Fites & Forttfes
FITES & FORTTFES Jefferson Scott, assistant program di- MEDIA rector, KHMX(FM) Houston, named oper- SALES AND MARKETING ations manager. Terrence Rodda, VP and general J. R. Spencer, president, Babbit & Charles W. Banta, executive VP, Rich manager, KONO(AM) -KITY(FM) San Anto- John Reiman Advertising Inc.. New York, Communications Corp., Buffalo, N.Y., nio, Tex., joins KAYI(FM) Muskogee, joins Earle Palmer Brown, there in same joins Greater Media Inc., East Bruns- Okla. (Tulsa), in same capacity. wick, N.J., as group VP, radio. capacity. Joseph Loverro, general manager, wIp- Rich Quigley, general manager, Seltel, Kim D. Kelly, senior director, commu- S(AM)-WXTY(FM) Ticonderoga, N.Y., St. Louis, named VP, Seltel Inc. nications and media department, Marine joins WTTM(AM) Trenton, N.J., in same Midland Bank, joins Insight Communi- capacity. Jane Lodato, director, advertising, cations Co., New York as executive VP, Janice C. Burleson, general manager, ABC Entertainment, Los Angeles, finance and chief financial officer. named VP, advertising. KTOM -AM -FM Salinas, Calif., joins co- Appointments at co -owned WFAA -TV owned KEED(AM) -KSND(FM) Eugene, Appointments at Rainbow Advertising Dallas /Fort Worth, and KXTV(TV) Sacra- Ore., in same capacity. Sales, New York: Tim A. Williams, mento, Calif.: David T. Lane, president director of ad sales, Warner Cable, and general manager, WFAA -TV, and act- Carlo -Capra Boggiano, chief photog- named advertising sales director, local ing manager, KXTV, adds duties as se- rapher, Group W Newsfeed, Washing- systems, Midwest region; Ramiro J. VP, WFAA ton, named operations manager. nior broadcast division, -TV, Antorcha, ad sales manager, Dynamic and assumes supervisory responsibilities Peter McCoy, freelance general busi- Cablevision of Florida, named account for KaTV; Michael D.
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