm 1969 87min. Holmes, Lisa McCune, Kristian Schmid, Splendid Film 22.02.2013 Universum Film(Universum Kids) Kirsty Lee Allan, Saskia Burmeister, David 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20051162 04.01.2013 Lyons, Nikolai Nikolaeff, Tim Campbell, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20051057 Jason Dundas - Dir. Geoff Bennett, Ian Spider City - Stadt der Spinnen Barry Pommes essen (Blu-ray) Action/Drama 2007-2011 720min. Spiders 3D Luise Risch, Marlene Risch, Tabea polyband Medien GmbH 25.01.2013 Patrick Muldoon, Christa Campbell, William Willemsen, Thekla Carola Wied, Anneke Kim 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20051097 Hope - Dir. Tibor Takács Sarnau, Smudo, Jan Erik Madsen, Michael Making of, Interviews, B-Roll Keseroglu, Paul Faßnacht, Gernot Schmidt, Die Sehnsucht der Falter Horror/Abenteuer 2012 90min. Johannes Rotter, Antje Lewald, Peter The Moth Diaries Splendid Film 22.02.2013 Bongartz, Alexander Koll, Stefan Marquard, Scott Speedman, Lily Cole, Sarah Bolger, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20051161 Regine Schröder, Jokubas Aust, Henning Sarah Gadon, Anne Day-Jones, Valerie Heup, Nito Torres, Endrit Bajrami, Kristina Tian, Judy Parfitt, Melissa Farman - Dir. Die Stooges - Drei Vollpfosten Cammann, Christopher Becker, Robert Mary Harron drehen ab Steudtner - Dir. Tina von Traben Making of, Trailer The Three Stooges Entfallene Szenen, Outtakes, Interviews Drama/Mystery 2011 76min. Chris Diamantopoulos, Sean Patrick Hayes, Komödie 2012 83min. Planet Media Home Entertainment Will Sasso, Larry David, , Sofía EuroVideo Bildprogramm 26.02.2013 26.02.2013 Vergara, Jennifer Hudson, Craig Bierko, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20051139 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20051140 Stephen Collins, Kirby Heyborne, Carly Pommes essen (Blu-ray) Die Sehnsucht der Falter (Blu- Craig, Kate Upton, Marianne Leone, Brian Doyle-Murray - Dir. Bobby Farrelly, Peter Luise Risch, Marlene Risch, Tabea ray) Willemsen, Thekla Carola Wied, Anneke Kim Farrelly The Moth Diaries Sarnau, Smudo, Jan Erik Madsen, Michael Entfallene und erweiterte Szenen, Outtakes, Trailer Scott Speedman, Lily Cole, Sarah Bolger, Komödie 2012 89min. Keseroglu, Paul Faßnacht, Gernot Schmidt, Sarah Gadon, Anne Day-Jones, Valerie Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Johannes Rotter, Antje Lewald, Peter Tian, Judy Parfitt, Melissa Farman - Dir. Germany 14.02.2013 Bongartz, Alexander Koll, Stefan Marquard, Mary Harron 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20051142 Regine Schröder, Jokubas Aust, Henning Making of, Trailer

LASER HOTLINE Seite 13 Newsletter 19/12 (Nr. 323) Dezember 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc BRD

Die Stooges - Drei Vollpfosten The Walk of The Dead Box - Zimt und Koriander (Blu-ray) drehen ab (Blu-ray) Vampires vs. Zombies! Politiki Kouzina The Three Stooges The Last Man on Earth / Die Nacht der Georges Corraface, Ieroklis Mihailidis, Chris Diamantopoulos, Sean Patrick Hayes, lebenden Toten / The Return of Dracula / Renia Louizidou, Stelios Mainas, Tamer Will Sasso, Larry David, Jane Lynch, Sofía Tanz der toten Seelen / The Terror - Karadagli, Tasos Bandis, Markos Osse, Vergara, Jennifer Hudson, Craig Bierko, Schloß des Schreckens / White Zombie Basak Koklukaya, Thodoros Exarchos, Stephen Collins, Kirby Heyborne, Carly Horror 1932-1964 480min. Yannis Firios, Pavlos Orkopoulos, Craig, Kate Upton, Marianne Leone, Brian SchröderMedia HandelsgmbH(WGF Film) Odysseas Papaspiliopoulos, Athinodoros Doyle-Murray - Dir. Bobby Farrelly, Peter 17.01.2013 Prousalis, Mimis Thiopoulos, Ersi Farrelly tba BestellNr.: 20051078 Malikenzou, Kakia Panagiotou, Mikhalis Entfallene und erweiterte Szenen, Outtakes, Trailer Yannatos - Dir. Tassos Boulmetis Komödie 2012 93min. Who Killed Marilyn? (Blu-ray) Featurettes, Making of, Entfallene Szenen, Trailer Drama 2003 107min. Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Poupoupidou Alamode Film 01.02.2013 Germany 14.02.2013 Jean-Paul Rouve, Sophie Quinton, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20051091 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20051155 Guillaume Gouix, Olivier Rabourdin, Clara Ponsot, Arsinée Khanjian, Eric Ruf, Lyes Tepepa Salem, Joséphine de Meaux, Ken Samuels, Tepepa Antoine Chappey, Frédéric Quiring, Nicolas Orson Welles, Tomás Milián, José Torres - Robin - Dir. Gérald Hustache-Mathieu Special Interest Dir. Giulio Petroni Making of, Trailer Western 1968 min. Thriller/Kriminalfilm 2011 110min. Koch Media 18.01.2013 Koch Media 07.12.2012 Doppelleben 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20051123 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20051092 Susanne Knoll, Marianne Schätzle, Lothar Wunderlich - Dir. Douglas Wolfsperger Die Träumer (Blu-ray) Ein wirklich junges Mädchen Dokumentarfilm 2011 101min. The Dreamers Une Vraie Jeune Fille Lighthouse Home Entertainment Vertriebs Michael Pitt, Eva Green, Louis Garrel, Robin Charlotte Alexandra, Hiram Keller, Rita Mei- GmbH & Co. KG(Camino) 22.02.2013 Renucci, Anna Chancellor, Florian Cadiou - den, Bruno Balp, Shirley Stoler - Dir. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20051041 Dir. Bernardo Bertolucci Catherine Breillat Trailer, Audiokommentar, Featurette, Interviews, B-Roll Trailer Das grüne Wunder - Unser Wald Drama 2003 114min. Komödie 1999 93min. Dir. Jan Haft Concorde Home Entertainment 07.03.2013 Alamode Film(Pierrot Le Fou) 22.02.2013 Interviews, Trailer 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20051070 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20051088 Dokumentarfilm/Natur 2012 90min. polyband Medien GmbH 15.03.2013 Twilight Samurai - Samurai der Wo der rote Farm wächst 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20051149 Where The Red Fern Grows Dämmerung (Blu-ray) Das grüne Wunder - Unser Wald Tasogare Seibei James Whitmore, Steward Petersen, Hiroyuki Sanada, Rie Miyazawa, Nenji Beverly Garland, Jack Ging, Lonny (Blu-ray) Kobayashi, Ren Osugi, Mitsuru Fukikoshi, Chapman Dir. Jan Haft Kanako Fukaura, Hiroshi Kanbe, Miko Ito, Drama/Familie 1974 97min. Interviews, Trailer Dokumentarfilm/Natur 2012 94min. Erina Hashiguchi, Reiko Kusamura, Keishi SchröderMedia HandelsgmbH(MIG polyband Medien GmbH 15.03.2013 Arashi, Baijaku Nakamura, Makoto Filmgroup) 17.01.2013 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20051165 Akatsuka, Senri Sakurai, Masayasu 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20051079 Kitayama, Toshinori Omi, Shinjiro Nakamura, Raising Resistance Min Tanaka, Keiko Kishi (Ito), Tetsurô Tanba Zeit der Geier Raising Resistance - Dir. Yoji Yamada Il Tempo Degli Avvoltoi Trailer, Artworkshow Frank Wolff, George Hilton, Pamela Tudor - Dir. Bettina Borgfeld, David Bernet Drama/Abenteuer 2002 129min. Dir. Nando Cicero Entfallene Szenen, Trailer Dokumentarfilm 2011 82min. 3L Vertriebs GmbH & Co.KG 14.02.2013 Western 1967 min. Pandora Film GmbH & Co. Verleih KG tba BestellNr.: 20051133 Koch Media 18.01.2013 01.02.2013 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20051120 Verführung einer Nonne (Uncut) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20051075 La Novizia Gloria Guida, Gino Milli, Femi Benussi, Lionel Stander - Dir. Pier Giorgio Ferretti Erotik 1975 98min. Wir wünschen allen VZ-Handelsgesellschaft 15.01.2013 tba BestellNr.: 20051044 - Die komplette zweite unseren Lesern Season (2 Discs) Victorious Victoria Justice, Leon Thomas III, Matt Bennett, Elizabeth Gillies, Ariana Grande, besinnliche Avan Jogia, Daniella Monet, Michael Eric Reid, Jennifer Carta, Lane Napper, Eric Lange, Jake Farrow - Dir. Steve Hoefer, Weihnachten und einen Adam Weissman, Russ Reinsel, David Kendall, Clayton Boen Featurette, TV-Movie, Behind the Scenes Komödie 2011 237min. Guten Rutsch ins Neue Paramount Home Entertainment(Nickelodeon) 03.01.2013 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20051113 Jahr!

LASER HOTLINE Seite 14 Newsletter 19/12 (Nr. 323) Dezember 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

Warner Bros. 16.04.2013 Animation Barney: Barney Loves You (3 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114537 Pack) Bleach: Box Set 16 Angelina Ballerina: The Mousling Dinosaurs, Family, Preschool 144min. Lionsgate 19.02.2013 Returning to the world of the living after their adventures in Mysteries the Soul Society, Ichigo and resume their regular lives 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114219 at home and school. But strange disappearances keep Put on your detective cap and search for the clues with occurring, and no culprit is in sight. Something strange has Angelina in The Mouseling Mysteries! Something suspicious followed them home, putting their faith and trust in each other is going on in Chipping Cheddar: Gracie fears Roquefort Hall : Mystery Of The to the test. is haunted when she hears strange sounds, Marco’s music goes missing and Mr. Chirpyface disappears while Angelina (Blu-ray) Adventure, Anime, Boxed Sets, Fantasy, is bird sitting for Ms. Mimi! Can Angelina and her friends stay David Ogden Stiers, Kyra Sedgwick, Elisa Foreign, International TV, Japanese min. en pointe and follow the clues to solve these mysteries? Join Viz Entertainment 12.03.2013 the fun and gather the evidence with Camembert’s star Gabrielli, Kelly Ripa, Kimberly Brooks, detectives! Hector Elizondo, Kevin Conroy, Kevin Mi- 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114173 Music, Mystery, Ballet, Dancing, Family, chael Richardson Fantasy, girl power, Animated Animals The Dark Knight is back in this all-new feature-length thriller Bubble Guppies: When We Grow featuring the voices of Kelly Ripa (Live! With Regis and 61min. Kelly), Kyra Sedgwick (Born on the Fourth of July) and Up Lionsgate 12.03.2013 Hector Elizondo (The Princess Diaries). The Penguin and The Bubble Guppies are discovering all types of jobs - 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114520 Rupert Thorn are criminal cohorts with a scheme to sell doctors, dentists, waiters, firefighters, zookeepers and more! illegal weapons. But there’s a new super hero in Gotham City Swim in to six underwater adventures all about different ways who has other plans for the evil entrepreneurs - Batwoman! to work AND play with friends! Auto-B-Good: Hometown Heroes With high-tech gadgets and powerful punches, Batwoman Family, Nickelodeon 138min. proves to be a formidable crimefighter - the only problem is Family, Transportation 50min. that the Dark Knight has no clue who she is! And when Nickelodeon 05.02.2013 E1 Entertainment 15.01.2013 Batwoman crosses the criminal line, Batman must identify 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113783 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113997 whether or not this new player is really an ally! Join the world’s greatest detective in this exciting new adventure that will keep you guessing until the mask is pulled off! Bugs Bunny’s Easter Funnies Auto-B-Good: Mission Possible Family, Based On Comic Book, Action, (Repackage) Family, Transportation 50min. Adventure, Superheroes 1996 75min. Oh, no! The Easter Bunny is (pardon the expression) sick as E1 Entertainment 15.01.2013 Warner Bros. 12.03.2013 a dog. Is there anyone who can take over those basket- busting, hippity-hoppity Easter morning rounds while the 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113998 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114055 bunny recuperates? Well, there’s the Easter Funny Bunny - Bugs Bunny. But Sylvester, Pepe Le Pew, Foghorn Leghorn The Avengers: Earth’s Mightiest Battle Girls: Time Paradox - The and a particularly pesky duck all want to get in on the act. In Bugs Bunny’s Easter Funnies, newly animated sequences Heroes! - Volume 6 Complete Collection weave together classic Looney Tunes cartoons (Including Action, Adventure, Based On Comic Book, Yoshino Hide (nickname Hideyoshi) is your average, Academy Award winner Birds Anonymous, For Scent-Imental everyday teenager - interested only in fashion, snacks and Reasons and Knighty Knight Bugs) showcasing the wascally Family, Fantasy, Science Fiction 286min. her afterschool free time. And destined to fail her next history wabbit and pals doing what they de best: Being funny! Alas, Disney / Buena Vista 19.02.2013 test without some sort of miraculous intervention. So, she only one character can be the Easter Bunny’s replacement. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114204 stops by the local shrine to offer up a prayer or two to any Can you guess who? Have you ever heard a rabbit go deity that might be listening. But her prayers are interrupted „Quack?“ by a mysterious blue light that engulfs her and leaves Comedy, Family, Holidays, Animated Babar: The Movie Hideyoshi stranded in a strange new world that appears to be Animals 1977 50min. The lovable pachyderm who stars in Jean de Brunhoff’s feudal Japan. Only, all the inhabitants of this world, including Warner Bros. 19.02.2013 charming children’s books makes the leap from page to film in feudal warlord Oda Nobunaga, are women! Now Hideyoshi this animated adventure. With Celeste and the always- finds herself on a quest to gather the pieces of the Crimson 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114538 humorous monkey, Zephir, by his side, Babar is ready to take Armor and help Nobunaga conquer the land! on Rataxes, a rhino who’s taken charge of Babar’s beloved Adventure, Anime, Comedy, Foreign, Inter- Casshern Sins: Complete Series Elephantland. national TV, Japanese 325min. Casshern - a cybernetic assassin with no memory of his past Family, Fantasy, Adventure, Animated Section23 Films 26.02.2013 - awakens in a corrosive wasteland where nothing survives Animals 1990 76min. 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113858 for long. A plague known as the Ruin sweeps across this E1 Entertainment 12.02.2013 once-vibrant world, reducing everything in its path to rubble 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114006 and scattering any chance for salvation. Robots and humans Battle Girls: Time Paradox - The alike - or what little remains of them - seek vengeance against Casshern for the life he took and the role he played in their Barbie In The Pink Shoes Complete Collection (Blu-ray) Ruin. A machine built to kill, Casshern murdered the last hope Yoshino Hide (nickname Hideyoshi) is your average, for this world, but now, lost in a future he does not recognize, Dance your way to a magical adventure with Barbie as everyday teenager - interested only in fashion, snacks and he will fight to save the dying. Kristyn, a ballerina with big dreams! When she tries on a pair her afterschool free time. And destined to fail her next history Action, Anime, Foreign, Giant Robots, Inter- of sparkling pink shoes, she and her best friend, Hailey, are test without some sort of miraculous intervention. So, she whisked away to a fantastical ballet world. There, Kristyn stops by the local shrine to offer up a prayer or two to any national TV, Japanese, Robots / Androids, discovers she must dance in her favorite ballets in order to deity that might be listening. But her prayers are interrupted Science Fiction 2008 600min. defeat an evil Snow Queen. With performances to the by a mysterious blue light that engulfs her and leaves 05.02.2013 legendary Giselle and Swan Lake ballets, ’s a wonderful Hideyoshi stranded in a strange new world that appears to be journey where if you dance with your heart, dreams come feudal Japan. Only, all the inhabitants of this world, including 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113909 true! feudal warlord Oda Nobunaga, are women! Now Hideyoshi Ballet, Dancing, Family, Fantasy, Adventure finds herself on a quest to gather the pieces of the Crimson Casshern Sins: Complete Series 75min. Armor and help Nobunaga conquer the land! Universal Studios 26.02.2013 Anime, Comedy, Foreign, International TV, (Blu-ray + DVD Combo) (Blu-ray) Japanese, Adventure 325min. Casshern - a cybernetic assassin with no memory of his past 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114108 - awakens in a corrosive wasteland where nothing survives Section23 Films 26.02.2013 for long. A plague known as the Ruin sweeps across this Barbie In The Pink Shoes (Blu- 104,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113864 once-vibrant world, reducing everything in its path to rubble and scattering any chance for salvation. Robots and humans ray + DVD + Digital Copy + alike - or what little remains of them - seek vengeance against Ben 10: Destroy All Aliens Casshern for the life he took and the role he played in their UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) The biggest franchise in ’s history is taking Ruin. A machine built to kill, Casshern murdered the last hope Dance your way to a magical adventure with Barbie as Ben 10 to another level with the DVD release of the original for this world, but now, lost in a future he does not recognize, Kristyn, a ballerina with big dreams! When she tries on a pair CG animated movie Ben 10: Destroy All Aliens. This DVD he will fight to save the dying. of sparkling pink shoes, she and her best friend, Hailey, are includes the all-new movie plus over 2 hours of special Anime, Foreign, Giant Robots, International whisked away to a fantastical ballet world. There, Kristyn features with behind-the-scenes, original artwork, discovers she must dance in her favorite ballets in order to commentaries and more. In the movie ten-year-old Ben TV, Japanese, Robots / Androids, Science defeat an evil Snow Queen. With performances to the Tennyson is back from summer vacation. He jumps at the Fiction, Action 2008 600min. legendary Giselle and Swan Lake ballets, it’s a wonderful chance to go to the Total Alien immersion training program, but Funimation 05.02.2013 journey where if you dance with your heart, dreams come total immersion means he can never turn human again. Stuck true! in his alien form, Ben becomes the target of a new evil alien, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113929 Dancing, Family, Fantasy, Ballet, Adventure engaging in a deadly cross-world battle where nothing is as it seems. Complete your Ben 10 DVD collection with the Ben 10: Charlie Brown & Snoopy Show: 75min. Destroy All Aliens DVD. Universal Studios 26.02.2013 Action, Adventure, Cartoon Network, The Complete Series 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114121 Fantasy 68min. Your favorite Peanuts stories come to life in this animated

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 15 Newsletter 19/12 (Nr. 323) Dezember 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA television series. Adapted from the popular comic strip Celebrate 50 years of big fun, big friendships and everyone’s narrates and Robert Morse, and Paul Frees created and written by Charles M. Shultz, The Charlie Brown favorite big red dog in seven party-packed Clifford tales! provide character voices in a fanciful, tuneful and color- And Snoopy Show is no longer a cartoon relegated to Whether it’s working as a team to put on the Fall Carnival, splased tale. Stuffy the Rabbit is a cuddly toy who magically Saturday mornings of the past - now you can watch the gang finding the perfect gift for a birthday party, or building a float comes to life and journeys to Easter Valley, an enchanted anytime! With short sketches featuring these classic and for the Birdwell Parade, Clifford and his pals - Emily, Charley, realm where it’s always springtime, even though it’s not far much-loved characters, it’s easy to „have a party with Charlie Jetta and T-Bone - discover that always following your heart from Santa’s house. From there, the Bunny hopes to bring the Brown and Snoopy,“ as the theme song says. The Charlie and being yourself is the best way to be a BIG friend. Let’s first-ever basket of Easter goodies to children. But a cold- Brown And Snoopy Show originally aired in 1983 and 1985 get this party started! hearted ice creature named Zero refuses to allow such and was nominated for an Emmy Award in 1983. Family, Preschool 70min. happiness. If he has his way, he’ll freeze out Easter Animated Animals, Based On A Comic Strip, celebrations forever! Yogi the Easter Bear and his Lionsgate 05.02.2013 pal Boo-Boo live in Jellystone Park, where they constantly Comedy, Family 1983 min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113946 sneak behind the back of to steal picnic baskets Warner Bros. MOD 20.11.2012 from unsuspecting vacationers. In this Easter Special, the 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113948 Easter Bunny has been captured by some crooks w Curious George: Swings Into Family, Fantasy, Holidays, Triple Feature, Charlotte’s Web Spring Animated Animals min. Family, Fantasy, Animated Animals min. Warner Bros. 19.02.2013 Debbie Reynolds, Agnes Moorehead, Paul Universal Studios 12.03.2013 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114539 Lynde, Henry Gibson Based On The Children’s Classic By E.B. White. Miracles do 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114467 happen! E.B.White’s timeless children’s story comes to life in The First Easter Rabbit: Deluxe this colorful animated musical. You’ll laugh and sing along as Dr. Seuss’ Horton Hears A Who: Charlotte the Spider teaches Wilbur the Pig, Templeton the Edition (Repackage) Rat and the other barnyard animals lessons on friendship, Deluxe Collection (Repackage) Paul Frees, Robert Morse trust and love. Dr. Seuss’ classic of a jungle elephant named Horton teaches Did you know that without the help of Santa Clause, there Classics, Family 1973 94min. us what it means to be a true friend. Hearing a faint cry for might not be an Easter Bunny at all? That’s the sweetly Paramount 01.01.2013 help from a floating speck of dust, Horton finds a tiny planet of surprising story told in this animated family favorite from Whos living there. Though he can’t see them, he hears them Rankin/Bass productions that has enchanted generations. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114459 for sure - and puts his safety on the line for microscopic Academy Award winner Burl Ives narrates and Robert Morse, inhabitants. Thanks to Dr. Who-Vee and Horton, Whoville is Stan Freberg and Paul Frees provide character voices in a Charlotte’s Web 2: Wilbur’s Great saved and a lasting friendship is created. Dr. Seuss and fanciful, tuneful and color-splashed tale. Stuffy the Rabbit is a animation giant Chuck Jones reteamed after How the Grinch cuddly toy who magically comes to life and journeys to Easter Adventure Stole Christmas on this enchanting Peabody Award winner Valley, an enchanted realm where it’s always springtime, even Based on the characters in the book „Charlotte’s Web“ by with a message bridging generations: „A person is a person, though it’s not far from Santa’s house. From there, the Bunny E.B. White. One of the most beloved stories of all time no matter how small“. Through its characters, charming songs hopes to bring the first-ever basket of Easter goodies to continues with this heartwarming, music-filled adventure and tongue-twisting verse, Horton looms large as a family- children. But a cold-hearted ice creature named Zero refuses (based on the characters form the classic children’s book viewing treasure. to allow such happiness. If he has his way, he’ll freeze out Charlotte’s Web by E.B. White). With the colorful new Family, Animated Animals 1970 26min. Easter celebrations forever! characters, 4 brand new songs, and important messages about Warner Bros. 19.02.2013 Family, Holidays, Rankin / Bass, Animated friendship and individuality, Charlotte’s Web 2: Wilbur’s Animals 1976 25min. Great Adventure is timeless family entertainment. Wilbur the 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114544 pig knows how important friendship is-he learned that from a Warner Bros. 19.02.2013 spider named Charlotte. So when Wilbur meets Cardigan, a Dr. Seuss’ Horton Hears A Who: 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114552 lonely lamb, Wilbur immediately makes him his friend. Wilbur shows Cardigan the joys of farm life, and introduces him to Deluxe Collection (Repackage) three very special spiders-Nellie, Aranea and Joy- Frankenweenie Charlotte’s daughters. When farmer Zuckerman sudd (Blu-ray) Martin Landau, Martin Short, Winona Ryder, Family 2003 79min. Dr. Seuss’ classic of a jungle elephant named Horton teaches us what it means to be a true friend. Hearing a faint cry for Robert Capron Paramount 01.01.2013 help from a floating speck of dust, Horton finds a tiny planet of Comedy, Disney, Family, Horror, Monsters, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114461 Whos living there. Though he can’t see them, he hears them Animated Animals, Science Fiction, Stop for sure - and puts his safety on the line for microscopic inhabitants. Thanks to Dr. Who-Vee and Horton, Whoville is Motion Animation 2012 120min. Charlotte’s Web Collection saved and a lasting friendship is created. Dr. Seuss and Disney / Buena Vista 08.01.2013 Family, Adventure, Animated Animals min. animation giant Chuck Jones reteamed after How the Grinch 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114063 Stole Christmas on this enchanting Peabody Award winner Paramount 01.01.2013 with a message bridging generations: „A person is a person, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114462 no matter how small“. Through its characters, charming songs Frankenweenie (Blu-ray + DVD and tongue-twisting verse, Horton looms large as a family- viewing treasure. Combo) (Blu-ray) Chuggington: Safari Adventures Family, Animated Animals 1970 min. Martin Landau, Martin Short, Winona Ryder, Honk Your Horns For The Ultimate Safari Adventure! In these six episodes - plus a bonus Badge Quest episode - Koko Warner Bros. 19.02.2013 Robert Capron helps out a pack of playful squirrels, Brewster investigates 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114588 Comedy, Disney, Family, Horror, Monsters, banana thieves at the Safari Park, and Wilson hauls a Animated Animals, Science Fiction, Stop mischievous elephant to its new home. There’s monkey business with Zephie, a royal visitor for Mtambo and jungle Dora The Explorer: Dora’s Motion Animation 2012 87min. camouflage, too. With good friends and helpful adults like Butterfly Ball Disney / Buena Vista 08.01.2013 Puffer Pete, Eddie and Dunbar, your own little trainees will 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114066 learn all about problem solving, working together and being Soar with Dora in these 3 colorful high-flying adventures! patient with the animals, in this collection of fun-filled Safari Loop-de-loop with pretty magic wings at the Butterfly Ball, adventures! explore art, and catch a runaway kite on Father’s Day! Frankenweenie 3D (Blu-ray 3D + Computer Animation, Transportation 61min. ¡Vámonos! Adventure, Family, Nickelodeon, Preschool Blu-ray + DVD + Digital Copy) / Anchor Bay 12.02.2013 2012 69min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114075 (Blu-ray) Nickelodeon 12.02.2013 Martin Landau, Martin Short, Winona Ryder, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113784 Chuggington: Safari Adventures Robert Capron PLEASE NOTE: This title includes a Blu-ray 3D disc, which (With Toy Train) Dora The Explorer: Dora’s Easter is only compatible with 3D Blu-ray players and Playstation 3. Honk Your Horns For The Ultimate Safari Adventure! In these A standard Blu-ray is also included which will play on all six episodes - plus a bonus Badge Quest episode - Koko Collection (2 Pack) standard Blu-ray players. helps out a pack of playful squirrels, Brewster investigates Get ready for an Egg-Citing Easter Adventure as you help Science Fiction, Stop Motion Animation, banana thieves at the Safari Park, and Wilson hauls a Dora and Boots save the Hip-Hop-Bunny’s basket of eggs! Comedy, Disney, Family, Horror, Monsters, mischievous elephant to its new home. There’s monkey Plus, go on an Egg Hunt with Dora. Animated Animals 2012 87min. business with Zephie, a royal visitor for Mtambo and jungle 2 Packs, Family, Holidays, Nickelodeon, Disney / Buena Vista 08.01.2013 camouflage, too. With good friends and helpful adults like Preschool min. Puffer Pete, Eddie and Dunbar, your own little trainees will 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114067 learn all about problem solving, working together and being Nickelodeon 19.02.2013 patient with the animals, in this collection of fun-filled Safari 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114031 adventures! The Garfield Show: Spring Fun Computer Animation, Transportation 61min. Collection Starz / Anchor Bay 12.02.2013 Easter Fun Pack Includes The First Easter Rabbit Did you know that without Join Garfield and his friends as they have fun in this 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114076 the help of Santa Claus, there might not be an Easter Bunny at wonderful collection of spring episodes! all? That’s the sweetly surprising story told in this animated Animated Animals, Based On A Comic Strip, Clifford: Celebrate With Clilfford family favorite from Rankin-Bass Productions that has Christmas, Comedy, Computer Animation, enchanted generations. Academy Award winner Burl Ives

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 16 Newsletter 19/12 (Nr. 323) Dezember 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

Family 2011 72min. Times, Orange and the rest of the crew are dropped into wreak havoc, and Inuyasha is determined to stop them. But the Vivendi Visual Entertainment 19.02.2013 random adventures and forced to squeeze their way out. battle leads them all to the sacred and mysterious Mount Cartoon Network 2012 330min. Hakurei, where a barrier not only renders demons, including 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113823 Inuyasha, powerless, but also hides a terrible secret about Vivendi Visual Entertainment 12.03.2013 their worst enemy - Naraku! Disc 1: Disc 2: Disc 3: Disc 4: 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114143 Disc 5: Hanna-Barbera Christmas Anime, Fantasy, Foreign, Japanese, Classics Collection Hotel Transylvania (Blu-ray + DVD Science Fiction, Action, Adult Swim 2000 This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) min. a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players. A Viz Entertainment 29.01.2013 dog and a mouse head for the North Pole to deliver a lost , Fran Drescher, Selena letter. Hanna-Barbera superstars lend a helping hand to the 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114342 world’s friendliest ghost. The greediest boy in the world Gomez, Steve Buscemi, Kevin James, Da- discovers the magic of giving. What could three such different vid Spade, Andy Samberg tales have in common? Hanna-Barbera and Santa Claus, Welcome to Hotel Transylvania, Dracula’s lavish five-stake Inu-Yasha: Second Season Box that’s what! Hanna-Barbera assembled its mightiest talents of resort, where monsters and their families can live it up and no Set (Repackage) pen and voice to produce one of its first forays into prime-time humans are allowed. One special weekend, Dracula (Adam animated Christmas specials, A Christmas Story, the tale of Sandler) has invited all his best friends - Frankenstein and Together with their friend Miroku, Shippo, Sango and Kirara, Goober and Gumdrop’s quest to save Christmas for one little his wife, the Mummy, the Invisible Man, the Werewolf family, Inuyasha and Kagome continue their search for the shards of boy. Dick Van Dyke narrates The Town That Santa Forgot, and more - to celebrate his beloved daughter Mavis’s (Selena the Sacred Jewel. Their task, however, is not made any based on Charmaine Severson’s beloved poem „Jeremy Gomez) 118th birthday. For Dracula catering to all of these easier by Naraku, who continually seems to be inventing Creek“ about the confusion created by a gargantuan wish list. legendary monsters is no problem but the party really starts newer and more dangerous ways to thwart them. Adventure Casper’s First Christmas sees Casper facing a Christmas when one ordinary guy stumbles into the hotel and changes and romance, demons and fantasy - come enter the world of Eve eviction when he receives holiday help from the likes of everything! Inuyasha in the second exciting season. Yogi Bear, Boo-Boo, Huckleberry Hound, , Quick Vampires, Comedy, Computer Animation, Anime, Fantasy, Feudal Japan, Japanese, Draw McGraw, Augie Doggie and Doggie Daddy. Dracula, Family, Fantasy, Monsters 2012 Science Fiction, Action, Adult Swim 2002 Christmas, Family, Ghosts, Holidays 72min. 91min. min. Warner Bros. MOD 30.08.2012 Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Viz Entertainment 29.01.2013 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113936 29.01.2013 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114340 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113978 Happy Feet / Happy Feet Two Inu-Yasha: Seventh Season Box (Double Feature) (Blu-ray) Hotel Transylvania (DVD + Set (Repackage) Elijah Wood, Anthony LaPaglia, Nicole UltraViolet) The story of the priestess Kikyo and half-demon Inuyasha Kidman, Brittany Murphy, Magda Szubanski, ended in tragedy. Will Inuyasha and Kagome’s story have a Adam Sandler, Fran Drescher, Selena Robin Williams, Hugh Jackman, Hugo happier ending? Each battle draws the group closer to their Gomez, Steve Buscemi, Kevin James, Da- ultimate goal - the border of the afterlife and the final shard of Weaving, Steve Irwin vid Spade, Andy Samberg the Shikon Jewel, but the last stage of their journey is the Comedy, Computer Animation, Dancing, most difficult of all. In their final battle with Naraku, will the Welcome to Hotel Transylvania, Dracula’s lavish five-stake bond between Kagome and Inuyasha prove strong enough to Double Features, Family, Academy Award resort, where monsters and their families can live it up and no vanquish him at last? Winners, Adventure, Animated Animals min. humans are allowed. One special weekend, Dracula (Adam Sandler) has invited all his best friends - Frankenstein and Anime, Fantasy, Feudal Japan, Foreign, Warner Bros. 12.03.2013 his wife, the Mummy, the Invisible Man, the Werewolf family, Japanese, Science Fiction, Action, Adult 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114195 and more - to celebrate his beloved daughter Mavis’s (Selena Swim 500min. Gomez) 118th birthday. For Dracula catering to all of these legendary monsters is no problem but the party really starts Viz Entertainment 29.01.2013 Hats Off To Dr. Seuss: Collector’s when one ordinary guy stumbles into the hotel and changes 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114344 Edition everything! Comedy, Computer Animation, Dracula, 2013 will see the continuation of celebrating Dr. Seuss with Inu-Yasha: Sixth Season Box Set the theme Hats Off to Dr. Seuss, a year long celebration of Family, Fantasy, Monsters, Vampires 2012 the 75th Anniversary of The 500 Hats of Bartholomew 91min. (Repackage) Cubbins Sony Pictures Home Entertainment As if battling demons and searching for the Sacred Jewel Animated Animals, Christmas, Collections, shards weren’t tough enough, Kagome also faces the battles 29.01.2013 Family, Fantasy, Holidays 132min. of a very modern-day student, like preparing for a school 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113970 festival and a love scene in the class play! But demons wait Warner Bros. 19.02.2013 for no one, and soon Kagome is back in the past, encountering 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113771 demon women that test the bond between Miroku and Sango, a Hotel Transylvania 3D (Blu-ray 3D woman mysteriously in love with Inuyasha’s brother Sesshomaru, and an ancestor of the boy with a crush on Hats Off To Dr. Seuss: Collector’s + Blu-ray + DVD + UltraViolet) Kagome in the present day! Includes Special Footage about (Blu-ray) the Japanese myths and folklore that inspire the world of Edition (Blu-ray) Inuyasha. 2013 will see the continuation of celebrating Dr. Seuss with Adam Sandler, Fran Drescher, Selena Anime, Fantasy, Feudal Japan, Foreign, the theme Hats Off to Dr. Seuss, a year long celebration of Gomez, Steve Buscemi, Kevin James, Da- the 75th Anniversary of The 500 Hats of Bartholomew Japanese, Science Fiction, Action, Adult Cubbins. Films Include: vid Spade, Andy Samberg Swim min. PLEASE NOTE: This title includes a Blu-ray 3D disc, which Animated Animals, Christmas, Collections, is only compatible with 3D Blu-ray players and Playstation 3. Viz Entertainment 29.01.2013 Family, Fantasy, Holidays 132min. A standard Blu-ray is also included which will play on all 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114343 Warner Bros. 19.02.2013 standard Blu-ray players. Welcome to Hotel Transylvania, Dracula’s lavish five-stake resort, where monsters and their 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113779 families can live it up and no humans are allowed. One special Inu-Yasha: The Movie - The weekend, Dracula (Adam Sandler) has invited all his best Complete Collection (Blu-ray) The High Fructose Adventures Of friends - Frankenstein and his wife, the Mummy, the Invisible Man, the Werewolf family, and more - to celebrate his beloved In a mystical version of feudal-era Japan, modern-day Annoying Orange: Escape From daughter Mavis’s (Selena Gomez) 118th birthday. For Dracula schoolgirl Kagome and half-demon Inuyasha are drawn catering to all of these legendary monsters is no problem but together across time to protect a land ravaged by demons! In The Kitchen the party really starts when one ordinary guy stumbles into these four feature films, our heroes take on new challenges The High Fructose Adventures of Annoying Orange follows the hotel and changes everything! and strange foes. With their crew of demon-slaying friends, YouTube sensation Annoying Orange along with his band of Vampires, Comedy, Computer Animation, Kagome and Inuyasha face the adventures of their lives! Anime, Action, Science Fiction, Fantasy, produce buddies as they navigate the time-space continuum in Dracula, Family, Fantasy, Monsters 2012 their magical fruit cart. From Prehistoric Era to Colonial Feudal Japan, Foreign, Japanese 380min. 91min. Times, Orange and the rest of the crew are dropped into Viz Entertainment 26.03.2013 random adventures and forced to squeeze their way out. Sony Pictures Home Entertainment 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114589 Cartoon Network 2012 110min. 29.01.2013 Vivendi Visual Entertainment 12.03.2013 84,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113977 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114142 Inu-Yasha: Third Season Box Set Inu-Yasha: Fifth Season Box Set (Repackage) The High Fructose Adventures Of Kagome lives a double life as present-day schoolgirl and (Repackage) feudal-era demon-slayer. Together with half-demon Inuyasha Annoying Orange: Season One Half-demon Inuyasha, modern-day schoolgirl Kagome and and friends, she continues the quest to collect the shards of The High Fructose Adventures of Annoying Orange follows their companions face their deepest fears and worst the Sacred Jewel. With the threat of archenemy Naraku YouTube sensation Annoying Orange along with his band of nightmares as their quest to find the Sacred Jewel shards lurking at every turn, our heroes must face an array of foes, produce buddies as they navigate the time-space continuum in continues. The deadly Band of Seven, a group of mercenaries including a jealous dark priestess, an evil mountain sage, their magical fruit cart. From Prehistoric Era to Colonial executed for their crimes, have returned from the dead to giant ogres, and deadly traps. Come join the adventure in the

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 17 Newsletter 19/12 (Nr. 323) Dezember 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA thrilling third season of Inu-Yasha. Includes 27 Episodes. Graham Chapman snobby debutantes don’t think Yumi is worthy of Sachiko’s Anime, Fantasy, Feudal Japan, Foreign, Virgil Films is proud to announce the release of A Liar’s affection and they’re out to make this summer one she’ll Japanese, Action, Adult Swim, Adventure Autobiography: The Untrue Story of Monty Python’s Graham regret. Anime, Comedy, Foreign, International TV, 2000 675min. Chapman coming this February on DVD. Yes, it’s Monty Python making a resurgence (Nudge Nudge Wink Wink) or at Japanese, Romance 225min. Viz Entertainment 29.01.2013 least it is in this animated retelling of Graham Chapman’s life Bayview Entertainment 22.01.2013 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114341 with the aid of his fellow Monty Pythons. British, Comedy, Foreign 2012 85min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113791 It’s The Easter Beagle, Charlie Virgil Films And Entertainment 12.02.2013 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113893 Marvel Blade: Animated Series - Brown: Deluxe Edition Volume 1 (Repackage) Listen To Me, Girls. I Am Your Based On Comic Book, Family, Revenge, The characters prepare for Easter morning, when, according to Linus, the „Easter Beagle“ will arrive and hand out Easter Father!: The Complete Collection Science Fiction, Superheroes, Action, eggs to everybody. Nobody believes him, and they all go on Whoever said little girls grow up in the most delightful ways Adventure 141min. their way. Lucy schemes to find all the eggs in the annual wasn’t Yuta Segawa! But since his sister Yuri raised Yuta by Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Easter Egg Hunt by planting all the eggs and recording their herself after their own parents’ deaths, what kind of brother positions; Peppermint Patty and Marcie try to make Easter would Yuta be if he didn’t take in her three children when Yuri 26.02.2013 eggs, but Marcie instead fries, roasts, toasts, waffles, and and her husband disappear? Of course, the fact that Yuta’s a 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114446 finally makes soup from them. Fortunately for everybody nineteen year old college student, living in a tiny apartment, (except Charlie Brown and Lucy), the Easter Beagle (played with three girls, two of whom aren’t related by blood, is bound by Snoopy) arrives and hands out eggs (the ones Lucy to cause some issues. Especially when the eldest girl, Sora, Marvel Blade: Animated Series - planted for the egg hunt) to everyone. He runs out of eggs, so is harboring a secret crush on him and would be quite happy if Volume 2 he gives Charlie Brown the basket. Yuta’s social life revolved around the ‘family,’ while middle Animated Animals, Based On A Comic Strip, sister Miu is starting to make noises about ‘older men’ as Based On Comic Book, Family, Revenge, well. Did we mention that it’s a really, REALLY small Science Fiction, Superheroes, Action, Family, Holidays 1974 25min. apartment? Add Raika, the girl Yuta actually likes, as a Warner Bros. 19.02.2013 smoldering fuse and the question isn’t IF Yuta’s home sweet Adventure 141min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114547 home is a powderkeg, but rather one of when it’s going to Sony Pictures Home Entertainment explode and how often! Some family ties bind, others may need 26.02.2013 restraining orders in Listen To Me, Girls. I Am Your Father! 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114447 Kamisama Dolls: The Complete Anime, Comedy, Foreign, International TV, Japanese, Romance 325min. Collection Marvel Wolverine: Animated When Kyohei Kuga moves to to escape the strictures of Section23 Films 05.02.2013 life in a small town, he thinks he’s left his old life behind. But 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113853 Series - Volume 1 when he discovers a bloody corpse, he also discovers that the past isn’t so easily left behind. Especially when the past Based On Comic Book, Family, Fantasy, is as unusual as Kyohei’s. You see, back in his home town, The Lorax: Deluxe Edition Science Fiction, Superheroes, Action Kyohei was a „seki“ - an individual able to control „kakashi,“ 142min. ancient wooden „gods“ capable of incredible feats, with his (Repackage) mind. And now it seems that there’s a kakashi loose in Tokyo, In a place where the Brown Bar-ba-loots frisk about and the Sony Pictures Home Entertainment and it just may be up to Kyohei to stop it and its seki. Humming-Fish splash around, you will find the Lorax. The 26.02.2013 Action, Anime, Comedy, Foreign, Internatio- Lorax speaks for the trees, which the Once-ler is chopping 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114448 down as fast as he pleases. Will the Once-ler change his nal TV, Japanese 325min. destructive ways and heed the wise warnings of the Lorax? Section23 Films 19.02.2013 With the help of a young boy and the very last Truffula Tree Marvel Wolverine: Animated 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113856 seed, the Once-ler may still be able to right his wrongdoings. Share in this newly remastered Dr. Seuss tale that teaches us Series - Volume 2 all to appreciate and respect the world we live in! Based On Comic Book, Family, Fantasy, Kamisama Dolls: The Complete Environmental, Family, Preschool 1972 Science Fiction, Superheroes, Action Collection (Blu-ray) 25min. 142min. When Kyohei Kuga moves to Tokyo to escape the strictures of Warner Bros. 19.02.2013 Sony Pictures Home Entertainment life in a small town, he thinks he’s left his old life behind. But 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114546 when he discovers a bloody corpse, he also discovers that 26.02.2013 the past isn’t so easily left behind. Especially when the past 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114449 is as unusual as Kyohei’s. You see, back in his home town, The Lorax: Deluxe Edition Kyohei was a „seki“ - an individual able to control „kakashi,“ ancient wooden „gods“ capable of incredible feats, with his (Repackage) (Blu-ray) Max & Ruby: A Bunny For Every mind. And now it seems that there’s a kakashi loose in Tokyo, In a place where the Brown Bar-ba-loots frisk about and the Season Collection and it just may be up to Kyohei to stop it and its seki. Humming-Fish splash around, you will find the Lorax. The Anime, Comedy, Foreign, International TV, Lorax speaks for the trees, which the Once-ler is chopping Animated Animals, Collections, Nickelodeon down as fast as he pleases. Will the Once-ler change his 392min. Japanese, Action 325min. destructive ways and heed the wise warnings of the Lorax? Section23 Films 19.02.2013 With the help of a young boy and the very last Truffula Tree Nickelodeon 12.03.2013 104,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113863 seed, the Once-ler may still be able to right his wrongdoings. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114265 Share in this newly remastered Dr. Seuss tale that teaches us all to appreciate and respect the world we live in! Letter Bee: Collection Two Environmental, Family, Preschool 1972 Winsor McKay: The Editi- Now that he has Niche and her pet Steak to watch his back 25min. on against attacks by the giant insects known as Gaichuu, Lag Warner Bros. 19.02.2013 Winsor McCay was the first master of animation and one of Seeing’s job as a Letter Bee should be getting easier. But its greatest and most influential artists. His films joyous, something’s clearly not right in the land of perpetual twilight, 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114590 hilarious and beautiful continue to delight and astonish and instead every new delivery they undertake seems to audiences today. - Milestone’s Winsor McCay: involve new complications and introduce even greater Madly Madagascar Edition features brand-new digital transfers of every dangers to Lag’s already lethal profession. Meanwhile, Lag’s surviving film by this cinema pioneer with lovely scores search for his mentor Gauche seems to be going in circles, Your favorite Madagascar pals are back in an all-new by famed Gabriel Thibaudeau. but when a sinister researcher known as the Corpse Doctor adventure! Alex’s favorite holiday, Valentine’s Day, brings kidnaps Steak with the intent of dissecting him, a new series hilarious surprises and excitement for the entire gang. Short Film Collections min. of revelations sends Lag and Niche in an entirely new Melman plans a big surprise for Gloria, Marty tries to impress Milestone Film & Video 01.06.2004 direction. Saving Steak from the butcher’s knife, stamping the a new friend and everyone wants to get their hands on King 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114317 ambitions of a rival organization of letter carriers and Julien’s love potion. You’ll fall in LOVE with Madly escalating waves of Gaichuu attacks are only the beginning of Madagascar! the action as everything goes postal in Letter Bee: Collection Comedy, Computer Animation, Family, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse: The 2! Holidays, Jungle, Short Film Collections, Adventure, Anime, Fantasy, Foreign, Inter- Wizard Of Dizz Adventure, Animated Animals 22min. national TV, Japanese 300min. Adventure, Animated Animals, Computer 20th Century Fox 29.01.2013 Section23 Films 19.02.2013 Animation, Disney, Family, Fantasy, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114509 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113857 Preschool 120min. Disney / Buena Vista 05.02.2013 A Liar’s Autobiography: The Maria Watches Over Us: Season 3 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113851 Summer has arrived, and the students of Lillian Girls’ Untrue Story Of Monty Python’s Academy are on break! Yumi and Sachiko head out to the Ogasawara family’s summer home, but what was supposed to Monster High: Friday Night Graham Chapman be a relaxing vacation takes a turn for the worse when some Frights / Why Do Ghouls Fall In of Schiko’s old acquaintances drop by for tea. These rich and

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 18 Newsletter 19/12 (Nr. 323) Dezember 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

Love? (Double Feature) they team up to thwart Dr. Doofenshmirtz and his dastardly Cartoon Network, Comedy, Adventure, „Inators.“ Be they furry or feathered, scaly or slimy, these The Monster High ghouls are back in a freaky, fabulous fearless agents roll over for nobody when it comes to Animated Animals 176min. double feature that’s simply to-die-for! When the boys can’t crushing evil in the Tri-State Area and beyond. Fully loaded Warner Bros. 05.03.2013 compete in the Skulltimate Roller Maze Championships, with over two hours of animal-themed adventures, including 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114540 Frankie Stein convinces her friends that some „ghoul power“ the exciting two-part Phineas And Ferb cliffhanger Where’s is needed to save the day in the creeptastic, all-new movie, Perry?, this fun-filled, action-packed laughfest will drive you Friday Night Frights. Then, as the epic Sweet 1600th of wild! Go Wild Draculara approaches, she’s got two crush-worthy guys out to steal her heart (literally) before the big event in the new- Comedy, Disney, Disney Channel, Family, Bruce Willis, Tim Curry, Danielle Harris, to-DVD movie Why Do Ghouls Fall in Love? Get double the Adventure, Animated Animals 120min. Lacey Chabert, Nancy Cartwright, Cheryl dose of ghoul school with these two, fangtastically fabulous Disney / Buena Vista 26.02.2013 adventures - tricked-out with skullastic style and Chase, spooktacular laughs! 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114489 „Fantastic! Maybe the Best Rugrats Adventure Ever.“ - Jim Ferguson, FOX-TV. The Rugrats family vacation takes an Double Features, Family, Ghosts, High exotic detour when their boat capsizes and they become School min. Pokemon: Black And White - shipwrecked on a deserted tropical island. With the jungle as Universal Studios 05.02.2013 Volume 3 their new backyard, the babies race wildly from one dangerous adventure to the next... soon to discover that 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113942 Anime, Based On Video Game, Fantasy, someone else is on the island. It’s the Wild Thornberrys... on Foreign, International TV, Japanese min. an island adventure of their own! When these two families get Monster Truck Adventures: together, the excitement really starts! Nigel thinks he’s three, Viz Entertainment 19.03.2013 the babies get trapped in a perilous jam and must be rescued Picking Up Speed 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114175 and SPIKE SPEAKS! (Featuring Bruce Willis as the voice of Spike.) Do the Rugrats ever get off the island? Will the Family, Religion/Spirituality, Transportation babies be saved? Will Nigel ever grow up? Watch this zany 90min. Qwaser Of Stigmata: Collection family film and find out the answers as the Rugrats take off on E1 Entertainment 15.01.2013 Two one „Wild“ adventure! 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113995 The relationship between a Qwaser and his Maria, the woman Comedy, Family 2003 min. who provides him with the sustaining soma that he needs to Paramount 01.01.2013 fuel his elemental powers, is already a strange and twisted 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114404 Monster Truck Adventures: one, but as the battle for the High Circuit escalates to a Straight To The Finish insane crescendo, a completely unexpected question arises: Can exposure to beings with superpowers actually be Rugrats In : The Movie Family, Religion/Spirituality, Transportation contagious? The answer could prove deadly as Miyuri goes Nickelodeon, Family 2000 min. 90min. through a most unexpected transformation! Meanwhile, Paramount 01.01.2013 E1 Entertainment 15.01.2013 Mafuyu finds herself even more conflicted over her relationship with Sasha as he slowly recovers from his 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114522 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113996 strange amnesia, while Elizabeth fears having to choose between Shin’ichiro and her friends. As new waves of adepts New Fist Of The North Star: attack, the milk of human kindness alone won’t be enough to Rugrats: The Movie nip tragedy in the bud, and the survival of each pairing may Christine Cavanaugh Complete Collection ultimately depend upon the courage within each maiden’s breast! Disaster looms as the seal is breeched and the With the addition of Tommy’s new baby brother Dylan, the He’s mad as hell...and heads are going to blow! A twist on the lightning of the gods escapes the bottle at last in Qwaswe Of Rugrats embark on their biggest adventure ever. They classic favorite that begins in the aftermath of the great Stigmata: Collection 2! commandeer the Reptar Wagon, leaving their backyard for a apocalypse. Across the barren Earth, chaos is the rule and rollicking musical journey. Featuring the voices of Whoopi order the exception with bandits and enterprising overlords Action, Anime, Drama, Foreign, Internatio- Goldberg, David Spade and Tim Curry, and songs by No terrorizing the survivors of the holocaust. Will a hero rise nal TV, Japanese 300min. Doubt, Elvis Costello, Lisa Loeb, Busta Rhymes and Beck. from the ashes and cut a swath of justice across the Earth’s Section23 Films 26.02.2013 Family, Nickelodeon 1998 min. ruined landscape?! 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113859 Paramount 01.01.2013 Anime, Apocalyptic Future, Foreign, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114523 Japanese, , Science Fiction, Action 2004 175min. Rankin/Bass TV Holiday Favorites Section23 Films 12.02.2013 Collection Scooby-Doo And The Legend Of 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113854 Walter Matthau, Peggy Cass, Art Carney, The Vampire (Blu-ray) Tom Bosley, Alan King, Greer Garson, Zero All-new outback adventure!. Music, mystery and a legendary Australian vampire are all part of the mix as Scooby-Doo goes Peter Pan: Diamond Edition (Blu- Mostel Down Under for a hair-raising adventure in this all-new ray + DVD + Digital Copy) (Blu- This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using Scooby-Doo movie! On vacation in , Scooby-Doo and a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players. the Mystery, Inc. gang attend a music festival held at Vampire ray) Four family classics from the studio that helped make the Rock. But the music goes flat when the gang learns that a holidays magic! Includes The Little Drummer Boy Book II legendary Australian creature called the Yowie Yahoo is Bobby Driscoll, Paul Collins Starting where the original left off, Book II sends Aaron, the kidnapping the musical acts and turning them into vampires! Disney, Family, Fantasy, Adventure 1953 little drummer boy, off on a quest to aid Simeon, crafter of the Masquerading as a heavy metal band, Scooby-Doo and the 77min. silver bells. With Greer Garson and Zero Mostel. The gang must survive a trio of rock-and-roll vampires if they Stingiest Man in Town Rankin/Bass departs from its usual want to crack the outlandish Outback mystery surrounding the Disney / Buena Vista 05.02.2013 stop-motion „Animagic“ process for this line animation Legend of the Vampire! 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114224 adaptation of Dicken’s A Christmas Carol. With Walter Matthau, and Tom Bosley. Pinocchio’s Christmas After Fox Vampires, Family, Mystery 2003 72min. tricks him out of a gift for Geppetto, Pinocchio sets out on an Warner Bros. 12.03.2013 Peter Pan: Diamond Edition (Blu- adventure to reclaim Christmas. Along the way he meets up 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114057 with a beautiful marionette and a jolly old man in a flying ray + DVD Combo) (Blu-ray) sleigh. With Alan King. The Leprechaun’s Christmas Gold A Bobby Driscoll, Paul Collins sailor and a leprechaun join forces to reclaim the Christmas Scooby-Doo And The Loch Ness gold after a wailing banshee makes off with it, thanks to the Disney, Family, Fantasy, Adventure 1953 sailor’s blunder. With Art Carney and Peggy Cass. Monster (Blu-ray) 77min. Musical, Short Film Collections, Stop Motion Mindy Cohn, , Grey Delisle, Disney / Buena Vista 05.02.2013 Animation, TV Movies, Christmas, 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114223 Collections, Family, Fantasy, Holidays Jinkies! Scooby-Doo, Shaggy and the Mystery, Inc. crew travel to Scotland on vacation and fine themselves 148min. unexpectedly tackling their biggest monstrosity ever: the Loch Peter Pan: Diamond Edition (DVD Warner Bros. MOD 30.08.2012 Ness Monster. Does it really exist? Early evidence suggests + Blu-ray Combo) (Blu-ray) 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113937 a scary „yes“ when something gigantic appears outside the window of Daphne’s ancestral family castle. Will Scooby-Doo Bobby Driscoll, Paul Collins and crew solve one of history’s longest-running mysteries? 1953 77min. Regular Show: Party Pack Keep your paws crossed as this Highland Fling treats you to Disney / Buena Vista 05.02.2013 Cartoon Network’s hit animated comedy series Regular Show hilarious Scooby-Doo shenanigans, nail-biting chases and is anything but regular and fans keep asking for more. monstrous thrills! 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114205 Regular Show: Party Pack DVD features 16 episodes from 3 Family, Mystery, Adventure 2004 74min. hilarious seasons. The Emmy nominated hit comedy Warner Bros. 12.03.2013 Phineas And Ferb: Animal Agents (Outstanding Animated Program) is part of the popular Monday night line-up on Cartoon Network along with the hit 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114058 How well do you really know your pet... or ANY animal? show . Regular Show: Party Pack features Behind a cute and/or cuddly exterior there may lurk a cunning Mordecai and Rigby along with their friends Pops, Muscle Scooby-Doo And The Monster Of crime-fighter with a brown fedora, a top-secret identity and a man, Skips and Benson laughing, having fun and even singing license to thrill! Meet the heroic Animal Agents of the karaoke. Make your next party a party to remember with the (Blu-ray) O.W.C.A. (Organization Without A Cool Acronym). Join Perry Regular Show: Party Pack DVD. the Platypus - AKA Agent P - and his fellow operatives as Scooby-Doo and the Mystery, Inc gang are in for a creepy

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 19 Newsletter 19/12 (Nr. 323) Dezember 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA encounter with a monstrous monster from Mexico in this business knowledge to everyday adventures and ultimately domination, must brave the mysterious Phantom mucho spooky, all-new Scooby-Doo movie! The gang heads learn that the best investment they can make is in themselves. Zone to find the strength to survive this deadly showdown. south of the border for some well-earned rest and relaxation, Family 132min. Science Fiction, Superheroes, Action, but there’s trouble in the town of Veracruz, where tourists are being frightened away by a terrifying creature who is ten feet Vivendi Visual Entertainment 19.03.2013 Adventure 75min. tall, with huge, green-glowing eyes! When Scooby-Doo and 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114150 Warner Bros. 12.03.2013 the gang discover that their friend may have to sell his hotel 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114056 because of the creature, things get even more mysterious. Scooby-Doo, Shaggy and the gang must then tangle with Slugterra: Volume One everything from giant feathered serpents to ghoulish ghosts, Slugterra is an epic sci-fi comedy adventure set deep Tales Of The Night as they race to solve this Mexican mystery before the underground, where the ammo’s alive and only the quick From the imagination of internationally renowned animator creature of Veracruz can strike again! survive! Follow our hero Eli Shane, his gang, and his best Michel Ocelot (Kirikou and the Sorceress, Azur & Asmar) TV Movies, Mystery, Animated Animals, slug buddy Burpy as they adventure in a luminous high-tech comes a magical and visually stunning new film, delighting Family, Monsters 2003 75min. world beneath our feet. Every cavern holds a new adventure, kids, families and animation fans of all ages. Silhouetted new battle and magical little slugs to be discovered! characters are set off against exquisitely detailed Day-Glo Warner Bros. 12.03.2013 Adventure, Comedy, Family, Magic, Science backgrounds bursting with color and kaleidoscopic patterns, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114059 Fiction min. as the film weaves together six exotic fables each unfolding in a unique locale, from Tibet, to medieval Europe, and even the Shout Factory 12.02.2013 Land of the Dead. In Ocelot’s celebrated storytelling, history Scooby-Doo And The Samurai 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114050 blends with fairytale as viewers are whisked off to visit Sword (Blu-ray) enchanted lands full of dragons, shape-shifting werewolves, captive princesses, and enormous talking bees - and each Career slackers Scooby-Doo and Shaggy must put the „Chi“ : Bigger, Longer & fable ends with its own ironic twist. in „munchie“ to solve the ultimate martial-arts mystery! The Mystery Inc. crew travels the globe on a transcontinental Uncut Family, Fantasy, Foreign, French 2011 min. treasure hunt to solve a series of ancient riddles. They’re Stan, Kyle, Kenny, and Cartman sneak into an R-rated movie New Video DVD 29.01.2013 racing against the vengeful Black Samurai and his special and it warps their fragile little minds. Soon their indignant 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114102 Ghost Warriors to claim the ancient Sword of Fate, a blade parents declare war on and our young heroes are fabled to possess amazing powers. Along the way, Scooby- America’s last hope to stop Armageddon. Doo and Shaggy are indoctrinated by an unlikely Sword Comedy 1999 min. Tales Of The Night (Blu-ray + DVD Master who teaches them Bushido, the way of the Samurai. Their emerging skills are quickly tested by an unstoppable Paramount 01.01.2013 Combo) (Blu-ray) army of robot ninjas. And in the end, our harried heroes 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114564 Family, Fantasy, Foreign, French 2011 min. discover that Bushido, emphasizing loyalty, honor and courage, holds the key to the mystery. New Video DVD 29.01.2013 Mystery, TV Movies, Comedy, Animated SpongeBob SquarePants: The 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114119 Animals 74min. Complete Eighth Season Warner Bros. 12.03.2013 Tom Kenny, Bill Fagerbakke Team America: World Police 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114060 Join SpongeBob and his friends with the complete Eighth Team America, a global police force whose mission is to save Season! the world at any cost, sets out to stop an evil dictator who’s Comedy, Family, Nickelodeon, Adventure selling weapons of mass destruction. Scooby-Doo!: Mask Of The Blue 2011 572min. Puppets, Special Forces, Adventure, Falcon Nickelodeon 12.03.2013 Comedy 2004 min. The Mega Mondo Pop Cartoon-a-Con in sunny 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114266 Paramount 01.01.2013 marks the spot for mystery in this all-new original Scooby- 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114581 Doo adventure! Herculoids, Frankenstein Jr. and are just a few of the celebrated comic book characters Stone Soup... And Other Stories headlining at the unconventional convention, plus there’s a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: megabucks movie premiere starring Scooby-Doo and From Asian Tradition Shaggy’s all-time favorite super heroes, Blue Falcon and Boxed Sets, Family min. Rise Of The Turtles Dynomutt! So when the gruesome villain Mr. Hyde unleashes Emerging from their hidden lair in the sewers for the very first monster bats, howling hounds and sinister slime upon the Scholastic 15.01.2013 time, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles are ready to explore festivities, it’s time for Mystery Incorporated to follow the 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114103 the hostile streets of NYC. Join these four super dudes - clues and set their monster traps. But it’s the pizza-snacking, Leonardo, Donatello, Raphael, and Michelangelo - as they super-powered tag team of Shaggy and Scooby-Doo who tap face enemies more dangerous, and taste pizza more delicious, into their inner super hero to prevent the entire event from Stories About African American than anything they could have imagined! being smothered in ghoulish green goo! Like, right on, Dog Heritage Nickelodeon, Science Fiction, TV Movies, Wonder! Based On Comic Book, Comedy, Martial Comedy, Family, Adventure, Animated Perfect for celebrating Black History Month in February and learning all year about African-American culture and tradition, Arts, Action, Adventure, Animated Animals Animals 78min. Scholastic presents thirteen stories on a 3-DVD set! Included 2012 145min. Warner Bros. 26.02.2013 in the set are the favorites Why Mosquitoes Buzz in People’s Nickelodeon 26.02.2013 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113848 Ears, Duke Ellington, Ella Fitzgerald: The Tale of Vocal Virtuosa, March On, Martin’s Big Words, and more! 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114032 Family, Americana min. Scooby-Doo!: Mask Of The Blue Scholastic 15.01.2013 Thomas & Friends: Full Steam 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114104 Falcon (Blu-ray + DVD + Ahead Gift Set UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Includes Thomas & Friends: Team Up With Thomas The Mega Mondo Pop Cartoon-a-Con in sunny California Strawberry Shortcake: Berry Everyone’s favorite true blue engine, Thomas, is back with marks the spot for mystery in this all-new original Scooby- Friends Forever friends old and new in four fun adventures on the Island of Doo adventure! Herculoids, Frankenstein Jr. and Space Sodor in Thomas & Friends: Team Up With Thomas. This DVD Ghost are just a few of the celebrated comic book characters Life in Berry Bitty City is always better when Strawberry and is enhanced with CG animation and a live-action host, Mr. headlining at the unconventional convention, plus there’s a her friends try their berry best! Princess Berrykin decides to Arkwright, who welcomes viewers with a smile and a fun megabucks movie premiere starring Scooby-Doo and bring back an old tradition, and Blueberry spends so much project for Lady Hatt’s grandchildren. Thomas, Edward, Toby, Shaggy’s all-time favorite super heroes, Blue Falcon and time worrying about manners that she forgets what’s really James and the rest of the engines introduce young engineers Dynomutt! So when the gruesome villain Mr. Hyde unleashes important. When a Good Citizens Club is formed, Plum learns to Hank, a big, strong, new engine, and Flora, a lovely new monster bats, howling hounds and sinister slime upon the that fitting in with others is fine, as long as she follows her lady steam engine. Together, they take us along on their tasks festivities, it’s time for Mystery Incorporated to follow the heart. Lemon and Raspberry work together to clean up a around the island. Be careful: trouble may lie around the next clues and set their monster traps. But it’s the pizza-snacking, playground, and soon see the berrytastic value of teamwork. bend. But one thing’s for certain - you’ll always come home super-powered tag team of Shaggy and Scooby-Doo who tap Strawberry helps out the Postmaster Bee, who shows her the with a brand new friend! Thomas & Friends: Wobbly Wheels into their inner super hero to prevent the entire event from value of honest effort. It’s friendship and helping hands to the & Whistles Travel along with Thomas for a wonderfully being smothered in ghoulish green goo! Like, right on, Dog rescue in these sweet, fun-filled adventures! wobbly and wheel-spinning good time! The No. 1 blue engine Wonder! Family, Friendships, girl power 88min. has bridges to cross and tracks to uncover in these exciting Comedy, Family, Adventure, Animated 20th Century Fox 05.03.2013 adventures. When Victor gets overloaded with too many tasks, can Thomas help him let out steam? And while trying to Animals 78min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114122 get Scruff as clean as a whistle, will Thomas have to Warner Bros. 26.02.2013 Boxed Sets, Family, Stop Motion Animation, 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113862 Superman: Brainiac Attacks - Ori- Transportation min. ginal Movie (Blu-ray) Lionsgate 19.02.2013 Secret Millionaries Club: Volume Embittered by Superman’s heroic successes and soaring 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114518 One popularity, Lex Luthor forms a dangerous alliance with the powerful computer/villain Brainiac. Using advanced weaponry When friends Radley, Elena, Jones & Lisa find out their and a special strain of Kryptonite harvested from the far Thomas & Friends: Go Go Tho- school has lost funding for their favorite activities (music, reaches of outer space, Luthor specifically redesigns mas field trips, etc) they call on financial mogul Warren Buffet for Brainaic to defeat the Man of Steel. But when Brainiac help. With Warren as their mentor, the kids apply basic betrays Luthor and reveals his sinister plans for world Thomas and his friends are charged up and ready to Go, Go!

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Thomas shows Gordon that being quick is as useful as being Waiting In The Summer: The 28 Hotel Rooms strong, while Flynn the fire engine learns to put his pride aside and race to the rescue. Thomas causes some trouble on Complete Collection Marin Ireland, Chris Messina the tracks trying to be a engine for a new photographer, When a group of friends decide to make a movie over a long In this sexy, surprising romance, a man and a woman meet while Spencer’s on the move, ignoring warnings about summer holiday, they end up learning a little about filmmaking each other in a hotel while they are both traveling on electric engine Stafford’s battery. Thomas pumps his pistons and a lot more about each other and themselves. What begins business. Flirtation leads to a feverish night of sex that both to Misty Island to help fix Ol’ Wheezy. Will the number one as a simple way to avoid the summer doldrums quickly turns find hard to forget. Although she’s married, and he has a blue engine be on track and on time? Ready, Set Go, Go into something much more complex, intimate and downright girlfriend, their intense attraction turns a seemingly casual Thomas! revealing. As the summer heats up, so do the maturing one-night stand into a continual series of passionate hotel Transportation, Family, Fantasy, Stop Moti- relationships between the young cast members, taking some trysts, uniting them in a profound and unconventional on Animation 58min. new, and sometimes unexpected, turns. Get ready for a whole relationship. Unfolding as a collage of moments-some sexy, new look at summer romance as hidden emotions get captured some innocent, some profound, some silly - 28 Hotel Rooms is Lionsgate 05.03.2013 and secrets meant to be kept hidden inside young hearts an intimate portrait of an affair in which two people wrestle 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114458 instead spill off of the screen for your viewing pleasure in with the intoxication of sex and the confusion of loving more Waiting In The Summer! than one person. Anime, Comedy, Foreign, International TV, Romance, Drama 2012 82min. : Pint Sized Pals Oscilloscope Laboratories 12.02.2013 Here comes Tom and Jerry and they’re bringing with them a Japanese, Romance 300min. group of adorable, sidesplitting sidekicks! Join Tyke, Tuffy Section23 Films 12.02.2013 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113894 and Little Quacker as they pile on the laughs and mischief in 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113855 this 2-Disc collection of 30 hilarious episodes. Sit back and 3 Weeks To Daytona enjoy as these pint-size pals bring king-size comedy and delight to your whole family. From the babysitting bonanza of The Wonderful Wizard Of Oz: Rip Torn, Jorja Fox, Scott Cohen Tot Watchers to the playful pranks of That’s My Pup to the 3 Weeks To Daytona is the story of a down on his luck stock costumed chaos in Touché, Pussy Cat!, the silly streak of 25th Anniversary Box Set car racer with one dream left to hold onto: drive with the best. adventures and laughs just keep coming. So let’s hear it for Includes The Wizard of Oz Follow the yellow-brick road! A Unfortunately, with a busted car, zero money, and a bad job, teamwork, cooperation and a little bit of hijinks because faithful feature-length animated adaptation of L. Frank Baum’s Chuck’s limelight could be fading fast. When a final chance comedy is always better with a buddy! imaginative fairy tale containing scenes from the book not falls his way, can he patch things up with his son, crew chief, Animated Animals, Comedy, Family 154min. included in the MGM classic from 1939. Marvelous Land of and turn himself around before it’s too late? Oz Introduces Princess Ozma, enchanted as the boy Tip, who Racing, Action, Auto Racing, Drama 2011 Warner Bros. 05.03.2013 discovers his/her true identity after adventures involving 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113759 Jack Pumkinhead, the Sawhorse, the Scarecrow, and other 82min. characters in Oz. Ozma of Oz Dorothy revisits the Land of Oz Vivendi Visual Entertainment 19.02.2013 and encounters a group of Wheelers (fuzzy creatures with 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113821 Tom And Jerry: Shiver Me wheels instead of feet) and a friendly robot-like character Whiskers (Blu-ray) named Tik Tok. On a mission to help save the Royal Family of Ev, Dorothy is reunited with the Scarecrow, Tin Woodsman, 30 Nights Of Paranormal Activity Wallace Shawn, Kathy Najimy, Mark Hamill, and the Lion, and meets Ozma, the Princess of Oz. The Dan Castellaneta, Kevin Michael Emerald City of Oz The Nome King plots his revenge against With The Devil Inside The Girl the Oz people, who narrowly defeated him in „Ozma of Oz“. With The Dragon Tattoo Richardson, Charles Nelson Reilly Working with the help of Guph, an invasion specialist, the Enjoy the ho-ho-hilarious hijinks of the world’s favorite cat & Nome King and his troops tunnel under the Deadly Desert Flip Schultz, Kathryn Fiore, Olivia Alexan- mouse team in their new original movie. It’s a swashbuckling with the aim of enslaving the people of the Emerald City. pirate adventure when Tom sets sail as a lowly cabin cat for der the biggest, baddest pirate on the high seas: the infamous Adventure, Animated Animals, Boxed Sets, Scare yourself silly and scream with laughter at this hilarious Captain Red. Tired of swabbing the deck all day, Tom thinks Fairy Tales, Family, Fantasy 360min. spoof of Hollywood’s hottest horror movies. When a young his luck has changed when a mysterious bottle containing a E1 Entertainment 26.02.2013 family, who can’t seem to stop filming themselves, moves into a treasure map washes on board. Tom’s dream of finding the house that turns out to be haunted, they meet up with a host of treasure for himself is ruined when he discovers the bottle 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114022 creepy characters - including a horny vampire-hunting also contains stowaway mouse Jerry. Poor little Jerry has president who wants to emancipate their dragon-tattooed been guarding the treasure map and now has a greedy cat on Yogi The Easter Bear daughter. With help from the hysterically high-energy „Ghost his paws. Will Jerry be forced to walk the plank? Will Tom Brothers“ the family sets out to solve the mystery of the make it to the deserted island first? The race is on and Tom (Repackage) haunted house. Vampires, Comedy, Haunted Houses, Hor- and Jerry must work together to get past coconut-throwing Marsha Clark, , Rob Paul- monkeys and a giant slimy octopus, then outsmart the pirates ror 2012 80min. sen, Don Messick, Charley Adler, Jeff to find the buried treasure! 20th Century Fox 15.01.2013 Comedy, Family, Animated Animals 2006 Doucette, Ed Gilbert, Greg Burson, Greg 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113935 71min. Berger Warner Bros. 12.03.2013 The Easter bear is coming to town!. This year’s Annual Easter Jamboree will be the most festive one ever at 30 Nights Of Paranormal Activity 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114061 Jellystone Park - until bottomless-bellied Yogi Bear gets a whiff of the scrumptious stack of savory Easter sweets! With The Devil Inside The Girl Toriko: Part Two Furious, Ranger Smith vows to ship Yogi off to the Siberian With The Dragon Tattoo (Blu-ray) Circus - and this time he means it! With buddy Boo-Boo in Action, Adventure, Anime, Foreign, Interna- tow, Yogi goes searching for the real Easter Bunny to save Flip Schultz, Kathryn Fiore, Olivia Alexan- tional TV, Japanese min. himself and the Jamboree. But the Bunny’s been kidnapped by der Funimation 05.02.2013 two maniacal villains, Pauly and Ernest - they threaten to ruin Scare yourself silly and scream with laughter at this hilarious Easter forever! It’s a high-flying race to the finish for Yogi to spoof of Hollywood’s hottest horror movies. When a young 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113910 rescue the Easter Bunny and learn the secrets of Mildred the family, who can’t seem to stop filming themselves, moves into a magical Easter Chicken. Can Yogi come through? Well, he is house that turns out to be haunted, they meet up with a host of Transformers Rescue Bots: smarrrrrr-ter than the averrrrrage bear! creepy characters - including a horny vampire-hunting Family, Holidays, Animated Animals 46min. president who wants to emancipate their dragon-tattooed Energize Warner Bros. 19.02.2013 daughter. With help from the hysterically high-energy „Ghost Transformers Rescue Bots is created specifically for the 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114553 Brothers“ the family sets out to solve the mystery of the younger generation of Transformers fans and features a group haunted house. of Autobots charged with a mission to protect and learn about Comedy, Haunted Houses, Horror, humans. Stationed by Optimus Prime on a technologically Vampires 2012 80min. advanced island, the Rescue Bots - Heatwave, Boulder, Blades and Chase - team with a human family of first 20th Century Fox 15.01.2013 responders including a police chief, firefighter, rescue Film 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113951 and engineer to keep peace and safety in their new found home. Alongside their new human friends, the Rescue Bots learn teamwork and heroism. 17 Girls 4 Film Favorites: Bad News Bears Action, Adventure, Family, Robots / This French film, based on real events that took place in Billy Bob Thornton, Walter Matthau, Marcia Androids 2012 110min. Gloucester, Mass., in 2008, has been relocated to Lorient, a Gay Harden, Greg Kinnear, Tony Curtis, shabby port city on the Brittany coast and the hometown of the Shout Factory 05.03.2013 filmmakers, who are sisters. The movie takes you inside the William Devane, Vic Morrow, Jackie Earle 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114138 dreamy collective mentality of bored, mildly rebellious girls Haley, Tomisaburo Wakayama, Clifton who look with horror at the lives of their mostly working- James class parents. A core group makes a pact to have babies Ultimate Spider-Man: Avenging simultaneously and bring up their children together. The inner Sports, Baseball, Collections, Comedy, Dra- Spider-Man circle widens, and in short order 17 girls are pregnant. ma, Family, Friendships min. Troubled Youth, Drama, Foreign, French Warner Bros. 12.03.2013 Science Fiction, Superheroes, Action, 2011 95min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114330 Adventure 132min. Strand Releasing 15.01.2013 Disney / Buena Vista 05.02.2013 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114030 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113852 4 Film Favorites: Ben Stiller Ben Stiller, Rachel Weisz, Scott Wilson,

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Amy Poehler, Malin Akerman, Michelle 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114413 Warner Bros. 01.01.2013 Monaghan, Christopher Walken, Jack Black, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114179 Danny McBride, Jerry Stiller, Rob Corddry, 4 Film Favorites: Sisterhood Carlos Mencia , Sarah Jessica Parker, 48 Hrs. Romance, War, Action, Collections, Ashley Judd, Chris Noth, , Eddie Murphy, Nick Nolte, Frank McRae, Comedy, Jungle min. Sandra Bullock, Ellen Burstyn, Kim Cattrall, James Remar Warner Bros. 12.03.2013 Cynthia Nixon, Candice Bergen, Kristin Nick Nolte is a cop. Eddie Murphy is a con.. Eddie Murphy 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114331 (Shrek) and Nick Nolte (Tropic Thunder) make one of the Davis, Fionnula Flanagan, Jennifer Hudson, most unusual and entertaining teams ever in Walter Hill’s James Garner, Angus Macfadyen roller-coaster thriller, 48 Hrs. - Cates (Nolte) is a rough- 4 Film Favorites: Eddie Murphy Romance, Sexy Comedies, Based On TV edged cop after two vicious cop-killers. He can’t do it without the help of smooth and dapper Reggie (Murphy), who is Eddie Murphy, James Earl Jones, Arsenio Show, Collections, Drama, Dysfunctional serving time for a half-million dollar robbery. Cates uses his Hall, Madge Sinclair, Shari Headley, John Families, Fashion, Friendships, Independent pull to get Reggie a 48-hour parole . . . and make him his Amos Women min. temporary partner. As the boys race the clock, they discover they have only one thing in common: they’d both kill to find the Romance, Action, Collections, Comedy, Warner Bros. 12.03.2013 bad guys . . . if they don’t kill each other first! Marriage Woes min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114334 Action, Buddy Pictures, Comedy, Cops Warner Bros. 12.03.2013 1982 96min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114333 4 Film Favorites: Urban Life Paramount 01.01.2013 Vivica A. Fox, John C. McGinley, Mykelti 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114206 4 Film Favorites: John Grisham Williamson, Queen Latifah, Jada Pinkett Denzel Washington, Julia Roberts, Stanley Smith, Kimberly Elise, Lauren , Keith 48 Hrs. (Blu-ray) Tucci, Sam Shepard, John Heard, Ossie David, Blair Underwood, Antwan Andre Eddie Murphy, Nick Nolte, Frank McRae, Davis, Anthony LaPaglia, Tony Goldwyn, Patton James Remar Anthony Edwards, Susan Sarandon, Rap, Caper, Collections, Comedy, Crime, Nick Nolte is a cop. Eddie Murphy is a con.. Eddie Murphy Tommy Lee Jones, Robert Culp, Brad Drama, Independent Women min. (Shrek) and Nick Nolte (Tropic Thunder) make one of the most unusual and entertaining teams ever in Walter Hill’s Renfro, James B. Sikking, William Atherson Warner Bros. 12.03.2013 roller-coaster thriller, 48 Hrs. - Cates (Nolte) is a rough- Mystery, Thrillers, Collections, Crime, Dra- 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114414 edged cop after two vicious cop-killers. He can’t do it without ma, Lawyers / Legal Issues min. the help of smooth and dapper Reggie (Murphy), who is serving time for a half-million dollar robbery. Cates uses his Warner Bros. 12.03.2013 4 Films Favorites: Contemporary pull to get Reggie a 48-hour parole . . . and make him his 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114354 Westerns temporary partner. As the boys race the clock, they discover they have only one thing in common: they’d both kill to find the Lance Henriksen, Ed Harris, Viggo bad guys . . . if they don’t kill each other first! 4 Film Favorites: Leslie Nielsen Mortensen, Sam Shepard, Jeremy Irons, Buddy Pictures, Comedy, Cops, Action Leslie Nielsen, George Kennedy, Richard Renee Zellweger, Sam Rockwell, Zooey 1982 96min. Crenna, Michael York, O.J. Simpson, San- Deschanel, , Timothy Spall, Casey Paramount 01.01.2013 dra Bernhard, Priscilla Presley, Melinda Affleck 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114225 McGraw, Kelly LaBrock, Robert Goulet Western, Action, Collections, Drama min. Action, Collections, Comedy, Cult Film / TV Warner Bros. 12.03.2013 Abducted min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114332 Lauren Holly, Kaylee DeFer, Joe Lando Warner Bros. 12.03.2013 When the heiress of a luxury hotel chain is kidnapped at her 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114367 4 Films Favorites: John Travolta dingy motel outside Detroit by a band of ruthless sex traffickers, her downtrodden assistant must figure out a way John Travolta, Vince Vaughn, Gina to rescue her. 4 Film Favorites: Gershon, Alessandro Nivola, Joan Allen, Thrillers, Drama, Kidnapping 90min. Meryl Streep, Rip Torn, , Clint Teri Polo, Nicolas Cage, Steve Buscemi, Asylum Home Entertainment 08.01.2013 Eastwood, Albert Brooks, Buck Henry , Lewis Colick, , 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113801 Romance, Collections, Comedy, Drama min. David Permut, Christopher Godsick, Barrie Warner Bros. 12.03.2013 Osborne, Terence Chang, Donald De Line, Abducted (Blu-ray) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114410 Jonathan D. Krane, , Harold Lauren Holly, Kaylee DeFer, Joe Lando Becker When the heiress of a luxury hotel chain is kidnapped at her 4 Film Favorites: Post-Apocalypse Science Fiction, Terrorism, Thrillers, Action, dingy motel outside Detroit by a band of ruthless sex traffickers, her downtrodden assistant must figure out a way Charlton Heston, Will Smith, Alice Braga, Collections, Cops, Crime, Drama, to rescue her. Rosalind Cash, Dash Mihok, Anthony Zerbe Dysfunctional Families min. Drama, Kidnapping, Thrillers 90min. Science Fiction, Thrillers, Apocalyptic Warner Bros. 12.03.2013 Asylum Home Entertainment 08.01.2013 Future, Collections, Drama, End Of The 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114361 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113828 World min. Warner Bros. 12.03.2013 48 Hours / Another 48 Hours Abel’s Field 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114411 (Double Feature) , Richard Dillard Eddie Murphy, Nick Nolte, Frank McRae, Left motherless by tragedy and abandoned by his father, high 4 Film Favorites: Richard Gere school senior Seth McArdle (Samuel Davis) has been put James Remar under enormous pressure to support his little sisters. At Richard Gere, Scott Glenn, Robert Loggia, 48 Hours Jack Cates (Nick Nolte, Hotel Rwanda, Cape Fear) school, he endures the daily bullying of the football team. David Keith, Debra Winger, Diane Lane, and Reggie Hammond (Eddie Murphy, Shrek, Dr. Doolittle) When he fights back, he’s singled out for punishment, Viola Davis, Lisa Blount, Becky Ann Baker, would never be friends... but they’re about to be partners. assigned to an after-school work detail under the supervision Cates is a hard-nosed cop out to avenge the deaths of two of a reserved groundskeeper, Abel (Kevin Sorbo). Much to Lisa Eilbacher, Christopher Meloni fellow officers. Hammond is a smart-aleck felon, out to his surprise, Seth discovers that Abel may be the only one Romance, Thrillers, Collections, Drama, retrieve the stash of Cash still hidden from his last job. In who truly understands his struggles. As dark times lure Seth order to bring the killers to justice, Cates has to find their ex- towards desperate measures, the reluctant Abel may be the Military min. partner - Reggie. The catch? Hammond is in the slammer. Warner Bros. 12.03.2013 one person who can point him back towards the light. Now, Cates must use his pull to get Reggie a 48-hour Drama, High School 2012 104min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114412 parole... and make him his temporary partner. Director Walter Hill sends Nolte and Murphy on a wild ride, setting the Sony Pictures Home Entertainment standard for the ultimate buddy-cop thriller. As the boys race 22.01.2013 4 Film Favorites: the clock, they discover they have only one thing in common: they’d both kill to find the bad guys... if they don’t kill each 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113765 Robert Redford, Woody Harrelson, Demi other first! Another 48 Hours Times may change... but these Moore, Bruce Dern, Seymour Cassel, Scott guys don’t! Eddie Murphy (Shrek, Dr. Dolittle) and Nick Abismo De Pasion (The Love Wilson, Karen Black, , Lois Chi- Nolte (Hotel Rwanda, Cape Fear) are back on the streets in this smash sequel. Ex-con Reggie Hammond (Murphy) ha just Abyss) les, Oliver Platt, Sam Waterston been released from prison, an Romance, Collections, Conspiracies, Drama Angelique Boyer, David Zepeda Action, Comedy, Cops, Double Features Relive the most romantic moments from the hit Telenovela that min. 1982 min. has Latin Americans clamoring for more. Abismo De Pasion is Warner Bros. 12.03.2013 a fascinating story about first loves, family secrets and

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 22 Newsletter 19/12 (Nr. 323) Dezember 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA rivalries. After going their separate ways, Elisa and Damian before Thing points out Fester’s uncommonly „normal“ down Reverend Samuel Sayer’s mission in Africa. He is rediscover each other and rekindle their love. But their behavior. Could this Fester be a fake, part of an evil scheme overtaken with disappointment and passes away. Shortly after happiness won’t last as they discover that family rivalries and to raid the Addams fortune? - Based on Charles Addams’ his well-educated, snooty sister Rose Sayer (Hepburn) other love interests keep them from being together. Join the beloved cartoons and following the success of the hit TV buries her brother, she must leave on the only available millions that have already discovered their passion in this hit series, The Addams Family is a visual funhouse, packed with transport, a tired river steamboat ‘The African Queen’ manned Telenovela, Abismo de Pasion. plenty of treats, tricks and turns by director Barry Sonnen- by the ill-mannered bachelor, Charlie Allnut (Bogart). Drama, Foreign, International TV, Latin, feld. - Addams Family Values (1993) - It’s love at first sight Together they embark on a long difficult journey, without any when Gomez (Raul Julia) and Motricia (Anjelica Huston) comfort. Rose grows determined to assist in the British war Romance 2012 850min. welcome a new addition to the Addams Household - Pubert, effort and presses Charlie until he finally agrees and together Vivendi Visual Entertainment 26.02.2013 their soft, cuddly, mustachioed baby boy. As Fester (Christo- they steam up the Ulana encountering an enemy fort, raging 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113843 pher Llo rapids, bloodthirsty parasites and endlessly branching stream Comedy, Double Features, Family, Fantasy, which always seem to lead them to what appear to be Horror 193min. impenetrable swamps. Despite opposing personalities, the two The Accused grow closer to each other and ultimately carry out their plan Paramount 01.01.2013 Kelly McGillis, Jodie Foster to take out a German warship. What are the limits of justice? Of social responsibility? The 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114211 Classics, Drama, Academy Award Winners, Accused takes a powerful and thought- provoking look at Adventure, Romance 1951 105min. human nature and individual moral conscience, and a judicial Adventures In Appletown Paramount 01.01.2013 process that treats the victim like a criminal. - Jodie Foster gives an Oscar®-winning performance as the hard-living, Victoria Justice 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114228 fiercely independent Sarah Tobias, who is gang- raped in the Adventure, Family 93min. back of a neighborhood bar. But that is only the beginning of Airplane / Airplane 2 (Double her ordeal. Now Sarah finds herself battling the legal system, Millennium Entertainment 19.03.2013 not once but twice, as she and her attorney (Kelly McGillis) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114312 Feature) go after both her attackers and the onlookers whose cheering fueled and encouraged the assault. Julie Hagerty, Leslie Nielsen, Robert Stack, Academy Award Winners, Drama, Indepen- Aeon Flux Robert Hayes dent Women 1988 110min. Charlize Theron, Frances McDormand, National Film Registry, Classics, Comedy, Paramount 01.01.2013 Jonny Lee Miller, Sophie Okonedo, Pete Double Features min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114208 Postlethwaite, Marton Csokas Warner Bros. 12.03.2013 Academy Award®-winner Charlize Theron stars as Aeon 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114415 Flux, the underground operative fighting totalitarian rule in Addams Family Values 25th-century Earth’s last living city. - Aeon is the rebels’ best hope of overthrowing the oppressively sterile, „perfect“ Airplane II:The Sequel Anjelica Huston, Raul Julia, Christopher society. But while on assignment to gun down the Lloyd, , Christina Ricci, Carol government’s leader, Aeon uncovers a web of startling Julie Hagerty, Robert Hays, Rip Torn, Peter Kane secrets that could completely change the world’s future in this Graves, John Vernon, Al White, William The Family Just Got A Little Stranger.. It’s love at first sight gripping sci-fi action thriller based on the ground-breaking Shatner, Raymond Burr, Lloyd Bridges, when Gomez (Raul Julia) and Motricia (Anjelica Huston) MTV animated series. Chuck Connors, John Dehner, Kent Science Fiction, Based On TV Show, Killer welcome a new addition to the Addams Household - Pubert, McCord, Chad Everett, Sonny Bono, Step- their soft, cuddly, mustachioed baby boy. As Fester (Christo- Beauties 2005 92min. pher Lloyd) falls hard for voluptuous nanny Debbie Jilinsky her Stucker (Joan Cusack), Wednesday (Christina Ricci) and Pugsley Paramount 01.01.2013 There’s a mad bomber on board, the first lunar shuttle is about (Jimmy Workman) discover she’s a black widow murderess 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114212 to self-destruct, the engines are not working and - worst of all who plans to add Fester to her collection of dead husbands. - the flight crew discovers they are completely out of coffee! The family’s future grows even bleaker when the no-good It’s the high flying lunacy of Airplane! all over again as nanny marries Fester and has the kids shipped off to summer Aeon Flux (Blu-ray) Robert Hays and Julie Hagerty fly totally out of the ozone to camp. But Wednesday still has a Thing or two up her sleeve... Charlize Theron, Frances McDormand, recreate their hilarious original roles. The crew of crazies - With gags and ghouls galore, Addams Family Values is includes Peter Graves, Lloyd Bridges, William Shatner, Chad „screamingly funny!“ - Jeff Raig, Sixty Second Preview Jonny Lee Miller, Sophie Okonedo, Pete Everett, Sonny Bono, Raymond Burr and many others. Can Thrillers, Comedy, Fantasy 1993 94min. Postlethwaite, Marton Csokas Hays save the day again - without caffeine? Fasten your Academy Award®-winner Charlize Theron stars as Aeon seatbelts for a ride you’ll never forget - Airplane II: The Paramount 01.01.2013 Flux, the underground operative fighting totalitarian rule in Sequel. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114209 25th-century Earth’s last living city. - Aeon is the rebels’ best Comedy 1982 84min. hope of overthrowing the oppressively sterile, „perfect“ society. But while on assignment to gun down the Paramount 01.01.2013 The Addams Family government’s leader, Aeon uncovers a web of startling 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114214 Anjelica Huston, Raul Julia, Christopher secrets that could completely change the world’s future in this gripping sci-fi action thriller based on the ground-breaking Lloyd, Christina Ricci, Elizabeth Wilson, MTV animated series. Airplane! Judith Malina Killer Beauties, Based On TV Show, Julie Hagerty, Peter Graves, Leslie Nielsen, Weird is Relative.. Looking for something CREEPY...SPOOKY...KOOKY...and altogether OOKY? - Come Science Fiction 2005 92min. Lloyd Bridges, Robert Stack, Robert Hays, join The Addams Family for the most hilarious scarefest of Paramount 01.01.2013 Jerry Zucker, David Zucker, Jim Abrahams, this season or any other! When long-lost Uncle Fester 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114227 Jon Davison, Jerry Zucker, David Zucker, (Christopher Lloyd) reappears after twenty-five years in the Bermuda Triangle, Gomez (Raul Julia) and Morticia (Anjelica Jim Abrahams Huston) plan a celebration to wake the dead. - But The African Queen Voted „one of the 10 funniest movies ever made“ by the Ameri- Wednesday (Christina Ricci) barely has time to warm up her can Film Institute, Airplane! is a masterpiece of off-the-wall electric chair before Thing points out Fester’s uncommonly , Humphrey Bogart, Ro- comedy, Featuring Robert Hays as an ex-fighter pilot forced „normal“ behavior. Could this Fester be a fake, part of an evil bert Morley, Theodore Bikel, Peter Bull to take over the controls of an airliner when the flight crew scheme to raid the Addams fortune? - Based on Charles At the start of World War I, German imperial troops burn succumbs to food poisoning; Julie Hagerty as his girlfriend/ Addams’ beloved cartoons and following the success of the hit down Reverend Samuel Sayer’s mission in Africa. He is stewardess/co-pilot; and a cast of all-stars including Robert TV series, The Addams Family is a visual funhouse, packed overtaken with disappointment and passes away. Shortly after Stack, Lloyd Bridges, Peter Graves, Leslie Nielsen, Kareem with plenty of treats, tricks and turns by director Barry his well-educated, snooty sister Rose Sayer (Hepburn) Abdul-Jabbar... and more. Their hilarious high jinks spoof Sonnenfeld. buries her brother, she must leave on the only available airplane disaster flicks, religious zealots, television Classics, Comedy, Fantasy, Horror 1991 transport, a tired river steamboat ‘The African Queen’ manned commercials, romantic love... the list whirls by in rapid by the ill-mannered bachelor, Charlie Allnut (Bogart). succession. And the story races from one moment of zany fun 99min. Together they embark on a long difficult journey, without any to the next! Paramount 01.01.2013 comfort. Rose grows determined to assist in the British war National Film Registry, Romance, Classics, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114210 effort and presses Charlie until he finally agrees and together Comedy, Cult Film / TV 1980 87min. they steam up the Ulana encountering an enemy fort, raging rapids, bloodthirsty parasites and endlessly branching stream Paramount 01.01.2013 The Addams Family / Addams which always seem to lead them to what appear to be 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114238 impenetrable swamps. Despite opposing personalities, the two Family Values (Double Feature) grow closer to each other and ultimately carry out their plan Anjelica Huston, Joan Cusack, Christina to take out a German warship. Airplane! (Blu-ray) Ricci, Carol Kane, Raul Julia, Elizabeth Romance, Academy Award Winners, Julie Hagerty, Peter Graves, Leslie Nielsen, Wilson, Judith Malina, Christopher Lloyd Adventure, Classics, Drama 1951 105min. Lloyd Bridges, Robert Stack, Robert Hays, Two Things Are Better Than One!. Films Include - The Paramount 01.01.2013 Jerry Zucker, David Zucker, Jim Abrahams, Addams Family (1991) - Looking for something CREEPY... 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114213 Jon Davison, Jerry Zucker, David Zucker, SPOOKY... KOOKY... and altogether OOKY? - Come join The Addams Family for the most hilarious scarefest of this season Jim Abrahams or any other! When long-lost Uncle Fester (Christopher The African Queen (Blu-ray) Voted „one of the 10 funniest movies ever made“ by the Ameri- Lloyd) reappears after twenty-five years in the Bermuda can Film Institute, Airplane! is a masterpiece of off-the-wall Triangle, Gomez (Raul Julia) and Morticia (Anjelica Huston) Katharine Hepburn, Humphrey Bogart, Ro- comedy, Featuring Robert Hays as an ex-fighter pilot forced plan a celebration to wake the dead. - But Wednesday (Chri- bert Morley, Theodore Bikel, Peter Bull to take over the controls of an airliner when the flight crew stina Ricci) barely has time to warm up her electric chair At the start of World War I, German imperial troops burn succumbs to food poisoning; Julie Hagerty as his girlfriend/

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 23 Newsletter 19/12 (Nr. 323) Dezember 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA stewardess/co-pilot; and a cast of all-stars including Robert Paramount 01.01.2013 Taylor, Kate Hudson, Fairuza Balk, Billy Stack, Lloyd Bridges, Peter Graves, Leslie Nielsen, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar... and more. Their hilarious high jinks spoof 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114240 Crudup, Patrick Fugit airplane disaster flicks, religious zealots, television It’s the backstage pass of a lifetime when teenage reporter commercials, romantic love... the list whirls by in rapid All I Want For Christmas William Miller lands an assignment from Rolling Stone succession. And the story races from one moment of zany fun magazine. - Despite the objections of his overly protective to the next! Ethan Embry, Thora Birch, Lauren Bacall, mother, Williams hits the road with the up-and-coming rock band Stillwater. - With the help of gorgeous „band aid“ Penny Classics, Comedy, Cult Film / TV, National Jamey Sheridan, Harley Jane Kozak, Leslie Lane, William is drawn into the band’s inner circle and finds Film Registry, Romance 1980 87min. Nielsen, Kevin Nealon there’s a lot more to write home about than the music. - Paramount 01.01.2013 How Far Would You Go To Make A Wish Come True?. If Featuring Academy Award nominated performances by Kate teenaged Ethan and his younger sister Hallie put every toy in Hudson and Frances McDormand and a superb showing by 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114257 Macy’s department store on their Christmas list, it still Philip Seymour Hoffman, Almost Famous is a „delightful wouldn’t include what they want most. They want a miracle - coming-of-age comedy“ (David Ansen, Newsweek). Airport Terminal Pack they want their divorced parents back together. - With lots of Drama, Academy Award Winners, Music humor, heart and yuletide sparkle, All I Want For Christmas is Charlton Heston, Robert Wagner, George all you could want in a family film treat. Ethan Randall (Dutch) 2000 162min. Kennedy, Jack Lemmon, Dana Andrews, and Thora Birch (Patriot Games) play siblings who come up Paramount 01.01.2013 with a hilarious plan to reunite their parents (Harley Jane 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114258 Lee Grant, Brenda Vaccaro, Roy Thinnes, Kozak and Jamey Sheridan). Movie legend Lauren Bacall Sylvia Kristel, Karen Black, Olivia de plays the sympathetic grandmother who assists the kids. And Havilland, , Susan Clark, Leslie Nielsen (The Naked Gun films) appears as Santa An Almost Perfect Affair Claus. So what is the plan? Ho-ho-ho! Aren’t you in for a Myrna Loy, Linda Blair, Susan Blakely, Sybil surprise! , Keith Carradine, Raf Vallone, Danning, Martha Raye, Mercedes Christmas, Family, Holidays 1991 92min. Dick Anthony Williams, Christian De Sica McCambridge, Gloria Swanson, Nancy Oscar winner Keith Carradine stars in this sparkling romantic Paramount 01.01.2013 comedy about two unlikely lovers who find each other amid Olson, Andrea Marcovicci, Charo, Monica 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114241 the glitz, glamour and frenzy of the Cannes Film Festival. - Lewis, Augusta Summerland, Christopher Carradine plays an idealistic first-time director who lives for Lee, James Stewart, Joseph Cotten, David All The President’s Men / Three his art - until his heart is stolen by the gorgeous, worldly wife Warner, Darren McGavin, Eddie Albert, (Monica Vitti) of an Italian producer. A passionate, made-in- Days Of The Condor (Double Fea- Hollywood affair begins, but the couple’s romance is tested as Alain Delon, Ed Nelson, Sid Caesar, Bibi they face the temptations of fame and fortune... and try to keep Andersson, John Davidson, Efrem Zimbalist ture) their sanity amidst the madness around them. With glorious scenery and a wonderfully comic insider’s view of the movie Jr., Jimmie Walker, Avery Schreiber Hal Holbrook, Robert Redford, Dustin world, An Almost Perfect Affair is a complete cinematic treat. The Academy Award-nominated Airport and the sensational Hoffman, Jason Robards, Jack Warden, sequels that followed are now together in one high flying Romance, Comedy, Film About Film 1979 collection, the Airport Terminal Pack. Prepare to take off for Martin Balsam 91min. non-stop thrills and edge-of-your-seat excitement as you fly Murder Mysteries, National Film Registry, Paramount 01.01.2013 to extremes with Hollywood’s royal jet set including: Charlton Special Forces, Thrillers, Academy Award Heston, , Jimmy Stewart, Jack Lemmon, Lee 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114243 Grant, Jacqueline Bisset, , George Kennedy and Winners, AFI Top 100, Classics, many more. Conspiracies, Double Features, Drama min. Along Came A Spider Thrillers, Academy Award Winners, Warner Bros. 12.03.2013 Morgan Freeman, Penelope Ann Miller, Mi- Collections, Disasters, Drama 1970 471min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114416 chael Wincott, Monica Potter, Michael Universal Studios 05.02.2013 Moriarty 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114202 All’s Well That Ends Well: The game is far from over.. Morgan Freeman reprises his Kiss Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre The Girls role as Alex Cross in this spellbinding Aladdin And The Death Lamp psychological thriller that is „a knockout with a surprise Janie Dee, Sam Crane twist.“ - After the harrowing death of his partner, detective Kandyse McClure, Darren Shahlavi, Noam Helena loves the arrogant Bertram, and when she cures the and best-selling author Alex Cross has retreated to the peace Jenkins King of of his sickness, she claims Bertram as her of retirement. But when a brilliant criminal (Michael Wincott) Aladdin accidentally releases an evil genie from his lamp and reward. But her new husband, flying from Helena to join the kidnaps a senator’s young daughter, Alex is lured back into must try to capture him before he sets out to destroy the wars, attaches two obstructive conditions to their marriage - action. Teamed with the Secret Service agent (Monica Potter) world. conditions he is sure will never be met. All’s Well That Ends assigned to protect the missing girl, Alex follows a serpentine Well grinds the romantic against the realistic at every turn trail of clues that leads him to a stunning discovery - the TV Movies, Adventure, Fantasy 2012 and brilliantly reverses all the usual expectations of kidnapper wants more than just ransom... he wants Alex’s 86min. Shakespearean comedy. Some of Shakespeare’s most help in documenting the crime of the century. With time Sony Pictures Home Entertainment inventive language gives life to not just his single-minded running out, Alex plunges through a tangled web of danger heroine and her churlish lover, but a fantastic cast of frauds, and deceit to stop a madman and save an innocent victim’s 12.02.2013 cynics, sentimentalists and buffoons. Featuring Olivier-award life. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114230 winning actress Janie Dee as the Countess of Roussillon, Mystery, Serial Killers, Thrillers, Crime 2001 Sam Crane as Bertam and Piercy as Helena. 103min. Performing Arts, Plays On Stage, Romance, Alfie Paramount 01.01.2013 Shakespeare 138min. Michael Caine, , Eleanor 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114244 Kultur 29.01.2013 Bron, Vivien Merchant, Jane Asher, Shirley 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113805 Ann Field, Julia Foster, Millicent Martin Alpha Males Experiment Alfie is not really a bad sort. It’s just that he has Comedy 88min. overwhelming desire for the opposite sex. You might sat that Almost Famous Millennium Entertainment 12.02.2013 „birds“ are irresistible to him, sort of second nature. With Philip Seymour Hoffman, Anna Paquin, Michael Caine in the title role, Alfie is a ribald and wild 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113811 comedy, filled with sex and sin. For those who want to be Jason Lee, Frances McDormand, Noah entertained, Alfie is charming, delightful and quick-moving. Taylor, Kate Hudson, Fairuza Balk, Billy For those who want more, there is beneath the surface a Amazing Love: The Story Of lingering tragedy, simply and poignantly told, about the taker Crudup, Patrick Fugit and the taken. It’s the backstage pass of a lifetime when teenage reporter Hosea William Miller lands an assignment from Rolling Stone Classics, Drama 1966 113min. magazine. - Despite the objections of his overly protective , Erin Bethea, Sean Astin Paramount 01.01.2013 mother, Williams hits the road with the up-and-coming rock Religion/Spirituality, Romance, Drama, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114239 band Stillwater. - With the help of gorgeous „band aid“ Penny Family 2012 80min. Lane, William is drawn into the band’s inner circle and finds there’s a lot more to write home about than the music. - E1 Entertainment 15.01.2013 Alfie Featuring Academy Award nominated performances by Kate 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113992 Hudson and Frances McDormand and a superb showing by Jude Law, Susan Sarandon, , Philip Seymour Hoffman, Almost Famous is a „delightful , Sienna Miller, Omar Epps coming-of-age comedy“ (David Ansen, Newsweek). American Beauty Meet A Man Who Never Med A Woman He Didn’t Love.. For Music, Academy Award Winners, Drama Annette Bening, Kevin Spacey, Peter Alfie (Jude Law), life was about enjoying everything woman could offer- one night at a time. From Wealthy widows with a 2000 162min. Gallagher, Mena Suvari, Allison Janney, taste for younger man (Susan Sarandon) to his single-mom Paramount 01.01.2013 Thora Birch, Chris Cooper, Wes Bentley girlfriend (Marisa Tomei), Alfie had it all... and wasn’t looking 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114242 Look close....and experience American Beauty as never for anything more. - But when the consequences of his before, with the pristine picture and sound quality of Blu-ray. playboy lifestyle suddenly affect the women in his life and his In his directorial debut, Academy Award winner Sam Mendes best friend (Omar Epps), Alfie begins to wonder if there is Almost Famous (Blu-ray) creates, with Oscar winning screenwriter Alan Ball, a dark, more to life that these fleeting romances. And if so, what’s it intelligent, and truthful portrayal of suburbia. Named Best all about? Philip Seymour Hoffman, Anna Paquin, Picture of the Year by over 65 critics and honored with five Romance, Comedy 2004 105min. Jason Lee, Frances McDormand, Noah , including Best Picture, American Beauty

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 24 Newsletter 19/12 (Nr. 323) Dezember 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA stars Kevin Spacey and Annette Bening as Lester and 90210), and gymnastics champion Cathy Rigby, this heart- Paramount 01.01.2013 Carolyn Burnham, a seemingly ordinary couple whose warming story will have the whole family cheering! 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114288 unraveling marriage sparks a of change in their Sports, Drama, Family, girl power 94min. seemingly perfect neighborhood. Also featuring an acclaimed Universal Studios 19.02.2013 ensemble supporting cast, American Beauty has been hailed Atlantic City as a „flat-out masterpiece“ (Rod Brecher, New York Post) 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114222 Academy Award Winners, Drama, Susan Sarandon, Burt Lancaster, Kate Dysfunctional Families 1999 124min. Andre Reid, Robert Joy, , Robert Goulet, Al Waxman, Hollis McLaren, Moses Paramount 01.01.2013 Chelsea Field, Tina Majorino, Keith 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114245 Znaimer Carradine, Keith Szarabajka The people and the story are magnetic; the background is the The greatest adventure is finding your way home.. He’s city of dreams that almost came true. Atlantic City is American Beauty (Blu-ray) exuberant. Inspiring. Irresistible. He’s Andre, the seal that revitalized as a resort when gambling is legalized. But the won the approval of audiences and film critics everywhere! - new industry also brings unsettling changes. For Lou (Burt Annette Bening, Kevin Spacey, Peter Comedy, Drama, Dysfunctional Families, Lancaster), 40 years a bodyguard-boyfriend to aging beauty Gallagher, Mena Suvari, Allison Janney, Family 1994 94min. queen Grace (Kate Reid), his number-running sideline Thora Birch, Chris Cooper, Wes Bentley Paramount 01.01.2013 escalates to mob involvement. A drug-related slaying leaves Look close....and experience American Beauty as never him a small fortune, a new car and a new girl, Sally (Susan before, with the pristine picture and sound quality of Blu-ray. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114285 Sarandon), who is the perfect completion of his fantasy. This In his directorial debut, Academy Award winner Sam Mendes romantic thriller won the Golden Bear for Best Film of 1980 at creates, with Oscar winning screenwriter Alan Ball, a dark, Anger Management: Season One the Venice Film Festival. intelligent, and truthful portrayal of suburbia. Named Best National Film Registry, Drama, Gambling Picture of the Year by over 65 critics and honored with five Charlie Sheen, Selma Blair, Shawnee 1981 103min. Academy Awards, including Best Picture, American Beauty Smith, Noureen DeWulf Paramount 01.01.2013 stars Kevin Spacey and Annette Bening as Lester and Award-winning actor Charlie Sheen makes his return to Carolyn Burnham, a seemingly ordinary couple whose series television in the new , Anger Management. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114289 unraveling marriage sparks a storm of change in their Sheen stars as „Charlie,“ a non-traditional therapist seemingly perfect neighborhood. Also featuring an acclaimed specializing in anger management. He has a successful Atlas Shrugged: Part Two ensemble supporting cast, American Beauty has been hailed private practice, holding sessions with his group of primary as a „flat-out masterpiece“ (Rod Brecher, New York Post) patient regulars each week, as well as performing pro bono Samantha Mathis, Esai Morales, Jason Drama, Dysfunctional Families, Academy counseling for an inmate group at a state prison. Charlie Beghe Award Winners 1999 124min. thrives on the chaos in his life while still battling his own Part two of Ayn Rand’s groundbreaking novel comes to the Paramount 01.01.2013 anger issues. His life is complicated by his relationships with screen in this thrilling and powerful drama. The global his own therapist/best friend (Selma Blair), an ex-wife whose economy is on the brink of collapse. Brilliant creators, from 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114259 positive outlook but poor choices in men frustrates Charlie artists to industrialists, continue to mysteriously disappear. (Shawnee Smith), and their 13-year-old daughter who has Dagny Taggart, Vice President in Charge of Operations for OCD (Daniela Bobadilla). Taggart Transcontinental, has discovered what may very well Comedy, Drama, FX 2012 280min. be the answer to a mounting energy crisis - a revolutionary Richard Gere, Lauren Hutton Lionsgate 08.01.2013 motor that could seemingly power the World. But, the motor is Julian Kay is on the prowl and looking for someone to please. dead... there is no one left to decipher its secret... and, Boyish and sensual, he speaks five or six languages, and is 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113868 someone is watching. It’s a race against the clock to find the equally comfortable as a chauffeur for a wealthy middle-aged inventor before the motor of the World is stopped for good. matron, and as a translator/companion for the lonely wife of an Anger Management: Season One Mystery, Science Fiction, Drama 2012 executive. He is the American Gigolo. But Julian’s love-for- 112min. sale lifestyle turns deadly when a client is murdered and (Blu-ray) 20th Century Fox 19.02.2013 Julian becomes the prime suspect. - Richard Gere is Charlie Sheen, Selma Blair, Shawnee electrifying as Julian in this stylish, sexually charged drama 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114510 from Paul Schrader (Light Sleeper, Cat People). Co-starring Smith, Noureen DeWulf Lauren Hutton. Award-winning actor Charlie Sheen makes his return to Romance, Thrillers, Drama 1980 116min. series television in the new sitcom, Anger Management. Atlas Shrugged: Part Two (Blu- Sheen stars as „Charlie,“ a non-traditional therapist Paramount 01.01.2013 specializing in anger management. He has a successful ray) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114284 private practice, holding sessions with his group of primary Samantha Mathis, Esai Morales, Jason patient regulars each week, as well as performing pro bono counseling for an inmate group at a state prison. Charlie Beghe An American Girl: McKenna thrives on the chaos in his life while still battling his own Part two of Ayn Rand’s groundbreaking novel comes to the Shoots For The Stars anger issues. His life is complicated by his relationships with screen in this thrilling and powerful drama. The global his own therapist/best friend (Selma Blair), an ex-wife whose economy is on the brink of collapse. Brilliant creators, from Nia Vardalos, Ian Ziering positive outlook but poor choices in men frustrates Charlie artists to industrialists, continue to mysteriously disappear. Meet McKenna Brooks, a determined and confident young (Shawnee Smith), and their 13-year-old daughter who has Dagny Taggart, Vice President in Charge of Operations for gymnast, in this all-new, modernday adventure. McKenna is OCD (Daniela Bobadilla). Taggart Transcontinental, has discovered what may very well on track to make the regional competitive gymnastics team, but Comedy, Drama, FX 2012 220min. be the answer to a mounting energy crisis - a revolutionary off track in school, where she’s suddenly struggling to keep motor that could seemingly power the World. But, the motor is up. When her teacher suggests a tutor, she’s embarrassed Lionsgate 08.01.2013 dead... there is no one left to decipher its secret... and, and desperate to keep it a secret from her friends. Then a bad 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113877 someone is watching. It’s a race against the clock to find the fall at the gym sidetracks her from her favorite sport. Will she inventor before the motor of the World is stopped for good. recover in time to make the team? Can she succeed in school, Drama, Mystery, Science Fiction 2012 too? McKenna needs to focus on her strengths to overcome Another 48 Hours 112min. her challenges - and, with the help of family and friends, find Eddie Murphy, Nick Nolte 20th Century Fox 19.02.2013 a way to believe in herself again. Starring Nia Vardalos (My Here they go again. Only faster. And tougher. Reggie Ham- Big Fat Greek Wedding), Ian Ziering (TV’s Beverly Hills, mond and Jack Cates return in the smash sequel that’s „better 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114532 90210), and gymnastics champion Cathy Rigby, this heart- than the first!“ - How much better? For starters, the mob puts warming story will have the whole family cheering! a price on Reggie’s head. The bus transporting him from the The Awakening Sports, Drama, Family, Girl Power 94min. pen flips over about 17 times. His prized Porsche is blown Universal Studios 19.02.2013 into scrap metal. Creeps in a bar still haven’t learned it’s Rebecca Hall, , Dominic 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114201 dumb to get Reggie mad. And the night is still young. Before West these 48 hours are up, Reggie and Jack will turn San Fran- They say, the boy was scared to death. When the death of a cisco inside out to nail an elusive druglord. The boys are child at a boarding school is blamed on a ghost, hoax exposer An American Girl: McKenna back in town...and the action’s on the streets. Don’t miss it! Florence Cathcart is certain that science and reason can Action, Buddy Pictures, Comedy, Cops explain it. But the truth she discovers is more terrifying than Shoots For The Stars (Blu-ray + 1990 95min. she could ever imagine, and soon the ghost hunter becomes DVD + Digital Copy + UltraViolet) the hunted. Starring Rebecca Hall (The Town), Dominic West Paramount 01.01.2013 (John Carter) and Imelda Staunton (Harry Potter), The (Blu-ray) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114286 Awakening is a terrifying mystery filled with haunting twists Nia Vardalos, Ian Ziering that will keep you on the edge of your seat. Thrillers, British, Foreign, Ghosts, Horror Meet McKenna Brooks, a determined and confident young Arrowhead 2011 107min. gymnast, in this all-new, modernday adventure. McKenna is Charlton Heston, Jack Palance, Brian Keith, on track to make the regional competitive gymnastics team, but Universal Studios 29.01.2013 off track in school, where she’s suddenly struggling to keep Katy Jurado, Mary Sinclair up. When her teacher suggests a tutor, she’s embarrassed Risking His Life That Others Might Be Saved.. Apache brave 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113809 and desperate to keep it a secret from her friends. Then a bad Toriano has returned to his people after schooling in the fall at the gym sidetracks her from her favorite sport. Will she Eastern U.S. - Charlton Heston (as Bannon) and Jack The Awakening (Blu-ray) recover in time to make the team? Can she succeed in school, Palance (as Toriano) square off in Arrowhead, an exciting too? McKenna needs to focus on her strengths to overcome saga directed by Gunsmoke and Rawhide creator Charles Rebecca Hall, Imelda Staunton, Dominic her challenges - and, with the help of family and friends, find Marquis Warren-and packed with the hell-bent-for-leather West a way to believe in herself again. Starring Nia Vardalos (My bravado of the Technicolor West. They say, the boy was scared to death. When the death of a Big Fat Greek Wedding), Ian Ziering (TV’s Beverly Hills, Western, Classics 1953 105min. child at a boarding school is blamed on a ghost, hoax exposer

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 25 Newsletter 19/12 (Nr. 323) Dezember 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

Florence Cathcart is certain that science and reason can Back To The Future: 25th Training explain it. But the truth she discovers is more terrifying than she could ever imagine, and soon the ghost hunter becomes Anniversary Trilogy William Devane, Clifton James the hunted. Starring Rebecca Hall (The Town), Dominic West The Bad News Bears In Breaking Training is the comic and (John Carter) and Imelda Staunton (Harry Potter), The Michael J. Fox, Christopher Lloyd, Elisabeth poignant second-in-the-series of adventures with the pint- Awakening is a terrifying mystery filled with haunting twists Shue, Lea Thompson, Crispin Glover, Tho- sized sandlot ballplayers initiated with the smash success, that will keep you on the edge of your seat. mas F. Wilson The Bad News Bears. The picture picks up the Bears’ career British, Foreign, Ghosts, Horror, Thrillers Experience one of the most popular movie series of all time a year after their infamous second-place finish in the North 2011 107min. like never before with the Back to the Future 25th Valley League. Faced with a chance to play the Houston Anniversary trilogy! Join Marty McFly (Michael J. Fox), Doc Toros for a shot at the Japanese champs, they devise a way to Universal Studios 29.01.2013 Brown (Christopher Lloyd) and a time-traveling DeLorean for get to Texas to play a the famed Astrodome. On their 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113834 the adventure of a lifetime as they travel to the past, present pilgrimage to Houston, the Bears gain a new coach; dump that and future setting off time-shattering chain reaction that coach; add a new pitcher who can’t get his fastball over the disrupts the space-time continuum! From filmmakers Steven plate; find another coach who shows him how it’s done, and Babel Spielberg, Robert Zemeckis and Bob Gale, these timeless go on to a come-back victory with all eyes on Japan. , Brad Pitt, Gael Garcia films feature all-new 25th Anniversary restoration for Sports, Baseball, Drama 1977 99min. enhances picture and sound plus hours of exciting bonus Paramount 01.01.2013 Bernal, Koji Yakusho features. Pain is universal... but so is hope. From acclaimed Director 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114293 Alejandro González Iñárritu (Amores Perros, 21 Grams) Science Fiction, Time Travel, Western, comes the third film in his trilogy, Babel, a critically Adventure, Boxed Sets, Comedy 1985 min. celebrated and emotionally gripping film about the barriers Universal Studios 30.08.2011 The Bad News Bears that separate humankind. - A tragic accident in Morocco sets 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113773 Walter Matthau, Vic Morrow off a chain of events that will link four groups of people who, A classic comedy about growing up!. A major surprise as one divided by cultural differences and vast distances, will of 1976’s top-grossing films, The Bad News Bears is a movie discover a shared destiny that ultimately connects them. Brad Back To The Future: 25th about children that is refreshing, utterly believable, and quite Pitt (Mr. And Mrs. Smith, Oceans 12), Academy Award® cleverly funny. Walter Matthau is at his absolute best as the winner Cate Blanchett (The Aviator, The Lord Of The Rings Anniversary Trilogy (Blu-ray) grumbling, beer-guzzling former minor-league pitcher who Trilogy) and Gael García Bernal (Y Tu Mamá También, The Michael J. Fox, Christopher Lloyd, Elisabeth gets roped into coaching a band of half-pint misfits somewhat Motorcycle Diaries) lead an outstanding international loosely called a team. With this bunch in uniform, it’s ensemble cast in this breakthrough film. Shue, Lea Thompson, Crispin Glover, Tho- impossible to get caught up in the suburban competitive spirit Thrillers, Academy Award Winners, Art mas F. Wilson that drives other adults to extremes of parental discipline. So, House, Drama 2006 143min. Experience one of the most popular movie series of all time instead, the Bears have a good time. like never before with the Back to the Future 25th Sports, Baseball, Comedy, Drama 1976 Paramount 01.01.2013 Anniversary Trilogy! Join Marty McFly (Michael J. Fox), Doc 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114290 Brown (Christopher Lloyd) and a time traveling DeLorean for 101min. the adventure of a lifetime as they travel to the past, present Paramount 01.01.2013 and future, setting off a time-shattering chain reaction that 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114294 Babel (Blu-ray) disrupts the space time continuum! From filmmakers Steven Cate Blanchett, Brad Pitt, Gael Garcia Spielberg, Robert Zemeckis and Bob Gale, these timeless films feature all-new 25th Anniversary restorations for Badass Showdown Bernal, Koji Yakusho enhanced picture and sound plus hours of exciting bonus Pain is universal... but so is hope. From acclaimed Director features. Cynthia Rothrock, Kip Canyon, Brandon Alejandro González Iñárritu (Amores Perros, 21 Grams) Schinaman comes the third film in his trilogy, Babel, a critically Boxed Sets, Comedy, Adventure, Science celebrated and emotionally gripping film about the barriers Fiction, Time Travel, Western 1985 min. Sports, Action, girl power, Mixed Martial that separate humankind. - A tragic accident in Morocco sets Universal Studios 30.08.2011 Arts 2012 75min. off a chain of events that will link four groups of people who, Rapid Heart Pictures 02.04.2013 divided by cultural differences and vast distances, will 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113780 discover a shared destiny that ultimately connects them. Brad 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113895 Pitt (Mr. And Mrs. Smith, Oceans 12), Academy Award® Backwards winner Cate Blanchett (The Aviator, The Lord Of The Rings Badlands: The Criterion Trilogy) and Gael García Bernal (Y Tu Mamá También, The Motorcycle Diaries) lead an outstanding international Romance, Sports 2012 min. Collection ensemble cast in this breakthrough film. Phase 4 Films 11.12.2012 Martin Sheen, Sissy Spacek, Warren Oates Drama, Academy Award Winners, Art 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113876 Badlands announced the arrival of a major talent: Terrence House, Thrillers 2006 143min. Malick (Days of Heaven). His impressionistic take on the Paramount 01.01.2013 notorious Charles Starkweather and Caril Ann Fugate killing Bad News Bears spree of the late 1950s uses a serial-killer narrative as a 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114302 springboard for an oblique teenage romance, lovingly and Billy Bob Thornton, Marcia Gay Harden, idiosyncratically enacted by Martin Sheen (Apocalypse Now) Baby Geniuses And The Mystery Greg Kinnear and Sissy Spacek (). The film also introduced many of Billy Bob Thornton delivers a wickedly funny performance in the elements that would earn Malick his passionate following: Of The Crown Jewels this hilarious hit from the director of School of Rock. Morris the enigmatic approach to narrative and character, the Buttermaker (Thornton), former pro ballplayer-turned- unusual use of voice-over, the juxtaposition of human violence Jon Voight, Skyler Shaye, Casey Gray exterminator, expects to make some easy money coaching a with natural beauty, the poetic investigation of American Hidden beneath Bobbins Daycare in Washington DC is the struggling Little League team called the Bears. What he gets dreams and nightmares. This debut has spawned countless top-secret headquarters of The Baby Squad, where super is a ragtag group of inept players who transform the field of imitations, but none have equaled its strange sublimity. genius babies use their secret baby language to solve dreams into the stuff of nightmares! Taunted by an arrogant National Film Registry, Romance, Serial mysteries all over the world. And when an evil genius baby rival coach (Greg Kinnear), pressured by his new employer steals the Crown Jewels from The Tower Of London, the (Marcia Gay Harden), and challenged by the Bears, Killers, Crime, Criterion Collection, Cult Film toddler team - along with Aunt Kylie - zaps across the globe Buttermaker must somehow step up to the plate and help his / TV, Drama, Love Gone Bad 1973 94min. to investigate. It’s a mission filled with amazing gadgets, players become something they never imagined they could be: Criterion 19.03.2013 awesome inventions, international intrigue and hamburgers, a team. too. But can a pint-sized with a huge plan for 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114480 world domination outsmart our government’s brainiest Sports, Baseball, Comedy 2005 113min. diapered detectives? Paramount 01.01.2013 Comedy, Family 79min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114291 Badlands: The Criterion Starz / Anchor Bay 05.02.2013 Collection (Blu-ray) 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114074 The Bad News Bears Go To Japan Martin Sheen, Sissy Spacek, Warren Oates Badlands announced the arrival of a major talent: Terrence Tony Curtis, Jackie Earle Haley Malick (Days of Heaven). His impressionistic take on the Back Then Caught in a clash of cultures and ready to wreak more havoc notorious Charles Starkweather and Caril Ann Fugate killing Malinda Williams, Aaron D. Spears on Japan than Godzilla, the Bad News Bears are back for spree of the late 1950s uses a serial-killer narrative as a their third outing, following the enormously successful Bad springboard for an oblique teenage romance, lovingly and Gavin Miller leaves behind the trauma of his high school News Bears and The Bad News Bears in Breaking Training. years and becomes „Man of the Year“. That is until Rochelle idiosyncratically enacted by Martin Sheen (Apocalypse Now) This time the Bears have been spirited off to Tokyo by Marvin and Sissy Spacek (Carrie). The film also introduced many of Davis, a blast from the past walks into his life causing the Lazar (Tony Curtis), a slick con artist who sees in the team a dapper Gavin Miller to revert back to his high school the elements that would earn Malick his passionate following: perfect peg for a get-rich-quick scheme. The strikeout-prone the enigmatic approach to narrative and character, the awkwardness. Gavin’s feelings for Rochelle all come rushing Bears are pitted against a murderously skillful Japanese back when his best friend since high school Andrea ‘Dre’ unusual use of voice-over, the juxtaposition of human violence junior baseball team, and the resulting comic chaos is with natural beauty, the poetic investigation of American Devine reminds him of the heartache Rochelle inflicted. hilarious. Ignoring the warning Gavin finds himself facing the same dreams and nightmares. This debut has spawned countless heartbreak. Sports, Baseball, Drama 1978 92min. imitations, but none have equaled its strange sublimity. African Americans, Comedy 2012 79min. Paramount 01.01.2013 Crime, Criterion Collection, Cult Film / TV, E1 Entertainment 05.02.2013 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114292 Drama, Love Gone Bad, National Film 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114002 Registry, Romance, Serial Killers 1973 The Bad News Bears In Breaking 94min. Criterion 19.03.2013

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 26 Newsletter 19/12 (Nr. 323) Dezember 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114496 Pasqualino But now, not only are there vampires to keep at bay, there’s An all-new chapter in the saga, Blood & also a wicked ghost on the loose, and someone’s trying to Chrome takes place in the midst of the first Cylon war. As the expose the existence of werewolves. Being human has never The Ballad Of Narayama: The battle between humans and their creation, the sentient robotic been tougher. Criterion Collection Cylons, rages across the 12 colonial worlds, a young, Vampires, Werewolves, BBC, British, talented fighter pilot, William Adama (Luke Pasqualino, The Comedy, Drama, Fantasy, Foreign, Ghosts, Kinuyo Tanaka Borgias), finds himself assigned to one of the most powerful This haunting, kabuki-inflected version of a Japanese folk battlestars in the Colonial fleet: the Galactica. Though Adama International TV 2012 480min. legend is set in a remote mountain village, where food is quickly finds himself at odds with his co-pilot, the battle- BBC Home Video 15.01.2013 scarce and tradition dictates that citizens who have reached weary officer Coker (Ben Cotton, Alcatraz), the two men must 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114536 their seventieth year must be carried to the summit of Mount set their differences aside when a routine escort mission with Narayama and left there to die. The sacrificial elder at the an enigmatic passenger (Lili Bordán, Silent Witness) turns center of the tale is Orin (Ugetsu’s Kinuyo Tanaka), a dangerous and becomes a pivotal one for the desperate fleet. Being Human: Season Four (Blu- dignified and dutiful woman who spends her dwindling days War, Action, Adventure, Drama, ray) securing the happiness of her loyal widowed son with a Intergalactic War, Science Fiction 2012 min. respectable new wife. Filmed almost entirely on cunningly Lenora Crichlow, Aidan Turner, Russell Universal Studios 19.02.2013 designed studio sets, in brilliant color and widescreen, The Tovey Ballad of Narayama is a stylish and vividly formal work from 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113769 Japan’s cinematic golden age, directed by the dynamic The original UK Being Human, is back for an all-new season. Keisuke Kinoshita (Twenty-Four Eyes). In an old hotel, in a sleepy seaside town, a vampire, a Battlestar Galactica: Blood & werewolf, and a ghost try their best to live normal human Criterion Collection, Drama, Foreign, lives. Yet despite their efforts to be left in peace, there are Japanese 1958 98min. Chrome (Blu-ray + DVD + Digital members of their own kind determined to rid the world of Criterion 05.02.2013 Copy + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) humanity. With the vampires still wanting to strike and The 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113870 Old Ones on their way, and her two new housemates - Lili Bordan, Jill Teed, Ben Cotton, Luke Tom and Hal - find themselves in the middle of the struggle. Pasqualino But now, not only are there vampires to keep at bay, there’s The Ballad Of Narayama: The also a wicked ghost on the loose, and someone’s trying to An all-new chapter in the Battlestar Galactica saga, Blood & expose the existence of werewolves. Being human has never Criterion Collection (Blu-ray) Chrome takes place in the midst of the first Cylon war. As the been tougher. battle between humans and their creation, the sentient robotic Kinuyo Tanaka Cylons, rages across the 12 colonial worlds, a young, Vampires, Werewolves, British, Comedy, This haunting, kabuki-inflected version of a Japanese folk talented fighter pilot, William Adama (Luke Pasqualino, The Drama, Fantasy, Foreign, Ghosts, Interna- legend is set in a remote mountain village, where food is Borgias), finds himself assigned to one of the most powerful tional TV, BBC 2012 480min. scarce and tradition dictates that citizens who have reached battlestars in the Colonial fleet: the Galactica. Though Adama their seventieth year must be carried to the summit of Mount quickly finds himself at odds with his co-pilot, the battle- BBC Home Video 15.01.2013 Narayama and left there to die. The sacrificial elder at the weary officer Coker (Ben Cotton, Alcatraz), the two men must 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114587 center of the tale is Orin (Ugetsu’s Kinuyo Tanaka), a set their differences aside when a routine escort mission with dignified and dutiful woman who spends her dwindling days an enigmatic passenger (Lili Bordán, Silent Witness) turns securing the happiness of her loyal widowed son with a dangerous and becomes a pivotal one for the desperate fleet. Being Human: The Complete Se- respectable new wife. Filmed almost entirely on cunningly Drama, Intergalactic War, Science Fiction, cond Season designed studio sets, in brilliant color and widescreen, The Ballad of Narayama is a stylish and vividly formal work from Action, Adventure, War 2012 min. Meaghan Rath, Sam Huntington, Sam Wit- Japan’s cinematic golden age, directed by the dynamic Universal Studios 19.02.2013 wer Keisuke Kinoshita (Twenty-Four Eyes). 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113777 Vampires, Werewolves, Canadian, Criterion Collection, Drama, Foreign, Fantasy, Foreign, Ghosts, Horror, Interna- Japanese 1958 98min. The Bay tional TV 2012 min. Criterion 05.02.2013 Kether Donohue, Kristen Connolly, Will Ro- E1 Entertainment 01.01.2013 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113879 gers, Christopher Denham, Frank Deal 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113963 Two million fish washed ashore. One thousand blackbirds Barefoot In The Park dropped from the sky. On July 4, 2009 a deadly menace swept Being Human: The Complete Se- , Milded Natwick, Robert through the quaint seaside town of Claridge, Maryland, but the harrowing story of what happened that Independence Day cond Season (Blu-ray) Redford, Charles Boyer has never been told - until now. From Oscar-winning director Master of Broadway comedy adapted his hit play Barry Levinson and the producers of Paranormal Activity and Meaghan Rath, Sam Huntington, Sam Wit- about a conservative young lawyer and his off-the-wall bride Insidious comes this nerve- shredding tale of a small town wer for this warm film classic. - Robert Redford is Mister plunged into absolute terror. The authorities believed they Straight. Jane Fonda is his new wife, who dedicates her life had buried the truth about the tragedy that claimed over 700 Vampires, Werewolves, Canadian, to the pursuit of fun. As the ecstasy of the honeymoon gives human lives. Now, three years later, a reporter has emerged Fantasy, Foreign, Ghosts, Horror, Interna- way to the reality of setting up housekeeping in a five-flight with footage revealing both the cover-up and an unimaginable tional TV 2012 min. walk-up, the harmony of marriage turns to comical discord. killer: a mysterious parasitic outbreak. Told from the The mother-in-law complains meekly. The middle-aged perspective of those who were there and saw what happened, E1 Entertainment 01.01.2013 Lothario upstairs flirts. Joy turns to anguish. There is little The Bay unfolds over 24 hours though people’s iPhones, 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113968 doubt that the young people will kiss and make up by the end Androids, 911 calls, webcams, and whatever else could be of the picture, just as there’s little doubt that the mother and used to document the nightmare in Claridge. the neighbor will find each other. Fonda and Redford make a Science Fiction, Thrillers, Horror, Ben Hur / Ten Commandments wonderfully successful comedy team. Mockumentary 85min. (Double Feature) Romance, AFI Top 100, Classics, Comedy Lionsgate 05.03.2013 Charlton Heston, Jack Hawkins, Martha 1967 105min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114453 Scott, Haya Harareet, Sam Jaffe, Stephen Paramount 01.01.2013 Boyd, Hugh Griffith 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114314 Beast Beneath National Film Registry, Religion/Spirituality, 1861. Several thousand acres of pristine land is stolen from Academy Award Winners, Action, AFI Top Barnyard its owner, Don Antonio Feliz on his deathbed. His blind niece, 100, Classics, Double Features, Drama, Andie MacDowell, Courteney Cox, Wanda Petranilla, curses everyone involved. 150 years pass, and Angelina Feliz, a direct descendant of the Don, along with her Epics, Historical / Period Piece min. Sykes, Danny Glover, Kevin James, Sam boyfriend Derek, discover an old map in a family heirloom Warner Bros. 12.03.2013 Elliott, David Koechner music box. The map shows the location of a treasure on the 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114417 The Original Party Animals.. The hilarious hit moo-vie is now estate, but guarding the hidden fortune is a huge netherworld on DVD! Moo-ve over, all you pretenders...here are the creature, a terrifying Barghest. original party animals - the critters of Barnyard! This laugh- Thrillers, Action, Horror 2011 90min. Ben Hur / Ten Commandments filled adventure stars Otis, a carefree cow who spends his days singing, dancing and playing tricks on humans... much to E1 Entertainment 05.02.2013 (Double Feature) (Blu-ray) the dismay of his father, Ben. Wild, wacky and „udderly“ 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114003 Charlton Heston, Jack Hawkins, Martha hilarious, here’s a herd of animated pranksters that’ll keep you laughing out loud! Scott, Haya Harareet, Sam Jaffe, Stephen Animated Animals, Comedy, Computer Ani- Being Human: Season Four Boyd, Hugh Griffith mation, Family 2006 89min. Lenora Crichlow, Aidan Turner, Russell Classics, Double Features, Drama, Epics, Paramount 01.01.2013 Tovey Historical / Period Piece, Academy Award The original UK Being Human, is back for an all-new season. Winners, Action, AFI Top 100, National Film 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114315 In an old hotel, in a sleepy seaside town, a vampire, a werewolf, and a ghost try their best to live normal human Registry, Religion/Spirituality min. Battlestar Galactica: Blood & lives. Yet despite their efforts to be left in peace, there are Warner Bros. 12.03.2013 members of their own kind determined to rid the world of 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114432 Chrome humanity. With the vampires still wanting to strike and The Lili Bordan, Jill Teed, Ben Cotton, Luke Old Ones on their way, Annie and her two new housemates - Tom and Hal - find themselves in the middle of the struggle. Best Of Warner Bros.: 20 Films

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 27 Newsletter 19/12 (Nr. 323) Dezember 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

Collection - Romance 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114049 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114318 National Film Registry, Romance, Academy Award Winners, AFI Top 100, Boxed Sets, Big Top Pee Wee Black (Blu-ray) Classics, Drama min. , Susan Tyrrell, Kris Michael Douglas, Andy Garcia, Kate Warner Bros. 02.04.2013 Kristofferson, Paul Reubens Capshaw, Ken Takakura 148,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114172 In Big Top Pee Wee, I live on a country farm where I feed my From Oscar®-nominated director Ridley Scott (Gladiator) barnyard animals pancake breakfasts and work on top-secret comes this stylish, star-powered crime thriller that crackles botanical experiments with my pet pig, Vance. One day a with heart-pounding action and taut suspense. - Academy The Best Years Of Our Lives storm blows an entire circus into my yard! There’s wild Award®-winner Michael Douglas is electrifying as Nick animals and all kinds of cool circus stuff-especially the Conklin, a rough-and-tumble NYC detective under Dana Andrews, Fredric March, Myrna Loy trapeze artist, Gina. She’s the most beautiful girl I’ve ever investigation for corruption. Ordered to escort a cold-blooded This Academy Award-winning masterpiece recounts the seen! She’s the most beautiful girl I’ve ever kissed, too!! killer named Sato back to his native Japan, Nick and his problems faced by three returning veterans after WWII as That’s probably why my fiancée, Winnie, gets so angry. Let partner Charlie (Oscar® nominee Andy Garcia) unwittingly they attempt to pick up the threads of their lives. me tell you, one torrid love triangle in a lifetime is plenty for deliver Sato into the hands of his own gang. With assistance National Film Registry, Romance, War, anyone! It all works out great, eventually, and I even get to be from a by-the-book Japanese cop (Ken Takakura) and a Academy Award Winners, AFI Top 100, in the circus! Sawdust, glitter and excitement-I hope you like beautiful club hostess (Kate Capshaw), the American cops Classics, Drama 1946 172min. it! - Your Pal, - Pee Wee Herman chase Sato through ’s seamy underworld, as Nick Comedy 1988 85min. fights to recapture something as important as the criminal he Warner Bros. 15.01.2013 Paramount 01.01.2013 lost: his honor. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114176 Cops, Crime, Action, Thrillers 1989 125min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114316 Paramount 01.01.2013 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114327 Better Than Chocolate (Double Big Top Pee Wee / Pee Wee’s Feature) Big Adventure (Double Feature) Johnny Depp, Lena Olin, Judi Dench, Black Sheep Valeria Golino, Susan Tyrrell, Kris , Lumi Cavazos, Regina Tim Matheson, Chris Farley, Christine Eber- Kristofferson, Paul Reubens Torne, Alfred Molina, Marco Leonardi sole, Gary Busey, David Spade Films Include Chocolat Nominated in 2000 for 5 Academy Comedy, Cult Film / TV, Double Features Meet Mike Donnelly (Chris Farley). He’s one lovable, Awards including Best Picture, Best Actress (Juliette min. hilarious accident waiting to happen. Dedicated to helping his Binoche), and Best Supporting Actress (Judi Dench), Warner Bros. 12.03.2013 big brother Al (Tim Matheson) win the race for Washington Chocolat is the beautiful and captivating comedy from the State Governor, he turns every opportunity for votes into an acclaimed director of The Cider House Rules! Nobody could 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114418 embarrassing disaster.Campaign aide and super slacker have imagined the impact that the striking Vianne (Binoche) Steve Dobbs (David Spade) volunteers to baby-sit Mike. Big would make when she arrived in a tranquil, old-fashioned Bigfoot’s Wild Weekend mistake! When Mike discovers that the incumbent governor is French town. In her very unusual chocolate shop, Vianne a crook, he dives headfirst into a whole new level of well- begins to create mouthwatering confections that almost When skeptical tabloid reporter Harlan James (Chase Car- intended destruction.Chris Farley and David Spade, the stars magically inspire the straitlaced villagers to abandon ter) is given the assignment of investigating a string of of Tommy Boy, once again show why they are „the comedy themselves to temptation and happiness! But it is not until encounters involving Bigfoot (portrayed by D.T. Carney, Dead team of the ’90s!“ (Leo Quinones, KIIS-FM). Directed by another stranger, the handsome Roux (Johnny Depp - Sleepy Things), he sets out on an extraordinary adventure. After Penelope Spheeris (Wayne’s World and costarring Gary Hollow), arrives in town that Vianne is finally able to talking to a few witnesses, Harlan soon learns that Bigfoot Busey, Black Sheep is „a crowd pleaser directed with recognize her own desires! Like Water For Chocolate Based isn’t a scary monster but rather a beer-drinking, panty- maximum energy!“ (Kevin Thomas, Times). on the best-selling book - now, experience for yourself the stealing party animal! But Harlan isn’t the only one trying to Featuring an electrifying performance by super Seattle band erotic tale of forbidden love that seduced both critics and track down the world’s most elusive creature. He’ll have to Mudhoney! audiences nationwide! Tita and Pedro are passionately in compete with Chester Scroggins (Ron Blackwell, Showboys), Buddy Pictures, Comedy 1996 86min. love. But their love is forbidden by an ancient family tradition. a hillbilly hell-bent on revenge, as well as a group of rival Paramount 01.01.2013 To be near Tita, Pedro marries her sister. And Tita, as the hunters looking to claim a bounty. With the aid of a local family c sheriff (David Novak, Super Shark) and a beautiful television 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114319 reporter (Nicole Parsneau), Harlan sets out to get to the Romance, Art House, Comedy, Double Fea- heart of the story before it’s too late. Skewering everything tures, Drama 227min. from tabloid trash to small-town intrigue, Bigfoot’s Wild Black Sheep (Blu-ray) Lionsgate 08.01.2013 Weekend is a crazy off-the-wall comedy filled with beer, Tim Matheson, Chris Farley, Christine Eber- 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113761 babes (in-and out-of their bikinis), and Bigfoot! sole, Gary Busey, David Spade Science Fiction, Comedy, Monsters 85min. Meet Mike Donnelly (Chris Farley). He’s one lovable, Bayview Entertainment 12.02.2013 hilarious accident waiting to happen. Dedicated to helping his The Beverly Hillbillies: 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114246 big brother Al (Tim Matheson) win the race for Washington Collector’s Edition State Governor, he turns every opportunity for votes into an embarrassing disaster.Campaign aide and super slacker Donna Douglas, Irene Ryan, Nancy Kulp, Black Like Me Steve Dobbs (David Spade) volunteers to baby-sit Mike. Big Buddy Ebsen, Raymond Bailey, Max Baer mistake! When Mike discovers that the incumbent governor is James Whitmore, Roscoe Lee Browne, a crook, he dives headfirst into a whole new level of well- Jr. Sorrell Booke intended destruction.Chris Farley and David Spade, the stars Long before Beverly Hills, 90210, another gang inhabited the Based on the landmark memoir by John Howard Griffin, Black of Tommy Boy, once again show why they are „the comedy infamous zip code in the land of swimmin’ pools and movie Like Me stars James Whitmore as Griffin, who medically team of the ’90s!“ (Leo Quinones, KIIS-FM). Directed by stars. The Beverly Hillbilles stands in a class alone as one of altered his pigment and, with the help of a sunlamp, reinvented Penelope Spheeris (Wayne’s World and costarring Gary the most successful TV of all-time. The slapstick himself as an itinerant black writer navigating his way Busey, Black Sheep is „a crowd pleaser directed with comedy about a family of Ozark country bumpkins who strike through Mississippi and Alabama. Along the way he maximum energy!“ (Kevin Thomas, ). it rich and move to Beverly Hills ran for nine seasons and at experienced firsthand both crushing racism and the incredible Featuring an electrifying performance by super Seattle band its peak, attracted more than 60 million viewers a week. Get life force of the Afro-American communities. Thanks to a full Mudhoney! reacquainted with Jed Clampett and his brood, which included restoration from the original negative, this is the first time his mother-in-law Granny, daughter Elly May and dim-witted Buddy Pictures, Comedy 1996 86min. Black Like Me has been released on DVD. Paramount 01.01.2013 nephew Jethro Bodine. This special five-DVD collection of African Americans, Drama 105min. classic Beverly Hillbillies episodes will provide hours of 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114328 laughs and an unforgettable trip down memory lane. Music Video Distribution 11.12.2012 Boxed Sets, Classics, Comedy, Family 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113988 760min. Black Snake Moan Madacy 05.02.2013 Black Rain Christina Ricci, Justin Timberlake, David Banner, S. Epatha Merkerson, Kim Ri- 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114128 Michael Douglas, Andy Garcia, Kate chards, Samuel L. Jackson, John Cothran Capshaw, Ken Takakura In this tale of love, loss and faith, Academy Award Nominee Big Bad Beetleborgs: Season From Oscar®-nominated director Ridley Scott (Gladiator) Samuel L. Jackson (Pulp Fiction, Star Wars Episode III: One - Volume Two comes this stylish, star-powered crime thriller that crackles Revenge of the Sith) and Christina Ricci (Sleepy Hollow) with heart-pounding action and taut suspense. - Academy seek redemption Down South through the power of blues and On the surface, Drew, Jo and Roland might look like typical Award®-winner Michael Douglas is electrifying as Nick the transcendence of an unlikely friendship. average kids, but a chance encounter with Flabber, a phasm Conklin, a rough-and-tumble NYC detective under from the haunted Hillhurst Mansion, leaves each of them with investigation for corruption. Ordered to escort a cold-blooded Romance, Art House, Drama, Friendships the superpowers of their favorite comic book heroes-the killer named Sato back to his native Japan, Nick and his 2007 115min. BeetleBorgs! Only, Flabber’s gift also accidentally unleashes partner Charlie (Oscar® nominee Andy Garcia) unwittingly Paramount 01.01.2013 the BeetleBorgs’ arch nemesis, Vexor, and his horde of deliver Sato into the hands of his own gang. With assistance Magnavors. Aided by their new friendly neighborhood phasm, from a by-the-book Japanese cop (Ken Takakura) and a 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114320 it’s up to these Big Bad BeetleBorgs to defend the peace and beautiful club hostess (Kate Capshaw), the American cops harmony of our world against these new powerful foes! chase Sato through Osaka’s seamy underworld, as Nick Black Snake Moan (Blu-ray) Includes the final 26 action-packed episodes of Big Bad fights to recapture something as important as the criminal he BeetleBorgs’ first season! lost: his honor. Christina Ricci, Justin Timberlake, David Action, Adventure, Comedy, Family 572min. Thrillers, Action, Cops, Crime 1989 125min. Banner, S. Epatha Merkerson, Kim Ri- Shout Factory 12.02.2013 Paramount 01.01.2013 chards, Samuel L. Jackson, John Cothran

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In this tale of love, loss and faith, Academy Award Nominee an upgraded English translation of the film, plus on-disc Ken joins Barbie. Roger Maris slugs 61 home runs. And Elvis Samuel L. Jackson (Pulp Fiction, Star Wars Episode III: extras: director and cast bios, director’s statement, and Presley is in paradise, playing an ex-G.I. who comes home to Revenge of the Sith) and Christina Ricci (Sleepy Hollow) original South Korean trailer, plus 5 Points Pictures trailers. Blue Hawaii. His mother (Angela Landsbury) expects him to seek redemption Down South through the power of blues and It features the on-screen talents of Lee Je-hoon (The Front climb the corporate ladder. But Elvis would rather wear an the transcendence of an unlikely friendship. Line, Architecture 101), Seo Jun-young (Tree With Deep aloha shirt than a white collar, so he goes to work as a tour Drama, Friendships, Art House, Romance Roots TV, Eighteen), and Park Jung-min (Golden Time TV, guide. Lucky Elvis: his first customers are a carful of cuties. Feast of the Gods TV) as the three teens at the story’s Elvis, lovely scenery, lovelier girls and rock-a-hula songs - 2007 115min. center, along with veteran actor Cho Seong-ha (The Yellow now that’s paradise! Paramount 01.01.2013 Sea, Helpless). Bleak Night is the acclaimed directorial debut Music, Musical, Classics 1961 101min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114329 of Yoon Sung-hyun. Paramount 01.01.2013 Drama, Foreign, Korean 2011 117min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114421 Black Sunday Bayview Entertainment 22.01.2013 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113790 Bruce Dern, Marthe Keller, Robert Shaw, Bonanza: Collector’s Edition Bekim Fehmiu, Fritz Weaver The Blob: The Criterion Michael Landon, Lorne Greene, Dan Blok- Black Sunday is the powerful story of a Black September ker, Pernell Roberts terrorist group attempting to blow up a Goodyear blimp Collection (Blu-ray) hovering over the Super Bowl stadium with 80,000 people and As one of the first and still most beloved westerns of all time, the President of the in attendance. - Robert Steve McQueen, Aneta Corsaut, Stephen Bonanza told the story of life on the Ponderosa ranch for Shaw plays an Israeli commando who discovers the plot, Chase, Olin Howlin, Vince Barbi, John Cartwright patriarch Ben and his three sons Adam, Hoss and masterminded by Marthe Keller with the help of deranged „Little“ Joe. Whether the action took place on the ranch or in Vietnam veteran Bruce Dern. Director Benson, James Bonnet, Robert Fields, nearby Virginia City, audiences could bet that they’d get a creates a chilling portrait of people obsessed with a cause for Anthony Franke, George Karas, Lee dose of drama, action and down-home family entertainment. which they will die. - In an incredible finale, Dern and Keller This five-DVD set contains over 12 hours of the most Payton, Earl Rowe, Elbert Smith memorable episodes in Bonanza’s stellar 14-season run. navigate teh lethal airship into the terror-stricken stadium, A cult classic of gooey greatness, The Blob follows the havoc pursued by Shaw in a helicopter, climaxing one of the most wreaked on a small town by an outerspace monster with Western, Classics, Drama 750min. exciting and unusual chases in movie history. neither soul nor vertebrae, with Steve McQueen (The Great Madacy 05.02.2013 Music, Thrillers 1976 143min. Escape) playing the rebel teen who tries to warn the 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114129 Paramount 01.01.2013 residents about the jellylike invader. Strong performances and 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114321 ingenious special effects help The Blob transcend the schlock sci-fi and youth delinquency genres from which it originates. Bonanza: The Official Fifth Made outside of Hollywood by a maverick film distributor and Black’s Game a crew whose credits mostly comprised religious and Season - Volume One educational shorts, The Blob helped launch the careers of Michael Landon, Lorne Greene, Dan Blok- Johannes Haukur McQueen and composer Burt Bacharach, whose bouncy title Inspired by actual events. On the eve of the millennium, a song is just one of this film’s many unexpected pleasures. ker, Pernell Roberts, Victor Sen Yung student named Stebbi is arrested in a drunken brawl and Classics, Criterion Collection, Cult Film / TV, Bonanza follows the High-Sierra adventures of the Cartwright reacquaints himself with a childhood friend - Toti - to help him family - wise patriarch Ben Cartwright and his three find representation at his upcoming court date. In order to pay Horror, Aliens, Science Fiction 1958 82min. dissimilar sons, Adam, Hoss and „Little Joe“ as they attempt to his debt, he agrees to join Toti’s crew. As he is drawn into the Criterion 12.03.2013 maintain and operate their sprawling timberland ranch, the world of Iceland’s drug trade he becomes the drug lord’s 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114497 Ponderosa, in an era of violence and lawlessness in mid- right-hand pusher, rolling in cash, drugs and girls. But that all 1800’s Nevada. changes as the demands of his occupation start to interfere Western, Classics, Cowboy 1963 1010min. with the inner drug-trading circle’s protocol, and Blonde In The Blue Movie 12.02.2013 complications arise when he breaks the circle’s rules. Pamela Tiffin, Lando Buzzanca 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113785 Thrillers, Crime, Foreign, Icelandic 2012 First time on DVD! A businessman (played by Italian comedy 105min. icon Lando Buzzanca - When Women Had Tails) meets and Lionsgate 12.02.2013 falls in love with the beautiful Pamela Tiffin (State Fair), Bonanza: The Official Fifth while working in Denmark. Only after they marry does he Season - Volume Two 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113979 discover her secret career as an actress in Danish sex films! Determined to work things he out comes to a startling and Michael Landon, Lorne Greene, Dan Blok- Blades Of Glory very funny conclusion! ker, Pernell Roberts, Victor Sen Yung Comedy, Erotica 91min. Craig T. Nelson, Amy Poehler, Jenna Fi- Bonanza follows the High-Sierra adventures of the Cartwright Retromedia 22.01.2013 family - wise patriarch Ben Cartwright and his three scher, Will Ferrell, Will Arnett, Jon Heder dissimilar sons, Adam, Hoss and „Little Joe“ as they attempt to „Blades Of Glory is pure hilarity, a gold medal comedy winner“ 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113793 maintain and operate their sprawling timberland ranch, the staring comic superstar Will Ferrell (Talladega Nights) and Ponderosa, in an era of violence and lawlessness in mid- Jon Heder (Napoleon Dynamite). Bitter figure skating rivals Bloody Flesh 1800’s Nevada. Chazz Michael Michaels (Ferrell) and Jimmy MacElroy Western, Classics, Cowboy 1964 811min. (Heder) brawl after tying for the gold medal at the world For centuries the Colombian people have kept these stories championships. Banned for life from men’s competition, these secret, but now all these unholy forces are back with a Paramount Pictures 12.02.2013 archrivals beat the system thanks to a loophole that allows vengeance. Now, an innocent American girl who’s looking for 84,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113786 them skate again - in pairs competition! Co-starring Crag T. experiences and thrills is going to experience more than she Nelson, Will Arnett, Amy Poehler and Jenna Fischer. ever bargained for. Sports, Comedy 2007 93min. Politics, Colombian, Foreign, Horror 1983 Boomerang Paramount 01.01.2013 94min. Eddie Murphy, Martin Lawrence, Grace 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114419 CAV 08.01.2013 Jones, Eartha Kitt, , Robin 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113789 Givens, David Alan Grier, Geoffrey Holder A player who is about to be played.. New York marketing exec Blades Of Glory (Blu-ray) Marcus Graham is a wolf in chic clothing, a ladies’ man Craig T. Nelson, Amy Poehler, Jenna Fi- Blue Chips dedicated to life, liberty and the happiness of pursuit. But Nick Nolte, , J.T. Walsh, Mary what goes around comes around in Eddie Murphy’s clever scher, Will Ferrell, Will Arnett, Jon Heder romantic comedy Boomerang. Murphy, in a performance loaded „Blades Of Glory is pure hilarity, a gold medal comedy winner“ McDonnell, , Michele with trademark charm and wit, is suave go-getter Graham. If staring comic superstar Will Ferrell (Talladega Nights) and Rappaport, William Friedkin you’ve got the curves, he’s got the angles... until he meets a Jon Heder (Napoleon Dynamite). Bitter figure skating rivals NBA superstar Shaquille O’Neal stars with Nick Nolte in the smart, stylish career woman who treats men the same way he Chazz Michael Michaels (Ferrell) and Jimmy MacElroy story of championship collegiate basketball coach Pete Bell treats women. How Graham copes with the experience and (Heder) brawl after tying for the gold medal at the world (Nolte), who has always been known for running the cleanest what he learns from it spark this entertaining romp... Catch a championships. Banned for life from men’s competition, these program in the league. But when Bell suddenly finds himself at Boomerang - it’s great fun! archrivals beat the system thanks to a loophole that allows the end of his first losing season, the pressure is on from the Romance, Comedy 1992 116min. them skate again - in pairs competition! Co-starring Crag T. alumni, the fans, and himself to get back on top. Seeing no Nelson, Will Arnett, Amy Poehler and Jenna Fischer. other way, he decides to attract the nation’s top up-and- Paramount 01.01.2013 Sports, Comedy 2007 93min. coming talent („blue chips“) the only way he knows how: by 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114422 Paramount 01.01.2013 paying them under the table. But now that Bell has the best team money can buy, including a seven-foot phenomenon from 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114438 the bayou (O’Neal), he finds that the ultimate price for his Border Run success may be his career. Billy Zane, Sharon Stone Bleak Night Sports, Basketball, Drama 1994 107min. There is a war happening right now on the Arizona/Mexico A grieving father (Cho Seong-ha,The Yellow Sea) seeks to Paramount 01.01.2013 border. Choose your side. Academy Award nominee Sharon understand the circumstances that led his teenage son, Ki-tae 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114420 Stone stars as Phoenix television reporter Sofie Talbert, a (Lee Je-hoon, The Front Line), to commit suicide. The hard-nosed right-wing journalist who exposes liberal discovery of a photo prompts him to seek out the young man’s politicians soft on illegal immigration. But when her relief- friends, Dong-yoon and Hee-june. Before viewers’ eyes, a Blue Hawaii worker brother goes missing in Mexico, Sofie’s own south-of- complex picture of the dynamic between them develops: the-border investigation traps her in a deadly underworld of friends and foes - bullies and victims - brothers and Elvis Presley, Angela Lansbury, Joan migrants, smugglers and cold-blooded murder. Here, nothing strangers. What could have pushed the bond between the Blackman is what is seems. Nobody should be trusted. And when one three young men past its breaking point? Bleak Night features The year was 1961. Fallout shelters dot suburban backyards. woman crosses the line, there can be no turning back. Billy

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Zane (Titanic) co-stars in this gritty and intense drama Mel Gibson, Catherine McCormack, Sophie army buddies or fiancée about the terms of the will. Desperate inspired by true events. Marceau, Patrick McGoohan to get rid of the money, he starts businesses and makes Thrillers, Drama 2012 96min. deliberately bad investments. But things go awry as the Academy Award Winners, Action, Drama, Starz / Anchor Bay 26.02.2013 ventures begin earning rather than losing money. This airy Epics, Historical / Period Piece, Medieval farce is kept deftly afloat by its first rate cast and director 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114082 Times 1995 117min. Allan Dwan (Heidi, Sands of Iwo Jima) at the helm. Army, Comedy 1945 79min. Paramount 01.01.2013 Hen’s Tooth 05.03.2013 Border Run (Blu-ray) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114424 Billy Zane, Sharon Stone 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114487 There is a war happening right now on the Arizona/Mexico border. Choose your side. Academy Award nominee Sharon Braveheart (Blu-ray) The Bridges At Toko-Ri Stone stars as Phoenix television reporter Sofie Talbert, a Mel Gibson, Catherine McCormack, Sophie Grace Kelly, William Holden, Fredric March, hard-nosed right-wing journalist who exposes liberal Marceau, Patrick McGoohan politicians soft on illegal immigration. But when her relief- Keiko Awaji, Mickey Rooney, Robert Drama, Epics, Historical / Period Piece, worker brother goes missing in Mexico, Sofie’s own south-of- Strauss, Charlie McGraw the-border investigation traps her in a deadly underworld of Medieval Times, Academy Award Winners, migrants, smugglers and cold-blooded murder. Here, nothing Not every pilot can guide his aircraft from a wave-tossed is what is seems. Nobody should be trusted. And when one Action 1995 177min. deck, seek out targets over unfamiliar Korean terrain, then woman crosses the line, there can be no turning back. Billy Paramount 01.01.2013 return to what looks like a speck in the sea. Naval Reservist Zane (Titanic) co-stars in this gritty and intense drama 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114439 Harry Brubaker (William Holden) can. This masterful story of inspired by true events. a war-weary World War II veteran who must leave his family Thrillers, Drama 2012 96min. to fight again combines moving drama with surefire, bombs- Breakdown away aerial action. Also starring Grace Kelly as his loving Starz / Anchor Bay 26.02.2013 luminescent wife. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114093 Kurt Russell, Kathleen Quinlan, J.T. Walsh War, Classics, Drama 1954 103min. It could happen to you.. All roads lead to excitement with Kurt Russell in Breakdown, the non-stop thrill ride that’s „a movie Paramount 01.01.2013 The Bouquet of nerve-frying intensity...Kurt Russell’s best performance 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114427 yet“ (Rex Reed, New York Observer). Jeff Taylor (Russell) Kristy Swanson, Danny Glover, Michael and his wife Amy (Kathleen Quinlan) are headed toward a Shanks new life in California when their car’s engine dies on a Broken Roads Two estranged sisters torn apart by their differences remote highway. Amy accepts a ride from a helpful trucker Sally Kirkland, Shoshana Bush, Aidan suddenly find themselves working together towards a common (J.T. Walsh) while Jeff waits with the car. But when Jeff goal in the heartwarming drama, The Bouquet. For years, shows up at the agreed rendezvous, he finds his wife’s not Bristow overachiever Terri (Kristy Swanson) and her idealistic sister, there. The locals aren’t talking; the police aren’t much help. Tragedies, Drama 2012 151min. Mandy (Alberta Mayne), have kept their distance from each With no one to turn to, Jeff battles his worst fears and begins Millennium Entertainment 19.02.2013 other, as well as from their parents’ struggling florist a desperate, danger-ridden search to find Amy - before it’s business. But when a tragic turn of events brings both women too late! 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113813 home, they discover just how much they need one another in Mystery, Thrillers, Action, Crime, Drama, order to continue their family legacy. Filled with romance, Bullet Collector humor and hope, it’s an endearing story about making time for Hostage Crisis, Love Gone Bad 1997 the ones you love. 93min. An intense drama of an adolescent adrift in an uncaring world, Bullet Collector is the powerful debut of Russian director Romance, Drama, Family 2013 99min. Paramount 01.01.2013 Alexander Vartanov. A unique and visually striking work, the Vivendi Visual Entertainment 05.02.2013 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114425 film examines the traumas of a wide-eyed 14-year-old boy, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113815 struggling to cope with a terrible home life dominated by an angry mother and a stepfather who can’t stand the sight of Breakfast At Tiffany’s him. His school routine is plagued by brutal attacks from The Bourne Identity (Repackage) , , Patricia bullies, and his life becomes even more nightmarish after he is sent to a hellish reform school. Losing himself in an elaborate Matt Damon, Franka Potente, Brian Cox, Neal, Mickey Rooney, Martin Balsam, Buddy fantasy world where he is loved by a beautiful girlfriend and Chris Cooper, Clive Owen, William Blake Ebsen, Alan Reed, John McGiver able to defeat his oppressors, the boy finds the reality of his Herron, Tony Gillan, Doug Liman, Patrick For the first time ever, this meticulously restored screen gem situation continually shocking him back to a very different life. is available on Blu-ray. Holly Golightly (Audrey Hepburn) But is he actually just a timid teen destined for abuse, or will Crowley, Richard Gladstein, Doug Liman delights audiences as the carefree ingénue searching Man- he gain the strength to fight off his attackers? Recalling the Academy Award winner Matt Damon stars in this explosive, hattan for a dream millionaire to marry. George Peppard plays world of Antoine Doinel in Truffaut’s The 400 Blows, this action-packed hit filled with incredible fight sequences. the struggling, „sponsored“ young writer who gets swept unsettling, moody masterwork updates that classic by giving it Found with two bullets in his back, Jason Bourne discovers away in Holly’s chaotic-yet-enchanting lifestyle. Directed by a distinctly Russian flavor. he has the skills of a very dangerous man and no memory of Blake Edwards (The Pink Panther, Victor/Victoria), this two- Russian, Drama, Foreign 2011 121min. his violent past. Racing to unlock the secret of his own time Oscar-winning film features Henry Mancini’s honored identity, he discovers the deadly truth: he’s an elite score, as well as his and Johnny Mercer’s Academy Award- Artsploitation Films 19.02.2013 government agent, a 30 million dollar weapon the government winning song, „Moon River.“ 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114517 no longer trusts. Now this top operative is the government’s number one target in this super-charged, thrill-a-minute Romance, Shakespeare, Classics, Comedy, spectacular loaded with „non-stop action!“ (Bill Zwecker, Drama, Fashion 1961 114min. Burning Daylight FOX-TV ) Paramount 01.01.2013 Paul Calderon, Robert Knepper Mystery, Thrillers, Action, Crime 2002 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114426 Crime, Drama 2010 102min. 119min. Osiris Entertainment 15.01.2013 Universal Studios 05.03.2013 Breakfast At Tiffany’s (Blu-ray) 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113919 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114029 Audrey Hepburn, George Peppard, Patricia Neal, Mickey Rooney, Martin Balsam, Buddy The Brady Bunch Movie Capsulas Ebsen, Alan Reed, John McGiver Capsulas depicts the extreme economic realities that coexist Michael McKean, Jean Smart, Shelley Long, For the first time ever, this meticulously restored screen gem in society today: wealthy lifestyles afforded through illicit is available on Blu-ray. Holly Golightly (Audrey Hepburn) activities and the plight of the poor who are immersed in a They’re back to save America. Break out the double knits and delights audiences as the carefree ingénue searching Man- world of violence void of opportunities. The convergence roll out the Astroturf, because the Bunch is back in a groovy, hattan for a dream millionaire to marry. George Peppard plays between the two is the commercialization of drugs and all of good-time „romp for all ages“ (Bonnie Churchill, National the struggling, „sponsored“ young writer who gets swept its deadly ramifications. Capsules tells the story of Fonsi, an News Syndicate). Mike (Gary Cole) and Carol (Shelley away in Holly’s chaotic-yet-enchanting lifestyle. Directed by apparently privileged 12 year-old boy. As we get to know his Long) have just one week to come up with $20,000 in back Blake Edwards (The Pink Panther, Victor/Victoria), this two- dysfunctional family, his world begins to crumble in a matter of taxes or they’ll lose their house to a scheming neighbor time Oscar-winning film features Henry Mancini’s honored hours. Due to a series of unexpected events, each character (Michael McKean). To make matters worse, Marcia gets a score, as well as his and Johnny Mercer’s Academy Award- changes drastically, facing a crude reality. swollen nose on date night, Cindy’s addicted to tattling, and winning song, „Moon River.“ Spanish, Thrillers, Foreign 2011 104min. Jan’s hearing a psychotic inner voice crying „Marcia, Marcia, Classics, Comedy, Drama, Fashion, Vivendi Visual Entertainment 05.03.2013 Marcia!“ Of course, these are the Bradys, and when the kids Romance, Shakespeare 1961 114min. enter a talent contest with a $20,000 purse...well, let’s just 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114139 say, „It’s a Sunshine Day“! With appearances by Florence Paramount 01.01.2013 Henderson, Barry Williams, Ann B. Davis, Christopher 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114440 The Carlina White Story Knight, and dreamy ex-Monkee Davy Jones, The Brady Bunch is „an absolute laugh riot from beginning to end“ (Barry Ze Aunjanue Ellis, Keke Palmer, Sherri Van, Channel America). Brewster’s Millions Shepherd TV Remakes, Comedy 1995 min. Helen Walker, June Havoc Keke Palmer, Aunjanue Ellis, and Sherri Shepherd star in this Paramount 01.01.2013 Dennis O’Keefe stars in this 1945 version of the novel by Lifetime Original Movie, based on a true story. Carlina White George Barr McCutcheon. Former serviceman Monty (Palmer) was abducted as an infant by Ann Pettway (Ellis) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114423 Brewster learns that a wealthy unknown uncle has died, from a New York hospital and later solved her own kidnapping leaving him eight million dollars. A stipulation in the will and was reunited with her biological parents 23 years later. Braveheart demands that he spend the first million in just two months or In August of 1987, new parents Joy White (Shepherd) and forfeit the entire inheritance. He also isn’t allowed to tell his Carl Tyson (Roger Cross) took their 19-day-old daughter

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Carlina to Harlem Hospital in New York with a high fever. Paramount Pictures 12.03.2013 a spark of anger will cause the two men to cross them. As the Ann Pettway, who had suffered a series of miscarriages and battle of wills escalates, both lives are changes forever. was desperate for a child of her own, posed as a hospital 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114267 Samuel L. Jackson and Ben Affleck star in a provocative and nurse and walked out of the hospital with Carlina hidden from gripping drama that exposes the best and worst in . view. While Joy and Carl desperately searched for their Cats & Dogs / Cats & Dogs: The Revenge, Thrillers, Action 2002 98min. daughter over the years, Pettway was raising Carlina in Paramount 01.01.2013 Bridgeport, Connecticut - a mere 45 miles from New York Revenge Of Kitty Galore (Double City. As Carlina grew older she began to suspect Pettway 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114429 was not her birth mother and launched her own investigation. Feature) (Blu-ray) Mystery, TV Movies, Kidnapping 90min. Neil Patrick Harris, Nick Nolte, , Changing Lanes (Blu-ray) Lionsgate 05.03.2013 Paul Rodriguez, Christina Applegate, Joe Samuel L. Jackson, Ben Affleck, William 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114454 Pantoliano Hurt, Sydney Pollack, Toni Collette, Amanda Comedy, Double Features, Family, Action, Peet Casablanca / African Queen Science Fiction min. Modern society draws lines between right and wrong, good (Double Feature) (Blu-ray) Warner Bros. 12.03.2013 and evil, rage and redemption. A moment of self absorption and 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114192 a spark of anger will cause the two men to cross them. As the Peter Lorre, Conrad Veidt, Sydney battle of wills escalates, both lives are changes forever. Greenstreet, Katharine Hepburn, Ingrid Samuel L. Jackson and Ben Affleck star in a provocative and Bergman, Humphrey Bogart, Claude Rains, Caught On Tape gripping drama that exposes the best and worst in all of us. Revenge, Thrillers, Action 2002 98min. Robert Morley, Paul Henreid, Theodore Vivica A. Fox, Bokeem Woodbine, Cedric Paramount 01.01.2013 Bikel, Peter Bull The Entertainer, Sticky Fingaz, Johnny 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114442 Classics, Drama, Academy Award Winners, Messner, Kel Mitchell, Adventure, AFI Top 100, Romance, A young boy, a video camera, and a bank robbery gone wrong, set the stage for this hip-hop musical drama. With nothing but Charlotte’s Web Tearjerkers min. footage from a video recorder, Detectives Roberts (Malik Warner Bros. 12.03.2013 Yoba) and Detectives Brown (David Marciano) try to piece Dakota Fanning, Julia Roberts, Oprah together the crime by interrogating the one surviving crew Winfrey, Kathy Bates, Reba McEntire, John 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114433 member Mark (Kirk „Sticky Fingazs“ Jones). As the inquiries build, pieces start to come together, and the story unfolds, Cleese, Steve Buscemi, Robert Redford, Case 39 inadvertently revealing a major conspiracy to the heist, when Cedric The Entertainer, Thomas Haden he finds out he was, Caught on Tape, or was he? Church Renee Zellweger, Jodelle Ferland, Ian Musical, Action, African Americans 65min. „Charlotte’s Web is absolutely one of the best films of the McShane, Bradley Cooper Lionsgate 05.02.2013 year.“ (Joel Siegel, Good Morning America). Now you can Academy Award® winner Renee Zellweger stars in this share the magic as a tiny spider spins a great tale of terrifying, supernatural thriller about a social worker who has 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113945 friendship and adventure in this dazzling film version of E.B. been assigned the unusual and disturbing case of Lillith White’s beloved children’s book. Sullivan...a girl with a strange and mysterious past. When Celeste And Jesse Forever Animals & Nature, Book-To-Film, Children’s, Emily (Renee Zellweger) opens her home in an attempt to help Lillith, it turns into a deadly nightmare she may not survive. Elijah Wood, Rashida Jones, Andy Samberg Comedy, Drama, Family 2006 min. Co-starring Bradley Cooper (The Hangover), Case 39 is a Celeste (Rashida Jones) and Jesse (Andy Samberg) are high Paramount 01.01.2013 heart-stopping chiller with startling surprises that lead to a school sweethearts who married young and are now at a 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114460 shocking and sinister ending. crossroads at the age of thirty. While Celeste is a success in Mystery, Thrillers, Horror 2009 109min. business, Jesse is unemployed and adrift. Celeste thinks that if they divorce now they could still remain friends. Jesse Charlotte’s Web (Blu-ray) Paramount 01.01.2013 passively accepts the decision even though he is still in love 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114428 with her. As reality sets in, Celeste slowly and painfully Dakota Fanning, Julia Roberts, Oprah realizes she has been cavalier about their relationship, but Winfrey, Kathy Bates, Reba McEntire, John Case 39 (Blu-ray) her timing with Jesse is less than fortuitous. Cleese, Steve Buscemi, Robert Redford, Romance, Comedy, Drama, Friendships Cedric The Entertainer, Thomas Haden Renee Zellweger, Jodelle Ferland, Ian 2012 92min. Church McShane, Bradley Cooper Sony Pictures Home Entertainment „Charlotte’s Web is absolutely one of the best films of the Academy Award® winner Renee Zellweger stars in this 05.02.2013 year.“ (Joel Siegel, Good Morning America). Now you can terrifying, supernatural thriller about a social worker who has share the magic as a tiny spider spins a great tale of been assigned the unusual and disturbing case of Lillith 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114107 friendship and adventure in this dazzling film version of E.B. Sullivan...a girl with a strange and mysterious past. When White’s beloved children’s book. Emily (Renee Zellweger) opens her home in an attempt to help Lillith, it turns into a deadly nightmare she may not survive. Celeste And Jesse Forever (Blu- Book-To-Film, Children’s, Comedy, Drama, Co-starring Bradley Cooper (The Hangover), Case 39 is a ray) Family, Animals & Nature 2006 min. heart-stopping chiller with startling surprises that lead to a Paramount 01.01.2013 Elijah Wood, Rashida Jones, Andy Samberg shocking and sinister ending. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114471 Horror, Mystery, Thrillers 2009 109min. Celeste (Rashida Jones) and Jesse (Andy Samberg) are high Paramount 01.01.2013 school sweethearts who married young and are now at a crossroads at the age of thirty. While Celeste is a success in Chasing Mavericks 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114441 business, Jesse is unemployed and adrift. Celeste thinks that if they divorce now they could still remain friends. Jesse Elisabeth Shue, Leven Rambin, Abigail Catch Me If You Can / The Termi- passively accepts the decision even though he is still in love Spencer, Gerard Butler with her. As reality sets in, Celeste slowly and painfully Gerard Butler, Elisabeth Shue and Hollywood newcomer nal (Double Feature) realizes she has been cavalier about their relationship, but Jonny Weston star in this inspiring true story of courage and her timing with Jesse is less than fortuitous. friendship the whole family will love. When 15-year-old Jay Martin Sheen, Stanley Tucci, Chi McBride, Comedy, Drama, Friendships, Romance Moriarty (Weston) discovers that the mythical Mavericks surf , Jaime Ray Newman, Tom 2012 92min. break is real, he reaches out to local surfing legend Frosty Hanks, Christopher Walken, Leonardo Hesson (Butler) to train him to ride it. What begins as a Sony Pictures Home Entertainment mentorship turns into an extraordinary bond that transforms DiCaprio, Diego Luna 05.02.2013 both their lives, as Jay and Frosty learn valuable lessons Films Include - Catch Me If You Can - Inspired by the 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114120 about conquering fear in pursuit of your dreams. Featuring the extraordinary true story of a brilliant young master of most spectacular wave footage ever captured on film, Chasing deception and the FBI agent hot on his trail, Catch Me If You Mavericks is packed with action and drenched with Can stars Oscar nominee Leonardo DiCaprio and two-time Chanbara Beauty: The Movie excitement! Academy Award winner Tom Hanks in one of the year’s most Sports, Surf, Drama 2012 116min. acclaimed hits! - From three-time Oscar winning director Vortex 20th Century Fox 26.02.2013 Steven Spielberg, Catch Me If You Can follows Frank W. Zombies, Action, Based On Video Game, Abagnale, Jr. as he successfully passes himself off as a pilot, 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114508 a lawyer and a doctor-all before his 21st birthday! Joel Siegel Foreign, Japanese, Martial Arts 2009 of Good Morning America declares, „Movies don’t get much 85min. more fun than this!“ while The hails this Chasing Mavericks (Blu-ray) incredible tale as „the most flat-out-fun movie of the year!“ - Allegro Entertainment 12.02.2013 The Terminal - Academy Award winning director Steven 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113982 Elisabeth Shue, Leven Rambin, Abigail Spielberg teams up with two-time Academy Award winner Tom Spencer, Gerard Butler Hanks and Oscar winner Catherine Zeta-Jones () for Gerard Butler, Elisabeth Shue and Hollywood newcomer this critically acclaimed comedy. after arriving at New York’s Changing Lanes Jonny Weston star in this inspiring true story of courage and JFK airport, Viktor Navorski (Hanks) gets unwittingly caught Samuel L. Jackson, Ben Affleck, William friendship the whole family will love. When 15-year-old Jay in bureaucratic glitches that make it impossible for him to Moriarty (Weston) discovers that the mythical Mavericks surf return to his home country or enter the U.S. Now, c Hurt, Sydney Pollack, Toni Collette, Amanda break is real, he reaches out to local surfing legend Frosty Romance, Comedy, Crime, Double Features, Peet Hesson (Butler) to train him to ride it. What begins as a Modern society draws lines between right and wrong, good mentorship turns into an extraordinary bond that transforms Drama, Historical / Period Piece 129min. and evil, rage and redemption. A moment of self absorption and both their lives, as Jay and Frosty learn valuable lessons

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 31 Newsletter 19/12 (Nr. 323) Dezember 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA about conquering fear in pursuit of your dreams. Featuring the Citadel 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114473 most spectacular wave footage ever captured on film, Chasing Mavericks is packed with action and drenched with James Cosmo, Aneurin Barnard excitement! Tommy Cowley is a young father afflicted with chronic Classic Westerns: 10 Movie Drama, Sports, Surf 2012 116min. agoraphobia since his wife was brutally attacked by a gang of Collection 20th Century Fox 26.02.2013 a twisted feral children. Trapped in the dilapidated suburbia of Edenstown, he finds himself terrorized by the same gang, who Western, Action, Classics, Collections, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114531 now seem intent on taking his baby daughter. Torn between the help of an understanding nurse and a vigilante priest, Cowboy min. Tommy sets out to learn the nightmarish truth surrounding Universal Studios 12.03.2013 Cheech & Chong’s Still Smokin’ these hooded children. He also discovers that to be free of 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114351 Cheech Marin, Tommy Chong his fears, he must finally face the demons of his past and enter Music, Stoners, Comedy, Cult Film / TV min. the one place that he fears the most... the abandoned tower block known as the Citadel. Cloverfield Paramount 01.01.2013 Thrillers, Drama, Gangs, Horror 2012 Lizzy Caplan, Odette Yustman, Jessica 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114463 84min. Lucas, Mike Vogel, T.J. Miller, Drew New Video DVD 29.01.2013 Goddard, J.J. Abrams, Bryan Burk, Matt Chicken With Plums 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114085 Reeves Golshifteh Farahani, Chiara Mastroianni, From visionary producer J.J. Abrams (Lost) and director Matt , Mathieu Amalric, Citadel (Blu-ray) Reeves comes the worldwide sensation of nonstop terror and Edouard Baer, Eric Caravaca suspense everyone is talking about. James Cosmo, Aneurin Barnard Science Fiction, Thrillers, Action, Disasters From the Oscar nominated filmmakers of Persepolis, Chicken Tommy Cowley is a young father afflicted with chronic With Plums is a „captivating live-action fairytale full of agoraphobia since his wife was brutally attacked by a gang of 2008 84min. whimsy, humor, magic and despair“ (Collider.com). Since his a twisted feral children. Trapped in the dilapidated suburbia of Paramount 01.01.2013 beloved violin was broken, Nasser Ali Khan, one of the most Edenstown, he finds himself terrorized by the same gang, who 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114465 renowned musicians of his day, has lost all taste for life. now seem intent on taking his baby daughter. Torn between Finding no instrument worthy of replacing it, he decides to the help of an understanding nurse and a vigilante priest, confine himself to bed to await death. As he hopes for its Tommy sets out to learn the nightmarish truth surrounding Cloverfield (Blu-ray) arrival, he plunges into deep reveries, with dreams as these hooded children. He also discovers that to be free of melancholic as they are joyous, taking him back to his youth his fears, he must finally face the demons of his past and enter Lizzy Caplan, Odette Yustman, Jessica and even to a conversation with Azraël, the Angel of Death, the one place that he fears the most... the abandoned tower Lucas, Mike Vogel, T.J. Miller, Drew who reveals the future of his children. As pieces of the puzzle block known as the Citadel. gradually fit together, the poignant secret of his life comes to Goddard, J.J. Abrams, Bryan Burk, Matt light: a wonderful story of love which inspired his genius and Thrillers, Drama, Gangs, Horror 2012 Reeves his music. 84min. From visionary producer J.J. Abrams (Lost) and director Matt Music, Violin, Comedy, Drama 2011 93min. New Video DVD 29.01.2013 Reeves comes the worldwide sensation of nonstop terror and Sony Pictures Home Entertainment 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114111 suspense everyone is talking about. Disasters, Action, Science Fiction, Thrillers 26.02.2013 2008 84min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114445 Clash Of The Titans: 1981 / Clash Paramount 01.01.2013 Of The Titans: 2010 (Double Fea- 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114474 Chinatown ture) (Blu-ray) Faye Dunaway, Jack Nicholson, John Liam Neeson, Maggie Smith, Ralph Fiennes, Clue: The Movie Huston, Burt Young, Perry Lopez, Bill Laurence Olivier, Burgess Meredith, Flora Tim Curry, Michael McKean, Lesley Ann Young In a legendary performance, three-time Academy Award Robson, Claire Bloom, , Warren, Madeline Kahn, Eileen Brennan, winner Jack Nicholson stars as private eye Jake Gittes. Gemma Arterton, Judi Bowker, Alexa Christopher Lloyd, Martin Mull Hired by a mysterious woman to investigate Hollis Mulwray, Davalos, Sam Worthington, Mads It’s not just a game anymore.. Here is the murderously funny the chief engineer of the Los Angeles Department Of Water movie based on the world-famous Clue board game. And now, and Power, Gittes’ sleuthing brings him into contact with Mikkelsen, Harry Hamlin, Sian Phillips with this special videocassette version, you can see all three Mulwray’s wife (Academy Award winner Faye Dunaway), a Double Features, Fantasy, Action, surprise endings! Was it Colonel Mustard in the study with a stunning socialite with secrets of her own. As a determined Adventure, Ancient / Rome min. gun? Miss Scarlet in the billiard room with the rope? Or was Gittes delves deeper he soon realizes that even the City of it Wadsworth the butler? Meet all the notorious suspects and Angels has a dark side. Director Roman Polanski’s China- Warner Bros. 12.03.2013 discover all their foul play things. You’ll love their dastardly town has evolved from an atmospheric film noir mystery into a 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114193 doings as the bodies and the laughs pile up before your eyes. modern-day classic, with Robert Towne’s Academy Award- Mystery, Comedy, Crime 1985 min. winning script unforgettably and brilliantly capturing a lost era of deceit, corruption and treachery. Classic Western Collection (Blu- Paramount 01.01.2013 Mystery, National Film Registry, Thrillers, ray) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114466 Academy Award Winners, AFI Top 100, John Wayne, Robert Duvall, Henry Fonda, Classics, Crime, Drama, Film Noir 1974 Strother Martin, Woody Strode, Geraldine Clue: The Movie (Blu-ray) 130min. Page, Claudia Cardinale, Gabriele Ferzetti, Tim Curry, Michael McKean, Lesley Ann Paramount 01.01.2013 Kim Darby, Keenan Wynn, Jason Robards, Warren, Madeline Kahn, Eileen Brennan, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114464 Charles Bronson, Ward Bond, James Christopher Lloyd, Martin Mull It’s not just a game anymore.. Here is the murderously funny Arness, Jack Elam, Lionel Stander, Michael movie based on the world-famous Clue board game. And now, Chinatown (Blu-ray) Pate, Glen Campbell, Jeremy Slate, Paolo with this special videocassette version, you can see all three Faye Dunaway, Jack Nicholson, John Stoppa surprise endings! Was it Colonel Mustard in the study with a Huston, Burt Young, Perry Lopez, Bill Films Include Hondo John Wayne plays Hondo Lane, a gun? Miss Scarlet in the billiard room with the rope? Or was cavalry rider who becomes the designated protector of Angie, it Wadsworth the butler? Meet all the notorious suspects and Young a strong-willed woman, and her boy while they wait for the discover all their foul play things. You’ll love their dastardly In a legendary performance, three-time Academy Award return of her brutish husband. Refusing to leave their doings as the bodies and the laughs pile up before your eyes. winner Jack Nicholson stars as private eye Jake Gittes. homestead despite a growing danger from nearby warring Comedy, Crime, Mystery 1985 min. Hired by a mysterious woman to investigate Hollis Mulwray, Native American tribes, she finds herself growing more and Paramount 01.01.2013 the chief engineer of the Los Angeles Department Of Water more enthralled with Hondo - a man hardened by experience and Power, Gittes’ sleuthing brings him into contact with but still capable of sympathy, kindness and love. Once Upon A 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114475 Mulwray’s wife (Academy Award winner Faye Dunaway), a Time In The West In the dying of the Olde West, a struggle to stunning socialite with secrets of her own. As a determined control water in a dusty desert town embroils three hard- Clueless Gittes delves deeper he soon realizes that even the City of bitten gunmen in an epic clash of greed, honor and revenge. Angels has a dark side. Director Roman Polanski’s China- An influence on countless directors, Sergio Leone’s , Wallace Shawn, Dan town has evolved from an atmospheric film noir mystery into a masterpiece is considered among the greatest Westerns ever Hedaya, Brittany Murphy, Stacey Dash, modern-day classic, with Robert Towne’s Academy Award- made. True Grit The cantankerous U.S. Marshal Rooster winning script unforgettably and brilliantly capturing a lost Cogburn is hired by a headstrong young girl (Kim Darby) to Paul Rudd, Donald Faison, Donald Adeosun era of deceit, corruption and treachery. find the man who murdered her father and fled with the family Faison, Justin Walker, Jeff Craig, Kenneth Classics, Crime, Drama, Film Noir, Academy savings. When Cogburn’s employer insists on accompanying Turan Award Winners, AFI Top 100, Mystery, the old gunfighter, sparks fly. And the situation goes from Still as smart and charming as ever, Clueless gets a fresh, National Film Registry, Thrillers 1974 troubled to disastrous when an inexperienced Texas sassy makeover for this first time on Blu-ray edition. Alicia Classics, Collections, Cowboy, Drama, 130min. Silverstone sparkles as Cher, the matchmaking 15-year-old Fighting, Historical / Period Piece, Horses, Beverly Hills High schooler who has shopping and boys on Paramount 01.01.2013 Action, Native Americans, Romance, Spa- her mind, but mostly shopping. Also starring Brittany Murphy 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114472 as a dowdy transfer student, Jeremy Sisto as her potential ghetti Westerns, Western min. mate and Paul Rudd as Cher’s sensitive „Baldwin“ step- Paramount 01.01.2013 brother, Clueless is back to capture the hearts of a whole

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 32 Newsletter 19/12 (Nr. 323) Dezember 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA new generation. Madge Sinclair, Shari Headley, John Amos, Romance, Comedy, High School 1995 Collateral (Blu-ray) Ralph Bellamy, Don Ameche, Malcolm 97min. Bruce McGill, Jada Pinkett Smith, Tom Campbell Paramount 01.01.2013 Cruise, Jamie Foxx, Mark Ruffalo, Peter Romance, Royalty, Comedy, Double Fea- 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114490 Berg tures min. Vincent (Tom Cruise) is a cool, calculating contract killer at Paramount 01.01.2013 Clueless (Blu-ray) the top of his game. max (Jamie Foxx) is a cabbie with big 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114507 dreams and little to show for it. Now, Max has to transport Alicia Silverstone, Wallace Shawn, Dan Vincent on his next job - one night, five stops, five hits and a Hedaya, Brittany Murphy, Stacey Dash, getaway. And after this fateful night, neither man will ever be Company Of Heroes Paul Rudd, Donald Faison, Donald Adeosun the same again. Tonight everything is changing... Jurgen Prochnow, Tom Sizemore, Vinnie Crime, Drama, Thrillers 2004 120min. Faison, Justin Walker, Jeff Craig, Kenneth Jones, Neal McDonough Turan Paramount 01.01.2013 Inspired By True Events... A company of American soldiers is Still as smart and charming as ever, Clueless gets a fresh, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114504 lost behind enemy lines during the Battle of the Bulge and sassy makeover for this first time on Blu-ray edition. Alicia makes a horrific discovery a super bomb in development. The Silverstone sparkles as Cher, the matchmaking 15-year-old soldiers soon learn about a secret allied mission to retrieve a Beverly Hills High schooler who has shopping and boys on Come And Get Me defecting German scientist in charge of a secret weapons her mind, but mostly shopping. Also starring Brittany Murphy Christian Radford program. Faced with impossible odds, the company and an as a dowdy transfer student, Jeremy Sisto as her potential When four friends head to the city for a wild girls’ night out, escaping POW go on a daring raid into the heart of Nazi mate and Paul Rudd as Cher’s sensitive „Baldwin“ step- an unexpected ride home turns into a night of murder and Germany in pursuit of the scientist. Starring Tom Sizemore brother, Clueless is back to capture the hearts of a whole terror as they are stalked by three vicious serial killers (Saving Private Ryan), Chad Michael Collins (Sniper: new generation. through the dense Australian hinterlands. Reloaded), Neal McDonough (Captain America: The First Comedy, High School, Romance 1995 Serial Killers, Slasher, Australian, Foreign, Avenger), Vinnie Jones (The Tomb) and Jurgen Prochnow 97min. (Das Boot). Horror 2011 86min. Thrillers, War, Action, Adventure 110min. Paramount 01.01.2013 E1 Entertainment 12.02.2013 Sony Pictures Home Entertainment 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114502 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114008 19.03.2013 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114232 Coach Carter The Comeback: Remastered Edi- Samuel L. Jackson, Ashanti tion (Blu-ray) Company Of Heroes (Blu-ray) Based on an incredible true story, Coach Carter is the inspirational account of controversial basketball coach Ken Sheila Keith, Holly Palance, Pamela Jurgen Prochnow, Tom Sizemore, Vinnie Carter (Academy Award® nominee Samuel L. Jackson), who Stephenson, Bill Owen, David Doyle, Jack Jones, Neal McDonough received both high praise and staunch criticism when he made Inspired By True Events... A company of American soldiers is national news for a gymnasium „lockout“ of his entire Jones A once successful American singer, Nick Cooper (Jack lost behind enemy lines during the Battle of the Bulge and undefeated team for poor academic performance. With the makes a horrific discovery a super bomb in development. The players, the parents, and the community rallying to get the Jones, the guy who sang the theme), relocates to a country manor in , leaving L.A. and a failed soldiers soon learn about a secret allied mission to retrieve a team back on the court, Carter must overcome the obstacles of defecting German scientist in charge of a secret weapons his environment and show the young men a future that marriage behind him, to begin work on his career comeback. But instead, he finds himself embroiled in a mystery involving program. Faced with impossible odds, the company and an stretches beyond gangs, drugs, prison and even basketball. escaping POW go on a daring raid into the heart of Nazi Co-starring pop music icon Ashanti, „Coach Carter will have the murder of his ex-wife. His nights are haunted by strange noises. His ex-wife’s ghost appears and tries to provide Germany in pursuit of the scientist. Starring Tom Sizemore you on your feet and cheering for more.“ (Earl Dittman, (Saving Private Ryan), Chad Michael Collins (Sniper: Wireless Magazine) clues to her death. Is he going crazy or is something horrifyingly real going on? Harsh reality sets in as the Reloaded), Neal McDonough (Captain America: The First Sports, Troubled Youth, Basketball, Drama mystery killer begins to emerge from the shadows. Avenger), Vinnie Jones (The Tomb) and Jurgen Prochnow 2005 136min. Horror, Murder Mysteries, Thrillers 1978 (Das Boot). Thrillers, War, Action, Adventure 110min. Paramount 01.01.2013 100min. Sony Pictures Home Entertainment 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114491 Redemption USA 12.02.2013 19.03.2013 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114115 Coach Carter (Blu-ray) 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114255 Samuel L. Jackson, Ashanti Coming To America The Complete Adventures Of Based on an incredible true story, Coach Carter is the Eddie Murphy, James Earl Jones, Arsenio inspirational account of controversial basketball coach Ken Flash Gordon Carter (Academy Award® nominee Samuel L. Jackson), who Hall, Madge Sinclair, Shari Headley, John received both high praise and staunch criticism when he made Amos Jean Rogers, Priscilla Lawson, Buster national news for a gymnasium „lockout“ of his entire Join Eddie Murphy (Norbit, Dreamgirls) on an unforgettable Crabbe, Charles Middleton, Frank Shannon undefeated team for poor academic performance. With the comic quest to the New World. As an African prince, it’s time Blast off to the golden age of adventure with the original players, the parents, and the community rallying to get the for him to find a princess... and the mission leads him and his cosmic crusader! Cartoonist Alex Raymond’s intrepid inter- team back on the court, Carter must overcome the obstacles of most loyal friend (Arsenio Hall) to Queens, New York. In stellar invader took the comics page by storm in 1934 - and, his environment and show the young men a future that disguise as an impoverished immigrant, the pampered prince two years later, he made the leap to the silver screen in the stretches beyond gangs, drugs, prison and even basketball. relishes the chance to test his mettle in the urban wilderness. smiling person of Olympic swimmer-turned-actor Buster Co-starring pop music icon Ashanti, „Coach Carter will have Keep an eye out for both Murphy and Hall in some Crabbe. The original 13-episode serial, Flash Gordon: Space you on your feet and cheering for more.“ (Earl Dittman, unforgettable cameo roles! Soldiers, introduced Flash (Crabbe), his winsome platinum Wireless Magazine) Romance, Royalty, Comedy 1988 116min. blonde girlfriend Dale Arden (Jean Rogers) and visionary Drama, Basketball, Sports, Troubled Youth Paramount 01.01.2013 scientist Dr. Alex Zarkov (Frank Shannon) as they save the 2005 136min. earth from evil Emperor Ming The Merciless (Charles B. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114493 Middleton) with the help of Ming’s daughter Princess Aura Paramount 01.01.2013 (Priscilla Lawson). It was a hit at the box office and spawned 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114503 a pair of equally electrifying sequels: Flash Gordon’s Trip to Coming To America (Blu-ray) Mars (1938) and Flash Gordon Conquers the Universe Cold Play Eddie Murphy, James Earl Jones, Arsenio (1940). You’ll find all three of these killer serials between the Hall, Madge Sinclair, Shari Headley, John sturdy covers of this collector’s edition Video-Book package, Vanessa Branch complete with a gorgeously illustrated booklet that fleshes out Amos Flash’s multimedia odyssey and includes original Alex Thrillers, Drama 88min. Join Eddie Murphy (Norbit, Dreamgirls) on an unforgettable Raymond cartoons. This set belongs in every sci-fi lover’ Funimation 12.02.2013 comic quest to the New World. As an African prince, it’s time Boxed Sets, Cult Film / TV, Fantasy, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113911 for him to find a princess... and the mission leads him and his most loyal friend (Arsenio Hall) to Queens, New York. In Science Fiction, Action, Adventure 778min. disguise as an impoverished immigrant, the pampered prince Madacy 19.02.2013 Collateral relishes the chance to test his mettle in the urban wilderness. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114130 Keep an eye out for both Murphy and Hall in some Bruce McGill, Jada Pinkett Smith, Tom unforgettable cameo roles! Cruise, Jamie Foxx, Mark Ruffalo, Peter Comedy, Romance, Royalty 1988 116min. Compliance Berg Paramount 01.01.2013 Ann Dowd, Pat Healy Vincent (Tom Cruise) is a cool, calculating contract killer at 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114505 Inspired by true events, Compliance tells the chilling story of the top of his game. max (Jamie Foxx) is a cabbie with big just how far one might go to obey a figure of authority. On a dreams and little to show for it. Now, Max has to transport particularly busy day at a suburban Ohio fast food joint, high- Vincent on his next job - one night, five stops, five hits and a Coming To America / Trading strung manager Sandra (Ann Dowd, Garden State) receives a getaway. And after this fateful night, neither man will ever be phone call from a police officer saying that an employee, a the same again. Tonight everything is changing... Places (Double Feature) pretty young blonde named Becky (Dreama Walker), has Thrillers, Crime, Drama 2004 120min. Eddie Murphy, Dan Aykroyd, James Earl stolen money from a customer. Convinced she’s only doing Paramount 01.01.2013 Jones, Jamie Lee Curtis, Arsenio Hall, what’s right, Sandra commences the investigation, following 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114492 step-by-step instructions from the officer at the other end of

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 33 Newsletter 19/12 (Nr. 323) Dezember 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA the line, no matter how invasive they become. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114566 North West of England, is a place governed by etiquette, Thrillers, Cops, Crime, Crooked Cops, Dra- custom and above all, an intricate network of ladies. For ma 2012 90min. spinsters Deborah Jenkyns (Atkins), the arbiter of Cosmopolis correctness in Cranford, and her demurring sister Matty Magnolia Home Entertainment 08.01.2013 Juliette Binoche, Sarah Gadon, Robert (Dench), the town is a hub of intrigue where little goes 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113888 unnoticed. Everyone - from charming rogue Dr. Marshland to Pattinson Mrs. Jamieson and her lap dog - talks, and is talked about. Drama 2012 109min. Return To Cranford Captain Brown believes that Compliance (Blu-ray) modernisation is inevitable if the town is to survive and E1 Entertainment 01.01.2013 knows that the young people, like Jem, will have to move to Ann Dowd, Pat Healy 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113884 find work. However, Matty is delighted to see the return to Inspired by true events, Compliance tells the chilling story of Cranford, after an absence of two years, of her dear friend, just how far one might go to obey a figure of authority. On a Mr Buxton, with his son, William, and his niece, Erminia. The particularly busy day at a suburban Ohio fast food joint, high- Cosmopolis (Blu-ray) recent death of Mrs Buxton has left both husband and son strung manager Sandra (Ann Dowd, Garden State) receives a Juliette Binoche, Sarah Gadon, Robert grief-stricken and at odds with each other. Mr Buxton has phone call from a police officer saying that an employee, a hopes of a parliamentary career and an advantageous pretty young blonde named Becky (Dreama Walker), has Pattinson marriage for his son. But William has ideas of his own. Matty stolen money from a customer. Convinced she’s only doing Drama 2012 109min. is concerned about another young person. Peggy Bell lives in what’s right, Sandra commences the investigation, following an i step-by-step instructions from the officer at the other end of E1 Entertainment 01.01.2013 the line, no matter how invasive they become. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113896 BBC, British, Drama, Foreign, Historical / Thrillers, Cops, Crime, Crooked Cops, Dra- Period Piece, International TV 468min. ma 2012 90min. Cougar Town: Season One BBC Home Video 18.12.2012 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114035 Magnolia Home Entertainment 08.01.2013 Courtney Coxx, Christa Miller, Busy Phil- 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113899 ipps, Dan Byrd, Brian Van Holt, Josh Hopkins Crazy, Stupid, Love / Dinner For Coneheads Here’s your chance to bring home the hottest single mom in Schmucks (Double Feature) (Blu- town! Golden Globe nominee Courteney Cox (Friends) stars Jane Curtin, Dan Aykroyd, Michael McKean, in the hilariously sexy hit comedy Cougar Town. After ray) Michelle Burke spending the last 17 years as a wife and mother, recently Bruce Greenwood, Ron Livingston, Jeff One look and you know they’re from a very strange place. divorced Jules (Cox) has reluctantly waded back into the They’re from New Jersey, by way of „France,“ by way of far- dating pool and quickly finds herself in over her head. Now Dunham, , Marisa Tomei, off, far-out Remulak. They’re Coneheads. And their comedy 40-something and single, Jules is tackling real- world issues , , Paul Rudd, antics are heads above the crowd! Lampooning our like dating, parenting and friendship. It doesn’t help that her Steve Carell, , Ryan Bluntheaded civilization as only Coneheads can, Dan two best friends can hardly stand each other, her ex-husband Aykroyd and Jane Curtin star as mega-domed Beldar and is hanging around more now than he did during their Gosling, John Carroll Lynch, Jonah Bobo, Prymaat. Newcomer Michelle Burke plays the teen daughter marriage... and then here’s that handsome, divorced neighbor Josh Groban at odds with her parental units. Michael McKean (as an INS she can’t quite get out of her head. Buddy Pictures, Comedy, Marriage Woes, agent who-mebs!-wants to deport illegal alien Beldar) and Comedy 2009 520min. many more comedy favorites add to the fun of this all-out laugh Romance min. attack-from Remulak! Lionsgate 05.02.2013 Warner Bros. 12.03.2013 Science Fiction, Aliens, Based On TV 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114215 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114434 Show, Comedy 1993 86min. Paramount 01.01.2013 Cougar Town: Season Two Crocodile Dundee / Crocodile 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114494 Courtney Coxx, Christa Miller, Busy Phil- Dundee II (Double Feature) ipps, Dan Byrd, Brian Van Holt, Josh Linda Kozlowski, Paul Hogan, David Gulpilil, Congo Hopkins, Ian Gomez TV’s funniest mom (and the cul-de-sac crew) return for more John Meillon, Michael Lombard, Mark Blum Tim Curry, Ernie Hudson, , laughs in their not-so-quiet Florida neighborhood. Courteney Films Include - Crocodile Dundee - Paul Hogan’s hilarious, Dylan Walsh, Joe Don Baker, Grant Heslov Cox leads an all- star cast in the hilarious second season of endearing performance made Crocodile Dundee the biggest Where You Are The Endangered Species. They’ve eluded ABC’s hot hit comedy, Cougar Town. It’s a new year of box-office comedy smash of 1986 as a free spirited Australian heat-seeking missiles, gone eyeball-to-eyeball with enraged uproarious changes as Travis prepares to leave for college, who hunts crocodiles with his bare hands and drinks mere 5,000-pound hippos, hacked through a jungle curtain. Still, the Jules and Grayson’s relationship reaches another level and mortals under the table. But he’s about to face the ultimate expedition continues. Amy, a gorilla who was part of a Bobby tries to stand on his own. Meanwhile, Andy and Ellie torture testa trip to . - Crocodile Dundee II - university learning experiment, is at last returning home. A find clever new ways to keep their marriage lively, and Laurie Mick and Sue continue where they left off in Crocodile professor (Dylan Walsh), electronics expert (Laura Linney, ramps up her search for love - in her own unique way. Dundee. New York gangsters are pursuing Sue, so for her The Truman Show) guide (Ernie Hudson), explorer (Tim Comedy 467min. safety, Mick takes her back to Oz. When the gangsters follow Curry) and others follow the scampering ape. They know she them, Mick demonstrates his outback skills once more. will lead them to the place that’s more than her home - it’s the Lionsgate 05.02.2013 Action, Comedy, Double Features min. site of the fabled Lost City of Zinj and its diamond mines. But 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114216 Paramount Pictures 12.03.2013 what they don’t know can be fatal. Once they enter Zinj, they’ll be the endangered species! From the best seller by 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114268 (Jurassic Park) comes an event-packed Cranford (Repackage) adventure filled with state-of-the-art technology and primal Julia Sawalha, Judi Dench, , Crocodile Dundee In Los Angeles fear. Imelda Staunton, Francesca Annis, Philip Science Fiction, Action, Horror, Jungle, Paul Hogan, Paul Rodriguez, Aida Turturro, Glenister, Julia McKenzie, Michael Gambon, Killer Animals 1995 108min. Jere Burns, Linda Kozlowski, Jonathan Lesley Manville, Alex Jennings, Greg Wise, Paramount 01.01.2013 Banks Dean Lennox Kelly, Simon Woods He Heard There Was Wildlife In L.A. — He Didn’t Know How 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114565 An all-star cast including Judi Dench, Michael Gambon, Wild. He’s wrestled crocodiles Down Under and fought crime Eileen Atkins, Imelda Staunton and more come together in this in New York, but can Mick „Crocodile“ Dundee swim with the The Core BBC/Masterpiece Classic drama adapted from the works of sharks in L.A.? Paul Hogan returns as Crocodile Dundee in Elizabeth Gaskell. 1842. Cranford, a market town in the North this hilarious third installment of the beloved film series. After Delroy Lindo, Hilary Swank, Aaron Eckhart, West of England, is a place governed by etiquette, custom and Mick’s girlfriend, Sue (Linda Kozlowski), is assigned to the Stanley Tucci, Bruce Greenwood, Alfre above all, an intricate network of ladies. For spinsters L.A. bureau of her father’s newspaper, Mick, Sue and their Deborah Jenkyns (Atkins), the arbiter of correctness in son Mikey head to Hollywood. Once in La-La Land, Sue Woodard, Tcheky Karyo, Richard Jenkins, Cranford, and her demurring sister Matty (Dench), the town suspects foul play at a movie studio and Mick uses his D.J. Qualls is a hub of intrigue where little goes unnoticed. Everyone - Outback smarts to bring the bad guys to justice. Edge-of-your-seat thrill ride that’s a total blast.“ -Shawn from charming rogue Dr. Marshland to Mrs. Jamieson and her Action, Comedy 2001 94min. Edwards, FOX-TV. Academy Award winner Hilary Swank lap dog - talks, and is talked about. However, the town still (Boys Don’t Cry) leads an all-star cast in this electrifying has its secrets, despite the most vigilant eyes and ears. Paramount 01.01.2013 journey that puts you in the middle of the most spectacular film While it seems that life has always been conducted according 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114567 adventure. Geophysicist, Dr. Josh Keyes (Aaron Eckhart, to social rules, Cranford is on the cusp of change... Erin Brockovich) has made a terrifying discovery: the Earth’s BBC, British, Drama, Foreign, Historical / Croczilla inner core has stopped rotating. Now the planet’s Period Piece, International TV 2007 291min. electromagnetic field is deteriorating and within months, Earth Action, Foreign, Horror, Japanese min. BBC Home Video 18.12.2012 will be destroyed. One hop exists: to send Keyes and an elite Screen Media Films 12.02.2013 team of scientists in a subterranean vessel to the center of the 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114034 Earth. As mankind’s fate hangs in the balance, the scientists 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114281 and the ship’s crew must do the unthinkable-detonate a nuclear device to reactivate the Earth’s core. co-starring Cranford: The Collection Delroy Lindo (Ransom), Emmy Award winner Stanley Tucci Crush and Academy Award nominee Alfre Woodard. (Repackage) Sarah Bolger, Crystal Reed, Lucas Till Action, Disasters 2003 134min. Judi Dench, Eileen Atkins, Julia McKenzie, Thrillers, Drama, High School 2012 94min. Paramount 01.01.2013 Michael Gambon Millennium Entertainment 12.02.2013 Films Include Cranford 1842.Cranford, a market town in the

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45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113812 Amy Sedaris, Essence Atkins, Shoshana must turn to a beautiful doctor () to regain his Bush, Marlon Wayans, Chris Elliott, Damon nerve and the true courage needed to race, to win and to live. Drama, Action, Auto Racing, NASCAR, Crush (Blu-ray) Wayans Jr., Affion Crockett What the Wayans Brothers did for Scary Movie they’re now Sports 1990 107min. Sarah Bolger, Crystal Reed, Lucas Till doing for Dance Flick. Get ready for non-stop hilarity as Paramount 01.01.2013 Drama, High School, Thrillers 2012 94min. popular dance movies get schooled! Sweet, innocent Megan’s 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114593 Millennium Entertainment 12.02.2013 ballet dreams are shattered when she is forced to attend an 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113839 inner-city high school where she meets Thomas, a young hip- hop dancer from the wrong side of the tracks. With a new Dead Sushi (Blu-ray) crew of friends, can this suburban girl with no street „cred“ Kentaro Shimazu, Shigeru Matsuzaki, Rina The Curious Case Of Benjamin step up her game and achieve her dreams! It’s the mother of all dance-offs.....and dance movies! Takeda Button Comedy, Dancing 2009 88min. Comedy, Foreign, Horror, Japanese, Action Cate Blanchett, Brad Pitt, Elias Koteas, Paramount 01.01.2013 min. Jason Flemyng, , Taraji P. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114573 Millennium Entertainment 26.03.2013 Henson, Julia Ormond 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114405 „I was born under unusual circumstances...“ Thus begins The Dance Flick: Unrated & Curious Case Of Benjamin Button, the Academy Award- winning film starring Brad Pitt as a man who is born in his Outrageous (Blu-ray) The Dead Zone eighties and ages backward, and Cate Blanchett as the Christopher Walken, Martin Sheen, Tom woman he is destined to love forever. The Curious Case Of Amy Sedaris, Essence Atkins, Shoshana Benjamin Button is a monumental journey - as unusual as it is Bush, Marlon Wayans, Chris Elliott, Damon Skerritt, Herbert Lom, Brooke Adams, epic - that follows Benjamin’s remarkable adventure of Wayans Jr., Affion Crockett Colleen Dewhurst, Anthony Zerbe, romance and redemption from the end of World War I through What the Wayans Brothers did for Scary Movie they’re now Nicholas Campell the twenty-first century. Winner of three Academy Awards, doing for Dance Flick. Get ready for non-stop hilarity as Christopher Walken stars in this tense, gripping adaptation of The Curious Case of Benjamin Button is „one of the best popular dance movies get schooled! Sweet, innocent Megan’s ’s best-selling novel, The Dead Zone. One movies of the decade!“ (Karen Durbin, Elle) ballet dreams are shattered when she is forced to attend an fateful night, Johnny Smith (Walken) smashes head-on into an Romance, Academy Award Winners, Dra- inner-city high school where she meets Thomas, a young hip- enormous truck. For five long years, Johnny is plunged into a ma, Epics, Fantasy, Historical / Period hop dancer from the wrong side of the tracks. With a new deep coma. When he awakens, he discovers that his youth, crew of friends, can this suburban girl with no street „cred“ his career and his fiance, Sarah (Brooke Adams), have all Piece 2008 165min. step up her game and achieve her dreams! It’s the mother of been lost. But Johnny has gained something - extraordinary Paramount 01.01.2013 all dance-offs.....and dance movies! psychic powers allowing him to see visions of the past, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114570 Comedy, Dancing 2009 88min. present and future. In episode after episode, Johnny is propelled into horror-filled, supernatural experiences. Paramount 01.01.2013 Desperately, Johnny seeks seclusion, but a moral decision The Curious Case Of Benjamin 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114592 must be made - should he use his powers to change the future of mankind? Martin Sheen gives a chilling portrayal as a Button (Blu-ray) sinister, psychotic Senate hopeful aspiring to the U.S. Cate Blanchett, Brad Pitt, Elias Koteas, Dangerous Liaisons Presidency. Jason Flemyng, Tilda Swinton, Taraji P. Ziyi Zhang, Cecilia Cheung Stephen King, Horror 1983 103min. In Shanghai, an aging socialite’s infatuation with her ex- Paramount 01.01.2013 Henson, Julia Ormond boyfriend manifests itself as a risky game, where her former „I was born under unusual circumstances...“ Thus begins The lover agrees to seduce, then abandon a naive young woman. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114578 Curious Case Of Benjamin Button, the Academy Award- winning film starring Brad Pitt as a man who is born in his Mystery, Romance, Chinese, Drama, eighties and ages backward, and Cate Blanchett as the Foreign 2012 110min. Death From Above woman he is destined to love forever. The Curious Case Of Well Go USA 12.02.2013 Tom Savini, Kurt Angle, Marc Macaulay Benjamin Button is a monumental journey - as unusual as it is epic - that follows Benjamin’s remarkable adventure of 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114515 Adventure, Drama 2012 84min. romance and redemption from the end of World War I through Millennium Entertainment 12.03.2013 the twenty-first century. Winner of three Academy Awards, Dangerous Liaisons (Blu-ray) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114309 The Curious Case of Benjamin Button is „one of the best movies of the decade!“ (Karen Durbin, Elle) Ziyi Zhang, Cecilia Cheung Drama, Epics, Fantasy, Historical / Period In Shanghai, an aging socialite’s infatuation with her ex- 3: Inferno boyfriend manifests itself as a risky game, where her former Piece, Academy Award Winners, Romance lover agrees to seduce, then abandon a naive young woman. , Danny Trejo, Dougray Scott 2008 165min. Repentant convict Carl Lucas (Luke Goss) - aka Franken- Mystery, Romance, Chinese, Drama, stein - is a legendary driver in the brutal prison blood sport Paramount 01.01.2013 Foreign 2012 110min. known as Death Race. Only one victory away from winning 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114591 Well Go USA 12.02.2013 freedom, Lucas is plunged into his most vicious competition yet: the first-ever desert Death Race. Through South Africa’s 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114534 infernal Kalahari Desert, Lucas is pitted against ruthless The Cyclist adversaries and powerful forces at work behind the scenes to K.C. Clyde ensure his defeat. Also starring Danny Trejo and Ving Set against the spectacular backdrop of Moab, , this Rhames, Death Race 3: Inferno is an insane, action-packed inspirational story captures all the exhilaration - and danger - Robert Duvall, Nicole Kidman, Tom Cruise, thrill ride. of competitive bike racing. Packed with excitement, humor, Randy Quaid, Cary Elwes Prison, Racing, Thrillers, Action 2012 romance and redemption, The Cyclist breaks away from the From the engine roar and fever pitch of professional stock car 105min. pack and leaves you breathless! racing, Days Of Thunder explodes with the most spectacular Universal Studios 22.01.2013 Sports, Drama, Extreme Sports 2012 min. racing action ever captured on film. Tom Cruise plays race driver Cole Trickle, whose talent and ambition are surpassed 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113770 Image Ent. 19.02.2013 only by his burning need to win. Discovered by businessman 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114123 Tim Daland (Randy Quaid), Cole is teamed with legendary crew chief and car-builder Harry Hogge (Academy Award. Death Race 3: Inferno (Blu-ray + winner Robert Duvall) to race for the Winston Cup at the DVD + Digital Copy + UltraViolet) Dalziel & Pascoe: Season Seven Daytona 500. A fiery crash nearly ends Cole’s career and he Warren Clarke, Colin Buchanan must turn to a beautiful doctor (Nicole Kidman) to regain his (Blu-ray) Andy Dalziel and his sidekick Peter Pascoe are back to solve nerve and the true courage needed to race, to win and to live. Ving Rhames, Danny Trejo, Dougray Scott more murder mysteries in this thrilling new season of Dalziel NASCAR, Sports, Action, Auto Racing, Dra- Repentant convict Carl Lucas (Luke Goss) - aka Franken- and Pascoe. Warren Clarke is the witty, down-to-earth Andy ma 1990 107min. stein - is a legendary driver in the brutal prison blood sport Dalziel and Colin Buchanan is his university-educated Paramount 01.01.2013 known as Death Race. Only one victory away from winning sidekick DI Peter Pascoe. The riveting combination of freedom, Lucas is plunged into his most vicious competition Dalziel’s old-style policing and Pascoe’s university-educated 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114576 yet: the first-ever desert Death Race. Through South Africa’s new man approach has made them a worldwide hit. Dalziel & infernal Kalahari Desert, Lucas is pitted against ruthless Pascoe is based on the award-winning novels of top crime- Days Of Thunder (Blu-ray) adversaries and powerful forces at work behind the scenes to writer Reginald Hill. ensure his defeat. Also starring Danny Trejo and Ving BBC, British, Crime, Detectives, Drama, Robert Duvall, Nicole Kidman, Tom Cruise, Rhames, Death Race 3: Inferno is an insane, action-packed Foreign, International TV, Mystery 2002 Randy Quaid, Cary Elwes thrill ride. 360min. From the engine roar and fever pitch of professional stock car Action, Prison, Racing, Thrillers 2012 racing, Days Of Thunder explodes with the most spectacular 105min. BBC Home Video 05.03.2013 racing action ever captured on film. Tom Cruise plays race 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113956 driver Cole Trickle, whose talent and ambition are surpassed Universal Studios 22.01.2013 only by his burning need to win. Discovered by businessman 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113778 Tim Daland (Randy Quaid), Cole is teamed with legendary Dance Flick: Unrated & crew chief and car-builder Harry Hogge (Academy Award. Outrageous winner Robert Duvall) to race for the Winston Cup at the DeathTrap (Blu-ray) Daytona 500. A fiery crash nearly ends Cole’s career and he Christopher Reeve, Dyan Cannon, Michael

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Caine Elisabeth Sladen, Tom Baker, Ian Marter The TARDIS arrives near Paris during the French Revoluti- If you were a famed mystery playwright with a devastating The Tom Baker Years: 1974- 1981. The Fourth Doctor’s first on, a time of great upheaval, bloodshed and terror. Soon, with string of recent flops, what would you do for a can’t-miss trip in the TARDIS brings him, with Sarah Jane and a very the Doctor trapped inside a burning farmhouse, Ian imprisoned thriller script? Beg for it? Pray for it? Kill for it? Get smared skeptical Harry Sullivan, many thousand years into the future and Susan and Barbara on their way to the guillotine, it’s in Deathtrap, the fiendishly funny film version of Ira Levin’s to Nerva, a space station in Earth’s orbit. The Doctor is clear this will be one of their most dangerous and exciting Broadway his starring Michael Caine as the blocked writer, amazed to discover that Nerva is nothing less than an ark for adventures yet... Cyan Cannon as his loving, naïve wife and Christopher the human race. Having evacuated Earth when the solar Time Travel, Adventure, BBC, British, Reeve as a former student who’s written a play so flawless activity threatened all life on the planet, these few hundred Foreign, International TV, Science Fiction „even a gifted director couldn’t ruin it.“ Gifted director Sidney survivors have been drifting in suspended animation for Lumet and screenwriter Jay Presson Allen pack this movie’s thousands of years. Even more perplexing is the discovery min. insidious hairpin twist with such drop-dead wit and delightful that someone has sabotaged Nerva’s vital systems. The BBC Home Video 12.02.2013 dread that you’ll stop laughing...only long enough to gasp in Doctor reactivates the systems, and one by one, the human 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113957 surprise. race begins to awake from its enforced deep sleep. The future Comedy, Mystery, Thrillers 1982 116min. of humankind appears secure until the Doctor learns that the Warner Bros. MOD 20.11.2012 larvae of the Wirrn, a hostile insect race, are also aboard. Dredd (DVD + Digital Copy + BBC, British, Cult Film / TV, Foreign, Inter- 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113952 UltraViolet) national TV, Robots / Androids, Science Lena Headey, Olivia Thirlby, Karl Urban, Fiction, Technology 1975 min. Die Hard: 25th Anniversary (Blu- Warrick Grier BBC Home Video 12.03.2013 The future America is an irradiated wasteland. On its East ray) 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114337 Coast lies Mega City One - a vast, violent metropolis where Bruce Willis, Alan Rickman, Jeremy Irons, criminals rule the chaotic streets. The only force of order lies with the urban cops called „Judges“ who possess the Bonnie Bedelia, Samuel L. Jackson, Doctor Who: The Aztecs - Special combined powers of judge, jury and instant executioner. The Graham Greene, Reginald VelJohnson, Edition ultimate Judge, Dredd (Karl Urban) is tasked with ridding the Alexander Godunov city of its latest scourge - a dangerous drug and the sadistic Celebrate 25 years of Bruce Willis playing John McClane William Hartnell, Jacqueline Hill, Carole Ann prostitute turned drug pusher who is using it to take over the with this 5-Disc Collection featuring the first four Die Hard Ford, William Russell city. films and an all-new bonus disc, Decoding Die Hard. It’s the In the earliest surviving of Doctor Who’s historical Science Fiction, Thrillers, Action, ultimate tribute to the tough-as-nails cop with a wry sense of adventures, the TARDIS materializes in an ancient Aztec Apocalyptic Future, Crime 2012 103min. humor and a knack for explosive action. Wrong place. Wrong tomb. The Doctor and companions Ian, Barbara and Susan find time. Right man. Yippee ki yay! - Films Include: - much to admire in the Aztec civilization. However, Barbara Lionsgate 08.01.2013 Cops, Cops On The Edge, Action, has been mistaken for the reincarnation of the Aztecs’ high 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113869 priest, Yetaxa. The time travelers soon find themselves caught Terrorism, Thrillers min. up in a vicious power struggle that could cost them their lives, 20th Century Fox 29.01.2013 especially if Barbara continues to wield her influence in an Dredd 3D (Blu-ray 3D + Blu-ray + 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114324 effort to divert the course of history. Digital Copy + UltraViolet) (Blu- Time Travel, BBC, British, Cult Film / TV, ray) Die Screaming, Marianne: Foreign, International TV, Science Fiction 1964 min. Lena Headey, Olivia Thirlby, Karl Urban, Remastered Edition (Blu-ray) BBC Home Video 12.03.2013 Warrick Grier Alan Curtis, Susan George, Judy Huxtable, PLEASE NOTE: This title includes a Blu-ray 3D disc, which 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114336 is only compatible with 3D Blu-ray players and Playstation 3. Leo Genn, Barry Evans, Christopher Sand- A standard Blu-ray is also included which will play on all ford, Anthony Sharp, Kenneth Hendel, Paul Doctor Who: The Complete standard Blu-ray players. The future America is an irradiated Stassino wasteland. On its East Coast lies Mega City One - a vast, With the death of her mother, Marianne (Susan George, Straw Fourth Season (Repackage) violent metropolis where criminals rule the chaotic streets. Dogs) stands to inherit a rather substantial family fortune as Billie Piper, Catherine Tate, Freema The only force of order lies with the urban cops called soon as she turns 21. Not only is there a vast sum of money „Judges“ who possess the combined powers of judge, jury and involved, there are also certain incriminating documents that Agyeman, David Tennant instant executioner. The ultimate Judge, Dredd (Karl Urban) her father, a corrupt judge (Leo Genn, A Lizard In A Woman’s Hot on the heels of the acclaimed third series, Doctor Who is tasked with ridding the city of its latest scourge - a Skin), does not want getting out. And with her money-hungry returns for a fourth instalment with a familiar face alongside dangerous drug and the sadistic prostitute turned drug pusher half-sister chomping at the bit, will Marianne even live to see the Doctor. Award-winning actor Catherine Tate returns as who is using it to take over the city. her 21st birthday? An early outing for British blood baron the Doctor’s new companion, reprising her role as Donna Crime, Action, Apocalyptic Future, Science Pete Walker (Frightmare, The Confessional), Die Screaming Noble who featured in the 2006 Christmas special The Fiction, Thrillers 2012 103min. Marianne is a psychological thriller that deals with jealousy, Runaway Bride. Now reunited, the Doctor and Donna travel murder, incest and explores the paranoia of being surrounded back to Pompeii in AD 79 on the eve of the infamous eruption Lionsgate 08.01.2013 by a family that cannot be trusted. where people are slowly turning to stone, investigate a series 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113878 of grisly murders with the help of Agatha Christie, journey to British, Drama, Foreign, Horror, Thrillers the home world of the sinister Ood and come face to face an 1971 97min. old enemy of the Doctor’s. Series Four also sees the return of Duke Redemption USA 12.02.2013 the Doctor’s previous companions - the vivacious Rose Tyler (Billie Piper) and the feisty Martha Jones (Freema Agyeman). Steven Weber, Allison Hossack 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114112 Marine Sergeant Terry Pulaski, a once proud man, is now a Time Travel, Adventure, BBC, British, broken shell of himself having returned from Iraq with both Foreign, International TV, Science Fiction PTSD and a disabling injury. Terry struggles to be a good The Dirty Dozen / The Green 2007 min. father and husband, but his challenges leave him feeling like a Berets (Double Feature) (Blu-ray) burden to his wife and daughter. With his dog Duke in tow, he BBC Home Video 18.12.2012 decides to leave his family behind. Years later, a homeless John Wayne, Telly Savalas, David Janssen, 120,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114338 Terry needs help for an aging and ill Duke, so he leaves him Jim Hutton, Irene Tsu, Donald Sutherland, in the care of a veterinary clinic. Will Duke be able to help Terry face his demons and reconcile with his estranged Charles Bronson, George Takei, Bruce Doctor Who: The Complete Third daughter? Cabot, Patrick Wayne, Aldo Ray, Jack Soo Series (Repackage) TV Movies, Comedy, Drama, Family 86min. Classics, Double Features, Military, Action, Freema Agyeman, David Tennant Vivendi Visual Entertainment 12.03.2013 AFI Top 100, Special Forces, Vietnam War, The third installment of Doctor Who is full of new thrills, new 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114144 World War II min. laughs, new heartbreak and some terrifying new monsters. Warner Bros. 12.03.2013 From the moment the Doctor walks into the life of medical Elmo’s Rainbow & Other 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114194 student Martha Jones he changes it forever. In Elizabethan London, they meet at the Globe Theatre Springtime Stories (Repackage) while back in present day London, 76-year-old Professor Disclosure / Fatal Attraction Lazarus recaptures his youth with consequences that threaten What’s at the bottom of Elmo’s rainbow? A DVD full of your Martha’s entire family. And, the Doctor’s sworn enemies, the favorite Sesame Street friends! There is a rainbow on Sesame (Double Feature) (Blu-ray) Daleks, who have been hiding in 1930’s New York, return Street, and Elmo can’t wait to show Rosita, but when they return, the rainbow has disappeared! Their friends try to re- Demi Moore, Caroline Goodall, Dennis Miller, with a terrifying plan for humanity. Time Travel, Adventure, BBC, British, create a rainbow with artwork, multi-colored monsters, magic, Donald Sutherland, Michael Douglas and a fun science experiment, but it’s just not the same. Will Foreign, International TV, Science Fiction Drama, Femme Fatales, Love Gone Bad, On Rosita ever see a real rainbow? Lean more about rainbows, 2006 652min. seasons, and bumblebees with your Sesame Street Friends, The Job, Revenge, Stalkers, Thrillers min. BBC Home Video 18.12.2012 plus see the classic Cookie Bunny bonus video! Warner Bros. 12.03.2013 Family, Preschool, Puppets, Sesame Street 120,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114339 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114435 45min. Warner Bros. 19.02.2013 Doctor Who: The Ark In Space - Doctor Who: The Reign Of Terror 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114541 Jacqueline Hill, Carole Ann Ford, William Special Edition Hartnell, William Russell Elmo’s World: Springtime Fun!

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(Repackage) friends continue to lure Dan to bacchanals. Dan’s addiction once-in-a-lifetime chance to join the National Women’s Relay and tired mind can’t resist the drugs, booze, and women, until Team, she’ll need to overcome her pride, set aside her rivalry Kevin Clash, Michael Jeter, Jim Martin, Matt he becomes smitten with Laura (Melissa Archer - One Life to with rich-girl athlete Lisa and learn what it means to be part Vogel, John Tartaglia, Rick Lyon Live), Dr. Bernstein’s daughter. Resolving to turn his life of a team. It will take more than speed for this group of Spring is here, and Elmo is celebrating with three B’s: Birds, around, he confronts his friends and begins to listen at his fiercely competitive women to band together and chase their Bugs and Bicycles! With a dancing shade, a mischievous group sessions, eventually realizing he has more to offer and dream across the finish line at the World Championships. drawer, a frisky television and a playful computer, Elmo’s to lea Sports, British, Drama, Foreign 2012 91min. World is the perfect place for preschoolers to learn all about Romance, Comedy 2012 105min. Image Ent. 26.02.2013 the world around them. And Elmo has lots of friends, both new Osiris Entertainment 08.01.2013 and old, to answer questions like „where do birds live,“ „how 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114126 do bugs get from place to place,“ and „how many wheels does 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113920 a tricycle have?“ In Elmo’s words, birds, bugs and bicycles Father Dowling Mysteries: The talk, and learning is always fun! The Factory (DVD + UltraViolet) Family, Preschool, Puppets, Sesame Street Third Season , Mae Whitman, Dallas Roberts 2002 50min. An obsessed cop is on the trail of a serial killer prowling the Mary Wickes, Tracy Nelson, Tom Bosley, Warner Bros. 19.02.2013 streets of Buffalo, N.Y. but when his teenage daughter James Stephens 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114542 disappears, he drops any professional restraint to get the An amiable, inquisitive Chicago priest moonlights as a killer. detective and is assisted by a rather worldly, lock-picking Mystery, Serial Killers, Thrillers, Cops, nun. End Of Watch Crime, Detectives, Kidnapping 2011 108min. Crime, Detectives, Drama, Mystery, Religi- Anna Kendrick, Jake Gyllenhaal, Michael Warner Bros. 19.02.2013 on/Spirituality 1990 1049min. Pena 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114543 Paramount Pictures 12.03.2013 From the writer of Training Day comes a gripping, action- 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114264 packed cop drama starring Academy Award nominee Jake Gyllenhaal and Michael Peña. In their mission to abide by Fairfield Road their oath to serve and protect, Officers Brian Taylor Femme Fatales: The Complete (Gyllenhaal) and Mike Zavala (Peña) have formed a powerful Natalie Lisinska, Jesse Metcalfe, Derek brotherhood to ensure they both go home at the end of watch. McGrath First Season But nothing can prepare them for the violent backlash that After Noah McManus loses a high-powered political job and Tanit Phoenix happens after they pull over the members of a notorious drug his fiancé all in one day, he escapes to the small New England cartel for a routine traffic stop. Seen from the point of view of town of Harpswell in Cape Cod. There he falls in love with a Thrillers, Femme Fatales, Killer Beauties, the officers, gang members, surveillance cameras, dash cams bookstore owner as well as the quaint town itself, giving him Mystery 2011 325min. and citizens caught in the line of fire, a 360° perspective new purpose and a sense of belonging that he has been E1 Entertainment 29.01.2013 creates a gritty, compassionate and intense portrait of the missing in life. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113991 city’s darkest streets, and the brave men and women Romance, TV Movies, Drama 84min. patrolling them. Vivendi Visual Entertainment 12.02.2013 Thrillers, Action, Cops, Crime, Drama 2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113819 Fifty Shades Of De Sade 109min. Soledad Miranda, Mercedes McCambridge, Universal Studios 22.01.2013 Falling Uphill Maria Rohm, Alice Arno, Marie Liljedahl, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113940 Romina Power, Christopher Lee, Klaus Romance, Comedy, Drama 2012 83min. Kinski, Paul Muller, Marco Perrin E1 Entertainment 26.02.2012 End Of Watch (Blu-ray + DVD + Includes - Marquis De Sade’s Justine - Romina Power (18- 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113944 year-old daughter of Tyrone Power) stars as Justine, a nubile Digital Copy + UltraViolet) (Blu- young virgin cast out of a French orphanage and thrust into a ray) depraved world of prostitution, predatory lesbians, a fugitive Family Favorites: 10 Movie murderess (Mercedes McCambridge), bondage, branding, and Anna Kendrick, Jake Gyllenhaal, Michael Collection one supremely sadistic monk (an outrageous performance by Pena Jack Palance). It’s a twisted tale of strange desires, perverse From the writer of Training Day comes a gripping, action- Science Fiction, Collections, Comedy, pleasures and the ultimate corruption of innocence as told by packed cop drama starring Academy Award nominee Jake Family min. the Marquis de Sade. - Eugenie... The Story Of Her Journey Gyllenhaal and Michael Peña. In their mission to abide by Universal Studios 12.03.2013 Into Perversion - Marie Liljedahl (the luscious star of Inga) is their oath to serve and protect, Officers Brian Taylor Eugenie, an innocent young woman taken to an island (Gyllenhaal) and Mike Zavala (Peña) have formed a powerful 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114352 paradise where she is initiated into a world of pleasure and brotherhood to ensure they both go home at the end of watch. pain controlled by the sinister Dolmance (Christopher Lee). But nothing can prepare them for the violent backlash that Fangoria Presents: Axed But when she surrenders to her own forbidden fantasies, happens after they pull over the members of a notorious drug Eugenie becomes trapped in a frenzy of drugs, cartel for a routine traffic stop. Seen from the point of view of Nicola Posener sadomasochism and murder. Can a frightened girl in the grip the officers, gang members, surveillance cameras, dash cams Thrillers, British, Drama, Foreign, Horror of carnal perversion find sanctuary in the orgies of the and citizens caught in the line of fire, a 360° perspective depraved? - Eugenie De Sade - Esteemed author Albert creates a gritty, compassionate and intense portrait of the 84min. Radeck is the toast of the Berlin literati and the obje city’s darkest streets, and the brave men and women Millennium Entertainment 19.02.2013 Collections, Cult Film / TV, Drama, Erotica, patrolling them. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113814 Exploitation, Foreign, French 417min. Cops, Crime, Drama, Action, Thrillers 2012 Blue Underground 23.04.2013 109min. Farewell My Queen 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114297 Universal Studios 22.01.2013 Diane Kruger, Virginie Ledoyen, Lea 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113954 Seydoux For A Good Time, Call... Royalty, Drama, Foreign, French, Gay / Ari Graynor, Justin Long Evil Bong-O-Rama Box Set Lesbian Interest, Historical / Period Piece Ari Graynor (Nick and Norah’s Infinite Playlist), Lauren Anne John Patrick Jordan, Mitch Eakins Miller (50/50), Justin Long (Dodgeball: A True Underdog 2012 100min. Story) and Nia Vardalos (My Big Fat Greek Wedding) star in Stoners, Boxed Sets, Comedy, Cult Film / E1 Entertainment 15.01.2013 this hilarious and sexy comedy. Overachiever Lauren (Miller) TV, Horror min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113990 is suddenly on her own after her boyfriend breaks up with Full Moon 11.12.2012 her. Free-spirited Katie (Graynor) is about to lose a dream 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114488 apartment unless she can find a roommate. They reluctantly Farewell My Queen (Blu-ray) agree to room together even though they have nothing in Diane Kruger, Virginie Ledoyen, Lea common, until Lauren discovers that Katie is working as a Excuse Me For Living phone-sex operator and decides to get in on a good business Seydoux opportunity. But as their partnership starts bringing in the Wayne Knight, Robert Vaughn, Christopher Royalty, Drama, Foreign, French, Gay / money, their newfound friendship finds unexpected challenges Lloyd, Jerry Stiller Lesbian Interest, Historical / Period Piece that may leave them both hanging on the line. Critics agree Excuse Me For Living is the story of Dan Topler (Tom For a Good Time, Call... „slaps a smile on your face and Pelphrey, As the World Turns), a rich, smart, suicidal twenty- 2012 100min. makes it stick!“ (Peter Travers, Rolling Stone) something who dropped out of medical school to pursue his E1 Entertainment 15.01.2013 Sexy Comedies, Comedy, Friendships 2012 own drug habit. Well provided for and a bit coddled, he 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114025 85min. refuses to grow up or get happy. After a suicide attempt on the George Washington Bridge lands him in an upscale Universal Studios 22.01.2013 rehabilitation clinic, Dr. Jacob Bernstein (Robert Vaughn, Fast Girls 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113905 ) takes him under his wing. The doctor issues these commands: obey the no-drugs rules, and join the Bradley James, Noel Clarke, Lenora geriatric temple men’s group he leads - or face incarceration. Crichlow, Rupert Graves For A Good Time, Call... (Blu-ray Despite Dan’s negative attitude attending the seniors’ club, She’s got the heart, determination and raw talent to become a + DVD + Digital Copy + he finds he’s among accomplished men and becomes champion sprinter, but this poor kid from the wrong side of engrossed with their lives. Meanwhile, Dan’s prep school town has all the odds against her. When Shania’s offered a UltraViolet) (Blu-ray)

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Ari Graynor, Justin Long Thrones fan! The beautiful collector’s box set is designed emotions. Girlfriend subverts conventions, presenting a fresh Ari Graynor (Nick and Norah’s Infinite Playlist), Lauren Anne with the sigils of the four main houses and comes with a take on love, struggle and family in contemporary society. Miller (50/50), Justin Long (Dodgeball: A True Underdog premium dragon egg paperweight, a Blu-ray bonus disc of Drama, Mental Illness 2011 94min. Story) and Nia Vardalos (My Big Fat Greek Wedding) star in season two, episode one, as well as all of the bonus materials Strand Releasing 07.08.2012 this hilarious and sexy comedy. Overachiever Lauren (Miller) and interactive features from the original DVD and Blu-ray is suddenly on her own after her boyfriend breaks up with releases. Summers span decades. Winters can last a lifetime. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113962 her. Free-spirited Katie (Graynor) is about to lose a dream And the struggle for the Iron Throne has begun. It will stretch apartment unless she can find a roommate. They reluctantly from the south, where heat breeds plots, lusts and intrigues; Girls Against Boys agree to room together even though they have nothing in to the vast and savage eastern lands; and all the way to the common, until Lauren discovers that Katie is working as a frozen north, where an 800-foot wall of ice protects the Danielle Panabaker, Liam Aiken phone-sex operator and decides to get in on a good business kingdom from the dark forces that lie beyond. Kings and In the tradition of I Spit on Your Grave, Girls Against Boys, opportunity. But as their partnership starts bringing in the queens, knights and renegades, liars, lords, and honest centers around two female bartenders who go on a brutal and money, their newfound friendship finds unexpected challenges men...all will play the Game of Thrones. twisted killing spree to exact revenge against the men who that may leave them both hanging on the line. Critics agree Drama, Fantasy, HBO, Medieval Times, wronged them. But will they cross the line and lose For a Good Time, Call... „slaps a smile on your face and Royalty, 2012 Emmy Nominees, Adventure themselves to the thrill and power of violence in this makes it stick!“ (Peter Travers, Rolling Stone) 2011 min. captivating and psychologically terrifying . Comedy, Friendships, Sexy Comedies 2012 Revenge, Thrillers, Drama 2012 93min. HBO Home Video 19.02.2013 85min. Starz / Anchor Bay 26.02.2013 120,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113926 Universal Studios 22.01.2013 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114081 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113927 Game Of Thrones: The Complete Girls Against Boys (Blu-ray) Freaky Deaky Second Season Danielle Panabaker, Liam Aiken Christian Slater, Crispin Glover, Billy Burke Lena Headey, Peter Dinklage In the tradition of I Spit on Your Grave, Girls Against Boys, Chris Mankowski’s gets suspended from the Detroit Police Based on the bestselling book series „A Song of Ice and Fire“ centers around two female bartenders who go on a brutal and Department for investigating the rich, powerful and completely by George R.R. Martin, this sprawling new HBO Drama is set twisted killing spree to exact revenge against the men who drunk Woody Ricks, so he decides to takes matters into his in a world where summers span decades and winters can last wronged them. But will they cross the line and lose own hands... with hilarious results. a lifetime. From the scheming south and the savage eastern themselves to the thrill and power of violence in this Thrillers, Comedy, Crime 2012 90min. lands, to the frozen north and the ancient Wall that protects captivating and psychologically terrifying horror film. the realm from the mysterious darkness beyond, the powerful Drama, Revenge, Thrillers 2012 93min. E1 Entertainment 26.02.2013 families of the Seven Kingdoms are locked in a battle for the Starz / Anchor Bay 26.02.2013 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114015 Iron Throne. This is a story of duplicity and treachery, nobility and honor, conquest and triumph. In the Game of 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114092 Thrones, you either win or you die. Fried Green Tomatoes / Coal Adventure, Drama, Fantasy, HBO, Medieval The Golden Pomegranate Times, Royalty 2012 550min. Miner’s Daughter (Double Fea- Drama min. HBO Home Video 19.02.2013 ture) Allegro Entertainment 26.02.2013 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113904 Sissy Spacek, Mary Stuart Masterson, 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113972 , Kathy Bates, Cicely Tyson, Tommy Lee Jones, Levon Helm Game Of Thrones: The Complete The Great Fight Films Include - Fried Green Tomatoes - Academy Award- Second Season (Blu-ray + DVD + winners Kathy Bates and Jessica Tandy star with Mary Stuart Charles Durning, Robert Loggia, Joyce Masterson and Mary-Louise Parker in this inspiring drama Digital Copy) (Blu-ray) DeWitt, Martin Kove, Eric Etebari, Michael adopted from Fannie Flagg’s best-selling novel. When an Lena Headey, Peter Dinklage Rivera unhappy housewife (Bates) befriends a lady in a nursing home Based on the bestselling book series „A Song of Ice and Fire“ Action, Martial Arts 86min. (Tandy) she hears a remarkable tale of laughter, devotion and by George R.R. Martin, this sprawling new HBO Drama is set a special friendship that defies all obstacles in this in a world where summers span decades and winters can last Screen Media Films 19.02.2013 heartwarming film from acclaimed director Jon Avnet. - Coal a lifetime. From the scheming south and the savage eastern 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114283 Miner’s Daughter - Coal Miner’s Daughter is the amazing lands, to the frozen north and the ancient Wall that protects true story based on the book Loretta Lynn wrote with George the realm from the mysterious darkness beyond, the powerful Vecsey. It was the first country musician autobiography to hit families of the Seven Kingdoms are locked in a battle for the Greatest Classic Films: Legends - the bestseller list and sold more than a million copies in six Iron Throne. This is a story of duplicity and treachery, Judy Garland weeks. When bringing Loretta’s story to the screen, director nobility and honor, conquest and triumph. In the Game of Michael Apted assembled an incredible cast: Sissy Spacek Thrones, you either win or you die. Angela Lansbury, Gene Kelly, Judy Gar- (who won an Oscar for her role), Tommy Lee Jones, Beverly D’Angelo and Levon Helm. What resulted is a remarkable tale Adventure, Drama, Fantasy, HBO, Medieval land, Van Johnson, Gloria De Haven, Ray of a rousing love affair and a woman’s triumph in making her Times, Royalty 2012 550min. Bolger name in the world. HBO Home Video 19.02.2013 Films Include For Me And My Gal Gene Kelly debuts and Western, Comedy, Double Features, Drama, Garland dazzles in this Busby Berkeley-directed tale of a 120,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113925 song-and dance pair who take on tank towns, tough times and Friendships min. WWI while struggling for show-biz success. Boasting a hit Universal Studios 05.02.2013 Gentleman’s Agreement (Blu-ray) parade of era tunes, this film is brimming with old-fashioned 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114203 charm. The Harvey Girls In The Good Old Summertime In Gregory Peck, Dean Stockwell, Anne between The Shop Around the Corner and You’ve Got Mail Revere, Celeste Holm, Dorothy McGuire, came In the Good Old Summertime, a tale of two squabbling From Beyond: Collector’s Edition music-shop clerks. Garland and Van Johnson’s version has Jane Wyatt, June Havoc, John Garfield, mail plus classic tunes evoking an era of straw boaters and (Blu-ray + DVD Combo) (Blu-ray) Albert Dekker silvery moons. Summer Stock In her final M-G-M musical, Barbara Crampton, Jeffrey Combs, Ted No Blu-ray collection is complete without this groundbreaking Garland plays a farm owner who’s riled when her actress drama from Elia Kazan that earned Academy Awards for Best sister (Gloria De Haven) wants to stage a musical in the Sorel Picture, Best supporting Actress (Celeste Holm) and Best family barn. A turn of events ensures that Garland and Gene After inventing a way for creatures from the fourth dimension director. Gregory Peck stars as a New york city journalist Kelly do their share of singing and dancing to a bumper crop to come into his own world, Dr. Edward Pretorious (Ted who poses as a Jew to investigate anti-Semitism. of tunes. Sorel) suffers a gruesome decapitation at the hands of those he brought „from beyond.“ But authorities suspect his Drama, Academy Award Winners, Romance Musical, Classics, Collections, Romance assistant (Jeffrey Combs) is to blame. Barbara Crampton co- 1947 118min. min. stars as a beautiful psychiatrist brought in to help police 20th Century Fox 15.01.2013 Warner Bros. 12.03.2013 solve the case in this classic 1980s thriller based on a short story by H.P. Lovecraft. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113831 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113960 1986 86min. Shout Factory 05.03.2013 Girlfriend Greatest Classic Films: Legends - 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114136 Amanda Plummer, Shannon Woodward, Jackson Rathbone Henry Fonda, Natalie Wood, Lauren Bacall, Game Of Thrones: The Complete Winner of three Audience Awards, Girlfriend is a moving, coming-of-age drama that explores the nature of love and Rosalind Russell, Ruth Gordon, Robert First Season (Blu-ray + DVD + Di- human compassion. Evan, a young adult with Down Syndrome, Redford, Karl Malden, Tony Curtis, Warren gital Copy) (Blu-ray) lives with his mother (Amanda Plummer, Pulp Fiction) in a Beatty poor, working-class town. When he unexpectedly inherits a Films Include Splendor In The Grass Deanie (Wood) is a Lena Headey, Michelle Fairley, Sean Bean, large sum of money, he decides to use it to help out his friend teenager eager to do right in her 1920s Kansas town, but the Iain Glen, Mark Addy, Alfie Allen, Peter and high school crush, Candy (Shannon Woodward, Raising emotions she shares with boyfriend Bud () are Hope TV Series), a single mother deeply in-debt and facing too strong. The conflict between behavior and desire may ruin Dinklage, Aidan Gillen, Harry Lloyd, Rory eviction. The two form an unlikely relationship, and them both in this Oscar winner from director Elia Kazan. McCann everything seems to be falling into place, until Candy’s Gyspy This film version of the Broadway hit sweeps you up in This limited edition set offering Blu-ray, DVD, and Digital volatile ex-boyfriend, Russ (Jackson Rathbone, The Twilight the roller-coaster relationship of Louise (Wood), the Copy versions of the series is the perfect gift for any Game of Saga) interferes, resulting in an eruption of secrets and wallflower who blossoms into sophisticated stripper Gypsy

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Rose Lee, and her ambitious mother, Rose (Rosalind Brando, Frank Sinatra, Robert Keith, Hard Romanticker Russell). Karl Malden costars. Sex And The Single Girl Snoopy magazine editor Bob Weston (Tony Curtis) and Sex Goldwyn Girls, Stubby Kaye, B.S. Pulley, Based on director Gu Su-yeon’s autobiographical novel, Hard and the Single Girl author Helen Gurley Brown (Wood) Johnny Silver Romanticker is a spectacularly violent gangster movie that square off in a will-she/won’t-she breezy battle of the sexes. Hollywood legends Marlon Brando, , Frank delivers its story with equal amounts of style and carnage. Henry Fonda and Lauren Bacall join in the comic combat as a Sinatra and Vivian Blaine (from the original Broadway cast) Dripping James Dean-like cool, bleach blond Gu (Shota warring neighbor couple. Inside Daisy Clover Daisy Clover are dazzling in this Frank Loesser (How To Succeed In Matsuda) is a young, cocky Korean-Japanese hoodlum living (Wood) is a star at 15 - but in the 1930s, „star treatment“ can Business Without Really Trying) masterpiece. Featuring hits in Japan. When someone „accidentally“ kills the grandmother mean anything from being discovered to being discarded. like Luck Be A Lady and A Woman In Love, this smash film of a ruthless rival thug, Gu soon finds himself on the receiving Robert Redford and Ruth Gordon costar in this blend of version of one of Broadway’s most popular musicals is end as he becomes the target for bloody, even deadly, Hollywood stardust and melodrama. guaranteed, rip-roaring „four-star entertainment“ (New York revenge. And it doesn’t help that the police are on his tail as Daily News). well. What’s a snarly, cigarette-puffing thug to do? With tons Classics, Collections, Drama, Romance min. of ultra-violence, rampaging youths and nihilistic retribution, Warner Bros. 12.03.2013 Musical, Romance, Classics, Comedy, Dra- Hard Romanticker is a sort of a modern-day A Clockwork 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113959 ma, Gambling 1955 149min. Orange - yakuza style. Warner Bros. 15.01.2013 Revenge, Drama, Foreign, Japanese 2011 Greatest Classic Films: Legends - 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114177 108min. Artsploitation Films 22.01.2013 Gypsy (Blu-ray) 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114023 Ruby Dee, Sidney Poitier, Elizabeth Natalie Wood, Rosalind Russell, Karl Hartman, Jack Warden, Rock Hudson, Malden The Hardy Boys: The Final Glenn Ford Ringing with the show-biz sass of its Jule Styne/ Stephen Season Films Include Blackboard Jungle Racial and sexual tensions. Sondheim score, the film version of the Broadway hit Gypsy Violence. Gangs. Apathy. Hot-button issues in schools today takes you on a grand vaudeville tour. It sweeps you up in the David Cassidy, Shaun Cassidy, Parker were tackled in Blackboard Jungle, with Glenn Ford as an roller-coaster relationship of Louise (Natalie Wood), the idealistic inner-city teacher and Sidney Poitier, in a star- Stevenson wallflower later to blossom into sophisticated stripper Gypsy Follow the clues to adventure as The Hardy Boys: The Final making performance, as a teen misfit. Edge Of The City Two Rose Lee, and her ambitious mother Rose (Rosalind Russell, laborers (Poitier and John Cassavetes) face corruption on Season comes to DVD for the first time! Inspired by the hugely whose performance won her a fifth Best Actress Golden popular books, teen sensations Shaun Cassidy and Parker the New York waterfront and bond across society’s black/ Globe Award). Karl Malden scores as Herbie, the salesman white divide in this directing debut by Martin Ritt (Sounder, Stevenson star as brave super-sleuths who continue to solve who falls for Rose - to his exasperation. Full of terrific tunes spooky mysteries. Norma Rae). The powerful cast includes Jack Warden and (Everything’s Coming Up Roses, Small World and Some Ruby Dee. Something Of Value In colonial Kenya, former People Among Them), Gypsy will certainly entertain you and Family, Mystery 1978 510min. childhood playmates Peter (Rock Hudson) and Kimani definitely make you smile. Shout Factory 12.02.2013 (Poitier) have maintained a deep, if unlikely, friendship. But with the bloody Mau Mau uprising, the men discover that even Classics, Comedy, Drama, Biopics, Music, 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114054 the strongest bond may not be stronger than the cry for Musical 1962 143min. freedom. Selina (Elizabeth Hartman) is blind Warner Bros. MOD 20.11.2012 Haunted Dollhouse and white. Helping her see the world anew is kindly Gordon Ralfe (Poitier), who is black, though Selina doesn’t know it. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113953 Welcome to the Haunted Dollhouse, where three terrifying This impactful film won Shelly Winters an Oscar for her role tales await you. Guardian skulls protect a castle, a young girl as Selina’s bigoted, abusive mot Hans Christian Andersen is possessed by powers unknown, and evil once again Classics, Collections, Drama, Romance, springs from the toy box. Beyond these doors, you are the Farley Granger, Danny Kaye, Zizi plaything. War min. Jeanmaire, Roland Petit, Philip Tonge, Erik Thrillers, Anthologies, Haunted Houses, Warner Bros. 12.03.2013 Bruhn, Joseph Walsh Horror 2012 80min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113961 The incredibly multi-talented Danny Kaye stars as Hans Full Moon 08.01.2013 Christian Andersen, a young cobbler with a special gift for 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114261 Gun Hill Road storytelling. Nominated for six Academy Awards, this wonderful musical will enchant both young and old. Esai Morales, Judy Reyes Musical, Romance, Biography, Fairy Tales, Hercules: The Legendary Virgil Films is proud to announce that Gun Hill Road will be coming to DVD and digital this March. This Sundance Film Family 1952 112min. Journeys - Season Four Festival hit will leave you drained at the close with an emotio- Warner Bros. 15.01.2013 Lucy Lawless, Kevin Sorbo, Bruce nal wallop of an ending. Esai Morales(NYPD Blue) in one of 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114178 his most powerful roles as a father returning home from prison Campbell, Michael Hurst to find the world that he knew when he left completely When fire-breathing monsters threaten mere mortals, changed. The film also stars Judy Reyes(Scrubs) as the wife Hara-Kiri: Death Of A Samurai gorgeous maidens are in distress, or epic battles break out and mother of a teenage son (Harmony Santana) who is in the amongst the gods, there’s only one hero to turn to: Hercules. middle of exploring a sexual transformation well beyond any of Naoto Takenaka, Koji Yakusho In all 22 Season Four episodes, follow Kevin Sorbo in his their understandings. Gun Hill Road is the story of a family in From visionary auteur Takashi Miike (13 Assassins, Ichi the iconic role as the sword-wielding strongman who travels the transition. It is the story of a young man exploring his Killer) comes the story of a mysterious samurai who arrives at world helping others in need. Joining in for the mythic mayhem sexuality in an intolerant and judgmental world and his the doorstep of his feudal lord, requesting an honorable death are Hercules’s dedicated friend Iolaus (Michael Hurst), as exploration’s impact on his relationship with his parents and by ritual suicide in his courtyard. The lord threatens him with well as familiar faces played by guest stars Lucy Lawless himself. the brutal tale of Motome, a desperate young ronin who made (: Warrior Princess), Ted Raimi (Xena: Warrior a similar request with ulterior motives, only to meet a grisly Princess), Bruce Campbell (Burn Notice) and Gina Torres Drama, Dysfunctional Families 2011 min. end. Undaunted, the samurai begins to tell a story of his own, (Firefly). Loaded with explosive action, fantastical locations, Virgil Films And Entertainment 05.03.2013 with an ending no one could see coming. With stunning and sparkling wit, this five-disc set is an adventure-seeker’s 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114357 cinematography and gripping performances, Hara-Kiri: Death dream come true. Of A Samurai is a thrilling exploration of revenge, honor and Action, Adventure, Ancient Greece / Rome, individuality in the face of oppressive power. Fantasy 1997 min. Gunfight At Yuma Revenge, Samurai, Drama, Foreign, Universal Studios 12.03.2013 Frank Stallone, Joe Estevez Japanese 2011 126min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114350 Spaghetti Westerns, Western, Action 2012 New Video DVD 22.01.2013 109min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114101 Indican Pictures 04.12.2012 Here Comes The Boom (Blu-ray + 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113921 Hara-Kiri: Death Of A Samurai UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) (Blu-ray) Bas Rutten, Salma Hayek, Kevin James, , Greg Germann, Gary Gunsmoke: The Seventh Season - Naoto Takenaka, Koji Yakusho Valentine, Joe Rogan, Reggie Lee Volume Two From visionary auteur Takashi Miike (13 Assassins, Ichi the Killer) comes the story of a mysterious samurai who arrives at Former collegiate wrestler Scott Voss (Kevin James) is a 42- Amanda Blake, Dennis Weaver, James the doorstep of his feudal lord, requesting an honorable death year-old, apathetic high school teacher. When budget Arness, Milburn Stone by ritual suicide in his courtyard. The lord threatens him with cutbacks threaten to cancel some of the school’s programs America’s longest running, trail blazing western, Gunsmoke, the brutal tale of Motome, a desperate young ronin who made and lay off its music teacher (Henry Winkler), Scott creates a returns to DVD with the second volume of the pioneering a similar request with ulterior motives, only to meet a grisly scheme to raise money by moonlighting as a mixed martial arts seventh season! end. Undaunted, the samurai begins to tell a story of his own, fighter. Everyone thinks Scott is crazy - most of all the school Western, Action, Adventure, CBS, Classics with an ending no one could see coming. With stunning nurse, Bella (Salma Hayek). In his quest, Scott gains cinematography and gripping performances, Hara-Kiri: Death something he never expected as he inspires his students and 1962 859min. Of A Samurai is a thrilling exploration of revenge, honor and becomes a sensation that rallies the entire school. Paramount Pictures 05.02.2013 individuality in the face of oppressive power. Comedy, Mixed Martial Arts, Action, Sports, 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113782 Drama, Foreign, Japanese, Revenge, Sa- Teachers 2012 105min. murai 2011 126min. Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Guys And Dolls New Video DVD 22.01.2013 05.02.2013 Jean Simmons, Vivian Blaine, Marlon 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114118 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114469

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Here Comes The Boom (DVD + Massacre) and Ben Foster (3:10 To Yuma, The Mechanic), Retromedia 26.02.2013 this explosive hit packs a punch in more ways than one. Set 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114248 UltraViolet) Up A group of friends plan out a detailed heist that turns Bas Rutten, Salma Hayek, Kevin James, deadly when one betrays the other by taking off with the goods. Taking matters into his own hands, Sonny seeks out Icons Of Action Henry Winkler, Greg Germann, Gary his revenge teaming up with the most dangerous mob boss in Valentine, Joe Rogan, Reggie Lee town to get back what is rightfully his. When he finally comes Jason Statham Former collegiate wrestler Scott Voss (Kevin James) is a 42- face to face with his longtime friend he will be forced to make Action 381min. year-old, apathetic high school teacher. When budget a life changing choice. Millennium Entertainment 12.03.2013 Cops, Crime, Double Features, Drama, cutbacks threaten to cancel some of the school’s programs 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114310 and lay off its music teacher (Henry Winkler), Scott creates a Hostage Crisis, Action, Revenge, Thieves scheme to raise money by moonlighting as a mixed martial arts 269min. fighter. Everyone thinks Scott is crazy - most of all the school In Our Nature nurse, Bella (Salma Hayek). In his quest, Scott gains Lionsgate 05.02.2013 something he never expected as he inspires his students and 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113955 Jena Malone, John Slattery, Zach Gilford becomes a sensation that rallies the entire school. When Brooklynite Seth (Zach Gilford, Friday Night Lights) Sports, Teachers, Action, Comedy, Mixed takes his girlfriend Andie (Jena Malone, Iinto The Wild, The House Of Whipcord: Remastered Hunger Games: Catching Fire) to his family’s weekend house Martial Arts 2012 105min. in upstate New York for a romantic getaway, they are Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Edition (Blu-ray) unexpectedly joined by his estranged father Gil (John 05.02.2013 Ann Michelle, Sheila Keith, Barbara Slattery, Mad Men), and his much-younger new girlfriend, Vicky (, 10 Things I Hate About You). The 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114443 Markham, Dorothy Gordon, Patrick Barr, women carefully negotiate emotional minefields as they Ray Brooks persuade father and son to share the house for the first time Hipsters Many young girls have entered...none have yet come out!. since the summer vacations of Seth’s childhood. This When the justice system is too lenient on crimes of immorality, unexpected family reunion in the great outdoors, fraught with Oksana Akinshina House of Whipcord takes up the slack. When a young model tensions old and new, pushes them all to realize the bonds of While the Cold War heats up on the world stage, rebellious (Penny Irving) gets a mere slap on the wrist for public nudity, family are always stronger and stranger than expected. From youth in 1955 Moscow wage a cultural battle against dismal she has an encounter with the mysterious (but not so the producers of Meek’s Cutoff and Wendy And Lucy, In Our Soviet conformity, donning brightly colored black-market mysteriously named) Mark E. DeSade. He whisks her away to Nature is a candid, delicately observed family portrait of clothing, adopting American nicknames and reveling in his family’s country estate which turns out to be a house of couples at a crossroads. forbidden . Straight-laced 20-year-old Communist Mels corrections for young women run by Mark’s malevolent mum Drama, Dysfunctional Families min. finds these brazen ‘hipsters’ shocking until he falls under the (Barbara Markham). There, she’s forced to strip and thrown spell of one, namely Polly, and joins the new revolution. Soon into a cell, surrounded by other frightened subjects and stern- New Video DVD 05.02.2013 he’s become one of them, cavorting in the latest flashy faced wardens (including Walker regular, Sheila Keith). 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114563 fashions, sporting an enormous pompadour and wailing on the Within these walls, it’s three strikes and you’re dead, unless saxophone you can find a way to escape! Musical, Romance, Russian, Drama, Horror, Thrillers 1974 102min. Inglourious Basterds (Blu-ray) Foreign, Historical / Period Piece 2008 Redemption USA 12.02.2013 Diane Kruger, Melanie Laurent, Brad Pitt, Eli 98min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114113 Roth, Michael Fassbender, Til Schweiger, Kino Video 19.02.2013 Daniel Bruhl, Christoph Waltz Brad Pitt takes no prisoners in ’s high- 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114096 The House The Dripped Blood octane WWII revenge fantasy Inglourious Basterds. As war Nyree Dawn Porter, Joanna Dunham, Chloe rages in Europe, a Nazi-scalping squad of American soldiers, Hostage / Set Up (Double Fea- known to their enemy as „The Basterds,“ is on a daring Franks, Joss Ackland, Denholm Elliott, Jon mission to take down the leaders of the Third Reich. Bursting ture) Pertwee, Tom Adams, Ingrid Pitt, John with „action, hair-trigger suspense and a machine-gun spray Bruce Willis, Jenna Dewan, Serena Scott Bennett of killer dialogue“ (Peter Travers, Rolling Stone), Inglourious A Scotland Yard Inspector’s search for a missing film star Basterds is „another Tarantino masterpiece“ (Jake Hamilton, Thomas, James Remar, , 50 leads him to a haunted house. The house sets the framework CBS-TV)! Cent, Ben Foster, Ryan Phillippe, Jonathan for four separate tales of terror, all written by Robert Bloch Drama, Historical / Period Piece, Academy Tucker, Randy Couture, Will Yun Lee, (Psycho) and starring horror legends Christopher Lee, Peter Award Winners, Action, War, World War II Cushing, and Ingrid Pitt. All four stories center on the Shaun Toub, Brett Granstaff mysterious fates of tenants who have leased the mansion over 2009 min. Films Include Hostage Action extraordinaire Bruce Willis the years. A writer’s murderous creation comes to life, a wax Universal Studios 10.01.2012 (Die Hard, Pulp Fiction, The Sixth Sense) stars as Jeff figure leads to a fatal argument between two men, a young girl 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113781 Talley, a big-city hostage negotiator who voluntarily trades becomes obsessed with witchcraft and, finally, a film star trauma for house calls when he becomes Chief of Police in a buys a cape that adds more than he expects to his portrayal of sleepy town. But when a random crime escalates into a deadly a vampire. The Intouchables standoff, Talley finds himself thrust into a situation far more volatile and terrifying than anything he could ever imagine! Mystery, Vampires, British, Foreign, Horror Anne Le Ny, Francois Cluzet, Omar Sy Also starring Kevin Pollak (The Usual Suspects, The Whole 102min. When Driss, an ex-con from the projects, is hired to take care Nine Yards), Jonathan Tucker (The Texas Chainsaw Hen’s Tooth 26.02.2013 of an eccentric French aristocrat named Philippe, his Massacre) and Ben Foster (3:10 To Yuma, The Mechanic), newfound job quickly becomes an unpredictable adventure. this explosive hit packs a punch in more ways than one. Set 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114313 Speeding a Maserati through Paris, seducing women and Up A group of friends plan out a detailed heist that turns paragliding over the Alps is just the beginning, as Driss turns deadly when one betrays the other by taking off with the How Green Was My Valley (Blu- the often humorous world of upper-class Parisian society goods. Taking matters into his own hands, Sonny seeks out upside-down. As this unlikely duo overcome adversity of his revenge teaming up with the most dangerous mob boss in ray) every flavor in this true story, they also shatter their town to get back what is rightfully his. When he finally comes preconceptions of love, life and each other. Based on the #1 face to face with his longtime friend he will be forced to make Walter Pidgeon, Anna Lee, Roddy international best-selling book, „You Changed My Life.“ a life changing choice. McDowall, John Loder, Sara Allgood, Do- Biopics, Comedy, Drama, Foreign, French Revenge, Thieves, Action, Cops, Crime, nald Crisp, Barry Fitzgerald, Patric 2011 112min. Double Features, Drama, Hostage Crisis Knowles Sony Pictures Home Entertainment 198min. John Ford’s revered masterpiece - Winner of five Academy Awards, including Best Director and Best Picture - comes to 15.01.2013 Lionsgate 05.02.2013 Blu-ray for the first time. Roddy McDowall, Maureen O’Hara 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113766 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113947 and Walter Pidgeon co-star in the powerful story of one family’s tragedies and triumphs in a Welsh mining town. The Intouchables (Blu-ray + Hostage / Set Up (Double Fea- Classics, Drama, Dysfunctional Families, Academy Award Winners, National Film UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) ture) (Blu-ray) Registry, Western 1941 118min. Anne Le Ny, Francois Cluzet, Omar Sy Bruce Willis, Jenna Dewan, Serena Scott 20th Century Fox 15.01.2013 When Driss, an ex-con from the projects, is hired to take care Thomas, James Remar, Kevin Pollak, 50 of an eccentric French aristocrat named Philippe, his 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113832 newfound job quickly becomes an unpredictable adventure. Cent, Ben Foster, Ryan Phillippe, Jonathan Speeding a Maserati through Paris, seducing women and Tucker, Randy Couture, Will Yun Lee, I, Marquis De Sade paragliding over the Alps is just the beginning, as Driss turns the often humorous world of upper-class Parisian society Shaun Toub, Brett Granstaff Lost for almost 50 years this ultra rare film by director Ri- Films Include Hostage Action extraordinaire Bruce Willis upside-down. As this unlikely duo overcome adversity of chard Hilliard (Violent Midnight) was recently rediscovered every flavor in this true story, they also shatter their (Die Hard, Pulp Fiction, The Sixth Sense) stars as Jeff and is presented here for the first time on DVD. It spins the Talley, a big-city hostage negotiator who voluntarily trades preconceptions of love, life and each other. Based on the #1 tale of a writer, obsessed with the Marquis De Sade, who international best-selling book, „You Changed My Life.“ trauma for house calls when he becomes Chief of Police in a begins to live out De Sade’s violent sexual fantasies. sleepy town. But when a random crime escalates into a deadly Featuring the spectacular Babette Bardot (Russ Meyer’s Comedy, Drama, Foreign, French, Biopics standoff, Talley finds himself thrust into a situation far more Mondo Topless) and a host of assorted lovelies! This edition 2011 112min. volatile and terrifying than anything he could ever imagine! also contains the bonus featurette, Hollywood Beauties, a Also starring Kevin Pollak (The Usual Suspects, The Whole Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Nudie Cutie from a more innocent time! 15.01.2013 Nine Yards), Jonathan Tucker (The Texas Chainsaw Drama, Erotica 80min.

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56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113776 lives outside the Shore take off in exciting new directions. The Kid With A Bike: The While things are definitely a little bit different this time when the cast hits the boardwalk, their trademark hilarity and family Criterion Collection (Blu-ray) Iron Road dysfunction remain the same. Cecile De France, Jeremie Renier Sam Neill Comedy, Drama, MTV, Reality, Romance Twelve-year-old Cyril (Thomas Doret), all coiled anger and The story of three lives in the turbulent era of railroad 2012 546min. furious motion, is living in a group home but refuses to believe building in North America. Lured by the myth of „Gum San,“ the Paramount Pictures 19.03.2013 he has been rejected by his single father (Summer Hours’ Gold Mountain where fortunes are made, desperate Chinese Jérémie Renier). He spends his days frantically trying to workers come by the thousands to blast through the mountains 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114273 reach the man, over the phone or on his beloved bicycle. It is and lay tracks. Among them is a poor but feisty Chinese girl, only the patience and compassion of Samantha (Hereafter’s who joins the railroad in a desperate attempt to find her long- Keep The Lights On Cécile de France), the stranger who agrees to care for him, lost father, and eventually falls in love with the son of the that offers the boy the chance to move on. Spare and unsenti- railroad tycoon. Thure Lindhardt, Julianne Nicholson, mental but deeply imbued with a heart-rending tenderness, Canadian, Drama, Foreign, Historical / Zachary Booth The Kid with a Bike is an arresting work from the great Period Piece 2008 181min. Keep the Lights On chronicles an emotionally and sexually Belgian directors Jean-Pierre and Luc Dardenne (Rosetta), charged journey of two men in New York City through love, masters of the empathetic action film. E1 Entertainment 26.02.2013 friendship, and addiction. Documentary filmmaker Erik (Thure Criterion Collection, Drama, Dysfunctional 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114016 Lindhardt) and closeted lawyer Paul (Zachary Booth, Families, Foreign, French 2011 87min. Damages) meet through a casual encounter, but soon find a deeper connection and become a couple. Individually and Criterion 12.02.2013 Italian Job: 2003 / Italian Job: together, they are risk takers - compulsive, and fueled by 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113880 1969 (Double Feature) drugs and sex. In an almost decade-long relationship defined by highs, lows, and dysfunctional patterns, Erik struggles to , Charlize Theron, Maggie negotiate his own boundaries and dignity while being true to Kill For Me Blye, Donald Sutherland, Michael Caine, himself. Director Ira Sachs’s fearlessly personal screenplay , Jason Statham, Seth Green, Edward is anchored by Lindhardt, who embodies Erik’s isolation and While trying to move on from an abusive ex-boyfriend, Amanda vulnerability with a gentle presence. Harrowing and romantic, (Katie Cassidy, TV’s Arrow) looks for a roommate to help pay Norton, Mos Def, Benny Hill, Noel Coward, visceral and layered, Keep the Lights On is a film that looks at the rent. Hailey (Tracy Spiridakos, TV’s Revolution) just Raf Vallone, Rossano Brazzi, Franky G, love and all of its manifestations, taking it to dark depths and moved to college to get away from her own abusive past. Now Tony Beckley bringing it back to a place of grace. roommates, both girls find comfort in their friendship and make Films Include - Italian Job ’03 - A team of high-class thieves Romance, Drama, Gay / Lesbian Interest a pact to help each other overcome their pasts... no matter avenge their mentor’s death - with the help of his own 2012 101min. what the cost. When Amanda’s abusive ex-boyfriend catches daughter - in this big-budget remake of the 1969 British caper Music Box Films 22.01.2013 up with her, a riveting roller coaster of suspense and twists classic. Starring Mark Wahlberg as Charlie, the mastermind is set in motion. In order to survive, the two girls face their of a daring Venice heist overseen by John (Donald 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113922 harrowing past together, as their lives depend on it. Also Sutherland), a lifelong criminal who plans to retire from the starring Donal Logue (Shark Night 3D, Max Payne) and Ryan fold with the earnings from his most recent take. - Italian Job Keep The Lights On (Blu-ray) Robbins (TV’s Falling Skies). ’69 - The quintessential British caper film of the 1960s, The Thrillers, Drama 2012 min. Italian Job is a flashy, fast romp that chases a team of career Thure Lindhardt, Julianne Nicholson, Sony Pictures Home Entertainment criminals throughout one of the biggest international gold Zachary Booth 12.02.2013 heists in history. Michael Caine is Charlie Croker, a stylish Keep the Lights On chronicles an emotionally and sexually robber and skirt-chaser just out of British prison who charged journey of two men in New York City through love, 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114105 masterminds a spectacular robbery of gold bullion in Turin. friendship, and addiction. Documentary filmmaker Erik (Thure Thieves, Thrillers, Action, Chases, Crime, Lindhardt) and closeted lawyer Paul (Zachary Booth, The King Of Devil’s Island Double Features 210min. Damages) meet through a casual encounter, but soon find a Stellan Skarsgard Paramount Pictures 12.03.2013 deeper connection and become a couple. Individually and together, they are risk takers - compulsive, and fueled by Norwegian, Action, Drama, Foreign 2010 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114269 drugs and sex. In an almost decade-long relationship defined by highs, lows, and dysfunctional patterns, Erik struggles to min. negotiate his own boundaries and dignity while being true to Film Movement 10.04.2012 Jack & Diane himself. Director Ira Sachs’s fearlessly personal screenplay 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113775 Juno Temple, Kylie Minogue, Riley Keough is anchored by Lindhardt, who embodies Erik’s isolation and Jack and Diane, two teenage girls, meet on a summer day in vulnerability with a gentle presence. Harrowing and romantic, New York City and spend the night kissing ferociously. visceral and layered, Keep the Lights On is a film that looks at Kit Carson Bubbly and naïve, Diane’s charming innocence quickly begins love and all of its manifestations, taking it to dark depths and bringing it back to a place of grace. Dana Andrews, Lynn Bari, Jon Hall to open tomboy Jack’s tough-skinned heart. But when Jack Jon Hall stars as legendary frontiersman Kit Carson in this discovers that Diane is moving at the end of the summer, Jack Drama, Gay / Lesbian Interest, Romance action-packed western. When Carson is asked to guide a pushes her away. Diane is overwhelmed by her powerful new 2012 101min. wagon train of settlers through hostile Indian Territory to feelings, and they begin to manifest themselves in terrifying Music Box Films 22.01.2013 California, he reluctantly accepts the job. Accompanied by ways, causing unexplainable violent changes to her body. Captain John Fremont (Dana Andrews) and a squadron of Young love is a monster - can Jack and Diane survive? 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113931 U.S. Cavalry, they suffer repeated attacks by Shoshone Romance, Drama, Gay / Lesbian Interest, warriors armed with rifles supplied by the Mexican Army. Horror 2012 105min. Richard Kern: The Hardcore Between raids, Carson and Fremont find time to court the Magnolia Home Entertainment 08.01.2013 same beautiful homesteader (Lynn Bari). The battle sequences Collection - Director’s Cut (Blu- are well staged by veteran serial director George B. Seitz 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113889 (Last Of The Mohicans). ray) Western, Action, Adventure 97min. Jack & Diane (Blu-ray) Lydia Lunch, Kimbra Pfaher, Henry Rollins Hen’s Tooth 29.01.2013 Short Film Collections 1999 167min. Juno Temple, Kylie Minogue, Riley Keough 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114024 Jack and Diane, two teenage girls, meet on a summer day in Music Video Distribution 11.12.2012 New York City and spend the night kissing ferociously. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114260 The Ladies Man Bubbly and naïve, Diane’s charming innocence quickly begins to open tomboy Jack’s tough-skinned heart. But when Jack Tim Meadows, Billy Dee Williams, Tiffani discovers that Diane is moving at the end of the summer, Jack The Kid With A Bike: The Thiessen, Karyn Parsons, Will Ferrell, Lee pushes her away. Diane is overwhelmed by her powerful new Criterion Collection feelings, and they begin to manifest themselves in terrifying Evans ways, causing unexplainable violent changes to her body. Cecile De France, Jeremie Renier He’s cool. He’s clean. He’s a love machine.. Tim Meadows Young love is a monster - can Jack and Diane survive? Twelve-year-old Cyril (Thomas Doret), all coiled anger and stars as his popular character Leon Drama, Gay / Lesbian Interest, Horror, furious motion, is living in a group home but refuses to believe Phelps, a sweet-natured, inexplicably irresistible love expert he has been rejected by his single father (Summer Hours’ who tries to solve the world’s romantic problems with Romance 2012 105min. Jérémie Renier). He spends his days frantically trying to hilarious results! When Leon and his lovely producer (Karyn Magnolia Home Entertainment 08.01.2013 reach the man, over the phone or on his beloved bicycle. It is Parsons) lose their radio show because of Leon’s X-rated on- 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113900 only the patience and compassion of Samantha (Hereafter’s air comments, he figures things can’t get worse. So when Cécile de France), the stranger who agrees to care for him, Leon gets a letter from a former flame promising him a lifetime that offers the boy the chance to move on. Spare and unsenti- of wealth and happiness, things start looking up and he Jersey Shore: The Uncensored mental but deeply imbued with a heart-rending tenderness, figures the „love machine“ is back in action. Now all Leon has The Kid with a Bike is an arresting work from the great to do is figure out which one of his „Sweet Things“ wrote the Final Season Belgian directors Jean-Pierre and Luc Dardenne (Rosetta), letter! Of course, if there’s one subject Leon knows, it’s Sammi Giancola, Ronnie Magro, Nicole masters of the empathetic action film. women. Or does he? Co-starring Billy Dee Williams and Will Criterion Collection, Drama, Dysfunctional Ferrell, The Ladies Man will satisfy all your comedy desires. Polizzi, Jenni Farley, Deena Cortese, Vinny Playaz, Romance, Comedy 2000 min. Families, Foreign, French 2011 87min. Guadagnino, Mike Sorrentino, Pauly Del Paramount 01.01.2013 Criterion 12.02.2013 Vecchio 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114180 In this final season, America’s favorite housemates all return 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113871 to their home away from home in Seaside Heights, NJ. The house dynamic is headed into unchartered territory as their Lady Sings The Blues

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 41 Newsletter 19/12 (Nr. 323) Dezember 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

Diana Ross, Richard Pryor, Billy Dee 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114183 Williams A Late Quartet The essence of Billie Holiday, one of America’s most loved Lara Croft: Tomb Raider - The and memorable blues singers, is captured brilliantly in a tour- Philip Seymour Hoffman, Catherine Keener, de-force debut performance by singer . Filled with Cradle Of Life Christopher Walken the greatest songs of the incomparable „Lady Day,“ this Academy Award Winners Christopher Walken and Philip stunning film biography received five Academy Award® Djimon Hounsou, Noah Taylor, Angelina Seymour Hoffman strike all the right chords with Academy nominations, including Diana Ross for „Best Actress.“ Also Jolie, Gerard Butler, Ciaran Hinds, Til Award Nominee Catherine Keener and Mark Ivanir in this Starring Billy Dee Williams and Richard Pryor. Schweiger, Chris Barrie powerful story that blends raw emotion with fiery passion to 1972 min. Laura Croft is back in action and faces her most perilous form an unforgettable cinematic masterpiece. After 25 years Paramount 01.01.2013 mission. To recover what ancient civilization believed to be together, the members of a world-renowned string quartet the essence of all evil, Pandora’s Box. She must travel the learn that their beloved cellist (Walken) may soon be forced 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114181 globe, from Greece to Hong Kong to Kenya and beyond to get to retire. But the news stirs up equally painful challenges to the box before it is found by a maniacal scientist whose when competing egos, harbored resentment, and irrepressible Lake Noir plan it is to use it for mass annihilation. For this adventure lust threaten to derail the group as they struggle to maintain Laura recruits her ex-partner, Terry Sheridan, a dangerous harmony in their music - and their lives. A group of friends head off for a secluded getaway to a mercenary who has previously betrayed Laura and their Music, Drama 2012 105min. secluded lake. They soon encounter more than they bargained country. She knows he’s the best for the mission, but can she 20th Century Fox 05.02.2013 for when they discover the lake’s sordid past and disturbed trust him again? Join her as she races through furious hand- resident who doesn’t take kindly to strangers. to-hand battles, blazing shoot-outs and breathtaking sky- 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114511 Drama, Horror 2012 92min. diving escapes to try to save the ancient artifact.....and Brain Damage Films 19.02.2013 mankind’s future. A Late Quartet (Blu-ray) Action, Adventure, Based On Video Game, 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114306 Philip Seymour Hoffman, Catherine Keener, Jungle, Killer Beauties 2003 min. Christopher Walken Paramount 01.01.2013 Lake Placid: The Final Chapter Academy Award Winners Christopher Walken and Philip 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114182 Seymour Hoffman strike all the right chords with Academy Yancy Butler, Elisabeth Rohm, Robert Eng- Award Nominee Catherine Keener and Mark Ivanir in this lund, Jonas Talkington powerful story that blends raw emotion with fiery passion to The crocs are back... and they’re bigger, badder and more Lassie form an unforgettable cinematic masterpiece. After 25 years brutal than ever. After the deadly predators’ last vicious Frederic Forrest, Jon Tenney, Helen Slater, together, the members of a world-renowned string quartet attack, the government prevented their extermination. Sealed learn that their beloved cellist (Walken) may soon be forced away in a nature preserve, they’ve been growing to record Richard Farnsworth, Thomas Guiry to retire. But the news stirs up equally painful challenges size, awaiting their next chance to feast on human flesh. Now, Best Friends Are Forever. The dog everyone loves now leaps when competing egos, harbored resentment, and irrepressible when a high school swim team takes a wrong turn directly into into the ’90s in this all-new, exciting, updated version of lust threaten to derail the group as they struggle to maintain the crocs hunting grounds... dinner is served. As the teens Lassie! Determined to start a new life in the country, the harmony in their music - and their lives. race to avoid the hungry reptiles, they become caught in a Turner family-Dad, Step-mom, little Jennifer and teenager Matt Drama, Music 2012 105min. showdown between a rogue game warden (Yancy Butler, - leaves the city for the wilds of Virginia. The move creates Witchblade) and a demented poacher (Robert Englund, A problems for everyone, especially Matt, who feels lost and 20th Century Fox 05.02.2013 Nightmare on Elm Street). It’s the last serving of hysterical alone in his new surroundings. Fortunately, the Turners are 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114533 horror in a finale that shows terror is best served raw. helped by a homeless collie who becomes part of their lives - TV Movies, Horror, Killer Animals 90min. and Matt does a lot of growing up as a result of the dog’s unflinching loyalty. Watch the extraordinary collie protect Laura (Blu-ray) Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Matt from a snarling wolf, rescue him from a raging waterfall Dana Andrews, Gene Tierney, Vincent 19.02.2013 or just nuzzle up for affection, and you’ll know Lassie is more than a story of a boy and his dog-it’s the story of a boy and Price, , Clifton Webb 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114444 the most remarkable dog in the world! Film noir, a classic film style of the ’40s and ’50s, is noted for Drama, Family 1994 min. its dark themes, stark camera angles and high-contrast Lapland Odyssey lighting. Comprising many of Hollywood’s finest films, film noir Paramount 01.01.2013 tells realistic stories about crime, mystery, femme fatales and Quirky, laugh-out-loud funny and totally unpredictable, this 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114184 moral conflict. A definitive film noir classic, Laura tells the action-packed Finnish road movie is an absolute charmer. Set shocking story of a Park Avenue society beauty murdered in in the dark, snow covered and frozen landscape of northern her apartment, which brings Detective Mark McPherson Finland, the story starts in a completely normal fashion: a Last Holiday (Dana Andrews) to New York’s most elegant neighborhood. young woman named Inari get frustrated that her good-for- Queen Latifah, Gerard Depardieu, Timothy As he tries to get inside the head of the victim, Laura Hunt nothing boyfriend Janne won’t even get off his ass to buy the (Gene Tierney), he also questions the men in her life - the only thing she wants: a TV cable box. So she makes an Hutton, Alicia Witt, LL Cool J, Giancarlo acerbic critic Waldo Lydecker (Clifton Webb) and playboy ultimatum: either a converter box by morning or she’s moving Esposito fiancé Shelby Carpenter (Vincent Price). Lulled by her out. This propels Janne, along with his two hapless and She always thought she was somebody special...and she stunning portrait, fine liquor and classical music, McPherson equally lazy friends, out of the house and into a series of was.. It’s advice to follow for shy New Orleans cookware doesn’t know he’s in for a heart-stopping shock with the increasingly crazy misadventures, all in the quest of getting salesclerk Georgia Byrd (Oscar® nominee Queen Latifah) sudden appearance of a woman who seems to be Laura that elusive cable box. They soon encounter gun-shooting when she’s led the believe that she has less than a month to herself. Steeped in suspense, heightened reality and witty Russians, some very mean reindeer, Inari’s vengeful former live. It’s time to give her life a serious makeover, so Georgia sophistication, Laura leads to a shocking climax. boyfriend, a watery oasis filled with topless water polo- jets off on a dream vacation to live like there’s no tomorrow! Classics, Film Noir, AFI Top 100, Mystery, playing beauties, and a naked run through the snow. All the Enjoy hearty laughs and rollicking comedic misadventures while the police are on their heels. Reminiscent of the wacky when Georgia shakes up a glamorous European resort spa National Film Registry, Thrillers 1944 88min. characters that seem to inhabit Aki Kaurismäki films, this while enthusiastically embracing a new look...new 20th Century Fox 05.02.2013 comedy, filmed at breakneck speed, is an absolute delight. moves...and a new attitude! LL Cool J is the handsome suitor 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114028 Romance, Comedy, Drama, Finnish, Foreign back home who’s not about to let Georgia slip away. Timothy 2010 90min. Hutton, Gerard Depardieu, Alicia Witt and Giancarlo Esposito also star in this comedy hit that makes the good times last Law & Order: Criminal Intent - Artsploitation Films 08.01.2013 forever. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113845 Romance, Comedy 2006 min. The Final Year Paramount 01.01.2013 Kathryn Erbe Lara Croft: Tomb Raider The Final and Tenth Year of Law & Order: Criminal Intent 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114185 brings the return of both Robert Goren (Vincent D’Onofrio) Angelina Jolie, Jon Voight, Noah Taylor, and (Kathryn Erbe) to bring closure to the Daniel Craig, Iain Glen Last Of The Summer Wine: landmark series. Premiering on NBC in 2001 and lasting 10 Angelina Jolie Delivers! She’s The Ultimate Superhero“ - seasons, Law & Order: Criminal Intent is the second spin-off Sandie Newton, CBS-TV. Lara Croft, the world’s most famous Vintage 1998 of the highly successful crime drama series Law & Order and video-game heroine, burst onto the big screen in „...the most Bill Owen, Peter Sallis, Brian Wilde, Michael focuses on the criminal justice system from the criminal’s stylish and entertaining action-adventure movie in years!“ point of view Exploring lost empires, finding priceless treasures, punishing Aldridge Cops, Crime, Detectives, Murder Mysteries, villains in mortal combat.. It’s all in a day’s work for Join everyone’s favorite trio for another season of hilarious NBC 2011 330min. adventurer Lara Croft (Angelina Jolie). But a secret from her adventures! Hoping to keep his comrades as young and father’s (Jon Voight) past is about to lead Lara to her greatest spritely as ever, Foggy sets up a training course to get Shout Factory 12.03.2013 challenge: the Triangle Of Light, a legendary artifact with the Compo and Clegg in shape, but, as usual, safety isn’t his first 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114145 power to alter space and time. Lara must find the Triangle concern. When the trio gets a grill from Auntie Wainwrights, before it falls into the clutches of the Illuminati, a secret they have a barbecue like never before. Foggy, ever the society bent on world domination. To stop the Illuminati, Lara inspired inventor, comes up with the idea to create bicycle Law & Order: The Twelfth Year will have to survive a cross-continental chase filled with safety underwear and, later in the season, a three man S. Epatha Merkerson, Gary Busey, Sam unimaginable danger. But for the Tomb Raider, danger is the windsurfing sailboard. Finally, in the Christmas special, the name of the game. trio plan to host a visitor from outer space... or maybe just a Waterston, Jerry Orbach, Jesse L. Martin, Action, Adventure, Based On Video Game, neighboring town. Joe Piscopo BBC, British, Comedy, Foreign, International Independent Women, Jungle, Killer Beauties In the twelfth season of Dick Wolf’s iconic Law & Order TV min. series, crimes of passion come to the forefront as Elisabeth 2001 min. BBC Home Video 16.04.2013 Röhm joins the cast as ADA Serena Southerlyn and Dianne Paramount 01.01.2013 Wiest ends her tenure as DA Nora Lewin. Tensions are 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114545 running high amongst New York’s finest investigative and

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Colonel Blimp is both moving and slyly in the Caucasus Mountains in Georgia, they hire a local guide (Saturday Night Live) joins Jerry Orbach, Jesse L. Martin, S. satirical, an incomparable film about war, love, aging, and to lead them on a camping trek. Venturing into the stunning Epatha Merkerson and Sam Waterston in 24 gut-wrenching obsolescence shot in gorgeous Technicolor. wilderness, the trio’s peaceful adventure takes a dark turn as episodes from the riveting season that was dedicated to the Classics, Comedy, Criterion Collection, Dra- a subtle rift opens between Alex and Nica, quickly widening victims of 9/11, their families, and the brave firefighters and until it threatens to undo everything the couple believed about police officers that came to their aid. ma, Epics, Art House, Romance, War 1943 each other and themselves. - Along with their ever-present Cops, Crime, Detectives, Lawyers / Legal 163min. guide, the young travelers find themselves journeying not only Criterion 19.03.2013 into a landscape that’s both overwhelmingly open and Issues, Murder Mysteries, NBC 2001 min. frighteningly closed, but also into the farthest depths of their Universal Studios 26.02.2013 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114498 own understanding. - A unique examination of the parameters 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113941 of love, The Loneliest Planet is a tale of betrayal, identity, Life Stories failure, and the ambiguities of forgiveness. Romance, Thrillers, Wilderness, Adventure Lemony Snicket’s A Series Of David Attenborough TV show based on the BBC Radio 4 Series Life Stories. 2011 113min. Unfortunate Events BBC, British, Foreign, International TV min. MPI 26.02.2013 Jim Carrey, Jude Law, Meryl Streep, BBC Home Video 12.02.2013 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114296 Jennifer Coolidge, Emily Browning, Luis 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114345 Guzman, Timothy Spall, Cedric The Entertai- The Longest Yard ner, Billy Connolly, Liam Aiken Life Stories (Blu-ray) Burt Reynolds, Ed Lauter, Eddie Albert, Dear Viewer, If you enjoy movies filled with singing rabbits, exploding spaceships, or cheerleaders, you are holding the David Attenborough Mike Conrad wrong DVD entirely. this movie is extremely alarming, an TV show based on the BBC Radio 4 Series Life Stories. First Down...And Ten Years To Go.. In this rough-and-tumble expression which here means „a thrilling misadventure BBC, British, Foreign, International TV min. yarn, actually filmed on-location at the Georgia State Prison, involving three ingenious orphans and a villainous actor the cons are the heroes and the guards are the heavies. Eddie named Count Olaf (Carrey) who wants their enormous BBC Home Video 12.02.2013 Albert is the sadistic warden who’ll gladly make any sacrifice fortune.“ It includes a suspicious fire, delicious pasta, Jim 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114406 to push his guards’ semi-pro football team to a national Carrey, poorly behaved leeches, an incredibly deadly viper, championship. Reynolds plays one time pro quarterback Paul Meryl Streep, and the voice of an impostor named Jude Law. Crewe, now behind bars for leading State Police on a wild The only things that could make such a spectacle more Lisa, Bright And Dark chase in a „borrowed“ car. He agrees to organize a upsetting are special features, such as commentary by me or Anne Baxter, Kay Lenz, John Forsythe prisoners’ team to play the guards. The warden intercedes to outtakes involving nervous laughter. I am bound to continue assure that his goon squad will meet only passive resistance my research into the lives of the Baudelaire orphans, but you Troubled Youth, TV Movies, Drama, from Crewe’s Mean Machine. But the license to pound on are free to seek lighter fare, like bleu cheese fondue. With all Friendships, Mental Illness 1973 90min. their hated guards is a big incentive for murderers and due respect, Lemony Snicket E1 Entertainment 29.01.2013 thieves to learn strategy. Prison, Sports, Classics, Comedy, Drama, Science Fiction, Adventure, Comedy, Fairy 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113994 Tales, Family, Fantasy 2004 min. Football 1974 min. Paramount 01.01.2013 Paramount 01.01.2013 Little White Lies 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114186 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114187 Jean Dujardin, Marion Cotillard, Francois Cluzet, Gilles Lellouche, Benoit Magimel Looper (Blu-ray + UltraViolet) The Life And Death Of Colonel Following a motorcycle accident that leaves a charismatic Blimp: 2 Disc Edition - The member (Jean Dujardin, The Artist) of their group in an (Blu-ray) intensive care unit, a close-knit circle of friends embark on Bruce Willis, Emily Blunt, , Criterion Collection their annual summer getaway to Cap Ferrat in the southwest of France. Staying at wealthy family man Max’s (François Rian Johnson Deborah Kerr, Roger Livesey, Roland Cluzet, Tell No One, The Intouchables)spacious vacation In the futuristic action thriller Looper, time travel will be Culver, Vincent Holman, David Hutcheson, home, the sunny beachside idyll quickly becomes the invented - but it will be illegal and only available on the black James Knight, Nevil Mapp, James backdrop of heated tensions and outbursts among the old market. When the mob wants to get rid of someone, they will acquaintances as the little white lies just beneath the surface send their target 30 years into the past where a „looper“ - a McKechnie, Spencer Trevor of their relationships reach a boiling point. Featuring an all- hired gun, like Joe (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) - is waiting to mop Considered by many to be the finest British film ever made, star cast including Marion Cotillard (The Dark Knight Rises, up. Joe is getting rich and life is good - until the day the mob The Life and Death of Colonel Blimp, by Michael Powell and La Vie en Rose) and Gilles Lellouche (Point Blank, Mesrine) decides to „close the loop,“ sending back Joe’s future self Emeric Pressburger (The Red Shoes), is a stirring and a soundtrack of classic hit songs, director Guillaume (Bruce Willis) for assassination. The film is written and masterpiece like no other. Roger Livesey dynamically Canet’s follow-up to his smash-hit Tell No One is a touching, directed by Rian Johnson and also stars Emily Blunt, Paul embodies outmoded English militarism as the indelible General poignant, and inspiring dramatic comedy about owning up to Dano, and Jeff Daniels. Clive Candy, who barely survives four decades of tumultuous the truths that define a life. British history (1902 to 1942) only to see the world change Action, Science Fiction, Thrillers, Time irrevocably before his eyes. Anton Walbrook (The Red Comedy, Drama, Foreign, French 2010 Travel 2012 119min. Shoes) and Deborah Kerr (Black Narcissus) provide 154min. Sony Pictures Home Entertainment unforgettable support, he as a German enemy turned lifelong MPI 05.02.2013 friend of Blimp’s and she as young women of three 31.12.2012 consecutive generations - a socially committed governess, a 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114170 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113897 sweet-souled war nurse,and a modern-thinking army driver - who inspire him. Colonel Blimp is both moving and slyly Little White Lies (Blu-ray) satirical, an incomparable film about war, love, aging, and Looper (DVD + UltraViolet) obsolescence shot in gorgeous Technicolor. Jean Dujardin, Francois Cluzet, Gilles Bruce Willis, Emily Blunt, Rian Johnson, Romance, War, Art House, Classics, Lellouche, Benoit Magimel Rian Johnson Comedy, Criterion Collection, Drama, Epics Following a motorcycle accident that leaves a charismatic In the futuristic action thriller Looper, time travel will be 1943 163min. member (Jean Dujardin, The Artist) of their group in an invented - but it will be illegal and only available on the black intensive care unit, a close-knit circle of friends embark on market. When the mob wants to get rid of someone, they will Criterion 19.03.2013 their annual summer getaway to Cap Ferrat in the southwest send their target 30 years into the past where a „looper“ - a 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114481 of France. Staying at wealthy family man Max’s (François hired gun, like Joe (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) - is waiting to mop Cluzet, Tell No One, The Intouchables)spacious vacation up. Joe is getting rich and life is good - until the day the mob home, the sunny beachside idyll quickly becomes the decides to „close the loop,“ sending back Joe’s future self The Life And Death Of Colonel backdrop of heated tensions and outbursts among the old (Bruce Willis) for assassination. The film is written and Blimp: The Criterion Collection acquaintances as the little white lies just beneath the surface directed by Rian Johnson and also stars Emily Blunt, Paul of their relationships reach a boiling point. Featuring an all- Dano, and Jeff Daniels. (Blu-ray) star cast including Marion Cotillard (The Dark Knight Rises, La Vie en Rose) and Gilles Lellouche (Point Blank, Mesrine) Science Fiction, Thrillers, Time Travel, Ac- Deborah Kerr, Roger Livesey, Roland and a soundtrack of classic hit songs, director Guillaume tion 2012 119min. Culver, Vincent Holman, David Hutcheson, Canet’s follow-up to his smash-hit Tell No One is a touching, Sony Pictures Home Entertainment poignant, and inspiring dramatic comedy about owning up to James Knight, Nevil Mapp, James the truths that define a life. 31.12.2012 McKechnie, Spencer Trevor Comedy, Drama, Foreign, French 2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113886 Considered by many to be the finest British film ever made, The Life and Death of Colonel Blimp, by Michael Powell and 154min. Emeric Pressburger (The Red Shoes), is a stirring MPI 05.02.2013 The Losers / Jonah Hex (Double masterpiece like no other. Roger Livesey dynamically 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114189 Feature) (Blu-ray) embodies outmoded English militarism as the indelible General Clive Candy, who barely survives four decades of tumultuous Zoe Saldana, Megan Fox, Chris Evans, British history (1902 to 1942) only to see the world change The Loneliest Planet John Malkovich, Josh Brolin, Will Arnett, irrevocably before his eyes. Anton Walbrook (The Red Shoes) and Deborah Kerr (Black Narcissus) provide Hani Furstenberg, Gael Garcia Bernal Idris Elba, Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Michael

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Fassbender, , Michael On Stage 144min. minded - it’s a work of intense spirituality and humanity. Shannon, Columbus Short, Oscar Jaenada Lionsgate 05.02.2013 Criterion Collection, Drama, Foreign, Crime, Double Features, Fantasy, Action, 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114256 French, Prison, Thrillers, War 1956 99min. Adventure, Based On Comic Book, Criterion 26.03.2013 Mystery, Thrillers, Western min. Madrid 1987 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114499 Warner Bros. 12.03.2013 On a hot summer day in a vacant Madrid during a period of 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114197 social and political transition in Spain, Miguel (José Man From Shaolin Sacristán), a feared and respected journalist, sets up a When news arrives that a relative has been killed in an meeting with Ángela (María Valverde), a young journalism accident, Li Bao (Chinese action star Li Zhang), rushes to The Lost Films Of Herschell Gor- student, in a friend’s studio. His intentions are clearly sexual; New York to become the guardian of young, orphaned Janie. don Lewis (Blu-ray + DVD Combo) hers are less clear. Chance events force them together for There, „Uncle Li“, a renowned Shaolin Fighting Monk, is more time than they would have chosen: locked in a bathroom, convinced by a former student to open a traditional Kung-fu (Blu-ray) naked, without the possibility of escape. school. But when his plans collide with those of a brutal Spanish, Drama, Foreign 2011 min. Forman Shane promoter and his skilled young fighter, Li harnesses every bit Breaking Glass Pictures 26.02.2013 of martial arts power he has to fight for Janie and his dream. 252min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114485 Action, Chinese, Drama, Foreign, Martial CAV 08.01.2013 Arts 2012 86min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113866 MADtv: The Complete Second Lionsgate 26.02.2013 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114218 The Love Guru Season Mike Myers, Justin Timberlake, Verne Nicole Sullivan, Debra Wilson, Orlando The Man With The Iron Fists Troyer, Jessica Alba, , Jones, Artie Lange MADtv was a late night sketch-comedy show based on the Russell Crowe, Lucy Liu, Cung Le Romany Malco humor of the popular MAD magazine. Material includes Quentin Tarantino presents The Man with the Iron Fists, an Mike Myers plays the hilarious character The Guru Pitka! As celebrity impersonations, music video, commercial, movie, and epic action adventure inspired by classic kung fu movies. The Guru Pitka vies for the title of the world’s best self help TV show parodies, recurring characters, musical guests, and When the emperor’s gold is hijacked, every kung fu warrior, guru, Pitka must help a star hockey player win his wife back the occasional mock cartoons. The show competed against the assassin and hired gun in China will battle to claim the from rival athlete Jacques „Le Coq“ Grande (Justin long-running SNL, but was aimed at a younger audience. fortune. Starring Academy Award winner Russell Crowe, Timberlake) and, along with it, the Stanley Cup. Will Pitka’s Lasting an impressive 14 seasons, the show’s revolving-door RZA, and Lucy Liu, The Man with the Iron Fists Unrated comic karmic intervention be enough to turn this losing team cast of talented actors and numerous Emmy Award Extended Edition includes jaw-dropping martial arts action into champions? Also starring Jessica Alba and Vern Troyer, nominations made it truly a success story. that you couldn’t see in theaters. Also starring Rick Yune, The Love Guru is „one big laugh from beginning to end!“ (Jim Comedy, Fox, Sketch Comedy 1996 min. David Bautista, Jamie Chung, Cung Le and Byron Mann. Ferguson, KGUN 9 ABC) Action, Adventure, Epics, Femme Fatales, Shout Factory 26.03.2013 Comedy 2008 min. Martial Arts 2012 95min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114161 Paramount 01.01.2013 Universal Studios 12.02.2013 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114362 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114468 Major League Love Story Charlie Sheen, Tom Berenger, Corbin Bern- The Man With The Iron Fists (Blu- sen, James Gammon, Rene Russo, Ali MacGraw, Ray Milland, John Marley ray + DVD + Digital Copy + Love means never having to say you’re sorry.. Everyone loves Margaret Whitton, Bob Uecker Love Story! One of the most romantic movies ever made also She beautiful, smart, goal-oriented, and she just inherited the UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) remains one of the most enduringly popular. This heartfelt Cleveland Indians. Unfortunately, she wants to move the 1970 tale of the love of a lifetime - the most successful franchise to Miami, and a losing season is her only ticket to Russell Crowe, Lucy Liu, Cung Le Paramount movie up to that time - received seven Academy Florida. So she signs the wildest gang of screwballs that ever Quentin Tarantino presents The Man with the Iron Fists, an Award® nominations (including Best Picture) and won one for spit tobacco. They’re handsome, but they’re hopeless! Her epic action adventure inspired by classic kung fu movies. Francis Lai’s magnificent score. As filming was underway on catcher (Tom Berenger) is a washed-up womanizer who When the emperor’s gold is hijacked, every kung fu warrior, Love Story, the filmmakers knew they had something special - struck out in life. Her ace pitcher (Charlie Sheen) is a assassin and hired gun in China will battle to claim the so special that Erich Segal was simultaneously shaping his punked-out crazy who struck out with the law. And her third fortune. Starring Academy Award winner Russell Crowe, best-selling novel from his own screenplay. Stars Ryan baseman (Corbin Bersen) is more concerned about fielding RZA, and Lucy Liu, The Man with the Iron Fists Unrated O’Neal and Ali McGraw each received Academy Award® endorsements than grounders. Throw in a busload of other Extended Edition includes jaw-dropping martial arts action nominations and became overnight movie sensations for their misfits and you’ve got yourself a hilarious line-up that’s that you couldn’t see in theaters. Also starring Rick Yune, poignant portrayals of a young couple who cross social destined for disaster. Or is it? David Bautista, Jamie Chung, Cung Le and Byron Mann. barriers, marry, and ultimately face the greatest crisis of all. On The Job, Sports, Baseball, Comedy Epics, Femme Fatales, Martial Arts, Action, Romance, Academy Award Winners, AFI 1989 min. Adventure 2012 95min. Top 100, Classics, Drama 1970 min. Paramount 01.01.2013 Universal Studios 12.02.2013 Paramount 01.01.2013 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114364 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114476 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114363 A Man Escaped: 2 DVD Edition - The Manchurian Candidate The Loved Ones The Criterion Collection Denzel Washington, Meryl Streep, Liev Revenge, Horror 2009 min. Schreiber, Jon Voight, Ted Levine, Kimberly Francois Leterrier, Maurice Beerblock, Paramount Pictures 11.09.2012 Elise, Jeffrey Wright, Simon McBurney, Charles LeClainche 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113762 With the simplest of concepts and sparest of techniques, Bruno Ganz Robert Bresson (Au hasard Balthazar) made one of the most Everything Is Under Control. Academy Award® winners Gets A Job suspenseful jailbreak films of all time in A Man Escaped. Denzel Washington and Meryl Streep, along with Golden Based on the memoirs of an imprisoned French resistance Globe and Emmy nominee Liev Schreiber, mesmerize a whole , leader, this unbelievably taut and methodical marvel follows new generation of audiences in Academy Award® winner Tyler Perry’s new musical stage play starring the infamous the fictional Fontaine’s singleminded pursuit of freedom, Jonathan Demme’s The Manchurian Candidate. As the entire Mabel Simmons or „Madea“ as her fans know her. When a detailing the planning and carrying out of his escape with nation watches the presidential campaign hurtle towards judge orders Madea to do 20 hours of community service at a gripping precision. But Bresson’s film is not merely process- Election Day, one soldier races to uncover the conspiracy local retirement home the residents and staff are not ready for minded - it’s a work of intense spirituality and humanity. behind it - a conspiracy that seeks to destroy democracy Madea’s brand of „the truth“, but all is well that ends well Prison, Thrillers, War, Criterion Collection, itself. Politics, Thrillers, Conspiracies 2004 min. when Madea helps the residence of Easy Rest Retirement Drama, Foreign, French 1956 99min. Home realize the importance of family, love and forgiveness. Paramount 01.01.2013 Criterion 26.03.2013 Plays On Stage, African Americans, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114365 Comedy, Drama 144min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114482 Lionsgate 05.02.2013 Lee Marvin Presents: Lawbreaker 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114233 A Man Escaped: The Criterion Collection (Blu-ray) - The Complete Series Madea Gets A Job (Blu-ray) Lee Marvin Francois Leterrier, Maurice Beerblock, Prime time crime. It is, and always has been, a killer idea. For Patrice Lovely, Tyler Perry Charles LeClainche decades, generations of viewers have tuned in faithfully to Tyler Perry’s new musical stage play starring the infamous With the simplest of concepts and sparest of techniques, witness the dirty deeds, and clean resolutions, that televised Mabel Simmons or „Madea“ as her fans know her. When a Robert Bresson (Au hasard Balthazar) made one of the most crime shows routinely deliver. It’s a time proven format that judge orders Madea to do 20 hours of community service at a suspenseful jailbreak films of all time in A Man Escaped. never fails to satisfy - justice served, in well under an hour. local retirement home the residents and staff are not ready for Based on the memoirs of an imprisoned French resistance Lee Marvin Presents Lawbreaker, featuring the talents of one Madea’s brand of „the truth“, but all is well that ends well leader, this unbelievably taut and methodical marvel follows of Hollywood’s most iconic tough guys, stands out in a genre when Madea helps the residence of Easy Rest Retirement the fictional Fontaine’s singleminded pursuit of freedom, that has produced some of televisions most popular and Home realize the importance of family, love and forgiveness. detailing the planning and carrying out of his escape with influential programming, and also some of it’s more memorable Comedy, Drama, African Americans, Plays gripping precision. But Bresson’s film is not merely process- personalities!

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Crime, Drama 1963 min. Middle Men Mimesis (Blu-ray) Shout Factory 26.03.2013 Luke Wilson, Gabriel Macht, Laura Ramsey, Courtney Gains, Sid Haig, Bill Hinzman 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114160 Jacinda Barrett, James Caan, Kevin Pollak, A group of horror fans find themselves unwilling participants in a nightmarish role playing game that pays homage to a Giovanni Ribisi, Rade Sherbedgia, Terry classic horror film. Seven complete strangers whose only Matlock: The Eighth Season Crews common link is a love for classic era horror films are invited Andy Griffith, Brynn Thayer, Daniel Businessman Jack Harris (Luke Wilson, Old School) built the to attend an exclusive „horror fan“ party at a remote farm. But perfect life by solving other people’s problems. Then he met as the sun sets, these strangers soon find themselves living a Roebuck Wayne (Giovanni Ribisi, Avatar) and Buck, two moronic real life version of the cult horror classic, Night of the Living Matlock, the classic courtroom and crime drama, returns to geniuses with a shocking plan to make millions on the Dead. The strangers all bare a striking resemblance to the DVD for its penultimate season! Fans of the long-running Internet. When Jack helps launch their business scheme, the cast members from the Romero classic and waiting just series can own the riveting Eighth Season starring Andy cash starts rolling in. Suddenly surrounded by money, outside the boarded up farmhouses, a group of demented Griffith as defense attorney Ben Matlock. Relive the organized crime and the FBI, Jack fools himself into believing sociopaths eager to „mimic“ the flesh eating zombies. Why suspense as Matlock defends the wrongly accused and brings that he’s staying clean in a dirty business. Inspired by events watch a horror film when you can live one? justice to ’s courtrooms. A must-have for all classic TV that are almost too bizarre, too hilarious, and too dangerous to Horror, Thrillers, Zombies 2011 100min. fans! be true, Middle Men is an outrageous story of sex, crime . . . Drama, Lawyers / Legal Issues, Murder and lots and lots of money! Starz / Anchor Bay 12.02.2013 Mysteries, NBC, Senior Interest 1993 Comedy, Crime, Drama 2009 min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114089 1037min. Paramount 01.01.2013 Paramount Pictures 12.02.2013 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114368 Ministry Of Fear: The Criterion 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113787 Collection Midnight Movies: Volume 13 - Ray Milland, Marjorie Reynolds, Carl Merlin: The Complete First Suspense Triple Feature Esmond Season (Repackage) Films Include The Fifth Cord When four trendy socialites are Suffused with dread and paranoia, this Fritz Lang adaptation brutally murdered, an alcoholic reporter (a terrific of a novel by Graham Greene (The Third Man) is a plunge Bradley James, Michelle Ryan, Katie performance by Franco Nero) begins to unravel a twisted trail into the eerie shadows of a world turned upside down by war. McGrath, Angel Coulby, John Hurt, Richard of clues. Can this desperate journalist stop a depraved En route to London after being released from a mental Wilson, Anthony Head, Colin Morgan psychopath before he himself becomes the fifth victim? institution, Stephen Neale (The Lost Weekend’s Ray Milland) Forbidden Photos Of A Lady Above Suspicion International stops at a seemingly innocent village fair, after which he finds The mystical city of Camelot, in a time before history began. A himself caught in the web of a sinister underworld with fantastical realm of legendary beats and mysterious peoples. beauty Dagmar Lassander (Hatchet For The Honeymoon, House By The Cemetery) stars as a repressed young wife possible Nazi connections. Lang was among the most A dangerous world in which magic has been banned by the illustrious of the European émigré filmmakers working in ruthless tyrant. Uther Pendragon. When Merlin, a young man whose traumatic sexual assault triggers a depraved obsession with her attacker. The Pyjama Girl Case Hollywood during World War II, and Ministry of Fear is one gifted with extraordinary magical powers, arrives in the of his finest American productions, an unpredictable thriller kingdom he quickly makes enemies including the heir to Mystery, Triple Feature, Horror 291min. with style to spare. Uther’s crown, the headstrong Prince Arthur. But guided by Blue Underground 26.02.2013 Uther’s wise physicians. Gaius, Merlin is soon using his Mystery, Romance, Thrillers, Crime, talents not just to survive but also to unlock Camelot’s 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114020 Criterion Collection, Drama, Film Noir 1944 mystical secrets. As he does so he discovers that his destiny 86min. and that of Arthur, the Kingdom’s young leader-in-waiting, are Midnight Stallion inextricably linked. Criterion 12.03.2013 Adventure, BBC, British, Drama, Family, Chelah Horsdal, Jodelle Ferland, Kris 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114483 Fantasy, Foreign, International TV 2008 Kristofferson Fifteen-year-old Megan Shephard and her parents will do Ministry Of Fear: The Criterion 568min. anything to save their struggling farm. When the family BBC Home Video 18.12.2012 discovers a wild stallion in a nearby forest they begin to Collection (Blu-ray) 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114036 wonder if this could be the answer to their prayers. Kris Kristofferson and Jodelle Ferland star in this heartwarming Ray Milland, Marjorie Reynolds, Carl and inspiring tale that celebrates the spirit of family and the Esmond Merlin: The Complete Third amazing courage and determination it takes to defeat all odds. Suffused with dread and paranoia, this Fritz Lang adaptation Season (Repackage) Drama, Family, Horses min. of a novel by Graham Greene (The Third Man) is a plunge Vivendi Visual Entertainment 05.03.2013 into the eerie shadows of a world turned upside down by war. Bradley James, Katie McGrath, Angel En route to London after being released from a mental 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114134 institution, Stephen Neale (The Lost Weekend’s Ray Milland) Coulby, John Hurt, Richard Wilson, Anthony stops at a seemingly innocent village fair, after which he finds Head, Colin Morgan himself caught in the web of a sinister underworld with Swords, sorcery and swashbuckling adventure return in this A Mighty Heart possible Nazi connections. Lang was among the most third season of the hit series, following our heroes Merlin and Angelina Jolie, Irfan Khan, Archie Panjabi, illustrious of the European émigré filmmakers working in Arthur as they face their greatest challenge yet. When Hollywood during World War II, and Ministry of Fear is one misbegotten secrets are exposed and old friends choose new Will Patton, of his finest American productions, an unpredictable thriller sides, they soon discover that the great battle for Camelot is Academy Award winner Angelina Jolie (The Good Shepherd) with style to spare. only just beginning. . . with epic action sequences, stunning „gives one of the most commanding and moving performances Crime, Criterion Collection, Drama, Film Noir, CGI sequences, terrifying new monsters and a guest cast of her career“ (Richard Roeper, Ebert & Roeper) in this featuring Warwick Davies (The Harry Potter Series , The shocking true story based on Mariane Pearl’s best-selling Mystery, Romance, Thrillers 1944 86min. Chronicles Of Narnia); Miriam Margolyes (The Harry Potter memoir. After her husband, Wall Street Journal reporter Criterion 12.03.2013 Series, Being Julia); Mark Williams (The Harry Potter Daniel Pearl (Dan Futterman, Urbania), is kidnapped by 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114500 Series, The Fast Show); as well as Emilia Fox (Ballet Shoes, terrorists, Mariane (Jolie) heads a desperate search for The Pianist) returning as Morgause and Santiago Cabrera clues in a frantic race against time to locate her missing (Heroes, Che) as Lancelot, the third series of Merlin will be husband. Directed by maverick filmmaker Michael Monsieur Verdoux: The Criterion bigger, bolder and more action-packed than ever. Winterbottom (The Road To Guantanamo), A Mighty Heart is a gripping story of faith, hope and courage in the face of Collection Adventure, BBC, British, Drama, Family, tragedy. Fantasy, Foreign, International TV, Magic, Charlie Chaplin Terrorism, Thrillers, Drama 2007 min. Charlie Chaplin plays shockingly against type in his most Swashbucklers 2010 562min. Paramount 01.01.2013 controversial film, a brilliant and bleak black comedy about BBC Home Video 18.12.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114369 money, marriage, and murder. Chaplin is a twentieth-century 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114037 Bluebeard, an enigmatic family man who goes to extreme lengths to support his wife and child, attempting to bump off a Mimesis series of wealthy widows (including one played by the The Mexican indefatigable Martha Raye , in a hilarious performance). This Courtney Gains, Sid Haig, Bill Hinzman deeply philosophical and wildly entertaining film is a work of Julia Roberts, Brad Pitt, James Gandolfini A group of horror fans find themselves unwilling participants true sophistication, both for the moral questions it dares to Together for the first time, superstars Brad Pitt and Julia in a nightmarish role playing game that pays homage to a ask and the way it deconstructs its megastar’s loveable on- Roberts take a hilarious, action-packed tour south of the classic horror film. Seven complete strangers whose only screen persona. border with James Gandolfini () in what People common link is a love for classic era horror films are invited Magazine calls „a quirky romantic comedy with plenty of to attend an exclusive „horror fan“ party at a remote farm. But Comedy, Crime, Criterion Collection, Drama gunplay and intrigue.“ Before reckless Jerry can make as the sun sets, these strangers soon find themselves living a 1947 124min. amends with Samantha, he has to take one more wild ride real life version of the cult horror classic, Night of the Living Criterion 26.03.2013 down to Mexico to pick up a priceless antique pistol and Dead. The strangers all bare a striking resemblance to the settle his debts. As things begin heating up with mob bosses cast members from the Romero classic and waiting just 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114484 and hit men, the action boils over with surprise twists and outside the boarded up farmhouses, a group of demented turns in the film Roger Ebert gives „Thumbs Up“. sociopaths eager to „mimic“ the flesh eating zombies. Why Monsieur Verdoux: The Criterion Romance, Action, Comedy 2001 min. watch a horror film when you can live one? Paramount 01.01.2013 Thrillers, Zombies, Horror 2011 100min. Collection (Blu-ray) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114366 Starz / Anchor Bay 12.02.2013 Charlie Chaplin 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114077 Charlie Chaplin plays shockingly against type in his most controversial film, a brilliant and bleak black comedy about money, marriage, and murder. Chaplin is a twentieth-century

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 45 Newsletter 19/12 (Nr. 323) Dezember 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

Bluebeard, an enigmatic family man who goes to extreme Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre Naked City: 20 Star Filled lengths to support his wife and child, attempting to bump off a series of wealthy widows (including one played by the Eve Best, Charles Edwards Episodes indefatigable Martha Raye , in a hilarious performance). This Claudio loves Hero and Hero Claudio and nothing seems deeply philosophical and wildly entertaining film is a work of capable of tearing them apart. Claudio’s friend Benedick loves Dennis Hopper, Christopher Walken, Dustin true sophistication, both for the moral questions it dares to Beatrice and Beatrice Benedick, but (because neither will Hoffman, Paul Burke, Horace McMahon ask and the way it deconstructs its megastar’s loveable on- admit it) nothing seems capable of bringing them together. One of television’s finest police dramas, Naked City puts a screen persona. Only the intrigues of a resentful prince force Benedick to human face on crime, going beyond a simplistic portrayal of Comedy, Crime, Criterion Collection, Drama prove his love for Beatrice - by killing his best friend. Driven good vs. evil to delve into the complex personal dramas of the along by a romance all the more charming for being people involved. This landmark collection features 20 classic 1947 124min. unacknowledged, Much Ado About Nothing is a miracle of episodes from the acclaimed Emmy Award-winning series and Criterion 26.03.2013 comic and dramatic suspense and gives us, in the bantering includes an incredible cast of guest stars! 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114501 Beatrice and Benedick, one of Shakespeare’s wittiest, most Action, Adventure, Classics, Cops, Crime, lovable pair of lovers. Featuring Eve Best (‘sublime’ The Times) as Beatrice and Charles Edwards (‘gives a superb Drama 1963 min. Monster From Bikini Beach performance’ The Daily Telegraph) as Benedick. Image Ent. 19.02.2013 The girls of Bikini Beach, desperate for a summer of sex, sand Drama, Historical / Period Piece, Performing 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114124 and rock and roll, discover a huge reptilian monster lurking Arts, Plays On Stage, Shakespeare 166min. just off shore! It’s a cool, retro Dance Party from Hell! Fea- tures the original Trailer. Kultur 26.02.2013 Naked Gun 2 1/2: The Smell Of Comedy, Horror, Monsters 85min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114275 Fear Retromedia 26.02.2013 Leslie Nielsen, George Kennedy, O.J. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114247 The Mummy’s Kiss Simpson, Priscilla Presley, Robert Goulet George Thomas, Sasha Peralta, Aysia Lee, Frank Drebin Is Back. Just Accept It.. Lt. Frank Drebin The Mooring Ava Niche, Richard Lynch (Leslie Nielsen) loves a mystery. Why are we here? Is there A lesbian lust that spans millennia! A supernatural horror no life after sex? Yes, Drebin tackles the big issues - and the Hallie Todd tomb can hold! A gauze-wrapped monster transformed into a biggest of all is how to stop devious Quentin Hapsburg’s Every 40 seconds, a person goes missing. In northern Idaho, modern babe, defying the gods of ancient Egypt in a quest to (Robert Goulet) plan to destroy the environment! Returning a group of teenage girls attend a summer camp to help them reclaim the sensual reincarnation of her time-lost lover! The with Nielsen in this hilarious Naked Gun sequel are Priscilla connect with nature - without technology. They’re told it will „horrotic“ first in Frontline Entertainment’s cult Mummy’s Kiss Presley as Jane, the woman who can melt a cheese sandwich be a summer of change. When the girls’ houseboat is suddenly trilogy. from 20 paces and George Kennedy as intrepid Cap. Ed stranded in the middle of a river, an odd couple comes to their Hocken. That gang’s all here. And so are the laughs. Like aid. But what’s supposed to be an act of kindness turns Mummies, Cult Film / TV, Erotica, Horror Drebin, you’re gonna love it! deadly and the girls find themselves on the run, pursued 2003 90min. TV Remakes, Action, Comedy, Cops, Cult through the forest by a brutal, determined killer. Tempe DVD 12.03.2013 Film / TV 1991 min. Thrillers, Drama 2012 90min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114040 Paramount 01.01.2013 Lionsgate 19.02.2013 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114372 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114070 My Worst Nightmare , Andre Dussollier, Benoit Morella’s Blood Vision: 3 Bone Naked Gun 33 1/3: The Final In- Poelvoorde sult Chilling Chillers She lives with her son and her husband in a well-to-do George Kennedy, O.J. Simpson, Priscilla Morella apartment opposite the chic Luxembourg gardens... He lives alone with his son in the back of a van. She is the director of Presley, Leslie Nielsen, Fred Ward Join your Ghost Hostess Morella and Spud The Wonder a prestigious contemporary art foundation... He lives off odd Brain as they unearth a trio of ghastly delights in Morella’s Oscar night. Who will win? Who will lose? And will someone jobs and social security benefits. She graduated after 7 years please kick that numbskull off stage? Wait! That’s no ordinary Blood Vision! First up is Del Tenney’s Zombies (aka I Eat at university... He almost spent 7 years behind bars. She is on Your Skin) seen here for the first time in beautiful 1.85:1 numbskull. That’s Lt. Frank Drebin, crashing the ceremonies familiar terms with the Ministry of Culture and Arts... He is on to stop a terrorist plot that could mean curtains for him - or anamorphic widescreen from 35mm film elements. It’s a familiar terms with each and every alcoholic beverage that Caribbean corpse-filled carnival of creeps! Next, travel to the will a simple window shade be enough? Yes, back for a happens to cross his path. She enjoys intellectual debates... hilarious threepeat and a state-of-the-art advance in Philippines for The Blood Seekers, a movie so horrifying it He enjoys casual sex with large bosomed bedfellows. They can’t be viewed with your eyes open! And finally, tremble with sequence numbering are the filmmakers you love, the are poles apart - and can’t stand the sight of one another. returning stars you adore, the returning stars you adore, plus glee as the Blood Stalkers seek their vengeance on a group of Besides, they should never have met, but their children are unwary tourists who happened to think that hanging out at a others getting Naked for the first time: Fred Ward, Anna inseparable. In the end, they’ll eventually come to understand Nicole Smith and more folks you’d happily give your seat to on run-down cabin in the Everglades is a great idea. Is it why... Bigfoot? Nope, it’s Blood Stalkers. Also includes 2 Graveyard a crowded bus. The fun begins when...oops, we don’t want to Theater Episodes.. Romance, Comedy, Foreign, French 2011 give away the gags. No, you’ll just have to pay for them. Triple Feature, Horror 300min. 100min. You’ll be glad you did! TV Remakes, Action, Comedy, Cops, Cult Retromedia 22.01.2013 Strand Releasing 05.02.2013 Film / TV 1994 min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113794 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113908 Paramount 01.01.2013 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114373 Motorway Mystery Science Theater 3000: Anthony Wong, Josie Ho, Shawn Yue XXVI The Naked Gun: From The Files An overconfident rookie in the Stealth Riders division, a Kevin Murphy, Bill Corbett, Joel Hodgson, secret police unit consisting of the best drivers on the force Of Police Squad! that take down criminals in the drag racing underworld, teams Mike Nelson up with his veteran partner to take on a legendary escape Four more classic previously unreleased episodes from the O.J. Simpson, Priscilla Presley, Leslie driver who has never been caught. As they put together a Satellite of Love! Nielsen strategic plan to take this criminal down they put the petal to Comedy, , Cult Film / TV, Those screw-loose Airplane! creators have done it again! the metal in a death-defying showdown with only their cars as Science Fiction 360min. Leslie Nielsen stars as Police Squad’s own granite-jawed, their weapons. Shout Factory 26.03.2013 rock brained cop Frank Drebin, who bumbles across a mind Action, Chinese, Cops, Crime, Drama, control scheme to assassinate Queen Elizabeth. Priscilla 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114159 Presley, O.J. Simpson, a stuffed beaver, two baseball teams Foreign 2012 min. and an odd assortment of other join the wacko goings-on and Lionsgate 12.03.2013 blow the laugh-o-meter to smithereens. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114521 Nacho Libre TV Remakes, Action, Comedy, Cops, Cult Jack Black, Peter Stormare, Ana de la Film / TV 1988 min. Mouse Hunt Reguera Paramount 01.01.2013 He’s Nacho Average Hero. Jack Black is more hilarious than Christopher Walken, Maury Chaykin, ever as Ignacio, a monastery cook who feeds orphan children 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114374 Nathan Lane, Lee Evans by day and by night transforms himself into Nacho Libre, a Down-on-their-luck brothers Lars and Ernie Smuntz don’t notorious Luchador in stretchy pants. Spurred on by Nature Calls think much of the crumbling old mansion they inherit...until Esqueleto „The Skeleton,“ a street peasant turned sidekick, they discover that their dilapidated estate is actually worth Nacho challenges Mexico’s most fearsome wrestlers as he Patton Oswalt, Johnny Knoxville, Rob millions. But before they can cash in, they’ve got to rid the fights to save the children and win the affections of Sister Riggle house of its single, stubborn occupant: a tiny and tenacious Encarnatión, his inspiration and forbidden love. From the Determined to honor his father’s scouting legacy and mount mouse. What might seem like child’s play becomes an epic creators of Napoleon Dynamite and the writer of School of one last comeback for his dwindling troop, Assistant battle of hysterical proportions. Rock, Nacho Libre packs „big laughs from start to finish.“ Scoutmaster Randy Stevens (Patton Oswalt) pays a visit to Comedy, Family 1997 min. (Jay Towers, Fox-TV, Detroit) his business-minded brother Kirk (Johnny Knoxville), who is Sports, Comedy, Family 2006 min. Paramount 01.01.2013 throwing a television-themed slumber party for his newly Paramount 01.01.2013 adopted 10-year-old son at his McMansion. Randy pressures 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114370 the boys to secretly ditch the party and join him on a weekend 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114371 scout trip. Pursued by Kirk and his security guard (Rob Riggle), the adventure lands the crew in trouble at every turn, Much Ado About Nothing: pits them against angry parents and park rangers, yet

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 46 Newsletter 19/12 (Nr. 323) Dezember 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA ultimately turns the group of sheltered kids into a troop to be Club and into a life they once only dreamed about. world of professional football. Based on the popular novel by reckoned with. Based On TV Show, Comedy 1998 min. former Dallas Cowboy Peter Gent, North Dallas Forty depicts Wilderness, Adventure, Comedy 2012 Nolte as an aging ballplayer who, through a woman he meets Paramount 01.01.2013 (Dayle Haddon), is drawn away from the masculine, violent 79min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114377 world in which he has lived so long. In doing so, he finds Magnolia Home Entertainment 22.01.2013 himself at odds with the team’s management. The excitement, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113891 humor and drama of North Dallas Forty is heightened by its Night Of The Tentacles meticulous attention to the details of a football player’s private In this obscene Faustian tale a young artist sells his soul to and public life and its authenticity on the playing field. Nature Calls (Blu-ray) Satan for the new heart he so desperately needs. The only Sports, Drama, Football 1979 min. catch is that the heart is a tentacled monstrosity with a hunger Patton Oswalt, Johnny Knoxville, Rob for human flesh! Will Dave get the girl of his dreams? Will he Paramount 01.01.2013 Riggle run out of neighbors to feed to his infernal heart? Will Delilah 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114379 Determined to honor his father’s scouting legacy and mount ever finish urinating? Find out in Night Of The Tentacles!!! one last comeback for his dwindling troop, Assistant Science Fiction, Horror, Monsters 90min. North Sea Texas Scoutmaster Randy Stevens (Patton Oswalt) pays a visit to Music Video Distribution 22.01.2013 his business-minded brother Kirk (Johnny Knoxville), who is Eva van der Gucht throwing a television-themed slumber party for his newly 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113797 Pim, an introverted child, occupies his time drawing and adopted 10-year-old son at his McMansion. Randy pressures fantasizing while keeping his emerging desires a secret. As a the boys to secretly ditch the party and join him on a weekend Nobody Gets Out Alive teenager, he grows infatuated with Gino, the handsome boy scout trip. Pursued by Kirk and his security guard (Rob next door. When a hunky young man from the local fair starts Riggle), the adventure lands the crew in trouble at every turn, Clint Howard, Brian Gallacher dating Pim’s mother, Pim seizes the opportunity to leave home pits them against angry parents and park rangers, yet Hunter Isth has his life turned upside down when his young and move in with Gino’s family. His plan backfires as Gino ultimately turns the group of sheltered kids into a troop to be daughter is killed by a drunk teenage driver. In mourning, departs, romancing and living with a girl from across the reckoned with. depressed and angry, Hunter disappears and is rumored to border. It seems like Pim’s dreams will never come true, but Comedy, Adventure, Wilderness 2012 have moved away from Braiden Woods. As years go by, then one rainy day Gino returns home... 79min. Hunter and his devastating story evolve into a myth, a myth Drama, Foreign, Gay / Lesbian Interest that many consider to be just that, until a group of partying Magnolia Home Entertainment 22.01.2013 teenagers are brutally murdered one by one. 2011 95min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113902 Serial Killers, Slasher, Thrillers, Cult Film / Strand Releasing 19.02.2013 TV, Horror 2011 78min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114062 Nevada Smith Image Ent. 26.02.2013 Steve McQueen, Martin Landau, Arthur 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114127 Now Is Good Kennedy, Pat Hingle, Brian Keith, Suzanne Olivia Williams, , Dakota Pleshette, Janet Margolin, Karl Malden, Raf Nobody Walks Fanning Vallone, Howard Da Silva Rosemarie DeWitt, Jane Levy, Dylan Tessa Scott (Dakota Fanning, The Twilight Saga) knows her Nevada Smith is a rugged innocent boy born in the 1890s days are numbered, so she dives headlong through every during California’s gold rush days to a Native American McDermott wild, crazy act of teenage rebellion that she can dream up. mother and white father. When he finds his parents have been Peter (), a Hollywood sound designer, has Her daring to-do list leads her to being arrested and creating murdered by vicious killers, he sets out to track them down. agreed to help Martine (Olivia Thirlby) with her experimental chaos in her family but her boldness helps her find love with While the film is a western, and has plenty of action, it is also art film as a favor to a friend of his wife (Rosemarie DeWitt). Adam (Jeremy Irvine). Don’t miss this intoxicating tale of light a powerful and revealing study of the regeneration of a man. Martine, a beautiful and driven 23-year-old artist, comes to in the darkest hour, based on Jenny Downham’s In this case a long gunslinger who is so blinded by his stay in the family’s pool house at their posh Silver Lake home controversial, award-winning best-seller Before I Die. compulsion that it obscures any other motive for living. Steve to work on her film. Her arrival ignites raw emotions and Romance, British, Drama, Foreign 2012 McQueen’s dynamic presence as Nevada Smith is memorable. desires throughout the entire family and everyone is forced to 103min. Western 1966 min. confront the new landscape that emerges in her wake. Drama 2012 82min. Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Paramount 01.01.2013 Magnolia Home Entertainment 22.01.2013 08.01.2013 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114375 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113890 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113764

New Order Nobody Walks (Blu-ray) Nurse Jackie: Season Four Franco Nero Rosemarie DeWitt, Jane Levy, Dylan Edie Falco, Merritt Wever, Eve Best A virus kills most of the world’s population. Doctor Van Nurse Jackie Season 4 stars Emmy Award-winning actress Morgen (Franco Nero) does a study on five survivors to seek McDermott Edie Falco as Jackie Peyton, a strong-willed and brilliant - an antidote to the virus, but finds out it may have been caused Peter (John Krasinski), a Hollywood sound designer, has but very flawed - emergency room nurse. This season, Jackie by a reversal of the magnetic poles of the earth... Or agreed to help Martine (Olivia Thirlby) with her experimental comes to realize that both karma and sobriety can be a bitch. something else. art film as a favor to a friend of his wife (Rosemarie DeWitt). In addition to finally confronting her addiction, Jackie’s street Fantasy, Horror, Killer Viruses 2012 86min. Martine, a beautiful and driven 23-year-old artist, comes to smarts and sardonic wit are tested even further by an Brain Damage Films 19.02.2013 stay in the family’s pool house at their posh Silver Lake home ambitious new hospital administrator (), to work on her film. Her arrival ignites raw emotions and determined to run a tight ship and keep Jackie in line. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114307 desires throughout the entire family and everyone is forced to confront the new landscape that emerges in her wake. Comedy, Dark Comedy, Drama, On The Job, Showtime, Substance Abuse 2012 280min. Next Drama 2012 82min. Magnolia Home Entertainment 22.01.2013 Lionsgate 12.02.2013 Julianne Moore, Jessica Biel, Nicolas Cage, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113901 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114068 Peter Falk, Thomas Kretschmann, Michael Trucco, Tony Kittles Nurse Jackie: Season Four (Blu- If you can see the future, you can save it.. Academy Award Norbit winner Nicolas Cage, Julianne Moore and Jessica Biel join Eddie Murphy, Thandie Newton, Cuba ray) forces to bring you the heart-pounding thriller that is Next. Cris Johnson (Cage) earns his living in a seedy Las Vegas Gooding Jr., Marlon Wayans, Eddie Griffin Edie Falco, Merritt Wever, Eve Best magic act, but his ability to see a few minutes into the future is It’s Eddie Murphy „as you love to see him!“ in this gut- Nurse Jackie Season 4 stars Emmy Award-winning actress authentic. Government agent Callie Ferris (Oscar nominee bustingly funny movie that displays his comedic genius in Edie Falco as Jackie Peyton, a strong-willed and brilliant - Moore) knows this, and relentlessly recruits him to help multiple roles! Murphy stars as mild-mannered Norbit, who but very flawed - emergency room nurse. This season, Jackie thwart a terrorist group fro detonating a nuclear bomb in the gets a second chance at love with his childhood sweetheart, comes to realize that both karma and sobriety can be a bitch. heart of Los Angeles. Will the reluctant hero join the despera- Kate (Thandie Newton, The Pursuit of Happyness). But In addition to finally confronting her addiction, Jackie’s street te race against the clock by daring to see what is Next? there’s one huge obstacle: jealous, mean-tempered Rasputia smarts and sardonic wit are tested even further by an Featuring non-stop action, explosive special effects and (Murphy), who wants Norbit all to her sizeable self. Can ambitious new hospital administrator (Bobby Cannavale), adrenaline-charged Special Features, this is an exciting Norbit win the heart of Kate...before Rasputia puts the hurt on determined to run a tight ship and keep Jackie in line. adventure you won’t want to miss! him? Will an all-star cast including Cuba Gooding, Jr. (Jerry Comedy, Dark Comedy, Drama, On The Job, Maguire), Marlon Wayans (White Chicks) and Eddie Griffin Science Fiction, Terrorism, Thrillers, Action (Date Movie), Norbit „will make you laugh ‘til you cheer!“ Showtime, Substance Abuse 2012 280min. 2007 min. Romance, Comedy, Marriage Woes 2007 Lionsgate 12.02.2013 Paramount 01.01.2013 min. 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114087 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114376 Paramount 01.01.2013 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114378 The Nutty Professor A Night At The Roxbury Jerry Lewis, , Kathleen Dan Hedaya, Molly Shannon, Will Ferrell, North Dallas Forty Freeman, Del Moore, Les Brown Chris Kattan, Richard Grieco Nick Nolte, Mac Davis, Charles Durning, Bo Jerry Lewis directed, co-wrote and starred in this riotously With their iridescent suits, gold chains and sideburns, the funny movie that set a new standard for screen comedy and Butabi Brothers are confident they’re cool enough to go Svenson, Steve Forrest, G.D. Spradlin, inspired the hit remake. Lewis plays a timid, nearsighted wherever the night takes them. But the doormen at L.A.’s Dayle Haddon chemistry teacher who discovers a magical potion that can hottest clubs think not, and keep them out on the street - until Nick Nolte stars in this brutally honest entertainment about transform him into a suave and handsome Romeo. The Jekyll a fortunate accident ushers them into the ultra-hip Roxbury one man’s rebellion against the bureaucratic, manipulative and Hyde game works well enough until the concoction starts

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 47 Newsletter 19/12 (Nr. 323) Dezember 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA to wear off at the most embarrassing times, and the professor that you couldn’t see in theaters! What’s a guy supposed to do begins to suffer hilarious symptoms of his personality split. when he catches the early flight home and finds his girlfriend National Film Registry, AFI Top 100, in a bed with a roomful of strangers? Return to college and Orange County start a fraternity! Before you can say „wild and wet Jack Black, , John Lithgow, Lily Classics, Comedy, Cult Film / TV 1963 min. wrestling“, Frank „The Tank“ (Will Ferrell, „Saturday Night Paramount 01.01.2013 Live“); Mitch (Luke Wilson, Legally Blonde) and Beanie Tomlin, Schuyler Fisk 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114380 (Vince Vaughn, Swingers) have their own frat raging with It’s Not Just A Place. It’s A State Of Mind.. Rising young out-of-control antics. But when things get too wild, the dean stars Colin Hanks and Schuyler Fisk head up an outstanding sets out to shut them down. The laughs are top of the class cast including Jack Black (Shallow Hal), Catherine O’Hara Oasis Of The Zombies: (even if the guys aren’t) in the hit comedy from director Todd (Home Alone), John Lithgow (3rd Rock from the Sun), Harold Phillips (Road Trip). Ramis and Lily Tomlin in this outrageous coming-of-age Remastered Edition comedy. Shaun Brumder (Hanks) is content to be a bright, College Life, Comedy 2003 min. talented, but unfocused Southern California surf slacker- until France Lomay, Manuel Gelin, Jeff Paramount 01.01.2013 the day he discovers a novel by acclaimed author Martin Montgomery 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114382 Skinner. Inspired, he suddenly realizes his life’s ambition: to Robert, a student at an English university, receives word of leave behind mind-numbing Orange County and study creative his father’s unexpected death and returns home to Africa. writing with Skinner at Stanford University. But after being While reading his father’s dairies, Robert learns of the On The Waterfront: The Criterion denied enrollment due to an admissions error, Shaun is forced obsession that led to his death: $6,000,000 in Nazi gold that to seek help from not only his girlfriend Ashley (Fisk) but also remains buried at an oasis in the Sahara desert, protected by Collection his hopelessly dysfunctional parents (O’Hara & Lithgow), the restless, rotting souls who died protecting it. Using his Rod Steiger, Marlon Brando, Karl Malden, stoner brother Lance (Black), and a hilarious circumstances inheritance, Robert bands together with three fellow students to make his dream of escaping his hometown nightmare a to wrest the unclaimed fortune from the dunes of the dead! Lee J. Cobb, Pat Henning reality. Marlon Brando (The Godfather) gives the performance of his Zombies, Foreign, French, Horror 1982 career as the tough prizefighter-turned-longshoreman Terry Comedy 2002 min. 82min. Malloy in this masterpiece of urban poetry, a raggedly emotio- Paramount 18.06.2002 Redemption USA 26.02.2013 nal tale of individual failure and institutional corruption. n the 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114384 Waterfront charts Terry’s deepening moral crisis as he must 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114100 choose whether to remain loyal to the mob-connected union boss Johnny Friendly (12 Angry Men’s Lee J. Cobb) and Orca: The Killer Whale Oasis Of The Zombies: Johnny’s right-hand man, Terry’s brother, Charley (In the Heat of the Night’s Rod Steiger), as the authorities close in , Bo Derek, Richard Remastered Edition (Blu-ray) on them. Driven by the vivid, naturalistic direction of Elia Harris, Will Sampson Kazan (Gentlemen’s Agreement) and savory, streetwise Terror Just Beneath The Surface. Sleek intelligent France Lomay, Manuel Gelin, Jeff dialogue by Budd Schulberg (A Face in the Crowd), On the beautiful...and bent on revenge. Producer De Laurentis Montgomery Waterfront was an instant sensation, winning eight Oscars, (King Kong, Ragtime) and director Michael Anderson (Around Robert, a student at an English university, receives word of including for best picture, director, actor, supporting actress The World In 80 Days, Logan’s run) join forces to present the his father’s unexpected death and returns home to Africa. (North by Northwest’s Eva Marie Saint), and screenplay. rousing action-adventure tale of Orca: The Killer Whale). It’s While reading his father’s dairies, Robert learns of the National Film Registry, Academy Award the story of one powerful being against another: a strong, obsession that led to his death: $6,000,000 in Nazi gold that determined fisherman (Richard Harris) versus an equally remains buried at an oasis in the Sahara desert, protected by Winners, AFI Top 100, Classics, Crime, determined killer whale. When the giant whale’s pregnant the restless, rotting souls who died protecting it. Using his Criterion Collection, Drama 1954 108min. mate is maimed and killed by Harris, the whale seeks inheritance, Robert bands together with three fellow students Criterion 19.02.2013 vengeance - smashing boats, attacking a seacoast village, to wrest the unclaimed fortune from the dunes of the dead! 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113872 and eventually luring his human adversaries to a final Foreign, French, Horror, Zombies 1982 confrontation on the marine creature’s own turf. Char- 82min. lotte Rampling, Will Sampson, and Bo Derek (in her feature On The Waterfront: The Criterion film debut) also star in this seafaring epic brimming with nail- Redemption USA 26.02.2013 biting suspense and spectacular special effects. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114117 Collection (Blu-ray) Revenge, High Seas, Horror, Killer Animals Rod Steiger, Marlon Brando, Karl Malden, 1977 min. Obscure Object Of Desire (Blu- Lee J. Cobb, Pat Henning Paramount 01.01.2013 Marlon Brando (The Godfather) gives the performance of his 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114385 ray) career as the tough prizefighter-turned-longshoreman Terry Angela Molina, Carole Bouquet, Fernando Malloy in this masterpiece of urban poetry, a raggedly emotio- nal tale of individual failure and institutional corruption. n the Our Beloved Month Of August Rey, Julien Bertheau Waterfront charts Terry’s deepening moral crisis as he must Lius Bunuel’s final film explodes with eroticism, bringing full choose whether to remain loyal to the mob-connected union Music, Pop Music, Portuguese, Romance, circle to the director’s lifelong preoccupation with the darker boss Johnny Friendly (12 Angry Men’s Lee J. Cobb) and Family, Foreign 2008 147min. side of desire. Bunuel regular Fernando Rey plays Matthieu, Johnny’s right-hand man, Terry’s brother, Charley (In the Cinema Guild 18.12.2012 an urbane widower, tortured by his lust for the elusive Heat of the Night’s Rod Steiger), as the authorities close in Conchita. With subversive flare, Bunuel uses two different on them. Driven by the vivid, naturalistic direction of Elia 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113923 actresses in the lead role- Carole Bouquet, a sophisticated Kazan (Gentlemen’s Agreement) and savory, streetwise French beauty and Angela Molina, a Spanish coquette. Drawn dialogue by Budd Schulberg (A Face in the Crowd), On the The Out-Of-Towners from Pierre Louys’ 1898 novel, „La Femme et le Pantin“, That Waterfront was an instant sensation, winning eight Oscars, Obscure Object of Desire is a dizzying game of sexual including for best picture, director, actor, supporting actress Jack Lemmon, Sandy Dennis politics punctuated by a terror that harkens back to Bunuels (North by Northwest’s Eva Marie Saint), and screenplay. Jack Lemon and Sandy Dennis are perfectly matched as the brilliant surrealistic beginnings. Classics, Crime, Criterion Collection, Dra- hapless Kellermans of Twin Oaks, Ohio, in Neil Simon’s Classics, Erotica, Foreign, French, Art ma, Academy Award Winners, AFI Top 100, tumultuous comedy hit. The top candidate for a prestigious House 1997 103min. promotion at his company’s corporate headquarters in New National Film Registry 1954 108min. Lionsgate 29.01.2013 York City, George (Lemmon), accompanied by his wife Gwen Criterion 19.02.2013 (Dennis), is all set to take a bite out of The Big Apple - only 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113763 to quickly discover that The Big Apple can bite back! Their 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113881 dream trip to the big city turns into a nightmare of diverted flights, forfeited reservations, missed trains, sinister The Odd Couple Once Upon A Time In The West strangers, paralyzing strikes, lost luggage... and uproarious Walter Matthau, Jack Lemmon laughs for all who experience this hilarious screen classic, Neil Simon has a special genius for finding the great hilarity Henry Fonda, Claudia Cardinale, Jason directed by Arthur Hiller. in ordinary people doing everyday things. Like two divorced Robards, Charles Bronson, Woody Strode, Classics, Comedy 1970 min. men who decide to share a New York apartment. That’s the Gabriele Ferzetti, Keenan Wynn, Jack Elam, Paramount 01.01.2013 premise of The Odd Couple, though there’s nothing odd in the casting of two Oscar-winning talents like Jack Lemmon and Lionel Stander, Frank Wolff, Paolo Stoppa 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114386 Walter Matthau. The two veteran funnymen work together Sergio Leone’s monumental picture, here in its original form, with the precision timing of a vaudeville team, but always with ranks among his most admirable achievements. In the dying The Out-Of-Towners bright spontaneity. Lemmon plays fussy Felix, fastidious to a days of the Old West, a struggle to control water in a dusty fault. He proves that cleanliness is next to insanity. Mattau is desert town embroils three hard-bitten gunmen in a epic clash , , , Oscar, who wreaks havoc on a tidy room with the speed and of greed, honor and revenge. Henry Fonda stars in his most sinister role as Frank, a hired killer who ruthlessly slays an Mark McKinney thoroughness of a tornado. An enduring and endearing Farewell, Ohio, Hello, hilarity! Steve Martin and Goldie picture, with the intelligence one usually misses in comedies. entire family. Jason Robards plays Cheyenne, an infamous bandit framed for slaughter. And Charles Bronson is The Man, Hawn reunite for this exhilarating comedy based on the Neil Odd Couples, AFI Top 100, Buddy Pictures, a mysterious loner determined to exact vengeance for a Simon screenplay. They play Henry and Nancy Clark, a Classics, Comedy 1967 min. grudge he refuses to divulge. An influence on countless married couple whose passion cooled long ago. But now their Paramount 01.01.2013 directors, Leone’s masterpiece is considered among the last child has left the nest, and the solidy Midwestern Clarks greatest Western’s ever made. have a chance to relocate to New York City. Anything can 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114381 happen. And for the next 24 hours, everything does. Luggage National Film Registry, Spaghetti Westerns, is lost. A private marital moment becomes very public. A rude Western, Drama, Historical / Period Piece hotel manager vexes them and an angry Rottweiler pursues Old School: Unrated 1969 min. them. These and many more antics fly by wild and fast. And Vince Vaughn, Will Ferrell, Luke Wilson Paramount 01.01.2013 talented comics Martin, Hawn and Cleese are just the folks to Rude, raucous and outrageous!“ -Gannett Newspapers. Get keep up with them. ready for the unrated and out-of-control version of Old School 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114383 Comedy 1999 min.

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Paramount 01.01.2013 Cheech Marin, , Jay Mohr, Double Features, Drama, Lawyers / Legal 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114387 Trini Alvarado, , Bruce Issues, Revenge, Thrillers min. Davison Warner Bros. 12.03.2013 The Package When you’re the world’s funniest, fast-talking parrot, you can 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114191 find yourself in a world of trouble-real fast- as Paulie learns Dolph Lundgren, Darren Shahlavi in this hilarious adventure classic the whole family will Steve Austin and Dolph Lundgren star in the bone-crunching treasure. When a little bird with a big personality sets out to A Perfect Ending action flick that delivers the goods: Austin is combat veteran find the loving girl who raised him, he discovers his way with Tommy Wick, a nightclub bouncer and stone-cold enforcer for words has a way of landing him in big trouble. But as fast as John Heard, Barbara Niven a Seattle mob boss. Lundgren is ‘The German,’ an internatio- he can talk himself into a fix, he finds his gift of gab, a heart Drama, Gay / Lesbian Interest 2012 nal crime lord and hardcore killing machine. But when Wick is full of hope, and an odd menagerie of human friends can help 106min. asked to courier a mysterious package to The German, he’ll him realize his most important dream - to be home at last! Wolfe Video 05.02.2013 suddenly find himself hunted by relentless teams of hit men, Comedy, Family 1998 min. mercenaries, assassins and sadists. Time is running out. The 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114280 bodies are piling up. And for two very pissed-off men with a Paramount 01.01.2013 history of bad blood, the ultimate retaliation is about to be 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114388 ripped wide open. The Perks Of Being A Wallflower Action, Crime 2013 93min. Payback: Straight Up - The (Blu-ray + Digital Copy + Starz / Anchor Bay 19.02.2013 UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114078 Director’s Cut Mel Gibson, David Paymer, Lucy Liu, Maria Kate Walsh, Emma Watson, Mae Whitman, Paul Rudd, Dylan McDermott, Logan Lerman The Package (Blu-ray + DVD Bello, Kris Kristofferson, William Devane, , John Glover The Perks of Being a Wallflower is based on the wildly Combo) (Blu-ray) popular novel by Stephen Chbosky about a freshman named Mel Gibson gives an unforgettable performance in this explo- Charlie (Logan Lerman) who is always watching from the Dolph Lundgren, Darren Shahlavi sive film from director (L.A. Confidential), sidelines until a pair of charismatic seniors takes him under Steve Austin and Dolph Lundgren star in the bone-crunching which features a superb supporting cast including William their wing. Beautiful, free-spirited Sam (Emma Watson) and action flick that delivers the goods: Austin is combat veteran Devane, Mario Bello and Lucy Liu. The Director’s Cut allows her fearless stepbrother Patrick (Ezra Miller) shepherd Tommy Wick, a nightclub bouncer and stone-cold enforcer for you to see Payback like you’ve never seen it before: through Charlie through new friendships, first love, burgeoning a Seattle mob boss. Lundgren is ‘The German,’ an internatio- the eyes of its director. Experience a different version of sexuality, bacchanalian parties, midnight screenings of The nal crime lord and hardcore killing machine. But when Wick is Porter’s (Gibson) drive to avenge those who took his money Rocky Horror Picture Show and the quest for the perfect asked to courier a mysterious package to The German, he’ll and left him for dead. Witness the real Payback. song. suddenly find himself hunted by relentless teams of hit men, Revenge, Thrillers, Action, Drama 1999 min. Drama, Friendships, High School, Romance mercenaries, assassins and sadists. Time is running out. The Paramount 01.01.2013 bodies are piling up. And for two very pissed-off men with a 2012 103min. history of bad blood, the ultimate retaliation is about to be 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114389 Lionsgate 12.02.2013 ripped wide open. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113861 Crime, Action 2013 93min. Paycheck Starz / Anchor Bay 19.02.2013 Uma Thurman, Aaron Eckhart, Ben Affleck, The Perks Of Being A Wallflower 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114090 Joe Morton, Paul Giamatti, Colm Feore, Mi- (DVD + Digital Copy + UltraViolet) chael C. Hall Kate Walsh, Emma Watson, Mae Whitman, Pan Am: The Complete First A suspenseful thrill ride that will have you gripping your seat.“-Marina Jurica, CBS-TV. From director John Woo (M:I- Paul Rudd, Dylan McDermott, Logan Lerman Season 2 and Face/Off) comes this futuristic thriller that combines The Perks of Being a Wallflower is based on the wildly Christina Ricci, Karine Vanasse, Kelli spectacular action sequences with a spellbinding mystery that popular novel by Stephen Chbosky about a freshman named will keep you guessing from beginning to breathtaking end. Charlie (Logan Lerman) who is always watching from the Garner, Margot Robbie , Mike Vogel, Micha- Michael Jennings (Ben Affleck) is a brilliant computer sidelines until a pair of charismatic seniors takes him under el Mosley engineer hired for top-secret projects. After each job, their wing. Beautiful, free-spirited Sam (Emma Watson) and The Jet Age just hit full swing and leading the way are Pan Jennings’ short-term memory is erased so he cannot recount her fearless stepbrother Patrick (Ezra Miller) shepherd Am’s elite stewardesses who can navigate any culture and any project information. Emerging from his latest assignment, Charlie through new friendships, first love, burgeoning overcome any challenge. From New York City to the edge of a three-year contract with an eight-figure paycheck given to sexuality, bacchanalian parties, midnight screenings of The the world, they will discover romance, natural dangers and him by his longtime friend (Aaron Eckhart), Jennings is jolted Rocky Horror Picture Show and the quest for the perfect exotic intrigue in a lush recreation of 1963 that will take your when he is told that during the end of his assignment, he song. breath away. Christina Ricci (Penelope, Fear and Loathing in agreed to forfeit all payment. Jennings has no recourse-until Romance, Drama, Friendships, High School Las Vegas) leads an accomplished cast including Karine he receives a mysterious envelope containing clues to his Vanasse (Midnight in Paris), (The Aviator), forgotten past. With the help of a beautiful scientist (Uma 2012 103min. Margot Robbie (Neighbours), Mike Vogel (The Help) and Thurman) he once loved but now cannot remember, Jennings Lionsgate 12.02.2013 Michael Mosley (The Proposal). Join the journey in all 14 races to solve the puzzle of his past...while a terrifying 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113847 exciting episodes collected in this complete edition of the discovery waits in his future. original series Pan Am. Mystery, Science Fiction, Thrillers, Action ABC, Drama, Historical / Period Piece 2011 2003 min. Tyler Perry’s House Of Payne: min. Paramount 01.01.2013 Volume Ten Sony Pictures Home Entertainment 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114390 , Cassi Davis, China Anne 29.01.2013 McClain, Lance Gross 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113885 The Peacemaker Gather the whole family together for the most hilarious and heartwarming season of Tyler Perry’s House of Payne ever! Armin Mueller Stahl, Nicole Kidman, George The tenth volume of this uplifting comedy hit finds Pops & Ella Clooney still praying for peace and quiet, but being answered with Katie Featherston When a train carrying atomic warheads mysteriously crashes three generations of family - all in one house - that simply When Katie disappeared with her nephew Hunter, there were in the former Soviet Union, U.S. nuclear specialist Dr. Julia won’t empty the nest. Fortunately, along the way they’ve no survivors. Five years later she’s returned with a Kelly discovers that the accident is really part of a diabolical discovered that by having a little faith and a lot of patience, mysterious boy, ready to target new victims with her demonic plot to cover up the theft of the weapons. In a race against everything always works out exactly as it’s intended - with rage. Now, a family’s young daughter will capture every one time, crack special forces Colonel Thomas Devoe and Dr. love and laughter! of the terrifying occurrences, beginning with her new Kelly team up, putting aside their personal differences as they Comedy, Family, TBS min. neighbors’ arrival. It all leads to an „ending so intense, it will track the last remaining warhead to the steps of the United Lionsgate 05.03.2013 leave you shaking.“ Billy Donnelly, Ain’t It Cool News Nations in this taut apocalyptic thriller from director Mimi 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114519 Mystery, Thrillers, Devils And Demons, Leder. Horror 2012 96min. Terrorism, Thrillers, Action 1997 min. Paramount Pictures 29.01.2013 Paramount 01.01.2013 Persuasion (Repackage) 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114478 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114391 Alice Krige, Sally Hawkins, Julia Davis, Marion Bailey, Amanda Hale, Jennifer The Pastor And Mrs. Jones The Pelican Brief / A Time To Kill Higham, Anthony Head, Tobias Menzies, (Double Feature) (Blu-ray) Sam Hazeldine, Peter Wight Vivica A. Fox, Eurika Pratts, Jean Claude Anne Elliot (Sally Hawkins) fell deeply in love with the LaMarre, Ernest Thomas Denzel Washington, Julia Roberts, Stanley handsome young naval officer Frederick Wentworth (Rupert Religion/Spirituality, African Americans, Tucci, Sam Shepard, John Heard, Tony Penry Jones) at the age of nineteen. But with neither fortune nor rank to recommend him, Anne was persuaded to break off Comedy 90min. Goldwyn, Ashley Judd, Brenda Fricker, her engagement. Eight years later, Anne has lived to regret Allegro Entertainment 12.02.2013 Charles Dutton, Sandra Bullock, Samuel L. her decision. She never stopped loving Wentworth, and when 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113971 Jackson, Donald Sutherland, Kevin Spacey, he returns from sea with fortune and rank, she can only watch Matthew McConaughey, Oliver Platt, Robert as every eligible young woman in the district falls at his feet. TV Movies, BBC, British, Drama, Foreign, Paulie Culp, James B. Sikking, William Atherson

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Historical / Period Piece, International TV In making whatever efforts he can to better himself, Venkatesh Paramount 01.01.2013 offers his services to the wealthy owner of the home. Not 2007 93min. content to simply dream about a different life, Venkatesh is 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114395 BBC Home Video 18.12.2012 inquisitive about the home’s inhabitants-indeed about the 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114038 world around him-and his curiosity changes the shape of his The Prince & Me future. Drama, Foreign, Indian 2008 95min. Julia Stiles, Luke Mably, Miranda Two Kino Video 05.02.2013 Richardson, James Fox, Ben Miller Edward Furlong, Anthony Edwards, Clancy Finding your inner princess can be such a royal pain.. Paige 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114095 (Julia Stiles) has her future all mapped out. A fastidious pre- Brown, Jared Rushton med student at the University of Wisconsin, she’s vowed Sometimes dead is better. But the shocking terror that plagued Popeye nothing will deter her from becoming a doctor. until she meets Ludlow, Maine, in Pet Sematary is still very much alive in this Edward (Luke Mably), the dashing playboy Crown Prince of heartstopping sequel to the 1989 hit film written by Stephen Shelley Duvall, Robin Williams Denmark who’s trying to escape a life he never chose. He’s King. After the death of his wife, veterinarian Chase The Sailor Man With The Spinach Can!. The legendary, enrolled incognito at Paige’s school to „find himself“ and to Matthews (Anthony Edwards, TVs „ER“) and his 13-year-old beloved anvil-armed sailor of the seven seas comes magically take a detour from his destiny as king. Paige and „Eddie“ end son Jeff (Edward Furlong, Terminator 2: Judgment Day) move to life in this delightful musical, starring Robin Williams as up as lab partners and discover there’s more chemistry to Ludlow to rebuild their lives. Antagonized by the Popeye, who meets all challenges with the unshakable between them than just the classroom variety. Will he step neighborhood kids. Jeff befriends another outsider. Drew philosophy, „I yam what I yam and that’s I yam.“ away from his place in the Danish monarchy to be with her? Gilbert, who lives in fear of his cruel stepfather Gus (Clancy Shelley Duvall is Popeye’s devoted long-limbed sweetie, Will she lose sight of her dream to become a doctor? Julia Brown, Highlander). After Gus cold-bloodedly shoots Drew’s Olive Oyl, one of the familiar and loveable characters who Stiles (Mona Lisa Smile) and Luke Mably (28 Days Later) are beloved dog, the boys bury the body in the local Indian burial joins Popeye in his adventures in the harbor town of an awesome screen team in this sparkling romantic comedy grounds - a place rumored to have the powers of resurrection. Sweethaven. Meet Wimpy and Bluto and all the other cartoon that „is a royal gem of a movie!“ - Chuck Thomas, WB-TV When evil is awakened, the boys realize that sometimes you favorites in this happy, tuneful, fun-for-the-whole-family should just let dead dogs lie. Romance, Royalty, Comedy 2003 min. movie! Paramount 01.01.2013 Horror 1992 min. Action, Comedy, Family 1980 min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114396 Paramount 01.01.2013 Paramount 01.01.2013 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114392 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114393 Prison: Collector’s Edition (Blu- Peter Gunn: Season One Power Rangers: Clash Of The ray + DVD Combo) (Blu-ray) Lola Albright, Hope Emerson, Craig Red Rangers Movie Viggo Mortensen, Lane Smith, Chelsea Stevens, Herschel Bernardi Field Craig Stevens plays Gunn, Pete to his friends, a handsome, Science Fiction, Action, Adventure, Cult The evil spirit of an executed convict terrorizes (and kills) suave detective tough enough to take on the hardest of hard Film / TV, Family, Fantasy, Martial Arts the prisoners and guards alike at the recently reopened cases, but a soft touch when it comes to the ladies. His 45min. prison where he was put to death years ago. girlfriend, the gorgeous singer Edie Hart (Lola Albright) is the 1988 102min. featured singer at ‘Mother’s’, a smoke-filled jazz club used by Lionsgate 05.03.2013 Gunn as his unofficial office. Other regulars at the club 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114457 Shout Factory 19.02.2013 include a colorful cast of musicians, pool hustlers, artists and 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114052 a sculptor. His standard fee is $1,000.00, and his reputation keeps the customers lined up for his services, sometimes The Presidio referred by Mother (Hope Emerson), or his police buddy Lt. Meg Ryan, Sean Connery, Jack Warden, Private Parts Jacoby (Herschel Bernardi). A man with expensive tastes, Mary McCormack, Robin Quivers, Paul Peter Gunn drives a stylish two-tone Plymouth Fury Mark Harmon Convertible, equipped with a mobile phone! Connery and the chases will keep your pulse pounding!“ - Giamatti, Howard Stern, Fred Norris, Len USA Today. Lt. Col. Caldwell (Sean Connery) and Police Blum, Howard Stern, Michael Kalesniko, Action, Crime, Detectives, Drama, Mystery Inspector Jay Austin (Mark Harmon) don’t like each other. 1958 min. Not even a little bit. That’s because Caldwell helped run Ivan Reitman, Betty Thomas Shout Factory 05.03.2013 Austin out of the military police a few years back. And now Never before has a man done so much with so little.. There’s these natural enemies are forced to team up to solve a brutal only one way to describe Howard Stern: funny. Private Parts 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114140 murder at The Presidio military compound. To make matters captures Howard at his most hilarious, in a bare-all, no- worse, Inspector Austin has taken a sudden and passionate jokes-barred look at a true entertainment sensation. Based on The Pill interest in a beautiful, feisty young woman (Meg Ryan), who the #1 bestseller, Private Parts follows Howard’s amazing just happens to be Lt. Col. Caldwell’s daughter. First, sparks transformation from school nerd to media superstar. With the , Rachel fly between the young lovers. Then fists and bullets start tireless support of his true love, Alison (Mary McCormack), Worried that he has gotten the free-spirited Mindy pregnant flying as this action-packed thriller kicks into high gear and Howard battles slimy broadcasting execs, bitter radio jocks, after an unprotected one-night stand, Fred feigns romantic tears up the streets of . and his own self-doubts to emerge triumphant as „The King Of interest and sticks by her side for twelve hours to make sure All Media.“ Featuring sidekick Robin Quivers and the rest of Thrillers, Action, Military 1988 min. Stern’s radio gang, Private Parts is as uncompromising, she takes both doses of the morning-after pill. Paramount 01.01.2013 Romance, Comedy, Drama 2011 83min. honest, and flat-out funny as Howard Stern himself. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114394 Biography, Biopics, Comedy, Cult Film / TV Passion River 19.02.2013 1997 min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114044 The Pride Of The Yankees Paramount 01.01.2013 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114397 Pitch Perfect Teresa Wright, Gary Cooper, Walter Brennan, Babe Ruth Elizabeth Banks, Anna Camp, Anna Considered one of the greatest baseball films ever made. This Puppy Love Kendrick, Brittany Snow, Rebel Wilson, is the moving, true story of New York Yankee immortal Lou Candace Cameron, Victor Webster Adam DeVine Gehrig, the southpaw slugger who rose to the very top of the sport, only to be cut down at the peak of his career by an When single mom Megan Nolan moves to a new town, she Music, Romance, College Life, Comedy incurable illne feels guilty for uprooting her ten-year-old daughter Caitlin. 2012 min. Seeing that the little girl’s only friend is a neighbor’s dog, Sports, Baseball, Classics, Drama 1942 Megan decides to adopt a shelter pet for Caitlin. She Universal Studios 18.12.2012 128min. immediately regrets her decision when Caitlin gravitates to 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113916 Warner Bros. 15.01.2013 the biggest, sloppiest dog in the pound, Jake. Megan’s beautiful new home is now in shambles and, as Megan 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114199 considers returning Jake to the shelter, handsome ballplayer Pitch Perfect (Blu-ray + DVD + Ben shows up claiming Jake is his dog, the regrettable Digital Copy + Ultraviolet) (Blu- Primal Fear outcome of his roommate leaving a gate open. Megan and Ben butt heads. Ben wants to take his dog and leave, until he sees ray) Richard Gere, Alfre Woodard, Laura that Caitlin loves Jake as much as he ever could. Now it is Linney, Frances McDormand, Edward clear: the pound puppy everyone loves deserves no less than Elizabeth Banks, Anna Camp, Anna joint custody. Kendrick, Brittany Snow, Rebel Wilson, Norton, John Mahoney Sooner or later a man who wears two faces forgets which one TV Movies, Drama 2012 86min. Adam DeVine is real.. Guilty? Innocent? Those questions aren’t for high- Vivendi Visual Entertainment 19.02.2013 College Life, Comedy, Music, Romance powered Chicago attorney Martin Vail (Richard Gere) to 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113822 2012 min. decide. His job is to defend - especially if a case will put his Universal Studios 18.12.2012 name in the headlines and further his career. When Vail hears that a penniless altar boy (Edward Norton) is accused of Quincy, M.E.: Season 5 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113930 murdering the local archbishop, he snaps up the case, eager for the media spotlight. Little does he know that it will uncover Jack Klugman, Robert Ito, Garry Walberg, a viper’s nest of corruption, pit him against a prosecutor John S. Ragin, Joseph Roman The Pool who’s his ex-lover, and test all his skills, judgment and even Dr. Quincy (Jack Klugman) is a medical examiner with a keen Nana Patekar his win-at-any-cost attitude. eye for detail and a knack for stopping foul play in it’s tracks! The Pool is the story of Venkatesh, a „room boy“ working at a Thrillers, Drama, Lawyers / Legal Issues Assisted by his faithful lab assistant (and brewer of terrible hotel in Panjim, Goa, who sees from his perch in a mango tree 1996 min. coffee) Sam Fujiyama (Robert Ito), Dr. Quincy often a luxuriant garden and shimmering pool hidden behind a wall. challenges the LAPD with his own findings and typically

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 50 Newsletter 19/12 (Nr. 323) Dezember 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA ended up winning the battles. While shows like CSI: Crime village with her family:. After Galdino’s death, she flees the young lady, but one that still has a penchant for trouble. Now Scene Investigation or NCIS are proof that forensic science sexual harrassment of Don Aquiles, boss of the town where a fully-integrated member of Avonlea society, she begins to and investigation makes for entertaining television, it was she grew up. She comes to work in the mansion of the think about the day she must leave the security of her new Quincy, M.E. which started the trend nearly 40 years ago! Torreslanda family in , Rodrigo has the reputation home. Once again, the stories in this volume range from Detectives, Drama, Murder Mysteries, NBC, of being a great womanizer; but little by little, the sentiments uproariously funny to poignantly emotional. Episodes 53-65 On The Job 1980 670min. of Rodrigo for Luciana become an intense and profound love. Drama, Family, Romance 600min. Drama, Foreign, International TV, Mexican, Shout Factory 19.03.2013 E1 Entertainment 01.01.2013 Romance 2012 850min. 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114152 104,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113906 Vivendi Visual Entertainment 26.03.2013 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114162 Rage Of Honor / American Ninja / Road To Perdition (Triple Jude Law, Tom Hanks, Paul Newman, Stan- Regarding Henry ley Tucci, Jennifer Jason Leigh, Daniel Feature) Harrison Ford, Annette Bening Craig Kane Kosugi, Robin Evans, Ashley Ferrare, The story of a man who had everything but found something „A triumph!“ -Peter Travers, Rolling Stone. Two-time Academy Judie Aronson, Steve James, Arthur Ro- more.. Henry Turner is a successful but ruthless New York Award®-winner Tom Hanks stars as Michael Sullivan, a lawyer who needs to win at any cost, even at the expense of father fighting to keep his only son from traveling the Road To berts, Michael Dudikoff, Steve Jones, Keith his wife and daughter. But a single gunshot brings Henry’s Perdition. Directed by Oscar®-winner Sam Mendes, this Vitali, Virgil Frye, Mario Gallo, Sho Kosugi, fast-track rise to a dead stop, leaving him incapacitated and towering motion picture achievement has been acclaimed by Tadashi Yamashita, Gary Gibson, Guich with no memory of the life he used to lead. Now, faced with audiences and critics alike as one of the year’s most staring over, Henry Turner is about to learn the hard truth extraordinary films. Also starring Academy Award winner Koock, Chip Lucia, Lewis Van Bergen about a total stranger... himself. Harrison Ford stars in this Paul Newman and Oscar nominee Jude Law, Road To Films Include Rage of Honor Martial arts legend Sho Kosugi dramatic, often funny and heartwarming film that reunites the Perdition weaves a mesmerizing tale of a father and son is a one-man army out to crush anyone who crosses his path talents of Ford and director Mike Nichols (Working Girl). bound together by tragedy and betrayal. On an unforgettable in this action-packed adventure. Showcasing Kosugi’s skill, Costarring Academy Award nominee Annette Bening (Ameri- journey of honor, vengeance and redemption, they confront cunning and strength in one spectacular fight after another, can Beauty). overwhelming odds-and forge an indestructible bond. Hailed Rage of Honor is a pulse-pounding thrill-a-minute ride! Drama 1991 min. for the powerhouse performances of its stars and the stunning American Ninja Get ready for breathtaking action and Paramount 01.01.2013 impact of its story, Road to Perdition is an electrifying electrifying martial arts magic as a young American becomes experience that will stay with you for a lifetime. one of the greatest masters of Ninjitsu, the deadliest art of the 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114399 Orient. American Ninja is entertainment as swift and sure as Based On Comic Book, Crime, Drama, the flashing blade of a samurai’s sword! Revenge of the Ninja Dysfunctional Families, Historical / Period The Ninja are back! Brandishing swords and fists, leaping The Relic Piece 2002 min. and kicking, wielding blow darts and explosives, they know a James Whitmore, Penelope Ann Miller, Linda thousand ways to kill. Martial arts legend Sho Kosugi Paramount 01.01.2013 delivers a heart-pounding display of strength, speed and Hunt, Tom Sizemore 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114402 lethal Ninja know-how in this action-packed thriller that Come in if you dare. The opening-night gala for a new exhibit „takes us back to the good old days of the kung fu at Chicago’s Natural History Museum is under way, but be extravaganza“ (Screen International ). advised: something terrifying wants to make sure no one ever Road Trip: Unrated leaves. This effects-packed shocker gives haunted house Ninjas, Triple Feature, Action, Drama, movies a new setting, and the non-human star, brought to life Breckin Meyer, Amy Smart, Rachel Martial Arts min. by „Jurassic Park“ Academy Award-winner Stan Winston, is Blanchard, Seann William Scott, Fred Ward, MGM / UA 05.03.2013 something no creature fan can let slip by. Tom Green 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114512 Thrillers, Horror 1997 min. Get ready for no-holds-barred - or is that bared? - hilarity in Paramount 01.01.2013 the uncensored version of the outrageous Road Trip 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114400 calls, „this year’s Something About The Rainmaker Mary.“ Now you can see what they didn’t dare show in the Danny DeVito, Matt Damon, Jon Voight, theaters! When an extra hot video of Josh (Breckin Meyer) The Restless Gun: The Complete getting freaky with the luscious Beth (Amy Smart) is Mickey Rourke, , Mary Kay accidentally mailed to his girlfriend, he has three days to get Place Series to Texas before the tape does! Join crazy MTV comedian Tom directs and scripts an exciting, star- Royal Dano, James Coburn, Dan Blocker, Green, four guys, one snake and a bevy of nubile babes in a packed adaptation of John Grisham’s novel about an idealistic hilarious adventure of insane proportions that The Washing- young attorney who takes on the case of a lifetime. Matt John Payne ton Post (Desson Howe) howls is „pretty #@%*@# funny!“ Damon (Good Will Hunting) plays Rudy Baylor, a rookie Based on a radio teleplay starring James Stewart, Restless Featuring the year’s hottest soundtrack including Kid Rock, lawyer in over his head on a high-profile case. Opposing him: Gun follows the exploits of Vint Bonner (John Payne) a Run DMC and Buckcherry. an army of seasoned legal sharks (led by Jon Voight). On retired gunfighter and restless drifter who wanders the Road Trips, Stoners, College Life, Comedy Rudy’s side: Deck Shifflet (Danny DeVito), a feisty Southwest in search of adventure. Preferring to find peaceful 2000 min. „paralawyer“ who specializes in flunking the bar exam. resolutions to the problems he faced, Bonner was often given Rudy’s chances are slim to none - until he uncovers a trail of no choice but to fight and his proficiency with a gun made him Paramount 01.01.2013 corruption that might lead to the one thing that could win his a fearsome opponent to those who dared cross him. Bonner 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114403 case: the truth. carried around a special kit that would extend the rang of his Thrillers, Drama, Lawyers / Legal Issues gun, this involved extensive assembly and became a novelty for the show and inspired Westerns that followed. Robot And Frank 1997 min. Western, Action, Adventure 1957 1920min. Frank Langella, Susan Sarandon, Liv Tyler, Paramount 01.01.2013 Shout Factory 19.02.2013 James Marsden, Peter Sarsgaard 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114398 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114053 Set in the near future, Frank, a retired cat burglar, has two grown kids who are concerned he can no longer live alone. Raising Hope: The Complete Se- They are tempted to place him in a nursing home until Frank’s The Ring son chooses a different option: against the old man’s wishes, cond Season Naomi Watts, Brian Cox, Martin Henderson he buys Frank a walking, talking humanoid robot programmed , Martha Plimpton, Shannon Before you die, you see.... The Ring is the critically to improve his physical and mental health. What follows is an acclaimed, smash hit thriller David Ansen of Newsweek says often hilarious and heartwarming story about finding friends Woodward, Garret Dillahunt, Gregg Binkley „raises some serious goosebumps!“ This cinematic thrill ride and family in the most unexpected places. Starring an Jimmy Chance continues to wander the rocky road of will keep you on the edge of your seat from the stunning ensemble cast led by Academy Award nominee Frank Lengella fatherhood, learning some surprises about himself, Sabrina, opening to the astonishing conclusion! It begins as just (2008, Best Actor, Frost/Nixon), Academy Award Winner Burt and even Hope along the way. There’s also time for a trip another urban legend-the whispered tale of a nightmarish Susan Sarandon (1995, Best Actress, Dead Man Walking), to Vegas, an invention convention, Occupy Natesville and a videotape that causes anyone who watches it to die seven Liv Tyler and James Marsden. wily raccoon. days later. But when four teenagers all meet with mysterious Robots / Androids, Science Fiction, Comedy, Fox 2011 484min. deaths exactly one week after watching just such a tape, Comedy, Crime, Drama 2012 89min. 20th Century Fox MOD 31.10.2012 investigative reporter Rachel Keller (Naomi Watts) tracks down the video...and watches it. Now, the legend is coming Sony Pictures Home Entertainment 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113949 true, the clock is ticking and Rachel has just seven days to 12.02.2013 unravel the mystery of The Ring. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114106 Red Tears Thrillers, Drama, Horror 2002 min. Thrillers, Action, Drama, Foreign, Horror, Paramount 01.01.2013 Runaway Bride 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114401 Japanese 87min. Julia Roberts, Richard Gere, Joan Cusack, Allegro Entertainment 26.02.2013 Paul Dooley, Rita Wilson, Hector Elizondo 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113974 Road To Avonlea: The Complete Catch her if you can.. Fifth Volume (Repackage) Romance, Comedy, Drama 1999 min. Un Refugio Para El Amor (A Jackie Burroughs, Lally Cadeau, Mag Paramount 01.01.2013 Shelter Of Love) Ruffman, Gema Zamprogna, Zachary 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114524 , Bennett Luciana Jacinto is a beautiful, happy girl who lives in a Sara has blossomed into an independent and self-assured Sabrina

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Audrey Hepburn, Humphrey Bogart, William Criterion Collection, Drama, Feudal Japan, British, Cult Film / TV, Exploitation, Foreign, Holden, Walter Hampden, Martha Hyer, Foreign, Japanese, Art House 1954 124min. Horror, Slasher 1976 min. Joan Vohs, John Williams Criterion 26.02.2013 Redemption USA 12.02.2013 Isn’t it romantic . . .. Sabrina is charming, humorous and aglow 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113883 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114114 with some of Hollywood’s greatest stars. Humphrey Bogart, William Holden and Audrey Hepburn star in a Cinderella story directed by renowned filmmaker Billy Wilder (Sunset Satanic Sluts Collection School Of Rock Boulevard, Some Like It Hot). Bogie and Holden are the mega- Three disc collection of the hugely popular ladies of the Jack Black, Joan Cusack, Sarah Silverman, rich Larrabee brothers of Long Island. Bogie’s all work, Satanic Sluts series. Holden’s all playboy. But when Sabrina, daughter of the Mike White family’s chauffeur, returns from Paris all grown up and British, Collections, Erotica, Foreign, Hor- Jack Black stars as a diehard rock guitarist-turned-substitute glamorous, the stage is set for some family fireworks as the ror, Horror Series min. teacher who transforms a class of fifth graders into a high- brothers fall under the spell of Hepburn’s delightful charms. Redemption USA 12.02.2013 voltage rock group. His lesson: to lead the kids on to victory National Film Registry, Romance, AFI Top 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114098 in the local Battle of the Bands competition. 100, Classics, Comedy 1954 min. Music, On The Job, Teachers, Comedy 2003 min. Paramount 01.01.2013 Saturday Night Fever / 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114525 Paramount 01.01.2013 (Double Feature) (Blu-ray) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114529 Sabrina John Travolta, Joan Blondell, Stockard Channing, Eve Arden, Didi Conn, Donna Greg Kinnear, Julia Ormond, Harrison Ford, Sci-Fi Trash-O-Rama Triple Fea- Pescow, Karen Gorney, Frankie Avalon, Sid John Wood, Nancy Marchand ture (Creature Of Destruction / Caesar, Jeff Conaway, Edd Byrnes A 10! And one of the 10 best of the year!“ -Susan Granger, UFO Target Earth / The Flying CRN International & American Movie Classics. Love is a Classics, Dancing, Double Features, Dra- funny thing. Especially when Harrison Ford, Julia Ormond ma, Music, Musical, Romance min. Saucer Mystery) and Greg Kinnear form the warmest, winningest romantic Warner Bros. 12.03.2013 Buckle-up for a trashy thrill-ride as this collection of Sci-Fi’s triangle ever. Directed by Sydney Pollack (Tootsie), Sabrina Tarnished Gold escapes before your startled eyes! Creature shimmers like a fairy tale come true. Ford plays Linus 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114436 Of Destruction (1967) is certainly one of Larry Buchanan’s Larrabee, a busy tycoon who has no room for love in his most distinguished efforts. A great cast includes monster appointment book. But when a romance between his playboy Save The Last Dance movie veteran Les Tremayne and Beach Party regular Aron brother (Kinnear) and Sabrina (Ormond), daughter of the Kincaid - there’s even a great song inspired by the then family chauffeur, threatens one of Linus’ business deals, the Julia Stiles, Sean Patrick Thomas, Terry popular Batman tv series! The monster is laughable, so don’t CEO clears his schedule for some ruthlessness. He courts Kinney, Fredro Starr say we didn’t warn you! Flying Saucer Mystery (1950) gives Sabrina, intending to drop her when the deal closes. Will „the you a peek at the early UFO scare catching fire in country at world’s only living heart donor“ discover his heart? Of Sara (Julia Stiles) is a small-town girl with a big dream: to become a world-class ballerina. But when her mother the time. Scientists with incredibly straight faces give out the course! But, like the best journeys, the fun isn’t just the unwashed truth about flying saucers and visitors from outer destination, it’s the getting there. suddenly dies, Sara must abandon her plans and join her estranged father (Terry Kinney) on Chicago’s gritty South space. UFO - Target Earth (1974) is one funky little movie in Romance, Comedy, Drama 1995 min. Side. A white girl in a predominantly black neighborhood, which a noted researched delves too deep into the mystery of Paramount 01.01.2013 Sara feels out of place - until she is befriended by a black alien visitations in a backwoods rural community and begins 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114526 classmate, Chenille (Kerry Washington), and her handsome to fall victim to his own investigation. This one looks like it brother, Derek (Sean Patrick Thomas). Sparks fly between was filmed on LSD. Sara and Derek, whose shared love for dance leads to Science Fiction, Triple Feature, UFOs Same Time Every Year romance. But as Sara and Derek’s relationship grows, so 180min. does opposition from their families and friends. Now Sara and Herschel Savage, Derek face the biggest challenge of their young lives - to stay Retromedia 22.01.2013 It’s that time of year again! Michael and a group of his male true to their dreams... and each other. Pulsing with the beats 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113795 friends head off to a lawyer convention, leaving their wives of today’s hottest hip-hop music, Save The Last Dance „will home alone. Of course, these ladies aren’t stupid and they have you dancing in your seat.“ -Shawn Edwards, NBC-TV know their men are just out having a „good time“ without them The Score getting in the way. Picked up by a chauffeur (played by a Romance, Dancing, Drama, Dysfunctional young, slim Ron Jeremy), the boys head out to a sex resort for Families, High School 2001 min. Angela Bassett, , Marlon the weekend. The wives, on the other hand, have some sin- Paramount 01.01.2013 Brando, Edward Norton sational plans of their own... Low on plot and high on non-stop Three generations of acclaimed actors team up in The Score, sex, Same Time Every Year stars many high profile adult 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114527 an intriguing crime thriller that marks the first time that stars like Ron Jeremy, Loni Sanders, Paul Thomas, Tiffany legendary Oscar®-winners Robert De Niro and Marlon Clark and Herschel Savage. Fred J. Lincoln (the psychotic Save The Last Dance 2 Brando have shared the screen. Also starring Oscar®- ‘Weasel’ from Wes Craven’s classic, The Last House On The nominee Edward Norton, The Score wowed critics and Left) directs this classic early eighties adult feature. Izabella Miko, Aubrey Dollar, Jaqueline Bis- audiences alike. When expert safecracker Nick Wells Drama, Erotica 1981 80min. set, Columbus Short (DeNiro) decides it might be time to settle down with his Impulse Pictures 12.02.2013 The Best Move...Is Following Your Heart.. The sequel to the girlfriend Diane (Oscar®-nominee Angela Bassett) and stick hot movie Save The Last Dance continues in New York as to his legitimate business, running a jazz nightclub in Montre- 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114514 Sarah (Izabella Miko) is one step closer to realizing her al, his friend and partner Max (Brando) has other plans. dreams at Juilliard. Her commitment is put to the test as she Heavily in debt to a crime boss, Max needs Nick to pull one Samson And Delilah finds herself torn between her talent for classical dance and last heist: help novice thief Jack Teller (Norton) steal a her undeniable passion for urban hip-hop scene - and a smart scepter worth $30 million form the House of Customs. Tempted Victor Mature, Hedy Lamarr, George and sexy musician named Miles (Columbus Short). Pulsing to by the $6 million payday, Nick reluctantly agrees to do the job. some of today’s hottest hip-hop music and featuring R&B But what starts out as a safe bet turns into a high risk gamble Sanders when a clash of egos threatens to bring them all down. Journey through time to a gloriously extravagant Biblical sensation Ne-Yo, it’s the long anticipated sequel about heart, hip-hop and finding your place in the world. Featuring performances by jazz greats Cassandra Wilson and setting of lust, violence, and betrayal in this meticulously Mose Allison, The Score is one of the smartest, most restored Oscar-winning classic from legendary filmmaker Dancing, Drama 2006 min. entertaining crime capers ever filmed, with surprises at every Cecil B. DeMille. Victor Mature flexes his muscles through Paramount 01.01.2013 turn. such scenes as Samson’s barehanded battle with a lion, a single-handed assault on a thousand Philistine soldiers and 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114528 Thrillers, Crime, Drama 2001 min. the spectacular climax where he pulls down the pagan temple. Paramount 01.01.2013 All that action makes the picture exciting. But it’s the Schizo: Remastered Edition (Blu- 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114530 seductive lady with the scissors, inimitably played by Hedy Lamarr that truly makes it great entertainment. ray) Religion/Spirituality, Romance, Action, Stephanie Beacham, Lynne Frederick, John Seal Team Six: The Raid On Adventure, Drama 1949 133min. Fraser, John Leyton, Jack Watson Osama Bin Laden Paramount Pictures 12.03.2013 Schizophrenia: When the left hand doesn’t know what the Freddy Rodriguez, Cam Gigandet, Xzibit, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114263 right hand is doing!. A classic ’70s slasher film - and one of the first big hits of the VHS horror explosion of the early ’80s Anson Mount - Schizo was British filmmaker Pete Walker’s answer to Based on a true story - when the rumored whereabouts of Sansho The Baliff: The Criterion Psycho, an erotic thriller that used pop psychology as a Osama bin Laden are revealed, the CIA readies a team of springboard for shocking acts of violence. Lynne Frederick seasoned U.S. Navy SEALs for the mission of a lifetime. Collection (Blu-ray) (Vampire Circus) stars as a beautiful ice skater who, as a Despite inconclusive evidence that bin Laden is inside the Kinuyo Tanaka, Yoshiaki Hanayagi, Kyoko child, witnessed the gruesome murder of her mother. After compound, and ignoring the possible ramifications of an Samantha marries, her close friends begin to be horrifically unannounced attack on Pakistani soil, the Pentagon orders Kagawa killed, one by one, and she is brought closer to an inevitable the attack. The SEAL team bands together to complete their When an idealistic governor disobeys the reigning feudal confrontation with the murderer. Upon its original UK release, mission of justice in a riveting final showdown. lord, he is cast into exile, his wife and children left to fend for more than a minute of violent footage was censored by the Special Forces, Action, Crime, Drama, TV themselves and eventually separated by vicious slave British Board of Film Classification. Even so, the critics were Movies, War, War In The Middle East 2012 traders. Under the dazzling direction of Kenji Mizoguchi shocked by the gruesomeness that remained. The Sunday (Ugetsu), this classic Japanese story became one of cinema’s Telegraph called Schizo „very entertaining... if you like street 89min. greatest masterpieces, a monumental, empathetic expression accidents.“ This Starz / Anchor Bay 08.01.2013 of human resilience in the face of evil.

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33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113892 magic to help Elmo be really „green“? This jam-packed DVD is A struggling screenwriter inadvertently becomes entangled in filled with songs, ideas, and suggestions from real kids the Los Angeles criminal underworld after his oddball friends around the world! kidnap a gangster’s beloved Shih Tzu. A screenwriter is Seal Team Six: The Raid On Environmental, Family, Preschool, Puppets, drawn into a dog kidnapping scheme by his oddball friends. Osama Bin Laden (Blu-ray) Sesame Street min. Comedy, Crime, Gangs, Kidnapping 2012 110min. Freddy Rodriguez, Cam Gigandet, Xzibit, Warner Bros. 19.02.2013 Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Anson Mount 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114548 Based on a true story - when the rumored whereabouts of 29.01.2013 Osama bin Laden are revealed, the CIA readies a team of Sesame Street: Best Of Friends 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113898 seasoned U.S. Navy SEALs for the mission of a lifetime. Despite inconclusive evidence that bin Laden is inside the It seems everyone has their own favorite Sesame Street compound, and ignoring the possible ramifications of an friend! Is yours sweet and loveable Grover? Enchanting Abby Seven Psychopaths (DVD + unannounced attack on Pakistani soil, the Pentagon orders Cadabby? Fun, furry Elmo? Best of friends Bert and Ernie? Or UltraViolet) the attack. The SEAL team bands together to complete their even grumpy and grouchy Oscar? You’ll be sure to find your mission of justice in a riveting final showdown. friend in Best of Friends, a compilation of fan favorite clips Woody Harrelson, Sam Rockwell, Colin containing over 2 hours of content! Featuring classic gems TV Movies, War, War In The Middle East, such as Snuffy and Big Bird skating in the Ice Follies to new Farrell Special Forces, Action, Crime, Drama 2012 favorites such as Elmo and Elvis Costello singing „A Monster A struggling screenwriter inadvertently becomes entangled in 89min. Ate My Red 2“, there is something for the entire family to the Los Angeles criminal underworld after his oddball friends enjoy. Sing along as Cookie Monster ponders „If Moon Were kidnap a gangster’s beloved Shih Tzu. A screenwriter is Starz / Anchor Bay 08.01.2013 Cookie“, Count along with The Count and Julianne Moore in drawn into a dog kidnapping scheme by his oddball friends. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113903 Far From 7, and join James Blunt and Telly Monster for My Comedy, Crime, Gangs, Kidnapping 2012 Triangle. Sing with Rosita and Gloria Estefan, watch when 110min. Big Bird was Admiral Bird, and join as he Seeds Of Destruction sings a rather unusual lullaby to Elmo. Catch up with your Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Jesse Moss, David Lewis, Adrian Pasdar, friends on Sesame Street Best of Friends! 29.01.2013 James Morrison Family, Preschool, Puppets, Sesame Street 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113887 When a scientist releases a prehistoric seed, it min. unleashes a horrific root system that rips through Nevada like Warner Bros. 19.03.2013 The Seven Year Hitch an earthquake and devastates everything in its path. Now a hard-nosed government agent, a desperate plant expert and a 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114549 Frances Fisher, Natalie Hall, Darin Brooks, pair of young environmentalists must find a way to stop its Ryan Doom destructive growth. The military cannot kill it. Shattered Sesame Street: Love The Earth! Jennifer (Natalie Hall) and Kevin (Darin Brooks) have been chunks regenerate to thousands of feet tall. But is this biblical inseparable since becoming best friends at age six. So when green behemoth headed for an even more catastrophic life (Repackage) Jennifer graduates from college and begins building a career source? Directed by Paul Ziller (Ice Quake) and co-staring Elmo, Zoe, and Baby Bear venture into bear National Park in charity, she thinks it’s only right to let drop-out Kevin live James Morrison (24) and Jesse Moss (Tucker & Dale vs. with Papa Bear in search of the elusive Blue-Feathered in her newly purchased house until he gets back on his feet. Evil) Seeds of Destruction proves you can’t fool with Mother Swallowing Swallow so they can earn their Bird-Watching Seven years later, Jennifer is continuing up the career ladder Nature. Badges. While looking for the swallow, they have fun while Kevin is still golf caddying and waiting for his big Science Fiction, Action, Disasters 2011 discovering beautiful things in nature! They also learn that break. Jennifer is happy to let Kevin march to his own beat, 91min. there are some simple things they can do to keep nature but her new boyfriend, arrogant corporate manipulator Bryce beautiful and clean: putting trash where it belongs, recycling, (Ryan Doom), wants her to kick Kevin to the curb. Oblivious Starz / Anchor Bay 19.02.2013 reusing things and saving water. to his cheating ways, Jennifer is ecstatic when Bryce asks 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113800 Environmental, Family, Preschool, Puppets, her to marry him after only six months of dating, secretly using her angelic reputation to gain favor with his boss Mrs. Von Sesame Street 2008 45min. Hoffman (Frances Fisher). Kevin catches Bryce cheating and Seeds Of Destruction (Blu-ray) Warner Bros. 19.02.2013 is determined to spare Jennifer an unhappily ever after Jesse Moss, David Lewis, Adrian Pasdar, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114550 experience. With a little help from his brother who is in law school, and support from his meddling neighbor Mr. James Morrison Henderson (George Wendt), Kevin finds out he is legally When a fringe scientist releases a prehistoric seed, it The Sessions married to Jennifer in a common law ma unleashes a horrific root system that rips through Nevada like an earthquake and devastates everything in its path. Now a William H. Macy, Helen Hunt, Moon Romance, TV Movies, Comedy 2012 86min. hard-nosed government agent, a desperate plant expert and a Bloodgood, John Hawkes, Adam Arkin Vivendi Visual Entertainment 05.03.2013 pair of young environmentalists must find a way to stop its Academy Award Winner Helen Hunt joins Academy Award 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114135 destructive growth. The military cannot kill it. Shattered Nominees John Hawkes and William H. Macy in this chunks regenerate to thousands of feet tall. But is this biblical triumphant true story about love, sex, desire...and making green behemoth headed for an even more catastrophic life every breath count. - Paralyzed and confined to an iron lung Sex And The City / Sex And The source? Directed by Paul Ziller (Ice Quake) and co-staring since childhood, poet-journalist Mark O’Brien (Hawkes) has City 2 (Double Feature) (Blu-ray) James Morrison (24) and Jesse Moss (Tucker & Dale vs. overcome adversity time and time again. But now, at age 38, Evil) Seeds of Destruction proves you can’t fool with Mother he faces his toughest challenge yet: losing his virginity. With Sarah Jessica Parker, Chris Noth, Kim Nature. the help of a beautiful therapist (Hunt), a sympathetic priest Cattrall, Cynthia Nixon, Candice Bergen, Disasters, Action, Science Fiction 2011 (Macy), and his own unbridled sense of optimism and humor, Kristin Davis, Alice Eve, Jennifer Hudson, 91min. Mark embarks on an extraordinary personal journey to John Corbett Starz / Anchor Bay 19.02.2013 discover the wondrous pleasures that make life worth living. Drama 2012 95min. Fun, fashion and friendship are in vogue with Carrie and her 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113827 Manhattan gal pals in the two captivating Sex and the City 20th Century Fox 12.02.2013 movies. The quest for true love always sparked the hit TV 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114305 show, but the first movie dares to ask what happens when you Serena: An Adult Fairytale find it? Put another way: does Carrie have the right shoes, The Sessions (Blu-ray + the right bag...and the wrong man? The stylish fun continues What do you get when you cross a classic children’s story in the follow-up film that asks what happens after you say „I with seventies adult entertainment? Serena: An Adult Fairy UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) do?“ Life is everything the ladies ever wished it would be, but Tale, of course! Poor Serena! Sold into prostitution by her evil it wouldn’t be Sex And The City if life didn’t hold a few more stepfather, she’s forced by her new masters to cook, clean William H. Macy, Helen Hunt, Moon surprises. After all, sometimes you just have to get away with and perform sex acts whenever they please, in a quiet modern Bloodgood, John Hawkes, Adam Arkin the girls. home in the Hollywood Hills. There’s a big party for the Academy Award Winner Helen Hunt joins Academy Award Comedy, Double Features, Drama, Fashion, „Prince“ happening soon and everyone will be having fun Nominees John Hawkes and William H. Macy in this Based On TV Show, Romance, Sexy except her. Perhaps China Leigh can help with her magic triumphant true story about love, sex, desire...and making powers of nude teleportation! Can she win the heart of the every breath count. - Paralyzed and confined to an iron lung Comedies 291min. Prince and have a good time, or will she be forced to live a since childhood, poet-journalist Mark O’Brien (Hawkes) has Warner Bros. 12.03.2013 boring life of slavery? Does she live happily ever after? Fred overcome adversity time and time again. But now, at age 38, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114196 J. Lincoln (the psychotic ‘Weasel’ from Wes Craven’s he faces his toughest challenge yet: losing his virginity. With classic, The Last House On The Left) directs this sexy the help of a beautiful therapist (Hunt), a sympathetic priest Cinderella spoof. (Macy), and his own unbridled sense of optimism and humor, Shaft (2000) Drama, Erotica 1980 69min. Mark embarks on an extraordinary personal journey to Samuel L. Jackson, Dan Hedaya, Toni Impulse Pictures 12.02.2013 discover the wondrous pleasures that make life worth living. Drama 2012 95min. Collette, Vanessa Williams, Christian Bale, 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114513 20th Century Fox 12.02.2013 Jeffrey Wright, Richard Roundtree, Busta 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114323 Rhymes Sesame Street: Being Green 2009 Who delivers ten times out of ten? Samuel L. Jackson is Shaft, Elmo and Abby find out it can be easy being green when they the man and the movie. John Singleton (Boyz ‘N’ The Hood), stumble onto the Earth-a-Thon, hosted by Mr. Earth (Paul Seven Psychopaths (Blu-ray + directs this gritty action packed thriller. With Uncle John Rudd), happening right on Sesame Street. Telly, Rosita, and UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Shaft (Richard Roundtree reprising his original role) as Cookie Monster answer phone calls from children calling in mentor, it’s no surprise that today’s Shaft is the coolest dude with pledges to reduce, reuse, recycle (apossibly send Woody Harrelson, Sam Rockwell, Colin and the hottest action around. To stop a racist killer (Christi- cookies to Cookie). But what happens when Abby uses her Farrell an Bale) Shaft’s got to track down the only eyewitness that

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 53 Newsletter 19/12 (Nr. 323) Dezember 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA can put him behind bars (Toni Colette). As Shaft closes in, so teams up with Leonardo DiCaprio in this spine-chilling thriller min. does the danger. Armed with attitude and up against corrupt that critics say „sizzles with so much suspense that it’s hot to cops and venomous druglords he’s out to make crime pay up. touch.“ When U.S. Marshall Teddy Daniels (DiCaprio) Paramount 01.01.2013 Thrillers, Action, Crime, Detectives 2000 arrives at the asylum for the criminally insane on shutter 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114574 island, what starts as a routine investigation quickly takes a min. sinister turn. As the investigation unfolds and Teddy uncovers Paramount 01.01.2013 more shocking and terrifying truths about the island, he learns A Simple Life 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114554 there are some places that never let you go. Andy Lau, Deannie Yip Mystery, Thrillers, Crime, Historical / Period After suffering a stroke, an altruistic maid announces that she Shane Piece, Mental Illness 2010 min. wants to quit her job and move into an old people’s home. Paramount 01.01.2013 Chinese, Drama, Foreign 2011 118min. Van Heflin, Alan Ladd, Jack Palance, Ben 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114558 Well Go USA 26.02.2013 Johnson, Edgar Buchanan, Brandon 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114516 DeWilde Acclaimed director George Stevens’ legendary rendition of Silent Hill: Revelation the quintessential Western myth earned six Academy Award Malcolm McDowell, Radha Mitchell, Sean A Simple Life (Blu-ray) nominations, and made Shane one of the classics of the Andy Lau, Deannie Yip American cinema. The story brings Alan Ladd, a drifter and Bean Return to a place of insanity and blood-curdling chills in this After suffering a stroke, an altruistic maid announces that she retired gunfighter, to the assistance of a homestead family wants to quit her job and move into an old people’s home. terrorized by a wealthy cattleman and his hired gun (Jack shocking sequel to one of the most surreal and gruesome Palance). In fighting the last decisive battle, Shane sees the horror films ever created. Heather Mason (Adelaide Clemens) Chinese, Drama, Foreign 2011 118min. end of his own way of life. Mysterious, moody and and her father (Sean Bean) have always tried to stay one step Well Go USA 26.02.2013 atmospheric, the film is enhanced by the intense performances ahead of the malevolent forces intent on their destruction. But 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114535 of its splendid cast. on the eve of her 18th birthday, a dangerous revelation leads National Film Registry, Western, AFI Top her deeper into a demonic world that threatens to trap her in a nightmarish landscape forever. Based on the hugely popular A Simple Plan 100, Classics 1952 min. video game series and written and directed by Michael J. Paramount 01.01.2013 Bassett (Deathwatch), it’s a psychological trip into absolute Billy Bob Thornton, Bridget Fonda, Bill Pax- 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114555 terror unlike anything you’ve ever known. ton Mystery, Thrillers, Horror 2012 94min. Sometimes Good People Do Evil Things.. The American Universal Studios 12.02.2013 Dream. In a gym bag. That’s how three men size up what She’s Having A Baby they’ve found in the snowy Minnesota woods. They’ve come 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114349 across a downed plane with a rotting corpse inside...and over Elizabeth McGovern, Kevin Bacon, Paul $4 million stuffed inside a duffel bag. Finders keepers? Gleason, William Windom Silent Hill: Revelation (Blu-ray + Maybe. But first they’ll need a foolproof plan. So they and the Last year at this time, Jacke and Kristi were two crazy single wife of one of the men start out with a scheme that’s perfect in kids in love. Now they’re two crazy married adults in DVD + Digital Copy + UltraViolet) its simplicity...and lethal in its miscalculation of the human transition. Their dreams of a perfect life in a perfect house heart. Mistrust, murder, intrigue - all are soon at work in this have turned into a series of hilarious marital nightmares. And (Blu-ray) stark, twist-filled thriller. Kristi just got some news that really ought to make things Malcolm McDowell, Radha Mitchell, Sean Thrillers, Drama 1998 min. interesting - She’s Having A Baby! Kevin Bacon (Footloose) and Elizabeth McGovern (Racing With The Moon) are Jake Bean Paramount 01.01.2013 and Kristi, a perfect couple in an imperfect world. Their Return to a place of insanity and blood-curdling chills in this 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114559 solutions to real-life problems make She’s Having A Baby a shocking sequel to one of the most surreal and gruesome wonderfully poignant and very funny look at chasing the good horror films ever created. Heather Mason (Adelaide Clemens) life. and her father (Sean Bean) have always tried to stay one step Six Feet Under: The Complete ahead of the malevolent forces intent on their destruction. But Romance, Comedy 1988 min. on the eve of her 18th birthday, a dangerous revelation leads First Season (Repackage) Paramount 01.01.2013 her deeper into a demonic world that threatens to trap her in a Rachel Griffiths, Lauren Ambrose, Richard 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114556 nightmarish landscape forever. Based on the hugely popular video game series and written and directed by Michael J. Jenkins, Jeremy Sisto, Michael C. Hall, Bassett (Deathwatch), it’s a psychological trip into absolute Freddy Rodriguez, Frances Conroy, Peter She’s The Man terror unlike anything you’ve ever known. Krause, Mathew St. Patrick Amanda Bynes, David Cross, Julie Hagerty, Horror, Mystery, Thrillers 2012 94min. You’re whole life is leading up to this.. From Alan Ball, the Universal Studios 12.02.2013 Oscar-winning writer of American Beauty, comes a series that Channing Tatum, Laura Ramsey, Vinnie digs where others fear to tread. When a bus kills Nathaniel Jones, Robert Hoffman, James Kirk, Alex 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114407 Fisher, owner of the Fisher & Sons Funeral Home in Los Breckenridge Angeles, the tragedy casts a pall on the homecoming of his Everybody has a secret.... Amanda Bynes proves that girls Silent Hill: Revelation 3D (Blu-ray prodigal son Nate. Together with his mother Ruth, brother can do anything guys can do in She’s The Man. The laughs David and sister Claire, they must address the family are non-stop when Viola (Byrnes), disguised as her twin 3D + Blu-ray + DVD + Digital Copy business, and the many more personal matters that arise when brother, Sebastian (James Kirk), joins the boys’ soccer team + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) you spend your life Six Feet Under. and helps win the big game while unexpectedly falling for Boxed Sets, Comedy, Dark Comedy, Drama, Duke (Channing Tatum), the hot star forward. Viola discovers Malcolm McDowell, Radha Mitchell, Sean Gay / Lesbian Interest, HBO 2002 780min. that dealing with high school politics and twisted love Bean HBO Home Video 18.12.2012 triangles is a major challenge when you’re a guy who’s really PLEASE NOTE: This title includes a Blu-ray 3D disc, which a girl! She’s The Man features an ensemble cast of up and is only compatible with 3D Blu-ray players and Playstation 3. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114551 coming stars and hit songs. So kick back and get ready to A standard Blu-ray is also included which will play on all laugh out loud! standard Blu-ray players. Return to a place of insanity and The Six Million Dollar Man: Romance, Comedy, High School 2006 min. blood-curdling chills in this shocking sequel to one of the Paramount 01.01.2013 most surreal and gruesome horror films ever created. Heather Season 3 Mason (Adelaide Clemens) and her father (Sean Bean) have 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114557 always tried to stay one step ahead of the malevolent forces Lindsay Wagner, Richard Anderson, Lee intent on their destruction. But on the eve of her 18th birthday, Majors, Martin E. Brooks, Monte Markham Shooter / Four Brothers (Double a dangerous revelation leads her deeper into a demonic world Grievously injured in the crash of an experimental aircraft, that threatens to trap her in a nightmarish landscape forever. Colonel Steve Austin’s shattered body is covertly rebuilt via Feature) (Blu-ray) Based on the hugely popular video game series and written the miracle of modern science known as bionics. Equipped and directed by Michael J. Bassett (Deathwatch), it’s a with atomic-powered limbs that make him „better, stronger, Mark Wahlberg, Elias Koteas, Rhona Mitra, psychological trip into absolute terror unlike anything you’ve faster“ than the average mortal, Austin (Lee Majors) can now Kate Mara, Danny Glover, Ned Beatty, ever known. run at speeds exceeding 60 miles per hour, overturn cars with Terrence Howard, Tyrese Gibson, Michael Horror, Mystery, Thrillers 2012 94min. ease, and spot an encroaching enemy from over a mile away. Under the watchful eye of OSI director Oscar Goldman Pena, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Josh Charles, Rade Universal Studios 12.02.2013 (Richard Anderson), Steve repays his debt to the taxpayers Sherbedgia, Garrett Hedlund, Andre Benja- 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114408 by taking on perilous missions of a highly classified nature. min, Lane Garrison Familiar faces and exciting new foes dominate The Six Million Dollar Man’s riveting Season 3. Back from the dead is Jaime Conspiracies, Crime, Drama, Action, Silver Bullet Sommers (Lindsay Wagner), who can’t remember her bionic Revenge, Thrillers min. Everett McGill, Gary Busey, Corey Haim soul mate. Emotions frayed, Steve keeps busy by retrieving Warner Bros. 12.03.2013 Something is killing off townsfolk in Tarker’s Mills. Something the Liberty Bell and a feral child raised by wolves. Later, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114437 mysterious. Something ingenious. Something remotely human. Austin goes mano a mano with the legendary Bigfoot in a clash But the only person in town with the courage to stop this for the ages. Reconnect with the bionic man in this 6-DVD set lurking menace is a 13-year old boy, confined to a wheelchair featuring all 21 uncut episodes and bonus features including Shutter Island since birth. Adapted to the screen by suspense master the two-part premiere of The Bionic Wo Action, Adventure, Crime, Cult Film / TV, Max Von Sydow, Patricia Clarkson, Michelle Stephen King from his „Cycle of the Werewolf“ novelette, this exhilarating thriller features astounding special effects by Drama, Mystery, Science Fiction min. Williams, Emily Mortimer, Leonardo three-time Oscar® winner Carlo Rambaldi (E.T., Alien, King Universal Studios 19.02.2013 DiCaprio, Ben Kingsley, Mark Ruffalo Kong ). Academy Award winning director Martin Scorsese once again Stephen King, Werewolves, Horror 1985 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113943

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Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Five spirited, well-meaning kids create hilarious havoc in this fun-filled, heartwarming adventure the whole family will love! Skylar 19.02.2013 Nothing much ever happens in Brookville, but when a group of Drama 82min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114451 friends see a new stranger in town and overhear something they don’t understand, they jump to the conclusion that he is Allegro Entertainment 12.02.2013 up to no good. Soon, the new club is devising secret missions 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113973 Smashed and elaborate schemes to warn the town about this „bizarre“ Mary Kay Place, Mary Elizabeth Winstead, new resident. Misunderstandings multiply and the kids soon find their crazy adventure filled with more mysterious Sleeper (Blu-ray) Megan Mullally, Octavia L. Spencer, Aaron revelations, shocking surprises and valuable lessons than Diane Keaton, Paul, Nick Offerman any of them could ever have imagined. Drawing on the great tradition of silent comedy, Sleeper is Kate (Mary Elizabeth Winstead) and Charlie (Aaron Paul, Religion/Spirituality, Adventure, Children’s, Woody Allen’s first film to tame his verbal wit and showcase TV’s Breaking Bad ) are a young married couple whose bond Comedy, Family 2012 min. his emerging skill with visual and physical comedy. Starring is built on a mutual love of music, laughter and Diane Keaton (directed by Allen for the first time), Sleeper is drinking...especially the drinking. When Kate’s drinking leads Image Ent. 05.02.2013 „a bizarre mixture of New York neuroses, splendidly lunatic her to dangerous places and her job as a school teacher is 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114110 sight gags, Alice-in-Wonderland illogic, and too-funny-to-be- put into jeopardy, she decides to join AA and get sober. With painful satire“ (Los Angeles Herald-Examiner)! When the help of her new friend and sponsor Jenny (Octavia cryogenically preserved Miles Monroe (Allen) is awakened Spencer, The Help), and the vice principal at her school, the Special Forces 200 years after a hospital mishap, he discovers the future’s awkward, but well intentioned, Mr. Davies, Kate takes steps When war correspondent Elsa Casanova is taken hostage in not so bright: all women are frigid, all men are impotent, and toward improving her health and life. Sobriety isn’t as easy as Afghanistan by the Taliban and is faced with her imminent the world is ruled by an evil dictator...a disembodies nose! Kate had anticipated. Her new lifestyle brings to the surface a execution, a Special Forces unit is dispatched to free her. A Pursued by the secret police and recruited by anti- troubling relationship with her mother, facing the lies she’s relentless pursuit begins between her kidnappers who have government rebels with a plan to kidnap the dictator’s snout told her employer (Megan Mullaly TV’s Parks and no intention of letting their prey escape them and a group of before it can be cloned, Miles falls for the beautiful - but Recreation) and calls into question whether or not her soldiers who risk their lives in pursuit of their single aim - to untalented - poet Luna (Diane Keaton). But when Miles is relationship with Charlie is built on love or just a boozy bring her home alive. captured and reprogrammed by the government - to believe diversion from adulthood. Action, Drama, Foreign, French, Kidnap- Comedy, Drama 81min. he’s Miss America! - it’s up to Luna to save Miles, lead the ping, War 2012 109min. rebels, and cut off the nose...just to spite its face. Sony Pictures Home Entertainment E1 Entertainment 19.02.2013 Classics, Clones, Comedy, Cult Film / TV, 12.03.2013 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114013 Killer Technology, AFI Top 100, Science 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114450 Fiction, Time Travel 1973 87min. MGM / UA 15.01.2013 Smashed (Blu-ray) Special Forces (Blu-ray + DVD 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113833 Mary Kay Place, Mary Elizabeth Winstead, Combo) (Blu-ray) Megan Mullally, Octavia L. Spencer, Aaron Djimon Hounsou, Diane Kruger Sleepy Eyes Of Death: Volume When war correspondent Elsa Casanova is taken hostage in Paul, Nick Offerman Afghanistan by the Taliban and is faced with her imminent Three - Collector’s Set Kate (Mary Elizabeth Winstead) and Charlie (Aaron Paul, execution, a Special Forces unit is dispatched to free her. A Nemuri Kyoshiro, the half-breed son of a Japanese TV’s Breaking Bad ) are a young married couple whose bond relentless pursuit begins between her kidnappers who have noblewoman raped by a Christian missionary, lives only for is built on a mutual love of music, laughter and no intention of letting their prey escape them and a group of the moment, amused by the chaos that surrounds him. But drinking...especially the drinking. When Kate’s drinking leads soldiers who risk their lives in pursuit of their single aim - to those who decide to use him for their own ends soon discover her to dangerous places and her job as a school teacher is bring her home alive. that they have made a fatal error! For Kyoshiro wields the put into jeopardy, she decides to join AA and get sober. With Drama, Foreign, French, Kidnapping, War, fabled Musou-Masamune blade, and is master of the most the help of her new friend and sponsor Jenny (Octavia subtle and deadly technique in all of swordplay, the Full Moon Spencer, The Help), and the vice principal at her school, the Action 2012 109min. Cut. All those who challenge him must face... The Sleepy awkward, but well intentioned, Mr. Davies, Kate takes steps E1 Entertainment 19.02.2013 Eyes of Death! toward improving her health and life. Sobriety isn’t as easy as Kate had anticipated. Her new lifestyle brings to the surface a 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114026 Action, Boxed Sets, Foreign, Japanese, troubling relationship with her mother, facing the lies she’s Martial Arts 329min. told her employer (Megan Mullaly TV’s Parks and Spiders (DVD + Digital Copy) E1 Entertainment 12.02.2013 Recreation) and calls into question whether or not her Patrick Muldoon 120,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114012 relationship with Charlie is built on love or just a boozy diversion from adulthood. Science Fiction, Bugs, Horror 89min. Comedy, Drama 81min. Millennium Entertainment 12.03.2013 Sliding Doors Sony Pictures Home Entertainment 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114308 Gwyneth Paltrow, Jeanne Tripplehorn, 12.03.2013 Zara Turner, John Hannah, John Lynch 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114470 Spiders 3D (Blu-ray 3D + Blu-ray) The split-second moments that can take a life down one path instead of another form the tantalizing what if? In this Snake Eyes (Blu-ray) delightful romantic comdey starring Gwyneth Paltrow. Paltrow Patrick Muldoon plays London publicist Helen, effortlessly sliding between Gary Sinise, John Heard, Carla Gugino, parallel storylines that show what happens if she does or PLEASE NOTE: This title includes a Blu-ray 3D disc, which does not catch a morning train back to her apartment. Love. Nicolas Cage, , Stan Shaw is only compatible with 3D Blu-ray players and Playstation 3. Romantic entanglements. Deception. Trust. Friendship. Believe everything except your eyes.. Cage plays Rick A standard Blu-ray is also included which will play on all Comdey. All comes into focus as the two stories shift back and Santoro, a flamboyant Atlantic City police detective who’s standard Blu-ray players. forth, overlap, then surpisingly converge in Òthe most come to watch the fight and cash in on the hectic betting Science Fiction, Bugs, Horror 89min. provocative romantic comedy in years!“ action. Suddenly, gunfire cuts down a ringside government official, and 14,000 fans suddenly become 14,000 suspects. Millennium Entertainment 12.03.2013 Romance, Comedy, Drama, Fantasy 1998 What eyewitnesses saw, what a casino-wide spycam network 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114325 min. reveals and what a mysterious woman in white knows-all lead Paramount 01.01.2013 to a shattering truth Santoro does not want to believe. The Spiderwick Chronicles 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114560 Action, Gambling 1998 min. Paramount 01.01.2013 Nick Nolte, Martin Short, Joan Plowright, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114561 Sarah Bolger, Seth Rogen, David Strathairn, Small Apartments Freddie Highmore Dolph Lundgren, Peter Stormare, Billy From the moment the Grace family moves into a secluded old Crystal, Amanda Plummer, Rosie Perez, So Undercover house, strange things start to happen. As Jared (Freddie Miley Cyrus, Autumn Reeser Highmore, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory) investigates, Saffron Burrows, Juno Temple, Rebel he discovers Arthur Spiderwick’s Field Guide and the Wilson, James Caan, Johnny Knoxville, Action, College Life, Comedy, FBI 2012 unbelievable truth of the Spiderwick Estate: a secret world James Marsden, David Koechner, Matt 90min. with fantastical creatures hides within our own! Now Jared, Millennium Entertainment 05.02.2013 his sister and his twin brother are pulled into an unforgettable Lucas, DJ Qualls, David Warshofsky adventure as they try to protect the secrets of the book. Trapped in a seedy LA apartment, Franklin Franklin (Matt 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113810 Based on the beloved series of best-selling books and filled Lucas) has a dead landlord on the kitchen floor and is with non-stop action, The Spiderwick Chronicles is „a terrific surrounded by eccentric neighbors: the stoner (Johnny So Undercover (Blu-ray) fantasy for all ages!“ (Shawn Edwards, FOX-TV) Knoxville) and girlfriend (Rebel Wilson), the wanna-be Adventure, Family, Fantasy 2008 min. stripper (Juno Temple) and the artist (James Caan). To add to Miley Cyrus, Autumn Reeser Paramount 01.01.2013 his chaos, a drunk investigator (Billy Crystal) is questioning College Life, Comedy, FBI, Action 2012 him about his landlord. But none of this fazes Franklin. He 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114568 dreams of Switzerland, and waits each day for an envelope 90min. from his institutionalized brother (James Marsden). Then, one Millennium Entertainment 05.02.2013 day the envelope doesn’t come and Franklin becomes Stardust unhinged. Little does he know...his crazy brother has the 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113838 secret that will set him free. Rupert Everett, Claire Danes, Michelle Comedy, Crime 2012 97min. Solomon Bunch Pfeiffer, Sienna Miller, Robert De Niro,

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Ricky Gervais, Charlie Cox Straight A’s In hopes of wooing a beautiful girl (Sienna Miller), Tristan Superstar (Charlie Cox) promises to bring her a falling star. But he’s in Anna Paquin, Luke Wilson, Ryan Phillippe for the adventure of his life when he discovers the star is Comedy, Drama 2013 88min. Molly Shannon, Harland Williams, Elaine actually a celestial beauty named Yvaine (Danes). When an Millennium Entertainment 19.03.2013 Hendrix, Glynis Johns, Will Ferrell, Mark old witch Lamia (Pfeiffer) attempts to steal Yvaine’s youth, Tristan must protect her at all costs, in this magical family 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114311 McKinney adventure that will make you laugh out loud and believe in Dare To Dream. Saturday Night Live star Molly Shannon love again. Straight A’s (Blu-ray) brings her popular character Mary Katherine Gallagher to the Romance, Adventure, Fantasy 2007 min. big screen in this hilarious comedy romp. All schoolgirl Mary Anna Paquin, Luke Wilson, Ryan Phillippe Katherine Gallagher (Shannon) wants in life is a kiss. Not Paramount 01.01.2013 Comedy, Drama 2013 88min. just any kiss, mind you - a big-time, hold-your-breath-’till- 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114569 you-think-you’re-gonna-faint, Hollywood-style kiss. But no Millennium Entertainment 19.03.2013 matter how hard she tries, no one will kiss her. Mary 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114326 Katherine decides that the only way she’s ever going to get Staying Alive what she wants is to become just like the other people she John Travolta, Cynthia Rhodes, Finola sees getting those kisses in the movies. And when Catholic Summer Rental Teen Magazine sponsors a talent contest at her school, Mary Hughes, Steve Inwood Katherine just might make her dreams come true...and become Five years later and Tony Manero’s Saturday Night Fever is Rip Torn, Richard Crenna, Karen Austin, a Superstar! Costarring Will Ferrell (A Night at the still burning. Now he’s strutting toward his biggest challenge John Candy Roxbury). yet - making it as a dancer on the Broadway stage. John Carl Reiner (The Jerk) directed this tale of a family man who TV Remakes, Comedy 1999 min. Travolta ignites the screen as he recreates his legendary takes a vacation from sanity when he takes a lease on a Oscar-nominated character. Cynthia Rhodes () Florida Summer Rental. Comedy sensation John Candy plays Paramount 01.01.2013 and sizzle as the women in Tony’s life. And the the stressed-out air traffic controller whose much-needed 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114579 soundtrack pulsates with the power of five unforgettable Bee family holiday yields one hysterical misadventure after Gees songs plus Frank Stallone’s chart-topping hit, „Far another - from settling into his hovel, to settling down on a From Over“. Directed and co-written by another film „party“ beach, to settling the score with a nut at sea. The Suzune Evolution superstar, Sylvester Stallone, Staying Alive features John fun’s in the sun, and so’s the moral: taking it easy is tougher Action, Foreign, Japanese 2011 90min. Travolta in one of his most powerful and unforgettable than landing a 747. Allegro Entertainment 26.02.2013 performances. Comedy, Family, girl power 1985 min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113983 Dancing, Drama 1983 min. Paramount 01.01.2013 Paramount 01.01.2013 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114575 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114571 The Switch / Extract (Double Fea- Summer School ture) Stella Days , Mark Harmon Jennifer Aniston, Ben Affleck, Jason Bat- Martin Sheen, Stephen Rea School’s out, and Ocean Front High gym teacher Freddy eman, Mila Kunis A small-town cinema in rural Ireland becomes the setting for a Shoop (Mark Harmon) has big plans: summer in Hawaii. But Films Include The Switch Jennifer Aniston stars alongside dramatic struggle between faith and passion, Rome and the school’s vice-principal has plans for Freddy, too: teaching Jason Bateman in this offbeat comedy as Kassie, a smart, fun- Hollywood, and a man and his conscience. Stella Days is the remedial English. Aloha paradise - hello, Summer School. loving single woman who, despite her neurotic best friend story of Father Daniel Berry (Martin Sheen, The Departed, Director Carl Reiner (All Of Me, The Jerk) delighted fans Wally’s (Bateman) objections, decides it’s time to have a baby Apocalypse Now, The West Wing) , a story about the conflict and critics alike with this warm, perceptive comedy about a - even if it means doing it herself - with a little help from a between love and duty, hope and faith, and the excitement of laid-back teacher (Harmon) relegated to teaching a class of charming sperm donor (Patrick Wilson). But, unbeknownst to the unknown and the security of the familiar. It encapsulates likeable misfits, including a slasher-flick addict (Dean her, Kassie’s plans go awry because of a last-minute switch the dilemma of Ireland in the mid-1950s, perched on the cusp Cameron), his wacky sidekick (Gary Riley), and a sexy that isn’t discovered until seven years later... when Wally of the modern but still clinging to the traditions of church and female surfer (Courtney Thorne-Smith) of TV’s Ally McBeal gets acquainted with Kassie’s cute - though slightly neurotic - a cultural identity forged in very different times. and Melrose Place). Kirstie Alley (TV’s and son. Extract About to sell his successful flavor extract Religion/Spirituality, Drama, Foreign, Irish Veronica’s Closet) is the no-nonsense history professor company, life is almost sweet for Joel (Jason Bateman, down the hall who’s keeping an eye on all the shenanigans - Horrible Bosses) until a freak on-the-job accident happens. 2011 min. and on the handsome, irresistible Freddy. The road to Add to that his bored wife (Kristen Wiig, Bridesmaids), his New Video DVD 08.01.2013 academic success has never been bumpier, but to earn laid-back best friend (Ben Affleck, The Town ), a sexy con 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114086 straight „A’s“ in laughter... take Summer School. artist (Mila Kunis, Friends with Benefits) who blows into Romance, Comedy, High School 1987 min. town with dollar signs in her bedroom eyes, and a dumb gigolo Paramount 01.01.2013 - and life as he knows it turns sour. Filled with laugh-out-loud The Stepford Wives (2004) one-liners and raunchy comedy, Extract is 100% pure hilarity. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114577 Bette Midler, Nicole Kidman, , Comedy, Double Features, Marriage Woes, Faith Hill, Christopher Walken, Matthew On The Job, Romance 193min. Broderick, Jon Lovitz, Roger Bart Super 8 / Eye (Double Fea- Lionsgate 05.02.2013 Science Fiction, Clones, Comedy, Dark ture) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113964 Comedy, Killer Technology 2004 min. Billy Bob Thornton, Rosario Dawson, Mich- Paramount 01.01.2013 elle Monaghan, Elle Fanning, Shia LaBeouf, The Switch / Extract (Double Fea- 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114572 Anthony Mackie, Michael Chiklis, Noah Em- ture) (Blu-ray) merich, Ron Eldard, Kyle Chandler, Gabriel Jennifer Aniston, Ben Affleck, Jason Bat- R.L. Stine: The Haunting Hour - Basso, Joel Courtney, Riley Griffiths, eman, Mila Kunis Volume Four Hillary Seitz, J.J. Abrams, John Glenn, Films Include The Switch Jennifer Aniston stars alongside Travis Wright, Dan McDermott, Steven Jason Bateman in this offbeat comedy as Kassie, a smart, fun- Anthological storytelling returns at last to television in this loving single woman who, despite her neurotic best friend series that embraces the thrill of the chill, the nervous page- Spielberg, J.J. Abrams, Alex Kurtzman, Wally’s (Bateman) objections, decides it’s time to have a baby turning giggle and the scream that only comes when someone - Roberto Orci, Patrick Crowley, Bryan Burk, - even if it means doing it herself - with a little help from a or something - touches your shoulder on a dark and stormy charming sperm donor (Patrick Wilson). But, unbeknownst to night. The #1 author for kids presents five more eerie tales J.J. Abrams, D.J. Caruso Films Include - Super 8 - J.J. Abrams and Steven Spielberg her, Kassie’s plans go awry because of a last-minute switch each on 2 releases from the first season of the hit show - new that isn’t discovered until seven years later... when Wally to DVD. join forces in this extraordinary tale of youth, mystery and adventure. Super 8 tells the story of six friends who witness gets acquainted with Kassie’s cute - though slightly neurotic - Family, Fantasy, Horror 110min. a train wreck while making a super 8 movie, only to discover son. Extract About to sell his successful flavor extract Shout Factory 05.02.2013 that something unimaginable escaped during the crash. They company, life is almost sweet for Joel (Jason Bateman, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114048 soon discover that the only thing more mysterious than what it Horrible Bosses) until a freak on-the-job accident happens. is, is what it wants. Experience the film that critics rave is Add to that his bored wife (Kristen Wiig, Bridesmaids), his „filled with unstoppable imagination and visual effects to laid-back best friend (Ben Affleck, The Town ), a sexy con R.L. Stine: The Haunting Hour - spare. It will put a spell on you.“ - Peter Travers, Rolling artist (Mila Kunis, Friends with Benefits) who blows into Stone - Eagle Eye - Executive Producer Steven Spielberg town with dollar signs in her bedroom eyes, and a dumb gigolo Volume Three delivers the ultimate race-against-time thriller that will keep - and life as he knows it turns sour. Filled with laugh-out-loud Anthological storytelling returns at last to television in this you on the edge of your seat! Shia LaBeouf (Transformers) one-liners and raunchy comedy, Extract is 100% pure hilarity. series that embraces the thrill of the chill, the nervous page- and Michelle Monaghan (Mission: Impossible III) star as Comedy, Double Features, Marriage Woes, turning giggle and the scream that only comes when someone - strangers ripped from their ordinary lives when they are On The Job, Romance 193min. or something - touches your shoulder on a dark and stormy „activated“ as part or a high-tech assassination plot. Through night. The #1 author for kids presents five more eerie tales blistering chases and shocking twists they try to escape - but Lionsgate 05.02.2013 each on 2 releases from the first season of the hit show - new where do you go when the enemy is everywhere? 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113969 to DVD. Mystery, Science Fiction, Thrillers, Action, Family, Fantasy, Horror 110min. Aliens, Conspiracies, Double Features Taken 2 Shout Factory 05.02.2013 229min. Liam Neeson, Famke Janssen, Maggie 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114047 Paramount Pictures 12.03.2013 Grace 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114270 Liam Neeson returns as Bryan Mills, the ex-CIA operative who stopped at nothing to rescue his daughter from sadistic

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 56 Newsletter 19/12 (Nr. 323) Dezember 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA kidnappers. When the father of one of the kidnappers swears prince to gain access to the princess and becomes involved in Eddie Murphy, Kerry Washington, Allison revenge, it is Bryan and his wife who find themselves „taken“ a competition for her hand in marriage. Faced with three other hostage in Istanbul. To survive, Bryan must enlist the help of less-than-desireable suitors, the princess falls for the thief Janney, Cliff Curtis, Clark Duke an unlikely ally and use his brutally efficient skills to take out disguised as the prince. Fast-talking Jack McCall (Eddie Murphy) says whatever it his heavily-armed foes one by one. takes to close a deal. But after stretching the truth with a Romance, Royalty, Silent Film, Action, spiritual guru, he suddenly finds his life depending on a Revenge, Thrillers, Action, Crime, Drama, Adventure, Family, Fantasy 1924 155min. magical tree with 1,000 leaves - one for every word he has Kidnapping 2012 92min. E1 Entertainment 19.02.2013 left. Now Jack’s got to stop talking and conjure up some 20th Century Fox 15.01.2013 outrageous ways to communicate or he’s a goner. See why A 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114014 Thousand Words is the hilarious, feel-good comedy that has it 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113806 all: „great cast, great laughs (and a) great time!“ Shawn Thief Of Bagdad (Blu-ray) Edwards, Fox TV Comedy, Drama 2012 91min. Taken 2 (Blu-ray + DVD + Digital Douglas Fairbanks, Snitz Edwards Paramount 01.01.2013 Copy) (Blu-ray) Fairbanks plays a street thief who falls in love with a princess who is about to marry. He impersonates another 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114207 Liam Neeson, Famke Janssen, Maggie prince to gain access to the princess and becomes involved in Grace a competition for her hand in marriage. Faced with three other Liam Neeson returns as Bryan Mills, the ex-CIA operative less-than-desireable suitors, the princess falls for the thief A Thousand Words (Blu-ray) who stopped at nothing to rescue his daughter from sadistic disguised as the prince. Eddie Murphy, Kerry Washington, Allison kidnappers. When the father of one of the kidnappers swears Family, Fantasy, Action, Adventure, revenge, it is Bryan and his wife who find themselves „taken“ Janney, Cliff Curtis, Clark Duke hostage in Istanbul. To survive, Bryan must enlist the help of Romance, Royalty, Silent Film 1924 155min. Fast-talking Jack McCall (Eddie Murphy) says whatever it an unlikely ally and use his brutally efficient skills to take out E1 Entertainment 19.02.2013 takes to close a deal. But after stretching the truth with a his heavily-armed foes one by one. spiritual guru, he suddenly finds his life depending on a 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114027 magical tree with 1,000 leaves - one for every word he has Crime, Drama, Kidnapping, Action, left. Now Jack’s got to stop talking and conjure up some Revenge, Thrillers 2012 92min. The Thieves outrageous ways to communicate or he’s a goner. See why A 20th Century Fox 15.01.2013 Thousand Words is the hilarious, feel-good comedy that has it Gianna Jun all: „great cast, great laughs (and a) great time!“ Shawn 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113829 In order to let things cool down from their latest heist, Popeye Edwards, Fox TV and his group of thieves go to Macau on a job. But the Comedy, Drama 2012 91min. Tarzeena: Queen Of Kong Island mastermind behind this job is none other than Popeye’s old partner Macau Park, who escaped with 68kg of gold several Paramount 01.01.2013 Nicole Sheridan, Christine Nguyen, Voodoo years ago on their last job together. Macau Park brought 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114226 There’s jiggle in the jungle as Tarzeena, undisputed queen of Chinese thieves as well but little did they know what Macau Kong Island, swings into action. Follow the adventure of a Park planned for each one of them. His plan takes an lifetime as a group of intrepid explorers search for the wild unexpected turn when Popeye brings Pepsi, a genius safe- Thug Love / Confessions Of A jungle girl who, with her loyal gorilla Tabonga, rules an cracker and old flame of Macau Park, to settle the old score. Lonely Wife (Double Feature) untamed world. Elsewhere on the island, the evil Dr. Mortimer The thieves’ target is a $20 million diamond known as ‘Tear of has perfected a radio brain control device that he plans to the Sun’, kept safely away in a casino, brought there to be Tabitha Brown, Millena Gay insert into Tarzeena’s head, creating a love slave to do his sold by a notorious Chinese fence. While working together to Films Include Thug Love A divorcee has a fling with a every bidding! Can Tabonga save her in time? Starring Chri- steal this fabled diamond, they all have their own agenda to thuggish and well-muscled younger guy, leading to all kinds of stine Nguyen, Nicole Sheridan, and the exotic Syren, keep the diamond for themselves. But who will succeed and havoc in her personal and professional life. Confessions of a Tarzeena is laugh-filled erotic spoof from the cult movie live to see another day? Lonely Wife The widow of a murdered authorities at Retromedia Entertainment and was originally Revenge, Action, Crime, Foreign, Korean recalls her roller-coaster ride of a marriage stricken with seen on Cinemax. 2012 135min. deceit and infidelity. Along the way, the mystery unfolds and Science Fiction, TV Movies, Comedy, the killer is revealed. Well Go USA 12.02.2013 Erotica 75min. Romance, Double Features, Drama 171min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114495 Retromedia 22.01.2013 E1 Entertainment 12.02.2013 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113792 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114009 The Thieves (Blu-ray) Teenage Bank Heist Gianna Jun Time Of My Life In order to let things cool down from their latest heist, Popeye Thomas and Mario are friends for life. Lynn is the girl they Maeve Quinlan, Augie Duke and his group of thieves go to Macau on a job. But the both love and Speck the loose cannon who is the fourth wheel Cassie, 17, works as a teller at the bank where her mother, mastermind behind this job is none other than Popeye’s old to their wagon. Mario is a fiercely ambitious young man with Joyce, is the branch manager. When the bank is robbed, partner Macau Park, who escaped with 68kg of gold several big plans for an exciting future. Just when his political career Cassie is taken hostage. She soon finds out that the bank years ago on their last job together. Macau Park brought is about to get under stream, he is suddenly diagnoses with a robbers are teenage girls, one of whom is her best friend, Chinese thieves as well but little did they know what Macau disease that changes the course of his life. Based on a true Abbie. In this propulsive real-time, ticking clock thriller, as Park planned for each one of them. His plan takes an story, Time Of My Life is the journey of a combative Multiple the girls are on the run from the police, we learn that the real unexpected turn when Popeye brings Pepsi, a genius safe- Sclerosis patient and the group of friends and family that motivation behind the robbery was not greed but to raise cracker and old flame of Macau Park, to settle the old score. stand by him to legalize euthanasia in Belgium. ransom for Abbie’s kidnapped father. The thieves’ target is a $20 million diamond known as ‘Tear of Drama, Foreign 2012 121min. Crime, Kidnapping, Thrillers, TV Movies the Sun’, kept safely away in a casino, brought there to be Strand Releasing 19.03.2013 2012 90min. sold by a notorious Chinese fence. While working together to steal this fabled diamond, they all have their own agenda to 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114322 MTI Home Video 22.01.2013 keep the diamond for themselves. But who will succeed and 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113966 live to see another day? Revenge, Crime, Foreign, Korean, Action Timekeeper The Terminator: Remastered Edi- 2012 135min. Fourteen-year-old Henry discovers, sneaking into the Well Go USA 12.02.2013 apartment of an eccentric Clockmaker, that the old man tion (Blu-ray) controls time for the entire world through an incredible array 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114506 of magnificent timepieces and weird machines. When Henry’s Arnold Schwarzenegger, Paul Winfield, friend accidentally pushes a wrong button, he gets launched Linda Hamilton, Michael Biehn Things We Lost In The Fire back in time, severely disrupting the space-time continuum. As In this newly remastered film, Arnold Schwarzenegger stars everything begins to change around them, Henry and his as the most fierce and relentless killing machine ever to David Duchovny, Halle Berry, Alison friends must travel back in time to save their friend... and the threaten the survival of mankind! An indestructible cyborg - a Lohman, Benicio Del Toro, John Carroll future. Time Travel, Adventure, Drama 90min. Terminator (Schwarzenegger) - is sent back in time to kill Lynch, Omar Benson Miller Sarah Connor (Linda Hamilton), the woman whose unborn son Full Moon 08.01.2013 will become humanity’s only hope in a future war against Academy Award winners Halle Berry and Benicio Del Toro machines. This legendary sci-fi thriller from pioneering give two of the years most brilliant performances in the 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114304 writer/director , written with , cirtically acclaimed drama Things We Lost In The Fire. fires an arsenal of action and heart-stopping suspense that Audrey (Berry) is reeling after a terrible loss, and impusively Timeline never lets up! invities a troubled life long friend Jerry (Del Toro) to stay with her and her two children. With each other’s help, Audrey Gerard Butler, Billy Connolly, Paul Walker, Cult Film / TV, Killer Technology, Action, AFI and Jerry discover hope and happiness in their new lives. Top 100, Apocalyptic Future, National Film Directed by Oscar nominee Susanne Bier (After The George Nolfi, Jeff Maguire, Richard Donner, Registry, Robots / Androids, Science Wedding), produced by Academy Award winner Sam Mendes, Lauren Shuler Donner, Jim Van Wyck, Ri- Fiction, Thrillers 1984 108min. and also starring Golden Globe winner David Duchovny (The chard Donner, Michael Crichton X Files), Things We Lost In The Fire is a truly moving and Popular action star Paul Walker (The Fast And The Furious) MGM / UA 19.02.2013 emotionally honest film. leads an ensemble cast as a group of young archaeologists 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114155 Substance Abuse, Drama 2007 min. who confront the intrigue-and perils- of time travel in Paramount 01.01.2013 Timeline, „...an unforgettable thrill ride...“ directed by Richard Donner (Lethal Weapon) and based on the best selling novel Thief Of Bagdad 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114582 by Michael Crichton (Jurassic Park). While excavating in the Douglas Fairbanks, Snitz Edwards Dordogne Valley of France, a scientific research team’s new Fairbanks plays a street thief who falls in love with a A Thousand Words invention, a time-travel machine, has inadvertently sent princess who is about to marry. He impersonates another archaeology professor Edward Johnston (Billy Connolly, The

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Last Samurai) back to 14th century France...and ha landed enigmatic, ever watchful Captain , the Natascha McElhone, Jim Carrey, Noah Em- him in the middle of the raging Hundred Years War between team delves into the unknown and fights the the French and English. Johnston’s only chance for rescue impossible. From an underground base built on a rift in time merich lies in the hands of his son Chris (Walker), his assistant and space, the team responds to any alien threat - a meteorite He’s the star of the show - but he doesn’t know. Jim Carrey professor Andre Marek (Gerard Butler, Lara Croft Tomb crash landing, sightings of extra-terrestrial technology, an wowed critics and audiences alike as unwitting Truman Raider: The Cradle Of Life), and several of his students. The unusual autopsy report, the spread of a deadly alien virus... Burbank in this marvel of a movie from director Peter Weir intrepid time travelers must make the same treacherous Everyone who works for Torchwood is young, under 35. Some about a man whose life is a nonstop TV show. Truman doesn’t journey and, with the deadline of only eight hours now ticking say that’s because its a new science. Others say its because realize that his quaint hometown is a giant studio set run by a away, must navigate through the hostile, war-torn territory they die young. visionary producer/director/creator (Ed Harris), that folks and retrieve the professor before he’s lost to history f living and working there are Hollywood actors, that even his Time Travel, BBC, British, Drama, Foreign, incessantly bubbly wife is a contract player. Gradually, Science Fiction, Time Travel, Fantasy, International TV, Science Fiction 2006 Truman gets wise. And what he does about his discovery will Medieval Times 2003 min. 650min. have you laughing, crying and cheering like few film stories Paramount 01.01.2013 BBC Home Video 18.12.2012 ever have. Science Fiction, Drama 1998 102min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114583 120,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114039 Paramount 01.01.2013 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114585 Timerider: The Adventures Of Trap Lyle Swann Action, Crime, Kidnapping 2012 90min. Tunnel Vision Richard Masur, Belinda Bauer, Peter Allegro Entertainment 12.02.2013 Ion Overman Coyote, Fred Ward 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113984 Lyle Swann (Fred Ward) is a champion off-road racer who Serial Killers, Thrillers, Crime, Drama 82min. accidentally gets zapped into a government time-travel Osiris Entertainment 22.01.2013 experiment and sent 100 years into the past. But when a gang True Grit / Hondo (Double Fea- 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113918 of brutal bandits steals his motorcycle, Swann must outsmart ture) the local desperadoes and submit to the desires of a beautiful outlaw woman (Belinda Bauer). Armed with only his limited John Wayne, Matt Damon, Geraldine Page, The Ultimate Buster Keaton wits and a map from an Exxon station, can Lyle Swann survive Hailee Steinfeld, Jeff Bridges, Josh Brolin, Collection (Blu-ray) the wild west and get back to one final freaky twist of his Ward Bond, James Arness, Barry Pepper, future? Carol Holloway, Buster Keaton, Edward Science Fiction, Time Travel, Western, Michael Pate Films Include - True Grit - Fourteen-year-old Mattie Ross Connelly, Beulah Booker, William H. Crane, Action, Adventure, Comedy, Cult Film / TV (Hailee Steinfeld) joins an aging U.S. marshal (Jeff Bridges) Edward Jobson 94min. and another lawman (Matt Damon) in tracking her father’s All of the Kino Classics’ Ultimate Edition releases are now Shout Factory 19.03.2013 killer into hostile Indian territory in Joel and Ethan Coen’s together in one super-sized high definition boxed set. - Films 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114153 adaptation of Charles Portis’ original novel telling the story Include: - from the young girl’s perspective. - Hondo - Based on the Boxed Sets, Classics, Collections, Comedy, Louis L’Amour story „The Gift of Cochise,“ this sparkling Drama, Silent Film 1597min. Tommy Boy western has John Wayne as a half-Indian Cavalry scout who, with his feral dog companion, finds a young woman and her Kino Video 11.12.2012 Chris Farley, David Spade, Brian Dennehy, son living on a isolated ranch in unfriendly Apache country. A 439,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114253 Bo Derek, Rob Lowe poetic and exciting script, outstanding performances, and Party animal Tommy Callahan (Chris Farley) is definitely a breathtaking scenery make this an indisputable classic. few cans short of a six pack. But after seven years, Tommy’s Native Americans, Revenge, Romance, Uncommon Valor finally earned his diploma - and a cushy job at Callahan Auto War, Western, Action, Adventure, Cowboy, , Patrick Swayze, Reb Parts. Returning home, Tommy gets some more great news: his dad (Brian Dennehy) is marrying a real „10“ (Bo Derek), and Double Features, Drama, Fighting 183min. Brown, Fred Ward, Tim Thomerson, Robert Tommy will get the stepbrother (Rob Lowe) he always wanted. Paramount Pictures 12.03.2013 Stack, Randall Tex Cobb, Harold Sylvester Awesome! But as fast as you can say „Who killed the keg?,“ 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114271 Gene Hackman portrays Colonel Jason Rhodes, a man the family business starts tanking. Now Tommy’s got to hit the obsessed, in this powerful, action-packed adventure. For road with his dad’s right-hand man, a smug numbers-cruncher over ten years, Rhodes has been living a nightmare searching (David Spade). And what these two don’t know about True Grit / Hondo (Double Fea- for his son who is listed as „missing in action“ in Vietnam. salesmanship could fill a book - and a riotously funny movie! After useless appeals to the government for action, Rhodes Saturday Night Live stars Farley and Spade „take off like ture) (Blu-ray) takes matters into his own hands. With the financial backing rockets“ (Kevin Thomas, Los Angeles Times) in a road John Wayne, Matt Damon, Geraldine Page, of a Texas oil tycoon (Robert Stack) and the help of his son’s comedy where every turn leads to laughter. Ask for it by five marine buddies, Rhodes prepares to carry out a daring name: Tommy Boy. Hailee Steinfeld, Jeff Bridges, Josh Brolin, mission. After weeks of grueling training, the courageous Road Trips, Buddy Pictures, Comedy 1995 Ward Bond, James Arness, Barry Pepper, veterans leave for Laos. The final battle of the Vietnam min. Michael Pate conflict is about to begin. War, Classics, Cult Film / TV, Drama, Milita- Paramount 01.01.2013 Films Include - True Grit - Fourteen-year-old Mattie Ross (Hailee Steinfeld) joins an aging U.S. marshal (Jeff Bridges) ry 1983 min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114584 and another lawman (Matt Damon) in tracking her father’s killer into hostile Indian territory in Joel and Ethan Coen’s Paramount 01.01.2013 adaptation of Charles Portis’ original novel telling the story 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114586 3D (Blu-ray 3D + Blu-ray from the young girl’s perspective. - Hondo - Based on the + Digital Copy + UltraViolet) (Blu- Louis L’Amour story „The Gift of Cochise,“ this sparkling western has John Wayne as a half-Indian Cavalry scout who, : The Complete First Season ray) with his feral dog companion, finds a young woman and her Anna Chlumsky, Kelly McGillis, Tom Cruise, Tom Skerritt, son living on a isolated ranch in unfriendly Apache country. A Former Senator Selina Meyer was a charismatic leader and poetic and exciting script, outstanding performances, and rising star in her party with her eye on the White House - Meg Ryan, Anthony Edwards, Val Kilmer, breathtaking scenery make this an indisputable classic. then she became Vice President. Emmy Award winner Julia John Stockwell, Barry Tubb Cowboy, Double Features, Drama, Fighting, Louis-Dreyfus (Seinfeld) stars in Veep, the new HBO comedy PLEASE NOTE: This title includes a Blu-ray 3D disc, which Action, Adventure, Native Americans, series created by Oscar nominee Armando Iannucci (In the is only compatible with 3D Blu-ray players and Playstation 3. Loop). Veep follows the whirlwind day-to-day existence of A standard Blu-ray is also included which will play on all Revenge, Romance, War, Western 183min. Vice President Meyer as she puts out political fires, juggles a standard Blu-ray players. - Twenty-five years ago, Top Gun Paramount Pictures 12.03.2013 busy public schedule and demanding private life, and defends took audiences into the Danger Zone with the blockbuster hit 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114300 the president’s interests, even as she tries to improve her that made Tom Cruise a superstar. Now, with the 25h dysfunctional relationship with the chief executive. The Anniversary Celebration, experience the film that remains one ensemble cast also stars Tony Hale (), of the most high-octane adventures of all time. - Cruise plays True Nature Anna Chlumsky (In the Loop), (Hung), Maverick, a hotshot flyer who is sent to the Navy’s (My Boys), Timothy Simons (Days Together) and Sufe prestigious Top gun program. But in order to become the „best Carolyn McCormick Bradshaw (Overnight). of the best,“ he’ll need the help of his wingman (Anthony The Pascal family has it all - wealth, power, privilege - but Comedy, HBO, Politics 2012 min. Edwards) and new-found love (Kelly McGillis). Co-starring their lives change forever when their daughter disappears Val Kilmer, this high-octane hit will take your breath away! one night while running. She mysteriously returns a year later HBO Home Video 26.03.2013 with no memory of what happened. Haunted by nightmares and 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114221 Military, Action, Aerial Action, Air Force, strange visions that encroach upon her waking hours, Mari- Navy, Romance 1986 108min. anne struggles to resume normal life. The „picture-perfect“ Paramount Pictures 19.02.2013 world the family built starts to unravel as she gets closer to Veep: The Complete First Season 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114303 discovering that truth lies somewhere between life and death. Mystery, Thrillers, Horror 2010 98min. (Blu-ray + DVD + Digital Copy) Monarch Home Video 22.01.2013 (Blu-ray) Torchwood: The Complete First 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113849 Anna Chlumsky, Tony Hale Season (Repackage) Former Senator Selina Meyer was a charismatic leader and rising star in her party with her eye on the White House - Burn Gorman, John Barrowman The Truman Show then she became Vice President. Emmy Award winner Julia Separate from the government, outside the police, beyond the Louis-Dreyfus (Seinfeld) stars in Veep, the new HBO comedy United Nations: Torchwood sets its own rules. Led by the Ed Harris, Laura Linney, Holland Taylor,

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 58 Newsletter 19/12 (Nr. 323) Dezember 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA series created by Oscar nominee Armando Iannucci (In the The Virginian: The Complete delivers on the thrill and paranoia of H.G. Wells’ classic Loop). Veep follows the whirlwind day-to-day existence of novel while impressively updating the action and effects for Vice President Meyer as she puts out political fires, juggles a Season Seven modern audiences. - Minority Report - Based on a short story busy public schedule and demanding private life, and defends by the late Philip K. Dick and directed by Steven Spielberg; the president’s interests, even as she tries to improve her John McIntire, James Drury, Jeanette Nolan, starring Tom Cruise. In a future where a special police unit is dysfunctional relationship with the chief executive. The Doug McClure able to arrest murderers before they commit their crimes, an ensemble cast also stars Tony Hale (Arrested Development), Set on The Shiloh Ranch in the Wyoming Territory in the officer from that unit is himself accused of a future murder. Anna Chlumsky (In the Loop), Matt Walsh (Hung), Reid Scott 1980s, The Virginian is the story of the foreman of the ranch, Politics, Science Fiction, Thrillers, UFOs, (My Boys), Timothy Simons (Days Together) and Sufe known as The Virginian (James Drury), and his quest to Bradshaw (Overnight). maintain an orderly lifestyle at Shiloh. The Virginian was the Action, Alien Invasions, Aliens, Double Comedy, HBO, Politics 2012 min. first 90 minute television western, airing in prime time on NBC Features min. from 1962-1971. The stellar cast from Season Seven includes Paramount Pictures 12.03.2013 HBO Home Video 26.03.2013 James Drury, Doug McClure, John McIntire, Jeanette Nolan 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114229 and David Hartman. Based upon Owen Wister’s great 1902 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114272 novel of the American West, The Virginian was set in the semi-mythical town of Medicine Bow, Wyoming in the 1890s Watchmen: The Complete Motion : The Complete and chronicled the lives and relationships of the people who First Season (Repackage) came west and settled the wild land. Comic / Watchmen: Tales Of The Western, Action, Drama, NBC 1962 Francis Capra, Kristen Bell, Tessa Black Freighter & Under The 1980min. Thompson, Sydney Tamiia Poitier, Enrico Shout Factory 05.02.2013 Hood (Double Feature) (Blu-ray) Colantoni, Jason Dohring, Teddy Dunn, 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114094 Carla Gugino, Gerard Butler, Stephen Percy Daggs III McHattie, Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Matt A little bit Buffy. A little bit Bogart. A dash of Nancy Drew. Frewer Veronica Mars takes the best and brainiest of the American Wagon Train: The Complete culture of crimesolving and adds a unique vision of its own - Double Features, Action, Adventure, Based brooding, edgy, darkly funny and just plain dark - to become Season Six On Comic Book, Superheroes min. one of the hottest, sleekest series of the new century. John McIntire, Frank McGrath, Denny Miller Warner Bros. 12.03.2013 Veronica (Kristen Bell) is an outcast in a trendy SoCal beach Inspired by the classic western film Wagonmaster, directed town. Once she ran with Neptune High’s in crowd. But she’s by John Ford (The Searchers, Stagecoach), Wagon Train 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114198 on the outside after her best friend is murdered and her sheriff debuted on Wednesday, September 18, 1957 on the NBC father accuses the wrong man as the perp: the dead girl’s Television Network. Following the stories of a wagon train as Wedding Crashers / The Wedding billionaire father. Dad loses his job, Veronica loses her it leaves Missouri on it’s way to California, each episode popularity and both struggle to build a detective agency and focuses on a personal story of courage and perseverance of Singer: Special Edition (Double new lives. E-mail scams, cults, car thefts - you name it, not just the main cast, but of the westward-bound emigrants as Veronica investigates it. But her obsession is the murder of they made the perilous journey from the banks of the Missis- Feature) her friend. And she’ll take any risk to solve it. sippi to the Pacific shores. In the face of great odds, their Adam Sandler, Vince Vaughn, Jane UPN, Detectives, Drama, Mystery 2004 uplifting, heart-warming, and at times heart-breaking stories Seymour, Angela Featherstone, Drew 935min. tell the tale of how the west was truly won. They were hard- Barrymore, Rachel McAdams, Isla Fisher, Warner Bros. 25.12.2012 working people, determined and driven by the promise of rich fertile land and the freedom and prosperity that it would bring. Alexis Arquette, Christine Taylor, Christo- 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114346 But to get there they would have to make the hardest trip of their lives and to succeed they would need strong, pher Walken, Owen Wilson, Allen Covert, knowledgeable people to led the way. Matthew Glave Veronica Mars: The Complete Se- Western, Classics, Cult Film / TV, Drama Romance, Sexy Comedies, Buddy Pictures, cond Season (Repackage) 840min. Comedy, Double Features min. Kyle Gallner, Francis Capra, Kristen Bell, Shout Factory 05.03.2013 New Line Home Entertainment 12.03.2013 Tessa Thompson, Enrico Colantoni, Ryan 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114141 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114174 Hansen, Jason Dohring, Teddy Dunn, Percy Daggs III Walking The Halls Weeds: Season Eight Who knocked on Veronica’s door at the end of Season 1: High school senior Casey finds herself seduced into the fast Hunter Parrish, Justin Kirk, Kevin Nealon, Duncan? Logan? Someone even more surprising? „I was lifestyle of a call girl ring run by a campus police officer and hoping it would be you,“ the teen sleuth said. Now you can must pull herself out before she loses all self-control. Alexander Gould see who rated that rare Veronica smile, then uncover the The last time we saw Nancy and the Botwins, it was through newest mystery to envelop the town of Neptune. It begins Drama, High School, Thrillers 2012 90min. the scope of a hit man’s rifle. Nancy had sprung from the joint when Veronica misses the bus - a school bus that minutes MTI Home Video 15.01.2013 and gone to New York City, where she made a fresh start later plunges off a cliff into the Pacific. It may be a tragic 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113965 doing what she does best - selling pot and making enemies. accident. Or suicide. Or murder. It may (or may not) be tied to Now, everyone’s wondering who put out the hit... and who got Lilly Kane’s murder. But you know Veronica’s on the case, smoked. even when other mysteries lead to danger and double War Of The Dead Comedy, Drama, Showtime, Stoners 2012 crosses, even when her love life takes a couple of dives onto the pool deck, even when... well, wait and find out. Season 2: Andrew Tiernan 379min. New characters, new revelations, same drop-dead dialogue Science Fiction, Thrillers, War, World War Lionsgate 12.02.2013 and dead-on cool. Return to Mars. It’s everything you like II, Zombies, Action, Adventure, Horror 2011 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114069 about Neptune. 86min. UPN, Detectives, Drama, Mystery 2005 E1 Entertainment 01.01.2013 929min. Weeds: Season Eight (Blu-ray) 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113788 Warner Bros. 25.12.2012 Hunter Parrish, Justin Kirk, Kevin Nealon, 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114347 Alexander Gould War Of The Dead (Blu-ray + DVD The last time we saw Nancy and the Botwins, it was through the scope of a hit man’s rifle. Nancy had sprung from the joint Veronica Mars: The Complete Combo) (Blu-ray) and gone to New York City, where she made a fresh start Third Season (Repackage) Andrew Tiernan doing what she does best - selling pot and making enemies. Horror, Action, Adventure, Science Fiction, Now, everyone’s wondering who put out the hit... and who got Francis Capra, Kristen Bell, Tina Majorino, smoked. Thrillers, War, World War II, Zombies 2011 Enrico Colantoni, Jason Dohring, Percy Comedy, Drama, Showtime, Stoners 2012 86min. Daggs III 379min. Hearst College, jewel of the Pacific. A citadel of higher E1 Entertainment 01.01.2013 Lionsgate 12.02.2013 education set amid rolling lawns and swaying palms. But 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113798 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114088 since Hearst is in Neptune, California - and since Veronica Mars is among its incoming freshmen - you know it’s also a noir netherworld of lies, betrayal, secrets and (of course) War Of The Worlds / Minority Re- (Blu-ray) murder. Veronica, Logan and more of your VM favorites join port (Double Feature) cool new characters for a Season 3 of seething mystery and James Brolin, Yul Brynner, Richard Benja- sardonic wit. College is indeed a learning experience as Max Von Sydow, Tim Robbins, Dakota min Veronica aces a crime class led by a hunky prof, solves the Fanning, Samantha Morton, Miranda Otto, For $1,000 a day, vacationers can indulge whims at the theme case of on-campus rapes that began in Season Two, and gives park called Westworld. They can bust up a bar or bust out of a grad seminar in sleuthing when two faculty members take Tom Cruise, , , jail, drop in on a brothel or get the drop on a gunslinger. It’s sudden, eternal early retirements. Frosh year is gonna be Josh Friedman, , Kathleen Ken- all safe: the park’s lifelike androids are programmed never to freaky! nedy, Jan De Bont, Bonnie Curtis, Walter F. harm the customers. But not all droids are getting with the Detectives, Drama, Mystery 2006 842min. program. Michael Crichton (Jurassic Park, Twister) wrote Parkes, Colin Wilson, Gerald R. Molen, and made his directing debut with this futuristic thriller that Warner Bros. 25.12.2012 Steven Spielberg heralded moviemaking’s future as the first feature to use 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114348 Films Include - War of the Worlds ’05 - Steven Spielberg’s digitized images. Richard Benjamin and James Brolin portray adaptation of War of the Worlds, starring Tom Cruise, pals confronted by a simulated reality turned real. And Yul

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Brynner is their stalking, spur-jangling nemesis. It’s man vs. Oscar Nominees Maggie Gyllenhaal and Viola Davis lead a mixed race parents, is struggling to find her place in the rough machine - in a tomorrow that isn’t big enough for the both of stellar cast in this rousing drama inspired by actual events. inner city neighborhood she reluctantly calls home. Her father them. Frustrated by her dyslexic daughter’s struggles at a failing is either absent or abusive, her racial background makes her Cult Film / TV, Robots / Androids, Science inner-city school, Jamie Fitzpatrick (Gyllenhaal) tries to an outsider in the community, and drugs and violence abound. enroll her somewhere else. When this fails, Jamie recruits a When she finds herself in a downward spiral of dealing, Fiction, Technology 1973 88min. disillusioned but caring teacher (Davis) to try to fix the shoplifting, and fighting, Sweetness learns she must take her Warner Bros. 05.03.2013 broken school. Soon, the women find themselves in a tense life into her own hands in order to create the future she 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113967 battle against apathy, hopelessness, and powerful interests. dreams of. Gabourey Sidibe (Precious) and Tim Blake Nelson Oscar Winner and Oscar Nominee Rosie Perez (O Brother, Where Art Thou?) round out the cast of this also star in this inspiring story that shows how profoundly gripping urban drama, which proves that in order to become What Goes Around Comes Around parents can affect their kids’ education. an adult, you must first survive as a teenager. / Love In The Nick Of Tyme / Mr. Teachers, Drama, Mental Illness 2012 Drama, Revenge, Troubled Youth 2011 121min. 95min. Right Now (Triple Feature) 20th Century Fox 15.01.2013 MPI 05.02.2013 Morris Chestnut, Wesley Jonathan, Avant 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113934 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114190 Musical, Plays On Stage, Romance, Triple Feature, African Americans, Comedy, Dra- Won’t Back Down (Blu-ray + Loretta Young: 100th Anniversary ma 346min. Image Ent. 26.02.2013 UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Edition 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114125 Holly Hunter, Rosie Perez, Maggie Loretta Young Gyllenhaal, Viola Davis, Emily Alyn Lind , One of Hollywood’s brightest stars, Loretta Young announced Oscar Isaac her retirement from film in 1953, and promptly signed a Who Did I Marry? contract with Proctor & Gamble and the National Broadcasting Oscar Nominees Maggie Gyllenhaal and Viola Davis lead a Corporation (NBC) to produce and star in her own dramatic Tommy Ford stellar cast in this rousing drama inspired by actual events. anthology television series, The Loretta Young Show. The African Americans, Drama, Rocky Frustrated by her dyslexic daughter’s struggles at a failing show ran for eight seasons from 1953 to 1961, making Young Relationships 2012 84min. inner-city school, Jamie Fitzpatrick (Gyllenhaal) tries to one of the first major Hollywood stars to build a successful enroll her somewhere else. When this fails, Jamie recruits a career in the fledgling medium of television. She won the first E1 Entertainment 08.01.2013 disillusioned but caring teacher (Davis) to try to fix the of her three Emmy Awards in 1953, becoming the first actress 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113993 broken school. Soon, the women find themselves in a tense to win both an Oscar and an Emmy. battle against apathy, hopelessness, and powerful interests. Oscar Winner Holly Hunter and Oscar Nominee Rosie Perez Classics, Drama min. Wild River also star in this inspiring story that shows how profoundly Shout Factory 12.02.2013 Jo Van Fleet, , Montgomery Clift parents can affect their kids’ education. 148,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114051 Montgomery Clift stars as a government agent who must Drama, Mental Illness, Teachers 2012 evacuate a small town to make way for a new dam. When an 121min. Zodiac: Director’s Cut (Blu-ray) elderly matriarch refuses to leave, Chuck Glover (Clift) falls 20th Century Fox 15.01.2013 Robert Downey Jr., Mark Ruffalo, Jake in love with her granddaughter, played by Lee Remick. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113950 Boasting superb performances and stunning imagery, this Gyllenhaal, Elias Koteas, Chloe Sevigny, acclaimed classic is one of Elia Kazan’s finest films. Anthony Edwards, Brian Cox, John Carroll Romance, Drama 1960 110min. Wuthering Heights Lynch 20th Century Fox 15.01.2023 David Niven, Merle Oberon, Lawrence Based on the true story of the notorious serial killer and the 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113807 Olivier intense manhunt he inspired, Zodiac is a superbly crafted and The acclaimed masterpiece based on Emily Bronte’s novel. critically acclaimed thriller from director David Fincher, Wild River (Blu-ray) Laurence Olivier and Merle Oberon star as Heathcliff and featuring an ensemble cast led by Jake Gyllenhaal, Robert Cathy whose tortured love affair is doomed to a tragic end. Downey Jr., and Mark Ruffalo. Jo Van Fleet, Lee Remick, Montgomery Clift Romance, Classics, Drama 104min. Detectives, Drama, Serial Killers, Thrillers Montgomery Clift stars as a government agent who must 2007 min. evacuate a small town to make way for a new dam. When an Warner Bros. 15.01.2013 elderly matriarch refuses to leave, Chuck Glover (Clift) falls 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114200 Paramount 01.01.2013 in love with her granddaughter, played by Lee Remick. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114409 Boasting superb performances and masterfully crafted images, this classic film from acclaimed director Elia Kazan reaches Xena: Warrior Princess - Season new heights on Blu-ray. Four Zombie Lake: Remastered Edition Drama, Romance 1960 110min. Howard Vernon, Annouchka, Nadine Lucy Lawless, , Rob Tapert 20th Century Fox 15.01.2023 The Warrior Princess’ smash-hit fourth season riveted fans Pascale, Pierre Escourrou 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113830 with a gripping collection of episodes that unveiled secrets of In a small lakeside town, young women are disappearing Xena’s tumultuous past, revealed heroic triumphs and tragic . The superstitious locals blame „The Lake of failures destined in her future, and, in the end, left them Ghosts“, because of the lake’s haunting past, but the town’s Will It Snow For Christmas? stunned beyond words by the events in the electrifying mayor (Howard Vernon) seems reluctant, or powerless to episode, The Ides of March. take any action. When another woman is found dead near the Christmas, Drama, Foreign, Holidays, Inter- lake, with her throat ripped out, a reporter comes to town and national TV, Korean, Romance min. Action, Fantasy, Mystery, Science Fiction soon discovers that the lake harbors a terrible secret dating Mountain Apple Company 04.12.2012 1998 1056min. back to World War II. It is then a group of local Resistance Universal Studios 12.03.2013 fighters take action against a troop of Nazi zombie soldiers 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113865 invading their town, as they have come back from the dead. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114353 And now, whenever the waters at Zombie Lake are disturbed, The Wise Kids the dead will rise! Zombies, Foreign, French, Horror 1981 Religion/Spirituality, Drama, Gay / Lesbian Yelling To The Sky 90min. Interest 2011 91min. Zoe Kravitz, Gabourey Sidibe, Tim Blake Redemption USA 26.02.2013 Wolfe Video 08.01.2013 Nelson, Jason Clarke 17-year old Sweetness O’Hara (Zoe Kravitz), the daughter of 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114099 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113772 mixed race parents, is struggling to find her place in the rough inner city neighborhood she reluctantly calls home. Her father The Witchouse Trilogy is either absent or abusive, her racial background makes her Zombie Lake: Remastered Edition an outsider in the community, and drugs and violence abound. (Blu-ray) Monica Serene Garnich, Ashley Mckinney, When she finds herself in a downward spiral of dealing, Brooke Mueller, Matt Raftery shoplifting, and fighting, Sweetness learns she must take her Howard Vernon, Annouchka, Nadine The Witchouse 3-disc box set is hotter than being burned at life into her own hands in order to create the future she Pascale, Pierre Escourrou the stake! This set contains all three Witchouse movies and dreams of. Gabourey Sidibe (Precious) and Tim Blake Nelson In a small lakeside town, young women are disappearing more than a few surprises, like Brooke Mueller’s very first (O Brother, Where Art Thou?) round out the cast of this without a trace. The superstitious locals blame „The Lake of film role in the beginning of the series. Own this collection gripping urban drama, which proves that in order to become Ghosts“, because of the lake’s haunting past, but the town’s and hold a black mass anytime you want! an adult, you must first survive as a teenager. mayor (Howard Vernon) seems reluctant, or powerless to Triple Feature, Horror 226min. Revenge, Troubled Youth, Drama 2011 take any action. When another woman is found dead near the 95min. lake, with her throat ripped out, a reporter comes to town and Full Moon 20.11.2012 soon discovers that the lake harbors a terrible secret dating 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113933 MPI 05.02.2013 back to World War II. It is then a group of local Resistance 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114171 fighters take action against a troop of Nazi zombie soldiers invading their town, as they have come back from the dead. Won’t Back Down And now, whenever the waters at Zombie Lake are disturbed, Holly Hunter, Rosie Perez, Maggie Yelling To The Sky (Blu-ray) the dead will rise! Gyllenhaal, Viola Davis, Emily Alyn Lind , Zoe Kravitz, Gabourey Sidibe, Tim Blake Foreign, French, Horror, Zombies 1981 Oscar Isaac Nelson, Jason Clarke 90min. 17-year old Sweetness O’Hara (Zoe Kravitz), the daughter of

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Redemption USA 26.02.2013 Since their formation in 1968 Led Zeppelin had barely put a DVD set was created from archival VHS videotapes of the 3- foot wrong. By 1971 they were being tagged „best band in the camera lawn screen feed. The audio was mixed from multi- 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114116 world“ by Rolling Stone magazine, and when „Stairway to track masters in stereo PCM and 5.1 surround. 1.Trench Heaven“ from their redoubtable forth hit the decks and the Town Rock 2.Julius 3.Wolfman’s Brother 4.Time Loves A Zombie Massacre: Army Of The airwaves that November, many doubted whether even the Hero 5. 6.Reba 7.The Sloth 8.Ginseng mighty Zep could reach any higher, but if ‘73’s Houses of the Sullivan 9.Fee 10.Maze 11.Sample In A Jar 1.Runaway Jim Dead Holy hinted at the band treading water, 1974 found them 2.Meat 3.Limb By Limb 4.When The Circus Comes 5.Down Zombies, Horror, Killer Viruses min. beginning to record what was to become arguably the most With Disease 6.Wilson 7.Golgi Apparatus ambitious release of the bands career. Stoners, Concerts, Jam Bands, Music 1998 Allegro Entertainment 26.02.2013 Documentary, Heavy Metal, Music 2012 DD 5.1 min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113975 138min. ADA 11.12.2012 E1 Entertainment 12.02.2013 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114064 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114010 Play Heavy Metal Guitar: Volume Music Liberace: The Candelabra One Collection Guitar, Heavy Metal, Instructional, Music Barney: Play With Barney Liberace 120min. Join Barney and his friends as they play games and learn This collection is a treasure for Liberace fans. With his valuable lessons about being a team player. From taking the dazzling piano virtuosity and sparkling personality, Liberace Allegro Entertainment 12.02.2013 lead to taking turns, facing challenges to just having fun, endured himself to millions on Television and helped to shape 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113985 Barney and his team show why Play is one of the best ways to Las Vegas as an entertainment destination. Dressed in his build character! exotic suits and with a candelabra always present on the Family, Fantasy, Music, Preschool 65min. piano, he brought a special magic and charm to everything he The Replacements: Color Me played. The Candelabra Collection showcases this incredible Obsessed - A Film About The Lionsgate 05.03.2013 performer at his best. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114452 Classical Music, Music, Piano 1953 112min. Replacements Passport Video 26.02.2013 Over the The Replacements’ 12-year existence, its live sets The Beatles: The Ultimate Re- were magical. Gorman Bechard’s remarkable history of the 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114017 ‘Mats takes us from their first show and everywhere in view between. He relies solely on the fans; memories of their Lauritz Melchior: The Art Of The albums & antics. Material from Husker Du, Babes in Toyland, Documentary, Music, Pop Music 155min. The Decemberists, The Hold Steady, Archers of Loaf, Titus E1 Entertainment 15.01.2013 Heldentenor In Opera And Song - Andronicus, and Goo Goo Dolls is included. 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114000 Volume 1 & 2 Alternative, Documentary, Music, Punk The voice of Danish tenor Lauritz Melchior (1890-1973) has 123min. Beyonce: Baby And Beyond come to be regarded as the standard by which all other Music Video Distribution 20.11.2012 Wagnerian tenors are judged. „Without him we would have a 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113850 Beyonce Knowles limited notion how well Wagner’s tenor roles can sound,“ Platinum-selling singer, A-list actress and new mom, Beyoncé wrote J.B. Steane about this Danish singer who singularly Knowles is a superstar with no limits. From Destiny’s Child to defined the category heldentenor (the type of „heroic tenor“ The Rolling Stones: The Ultimate her relationship with Jay-Z - and birth of their baby Blue Ivy - voice needed to sing Wagner’s most demanding tenor roles). she’s become an ever-evolving woman who can seemingly do Astounding vocal power and stamina, beauty and evenness of Collection no wrong. Featuring exclusive interviews with her family and tone, accuracy of intonation, perfect legato - these are the Documentary, Music 180min. inner circle of friends, Beyonce: Baby and Beyond provides qualities which come together in Lauritz Melchior, as in no an in-depth look at what drives this diva’s passion for life! other tenor before or since. In addition, he possessed a E1 Entertainment 15.01.2013 Unauthorized Biographies, Biography, robust sense of humor and unique personal charm which 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114001 Documentary, Music 53min. endeared him to a large and diverse public. This program devoted to Melchior’s appearances on The Voice of Firestone Screen Media Films 05.02.2013 further reveals the tenor as a consummate artist and a Neil Sedaka In Concert 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114282 thoroughly engaging personality. Neil Sedaka Music, Opera, Performing Arts 90min. Neil Sedaka, truly a pop music legend, treats a sell-out BMF: The Rise And Fall Of A Hip- Kultur 26.02.2013 audience at the Symphony Hall to a typically 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114276 spectacular live performance, including all of his chart Hop Drug Empire topping hits. This concert encapsulates the unique gifts of In 15-years the Black Mafia Family, or BMF as they were Sedaka, taking the audience on a glorious journey through his called, made close to 300 million dollars trafficking cocaine The Move: The Lost Broadcasts 40 year career, including a special appearance by his daughter, Dara. from Atlanta to Los Angeles. In the Hip-Hop music industry The Move were formed in 1965 by bassist-vocalist Chris they created a front company called BMF Entertainment, ‘Ace’ Kefford who was the original leader. However he was Concerts, Music, Pop Music 95min. which was a perfect mix of drugs, violence, and street cred soon usurped by the multitalented guitarist, singer and Kultur 29.01.2013 that makes their story Hip-Hop’s version of the Godfather. Roy Wood who undoubtedly one of Rock music’s 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113803 This film explores the story of the 15-year investigation by the true polymaths. He composed all the group’s UK singles and, DEA, FBI and an elite drug task force called HIDTA, which from 1968, also sang lead vocals on many songs. The music resulted in 41 defendants across the country being charged in got better and better as Roy Wood progressed as a Frank Sinatra: Primetime one of the largest drug conspiracy cases ever. songwriter, but when Carl Wayne left in 1970 he was Crime, Documentary, Drugs & Dealers, replaced by Jeff Lynne, late of massively under-rated band Classic Pop Vocals, Concerts, Music, Pop Gangs, Hip-Hop, Music, Rap 63min. The Idle Race, and the dynamic of the band changed forever. Vocal min. The final line-up of 1972 was the trio of Wood, Bevan and Jeff Shout Factory Music 13.11.2012 Image Ent. 05.02.2013 Lynne, who transitioned the group into the Electric Light 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114109 Orchestra. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114065 Hard Rock, Music, Psychedelic 2012 40min. The Walt Disney Concert Hall Or- E1 Entertainment 12.02.2013 Bruce Springsteen: Glory Days 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114011 His unparalleled brand of heartland rock makes him forever gan (DVD + CD) ‘The Boss’, his electric live shows have won over legions of This is the story of the design and construction of the pipe fans worldwide and earned him 20 Grammys. Features one of organ in the Walt Disney Concert Hall, skillfully told through Music By Prudence the last interviews given by Springteen’s close friend and E- narration, photography and the beautiful interweaving of Music by Prudence tells a self-empowering story of one Street Band member. performances by ten different organists. There are interviews young woman’s struggle who (together with her band) Documentary, Music 2011 53min. from Frank Gehry: Architect, Manuel Rosales: Tonal Desi- overcomes seemingly insurmountable odds and in her own E1 Entertainment 12.02.2013 gner, and Caspar von Glatter-Götz: German Organ Builder. voice conveys to the world that disability does not mean Documentary, Music, Organ 47min. inability. In addition to its sheer emotional punch, Music by 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114007 Kultur 29.01.2013 Prudence has become the cornerstone of an advocacy campaign and has been embraced by the UN, Human Rights Paul Williams: Still Alive 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113804 Watch and by the disability community as an unprecedented portrayal advocating for the rights of persons with Paul Williams Helmut Lachenmann: Chamber disabilities. Paul William’s music has been recorded by some of the Documentary, Music 33min. biggest names in the entertainment industry - Elvis Presley, Documentary, Music min. Passion River 29.01.2013 Frank Sinatra, Barbara Streisand, David Bowie, Kermit the E1 Entertainment 26.02.2013 Frog, and many others. He has won Grammys and an Academy 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114043 Award; wrote many #1 songs; starred in a Brian DePalma 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114486 movie; put out his own hit records and albums; was a guest on The Tonight Show fifty times; and is the president of Led Zeppelin: 1975 - A Year Of : Star Lake ‘98 ASCAP...and you might not have heard of him. A wistful Star Lake ’98 is the only full show available in the band’s musical journey that will re-introduce a new generation to Living Dangerously archives as switched video from the summer of 1998. The 2- Williams’ soulful classics, Paul Williams: Still Alive is the

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 61 Newsletter 19/12 (Nr. 323) Dezember 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA charmingly self-narrated story of Stephen Kessler’s lifelong 2013 Discover Orange Bowl (Blu- obsession with the former superstar-and what happens when the nostalgic filmmaker finally catches up with him. ray + DVD Combo) (Blu-ray) Amazing Ocean 3D (Blu-ray 3D + Documentary, Music 84min. The 2013 Discover Orange Bowl features No. 13 Florida Blu-ray) (Blu-ray) Virgil Films And Entertainment 05.02.2013 State facing No. 16 Northern Illinois. The Huskies, the MAC PLEASE NOTE: This title includes a Blu-ray 3D disc, which 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113939 champions (12-1), are the first MAC school to reach the BCS. is only compatible with 3D Blu-ray players and Playstation 3. Florida State is second nationally in total defense and A standard Blu-ray is also included which will play on all seventh in scoring defense, while Northern Illinois is ninth in standard Blu-ray players. Let yourself be amazed by little scoring offense and 15th in total offense. For Florida State, schools of fish that swim right into your living room! See squid it’s the ninth trip to the Orange Bowl and the Seminoles’ first and the elusive octopus up close, along with the magnificent since the end of the 2005 season. In what is sure to be a big manta ray, and experience dolphins and turtles that visit you Special Interest offense vs. defense matchup, these conference champions will in your living room. Shot in stereoscopic 3D, Amazing Ocean be ready to leave it all on the field! - The Official 2013 Dis- 3D, is a breathtakingly beautiful experience for your whole cover Orange Bowl includes the commercial-free game family. 2010-2011 Le Mans Official Re- broadcast on DVD as well as the trophy presentation and a digital download. It is a great addition to any fan’s collection! High Seas, Atmosphere DVDs 50min. view 2013 min. Universal Studios 29.01.2013 All the excitement, festivities, and action from two great races Team Marketing 26.02.2013 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113835 are featured in the official reviews of the 2010 and 2011 24 Hours of Le Mans. The rivalry between Audi and Peugeot in 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114235 the LMP1 class heats up once again, and as always you’ll The Tracy Anderson Method: witness the fiercely contested battles in the LMP2 and GT 2013 Rose Bowl Presented By Dance Cardio Workout II classes. The 2010 review also celebrates milestones from Porsche and Chevrolet, while the 2011 program features Vizio (Blu-ray + DVD Combo) Tracy Anderson expanded coverage with commentary from Radio Le Mans. Sports, Football, NCAA min. Fitness, Health, Instructional 136min. Sports, Auto Racing, Racing 328min. Team Marketing 26.02.2013 Starz / Anchor Bay 05.02.2013 Kultur 15.01.2013 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114298 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114073 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114250 2013 Tostitos Fiesta Bowl (Blu-ray Apocalypse: The Final Count- 2012 Le Mans Official Review down The 2012 Le Mans 24 Hours produced an action-packed and + DVD Combo) (Blu-ray) gripping race, the perfect ingredients for the 80th running of The 2013 Tostitos Fiesta Bowl features No. 5 Oregon against Apocalyptic Future, Conspiracies, motorsport’s greatest event. The opening hours delivered an No. 7 Kansas State. Kansas State ranks 10th in the nation in Documentary 500min. epic duel between Audi’s R18 e-Tron Quattro and the new points per game and is led by senior dual-threat QB Collin TS030 Hybrid from Toyota in the LMP1 class, but even after Klein. Klein and junior RB John Hubert make the Wildcats Allegro Entertainment 12.02.2013 Toyota’s determined effort ended, the four-way Audi tussle offense one of the toughest in the nation to contain. There’s no 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113987 ensured an edge-of-the-seat contest as the hours ticked doubt that Oregon will also put up their share of points led by down. The review also follows the fortunes of the LMP2 senior Kenjon Barner and freshman QB Marcus Mariota. class, and the drama of the Professional and Amateur GTE Oregon is making its fourth consecutive BCS bowl Aquarius: Living Beneath The classes appearance, the longest active streak in college football. The Sea Sports, Auto Racing, Racing 242min. excitement is building for what could be the highest scoring game in Fiesta Bowl history! - The Official 2013 Tostitos Experience life under the sea in Aquarius, an 81-ton steel Kultur 15.01.2013 Fiesta Bowl combo pack includes the commercial-free game inner space station. The aquanauts mission onboard this 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114251 broadcast on DVD and Blu-ray as well as the trophy underwater habitat and research lab focuses on coral reef presentation and a digital download. It is a great addition to dynamics and the effect of global warming. Descend with them any fan’s collection! to their new home beneath the waves, experience life aboard 2013 Allstate Sugar Bowl (Blu-ray 2013 min. Aquarius. Documentary, Environmental, High Seas + DVD Combo) (Blu-ray) Team Marketing 26.02.2013 2002 220min. The 2013 Allstate Sugar Bowl features No. 4 Florida taking 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114237 on No. 22 Louisville. This will be Florida’s ninth appearance Gaiam Americas 12.03.2013 in the Sugar Bowl and they won a national title in the Sugar 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114146 Bowl with a 52-20 victory over Florida State following the Africa 1996 season. Louisville, your Big East Champions, will be Mike Gunton, Executive Producer of Life, brings his next playing in its first Sugar Bowl. Louisville is led by sophomore landmark series to DVD and Blu-ray with Africa! This 6-part Arctic Tale quarterback Teddy Bridgewater who is coming off an injury, series will amaze and awe with stunning photography and Set in the vast snow kingdom at the top of the world, Arctic but will be ready to play. Florida and Louisville have played truly moving stories of survival on the continent with the most Tale is a real-life adventure from the people who brought you just twice in their history, with Florida coming out on top in diverse animal life anywhere on our planet. Premiering March Of The Penguins. Join narrator Queen Latifah as she both games. With Louisville’s head coach Charlie Strong simultaneously in the UK, U.S. and Australia, it promises to follows two very different arctic creatures, Nanu the polar taking on his former team, this could shape up to be a great be a worldwide phenomenon on a scale not seen since Planet bear cub and Seela the walrus pup, through exciting and matchup! - The Official 2013 Allstate Sugar Bowl includes the Earth. harrowing struggles for survival. Armed only with their commercial-free game broadcast on DVD as well as the BBC, British, Documentary, Foreign, Inter- natural instincts and mothers’ guidance, these inspiring trophy presentation and a digital download. It is a great animals face countless challenges in a beautiful icebound addition to any fan’s collection! national TV min. world that is rapidly melting beneath them. min. BBC Home Video 26.02.2013 Documentary, Family 2007 86min. Team Marketing 26.02.2013 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114335 Paramount 01.01.2013 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114234 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114287 Alien Invasion: Are We Ready? 2013 AT&T Cotton Bowl (Blu-ray + Michelle Rodriguez Arctic Tale (Blu-ray) DVD Combo) (Blu-ray) Aliens attacking Earth - it’s the stuff of sci-fi stories, but what Set in the vast snow kingdom at the top of the world, Arctic if it really happened? Host, Michelle Rodriguez brings The 2013 AT&T Cotton Bowl features No. 9 Texas A&M vs. Tale is a real-life adventure from the people who brought you together top scientists and military strategists to dramatize March Of The Penguins. Join narrator Queen Latifah as she No. 11 Oklahoma. Heisman candidate, Johnny „Football“ what would happen if and when aliens attack. Manziel and the Texas A&M Aggies are coming to Cowboys follows two very different arctic creatures, Nanu the polar Stadium to face Landry Jones and the Oklahoma Sooners in a Alien Invasions, Aliens, Documentary, bear cub and Seela the walrus pup, through exciting and battle of top-ranked teams in the 77th AT&T Cotton Bowl Science Fiction 176min. harrowing struggles for survival. Armed only with their Classic. This is the first-ever Cotton Bowl meeting between Discovery Channel 19.03.2013 natural instincts and mothers’ guidance, these inspiring these storied programs. The Sooners are representing the Big animals face countless challenges in a beautiful icebound 12 Conference and are making only their second appearance 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114151 world that is rapidly melting beneath them. at the Classic. The Aggies are making their first appearance Documentary, Family 2007 86min. in the AT&T Cotton Bowl as a member of the Southeastern Aliens And Crop Circles Paramount 01.01.2013 Conference. The 77th AT&T Cotton Bowl is truly a blockbuster matchup! UFOs, Aliens, Conspiracies, Documentary 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114301 2013 min. min. Team Marketing 26.02.2013 Allegro Entertainment 26.02.2013 Awesome Dinosaurs!: Tales Of 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114236 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113976 Scales (2 Pack) Dinosaurs, Documentary, Educational, 2013 Discover BCS National Aliens And UFOs: The Secret Family, Prehistoric Times min. Championship Agenda Topics Entertainment 02.08.2011 Sports, Football, NCAA 2013 min. UFOs, Aliens, Documentary, Science 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113760 Team Marketing 26.02.2013 Fiction 700min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114299 Allegro Entertainment 12.02.2013 Beauty Is Embarrassing: The 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113986

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Wayne White Story screenings at the White House to citywide summits in beautiful music of Enya. Cleveland, San Francisco, and Salt Lake City, the filmmakers BBC, British, Documentary, Foreign, Inter- For more than 30 years, Wayne White has made an indelible have built a tremendous network of partners and experts. mark on the creative world. As a designer, painter, puppeteer, BULLY director Lee Hirsch, in an national TV 1987 325min. sculptor and musician, White created images and ideas that BBC Home Video 15.01.2013 are an integral - yet sometimes subconscious - part of the Documentary 2011 99min. pop-culture lexicon. Part biography, part live performance, Starz / Anchor Bay 12.02.2013 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114033 Beauty Is Embarrassing tells the irreverent and inspiring 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113796 story of this one-of-a-kind visual artist and raconteur. The Chartres And The Spirit Of The film traces White’s career from his stint as an underground cartoonist in New York’s East Village to his big break as a Bully (Blu-ray + DVD Combo) Middle Ages designer, puppeteer and voice-over actor on Pee-wee’s (Blu-ray) For over 1,000 years pilgrims have been flocking to Chartres. Playhouse (for which he won three Emmys), as well as his It is not the city which attracts them, but the Cathedral of work animating music videos for The Smashing Pumpkins Here are the facts: Thirteen million kids will be bullied in the Notre Dame. Then as now it fascinates people, albeit for („Tonight, Tonight“) and Peter Gabriel („Big Time“). At its U.S. this year, making bullying the most common form of different reasons. When it was built people saw it as a holy core, Beauty Is Embarrassing shows what it takes for one violence experienced by young people in the nation. Three place, a place which promised blessing, hope and relief from uniquely talented, profanely hilarious and utterly million students will be absent each month because they feel the trials and tribulations of life. At that time the faithful uncompromising artist to make it in America. unsafe at school. Thirty percent of children who reported understood its message immediately, for them the cathedral Documentary min. being bullied said they sometimes brought weapons to school. was a picture book. For people in the 20th century it is an Docurama 22.01.2013 School personnel are reported to notice or intervene in only over-dimensional edifice of stone, a closed book. They have one out of every twenty-five incidents. Fifty percent of the to learn to decipher laboriously, letter by letter, what it has to 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114084 time, when an upstander intervenes in bullying, the bullying say. The vibrant pictorial language and the fascinating stops within ten seconds. Bullying is a serious problem, and architecture of this church recreate a vivid portrait of an age The Bible: Stories From The New the solutions belong to us all. The Bully Project, the social which was named the Dark Middle Ages because, for such a outreach campaign inspired by the film, has screened Bully for long time, very few people had any knowledge or Testament more then 250,0000 educators and students nationwide, in a understanding of it. No building is better able to cast light supported educational context, including curriculum and upon this darkness than this cathedral. The Bible: Stories from the New Testament (Vol 2). This professional development tools to enrich the experience. From volume focuses on the New Testament and begins with the screenings at the White House to citywide summits in Documentary, Medieval Times 58min. birth of Jesus and includes specials talking about his life and Cleveland, San Francisco, and Salt Lake City, the filmmakers Kultur 26.02.2013 death and the birth of Christianity. have built a tremendous network of partners and experts. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114274 Documentary, Educational, Historical / BULLY director Lee Hirsch, in an Period Piece, Religion/Spirituality 450min. Documentary 2011 99min. Lionsgate 12.02.2013 Starz / Anchor Bay 12.02.2013 China Heavyweight Award-winning filmmaker Yung Chang (Up the Yangtze) 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114277 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113799 returns to China for another riveting documentary on that country’s ever-changing economic landscape... this time The Bible: Stories From The Old Brooke Burke Body: 30 Day Slim through the lens of sports. In China Heavyweight, Chang follows the charismatic Qi Moxiang, a former boxing star and Testament Down state coach who recruits young fighting talent from the The Bible: Stories from the Old Testament (Vol 1). This Brooke Burke impoverished farms and villages across Sichuan province. Volume focuses on the stories of the Old Testament and Boys and girls are selected for national training centers, with covers The Story of Creation through King David. It leads Fitness, Health, Instructional min. the hope of discovering China’s next Olympic heroes. But will right up to the birth of Jesus. Sony Pictures Home Entertainment these potential boxing champions leave it all behind to be the next Mike Tyson? Cinematically rich and intimately observed, Documentary, Educational, Historical / 19.02.2013 China Heavyweight is all at once thrilling sports drama, Period Piece, Religion/Spirituality min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113767 astute social commentary and a beautifully crafted portrait of Lionsgate 12.02.2013 an athlete. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114278 Brooke Burke Body: Sexy Abs Sports, Boxing, Documentary 2012 89min. Zeitgeist Films 15.01.2013 Brooke Burke 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114359 Big Cats: Secret Lives Fitness, Health, Instructional min. For 30 years, John Varty has translated his passion for the Sony Pictures Home Entertainment natural world into a series of remarkable relationships with Chronicle Of A Summer: The some of the most dangerous creatures on earth - living with 19.02.2013 them in the wild, on their own terms . . . and on their own turf. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113768 Criterion Collection Nine Lives will track his journey from a kid who grew up Few films can claim to be as influential to the course of killing as many big cats as he could . . . to a pioneer of cinema history as Chronicle of a Summer. The fascinating conservation and ecotourism on the same game reserve where Cardio : Total Body Martial result of a collaboration between filmmaker-anthropologist his family had been hunting predators for almost 100 years. Arts Jean Rouch (~Moi, un noir) and sociologist Edgar Morin, this Along the way, Nine Lives will tell the story of his most vanguard work of what Morin would term cinéma verité is a intimate relationships with big cats: a wild mother leopard, an Burn fat and tone muscles the healthy way with Cardio Karate brilliantly conceived and realized sociopolitical diagnosis of abandoned lion cub, two adopted leopard cubs and his current Total Body Martial Arts - Martial Combos, a DVD that draws the early sixties in France. By simply interviewing a group of project - bringing two captive-bred tiger cubs to Africa and its influence from two styles of Kung Fu, Choi Lei Faht (Chi- Paris residents in the summer of 1960-beginning with the teaching them to survive in the wild. Over time, Varty would nese) and lama pai (Tibetan). The authentic martial provocative and eternal question „Are you happy?“ and be accepted into one of nature’s most exclusive clubs . . . the techniques are taught one move and a time and then added expanding to political issues, including the ongoing Algerian private lives of apex predators, eventually at very close together to make one powerful combination. The Martial War-Rouch and Morin reveal the hopes and dreams of a wide range. He would live with - and make films about - some cats Cardio challenge towards the end of the workout gives you an array of people, from artists to factory workers, from an for years - creating a remarkable chronicle of wildlife extra boost of cardio intensity. The journey ultimately leads to Italian émigré to an African student. Chronicle of a Summer’s behavior and a new kind of intimacy between human and an internal breathing and stretching series meant to aid penetrative approach gives us a document of a time and place predator. recovery and increase longevity. Instructor/host Steve Fein- with extraordinary emotional depth. berg is the creator of speedball fitness and a regular fitness Discovery Channel, Documentary 220min. expert for a variety of local, national and international media. Criterion Collection, Documentary, Foreign, Discovery Channel 19.02.2013 His commentary or programs have been featured on television, French 1961 91min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113824 the web, print media and radio programs worldwide. Steve has Criterion 26.02.2013 also been featured in several industry publications including the „25th Annual I.D.E.A. World Fitness Convention“. In 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113873 Birders: The Central Park Effect between his business obligations, Steve has found the time to study Eskrima, Butterfly Hands, Choi Lei Faht and Lama Pi Chronicle Of A Summer: The Documentary 2012 60min. Kung Fu, Yang-Style Michuan Tai Chi Chuan, Ca Music Box Films 22.01.2013 Fitness, Health, Instructional, Martial Arts Criterion Collection (Blu-ray) 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114279 62min. Few films can claim to be as influential to the course of cinema history as Chronicle of a Summer. The fascinating Bayview Entertainment 01.01.2013 result of a collaboration between filmmaker-anthropologist Bully 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113912 Jean Rouch (~Moi, un noir) and sociologist Edgar Morin, this Here are the facts: Thirteen million kids will be bullied in the vanguard work of what Morin would term cinéma verité is a U.S. this year, making bullying the most common form of brilliantly conceived and realized sociopolitical diagnosis of violence experienced by young people in the nation. Three The Celts: Rich Traditions And the early sixties in France. By simply interviewing a group of million students will be absent each month because they feel Ancient Myths (Repackage) Paris residents in the summer of 1960-beginning with the unsafe at school. Thirty percent of children who reported provocative and eternal question „Are you happy?“ and being bullied said they sometimes brought weapons to school. For 800 years, a proud, vibrant, richly imaginative warrior expanding to political issues, including the ongoing Algerian School personnel are reported to notice or intervene in only people swept ruthlessly across Europe. The ancient Greeks War-Rouch and Morin reveal the hopes and dreams of a wide one out of every twenty-five incidents. Fifty percent of the called them „Keltoi“ and honored them as one of the great array of people, from artists to factory workers, from an time, when an upstander intervenes in bullying, the bullying barbarian races. Follow their fascinating story from their Italian émigré to an African student. Chronicle of a Summer’s stops within ten seconds. Bullying is a serious problem, and earliest roots 2,500 years ago through the flowering of their penetrative approach gives us a document of a time and place the solutions belong to us all. The Bully Project, the social unique culture and their enduring heritage today, enhanced with extraordinary emotional depth. outreach campaign inspired by the film, has screened Bully for with stunning reconstructions of iron-age villages, Criterion Collection, Documentary, Foreign, more then 250,0000 educators and students nationwide, in a dramatizations of major historical events and visits to modern supported educational context, including curriculum and Celtic lands. This fascinating look back at the legends and French 1961 91min. professional development tools to enrich the experience. From legacy of the Celtic heritage is underscored by the hauntingly Criterion 26.02.2013

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61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113882 Warner Bros. 05.02.2013 unique style of Kundalini yoga. Learn to live a beautiful life and feel better inside and out with Maya Fienne’s Yoga for 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113958 Real Beauty. CorePower Yoga: Calorie Blast Yoga, Fitness, Health, Instructional 60min. Yoga Escape Fire: The Fight To Rescue Gaiam Americas 05.03.2013 Core Power Yoga, the hottest in-studio practice brings three American Healthcare 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114166 ultra-efficient toning and fat burning yoga workouts you can Co-directed by Matthew Heineman and Academy Award- do at home. Ignite your metabolism and burn calories as you nominee Susan Froemke (Lalee’s Kin: The Legacy of Cotton), First Performances: Volume One transform your body from the inside out. Escape Fire looks at a U.S. healthcare system designed to Yoga, Fitness, Health, Instructional 60min. profit from disease not health, reward quantity over quality, Gaiam Americas 05.03.2013 and promote high-tech over high-touch. It interweaves Comedy min. dramatic personal stories with the efforts of leaders battling 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114165 to transform healthcare at the highest levels of medicine, E1 Entertainment 26.02.2013 industry, government, and even the U.S. military. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113907 Detropia Documentary, Health, Politics 99min. Detroit’s story has encapsulated the iconic narrative of Lionsgate 26.02.2013 Joe Frazier: When The Smoke America over the last century: the Great Migration of African 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114217 Americans escaping Jim Crow; the rise of manufacturing and Clears the middle class; the love affair with automobiles; the Joe Frazier flowering of the American dream; and now . . . the collapse of ESPN Films 30 For 30: Ghosts Of Smokin’ Joe Frazier is considered one of the greatest the economy and the fading American mythos. With its vivid, Ole Miss heavyweights of all time. This film brings to life his painterly palette and haunting score, Detropia sculpts a remarkable story, including intimate interviews with Joe dreamlike collage of a grand city teetering on the brink of In 1962, the University of Mississippi campus erupted in shortly before his death in November 2011. Born in poverty in dissolution. These soulful pragmatists and stalwart violence over integration and swelled with pride over an the rural South, he moved to Philadelphia and trained as an philosophers strive to make ends meet and make sense of it unbeaten football team. Mississippi native Wright Thompson amateur boxer. After winning the Olympic Gold, he turned pro all, refusing to abandon hope or resistance. Their grit and explores the tumultuous events that continue to shape the and became a huge star. His matches with Muhammad Ali and pluck embody the spirit of the Motor City as it struggles to state 50 years later. Ghosts of Ole Miss features personal George Foreman were billed as the greatest matches of the survive postindustrial America and begins to envision a interviews with James Meredith, former players on the 1962 20th century. The story isn’t only about boxing. In America in radically different future. football team and students who witnessed the riot. the ’60s and ’70s, politics affected everything - including Documentary 2012 90min. Sports, Documentary, Football, NCAA sports. Muhammad Ali’s refusal to be drafted for the Vietnam Docurama 15.01.2013 55min. War contrasted with Frazier’s apolitical stance. Their bitter rivalry became a metaphor for the bitter divisions convulsing 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114083 ESPN (TM) 05.02.2013 the United States. Spectacular archive footage of the matches, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113808 interviews with key players in the story and unparalleled The Devil Came On Horseback access to the man himself make this historic film truly a main event not to be missed. An up-close, honest, and uncompromising look at the crisis in ESPN Films 30 For 30: You Don’t Darfur, The Devil Came On Horseback exposes this on-going Vietnam War, War, Boxing, Documentary, tragedy as seen through the eyes of one American witness. Know Bo Politics 71min. Using the exclusive photographs and first hand of During the 1980s and 1990s, Bo Jackson hit 500-foot home Kultur 29.01.2013 former U.S. Marine Captain Brian Steidle, the film goes on an runs and ran over linebackers, becoming a cultural icon and emotionally charged journey into the heart of Darfur, Sudan, one of the most famous athletes of all time. Director Michael 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113802 where in 2004, Steidle became witness to a genocide that to- Bonfiglio examines the truths and tall tales that surround date has claimed over 400,000 lives. As an official military Jackson, and how his seemingly impossible feats captured our Future Flight Collection observer, Steidle had access to parts of the country that no collective imagination for an all-too-brief moment in time. journalist could penetrate. Unprepared for what he would Sports, Baseball, Documentary, Football, Future Flight takes to the skies of tomorrow on-board shape- witness and experience, Steidle returned to the U.S. armed shifting planes, top-secret military aircraft, and jets with self- with his photographs, intent on exposing the images and Major League Baseball, NFL 76min. healing wings. stories of lives systematically destroyed. A 2007 world ESPN (TM) 22.01.2013 Transportation, Aerial Action, Discovery premiere at the the Sundance Film Festival, this astonishingly 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114358 Channel, Documentary 220min. propulsive and dramatic film from award-winning filmmakers Annie Sundberg and Ricki Stern (The Trials of Darryl Hunt) Discovery Channel 19.02.2013 is a heartfelt account of what this particular American witness The Eyes Of Thailand 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113825 saw and, just as important, what he did afterward. Documentary 2012 min. Documentary, Genocide 2007 min. FilmWorks 26.02.2013 Gentle Pilates For Beginners New Video DVD 31.10.2007 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114188 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113774 With Eva Bondar Tone your body while relaxing your mind with the breathtaking Fascination Coral Reef 3D (Blu- views and sounds of Maui, Hawaii. This Pilates stretch Duck Dynasty: Season Two - routine is both gentle and effective - the perfect answer for Volume One ray 3D + Blu-ray) (Blu-ray) beginners. The secret is a thorough, 20 minute warm up to Enter the fascinating world of the coral reefs and experience establish a mind-body connection, precise abdominal moves to In Season 2, Volume 1, of the hit series Duck Dynasty on breathtaking flora and fauna up close and in 3D. Enjoy strengthen without straining, and back strengtheners that A&E, Louisiana’s bearded, camouflage-clad millionaires watching an entire ecosystem of marine species including improve your posture throughout your day. The DVD contains: continue to live out the American dream while staying true to blowfish, porcupine fish, goliath groupers, giant morays, sea whole body stretching warm up, targeted abdominals for their rugged outdoorsman lifestyle and Southern roots. Ask turtles and whale sharks, as well as the play of colors of the beginners, basic back strengtheners for beginners, and anyone in Louisiana and they’ll tell you that the bayou state’s many different coral and anemone species. Let yourself get relaxing feel-good stretches. Eva Bondar is a certified fitness favorite first family doesn’t live in the governor’s mansion but caught up in the wonders of the deep. All in glorious 3D! instructor, professionally trained dancer, founder of Maui in the backwoods, where the Robertsons’ rags -to-riches Pilates, and mother of two. Her work is featured in DVDs, story is still unfolding. A homegrown mom-and-pop operation, High Seas, Atmosphere DVDs 45min. books, and magazines nationwide. Duck Commander has become a sporting empire by fabricating Universal Studios 29.01.2013 Fitness, Health, Pilates 55min. top-of-the- line duck calls and decoys out of salvaged swamp 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113836 wood. This newly-minted multimillionaire family is kept in line Bayview Entertainment 08.01.2013 by business-savvy Willie, who runs Duck Commander with 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113917 the help of his brother Jase, their respective wives Korie and Fascination Coral Reef: Missy, patriarch and founder of the company, Phil, and uncle Si. Together they run a booming business that employs half Mysterious Worlds Underwater 3D Girl Model their neighborhood, but at the end of the day you can find the (Blu-ray 3D + Blu-ray) (Blu-ray) Girl Model explores how young girls are discovered in whole family around matriarch Miss Kay’s dinner table. Each obscure corners of the globe and initiated into the high stakes episode brings a new set of challenges, met with a special Often referred to as „The Pearls in the Indian Ocean,“ the modeling industry. This eye-opening film follows two brand of Southern know-how and a down Maldives’ true treasures are to be found beneath the waves: protagonists: Ashley Arbaugh, a former model and now scout Reality 2012 286min. the coral reefs. See breathtaking colorful coral forests. who scours the Siberian countryside looking for fresh faces; Observe turtles searching for food as they swim by. Duck and one of her discoveries, Nadya Vall, a 13-year-old Lionsgate 05.03.2013 your head as huge swarms of colorful fish take refuge in the plucked from her rustic home in Russia and dropped into the 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114455 numerous caves and crevices. Wonder at the incredible center of bustling Tokyo with promises of a profitable career. diversity of life on the coral reef - all in glorious 3D! Documentary 2012 77min. High Seas, Atmosphere DVDs 53min. First Run Features 12.02.2013 Elmo’s World: All Day With Elmo Universal Studios 29.01.2013 It’s a sunny day when you spend the day with Elmo! This 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113874 extra-long compilation of the popular Sesame Street segment 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113837 Elmo’s World highlights activities Elmo does throughout the day, just like your child! Wake up with Elmo, get dressed and Maya Fiennes’ Yoga For Real Girls Gone Wild: Hot & Horny spend time with family. Join Elmo to learn about school and Blondes 2 exercise. And when it’s time to wind down, Elmo takes a bath, Beauty brushes his teeth and goes to bed. Nighty-night Elmo, let’s Cute and sexy blondes get all the attention. Guys can’t wait to spend all day together again tomorrow! Maya Fiennes hook up with a hot blonde. No wonder blondes have more fun! Maya Fiennes combines her talents as a successful classical So what’s their secret? They’re crazy horny! We prove it all Preschool, Puppets, Sesame Street 120min. pianist and performer with her upbeat personality to create a over again in Girls Gone Wild: Hot & Horny Blondes 2!

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Girls Gone Wild min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114041 Triple Feature, Documentary 310min. GGW Brands, LLC. 05.02.2013 Blue Underground 26.02.2013 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114355 Long Island Medium 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114018 Theresa Caputo is a typical Long Island mom who has a very Girls Gone Wild: Top 10 Hottest special gift. She talks to the dead. While Theresa helps other Midnight Movies: Volume 12 - families find closure and peace, her own family occasionally Girls 2 get annoyed by her inability to turn it „off“. Shockumentary Triple Feature Choosing the top 10 hottest girls we’ve seen this year was Reality 2011 220min. Films Include Africa Blood & Guts At the risk of their own harder than some of the bodies of the girls in the running. Gaiam Americas 26.03.2013 lives, the filmmakers’ cameras captured it all. The result is a Ashley, Jessica and Malena are just a few of the sexiest, daring and disturbing work that ranks among the greatest cutest girls featured in Girls Gone Wild: Top 10 Hottest Girls 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114154 achievements in documentary cinema, an experience that 2! remains as shocking - and shockingly relevant - as it was 40 Girls Gone Wild min. Manufactured Landscapes (Blu- years ago. This is Africa Blood & Guts! Goodbye Uncle Tom It GGW Brands, LLC. 05.02.2013 was advertised as „The first motion picture based on ray) historical facts about the rise and revolt of slavery in 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114356 Manufactured Landscapes is the striking new documentary on America.“ It became one of the most reviled and misunderstood the world and work of renowned artist Edward Burtynsky. films of its time. The Godfathers Of Mondo For more than four Heist: Who Stole The American Internationally acclaimed for his large scale photographs of decades, they have remained among the most brilliant and manufactured landscapes - quarries, recycling yards, misunderstood directors the world of cinema has ever seen. Dream? factories, mines and dams - Burtynsky creates stunningly Now in this all-new documentary feature, Gualtiero Jacopetti and Franco Prosperi finally have their say. Heist: Who Stole the American Dream? is stunning audiences beautiful art from civilization’s materials and debris. The film across the globe as it traces the worldwide economic follows him through China, as he shoots the evidence and Triple Feature, Documentary, collapse to a 1971 secret memo entitled Attack on American effects of that country’s massive industrial revolution. With Shockumentary 341min. Free Enterprise System. Written over 40 years ago by the breathtaking sequences, such as the opening tracking shot Blue Underground 26.02.2013 future Supreme Court Justice Lewis Powell, at the behest of through an almost endless factory, the filmmakers also extend the US Chamber of Commerce, the 6-page memo, a free-market the narratives of Burtynsky’s photographs, allowing us to 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114019 utopian treatise, called for a money fueled big business meditate on our impact on the planet and witness both the makeover of government through corporate control of the epicenters of industrial endeavor and the dumping ground of Minarets In Temecula: Islam And media, academia, the pulpit, arts and sciences and destruction its waste. In the spirit of such environmentally enlightening of organized labor and consumer protection groups. hits as An Inconvenient Truth and Rivers And Tides, The Right To Religious Freedom Manufactured Landscapes powerfully shifts our Documentary, Politics 76min. consciousness about the world and the way we live in it, Documentary, Politics, Religion/Spirituality Passion River 12.02.2013 without simplistic judgments or reductive resolutions. 28min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114042 2007 90min. Choices, Inc. 27.11.2012 Zeitgeist Films 11.12.2012 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114431 Hitler’s Forgotten Nazis 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113928 Feared, superbly well trained and ruthlessly dedicated to Mind-Body Bootcamp realizing their Fuhrer’s monstrous dream of German world The Men Who Built America superiority, the Waffen-SS looms large in military histories of Combat fat and stress with this unique take on traditional the 20th century’s most harrowing conflict. However, what Vanderbilt, Rockefeller, Carnegie, Morgan, Ford The Men bootcamp! Join 3 Gaiam fitness experts on a journey of burn most of these accounts fail to mention is that, by war’s end, Who Built America. Meet the titans who forged the foundation and balance designed to challenge you physically, mentally more than half of these elite commandos were not even of modern America and created the American Dream. The Men and emotionally. German! Hitler’s Forogtten Nazis provides a powerfully Who Built America mini-series shines a spotlight on the Fitness, Health, Instructional 120min. insightful new look at the ferocious „foreign fighters“ who influential builders, dreamers and believers whose feats Gaiam Americas 05.03.2013 swelled the ranks of the SS. Hailing from every part of transformed the United States, a nation decaying from the German-occupied Europe, not to mention North Africa, the inside after the Civil War, into the greatest economic and 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114167 Middle East and India, this group eventually numbered technological superpower the world had ever seen. The Men upwards of 535,000 men. What motivated these soldiers to Who Built America is the story of a nation at the crossroads MLB Superstars: Impact Players place their lives on the line for a racist Reich that despised and of the people who catapulted it to prosperity. them? And how did they interact with the ethnically „pure“ Americana, Educational, History Channel An original program from the award-winning Major League officers and troops of the Wehrmacht? This startling 4-DVD 360min. Baseball Productions staff, MLB Superstars: Impact Players Collector’s Video-Book provides the answers to these and constructs a 25- man dream team of current stars and many other questions, shedding light on a long-suppressed Lionsgate 22.01.2013 cornerstone players. Assembled from a General Manager’s aspect of the Nazi war machine! The information-packed 24- 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113846 perspective, the All-Star lineup includes: Matt Kemp, Prince page booklet included, explores the complex relationship Fielder, Robinson Cano, Stephen Strasburg, David Price, between the Nazis Justin Verlander, and many more. There’s no denying - these War, World War II, Documentary, Holocaust The Men Who Built America (Blu- players will have an impact for years to come. Sports, Baseball, Documentary, Major 425min. ray) League Baseball 68min. Madacy 19.02.2013 Vanderbilt, Rockefeller, Carnegie, Morgan, Ford The Men Lionsgate 05.03.2013 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114131 Who Built America. Meet the titans who forged the foundation of modern America and created the American Dream. The Men 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114456 Who Built America mini-series shines a spotlight on the How To Survive The Plague influential builders, dreamers and believers whose feats transformed the United States, a nation decaying from the National Geographic Classics: How To Survive A Plague is the story of the brave young men inside after the Civil War, into the greatest economic and and women who successfully reversed the tide of an epidemic, technological superpower the world had ever seen. The Men Bible Mysteries demanded the attention of a fearful nation, and stopped AIDS Who Built America is the story of a nation at the crossroads Travel back in time with National Geographic to the Holy Land from becoming a death sentence. This improbable group of and of the people who catapulted it to prosperity. to explore some of the Bible’s most intriguing mysteries. From activists bucked oppression and infiltrated government Americana, Educational, History Channel the mysterious lost stories of Christ to the greatest escape in agencies and the pharmaceutical industry, helping to identify history, National Geographic examines the fundamental promising new medication and treatments and move them 360min. questions surrounding the ancient texts to shed new light on through trials and into drugstores in record time. In the Lionsgate 22.01.2013 old mysteries. process, they saved their own lives and ended the darkest days of a veritable plague, while virtually emptying AIDS 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113860 Mystery, National Geographic, Religion/ wards in American hospitals. - Theirs is a classic tale of Spirituality min. activism that has since inspired movements for change in Jillian Michaels: Hard Body Vivendi Visual Entertainment 13.03.2013 everything from breast cancer research to Occupy Wall Street. - How To Survive A Plague is „extraordinary, Jillian Michaels 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114148 remarkable, and one of the most important documentaries in Fitness, Health, Instructional 90min. years or decades.“ -Andrew O’Hehir, Salon. Gaiam Americas 05.03.2013 National Geographic: Cesar AIDS, Documentary 2012 109min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114163 MPI 26.02.2013 Millan - The Real Story 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114295 Cesar Millan Midnight Movies: Volume 11 - Follow Cesar Millan’s rise from impoverished illegal immigrant to celebrity dog trainer to international superstar. DeSean Jackson: The Making Of Mondo Triple Feature Join Cesar as he embarks on his live world speaking tour, Films Include Mondo Cane Two years after the international films his new television series in Spain and leads thousands A Father’s Dream smash Mondo Cane became the most controversial of dogs and owners on a Pack Walk in Washington, D.C. The life story of Philadelphia Eagles wide receiver DeSean documentary of its time, the filmmakers again ignited a Cesar reflects on his humble past, his family life and his ever- Jackson is a roadmap of the making of an elite athlete, from firestorm of outrage and acclaim as they traveled the globe to evolving philosophy, which inspires people to improve their Pop Warner to the Pro Bowl. DeSean Jackson: The Making of film an all-new exploration of primitives, penitents and relationships with their dogs while becoming the pack leader a Father’s Dream is a result of 18 years of documenting every perversions in a world gone mad. Women Of The World From of their own lives. aspect DeSean’s journey to NFL stardom and his family’s love in the streets of Paris to death on the African plain, the Biography, National Geographic 45min. struggle to stick together through it all. Mondo masters turn their unflinching eye on all the things Vivendi Visual Entertainment 26.02.2013 Sports, Documentary, Football, NFL 106min. never before known - and never before shown - about Women 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113844 Passion River 05.02.2013 Of The World.

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War, World War II, Documentary, Military National Geographic: My Life The Official Review Of The 2012 2012 160min. With Chimpanzees / America’s FIA Formula One World E1 Entertainment 26.02.2013 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114021 Lost Mustang (Double Feature) Championship Jane Goodall A compilation of highlights from the 2012 season of the Parents Vs. Predators: Internet National Geographic commemorates 125 years of exploration Formula One World Championships. All eyes were on Red by reintroducing timeless classics from its rich archives Bull’s Sebastian Vettel to see if he could defend the title he Safety through specially-priced double feature releases. Jane won the previous year, in the face of stiff competition from Goodall: My Life With Chimpanzees provides an intimate yet teammate Mark Webber, Ferrari’s Fernando Alonso and Documentary, Family 53min. sweeping portrait of the extraordinary woman who, in 1960, McLaren’s Jensen Button and Lewis Hamilton. In the year that E1 Entertainment 15.01.2013 went alone into the heart of Africa at the age of 26 and sees five former World Champions competing against current 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113999 remained there for decades studying chimpanzees. In back-to-back World Champion Sebastian Vettel for the America’s Lost Mustang famed „horse whisperer“ Pat Parelli ultimate prize, and the introduction of revised regulations journeys to find the last descendants of America’s first aimed at closing the gap. With 300 minutes of footage Photographic Memory including round-ups on each and every event from the 2012 mustangs, isolated for centuries in the rural Southwest, with Filmmaker Ross McElwee (Sherman’s March, Bright Leaves) the hope of breeding them back from the brink of extinction. FIA Formula One World Championship, on-board camera laps (some with driver commentary) and previously unseen footage finds himself in frequent conflict with his son, a young adult Documentary, Double Features, National and interviews, this DVD is a must-have for Formula One and who seems addicted to and distracted by the virtual worlds of Geographic 108min. racing fans everywhere. the internet. To understand his fractured love for his son, McElwee travels back to St. Quay-Portrieux in Brittany for Vivendi Visual Entertainment 13.03.2013 Sports, Auto Racing, Extreme Sports, the first time in decades to retrace his own journey into 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114147 Racing 2012 303min. adulthood. A meditation on the passing of time, the praxis of Kultur 15.01.2013 photography and film, and the digital versus analog divide. National Geographic: Top Secret 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114249 Documentary, Photography/Art 2012 87min. First Run Features 12.02.2013 Plant 42 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113875 Go inside America’s „black world“ of off-the-record projects Ohio State Game Time 2012: developed in secret. Host Jake Ward, editor of Popular Season In Review Science, explores the little-known projects still being built in Planet Of Snail Game Time with Urban Meyer 2012 - A Season in Review America that are so confidential, some are said not to exist. A wondrous documentary that’s been winning over audiences His mission: to shine a light on the covert technology hidden chronicles the 2012 Ohio State Buckeyes undefeated football season. Host Dom Tiberi takes a look back at each memorable around the world, Planet Of Snail is a journey into the life of a all around us. From futuristic aircraft flying faster than the most extraordinary couple. - Young-Chan is an accomplished speed of sound, to stealth weapons and propulsion systems, game. In addition, don’t miss special features that include a behind-the-scenes look at the Ohio State football program and poet who can no longer hear or see. He communicates with Ward explores as deep inside each secret site as possible. his wife through finger braille, a unique form of communication Technology, Documentary, National head coach Urban Meyer. Documentary, Football, NCAA 90min. where words are tapped on each other’s hands. They rely on Geographic 2012 45min. one another completely; even simple domestic tasks require Team Marketing 18.12.2012 Vivendi Visual Entertainment 05.02.2013 complex collaboration and everyday moments that most of us 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114360 hardly notice become tender shared experiences. Combining 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113816 breathtaking imagery with Young-Chan’s personal writings, Planet Of Snail becomes a transfixing portrait of life on what Omnibus: Gene Kelly - Dancing A seems like another planet, where touch communicates National Geographic: Wild Alaska everything and love conquers all. The rugged coast of our biggest state harbors the most Man’s Game Art House, Documentary, Foreign, Korean incredible wildlife in America. When winter breaks, animals Gene Kelly 2011 87min. make the most of the endless sunshine before this world This complete episode of the pioneering television series closes again in darkness. This is the story of the creatures Omnibus was fully devoted to, written, presented and Cinema Guild 12.02.2013 that endure this harsh reality along the shoreline - Alaska’s performed by legendary actor, director and choreographer 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114252 life on the edge. Gene Kelly. Documentary, National Geographic 2012 Dancing, Performing Arts 1958 55min. 45min. Restore: Strong Knees E1 Entertainment 05.02.2013 Almost all knee injuries can be easily prevented and treated. Vivendi Visual Entertainment 05.02.2013 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114005 The secret is knowing exactly how to take care of these 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113817 important joints when they’re hurting and while they’re healthy. This simple strengthening and stretching routine Out In The Open targets the muscles that protect the knees to avoid undue NFL Super Bowl XLVII Champions Keaton Simons, Eliza Roberts, Carson stress and strain. NFL Films takes you down the sidelines, on the field and into Fitness, Health, Instructional 50min. the locker room with exclusive access to all the vivid sounds Kressley and images of every game in the memorable 2012-2013 season Out in the Open will, once and for all, destroy the Gaiam Americas 05.03.2013 of the Championship team - coupled with exciting extra misconceptions, fears, and myths about the LGBTQ community. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114168 content detailing stores from the year, media day at Super This uplifting documentary is geared towards at risk youth Bowl XLVII, and the thrilling Lombardi Trophy Presentation. across the world, as well as their families, friends, and teachers. Featuring interviews with celebrities, politicians, Restore: Yoga For Back Care Sports, Football, NFL 2013 min. and everyday allies who openly embrace the LGBTQ Vivendi Visual Entertainment 05.03.2013 community, this feel-good film asserts that no single person is Rodney Yee the same and that all people should be celebrated. A strong, healthy back is essential to well-being and vitality. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114132 Through sedentary day-to-day activities - sitting at a Documentary, Gay / Lesbian Interest 88min. computer, driving to/from work, relaxing on the couch - we NFL Super Bowl XLVII Champions Breaking Glass Pictures 29.01.2013 weaken our backs and develop poor posture. In Yoga for Back 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114220 Care, Rodney Yee teaches a series of standing and supine (Blu-ray) poses that help lengthen and loosen the spine for greater NFL Films takes you down the sidelines, on the field and into agility and flexibility. the locker room with exclusive access to all the vivid sounds Over Your Cities Grass Will Grow Yoga, Fitness, Health, Instructional 67min. and images of every game in the memorable 2012-2013 season A mesmerizing portrait of the artist Anselm Kiefer by Gaiam Americas 05.03.2013 of the Championship team - coupled with exciting extra acclaimed documentarian Sophie Fiennes (The Pervert’s content detailing stores from the year, media day at Super Guide To Cinema), Over Your Cities Grass Will Grow is part 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114169 Bowl XLVII, and the thrilling Lombardi Trophy Presentation. tribute and part deconstruction; aided by beautiful widescreen Sports, Football, NFL 2013 min. cinematography, Fiennes captures the majesty of Kiefer’s Joan Rivers: Don’t Start With Me architectonic installations alongside observational footage of Vivendi Visual Entertainment 05.03.2013 his work process. Joan Rivers 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114156 Documentary, Foreign, German 2012 Comedy min. 105min. E1 Entertainment 15.01.2013 Nitro Circus: The Movie Kino Video 26.02.2013 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113989 Sports, Extreme Sports, MotoCross 2012 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114097 min. Samurai Sword: Cutting Anderson Merchandisers 13.11.2012 Panzers At War And Basic Sword Techniques 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113924 This is the story of the German Panzer forces of World War In this DVD Master Sueyoshi Akeshi teaches us the Art of II, when these awesome fighting machines came of age. Iaido: the art of „cutting and unsheathing“. This art includes Nitro Circus: The Movie (Blu-ray) Featuring newsreel footage shot by the German PK (Propa- Kamae, Kumidachi, basic combat techniques, special ganda Kompanie) and archive film from Allied war sources, techniques and formality of rules. It is an essential DVD for Sports, Extreme Sports, MotoCross 2012 this is the definitive guide to the German tank and armored any martial artist who wants to take down his beautiful saber min. vehicles of the war. From the brutally effective Blitzkrieg off the wall and learn how to use it. This DVD demonstrates tactics to the German disaster at the Battle of Kursk, the these techniques: drawing the sword, combat actions, Anderson Merchandisers 13.11.2012 greatest tank battle in history, these three DVDs cover the formalities, cutting skills and much more. 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113932 highs and lows of German armor in the field of battle. Swordfighting, Instructional 50min.

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Bayview Entertainment 01.01.2013 have spent the past three years traveling to some of the Sports, UFC, Mixed Martial Arts min. world’s most violent locales in order to make this 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113913 documentary, Stolen Seas presents a chilling exploration of Starz / Anchor Bay 19.02.2013 the Somali pirate phenomenon. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114079 Leslie Sansone: Belly Blasting Crime, Documentary, High Seas, Pirates Walk 90min. Undefeated Virgil Films And Entertainment 12.02.2013 Leslie Sansone No hope. No future... until a football season united a team and 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113938 revealed the character that turned them into heroes. Fitness, Health, Instructional 53min. Undefeated, an Academy Award winning documentary, (2011 Starz / Anchor Bay 05.02.2013 Best Documentary Feature - Dan Lindsay, TJ Martin and Rich 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114072 Storage Wars: Volume Four Middlemas), is the inspiring and moving tale of three Everyone’s favorite modern-day treasure hunters continue on underprivileged student-athletes from inner-city Memphis and their quest for the extraordinary in 16 action packed all-new the volunteer coach, Bill Courtney, trying to help them beat the Kristen Schaal: Live At The episodes of dramatic bidding, intense rivalries and high- odds on and off the field. stakes entertainment. Storage Wars, follows teams of bidders Sports, Documentary, Football, High School Fillmore looking to score it big in the high stakes world of storage 114min. Kristen Schaal auctions. Starz / Anchor Bay 19.02.2013 Reality 368min. The rising comedy star debuts her first full-length stand up 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114080 special live at the historic Fillmore Theatre. Kristen Schaal, Lionsgate 12.02.2013 best known for her work on The Daily Show, Flight of the 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113980 Conchords, Bob’s Burgers and , continues to be a Undefeated (Blu-ray) rising presence in the alternative comedy scene. Kristen’s devoted fanbase will be clamoring for this release. Enter the Swamp People: Season Three No hope. No future... until a football season united a team and truly unique world of Kristen’s comedy with this extended and revealed the character that turned them into heroes. uncensored special where inanimate objects come alive and The Gator Gold Rush is on in Season 3 of Swamp People. Undefeated, an Academy Award winning documentary, (2011 experience the twists and turns that set this special apart With Delta waters and gator prices higher than ever, Troy Best Documentary Feature - Dan Lindsay, TJ Martin and Rich from all others. Landry, Clint, RJ and Jay Paul, Junior Edwards, his son Middlemas), is the inspiring and moving tale of three Willy and many others stalk the Atchafalaya Swamp hunting underprivileged student-athletes from inner-city Memphis and Comedy, Comedy Central 60min. for the biggest, baddest beasts around. From „Leo the Lion“ to the volunteer coach, Bill Courtney, trying to help them beat the Comedy Central 19.02.2013 „Treebreaker“ to „Big Foot,“ monster alpha male gators are in odds on and off the field. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114262 their crosshairs as they battle everything from sweltering Sports, Documentary, Football, High School heat to outsiders setting lines, and tornado-force storms that threaten to shut down gator season altogether. Will these 114min. Kathy Smith Timeless: Shed The crazed killers prove too much for the gator hunters, or will Starz / Anchor Bay 19.02.2013 Troy and company cash in big? Will lady swampers Liz and 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114091 Pounds Kristi make their best catch all season - or will they barely Fitness, Health, Instructional 161min. survive it? And will newcomers Austyn and Blake manage to escape Dead End Bayou? For generations, the resilient Cajun Vigilante Vigilante: The Battle Bayview Entertainment 08.01.2013 people have transcended it all... but, as the old Bayou saying 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113914 goes, „A gator doesn’t get big by being stupid.“ For Expression History Channel, Reality, Swamp 2012 A new breed of crime-fighter now stalks the urban landscape: the anti-graffiti vigilante. These dedicated blight-warriors Kathy Smith Timeless: Yoga 968min. stop at nothing to rid their neighborhoods and cities of street Sculpt Lionsgate 19.02.2013 art, stickers, tags, and posters. Yet several of these 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114071 vigilantes have become the very menace they set out to Yoga, Fitness, Health 161min. eliminate. In their relentless attempt to stamp out graffiti, they Bayview Entertainment 08.01.2013 have turned to illegally and destructively painting other This Binary Universe people’s property. Vigilante Vigilante is the story of two 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113915 filmmakers who set out to expose these mysterious characters Documentary 2012 84min. and discover a battle of expression that stretches from the Somewhere Between Indican Pictures 13.01.2013 streets to academia. Somewhere Between tells the intimate stories of four teenaged 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113981 Documentary 87min. girls united by one thing: all four were adopted from China Passion River 19.02.2013 because they had birth parents who could not keep them, due To Be Heard 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114046 to personal circumstances colliding with China’s „One Child Policy.“ To Be Heard is the story of three teens from the South Bronx whose struggle to change their lives begins when they start to Diana Vreeland: The Eye Has To Documentary min. write poetry. As writing and reciting become vehicles for their Docurama 05.02.2013 expressions of love, friendship, frustration and hope, we Travel 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114562 watch these three youngsters emerge as accomplished, self- During Diana Vreeland’s fifty year reign as the „Empress of aware artists who use their creativity to alter their Fashion,“ she launched , advised Jackie Onassis, and circumstances. A verite film intimately shot over four years, established countless trends that have withstood the test of The Son Of Olive Merchant: In To Be Heard is the story of three friends and the love that time. Diana Vreeland: The Eye Has to Travel is an intimate Search of the Armenian develops between them as they evolve as artists. portrait and a vibrant celebration of one of the most influential Documentary 87min. women of the 20th century, an enduring icon whose influence Genocide Passion River 12.02.2013 changed the face of fashion, beauty, art, publishing and Documentary, Genocide 2011 76min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114045 culture forever. Documentary, Fashion 2012 86min. Choices, Inc. 27.11.2012 E1 Entertainment 05.02.2013 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114430 Toddlers And Tiaras: Crowning 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114004 Moments Sons Of Guns: Season 2 More than thirteen hours of tears, tantrums, and tiaras fill this Waiting For Lightning Will Hayden runs Red Jacket, the nation’s most unique fascinating four-disc set of the Best of Toddlers and Tiaras. weapons business. From guns to knives to swords to From first-timers to veteran pros, these little girls give their Travis Pastrana, Rob Dyrdek, Danny Way cannons, Will sells, trades, buys, builds and customizes them all in competition for one sparkling prize: the top-title tiara. Waiting For Lightning is the inspirational story of Danny Way, all. When Will isn’t rebuilding a „bring-back“ rifle from the With a pizza-tossing talent and a vertical „exercise pole,“ a young boy from a broken home whose passion for Vietnam War or re-stringing a bow to hunt swamp gators, he these glammed-up girls never cease to amaze with their skateboarding would one day bring him fame and a lifetime of can be found in his Louisiana Bayou shop swapping gossip talents. There’s just as much entertainment off-stage as the accomplishments. A visionary skateboarder whose love of big with his customers that range from housewives to members of pageant parents share secrets and sentiments for their child’s air in half-pipes and on gigantic ramps have garnered him the SWAT team. Will, his daughter Stephanie, and the rest of competition. And no collection would be complete without an fame and fans around the world, Way decides to attempt the his crew, race to keep up with the demands of their clientèle appearance from Honey Boo Boo. Featuring Alana in her first impossible: jump China’s Great Wall on a skateboard. It’s a and turn out top notch weapons. But whether it’s having a pageant appearance, you’ll get a rollicking look into the life of film about how much abuse the body can sustain, how deep lunch break shooting contest, going on a nighttime bayou bow this outrageous pageant family. you have to dig to survive the challenges life presents, and fishing trip or field testing a fully automatic M2 .50 caliber Reality 220min. how high and far dreams can fly. Danny Way has not only machine gun, viewers will catch the Red Jacket team always proven himself to be an incredibly talented skateboarder but finding time to have some fun. Gaiam Americas 12.02.2013 also the sport’s greatest innovator. In his quest for greatness, Discovery Channel, Reality 2011 220min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113820 Way continues to shape the very sport that helped save his own life. Waiting For Lightning features a who’s who of action Discovery Channel 26.02.2013 sports all-stars including Way, Travis Pastrana, Laird 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113842 UFC 154: St. Pierre Vs. Condit Hamilton, Tony Hawk, Rodney Mullen, Mat Hofman, Rob Georges St. Pierre, Carlos Condit Dyrdek and Ken Block. Included on the Blu-ray are over an Stolen Seas A Welterweight Championship between Georges St. Pierre hour of exclusive bonus features. and Carlos Condit is on line in UFC 154 when two of the Sports, Documentary, Extreme Sports, Stolen Seas tells the story of current day pirates utilizing biggest names in the sport duke it out in what is sure to be an Skateboarding 2012 96min. exclusive interviews and unparalleled access to real pirates, explosive match. Also, Chad Griggs drops down 205 pounds hostages, hostages’ relatives, ship-owners, pirate negotiators to tangle with Cyrille Diabate in what is sure to be an explo- First Run Features 05.03.2013 and experts on piracy and international policy. The filmmakers sive light heavyweight bout. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114479

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CM Punk, The Miz, John Cena, Kane, Randy Waiting For Lightning (Blu-ray + Orton, Big Show, Sheamus, Daniel Bryan, DVD Combo) (Blu-ray) Wade Barrett With WrestleMania 29 on the horizon, the last stop on the Travis Pastrana, Rob Dyrdek, Danny Way road to the biggest show of the year is the callous coliseum Waiting For Lightning is the inspirational story of Danny Way, known as the Elimination Chamber. With the WrestleMania Telefonische a young boy from a broken home whose passion for line up taking shape, the WWE and World Heavyweight Bestellannahme: skateboarding would one day bring him fame and a lifetime of Champions face the most daunting challenge in any Montags 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr accomplishments. A visionary skateboarder whose love of big championship reign - outlasting five other competitors in a air in half-pipes and on gigantic ramps have garnered him barbaric steel chamber for the right to carry the title into the Dienstags 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr fame and fans around the world, Way decides to attempt the show of shows for a chance at immortality. In one of the most Donnerstags 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr impossible: jump China’s Great Wall on a skateboard. It’s a unpredictable matches of the year, two Superstars start in the Freitags 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr film about how much abuse the body can sustain, how deep middle of the ring and four pods open at random during the you have to dig to survive the challenges life presents, and course of the match, adding another Superstar to the fray. how high and far dreams can fly. Danny Way has not only Who will have the iron will to emerge victorious? Plus, Mittwochs, Samstags, Sonn- proven himself to be an incredibly talented skateboarder but several other rivalries begin to reach a boiling point as the und Feiertags (Baden- also the sport’s greatest innovator. In his quest for greatness, entire Raw and SmackDown rosters aim to prove themselves Way continues to shape the very sport that helped save his worthy of the grandest stage. Württemberg) bleibt unser own life. Waiting For Lightning features a who’s who of action Sports, Sports Entertainment, WWE 2013 Verkauf geschlossen. sports all-stars including Way, Travis Pastrana, Laird Hamilton, Tony Hawk, Rodney Mullen, Mat Hofman, Rob 180min. Dyrdek and Ken Block. Included on the Blu-ray are over an WWE Home Video 19.03.2013 hour of exclusive bonus features. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114149 Sports, Documentary, Extreme Sports, Skateboarding 2012 96min. WWE: Royal Rumble 2013 First Run Features 05.03.2013 CM Punk, The Miz, John Cena, Kane, Randy 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114477 Orton, Rey Mysterio, Big Show, Alberto Del Rio, Sheamus, Kofi Kingston, Daniel Bryan, WWE: Bret Hart Unreleased Wade Barrett, Cody Rhodes, Sin Cara, Collection Dolph Ziggler Bret Hart WWE kicks off The Road to WrestleMania with the 2013 For nearly 30 years, Bret „Hit Man“ Hart travelled the globe Royal Rumble and this year, The Rock is back to electrify the proving he was „The Best There Is, The Best There Was, and WWE Universe once again! Will the Peoples Champ finally the Best There Ever Will Be“. From his roots in his family’s bring the WWE Championship home to Team Bring It for the own Stampede Wrestling, to the bright lights of WWE, WCW, first time in over ten years? Plus, 30 or more Superstars and his watershed return to the ring in 2010, no Superstar compete in WWE’s historic over-the-top rope main event could match his unmistakable presence in the ring. Known as where one resilient Superstar earns a chance to main event the „Excellence of Execution“, he is widely regarded as the WrestleMania! Sheamus emerged from the pack in 2012 and Newsletter 19/12 (Nr. 323) greatest technical wrestler of all time, evidenced by multiple went on to claim the World Heavyweight Championship on the reigns with the Tag Team, Intercontinental, WWE and World grandest stage. Who will add their name to the illustrious list ISSN 1610-2606 Heavyweight Championships. Now in this collection, compiled of Royal Rumble winners this year, and will they have a date Credits by the Hit Man himself, fans can experience Bret Hart’s best to go one-on-one with the great one, The Rock at matches never-before-released on DVD. Bret takes the WrestleMania 29? This is truly a monumental edition of one of Redaktion: viewer behind each match in a brand new, revealing interview the WWE’s most long-standing events, and a must-have for all Wolfram Hannemann detailing the inside stories surrounding these rare matches. WWE fans. Over 8 hours of in-ring action is presented, including Sports, Sports Entertainment, WWE 2013 Design & Layout: classics from the Stampede Wrestling vault as well as vintage 180min. Wolfram Hannemann WWE bouts against the top stars of the 80s and 90s. WWE Home Video 26.02.2013 Sports, Sports Entertainment, WWE 540min. Assistenz: 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113826 WWE Home Video 05.03.2013 Beate Hannemann 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114133 WWE: Royal Rumble 2013 (Blu- WWE: Bret Hart Unreleased ray) © (2012) by Collection (Blu-ray) CM Punk, The Miz, John Cena, Kane, Randy LASER HOTLINE Orton, Rey Mysterio, Big Show, Alberto Del Bret Hart ** Preisangabe in EURO gilt Rio, Sheamus, Kofi Kingston, Daniel Bryan, For nearly 30 years, Bret „Hit Man“ Hart travelled the globe nur in Verbindung mit einem proving he was „The Best There Is, The Best There Was, and Wade Barrett, Cody Rhodes, Sin Cara, the Best There Ever Will Be“. From his roots in his family’s Dolph Ziggler „Persönlichen Import- own Stampede Wrestling, to the bright lights of WWE, WCW, WWE kicks off The Road to WrestleMania with the 2013 service“-Vertrag und be- and his watershed return to the ring in 2010, no Superstar Royal Rumble and this year, The Rock is back to electrify the inhaltet den Warenpreis could match his unmistakable presence in the ring. Known as WWE Universe once again! Will the Peoples Champ finally the „Excellence of Execution“, he is widely regarded as the bring the WWE Championship home to Team Bring It for the sowie alle anfallenden greatest technical wrestler of all time, evidenced by multiple first time in over ten years? Plus, 30 or more Superstars Importkosten inkl. unserer reigns with the Tag Team, Intercontinental, WWE and World compete in WWE’s historic over-the-top rope main event Heavyweight Championships. Now in this collection, compiled where one resilient Superstar earns a chance to main event Vermittlungsprovision. by the Hit Man himself, fans can experience Bret Hart’s best WrestleMania! Sheamus emerged from the pack in 2012 and * ”Dolby”, ”Surround EX” und matches never-before-released on DVD. Bret takes the went on to claim the World Heavyweight Championship on the viewer behind each match in a brand new, revealing interview grandest stage. Who will add their name to the illustrious list das doppelte D-Symbol detailing the inside stories surrounding these rare matches. of Royal Rumble winners this year, and will they have a date sind Warenzeichen der Over 8 hours of in-ring action is presented, including to go one-on-one with the great one, The Rock at classics from the Stampede Wrestling vault as well as vintage WrestleMania 29? This is truly a monumental edition of one of Dolby Laboratories Inc. WWE bouts against the top stars of the 80s and 90s. the WWE’s most long-standing events, and a must-have for all Der NEWSLETTER ist die Sports, Sports Entertainment, WWE 540min. WWE fans. WWE Home Video 05.03.2013 Sports, Sports Entertainment, WWE 2013 offizielle Informationsbro- 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40114157 270min. schüre für Kunden der Fir- WWE Home Video 26.02.2013 ma LASER HOTLINE. WWE: Elimination Chamber 2013 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113841 Alle in diesem Mailing ent- haltenen Angaben zu Pro- dukten, die im Ausland ver- Wir machen Betriebsferien! öffentlicht werden, stellen kein Verkaufsangebot dar, sondern dienen nur zur Ab 07. Januar 2013 sind wir wieder in gewohnter Information. LASER HOTLINE ist Weise für Sie da autorisierter Dolby Merchandise Händler

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