Patrick Francois Francesco Trebbi Kairong Xiao

Working Paper 22775 http://www.nber.org/papers/w22775

NATIONAL BUREAU OF ECONOMIC RESEARCH 1050 Massachusetts Avenue Cambridge, MA 02138 October 2016

The authors would like to thank Matilde Bombardini, Wei Cui, Chang Tai Hsieh, Ruixue Jia, Li Hao, Thorsten Rogall, and seminar participants at various institutions for their comments and suggestions. Francesco Trebbi gratefully acknowledges support by the Canadian Institute For Advanced Research and the Social Sciences and Humanites Research Council of Canada. The views expressed herein are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Bureau of Economic Research.

NBER working papers are circulated for discussion and comment purposes. They have not been peer-reviewed or been subject to the review by the NBER Board of Directors that accompanies official NBER publications.

© 2016 by Patrick Francois, Francesco Trebbi, and Kairong Xiao. All rights reserved. Short sections of text, not to exceed two paragraphs, may be quoted without explicit permission provided that full credit, including © notice, is given to the source. Factions in Nondemocracies: Theory and Evidence from the Chinese Communist Party Patrick Francois, Francesco Trebbi, and Kairong Xiao NBER Working Paper No. 22775 October 2016 JEL No. P3,P48


This paper investigates theoretically and empirically the factional arrangements and dynamics within the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), the governing political party of the People's Republic of . Our empirical analysis ranges from the end of the era to the current presidency and covers the appointments of both national and provincial officials. We present a set of new empirical regularities within the CCP and a theoretical framework suited to model factional politics within single-party regimes.

Patrick Francois Kairong Xiao University of British Columbia Sauder School of Business 6000 Iona Dr. University of British Columbia Vancouver, B.C. Canada V6T 1L4 2053 Main Mall, Vancouver, BC and CIFAR V6T 1Z2 Canada [email protected] [email protected]

Francesco Trebbi University of British Columbia 6000 Iona Drive Vancouver, BC V6T 1L4 Canada and CIFAR and also NBER [email protected] 1 Introduction

Ebcs pUpYr prYsYhts U tbYirYtcWUf UhX YgpcrcWUf UhUfyscs i` tbY chtYrhUf iraUhc- €Utcih i` (bchU„s pifctcWUf fchWbpch" tbY (bchYsY (igguhcst AUrty (((A) &s tbY rYacgY pUrty i` tbY AYipfY„s CYpuVfcW i` (bchU (AC(), tbY ((A cs XY durY UhX XY `UWti tbY VY-Uff UhX YhX-Uff i` pifctcWUf UWtcvcty ch tbY sYWihX fUraYst YWihigy UhX tbY gist pipufius Wiuhtry ch tbY wirfX tiXUy   Ebcs gitcvUtYs tbY chtYrYst i` pifctcWUf YWihigcsts ch tbY ((A EbY hihtrUhspUrYht UhX i`tYh ch`irgUf hUturY i` YfctY chtYrUWtcih wctbch U Wiuhtry fUWecha WigpYtctcvY YfYWtcihs UhX wctb U rcWb bcstiry i` ch`irgUf pifct- cWUf diustcha Ugiha `UWtcihUf fYUXYrs rUcsYs `irgcXUVfY iVstUWfYs ti U rcairius pifctcWi-YWihigcW UhUfyscs EbY YWihigcW fctYrUturY ih tbY chtYrhUf iraUhc€Utcih (UhX, wY wcff sYY, `UWtcihUf WigpYtctcih) Ut tbY bcabYst fYvYfs i` tbY (bchYsY aivYrhgYht cs fcgctYX   AifctcWUf sWcYhtcsts `iWusYX ih (bchU stuXcYs bUvY VYYh girY UttYhtcvY, Vut Ufsi i`tYh girY quUfctUtcvY UhX XYsWrcptcvY, Ut fYUst uhtcf rYWYhtfy   EbY ((A rYgUchs tiXUy a secretive, selective organization of about 65 mil- lion members who have positions of in‡uence in all sectors of Chinese society... † (9UtbUh UhX 2cffYy,  p)   @pYrUtcihs i` tbY AifctVuri UhX tbY bcabYst YWbYfihs i` tbY ((A bUvY VYYh i`tYh XYsWrcVYX Us ipUquY Ut VYst (AyY, ! # )cttgYr, !!# Dbcb,  ) &s rYpirtYX ch 9UtbUh ()" Deng built a system of tacit norms by which senior leaders were limited to two terms in o¢ce, mem- bers of the Politburo Standing Committee divided leadership roles among them- selves, and the senior leader made decisions in consultation with other leaders and retired elders. † Hctbch tbcs WihtYxt, chtrU-YfctY WigpYtctcih cs YxtrYgYfy bUrX ti UssYss EbY ((A i‰WcUffy rYdYWts `UWtcihUf YfctY pifctcWs  , Vut sWbifUrs schWY 9UtbUh (!)

 &hX pfUys U WruWcUf rifY ch stYYrcha YWihigcW UWtcvcty ch tbY Wiuhtry DYY 'Uc, 3scYb, UhX Diha ()  EbY stuXy i` tbY pifctcWUf YWihigy i` (bchU bUs sYvYrUf cgpirtUht YxWYptcihs, Vut i`tYh hit prYWcsYfy `iWusYX ih hUtcihUf YfctY WigpYtctcih AYrscWi, AuYVfctU, UhX DcfvYrgUh () ch tbYcr UhUfyscs i` `UWtcihUf pifctcWs `iWus ih tbY ((A, Ugiha tbYcr vUrcius WUsY stuXcYs 7Yss rYfUtYXfy, wire suWb Us 7c UhX Qbiu () `iWusYs ih tbY prigitcih prifYs i` privchWcUf fYUXYrs UhX si XiYs 5cU, 6uXUgUtsu, UhX DYcg () Hire Vy 7Uu, BcUh, UhX CifUhX () giXYfs tbY priWYss i` rY`irg uhXYr )Yha IcUipcha UhX tbY rY`irg YrU  )YsWrcptcvY XcsWusscih gist pYrtchYht ti tbcs pUpYr chWfuXYs 7c (, ) DYvYrUf quUhtctUtcvY YxWYptcihs UrY XcsWussYX ch Dbcb () wctb rYspYWt ti sWbifUrsbcp ch 0Ust &scUh stuXcYs UhX pifctcWUf sWcYhWY, wbcfY fYss rYWYht YxUgpfYs chWfuXY 3uUha (), Dbcb (, )# Dbcb, &Xifpb UhX 7cu ()  &t tbY tcgY i` wrctcha 'y  tbY ((A gYgVYrsbcp bUs ariwh ti 88 :76 gcffcih  ''(, 8ihXUy 5UhuUry , " &h YXctircUf ch 8ihXUy„s ‚Uasbcp hYwspUpYr, EbY AYi- pfY„s )Ucfy, sUys WfcquYs UrY Uech ti pUrUsctYs UhX UrY ƒbUrg`uf `ir Vitb tbY Wiuhtry UhX tbY

 bUvY YgpbUsc€YX biw tbY `UWtcih ‡chtYhXYX Us pUtrih-WfcYht WfustYrs i` gutuUffy fcheYX i‰WcUfs‡ rYprYsYhts tbY WirrYWt uhct i` UhUfyscs i` YfctY pifctcWs ch (bchU DchWY 9UtbUh (!), YvcXYhWY suppirtcha tbcs chtYrprYtUtcih bUs Ufsi stYUXcfy UWWugufUtYX (AyY, ! # )cttgYr UhX , !!# 9UtbUh UhX 2cffYy, # Dbcb, # 7c, # 7c, # Dbcb, # 8YyYr, Dbcb, UhX 7YY ) EbY prYsYht pUpYr `iffiws tbcs fchY i` chqucry, Vut wctb spYWcUf UttYhtcih pUcX ti chXcvcXuUf chWYhtcvYs, suppfycha Uh chbYrYhtfy YWihigcW giXYf i` VYbUvcir, wbYrY lower- level o¢cials [...] join factions in order to secure promotions and other regime goods from powerful patrons † (Dbcb, , p) UhX wbYrY prigitcih XyhUgcWs tbriuabiut tbY pUrty bcYrUrWby UrY gcWri`iuhXYX UhX WbUrUWtYrc€YX & tbYi- rYtcWUf WihtrcVutcih i` tbcs pUpYr cs ch tbY `irgUf giXYf i` `UWtcihUf chtYrUWtcih tbUt wY prYsYht 4h iur giXYf `UWtcihs ipYrUtY wctbch U acvYh pUrty bcYrUrWby @h tbY ihY bUhX, tbY UXvUhtUaY i` `UWtcihs cs tbUt tbYy privcXY suppirt ti tbYcr gYgVYrs ch iVtUchcha prigitcihs up tbY pyrUgcX @h tbY itbYr, `UWtcihs Uffiw tbY UffiWUtcih i` tbUt suppirt ti VY XYWcXYX Vy sYhcir U‰fcUtYs, wctb tbY pisscVcfcty i` duhcir gYgVYrs VYcha VfiWeYX Vy bcabYr rUheYX Wi`UWtcihUfs eYYh ti UvicX prigitcha WiffYUauYs wbi wcff WigpYtY wctb tbYg `ir `uturY ipYhchas & `UWtcih gYgVYr, tbiuab pitYhtcUffy VYhYtcha `rig Wi`UWtcihUf suppirt, bUs ti VcXY bcs tcgY UhX wUct `ir tbY sYhcirs ch bcs `UWtcih ti Uffiw tbUt suppirt ti gUtYrcUfc€Y EbY sYhcirs gUeY tbcs XYWcscih VUsYX ih tbYcr iwh WUrYYr iVdYWtcvYs, si tbUt U duhcir gYgVYr„s UsWYhXUhWy tbriuab tbY bcYrUrWby cs tYtbYrYX ti tbY rcsY i` tbY rYfYvUht sYhcirs UVivY bcg FhU‰fcUtYX (hYutrUf) pifctcWcUhs `UWY hi suWb rYstrcWtcihs, UhX tbcs cs wby hYutrUfs WUh Ufsi YgYraY ch YqucfcVrcug Ebiuab tbYy Xi hit Yhdiy `UWtcihUf suppirt, tbYy UrY Ufsi hit rYstrcWtYX ch tbYcr WUpUWcty ti WihtYst ipYhchas bcabYr up EbY UhUfyscs i` tbY Wists UhX VYhYts i` dichcha `UWtcihs cs WigpfcWUtYX Vy tbY XYpYhXYhWY i` prigitcih ippirtuhctcYs ih tbY `UWtcihUf Wigpisctcih i` YvYry fYvYf i` tbY bcYrUrWby Ut Uhy picht ch tcgY Ebcs XYtYrgchYs wbUt echX i` ipYhchas gUy UrcsY UhX wbi cs ch U pisctcih ti VfiWe UXvUhWYgYht Ut Uhy fYvYf, U priVfYg tbUt wY stuXy ch XYtUcf @ur tbYirYtcWUf rYsufts UrY cgpirtUht ch gUtWbcha YgpcrcWUf gigYhts ch tYrgs i` `UWtcihUf Wigpisctcih, prigitcih rUtYs, UhX tbY YYWts i` WbUhaYs ch tbY `UWtcihUf cXYhtcty i` tbY tip fYUXYrsbcp ch (bchU &VsYht bUrX UhX vYrcUVfY ch`irgUtcih, wY rYfy ih tbY YxtUht XcsWusscih i` (bchYsY YfctY pifctcWs ti cXYhtc`y U gchcgUf sYt i` `UWtcihs wctbch tbY ((A 1UWtcihs bUvY bcstircWUffy YgYraYX pYipfY„† bttp"wwwVVWWighYwsVfias-WbchU-Vfia-  

 wctbch tbY ((A tbriuab WfisY pYrsihUf WihhYWtcihs wctb prigchYht pUtrihs (Ya ch tbY WUsYs i` `irgYr 2YhYrUf DYWrYtUry 5cUha QYgch UhX bcs suWWYssir, 3u 5chtUi) ti gutuUffy `istYr tbY WUrYYr prispYWts i` U‰fcUtYX WUXrYs, UhX Xi hit hYWYssUrcfy rYprYsYht spYWcW tYrrctircUf ir YWihigcW chtYrYst ariups ()cttgYr, !!) &s wY XcsWuss ch DYWtcihs  UhX , tbcs pUpYr wcff fYvYr ihfy tbY gist iVvcius `UWtcihUf fches cXYhtcYX wctbch tbY ((A, fches VUsYX ih U‰fcUtcih ti tbY (igguhcst Piutb 7YUauY i` (bchU (rYfUtYX ti 2YhYrUf DYWrYtUry 3u 5chtUi) ir ti tbY si-WUffYX DbUhabUc 2Uha (U‰fcUtYX gist prigchYhtfy wctb 5cUha QYgch UhX fYvYrcha ih tbY spYWcUf stUtus i` DbUhabUc ch (bchYsY pifctcWs) DWbifUrs suWb Us Dbcb, DbUh, UhX 7cu (), Dbcb, &Xifpb, UhX 7cu (), 5cU Yt Uf () bUvY YxpfirYX gYtbiXifiacYs `ir tbY cgputUtcih i` `UWtcihUf fcheUaYs VUsYX ih pfUWY i` Vcrtb, uhcvYrscty tcYs, UhX sbUrYX WUrYYr prifYs   HbcfY wY Ufsi `iWus ih systYgUtcW VciarUpbcWUf ch`irgUtcih, wY rYgUch wUry i` pitYhtcUf gcsgYUsurYgYht ch tbY cXYhtcWUtcih i` `UWtcihUf tcYs, Us cs fceYfy `ir `UWtcihUf U‰fcUtcih VUsYX purYfy ih pfUWY i` Vcrtb ir sbUrYX WUrYYr pUtbs &h cgpirtUht rYUsih `ir tbcs wUrchYss wcff VY YvcXYht ch iur stUtcstcWUf UhUfyscs 'UsYX ih iur `UWtcihUf XYhctcihs UhX wctbch U prixcgUtY sYt i` pUrty i‰WcUfs i` Ufgist YqucvUfYht rUhe ch tbY sUgY i‰WY UhX UrYU (Ya tbY hugVYr  UhX hugVYr  bcabYst rUheYX pUrty gYgVYrs ch U privchWY), wY sbiw tbUt gYgVYrs i` U `UWtcih (fYt us WUff ct B) UrY vcrtuUffy hYvYr pUcrYX wctb gYgVYrs i` tbY sUgY `UWtcih B Ut tbY sUgY i‰WY @h tbY WihtrUry, tbYy UrY pUcrYX wctb gYgVYrs i` U rcvUf `UWtcih ( R) VYyihX wbUt wiufX VY prYXcWtYX Vy rUhXig WbUhWY UfihY 1ir chstUhWY, c` U privchWY bUs U B `UWtcih AUrty DYWrYtUry (rUheYX hugVYr ), tbY 2ivYrhir (bcs hugVYr ) cs fceYfy ti VY Uh R, pisscVfy U hYutrUf i‰WcUf, Vut gist XYhctYfy hit U B `UWtcih gYgVYr Ebus scgpfy sbUrcha pUrt i` tbYcr WUrYYr pUtbs gUy hit VY ch`irgUtcvY i` `UWtcihUf U‰fcUtcih `ir ((A YfctY i‰WcUfs, ch `UWt iur YvcXYhWY sbiws ct gUy gcsfYUX WigpfYtYfy EbY stUtcstcWUf UhUfyscs i` tbYsY systYgUtcW `UWtcihUf Wriss-pUttYrhs ch tip ((A pisctcihs cs hYw ti tbY fctYrUturY UhX wcff VY XcsWussYX ch DYWtcih  4h UXXctcih ti stuXycha tbYsY Wriss-`UWtcihUf pUttYrhs, DYWtcih  rYpirts stUtcstc- WUffy scahcWUht prYgcU ch tYrgs i` prigitcih rUtYs UhX pist UffiWUtcihs ti U fYUXYr„s Wi`UWtcihUfs EbUt `UWtcihs gUy XYfcvYr UXvUhtUaYs ti tbYcr gYgVYrs cs U hYWYssUry WihXctcih `ir iur giXYf„s WibYrYhWY 'ut tbY YxcstYhWY i` prYWcsYfy YstcgUtYX fYUXYrsbcp prYgcU pichts Ufsi ch tbY XcrYWtcih i` `UWtcihs Vitb VYcha

 Dbcb ( , p) XcsWussYs cssuYs i` gYUsurYgYht wctb tbY prYgcsY tbUt Despite the centrality of factions in Chinese politics, they are extremely di¢cult to observe in a systematic manner, especially in such an opaque political system. †

 rYUsihUVfy cXYhtcYX wctbch iur UhUfyscs UhX i` ipYrUtcvY rYfYvUhWY wctbch tbY ((A HY `irgUffy YxpfirY UhX tYst `ir tbY prYsYhWY i` UXXctcihUf `UWtcihs Ebcs cs pisscVfY wctbch iur sYttcha tbUhes ti tbY struWturUf YWihigYtrcW UppriUWb wY `iffiw HY XcrYWtfy Vrcha iur giXYf ti tbY XUtU, iVtUch YstcgUtYs i` tbY prcgctcvY pUrUgYtYrs (suWb Us fYUXYrsbcp prYgcU UhX pUrUgYtYrs aivYrhcha tbY WihtYst `uhWtcihs `ir prigitcih) UhX `irgUffy tYst iur gYWbUhcsg UaUchst UftYrhUtcvYs, chWfuXcha gYWbUhcsgs VUsYX ih purY sYhcircty ir gYrctiWrUWy @ur `UWtcihUf giXYf XcspfUys YxWYffYht ch-sUgpfY UhX iut-i`-sUgpfY t HY sbiw biw tbY YstcgUtYX fYUXYrsbcp prYgcU ch tbY ((A UrY quUhtctUtcvYfy suVstUhtcUf, Vut quctY `Ur `rig wchhYr-tUeY-Uff fYvYfs, UhX tbUt tbY chtrU-`UWtcih WigpYtctcih Ugiha `UWtcih gYgVYrs ipYrUtYs Us U XY `UWti YhXiaYhius XUgpYhcha gYWbUhcsg ch sfiwcha `UWtcihUf ariwtb @ur UhUfyscs chWfuXYs sYvYrUf WiuhtYr`UWtuUfs HY giXYf pisscVfY chstctu- tcihUf WbUhaYs wctbch tbY ((A, chWfuXcha tbY YYWt i` chWrYUsYX fYUXYrsbcp prY- gcU, wbcWb gUy chXcWUtY U VrYUe UwUy `rig tbY ” XYscah YhvcscihYX Vy )Yha HY Ufsi stuXy tbY rifY i` tbY cXYhtcty i` tbY tip fYUXYr- sbcp, tbY `UWtcihUf rifY i` prchWYfchas, UhX UssYss 2YhYrUf DYWrYtUry Ic 5chpcha„s `UWtcihUf U‰fcUtcih 'YscXYs tbY pifctcWi-YWihigcW fctYrUturY ih (bchYsY YfctY pifctcWs gYhtcihYX UVivY, tbcs pUpYr spYUes ti tbY fctYrUturY ih tbY chtYrhUf iraUhc€Utcih i` Uu- tiWrUtcW rYacgYs 1rUhWics, CUchYr, UhX ErYVVc (, ) XcsWuss Ut fYhatb tbY cgpirtUhWY i` cts WihhYWtcih ti tbY YxpUhXcha fctYrUturY ih tbY pifctcWUf YWihigy i` XYvYfipgYht 8ist rYfUtYX ti iur wire (UhX ihY i` tbY rst rca- irius UhUfysYs i` `UWtcihUf pifctcWs wctbch tbY YWihigcW fctYrUturY) cs AYrscWi, CiXrcauY€-AuYVfctU, UhX DcfvYrgUh (), wbi prYsYht U tbYirYtcWUf giXYf i` YhXiaYhius `UWtcihUf ariwtb UhX fche ct quUfctUtcvYfy ti YvcXYhWY `rig `UWtcihUf fiWUf pifctcWs ch 8YxcWi wctbch tbY 4hstctutcihUf CYvifutcihUry AUrty  1rig U tbYirYtcWUf pYrspYWtcvY, )YwUh UhX DquchtUhc () giXYf YhXiaY- hius `UWtcih `irgUtcih (Uh cssuY wY UXXrYss ch iur sYttcha Us wYff, wbYh WbUrUW- tYrc€cha tbY XYWcscih i` pUrty gYgVYrs ti dich U `UWtcih) EbY Uutbirs XYvYfip U giXYf wbYrY chWYhtcvYs `ir `UWtcih `irgUtcih UrY cXYifiacWUf rUtbYr tbUh YWi-

 DYY Ufsi 'Yffihc UhX 'YffYr (! ) AYrscWi Yt Uf () Ufsi picht iut ti tbY rYfYvUhWY i` `UWtcihUf pifctcWs wYff VYyihX 8YxcWi„s WUgUrcffUs ir tbY ((A, wctb rY`YrYhWYs ti stuXcYs i` `UWtcihUfcsg wctbch tbY 5UpUhYsY fYacsfUturY ((ix Yt Uf, !!!, ) UhX tbY 4tUfcUh pUrfcUgYht (QuWeYrgUh, !# 6Uti UhX 8Yrsbih, # (Yrih, # UhX 7UvYr UhX 2cUhhYttc ) 1UWtcihs ch &ustrUfcUh pifctcWs UrY XcsWussYX ch 8W&ffcstYr (!!) EbY FD urVUh pUrty gUWbchY `UWtcihUf struWturY, suWb Us ch tbY WUsY i` EUggUhy 3Uff, UrY suVdYWt i` Uh YhtcrY UhX YvYh YUrfcYr fctYrUturY DYY 8yYrs (!)

 higcW (Us ch iur sYttcha UhX ch AYrscWi, CiXrcauY€-AuYVfctU UhX DcfvYrgUh, ) UhX sbiw biw wctbch tbYcr `rUgYwire `UWtcihs gUy sYrvY wYf`UrY-YhbUhWcha pur- pisYs, fcgctcha YxtrYgcsts wctbch tbY pUrty Vy tycha tbYg ti giXYrUtY `UWtcih fYUXYrs 1UWtcihs UrY Ufsi sbiwh ti `UWcfctUtY ch`irgUtcih sbUrcha UhX pUrty YYWtcvYhYss ch tbYcr giXYf EbY rYgUchXYr i` tbcs pUpYr cs iraUhc€YX Us `iffiws 4h DYWtcih  wY privcXY U VrcY` chstctutcihUf ivYrvcYw i` tbY ((A 4h DYWtcih  wY XcsWuss iur XUtU, ip- YrUtcihUfc€Y `UWtcihs, UhX privcXY U XYsWrcptcvY UhUfyscs i` iur sUgpfYs DYWtcih  priXuWYs U sYt i` styfc€YX `UWts, sigY hivYf, usY`uf ti `rUgY UhX aucXY tbY tbYirYtcWUf UhUfyscs 4h DYWtcih  wY XcsWuss iur tbYirYtcWUf sYtup UhX DYWtcih  XYvYfips iur YstcgUtir @ur gUch YgpcrcWUf rYsufts UrY rYpirtYX ch DYWtcih  DYWtcih prYsYhts iur WiuhtYr`UWtuUf YxYrWcsYs DYWtcih ! WihWfuXYs

2 Institutional Background: the CCP

Ebcs sYWtcih prYsYhts U VrcY` chstctutcihUf ivYrvcYw i` tbY chtYrhUf iraUhc€Utcih i` tbY ((A ch tbY rY`irg YrU 4t cs ch hi wUy YxbUustcvY, Vut ihfy i` UsscstUhWY ti tbY rYUXYr uh`UgcfcUr wctb (bchYsY pifctcWs ch `rUgcha tbY UhUfyscs tbUt `iffiws  4h  tbY (bchYsY (igguhcst AUrty, wctb cts 88 :8 gcffcih gYgVYrs, cs ihY i` tbY fUraYst pifctcWUf pUrtcYs wirfXwcXY UhX ihY i` tbY gist YhXurcha (`iuhXYX ch !) EbY ((A iraUhc€Utcih cs strihafy bcYrUrWbcWUf ch hUturY UhX tbY pUrty rY‚YWts ihY-ti-ihY tbY iraUhc€Utcih i` tbY (bchYsY stUtY, Us typcWUf ch tbY UrWbctYWturY i` 7Yhchcst rYacgYs EbY tip i` tbY ((A bcYrUrWby cs sbUrYX Vy tbY aurYs i` tbY 2YhYrUf DYWrY- tUry i` tbY ((A UhX tbY sYWihX rUheYX gYgVYr i` tbY ((A, wbcWb rYspYWtcvYfy UssugY tbY rifYs i` ArYscXYht UhX ArYgcYr i` tbY DtUtY (iuhWcf i` tbY AC( 'itb fYUXYrs VYfiha ch turh ti tbY AifctVuri DtUhXcha (iggcttYY (A'D(), `irgYX Vy tbY itbYr 5 gYgVYrs UhX wbcWb rYprYsYhts tbY sYt i` tbY bcabYst rUheYX pifctcWcUhs ch (bchU EbY A'D( cs Uh YxprYsscih i` tbY 25 -gYgVYr AifctVuri (A'), tbY YxYWutcvY ViXy i` tbY (YhtrUf (iggcttYY i` tbY (bchYsY (igguhcst AUrty EbY (YhtrUf (iggcttYY ((() cs XY durY tbY bcabYst pifctcWUf ViXy ch tbY ((A UhX WurrYhtfy Wihscsts i` 205 `uff gYgVYrs UhX U sYt i` 171 &ftYrhUtY (YhtrUf (iggcttYY (&() gYgVYrs ch duhcir stUhXcha rYfUtcvY ti tbY `uff gYg- VYrs (UhX wctbiut vitcha rcabts) &ff gYgVYrs i` tbY (( UhX &( UrY rUheYX bcYrUrWbcWUffy EbY (( UhX &( UrY YfYWtYX Xurcha 9UtcihUf (iharYssYs i` tbY

DYY Ufsi (bUptYr  ch 9UtbUh UhX 2cffYy () `ir U fYss VrcY` ivYrvcYw 1ir U WigprY- bYhscvY XcsWusscih i` YfctY pifctcWs ch (bchU sYY rY`YrYhWYs ch Dbcb ()

 ((A UhX tbY chtYrcg pfYhUry sYsscihs ff rYtcrYgYhts ir XYUtbs, arUhtcha prigi- tcihs (UhX iWWUscihUffy UXgchcstYr XYgitcihs) EypcWUffy, (( gYgVYrs chWfuXY gchcstYrcUf-fYvYf i‰WcUfs UhX privchWcUf rUhecha i‰WcUfs, chWfuXcha ArivchWcUf AUrty DYWrYtUrcYs (tbY bcabYst ((A pist ch U ArivchWY) UhX 2ivYrhir (tbY sYW- ihX rUheYX) 4t cs cgpirtUht ti hitcWY tbUt ArivchWYs tYhX ti XcspfUy U pifctcWUf UrWbctYWturY tbUt gcgcWs tbY hUtcihUf aivYrhgYht UhX tbY hUtcihUf pUrty struW- turY ArivchWcUf fYUXYrs ipYrUtY ch tbY WihtYxt i` fiWUf pUrty WiggcttYYs UhX fiWUf pUrty WiharYssYs UrY bYfX typcWUffy YvYry vY yYUrs EbY ((A gUchtUchs U pyrUgcXUf struWturY, VrUhWbcha Uff tbY wUy Xiwh ti tbY vcffUaY fYvYf UhX tbY GcffUaY AUrty 'rUhWb DYWrYtUry HbcfY hit Uff fUyYrs i` tbY (bchYsY pifctcWUf bcYrUrWby prYsYht hiXYs gUppcha chti U XcUrWbcW struWturY, gist Xi, typcWUffy sYpUrUtcha pUrty rifYs UhX UXgch- cstrUtcvY rifYs 0xUgpfYs i` XcUrWbcW UrrUhaYgYhts chWfuXY tbY prYscXYhWy UhX prYgcYrsbcp Us tbY twi bcabYst rUhecha gYgVYrs i` tbY AifctVuri DtUhXcha (ig- gcttYY# tbY AC( ArYscXYhWy (ArYscXYht UhX GcWY ArYscXYht)# tbY DtUtY (iuhWcf (ArYgcYr UhX 0xYWutcvY GcWY ArYgcYr)# UhX tbY tip XyUXs Ut tbY privchWcUf fYvYf (ArivchWcUf AUrty DYWrYtUry UhX 2ivYrhir) !  HY wcff iWWUscihUffy rY`Yr ti suWb pUcrs i` pisctcihs Us pisctcih  UhX  EbY ippirtuhcty i` YhtYrcha tbY rUhes i` tbY ((A cs WfisYfy auUrXYX UhX pUrty gYgVYrsbcp typcWUffy auUrUhtYYs UWWYss UhX WUrYYr ippirtuhctcYs VYyihX tbisY UvUcfUVfY ti Wiggih Wctc€Yhs   1ir tbcs rYUsih, Uh YfUVirUtY rYWructgYht priWYss typcWUffy ipYrUtYs tbriuab tbY sYfYWtcih i` suWWYss`uf uhcvYrscty stuXYhts UhX tbriuab `Ugcfy UhX wire WihhYWtcihs 8YgVYrsbcp i` tbY (igguhcst Piutb 7YUauY i` (bchU ((P7(), Uh UhWcf- fUry iraUhc€Utcih ti tbY ((A rYspihscVfY `ir tbY yiutb (gYgVYrs UrY typcWUffy VYtwYYh 4 UhX 28 yYUrs i` UaY), bUs trUXctcihUffy ipYrUtYX Us Uh Yhtry picht ch tbY ((A &s XcsWussYX ch 7c (, ), chXcvcXuUfs wctb U VUWeariuhX ch tbY (P7( UrY i`tYh rY`YrrYX ti Us gYgVYrs i` tbY (cY Piutb 7YUauY R`UWtcihS) UhX tYhX ti ircachUtY, Uftbiuab Vy hi gYUhs YxWfuscvYfy, `rig tbY fYss prispYrius ( rYX†) rYacihs   7c () UssiWcUtYs wctb tbY (P7( pipufcst†

! DYY 7c () `ir U XcsWusscih UhX YxUgpfYs @tbYr chstUhWYs chWfuXY tbY (8( (WbUcrgUh UhX YxYWutcvY vcWY WbUcrgUh), tbY ((A DYWrYtUrcUt, tbY 9A( UhX (AA(( (WbUcrgUh UhX YxYWutcvY vcWY WbUrcgUh), tbY DuprYgY AYipfY„s (iurt &ssugcha tbY prYsYhWY i` suWb XyUXs UWriss tbY wbifY bcYrUrWby sbiufX VY scgpfy rYUX Us Uffiwcha `ir tbY prYsYhWY i` U WfisY suVstctutY ch tbY pUrty bcYrUrWby `ir Uhy gYgVYr  EbY @raUhc€Utcih )YpUrtgYht i` tbY ((A (YhtrUf (iggcttYY ih 5uhY tb,  ch Uh i‰WcUf rYfYUsY chXcWUtYX tbUt  gcffcih (bchYsY rYscXYhts bUX UppfcYX ch  UhX fYss tbUh % i` tbY UppfcWUtcihs wYrY UWWYptYX bttp"hYwsxchbuUhYtWigYhafcsb- WT !btg  ArigchYht gYgVYrs chWfuXY WurrYht ArYgcYr 7c 6YqcUha UhX `irgYr 2YhYrUf DYWrYtUry

 pifcWcYs WfisY ti tbY rurUf piir UhX rYWYht gcarUhts ti WctcYs, Us ippisYX ti tbY pifcWcYs prY`YrrYX Vy girY Yfctcst† ariups WigprcsYX Vy ((A WUXrYs WfisY ti `irgYr 2YhYrUf DYWrYtUry 5cUha QYgch UhX U ariup i` pUrty i‰WcUfs WihhYWtYX ti tbY DbUhabUc guhcWcpUf UXgchcstrUtcih 4hXYYX, tbY YWihigcW UhX pifctcWUf rifY i` DbUhabUc WUhhit VY YgpbUsc€YX Yhiuab ch ((A chtYrhUf chtYrUWtcihs, ti tbY picht tbUt tbY tYrg Shanghai Bang (2Uha) bUs VYYh i`tYh YgpfiyYX ti cXYhtc`y tbY pUtrihUaY WfustYr WfisY ti 5cUha UhX ti tbY YWihigcW chtYrYsts i` tbY WiUstUf (VfuY) privchWYs (7c, ) HbYtbYr UXXctcihUf `UWtcihUf ariups VYscXYs tbY (P7( UhX tbY DbUhabUc 2Uha gUy VY prYsYht wctbch tbY ((A cs uhWfYUr UhX XcsputYX YvYh Ugiha sWbif- Urs i` (bchYsY YfctY pifctcWs 1ir chstUhWY, sigY iVsYrvYrs picht Ut tbY UhigUfy i` tbY YxWYptcihUffy rUpcX WUrYYrs i` sihs UhX XUuabtYrs i` prigchYht pUrty i`- WcUfs UhX rYvifutcihUry vYtYrUhs uhXYr 8Ui, i`tYh rY`YrrYX ti Us prchWYfchas† EbY UhUfyscs VYfiw wcff XcsWuss tbcs spYWcW ariup i` ((A gYgVYrs ch XYtUcf

3 Data

HY WigVchY twi VciarUpbcWUf XUtUVUsYs i` (bchYsY pifctcWcUhs EbY rst XUtU siurWY cs (bchU GctUY, wbcWb WiffYWts VciarUpbcWUf ch`irgUtcih ih girY tbUh 4; 494 (bchYsY YfctYs ch aivYrhgYht, pifctcWs, tbY gcfctUry, YXuWUtcih, VuschYss, UhX tbY gYXcU schWY !! 4h`irgUtcih privcXYX Vy (bchU GctUY chWfuXYs aYhXYr, yYUr i` Vcrtb, pfUWY i` Vcrtb, YtbhcWcty, WiffYaYs UttYhXYX, UhX WUrYYr trUdYWtiry 4h`irgUtcih ch (bchU GctUY WigYs `rig (bchYsY UhX 0hafcsb fUhauUaY wYV sctYs ch (bchU tbUt UrY suppirtYX Vy ir U‰fcUtYX wctb tbY (bchYsY aivYrhgYht @ur sYWihX XUtU siurWY cs U VciarUpbcWUf XUtUVUsY i` (( gYgVYrs XYvYfipYX Vy Dbcb, DbUh, UhX 7cu ( ), UhX `urtbYr upXUtYX Vy 7u UhX 8U () Ebcs XUtUVUsY WihtUchs Uff (( UhX &( gYgVYrs `rig tbY rst AUrty (iharYss ch ! ti tbY YcabtYYhtb AUrty (iharYss ch  Ebcs XUtU Ufsi privcXYs VciarUpbcWUf ch`irgUtcih UhX WUrYYr trUdYWtircYs scgcfUr ti (bchU GctUY HY `iWus iur UhUfyscs ih tbY pYrciX i` ! ti , wbcWb stUrts `rig tbY rst AUrty (iharYss schWY tbY `iuhXcha i` AYipfY„s CYpuVfcW i` (bchU ( tb AUrty (iharYss ch !) UhX YhXs wctb tbY gist rYWYht (YhtrUf (iggcttYY ( tb AUrty (iharYss ch ), WivYrcha U titUf hugVYr i` 1; 853 chXcvcXuUfs HY WigVchY tbYsY twi XUtU siurWYs ti WihstruWt iur YstcgUtcih sUgpfYs HbYhYvYr tbYrY cs chWihscstYhWy VYtwYYh tbY twi XUtU siurWYs, (Ya guftcpfY

UhX ArYscXYht i` tbY AC( 3u 5chtUi

pifctcWcUhs ch tbY sUgY pisctcih ch tbY sUgY yYUr), wY gUhuUffy WbYWe wctb U tbcrX siurWY, typcWUffy i‰WcUf wYVsctYs U‰fcUtYX wctb tbY (bchYsY aivYrhgYht (Ya wwwxchbuUhYtWig# WpWpYipfYWigWh) HY Ufsi WiffYWt privchWcUf pipu- fUtcih UhX 2)A XUtU `rig (bchU )UtU @hfchY EbY Uhtc-Wirruptcih XUtU ircac- hUtYs `rig (bchU1cfY UhX (bchU„s (YhtrUf (iggcsscih `ir )csWcpfchY 4hspYWtcih ((()4) wYVsctY 1iffiwcha tbY fctYrUturY ih (bchYsY pifctcWs ('i,  # 7c, U# 7c, V), wY WihstruWt `iur U‰fcUtcih chXcWUtirs `ir tbY `uff sUgpfY i` pifctcWcUhs" (P7(, DbUhabUc 2Uha, Vut Ufsi 8cfctUry UhX ArchWYfcha stUtus & pifctcWcUh cs WfUs- scYX Us `rig tbY (P7( c` bYsbY bUs bYfX privchWcUf UhX hUtcihUf fYvYf pisc- tcihs ch (P7( & pifctcWcUh cs WfUsscYX Us `rig tbY DbUhabUc 2Uha c` bYsbY bUs bYfX i‰WcUf pisctcihs ch tbY DbUhabUc guhcWcpUf pUrty UppUrUtus, guhcWcpUf aivYrhgYht, guhcWcpUf AYipfY„s (iharYss, UhX guhcWcpUf AYipfY„s AifctcWUf (ih- suftUtcvY (ih`YrYhWY Ebcs UaUch uhXYrfcYs tbY YxWYptcihUfcty i` tbY DbUhabUc pifctcWUf gUWbchY & pifctcWcUh cs WfUsscYX Us `rig tbY 8cfctUry c` bYsbY sYrvYX Us gcfctUry pYrsihhYf ch tbY CYvifutcihUry 0rU (!-!!), ir bUs pUrtcWcpUtYX ch tbY vifuhtYYr UrgcYs ti 6irYU ir GcYthUg, ir sYrvYX Us gcfctUry pYrsihhYf `ir girY tbUh bUf` i` cts WUrYYr U`tYr tbY `iuhXcha i` AYipfY„s CYpuVfcW i` (bchU EbY rYstrcWtcih ih tbY gchcgug tcgY i` gcfctUry YxpYrcYhWY cs ti rufY iut WcvcfcUh i‰WcUfs wbi wire Us tbY pUrty sYWrYtUry i` U gcfctUry rYacih `ir U sbirt pYrciX i` tcgY (Ya 3u 5chtUi Us tbY 1crst DYWrYtUry i` 2uc€biu 8cfctUry )cstrcWt `rig !  ti ! ), ir WcvcfcUh i‰WcUfs WbUcr tbY (YhtrUf 8cfctUry (iggcsscih (Ya 5cUha QYgch Us tbY WbUcrgUh i` tbY (YhtrUf 8cfctUry (iggcsscih `rig !! ti ) & pifctcWcUh cs WfUsscYX Us U ArchWYfcha c` bYsbY cs `rig U prigchYht pifctcWUf `Ugcfy, tbY si WUffYX rYX UrcstiWrUWy† (prigchYht YxUgpfYs chWfuXY 2YhYrUf DYWrYtUry Ic 5chpcha UhX XcsarUWYX `irgYr aivYrhir i` 7cUihcha 'i Ic- fUc) EbYsY `iur U‰fcUtcihs UrY hit gutuUffy YxWfuscvY (`ir YxUgpfY, Ic 5chpcha cs Vitb U prchWYfcha UhX Uh U‰fcUtYX i` tbY DbUhabUc 2Uha UWWirXcha ti iur XYhctcih) UhX hit Uff pUrty gYgVYrs ch iur sUgpfY UrY U‰fcUtYX 4h `UWt, wY Uffiw `ir pifctcWcUhs ch iur sUgpfY ti Ufsi VY uhU‰fcUtYX (hYutrUf, chXcWUtYX Us N) EbYirYtcWUffy ihY WiufX WihscXYr (P7(, DbUhabUc 2Uha, gcfctUry, UhX prchWYfchas UftYrhUtcvY pifctcWUf `UWtcihs 4h DYWtcih  wY sbiw biwYvYr tbUh ihfy twi i` tbYsY ariups, (P7( UhX DbUhabUc 2Uha, trufy YxbcVct tbY `YUturYs i` pifctc- WUf `UWtcihs wctbch tbY ((A 1irgUf stUtcstcWUf tYsts wcff VY Ufsi XYvYfipYX UhX Vriuabt ch suppirt i` tbcs tbYscs Ei Xcstchaucsb, wY wcff rY`Yr ti prchWYfchas UhX gcfctUry Us ariups† UhX (P7( UhX DbUhabUc 2Uha Us `UWtcihs†

! EbY gcfctUry cs vcrtuUffy U pUrUffYf struWturY wctb fcgctYX pifctcWUf Wihtrif, wbcfY tbY prchWYfchas Us U ariup UrY YxtrYgYfy bYtYriaYhYius UhX UppYUr ti ipYrUtY Us U sYt i` hYutrUf UhX chXYpYhXYhtfy piwYr`uf UWtirs (ch `UWt, i`tYh tcgYs ch XYYp rcvUfry Ugiha tbYgsYfvYs, suWb cs tbY WUsY i` 'i IcfUc UhX Ic 5chpcha) HbcfY wY wcff eYYp trUWe i` Uff typYs i` U‰fcUtcihs ch tbY UhUfyscs tbUt `iffiws, wY YgpbUsc€Y bYrY tbUt iur tbYirYtcWUf UhX YgpcrcWUf XYscah wcff sYpUrUtY (P7( UhX DbUhabUc 2Uha `UWtcih gYgVYrs `rig Uff itbYr pifctcWUf UWtirs, chWfuXcha tbY gcfctUry UhX prchWYfchas, wbcWb wY wcff XYYg hYutrUf† 'YWUusY i` tbY trUXctcihUf Wifircha UssiWcUtYX wctb tbYsY twi YstUVfcsbYX `UWtcihs, wY wcff Ufsi iWWUscihUffy rY`Yr ti tbY (P7( Us tbY CYX `UWtcih, R, UhX ti tbY DbUhabUc 2Uha Us tbY 'fuY `UWtcih, B EUVfY  privcXYs suggUry stUtcstcWs i` XYgiarUpbcWs UhX WUrYYrs i` 4; 494 pifctcWcUhs wbi bYfX cgpirtUht pisctcihs ch aivYrhgYht, pifctcWs, tbY gcfctUry, YXuWUtcih, VuschYss, UhX tbY gYXcU ch (bchU schWY !! EbY uhct i` iVsYrvUtcih cs U pisctcih-chXcvcXuUf pUcr HY WfUssc`y tbY iraUhc€Utcihs chti 12 WUtYaircYs" pUrty UppUrUtus, aivYrhgYht, gcfctUry, AYipfY„s (iharYss, (bchYsY AYipfY„s Ai- fctcWUf (ihsuftUtcvY (ih`YrYhWY ((AA((), Wiurt, priWurUtirUtY, (P7(, Vusc- hYss, gYXcU, YXuWUtcih, UhX Uh uhWfUsscYX WUtYairy EbY UvYrUaY XurUtcih i` YUWb pisctcih cs UViut 4 yYUrs, UhX tbY UaY i` stUrtcha YUWb pisctcih vUrcYs `rig tbY YUrfy s ((P7() ti tbY fUtY s (AYipfY„s (iharYss) 4hXcvcXuUfs wbi bifX tbYsY pisctcihs UrY prYXigchUtYfy gUfY, wbcWb rY‚YWts tbY fUraY aYhXYr cgVUfUhWY Ut tbY tip fYvYfs i` aivYrhgYht UhX VuschYss ch (bchU   0tbhcWcty cs prYXigchUtYfy 3Uh, rY‚YWtcvY i` tbY YtbhcW Wigpisctcih ch tbY (bchYsY pipufU- tcih EbY fUst `iur Wifughs privcXY tbY `rYquYhWy i` tbY vUrcius U‰fcUtcihs ch YUWb typY i` iraUhc€Utcih (P7( gYgVYrs tYhX ti wire ch tbY pUrty UppUrUtus UhX gYXcU chstYUX i` tbY aivYrhgYht systYg  EbY DbUhabUc 2Uha cs girY YvYhfy XcstrcVutYX UWriss Uff typYs i` iraUhc€Utcihs ArchWYfchas UrY girY fceYfy ti bUvY YxpYrcYhWY ch tbY gcfctUry, Vut UrY fYss fceYfy ti wire ch tbY fYaUf systYg (Wiurt UhX priWurUtirUtY), pitYhtcUffy XuY ti tbY `UWt tbUt tbY piwYr i` tbY duXcWcUry cs rYfUtcvYfy gutYX ch (bchU HY tbYh turh iur `iWus ti U suVsYt i` YfctYs, tbY gYgVYrs i` (YhtrUf (ig- gcttYYs i` tbY ((A Ebcs cs U ariup i` UriuhX 400 pYipfY wbi WigprcsY tbY ((A tip fYUXYrs EUVfY  privcXYs tbY XYgiarUpbcWs UhX tbY `UWtcihUf U‰fcU-

 25 :1% i` ((A gYgVYrs wYrY wigYh ch   Ebcs cs WihscstYht wctb tbY UhYWXitUf XcsWusscih i` 3igUhh UhX 0hrcabt ( ) tbUt (P7( fYUXYrs i`tYh bUvY YxpYrcYhWY ch hih-YWihigcW YfXs, suWb Us pUrty iraUhc€Utcih UhX pripUaUhXU

 tcih Vy sYsscihs i` tbY (YhtrUf (iggcttYYs DcgcfUrfy ti tbY fUraYr sUgpfY i` YfctYs, tbY (( gYgVYrs UrY prYXigchUhtfy gUfY, ch tbYcr gcX-s UhX gistfy 3Uh @vYr tbY pUst 60 yYUrs, girY gYgVYrs bifX WiffYaY ir YvYh pist-arUXuUtY XYarYYs 3iwYvYr, ihfy 10 pYrWYht i` tbYg stuXcYX ir wireYX UVriUX 8irY tbUh 10 pYrWYht i` tbYg bUvY wireYX Us pYrsihUf sYWrYtUrcYs ( Mishu ) i` prigc- hYht pifctcWcUhs, cffustrUtcha tbY cgpirtUhWY i` pYrsihUf tcYs ch (bchYsY pifctcWs (ihXctcihcha ih YhtYrcha tbY (YhtrUf (iggcttYY, UriuhX 20 pYrWYht i` tbYg UrY prigitYX chti bcabYr fYvYf ch tbY `iur fYvYfs i` tbY (YhtrUf (iggcttYY, UhX UriuhX 50 pYrWYht wcff rYtcrY ch hYxt (( sYsscih 4h tYrgs i` `UWtcihUf U‰fcUtcih, (P7(, DbUhabUc 2Uha, UhX prchWYfchas YUWb UWWiuht `ir UriuhX 5 pYrWYht ti 10 pYrWYht i` gYgVYrs EbY gcfctUry bUs YxpYrcYhWYX U fUraY XiwhwUrX trYhX, Xrippcha `rig 56 pYrWYht ch tbY tb (YhtrUf (iggcttYY ti fYss tbUh 20 pYrWYht ch rYWYht yYUrs

4 CCP Factional Politics: Reduced Form Re- sults

Ebcs sYWtcih prYsYhts U sYt i` `UWts ih `UWtcihUf pifctcWs ch (bchU, tbY gist cgpirtUht i` wbcWb UrY hivYf ti tbY VYst i` iur ehiwfYXaY EbYsY styfc€YX `UWts UrY aicha ti ch`irg UhX gitcvUtY tbY tbYirYtcWUf UhUfyscs tbUt `iffiws i) National Political Actors. HY VYach Vy Uraucha quUfctUtcvYfy tbUt tbY `UWtcihUf U‰fcUtcihs wY pisct ((P7( UhX DbUhabUc 2Uha) sbUrY pripYrtcYs tbUt gUeY tbYg VihU XY fUraY hUtcihUf pfUyYrs wctbch tbY ((A UhX UrY hit gYrYfy pifctcWUf UWtirs rYprYsYhtcha fiWUf WihstctuYhWcYs 4h 1caurY  UhX EUVfY  wY XYsWrcVY tbY aYiarUpbcW XcstrcVutcih i` gYgVYrs U‰fcUtYX wctb tbY (P7( UhX tbY DbUhabUc 2Uha ch privchWcUf rifYs &s cs YvcXYht, tbY rYprYsYhtUtcih UWriss privchWYs cs `Ucrfy VriUX UhX hit fcgctYX ti U pUrtcWufUr fiWUf UrYU, XYspctY U sgUff pisctcvY WirrYfUtcih VYtwYYh tbY prYsYhWY i` DbUhabUc 2Uha UhX tbY UvYrUaY 2)A pYr WUpctU i` tbY privchWY @h tbY itbYr bUhX, chXcvcXuUfs UssiWcUtYX wctb prchWYfchas UhX tbY gcfctUry ariup UrY XcstrcVutYX girY uhYvYhfy" prchWYfchas UrY girY fceYfy ti bifX pisctcihs ch rcWb WistUf UrYUs ‡ pisscVfy XuY ti tbYcr prcvcfYaYX stUtus ˆ wbcfY gcfctUry gYgVYrs UrY girY WihWYhtrUtYX ch piirYr wYstYrh privchWYs UhX pfUWYs wctb strUtYacW cgpirtUhWY (Ya 1udcUh, wbcWb hYcabVirs EUcwUh) ii) Cross-Factional Mix. FsY`uf ti tbY uhXYrstUhXcha i` `UWtcihUf XyhUgcWs wctbch tbY ((A cs tbY stuXy i` tbY pYWufcUr `UWtcihUf gcx wbcWb wY iVsYrvY wbYh

 sUgpfcha tbY XcUrWbcW hiXYs pYrvUXcha (bchYsY chstctutcihUf XYscah EbYsY UrY pUcrs i` pisctcihs i` scgcfUr rUhe UhX ipYrUtcha ch WfisY chstctutcihUf vcWchcty ti YUWb itbYr EUVfY  rYpirts `irgUf stUtcstcWUf tYsts i` tbY `UWtcihUf Wigpisctcih i` vcrtuUffy Uff tip twi fYUXYrsbcp pists ch pist-)Yha (bchU 4h pUrtcWufUr, wY Use" acvYh tbY `UWtcihUf U‰fcUtcih i` U pifctcWcUh scttcha ch ihY i` tbY tip twi fYUXYrsbcp pisctcihs i` U hUtcihUf ir privchWcUf iraUh, wbUt cs tbY fceYfcbiiX tbUt tbY itbYr pisctcih wcff VY bYfX Vy U Wi`UWtcihUf gYgVYr$ 4t turhs iut ct cs YxtrYgYfy fiw EUVfY  sbiws pUhYf rYarYsscihs i` tbY `UWtcihUf U‰fcUtcih i` tbY hugVYr  i‰WcUf ih tbY hugVYr  i‰WcUf„s U‰fcUtcih Ut tbY sUgY hiXY EbY vUrcUVfYs CY LC 1 UhX Shanghai 1 (rYspYWtcvYfy, CY LC 2 UhX Shanghai 2) UrY XuggcYs wbcWb YquUf 1 c` tbY hugVYr  i‰WcUf (rYspYWtcvYfy, hugVYr ) cs `rig tbUt `UWtcih UhX 0 itbYrwcsY HY wcff Ufsi rY`Yr ti suWb `UWtcihs tbriuab tbY UVVrYvcUtcihs R; B  EbY sUgpfY pYrciX cs `rig !! ti  (ifughs - chWfuXY Uff pisc- tcihs, UhX (ifughs - VrYUe Xiwh ti privchWcUf UhX hUtcihUf fYvYf pisctcihs EbY privchWcUf pisctcihs chWfuXY 31 privchWcUf UhX guhcWcpUf uhcts (sYWrYtUry UhX aivYrhir)   EbY hUtcihUf pisctcihs chWfuXY tbY AifctVuri DtUhXcha (ig- gcttYY (twi bcabYst rUhecha gYgVYrs), AC( prYscXYhWy (ArYscXYht UhX GcWY ArYscXYht), tbY DtUtY (iuhWcf (ArYgcYr UhX 0xYWutcvY GcWY ArYgcYr), (YhtrUf 8cfctUry (iggcttYY ((bUcrgUh UhX 0xYWutcvY GcWY (bUcrgUh), ((A DYWrY- tUrcUt (twi bcabYst rUhecha sYWrYtUrcYs), 9A( ((bUcrgUh UhX 0xYWutcvY GcWY (bUcrgUh), (AA(( ((bUcrgUh UhX 0xYWutcvY GcWY (bUcrgUh), tbY DuprYgY AYipfY„s (iurt (ArYscXYht UhX 0xYWutcvY GcWY ArYscXYht) EUecha tbY tip twi fYUXYrsbcp pisctcihs ch Uhy ((A (ir AC() iraUh, pisc- tcih  VYcha ffYX Vy U R (rYspYWtcvYfy, U B) pifctcWcUh prYXcWts hYaUtcvYfy UhX scahcWUhtfy tbY fceYfcbiiX i` pisctcih  VYcha ffYX Vy Uh R (rYspYWtcvYfy, U B) pifctcWcUh EbY YstcgUtYX hYaUtcvY WiY‰WcYhts chXcWUtY U stUtcstcWUffy riVust fiwYr fceYfcbiiX i` sUgY-`UWtcih pUcrs (R; R ) ir (B; B ) rYfUtcvY ti wbUt wiufX bUppYh ch WUsY i` pUcrchas `irgcha rUhXigfy VYtwYYh B; R; N  4htYrYstchafy, tbY YvcXYhWY `ir prchWYfchas cs guWb wYUeYr, ch fchY wctb `urtbYr YvcXYhWY VYfiw sbiwcha tbYcr fUWe i` VYbUvcir Us Uh iraUhc€YX `UWtcih 4h EUVfY  wY `urtbYr sbiw tbUt tbYrY cs Ufsi U stUtcstcWUffy prYWcsY YxWYss fceYfcbiiX i` gUtWbcha pUcrs ch tbY `irg (R; B ) UhX (B; R ) rYfUtcvY ti pisscVfY pUcrchas wctb hYutrUfs, N EbY prYsYhWY i` Wriss-`UWtcihUf pUcrs YxWYYXs scahcWUhtfy wbUt wiufX YgYraY Vy rUhXig WbUhWY UfihY Ei tbY VYst i` iur ehiwfYXaY tbYsY `UWts ih systYgUtcW

 DbUhabUc 8uhcWcpUfcty cs YxWfuXYX ch tbY rYarYsscih sUgpfY i` DbUhabUc 2Uha

 Wriss-gUtWbcha wctbch (bchYsY YfctY pifctcWs UrY hYw &h cgpfcWUtcih i` tbcs Yvc- XYhWY cs tbUt gYtbiXifiacYs cgputcha `UWtcihUf U‰fcUtcih VUsYX sifYfy ih sbUrYX pri`YsscihUf pUtbs gUy VY bcabfy XYWYptcvY, Us XcsWussYX ch tbY 4htriXuWtcih iii) Leadership Premia. & WruWcUf `YUturY i` Uhy tbYirYtcWUf giXYf i` `UW- tcihUf pifctcWs cs tbY UVcfcty i` `UWtcihs ti XYfcvYr rYsiurWYs ti tbYcr gYgVYrs Ebcs sYYgs U hYWYssUry WihXctcih tbUt iur `UWtcihUf XYhctcih sbiufX sUtcs`y, U WihWYptuUf uhXYrpchhcha tbUt wY gust VY UVfY ti vYrc`y ch tbY ((A XUtU ch irXYr ti dustc`y iur UppriUWb HY wcff Xi tbcs ch wbUt cs pisscVfy tbY stUreYst wUy" YstcgUtcha prYgcU ch `UWtcihUf sYUt UsscahgYht UhX prigitcih rUtYs i` Wi`UWtcihUfs i` tbY Wiuhtry fYUXYr (cY tbY AC( ArYscXYht UhX 2YhYrUf DYWrYtUry i` tbY ((A) &aUch, wY UrY hit UwUrY i` Uhy systYgUtcW UhUfyscs i` tbcs typY `ir tbY (P7( UhX DbUhabUc 2Uha EUVfY  sbiws U pUhYf rYarYsscih i` prigitcih UhX rYtcrYgYht XuggcYs ih tbY `UWtcihUf U‰fcUtcih i` (YhtrUf (iggcttYY gYgVYrs chtYrUWtYX wctb tbY `UW- tcih i` tbY 2YhYrUf DYWrYtUry EbY sUgpfY chWfuXYs Uff gYgVYrs i` tbY tb ti tbY  tb (YhtrUf (iggcttYYs (AifctVuri DtUhXcha (iggcttYY gYgVYrs UrY Yx- WfuXYX `rig tbY prigitcih rYarYsscih) Arigitcih cs YquUf ti 1 c` U (YhtrUf (iggcttYY gYgVYr givYs up ch tbY rUhe XYhYX Vy tbY `iur fYvYfs i` (YhtrUf (iggcttYY ( A'D(,  A',  ((, UhX  &() &s cs WfYUr `rig tbY rYXuWYX `irg rYarYsscihs, Uh R (rYspYWtcvYfy, U B) pifctc- WcUh bUs suVstUhtcUffy bcabYr fceYfcbiiX i` prigitcih wbYh Uh R (rYspYWtcvYfy, U B) fYUXYr cs ch piwYr @h UvYrUaY (P7( UhX DbUhabUc 2Uha gYgVYrs YxbcVct prigitcih rUtYs bcabYr Vy 10 pYrWYhtUaY pichts rYfUtcvY ti hYutrUf gYgVYrs (YxWfuXcha gcfctUry UhX prchWYfchas), Us rYpirtYX ch &ppYhXcx EUVfY  3iw- YvYr, tbcs rYsuft gUses suVstUhtcUf bYtYriaYhYcty HbcfY prigitcih rUtYs bivYr UriuhX 4 pYrWYhtUaY pichts bcabYr ch tcgYs wbYrY tbY fYUXYrsbcp cs hit `rig Uh chXcvcXuUf `UWtcih, bUvcha U Wi`UWtcihUf fYUXYr UXXs 20 :6 pYrWYhtUaY pichts ti (P7( UhX 19 :3 ti DbUhabUc 2Uha, chXuWcha U suVstUhtcUf, bcabfy scahcWUht, fYUXYrsbcp prYgcug ch tbY spYYX Ut wbcWb fYUXYr„s Wi`UWtcihUfs UrY prigitYX 1caurY  privcXYs U vcvcX vcsuUfc€Utcih i` tbY fYUXYrsbcp prYgcU ch prigitcih rUtYs HY Ufsi pYr`irg Uh UhUfyscs fiiecha Ut UffiWUtcihs i` WruWcUf pists ti `UWtcihUf gYgVYrs EbY XYpYhXYht vUrcUVfYs chWfuXY" tbY sbUrY i` i‰WcUf pisctcihs Uffi- WUtYX ti U `UWtcih WihstruWtYX `iffiwcha tbY sWbYgY i` 'i () UhX wYcabtYX Vy vUfuY (wY wcff rY`Yr ti ct Us piwYr sWirY†)# tbY sbUrY i` sYUts i` &ftYrhUtcvY (YhtrUf (iggcttYY gYgVYrs (&()# i` tbY `uff (YhtrUf (iggcttYY ((()# i` tbY

 AifctVuri gYgVYrs (A')# UhX i` tbY AifctVuri DtUhXcha (iggcttYY gYgVYrs (A'D() EbYsY YYWts UrY rYpirtYX ch EUVfY  7YUXYrsbcp prYgcU UrY stUtcs- tcWUffy scahcWUht, VYtwYYh 4 pYrWYhtUaY pichts bcabYr ch tYrgs i` piwYr sWirY sbUrYs `ir tbY (P7( UhX UriuhX 2 pYrWYhtUaY pichts `ir tbY DbUhabUc 2Uha EbYsY YstcgUtYs UrY hit trcvcUf, Vut quctY `Ur `rig wchhYr-tUeY-Uff fYvYfs EbY fYUXYrsbcp prYgcU ch tbY piwYr sWirY WUh VY YUscfy iVsYrvYX ch tbY scgpfY tcgY sYrcYs pfits i` 1caurY  iv) Anti-Corruption Campaign. &s ch tbY UffiWUtcih i` rYwUrXs ti Wi`UWtcih- Ufs tbriuab fYUXYrsbcp prYgcU, wY wiufX Ufsi YxpYWt YvcXYhWY i` `UWtcihUf VcUs ch tbY UXgchcstrUtcih i` puhcsbgYht HY bUvY fcgctYX systYgUtcW YvcXYhWY ch tbcs rYspYWt, Vut ct chtYrYstchafy pichts ch U XcrYWtcih WihscstYht wctb tbY fcgctYX fYUXYrsbcp prYgcU XcsWussYX Ut picht ccc) Ebcs hivYf YvcXYhWY WigYs `rig tbY `UWtcihUf UhUfyscs i` tbY ((A gYgVYrs bct Vy ArYscXYht Ic 5chpcha„s Uhtc-Wirruptcih WUgpUcah (chctcUtYX ch  UhX stcff ihaicha Us i` ) & rYgUreUVfY `UWtcihUf VUfUhWY sYYgs ti VY prYsYht ch tbY UXgchcstrUtcih i` puhcsbgYht, wbYh fiiecha Ut tbY XYtUcfYX rYsugYs i` tbY si-WUffYX tcaYrs†, U WiXY hUgY `ir bcab-rUhecha pUrty gYgVYrs UYWtYX Vy tbY puraY   EUVfY sbiws tbUt Vitb (P7(  UhX DbUhabUc 2Uha WUXrYs UppYUr rYprYsYhtYX ch tbY puraYX sUgpfY  UhX, cgpirtUhtfy, Vitb `UWtcihs UrY rYprYsYhtYX ch sbUrYs pripirtcihUf ti tbYcr ivYrUff rYprYsYhtUtcih ch tbY uppYr YWbYfihs i` tbY ((A, UhX hit stUtcstcWUffy scahcWUhtfy bcabYr ir fiwYr EbY rYUXYr gUy biwYvYr hitcWY U fiwYr, Vut hit scahcWUht, rYprYsYhtUtcih i` DbUha- bUc 2Uha gYgVYrs, tbY `UWtcih gist fceYfy ti VY UssiWcUtYX wctb Ic (c` Ut Uff ‡sYY DYWtcih ) v) Post-Deng era. 1chUffy, wY privcXY VrcY` YgpcrcWUf dustcWUtcih `ir iur `iWus ih tbY pist-)Yha YrU 8Ui QYXiha UhX )Yha IcUipcha bUvY VYYh i`tYh WbUrUWtYrc€YX Us pifctcWUf striha gYh† Vy gUhy iVsYrvYrs, Us tbYcr fYaYhXUry WUrYYrs ch tbY rYvifutcihUry YrU wih tbYg uftcgUtY Wihtrif ivYr tbY gcfctUry 4h

 &s ippisYX ti fiw-fYvYf pifctcWcUhs, ‚cYs†, chvifvYX ch pYtty Wirruptcih EcaYrs XcrYWtfy bct Vy tbY Uhtc-Wirruptcih puraY bUvY chWfuXYX rYtcrYX A'D( gYgVYr Qbiu PihaeUha UhX rYtcrYX A' gYgVYr Iu (Uciu  7ches ti tbY (P7( wYrY YvcXYht ch i‰WcUf hYws rYfYUsYs Vy EbY AYipfY„s )Ucfy wbcWb YxpfcWctfy schafYX iut spYWcW suVsYts i` tbcs `UWtcih, pUrtcWufUrfy "EbY DbUhxc 2Uha", i‰WcUfs fcheYX ti 7cha 5cbuU, U XcsarUWYX pritYa“ i` 3u 5chtUi bttp"wwwVVWWighYwsVfias- WbchU-Vfia-    HY VucfX U Wirruptcih Xuggy chXcWUtir `ir wbYtbYr U pifctcWUfgcfctUry i‰WcUf cs fcstYX ch tbY puVfcW UhtcWirruptcih XUtUVUsY i` tbY (YhtrUf (iggcsscih `ir )csWcpfchY 4hspYWtcih UhX `rig (bchU1cfY EUVfY sbiws tbY Wriss-sYWtcih rYarYsscih i` Wirruptcih Xuggy ih `UWtcih U‰fcUtcih i` Uh i‰WcUf EbY sUgpfY chWfuXYs Uff tbY chXcvcXuUfs WivYrYX Vy (bchU GctUY wbi bUvY hit rYtcrYX ch tbY yYUr i` , tbY yYUr i` tb pUrty (iharYss HY XrippYX gcfctUry pYrsihhYf `rig tbY sUgpfY Us tbY WivYrUaY i` tbcs ariup cs rYfUtcvYfy fcgctYX ch (bchU GctUY

 WihtrUst, suVsYquYht fYUXYrs, 5cUha QYgch, 3u 5chtUi, UhX Ic 5chpcha, UppYUr WUtYaircWUffy XcYrYht" WcvcfcUh i‰WYrs wbi risY tbriuab tbY pUrty bcYrUrWby rYfycha ih tbYcr UVcfcty UhX WihhYWtcihs Ebcs struWturUf VrYUe cs YvcXYht ch tbY XUtU FhXYrfycha tbY sygVifcW rYtcrYgYht i` )Yha ch ! !, wY XiWugYht struWturUf WbUhaYs ch tbY wbifY spYWtrug i` pifctcWUf YfctYs 1caurY  sbiws tbY sbUrY i` piwYr sWirY Vy `UWtcihs ir ariups ch tbY (YhtrUf (iggcttYYs i` tbY ((A Aist-)Yha (bchU wcthYssYs U scahcWUht XYWfchY ch tbY ch‚uYhWY i` tbY gcfctUry ariup, UhX U rcsY ch `UWtcihs suWb Us (P7( UhX DbUhabUc 2Uha 1caurY  VrYUes Xiwh tbY piwYr sWirY Vy `iur WihstctuYhWcYs i` tbY (YhtrUf (iggcttYY" stUtY iraUhs, pUrty UppUrUtus, gcfctUry, UhX rYacihUf aivYrhgYhts EbY prY-)Yha YrU wUs rcXXYh wctb vifUtcfY sbc`ts UWriss WihstctuYhWcYs, wctb tbY gist sUfcYht YxUgpfY VYcha tbY (ufturUf CYvifutcih VYtwYYh ! UhX !, Xurcha wbcWb stUtY iraUhs UhX pUrty UppUrUtus wYrY vcrtuUffy pUrUfy€YX 4h WihtrUst, tbY pist-)Yha YrU wcthYssYX tbY stUVcfc€Utcih i` piwYr sbUrYs `ir YUWb WihstctuYhWy )YspctY tbY fUWe i` pifctcWUf rY`irg i`tYh UffYaYX Vy iutscXY iVsYrvYrs, tbY UVivY YvcXYhWY suaaYsts tbUt (bchYsY pifctcWs YvifvYX ti U hYw pbUsY ch wbcWb pifctcWUf strihagYh VYWUgY rYpfUWYX Vy `UWtcihUf pifctcWs U`tYr )Yha   Ebcs cs tbY pYrciX wY `iWus ih

5 Model

3Uvcha priXuWYX U sYrcYs i` stUtcstcWUf rYaufUrctcYs pichtcha ch tbY XcrYWtcih i` U systYgUtcW rifY `ir `UWtcihUf U‰fcUtcih ch tbY iraUhc€Utcih i` tbY ((A (UhX tbY (bchYsY stUtY girY ch aYhYrUf), wY hiw priWYYX wctb tbY WihstruWtcih i` U `irgUf tbYiry usY`uf ti uhXYrstUhXcha tbY chWYhtcvY struWturY Xrcvcha tbY XUtU ch tbY pist-)Yha YrU

5.1 The Hierarchy of Positions

EbYrY cs U L fYvYf bcYrUrWby i` fYUXYrsbcp pisctcihs, irXYrYX `rig tbY bcabYst fYvYf 1, ti tbY Vittig, L 0UWb fYvYf, `, i` tbY bcYrUrWby bUs U M(`)=2 fYUXYr- sbcp hiXYs 0UWb fYUXYrsbcp hiXY bUs U pUcr i` fYUXYrsbcp pisctcihs EbY twi pisctcihs Ut YUWb hiXY UrY irXYrYX (pisctcih  UhX pisctcih ) EbY bcYrUrWby

 &ppYhXcx 1caurY  sbiws UXXctcihUf YvcXYhWY tbUt UaY fcgcts ih AifctVuri gYgVYrs UrY strcWtfy UhX systYgUtcWUffy Yh`irWYX ch tbY pist-)Yha YrU, UaUch UhitbYr scah i` VrYUe tiwUrX chstctutcihUf rYaufUrc€Utcih

 cs VrieYh up chti rYacihs, YUWb i` wbcWb hYsts U bcabYr hugVYr i` sgUffYr rY- acihs VYfiw ct 7YvYf 1, tbY tip fYvYf, bUs ihY hiXY UhX bYhWY twi pisctcihs# M(1) = 2 : 4t cs tbY pUrUgiuht fYUXYrsbcp hiXY `ir tbY Wiuhtry Us U wbifY (Wur- rYhtfy, ArYscXYht Ic 5chpcha UhX ArYgcYr 7c 6YqcUha) 7YvYf 2, tbY sYWihX fUyYr ch tbY bcYrUrWby, bUs M(2) > M (1) pisctcihs XcvcXYX up chti M(2) =2 , UhX si ih, wctb tbY hugVYr i` pisctcihs strcWtfy chWrYUscha Xiwh ti fYvYf L EbY hiXYs Ut tbY fiwYst fYvYf UrY tbY Yhtry† fYUXYrsbcp pisctcihs, WirrYspihXcha ti tbY rst stYp ch U pifctcWUf fc`Y tbUt wY giXYf EcgY cs Wihtchuius 0UWb chXcvcXuUf pifctcWcUh XcYs† (ir YxiaYhiusfy rY- tcrYs) wctb Uh chstUhtUhYius priVUVcfcty, , wbcWb Ufsi UWts Us tbY chstUhtUhYius XcsWiuht rUtY Fpih U pifctcWcUh„s XYgcsY, bcs ir bYr pisctcih ipYhs up `ir rY- pfUWYgYht & pifctcWcUh„s pisctcih Ufsi ipYhs up wbYh prigitYX ti U pisctcih UVivY, `rYYcha tbY WurrYht spit HY UssugY tbUt tbY ‚iw utcfcty `rig VYcha ch i‰WY cs chWrYUscha ch tbY pisctcih wctbch tbY bcYrUrWby )YhitY Vy u(`) tbY chstUhtUhYius utcfcty aYhYrUtYX Ut Uhy pisctcih Ut fYvYf `, wctb ` 2 f 1; : : : ; L g, si tbUt u(`) > u (` + 1)  Aisctcihs wctbch U fYvYf UrY rUheYX, Vut tbY utcfcty ‚iw XcYrYhWY cs sgUff Aisctcih  Ut U hiXY Ut Uhy fYvYf ` cs prY`YrrYX ti pisctcih , Vut ti rYXuWY WigpfYxcty, scgpfy rY`Yr ti YUWb Us cXYhtcWUffy aYhYrUtcha U ‚iw i` u(`):! AifctcWcUhs WUhhit fYUp`ria fYvYfs i` tbY bcYrUrWby &h ipYhcha `ir YctbYr fYUXYrsbcp pisctcih Ut U hiXY ch fYvYf ` cs ffYX Vy UppfcWUhts `rig tbUt fYvYf, ir tbY fYvYf cggYXcUtYfy VYfiw, fYvYf ` + 1  EbY ihfy YxWYptcih cs pisctcihs Ut Yhtry L (wbYrY tbYrY cs hi fiwYr pisctcih) Ebiuab fYvYfs WUhhit VY dugpYX, pisctcihs wctbch U fYvYf WUh 7YUXYrs WUh givY `rig ihY fYvYf ch tbY bcYrUrWby ti tbY hYxt wctbiut bUvcha ti priarYss tbriuab Uff tbY pisctcihs Ut tbYcr fYvYf 1ir YxUgpfY, U fYUXYr Ut pisctcih  ch fYvYf ` + 1 WUh VY prigitYX ti pisctcih  ch fYvYf ` wctbiut bUvcha ti rst ai ti tbriuab tbY chtYrvYhcha pisctcihs &ff YfcacVfY fYUXYrs `rig fiwYr pisctcihs WUh Uppfy `ir ipYhchas 4t Wists Uh UrVctrUrcfy sgUff Ugiuht ti Xi si Di, c` tbYrY cs Uh ipYhcha Ut pisctcih  ch Uhy hiXY i` fYvYf `, tbYh Uff pisctcih  fYUXYrs ch fYvYf ` wcff Uppfy, Us wYff Us Uff fYUXYrs `rig pisctcih ` + 1  4` U pisctcih ipYhs up Ut pisctcih  Ut U hiXY ch fYvYf `, tbYh Uff fYUXYrs `rig ` + 1 wcff Uppfy EbY wchhcha UppfcWUht cs sUcX ti VY prigitYX up U stYp ch tbY bcYrUrWby

! 1irgUffy" pisctcih  aYhYrUtYs  0+ YxtrU utcfcty rYfUtcvY ti U pisctcih  Ut Uff ` ch tbY sUgY hiXY !

 5.2 Factions

EbYrY UrY twi `UWtcihs, XYhitYX B ('fuY) UhX R (CYX), UhX tbY rYgUchcha chXcvcXuUfs UrY hYutrUfs, XYhitYX N 1UWtcihs Yxcst ti WrYUtY prigitcih ip- pirtuhctcYs `ir tbYcr gYgVYrs UhX UrY iraUhc€YX ch U bcYrUrWby & `UWtcih WUh suppirt ihY UhX ihfy ihY gYgVYr Uppfycha `ir U schafY pisctcih & `UWtcih gYg- VYr hit suppirtYX Vy bcs `UWtcih `ir Uh ipYhcha WUhhit wch prigitcih UaUchst U suppirtYX gYgVYr  1ir tbY tcgY VYcha, fYt us UssugY `UWtcihs rUhXigfy WbiisY wbig ti suppirt Ugihast tbYcr YfcacVfY WUhXcXUtYs  HbYh U `UWtcih bifXs tbY pUrUgiuht pisctcih, tbY YYWt i` prigitcih sup- pirt cs YhbUhWYX, tbus chWrYUscha tbY WbUhWYs i` tbY pUrUgiuht fYUXYr„s `UWtcih„s WUhXcXUtY wchhcha prigitcih vcs-’-vcs tbY itbYr `UWtcih WUhXcXUtY UhX hYutrUfs 1UWtcihs wrctY VchXcha WihtrUWts† wctb tbYcr gYgVYrs XYtYrgchcha UhX rY- strcWtcha biw `UWtcihUf suppirt wcff VY UffiWUtYX @hY WUh hYvYr quct U `UWtcih UhX tbY WihtrUWt cs U qucX-pri-qui @h tbY wUy up tbY fYUXYrsbcp bcYrUrWby, tbY `UWtcih gYgVYr wcff VY bYfpYX ch iVtUchcha pisctcihs tbriuab tbY suppirt `rig tbY `UWtcih ch`rUstruWturY 4` tbY pUrUgiuht fYUXYr cs `rig bcs `UWtcih, bY wcff rYWYcvY UXXctcihUf suppirt 4` bY YvYhtuUffy VYWigYs tbY pUrUgiuht fYUXYr, tbY `UWtcih gYgVYr wcff tbYh iYr tbY sUgY suppirt ti tbY duhcirs tbUt wcff `iffiw bcg ch rYturh Ebcs spYWcW WbUrUWtYrc€Utcih i` U `UWtcih Ucgs Ut WUpturcha ch U styfc€YX `Usbcih tbY YssYhtcUf pUtrih-WfcYht hUturY i` suWb Uh iraUhc€Utcih, Us strihafy YgpbUsc€YX ch 9UtbUh (!) 1UWtcihs UrY iraUhc€YX aYiarUpbcWUffy (`ir tbY sUeY i` Yxpisctcih UhX, ti U WYrtUch YxtYht, rYUfcsg), ch U wUy tbUt gcgcWs tbY UffiWUtcih i` piwYr pisctcihs wctbch tbY Wiuhtry EbY gist sYhcir `UWtcih gYgVYr cs tbY chXcvcXuUf wctb tbY bcabYst fYUXYrsbcp pisctcih ch tbY bcYrUrWby &hy `UWtcih gYgVYr iWWupycha U fYUXYrsbcp pisctcih Ut fYvYf ` cs sYhcir ti U `UWtcih gYgVYr Ut fYvYf `0 > `  1UWtcih gYgVYrs UrY XYscahUtYX Vy tbYcr rYacih & gYgVYr wbi bUs U pisctcih Ut tbY tip i` tbY aivYrhgYht cs ch tbY rYacih i` tbY wbifY Wiuhtry, Vut U gYgVYr bifXcha U pisctcih Ut tbY tip i` U privchWcUf aivYrhgYht cs U gYgVYr i` tbUt privchWY UhX cs pUrUffYf ch `UWtcih sYhcircty ti U gYgVYr bifXcha U scgcfUr pisctcih ch UhitbYr privchWY Ebcs pYrsih bUs `UWtcihUf sYhcircty ivYr Uff chXcvcXuUfs VYfiw bcg ch

 EbY prYsYhWY i` girY tbUh twi `UWtcihs cs YUscfy chWirpirUtYX 3YrY, wY gUchtUch tbcs Ussugptcih ihfy `ir YxpisctcihUf purpisYs UhX ch fchY wctb tbY YgpcrcWUf UhUfyscs tbUt `iffiws  @r UaUchst U hYutrUf  HY wcff rYfUx tbcs Ussugptcih VYfiw wbYh wY chtriXuWY U rifY `ir gYrctiWrUWy UhX sYhcircty ch prigitcihs 4` U `UWtcih XiYs hit suppirt U gYgVYr, bY WiufX, ch prchWcpfY, quct tbY `UWtcih UhX WihtYst pisctcihs Us U hYutrUf HY Xi hit Uffiw tbcs, cgpfcWctfy Ussugcha tbUt tbY Wists i` Xicha tbcs UrY pribcVctcvY ‡ `UWtcihs UrY fceY tbY gUU" UVfY ti sYvYrYfy puhcsb pYipfY wbi Xi hit `uff WiggctgYhts

 tbY fYUXYrsbcp bcYrUrWby wctbch bcs privchWY Di, c` U gYgVYr i` `UWtcih B cs tbY privchWcUf fYUXYr ch privchWY a, bY bUs `UWtcihUf sYhcircty ivYr Uhy gYgVYr i` `UWtcih B wbi cs U vcffUaY fYUXYr ch privchWY a 3Y XiYs hit bUvY `UWtcihUf prYWYXYhWY ivYr U vcffUaY fYUXYr ch privchWY c, ir Uhy itbYr B gYgVYr wbi cs hit ch a

5.2.1 Vetoes

1UWtcihs Yxcst ti `UWcfctUtY tbYcr gYgVYrs„ rcsY tbriuab tbY fYUXYrsbcp bcYrUr- Wby Ebcs rYqucrYs bUvcha Vitb Us gUhy gYgVYrs Us pisscVfY UhX Yhsurcha tbUt gYgVYrs UttUch prigitcihs 0UWb i` tbYsY XcgYhscihs chWrYUsYs tbY priVUVcf- cty i` tbY `UWtcih VYcha piwYr`uf†, cY UttUchcha tbY pUrUgiuht fYUXYrsbcp 'ut acvYh tbUt `UWtcihUf suppirt `ir U WihtYstYX pisctcih WUh ihfy VY acvYh ti U schafY `UWtcih gYgVYr, Uh chXcvcXuUf gUy bUvY pYrsihUf chWYhtcvYs tbUt ruh WiuhtYr ti bcs `UWtcih„s iVdYWtcvYs 1ir chstUhWY, U gYgVYr gUy bUvY Uh chWYh- tcvY ti VfiWe tbY rcsY i` Wi`UWtcihUfs wbi WiufX XcfutY bcs iwh `UWtcihUf suppirt ch `uturY WigpYtctcihs `ir prigitcih 1UWtcihs auUrX UaUchst tbcs Vy Uffiwcha `ir U sYhcircty vYti ch UffiWUtcha suppirt `ir prigitcihs Duppirt WUh VY acvYh c`, UhX ihfy c`, hi `UWtcih gYgVYr within the region i` tbY ipYhcha UhX sYhcir ti tbY WUhXcXUtY rYquYstcha suppirt VfiWes ct Ebus, wbYh Uh ipYhcha UrcsYs ch U rYacih, YUWb Wi`UWtcihUf Ut YqucvUfYht ir bcabYr fYvYfs i` sYhcircty ti tbY ipYhcha ch tbUt rYacih WUh vYti tbY privcscih i` suppirt GYtiYs cgpirtUhtfy Uffiw `ir chXcvcXuUfs ti VfiWe tbY rcsY i` U gYgVYr `rig tbY sUgY `UWtcih wbi wiufX XcrYWtfy WigpYtY wctb tbYg `ir `UWtcihUf suppirt ch U `uturY ipYhcha   DuWb fiWUfc€YX VfiWecha i` Wi`UWtcihUf gYgVYrs wcff VY vYry cgpirtUht ch XYtYrgchcha tbY sbUpY i` `UWtcihUf UffiWUtcihs tbriuabiut tbY bcYrUrWby UhX tbY XcstrcVutcih i` chXcvcXuUfs UWriss `UWtcihs EbY vYti YhsurYs tbUt U `UWtcih gYgVYr hYvYr bUs ti suppirt sigYihY ch bcs rYacih `rig bcs iwh `UWtcih tbUt wcff XcrYWtfy WigpYtY wctb bcg `ir suVsYquYht prigitcihs &t tbY sUgY tcgY, schWY tbY vYti cs rYacihUf, ct XiYs hit privcXY si guWb VfiWecha piwYr tbUt

 GYtiYs WUh VY YxYrWcsYX `ir U prigitcih UhywbYrY VYfiw ch tbY bcYrUrWby - Us fiha Us wctbch ihY„s rYacih i` pYrtchYhWY 3iwYvYr, U pifctcWcUh Ut ` bUs hi chtYrYst ch vYticha Uhy Wi-`UWtcih gYgVYr VYfiw ` + 1  3Y WUh UfwUys vYti tbYg c`, UhX wbYh, tbYy aYt ti ` + 1  4` vYtiYs Wist YvYh Uh UrVctrUrcfy sgUff Ugiuht, tbYy wcff hit VY YxYrWcsYX `ir prigitcihs up ti Uhy fYvYf fiwYr tbUh `, YfsY tbYy gUy VY wUstYX (U pifctcWcUh gUy VY prigitYX ti ` 1, pitYhtcUf rcvUfs gUy rYtcrY, YtW) EbY schafY YxWYptcih cs wbYrY Uff pifctcWcUhs VYfiw UrY Wi`UWtcih gYgVYrs &WWirXcha ti tbY giXYf, U pifctcWcUh UVivY wiufX hYvYr fYt tbcs bUppYh UhX wiufX bUvY vYtiYX tbY rcsY i` ihY i` tbYsY Wi`UWtcihUfs ti UvicX suWb U sctuUtcih UhX YhsurY tbYrY cs Ut fYUst ihY chXcvcXuUf VYfiw wbi WUh VY prigitYX ti bcs UWWigpUhycha pisctcih hit `rig bcs `UWtcih CYUssurchafy, tbcs cs iVsYrvYX Ut Uff fYvYfs UhX `ir Uff pYrciXs ch tbY XUtU

 U bcab up `UWtcih gYgVYr WUh `rYY€Y tbY UXvUhWYgYht i` UhyihY VYfiw bcg UhywbYrY ch tbY Wiuhtry ArivcXcha tbYsY fcgctYX vYtiYs cs tbY `UWtcih„s wUy i` VUfUhWcha WUrYYr chWYhtcvYs wbcfY fYssYhcha tbY Wists i` chtrU-`UWtcih rcvUfry, si tbUt su‰WcYht `UWtcih gYgVYrs ch tbY bcYrUrWby bUvY U aiiX WbUhWY i` UttUchcha tbY pUrUgiuht fYUXYrsbcp

5.3 The State Variable

4h prchWcpfY, prigitcih priVUVcfctcYs Ut YUWb picht ch tcgY `ir YUWb pifctcWcUh ch tbY bcYrUrWby wcff XYpYhX ih tbYcr `UWtcih UhX tbY XcstrcVutcih i` `UWtcih gYgVYrs UWriss Uff itbYr pisctcihs ch tbY bcYrUrWby 3YhWY, wY wcff hYYX ti XYhY tbY `uff XcstrcVutcih i` pisctcihs Vy `UWtcih Us tbY stUtY vUrcUVfY i` tbY St L systYg )YhitY tbcs Vy Ut chstUht t EbY stUtY spUWY cs tbus U `=1 M(`)` XcgYhscihUf spUWY, wctb YUWb XcgYhscih tUecha ihY i` tbrYY vUfuYs B;P R; N  EbY stUtY XiYs hit WbUhaY c` hi pisctcih ipYhs up 3iwYvYr, YUWb tcgY Uh ipYhcha bUppYhs Ut U fYvYf `, tbYh ihY chXcvcXuUf wcff VY prigitYX `rig ` + 1 ti ` ti ff tbY ipYh pisctcih, WrYUtcha Uh ipYhcha Ut ` + 1 fYUXcha ti ihY prigitcih `rig ` + 2 , UhX si ih, uhtcf tbY Vittig i` tbY bcYrUrWby L, wbYrY U hYw pifctcWcUh YhtYrs UhX WbiisYs bcs `UWtcih Ebus U schafY ipYhcha wcff fYUX ti U WUsWUXY ir, wbUt wY WUff, U WbUch† i` prigitcihs HY UssugY tbUt tbYsY WbUchs iWWur chstUhtUhYiusfy, UhX c` Ut fYUst ihY chXcvcXuUf givcha ch U WbUch rYpfUWYs Uh chXcvcXuUf `rig U XcYrYht `UWtcih, tbYh St WbUhaYs

5.4 Paramount Leadership and Contests

4h U WigpYtctcih `ir prigitcih wctb ihY gYgVYr suppirtYX `rig YUWb `UWtcih UhX ihY hYutrUf pifctcWcUh, tbY priVUVcfcty i` wchhcha prigitcih, `ir U I `UWtcih gYgVYr cs acvYh Vy tbY `iffiwcha WihtYst `uhWtcih, W (I)"

i W (I) = ; () +  +  where i = ; if I = B; i = ; if I = R; i = ; if I = N:

; ; UhX  UrY pUrUgYtYrs XYtYrgchcha tbY strYhatb i` `UWtcih gYgVYrs ch tbY WihtYst `uhWtcih DchWY U `UWtcih WUh ihfy suppirt U schafY gYgVYr, tbY rYf- UtcvY vUfuY i` `UWtcih gYgVYrsbcp `ir U schafY pifctcWcUh, WigpUrYX wctb VYcha U

! hYutrUf, XYpYhXs ih Vitb tbY sc€Y i` tbYsY pUrUgYtYrs UhX tbY YhXiaYhius hug- VYr i` YfcacVfY WUhXcXUtYs `rig tbUt `UWtcih &XXctcihUffy, bUvcha tbY pUrUgiuht fYUXYrsbcp pisctcih ch yiur `UWtcih bYfps aYttcha U prigitcih `ir tbY `UWtcih„s suppirtYX WUhXcXUtY 4` tbY pUrUgiuht fYUXYr WigYs `rig `UWtcih B; wY Uffiw l > , UhX c` `rig `UWtcih R wY Uffiw l >  , tbus chWirpirUtcha fYUXYrsbcp prYgcU ch tbY giXYf  9YutrUfs WihtYstcha U pisctcih ipYrUtY Us U sigYwbUt XcsiraUhc€YX `UWtcih EbY ivYrUff fceYfcbiiX i` U pisctcih aicha ti U hYutrUf cs uhUYWtYX Vy tbY hugVYr i` hYutrUfs WihtYstcha U pisctcih, privcXYX tbYrY cs Ut fYUst ihY EbYcr titUf WihtYst wYcabt `uhWtcih cs  Ebcs trYUts hYutrUfs syggYtrcWUffy ti `UWtcihs UhX WUh VY tbiuabt i` Us U pripirtcihUf Xcfutcha i` tbY hYutrUf suppirt ch tbY sUgY wUy U `UWtcih„s suppirt wiufX VY XcfutYX wYrY tbYy ti `irwUrX guftcpfY WUhXcXUtYs chstYUX i` ihY

5.4.1 Promotions and Factional Distributions

EbY bcYrUrWbcWUf struWturY i` pisctcihs wctbch tbY pUrty cs tUeYh Us acvYh UhX WihstUht ivYr tcgY Arigitcihs UrcsY ti ff ipYhchas iWWUscihYX Vy U XYUtbrYtcrYgYht ir itbYr prigitcihs &s UfrYUXy YxpfUchYX, U schafY XYUtb WUh bUvY gUhy ehiWe-ih YYWts &t fYvYf 1, tbY chstUhtUhYius priVUVcfcty i` Uh ipYhcha Urcscha Ut Uhy pisctcih cs  DchWY tbcs cs tbY bcabYst fYvYf wY iVsYrvY, ihfy XYUtbrYtcrYgYht rYgivYs tbY tip fYUXYr 3iwYvYr, tbY chstUhtUhYius priVUVcfcty i` Uh ipYhcha Urcscha Ut U pist Ut fYvYf 2 WigprcsYs tbY XYUtb bU€UrX , pfus tbY priVUVcfcty tbUt tbYrY wUs Uh ipYhcha Ut fYvYf 1 UhX tbY chXcvcXuUf Ut tbUt fYvYf 2 pist UsWYhXYX ti fYvYf 1 ti ff ct Ebcs priVUVcfcty i` prigitcih WUh, ch prchWcpfY, XYpYhX ih Vitb tbY `UWtcihUf U‰fcUtcih i` tbY chXcvcXuUf Ut tbY pist Ut fYvYf 2 UhX tbY `UWtcih i` tbY chXcvcXuUf Ut tbY pist pUrthYrcha tbY ipYhcha Ut fYvYf 1 DcgcfUrfy, tbY chstUhtUhYius priVUVcfcty i` Uh ipYhcha Ut U pist Ut fYvYf 3 cs  pfus tbY priVUVcfcty tbUt tbY chXcvcXuUf Ut tbY pist Ut fYvYf 3 UsWYhXYX ti Uh ipYhcha Ut fYvYf 2 ch tbY bcYrUrWby, UhX si ih 4h tbY YstcgUtcih DYWtcih  tbUt `iffiws tbYsY ehiWe ih prigitcihs, ir prigitcih WbUchs, wcff VY YxpfcWctfy WigputYX J t 7Yt pI (`) XYhitY tbY priVUVcfcty tbUt Uh I `UWtcih gYgVYr Ut fYvYf ` aYts

 HY Uffiw `ir tbY pisscVcfcty i` hi `UWtcihUf UXvUhtUaY, wbcWb gcabt VY YspYWcUffy fceYfy Ut fiw fYvYfs i` tbY bcYrUrWby wbYrY tbY rYUWb i` tbY pUrUgiuht fYUXYr WiufX VY gutYX 9itY tbUt ct cs Ufsi tbY WUsY tbUt U hYutrUf„s UsWYhscih ti tbY pUrUgiuht pisctcih XiYs hit UXvUhtUaY hYutrUfs Xiwh tbY bcYrUrWby

 prigitYX ti Uh ipYhcha pUcrYX wctb U J Ut fYvYf ` 1 Ut chstUht t, `ir I; J = B; R; ir N 7Yt It(`) XYhitY tbY hugVYr i` pisctcihs bYfX Vy `UWtcih I Ut fYvYf `; Ut tcgY t `ir I = B; R; ir N 'y XYhctcih M (`) = Rt (`) + Bt (`) + N t (`) DchWY tbY chstUhtUhYius UrrcvUf rUtY i` XYUtb cs  Ut Uhy pisctcih, tbYrY UrY, ch YxpYWtUtcih, It (`)  XYUtbs Urrcvcha Ut U pisctcih pUcrYX wctb Uh I Ut fYvYf ` YUWb t, UhX M(`) Ut fYvYf ` ch aYhYrUf Ut YUWb chstUht t 7Yt I (`) XYhitY tbY chstUhtUhYius UrrcvUf rUtY i` prigitcihs `ir Uh I pifctc- WcUh Ut fYvYf `: (ihscXYr rst tbY scgpfYst WUsY, wbcWb cs U prigitcih `rig fYvYf 2 ti tbY tip i` tbY bcYrUrWby ` = 1  DchWY tbYrY UrY, ch YxpYWtUtcih, It(1)  ipYhchas Urrcvcha `ir U pisctcih pUcrYX wctb Uh I XuY ti U XYUtb, UhX schWY Ut fYvYf 1 tbYrY cs hi itbYr wUy `ir Uh ipYhcha ti UrcsY, tbY chstUhtUhYius UrrcvUf i` prigitcih `ir U I `rig fYvYf 2 cs" 

t I (2) () t Rt t N t t Bt = R (1)   pI (2) + N (1)   pI (2) + B (1)   pI (2) :

HY WUh hiw scgcfUrfy WigputY tbY UrrcvUf i` prigitcihs `rig fYvYf 3 ti fYvYf 2 4htuctcvYfy, tbY pisscVcfcty i` tbYsY UrcsYs wbYh YctbYr U fYUXYr Ut fYvYf 2 XcYs, ir cs bcgsYf` prigitYX ti fYvYf 1, wbcWb ch turh XYpYhXs ih U XYUtb Ut fYvYf 1 Us spYWcYX ch YquUtcih () Fscha tbYsY, wY WUh WigputY tbY chstUhtUhYius UrrcvUf i` prigitcihs `ir Uh I `rig fYvYf 3 Ut t Us"

t I (3) t t Rt t t N t = R (2)  + R(2)  pI (3) + N (2)  + N (2)  pI (3) t t Bt +B (2)  + B(2)  pI (3) :   DcgcfUrfy, Wihtchucha Xiwh tbY bcYrUrWby, wY bUvY `ir Uhy fYvYf ` > 2"

t I (`) () t t Rt t t N t = R (` 1)  + R(` 1)  pI (`) + N (` 1)  + N (` 1)  pI (`) t t Bt +B (` 1)  + B(` 1)  pI (`):   () YxpfcWctfy sbiws tbUt tbY UrrcvUf rUtY i` I prigitcihs Ut fYvYf ` XYpYhXs hit ihfy ih tbY XcstrcVutcih Ut fYvYf ` 1, cY ih Bt(` 1) ; R t(` 1) ; N t(` 1) ,

 Ebcs YxprYsscih usYs tbY `UWt tbUt ch Wihtchuius tcgY scguftUhYius bU€UrXs Xi hit UrrcvY EbUt cs, wY put €Yri wYcabt ih tbY priVUVcfcty i` U XYUtb ipYhcha iWWurrcha Ut tbY sUgY chstUht ch twi pisctcihs

 t t t t Vut Ufsi, tbriuab YUWb i` tbY I (` 1) , ih B (` 2) ; R (` 2) ; N (` 2) : & WihvYhcYht `YUturY i` iur giXYf spYWcWUtcih cs tbUt bcabYr fYvYfs i` tbY bcYrUrWby YhtYr rYWurscvYfy, Uffiwcha tbY WigputUtcih i` UrrcvUf rUtYs `ir Uff I `UWtcihs Uff tbY wUy Xiwh tbY bcYrUrWby J t 7Yt us hiw WihscXYr tbY YxpfcWct `irg i` tbY pI (`) uscha tbY WihtYst `uhWtcih () HY VYach Vy Ussugcha tbUt tbY itbYr `UWtcih J 6= I wcff suppirt ihY i` cts gYgVYrs `ir tbY pisctcih Us wYff J t 4h tbcs WUsY pI (`) cs XYtYrgchYX Us `iffiws"

i if K t(`); K 0t(`) > 0; i+k+k0 8 i t 0t t if K (`) > 0; K (`) = 0 ; J 1 > i+k pI (`)  t  > () I (`) > i if K t(`) = 0 ; K 0t(`) > 0; <> i+k0 1 if K t(`); K 0t(`) = 0 ; > > > where fIt; i g = fBt; g; f:Rt;  g or fN t;  g; fKt; k g= 6 fIt; i g; fK0t; k 0g; fK0t; k 0g= 6 fIt; i g:

9itY tbUt J (tbY `UWtcih i` tbY pifctcWcUh tbUt tbY ipYhcha Ut fYvYf ` 1 cs pUcrYX wctb) XiYs hit YhtYr XcrYWtfy chti tbY priVUVcfcty i` wchhcha U prigitcih WihtYst 'ut tbcs cs VYWUusY spYWcWUtcih () UssugYs tbUt c` gYgVYrs i` UhitbYr `UWtcih UrY prYsYht, ihY i` tbYg wcff UfwUys VY suppirtYX ch tbY WihtYst `ir tbY pisctcih &s wY hiw XYgihstrUtY, tbcs wcff hit UfwUys VY tbY WUsY, wbcWb wcff ch `UWt scgpfc`y tbY YxprYsscih UVivY WihscXYrUVfy"

Proposition 1 i) A politician from faction J at level ` will veto the support of a cofactional member ascending to his level from ` + 1 at t if there are members of both I 6= J and neutrals, N, at level `. ii) If there are no members of faction I at level `, a politician from faction J 6= I at level ` will veto a member of his own faction from ` + 1 at t if the t j+ number of cofactional members at level ` is such that J (`) < i where i = , j =  if J t = R and i = , j = if J t = B.

Proof. &ff prii`s UrY ch &ppYhXcx 4` Vitb R; B typYs UrY rYprYsYhtYX Ut U pifctcWcUh„s fYvYf, bY wcff aUch Vy vYticha tbY UsWYhscih i` U WigpYtctir `rig bcs iwh `UWtcih, Us tbcs chWrYUsYs tbY priVUVcfcty tbUt bcs `UWtcih wcff suppirt bcg `ir U suVsYquYht ipYhcha Ut tbY

 fYvYf UVivY 3iwYvYr, c` Uff itbYr `UWtcihs UrY hit UfrYUXy prYsYht, tbYh bY `UWYs U trUXY-i 'y vYticha U Wi`UWtcihUf„s prigitcih tbY pUrty gYgVYr stcff cgprivYs bcs WbUhWYs i` aUchcha `UWtcihUf suppirt 'ut bY Ufsi chWrYUsYs tbY WbUhWY tbUt U gYgVYr i` U rcvUf `UWtcih, wbcWb wUs hit UfrYUXy prYsYht, aUchs Yhtry ti tbY ariup i` WigpYtctirs Ebcs fiwYrs tbY WbUhWYs i` bcg wchhcha prigitcih WihXc- tcihUf upih rYWYcvcha tbY suppirt i` bcs `UWtcih EbY su‰WcYht WihXctcih ch tbY stUtYgYht i` Aripisctcih  YhsurYs tbUt tbY `irgYr YYWt XigchUtYs tbY fUttYr 1rig hiw ih, wY priWYYX uhXYr tbY Ussugptcih tbUt tbY su‰WcYht WihXctcih `ir vYtiYs bifXs, si tbUt wY WihtchuY ti sYY tbYg tbriuabiut iur iVsYrvUtcihs HY wcff vYrc`y tbUt tbcs cs chXYYX tbY WUsY ch tbY XUtU, si wY Xi hit XwYff ih wYUeYr hYWYssUry WihXctcihs `ir vYtiYs ti bifX `urtbYr 1iffiwcha Aripisctcih , vYtiYs aYhYrUtY U fUraY Ugiuht i` struWturY ti tbY pUttYrh i` ipYhchas ‡ gYUhcha hi twi Wi`UWtcihUf gYgVYrs wcff YvYr VY pUcrYX Ut tbY sUgY hiXY HY bUvY UfrYUXy vYrcYX ch DYWtcih  tbUt tbcs cs, ch `UWt, U sys- tYgUtcW `YUturY i` tbY XUtU 8irYivYr, tbY prispYWts i` prigitcih Ut Uhy hiXY XYpYhX hit ihfy ih tbY XcstrcVutcih i` ipYhchas cggYXcUtYfy UVivY, Vut Ufsi ih tbY XcstrcVutcih i` ipYhchas `urtbYr up, Us tbYsY XYtYrgchY tbY WbUhWYs tbUt U pifctcWcUh cggYXcUtYfy UVivY wcff bcgsYf` VY prigitYX Arigitcih WbUhWYs Ut Uff fYvYfs UrY UYWtYX Vy tbY `uff XcstrcVutcih i` pisctcihs UVivY HY WUh t WigputY tbcs YxpfcWctfy uscha tbY rYWurscvY struWturY i` tbY I (`) tYrgs UhX iur rYsufts ih vYtiYs

Proposition 2 The instantaneous arrival rate of promotions at each level of the hierarchy is as follows. t t t t t Let IB = 1 , i¤ B (`) > 0 and IB = 0 , otherwise; IR = 1 , i¤ R (`) > 0 and t t t t IR = 0 , otherwise; IN = 1 , i¤ N (`) > 0 and IN = 0 , otherwise. For an N member:

 t (`) = N N t(`) t t t t  + R(` 1)  + N (` 1)  + B(` 1)  R (` 1) t + N(` 1) t t + B(` 1) t : IB +   IB + IR +  IR +  !

For a B member:

t (`) = B Bt(`) t t t  + R(` 1) t  + N (` 1)  R (` 1) t + N (` 1) t t : + IN   + IR + IN !

 For an R member:

 t (`) = R Rt(`) t t t  + B(` 1) t  + N (` 1)  B (` 1) t + N (` 1) t t :  + IN   IB +  + IN !

1ir YUWb ihY i` tbYsY YxprYsscihs wY WUh sYY tbY hYaUtcvY XYpYhXYhWY ih tbY prYvUfYhWY i` ihY„s iwh `UWtcih gYgVYrs EUeY `ir YxUgpfY tbY fUst YxprYsscih `ir R EbY arYUtYr tbY hugVYr i` itbYr R„s Ut fYvYf ` Ut t, tbY girY XcfutYX cs Uh R„s suppirt (cY tbY fiwYr tbY priVUVcfcty tbUt Uhy acvYh R gYgVYr wcff VY WbisYh Vy tbY `UWtcih Us tbY ihY ti VY suppirtYX), Us pYr Rt(`) ch tbY XYhigchUtir 1urtbYr, tbY girY `rYquYht tbY R„s Ut fYvYf ` 1 tbY bUrXYr ct cs ti aYt Uh ipYhcha `ir wbcWb Uh R Ut ` wcff hit VY vYtiYX (Ya Ut tbY YxtrYgY t t t c` R (` 1) = M (` 1) , tbYh R(`) = 0 ) Ebcs cs truY `ir Uff fYvYfs i` tbY bcYrUrWby `rig tbY rYWurscih i` tbYsY YquUtcihs EbY pripisctcih bcabfcabts tbY pisscVfY Xiwh scXY i` `UWtcihUf U‰fcUtcih Ebiuab `UWtcihs bUvY tbY pitYhtcUf ti privcXY suppirt `ir prigitcihs suWb suppirt cs XYWcXYX Vy Wi`UWtcih gYgVYrs scttcha UVivY ihY ch tbY bcYrUrWby EbYy wcff hYvYr fYt U duhcir gYgVYr WihtYst wctb tbYg `ir tbYcr iwh `uturY prigitcihs si, ch U sYhsY, tbY rcsY i` tbY duhcir cs tYtbYrYX ti, UhX tbus XYpYhXs upih, tbY rcsY i` tbY Wi`UWtcihUf sYhcirs 4` tbYy Xi hit rcsY tbYh hit ihfy Xi tbYy hit aYhYrUtY tbY YxtrU suppirt tbUt WigYs `rig tbY pUrUgiuht fYUXYrsbcp, tbYy UWtcvYfy VfiWe tbYcr iwh duhcirs `rig UsWYhXcha ch tbYcr pfUWY t 1chUffy, hitY tbUt YUWb stUtYgYht i` I ch Aripisctcih  cahirYs tbY YYWt i` U `UWtcih„s bifXcha i` tbY pUrUgiuht fYUXYrsbcp ih prigitcih (cY il) 0YWtcvYfy t I cs wrcttYh `ir tbY WUsY i` Uh N ch pUrUgiuht fYUXYrsbcp 4h tbY &ppYhXcx wY t stUtY tbY `uff sYt i` I WihXctcihUf upih pUrUgiuht fYUXYrsbcp U‰fcUtcih

5.5 Entry

0htry chti tbY bcYrUrWby i` pifctcWUf pisctcihs iWWurs ihfy Ut tbY fiwYst fYvYf, L &h YhtYrcha pifctcWcUh Ut chstUht t XYWcXYs wbcWb `UWtcih ti dich wbYh stUrtcha bcs pifctcWcUh WUrYYr, ir ti WihtYst Us U hYutrUf, UhX VUsYs tbcs XYWcscih ih tbY XcsWiuhtYX YxpYWtYX utcfcty bY wcff rYWYcvY vcU YUWb ihY i` tbY iptcihs 3Y gUxcgc€Ys bcs XcsWiuhtYX YxpYWtYX utcfcty strYUg"

1 V t = es sds Zt

 wbYrY t cs tbY chstUhtUhYius utcfcty Ut t: HY `irgUffy WihscXYr tbcs XYWcscih bYrY CYWUff tbUt u(`) XYhitYs tbY pifctcWcUh pYr chstUht pUyi ti bifXcha U pisctcih Ut fYvYf ` 2 f 1; L g ch tbY bcYrUrWby Di tbUt c` U pifctcWcUh bifXs U pisctcih Ut ` Ut chstUht t tbYh t = u(`) )YhY tbY WirrYspihXcha vUfuY `uhWtcih `ir U t pifctcWcUh i` typY I = B; R; N Ut fYvYf ` Ut chstUht t Vy, VI (`) Ebcs cs rYfUtYX t ti tbY prigitcih priVUVcfctcYs, I (`) ; vcU tbY 'YffgUh YquUtcih"

t t t t t t E VI (`) = u(`) + I (`) E VI (` 1) VI (`) ()

EbY YxpYWtUtcihs ipYrUtir UppYUrs ch tbY YxprYsscih VYWUusY tbY vUfuY i` VY- cha U typY I pifctcWcUh Ut ` XYpYhXs ih tbY chstUhtUhYius priVUVcfcty i` VYcha t t prigitYX ti fYvYf VI (` 1) : Ebiuab tbcs cs ehiwh Ut chstUht t, vcU I (`) ; tbY t vUfuY i` VYcha Ut tbcs bcabYr fYvYf ch turh XYpYhXs ih tbY Yvifutcih i` I (`) : t EbY Yvifutcih i` tbYsY I (`) prigitcih priVUVcfctcYs tbYgsYfvYs XYpYhX ih tbY stUtY i` tbY systYg, St; wbcWb cs WbUhacha Wihtchuiusfy ch U stiWbUstcW gUhhYr XuY ti XYUtbs, ipYhchas, UhX prigitcihs iWWurrcha tbriuab tcgY vcU tbY WihtYst `uhWtcih () EbY YhtYrcha pifctcWcUh Ut t WbiisYs tbY `UWtcih wctb tbY bcabYst YxpYWtYX utcfcty strYUg"

t t t t t t sup E VB(L); E VR(L); E VN (L) : () I2f B;R;N g  &`tYr Yhtry, schWY U pifctcWcUh cs xYX ch bcs `UWtcih `rig tbYh ih, bcs WbicWYs UrY scgpfY 3Y wcff Uppfy `ir Uff prigitcihs ti wbcWb bY cs YfcacVfY, UhX bY wcff vYti UWWirXcha ti Aripisctcih  HY WihscXYr tbY girY Xc‰Wuft priVfYg i` tbY chctcUf Yhtry XYWcscih () hiw

5.6 Equilibrium Behavior

0htYrcha pifctcWcUhs wcff WbiisY ti YhtYr tbY `UWtcih (ir rYgUch hYutrUf) ycYfXcha tbY bcabYst YxpYWtYX utcfcty, wbcWb cgpfcYs Wbiischa tbY `UWtcih auUrUhtYYcha tbY `UstYst priarYsscih tbriuab tbY bcYrUrWby ch YxpYWtUtcih EbY gist cggYXcUtYfy rYfYvUht ch`irgUtcih `ir tbY UaYht wcff VY tbY UrrcvUf i` prigitcihs c` bYsbY rYacstYrs Us U I pifctcWcUh `rig fYvYf L ti L 1, Vut ihY WUhhit spYWc`y, U prcirc, tbY rYfUtcvY wYcabt Uh YhtYrcha pifctcWcUh puts ih tbY WbUhWYs i` VYcha prigitYX Ut bcabYr fYvYfs i` tbY bcYrUrWby WigpUrYX ti fiwYr fYvYfs AYrbUps pifctcWcUhs WUrY fcttfY UViut rYacihUf prigitcihs, tbUt iWWur YUrfy ch tbYcr WUrYYr, Vut arYUtfy UViut prigitcihs `rig tbY privchWY ti tbY WYhtrUf aivYrhgYht (ihvYrsYfy,

 pifctcWcUhs gUy put suVstUhtcUf vUfuY ih tbYcr cggYXcUtY Yhtry prispYWts 9itY tbUt, chXcrYWtfy Ut fYUst, tbY rYfUtcvY pYr`irgUhWY i` `UWtcihs Ut bcabYr fYvYfs UfrYUXy YhtYrs chti U pifctcWcUh„s YvUfuUtcih i` prigitcih Ut tbY fiwYst fYvYf, L, schWY ipYhchas cggYXcUtYfy UVivY XYpYhX hYaUtcvYfy ih tbY `rYquYhWy i` Wi`UWtcihUf pifctcWcUhs Uff tbY wUy up tbY bcYrUrWby# Us XcsWussYX UVivY U`tYr pripisctcih  &t Uhy picht ch tcgY tbcs vUfuUtcih wcff XYpYhX ih tbY `uff XcstrcVutcih i` pisctcihs bcabYr tbUh tbY pifctcWcUh, tbUt cs ih St, tbY bcab- XcgYhscihUfcty stUtY spUWY i` tbY systYg Hctbiut gUppcha tbY `uff `irg i` YxpYWtYX bcYrUrWby Yvifutcih, ct cs hit pisscVfY ti WigputY tbY vUfuY `uhWtcih t VI (`) UhUfytcWUffy 3iwYvYr, ct cs pisscVfY ti YstUVfcsb U su‰WcYht WihXctcih uhXYr wbcWb iptcgUf Yhtry YhsurYs tbUt Ufiha Uhy tcgY pUtb Uff `UWtcihUf typYs UhX hYutrUfs wcff VY iVsYrvYX ch YqucfcVrcug"

Proposition 3 With M(`) large enough for all `, any equilibrium necessarily involves politicians in factions B; R; and N.

4htuctcvYfy, wctb su‰WcYhtfy gUhy ipYhchas Ut Uff fYvYfs i` tbY bcYrUrWby, tbY vUfuY i` YhtYrcha vcU U `UWtcih (ir Us U hYutrUf) tbUt cs hit UfrYUXy prYsYht wcff YvYhtuUffy iutwYcab YvYh tbY fUraYst pUrUgYtrcW XcsUXvUhtUaYs i` tbUt `UWtcih (ir VYcha U hYutrUf) EbUt cs, `ir YxUgpfY, YvYh c`   (si WYtYrcs pUrcVus ct cs VYttYr ti YhtYr Us Uh R tbUh U B), c` tbYrY UrY su‰WcYhtfy gUhy pisctcihs ch tbY bcYrUrWby, U fUraY hugVYr i` R gYgVYrs UhX pripisctcih  wcff cgpfy tbUt tbY YxpYWtYX prigitcih rUtY wcff VY `UstYr c` YhtYrcha Us U (rUrY) B gYgVYr ivYr YhtYrcha Us (ihY i` tbY gUhy) R Ebus, tbiuab wY UrY hit UVfY ti `uffy WbUrUWtYrc€Y iptcgUf Yhtry ch Uh YqucfcVrcug, tbY su‰WcYht WihXctcih i` tbY pripisctcih YhsurYs tbUt any YqucfcVrcug XcstrcVutcih i` pisctcihs tbUt wY Xi iVsYrvY wcff `YUturY Vitb `UWtcihs UhX hYutrUfs

5.7 From Model to Data

@pYhchas ch tbY bcYrUrWby iWWur Ut Uhy picht ch tcgY vcU tbY `uhWtcihs ch Aripi- sctcih  @tbYr tbUh tbriuab tbY YYWt i` tcgY ih tbY WbUhacha XcstrcVutcih i` `UWtcihs UWriss tbY bcYrUrWby St, wbcWb tbY giXYf YxpfcWctfy UWWiuhts `ir, tbY priWYss fYUXcha ti ipYhchas iWWurs chXYpYhXYhtfy i` tcgY (WihXctcihUf ih St)  ErYUtcha ipYhchas tbcs wUy Ugiuhts ti Ussugcha tbUt ipYhchas UrY chXYpYh- XYht YvYhts WUusYX Vy YxiaYhius `UWtirs, YUWb trcaaYrcha U WbUch i` ehiWe ih YYWts Ebcs Ussugptcih gUy VY vcifUtYX Ut tbY tcgY i` (bchYsY (igguhcst

 4h wbUt `iffiws VYfiw wY wcff XcspYhsY wctb tbY tcgY chXYx t `ir tbY YgpcrcWUf UhUfyscs

 AUrty (iharYssYs, wbYh tbYrY UppYUr ti VY U fUraY hugVYr i` sbu‘Ys Ut Xc`- `YrYht fYvYfs i` tbY bcYrUrWby iVsYrvYX ch U wUy tbUt UppYUrs scguftUhYius, hit sYquYhtcUf 4hXYYX, `ir tbY gist pUrt, tbY XUtU cs iVsYrvYX Ut fiw `rYquYhWy, cY Ut YUWb ((A (iharYss T; T + 1 ; ::: Ebcs cgpfcYs tbUt tbY prigitcih WbUchs tbUt iur giXYf pistufUtYs UrY hit `uffy iVsYrvUVfY, si scgufUtcih gYtbiXs wcff VY hYWYssUry ti fche twi suVsYquYht ST ,ST +1  Ei ipYrUtcihUfc€Y tbY giXYf ch iur spYWcW YgpcrcWUf sYttcha, wY wcff UssugY tbUt tbY scguftUhYcty iVsYrvYX ch Yxcts UhX prigitcihs rY‚YWts U pUrtcWufUr struWturY, Us `iffiws 1crst, wY puraY Uff chXcvcXuUfs `rig Uff pisctcihs tbUt wY iVsYrvY fYUvcha tbY XUtU ch VYtwYYh shUpsbits T; T + 1 ; ::: EbUt cs, Uff chXcvcXuUfs wbi UrY hi fihaYr prYsYht VYtwYYh tcgYs T UhX T + 1 UrY UssugYX ti bUvY rYtcrYX Ut sigY picht VYtwYYh twi (iharYssYs DYWihX, ipYhchas UrY ffYX tbriuab U sYquYhWY i` prigitcih WbUchs 0UWb WbUch stUrts wctb tbY bcabYst rUheYX Yxct ch tbY sUgpfY UhX sYfYWts pifctcWcUhs ti ff ch tbY ehiWe-ih ipYhchas sYquYhtcUffy Ebcs WihtchuYs uhtcf Uff tbY Yxcts UhX prigitcihs VYtwYYh ST UhX ST +1 UrY UWWiuhtYX `ir UhX Uff pisctcihs bUvY VYYh ffYX 'YWUusY tbYrY UrY gUhy sYts i` prigitcih WbUchs tbUt WUh rUtcihUfc€Y tbY iVsYrvYX ipYhchas ch tbY XUtU, DYWtcih  sbiws biw scgufUtcih gYtbiXs WUh VY usYX ti trUhspUrYhtfy UXXrYss tbcs cssuY ch prUWtcWY EbcrX, `ir pisctcihs `ir wbcWb tbYrY cs hi YxpfcWct XyUXcW struWturY ch tbY XUtU, wY XrUw Ut rUhXig U pUcrYX pifctcWcUh `rig tbY sYt i` pitYhtcUf gUtWbYs Ut tbY fYvYf Ut wbcWb tbY prigitcih iWWurs

5.8 Discussion of the Model

'Y`irY givcha ti tbY YstcgUtcih i` tbY giXYf, wY iYr bYrY U VrcY` XcsWusscih i` Uh UftYrhUtcvY giXYfcha WbicWY UhX dustc`y iur spYWcW fchY i` rYUsihcha Yg- pcrcWUffy AYrbUps tbY VYst UftYrhUtcvY ti iur chXcvcXuUf WUrYYr WihWYrhs giXYf cs U giXYf tbUt vcYws tbY UffiWUtcih i` pisctcihs Us tbY iutWigY i` `UWtcihUf VUr- aUchcha 4h suWb U giXYf tbY `UWtcih, Us ippisYX ti tbY chXcvcXuUf pifctcWcUh, cs tbY XYWcscih gUeYr, UhX `UWtcihs hYaitcUtY wctb YUWb itbYr ivYr tbY UffiWUtcih i` pisctcihs ch tbY bcYrUrWby 9YaitcUtcihs wiufX `Uviur tbY `UWtcih bifXcha tbY pUrUgiuht fYUXYrsbcp pisctcih, UhX WiufX tbus YUscfy YxbcVct tbY pUttYrhs i` chWrYUsYX rYprYsYhtUtcih Ut Uff fYvYfs wctb fYUXYrsbcp i` U `UWtcih EbY rYfUtcvY ivYrUff VUfUhWcha WiufX Ufsi VY suppirtYX Us Uh YqucfcVrcug iutWigY tbUt Yh-

 surYs pYUWY 4` U fYUXYr WigYs `rig `UWtcih B bY cs hit wcffcha ti WigpfYtYfy YxpriprcUtY `UWtcih R VYWUusY bY `YUrs XcssYht `rig R )cssYht ch YxtrYgY WUsYs WiufX tUeY tbY `irg i` rYvift tbUt wiufX XYstUVcfc€Y hit dust bcs iwh pisctcih Vut, ch tbY fcgct, tbY ivYrUff bifX i` tbY pUrty Di pisctcihs WiufX VY stcff Uffi- WUtYX ti tbY itbYr `UWtcih, Us U prcWY `ir pYUWY CYWcpriWUffy, tbY itbYr `UWtcih gcabt sbiw scgcfUr rYstrUcht c` ct UsWYhXYX ti tbY pUrUgiuht pisctcih &htcW- cpUtcha tbcs, tbY WurrYht fYUXYr wiufX bUvY `urtbYr chWYhtcvYs ti VY giXYrUtY UhX chWfuscvY ch UffiWUtcha pisctcihs AriVfYgs UrcsY `ir tbcs UftYrhUtcvY stiry wbYh tbY UWtuUf XcstrcVutcih i` pisctcihs ˆ UhX hit dust tbYcr ivYrUff hugVYr ˆ cs sWrutchc€YX `urtbYr, Us XihY ch DYWtcih  HY sUw tbUt U prihiuhWYX pUttYrh ch tbY XUtU wUs tbY igcsscih i` (B; B ) UhX (R; R ) pUcrs Ut fYUXYrsbcp hiXYs R gYgVYrs UrY girY fceYfy ti VY UWWigpUhcYX Vy B gYgVYrs tbUh Vy N gYgVYrs UhX guWb fYss fceYfy ti VY UWWigpUhcYX Vy UhitbYr R ˆ wbcWb cs YxtrYgYfy rUrY Hby$ @hY YxpfUhUtcih WihscstYht wctb `UWtcihUf hYaitcUtcihs cs tbUt YUWb `UWtcih `YUrs tbUt tbY itbYr `UWtcih gUy aUch Wihtrif i` tbY hiXY 4` U B cs ch pfUWY, pfUWcha Uh R UfihascXY bcg YhsurYs tbUt tbY B gYgVYrs Xi hit aUch pYrgUhYht Wihtrif i` tbY hiXY 'ut tbcs sirt i` WihWYrh XiYs hit sYYg fceYfy Us tbYrY XiYs hit UppYUr ti VY YvcXYhWY i` suWb pYrgUhYht hiXUf Wihtrif ch tbY XUtU HY iVsYrvY sbu‘cha i` WUXrYs iWWurrcha rYaufUrfy `ir ArivchWYs `ir chstUhWY EbYrY XiYs hit sYYg ti VY fiWe ch i` `UWtcihs ti pists B gYgVYrs UrY rYpfUWYX Vy R gYgVYrs Ut U hiXY wctb tbY R suVsYquYhtfy rYpfUWYX Vy UhitbYr B Ebcs YvcXYhWY cs UvUcfUVfY upih rYquYst 'ut sbu‘cha WiufX ctsYf` VY tbY strUtYay tbUt `UWtcihs Ygpfiy ti YhsurY tbUt Wihtrif XiYs hit aYt bYfX tii strihafy HY gUy sYY B gYgVYrs rYpfUWYX Vy R gYgVYrs ch irXYr ti YhsurY tbUt tbY B gYgVYrs Xi hit bifX tbY pisctcih Ut tbY hiXY tii strihafy 'ut c` tbcs cs tbY WUsY, U `urtbYr pu€€fY UrcsYs & priWYss i` sbu‘cha ˆ tbiuab UVfY ti YUscfy YxpfUch (B; R ) hiXYs ˆ wiufX hit YspYWcUffy `Uviur tbYsY HY sbiufX Ufsi rYaufUrfy sYY (B; B ) hiXYs UhX (R; R ) hiXYs, wbcWb UrY tbYh rYpfUWYX Vy (R; R ) UhX (B; B ) hiXYs cggYXcUtYfy U`tYr 4` sbu‘cha cs usYX ti UvicX YhtrYhWbgYht, tbYh tbYrY cs hi rYUsih tbUt chtYrtYgpirUf sbUrcha i` tbY hiXYs sbiufX hit VY su‰WcYht ti UWbcYvY tbcs EbYrY sbiufX VY hi pUrtcWufUr rYUsih ti sYY tbY prifc`YrUtcih i` (B; R ) hiXYs tbUt wY iVsYrvY ch tbY XUtU Ebcs sYYgs ti VY tbY schafY gist Xc‰Wuft `UWt ti YxpfUch wctb U `UWtcihUf VUfUhWcha giXYf @ur chXcvcXuUf WUrYYr-WihWYrhs giXYf YxpfUchs tbcs XcrYWtfy 4h iur vcYw, tbY giXYf wY XYvYfip bUs U `urtbYr UXvUhtUaY rYfUtcvY ti U giXYf tbUt trYUts tbY `UWtcihs Us VUraUchcha pUrtcYs ch tbUt ct trYUts tbY XYWcscih gUeYr

 Us tbY chXcvcXuUf, ch U gcWri`iuhXYX wUy

6 Maximum Simulated Likelihood Estimation

Ebcs DYWtcih XYsWrcVYs iur YstcgUtcih gYtbiXifiay )YhY Y tbY iVsYrvYX XUtU ih WUrYYr iutWigYs (cY prigitcihs, Yxcts, YtW) VYtwYYh twi (iharYssYs T UhX T + 1 UhX X tbY iVsYrvYX XUtU ih tbY bcYrUrWby pfus U sYt i` chXcvcXuUf WbUrUWtYrcstcWs (cY X chWfuXYs `UWtcihs UhX pisctcih wctbch tbY bcYrUrWbyfYvYf ST , pfus chXcvcXuUf WivUrcUtYs) HY XYhY k Us U sYt i` prigitcih WbUchs, si tbUt k = fk(1) ; k(2) ; ::: g, wbYrY YUWb WbUch k(c) i` pifctcWcUhs (sUy, s0; s; s 0;UhX s00 ) cs scgpfy U sYt i` pifctcWcUhs YUWb VYfihacha ti XcYrYht, Vut UXdUWYht bcYrUrWbcWUf fYvYfs `, wbisY prigitcihs wYrY trcaaYrYX Vy tbY Yxct i` tbY bcabYst rUhecha ihY i` tbY WbUch (Ya wbYh s0 XcYs ir rYtcrYs, s cs prigitYX `rig ` = 2 ti ` = 1 , tbYh s0 rYpfUWYs s Ut fYvYf ` = 2 , UhX tbYh s00 rYpfUWYs s0 Ut ` = 3 ) & WbUch stUrts `rig Uh ipYhcha Ut fYvYf ` 1 UhX chvifvYs prigitcihs `rig ` Uff tbY wUy Xiwh ti L HY cgpisY tbUt YUWb pifctcWcUh prigitYX ch tbY XUtU VYfihas ti YxUWtfy ihY WbUch UhX tbUt YUWb WbUhaY VYtwYYh ST UhX ST +1 cs pUrt i` Ut fYUst ihY WbUch k(c): (& pifctcWcUh prigitYX Vy twi fYvYfs VYtwYYh T UhX T + 1 wcff hYYX ti VYfiha ti twi sYpUrUtY prigitcih WbUchs) 7Yt C = # ( k) VY tbY hugVYr i` prigitcih WbUchs ch sYt k EbY uhWihXctcihUf fceYfcbiiX i` iVsYrvcha Y acvYh X cs"

f(Y jX) = Ek [f(Y jX; k)] :

)YhY Yk(c) Us tbY sYt i` WUrYYr iutWigYs pYrtchYht ti tbY chXcvcXuUfs ch- vifvYX ch prigitcih WbUch hugVYr c i` k 'YWUusY tbY struWturY i` tbY pifctcWUf bcYrUrWby wcff WbUhaY ihWY U prigitcih WbUch cs rYUfc€YX, cY tbY chtYrcg S wcff WbUhaY, pisctcihs wctbch tbY bcYrUrWbyfYvYf UhX `UWtcihUf U‰fcUtcihs Ut Uff fYvYfs

Xk(c) hYYX ti VY giXcYX U`tYr YUWb WbUch k(c) cs rYUfc€YX EbY WihXctcihUf fceYfcbiiX upih tbY rYUfc€Utcih i` U sYt i` prigitcih WbUchs k bUppYhcha ivYr tcgY cs acvYh Vy"

 Afus U hYw Yhtry Ut tbY fiwYst fYvYf, wbcWb wY Xi hit giXYf, Us pYr iur XcsWusscih i` Aripisctcih  EbY Yhtry WbicWY cs hit hYWYssUry `ir YstcgUtcih UhX Uff pUrUgYtYrs UrY cXYhtcYX wctbiut cts UXXctcih

! C

f(Y jX; k) = f(Yk(c)jXk(c); k): c=1 Y EbY fceYfcbiiX WihtrcVutcih f(Yk(c)jXk(c); k) i` U WbUch k(c) i` prigitcihs chctcUtYX Ut `1 chvifvYs Wigputcha tbY prigitcih priVUVcfctcYs i` Uff chXcvcXuUfs chvifvYX ch k(c) Ut tbY vUrcius fYvYfs, Xiwh ti L & prigitcih `rig fYvYf ` ti fYvYf `1 ti VY pUcrYX ti U pifctcWcUh K = R; B; N cs U rUhXig YvYht XcstrcVutYX ivYr U XcsWrYtY suppirt `irgYX i` M(`) pichts (chXcvcXuUf pifctcWcUhs), B(`) i` K K wbcWb iWWurrcha wctb priVUVcfcty pB (`), R(`) iWWurrcha wctb priVUVcfcty pR (`), K UhX N(`) iWWurrcha wctb priVUVcfcty pN (`) (HY igct tcgY chXYxYs Us tbYy UrY uhhYWYssUry bYrY) 2cvYh tbY chXYpYhXYhWY i` tbY prigitcih YvYhts UWriss fYvYfs, tbY WihstruW- tcih i` tbcs fceYfcbiiX cs strUcabt`irwUrX 7Yt I` VY tbY `UWtcih i` tbY chXcvcXuUf VYfihacha ti k(c) Ut fYvYf ` UhX J `1 VY tbY `UWtcih i` tbY chXcvcXuUf wctb wbcWb sbY cs pUcrYX wbYh prigitYX ti fYvYf ` 1"

L l 1 J f(Yk(c)jXk(c); k) =  pIl (l) : l ` Y= 2icha VUWe ti tbY YxUgpfY UVivY i` U WbUch i` pifctcWcUhs s0; s; s 0;UhX s00 VY- fihacha ti `UWtcihs N, R, UhX B rYspYWtcvYfy, UhX Ussugcha tbYy Uff bUppYh ti aYt pUcrYX wctb N-typY pifctcWcUhs, tbY fceYfcbiiX WihtrcVutcih i` tbcs WbUch cs"

N N N f(Yk(c)jXk(c); k) =   pN (2)  pR (3)  pB (4)

` 1 J wbYrY YUWb priVUVcfcty pI` (`) cs WigputYX VUsYX ih Xk(c), irXYrYX `rig tbY tip prigitcih ti tbY fYvYf L prigitcih, Us cgpisYX Vy tbY sYquYhtcUf hUturY i` tbY prigitcihs WigprcsYX ch YUWb WbUch EbY 8Uxcgug DcgufUtYX 7ceYfcbiiX (8D7), `ir acvYh hugVYr i` scgufUtYX  sYts i` prigitcih WbUchs RK , cs"

R C 1 K f(Y jX) = f(Ykr (c)jXkr (c); kr): RK r=1 c=1 X Y Ebcs cs tbY YstcgUtir tbUt wY Ygpfiy

 HY Ygpfiy 100 scgufUtYX WbUchs sYts `ir YUWb ((A 9UtcihUf AUrty (iharYss

 7 CCP Factional Politics: Structural Results

Ebcs sYWtcih prYsYhts 8D7 YstcgUtYs i` tbY giXYf UhX sUgpfY t UssYssgYhts EbY sUgpfY chWfuXYs Uff tbY gYgVYrs i` tbY tb- tb (YhtrUf (iggcttYYs ch tbY pist-)Yha YrU EbY scgufUtcih priWYXurY ch DYWtcih  wUs rst cgpfYgYhtYX ch U sYrcYs i` 8ihtYWUrfi scgufUtcihs UhX suWWYss`uffy priVYX `ir" c) cXYhtcWUtcih i` tbY struWturUf pUrUgYtYrs# cc) sYhsctcvcty ti gcsspYWcWUtcih ch tbY hugVYr i` `UWtcihs# UhX ccc) sYhsctcvcty ti gcsspYWcWUtcih ch tbY WihtYst `uhWtcih wY usY !  HY VYach iur UhUfyscs wctb tbY gist pUrUgYtrcWUffy pUrscgihcius giXYf pisscVfY, ihY wbYrY wY hirgUfc€Y  = 1 UhX tbY twi `UWtcih pUrUgYtYrs f ;  g UrY YstcgUtYX ih tip i` U schafY fYUXYrsbcp prYgcug , XYhYX Us  = l= = l=  EbY 8D7 rYsufts `ir tbcs giXYf UrY rYpirtYX ch (ifugh  i` EUVfY ! EbY YstcgUtYX WihtYst `uhWtcih pUrUgYtYrs UrY 0:045 UhX 0:029 `ir (P7( UhX DbUhabUc 2Uha rYspYWtcvYfy, wbcWb UrY WfisY ti tbY UvYrUaY sbUrY i` sYUts ch tbY (YhtrUf (iggcttYY EbY YstcgUtYX fYUXYrsbcp prYgcug  cs 2:553, cgpfycha tbUt U `UWtcih WUhXcXUtY cs girY tbUh twcWY Us fceYfy ti VY prigitYX wbYh tbY pUrUgiuht fYUXYr cs `rig tbY sUgY `UWtcih EbY gUahctuXY i` tbY fYUXYrsbcp prYgcug cs WihscstYht wctb tbY rYXuWYX `irg YvcXYhWY ch EUVfY  &ff pUrUgYtYrs Xrcvcha tbY prigitcih priWYss UWriss `UWtcihs UrY prYWcsYfy YstcgUtYX 'YWUusY ct gUy sYYg rYstrcWtcvY ti UssugY U Wiggih WihtYst `uhWtcih UWriss Uff fYvYfs i` tbY ((A tip YWbYfihs (wbcWb chWfuXY bYtYriaYhYius fUyYrs ch Vitb sc€Y UhX durcsXcWtcih, suWb Us tbY tip ((A pisctcihs UhX tbY A'D(, A', ((,

&(), (ifugh  ch EUVfY ! Uffiws `ir fYvYf-spYWcW pUrUgYtYrs f k;  kgk=H;L `ir tbY A' UhX bcabYr vYrsus (( UhX fiwYr EbY pUrUgYtYr YstcgUtYs sbiw tbUt `UWtcih U‰fcUtcih bYfps scahcWUhtfy girY Ut bcabYr fYvYfs tbUh tbUt Ut fiwYr fYvYfs wctbch tbY ((A" tbY YstcgUtYX WihtYst `uhWtcih pUrUgYtYrs rYUWb 0:162 UhX 0:193 Ut tbY A' UhX bcabYr `ir (P7( UhX DbUhabUc 2Uha rYfUtcvY ti (( UhX &( fYvYfs i` 0:041 UhX 0:022 @hY gUy Ufsi wihXYr wbYtbYr tbY fYUXYrsbcp prYgcug XcYrs UWriss `UWtcihs (ifugh  YxpfirYs tbcs pisscVcfcty Vy Uffiwcha `ir `UWtcih-spYWcW fYUXYrsbcp prYgcU fR;  Bg EbY pUrUgYtYr YstcgUtYs sbiw tbUt twi `UWtcihs bUvY vYry scgcfUr prYgcU (Vitb UrY VYtwYYh 2 UhX 3) EbY cgprivYgYht i` fia-fceYfcbiiX cs hYafcacVfY, chXcWUtcha tbUt tbY twi `UWtcihs ipYrUtY ch U scgcfUr `Usbcih Ebcs rYsuft cs Ufsi WihscstYht wctb tbY rYXuWYX-`irg YvcXYhWY ch EUVfY 

(ifugh  ch EUVfY ! WigVchYs Vitb fYvYf-spYWcW pUrUgYtYrs f k;  kgk=H;L UhX `UWtcih-spYWcW fYUXYrsbcp prYgcU fR;  Bg HY WihXuWt 7ceYfcbiiX CUtci

! &ff scgufUtcih rYsufts UrY UvUcfUVfY upih rYquYst

 (7C) tYsts `ir giXYf ,  UhX  UaUchst giXYf  (hugVYrcha chXcWUtYs tbY (ifugh i` rY`YrYhWY) 7C tYsts rYdYWt giXYf  UhX , wbcWb cgpisY U WihstUht WihtYst `uhWtcih UWriss fYvYfs, UaUchst giXYf , Vut Xi hit rYdYWt giXYf , wbcWb cgpisYs U WihstUht fYUXYrsbcp prYgcug UWriss `UWtcihs 4h tbY `iffiwcha UhUfyscs, wY wcff tbus usY tbY girY pUrscgihcius giXYf  Us iur VYhWbgUre UhX rY`Yr ti ct Us tbY VUsYfchY `UWtcih giXYf 1caurY  privcXYs U vcsuUf rYprYsYhtUtcih i` tbY `UWtcihs„ sYUt sbUrYs Vy fYvYf Us prYXcWtYX Vy tbY giXYf EbY vY VUrs rYprYsYht tbY vY fYvYfs i` tbY (YhtrUf (iggcttYY (tbY tip twi ((A pisctcihs, A'D(, A', ((, UhX &() EbY VfuY, wbctY, UhX rYX pUrts rYprYsYht tbY sYUt sbUrYs i` tbY DbUhabUc 2Uha, 9YutrUf, UhX (P7( rYspYWtcvYfy EbY fY`t pUhYf cs tbY XUtU, wbcfY tbY rcabt UrY tbY prY- XcWtcihs i` iur VUsYfchY `UWtcih giXYf @ur VUsYfchY `UWtcih giXYf suWWYss`uffy rYpfcWUtYs tbY XcstrcVutcih i` `UWtcihs UWriss XcYrYht fYvYfs i` tbY bcYrUrWby" `UWtcih gYgVYrs UrY rYfUtcvYfy sWUrWY ch tbY fiwYr fYvYfs, Vut VYWigY chWrYUs- chafy WihWYhtrUtYX ch tbY bcabYr ihYs Ebcs cs rYfUtYX ti tbY chWrYUscha WihtYst `uhWtcih pUrUgYtYrs YstcgUtYX UVivY, wbcWb cgpfy Uh chWrYUscha UXvUhtUaY i` `UWtcihUf U‰fcUtcih Us ihY priarYssYs up tbY bcYrUrWby 9itcWY tbUt iur giXYf Ufsi WUpturYs tbY chYrtcU i` tbY `UWtcihUf Wigpisctcih i` tbY vUrcius fYvYfs ivYr tcgY YvcXYht ch tbY XUtU tbUhes ti tbY sfiw pYrWifUtcih i` `UWtcihUf gYgVYrs up tbY bcYrUrWby EbY chtuctcih cs tbUt prigitcihs UhX rYtcrYgYhts iWWur arUX- uUffy ivYr tcgY 4t tUeYs tcgY `ir U `UWtcih fYUXYr ti ariw bcs chhYr WcrWfY `rig tbY Vittig i` tbY bcYrUrWby up 4htYrYstchafy, suWb XyhUgcWs WUh `uhWtcih Us WbYWes UhX VUfUhWYs ih Uh chWigcha pUrUgiuht fYUXYr HbYh U hYw fYUXYr rst UssugYs piwYr, bY cs fceYfy ti VY surriuhXYX Vy gYgVYrs `rig rcvUf `UWtcihs EbYrY cs Ufsi UhYWXitUf YvcXYhWY ch fchY wctb tbcs hXcha" 5cUha bcgsYf` ihWY XYsWrcVYX bcs rst `Yw yYUrs Us tbY 2YhYrUf DYWrYtUry as standing on the brink of a deep ravine, or walking on thin ice †  'i () Ufsi suaaYsts tbUt tbY DbUhabUc 2Uha WihtchuYX ti YxYrt striha ch‚uYhWY ch tbY rst tYrg i` 3u 5ch- tUi Ebcs hXcha wcff VY pUrtcWufUrfy usY`uf ch uhXYrstUhXcha tbY upWigcha (ch tbY 1Uff i` ) sYWihX tYrg i` Ic, YxpYWtYX Vy gUhy iVsYrvYrs ti aUch arYUtYr Wfiut rYfUtcvY ti bcs rst tYrg ch i‰WY @ur `UWtcih giXYf Ufsi privcXYs chscabts `ir tbY XyhUgcWs i` piwYr trUhsc- tcih VYtwYYh `UWtcihs 1caurY  pfits tbY UaarYaUtY sbUrY i` prigitcihs i` YUWb `UWtcih ivYr tcgY   EbY sbUrY i` prigitcihs cs XYhYX Us tbY rUtci VYtwYYh tbY hugVYr i` prigitcihs `ir U `UWtcih UhX tbY titUf hugVYr i` prigitcihs &aUch,

 DYY 6ubh ()  & girY XYtUcfYX VrYUeXiwh Vy fYvYf i` tbY (YhtrUf (iggcttYY WUh VY `iuhX ch EUVfY 

 tbY t i` tbY giXYf cs aiiX 1caurY  pichts Ufsi ti U girY suVtfY cgpfcWUtcih i` iur giXYf" tbYrY UrY hi XcsWihtchuius Xrips ch tbY sbUrY i` prigitcihs i` tbY pUrUgiuht fYUXYr„s `UWtcih rcabt U`tYr bY rYtcrYs HbYh 5cUha QYgch rYtcrYX U`tYr tbY tb AUrty (iharYss, U fUraY sbUrY i` tbY DbUhabUc 2Uha WihtchuYX ti VY prigitYX ti tbY tb (YhtrUf (iggcttYY EbY pUttYrh wUs rYpYUtYX Ut 3u 5chtUi„s trUhsctcih ti Ic 5chpcha Ut tbY  tb AUrty (iharYss 4h rYUfcty tbYrY cs uhWYrtUchty ivYr tbY prYWcsY picht Ut wbcWb tbY ch‚uYhWY i` tbY chWigcha pUrUgiuht fYUXYr YWfcpsYs tbUt i` tbY XYpUrtcha chWugVYht UhX tbcs ch‚uYhWYs prigitcih rUtYs DWbifUrs bUvY suaaYstYX tbUt )Yha rYtUchYX WihscXYrUVfY ch- ‚uYhWY wYff U`tYr `irgUf rYtcrYgYht ch ! !# 5cUha gUchtUchYX ch`irgUf UhX `irgUf gcfctUry ivYrscabt U`tYr stYppcha Xiwh Us 2YhYrUf DYWrYtUry & rYtcrcha pUrUgiuht fYUXYr gUy WihtchuY ti sbUpY tbY Wigpisctcih i` tbY hYxt (YhtrUf (iggcttYY DuWb chtrcWUtY XyhUgcWs UrY WUpturYX Vy iur scgufUtcih UppriUWb tbUt XrUws XcYrYht pUrUgiuht fYUXYr trUhsctcih XUtYs UWriss guftcpfY scgufU- tcihs, sgiitbcha iut sbUrp XcsWihtchuctcYs UriuhX tbY i‰WcUf piwYr trUhsctcih XUtY

7.1 Adding Individual Covariates

Di `Ur wY bUvY UssugYX tbUt `UWtcih gYgVYrs UrY sYfYWtYX ti WbUffYhaY U pist rUhXigfy wctbch U `UWtcih UhX fYvYf# giXufi vYtiYs i` WiursY HY WUh YUscfy UXX chXcvcXuUf WbUrUWtYrcstcWs, Z, ti tbY wctbch-`UWtcih sYfYWtcih priWYss Us wYff

(ihscXYr YUWb riw i` tbY gUtrcx Zs ti VY U vYWtir i` WbUrUWtYrcstcWs `ir pifctcWcUh s )YhY qI;s (`) Us tbY priVUVcfcty tbUt s i` `UWtcih I cs sYfYWtYX Us tbY WUhXcXUtY i` tbcs `UWtcih Ut fYvYf `, Ufsi XYhY AI (`) Us tbY sYt i` tbY gYgVYrs i` `UWtcih I Ut fYvYf ` HY UssugY U wctbch-`UWtcih sYfYWtcih priVUVcfcty i` tbY fiacstcW `irg  "

exp ( Z s) qI;s (`)  : exp ( Z s ) s02A I (`) 0

EbYrY`irY, tbY priVUVcfcty i` wchhchaP prigitcih WUh VY rYwrcttYh Us qI;s (`) W (I) 9itcWY tbUt iur VUsYfchY `UWtcih giXYf cs hYstYX ch tbcs `irgufU Vy sYttcha WiY‰WcYhts i` chXcvcXuUf WbUrUWtYrcstcWs, , ti 0 4h tbcs WUsY wY aYt VUWe iur 1 rUhXig wctbch-`UWtcih sYfYWtcih priVUVcfcty, qI;s (`)  I(`)  HY rY`Yr ti tbY

 DchWY iur XUtU ihfy chWfuXYs tbY tip  fYvYfs i` tbY pUrty bcYrUrWby (ArYscXYhtArYgcYr, A'D(, A', ((, &(), chXcvcXuUf WbUrUWtYrcstcWs i` tbY pitYhtcUf WUhXcXUtYs YfcacVfY `ir prigi- tcih ti &( UrY hit UfwUys iVsYrvUVfY ti us &s U rYsuft, wY UssugY wctbch-`UWtcih sYfYWtcih cs rUhXig VYfiw tbY &( fYvYf

 UVivY giXYf Us tbY `UWtcih giXYf wctb chXcvcXuUf WbUrUWtYrcstcWs EbY pUrUgYtYr YstcgUtYs UrY rYpirtYX ch tbY (ifugh  i` EUVfY  (igpUr- cha wctb tbY VUsYfchY `UWtcih giXYf ch (ifugh , wY sYY U rYUsihUVfY cgprivY- gYht ch giXYf t gYUsurYX Vy fia-fceYfcbiiX &t tbY sUgY tcgY, biwYvYr, wY iVsYrvY fcttfY WbUhaY ch tbY YstcgUtYs i` tbY pUrUgYtYrs `ir tbY WihtYst `uhWtcih UhX tbY fYUXYrsbcp prYgcug, suaaYstcha tbUt tbYsY pUrUgYtYrs UrY chXYYX girY rYfUtYX ti tbY tYWbhifiay i` `UWtcihs tbUh ti chXcvcXuUf WivUrcUtYs igcttYX ch tbY VUsYfchY giXYf 0xUgchcha tbY YstcgUtYX WiY‰WcYhts i` chXcvcXuUf WbUrUW- tYrcstcWs, wY hX tbUt VYcha U prchWYfcha ir U gUfY chWrYUsYs tbY priVUVcfcty i` prigitcih, wbcfY bUvcha U arUXuUtY XYarYY ir VYcha Uh YtbhcW gchircty burts EbY YYWt i` UaY cs hih-fchYUr" ct bUs U pisctcvY YYWt Ut rst, Vut YvYhtuUffy hYaUtcvYfy UYWts prigitcih WbUhWYs, ch fchY wctb prYvciusfy iVsYrvYX bUrX UaY fcgcts Yh`irWYX wctbch tbY ((A

7.2 Alternative Models

2cvYh iur gUch spYWcWUtcihs, wY UrY YqucppYX `ir Vitb ch-sUgpfY UhX iut- i`-sUgpfY t UhUfyscs i` iur struWturUf giXYf 4t cs usY`uf ch tbcs rYspYWt Ufsi ti prYsYht sigY UftYrhUtcvY VYhWbgUres ti wbcWb wY WUh WigpUrY iur giXYf„s pYr`irgUhWY 1crst, wY WUh usY Us tbY scgpfYst UftYrhUtcvY U giXYf VUsYX ih rUhXig prigitcih Ebcs cs XihY Vy sYttcha"

1 p(`)  : M (`)

DYWihX, wY cgpfYgYht U purY sYhcircty-VUsYX prigitcih gYWbUhcsg, sYttcha `ir pifctcWcUh s" '(age ) p (`)  s ; s M (`) wctb '(:) U (tbcrX irXYr) pifyhigcUf ch UaY   1caurY privcXYs tbY sWUttYr pfits i` giXYf prYXcWtYX sbUrYs i` prigitcihs Vy AUrty (iharYss UhX Vy fYvYf i` tbY ((A UaUchst tbY XUtU   @ur giXYfs (VUsYfchY `UWtcih UhX `UWtcih wctb chXcvcXuUf WbUrUWtYrcstcWs) bUhXcfy iutpYr- `irg Vitb tbY rUhXig UhX tbY sYhcircty giXYfs" tbY prYXcWtYX sbUrYs Vy tbY `UWtcih giXYfs fchY up wctb tbY XUtU hcWYfy Ufiha tbY 45 XYarYY fchY, wbYrYUs tbY sbUrYs prYXcWtYX Vy rUhXig UhX purY sYhcircty-VUsYX prigitcih giXYfs UppYUr

 1ir tbY sYhcircty UhX rUhXig giXYf, wY WUfcVrUtY tbY priVUVcfcty i` YhtYrcha &( uscha tbY UvYrUaY sbUrY i` YUWb `UWtcih ch tbY (YhtrUf (iggcttYY  HY WigVchY fYvYf ,  UhX  VYWUusY tbYrY UrY twi `Yw iVsYrvUtcihs ch tbY rst twi fYvYfs

 WigpfYtYfy ‚Ut Ebcs rYsuft cs chXYpYhXYht i` wbcWb AUrty (iharYss wY WihscXYr 8irY WihWrYtYfy, wctb ihfy vY struWturUf pUrUgYtYrs iur VUsYfchY `UWtcih giXYf rYXuWYs tbY gYUh squUrYX Yrrirs i` tbY prYXcWtYX sbUrYs i` prigitcih Vy girY tbUh 80 pYrWYht WigpUrcha ti tbY rUhXig giXYf, UhX girY tbUh 70 WigpUrcha ti tbY sYhcircty giXYf EbY rcabt pUhYf i` EUVfY  WihXuWts `irgUf spYWcWU- tcih tYsts EbY Guiha stUtcstcWs rYdYWt tbY rUhXig UhX tbY purY sYhcircty-VUsYX prigitcih giXYfs UaUchst tbY `UWtcih giXYf wctb chXcvcXuUf WbUrUWtYrcstcWs   HbUt UViut pifctcWUf gYrctiWrUWy$ 'YWUusY tbY ((A prigitcih giXYf cs Vy gUhy rY`YrrYX ti Us U strcWtfy gYrctiWrUtcW gYWbUhcsg (7c UhX Qbiu, # 'Yff, ) UhX tbYrY cs suVstUhtcUf XYVUtY Us ti wbYtbYr systYgUtcW UssYssgYht i` WUXrYs VUsYX ih YWihigcW pYr`irgUhWY pfUys U rifY ch tbY ((A, wY tYst iur giXYf UaUchst tbcs tbcrX purYfy gYrctiWrUtcW† gYWbUhcsg 1crst, ch irXYr ti hX U suctUVfY gYUsurY i` pYr`irgUhWY, wY hYYX ti rYstrcWt iur UhUfyscs i` prigitcihs ti privchWcUf fYUXYrs ch tbY (YhtrUf (iggcttYY HY UssiWcUtY tbYsY prigchYht privchWcUf ((A WUXrYs wctb tbY YWihigcW pYr`irgUhWY (ch tYrgs i` rYUf 2)A ariwtb ivYr tbYcr tYhurY) i` tbYcr ArivchWY i` sYrvcWY ‡prYWcsYfy Us ch 7c UhX Qbiu () UhX 5cU Yt Uf ()‡ UhX usY tbcs Us U (UXgcttYXfy riuab) prixy `ir ivYrUff pYr`irgUhWY 2rUpbcWUf YvcXYhWY i` tbY pYr`irgUhWY i` iur giXYf cs rYpirtYX ch 1caurY !   4h tbY UppriprcUtY suVsYt i` prigitcihs (cY tbisY `ir wbcWb pYr`irgUhWY gYtrcWs UrY UvUcfUVfY), iur giXYf pYr`irgs VYttYr tbUh tbY purYfy gYrctiWrUtcW giXYf ch tYrgs i` sug i` gYUh squUrYX Yrrirs, wbcWb cs rYXuWYX Vy 35 pYrWYht HY `urtbYr YxUgchY tbY iut-i`-sUgpfY t i` iur giXYf DpYWcWUffy, wY rY- YstcgUtY tbY giXYf uscha ihfy tbY tb-tb (YhtrUf (iggcttYYs UhX prYXcWt tbY sbUrYs i` prigitcih i` YUWb `UWtcih Ut  tb (YhtrUf (iggcttYY HY WigpUrY tbY giXYf prYXcWtYX sbUrY i` prigitcih wctb tbY UWtuUf XUtU ch tbY sWUttYr pfit ch 1caurY  @ur `UWtcih giXYf UaUch iutpYr`irgs rUhXig UhX sYhcircty-VUsYX giXYfs ch tYrgs i` iut-i`-sUgpfY t EbY rYXuWtcih ch gYUh squUrYX Yrrirs cs 77 pYrWYht UhX 69 pYrWYht WigpUrcha iur VUsYfchY `UWtcih giXYf ti tbY rUhXig giXYf UhX sYhcircty giXYf rYspYWtcvYfy, rYUssurcha us i` cts riVusthYss

 EbY purY sYhcircty-VUsYX giXYf iutpYr`irgs tbY VUsYfchY `UWtcih giXYf ch tYrgs i` fia- fceYfcbiiX 3iwYvYr, tbcs cs XrcvYh Vy tbY `UWt tbUt ihfy % i` tbY pifctcWcUhs bUvY `UW- tcihUf U‰fcUtcih &`tYr wY chWfuXY chXcvcXuUf WbUrUWtYrcstcWs ch tbY `UWtcihUf giXYf, tbY purY sYhcircty-VUsYX giXYf cs YUscfy rYdYWtYX Vy tbY Guiha tYst  4h tbcs sWUttYr pfit, wY Xi hit VrYUe Xiwh tbY sbUrY i` prigitcih Vy fYvYf VYWUusY i` tbY sgUff hugVYr i` iVsYrvUtcihs ch tbY suVsYt i` privchWcUf fYUXYrs

 8 Counterfactuals and Model Analysis

Hctbch iur YWihigYtrcW `rUgYwire wY WUh YxpfirY U sYt i` WiuhtYr`UWtuUf YxYr- WcsYs UhX prYsYht Uh UXXctcihUf quUhtctUtcvY UhUfyscs i` sYvYrUf quYstcihs rYfYvUht ti tbY stuXy i` (bchYsY pifctcWUf YWihigy

8.1 Forgoing Collective Leadership

HY VYach Vy Yxpfircha Uh bcstircWUf WiuhtYr`UWtuUf ih fYUXYrsbcp prYgcU ch tbY pist-)Yha YrU @ur giXYf YxpfcWctfy rYWiahc€Ys suWb prYgcU, Vut U wYUftb i` UhYWXitUf XcsWusscih ch (bchYsY pifctcWs (UhX tbY YgpcrcWUf YvcXYhWY i` DYWtcih ) suaaYsts tbYg ti bUvY VYYh WurtUcfYX ch tbY pist-)Yha YrU Ebcs pYWufcUrcty i` tbY pist-)Yha (bchYsY systYg, tbY YgYraYhWY i` si-WUffYX WiffYWtcvY fYUX- Yrsbcp†, bUs VYYh `rYquYhtfy rYWiahc€YX ch tbY fctYrUturY 4t cs i`tYh chXcWUtYX Us tbY gUch struWturUf VrYUe `rig tbY strihagUh pifctcWUf YqucfcVrcU tbiuabt ti bUvY prYvUcfYX uhXYr 8Ui QYXiha  UhX tbY pUrUgiuht fYUXYrsbcp i` )Yha IcUipcha (Esiu, !!# 1Ywsgctb, # DbUgVUuab,  ) Ebcs YxYrWcsY cs Ufsi usY`uf ch pYrspYWtcvY i` tbY WurrYht WbUhaYs Us sWbifUrs fceY 9UtbUh () suaaYst ArYscXYht Ic gUy VY overturning Deng’s system †, Us bY has taken the chairmanship of the most important seven of the twenty-two leading small groups that guide policy in speci c areas † UhX tightened direct control over the military † 3YrY, wY wcff rUgp up tbY fcgctYX rifY pfUyYX Vy fYUXYrsbcp prYgcU ch `UW- tcihUf rYprYsYhtUtcih ch (bchU UhX prYsYht U WiuhtYr`UWtuUf i` wbUt wiufX bUvY bUppYhYX uhXYr bYcabtYhYX wchhYr-tUeY-Uff typY `UWtcihUf WigpYtctcih HY ruh tbY giXYf wctb twcWY Us bcab U fYUXYrsbcp prYgcug  CYsufts UrY rYpirtYX ch 1caurY  & girY XYtUcfYX VrYUeXiwh Vy fYvYf WUh VY `iuhX ch tbY tbcrX pUhYf i` EUVfY  EbY WiuhtYr`UWtuUf cs cgpfYgYhtYX Vy scgufUtcha `ir YUWb (iharYss T tbY sbUrY i` prigitcih i` YUWb `UWtcih ti tbY `iffiwcha (iharYss T + 1  FhXYr tbY 5cUha QYgch (DbUhabUc 2Uha) prYs- cXYhWy, ipYhchas ch tbY AifctVuri UhX tbY (YhtrUf (iggcttYY UrY ffYX wctb girY i` tbY tip fYUXYr„s Wi`UWtcihUfs FhXYr tbY (P7( fYUXYrsbcp i` 3u 5chtUi, hugVYrs wiufX bUvY VYYh WigpUrUVfY, swchacha ch tbY ippisctY XcrYWtcih wctb girY tuanpai gYgVYrs prigitYX EbY gUahctuXY i` tbY chWrYUsY ch tbY sbUrYs i` prigitcihs, biwYvYr, cs fYss tbUh tbY chWrYUsY ch tbY fYUXYrsbcp prYgcug EbY XUgpYhcha YYWt YgYraYs `rig tbY `UWtcihUf vYti gYWbUhcsg XYtUcfYX ch

 During the Maoist era, factions were ideologically as well as personally de ned, and remained ercely loyal in what could become a winner-take-all game. † )cttgYr (, p )

 Aripisctcih  &s gYgVYrs i` U `UWtcih VYWigY WriwXYX Ut U WYrtUch fYvYf `, hYw prigitcihs `rig tbY sUgY `UWtcih UrY girY fceYfy ti VY VfiWeYX Vy tbYcr Wi`UWtcihUfs iut i` tbYcr iwh WUrYYr WihWYrhs 4hXYYX, Us sbiwh ch EUVfY , tbY XUgpYhcha YYWt cs strihaYr ch bcabYr fYvYfs i` tbY bcYrUrWby wbYrY `UWtcih gYgVYrs UrY girY WihWYhtrUtYX (1caurY ) EbYrY`irY, chXcvcXuUf chWYhtcvYs ch chtrU-`UWtcih WigpYtctcih surprcschafy fcgct tbY UVcfcty i` U pUrUgiuht fYUXYr ti ariw bcs iwh `UWtcih

8.2 Presidency

& sYWihX WiuhtYr`UWtuUf wY pYr`irg chvifvYs tbY WbicWY i` fYUXYrsbcp rUtcYX Vy tbY   tb AUrty (iharYss Ebcs cs tbY YvYht tbUt Vriuabt Ic 5chpcha ti tbY AC( ArYscXYhWy 9UtbUh UhX 2cffYy () prYsYht WigpYffcha XiWugYhtUry YvcXYhWY tbUt UfrYUXy tYh yYUrs VY`irY tbY `irgUf piwYr trUhsctcih Ic 5chpcha UhX 7c 6YqcUha VYfihaYX ti U sYfYWt `Yw wctb pitYhtcUf UWWrYXctUtcih ti tbY pUrUgiuht pist 'i IcfUc wUs Ufsi pUrt i` tbcs bcabfy sYfYWtYX ariup 4t cs pisscVfY `ir us ti stuXy U WiuhtYr`UWtuUf 7c prYscXYhWy 1caurY  rYpirts tbY UaarYaUtY sbUrY i` prigitcih, UhX U girY XYtUcfYX VrYUeXiwh Vy fYvYf WUh VY `iuhX ch tbY `iurtb pUhYf i` EUVfY  4htYrYstchafy, acvYh tbY YstcgUtYX fYUXYrsbcp prYgcU, tbY prigitcih Ut A' fYvYf wiufX bUvY bUX U vYry fcgctYX chWrYUsY ch (P7( rYprYsYhtUtcih (7c„s `UWtcih) 8irY rUXcWUf sbc`ts wiufX bUvY VYYh rYWirXYX ch tbY prigitcih Ut tbY (( UhX &( tbiuab &aUch tbcs cs U rYsuft i` tbY sfiw pYrWifUtcih i` `UWtcihUf rYprYsYhtUtcih chXuWYX Vy iur giXYf, WigpiuhXYX wctb tbY UfrYUXy bcab (P7( rYprYsYhtUtcih Ut tbY uppYr fYvYfs i` tbY ((A Ut tbY YhX i` 3u„s fUst tYrg ch i‰WY

8.3 Are a Faction?

EbY rYUXYr wcff hitcWY tbUt tbY UhUfyscs UVivY piscts `UWtcihUf U‰fcUtcih i` prYs- cXYht Ic 5chpcha Us U gYgVYr i` DbUhabUc 2Uha Ebcs cs ch ctsYf` U gUttYr i` XYVUtY Ugiha sWbifUrs chtYrYstYX ch (bchYsY YfctY pifctcWs 1ir chstUhWY, 7c () ch bcs Vc-`UWtcihUf rYprYsYhtUtcih i` tbY (bchYsY tip tcYrs XYhYs Ic Us U prchWYfcha UssiWcUtYX wctb 5cUha„s WUgp (DbUhabUc 2Uha) 4h `UWt, Ic spYht ihfy sYvYh gihtbs ch Uhy i‰WcUf rifY ch DbUhabUc, Vut 5cUha„s suVstUhtcUf ch‚uYhWY ih Ic bUs VYYh hitYX Vy gUhy @tbYr rYsYUrWbYrs bUvY pichtYX ti ArYscXYht Ic Us tbY fYUXYr i` U hYw `UWtcih i` bcs iwh, gistfy wctb riits ch DbUUhxc, wbYrY Ic wUs Virh, UhX ch QbYdcUha ArivchWY, wbYrY bY sYrvYX Us AUrty DYWrYtUry `rig

  ti    @ur giXYf Uffiws U `irgUf stUtcstcWUf UhUfyscs i` sigY i` tbYsY quYstcihs HY VYach Vy chvYstcaUtcha wbYtbYr iur pistufUtY i` tbY prchWYfchas hit VY- bUvcha Us U uhcYX `UWtcih cs wUrrUhtYX Vy tbY XUtU Ei UssYss tbcs `irgUffy wY cgpfYgYht Guiha spYWcWUtcih tYsts VYtwYYh iur VUsYfchY giXYf UhX ihY wbYrY prchWYfcha stUtus cs WiXYX Us gYgVYrsbcp ch `UWtcih P , wctb U spYWcW pUrUgYtYr  rYaufUtcha Uh YxpUhXYX WihtYst `uhWtcih i` tbY typY ()"

 W (P ) = : +  +  + 

l HY Ufsi spYWc`y U `UWtcih-spYWcW fYUXYrsbcp prYgcug, p =  = , wbcWb rYaufUtYs tbY XcYrYhtcUf prigitcih priVUVcfcty wbYh tbY pUrUgiuht fYUXYr cs `rig tbY prchWYfchas (Ya Ic ch tbY  tb AUrty (iharYss) CYsufts UrY rYpirtYX ch EUVfY  EbY Guiha tYst chXcWUtYs tbUt tbY giXYf wbYrY prchWYfchas UrY WihscXYrYX ti VY hYutrUfs cs prY`YrrYX ivYr ihY wbYrY prchWYfchas UrY trYUtYX Us U sYpUrUtY `UWtcih 8irY cgpirtUhtfy, tbY YstcgUtYX fYUXYrsbcp prYgcug wctbch tbY giXYf cgpischa prchWYfchas Us U `UWtcih, p, cs YstcgUtYX ti VY fYss tbUh 1 Ebcs gYUhs tbUt, Us prchWYfcha Ic rYUWbYX tbY pUrUgiuht pisctcih, itbYr prchWYfchas XcX hit UppYUr ti Yhdiy U bcabYr prYgcug ch prigitcihs Ebcs hXcha prcgU `UWcY vcifUtYs ihY i` tbY WruWcUf `YUturYs i` `UWtcihUf pifctcWs ‡ XYfcvYrcha rYsiurWYs ti gYgVYrs i` tbY `UWtcih ihWY tbY `UWtcih fYUXYr cs ch piwYr ‡ UhX UppYUrs ch stUre WihtrUst ti wbUt wY bUvY UfrYUXy iVsYrvYX `ir tbY VriUXfy UWWYptYX `UWtcihs, (P7( UhX DbUhabUc 2Uha, wbYrY wY YstcgUtY  > 1 4h VrcY`, tbY YvcXYhWY rYdYWts tbY bypitbYscs tbUt prchWYfchas ipYrUtY Us U uhcYX `UWtcih

8.4 Is President Xi Jinping A¢liated to the Shanghai Gang?

@ur struWturUf UppriUWb Uffiws Ufsi ti priXuWY `irgUf tYsts `ir tbY UhUfyscs i` `UWtcihUf U‰fcUtcih i` tbY tip fYUXYrsbcp EbY WUsY i` Ic 5chpcha cs YgVfYgUtcW VYWUusY i` Vitb bcs striha tcYs ti tbY ((A YfctY tbriuab `Ugcfy WihhYWtcihs UhX

 DigY rYWurrcha U‰fcUtYX pifctcWcUhs chWfuXY WurrYht A'D( gYgVYr UhX Uhtc-Wirruptcih W€Ur HUha BcsbUh, UhX pitYhtcUf A'D( `uturY gYgVYrs suWb Us 7c QbUhsbu, XcrYWtir i` tbY (( 2YhYrUf @‰WY, UhX AifctVuri gYgVYr QbUi 7Ydc Dbcb () YstcgUtYs, VUsYX ih sbUrYX WUrYYr YxpYrcYhWY, tbUt fYss tbUh 6 pYrWYht i` WurrYht (( gYgVYrs bUvY pUst tcYs wctb ArYscXYht Ic Ebcs sbiufX biwYvYr hit VY Wih`usYX wctb U trufy `UWtcihUf iraUhc€Utcih i` tbY ArYscXYht„s chhYr WcrWfY `ir wbcWb bUrX YvcXYhWY cs hit UvUcfUVfY

 bcs rYpYUtYX rYdYWtcih i` chtrU-pUrty `UWtcihUf pifctcWs (Ya WUVUfs UhX WfcquYs† gYhtcihYX ch i‰WcUf trUhsWrcpts ih AYipfY„s )Ucfy, 8Uy rX,  ! ) Ei tbcs aiUf, wY rY-YstcgUtY tbY giXYf Ussugcha tbUt Ic cs Uh uhU‰fcUtYX hYutrUf, UhX WigpUrY tbY UftYrhUtcvY giXYf UaUchst iur VUsYfchY spYWcWUtcih wbYrY Ic cs U DbUhabUc 2Uha gYgVYr EbY Guiha tYst sbiws tbUt Ic cs sfcabtfy girY fceYfy ti VY U DbUhabUc 2Uha gYgVYr, Uftbiuab tbY stUtcstcWUf YvcXYhWY cs chWihWfuscvY @ur tYsts Xi hit bUvY Yhiuab piwYr ch tbcs spYWcW chstUhWY 1irtuhUtYfy, suWb UgVcaucty cs fceYfy ti VY rYsifvYX U`tYr tbY  !tb AUrty (iharYss, wbcWb wcff uhvYcf U wYUftb i` XUtU ih hYw prigitcihs wctbch tbY ((A

8.5 An Out-of-sample Forecast for the 2017 19th Party Congress

Ei WihWfuXY iur quUhtctUtcvY YxYrWcsYs wY Ygpfiy iur giXYf ti `irYWUst tbY !tb AUrty (iharYss ch  &ftbiuab UXgcttYXfy spYWufUtcvY, ti tbY VYst i` iur ehiwfYXaY tbcs cs priVUVfy ihY i` tbY vYry `Yw rcairius quUhtctUtcvY Yhvcrih- gYhts Uffiwcha `ir YxYrWcsYs i` tbcs echX EbY giXYf chWirpirUtYs chXcvcXuUf WbUrUWtYrcstcWs ch tbcs UhUfyscs ti iVtUch girY UWWurUtY `irYWUsts   EbY tip pUhYf i` EUVfY  sbiws tbUt sbUrY i` prigitcihs Vy fYvYf i` tbY (YhtrUf (iggcttYY FhXYr tbY Ussugptcih tbUt Ic cs ch `UWt U DbUhabUc 2Uha gYgVYr, tbY DbUhabUc `UWtcih cs YxpYWtYX ti Yhdiy U bcabYr sbUrY i` prigitcihs ch tbY AifctVuri tbUh tbY (P7( `UWtcih XuY ti fYUXYrsbcp prYgcU 4h WihtrUst, prigitcihs Ut fiwYr fYvYfs UrY YxpYWtYX ti VY girY WigpUrUVfY VYtwYYh tbY twi `UWtcihs XuY ti tbY XUgpYhcha YYWts stYggcha `rig vYtiYs DchWY tbYrY cs stcff uhrYsifvYX UgVcaucty rYaUrXcha Ic„s `UWtcihUf U‰fcUtcih, wY Ufsi WihXuWt U `irYWUst Ussugcha Ic cs U hYutrUf ch tbY Vittig pUhYf i` EUVfY  4h tbcs WUsY, tbY DbUhabUc 2Uha wiufX UppYUr ti fisY cts UXvUhtUaY ch prigitcih `ir Uff tbY fYvYfs i` tbY (YhtrUf (iggcttYY

9 Conclusions

Ebcs pUpYr WihtrcVutYs ti Uh YgYracha fctYrUturY ih tbY pifctcWUf YWihigy i` YWihigcW XYvYfipgYht Vy `iWuscha ih YfctY iraUhc€Utcih ch U hihXYgiWrUWy HY spYWcWUffy `iWus ih giXYrh (bchU UhX ih tbY chtYrhUf iraUhc€Utcih i` tbY

! &vUcfUVfY Ut bttp"YhpYipfYWhhW!-!btgf  1ir chXcvcXuUfs wbi hYwfy YhtYr &( Ut tbY !tb AUrty (iharYss wbisY WbUrUWtYrcstcWs UrY hit rYUXcfy UvUcfUVfY, wY rUhXigfy XrUw tbY WbUrUWtYrcstcWs `rig tbY sUgpfY i` tbY hYw YhtrcYs i`  tb AUrty (iharYss

! (bchYsY (igguhcst AUrty EbY ((A, guWb fceY bcstircWUf 7Yhchcst pUrtcYs ch DiWcUfcst WiuhtrcYs, rYprYsYhts tbY fchWbpch i` hUtcihUf pifctcWs UhX uhXYrstUhXcha cts chhYr wirechas cs WYhtrUf ti Uhy pifctcWUf YWihigcW UhUfyscs i` tbY AC( HY prYsYht U giXYf i` chtYrhUf iraUhc€Utcih i` tbcs schafY-pUrty rYacgY, wbYrY YxpfcWct `UWtcihUf XyhUgcWs wctbch tbY pUrty YhrcWb U priVfYg i` WUrYYr WihWYrhs i` pifctcWUf WUXrYs EbY giXYf iYrs U sYrcYs i` hivYf chscabts ih tbY rifY i` `UWtcihs ch tbYsY rYacgYs ch U `uffy gcWri`iuhXYX sYttcha &ftYrhUtcvY giXYfcha WbicWYs UrY Ufsi XcsWussYX EbY giXYf cs vUfcXUtYX YgpcrcWUffy Ygpfiycha U rcWb XUtU sYt ih tbY WUrYYr prifYs i` tip ((A gYgVYrs 4h rYXuWYX `irg, U sYt i` prYvciusfy uhYxpfirYX systYgUtcW YgpcrcWUf rYaufUrctcYs ch (bchYsY YfctY pifctcWs UrY priVYX UhX Xcs- WussYX EbY YxtYht i` tbY - Uhtc-Wirruptcih puraY ch sbUpcha (bchYsY `UWtcihUf pifctcWs cs Ufsi UhUfy€YX 4h iur struWturUf YstcgUtcih, wY YxpfirY cg- pirtUht WiuhtYr`UWtuUfs pYrtchYht ti tbY (bchYsY bcstircWUf WUsY UhX usY tbY giXYf ti UhswYr U sYrcYs i` quYstcihs rYfYvUht ti tbY pifctcWUf YWihigy i` tbY ((A HY bipY tbUt tbcs `rUgYwire gUy Ufsi privY usY`uf ti tbY uhXYrstUhXcha i` tbY fUtYht chstctutcihUf sbc`ts iWWurrcha wctbch tbY ((A uhXYr Ic 4h `uturY rYsYUrWb wY bipY ti YxtYhX iur UhUfyscs ti tbY  !tb AUrty (iharYss Ebcs wcff Uffiw prYWcscih ih Uff XcgYhscihs WihWYrhcha tbY Ic ArYsc- XYhWy 'YscXYs iur UppfcWUtcih ti (bchYsY pifctcWs, wY pfUh ti `iWus ih scgcfUrfy WigpfYx hihXYgiWrUtcW YhvcrihgYhts ‡tbY YxUgpfY i` CusscU WigYs ti gchX‡ wbYrY iur giXYf i` bcYrUrWbcWUf pUrty iraUhc€Utcih gUy VY ti U WYrtUch YxtYht trUhspisUVfY


'Yff, )UhcYf &  The China Model: Political Meritocracy and the Limits of Democracy. ArchWYtih, 95" ArchWYtih FhcvYrscty ArYss 'Uc, (biha-0h, (bUha-EUc 3scYb, QbYha 8cWbUYf Diha  (rihy WUpc- tUfcsg wctb (bchYsY WbUrUWtYrcstcWs Mimeo (bcWUai 'iitb 'Yffihc, 1rUhe A, UhX 'YffYr, )Yhhcs ( !  Faction Politics: Politi- cal Parties and Factionalism in Comparative Perspective  DUhtU 'UrVUrU, (fci ArYss 'i, QbcyuY  EbY tb (YhtrUf (iggcttYY i` tbY (bchYsY (iggu- hcst AUrty" `irgUf chstctutcihs UhX `UWtcihUf ariups Journal of Contemporary China , (!), - 'i, QbcyuY  China’s Elite Politics: Political Transition and Power Balancing  3UWeYhsUWe, 95" HirfX DWcYhtcW AuVfcsbcha (Yrih, &hXrYU  EbY AifctcWs i` 1csscih" &h &hUfyscs i` 1UWtcih 'rYUe- UwUys &giha 4tUfcUh AUrtcYs (!-) British Journal of Political Science , (), -! (bYh, PY, 3ihaVch 7c, UhX 7c-&h Qbiu  CYfUtcvY AYr`irgUhWY 0vUfu- Utcih UhX tbY EurhivYr i` ArivchWcUf 7YUXYrs ch (bchU Economics Letters , , - (ix, 2Ury H# 1rUhWYs 8W(Uff CisYhVfutb# 8cWbUYf 1 EbcYs !!! 0fYW- tirUf CY`irg UhX tbY 1UtY i` 1UWtcihs" EbY (UsY i` 5UpUh„s 7cVYrUf )YgiWrUtcW AUrty British Journal of Political Science , Gif !, 9i  (5Uh, !!!), pp - (ix, 2Ury H# 1rUhWYs 8 CisYhVfutb# 8cWbUYf 1 EbcYs  0fYWtirUf CufYs, (UrYYr &gVctcihs, UhX AUrty DtruWturY" (igpUrcha 1UWtcihs ch 5UpUh„s FppYr UhX 7iwYr 3iusYs American Journal of Political Science , Gif , 9i  (5Uh, ), pp - )YwUh, Euruh, 1rUhWYsWi DquchtUhc  4h )Y`YhsY i` 1UWtcihs &gYrcWUh 5iurhUf i` AifctcWUf DWcYhWY, ch prYss )cttgYr, 7iwYff !! (bchYsY ch`irgUf AifctcWs The China Journal " - )cttgYr, 7iwYff,  7YUXYrsbcp (bUhaY UhX (bchYsY AifctcWUf )YvYfip- gYht ch The New Chinese Leadership: Challenges and opportunities after the 16th Party Congress. The China Quarterly Special Issues 9i  (UgVrcXaY FhcvYrscty ArYss

 1Ywsgctb, 5isYpb  EbY 9Yw DbUpY i` 0fctY AifctcWs, The China Jour- nal , " -! 1rUhWics, AUtrcWe, 4fcU CUchYr, 1rUhWYsWi ErYVVc  3iw 4s AiwYr DbUrYX ch &`rcWU$, Econometrica , 8UrWb , ()" pp- 1rUhWics, AUtrcWe, 4fcU CUchYr, 1rUhWYsWi ErYVVc  EbY )cWtUtir„s 4hhYr (crWfY, mimeo UBC  3uUha, 5cha  Factionalism in Chinese Communist Politics  (Ug- VrcXaY FhcvYrscty ArYss 5cU, CucxuY, 8UsUyuec 6uXUgUtsu UhX )UvcX DYcg  AifctcWUf DYfYWtcih ch (bchU" (igpfYgYhtUry CifYs i` (ihhYWtcihs UhX AYr`irgUhWY Journal of the European Economics Association ,  ()" ‡  6Uti, 5uhei UhX (Urif 8Yrsbih,  4htYrhUf pUrty iraUhc€Utcih ch tbY 4tUfcUh (brcstcUh XYgiWrUts UhX 5UpUhYsY fcVYrUf XYgiWrUts" `UWtcihUf WigpYtc- tcih `ir i‰WY, WfcYhtYfYs, UhX Wirrupt YxWbUhaY 4h Comparing Political Corrup- tion and Clientelism , 5 6UwUtU, YX, &sbaUtY AuVfcsbcha (igpUhy, 'urfchatih GE 6ubh, CiVYrt 7UwrYhWY  The Man Who Changed China: The Life and Legacy of  CUhXig 3iusY 7UvYr, 8cWbUYf, )UhcYfU 2cUhhYttc  AUrty WibYscih, pUrty XcsWcpfchY, pUrty `UWtcihs ch 4tUfy, ch 4htrU-pUrty pifctcWs UhX WiUfctcih aivYrhgYhts, YX Vy 6 'Yhict, UhX ) 2cUhhYttc, pp -  CiutfYXaY, 7ihXih 7c, (bYha  EbY DbUhabUc 2Uha" 1irWY `ir DtUVcfcty ir (UusY `ir (ih‚cWt$ China Leadership Monitor " -  7c, (bYha  EbY 'UttfY `ir (bchU„s Eip 9chY 7YUXYrsbcp Aists The Washington Quarterly ", - 7c, (bYha  & 'ciarUpbcWUf UhX 1UWtcihUf &hUfyscs i` tbY Aist- AifctVuri China Leadership Monitor " - 7c, 3ihaVch, UhX 7c-&h Qbiu  AifctcWUf EurhivYr UhX 0WihigcW AYr- `irgUhWY" tbY 4hWYhtcvY CifY i` AYrsihhYf (ihtrif ch (bchU Journal of Public Economics ! (!)" - 8W&ffcstYr 4Uh !! AUrty &XUptUtcih UhX 1UWtcihUfcsg wctbch tbY &us- trUfcUh AUrty DystYg &gYrcWUh 5iurhUf i` AifctcWUf DWcYhWY, (), - 8yYrs, 2ustUvus ! The History of Tammany Hall  'ihc & 7cvYrfcabt, 9P 9UtbUh, &hXrYw ! & 1UWtcihUfcsg 8iXYf i` ((A AifctcWs China Quarterly  (5UhuUry), ‡

 9UtbUh, &hXrYw UhX 'ruWY 2cffYy  China’s New Rulers: The Secret Files. 9Yw Pire, 9P" EbY 9Yw Pire CYvcYw 'iies 9UtbUh, &hXrYw  Hbi 4s Ic$ The New York Review of Books, 8Uy tb 4ssuY AYrscWi, 9cWifU, 5is“ ( CiXrcauY€-AuYVfctU, UhX )Uh DcfvYrgUh 1UW- tcihs UhX AifctcWUf (igpYtctcih Journal of Political Economy , ! ()" -  AyY, 7uWcUh !  EbY )yhUgcWs i` 1UWtcihs UhX (ihsYhsus ch (bchYsY AifctcWs" & 8iXYf UhX DigY Aripisctcihs RAND Air Force Report  C-- &1 DbUgVUuab, )UvcX 7   China’s Communist Party: Atrophy and Adap- tation  F( ArYss Dbcb, GcWtir  1UWtcihs 8UttYr" AYrsihUf 9Ytwires UhX )cstrcVutcih i` 'Uhe 7iUhs ch (bchU Journal of Contemporary China " -! Dbcb, GcWtir  Factions and Finance in China: Elite Con‡ict and In‡ation  (UgVrcXaY FhcvYrscty ArYss Dbcb, GcWtir, (brcstipbYr &Xifpb, UhX 8chaxcha 7cu  2Yttcha &bYUX ch tbY (igguhcst AUrty" 0xpfUchcha tbY &XvUhWYgYht i` (YhtrUf (iggcttYY 8YgVYrs ch (bchU American Political Science Review  ()" ‡  Dbcb, GcWtir  0irts Ut YxtYrgchUtcha `UWtcihUfcsg uhXYr Ic 5ch- pcha" Hcff Ic 5chpcha XigchUtY (bchYsY pifctcWs U`tYr tbY !tb AUrty (iharYss$ Mercator Institute for China Studies Papers ,  (5uhY)"  - Esiu, EUha !! (bchYsY AifctcWs Ut tbY Eip" 1UWtcihUfcsg ir 4h`irgUf AifctcWs$ 'UfUhWY-i`-AiwYr AifctcWs ir U 2UgY ti Hch &ff$ The China Journal " !‡ QbYhaxu HUha, 5chabUh QYha  Ic 5chpcha" tbY aUgY WbUhaYr i` (bchYsY YfctY pifctcWs$ Contemporary Politics , - QuWeYrgUh, &fUh ! Political Clienteles in Power: Party Factions and Cabinet Coalitions in Italy  DUaY Ari`YsscihUf AUpYrs ch (igpUrUtcvY AifctcWs, -, 'YvYrfy 3cffs UhX 7ihXih" DUaY AuVfcWUtcihs

 10 Appendix

Proof of Proposition  AUrt (c) DuppisY tbUt, I(`) > 0; wbYrY I 6= J, UhX N(`) > 0 (ihscXYr tbY XYWcscih Vy U `UWtcih- J pifctcWcUh ch U hiXY Ut ` i` wbYtbYr ti vYti U Wi`UWtcihUf„s suppirt `ir prigitcih ti bcs hiXY Hctb tbY prigitcih i` U sUgY-`UWtcih gYgVYr `rig J ti tbY pifctcWcUh„s hiXY, fYt J (`) XYhitY tbY titUf hugVYr i` `UWtcih J gYgVYrs tbUt wiufX VY prYsYht Ut fYvYf ` EbYh, uscha YquUtcih () UhX (), tbY prigitcih bU€UrX pUrUgYtYr `ir tbcs J pifctcWcUh Ut fYvYf ` (c` tbY itbYr `UWtcih K Ufsi vYtiYs Wi-`UWtcih gYgVYrs) c` bY XiYs hit vYti VYWigYs"

j ( +  (` 1)) ( +  (` 1))  (`) = I(` 1) I + N(` 1) N ; J J (`) j +  j + i +    wctb j = UhX i =  ir vcWYvYrsU 4` chstYUX, tbY pifctcWcUh vYtiYs bcs Wi`UW- tcihUf, UhX U gYgVYr i` tbY itbYr `UWtcih (ir U hYutrUf) UsWYhXs ti bcs hiXY, bcs prigitcih bU€UrX VYWigYs"

j ( +  (` 1)) ( +  (` 1))  (`) = I(` 1) I + N(` 1) N ; J J (`) 1 j +  j + i +    wbcWb cs strcWtfy arYUtYr 4` tbY itbYr `UWtcih XiYs hit vYti cts gYgVYrs tbY rYspYWtcvY YxprYsscihs VYWigY"

j ( +  (` 1)) ( +  (` 1))  (`) = I(` 1) I + N(` 1) N J J (`) j + i +  j + i +    UhX

j ( +  (` 1)) ( +  (` 1))  (`) = I(` 1) I + N(` 1) N : J J (`) 1 j + i +  j + i +    &hX tbY fUttYr bU€UrX cs WfYUrfy bcabYr UaUch Ebcs privYs pUrt U)

AUrt (cc) DuppisY tbUt, I(`) = 0 ; UhX N(`) > 0: DuppisY `urtbYr tbUt, wctb tbY prigitcih i` U Wi-`UWtcih gYgVYr ti J„s hiXY tbYrY wcff VY J (`) gYgVYrs i` J„s `UWtcih Ut fYvYf `; tbYh tbY bU€UrX pUrUgYtYr `ir prigitcih i` tbcs J

 pifctcWcUh cs"

j ( +  (` 1)) ( +  (` 1))  (`) = I(` 1) I + N(` 1) N : () J J (`) j +  j +    4` Uh N gYgVYr chstYUX UsWYhXs ti bcs hiXY, tbYh tbY J gYgVYr„s prigitcih bU€UrX cs"

j ( +  (` 1)) ( +  (` 1))  (`) = I(` 1) I + N(` 1) N ; J J (`) 1 j +  j +    wbcWb YxWYYXs (), si bY cs WfYUrfy VYttYr i vYticha bcs iwh `UWtcih gYgVYr 3iwYvYr, c` Uh I 6= J; N UsWYhXs ti bcs hiXY, tbYh tbY J gYgVYr„s prigitcih bU€UrX VYWigYs" 

j ( +  (` 1)) ( +  (` 1))  (`) = I(` 1) I + N(` 1) N : ( ) J J (`) 1 j +  i + j +    DchWY tbcs I wcff WihtYst ` 1 fYvYf ipYhchas (tbY sYWihX YxprYsscih UVivY), tbcs fiwYrs tbY WbUhWYs i` tbY J VYach prigitYX ti ihY i` tbisY &ssugcha I `UWtcihUfs Ufsi vYti, Uh I UsWYhXcha ti J„s hiXY fiwYrs tbY WbUhWYs i` U J prigitcih tbY gist c` N(` 1) = M(` 1)  Di U su‰WcYht WihXctcih `ir J ti YxYrWcsY U vYti UssugYs Uff bcabYr pisctcihs UrY ffYX Vy gYgVYrs tbUt UrY hYutrUf, N FhXYr tbcs Ussugptcih YxprYsscih ( ) VYWigYs"

j ( +  (` 1))  (`) = M(` 1) N ; J J (`) 1 i + j +    UhX YxprYsscih () VYWigYs"

j ( +  (` 1))  (`) = M(` 1) N : J J (`) j +    Di J wcff vYti U J Wigcha `rig fYvYf ` + 1 privcXYX tbUt"

j ( +  (` 1)) j ( +  (` 1)) M(` 1) N < M(` 1) N J (`) j +  J (`) 1 i + j +      J (`) 1 j +  ) < J (`) i + j +  j +  ) J(`) < i  &ssugcha tbUt I„s Ufsi vYti 4` tbYy Xih„t tbY su‰WcYht WihXctcih cs sfcabtfy UftYrYX, Vut quUfctUtcvYfy cXYhtcWUf

 wbYrY wY usY tbUt J (`) 1 = J(`) 

Proof of Proposition  7Yt us XYhY tbY chXcWUtir `uhWtcihs IB = 1 , c B(`) >

0 UhX IB = 0 , itbYrwcsY# IN = 1 , c N(`) > 0 UhX IN = 0 , itbYrwcsY# IR =

1, c R(`) > 0 UhX IR = 0 , itbYrwcsY

DtUrt wctb U hYutrUf ( N), wbi cs Ut fYvYf ` ch tbY bcYrUrWby I (` 1) cs XYtYrgchYX `rig tbY bcYrUrWby UVivY"

R N (`) = R(` 1) (  + R(` 1)) pN (`) N + N(` 1) (  + N (` 1)) pN (`) B + B(` 1) (  + B(` 1)) pN (`):

R (ihscXYr `urtbYr tbUt, XcYrYhtfy `rig () wbYrY pN (`) = = (IB +  + IR), R hiw pN (`) = = (IB + ) VYWUusY ch Aripisctcih  YUWb R(` 1) cs privYh ti vYti Uhy R pisscVfy WigpYtcha UaUchst N 1ir U scgcfUr rYUsih, ct bifXs tbUt B pN (`) = = (IR + ) HY tbYh bUvY"

N (`)  ( +  (` 1)) ( +  (` 1)) ( +  (` 1)) = R(` 1) R + N(` 1) N + B(` 1) B : N(`) I +  I + I  +  I  +   B B R R  DcgcfUrfy, `ir U `UWtcih B gYgVYr tbcs cs acvYh Vy"

R B(`) = R(` 1) (  + R(` 1)) pB(`) N + N(` 1) (  + N (` 1)) pB (`) B + B(` 1) (  + B(` 1)) pB(`) ( +  (` 1)) ( +  (` 1)) = R(` 1) R + N(` 1) N ; B(`) + I  + I  + I   N R N  B wbYrY tbY fUst fchY usYs tbY `UWt tbUt vYticha `rig Aripisctcih  cgpfcYs pB(`) = R N 0; wbcfY pB(`) = = ( + IN ) UhX pB (`) = = ( + IR + IN )

 1chUffy, `ir U `UWtcih R gYgVYr tbcs cs"

R R(`) = R(` 1) (  + R(` 1)) pR(`) N + N(` 1) (  + N (` 1)) pR (`) B + B(` 1) (  + B(` 1)) pR(`)  ( +  (` 1)) ( +  (` 1)) = B(` 1) B + N(` 1) N ; R(`)  + I  I +  + I   N B N  wbYrY tbY fUst fchY usYs tbY `UWt tbUt iur vYticha rYsufts ch Aripisctcih  cgpfy R B N  pR(`) = 0 ; wbcfY pR(`) = = ( + IN ) UhX pR (`) = = ( + IB + IN )

Full Listing of I (`) conditional on paramount leadership 1ir Uh N 4` Uh N cs pUrUgiuht fYUXYr"

 ( +  (` 1)) ( +  (` 1)) ( +  (` 1))  (`) = R(` 1) R + N(` 1) N + B(` 1) B : N N(`) I +  I + I  +  I  +   B B R R  4` Uh R cs pUrUgiuht fYUXYr"

 ( +  (` 1)) ( +  (` 1)) ( +  (` 1))  (`) = R(` 1) R + N(` 1) N + B(` 1) B : N N(`) I +  I + I l +  I l +   B B R R  4` U B cs pUrUgiuht fYUXYr"

 ( +  (` 1)) ( +  (` 1)) ( +  (` 1))  (`) = R(` 1) R + N(` 1) N + B(` 1) B : N N(`) l l I  +   IB +  IB + IR +  R  where IB = 1 ; iff B (`) > 0 and IB = 0 ; otherwise ; IR = 1 ; iff R (`) > 0 and IR = 0 ; otherwise:

1ir `UWtcih B gYgVYr 4` Uh N cs pUrUgiuht fYUXYr"

( +  (` 1)) ( +  (` 1))  (`) = R(` 1) R + N(` 1) N : B B(`) + I  + I  + I   N R N  4` Uh R cs pUrUgiuht fYUXYr"

( +  (` 1)) ( +  (` 1))  (`) = R(` 1) R + N(` 1) N : B B(`) + I  + I l + I   N R N  4` U B cs pUrUgiuht fYUXYr"

l ( +  (` 1)) ( +  (` 1))  (`) = R(` 1) R + N(` 1) N : B B(`) l l  + IN  + IR + IN  

 where IN = 1 ; iff N (`) > 0 and IN = 0 ; otherwise ; IR = 1 ; iff R (`) > 0 and IR = 0 ; otherwise:

1ir U `UWtcih R gYgVYr 4` Uh N cs pUrUgiuht fYUXYr"

 ( +  (` 1)) ( +  (` 1))  (`) = B(` 1) B + N(` 1) N : R R(`)  + I  I +  + I   N B N  4` Uh R cs pUrUgiuht fYUXYr"

l ( +  (` 1)) ( +  (` 1))  (`) = B(` 1) B + N(` 1) N : R R(`) l + I  I + l + I   N B N  4` U B cs pUrUgiuht fYUXYr"

 ( +  (` 1)) ( +  (` 1))  (`) = B(` 1) B + N(` 1) N : R R(`)  + I  l  N IB +  + IN  

where IN = 1 ; iff N (`) > 0 and IN = 0 ; otherwise ; IB = 1 ; iff B (`) > 0 and IB = 0 ; otherwise:

Proof of Proposition  HY rst XYgihstrUtY tbUt, c` tbY systYg cs stUtcih- t t Ury, si tbUt VI (`) = VI (`) UhX I (`) = I (`) 8I; ` , tbYh I (`) >  J (`) cgpfcYs VI (`) > V J (`): Di, () cs sifvYX Vy tbY I suWb tbUt I (`) cs sup fB (`) ;  R (`) ;  N (`)g : t t EbY stUtcihUry UhUfia i` YquUtcih () wbYrY VI (`) = VI (`) UhX I (`) = I (`) 8I; ` cs"

V I (`) = u(`) + I (`) [ VI (` 1) VI (`)] ; wbcWb cgpfcYs" u(`) + I (`) VI (` 1) VI (`) =  + I (`) UhX u(` 1) + I (` 1) VI (` 2) VI (` 1) = :  + I (` 1)

 'y rYpYUtYX suVstctutcih"

u(`) VI (`) = +  + I (`)  (`) u(` 1) I + ( + I (`)) (  + I (` 1))  (`)  (` 1) u(` 2) I I + ( + I (`)) (  + I (` 1)) (  + I (` 2))  (`)  (` 1)     (2) u(1) : : : + I I I : ( + I (`)) (  + I (` 1))    ( + I (1))

Ebcs rYXuWYs ti"

`1 k=`1 u(`) k=j I (k + 1) VI (`) = + u(j)  k=` :  + I (`) j=1 Q k=j ( + I (k)) X Q DchWY ‚iw pUyis UrY bcabYr tbY bcabYr tbY pifctcWcUh cs ch tbY bcYrUrWby, cY u(` 1) > u (`) 8`, tbYh hYWYssUrcfy chWrYUscha tbY rUtY i` prigitcih cgprivYs dV I (`) vUfuUtcihs, > 0 8` Ebcs cgpfcYs tbUt I (`) >  J (`) YhsurYs VI (`) > d I (`) VJ (`) EbY prii` priWYYXs hYxt Vy YstUVfcsbcha su‰WcYht WihXctcihs `ir tbrYY pUrts (c) EbY YxcstYhWY i` hYutrUfs acvYh `UWtcihs Yxcst# (cc) EbY YxcstYhWY i` U schafY `UWtcih acvYh hYutrUfs Yxcst# (ccc) EbY YxcstYhWY i` U sYWihX `UWtcih, acvYh hYutrUfs UhX U rst `UWtcih UfrYUXy Yxcst

4h YUWb pUrt, U su‰WcYht WihXctcih cs privcXYX `ir I (`) >  J6=I (`) UhX

K6=I (`) Ut U schafY fYvYf, ` EbY su‰WcYht WihXctcih YstUVfcsbYX ch YUWb WUsY cs tbus rYqucrYX ti bifX Ut Uff ` ch irXYr ti YhsurY tbUt Uh YhtYrcha pifctcWcUh prY`Yrs Yhtry Us U typY I AUrt (c) HY YstUVfcsb U su‰WcYht WihXctcih `ir tbYrY ti VY hYutrUfs DuppisY, ih tbY WihtrUry, tbUt tbYrY Yxcst hi N gYgVYrs 9YWYssUrcfy, XuY ti Aripisctcih , wctbiut N„s, Uff hiXYs wcff VY ffYX Vy Vitb U B UhX Uh R: Ebus, uhXYr tbY suppisctcih, tbY bcYrUrWby rYgUchs stUtcihUry, si tbUt, `rig tbY rYsuft UVivY, ct cs su‰WcYht ti WigputY ihfy tbY stUtcihUry I (`) `ir YUWb ` ti XYtYrgchY tbY iptcgUf I &ssugY, wctbiut fiss i` aYhYrUfcty, tbUt tbY pUrUgiuht fYUXYrsbcp pisctcih cs bYfX Vy U B (ihscXYr fYvYf ` ch tbY bcYrUrWby 9YWYssUrcfy tbY prigitcih

! bU€UrX `ir Uh N Ut fYvYf ` cs acvYh Vy"

( +  (` 1)) ( +  (` 1))  (`) =  R(` 1) R + B(` 1) B : N l I  +   IB +  R  )uY ti iptcgUf vYtiYs Ut YUWb hiXY, ct gust VY tbUt R(` 1) = B(` 1) =

M(` 1) =2 UhX IB = IR = 1  EbY rYfUtcihsbcp VYtwYYh R(` 1) UhX B(` 1) cs UgVcauius Di WihscXYr Vitb WUsYs sYpUrUtYfy 1crst, UssugY tbUt R(` 1) 

B(` 1) , wbcWb wcff cgpfy, XuY ti tbY syggYtry i` tbY pisctYX bcYrUrWby, tbUt

R(`)  B(`) tii EbYh, suVstctutcha `ir IB; IR, R(` 1) UhX B(` 1) ycYfXs"

( +  (` 1)) ( +  (` 1))  (`) =  M(` 1) =2  R + M(` 1) =2  B : N l  +   +  

DchWY R(` 1)  B(` 1) tbYh"

1 1  (`)  M (` 1) =2  ( +  (` 1)) + ; N R l  +   +   UhX Ussugcha, `ir hiw, tbUt l >  cgpfcYs"

1 N (`)  M (` 1)  ( + R(` 1)) l : (!)  +  

9iw WihscXYr B(`)"

2 l ( +  (` 1))  (`) = M(` 1) =2  R B M(`) l   1 = (M(` 1)  ( +  (` 1))) : M(`) R

EbYh N (`) >  B(`) c`"

1 1 M (` 1)  ( +  (` 1)) > (M(` 1) (  +  (` 1))) ; R L M(`) R  +   wbcWb rYUrrUhaYs ti"  1 > : () l +  M(`)

'y suppisctcih R(`)  B(`), si tbcs WihXctcih, wbcWb WfYUrfy bifXs `ir M(`) fUraY Yhiuab Ut Uff `, cs su‰WcYht `ir hYutrUfs ti VY tbY prY`YrrYX YhtYrcha typY, tbus WihtrUXcWtcha tbY gUchtUchYX Ussugptcih tbUt hYutrUfs UrY hit ch tbY bc-

 YrUrWby &ssugcha, UftYrhUtcvYfy, tbUt l  , chstYUX i` uscha tbY chYquUfcty ch (!) wY hiw bUvY"

1  (`)  M (` 1)  ( +  (` 1)) ; N R  +    wbcWb, Vy `iffiwcha tbY sUgY priWYXurY Us UVivY, ycYfXs tbY UhUfia ti () Us U su‰WcYht WihXctcih `ir N (`) >  B(`), hUgYfy"

 1 > : ()  +  M(`)

Ebcs UaUch bifXs `ir su‰WcYhtfy bcab M(`), UhX UaUch, schWY ct WihtchuYs ti VY tbY WUsY tbUt R(` 1)  B(` 1) , tbcs cgpfcYs tbUt YhtYrcha pifctcWcUhs wcff WbiisY ti VY hYutrUf

9iw suppisY tbY UftYrhUtcvY rYfUtcihsbcp VYtwYYh R(` 1) UhX B(` 1) , l tbUt cs" R(` 1) >  B(` 1) , UhX UaUch rst pisct tbUt >   EbYh fYt us usY tbYsY twi chYquUfctcYs UhX suVstctutY `ir IB; IR, R(` 1) UhX B(` 1) YxUWtfy Us wY XcX UVivY 0quUtcih (!) hiw ycYfXs"

( +  (` 1)) ( +  (` 1))  (`) =  M(` 1) =2  R + M(` 1) =2  B N l  +   +   1 1 > M (` 1) =2  ( +  (` 1)) + B l  +   +   1 > M (` 1)  ( + B(` 1)) l :  +  

9iw R(`) cs acvYh Vy"

2 ( +  (` 1))  (`) = M(` 1) =2  B R M(`)    1 = (M(` 1)  ( +  (` 1))) : M(`) B

EbYh N (`) >  R(`) c`"

1 1 M (` 1)  ( +  (` 1)) > (M(` 1) (  +  (` 1))) : B L M(`) B  +  

 & su‰WcYht WihXctcih `ir tbcs cs"

 1 > : l +  M(`)

Ebcs UaUch bifXs `ir M(`) bcab Yhiuab DchWY R(`) >  B(`), Ebcs cgpfcYs Ufsi tbUt N (`) >  B(`) EbY UhUfiaius priWYXurY uhXYr tbY UftYrhUtcvY Ussugptcih l   ycYfXs U su‰WcYht WihXctcih YxUWtfy Us ch ()"

 1 > :  +  M(`)

AUrt (cc) HY hiw YstUVfcsb U su‰WcYht WihXctcih `ir tbYrY ti Yxcst Ut fYUst U schafY `UWtcih DuppisY tbUt Uff pisctcihs ch tbY bcYrUrWby UrY bYfX Vy U hYutrUf (ihscXYr Uh YhtrUht Wbiischa ti Ufsi VY U hYutrUf 4h tbUt WUsY uhXYr tbY suppisctcih, tbY systYg cs UaUch stUtcihUry UhX wY bUvY"

N(` 1)  (`) = ( +  (` 1)) : N M(`) N

'ut Vy YhtYrcha Us U B gYgVYr tbY YhtrUht wiufX bUvY"

 +  (` 1)  (`) = N (` 1) N : B +   

+ EbYsY rYUrrUhaY ti cgpfy tbUt B(`) >  N (`) privcXYX tbUt M(`) >  EbY + UhUfiaius su‰WcYht WihXctcih `ir Uh R YhtrUht cs M(`) >   Ebcs YstUVfcsbYs tbcs pUrt AUrt (ccc) HY YstUVfcsb U su‰WcYht WihXctcih `ir twi `UWtcihs ti Yxcst HY priWYYX Us UVivY, Vy XYgihstrUtcha U WihtrUXcWtcih 4` tbYrY cs ihfy ihY `UWtcih prYsYht, wctbiut fiss i` aYhYrUfcty fYt ct VY B, UhX tbY itbYr pifctcWcUhs UrY N,

`ir su‰WcYhtfy bcab M(`);  R(`) >  B(`) ir N (`); si tbUt Uh YhtYrcha pifctcWcUh wcff WbiisY ti YhtYr Us Uh R &s prYvciusfy, wctb ihfy N UhX B ch tbY bcYrUrWby wY bUvY"

 ( +  (` 1)) ( +  (` 1))  (`) = N(` 1) N + B(` 1) B ; N M(`) B(`) +     ( +  (` 1))  (`) = N(` 1) N : B B(`) +    0ctbYr N (`) >  B(`), si tbUt U hYw YhtrUht wiufX prY`Yr ti YhtYr Us Uh N ivYr

 U B, ir tbY WihvYrsY, ch wbcWb WUsY bY wiufX WbiisY ti YhtYr Us U B ivYr Uh

N: DuppisY rst tbUt N (`) >  B(`) UhX WihscXYr tbY prigitcih bU€UrX `ir U schafY YhtYrcha R"

( +  (` 1)) ( +  (` 1))  (`) =  B(` 1) B + N(` 1) N : R  +   + +   

4` N (`) >  B(`) `ir Uh chWrYUsY ch M(`), tbYh hYWYssUrcfy tbY tYrg M(`) B(`) chWrYUsYs wctb M(`), schWY Uh YxtrU pifctcWcUh wiufX YhtYr Us Uh N chstYUX i` U B

'ut schWY R(`) UVivY cs chXYpYhXYht i` M(`), tbYrY Yxcsts Uh M(`) su‰WcYhtfy bcab si tbUt R(`) >  N (`), UhX Uh YhtYrcha pifctcWcUh wiufX chstYUX WbiisY ti VY Uh R ivYr VYcha Uh N, WihtrUXcWtcha tbY pisctYX hih-YxcstYhWY i` R gYgVYrs ch YqucfcVrcug

&ftYrhUtcvYfy, suppisY tbUt N (`)  B(`), tbYh, `ir Uh chWrYUsY ch M(`) hYWYssUrcfy tbY tYrg M(`) N(`) chWrYUsYs wctb M(`), Us U pifctcWcUh wiufX WbiisY ti YhtYr Us U B ivYr VYcha Uh N 9iw WihscXYr tbY prigitcih bU€UrX `ir U B" ( +  (` 1))  (`) = N(` 1) N : B M(`) N(`) +    &aUch, schWY R(`) cs chXYpYhXYht i` M(`), tbYrY Yxcsts Uh M(`) bcab Yhiuab si tbUt R(`) >  B(`), wbcWb cgpfcYs tbUt U hYw YhtrUht wcff WbiisY ti YhtYr Us Uh R gYgVYr, UaUch WihtrUXcWtcha tbY pisctYX hih-YxcstYhWY i` R gYgVYrs 

Figure 1: Geographic Distribution of Factions or Groups (1956-2014)

Notes: This graph shows the geographic distribution of factions or groups across provinces (municipalities) over the period of 1956 to 2014. The color scale represents the average share of faction or group in a province (municipality).

Figure 2: Leadership Premium in Promotion Rates of Each Faction or Group

Notes: This graph shows the leadership premium in promotion rates of each faction over the rest of members in the Central Committee over time. The leadership premium in promotion rates is defined as the regression coefficients of promotion dummy on faction or group affiliation. The regression is repeated for each session of Central Committee. The capped spikes indicate the standard errors of the estimates. The shaded area indicates that the General of CCP is from the same faction or group.

Figure 3: Leadership Premium in Power Score of Each Faction or Group

Notes: This graph shows the share of power score of each faction or group in the Central Committee over time. The power score is constructed following the scheme of Bo (2010). The shaded area indicates that the General Secretary of CCP is from the same faction or group.

Figure 4: Power Score of Each Faction or Group in the Central Committee

Notes: This graph shows the share of power score of each faction or group in the Central Committee over time. The power score is constructed following the scheme of Bo (2010). The vertical line indicates the year of 1990, the first time when a civilian, Jiang Zemin, took over the Central Military Committee. The power score is normalized to zero in 1990. The upper panel shows the whole sample period from 1956 to 2012, the lower panel shows the post-Deng period from 1990 to 2012.

Figure 5: Power Score of Each Constituency in the Central Committee

Notes: This graph shows the share of power score for each constituency in the Central Committee over time. The power score is constructed following the scheme of Bo (2010). The vertical line indicates the year of 1990, the first time when a civilian, Jiang Zemin, took over the Central Military Committee. The power score is normalized to zero in 1990. The upper panel shows the whole sample period from 1956 to 2012, the lower panel shows the post-Deng period from 1990 to 2012.

Figure 6: Seat Shares at Each Level of the Central Committee

Notes: This graph shows seat shares at each level of the Central Committee predicted by the baseline faction model and in the data. Each of the five bars represents the top two CCP positions, PBSC, PB, CC, and AC, from the top down, respectively. The blue/white/red bar represents the Shanghai Gang/Neutral/CYCL. The model is estimated using the 14 th to 18 th Central Committees and the results are averaged over 100 simulations for each Party Congress.

Figure 7: Aggregate Share of Promotions over Time

Notes: This graph shows the time series plot of the share of promotions of each faction over time. The share of promotions is defined as the ratio between the number of promotions of a faction and the total number of promotions to this level. The share of promotions is predicted by the baseline faction model estimated using the 14 th to 18 th Central Committees and the results are averaged over 100 simulations for each Party Congress.

Figure 8: Model Fit (In Sample)

Notes: This graph shows the scatter plot of the model predicted share of promotions of each faction against the data. The share of promotions is defined as the ratio between the number of promotions of a faction and the total number of promotions to this level. The blue/red dot represents Shanghai Gang/CYLC. Each dot is a share of a faction at a given level of a given Party Congress. The estimation sample includes the 14 th to 18 th Central Committees and the results are averaged over 100 simulations for each Party Congress.

Figure 9: Meritocracy (In Sample)

Notes: This graph shows the scatter plot of the model predicted share of promotions of each faction against the data. The share of promotions is defined as the ratio between the number of promotions of a faction and the total number of promotions. The blue/red dot represents Shanghai Gang/CYLC. Each dot is a share of a faction at a given level of a given Party Congress. The estimation sample includes the 14 th to 18 th Central Committees and the results are averaged over 100 simulations for each Party Congress.

Figure 10: Model Fit (Out of Sample)

Notes: This graph shows the scatter plot of the model predicted share of promotions of each faction against the data. The share of promotions is defined as the ratio between the number of promotions of a faction and the total number of promotions to this level. The blue/red dot represents Shanghai Gang/CYLC. Each dot is a share of a faction at a given level of the 18 th party congress. The estimation sample includes the 14 th to 17 th Central Committees and the results are averaged over 100 simulations for each Party Congress.

Figure 11: Counterfactual Aggregate Share of Promotions over Time (Leadership Premium × 2)

Notes: These graphs show the time series plot of the share of promotions of each faction over time. The share of promotions is defined as the ratio between the number of promotions of a faction and the total number of promotions to this level. The counterfactual simulations are conducted by doubling the leadership premium of the baseline faction model and the results are averaged over 100 simulations for each Party Congress.

Figure 12: Counterfactual Aggregate Share of Promotions over Time (Li Keqiang Presidency)

Notes: These graphs show the time series plot of the share of promotions of each faction over time. The share of promotions is defined as the ratio between the number of promotions of a faction and the total number of promotions to this level. The counterfactual simulations are conducted by assuming Li Keqiang became the president in the 18 th Party Congress and the results are averaged over 100 simulations for each Party Congress. Table 1: Summary Statistics of Elites in China

Organizations N Duration Age Gender Ethnicity CYLC Shanghai Military Princelings Party Apparatus 10543 4.47 47.97 0.93 0.10 0.13 0.04 0.05 0.03 (2.98) (10.17) (0.26) (0.3) (0.34) (0.2) (0.21) (0.18) Government 7099 3.98 46.88 0.93 0.05 0.07 0.03 0.01 0.04 (12.54) (9.71) (0.25) (0.22) (0.25) (0.17) (0.09) (0.19) Military 2091 4.07 44.10 0.99 0.02 0.01 0.02 0.91 0.06 (3.86) (14.98) (0.1) (0.15) (0.12) (0.13) (0.29) (0.23) People's Congress 1696 5.34 56.43 0.89 0.13 0.07 0.03 0.04 0.02 (3.23) (8.94) (0.31) (0.34) (0.26) (0.17) (0.2) (0.14) CPPCC 1413 6.95 59.72 0.90 0.12 0.06 0.04 0.01 0.02 (52.9) (9.91) (0.29) (0.33) (0.23) (0.18) (0.12) (0.14) Court 213 4.46 37.16 0.97 0.22 0.08 0.02 0.00 0.00 (3.87) (8.59) (0.17) (0.41) (0.26) (0.14) (0) (0) Procuratorate 53 5.34 46.51 0.92 0.10 0.11 0.08 0.00 0.00 (3.16) (11.89) (0.27) (0.31) (0.32) (0.27) (0) (0) CYLC 521 3.85 31.91 0.87 0.12 0.77 0.01 0.00 0.03 (2.88) (7.14) (0.33) (0.32) (0.42) (0.11) (0.06) (0.16) Business 4590 4.27 42.99 0.93 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.01 0.02 (4.62) (13.66) (0.25) (0.2) (0.19) (0.19) (0.09) (0.14) Media 500 4.72 40.74 0.98 0.06 0.10 0.04 0.01 0.03 (4.61) (11.73) (0.15) (0.24) (0.3) (0.2) (0.12) (0.18) Education 3781 2.88 34.04 0.92 0.03 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.02 (4.23) (12.38) (0.26) (0.16) (0.21) (0.17) (0.14) (0.13) Unclassified 3558 3.94 40.00 0.90 0.07 0.06 0.03 0.03 0.03 (4.39) (13.58) (0.3) (0.26) (0.24) (0.17) (0.16) (0.16) Notes: This table shows summary statistics of demographics and career paths of 4,494 elites who hold import positions in government, politics, the military, education, business, and media in China since 1992. The unit of observation is position-individual pair. We report means and standard deviation, in parentheses below. N is the number of observations in each type of organization. Duration is the length of tenure in the position. Age is the age when an individual first started the job. Gender equals 1 if an individual is male, 0 otherwise. Ethnicity equals 1 if a member is from an ethnic minority, 0 otherwise. CYLC/Shanghai/Military/Princelings equals 1 if an individual is from CYLC/Shanghai/Military/Princelings faction/group, 0 otherwise. The data source for this table is China Vitae. Table 2: Summary Statistics of Central Committee Members

C.C. Year N Gender Age College Graduate Mishu Ethnicity Abroad Promotion Retirement CYLC Shanghai Military Princelings 8 1956 173 0.95 51.23 0.40 0.00 0.34 0.03 0.07 0.14 0.51 0.03 0.05 0.56 0.02 (0.21) (6.97) (0.49) (0) (0.48) (0.17) (0.25) (0.35) (0.5) (0.18) (0.21) (0.5) (0.13)

9 1969 278 0.92 51.82 0.33 0.01 0.09 0.03 0.07 0.11 0.26 0.01 0.05 0.56 0.01 (0.26) (11.71) (0.47) (0.1) (0.29) (0.16) (0.25) (0.31) (0.44) (0.1) (0.23) (0.5) (0.08)

10 1973 318 0.88 52.36 0.36 0.01 0.09 0.02 0.08 0.09 0.42 0.02 0.07 0.44 0.01 (0.32) (12.94) (0.48) (0.1) (0.29) (0.15) (0.27) (0.29) (0.49) (0.12) (0.25) (0.5) (0.11)

11 1977 331 0.90 56.88 0.38 0.01 0.06 0.02 0.08 0.07 0.62 0.03 0.06 0.44 0.02 (0.3) (11.95) (0.49) (0.09) (0.24) (0.14) (0.27) (0.26) (0.49) (0.17) (0.23) (0.5) (0.12)

12 1982 344 0.93 59.61 0.58 0.04 0.12 0.04 0.09 0.13 0.62 0.08 0.06 0.33 0.02 (0.25) (8.08) (0.49) (0.2) (0.32) (0.2) (0.29) (0.34) (0.49) (0.26) (0.23) (0.47) (0.15)

13 1987 285 0.93 56.11 0.79 0.09 0.15 0.05 0.11 0.15 0.40 0.05 0.06 0.21 0.05 (0.26) (6.55) (0.41) (0.28) (0.36) (0.22) (0.32) (0.36) (0.49) (0.22) (0.23) (0.41) (0.22)

14 1992 318 0.92 56.87 0.88 0.11 0.13 0.07 0.10 0.18 0.45 0.03 0.03 0.21 0.04 (0.26) (6.18) (0.32) (0.32) (0.34) (0.25) (0.31) (0.38) (0.5) (0.16) (0.18) (0.41) (0.19)

15 1997 343 0.93 56.51 0.95 0.17 0.11 0.06 0.11 0.18 0.48 0.02 0.04 0.20 0.05 (0.26) (5.72) (0.22) (0.38) (0.31) (0.23) (0.31) (0.39) (0.5) (0.15) (0.19) (0.4) (0.22)

16 2002 356 0.93 56.05 0.98 0.31 0.07 0.07 0.10 0.16 0.47 0.05 0.06 0.19 0.05 (0.26) (5.33) (0.15) (0.46) (0.26) (0.26) (0.3) (0.36) (0.5) (0.22) (0.23) (0.39) (0.23)

17 2007 366 0.90 56.15 0.87 0.52 0.10 0.07 0.11 0.21 0.48 0.07 0.04 0.17 0.06 (0.29) (5.68) (0.34) (0.5) (0.29) (0.25) (0.31) (0.41) (0.5) (0.26) (0.2) (0.37) (0.23)

18 2012 373 0.91 56.50 0.87 0.68 0.17 0.07 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.05 0.17 0.05 (0.29) (4.73) (0.34) (0.47) (0.38) (0.26) (0.3) (0) (0) (0.29) (0.21) (0.37) (0.23) Notes: This table shows summary statistics of the members of the 8th -18th Central Committees. We report the mean and the standard deviation, below in parentheses. Gender equals 1 if a member is male, 0 otherwise. College equals 1 if a member has a college degree, 0 otherwise. Graduate equals 1 if a member has a post-graduate degree, 0 otherwise. Abroad equals 1 if a member has studied or worked abroad, 0 otherwise. Mishu equals 1 if a member has been worked as a personal secretary of prominent politicians, 0 otherwise. Ethnicity equals 1 if a member is an ethnic minority, 0 otherwise. Promotion equals to 1 if a member will be promoted in the next session of Central Committee, 0 otherwise. Retirement equals to 1 if a member will retire after the current session of Central Committee, 0 otherwise. CYLC/Shanghai/Military/Princelings equals 1 if a member is from CYLC/Shanghai/Military/Princelings faction/group, 0 otherwise. Table 3: Geographical Distribution of Factions and Groups

Dependent Variable: Average Share of Faction or Group (1) (2) (3) (4) Shanghai CYLC Military Princelings

GDP per capita 0.644** -0.652 -2.141*** 1.517*** [0.265] [0.623] [0.741] [0.319]

Constant 1.705*** 7.309*** 19.97*** 0.693* [0.533] [0.915] [1.875] [0.374]

Observations 30 31 31 31 Adjusted R- squared 0.040 0.011 0.053 0.396

Notes: This table shows the cross-section regressions of the share of each faction in provinces (municipalities) on the average provincial (municipal) GDP per capita over the period of 1956- 2014. The share of a faction in a province is defined as the ratio of the number of faction members who have worked in this province (municipality) over the total number of central committee members who have worked in the same place during their careers. Robust standard errors are reported in the bracket. ***,**,* indicates 1 percent, 5 percent, and 10 percent significance level respectively.

Table 4: Factional Mix

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) All All All All Provincial National

Year F.E. N Y N Y Y Y Position F.E. N N Y Y Y Y

Dependent Variable CYLC1 CYLC2 -0.139** -0.185*** -0.189** -0.245*** -0.136* -0.499** [0.0568] [0.0594] [0.0755] [0.0723] [0.0693] [0.143]

Observations 794 794 794 794 648 145 Adjusted R- squared 0.016 0.070 0.193 0.254 0.242 0.180

Dependent Variable Shanghai1 Shanghai2 -0.105*** -0.132*** -0.353* -0.378** -0.0319 -0.802* [0.0319] [0.0346] [0.180] [0.175] [0.0466] [0.341]

Observations 773 773 773 773 627 145 Adjusted R- squared 0.006 0.011 0.382 0.392 0.187 0.278

Dependent Variable Princelings1 Princelings2 -0.0535 -0.0595 -0.132** -0.134** -0.155* -0.0411 [0.0505] [0.0523] [0.0571] [0.0545] [0.0806] [0.114]

Observations 794 794 794 794 648 145 Adjusted R- squared 0.001 0.020 0.133 0.154 0.202 0.227

Notes: This table shows panel regressions of the factional affiliation of the number 1 official on the number 2 official in the same political office. The top/middle/bottom panel shows results for CYLC/Shanghai/princelings respectively. Variable CYLC1 (CYLC2) is a dummy which equals to 1 if number 1 (2) official is from the CYLC faction. Shanghai1, Shanghai2, Princelings1 and Princelings2 and defined similarly. Column 1-4 include all positions, and Column 5-6 break down to provincial and national level positions. The provincial positions include 31 provincial and municipal units (secretary and governor). The position in Shanghai Municipality is excluded in the regression sample for Shanghai Gang. The national positions include Politburo Standing Committee (two highest ranking members), PRC presidency (President and Vice President), the State Council (Premier and Executive Vice premier), Central Military Committee (Chairman and Executive Vice Chairman), CCP Secretariat (two highest ranking secretaries), NPC (Chairman and Executive Vice Chairman), CPPCC (Chairman and Executive Vice Chairman), the Supreme People ’s Court (President and Executive Vice President). Standard errors are clustered at both position unit and year level. ***,**,* indicates 1 percent, 5 percent, and 10 percent significance level respectively. Table 5: Factional Mix (Shanghai vs. CYCL)

Dependent Variable: Shanghai1 CYLC1

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)

CYLC2 0.164* 0.166* 0.187** 0.196** Shanghai2 0.368* 0.315 0.396* 0.338* [0.0850] [0.0818] [0.0747] [0.0761] [0.188] [0.197] [0.207] [0.197]

Year F.E. N Y N Y N Y N Y Position F.E. N N Y Y N N Y Y

Observations 773 773 773 773 773 773 773 773 Adjusted R-squared 0.046 0.047 0.376 0.381 0.043 0.069 0.207 0.239

Notes: This table shows panel regressions of the factional affiliation of the number 1 official on the number 2 official in the same political office. Variable Shanghai1 (Shanghai2) is a dummy which equals to 1 if number 1 (2) official is from the Shanghai faction. Variable CYLC1 (CYLC2) is a dummy which equals to 1 if number 1 (2) official is from the CYLC faction. The sample period is from 1992 to 2014. Column 1-4 include all positions, and Column 5-6 break down to provincial and national level positions. The provincial positions include 31 provincial and municipal units (secretary and governor) excluding Shanghai Municipality. The national positions include Politburo Standing Committee (two highest ranking members), PRC presidency (President and Vice President), the State Council (Premier and Executive Vice premier), Central Military Committee (Chairman and Executive Vice Chairman), CCP Secretariat (two highest ranking secretaries), NPC (Chairman and Executive Vice Chairman), CPPCC (Chairman and Executive Vice Chairman), the Supreme People ’s Court (President and Executive Vice President). Standard errors are clustered at both position unit and year level. ***,**,* indicates 1 percent, 5 percent, and 10 percent significance level respectively.

Table 6: Leadership Premia in Promotion and Retirement

Promotion Retirement (1) (2) (1) (2)

CYLC 0.0397 0.0299 -0.111** -0.132*** [0.0450] [0.0456] [0.0439] [0.0430]

CYLC*CYLC Secretary 0.206** 0.242** -0.0797 -0.101 [0.0943] [0.0959] [0.0818] [0.0836]

Shanghai 0.0144 0.0281 -0.0353 -0.0614 [0.0371] [0.0373] [0.0493] [0.0498]

Shanghai*Shanghai Secretary 0.193*** 0.170** -0.0394 0.0212 [0.0717] [0.0727] [0.0724] [0.0737]

Princelings 0.0294 0.0368 -0.120** -0.106** [0.0471] [0.0468] [0.0489] [0.0484]

Princelings*Princelings Secretary 0.0158 -0.0125 -0.0161 -0.0772 [0.101] [0.103] [0.112] [0.116]

Military -0.0414** -0.0392** 0.0229 0.0160 [0.0185] [0.0190] [0.0280] [0.0287]

Military*Military Secretary -0.0239 -0.0313 -0.109*** -0.0465 [0.0207] [0.0262] [0.0324] [0.0392]

Controls Y Y Y Y Year F.E. N Y N Y

P-value (CYLC*CYLC Secretary=Shanghai*Shanghai Secretary) 0.8275 0.5902 0.7131 0.283 Observations 2998 2998 3113 3113 Adjusted R-squared 0.066 0.068 0.121 0.155

Notes: This table shows panel regressions of promotion and retirement indicators on the faction or group affiliation of Central Committee members interacting with the affiliation of the General Secretary. The sample includes all the members of the 8 th to 18 th Central Committees, except Politburo Standing Committee members are excluded from the promotion regressions. Promotion is a dummy which equals to 1 if a Central Committee member moves up in the rank defined by the four levels of Central Committee (1 PBSC, 2 PB, 3 CC, and 4 AC), 0 otherwise. Retirement is a dummy which equals to 1 if a Central Committee member retires from the Central Committee, 0 otherwise. Robust standard errors are reported in brackets. ***,**,* indicates 1 percent, 5 percent, and 10 percent significance level respectively. Table 7: Leadership Premia in Power Score and Seat Shares

CYLC Shanghai (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Power AC Power PBSC CC seats PB seats PBSC seats AC seats CC seats PB seats score seats score seats

Secretary 0.0420*** 0.0233** 0.0340*** 0.0525 0.0955* 0.0105*** -0.00802 -0.0103* 0.0786*** 0.195*** [0.00876] [0.0102] [0.00995] [0.0327] [0.0555] [0.00382] [0.00739] [0.00587] [0.0206] [0.0398]

Observations 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 Adjusted R- squared 0.390 0.212 0.274 0.072 0.100 0.139 0.032 0.076 0.382 0.394

Military Princelings (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Power AC Power PBSC CC seats PB seats PBSC seats AC seats CC seats PB seats score seats score seats

Secretary 0.274*** 0.259*** 0.231*** 0.410*** 0.476*** 0.0516*** 0.0178*** 0.0271*** 0.169*** 0.361*** [0.0695] [0.0724] [0.0623] [0.0813] [0.0821] [0.00784] [0.00484] [0.00744] [0.0234] [0.0243]

Observations 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 Adjusted R- squared 0.533 0.541 0.485 0.583 0.558 0.165 0.046 0.044 0.179 0.465

Notes: This table shows regressions of the power scores and seat shares of each faction or group on the affiliation of the General Secretary. The dependent variables are the power score (Score), the share of Alternative Central Committee members (AC), the share of full Central Committee members (CC), the share of Politburo members (PB), and the share of Politburo Standing Committee members (PBSC). The independent variable Secretary is a dummy which equals to 1 if the General Secretary is from the same faction, 0 otherwise. The top left panel (column 1-5) reports the results for the CYLC faction. The top right panel (column 6-10) reports the results for the Shanghai faction. The bottom left panel (column 1-5) reports the results for the Military group, the bottom right panel (column 6-10) reports the results for the Princeling group. The sample period is from 1956 to 2014. Newey-West standard errors with 5 lags are reported in brackets. ***,**,* indicates 1 percent, 5 percent, and 10 percent significance level respectively.

Table 8: Anticorruption and Factional Affiliation

Dependent Variable Corruption

CYLC 0.0272 [0.0237]

Shanghai -0.0229 [0.0237]

Princelings 0.0189 [0.0321]

Gender 0.0139 [0.0167]

Ethnicity -0.0191 [0.0168]

AC -0.0350** [0.0136]

CC -0.00920 [0.0129]

PB 0.0125 [0.0407]

PBSC 0.0328 [0.0583]

age -0.00596*** [0.000649]

Observations 2240 Adjusted R-squared 0.032

Notes: This table shows the cross-sectional regression of a corruption dummy on the faction or group affiliation of an official. Corruption is defined as 1 if the official is investigated or prosecuted according to ChinaFile and the China ’s Central Commission for Discipline Inspection (CCDI) website, and 0 otherwise. The sample includes all the individuals except military personnel covered by China Vitae who have not retired in the year of 2007, the year of 17 th Party Congress. Robust standard errors are reported in brackets. ***,**,* indicates 1 percent, 5 percent, and 10 percent significance level respectively.

Table 9: Parameter Estimates of the Faction Model

(1) (2) (3) (4)

 0.045***  0.162**  0.042***  0.153** [0.008] [0.063] [0.009] [0.062]

0.029*** 0.193*** 0.033*** 0.241** [0.006] [0.068] [0.010] [0.103]

 2.553***  0.041***  2.791***  0.037*** [0.511] [0.007] [0.720] [0.008]

0.022***  2.178*** 0.027*** [0.005] [0.758] [0.009]

 2.526***  2.898*** [0.514] [0.761]

 1.956*** [0.699]

Log-LL -2766 -2747 -2766 -2746 Log- LLR -19.305 -0.378 -19.142 -

P-value 0.000 0.385 0.000 -

Notes: This table shows the parameter estimates of the faction model for different specifications. The sample includes all the members of the 14 th to 18 th Central Committees. Standard errors are reported in brackets. ***,**,* indicates 1 percent, 5 percent, and 10 percent significance level respectively. The bottom panel shows log-likelihood, log-likelihood ratio, and p-value of the log- likelihood ratio tests for each specification against model (4) as the alternative hypothesis. The estimator employs 100 simulations for each Party Congress.

Table 10: Parameter Estimates of Alternative Models

Baseline Faction with Faction Individual Model Characteristics Random Seniority Red Red  0.162**  0.174** Entry 0.043 Entry 0.043 [0.063] [0.069] Blue Blue 0.193*** 0.201*** Entry 0.043 Entry 0.043 [0.068] [0.072]  0.041***  0.043*** Age1 0.464*** [0.007] [0.008] [0.105] 0.022*** 0.023*** Age2 -1.213*** [0.005] [0.005] [0.127]  2.526***  2.390*** Age3 -0.428*** [0.514] [0.531] [0.050] Princeling 0.413** [0.202] Military 0.129 [0.122] College -0.152 [0.164] Graduate -0.222* [0.119] Minority -0.813*** [0.208] Gender 0.926*** [0.237] Age1 0.361*** [0.109] Age2 -1.201*** [0.136] Age3 -0.421*** [0.055]

Log-LL -2747 -2617 -2763 -2660 Log- LLR -129.976 - - - P-value 0.000 - - - Vuong - - -13.429 -7.026 P-value - - 0.000 0.000

Notes: This table shows the parameter estimates of four alternative models of CCP promotion dynamics. The sample includes all the members of the 14 th to 18 th Central Committees. The probability of entry for seniority and random model is calibrated using the mean faction shares in the sample. Standard errors are reported in brackets. ***,**,* indicates 1 percent, 5 percent, and 10 percent significance level respectively. The estimator employs 100 simulations for each Party Congress. The bottom panel shows log-likelihood, log-likelihood ratio, p-value of the log- likelihood ratio tests, Vuong test statistics, and the p-value of the Vuong tests for each model against the model “faction with individual characteristics ” column as the alternative hypothesis.

Table 11: Share of promotion of Each Faction by Level of the Central Committee

Counterfactual Counterfactual Data Baseline Faction Model (Leadership Premium ×2) (Li Keqiang Presidency) B N R B N R B N R B N R 14 th PB 18.18% 81.82% 0.00% 22.41% 68.25% 9.33% 33.76% 59.30% 6.95% 22.41% 68.25% 9.33% CC 2.80% 96.26% 0.93% 3.48% 93.19% 3.33% 6.09% 90.59% 3.32% 3.48% 93.19% 3.33% AC 2.83% 96.23% 0.94% 4.01% 92.65% 3.34% 6.60% 90.24% 3.16% 4.01% 92.65% 3.34% 15 th PB 22.73% 68.18% 9.09% 19.42% 67.28% 13.30% 32.43% 53.14% 14.43% 19.42% 67.28% 13.30% CC 5.61% 89.72% 4.67% 3.40% 92.77% 3.83% 6.16% 89.29% 4.55% 3.40% 92.77% 3.83% AC 6.19% 85.84% 7.96% 3.85% 92.40% 3.75% 5.60% 89.51% 4.89% 3.85% 92.40% 3.75% 16 th PB 9.09% 63.64% 27.27% 11.50% 69.25% 19.25% 9.96% 61.59% 28.45% 11.50% 69.25% 19.25% CC 1.94% 85.44% 12.62% 1.68% 91.83% 6.49% 1.81% 86.49% 11.70% 1.68% 91.83% 6.49% AC 2.44% 94.31% 3.25% 2.34% 90.61% 7.05% 2.27% 86.57% 11.16% 2.34% 90.61% 7.05% 17 th PB 22.73% 63.64% 13.64% 16.27% 63.70% 20.03% 16.70% 54.83% 28.47% 14.28% 63.40% 22.32% CC 4.31% 90.52% 5.17% 2.31% 90.94% 6.75% 3.27% 85.34% 11.39% 1.82% 90.54% 7.64% AC 3.17% 88.10% 8.73% 2.53% 90.52% 6.95% 3.02% 86.51% 10.47% 1.90% 90.46% 7.64% 18 th

Notes: This table shows the share of promotions of each faction by level of the Central Committee in the data and predicted by the different models. The share of promotions is defined as the ratio between the number of promotions of a faction and the total number of promotions to this level. The sample includes all the members of the 14 th to 18 th Central Committees. The first panel shows the share of promotions of each faction in the data. The second panel shows the prediction by the baseline faction model. The third panel shows the counterfactual prediction in which the leadership premium is doubled comparing to the baseline faction model. The last panel shows the counterfactual prediction in which Li Keqiang becomes President in the 18 th Party Congress.

Table 12: Tests of Xi’s Factional Affiliation

Baseline Faction Princelings Xi as Model as Faction Neutral  0.162**  0.178**  0.164** [0.063] [0.074] [0.064] 0.193*** 0.153** 0.195*** [0.068] [0.067] [0.069]  0.041***  0.364***  0.044*** [0.007] [0.124] [0.008] 0.022***  0.050*** 0.027*** [0.005] [0.009] [0.006]  2.526*** 0.027***  2.150*** [0.514] [0.006] [0.437]  0.059*** [0.010]  1.876*** [0.394]  + 0.564 [0.358]

Log LL -2747 -2866 -2748 Vuong - -15.850 -0.197 P-value - 0.000 0.422

Notes: This table shows the parameter estimates of three models of CCP promotion dynamics. The sample includes all the members of the 14 th to 18 th Central Committees. Standard errors are reported in brackets. The estimator employs 100 simulations for each Party Congress. ***,**,* indicates 1 percent, 5 percent, and 10 percent significance level respectively. The bottom panel shows log-likelihood, Vuong test statistics, and the p-value of the Vuong tests for each model against the baseline faction model as the alternative hypothesis.

Table 13: Out-of-sample Forecast of 19th Central Committee

Xi as Shanghai Gang B N R PB 24.18% 66.37% 9.45% CC 3.84% 92.72% 3.44% AC 4.35% 91.52% 4.13%

Xi as Neutral PB 14.12% 75.53% 10.35% CC 2.20% 94.03% 3.77% AC 2.28% 93.77% 3.95%

Notes: This table shows the aggregate share of promotions of each faction at each level of the Central Committee in the 19 th Central Committee predicted by the faction model with individual characteristics. The share of promotions is defined as the ratio between the number of promotions of a faction and the total number of promotions to this level. The sample used to estimate the parameters includes all the members of the 14 th to 18th Central Committees. The forecast employs 100 simulations for this Party Congress.

Online Appendix of “Factions in Nondemocracies: Theory and Evidence from the Chinese Communist Party ”

Patrick Francois, Francesco Trebbi and Kairong Xiao

Appendix Figure 1: Seat Share of Each Faction or Group in the Central Committee

Notes: This graph shows the share of seats of each faction or group in four levels of Central Committee over time. The four levels of Central Committee include Alternative Central Committee members (AC), full Central Committee members (CC), Politburo members (PB), and Politburo Standing Committee members (PBSC). The vertical line indicates the year of 1990, the first time when a civilian chairman, Jiang Zemin, took over the Central Military Committee. The share of seats is normalized to zero in 1990. The upper panel shows the whole sample period from 1956 to 2012, the lower panel shows the post-Deng period from 1990 to 2012.

Appendix Figure 2: Seat Share of Each Constituency in the Central Committee

Notes: This graph shows the share of seats of each constituency in four levels of Central Committee over time. The four levels of Central Committee are Alternative Central Committee members (AC), full Central Committee members (CC), Politburo members (PB), and Politburo Standing Committee members (PBSC). The vertical line indicates the year of 1990, the first time when a civilian chairman, Jiang Zemin, took over the Central Military Committee. The share of seats is normalized to zero in 1990. The upper panel shows the whole sample period from 1956 to 2012, the lower panel shows the post-Deng period from 1990 to 2012.

Appendix Figure 3: Age of Politburo Members of Each Faction

Notes: This graph shows scatter plots of ages of each Politburo member by faction over time. The horizontal line is the age of 68. The vertical line indicates the year of 1990, the first time when a civilian chairman, Jiang Zemin, took over the Central Military Committee. The share of seats is normalized to zero in 1990.

Appendix Table 1: Data Sources

Sample Source Period Description 4,494 individuals who held important positions in government, politics, the military, education, China Vitae 1992-2014 business, and the media since 1992

Central Committee Member 1,853 individuals who are members of Central Data 1956-2012 Committee of the CPC

193 "tigers" investigated in the Chinese Anti- ChinaFile/Wikipedia/CCDI 2012-2016 corruption Campaign since 2012

China Data Online 1956-2012 Provincial population and GDP

Appendix Table 2: Regression Samples

Corresponding Regression Sample Sample period tables Cross-section of 31 provinces 1956-2014 Table 3 Position-year panel of important positions 1992-2014 Table 4 and 5 Individual-C.C. session panel 8th -18 th C.C. Table 6 Time series of power score of each faction 1956-2014 Table 7 Cross-section of individuals 2007-2014 Table 8 Individual-C.C. session panel 14 th -18 th C.C. Table 9-13

Appendix Table 3: Promotion, Retirement, and Factional Affiliation

Promotion Retirement (1) (2) (1) (2)

CYLC 0.102** 0.0998** -0.142*** -0.162*** [0.0402] [0.0410] [0.0382] [0.0377]

Shanghai 0.0915*** 0.0961*** -0.0809** -0.0725* [0.0338] [0.0337] [0.0396] [0.0395]

Princelings 0.0389 0.0373 -0.103** -0.110** [0.0422] [0.0421] [0.0443] [0.0446]

Military -0.0265** -0.0175 -0.0475** -0.0201 [0.0135] [0.0140] [0.0198] [0.0201]

Gender 0.118*** 0.114*** -0.0356 -0.0514 [0.0189] [0.0192] [0.0323] [0.0317]

Age (59-62) -0.138*** -0.146*** 0.305*** 0.282*** [0.0141] [0.0150] [0.0228] [0.0233]

Age (63-) -0.145*** -0.155*** 0.425*** 0.399*** [0.0135] [0.0150] [0.0216] [0.0225]

College 0.0678*** 0.0530*** -0.0591*** -0.114*** [0.0125] [0.0147] [0.0191] [0.0216]

Graduate School 0.0435* 0.0271 -0.0588** -0.113*** [0.0225] [0.0248] [0.0242] [0.0267]

Mishu 0.0531 0.0498 -0.115*** -0.125*** [0.0330] [0.0330] [0.0364] [0.0358]

Ethnicity -0.0579*** -0.0606*** -0.0525* -0.0611** [0.0198] [0.0201] [0.0289] [0.0286]

Abroad 0.0164 0.0230 -0.0694** -0.0584** [0.0234] [0.0247] [0.0287] [0.0288]

Year F.E. N Y N Y

p value (CYLC=Shanghai) 0.8439 0.9435 0.2493 0.0891 Observations 2997 2997 3045 3045 Adjusted R-squared 0.060 0.062 0.143 0.172

Notes: This table shows the panel regression of promotions and retirement dummy on the faction affiliation of Central Committee members. The sample includes all members of the 8 th to 18 th Central Committees, except Politburo Standing Committee members are excluded from the promotion regression. Promotion is a dummy which equals to 1 if a Central Committee member moves up in the rank defined by the four levels of Central Committee (1 PBSC, 2 PB, 3 CC, and 4 AC), 0 otherwise. Retirement is a dummy which equals to 1 if a Central Committee member retires from the Central Committee, 0 otherwise. Robust standard errors are reported in brackets. ***,**,* indicates 1 percent, 5 percent, and 10 percent significance level respectively.