Chapter 2 20Th Century
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THE SPORT OF ROWING To the readers of The Amateurs tional photos and anecdotes. If you find any typos in this or the other This is the fourth and final installment chapters, or if you have any questions, on row2k of my retelling of our American comments, suggestions, corrections, agree- Iliad, the story of the U.S. men’s scullers of ments, disagreements, additional sources 1984, first told by David Halberstam in his and illustrations, etc. please email me at the best-selling book, The Amateurs. address below. Your input will be an essen- This draft chapter sees the saga to its tial contribution to what has always been conclusion at the 1984 Olympics from the intended to be a joint project of the rowing rowers’ perspectives. community, so please contribute. If you and I end up finally disagreeing on some rele- The following .pdf is in the format in- vant point or another, I will be thrilled to tended for the final printed book. It is from present both alternatives so the readers can the fourth and final volume. decide for themselves. All my contact info is at my website. I will also be at the World Rowing Coaches’ I need you! Conference in London in January. All these chapters are still a work in Or you can email me anytime at: process. In fact, thanks to the feedback I have been receiving from row2k readers, [email protected]. you can go back to the first three install- Many thanks. ments and find updated versions with addi- TThhee SSppoorrtt ooff RRoowwiinngg AA CCoommpprreehheennssiivvee HHiissttoorryy bbyy PPeetteerr MMaalllloorryy VVoolluummee IIVV PPlluuss ÇÇaa CChhaannggee ddrraafffttt mmaannuussccrriiippttt OOcctttoobbeerr 22001100 THE SPORT OF ROWING 142. 1984 Olympics Olympic Trials – Lake Casitas – Andy Sudduth The Plot Thickens to let them race against Altekruse and Bouscaren. Lewis: “Harry‟s squad returned to On Wednesday, June 20, the two doubles did fifteen power-20s. Tiff and Hanover for its final tune-up before the 6865 Trials – ten days away – and within a few John, “filled with fury and rage,” won hours of settling in, the rumor mill began to them all. churn. First off, Tiff and Biggie raced a The next day, June 21, they rowed four double against the Love Boat.6863 Without 1,000s. Tiff and John won the first by half a having practiced and using a slower boat, length. Charlie and Joe won the last three, Tiff and Biggie defeated it by half a length. but very narrowly. “Tiff was overjoyed at the thought of At that point, Harry called off the rowing with Biggie. Joe and Biggie, best of competition. Tiff then asked to seat-race friends, had roomed together upon returning Bouscaren. Harry turned him down. from Lucerne, but immediately following Tiff and John kept rowing their double. that fateful practice, Joe moved into a On Sunday, June 24, they put Biglow in the stroke seat, and “the boat seemed to take different room. 6866 “Harry soon stepped into the fray. He off.” Tiff asked John if he wanted to row entered Biggie‟s room and closed the door. the double in the Trials the next weekend, When Harry emerged, Biggie was firmly in and John said that he did. the single, and Tiff was on his own.”6864 When this idea got out, all hell broke loose. That was when Joe moved out of That was the way Brad heard it from a John‟s room and Charlie moved out of Tiff‟s distance. It was actually much worse. room. The team got home from Lucerne on Tiff and Biggie continued to wrestle Monday, June 18, and the Trials were with the idea for two more days until scheduled to begin on Friday, June 29. Tuesday, June 26, when Biglow finally Biglow quickly suggested to Tiff that they bowed to enormous pressure from row a double in practice with Tiff stroking, Bouscaren, Altekruse and ultimately Parker perhaps to give his back a bit of a rest and and backed out. perhaps because he had been rattled by his relatively poor showing in Europe. Of Of course, that was just about the end of course, Tiff was all for it, and Harry agreed a life-long Olympic dream for Tiff Wood. Unless he could get into a Trials-winning double or quad, the best he could hope for 6863 Lewis‟ derogatory nickname for Altekruse would be to be named sculling spare, an and Bouscaren, after a cheesy American television situation comedy. 6865 Halberstam, p. 180 6864 Lewis, Assault, pp. 102-3 6866 Ibid, p. 181 1956 THE ERA OF POLARIZATION agonizing third Olympics for him without Enquist: “Our speed on the first day rowing a single stroke in competition. back together after the Camp had been just a Tiff told Harry he was quitting the shadow of what it became right before the Camp immediately and called Brad Lewis. Trials. We had had time to heal both Tiff was finally ready to try their double. physically and mentally from the stress of With Brad committed to Paul, Tiff‟s the Camp, and time to learn how to row second call was to Jim Dietz. Dietz agreed. together. It was Tuesday night. The Doubles “The Lewis / Enquist double that Trials began on Friday morning. showed up at the starting line of the Trials Dietz: “Tiff and I had only a few days to was nothing like the one that had rowed at get a boat, get it reasonably rigged and get the Camp.”6870 ready for the race. We had to borrow a boat because Harry would not allow us to race in The atmosphere was tense as the boats one of the Camp doubles that he controlled. lined up for the final. “Sportsmanship!”6867 Lewis: “Charlie Altekruse, in the next Wood: “Rowing the double with Jim lane over, turned to us and said, „Good luck, was a desperate act at that point, for both of guys.‟ us, less than a week before the Trials. Harry “Neither Paul nor I responded in any was pissed at me for leaving the Camp, but I way.”6871 had nothing to lose.”6868 Their focus was unwavering after weeks of shadow rowing and Mike Livingston‟s Really! You couldn’t make stuff like tape. this up. Halberstam: “Brad Lewis had found the perfect role for himself, the outsider Olympic Doubles Trials spurned by authorities, the challenger versus the favorite who had been given all the advantages. He was absolutely comfortable, Altekruse: “The problem was that we 6872 got sent to Europe, and then we came back, absolutely ready.” and it was sort of a double-jeopardy thing. We didn‟t have anything to win and Casey Baker and Dan Brisson from New everything to lose. Also, I was suffering York A.C. led early with Lewis and Enquist from bronchitis and on prescription a solid second. Brad and Paul made their antibiotics. I was on the mend, but I know I move at 750 gone, overtook the leaders at was not 100%.”6869 the 1,000 and never looked back. Dietz and Wood moved into second with a final sprint, Seventeen doubles entered the Trials in but they were well over a length of open water behind the winners. Princeton. Three heats Friday morning with one to qualify, followed by three repêchages 1 Lewis/Enquist 6:35.50 Friday afternoon with one to quality. Finals 2 Wood/Dietz 6:41.13 on Sunday. Lewis / Enquist won their heat. 3 Baker/Brisson 6:43.00 Altekruse / Bouscaren and Wood / Dietz 4 Bouscaren/Altekruse 6:43.10 also made it through to the final. 5 Ruane/Van Dusen 6:52.28 6 Spousta/Meyers 7:07.74 6867 Dietz, personal correspondence, 2009 6870 Enquist, personal correspondence, 2009 6868 Wood, personal conversation, 2009 6871 Lewis, op cit, p. 122 6869 Altekruse, personal conversation, 2009 6872 Halberstam, p. 187 1957 THE SPORT OF ROWING Dietz: “The speed that Tiff and I had in Not surprisingly, given what must have the last 500m was great. With a little been the worst end to the worst day of their practice we might have been able to put individual and collective rowing careers, the together a better starting 500m that would combo entry finished more than 100 meters have had us in better position at the finish. into last place. “Hindsight!”6873 1 Charles River B 6:03.5 Wood: “But we were second. For what 2 Olympic Camp 6:07.0 6874 we had, I think we did okay.” 3 Combo 6:30.8 Altekruse: “We finished fourth in the 6879 Lewis: “Bloody Sunday.” Trials. We were just dead. There was no Purdy: “We were aware that the double way we were going to win that race, had lost. Our race was flat. The challenge although we went out there to try.”6875 boat moved on us early, and we never were able to move back. Olympic Quad Trials “The row back to the boathouse was the longest of my life.”6880 Later that same day came the Quad Trials, no heats necessary, just a final. The Charles River Rowing Club quad Purdy: “The race in Lucerne had given that won the Trials was made up of Camp us confidence that we could move the boat cuts and rejects: stroke Greg Montesi, with Jack in bow. Despite this, after our singles Trials finalist and U.S. Marine, 3 return to Hanover, Harry continued to seat Ridgely Johnson, Princeton University „80, race Tiff, taking no time for tapering and 2 Bruce Beall, University of Washington rest before the Trials.