EXODUS XXVII, 26 n: ,-i]gn nlbU ,Fq+p , in the forepart thereof. 26. And nnnil nJp,v,pil TFa nnlp,i'Fq htsp'F9 thou shalt make two rings of gold, and thou put them upon the two ends of the shalt i,lp tr;? brp*$ ITTFIF'bu 26 breastplate, upon the edge thereof, which is r,ij ntlprt !'Uil Tx,I toward the side of the ephod inward. 27. And thou shalt make two rings of gold, *X'lp4 rntrr+y lr4lry,:r nt$p pp'by Efrt ij4ul and shalt put them on the two shoulder- pieces of the ephod underneath, in the ,lARJl l,.rtr:p TPh&; :tp 27 forepart thereof, close by the coupling :,T n}'plililv !'ppl thereof, above the skilfully woven band of lnurbp the ephod. 28. And they shall bind the nbpb- l-i ! liai? bmnJ' hoLbnr -: llnxn"l, nlAn:3' " 3 Ef,xt breastplate by the rings thereof unto the .? rings of the ephod with a thread of , ?uln,'l'nN lDr'lll I -t'iEXLl :unb byen ]n:!nD za that it may be upon the skilfully woven band of the ephod, and that the breastplate be not loosed from the ephod. 29. And *p nr:* n?;l b'!+t i'rry,7 ny?t1'b;r tfulun shall bear the names of the children ? of Israel in the breastplate ofjudgment upon ?:,'1X' NU)'i l'f !EN,J bpn rH'l(h ']JFI-{,J llpj:.| 2e his heart, when he goeth in unto the holy | -:t- JT?: l "l? IPnn place, for a memorial before the Lono con- tinually. 30. And thou shalt put in the *x t$r? i?!'bp bpVFil iyFp b{Ipt':lp ntAp'n$ breastplate of judgment the Urim and the Thummim; and they shall be upon Aaron's repr{rFir i']'F[r ,'i],I.t?b uli?'l ] heart, when he goeth in before the Lono; ipil'bN i+: n?T? and Aaron shall bear the judgment of the children of Israel upon his heart before the pP? 15:p i',:'i D'Dl;-n$l i'1lx;-n$ *iit' l't4pt:)'bl Lonn continually. 11 31 . And thou shalt make the robe of the ephod all of .)Eb -. tpb'by-r'. - bx:ip*t)!1.. T i. t,.; rcbrrr:'nx- . , .t ?-t,.rf| -3t- Hu)lJT a3 nlrlAT blue. 32. And it shall have a hole for ).,.. 'lElthp the head in the midst thereof; it shall * rnhry ),?eT?sil I'pF'nS !'yJpl D lr,FR ,t11 3r 'p f iy3i5p v. 28.

2G28. Two rings were to be attached to the Thummim' was the term whereby the twelve inner lower corners of the breastplate. Two stones were clenoted. The fact that the breast- other rings were to be placed on the lower part plate is called 'the breastplate of judgment' of the shoulder-straps. Threads of blue passing indicates that the breastplate itself, and not through the rings tied them together. By these something distinct from it, wAS the rnedium of means the breastplate was kept firmly in its place the Divine communications. In tr-ev. vil, 8, the on the breast of the High Priest. Urim and the Thummim alone are mentioned, precious proof 29. for A metnortal. 'The stones on his heart not the stones-a strong of the are Aaron's silent prayer to God on behalf of identity of both. his entire people' (8. Jacob). Scripture records that in times of doubt and national crisis during the earlier period of 30. the Urtm and the Thurnmim. lit. 'the Israel's history, the people consulted the Urim Lights and the Perfections'; which may mean, in and the Thummirn for information and guidance accordance with Heb. idiom, 'perfect lights.' (Num. )Lxvrr, 2l; r Sam. xxvrl, 6); but what Were the Urim and the Thummim identical the procedure \\'as is nowhere explained. No with the breastplate and the twelve brilliant recourse to the Urim and the Thummim is stones, or were they distinct from it? At first mentioned after the days of . They remain view, the wording of this verse, 'thou shalt put one of the most obscure subjects connected with in the breastplate of judgment the Urim and the the High Priesthood. Thummim,' seems to favour the latter alternative; and many moderns think, 'they were two sacred Iots, used for the purpose of ascertaining the 31-35. Tsn Rosn Divine Will on questions of national importance' 31. robe. A long garment worn by men of (Driver). Rashi, Iikewise, supposes that it was high rank. Whether the 'robe' was always some material upon which the Name of God sleeveless is uncertain, but that of the High was engraven, rvhich the High Priest carried in Priest was so. It is called 'robe of the ephod', the breastpiate. Against this opinion it is urged because the ephod was worn over it. that in chap. xxxrx, where the making of the all of blue. The garment was woven of one breastplate is given in detail, nothing is said in kind of thread only; the colour blue was signifi- regard to the fashioning of the Urim and the cant; cf. the thread of blue on the 'fringes' Thummim, Thus, it seems that 'the Urim and the (Num. xv, 38). 342 ffi- 1f

EXODUS XXVIII, 33 n: ,'i]gn n]nU have a binding of woven work round nppp 'l,F?,},:: ,'r+V r;rnB t{}r-l-!F ,'l:il 3: about the hole of it, as it were the hole :'I? of a coat of mail, that it be not rent. .p? 33. And upon the skirts of it thou shalt rllra'by F'ppl lp:p: x? r?',::il H?Tr r':tx:, make pomegranates of blue, and of purple, and of scarlet, round about the skirts r,p? r.brErbp.ir{r nl}tni n*! thereof ; and bells of gold between them l)hppr ifpl:Xl }bl round about : 34. a golden bell and a pal r: pomegranate, a golden bell and a pome- ?10't]I a '3 ili\tr Thryp :Ti iaIP r:.?? n;rru:il granate, upon the skirts of the robe round about. 35. And it shall be upon ypp)1 n:\+,? ,l:,:'l ir.p? b.p4n'blrp*y ii- Aaron to minister; and the sound thereof i?,J$')p shall be heard when he goeth in unto the holy place before the Lono, and when he D ln!F: x?l r|xs?'l ,lJ,]l }pb ult ,l'bN 'lxfl ibrp cometh out, that he die not. 11 36. And thou plate shalt make a of pure gold, and en- u1p D[rh.n!np i.'?y 36 grave upon it, like the engravings of a Dirnprll,Jp:Fi F'$ !'pp1 signet: HoLy ro rHE LoRD. 37. And thou shalt put it on a thread of blue, and it shall np;,T,p,l'bp ,-gT1 n?;R b'[r?'by inx R?p1 t,.1l,T? 3- be upon the mitre; upon the forefront of the mitre it shall be. 38. And it shall be xq?1 n$i:'by h:,?'1 l,l:,1: npiyp,:l-lt? bm-b$ 3s upon Aaron's forehead, and Aaron shall i',r:r bear the iniquity committed in the holy -)?? things, which the children of Israel shall bx:p: l)? iu'rl?t:pS E'uJp,:r Tjyns F,IS hallow, even in all their holy gifts; and it shall be always upon his forehead, that they trF? 'r'A!'insn'bP ,'ilry FF'pTp nlFD may be accepted before the Lono. 39. And It?b ii)'# thou shalt weave the tunic in chequer work tt)3x1 rprp nD)sD n'Up] uu mhrn hslu]. t,'11n. 3e -),.i A.. l'J'i:' , t'l: ',') 3 - t. - 3 !I t

32, for the head. The robe had an opening of that service. It proclaimed the spiritual ideal only on top. It had, therefore, to be drawn of which the Sanctuary was the concrete emblem. over the head; and to prevent the material from tiuiirrg, thJ *as sirergtrrerea Uiftili-;| 37.. thread od llue. A, threq{ of blue, attached aaAiti6irat weaiing."dgi to the extremities of the gold- plate,,.kept it in position upon the forehead of the High Priest; 33-35. The hem of the robe-r*t"iful,- was adorned -po',,o with but between the skin and the plate was the linen balls of richly colourea of of the mitre (see u. 39). granate pair_ shape. Between--each of _pome- 3g. Aaron shall bear, The meaning is probably granates golden was a bell. The states this: what is presented to God must be without that there were 72 ornaments around the hem. priest blemish' and the mode of presentation must be The High was on no account to officiate in agreement with the prescribed rites' Should without donning his garments. The bells attached to the robe indi*cated't' tr,"-iong*s"tio" fiihi g:liiJ'#Xl".Br?l'*"T,ff;lTltf Court when he was performing his duties. the Hiah-pridt ihe;rp."siUifitr--f+"ffinlrt: people gaye_them- -custodian;;sd;, K4isch explains: 'The whole is the of th; !ili;;.y;- ild, iy qqlugs !p to prayer_ and repentance, wlril_s_t $e virtue of his sacred om"e, iii^pfintO tii tfri, High_ Priest stepped into _the Holv o-f Holies goroptaii r,i. ]oritriua;ht;;-6;ie diuire to officiate in their name. It was therefore most acceptance"" of the offerings brought to the appropriate that they should all know the o'f;rij;, ni,imeint when he uoiv Jinori"i.' "nt6."J-it " upon his forehead. whenever he officiates as High Priest. 3643. THs Pr,.lrr, Mrrnr AND orHER Pnrpsrlv G^qnurNrs - 39. tuytic. 'This garment reached down to the feet, and was close to the body, and had sleeves 36. plate of Sold. According to Tradition, that were tied fast to the arms' (Josephus). it was two fingers in depth, and extended right fine linen. Or, 'silk'; the colour was no doubt across the forehead. white, the colow ofpurity and holiness. Hory ro rnr Lono. lit. 'Holiness to the mitre. This isadoubtfultranslation. Theroot LoRD.' This inscription not only marked the sigrrifies, 'to wind round'; and what is intended dedication of the High Priest to the service of is possibly a kind of turban. God, but also crystallized the aim and purpose girdle. A sash. 343 EXODUS XXVII, 40 B: n: r't3n n'lbu, of fine linen, and thou shalt make a mitre of fine linen, and thou shalt make a girdle, !'PYl nin? nHIF i.m ll+bt rEpr,rpxp,'rp{F o the work of the weaver in colcurs. 40. And for Aaron's sons thou shalt make tunics, rn?.bt.?nh T$? D:r? ,IHHF hrupla! D:F)?s EF? and thou shalt make for them girdles, and head-tires shalt thou make for them, for hi,uB! tFtr ]:fP'n$J 1'r.1$ ir,x 4l splendour and for beauty. 41. And thou n,IS:n$ lqE?nl shalt put them upon Aaron thy brother, npq] rtlt,J;t D[i{ E;l-nr5 +z and upon his sons with him; and shalt l}U,,p] FxbD! Etlir anoint them, and consecrate them, and sanctify them, that they may minister unto E:p:ll*Ipl DltlBF ,1111 :pA nrPI? 'ri*p??n iA? Me in the priest's office. 42. And thou shalt make them linen breeches to cover the 1g lPtD b,.l$'bx r EgrF ]'lp'bu r,I$'bp i',ll t1:,?: 43 flesh of their nakedness ; from the loins even unto the thighs they shall reach. 43. And lnFlA"r nyllr !xur:'Nh. ' | 3 ulpts nlp? hplB.r'bll EEU|? they shall be upon Aaron, and upon his ) - sons, when they go in unto the tent of r!,rr1 'l'rr:ltJ|3 tb nbtp meeting, or when they come near unto the D tplllt t ll!-t'tlJ-i altar to minister in the holy place ; that they bear not iniquity, and die; it shall be a statute for ever unto him and unto his seed after him. *iv' CAp. XilX. lO: t0: ?9 Cnaprnn XXIX nD2 r? tg:lD? E,f> N f-3 rt' i,'1I?lJ"-3 ffiNLr -fl'' 3 ,1'a .1ti'3y 'E--t 'r r--' nir'i', 1. And this is the thing that thou shalt dO ''litlR-.lipxri-rn unto them to hallow them, to minister unto Etrhl tEF,Drl a:Jp E?'sl rpts -rp 2 Me in the priest's office: take one young ff$D rp?l? bullock and two rams without blemish, 2. and unleavened bread, and cakes un- IFHts E'HF nqE'p:pJl iFtg! rilrba hUa n?n: Ieavened mingled with oil, and wafers un- leavened spread with oil; of fine wheaten rH bp'bV hryx gr;l tailx ,rpryF Enpn nh 3 flour shalt thou make them. 3. And thou shalt put them into one basket, and bring 'n$J I E>'l$11 nl$l :$n'n$l bpp Ear( 4 them in the basket, with the bullock and the lrv F?:pnl two rams. 4. And Aaron and his sons thou shalt bring unto the door of the tent of FTD:]I lPtt5 b,.:r nnP btl sipn i'lt'n$] n,ls meeting, and shalt wash them with water. ;l 5. And thou shalt take the garments, and i1rx'n$t ':t- - r nulbrn

40. Aaron's sons. The ordinary priests were down is described more fully in Lev. vrrr, with to have a coat and girdle, similar to the High which this chapter should be compared. Priest's. Instead of a mitre, they were to wear a cap on their heads. 1. bullock Of the sin-offering (Lev. Vrr, 2). The priests must themselves have undergone 41. put them upon Aeron. This ceremony of atonement for their transgressions before they induction will be described in the next chapter. could perform the ceremonies that would help consecrate them. lit. 'fill their hand' (with the others to gain puriflcation from sin. first sacrifices)-the technical term for installing two rants. One served as a burnt-offering (u. 18), a priest in his office. and the other was the 'ram of consecration' (u. 22), 42. breeches. These reached to the knees. There is no mention of covering for the feet. 2, unleavened bread. This, together with the cakes and lvafers, constituted a 'meal offering' 43. altar. Of burnt-offerings. (see on Lev. u, 1). holy place. Here this phrase denotes the Sanctuary in general, including the Court. 3. bring them. To the court of the Sanctuary. and die. God ruthlessly punishes any desecra- tion of the by its ministers; cf. the 4, shalt wash them. See that they undergo fate of Nadab and Abihu, Lev. x, I f. ablution of the entire body. The moral symbolism of the act of washing, as the first stage in the ceremony of induction, is obvious. 'Clean hands Cn.q,prrn XXIX. CoNsrcRATIoN oF THE and a pure heart,' according to the Psalmist PnmsrnooD (xxrv, 4:), are an essential qualification in those The fulfilment of the regulations here laid who would dral near to God. 344 EXODUS XXIX, 6 B: ,I]gn mnU put upon Aaron the tunic, and the robe IiplsrI-n|ll 1bl$rT byp has: nlFii-;'s of the ephod, and the ephod, and the breast- Mr,l'nsl gird the skilfully woYen plate, and him with trfH'1'bu n4;TFn I lFlti] :u/F? 19 nlEx € band of the ephod. 6. And thou shalt set an;] FFul the mitre upon his head, and put the holy lnt;ry,:!,1'by tDli?iT1j,)'i'$ ''i crown upon the mitre. 7. Then shalt thou ,-IFq,pil IEP'n$ Fri*l take the anointing oil, and pour it upon his head, and anoint him. 8. And thou shalt :':rPEr li;+'n$l I rrN n[wpl lpNi*p FFH i bring his sons, and put tunics upon them. 9. And thou shalt gird them with girdles, I'ip i'lLrfs B5?!-t trTI$ h:lm rryA? Eiiq!?n 5 Aaron and his sons, and bind head-tires on them; and they shall have the priest- nlw np!? ,-riry? DrT? npl,Il nepy; i':? iiPEf, hood by a perpetual statute; and thou shalt consecrate Aaron and his sons. 10. And rr,??'r:l pbn: . thou shalt bring the bullock before the bnr:)p?'riirn$ B?ti?ir] i'?ils-r: tent of meeting; and Aaron and his sons 1F,: shall lay their hands upon the head of the s'lp[ tpr*lty h,Ji:]]'n]$ u?l illlq$ TE?l bullock. 11. And thou shalt kill the bullock before the Lono, at the door of the tent of r-rptb brr ffip,'ll,rl rpil'nry lt?? FB[H: t- the hrl:?: i: nreeting. 12. And thou shalt take of a blood of the bullock, and put it upon the *?'n;3'l nPIFit niJP'bU,'ryn;l 'ltil D:? horns of the altar with thy finger; and thou 1HF$SP shalt pour out all the remaining blood at rrrFiE,:r rlpl-bs ,: the base of the altar. 13. And thou shalt h?n,:'b?'nrl Fr,ri2?] TiEpn Di; take all the fat that covereth the inwards, .l-ry, and the lobe above the liver, and the two hltl li?x'bp t':non n!-{l :?P,l'n$ ,rpIFF kidneys, and the fat that is upon them, and -nN,t -tujN make them smoke upon the altar. 14. But E-14r.-il1r-3 ?il-?P;3 -tr' ni?;; -: i. 3 L.]n3itrilr r.J j'7'-' ir' a:l-z' 161' ': 'z 'r l" - i' z r : - the flesh of the bullock, and its skin, and its =7nil-nNl dung, shalt thou burn with fire without the ,lt[Fb rs|sp tdifp'n$l 1Jv-n$l'lPil'].ut camp ; it is a sin-offering. 15. Thou shalt nrF l]Pn also take the one ram; and Aaron and his 'll??1 rl?,n ):,sF-n$l lxl,T nxPil ? sons shall lay their hands upon the head of iTlS lrFpi Tj$,;

5. put upon Aaron the tunic, The clothing of g, a perpetual siatute. The priesthood was for Aaron, and his sons, invested them with the all time to be restricted to the house of Aarott. visible emblems of their holiness and their functions, and marked them as distinct from the !0-14. The sin-offering of Aaron and his sons. the nation. 'When the priests are clothed rest of 10. their hands. Each shall lay his hand garments,' says the Talmud, 'their priest- lay in their as the representative of when they are clothed to designate the animal hood is upon them; not person sacrifice; see on garments, their priesthood is not upon the who brought the in their doubt make a impor- Lev. r, 4. Aaron and his sons no them.' This Rabbinic dictum teaches the hands are upon that the priests did not differ from confession of sins while their tant truth the head of the anitnal. the rest of Israel. Only when they functioned in the Sanctuary were they, for the time being, 11. thou shalt kill. The slaying of the sacrifice distinct from the remainder of the community. need not of necessity be done by a priest (see 6, mitre. Or, 'diadem'; the gold plate on Lev. I, 5). (xxvul, 36). 12. The ritual which is now described is that 7. anotnting otl, Its composition is described normally accompanied the sacrifice of a in xxx, 22 f. The soothing effect of oil on the which (see Lev. w, 4). skin scorched by the burning sun in the Orient sin-offering caused it to be regarded as a symbol of comfort 1.3. make them srnoke. Heb. htktir, the technical and happiness. Hence its place in the ceremony term for burning a sacrifice of incense. of the anointing of kings and priests. It became synonymolrs with the imparting of the Divine 15. the one ram, After the sin-offering, which blessing. brought purification from sin, there was the pour it upon his head. Cnly in the case of the burnt-offering, which symbolized communion High Priest. For an orclinary priest the oil was with God. The ritual of the burnt-offering is not poured, but smeared rvith the finger upon detailed in Lev. r and vrII, and will be explained the head (see on Lev. vIII, l2), in the notes on those chapters. 34s EXODUS )O(IX, 16 b: ,1'1gn nlDU

the ram. 16. And thou shalt slay the ram, hf1:?l bt15il'nr5 i1nillyj tbtq5,7 uN'l+p Eil'tl'nlt rd and thou shalt take its blood, and dash it round about against the altar.l7. And thou ililry b:xfnxt I [PiD,]'b] ni?'I;1 lnri-ng n shalt cut the ram into its pieces, ancl wash its ='pF inwards, and its legs, and put them with -bpl Ti;-r;r 1!'I? rFfl? its pieces, and with its head. 18. And thou rijil+y FD;] n+fi}] shalt make the whole ram smoke upon the altar; it is a burnt-offering unto the Lonn; ,T,T'! x'r,J,-i?v,r;rjEr 9:sT-b?'n$ FllIPnl llt?H.r 18 it is a sweet savour, an offering made by fire unto the LonD.* '' 19. And thou ?ur,l bUA ng nfr>h.llilf ,1,.1.T.'? ,:y"r$ llin') il.'Jr,nDr shalt take the other ram; and Aaron and his sons shall lay their hands upon I b:$'l UNJ'bl' Ei'J:'n15 lll?l 'rlp?'l r the head of the ram. 20. Then shalt FPilPI ilills thou kill the ram, and take of its blood, -?9] ?'l,fN ttx iuil'>)' -iii:;l ):ii . iri']D?] ?'ll,i-nN and put it upon the tip of the right -: I -:t- 11. I B -rr: r lrIl--rr: lfr:trt'r n!]tr,J-?I,-l":'- ,r- r'5rlFD.lil : -rr: i']r)tr';'lA'r:- tr?ilLr3 altar round about. 21. And thou shalt take of the blood that is upon the altar, and of 'by ,"rpgtnn tpp.'r'b!: 'rHI$ Ei,l"itt the anointing oil, and sprinkle it upon FT,ll ipprrl garments, upon his Aaron, and upon his and E?..lD'l iFN 'lt)f r.li!'?pl J!)!'?y"l Jt"i;3'?!'1 i'rnx sons, and Llpon the garments of his sons -.1-lr: -a' Lrl J"3' ,rr - 3 rr: I -3 1- with him; and he and his garments shall b:x,fin.- rh1t rit?'JFl r'll?'r irn 22 be hallowed, and his sons and his sons' f l. nryphJI U?r garments with him. 22. Also thou shalt tail, take of the ram the fat, and the fat nrlr..3 ::D,'T-nx1.1r.- 1. ,-TD:h,tJ'.'- 3l- t :bn,r'n!{'li.J'.- r.3 nibx,'tf: -|t: :bri,'rt o.- and the fat that covereth the inwards, and the lobe of the liver, and the two kidneys, rnu ?n'bp-tuxo.-. ibrintxt #bp;r rnxr i::,'r.. n:n" and the fat that is upon them, and the right ,!t Jt -3 1... - T 3 ? : - J.. i J.. l t - t<., thigh; for it is a ram of consecration ; nn$ EFy I lq!,1 E'lt?p b.l| n$l 23 23. and one loaf of bread, and one cake of 1,., ri;l-.t t t.l. J 'F i'F:,1 t?rv oiled bread, and one tvafer, out of the basket -rl{J$ -rp6 of unleavened bread that is before the LoRo. ntfulrr.T bbn t),p?l ryr.t IFy,r Dif n}n; 24. And thou shalt put the whole upon the hands of Aaron, and upon the hands of his U? Fp bpl F,l$ iap bf b:,: nrfUl t,r,Fl :t+b 24 sons; and shalt wave them for a wave- offering before the Lono. 25.And thou shalt trlF E!$ r,1,J,1 np:D{r EFx il) take them from their hands, and make them nTt?h Ip? JiPrirl smoke on the altar upon the burnt-offering, ni,:r r)Db irrrh:---- nr:b ilnrTD,-r n:BDRl for a sweet savour before the Lono; it is "'t'-l .fnt--. T <.. 1 nbg,l'b!Af-t, Tl..:. - ,tt l-13.3 an offering made by fire unto the Lono. 26. And thou shalt take the breast of Aaron's i,x?Bn b'$p ,"riF,I-nf F,lr??l l,lJ,I'? r('r1 nP$ zG ram of consecration, and wave it for a wave- offering before the Lono ; and it shall be thy n? ,l:,?l ,ll,T I+ ,.rpun rfx ll+,Ij I-r,I$? rp$

L8. a sweet savour. t.e. a savour agreeable to foot, to walk in the path of righteousness. In God. 'The burning of the offering is called a 'kingdom of priests', the consecration of ear, "a sweet savour unto the LoRDo'; and so it hand and foot should be extended to every undoubtedly is, since it serves to remove sinful member of that kingdom. thouglrts from our hearts. The effect of tlte offering upon the man who sacriflced it, is pleasant 21. sprtnkle. The double sprinkling of blood upon the Lonn' (Maimonides). and soil typified the two main functions of the priesthood: to diffuse the light and joy of 19. the other rann. For the consecration godliness, and impress upon the people the truth sacriflce. All that has preceded is only pre- that atonement can be found for human wrong- paratory to the rites of induction. doing.

20. eer . . . tllttmb . . . toe. The ear was touched 22-30. Symbolized investiture of the priests with the blood, that it might be consecrated to with the authority to offer sacrifice. Typical hear the word of God; the hand, to perform the offerings are to be placed upon their hancis and duties connected with the priesthood; and the waved before the altar, and finally burnt. 346 HAFTORAH N]sN N'][IDiI EZEKIF.L XLIII, IO_27 Cuaprsn XLIII CAp. XIUI. ;,t 10. Thou, son of man, show the house to the house of Israel, that they may be -n$ ashamed of their iniquities; and let them 1l,l trl$l? ,lFrs , measure accurately. I 1. And if they be ashamed of all that they have done, make -nx l.]'tb':l E,f.nl)\pD vrb:l n.i,J'nx 9x'Tp!'11!! known unto them the form of the house, t' L : lT Ar " I -: l" I : lT': t ': T : ' l" and the fashion thereof, and the goings out n:Eil n:ls ruy-rp$ !6b?;'B!rJ tnltlrJ rr thereof, and the comings in thereof, and all rfrpn! bln the forms thereol and all the ordinances thereof, and all the forms thereof, and all r$:q-b;i i,tr=T*t n51 E-,,Fb;t t1$?lpl r'$ryer the laws thereof, and write it in their sight ; that they may keep the whole form thereof, -b?'n$ fiFp:l EF';''p? :!?r EIJ'III vp,r iEr-rtp'b?1 and all the ordinances thereof, and do them. 1l 12.This is the law of the house : upon the n:p,l n:tn nx! lD{Jrx,rqPj l,FP?'b?'n$l t2 top of the mountain the whole limit thereof ul'rT round about shall be most holy. Behold, 'ntil n.qJa ruli? 5'u t:,lp r$li'b?:ry,jwr{J'by this is the law of the house. 1T 13. And these are the measures of the altar by cubits-the cubit is a cubit and a handbreadth: the ,-IFX ff'lxp hllF,l nED ,'r?& ln:?[ n:rn nH! n bottom shall be a cubit, and the breadth a cubit, and the border thereof by the edge n!?P*ry n?nl':l :[.r-,rqrs] nfX,,: p.tlJ nDr?l ,tplt thereof round about a span; and this shall ::l be the base of the altar. 14. And from the 'rI, tnpipir ,T1 rir$F t4 bottom upon the ground to the lorver settle fl5,7 i:.frp1 + nll i.'lF shall be two cubits, and the breadth one cubit ; and from the lesser settle to the nF$ ,1F$ ![1] nt6$ tr:FrP i;tryrn,: nTP,,? ,i\n']]n \']p ibid. r.,lp irn:]X v. 11.

The Sedrah concludes with a description of show . . . asltamed of their tniquities. The plan the altar of incense. The Haftorah describes of the Holy House would awaken remorse for the altar of burnt-offering in the restored Temple the past iniquities that had brought about the of Ezekiel's vision, and its consecration. For destruction of the Temple and the Exile, and Ezekiel's life and message, see pp. 178 and 244, implant a resolve to be worthy of a Restoration. and the introductory remarks to Haftorahs Parah and Hachodesh (see pp. 961 and 963). 11. f they be ashamed. Then let them know The last portion of the Book of Ezekiel, chaps. the great future in store for them (Rashi). xL-xLVrr, is a Vision of the New Jerusalem that form of the ltouse. The picture of the Temple in is to arise when the Exile is over. In his vision its entirety. the Prophet is in Palestine on Mount Zion, and fashion thereof. The courts and other parts of he sees the Temple building arising and extending the Temple, showing their inter-connection. like a city. No detail is too small to be delineated goings oLtt . . . comings tn. The entrances and with passionate cate. Chapter XLIII describes exits. God's return to the Temple and His directions and all the forms thereof. The plans of the as to the construction and dedication of the altar divisions of the Temple. of burnt-offering. This new Temple was also to the ordtnances thereof. The purpose of the symbolize and embody in concrete form the different divisions. teachings of Holiness and Purity preached by the Prophet in the preceding 39 chapters of his 13-17. Ttrr Arran op BunNr-OrrERrNG book. He therefore lays the greatest stress on The altar was to have a base, and upon it correctness of Temple ritual and service. In this three square slabs of stone, one above the other, way alone can the aberrations and idolatries be each decreasing in length, but increasing in prevented that so often disgraced the destroyed thickness. The height of the altar, excluding the Temple. 'For Ezekiel the Law is the means of horns, would be 11 cubits (about 20 feet), and preserving religious freedom from contamina- the top of the altar was to be reached by stairs tion; without it, the prophetic ideas would hardly on the east side (u. l7). have survived. The real hope of the future for Ezekiel lies in perfect and willing obedience to 1.3. the cubtt is a cubit and an handbreadth. i.e. the Law' (Lofthouse). one handbreadth longer than the common cubit (thus seven handbreadths in all). L0. son of man. This expression is found almost exclusively in Ezekiel t4. settle. Or, 'ledge.' 350 EZEKIEL XLI[, 15 rD bnirin' greater settle shall be four cubits, and the ntE$ gpllt ,i!r'rf ,T?H,,,:--1U ,'rlpipn rtU}ilnl breadth a cubit. 15. And the hearth shall be four cubits ; and from the hearth and up- n?PD?l ,:!-r'r!l,Inl niP!-t pFlx )$'l,l,ll t,rPx,;l :[-u ID ward there shall be four horns. 16. And the hearth shall be tweive cubits long by twelve Ei'rIUA ,]:qp E'ilq b'$':SiI tp?l$ ntl']?il 15 broad, square in the four sides thereof. J"3 !:xI 17. And the settle shall be fourteen cubits 17 long by fourteen broad in the four sides vplb-t l:ip,:1 ttp?ol npp ,'rs b11 !l: J 5n1 ,IIPP thereof ; and the border about it shall be half a cubit; and the bottom thereof shall TH?] npF:S'b$ :n:,11qp s-Els? ,TPP be a cubit about ; and the steps thereof shall flit look toward the east. 11 18. And He said unto me: 'Son of man, thus saith the Lord 3':? hpx nh'i:in,:4s,?'Hl1 nryrx:'iF 9nl:: Goo : These are the ordinances of the altar I-lbH r Ir,lFblBI Ii in the day when they shall make it, to offer ,-l! I:l$l? '!It ru$Il lE'Ti? nlP burnt-offerings thereon, and to dash blood against it. 19. Thou shalt give to the mpeiulupn trTt rpihir' nIJPT n?t,iln: priests the Levites that are of the seed of :lI$ , who are near unto Me, to minister tr:r?,I lhY ,-rlru i'?p 1e unto Me, saith the Lord Goo, a young F1;1?rbx nprpl tnr P":ib: bullock for a sin-offering. 20. And thou p'liF shalt take of the blood thereof, and put it nJ,T lil$ nH '?r-t Erp'lP,: Pt.]$ hn lPI! on the four horns of it, and on the four -rF corners of the settle, and upon the border -bp ,rrlnil t,rTD ltirt?h rntqp[? "1?,?]? 'l[r]H? : round about; thus shalt thou purify it and make atonement for it. 21. Thou shalt also bryn'b$J ,'rTp,? ntlp la1s'bry1 i'qrll"tp p.tsls take the bullock of the sin-offering, and it 'a shall be burnt in the appointed place of the I 3'3? :: house, without the sanctuary. 22. And on nI{pilLI 1p': n$,1ryi:h lfifrlH]IryH nl{hnJ the second day thou shalt offer a he-goat :l without blemish for a sin-offering; and they r'?pa Tw,l ht';l I u-rl?Fb 7'qrn n:en l?En+ in:gr shall purify the altar, as they did purify it with the bullock. 23. When thou hast made l,p$p rFiDit'n$ ixr+nl nb{p+ E'FF EllP-r'PP an end of purifying it, thou shalt offer a young bullock without blemish, and a ram E.'DB -ri?Flp:p qtDaF l'lPE :j out of the flock without blemish. 24. And i':pn Tlt?:p 'r$Flr present thou shalt them before the Lono, r4 and the priests shall cast salt upon them, !:'?rg1! ,-iinl l;-i? E3;'ri?,X lE'H! illi,T-i? b:S and they shall ofter them up for a burnt- unto the Lono.25. Seven days shalt ;E offering npru-'t-TT t,T,r1b,:!!'- ir Lilt Er:iN rh,n; rrr,s nb? i*i r:;!;iT thou prepare every day a goat for a sin- offering; they shall also prepare a young 'ia b:p1 ''tp?l? "lFl bl:b n$P[-l'pp ,"IHXir E.'Dl bullock, and a ram out of the flock, without blemish. 26. Seven days shall they make :$ atonement for the altar and cleanse it; so Fpian'ng i:+;: E DI rP?u tltr/P: D'F',Dir Ix$|] shall they consecrate it. 27 . And when they :- have accomplished the days, it shall be that Ei;I h:,:: trtF.:,rn$ l?r';t ntl i'?u UH !?IP] upon the eighth day, and forward, the priests shall make your burnt-offerings h?'nr?p'ng frpiairbp tr:f,I?n lrrp: ,r$?,,T 'i.'ngn Lrpon the altar, and your peace-offerings ; and I will accept you, saith the I-ord Goo.' .ti11,.1_," rItS El$ Ein;3'rr**':t ni.abutsnx] v, 27. 'p ibid. 'p ttb:r :\h! ttblt tHil'll!' v. 26, t1p )!$lNnl v; 16. tlP 5!$l$nD't v. 15. " orpn:'$ trtr 15. the hearth. The topmost stone, 4 cubits 18-27. Tw CoNsncurroNoFrHEAr,rm high, with a square surface of 12 square cubits. 18. and He said. The who is God's spokesman to Ezekiel in his vision. hearth. Heb. ariel (see Isa. xo<, 1);lit.'hearth t9. the priests the Levites. The priests, who of God.' were the tribe of LeYi. Zadok. A priest loyal to David during four horns. At the corners. Absalom's rebellion. His descent is traced back to Aaron in r Chron. v. The high-priesthood 17. the steps. By which the priests ascend remained in the hands of the descendants of to the altar hearth. Zadok till the times of the Maccabees. 351