BEEKEEPING: General Information by R

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BEEKEEPING: General Information by R BEEKEEPING: General Information by R. A. Morse and E. J. Dyce A Cornell Cooperative Extension Publication Information Bulletin 90 The New York State College of Agriculture and Life Sciences is a statutory college of the State University, at Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y. 2 BEEKEEPING: This bulletin provides general informa­ Honey Bee as a Pollinator tion about beekeeping that is not usually General Information included in current publications. Informa­ The pollination of agricultural crops is by R. A. Morse and E. J. Dyce tion on specific beekeeping problems can the most important contribution of honey be obtained by writing to the Office of bees to our national economy. Although Apiculture, Department of Entomology, the value of honey bees for pollination Contents Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853. cannot be estimated , it is many times the 2 Extent of Beekeeping Industry total value of both the honey and bees­ wax that they produce . Without cross­ 2 Honey Bee as a Pollinator Extent of Beekeeping Industry pollination many crops would not set seed 3 Who Keeps Bees? or produce fruit. Many insects other than In New York State about 8,500 people the honey bee can carry pollen from one 3 Where Bees Can Be Kept keep at least 125,000 colonies of honey plant to another; but in areas where agri­ 4 A Skilled Occupation bees. The annual production is about 8 culture has been intensified, such as the million pounds of honey and 120,000 fruit areas in New York State, the number 4 How to Acquire a Knowledge of pounds of beeswax. These figures are of these other insects is inadequate for Beekeeping higher than the national average of state commercial pollination. 4 State Apiary Inspection production but not as high as those for Several conditions have contributed to the leading honey-producing states in the a decline of the native pollinating insects 4 Beekeeping Literature and Midwest. New York ranks first in the East in certain areas. In recent years there has Beekeepers Associations in honey production and is usually among been a trend toward intensive and special­ 7 Cornell Home Study Course in the first 7 in the country in the number of ized agriculture. General or diversified Beekeeping colonies and production. farming is neither popular nor profitable. 7 Cornell Summer Short Course in Land that is used to grow only one crop Beekeeping does not provide nectar and pollen for wild pollinating insects over a long period 7 Visual Material of time. The elimination of hedgerows 7 When to Start Beekeeping when fields are made larger reduces the nesting locations for pollinating insects. 8 Buying Bees Pesticides can affect the populations of 8 Equipment certain insects. BEEKEEPING REGIONS 9 Bee Stings IN NEW YORK 9 Causes for Success or Failure in 1 Primary ~ Beekeeping 2 Secondary G:::J 3 Marginal D 10 Summary of Seasonal Management 4 Submarginal § IS_ :) .3 1 ~ . -~·.: -:'ORLEAN's'::,,. GENESEE ~-: - . •. SHAER 3 .;;•·•··.··:•@t•"n~;',3oi,;'F ?t~.)CF2f.J.1J;;·r·~;···~~tEii~,1~ , ULSTER.::.:_;:.·:,:_;. '·. )~{~~;- Figure 1. A single colony of honey bees will survive almost anywhere In New York State. However, profitable beekeeping Is undertaken only In those areas where honey plants abound. 3 It is estimated that over 15,000 colo­ Where Bees Can Be Kept Beekeepers who have remote apiaries nies of honey bees are used to pollinate may suffer from vandalism and the occa - apples and other fruits in New York State A small number of people have a great sional curious person who removes a hive each year Additionally, New York State fear of honey bees. Often such people cover without knowing what is withi_n For bees are moved to Vermont, Massachu ­ confuse bees and wasps . They may also these reasons beekeepers usually hide setts, Connecticut, and Maine for the be unaware of the service honey bees their apiaries behind or in woods. This too same purpose . Although fruit pollination is perform for mankind. Beekeepers will prevents their flying where they may be a the primary use for which beekeepers are testify that bees busy pollinating flowers or nuisance . paid, about 1 000 colonies are rented for gathering nectar will not sting unless A good apiary location receives a max­ the pollination of other agricultural crops , disturbed. imum of sunlight. It should have good air including birdsfoot trefoil, cucumbers, and Bees have been kept successfully and and water drainage and slope to the south cantaloupes . Beekeepers tend to think in without being a nuisance in large cities. or east. A windbreak is helpful. A source terms of crops from which they receive For a number of years, for example , about of clean water is needed by bees, which compensation, but conservationists are 10 hives of bees were kept in the Brook­ use water to dilute the food fed to larvae aware of the pollination of wild fruit, nut, lyn Botanical Garden, which is located in and also to cool the hive in warm and seed crops that benefit from an a densely populated area . Since 1925 weather . abundance of honey bees. there has been a fairly large apiary im­ It is an unwritten law among beekeep­ mediately adjacent to the Cornell Univer­ ers that no sizable apiary should be sity campus. It is surrounded by a hedge placed within 2 miles of another such Who Keeps Bees? of evergreens about 1 0 feet thick and 15 apiary . If this practice is violated, there feet high. There is only a single , narrow Bees are kept by persons in all walks of may be too little forage, and the colonies entrance to the apiary , and the bees are life. For some , beekeeping is an interest­ in both the old and new apiary will suffer . forced to fly over the hedge and above ing hobby; for those who operate several the heads of people or the tops of cars thousand colonies , it is an important driving in the vicinity . source of income . Figure 2. Although the primary source of income When bees fly unhindered across a for the New York State beekeeper Is the honey road or from their hive along a path used produced, thousands of colonies of bees are rented by walking people, the bees could be a for pollination. Many crops, including these onions nuisance. Bees accidentally hitting a per­ grown In muck In central New York, require cross­ pollination by insects to set seed. son are not inclined to sting ; however, if such a bee is hit or struck , she may sting . Races of bees vary in their propensity to sting . Beekeepers in cong ested areas are advised to check their colonies and to requeen those that show a greater ten­ dency to sting . 4 A Skilled Occupation State Apiary Inspection Beekeeping Literature and Beekeepers Associations Beginners in beekeeping are often mo­ Most states, including New York, hire a tivated by a desire to make a living from chief apiary inspector and, during the PRACTICAL BOOKS honey production. So many things are active bee season, several assistant Honey Bee Brood Diseases by Henrik involved that it is impossible to state the inspectors to inspect colonies of bees for Hansen. Wicwas Press, 425 Hanshaw number of colonies needed to accomplish disease One bacterial disease of honey Road, Ithaca , N.Y. 14850. 32 pages. this. If bees are given proper attention, bees. American foulbrood, is particularly 1981 . 500 colonies are considered the maxi­ troublesome. It is a disease that affects Beekeeping in the Midwest by Elbert A. mum that a skilled beekeeper can man­ only honey bees; colonies that become Jaycox. Office of Agricutural Publications, age without extra help. The complete infected almost invariably perish. 1301 W. Gregory Drive, Urbana, Ill. equipment necessary to operate such an New York State law requires that bees 61801. 169 pages. Revised, 1981. outfit efficiently may require an investment sold or moved intrastate must be accom­ Making Mead by Roger A. Morse. Wic­ of $100,000. No beginners should con­ panied by a permit from the Department was Press, 425 Hanshaw Road, Ithaca, sider such an outlay until they have had of Agriculture and Markets. Seasonal N.Y. 14850. 127 pages. 1980. several years of experience with bees and permits are issued to those individuals Rearing Queen Honey Bees by Roger are convinced that they have the neces­ who have bees in more than one location A. Morse. Wicwas Press, 425 Hanshaw sary ability to produce and sell enough and must move healthy bees and used Road, Ithaca, N.Y. 14850. 128 pages honey to make the venture a financial apiary supplies and equipment between 1979. success. A good plan is to increase the established apiaries and between apiaries Comb Honey Production by Roger A. number of colonies each year while con­ and the honey house. Many states into Morse. Wicwas Press, 425 Hanshaw tinuing a full- or part-time job. which New York State beekeepers move Road, Ithaca, N.Y. 14850. 128 pages their bees also require a certificate of 1979. inspection. ABC and XYZ of Bee Culture by A.I., How to Acquire a The inspection of colonies and the de­ E.R., H.H , and J.A. Root. A.I. Root Co., Knowledge of Beekeeping struction of those infected with American Medina, Ohio 44256. 723 pages 1978. foulbrood are in the best interest of the Success with even a few colonies The Hive and Honey Bee, edited by beekeeping industry. The request for the requires a thorough knowledge of the life Dadant and Sons. Dadant and Sons, Inc., original inspection laws was strongly sup­ and the behavior of bees.
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