Town Centre Masterplan PROJECT ACTION PLANS March 2011 Last Update: February 2011

Regeneration Initiative Description Stakeholders Priority Timeframe

A1 Church Street Redevelopment Mixed use development, to include public car parking M L DSD, DDC, Priv, PS, RS A2 Down High School / County Gaol Site Comprehensive redevelopment to include schools & hotel H S DDC, DSD, DENI, NIEA, Priv, PS A3 Scotch St / De Courcey Square Infill development, refurbishments of properties, LOTS H M DDC, DSD, DCAL, AC, NIEA, Priv, PS A4 Laneways and Reopened Entries Establishment of routes and associated development H M DDC, DSD, DCAL, AC, NIEA, Priv, PS A5 English Street Public Realm High quality public realm, inc paving, furniture & lighting H S NITB, DDC, DSD, NIEA, English Street Church Street, Street, Church

& Scotch Street A6 Saul Street Extension New street and associated mixed use development M L DDC, DSD, RS, NIHE, Priv, PS B1 Quoile River Country Park Landscape management, paths and visitor facilities H M DDC, NIEA, RA, Priv, PS B2 Downpatrick & Railway Line extension, park & ride development, depot relocation H M DCDR, DDC, DSD, NIEA, NITB, PS

River B3 Centre for Sporting Excellence Leisure centre and associated sports facilities M M DDC, SNI, PS Quoile

Landscape B4 Dunleath Eco Retail Park Road construction and retail development M M Priv, DDC, DSD, Public, PS C1 Market Street Renewal Infill development, refurbishments of properties, LOTS H S DDC, DSD C2 New Street New street and associated mixed use development M M DDC, DSD, RS, Priv, PS C3 St Patrick’s Square High quality public realm and longer term expansion H S DDC, DSD, NITB, Priv C4 The Grove Retail Quarter Retail led mixed use development H M DSD, DDC, RS, Trans, DCDR, Priv, PS C5 SE Regional College & Environs New college facilities and adjacent development H S DENI, DDC, Priv, PS Market Street Market C6 Town Centre Public Realm High quality public realm inc. paving, furniture & lighting H S DDC, DSD, Priv D1 St Patrick’s Avenue Mixed use development to improve street frontage M M Priv, DDC, PS D2 St Patrick’s Avenue Gateway Mixed use development, public car parking & civic space M M Priv, DDC, DSD, Priv, PS D3 Former Downe Hospital Mixed use development H S SHSCT, DDC, Priv, PS Downe Hospital Avenue &

St Patrick’s St Patrick’s D4 Linear Park Creation of linear park, including public transport H M DDC, SHSCT, DSD, DENI, RS, Trans, Priv

E1 Lighting Strategy Specialist plan detailing lighting concept, location & spec H S DDC, NIEA E2 Frontage Improvements Scheme Coordinated programme of frontage renewal, inc signs H S DDC, DSD, NIEA, Priv E3 Signage & Interpretation Strategy Coordinated strategy of signage and interpretive art H S DDC, NITB, NIEA E4 Living and Working Above the Shops Programme to increase Town Centre living and working H S DDC, NIEA, Priv, PS

Strategies E5 Evening Economy Strategy Strategy to support and grow a varied evening economy H S DDC, Priv Complementary E6 Transportation and Parking Study Implementation of transport and parking measures H S DDC, DSD, RS, Trans

F1 Eastern Distributor Linkages New linkages between the town and Eastern Distributor M L DDC, RS,Trans, Priv F2 Western Peripheral Route Road and/or rail link to west of town centre M L DDC, RS, DCDR, NIEA, Trans, Priv Trans

Key: Priority H = High, M = Medium, L = Low. Timeframe S= Short (1 - 5 yrs), M = Medium (5 - 10 yrs), L = Long (10 - 15 yrs). Immediate Near Future Delivery Agents & Stakeholders: Long Term AC = Arts Council, DCAL = Department for Culture, Arts and Leisure, DCDR = Downpatrick and County Down Railway, DDC = Down District Council, DENI = Department of Education DSD = Department for Social Development, NIEA = Northern Ireland Environment Agency, NIHE = Northern Ireland Housing Executive, Trans = Translink, NITB = Northern Ireland Tourist Board, Priv = Private Sector, PS = Planning Service, RA = Rivers Agency, RS = Roads Service, SHSCT = Southern Health and Social Services Trust, SNI = Sport Northern Ireland Project: Church Street Redevelopment A1 Downpatrick Town Centre Masterplan

Project Description

At present, Church Street comprises The large variations in ground levels long stretches of low rise, stand-alone between Church Street and the elevated commercial warehousing interspersed Church View to the west, provides ample by a mix of two and three storey opportunity to take advantage of these residential terraces. Surface car parking variations in order to construct a multi- and storage yards located to the front of storey car park which are then effectively commercial warehousing, have resulted ‘hidden’ by mixed use development to in a visible fragmentation of frontages provide frontage onto the street. along this strategic route. Next Steps Opportunities exist along Church Street to promote mixed-use development within 1. Convene stakeholders and agree perimeter block formations whereby project parameters public and private access and ownership are clearly defined. This presents an 2. Prepare Outline Business Case, opportunity to introduce new residential including design options and office development to the area. 3. Agree preferred development route Three of these perimeter blocks are proposed along the western side of 4. Parcel land Church Street, between Pillar Well Lane and St. Margaret’s Church (CoI) 5. Develop plans including the BT Exchange Building.

Benefits Local Economy / Investment Priority Medium Housing Related Projects A2, A6, C6, E6 Urban Environment Parking Approximate Cost £25.3m Risks Economic climate Stakeholders DSD, DDC, Multiple land ownership Priv, PS, RS Project: Down High / County Gaol Site A2 Downpatrick Town Centre Masterplan

Project Description

Current pressures on space and the An additional development opportunity need for modernised facilities mean that has also been identified directly opposite Down High School may relocate from its the listed Gate Lodge on the site of the current site. In the event that the School existing Downpatrick Social Security relocates, the Masterplan proposes that Office at the corner of Mount Crescent the vacated site be utilised for a gateway and Gaol Lane Mews. hotel, leisure and mixed-use development as well as accommodating new Primary Next Steps School buildings. 1. Convene stakeholders and agree This school site boasts panoramic project parameters views across north-west Downpatrick, overlooking the ruins of Inch Abbey and 2. Determine local educational the adjoining ancient Mound of Down. requirements and funding availability

With access via the listed Gate Lodge, the 3. Prepare Outline Business Case, Masterplan proposes that development including design options blocks within the site be centred on a civic space which is open on its western 4. Agree preferred development route side establishing a new gateway to the Quoile River Park by allowing the 5. Develop plans adjoining landscape to integrate into the site.

Benefits Education Priority High Tourism & Heritage Related Projects A1 PHOTO PHOTO PHOTO Urban Environment Local Economy / Investment Approximate Cost £31.5m Risks Economic climate Stakeholders DDC, DSD, Heritage restrictions DENI, NIEA, Priv, PS Project: Scotch Street / De Courcey Square A3 Downpatrick Town Centre Masterplan

Project Description

Now closed to vehicular traffic, Scotch The Masterplan proposes a new form of Street provides a crucial pedestrian link development at the De Courcey Square connecting the residential areas along location which is not only architecturally Saul Street to the centre of the Town. sympathetic to its surroundings but of a scale that provides an appropriate sense Unfortunately the historic shift in of enclosure to the square and formalises emphasis of the retail core southwards pedestrian connections to St. Margaret’s down Market Street has had a detrimental Church. impact on Scotch Street, and what was once a busy, thriving retail thoroughfare Next Steps now suffers from a high degree of vacancy rates and elements of dereliction. 1. Convene stakeholders and agree project parameters To capitalise on the growing success of the Down Arts Centre the Masterplan 2. Agree preferred development route advocates the continuation of arts based uses along Scotch Street, in the form 3. Prepare outline proposal with costs of refurbishment of individual units or where larger footprints are required, the sensitive amalgamation of units internally while retaining the historic frontages externally.

Benefits Urban Environment Priority High Arts & Culture Related Projects A5 Housing PHOTO PHOTO PHOTO Approximate Cost £4.3m

Risks Economic climate Stakeholders DDC, DSD, Heritage restrictions DCAL, AC, NIEA, Priv, PS Project: Laneways and Reopened Entries A4 Downpatrick Town Centre Masterplan

Project Description

Within the historic core of the Town The smaller plot sizes along these new Centre and specifically within the area routes would promote smaller business bounded by Market Street and English enterprises and allow opportunities Street, the urban grain is typically tight to expand the existing creative sector comprising long and narrow plot widths through the promotion of artist’s studios, with intermittent gaps allowing access galleries and crafts industries, which ties to the rear for servicing and car parking. in with the Masterplan objectives within One of the objectives of this Masterplan the adjoining Scotch Street Cultural is to ‘reknit’ the historic fabric within this Quarter. In addition to the north-south area along a network of new laneways, connections, east-west pedestrian arcades and reopened entries. This linkages would also be developed to framework enables old links to be ensure the integration of St Patrick’s rediscovered and new ones formalised, Square within this network. promoting north-south connectivity between Market Street and English Street Next Steps and extending these routes through adjoining blocks where possible. 1. Convene stakeholders and agree project parameters

2. Prepare draft masterplan for the area, potentially in conjunction with C2.

3. Review delivery options, including partnership working and land acquisition

Benefits Local Economy / Investment Priority High Tourism & Heritage Related Projects A5, C1, C2, C6, Arts & Culture Urban Environment Approximate Cost £11.8m Community Safety Risks Economic climate Stakeholders DDC, DSD, Multiple land ownership DCAL, AC, NIEA, Priv, PS Project: English Street Public Realm A5 Downpatrick Town Centre Masterplan

Project Description

The Masterplan proposes the extension These works should seek to enhance of Public Realm improvements along the setting of historic buildings and give the full extent of English Street from its greater space to pedestrian movement. junction with Church Street to its upper Improvements to the existing lighting point which culminates at the entrance arrangements could also form part of the to St Patrick’s Cathedral. English Street public realm works in order to contribute contains a fine mix of architectural styles to the on-going development of a safe along its length, dominated by stretches evening and night time environment, of two storey Georgian terraces. particularly given the high concentration However this street is also home to the of visitor attractions along the upper 18th century Gaol which now houses the stretch of the street. highly acclaimed Down County Museum and of course Downpatrick Cathedral Next Steps erected in 1790, which has largely retained much of its original structure. 1. Convene stakeholders and agree project parameters The public realm works proposed along English Street include streetscape 2. Prepare sketch layout plan with improvements comprising new high outline costs quality surface treatment, seating, tree planting and wayfinding signage. 3. Consult stakeholders and refine proposal

Benefits Urban Environment Priority High Tourism & Heritage Related Projects A2, A3, A4, PHOTO PHOTO PHOTO Arts & Culture Local Economy / Investment Approximate Cost £2.2m Community Safety Risks Heritage Restrictions Stakeholders NITB, DDC, DSD, NIEA Project: Saul Street Extension A6 Downpatrick Town Centre Masterplan

Project Description Next Steps

As described in Section 4.2 of the 1) Convene stakeholders and agree masterplan report, three potential new project parameters Town Centre streets have been identified. This would involve the extension of Saul 2) Review transport requirements against Street from the Saul Road Car Park Transport and Parking Study (E6) southwards to Irish Street, thus relieving the junction of Market and Irish Street. 3) Refine project objectives and PLAN This new street, however, would require principles the redevelopment of a number of residential and commercial properties. 4) Develop outline masterplan options

Should, through further study, this road 5) Undertake economic appraisal option be advanced, it must form part of a wider, comprehensive regeneration 6) Consult key stakeholders project for this area. Replacement dwellings would be constructed to 7) Develop preferred option with costs form good frontage onto the new road, ensuring that it looked and operated as a street. Buildings would be a mix of 2 and 3 stories, with open space provided for residents. Pedestrian linkage towards Irish Street should also be maintained.

Benefits Access and Circulation Priority Medium Housing Related Projects A1, C6, E6 Urban Environment PHOTO PHOTO PHOTO Approximate Cost £16.7m Risks Economic climate Stakeholders DDC, DSD, RS, Multiple land ownership NIHE, Priv, PS Project: Quoile River County Park B1 Downpatrick Town Centre Masterplan

Project Description

With the rolling drumlin landscape, The Masterplan proposes a programme historic landmarks, the picturesque River of water management to increase the Quoile and wild marshland home to an flood capacity of the River Quoile while array of flora and fauna, Downpatrick also creating new and enhancing existing can boast a beautiful surrounding wetland habitats. landscape. The combination of these proposals Proposals centre on a network of new presents Downpatrick with a unique walking and cycling links between key opportunity to create a Country Park of destinations such as The Saint Patrick’s national significance, benefitting local Centre, Railway Station, Mound of Down people and attracting tourists to explore and Inch Abbey. These proposals include the area. enhancing the setting of these key sites and developing wetlands, boardwalks, Next Steps greenways and linear parks to integrate the surrounding landscape with the 1. Convene stakeholders and agree Town Centre. project parameters

A Wildlife and Activity Centre, set 2. Undertake hydraulogical and discreetly within the landscape would ecological survey of the river basin provide a focus for local residents and visitors wishing to watch and study 3. Prepare draft park masterplan wildlife or take part in activities such as cycling and canoeing. 4. Review delivery options

Benefits Natural Environment Priority High Tourism & Heritage Arts & Culture Related Projects B2, F2 PHOTO PHOTO PHOTO Education Approximate Cost £3m Health & Fitness Local Economy / Investment (paths / centre) Risks Economic climate Stakeholders DDC, NIEA, RA, Multiple land ownership Priv, PS Project: Downpatrick & County Down Railway B2 Downpatrick Town Centre Masterplan

Project Description

As Northern Ireland’s only standard The transport proposals in the Masterplan gauge (full-size) heritage railway, the identify the potential that the railway Downpatrick and County Down Railway could play as a mode of public transport is a unique asset to Downpatrick and one, and a means to reduce traffic congestion which must be protected and enhanced in the Town Centre. Line extensions to Down Business Park, the Belfast Road In order to enhance the visitor offering and Downpatrick Racecourse could there are proposals to extend the line to provide a very useful people mover route the picturesque hamlet of Ballydugan between these nodes and the Town and the Downpatrick Racecourse, Centre, as part of an integrated Park and providing sustainable connections Ride Strategy. between the Town Centre and these key destinations as well as enhancing the Next Steps unique experience of travelling by steam train. 1. Convene stakeholders and agree project parameters There are also proposals to extend the line into the Down Business Park. This 2. Develop costed line extension would provide the opportunity to relocate proposals engineering works and associated ‘clutter’ to a more appropriate facility, 3. Acquire site for relocated engine therefore creating a much more houses and prepare costed drawings pedestrian orientated and visitor friendly location in the Town Centre. 4. Seek funding sources

Benefits Tourism & Heritage Priority High Education Related Projects B1, C4, D3, D4, E6 PHOTO PHOTO PHOTO Arts & Culture Access & Circulation Approximate Cost -

Risks Economic climate Stakeholders DCDR, DDC, Flood Risk / Ground Condition DSD, NIEA, Environmental Impact NITB, PS Project: Centre for Sporting Excellence B3 Downpatrick Town Centre Masterplan

Project Description

As part of the Quoile River Country Park, With proposals to increase the flood the Masterplan proposes a Centre of capacity of the Quoile River, and the Sporting Excellence located within this nearby public transport links, this enhanced parkland area. This use would area is well placed to cater for such a provide an appropriate distribution of development. Due to the close proximity recreational and leisure uses between of the Town Centre, such a development the passive leisure associated with the would bring additional spin-off benefits natural landscape of the Quoile River to for local shops and businesses. the active leisure associated with sports facilities. Next Steps:

With plans to redevelop the Downpatrick 1. Convene stakeholders and agree Leisure Centre imminent and potential project parameters plans to locate a National Velodrome in Downpatrick, an excellent opportunity 2. Consult findings of hydraulogical and exists to develop a state-of-the-art ecological study (B1) facility in this location. Such a sporting complex would not only serve as a major 3. Prepare outline business case for local resource but also be of national relocating the existing leisure centre significance. and developing centre for sporting excellence

4. Review delivery options

Benefits Health & Fitness Priority Medium Education Related Projects B1 PHOTO PHOTO PHOTO Approximate Cost £4.2m Risks Economic climate Stakeholders DDC, SNI, PS Flood Risk / Ground Condition Environmental Impact Project: Dunleath Eco-Retail Park B4 Downpatrick Town Centre Masterplan

Project Description

The Masterplan recommends the With such development various benefits proposal for a highly sustainable can be achieved, including, meeting the Flagship Eco-Retail Park in Dunleath increased retail demand, minimising the Park, which would be developed at the visual and environmental impact often same time as the proposed link between associated with this type of land use the Ballydugan Road with the Ardglass as well as enhancing the connectivity Road, as outlined within the Town Centre between the surrounding landscape and transport proposals (Section 4.2). the Town Centre.

Connecting with the Quoile River Next Steps Country Park this retail development has an important role to play in blending 1. Convene stakeholders and review in sensitively to the surrounding project parameters natural landscape. Units within this environmentally conscious retail park 2. Confirm arrangements for relocation would follow highly sustainable practices of playing fields (Project B3) of building development, incorporate green roofs to enhance biodiversity and 3. Undertake Outline Business Case to minimise visual impact from prominent test viability of development options high points within the Town. Sustainable urban drainage techniques should also 4. Review delivery options be adopted, such as reed bed systems.

Benefits Local Economy / Investment Priority Medium Urban Environment Related Projects A2, A6, C6, E6 Natural Environment PHOTO PHOTO PHOTO Approximate Cost £35.3m Risks Economic climate Stakeholders DSD, DDC, Multiple land ownership Priv, PS, RS Flood Risk / Ground Condition Environmental Impact Project: Market Street Renewal C1 Downpatrick Town Centre Masterplan

Project Description

Market Street is the primary retail corridor Through a process of phased works, within Downpatrick and as such must Market Street requires sensitive renewal be supported as much as possible. The to modernise retail units, introduce upper street includes those physical elements floor uses and enhance the general that are often associated with historic appearance of the Street. 1 storey units cores such as narrow plot widths, varying should be replaced by 2 and 3 storeys. eaves lines and narrow passageways While comprised of many different providing a secondary public means of privately owned shops, renewal should access to abutting properties. be coordinated to ensure high quality design, respect of historic integrity and The Masterplan acknowledges that complimentary retail provision. there are variations in the retail offering within Downpatrick and this has a Next Steps direct impact on the scale and design of the built environment. Following the 1. Convene stakeholders and agree analysis process it was identified that project parameters Market Street is made up of three distinct retail character areas. These are small 2. Undertake detailed condition survey of independent units at the north eastern buildings along the street end, high store chains in the central area (Grove Shopping Centre) and large 3. Prepare outline proposals with costs floorplate retail sheds to the south west. for redevelopment

4. Review delivery options, including partnership, grants and acquisition

Benefits Local Economy / Investment Priority High Urban Environment Related Projects A4, C2, C3, C4, C5, PHOTO PHOTO PHOTO Tourism & Culture C6, D1, E2, E4, E6 Housing Approximate Cost £5.4m Risks Economic climate Stakeholders DDC, DSD, Priv, Multiple land ownership Project: New Street C2 Downpatrick Town Centre Masterplan

Project Description

Presently due to the lack of choice, One objective of this new route is that road users wishing to travel through it incorporates the design and feel of a Downpatrick are directed along one of street as opposed to a solely ‘engineered’ the three main routes into and out of road solution. In this regard active town, namely Irish Street, Market Street frontages are proposed along its length, or Church Street, all of which culminate which comprise narrow plot widths and at one junction which can often become pedestrian linkages to the rear, in keeping grid locked during peak times. This is with the historic nature of the location. exacerbated by traffic wishing to access Short-stay car parking and public space English Street, which also shares this should also feature in this area. busy junction. Next Steps Within the Masterplan a new one-way street is proposed between Irish Street 1. Convene stakeholders and agree and St Patrick’s Avenue, the primary project parameters purpose of which is to alleviate traffic congestion within the central core of 2. Review transport requirements against the Town, around the junction of Church Transport and Parking Study (E6) Street, Irish Street and English Street. The introduction of this ‘relief’ route between 3. Prepare draft masterplan for the area Irish Street and St Patrick’s Avenue will (potentially in conjunction with A4) allow through traffic to circulate more freely around the central core 4. Review delivery options, including partnership working, grants and acquisition

Benefits Access & Circulation Priority Medium Local Economy / Investment Related Projects A4, A6, C1, C6, D1, PHOTO PHOTO PHOTO Urban Environment E6 Housing Approximate Cost £17.3m Risks Economic climate Stakeholders DDC, DSD, RS, Multiple land ownership Priv, PS Project: St Patrick’s Square C3 Downpatrick Town Centre Masterplan

Project Description

In the short term, the Square will be By increasing the size of the square enhanced through the existing public and realigning building footprints along realm works. This will introduce high its southern edge, new views are then quality stone surfacing, street furniture opened up to St Patrick’s Cathedral from and lighting, greatly enhancing this Market Street and St Patrick’s Avenue principal public space. elevating its setting as the main focal point within the Town. It is envisaged that While the existing square does fulfil an the proposed square would be capable important civic role, its functionality is of hosting major festivals and events as impeded by its present size and layout. well as continuing to provide a robust In order to build upon the extent of platform for more regular local events public realm improvement work already such as weekly markets and craft fairs. undertaken, the Masterplan proposes a second phase to approximately double 1. Convene stakeholders and agree the Square in size. The main rationale project parameters behind increasing the size of the square is largely related to formalising a civic 2. Review progress of Project C4 and space which is befitting to Downpatrick’s assess scope for square enlargement status as the administrative centre of Down District, however of equal 3. Prepare outline proposals with costs importance is the potential to open up views west to St Patrick’s Cathedral. 4. Deliver in conjunction with C4

Benefits Urban Environment Priority High Tourism & Heritage Related Projects A4, C1, C4, C6, E6, Arts & Culture PHOTO PHOTO PHOTO Approximate Cost £3.5m Risks Multiple land ownership Stakeholders DDC, DSD, NITB, Priv, RS Project: The Grove Retail Quarter C4 Downpatrick Town Centre Masterplan

Project Description

The Masterplan therefore proposes the The proposed approach moves away comprehensive redevelopment of this from internal shopping malls and large area to create a new retail-led, mixed-use surface car parks, to create a Town Centre quarter in the heart of Downpatrick. Not environment of streets and squares. only does this provide the opportunity Within this urban structure, modern to enhance and expand the retail retail units can be located, along with a offering within the Town Centre but also mix of other uses. The result would be PLAN improve the quality of the pedestrian vibrant and attractive area with increased environment and connectivity between physical, economic and cultural activity. key destinations such as English Street, the Cathedral and the Railway Museum. Next Steps It would also provide the opportunity to relocate existing community facilities, 1. Convene stakeholders and agree office space and to introduce living project parameters accommodation above the shops. 2. Review findings of hydrological and Most importantly, any recongfiguration ecological study (B4) of this area must be coordinated through the development of a comprehensive 3. Undertake Delivery Options Appraisal masterplan involving all landowners and other key stakeholders. 4. Review delivery options and select preferred route

Benefits Local Economy / Investment Priority High Housing Related Projects B1, B2, C1, C3, C5, PHOTO PHOTO PHOTO Access & Circulation C6, D1, E4, E5, E6 Tourism & Heritage Approximate Cost £73m Community Safety Risks Economic climate Stakeholders DSD, DDC, RS, Multiple land ownership Trans, DCDR, Flood Risk / Ground Condition Priv, PS Project: SE Regional College & Environs C5 Downpatrick Town Centre Masterplan

Project Description

The South Eastern Regional College The Masterplan takes on board the (SERC), a Further Education College, has building footprints of the proposed announced an £80 million investment SERC campus, ensuring that the layout building programme to be completed where possible, is fully integrated into by 2011. As part of this programme, the surrounding network of streets SERC is in the process of constructing and public open spaces and seeks to a new state-of-the art campus along encourage the College to interact more Market Street just south of St Patrick’s fully with Market Street to enhance the Square. The first phase of the building street frontage and increase activity. In was opened in September 2009 and the addition, the Masterplan also proposes second phase is due to be completed by a new civic space as part of the college end 2011. redevelopment.

Once completed, the Downpatrick Next Steps Campus will add approximately 30,500 square metres of floorspace including 1. Convene stakeholders and agree workshops, central hall, fitness and project parameters media suites, general classrooms and car parking facilities. 2. Review progress of existing works

3. Develop outline proposals to enhance environs and town centre connectivity

Benefits Education Priority High Urban Environment Related Projects B3, B4, C1, C4, PHOTO PHOTO PHOTO C6, Approximate Cost £0.6m Risks Economic climate Stakeholders DENI, DC, Priv, PS Project: Town Centre Public Realm C6 Downpatrick Town Centre Masterplan

Project Description

The objective of public realm The introduction of avenue tree planting improvements along Market Street, would help to reduce the visual between St Patrick’s Square and the dominance of the street and provide Ballydugan Road is to remove excess an element of shelter and definition to clutter and improve connectivity in order the pedestrian footway. Improvement to sustain the vitality and viability of the works should also ensure that any new street as the primary retail thoroughfare. street furniture and tree planting are The Masterplan also advocates a marked aligned so as to improve the pedestrian shift away from traditional traffic thoroughfare while threshold treatment engineering solutions in favour of a more will help to define new side streets. legible and coherent street design that redresses the balance between vehicular Next Steps and pedestrian movements. 1. Convene stakeholders and agree One element which is notably missing project parameters from Market Street is absence of any significant form of landscaping along 2. Review progress of existing works and its length. This absence of greenery identify extents of future works coupled with long stretches that are devoid of ground floor activity, as is 3. Develop outline proposals with costs the case further out of Town close to Ballyduggan Road, has resulted in an 4. Review delivery options and phasing austere environment along particular sections of Market Street.

Benefits Urban Environment Priority High Local Economy / Investment Related Projects A1, A3, A4, A5, A6, PHOTO PHOTO PHOTO Access & Circulation C1, C2, S3, C4, C5, Community Safety D1, Approximate Cost £6m Risks Economic climate Stakeholders DDC, DSD, Priv Multiple land ownership Project: St Patrick’s Avenue D1 Downpatrick Town Centre Masterplan

Project Description Next Steps

The Masterplan identifies St. Patrick’s 1. Convene stakeholders and agree Avenue as an increasingly important Town project parameters Centre street, connecting Market Street and St. Patrick’s Square with the mixed 2. Review findings of traffic and parking use and leisure development associated study (E6) with the former Downe Hospital site and the new Cinema Complex. St Patrick’s 3. Develop outline proposals with costs Avenue is also important as it forms a crucial stretch of the proposed people 4. Review delivery options mover route connecting between the Town Centre and the Downshire site.

As well as encouraging the development of the business and commercial sector along this street, the Masterplan also proposes that streetscape improvement works extend along St Patrick’s Avenue, thereby enhancing it as a Town Centre street and encouraging pedestrian activity along it.

Benefits Urban Environment Priority Medium Local Economy / Investment Related Projects C1, C2, C3, C4, PHOTO PHOTO PHOTO Access & Circulation C6, D2, D3, D4 Approximate Cost £5.4m Risks Economic climate Stakeholders Priv, DDC, PS Multiple land ownership Project: St Patrick’s Avenue Gateway D2 Downpatrick Town Centre Masterplan

Project Description

With recent development of the Eclipse Through analysis it was identified that a Cinema and major future development major issue facing Downpatrick was that opportunities associated with the former the Town suffered from a poor evening Downe Hospital Site, this area has and weekend economy. It is important to become a very important gateway to the recognise, however, that with the recent Town Centre. In addition, a number of opening of the Eclipse Cinema complex, important streets and roads converge this has improved but there is still further at this location, including St Patrick’s potential for growth. The Masterplan Avenue, Irish Street, Killough Road, identifies the opportunity for new leisure Pound Lane and Stream Street, making development in this area along with a it a key arrival point. The development new civic square in front of the Cinema of this area will become increasingly important as the Downshire Campus Next Steps develops 1. Convene stakeholders and agree As part of the Town Centre Transport project parameters Strategy, the Masterplan proposes a multi-storey car park facility in this 2. Prepare Outline Business Case to test location, which would be wrapped within development options the curtilage of new development. This would provide long stay parking facilities 3. Review delivery options for motorists arriving into Downpatrick from the converging roads.

Benefits Local Economy / Investment Priority Medium Urban Environment Related Projects D1, D3, D4, E6 PHOTO PHOTO PHOTO Access & Circulation Arts & Culture Approximate Cost £30.5m Risks Economic climate Stakeholders DSD,DDC, Multiple land ownership DSD, Priv, PS, RS Project: Former Downe Hospital D3 Downpatrick Town Centre Masterplan

Project Description Next Steps

Following the relocation of the Downe 1. Convene stakeholders and agree Hospital to the Downshire Site, major project parameters development opportunities at the former Downe Hospital site and the Downshire 2. Review progress of existing have resulted. Plans are already redevelopment proposals progressing to establish a public sector campus at the Downshire, whilst the 3. Market development opportunity and South Eastern Health and Social Care identify developer Trust are looking at the potential for mixed-use development at the Downe 4. Develop site in partnership with Site. developer

Benefits Local Economy / Investment Priority High Urban Environment Related Projects D1, D2, D4, E6 PHOTO PHOTO PHOTO Approximate Cost - Risks Economic climate Stakeholders SHSCT, DDC, Priv, PS Project: Linear Park D4 Downpatrick Town Centre Masterplan

Project Description Next Steps

The Masterplan emphasises that 1. Convene stakeholders and agree any development in this area should project parameters complement rather than compete with the Town Centre. To achieve this, the 2. Review progress of hospital Masterplan highlights the importance of redevelopment projects and findings of improving pedestrian, cycling and public the Transport and Parking Study (E6) transport connections between the Town Centre, the former Downe Hospital and 3. Prepare outline proposals with costs the Downshire. The Masterplan shows the concept of a linear park connecting 4. Review delivery options the Town Centre with the Downshire site along St. Patrick’s Avenue, the former Downe Hospital site and the Ardglass Road. The Masterplan also shows that this route could accommodate a proposed people mover, therefore providing a sustainable transport connection between these areas.

Benefits Urban Environment Priority High Access & Circulation Related Projects D1, D2, D3, E6 PHOTO PHOTO PHOTO Health & Fitness Community Safety Approximate Cost £0.7m Education Risks Economic climate Stakeholders DDC, SHSCT, Multiple land ownership DSD, DENI, RS, Trans, Priv Project: Lighting Strategy E1 Downpatrick Town Centre Masterplan

Project Description

Often overlooked but gaining recognition These initiatives can range from functional both locally and internationally, lighting aspects of the proposed lighting scheme strategies are increasingly becoming such as the role, positioning and energy a complimentary element within efficiency to more aesthetic elements Masterplans, and are particularly relevant such as design, choice of materials and to historic Towns such as Downpatrick. colour scheme.

The main objective of the lighting strategy Successful lighting schemes can is to formalise a framework which results emphasise elements within Downpatrick in an improvement in the quality and at night that are not obvious to the design of lighting within Downpatrick’s onlooker by day. Combined with streets and public spaces. Levels of seasonal light shows and events such comfort and public safety will be raised by as ‘son et lumiere’, lighting can make way of a well structured lighting strategy. a major contribution to Downpatrick’s This will complement both the historical performance as a visitor destination. and contemporary components of the Town while subtly picking up on existing Next Steps themes and colour palettes. 1. Convene stakeholders and agree The formulation of core lighting initiatives project parameters will help to underpin the strategy and ensure consistency throughout the 2. Commission Lighting Strategy Masterplan area. 3. Review delivery options

Benefits Urban Environment Priority High Community Safety Related Projects All PHOTO PHOTO PHOTO Tourism & Culture Local Economy / Investment Approximate Cost - Arts & Heritage Risks Stakeholders DDC, NIEA Project: Frontage Improvements Scheme E2 Downpatrick Town Centre Masterplan

Project Description

The purpose of a Frontage Improvement The advocation of established shopfront Scheme is to secure elevational design principles should be encouraged alterations that can introduce a degree throughout, whether it is within an of cohesian to the frontages within historic or contemporary context. As Downpatrick, picking up on established part of this process, the use of fortified design themes along key routes. It is shutters in Downpatrick Town Centre envisaged that this scheme would be must be greatly reduced due to the largely concerned with those frontages negative contribution they make to the along the main ‘shopping’ streets within evening and weekend environment. the Town, primarily Market Street but would also include sections of Irish Next Steps Street, Church Street, English Street, Scotch Street and St Patrick’s Avenue. 1. Convene stakeholders and agree project parameters In relation to retail units, a successful shopfront design should complement 2. Undertake survey of town centre shop the building of which it forms part, be fronts and prepare outline proposal with it the building’s scale, proportion or costs architectural style. Attractive shopfronts result in a vibrant and distinctive 3. Review delivery options including streetscape which ultimately benefits partneship working and grants. local business and trade.

Benefits Local Economy / Investment Priority High Urban Environment Related Projects A1, A3, A4, A5, A6, PHOTO PHOTO PHOTO Tourism & Heritage C1, C2, C4, C6, D1 Approximate Cost - Risks Economic climate Stakeholders DDC, DSD, Multiple land ownership NIEA, Priv Project: Signage & Interpretation Strategy E3 Downpatrick Town Centre Masterplan

Project Description

Signage plays an important role, Wayfinding signage, at strategic locations provideing much needed visual cues and throughout the Town, is directional in assist greatly in the creation of legible its nature and provides the reader with urban environments. Signage generally contextual information such as where falls into three categories; interpretative, they presently are and where they might wayfinding and advertising. visit next along their journey.

Given the historical significance of Advertising signage provides the Downpatrick, interpretative signage function of directing attention to goods will play a key role in communicating and services at a specific location and the history of Downpatrick, particularly tends to be located within the central around the core area and along English area in close proximity to the established Street where the concentration of shopping and office districts. visitor attractions are located. While the primary purpose of interpretative Next Steps signage is to convey information to the reader, whether it relates to a historical 1. Convene stakeholders and agree or cultural element of the Town, such project parameters signage should also contribute positively in terms of its design, location and 2. Commission signage strategy purpose. Interpretation should also be provided through public art and other 3. Review delivery options creative means.

Benefits Access & Circulation Priority High Tourism & Heritage Related Projects A2, A4, A5, B1, B2, PHOTO PHOTO PHOTO Arts & Culture C1, C3, C4, C6, D1 Urban Environment Approximate Cost - Risks Stakeholders DDC, NITB, NIEA Project: Living & Working Above the Shops E4 Downpatrick Town Centre Masterplan

Project Description

Living and Working Over the Shops (LOTS Particular care should be taken in the and WOTS) are relatively new initiatives service needs of such schemes, such based on the traditional concept of as the need for separate access and greater residential and employment changes to the frontage, which can have activity within Town Centre locations. implications on the external appearance In line with National Government of the building or terrace which is Policy, these schemes encourage the heightened in the cases of Listed PLAN conversion of vacant and derelict upper Buildings and Conservation Areas. floors of retail and commercial units in Town Centre locations in an effort to Next Steps see these properties brought back into everyday use for residential or working 1. Convene stakeholders and review purposes. project parameters

LOTS schemes ensure that our Town 2. Undertake survey of existing town Centres are active for longer periods of centre properties and assess potential time extending well into the evening, for WOTS and LOTS schemes. which in turn provides an additional level of surveillance and heightened levels of 3. Engage with developers to ensure new safety for inhabitants and visitors. WOTS projects include LOTS and WOTS schemes help to boost the economic activity of our town centres, both directly 4. Review delivery options, including and indirectly through service and partnership working and grants support industries.

Benefits Local Economy / Investment Priority High Housing Related Projects A1, A3, A4, A5, A6, PHOTO PHOTO PHOTO Urban Environment C1, C2, C3, C4, C6, Community Safety D1, D2, Approximate Cost - Risks Economic climate Stakeholders DDC, NIEA, Priv, Multiple land ownership PS Project: Evening Economy Strategy E5 Downpatrick Town Centre Masterplan

Project Description

There is a growing trend in the Councils are increasingly viewing development of frameworks that assist their evening economy as an activity in boosting the ‘evening economy’ of that needs to be expanded and see Town Centres. Differentiation is also these initiatives as making a positive being made between the night time contribution to the vitality of their Town economy, which largely relates to the Centres both economically and socially. pub and nightclub culture and the Main themes that are emerging from evening economy which generally refers initiatives throughout the UK are the to that lull time between workers leaving extension of the hours of normal daytime the Town and residents returning home offer and making the Town Centre often covering the period of 6pm through location attractive to a wider audience to 9pm for a longer period of time.

The evening economy of Downpatrick Next Steps presents opportunities within the restaurant and cafe industries as well as 1. Convene stakeholders and agree leisure and cultural potential. project parameters

2. Commission Evening Economy Strategy

3. Review delivery options

Benefits Local Economy / Investment Priority High Community Safety Related Projects All PHOTO PHOTO PHOTO Tourism & Heritage Arts & Culture Approximate Cost - Risks Stakeholders DDC, Priv Project: Transportation & Parking Study E6 Downpatrick Town Centre Masterplan

Project Description

In order to understand the transport The parking strategy would provide an impacts of the Masterplan it is considered understanding of the potential impacts that a transport strategy informed by of the proposed Masterplan and the a traffic model and a parking strategy most appropriate level of provision, should be prepared. location and management of car parking in Downpatrick. In addition, the Construction of a traffic model would measures developed in the parking study provide a suitable basis for appraising the could be input into the traffic model to potential impact of proposed transport understand the impacts of changes in improvements and developments in parking provision on the operation of the Downpatrick that arise as part of the road network. masterplanning process. The traffic model would provide a flexible tool to Next Steps evaluate the impacts of any transport measures that are formulated during 1. Convene stakeholders and agree the study. The traffic model is capable project parameters of outputting detailed statistical results from any option tests as well as being able 2. Commission Study to display the operation of the network visually. The traffic model can also be 3. Use model to test transport proposals retained as an asset by Roads Service for use in future as new developments and 4. Implement parking strategy transport improvements come forward and require to be assessed.

Benefits Access & Circulation Priority High Local Economy / Investment Related Projects All Urban Environment PHOTO PHOTO PHOTO Approximate Cost - Risks Stakeholders DDC, DSD, RS, Trans Project: Eastern Distributor Linkages F1 Downpatrick Town Centre Masterplan

Project Description

The proposal for an Eastern Peripheral Firstly, an extension of the route to link to Route is contained in the Ards and Down the Belfast Road and hence provide an Area Plan 2015 and is strongly linked alternative route to and from Belfast, the to the proposals to provide significant principal traffic generator. Secondly, a residential development to the east of the proposed Quoile Road to Road Town. The route will also aid in delivering connection constructed in association effective transport links to the recently with the proposed relocation of the High developed Downe Hospital and other School to make the route more direct. development at the Downshire Hospital site. Next Steps

Roads Service commissioned an 1. Convene stakeholders and agree appraisal of the route (August 2005) project parameters which demonstrated that the link road had positive economic benefits. 2. Review transport requirements against Notwithstanding, there is a key risk Transport and Parking Study (E6) that the delivery of the scheme, which is principally the responsibility of 3. Develop outline roads options Developers, may not occur in the short term, leaving congestion issues in the 4. Test options and select preferred Town Centre. The Masterplan proposes option two changes to the current Eastern Distributor proposals. 5. Review delivery mechanisms via public and/or private sector

Benefits Access & Circulation Priority Medium Local Economy / Investment Related Projects E6 PHOTO PHOTO PHOTO Approximate Cost £1.5m Risks Economic climate Stakeholders DDC, Priv, PS, Multiple land ownership RS, Project: Western Peripheral Route F2 Downpatrick Town Centre Masterplan

Project Description

The concept of a Western Peripheral Next Steps Route providing a by-pass along the western side of Downpatrick has been 1, Convene stakeholders and agree a long-standing proposal. The Transport project parameters Report, provides detailed information on the costs / benefits of such a proposal. 2. Review transport requirements against Transport and Parking Study (E6) The Report recognises that the proposed route reflects a key movement of 3. Undertake site surveys, including vehicles traversing the Town and would hydrology and ground conditions significantly reduce traffic through key junctions. However, the Report identifies 4. Develop outline routes options that the delivery of a road-based solution along the Western periphery 5. Test options and viability through of Downpatrick, which demonstrates transport appraisal, economic appraisal positive benefits would be very difficult. and environmental impact assessment

The implementation of a public transport 6) Select preferred option and review service along the the existing railway delivery mechanisms via public and/or emerges as a potentially cost effective private sector. proposal although more research would be required to ascertain whether there is sufficient demand to operate such a service successfully.

Benefits Access & Circulation Priority Medium Local Economy / Investment Related Projects A6, B1, B2, B4, C4, PHOTO PHOTO PHOTO D4, E6 Approximate Cost £13m Risks Economic climate Stakeholders DSD, DDC, Multiple land ownership NIEA, PS, RS, Flood Risk / Ground Condition Archaeology Trans Environmental Impact Downpatrick Town Centre Masterplan PROJECT ACTION PLANS March 2011