Minutes of the Annual Conferences of the Methodist Episcopal Church for the Years 1773-1881
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MINUTES OF THE ANNUAL CONFERENCES OF THE METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH, IN FOR THE YEARS 1773-1 828. VOLUME I. NEW-YORK: PUBLISHED BY T. MASON AND G. LANE, FOR THE METHODIST EPI8COPAL CHURCH, AT THE CONFERENCE OFFICE, 200 MULBERRY-STREEt. J. Collord, Printer. 1840. Minutes for 1812. 203 MINUTES TAKEN AT THE SEVERAL ANNUAL CONFERENCES OF THE METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH, FOR THE YEAR 1812. Quest. 1. Who are admitted on trial ? Emory, Robert Bowzer, Walter Sleeper, WESTERN CONFERENCE. Joseph Ierson— 13. John Cord, John Caliman, Francis Lan- GENESEE CONFERENCE. drum, Jonathan Stamper, Elias Turner, James Gilmore, Renolda Everts, Jo Jesse Spurgeon, Robert W. Finley, Chas. seph Hickcox, James S. Lent, Ebenezer Bonwell, Geo. Ekins, Benj. Rhoten, Jesse Doolittle, Elisha Bebins, Gideon Cunningham, Richard Conn, Thomas D. Lanning Porter, William Dixon, William M'Me- han, Charles Waddle, John M'Mehan, Quest. 2. Who remain on trial ? Samuel Belamv, David Goodner, Sha- WESTERN CONFERENCE. drach B. A. Carter, William Hart, Sam'l John M'Farland, Matthew Nelson, Ba Lnwis, Joseph Foulks — 23. ker Wrather, James Dixon, Thos. Wright SOUTH CAROLINA CONFERENCE. Walter Griffith, Thomas A. King, John Griffin Christopher, Thomas Standley, Phipps, Daniel Fraley, John Strange, Benjamin Scott, Allen Turner, Nicholas James M'Mehan, Caleb J. Taylor, Isaac Talley, James Sharp, Benjamin Ogletree, Pavey, Marcus Lindsey, George A. Col John Freeman, Henry Bass, Nicholas bert— 15. Punch, L. Q. C. Deyampert, James Ko- SOUTH CAROLINA CONFERENCE. Britton Bunch, John Bunch, Jacob Solomon Bryan, Lewis Hatton, Daniel fer,[ill, Hugh M'Phaill, Archibald Brown, Brown, John Sewell, John I. E. Byrd, James L. Belin, Alexander H. Saunders, John Boswell, Samuel Jenkin, Reuben Benjamin Brown, Charles Dickinson —21. Tucker, James Hutto, Andrew Pickins, VIRGINIA CONFERENCE. James Hayes, Samuel M. Meek, Ashley Thomas Puckett, Peter Wyatt, Minton Hewitt, John Shrock — 14. Thrift, James Thomas, Swain Swift, Mat VIRGINIA CONFERENCE. thew M. Dance, John Giles, John R. James Avant, Joshua Lawrence, James Bradley— 8. Sandford, William M. Elliott, Samuel BALTIMORE CONFERENCE. Waggoner, John Mallory, Jesse Branch, Lewis R. Fechtige, John Bull, Jacob Henry Holmes, Samuel Hunter, John C. Foreman, Thomas Sewell, Wm. Shanks, Traylor, Lewis Kimbell, Abraham Trail Francis A. Monjar, Daniel Davisson, Ro —12. bert Hanna, Joshua Windsor, Oliver BALTIMORE CONFERENCE. Woodworth, John Somerville, Amos John C. French, James — M'Cann, Abel Barnes 12. Robinson, Jacob Gorwell — 4. PHILADELPHIA CONFERENCE PHILADELPHIA CONFERENCE. Joseph S. Colgan, David Dailey, John Joseph Lybrand, Samuel P. Levis, Townsend, George Banghart— 4. James Smith, William Ryder, William NEW-YORK CONFERENCE. W. Foulks, Manning Force, William Leonard, John — Theodosius Clark, Thomas Thorp, Finley 8. Elisha P. Jacob, Tobias Spicer, Abraham NEW-YORK CONFERENCE. Daniels, Stephen Beach, JosiahF. Cham John B. Matthias, Gilbert Lyon, Ben berlain. Beardsley Northrop, Stephen Ja jamin Griffen, Cyrus Culver, John T. — cob, William Roes, Gad Smith U. Addoms, Hawley Sandford, Samuel Wea NEW- ENGLAND CONFERENCE. ver, John B. Stratton, John Reynolds, Jesse John Paine, John Vickorv, John Ad Hunt, Elijah Hibbard, David Lewis, Almond — ams, John Adams, jun., Benjamin Shaw, Dunbar, Samuel Luckey 14. Benjamin Hezelton, Benjamin Burnham, NEW-ENGLAND CONFERENCE. Thomas Tucker, Jacob Sanborn. Richard Aaron Lummus, James Jaques, Wil 204 Minutes for 1812. liam Marsh, John Lewis, Thomas Norris, GENESEE CONFERENCE. David Blanchard, Daniel Fillmore, Cyrus Peregrine Hallett, Jonathan Huestis, Cummins, John Atwell, Harvey Morey, Seth Mattison, William Brown, Samuel John Jewett — 11. L. Rawleigh, Reuben Farley, Abner GENESEE CONFERENCE. Chase, Joseph Kinkead, Dan Barnes, Noah Bigelow, Samuel Thompson, Ben Silas Hopkins, Enoch Burdock, Mar- jamin G. Paddock, James H. Baker, maduke Pearce, Ralph Lanning, Palmer Edward Cooper, Peter Covenhoven — 15. Roberts, Ira Fairbank, Orin Doolittle, Elijah King, Truman Gillett, John Haz- Quest. 4. Who are the deacons ] zard— 10. Those marked thus (*) were ordained this year. WESTERN CONFERENCE. Quest. 3. Who are admitted into full B. Thomas Nelson,* connection ? James Finley,* Samuel West,* Alexander Cummins,* WESTERN CONFERENCE. Samuel Heliums,* Samuel H. Thomp James B. Finley, Thomas Nelson, son,* John Manley,* Francis Travis,* Samuel West, Alexander Cummins, Sa John Brown,* M. Lindsey,* missionary, muel Heliums, Samuel H. Thompson, Henry M'Daniel,* Michael Ellis, Samuel John Manley, Francis Travis, John King, Lewis Anderson, William Lamb- Brown, Charles Holliday, Henry M'Dan- den, Richard Richards, John Johnson, iel, Michael Ellis, John Page, Samuel Thomas Kirkman, John Lewis, William King, Frederick D. Wimberly, John Jen Winans, William B. Elgin, Isaac Lind — nings, John S. Ford 17. sey, Josiah Crawford, F. D. Wimberly, SOUTH CAROLINA CONFERENCE. elect, John Jennings, elect, John S. Ford, elect— 26. Alexander Talley, Thomas Griffin, John Tarrant, John S. Capers, Drury SOUTH CAROLINA CONFERENCE. Powell, Henry D. Green, Alexander M. Alex. Talley,* Alexander M. M'Ew M'Ewen, John B. Glenn, Michael Durr, en,* Thomas Griffin,* John B. Glenn,* James Capers, Whitman C. Hill, Andrew Andrew Grambling,* John Tarrant,* Mi Grambling — 12. chael Durr,* John S. Capers,* James VIRGINIA CONFERENCE. Capers,* Henrv D. Green,* Whitman C. Hill,* Powell,* William S. Talley, Erasmus Stimson, Josiah Morton, Drury Lewis Hobbs, Anthony Senter, Nicholas Thomas M. Bacon, Robert Gilbraith — 4. Powers, Jacob Rumph, Thomas D. Glenn, BALTIMORE CONFERENCE. William Capers, Joseph Saltonstall, Ro John Davis, John White, John W. bert L. Kennon — 21. Bond, James Stevens, Wesley Webster, VIRGINIA CONFERENCE. William Monroe, Asby Pool, Nathan Erasmus Stimson,* Josiah Morton,* Lodge, Tobias Reiley, Ezra Grover, Ro Thomas M. Bacon,* Robert Gilbraith,* bert Wilson, James Wilson— 12. Thomas Cooper, Jos. N. Kilpatrick, Joel PHILADELPHIA CONFERENCE. Burgess, Wm. Compton, Jesse Brown, William Torbert, Lawrence Lawren- James Morris, Thomas Moore, Henry son, John Price, William Williams, John Hardy, Robert Griffith, Jacob Hill, Ethel- Emory, John Van Schoick, Samuel Grif bert Drake, John Moore, Thomas Burge, fith, Thomas Davis, John Fernon — 9. Caleb N. Bell, Leroy Merritt— 19. NEW-YORK CONFERENCE. BALTIMORE CONFERENCE. John Russel, John Haskins, Timothy John Davis,* John White,* John W. Minor, Stephen Richmond, Justus Bying- Bond,* James Stevens,* Wesley Web ton, Arnold Scolefield, Peter Bussing, ster,* William Monroe,* Asby Pool,* Na Samuel Bushnell, Heman Garlick —9. than Lodge,* Tobias Reiley,* Ezra Gro ver,* Robert Wilson,* James Wilson,* NEW-ENGLAND CONFERENCE. Joseph Frye, Beverly Waugh, Richard Dane, Nathan B. Ashcraft, Francis Ar- Tidings, James Ewen, James M. Han temas Stebbins, Sabin, Orlando Benjamin son, Joseph Lanston, Simon Lauck — 19. Hinds, Stephen Wingate, Joseph Lull, Jonathan Worthen, Joseph Dennett, Elias PHILADELPHIA CONFERENCE. Marble, Leonard Bennett, Ethan Stevens William Torbert,* Lawrence Lawren —12. son,* John Price,* William Williams,* Minutes for 1812. 205 John Emory,* John Van Schoick,* Sa BALTIMORE CONFERENCE. muel Griffith,* Thomas Davis,* John Joshua Monroe, Eli Henkle, Daniel Fernon,* James Quail,* John Woolson, Stansbury, Jacob Snyder, Benedict Rey Thomas Miller, John Smith, Stephen nolds — 5. Martindale, John Fox, James Laws, Dan PHILADELPHIA CONFERENCE — 17. iel Ashton William S. Fisher, Thomas Neal, John NEW-YORK CONFERENCE. Sharpley, Avra Melvin — 4. John Russell,* John Haskins,* Timo NEW-YORK CONFERENCE. thy Minor,* Stephen Richmond,* Arnold Friend Draper, Jas. Edmonds, Cyprian Scolcfield,* Peter Bussing,* Samuel Bush- H. Gridley, Bela Smith, William Jewett, nell,* Heman Garlick,* Marvin Richard Robert Hibbard, Justus Byington — 7. John B. son, Coles Carpenter, Matthias, NEW-ENGLAND CONFERENCE. Jacob Beeman, William Biagborne— 13. John W. Hardy, David Kilbourn, Win. NEW-ENGLAND CONFERENCE. Hinman, Leonard Frost — 4. Francis Dane,* Nathan B.- Ashcrafl,* GENESEE CONFERENCE. Artemas Stebbins,* Sabin,* Benjamin Or Geo. Thomas, elect, John Rhodes, elect, lando Hinds,* Stephen Wingate,* Joseph Samuel Ross, Chandley Lambert, John Lull,* Jonathan Worthen,* Den Joseph Kimberlin —5. nett,* Elias Marble,* Leonard Bennett,* Robert Arnold,* Ethen Stevens, elect, Quest. 6. Who are the bishops and super Benjamin Jones, John Lindsey, William intendents ? Frost, Dan'l Wentworth, Isaiah Emerson, Francis Asbury, William M'Kendree —2. Amasa Taylor, Geo. Gary, Edward Hyde, *.* Doctor Coke, at the request of the Robert Hayes, Benjamin R. Hoyt, Abner British Conference, and by consent of our Clark— 24. General Conference, resides in Europe : GENESEE CONFERENCE. he is not to exercise the office of superin Peregrine Hallett,* Jonathan Huestis,* tendent among us, in the United States, the General Con Seth Mattison,* Samuel L. Rawleigh,* until he be recalled by Annual Conferences v William Brown,* Reuben Farley,* Abner ference, or by all the Chase,* Joseph Kinkead,* Dan Barnes,* respectively. Noah Bigelow,* Samuel Thompson,* Ben Quest. 7. Who have located this year? jamin G. Paddock,* Samuel H. Baker, WESTERN CONFERENCE. elect, Edward Cooper, elect, Peter Coven- Eli Truett, Hezekiah Shaw, Caleb W. hoven, elect, Thos. Wright, Loring Grant, Cloud, Thomas Trower, Henry Mallory, Isaac Puffer, Joseph Gatchell, George W. Saul Henkle, John Holmes — 7. Densmore, John Wilson — 21. SOUTH CAROLINA CONFERENCE. Quest. 5. Who have been elected and or Reddick