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/ O!L OFFICE OF THE PASCHIM MEDINIPORE ZILLA PARISHAl) Memo No. \1 2. fAccts. Date: 03.11.2014 To The Assistant General Manager State Bank of India Rabindranagar, Midnapore. Sub.: Transfer offund under 3rd State Finance Commission (is! Installment 2012-13) from Zilla Parishad's Fund Transfer Account to Gram Panchyat's Fund Transfer Account. Sir, You are requested to please debit sum of Rs.24,81 ,51 ,051.00 (Rupees twenty four crore eighty one lakh fifty one thousand fifty one) only from Paschim Medinipore Zilla Parishad's Fund Transfer Account No.11161750888 and credit the same to 263 nos. Gram Panchayats SB Account as per Annexure-B in column 9 and 'FT nos. Panchayat Samities as per Annexure- A in column 8 under 3rd State Finance Commission (1 sr Installment 2012-13) vide G.O. No. 204(Sanction)/PNINIII-6f20 10 dt. 10.10.2014 from Joint Secretary to the Govt. of West Bengal Department of Panchayat & Rural Development. The State Bank of India. Midnapore is requested to transmit the entire amount directly to 27 Nos. Panchayat Samities Account as oer Annexure- A & 263 nos. Gram Panchayat's Account as per Annexure-B Please ensure that transfer of fund as mentioned in Annexure-I should be given effect to only when both the name of recipient body and its Account No. match. Enclose: Annexure-A&B . ~~~~(~ Financial Controller & Chief Accounts Officer Paschim Medinipore Zilla Parishad. Memo No. 11 '2.. /, ( gJ) ~c 1rS. Date: 03.11.2014 Copy forwarded for information and necessary action to the: 1 Sabhadhipati, Paschim Medinipore Zilla Parishad. 2 District Magistrate & Executive Officer, Paschim Medinipore Zilla Parishad. 3 Additional District Magistrate &Additional Executive Officer,Paschim Medinipore Zilla Parishad. 4 Secretary, Paschim Medinipore Zilla Parishad. 5 Dy. Secretary, Paschim Medinipore Zilla Parishad. 5 Karmadhyakshya (All) Paschim Medinipore Zilla Parishad. 6 Accountant, Paschim Medinipore Zilla Parishad. 7 Cashier, Paschim Medinipore Zilla Parishad. 8 DIA, Paschim Medinipore ZiIIa Parishad. Please upl,:"d in the website~ d II~ . •. c;.-t "-t,~ Financial Controller & Accounts Officer i . 0 Paschim Medinipore Zilla Parishad PASCHIM MEDINIPORE ZILLA PARISHAD ~; . Allocati~n of Fund forf 3rd SFC G.O. No. 204/ Sanction)/PN/PIII/1G-6/2010 d~ted 10.10.2014 ANNEXURE-A Entitlement of Fund SI. Name of Panchayat Name of Bank Name of Branch Branch code Account No. IFSC for Panchayat No. Samity Samity 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 8inpore-1 U81 Lalgarh 7103 0688010143691 UTBIOLGR062 1964810.00 1 8inpore-1I S81 8elpahari 6915 11738402859 SBINOO06915 2281073.00 2 Chandrakona-I S81 Halderdighi 9136 32963707245 S81NOO09136 1260567.00 3 Chandrakona-II S81 Chandrakona Town 12438 31594166854 S81NOO012438 1028973.00 4 Oantan-I S81 Oantan 4782 11646231206 SBINOO04782 1771069.00 5 Oantan-II S81 Sauri 8918 11882413241 SBINOO08918 1551926.00 6 Oashpore-I S81 Ghatal 0228 11248529203 S81NOOO0228 1608704.00 7 Oashpore-II S81 Ghatal 0228 11248529236 SBINOOO0228 1553420.00 8 Oebra S81 Oebra 3647 11360266243 S81NOO03647 2838890.00 9 Garhbeta-I S81 Garhbeta 2059 11222209942 SBINOO02059 2189431.00 10 Garhbeta-II S81 Oamodarpore, Ghagra 9889 11899364134 SBINOO09889 1650540.00 11 Garhbeta-1I1 S81 Oamodarpore, Ghagra 9889 11899364123 SBINOO09889 1757123.00 12 Ghatal S81 Ghatal 0228 11248529134 SBINOOO0228 1857231.00 13 Gopiballavpore-I S81 Jhargram 0103 11282493183 SBINOOO0103 1314854.00 14 Gopiballavpore-II S81 Jhargram 0103 11282492941 SBINOOO0103 1149999.00 15 Jamboni S81 Jhargram 0104 11282493003 SBINOOO0104 1499631.00 16 Jhargram S81 Jhargram 0103 11282492861 SBINOOO0103 2119704.00 17 Keshiary S81 Khargapore Rly. Station 3332 . 11041202714 SBINOO03332 1692377.00 18 Keshpore S81 Khetua 8862 11881414326 SBINOO08862 3263727.00 19 Khargapore-I S81 Inda, Khargapore 5155 30055094606 SBINOO05155 2360263.00 20 Khargapore-II S81 Khargapore Rly. Station 3332 11041202678 SBINOO03332 2011627.00 21 Midnapore Sadar S81 Midnapore 0132 30278527276 SBINOOO0132 1936422.00 22 Mohanpore S81 Alangiri, Purba Medinipore 8207 11854964144 SBINOO08207 939822.00 23 Narayangarh S81 8elda 2017 11604313836 SBINOO02017 3257252.00 24 Nayagram S81 8aligeria 8328 11896360018 SBINOO08328 2109743.00 25 Ping la S81 Oebra 03647 11360266254 SBINOO03647 1883628.00 26 Sabong S81 Sabong 14096 11892589291 SBIN0014096 2594845.00 27 28 Salboni S81 Sayedpore 08330 . 11716640380 SBINOO08330 1940904.00 29 Sankrail S81 Rohini 06828 11885889012 SBINOO06828 1419445.00 TOTAL ....., 54808000.00 ( Rupees five crore forty eight lakh eight thousand) only ~i\'~ Financial Controller & Chief Accounts Officer 1 of 2 C:IUsers1SUKUMARIDesktop13rd SFC (2014-15)lAllotment of 3rd SFC-2014-15 PA:5GHIMM~DINIPOR~ ZILLA PARISHAI) ANNEXURE-B Allocation of Fund fort 3rd SFC G.O. No. 204( Sanction)/PN/PlII/1G-6/2010 dated 10.10.2014 SI. Name of Name of Gram Amount Sub- No Panchayat SI. No. Name of Bank Branch Name Account No. IFS Code Panchayat allotted Samity 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 Andharia SBI Dahijuri 33758666735 SBINOO06697 633023 2 Belatikri CANARA,Bank Belatikri 1712101010019 CNRBOO01712 932352 3 Binpore UCO Binpur 13250100003895 UCBAOO01325 793396 4 Boita lOBI Dherua 1247104000005380 IBKLOO01247 689801 5 Dahijuri SBI Dahiiuri 10748815056 SBINOO06697 1 Binpore-I 673365 6 Dharampore UBI Dhararnnur 1989010037934 UTBIODHQW93 635016 7 Lalgarh BGVB Lalgarh 5326019007680 UTBIORRBBGB 853660 8 Nepura INDIAN Bank Harda 6034252253 IDIBOOOH023 814812 9 Ramgarh SBI Ramgarh 32529277691 SBINOO07103 937333 10 Siiua Bank of India Kantapahari 431710110003995 BKIDOO04317 739108 TOTAL 7701866 11 Banspahari SBI Banspahari 30803413037 SBINOO08272 845193 12 Belpahari SBI Belnahari 11738402804 SBINOO06915 970204 13 Bhelaidiha SBI Enthela 31954460906 SBINOO09892 990126 14 Bhulaveda SBI Bhulaveda 11874366684 SBINOO08021 1037939 15 Ergoda UBI Ergoda 1282010134323 UTBIOERGE52 2 Binpore-II 751061 16 Harda INDIAN Bank Harda 6228533197 IDIBOOOH023 839217 17 Kanko INDIAN Bank Kanko 6091449717 IDIBOOOK147 859637 18 Sondhapara SBI Sandhapara 11881712854 SBINOO09894 806345 19 Silda UBI Sida 192010138468 UTBIOSII926 837722 20 Simulpal SBI Kusumdanga 31652473157 SBINOO09893 1023994 TOTAL 8961438 21 Jara UCO Jara 11760110052235 UCBAOO01176 859139 22 Laxmipore BGVB Srinagar 5527019001914 UTBIORRBBGB 1013535 23 Manqrul UNION Bank Magrul 494302010017735 UBIN0549436 3 Chandrakona-I 1005566 24 Manikkundoo UCO Banka 13270110041420 UCBAOO01327 1017519 25 Monoharpore-I T.G.C.C Khirpai 113001050161 WBSCOTCCB15 554331 I 26 Monoharpore-II SBI Halderdighi 11869921998 SBINOO09136 530923 TOTAL 4981013 27 Bandipore-I BGVB Jhakra 5248011008622 UTBIORRBBGB 553335 28 Bandipore-II BGVB Jhakra 5248011008633 UTBIORRBBGB 423344 29 Basanchora UCO Palaschabri Ghat 12750110006023 UCBAOO01275 4 Chandrakona-II 967714 30 Bhagabantapore-I BGVB Srinagar 5527011007564 UTBIORRBBGB 427826 31 Bhaqabantapore-ll UCO Bhairabpur 16620110003305 UCBAOO01662 735622 32 Kuapore UCO Chandrakona 06430110027127 UCBAOOO0643 880555 TOTAL 3988396 33 Alikosha UBI Mugalmari 1178010121293 UTBIOMUGE04 1061846 34 Ancua UBI Dantan 0189010107785 UTBIODAN293 836726 35 Anikola VCCB Dantan 602113028067 WBSCOVCCB13 832244 36 Chakismailpore UBI Barampura 1179010166102 UTBIOBMPE05 867107 5 Dantan-I 37 Dantan-I UBI Dantan 0189010110799 UTBIODAN293 536899 38 Dantan-II SBI Dantan 31462652892 SBINOO04782 508510 39 Monoharoore UBI Mugalmari 1178010123600 UTBIOMUGE04 801365 40 Salikotha SBI Menkapur 31675333362 SBINOO09135 862127 41 Tararui UBI Dantan 0189010138130 UTBIODAN293 750065 TOTAL 7056889 42 Haripore UBI Puyan 1331010104350 UTBIOPUNE68 1072803 43 Jankapore PNB Jenkapore 260100010005329-3 PUNB0260100 771482 44 Porolda VCCB Khakurda 602135036117 WBSCOVCCB35 902469 6 Dantan-II 45 Sabra VCCB Khakurda 602135011738 WBSCOVCCB35 913924 46 Sauri-Kotbar PNB Lalat 176600010008826 1 PUNB0176600 758532 47 Talda BGVB Turka 5546018011385 UTBIORRBBGB 743093 48 Turka BGVB Turka 5546018026916 UTBIORRBBGB 943309 TOTAL 6105612 Allotment of 3rd SFC-2014-1505/11/20146 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 . 49 Basudevpore UBI Daspur 0188010115248 UTBIODAS295 780447 50 Dashpore-I TGCC Daspur 603140074238 WBSCOTCCB13 563794 51 Dashoore-ll TGCC Daspur 603140066454 WBSCOTCCB13 506020 52 Nandanpore-I TGCC Goura 603090037835 WBSCOTCCB08 446752 53 Nandanpore-II BGVB Goura 5207010009577 UTBIORRBBGB 7 Dashpore-I 560308 54 Nij-Narajole BGVB Narajole 5385010007633 UTBIORRBBGB 1091231 55 Panchberia ALLAHABAD Talibhata 22436656486 ALLA021 0893 548355 56 Rajnagar ALLAHABAD Rajnagar 22414397436 ALLA021 0950 867606 57 Sarberia-I PNB Gobindanaqar 117400010000182 7 PUNB0117400 493569 58 Sarberia-II PNB Sarberia 2603000100031864 PUNB0260300 566782 TOTAL 6424864 59 Benai BGVB GopiC/anj 52050110003049 UTBIORRBBGB 433803 60 Chaipat UBI Chaipat 1177010220378 UTBIOCHPE03 440277 61 Dudkamra UBI Sribora 1231010100492 UTBIOSREE33 579732 62 Gochati BGVB Sonakhali 5521010032665 UTBIORRBBGB 467172 63 Goura BGVB Goura 5207010034706 UTBIORRBBGB 560308 64 Joteghanashyam UBI Joteghanashyam 1278010108136 UTBIOOJGSE50 603638 65 Karnalpore Allahabad Kamalpur 22274467694 ALLA0211604 8 Dashpore-II 494067 66 Khanjapore Allahabad Kamalpur 22274468687 ALLA0211604 415375 67 Kheput BGVB Gopiganj 5205010007266 UTBIORRBBGB 332200 68 Khukurdaha SBI Khukurdaha 33787833396 SBINOO06969 441772 69 N ischlntaoore UBI Chaipat 1177010247764 UTBIOCHPE03 329710 70 Palashpai BGVB Goura 5207010003198 UTBIORRBBGB 357601 71 Ranichak Allahabad Ranichak 50049036722 ALLA0211117 288372 72 Sahachak BGVB Sonakhali 5521010008074 UTBIORRBBGB 455219 TOTAL 6199246 73 Agra UBI Nohari 1373010116473 UTBIONHIF02 590191 74 Amkopa PNB