Norwood Green Paths and Distance Markers Public Consultation Results

January 2020



In summer 2019 Council received a community petition for a walking and jogging path and distance markers around . The petition had over 450 signatures. Norwood Green Ward Forum has funding available to carry out this work. To give all local residents the opportunity to comment on this proposal it was agreed at the September 2019 Ward Forum meeting that a public consultation would be carried out. Cards inviting people to participate in the online consultation were sent out to all properties in Norwood Green Ward on 31st October 2019 and posters about the consultation were displayed on the green. The consultation was open between 31st October and 1st December 2019.

The proposal is to install a new loop footpath around the green, linking the childrens play area, fitness equipment and seating areas. The new path would be made of recycled crushed concrete with an attractive natural stone granite chip surface and it would have timber distance markers at 100m intervals around the whole 500m course.

The consultation area boundary:


Summary of results

Cards informing people about the public consultation were sent out to 4,875 properties in Norwood Green and posters were displayed on the green. 82 people responded to the online survey and not all survey participants responded to all questions.

Should there be a footpath and distance markers at Norwood Green? There was a 9% majority in support of the proposed footpath and marker posts at Norwood Green.

Of the 76 completed and valid responses 41 (53.9%) were in favour of the proposed path and distance markers whilst 36 (44.7%) were opposed to it and 1 (1.3%) respondee didn’t know or couldn’t say. Of the 41 people in favour of the proposal 39 live in Norwood Green Ward and 2 live outside the ward. Of the 34 people opposed to the proposal 32 live in Norwood Green Ward and 2 live outside the ward.

Why respondees currently go to Norwood Green Of the 41 respondents in favour of the proposal, 35 told us they visit at least once a week and 20 of those visit daily. Of the 34 respondents opposed to the proposal 28 told us they visit at least once a week and 11 of those visit daily. Most respondees told us they either visit alone and with their families. Respondents main reasons for visiting Norwood Green are for fresh air and contact with nature (72.7%), walking (49.4%) and doing exercise (46.8%).

About the respondees 56 of the 76 completed responses were from people aged 45 years or older, slightly more men than women responded to the survey, 85% don’t consider themselves to have a disability and most respondents come from either a White (English/ Welsh/ Scottish/ Northern Irish/ British) or Asian/ Asian British (Indian) backgrounds.

Respondees main concerns Common concerns raised are the loss of green space and that a path is not appropriate for this historic ‘village green’. There is strong concern that the historic green is slowly being degraded and built over, and that it should be protected and preserved as a simple ‘natural’ green space.

Benefits identified by respondees The common response for supporting the proposal was its benefits for health. Respondees would like the path around the green to allow them to walk for exercise to improve their health. Older respondees say they would like to walk on the green but fear slipping on wet grass in winter months and that they are not always able to travel to more distant parks.

Response from Ealing Council Ealing council believe that the proposed path and distance markers would be suitable for the historic green and natural environment as they use a combination of natural materials (the path surface of crushed granite chips and timber distance marker posts) and some recycled materials (crushed concrete which would not be visible as it forms only the base of the path. The path would provide a safe and dry surface to walk on allowing local people to enjoy the green space and get up close to the wildflower mounds and mature trees. The path will run around the edge of the central open space to minimise risk of damage from the community events such as Village day and the funfair. This also keeps it clear of the many nature trees as it does not enter the tree root protection zones.

Norwood Green has registered village green status providing an extra level of protection assuring that the area is maintained as a green space for public enjoyment, sports and pastimes and that the green cannot be closed off from the public or built over. Defra guidelines for village greens can be found via the website. Defra Village Green management guidelines confirm that works ‘for the better enjoyment of the green’ and that support public ‘use of enjoyment of a green space as a place of exercise and recreation’ are not considered offences. Norwood Green also lies at the heart of the Norwood Green Conservation area which provides guidance on ensuring that developments respect the heritage of this area. Ealing Council believe that the proposed path and distance markers at Norwood Green do no conflict with the requirements of either the registered village green status or the conservation area status.


Recommendation Based on these results the recommendation is to go ahead with installation of the new path and distance markers at Norwood Green in early 2020.

What happens next? Norwood Green Ward Forum will fund the new path and timber distance markers which will be installed in spring 2020.

The following pages give the full results of the consultation question by question.

Question 1 - In order for us to determine who the response is from please tell us your address. This information will not be used for any other purpose.

Responses were received from 82 addresses. Of these 78 responses were from 37 roads within Norwood Green Ward (shown as pink dots on the map below) and 4 were from addresses on roads located outside the ward (shown as blue dots on the map below). 6 responses did not complete all questions or did not provide a valid address.

Map showing road location of all respondees

Norwood Green


Question 2 - How frequently do you use Norwood Green, for any reason?

Most respondees visit the Norwood Green very regularly, with 41.5% making daily visits. Only 7 respondees said they visit less than twice a month.

Answer Choices Responses Everyday 41.5% 34 3-4 times a week 24.4% 20 Once or twice a week 18.3% 15 Once or twice a fortnight 7.3% 6 Once or twice a month 4.9% 4 Less often than above 3.7% 3 Never/ do not live in the area 0.0% 0 Answered 82 Skipped 0

Question 3 - For which of the following reasons do you visit the Norwood Green?

Respondees were asked to select all the different reasons that they visit Norwood Green. Fresh air and contact with nature were by far the most popular reason for visiting Norwood Green, with walking on the way to somewhere else and doing exercise also very popular reasons. Smaller numbers use the play area and gym equipment, or use it to meet friends, play informally or visit for special events. Other reasons for visiting included – 1 for reading a book/newspaper, 1 for Village Day, 1 for dog walking, 1 for picnics, 2 for ‘live here’ and 7 people for ‘walking’

Answer Choices Responses Fresh air and contact with nature 72.7% 56 Walking on the way to somewhere else 49.4% 38 Doing exercise 46.8% 36 Special events eg funfair 23.4% 18 Outdoor gym equipment 20.8% 16 Children's play area 16.9% 13 Meeting friends 13.0% 10 Informal play 1.3% 1 Other (please specify) 19.5% 15 Answered 77 Skipped 5


Question 4 - Do you visit the Norwood Green on your own or with any of the below?

Respondees could select one or more of the choices and most gave several answers indicating that they visit with family, with friends and alone. Visiting with family alone was the most popular choice with 51 responses and visiting alone had 40 responses. Only 8 respondees said that they visit with pets. There were s ‘other’ responses which included visits ‘with my husband’ and ‘with the grandchildren’

Answer Choices Responses I visit on my own 52.0% 40 With family 66.2% 51 With friends 37.7% 29 With pets 10.4% 8 Other (please specify) 3.9% 3 Answered 77 Skipped 5


Question 5 - Are you in favour of or opposed to the new path and distance markers being built at the Norwood Green?

Of the 76 valid responses we received 41 (53.9%) were in favour of the proposed path and distance markers whilst 36 (44.7%) were opposed to it and 1 (1.3%) respondee didn’t know or couldn’t say.

56 respondees gave a wide range of reasons for their choice and the full set of comments are included in appendix 1.

Respondees in favour of the proposed path and distance markers state that improved health, doing exercise and walking safely on the green are the main reasons for their choice. Several elderly respondees say they would like to walk on the green but fear slipping on wet grass in winter months and that they are not always able to travel to more distant parks. Some respondees say that they already walk on the green but that they find the uneven grass difficult to walk on. Others say they would start to visit if there was a suitable path.

Respondees who oppose the proposed path and distance markers are very concerned at the loss of green space and feel that it is the path is not suitable for a historic and natural village green. There is strong concern that the historic green is slowly being degraded and built over, and that it should be protected and preserved as a simple ‘natural’ village green space. Some respondees note that there are pavements to all three roads surrounding the green that can already be used for walking and that nearby and Heston Park provide good locations for jogging. A few respondees feel that funds would be better spent on other community projects such as improving safety around Norwood Green.

Answer Choices Responses I am favour of the proposal 53.9% 41 I am opposed to the proposal 44.7% 34 Don't know / Can't say 1.3% 1 Answered 76 Skipped 6 *While there we 82 responses, only 76 of those answered the agreement question and had a valid address

Several respondees suggested that rather than having new paths within the green an alternative option would be to install new pavements along the outer edge of Norwood Green on Tentelow Lane and Norwood Green Road where there is currently no pavement. Ealing Council has looked at this option but has ruled it out as installing footpaths would cause unacceptable damage to the roots of the numerous mature trees growing very close to the edge of both these roads.


Several respondees are concerned that the path proposed would be ugly concrete and not sensitively installed into the village green. Ealing council would like to take this opportunity to clarify that the proposed path would be naturalistic in style and not a concrete or tarmac path. The path surface is formed using natural gravel (crushed granite chippings) and the crushed concrete mentioned in the consultation will not be seen as it only forms only the base of the path. Ealing council already uses this style of path in several of its heritage and countryside parks including Park, , Cuckoo Park and some sections of the Brent River Park and Horsenden Hill.

Q6 - Would you want this type of walking / jogging path in any of the following local parks?

The results show that there is only moderate support to having this sort of walking/jogging path in the three other local parks we suggested. Some respondees welcomed the idea but others noted that these three parks already have plenty of footpaths. One respondee noted that there is a nearby exercise track in a park just outside the borough (we believe this refers to Heston Park).

At present there is no funding available for path works in any of these parks and if funding does become available then further consultation will take place with the local communities.

Would you want this type of walking / jogging path in any of the following local parks? Please select one or more of the following: Yes No Don't know / Can't say Total Wolf Fields Park 32.88% 24 24.66% 18 42.47% 31 73 Glade Lane Park 31.82% 21 18.18% 12 50.00% 33 66 Recreation Ground 33.33% 23 15.94% 11 50.72% 35 69 Other (please specify) 10 Answered 75 Skipped 7

Q7 - Do you have any other comments about the proposal?

Answered 44 Skipped 38

44 responses were received giving a wide range of opinions and suggestions, some of which duplicate comments given in Q5. Two common themes were supporting the health benefits of a new path and concern that a new path will be detrimental to the historic village green and is a loss of greenspace.


There was concern that the new path was not suitable for the historic green space and that the green should be left as it is. People also suggested that funds would be better spent on improving the existing highways footpaths along the roads surrounding the green, and on tackling Anti-Social Behaviour, crime, street cleaning and other community projects. People in favour of the path proposal said that it will help local people to be more active and take exercise in a safe, well overlooked and pleasant green space away from traffic. It was noted that the grass is very slippery in winter and the new path would provide year-round walking route.

It was also noted that there is already a similar path at nearby a Heston Park, that a ‘dirt’ path would be more suitable than crushed concrete and that it was unclear which side of the mounds the proposed path would be. We can confirm that the proposed path would be made of crushed recycled concrete but would have a surface dressing of fine crushed granite chippings which we find works extremely well in our more ‘rural’ and ‘historic’ green spaces. The proposed path will run inside the mounds to avoid risk of damage to the mature trees that line the green.

Full comments can be found in full in appendix 1 below.

Q8-12 – About you (optional questions)

The full results are shown in appendix 2 and not all respondees chose to answer these questions.


Appendix 1 – Other comments

The following comments were received in response to questions 5, 6 and 7. All comments are show as they have been written by the respondees.

Responses to Q5 - Please let us know the reason for your answer to whether you are in favour of or opposed to the new path and distance markers being built at the Norwood Green

This always has been a village green - playing, sports, local shows, and fun fairs. I think it will be unsafe - if people get off a bus on Norwood Road, they now cross at the zebra crossing at the top of Tentelow Lane and walk down to the school - St Mary's, or use the second zebra crossing near the church to get to the Khalsa school. If they come on the new path, they will simply walk out between parked cars to get across to the 2 different schools, unaware of the dangers. This could be an adult with children, or children alone as parents may think their child would be safe. I think both roads are incredibly dangerous, and even more so with parked cars. I also do not think anyone should be encouraged to use Norwood Green in the dark - they need to be visible, and by having a path, it creates new danger for attacks. People will use it in the dark. I don't think a path, no matter how natural is looks is the right thing for Norwood Green. And when the fair and circus comes and uses it for a considerable amount of time, the path could be damaged, and where will the money come for repairs? Norwood Green does not require a pathway which will only serve to remove more of the important green space in the Borough. The "mounds" to deal with traveller incursions were sympathetically designed so as not to impact adversely and this pathway does the exact opposite - the former was necessary but a pathway is not. If the Council wishes to spend money of the sum required for the pathway, it would be better spent on the pavements which surround the whole of Norwood Green which can be used for exercise. The Green is just that - it is not a park and does not warrant pathways of any description. This is not was is required for Norwood Green My main objection is that there is much to be lost for no particular gain. There is ample opportunity for 'park run' facilities within a mile e.g. Osterley Park, Heston Park. In fact, it is possible to run on a paved & lit surface around the Green itself at the moment by utilizing the pavements on the other side of the roads surrounding the green which, I may add, can be safely crossed by either zebra crossings or pedestrian lights - so, there is no need or justification for more paving. And If distance markers are desired, I sure existing lamposts could be used for this purpose. So much for the case 'for', now the case 'against'. In total, an area approaching 1/5th acre will be lost to urbanization, unnecessarily, as said above. When facilities like this are put in place there is a rise in traffic, parking, and litter. I regularly cycle through Heston Park where one such track is already in place and each time the council is there litter picking. Does Ealing Council really need the extra expense of a daily waste collection? And the ongoing maintenance of another facility? What is to be lost? A quiet, green space, that is what village greens are for, not purpose-built athletic tracks. There is no need for a walking/jogging path which would spoil a natural village green a rarity in London. Repairing the pavements around the green would be a cheaper alternative for those who don’t want to walk/jog on grass. I have lived on Norwood Green Road all my life. Four generations of my family have lived in the same house there over the decades. We value the unique character of the Green, its historical importance, and how it is a green oasis in the midst of a concrete jungle. I played on it as a child, enjoying the green space, and still walk there as an adult. I like being able to stand in the centre of the Green and feel a distance from the hectic nature of modern life. The proposed path would encroach unacceptably and unnecessarily on that oasis. There are already paths running along every edge of the Green. There is no need to spoil the historical natural space with an unsightly grey modern monstrosity. I watch people walk, jog and play on the Green every single day, demonstrating how the new proposed path is entirely unnecessary. I also fear this proposed path would be the thin edge of the wedge. Next there would be demands to build a path bisecting the Green, then a petition for street lighting to illuminate the path. This path proposal would be the start of a long-term erosion of the character of the Green, turning it into an extension of the modern street system rather than a haven from that concrete modernity.


In summary, the proposed path is unnecessary and would seriously damage the character of the Green. As someone who looks at the Green everyday from my desk, I would be horrified to have that green landscape spoiled by a drab grey lump of concrete. It is completely unnecessary and will spoil the character of the Green It would really make walking or jogging in the park much easier exercise is vital for health and well-being, especially in today's stressful lifestyle. We need to keep every inch of natural land. Too much land is being paved over for example the recent loss of the park on Havelock Rd by Maypole Lock. The loss of natural habitat, the increased risk of flooding are important dangers. Although a footpath is only a small example, we must resist. We actually need to increase the amount of natural land and reduce the built environment. ALSO joggers and walkers have a very good space in Osterley Park only half a mile north of Norwood Green and with a good jogging route to reach it. ALSO there is a perfectly suitable path that goes alongside the roads that run beside Norwood Green. I walk my grandson to School five times a week and go for a walk every day. Your proposal is best suited to the area. There is currently 2 sides on the park which no pathway next to it.A new internal path would be a clean and useful way for people to use it for exercise and encourage perhaps more people to walk in a green and open safe place Health This is a village Green and should preserved as a Green. I vigorously object to a jogging path being built around our ancient village Norwood Green. I consider it would be unsightly, completely out of character, unnecessary and a total waste of Ealing Council residents money. The green has been the centre of our community for many years. We have lived without a path on the green and it would be an eye sore. While discussing this at the forum it was suggested that the path was required because someone had slipped on dog mess! surely more waste bins would be a better use of council money? This is a very good idea as it has materials sympathetic to the village feel and it is useful. A footpath will help for the elderly. Also help during missy weather footpath can still be used We are old and sometime when walking on uneven grass surfaces we have had issues. A footpath would really help I am very much in favour as during winter or wet weather we are restricted to use of the green for walks. With a footpath one can still go for walk without getting muddy. The markers would make it a lot easier to keep track of the distance I am running, and the path would make it easier to run as the grass gets very slippery during the winter. The path would stop damage to the grass while jogging. Particularly in winter months, it can be very difficult to walk and exercise on the green, as it becomes waterlogged and slippery. Therefore a hard-surfaced path would benefit the community greatly. I feel this would spoil the Green. This is not a park, it is a village green and this would detract from the overall natural look. Please do not let this happen. I am a resident for many years. Most of Norwood green has been concreted over. It would be much better for the environment to keep as many green spaces intact as possible. The saying is 'if it's not broke why fix it?' It should be left as it is This is a village green - Norwood Green - NOT a park. It does not lend itself to the proposed path with distance markers. Easier to walk around for all users and designated pathway that is not currently present and safe. There are plenty of parks around to walk and jogg in, i.e. Wolf Fields, or maybe try Heston Sports Centre, other than spoiling a lovely village green area by putting the proposed new path and distance markers there. I feel it would ruin the feel and look of what is a village green. Why not use a park area instead such as the ones listed below. Waste of money as pavements surround the entire area. Spending should be on more worthwhile projects. This is a Village ‘Green’ and NOT a PARK. It should remain as a ‘Green’. Heston park is a short distance away with a path to walk around. There are also paths down Osterley Lane where walking exercise can be practised. The Green should remain as a Green. It is a green not a park. It is an unnecessary expenditure when there is a perfectly good running track

11 with markers a mere 10-minute walk away at Heston Park immediately adjacent to Heston Pools & Fitness which may residents are members of. Norwood Green is a traditional village green not a park. Heston Park has a jogging walking facilities for those requiring a running track.. I believe creating paths on Norwood Green would spoil the whole character of the area. I cannot understand why this is necessary I jog and walk on the green every day and likewise my husband does the same. The grass is perfect for exercise and the soft ground does not put extra strain on legs and back. This is more to do with parents parking and having to walk across the green to collect children not for exercise! I strongly object to changing our green. as advised by my GP to follow walking exercise due to health problem, I choose to walk in this park but on a wet day, it is not possible to walk on the grass, A walking path would really be helpful. On wet day, we go to a nearest Heston Park as they have this walking path but due to bad knee it is not alway possible. This is a traditional centuries old village green and should remain so. Ealing council MUST NOT desecrate centuries of tradition. There are ample facilities to walk or jog without throwing over our traditions. The green gives it's name to the village of Norwood GREEN - It is not Norwood Park, Southall. nor should it be we are elderly citizen footpath will help us walk safely at present walking on uneven path was the cause of tripping. I have seen ladies tripping . foot path will improve safety and save people going to hospital . walking,running & exercises It's an additional cost and strain on limited resources that's not really needed, money could be better invested elsewhere on upkeep of the current surrounds/cleaning and repairs on paths and roads. The green is fit for purpose as it is and will only require further council resources to be spent on the upkeep and repair of the path in the future. The path is an excellent idea, it would encourage people to exercise on the Norwood Green, improving their health. When I moved to the area in 1999, the green was more or less a simple natural open space. A peaceful space. Subsequently it has raised borders which were deemed necessary to keep out travellers, and it has besides the playground, sports equipment, and has lost further natural green space to concrete to aid crossing. I feel any further changes to be unnecessary and a further erosion of what was a nature area. The proposed path could also encourage cycling as well as joggers and disrupt the peace, besides we have local parks including Osterley. The green should not just for exercise it should be a place for peaceful relaxation especially for the elderly who simply want to sit and tale the air and not focused on activities. It doesn't need to be over populated by another attraction for a minority who want to jog. Out of character for the space. Area already lost with the natural barriers placed to avoid the regular trespassing Political correct waste of money driven by a minority group. Council is always bleating about lack of funds, yet wastes money proposing this rubbish. If the council has the cash spend it on sweeping the streets, I can't remember the last time that happened round here, or resurfacing the road next to the green which is a pot hole filled hazard for cyclists like myself and has damaged my bike on several occasions. If people want this rubbish tell them to use the pavements on all three sides of the green and take a tape measure with them! Because I’m visit every day and I feel too difficulties If you are trying to spoil Norwood Green , then this is the way to do it . There used to be a pond many years ago on the green, where you could feel one with nature. Go on the green now and all you have is gym equipment .if people want to excercise they should go to a gym. And leave nature as is should be tranquil with no people jogging round It’s a good idea to get people exercising Unnecessary. The village itself is in dire need of security enhancements given the increased crime levels. Foe example street lighting is demonstrably reduced after 11pm which makes the area unsafe and a haven for criminals. We are constantly told money is in short supply yet there appears to be money for this proposal. Jogging path not required as people have jogged in the park for decades. It appears a small community would like access to the surrounding schools without getting their shoes dirty. Many residents do not eant this and this would be an absolute waste of monies - which we are told is in short supply - and furthermore looks like trying to FIX A PROBLEM THAT DOES NOT EXIST. My wife and I have been advised by our consultant doctors to walk everyday for health reasons (reduction of weight in my wife's case and heart condition in my case). We love walking on the Green

12 due to its proximity from our residence as well as the natural "fresher" air on the Green, as opposed to the air on path besides the main traffic roads in the area. However, this is not always possible to do on the Green on rainy days when the grass is wet and muddy, and therefore we have to sometimes avoid walking altogether or travel to Heston Park behind Heston Pool and Fitness Centre (Hounslow Borough), which has not one but two such paths for walking, jogging and cycling. I think that Ealing can surely provide a similar facility to its Council Tax payers. Norwood Green is NOT a park as stated by an attendee at the last Residents Assn. Meeting. It is a centuries old village green and the idea of a path within the bunds was vigorously shouted down by the vast majority of those attending this packed meeting. Anyone wishing to walk around the Green in wet weather should use the pavement. Norwood Green is surrounded by busy roads with vehicles polluting the area. What sort of Council would propose a path around the Green for people to walk and run around such a polluted area? The money would be better spent on improving the pavements around the area for people to walk safely. Alternatively, the money could be used to make Osterley lane a pedestrian friendly place for runners and walkers? Would use the path for Jogging as part of exercise I already do Would use the path for Jogging - I already Jog regularly round the green but in Autumn and Winter and wetter weather it is sometimes not possible due to the wet grass and muddy surface Would find the path much easier to use for the regular walks I do and I think others would to The green is widely used by people doing 'laps' around the green either walking or jogging and I think a path would be widely used. It would also allow people with buggies and parents on the wat to the nearby schools to use the green more widely More people would go there to walk, currently we have to drive to Windsor to go walking

Responses to Q6 – ‘Other comments’ about having this type of walking / jogging path in any other local parks

Please note, Norwood Green is NOT a park. It used to be protected and there is so much history surrounding Norwood Green. Paths are suitable for parks There is no need. Southall Rec already has paved paths; Glade Lane has hard paths as well and so too Wolf Fields which, by the way, is far too small for the purpose. These parks already have defined pathways, why do we need more? Forget about your local authority boundaries and think outside the box! There is already an exact facility 10 minutes away. This is ridiculous. Running tracks are better suited to parks/grounds. and not for the unique setting of Norwood Green Wolf fields would seem a very suitable alternative The park is too small for people to jog around

Responses to Q7 – ‘Do you have any other comments about the proposal’

I think that this is a lot of money for a local project, and I am surprised that this amount of money is available for making a path. As above - the money can be better spent on the restoration of the pavements. The Green should be left as it is - a glorious expanse of Green; there are suitable inlets via the mounds for people to access the Green from the pavements as well as via the gate. We need to have the pavements repaired in and around the area with ward forum money first before this pathway is put in. Ealing Council ought to be seeking to preserve what green spaces we have left. There is no justification for this extra spend, to put in place something which is already possible with a little imagination and multi-purposing of existing urban facilities. A waste of money which could be used more beneficially by creating the facility in recreation areas as suuested above.


I note the Council's blurb on this survey stating that over 400 signatures were collected in favour of the proposal. I would point out that no one bothered coming to the door for mine or my family's signatures, despite the fact that the Green is on our doorstep. Many other residents of Norwood Green Road have made the same point. I suspect that most of the signatures came from people who do not live in the area, but rather transit through. As a person with such deep roots in Norwood Green, and a strong historical connection to the Green itself, I would be outraged if the opinions of those who transit through our home area are listened to rather than those of us who live here. If the Council is determined to forge ahead with this unwelcome plan, at least make the path out of dirt rather than concrete. At least dirt would somewhat blend into the landscape and could be easily overgrown by grass if the path is not much used. Would be safer to walk on the path it is so important for the local residents to walk, especially in the winter months in greeen areas which are near local traffic and passers by for personal safety. its not safe to walk in secluded parks which are hidden away from public eyes. Please introduce and enforce a 20mph speed limit. This would make life much more pleasant for joggers and walkers and would therefore encourage more people to walk and jog. its important for health and wellbeing No The path should be wide enough for prams and bikes to pass each other comfortably and of a material which is solid and not likely to go soft in the heat and should not be a slippery surface in the winter This suits me because it is lot more safer . This is a complete waste of money and spoiling the natural state of the green. Please use council funds for more important projects than ruining our green. None Very unhappy about this. It would cause more problems as there is already a path on the opposite side of the road to the green and is unnecessary I would have thought that the council could find better things to spend it's money on e.g. improved refuse/recycling collections or street cleaning. We need to preserve the village feel of this area. Nobody we have spoken to is in favour of this proposal. The footpath is not necessary and it would ruin the character of the Green. There is a pavement available for walking around the Green for those who do not like walking on the grass. The money spent on this project should be invested into a more worthwhile project to benefit the local community. This is an extravagance that is hard to justify. The illustrations in this on-line consultation is unclear as to whether the proposed path is inside the green (inside the mounds) or on the outside. This can be misleading making this consultation invalid. I am aware the proposal is inside the green as I have attended Ward Forum meetings where this has been raised by other residents, but otherwise it is unclear. I would not object to a footpath on the outskirts of the green (on the roadside of the mounds) A waste of money on a pet project with signatures from a single demographic rather than truly representative of the community at large. The money would be better spent on ensuring pavements surrounding the green are in good condition for walking and/or running. Please leave the green for residents that use it every day not just to stop a few individual alighting from their vehicles and getting wet feet ...... I suggest wearing better shoes might be the answer and use the money for a better project !!! no, it is a good proposal and will benefit everyone⎌ regardless of age. Residents and others can already walk or jog on the Green. Why waste ratepayer's money desecrating the centuries old green that gives its name to Norwood Green in my opening it will be good investment for elderly peoples from my Owen experience No thanks.


Regarding the 400 signatures in favour of the proposal I wonder what their proximity and residency is in relation to the green. I would rather see money being spent on tacking Anti-Social Behaviour, crime, street cleaning, fixing pavement and roads or other community projects. I often walk around a similar path at Heston Park, i have noticed an increased number of people using Heston Park, due to the new path. If we had the path at Norwood Green, it would be very popular and a great idea. I am against the changes proposed and further erosion of a natural open space . It is a green not a park. PLEASE PUT BENCHES AT CERTAIN DISTANCE FOR REST WHILE WALKING A very positive proposal, as long as the path is made of a material in keeping with the feel of Norwood Green. It's hard to walk around it in autumn and winter as it's often wet or muddy Sometimes we feel too difficultly when we go for walk play and use for gym equipment mostly in rainy days It is good for people to keep fit but leave nature to be serene and peaceful places In my opinion you are making Norwood Green in to a free gym. It is not the reason that people move to the area. You are going to make the area look ugly!!!!!! If people want this sort of thing they can go to a gym or you can put all the equipment and paths in parks that are out of sight. This area is called Norwood Green are you planning on changing the name to Norwood Green Gym? Excellent proposal Perhaps a pavement NEXT TO THE ROAD where there is not one at the moment would be a better option. Please reconsider this suggestion about the Norwood Green footpath, which like the gym equipment, would only be used by the few. The repairs to the paving area around Norwood Green would benefit far more people. I think it would be a good idea to increase the amount of lighting in the area as well to make the path safer for people walking in the evening Think its a great idea to help promote health and recreation in the area. Need to ensure though that the path is protected from the Funfair, School and religious events that leave large amounts of rubbish behind It’s a brilliant proposal , when the council put that awful border around the park then should’ve thought if it then


Appendix 2

About you (optional questions)

Q8 – Are you…..

Answer Choices Responses Male 49.35% 38 Female 42.86% 33 Prefer not to say 6.49% 5 Prefer to self-describe 1.30% 1 Answered 77 Skipped 5

Q9 – What is your age?

Answer Choices Responses 18 or below 1.32% 1 19-24 2.63% 2 25-34 3.95% 3 35-44 10.53% 8 45-64 44.74% 34 65-74 19.74% 15 75 or above 9.21% 7 Prefer not to say 7.89% 6 Answered 76 Skipped 6


Q10 - Do you consider yourself to have a disability?

Answer Choices Responses Yes 7.89% 6 No 85.53% 65 Prefer not to say 6.58% 5 Answered 76 Skipped 6


Q11 - Which ethnic group do you consider you belong to?

Answer Choices Responses White - English/ Welsh/ Scottish/ Northern Irish/ British 33.80% 24 White - Irish 1.41% 1 White - Gypsy/ Irish Traveller 0.00% 0 Any other White background 2.82% 2 Mixed/ multiple ethnic groups ­- White and Black Caribbean 1.41% 1 Mixed/ multiple ethnic groups ­- White and Black African 0.00% 0 Mixed/ multiple ethnic groups ­- White and Asian 0.00% 0 Any other Mixed/ multiple ethnic background 0.00% 0 Asian/ Asian British ­- Indian 54.93% 39 Asian/ Asian British ­- Pakistani 2.82% 2 Asian/ Asian British ­- Bangladeshi 0.00% 0 Asian/ Asian British ­- Chinese 0.00% 0 Any other Asian background 0.00% 0 Black/ African/ Caribbean/ Black British ­- African 0.00% 0 Black/ African/ Caribbean/ Black British ­- Caribbean 1.41% 1 Any other Black/ African/ Caribbean background 0.00% 0 Other ethnic group - Arab 0.00% 0 Any other ethnic group 1.41% 1 Answered 71 Skipped 11

Q12 - As you said you belonged to [Q11] please specify your ethnic group

Answered 3 Skipped 79

Responses – White Anglo Saxon Protestant, Caucasian and Sikh