REVIEW Maxford’s vintage- themed models look extremely authentic when they are in the air, although pilots EXPERIENCE EARLY will probably want to spring for the available optional pilot figures to more AVIATION WITH capably create a convincing scalelike profile. FULLY FUNCTIONING WATCH A VIDEO! WING WARPING Access additional Maxford USA 1/9 Rumpler Taube EP 64-Inch ARF content by visiting By Jon Barnes |
[email protected] www.ModelAviation. Photos by the author com/bonuscontent. THERE IS NO DENYING the surfaces, which would in the the Etrich Taube. Why the logic behind man’s eager efforts future become the standard for seeming disparity? It is primarily to take to the sky in a flying almost all aircraft, was the yaw because, with no licensing fees, machine. Engineers of the early axis. at least 14 companies built vari- 20th century understandably Designed by Igo Etrich in 1909, ations of the initial design. The attempted to mimic the methods the Taube first flew in 1910. It two-seat Rumpler Taube ulti- used by birds to change direction would become the first mass-pro- mately proved to be the most and altitude. At least one early duced aircraft in Germany, and common type and thus most effort to imitate the eminently go on to be used for military pur- appropriately the subject of flexible tail and wing feathers of poses by several of the nations Maxford’s attention. a bird can be seen in a mono- embroiled that were in World Maxford USA’s propensity to plane known as the Taube. War I.