




LAILA HASYIM 157052012




Submitted as the Partial Fulfillment of Requirement for the Degree of Master of Arts (M.A.) in English Postgraduate Study Program, Faculty of Cultural Sciences, University of Sumatera Utara


LAILA HASYIM 157052012


Universitas Sumatera Utara Universitas Sumatera Utara Universitas Sumatera Utara Universitas Sumatera Utara ABSTRACT

This research is entitled “CONVERSATION ANALSIS IN ELLEN SHOW WITH BARRACK OBAMA”. The objectives of this research are to identify the types of repair and repair operation. As well to describe the realization and explain why such types of repair used in . The data of the research is the utterances of the participants. The source data is the video and transcripts in the Ellen DeGeneres Show. According to Merriam-Webster‟s dictionary (1990), “talk show is a radio or television program in which usually well-known persons engage in discussions or interviewed. The theories applied many attempts to discuss and analyze.The method used in this research was descriptive qualitative adopted qualitative data analysis procedures proposed by Miles. The types of repair and repair operation by (Schegloff, Jefferson, and Sacks 1983:341).The result showed,(1)self initiatedself repair sowed 20 times in this research, following the others self initiated other repair appear 2 times, other initiated other repair appears 1 times, and the last none of other initiated self repair was found. (2) Therefore for the repair operation replacing appears 3 times, inserting 6 times, deleting 2 times, sequence jumping 2 times, parenthesizing 2 times, recycling 1 times, reformatting 1 times, reordering 1 times none of searching and aborting found in this research. (3) Self initiatedself repairis found dominantly in this research. The finding of the research is, there are 4 kinds of repair and 10 repair operation, but there is only 3 of 4 kinds of repair an d 8 of 10 repair operation found in show.

Keywords: talk show, conversation analysis, television program, language.


Universitas Sumatera Utara ABSTRAK

Penelitian ini berjudul“CONVERSATION ANALSIS IN ELLEN SHOWS WITH BARRACK OBAMA”.Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidntifikasi tipe dari repair dan operasi dari repair. Sejalan dengan untuk mendeskripsikan dan menjelaskan kenapa repair digunakan di acara talk show. Data di dalam penelitian ini adalah percakapan dari pertisipan. Sumber data yang digunakan adalah video dan transcript dari acara talk show Ellen DeGeneres Show. Menurut Merriam Webster‟s di dalam kamus Webster (1990), “talk show adalah siaran radio atau acara program televise yang mana biasanya sebuah acara yang bertujuan memperkenalkan seseorang dengan cara berdiskusi. Teori yang digunakan adalah descriptive kualitatif dan teori menganalisis data yang diterapkan oleh Miles. Kesimpulan yang dihasilkan adalah, (1) self initiated self repair ditemukan sebanyak 20 kali di dalam penelitian ini, mengikuti yang lainnya self initiated other repair ditemukan sebanyak 2 kali, other initiated other repair sebanyak 1 kali, dan other initiated self repair tidak ditemukan dalam penelitian ini. (2) Disisi lain repair operation yang diterapkan di dalam penelitian ini ada10 jenis : replacing ditemukan 3 kali, inserting sebanyak 6 kali, deleting 2 kali, sequence jumping 2 kali, parenthesizing 2 kali, recycling 1 kali, reformatting 1 kali dan reordering 1 kali, sedang akan untuk repair operation searching dan aborting tidak ditemukan dalam penelitian ini.(3) Salah satu tipe repair ditemukan lebih dominan dari yang lainnya adalah self initiated self repair. Temuan dari penelitian ini adalah, ada 4 jenis repair dan 10 jenis repair operation, tetapi hanya ada 3 dari 4 jenis repair yang ditemukan dan 8 dari 10 jenis repair operation yang ditemukan dalam analisis ini.

Kata kunci: talk show, analisispercakapan, program televisi, bahasa.


Universitas Sumatera Utara ACKNOWLEDGEMENT

Praised be to Allah, Lord of the world, who has given me His love and compassion to finish the last assignment in his study. Peace and salutation be upon to the prophet Muhammad SAW, my family, companion and adherence. It is a pleasure to acknowledge the help and contribution to all of lecturers, family, and who have contributed in different ways hence this thesis, I would like to express my great honor and deepest gratitude to:

The Dean of Faculty of Cultural Studies, University of Sumatera Utara, Dr. Drs. Budi Agustono, M.S.The Head of Department of English, Dr. Ridwan Hanafiah, S.H., M.A. and The Secretary of Department of English, Dr. Drs. Umar Mono, Dipl. Trans., M.Hum.

My supervisors, Dr. Ridwan Hanafiah, S.H., M.A. and I would like to say thank you to my co-supervisor Dr. Bahagia Tarigan, M.A., for the guidance, encouragement and advice they have provided throughout my time as their student. This thesis has also benefited from comments and suggestions made by Dr. Drs. Umar Mono, Dipl. Trans., M.Hum., Dr. Deliana, M.Hum, and Dr. Eddy Setia, M. Ed. TESP; I take this opportunity to thank them. Mrs.Adry, who always gives me support and advice to face this long journey, thank you very much for everything.

In this valuable chance, I intended to express my gratitude and appreciation. First the deepest appreciation goes to my beloved parents, my mother Hj. ZulfahMairaniGaus and my father Kompol (Purn) H. KosimSihombing for the phone call every week in order to remind me to keep going and never giving up. In this Master studied period I already married, and also the one who always support and behind my back, my parents in law. My mother in law Hj. Khadijah and my father in law Alm.H.Muchtar, who always be my inspiration in life.


Universitas Sumatera Utara To the man who always beside me since 2011 until now.My husband H. Reza Syafrizal, S. Kom. Thank you for everything, time, patience, support, love, understanding, laugh, and of course being the one who I can share everything and teach me how to be a woman, wife, and mother. To my endless love, my princessesZharifaSafaniyaZaila and SahiraAfifaNaila, I hope I can be your biggest supporter in every step in your life ahead.

Also to the three princesses of my family, my beloved sisters NurulHasanahSihombing, M. Psi, S.Psi, AnnisaMiftahurhmaSihombing, and my little one UliFarhanaSihombing, their text messages keep me annoyed but magically give me reason to be focus to finish my study as soon as possible, for that I am really grateful to have you two in my life.

Also my Brothers and sisters in law, Abdul Khalid, Amd and TengkuZulfinaMaysarahAmd, dr. H.IrpanNasaruddinNasution and dr. Hj. Zuraidah, Yuri Dalian Verstaeten, Stp, M.M and dr. Hj. fauziah, Surya Derianto, S.Sos and Hj. RabiatulAdawiyah, S.E, and my baby sister Hj. RaudhatulHusna, S.Ked, thank you for the endless prayer and support.

Finally, I would like to thank everybody who was important to the successful realization of this thesis. This thesis is far from perfect, but it is expected that it will be useful not only for the researcher, but also for the readers. For this reason, constructive thoughtfully suggestion and criticsim are welcomed.

Medan, 08 July2019 The writer,




Universitas Sumatera Utara CURRICULUM VITAE

Personal Data Name :LailaHasyimSihombing Place, Date of Birth : SawitSeberang, 27 Maret 1991 Gender : Female Religion : Muslim Nationality : Indonesia Address : Jl.VeteranKomp. Ray Pendopo 4 No. 9, Medan Helvetia Phone number : 081265744556 Email : [email protected]

Academic Background 1996 – 2002 : SD Negeri Padang Sidempuan 2002 – 2005 : SMP Negeri 1 Binjai 2005 – 2008 : SMA Negeri 1 Binjai 2008 – 2012 : University of Sumatera Utara (USU) 2017 – 2019 : University of Sumatera Utara (USU)

Working Experiance Years : Offices/ Companies : Positions : 2013-2016 PT. Bank Mandiri, Tbk Front Liner


Universitas Sumatera Utara


Pages ABSTRACT ...... i ABSTRAK ...... ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ...... iii CURRICULUM VITAE ...... v TABLE OF CONTENT ...... vi LIST OF TABLE...... viii LIST OF APPENDIX ...... xiii CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ...... 1 1.1 Background of the Research ...... 1 1.2 Research Question ...... 3 1.3 Objective of the Research ...... 3 1.4Scope of the Research ...... 4 1.5 Significance of the Research ...... 4 CHAPTER II REVIEW OF LITERATURE ...... 6 2.1 Conversation Analysis ...... 6 2.1.1 Repair ...... 12 Self Initiated Self Repair ...... 13 Self Initiated Other Repair ...... 13 Other Initiated Self Repair ...... 14 Other Initiated Other Repair...... 15 2.1.2 Repair Operation ...... 16 Replacing...... 16 Inserting...... 17 Deleting ...... 18 Searching ...... 18 Parenthesizing ...... 19 Aborting ...... 20 Sequence Jumping ...... 21 Recycling...... 22 Reformatting ...... 22 Reordering ...... 23 2.2 Relevant Studies ...... 24 2.3 Conceptual Framework ...... 27 CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ...... 30 3.1 Research Design ...... 30 3.2 Data and Source of Data ...... 30 3.3 Research Instrument ...... 31 3.4 Techniques of Analyzing Data ...... 32 CHAPTER IV DISCUSSIONSANDFINDINGS ...... 36 4.1 Discussion ...... 39 4.1.1 Types of Repair in the Ellen Show with Barrack Obama ...... 39 a. Self Initiated Self Repair ...... 39 b. Self Initiated Other Repair ...... 43


Universitas Sumatera Utara c. Other Initiated Self Repair ...... 43 Operation in the Ellen Show with Barrack Obama ...... 45 a. Replacing ...... 45 b. Inserting...... 46 c. Deleting ...... 49 d. Parenthesizing ...... 50 e. Sequence Jumping ...... 52 f.Recycling ...... 53 g. Reformatting ...... 54 h. Reordering ...... 55 4.2Findings ...... 56 CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION ...... 58 5.1 Conclusions ...... 58 5.2 Suggestions ...... 60 REFERENCES ...... 62


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Pages Table 1Analytical Table ...... 29 Table 2 The form of data sheet for the types and operation of Repair in Ellen DeGeneres Show with Barrack Obama ...... 33 Table 3 Types of Repair in Ellen DeGeneres Show with Barrack Obama, participant by Ellen ...... 37 Table 4 Types of Repair in Ellen DeGeneres Show with Barrack Obama, participant by Barrack Obama ...... 37 Table 5 Repair Operation in Ellen DeGeneres Show with Barrack Obama, participant by Ellen ...... 38 Table 6Repair Operation in Ellen DeGeneres Show with Barrack Obama, participant by Barrack Obama ...... 39


Universitas Sumatera Utara CHAPTER I


I.I Background Of the research

People communicate with other is called conversation. Conversation is the main means of our daily communication. Communication is the intercourse by words, letters or messages. According to Meyer (2002:2)we can now proceed to define communication from what we have seen above, to define means to give the precise and exact meaning of a word. Communication is giving, receiving or exchanging ideas, information, and messages through appropriate media. The exact meaning of the word communicate is to share ortoparticipate. Blanchot

(2010:2) Communication is the process of transmitting information and common understanding from one person to another.

Conversation is the oldest form of communication. On its development, linguists found that conversation is an interesting object to be observe since there are patterns and phenomena during its occurrence deserve to analyze.

Conversation analysis, as noted by Liddicoat (2007:5) is an approach studying talk in interaction. It studies the organization and orderliness of social interaction.

To analyze conversation interaction between two people or more the appropriate theory known as Conversation Analysis (CA). According to Gardner (1990: 263)

CA is one of a number of approaches to the study of spoken language.Conversation Analysis is one of the main courses in linguistics. Turn


Universitas Sumatera Utara taking, adjacency pairs, preference organization, sequence organization, and repair are a field of study under the scope of conversation analysis.

The main idea of this research is repair. According to Golab (2000:157)

Repair is the name given to periods of talk in everydaytalk in which miscommunications rise, are notedand then resolved. Commonly these repair sequences occur in the talk immediately following the miss communication and take up conversation turns until they have been resolved.The analysis of repair, on the other hand, cannot be a parted from what so called conversation. Therefore, the researcher believes that conversation analysis is the most relevant approach to investigate repair phenomena.

Related in this study, talk show can be regarded as a particular kind of face-to-face conversation. Talk show can be the best way to analysis the “repair”, the types and the operation, by (Schegloff, Sacks, Jefferson, 1977). The talk show can be considered a modern Anglo-Saxon version of the above kinds of conversations occurring in semi-institutionalized social-cultural practices. It has emerged as a public extension of the private field of casual conversation, which works to narrow the gap between the public conditions of the media and the private conditions of the people. The more natural the conversations run, the better the data gained.

The Ellen DeGeneres Show (often shortened to and stylized as Ellen) according to Ellen official website EllenTv.com Ellen is an American television talk show hosted by comedian/actress Ellen DeGeneres. Debuting on September

8, 2003, it has produced by and airs in syndication, including stations


Universitas Sumatera Utara owned by NBC Universal, in the United States and Canada. The show has won 36

Daytime Emmy Awards as of 2013. On January 20, 2016, it was announced that the show had been renewed for 3 additional seasons through 2020.As of June

2016; the talk show's YouTube Channel was charted as the fourteenth-most- subscribed YouTube Channel. The program combines comedy, celebrity, musical guests, and human-interest stories.

1.2 Research Question

Based on the explanation above, the following are the question for this present research:

1. What types of repair are used by the participants in the talk show The Ellen

DeGeneres Show?

2. How are the operations of repair realized by the participants in the talk show

The Ellen DeGeneres Show?

3. Why are such types of repair found dominantly in thetalk show The Ellen

DeGeneres Show?

1.3 Objectives of the Research

In line with the formulation of the problems, the objectives of this research are:

1. to identify the types of repair employed by the participants in the talk showThe

Ellen DeGeneres Show , and


Universitas Sumatera Utara 2. to explain the operation of repair completion uttered by the participants in the talk show The Ellen DeGeneres Show

3. to investigates why such types of repair found dominantly in thetalk show The

Ellen DeGeneres Show

1.4 Scopes of the Research

In order to keep the research stay in track and focus, the scope of the study should be formulated.

Firstly, this research focuses on the types of repair uttered by the participants in the conversation, in this case Ellen and Barrack Obama. The researcher investigates all phenomena of repair, which occur in the conversation of the talk show.

Secondly, every occurrence of repair certainly grouped to an operation. To maximize the discussion, the researcher focuses on the operation of repair as well.

As a result, several patterns of repair invented. In accordance to this fact, it is clear that there are still capacious spaces for further investigation in this field.

Therefore, the researcher is interested in conducting the same attempt in a different language, in this case English.

Third and the last scope, besides there are 4 types of repair, there are only one types of repair which is found dominantly in this analysis.

1.5 Significances of the Research

1. The Researcher


Universitas Sumatera Utara This study is necessary for applying the theories of linguistics derived from the lectures during the time of the study. The researcher gets more knowledge about conversation analysis.

2. Readers

This research expected to make the readers of this thesis know about aspects of conversation within a dialogue. The researcher wants to help the readers to understand more about repair in conversation.

3. University of North Sumatera

It expected that this research would be part of literature in the institution of

University of North Sumatera and helps other students in understanding about conversation analysis.

4. Internet and Television viewers.

This thesis is not only existing on the internet, but also broadcast on television.

The researchers‟ hope that the talk show audience had better understand about some aspects had found in a talk show, so the audience can be more aware of conversation interaction.


Universitas Sumatera Utara CHAPTER II


In this chapter describes the theories, which has employed in conducting the research. The theories include the notion of conversation analysis and the scope under conversation analysis study, such as: turn-taking, adjacency pairs, preference organization, sequence organization, and repair a brief explanation about talk show.

2.1 Conversation Analysis

Conversation is a form of communication, which had applied largely by human beings in their daily social interaction. Conversation is fundamental for human beings interaction because it is a way for human beings to interact and connect with each other. Liddicoat (2007:1) states that through conversation, human beings interact with other people and develop social relationship in daily lives. Conversation in human beings daily interaction is a naturally occurring phenomenon. It happens spontaneously and randomly. Due to its features, the phenomenon of daily conversation has caught much linguists‟ attention. Some linguists later develop a study of daily conversation to enable people to study daily conversation through its linguistic feature, that is, conversation analysis.

In addition, conversation analysis views how participants deal with conversational phenomena, such as, turn-taking, adjacency pairs, preference organization, sequence organization and repair


Universitas Sumatera Utara Turn Taking

Turn taking is a basic and fundamental organization in conversation.

Liddicoat (2007:51) states that it is a normative process in a conversation. When a participant takes the floor, s/he has a right to speak at a time (A) and the other participant naturally becomes the hearer (B). After the speaker stops, the hearer takes the role as the speaker (A). As the conversation keeps going, the organization of speaker‟s change recurred. Therefore, Levinson (1983:296) states that the turn-taking pattern in a conversation is A-B-A-B-A-B.

In their journal entitled Simplest Systematics for Turn-taking, Sacks et al.

(1974:716) propose two ways to decide the next speaker: they are „current selects next‟ and „self-selection‟. The „current selects next‟ operates with a speaker gives an addressed question or uses a tag question to select the next speaker.

Questioning someone is considered effective to select the next speaker. Different from „current selects next‟, in the „self-selection‟ technique, a speaker acts as the starter. A speaker selects him/herself and takes the turn to start the conversation.

For example:

Sharon : You didn't come to talk to Karen?

Mark : No, Karen- Karen and I are having a fight, after she went out with

Keith and not with (me).

Ruthie : hah hahhahhah

Karen : Well Mark, you never asked me out.

(Sacks et al., 1974:717)


Universitas Sumatera Utara The example above shows that Sharon is the starter in the conversation, which means that she uses „self-selection‟ technique. After she selects herself as the starter, she addresses a question to Mark. Therefore, Sharon employs a „self- selection‟ technique and „current selects next‟ technique.

Adjacency Pairs

In conversation analysis, an adjacency pair is a two-part exchange in which the second utterance is functionally dependent on the first, as exhibited in conventional greetings, invitations, and requests, also known as the concept of nextness. Gardner (2000:263) an adjacency pair is a type of turn-taking. It is generally considered the smallest unit of conversational exchange.

Adjacency pairs have a number of core features, which can be used by way of a preliminary definition. They (1) Consist of two turns (2) by Different speakers, (3) Which are placed next to each other in their basic minimal form, (4)

Which are ordered and (5) which are differentiated into pair types. The first two features are rather straight for- ward, but the latter three require more explanation.

(1) question-answer

John: What time's it?

Betty: Three Uh clock.

(2) greeting-greeting

Amy: Hello.

Jean: Hi.

(3) summons-answer

Terry: Hey Paul,


Universitas Sumatera Utara Paul: Uh yeah

(4) Telling-accept

John: I' ve jus' finished my las' exam.

Betty: that‟s gre;at.

Liddicoat (2007:107)

In each of the examples above, the first turn of the pair initiates some action and makes some next action relevant. The second turn responds to the prior turn and completes the action which was initiated in the first turn. These two turns together accomplish an action. Liddicoat (2007:107)

Preference Organization

Levinson‟s General Pattern of Preferred and Dispreferred Structure

FIRST PART Request Offer/Invite Assessment Question Blame


Preferred: Acceptance Acceptance Agreement Expected Denial Answer

Dispreferred: Refusal Refusal Disagreement Unexpected

Answer or Non-answer

According to Levinson, there are two preferences asecond part or speaker has to give response to the first speaker namely preferred and dispreffered. Both are contrary to each other. For example, if thefirst part is requesting, the preferred


Universitas Sumatera Utara second part is tend to accept, while the dispreferred second part is on the other hand refuse.

Sequence Organization

The notion of sequence organization is based on the premise that the central consideration for the organization of talk is that talk is a form of social action. This example also leads to another issue which is important to sequence organization. The discussion regarding sequence organization will be divided into four sub discussion namely pre-sequences, insertion sequences, opening, and closing sequences. Liddicoat (2007:106)

1) Pre-sequences

Certain utterances are usually being precursors to another utterance (Mey, 1994:

221). These utterances which serve as precursors to the others are what the linguists called pre-sequence..

A: What are you doing this Friday? (= pre-invitation)

B: Hmm, nothing so far. (= go ahead)

A: Come over for dinner. (= invitation)

B: Oh I‟d like that. (= accept)

(Yule, 1996: 67)

2) Insertion Sequence

Typically, in the middle of conversation, a participant urges to greet, order, ask a question, request for information, which practically having anything to do with


Universitas Sumatera Utara the topic of the exchange (Mey, 1994: 223-224). These urges, then, initiate the emergence of insertion sequence.

Man : You know the new film that‟s on in the Odeon?

Woman: Yes?

Man : Do you want to go and see it tonight?

Woman: What time does it starts?

Man: Eighty thirty-five

Woman: Yeah, why not?

Cutting (2002: 30)

3) Opening and Closing Sequence

A conversation, according to Liddicoat (2007: 213), does not just happen and then stop. As other things in conversation, the beginning and ending of a conversation have structures. Cutting (2002: 30) writes that openings tend to contain a greeting, an enquiry after health, and a past reference. Brenda: Hi, Lee.

Lee : Hi. Hi Jean.

Jean : Hi. Hi.

Brenda: How are you?

Lee : Not bad. I‟ll be in, in a minute.

Cutting,(2002: 30).


Universitas Sumatera Utara 2.1.1 Repair

Repair refers to the processes available to speakers through which they can deal with the problems which arise in talk. The idea of repair has already been raised several times in the preceding discussion, as repair is relevant to all levels of talk from the turn-taking system to sequence organization and preference. All levels of conversation are potentially subject to difficulties and conversation as a self-regulating system needs to have available practices for dealing these. Repair is itself a mechanism of conversation: a set of practices designed for dealing with the sorts of difficulties which emerge in talk. Like other aspects of the conversational system, the practices of repair are independent of the nature of the thing which needs to be repaired.Liddcoat (2007:171)

Levinson (1983: 341) suggests the phenomena under the notion of repair.

They are word recovery problems, self-editing where no discernible (able to be seen) error occurs, and correction problem. Furthermore he explains that repair sequence is initiated by some reason including a request for information, and an apology. An example of repair initiated by the force of an apology seen as follow:

A: So, I was trying to pick up this chick when…

B: Excuse me, did I hear that right?

A: Awfully sorry, I mean, woman…

A: Pick up?

B: Awfully sorry, I mean, me

(Mey, 1994: 227)


Universitas Sumatera Utara self-repair

In most of the time, repair is initiated by the speaker of the trouble source.

In self-initiated self-repair, current speaker stops what s/he is saying to deal with something which is being treated as a problem in what s/he has said, or started to say, or may be about to say.

The example is as follow:

Anna: Oh so then he is coming back on Thur[pause] on Tuesday

(Liddicoat, 2007: 175)

The speaker of the utterance above seems to make no error at all. If the sentence is completed with the last word Thursday, it is still a grammatically and semantically correct sentence. However, the information she delivers to her interlocutor is realized to be false. Then, she cuts off her utterance. Pause in her turn, indicates a repair initiation. The next step, she proposes a solution and completes the repair at once by replacing the trouble source Thurwith a correct word Tuesday. It is a typical of a self-initiated self-repair; the speaker repair his/her own utterance that seems to have no error. Self-initiated other-repair

Sometimes in between the conversation, when people are in the middle of an explanation, they forget something essential that needs to be mention. It can be a name of people, place, or time. In fact, people often get lots of word; so they ask for help to their speaking partner to find a suitable or correct word that they need.

People frequently employ question words what, where, when to get an answer from their partner, such as:


Universitas Sumatera Utara A: He had this uh Mistuhw- whatever k- I can' t think of his name,

Watts on, the one that wrote [that] piece,

B: [Dan Watts]

(Schegloff via Liddicoat, 2007: 180)

There are two participants involve in the conversation above. The first speaker shows that he loses of word by saying „I can‟t think of his name‟. This question is an indirect signal for the conversational partner to help him finishing his utterance by finding a correct reference to what he refers to. In this case, the speaker wants his partner to mention a correct name of a person whom they both know. Other-initiated self-repair

The most common way in which the interlocutors deal with trouble in speaking, hearing or understanding is by initiating a repair. Bolden via Kitzinger

(2013: 249) states that they will initiate a repair and leave the opportunity to provide the repair solution to the speaker of the trouble source. This means that other-initiated repair usually involves a short sequence which then interrupts the ongoing action in which the participants are engaged. In the conversation below the acknowledgment about the information required is delayed by the inserted repair sequences.

A: Have you ever tried a clinic?

B: What?

A: Have you ever tried a clinic?

B: No, I don‟t want to go to clinic.


Universitas Sumatera Utara (Schegloff, Jefferson, and Sacks 1983:341)

The first speaker in the conversation above needs to know whether the interlocutor has ever been tried a clinic or not. However, because of mishearing, the answer of the question is delayed by the inserted repair sequence. Then, after the repair solution is uttered, the first speaker obtains an answer. They include

(starting from weak to strong): open class forms (e.g. Sorry? Pardon? Huh?

Excuse me? What?). Other-initiated other-repair

Other-initiated other-repair usually shows interactional modifications which affect the turn shape of the conversation in which other-repair is found

(Liddicoat, 2007: 211). The dialogue below is an example:

Joy : Kerry is no good. She is having a fight with .

Harry : You mean Sarah, don’t you? Those two are always fighting.

(Liddicoat, 2007:190)

Joy becomes the trouble maker in this repair when he mentions a name of a girl,

Sally. The name that he mentioned is considered an error because the actual girl who always had a fight with Kerry is Sarah. The second speaker notices this error and tries to repair it by benefiting his turn wisely. Though called as other-initiated other-repair, there are several cases in this repair sequence in which the initiation is absent.

2.1.2 Repair Operation

In performing repair, the participant employs a certain strategy or operation to initiate and complete the repair. There are 10 repair operations that


Universitas Sumatera Utara can be employed in the conversation. The 10 repair operations are developed by

Schegloff. Schegloff proposed ten repair operations. They are replacing, inserting, deleting, searching, parenthesizing, aborting, sequence-jumping, recycling, reformatting and reordering. Replacing

Replacing is a repair operation which is commonly used in conversation.

In replacing, the speaker of the trouble source substitutes the whole utterance or only a part of the articulated utterance. Although some elements of the utterance are substituted, the speaker needs to maintain the sense „this is the same utterance

(Schegloff, 2013:43). Replacing does not require the same linguistic object or grammatical object as the substitute for the trouble source. The speaker can replace the trouble source with a synonym or antonym or s/he may change a word into a phrase and vice versa. In addition, the speaker of the trouble source usually repeats the previous utterance which precedes the trouble source to help the recipient locate the trouble source.

For example:

Erma : Did he- did you hear what he said told Lisa that they were considered the cutest couple in the class.

(Kitzinger, 2012:235)

The example above shows that Erma replaces the word „said‟ with „told‟.

She replaces the word with another word which is synonymous. Inserting


Universitas Sumatera Utara Inserting is the second repair operation. Wilkinson and Weatherall

(2011:71) in Kitzinger (2012:237) define inserting as a repair operation which modifies the utterance yet still maintains the original formulation of the utterance.

Rather than deleting or replacing an element of the utterance, inserting adds a new element in the utterance. When initiating repair, the speaker of the trouble source cuts-off the word or makes a sound stretch before inserting the new element.

Inserting material can modify the talk or the utterance in 2 ways (Kitzinger, 2012:

237). First, the speaker of the trouble source inserts a new element such as, word, term, phrase, etc., to specify the original reference. Second, the inserted materials aim to intensify the meaning of the original formulation.

For example:

Rit : And it‟s all really down to me because nobody, you know my

Clt : Mmm

Rit : My husband- my husband is now petrifi- completely petrified.

(Wilkinson and Weatherall, 2011:81 in Kitzinger, 2012:238)

The example above shows that Rit tells her friend about her husband who somehow feels frightened. In the example, it shows that Rit stops the production of the word “petrified‟ and inserts the word ‘completely‟ before the word

“petrified‟. She inserts the new word in order to intensify the meaning of the modified word. Deleting

Deleting is third repair operation. Deleting refers to a repair operation in which the speaker of the trouble source tends to delete an element or all elements


Universitas Sumatera Utara in the utterance. Deleting operates with the speaker of the trouble source cuts-off the elements of the current articulated utterance. After cuts-off the articulated word, the speaker of the trouble source recycles the word preceding the deleted word and the continues the production of the utterance

For example:

Bee : So she told me of a place on Madison Avenue and Sevendy Ninth Street.

Ava : Mmm

Bee : Go and try there. Because I als- I tried Barnes and Nobles and, they did

not have anything.

(Kitzinger, 2012:233)

In the example above, Bee cuts-off the production of the word „also‟.

Later, Bee recycles the word preceding the deleted word and then continues the production of the utterance. Searching

Searching is the fourth repair operation. Searching is employed when the speaker needs to produce a precise term, that is, a term which does not have an easy substitute, such as a person's name, a place, a business, etc. It is also employed to produce a delicate term, i.e. a term used to soften meaning of a word in order to show propriety (Kitzinger, 2012:233). Usually, searching is characterized with the speaker pausing the production and trying to recall the particular term.

For example:


Universitas Sumatera Utara

Joy : Why don‟t you go into Westwood, and go to Bullocks.

Stan : Bullocks? You mean that one right umm, tch! Right by the

umm,what is the Plaza? Theater.

Joy : Uh huh

(Kitzinger, 2012:233-4)

In the example above, Stan wants to name a Plaza but he forgets the name of the Plaza. He pauses the production of the utterance twice in order to recall the name of the Plaza and eventually finds it. The sentence „what is the Plaza‟ is a marker of searching. Parenthesizing

Parenthesizing is the fifth operation. Parenthesizing is a repair operatio which is almost similar to inserting. Both inserting and parenthesizing add a new element in the utterance. However, the inserted element in parenthesizing has different function. Instead of inserting a new word, parenthesizing inserts a clause to the ongoing utterance. This repair operation aims to give more impact to the thing described by the speaker (Schegloff, 2013:52).

For example:

Debbie : It‟s not the case, Mark‟s not going

Shelley : ...... I‟ll just go and then, uhm, you know this- this two bandit

thing have, that were doing. He wants me, I- I dont know if I told

youthis, he wants us to come out to his house and do like spend a


Universitas Sumatera Utara whole day putting everything together cause we dont get the shit

done while were at work

(Schegloff, 2013:51)

The example presented above is a conversation between Debbie and

Shelley. In the middle of the production, Shelley shows awareness whether she already told Debbi about the thing she is going to say. The clause „I don‟t know if

I told you this‟ is a parenthetical talk. Aborting

Aborting is the sixth operation. Aborting is an operation of repair where the speaker stops the production of the utterance and leaves it incomplete. In other words, the speaker of the trouble source abandons the ongoing utterance.

Schegloff (2013: 56) states that abandoning in aborting can work through 2 ways.

Firstly, „abandoning‟ is followed by another attempt to achieve completion.

Secondly, speaker abandons the whole utterance and gives up the production without achieves completion.

For example:

Sherrie : Who was the girl that was outside?

Mark : Debbie

Sherrie : Who‟s Debbie?

Mark : She‟s just that girl that, uh, I met her through uhm, I met her

in Westwood. I caught that...

(Schegloff, 2008 in Kitzinger, 2012: 224)


Universitas Sumatera Utara From the example above, it can be seen that Mark‟s answer to Sherrie‟s question contains aborting. He is aborting his utterance twice. At first, he tries to describe Debbie but then he aborts the utterance. Then, he wants to say how he met Debbie but again he aborts his incomplete utterance and chooses to tell

Sherrie that he met Debbie in Westwood. Sequence-jumping

Sequence jumpingis the seventh repair operation. In sequence jumping, the speaker of the trouble source abandons the utterance and suddenly changes the utterance into something, which is completely different from and unrelated to the previous utterance. In other words, the speaker of the trouble source may launch a new sequence as the act of repair. Also, s/he may address his/her interlocutor‟s previous utterance which is considered to be the start of a new sequence

(Schegloff 2013:56).

For example:

Frieda : You know what we‟regonna- in fact I‟m- she- I haven‟t seen her

since I spoke to you but I‟m going to talk to- what are you


Kathy :It‟s a blanket

(Schegloff, 2013:56)


Universitas Sumatera Utara Recycling

Recycling or it is also called repetition is the eighth operation. It is a repair operation in which the speaker of the trouble source is re-saying some part of the previous utterance. Recycling can occur without changes or it can occur with some additions or deletions.

For example:

Rubin : Well thee uhm they must have grown a culture. You know

theymust‟veImean how lo- he‟s been in the hospital for a few days,

right? Takes abouta week to grow a culture

Kathy : I don‟t think they grow a, I don‟t think they- grow a culture to

do abiopsy.

(Schegloff, 2013:59) Reformatting

Reformatting is the ninth repair operation. This operation is related togrammatical issue. In reformatting, the speaker may change the format of theutterance. S/he can change the WH-question into Yes/No question or change declarative sentence into a negative interrogative sentence. This repair operation also enables the speaker of the trouble source to reverse the reformed utterance. It meansthat the speaker once reforms the utterance and later reverses it and reforms it backinto the previous form.

Bee : So, I got some lousy courses this term too

Ava : Cool, huh

Bee : Hmmm


Universitas Sumatera Utara Ava : W- When‟s your uh, whe- you have one day only have one

course, huh?

Bee : Monday and Wednesday. That‟s my

Ava : That‟s

Bee : Linguistics course

(Schegloff, 2013:62-3)

The example above is the dialogue between Ava and Bee. They talk about the coursesand schedule on the new term. The example above shows that Ava tries to ask Beeabout her schedule. Reordering

Reordering is the tenth repair operation. Reordering is an operation which is usually used by the speaker of the trouble source to reorder the elements in the ongoing utterance. The speaker of the trouble source performs reordering when s/h notices that the utterance does not come out as it should be. The elements reordered by the speaker can be words or a turn.

For example:

Bea : Oh- he‟s still hopeful

Rse : The husband

Bea : Ah hah, and you never just- you just never saw such devotion in your life

(Schegloff, 2013: 65)


Universitas Sumatera Utara 2.2 Relevant Studies

Siadari (2013) in this study, the writer analyzes a talk show program,

HitamPutih, which had aired in Trans 7. Therefore, it is interesting to know how the host uses some kinds of Politeness Strategy to talk to the guest who are

„famous people‟ in order to avoid the FTA. These researches also use conversation analysis from Schegloff, Jefferson, and Sacks (1977). The methodology is, the main data is from the talk show, not only about conversation analysis theory, this research use politeness strategy as the comparison. The writer found 2 (two) utterances using Bald on Record Politeness Strategy, 3 (three) utterances using

Negative Politeness Strategy, 11 (eleven) utterances using Positive Politeness

Strategy, and 1 (one) utterance using Off Record Politeness Strategy. 2. The writer found that the most frequent of the use of the kind of Politeness Strategy by the host is Positive Politeness Strategy. There are 11 (eleven) utterances using

Positive Politeness Strategy. 3. The writer did not find the utterance using Not Do the Face Threatening Act in talking to the hearer. The contribution of this research to the writer is this research also becomes the other reference to analyze about conversation analysis, which also politeness is also the part of conversation analysis. The difference or research gap of this research is that, Siadari research only focuses of politeness in conversation analysis, while this research focuses on repair in conversation analysis

Siahaan (2014) this research formulates the pattern of turn-taking of conversation in traditional wedding ceremony in three speech situations. This research applies descriptive qualitative method. Field data, documentation and


Universitas Sumatera Utara direct observation had carried out. The content of the utterances containing turn taking had verified to the expert of marhata. The analysis based on the content and sequence to find the recurring patterns using conversation analysis approach.

Similar to conversation analysis in the Ellen show with Barrack Obama. This research also uses Schegloff, Jefferson, and Sacks (1977) Conversation analysis as theory of the research. Different with Conversation Analysis in the Ellen show with Barrack Obama, which is focuses on all the utterances of conversation analysis, this research only focuses on to one of the utterances of conversation analysis that is turn taking and the patterns.

Rheisa (2014) in this research the writer analyze the repair in conversation analysis. The writer only focuses to one of the utterances of conversation analysis, which are repair and the pattern. The source of the main data is from the Oprah

Winfrey show with Michael Jackson. This research uses the Schegloff, Jefferson, and Sacks (1977) conversation analysis theory and use descriptive qualitative method as the main method of the research.The research employed a descriptive- qualitative methodinwhichdescriptive data had produced. Bungin states that a descriptive qualitativeresearch uses theory to lead the research before collecting the data. The conclusions of this research could draw as follows. Self-initiated self-repair is the most often appearing type in the conversation between Michael and Oprah in .It occurs 55 times. This condition seems normal since the participants in the talkshowThe Oprah Winfrey Showare aware of their own-making error in most ofthe time. The contribution this research gives is gives another explanation about repair and pattern. The difference or research gap


Universitas Sumatera Utara is that Rheisa analyze about repair and the pattern, while this research analyze about repair and the operation.

Kendrick (2015) this research describes the formats and practices of other- initiations of repair attested in the corpus and report their quantitative distribution.

In addition to straight other-initiations of repair, the identification of all possible cases also yielded a substantial proportion in which speakers use other-initiations to perform other actions, including non-serious actions, such as jokes and teases,

Preliminaries to dispreferred responses, and displays of surprise and disbelief.

This research applies descriptive qualitative method. This research also Analysis the utterances of Conversation analysis by Schegloff, Jefferson, and Sacks (1977).

The result is the distinction had made between other initiations that perform additional actions concurrently and those that formally resemble straight other- initiations but analyze do not initiate repair as an action. Different with conversation analysis in the Ellen show with Barrack Obama, this research focuses to one of the utterances of conversation analysis, which is repair. There are 4 types of repair. This study only focuses to one of the types of repair, which is other in initiated repair. The data gained from the daily conversation of the student.

Oluyemisi (2016) the uniqueness of this research, however, lies in the analysis of Turn-Taking in Yorùbá conversation in juxtaposition with Sacks et al.„s Turn-Taking which focuses only on how interlocutors take turns in American

English conversation. The subject of this research is the audience of Mìnìj j , a weekly Yorùbá discussion programmed which airs on Africa Independent


Universitas Sumatera Utara Television (AIT) on Sundays between 1pm and 2pm. The audience comprises of speakers of major Yorùbá dialects like the Ìj bú, Ìjèṣà, gbá, Èk t , b d n and

O d dialect. This research use Schegloff, Jefferson, and Sacks (1977) conversation analysis theory as the main theory of the research. This research also analyzes one of the utterances of conversation analysis as the main problem that is turn taking. These researches also find some unique aspect of the conversation.

Research applies descriptive qualitative method. Turn Taking is an important aspect of any conversation because it helps to ensure that order had maintained at all times. As such, interlocutors try as much as possible to speak one person at a time so much so that even when there are instances of interruptions and overlaps, they quickly revert to the status quo of one interlocutor holding the floor at a particular period. The contribution of this research is that this research tells more about conversation analysis as the main problem. The difference or research gap is that Oluyemisi only focuses about turn taking while this thesis analyze about repair.

2.3 Conceptual Framework

In this research, the researcher uses conversation aspects, which refer to partridge theory. The theory had applied to view how the conversation analysis aspects in the talk show between the speakers. In relation to conversation aspects, to conduct this research, a descriptive-qualitative approach employed. The researcher applies theory of conversation analysis by Schegloff, Jefferson, and

Sacks (1997) which is the utterances of conversation analysisturn taking, adjacency pairs, sequence organization, preference organization, and repair to


Universitas Sumatera Utara analyze in the conversation among the participant in the talk show Ellen show with Barrack Obama.

In order to complete to conversation between the speaker, they both uses some aspects of conversation analysis, to create an interesting and entertain talk between the speaker, because normally in some talk show they have the audience who watch it live and sometimes they communicate with the audience. In this study, the language between the speakers used among the talk show will be analyzed in the area of conversation analysis aspects.


Universitas Sumatera Utara Table 1: Analytical Construct

Conversation Analysis

Turn-taking Adjacency Pairs Repair Pref. Organization S. Organization


Types of Repair (Schegloff, Repair Operation Sacks, Jefferson, 1977)

1. Self-initiated self repair by Schegloff

2. Self-initiated other repair 1. Replacing

3. Other-initiated self repair 2. Inserting

4. Other-initiated other repair 3. Deleting 4. Searching 5Parentesizing 6. Aborting 7. S. Jumping 8. Recycling 9. Reformattig 10. Reordering


Universitas Sumatera Utara CHAPTER III


3.1 Research Design

This research employed a descriptive-qualitative method in whichdescriptivedatahad produced. Patton (2002:3) Qualitative research is characterized by its aims, which relate to understandingsome aspect of social life, and its methodswhich (in general) generate words, rather than numbers, as data for analysis states that a descriptivequalitative research uses theory to lead the research before collecting the data.The results of the data analysis of repair phenomena in theconversation among the participants in the talk showpresented in theform of lingual units, e.g. words, phrases, sentences, rather than in the form ofnumbers.

By using the qualitative research, this study are intended to find and describes the utterances of conversation within the conversation between Ellen as the master of ceremony (MC) and Barrack Obama as the guest star in the Ellen show.

3.2 Data and Source of the Data

The data of this research were in the form of utterances uttered by the participants in The Ellen DeGeneres Show, i.e. Ellen and Barrack Obama. This is in line with Bungin (2007: 103) who states that qualitative data are in the forms of sentences, utterances, and short stories. A datum had always started from an utterance in the conversation, which contains trouble source.The researcher


Universitas Sumatera Utara obtained the data from the transcript of conversation among the participants in

The Ellen DeGeneres Show.

The data of this research were collected by watching the talk show video namely The Ellen DeGeneres Show. The researcher selected an episode ofThe

Ellen DeGeneres Show, a special episode with Barrack Obama the former president of United States of America for 10 years. This episode last for about 60- minute duration but only takes 20 minutes for interviewing Barrack Obama. The researcher got the video of the talk show by downloading it on the internet.

3.3Techniques of Collecting Data

Vanderstoep and Jhonston (2008: 189) state that there are four typesofdata collection techniques. They are interviewing (face-to-face-question and answer process), ethnography observation (observing people enactingculture), analysis of documents and material culture (written text or culturalartifacts), and visual analysis (e.g., interpretation of mediated communicationtext such as films or television programs).

The steps of the data analysis were as follows: watching the video ofthe talk show, examining the transcript of the conversation, making datasheets, and categorizing the raw data into the data sheets. The data collectionhadstarted by watching the video of the talk show in order to find repairs inthe conversation among the participants in The Ellen DeGeneres Show.

Secondly, the researcher examined the transcript of the conversation in thetalk show, which she found on internet. Finally, data sheetsused to record allinformation, which had gathered by watching the video were created.The data


Universitas Sumatera Utara in this research had gained from the utterances of theparticipants in the talk show,

Ellen and Barrack Obama.

3.4 Techniques of Analyzing Data

According to Miles and Huberman (1994:10), analysis can be defined as consisting as three current flows of activity that is data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing/verification. In this research, the researcher use Miles and

Huberman‟s theory in analyzing the data, so there are three steps to do, they are:

1. Data Reduction

Data reduction becomes the first steps to do in analyzing the data in this research. According to Miles (1994:10), data reduction refers to the process of selecting, focusing, simplifying, abstracting, and transforming the data in written up field note or transcript. In this research, the data is in the form of video and transcription of the talk show the Ellen DeGeneres Show with Barrack Obama.

Based on Miles theory, in this step the researcher firstly analyzing the data by watching the talk show video, listen carefully and checking the data by reading the transcription to see the context, next, the researcher selecting the sentences or utterances by the participants. After that, the researcher categorizes the data based on four categories of repair and makes summaries to make easy in analyzing the data and continuing the next steps.

2. Data Display

The second steps data display. According to Miles (1994:11), generally a display is an organized, compressed assembly of information that permits conclusion drawing and action. In this step, the researcher shows or displays the


Universitas Sumatera Utara data, which is, contains the repair and repair operation, not only as generally but

also specifically and clearly. The researcher shows which sentences or utterances

contains repair and repair operation, what categories of repair in that sentence,

how the repair operation utterances by the participants and why the repair isfound

dominantly in the talk show.

Table 2: The Form of Data Sheet forthe types and operation of Repair Uttered by the Participants in the Ellen DeGeneres Show

Types of Repair Operation repair no Data R R R R 0 O O O O O O O O O Explanation 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 1 Ellen : When I Ellen makes repair in her was a little girl, utterances. growing up in the When she said, the marked words. new Orland‟s I Therefore this repair belongs to never dream that to selfinitiatedself repair. have my own show,

and certainly Never thoughtsI able will be able to say these words. Please welcome the president‟s of United States, Barrack Obama.


Universitas Sumatera Utara Note:

Types of Repair





Repair Operation O1: Replacing O7: Sequence-jumping

O2: Inserting O8: Recycling

O3: Deleting O9: Reformatting

O4: Searching O10: Reordering

O5: Parenthesizing

O6: Aborting

3. Conclusion Drawing

After finished doing data reduction and data display, the last steps to analyze the data in this research is drawing conclusion. According to Miles

(1994:11), conclusion may not appear until data collection is over, depending on the size of the corpus of field notes; coding storage and retrieval methods of the funding agency, but they often had been prefigured from the beginning even when a researcher claims to have been proceeding inductively. In this step, the


Universitas Sumatera Utara researcher concludes the result of the research based on the research problems and repair theory that are use.


Universitas Sumatera Utara CHAPTER IV


This chapter divided into two main sections namely research findings and discussion. Research findings present all findings of repair investigation in the conversation of the talk show The Ellen DeGeneres Show. The data served with the frequency of repair presented by the participant‟s in The Ellen DeGeneres

Show. Furthermore, detail explanation regarding the research findings presented in research discussion. In this chapter, the answer of the research problems revealed.

They are types and patterns of repair uttered by the participants in The Ellen

DeGeneres Show.

This part divided into two sections. They are types of repair and repair operations in the Ellen DeGeneres Show with Barrack Obama.

Types of repair in the Ellen DeGeneres Show with Barrack Obama

All four types of repair proposed by Schegloff, Jefferson, and Sacks in

1977.They were self-initiated self-repair, self-initiated other-repair, other-initiated self-repair, and other-initiated other-repair However, as seen in the table, the frequency of occurrence of each type is different. In the conversation between

Ellen and Barrack Obama in the Ellen DeGeneres Show.Self-initiated self-repair is on the highest rank with a relatively huge difference if compared to the rest of other types. It followed orderly by other initiated self-repair, other-initiated other- repair, and self-initiated other-repair on the last place.


Universitas Sumatera Utara Table 3: Types of Repair in Ellen DeGeneres Show with Barrack Obama, participant by Ellen.

Types of Repair No Participant R1 R2 R3 R4

1 Ellen DeGeneres 13 2 - 1

Total 16

Table 4:Types of Repair in Ellen DeGeneres Show with Barrack Obama, participant by Barrack Obama.

Types of Repair

No Participant R1 R2 R3 R4

1 Barrack Obama 6 2 - -

Total 8


Types of Repair






Universitas Sumatera Utara Repair operations in the Ellen DeGeneres Show

On the other hand, from ten patterns of repair operation proposed by

Schegloff (1977). They were replacing, inserting, deleting, searching,

parenthesizing, aborting, sequence jumping, recycling, reformatting, and

reordering. Inserting is the repair operation that occurs most often in this


Table 5:Repair Operation in Ellen DeGeneres Show with Barrack Obama, participant by Ellen.

Repair operation

No Participant 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10

1. Ellen Degeneres 1 5 3 - 1 - 1 1 1 -

Total 13


Universitas Sumatera Utara

Table 6: Repair Operation in Ellen DeGeneres Showwith Barrack Obama, participant by Barrack Obama

Repair Operation

No Participant

01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10

1. Barrack Obama 1 1 - - 1 - - - - 1

Total 4

Repair Operation O1: Replacing O7: Sequence-jumping

O2: Inserting O8: Recycling

O3: Deleting O9: Reformatting

O4: Searching O10: Reordering

O5: Parenthesizing

O6: Aborting

4.1 Discussion

4.1.1Types of Repair inthe Ellen DeGeneres Show a. Self-initiated self-repair


Universitas Sumatera Utara The participants in the talk show The Ellen DeGeneres Show seem like they notice their own-making error in most of the time. Therefore, they act as the repair initiator and completer of the repairs themselves. As the result, self- initiatedself-repair became the type of repair that occurs most often in the conversation between Elle and Barrack Obama self-repair is a type of repair that often happens without a discernible error such as grammatical or syntactic error.

In the previous conversation, Barrack Obama answered Ellen about the presidential and Washington, Barrack Obama answered that he want to leave

Washington, and then the audience and Ellen starts laughing. When delivering her thought Ellen look a bit shocked by Barrack Obama answer. It can be seen from the following examples:

Ellen :Oh, that‟s aI would think so, I mean really.

Ellen somehow not ready to give her comment about Barrack Obama‟s answer “oh, that‟s a”, and then Ellen repair it by herself, by saying “I mean really”, what is mean that Ellen is the one who repair her own words before someone else did and she makes a repair at the first word and then she repaired by herself at the end of the words. This also the part of self initiatedself repairs.

At the beginning of the talk show, Ellen asks Barrack Obama about the leaving the Washington and the presidential. Barrack Obama said he wants to leave Washington and the audience start laughing and he wants to make another explanation about his choice but he is not ready when delivering his thoughts.


Universitas Sumatera Utara Obama : Ohya…no well but then i

It is clearly stated as the self-initiated self-repair, because in the end

Barrack Obama itself who repair his words and he stops at the “oh ya” and then continue his words by sating “then i”. It shows that he does not intend to abandon his sentence by not finishing it. In fact, Barrack Obama intends to conduct a repair to fix his error, serve a sentence, which contains incomplete information.

Therefore, this repair is considered as a self-initiated self-repair.

In the previous conversation, Ellen asks Barrack Obama how he feels to be a president for the first time and what surprise him the most. After Barrack Obama answer the question, Ellen want to respond what the president say, but when delivering her thought Ellen is caught not finishing her words. The following is one of the examples of self-initiated self-repair.

Ellen : That, I that‟s that‟s everybody hope, but let‟s talk about me, I

feel like don‟t you think if more people dance.

Ellen feels not so ready to give comment of Barrack Obama‟s earlier answer, so Ellen repeat the word “That, I that‟s that‟s”, and then she repaired by her own and then continue speak again by saying “but let‟s talk about me”.

Before someone else did, Ellen fix her own repair to not make the other speaker and audience confuse by changing the topics.


Universitas Sumatera Utara In the middle of the conversation, Ellen asks Barrack Obama about his wife. For a second he looks like he thinking about something before answering

Ellen question and it is true that he makes his repair, self-initiated self-repair.

Obama : you know a, a, after 15 years I finally figure out that, a she‟s

always right So then surprisingly we‟re just stop fighting after that.

When Barrak Obama answer Ellen question, he wants to say, “After” but when delivering his thought he makes a repair “a, a, after “at the third time he succeeded to say “after” and then continue his words again and finally delivered his thought well by saying “I finally figure out”. It clearly that he makes his own repair than make a self-correct by his own, which is why it is called self-initiated self-repair.

At the previous episode of the Ellen show, Ellen invited , the wife of Barrack Obama. At the previous episode with the first lady, Ellen has some push up race with Michelle Obama. Ellen shares some story about it to the president. Ellen shows some self-initiated self-repair when delivering her thought.

Ellen : well. She‟s a cheater you know that, but when you talked about

her about the pushed up I‟m I‟m not I‟m not lying, I‟m not

gonna tore you about it anymore, but she‟s a cheater, see see look

how down far I went.


Universitas Sumatera Utara The words, I‟m I‟m not I‟m not lying, I‟m not gonna” show‟s a self- initiated self-repair. Ellen repairs her on words and continues to talk. At the end of her words, she makes another repair. The words “see see look how down I went”and Ellen repair her words by self-initiated self-repair. Barrack Obama as the second speaker did not try to repair what Ellen said, that is why it called self- initiated self-repair. b .Self-initiated other repair

In self-initiated other repair, the participants who are involved in the conversation share the act of repair initiation and completion. Ellen ask Barrack

Obama about the Washington and the presidential, in the previous talk, he said he want to go out of the Washington, but then he make the repair, self-initiated other repair. The following is an example of self initiated other repair:

Obama : Oh ya, no well but then i

Ellen : But you are not kidding

Obama :I‟m a kind of not kidding

In the first line Barrack Obama feels don‟t really sure about what he‟s talking, and then Ellen make a statement which might Barrack Obama want to say by saying “but you are not kidding”, and Barrack Obama somehow agreed, and say the same meaning as Ellen does “I‟m a kind of not kidding”. This kinds of conversation is one of the self initiatedself repair, what is mean is that other people help to make a repair.


Universitas Sumatera Utara

Unlike the self initiatedself repair, the self initiated other repair is rarely happened in the conversation. The other self initiated other repair happened in almost the same time as the first one. The following is an example of self initiated other repair.

Ellen : People just want a good quality of life and that we have these

people that feel one way someone feel another way, we tends to

hate them, and and it just really…

Obama : that‟s not helpful

Ellen : that‟s not helpful

Unlike the first one, this time Ellen who does the self initiated other repair.

In the end of her words, when delivering his thought, somehow doesn‟t‟ know what to say again, and asking for help. Barrack Obama as the other speaker help her to finish her words, by to say “that‟s not helpful” and then Ellen repeat it again. This is also one of the self initiated other repair.

c. Other initiated-other repair

The initiation usually seen in the form of interruption, i.e. taking the floor of the current speaker who considered making trouble.An example seen below.

They are watch a video from the last time Michelle Obama in the Ellen show as the guest star, and the video Is about a push up race between Ellen and Michelle


Universitas Sumatera Utara Obama. Ellen said that Michelle is cheat on her. The conversation between Ellen and Barrack Obama contain other initiated other repair. An example seen below.

Ellen : no, no, no, not as far down as me, look!

Obama : I mean those are good, you have a good form

Ellen : I have a better form than her and I and I

Obama : you have a good form

Ellen tries to explain that she was far down rather than Michelle Obama in the push up race, but then Barrack Obama said, Ellen is good enough and have a better form, by repeating Ellen words “you have a good form”.

4.1.2Repair Operation in the Ellen DeGeneres Show

a. Replacing

Replacing often employed in the utterance when the speaker experiences misapplied words, grammatical errors, or slips of the tongue. Replacing enables the speaker to substitute a word with a new word or a phrase in his utterance and avoid a possible misinterpretation.

The example of replacing presented in the datum below.

Ellen : I am so, because she did not go down all the way and the she claimed she has longer arms and so she‟s, listen, it was very impressive that she kept going but she didn‟t go down as far as me.


Universitas Sumatera Utara Ellenand Barrack Obama watched a video from the episode with his wife

Michelle Obama, about push up race between Ellen and Michelle Obama. Ellen tries to make an argument about the video. However after she‟s saying‟ a word and then deleting it. Make new Utterances, “and so she‟s” replacing thenbecomes


The following datum is another example.

Obama : I… look, as Michelle remain me our daughters are prepared not to leave us and both of my daughters are wonderful people and milea more than ready to leave but I‟m not ready for her to leave, and there‟s a one ask, if I‟m speaker at the graduation? I said Absolutely not, because I‟m gonna sitting there with dark glasses, sobbing .yes She‟s one of my best friends, and this is gonna be hard for for me, not to have her around all the time, but she‟s ready to go, you can tell when they‟re she‟s really smart, capable person and she‟s ready to make her own way”.

In the section of the talk show, Barrack Obama talks about his daughter, in the first utterance he fell hesitance then deleting his first utterances and makes a new utterances by saying “ I” replacing the utterances becomes “look” b. Inserting

Inserting, the speaker of the trouble source tends to employ inserting when s/he intends to specify or intensify a word. The more specific a word, the more specific an interpretation of the word will become. The inserted element functions


Universitas Sumatera Utara as the modifier of the following word. The speaker of the trouble source also intends to narrow down the reference of a word by performing inserting.

Below is the example of inserting.

Ellen : When I was a little girl, growing up in the new Orland‟s I never

dream that to have my own show, and certainly NeverthoughtsI

able will be able to say these words. Please welcome the

presidents of United States, Barrack Obama.

In the datum above, Ellen just begin the show and in the middle of her utterances, Ellen accidentally misses a word in her utterance by saying, I able, will be able. In other words, Ellen inserts an additional element in his utterance tospecify the interpretation of his utterance.

Another example presented below.

Ellen : That, I that‟s are that‟severybody hope, but let‟s talk about me,

I feel like don‟t you think if more people dance,and just have fun.

The datum above taken from Ellen speech, in the middle of their conversation Ellen wants to comments about Barrack Obama‟s Opinion about being a president. However, Ellen accidentally misses a word in her utterance. In her utterance, Ellen performs inserting by adding a word into her utterance by saying “That, I that‟s are that‟s”, and this is one of the kinds of Inserting.

The following datum is another example.


Universitas Sumatera Utara Ellen : What you, What you and Michelle disagree on?”

Ellen employs inserting in her production when she asks Barrack Obama about his wife, she stops after saying “what you“. After that, she repeats the previous utterance and inserts the new word ‟what you and”. Thus, her utterance becomes “What you, What you and”. The inserted word functions to elaborate the reference in Ellen‟s utterance.

Another example presented below.

Ellen : Well. She‟s a cheater you know that, but when you talked about

the push up I‟m I‟m not I‟m not lying, I‟m not gonna tore you

about it anymore, but she‟s a cheater ..See see look how down far

I went.

Obama : You still, so you are still upset about that

In the next section of the talk show, they just watched a video from the previous episode with Michele Obama, Ellen and Michele has a push up race.

However, Barrack Obama accidentally misses a word in his utterance. In his utterance, Barrack Obama performs inserting by adding a word into her utterance, by saying “You still”, and then inserting another word by saying “so you‟re still”.

The following datum is another example.


Universitas Sumatera Utara Obama : Take me my shoes off on the plane Ellen : Yes, it‟s stinky not yours, not yours when other people Obama :I wore cleans up, I don‟t know about you

Barrack Obama tells Ellen, one of many things he probably missed for being a president is the air plane, Air force One. Ellen tells Barrack Obama

Should have his Commercial fly, but he refused it. However, Ellen accidentally misses a word in her utterance. In her utterance, Ellen performs inserting by adding a word into her utterance. “notyours” and then she inserting a new word by saying “not yours when other people” .

Below is the example of inserting.

Ellen : Run, they can runright behind you?

Barrack Obama tells Ellen that, when you become the president the bubbles followed you everywhere, in every situation. Ellen jokes about the bubbles by saying “Run, they can runright behind you?However, Ellen he attempts to modify her previous utterance by adding the word “Run” becomes

“they can run”. c. Deleting

Deleting is a repair operation, which enables the speaker to delete an element in the utterance. Deleting is employed when an element in an utterance is treated as unnecessary by the speaker.


Universitas Sumatera Utara The example of deleting presented in the datum below.

Obama : I don‟t miss it; it‟s always good to get out of Washington, which can sometimes being a little offs the president.

Ellen : What, will... to get out of Washington or the part what part of the president?

The datum above shows that Ellen takes turn and she „is about to give response to Barrack Obama, Ellen wants to say “What” but then she delete the word by saying “Will”

The following datum is another example.

Obama :I wore cleans up,, I don‟t know about you

Ellen : No, I when others people take their shoes off, on the plane

Obama : Oke maybe other people

The conversation between Ellen and Barrack Obama about if he is going to take a commercial fly, but then Ellen makes jokes about people take their shoes off on the plane. Ellen makes an argument but then she deleting it and makes another Utterances by saying “No” and then deleting it becomes “I when”. d. Parenthesizing

Parenthesizing, a speaker in a conversation expected to deliver the intended meaning of his/her utterance properly. The speaker also has to make sure


Universitas Sumatera Utara that the recipient understands the utterance. However, sometimes an utterance does not come out to be as informative as it should be. Parenthesizing employed in an utterance when the utterance needs additional information in order to make it more informative.

The speakers in the talk show employ parenthesizing to give an elaboration or an explanation of a certain term. By employing parenthesizing, the speakers show their awareness whether the recipients know the term or not.

The following datum serves as the first example of parenthesizing.

Ellen : So, you don‟t want to get any of these anymore.

Obama : No you know, I was told a while back then, I just won a million

miles on air force one and I ask is there any free com. Flyer plane?

You know that was makes sense express you know I understand

people have blackout dates.

In the datum presented above, it shows that Barrack Obama performs parenthesizing. The datum above is a piece of dialogue of Ellen and Barrack

Obama in. Ellen is questioning Barrack Obama about how he feels about air force one, the president airplane. Before finishing his utterance, he employs parenthesizing. The new clause functions to give a preface of her utterance.

„No you know”, before finishing this utterance he began with a new structure “I was told a while back then”

The following datum serves as the first example of parenthesizing.


Universitas Sumatera Utara Ellen : We are back with President Barrack Obama, and I mentioned in

my blog butIcannottell you, I are thank you enough for what you

have done for the gay community… so thank you.

In the datum presented above, it shows that Barrack Obama performs parenthesizing. Ellen in the middle of his utterances said “I cannottell you” but

Ellen have not finished her utterances and began with a new structure utterance,” I are thank you enough”. By employing parenthesizing, she wants to make sure that the recipients clearly understand his utterance.

e. Sequence Jumping

Sequence jumping is the seventh repair operation. In sequence jumping, the speaker of the trouble source abandons the utterance and suddenly changes the utterance into something, which is completely different from and unrelated to the previous utterance.

Here is the example of sequence jumping:

Ellen : I mean what the biggest surprise for you, when you become the president what surprise you the most?

Ellen launch a new sequences as the act of repair, also Ellen address her interlocutor‟s previous utterances, which considered the start of a new sequence.


Universitas Sumatera Utara Here is another example of sequence jumping.

Ellen : I hope you watch every day, I don‟t know if you watch every day, but you?

Ellen creates another repair operation, sequence jumping. Ellen address her interlocutor‟s previous utterances, which considered the start of a new sequence. f. Recycling

Recycling is a repair operation, whichemployed by the speaker when s/he is suddenly unable to produce the intended ideas. Recycling done with the speaker of the trouble source repeating the utterance. By repeating, the speaker can delay the utterance and this gives him time to continue the utterance. In other words, the utterance can be continued without having abandoned by the speaker.

The first example of recycling presented in the datum below.

Ellen : And said everyone takes everything so seriously, and I think that

we have this, you know people that , hmm I‟m kind a kidding but

obvious but I think we have people we all that have the one thing

in common which is we just want a good quality of life.

Obama : Right.

The marked words show she repeats the previous unfinished utterance. In the second attempt, she interrupts her own utterance once again before its completion. After that, she repeats her utterance once again and continues the


Universitas Sumatera Utara utterance. By employing recycling in her utterance, Ellen can continue her previous utterance without abandoning it due to overlapping talk.

g. Reformatting

Reformatting employed to change the format of an utterance grammatically. Reformatting can be employed in the utterance to change a perspective of an utterance. In the talk show, reformatting employed to change the format of an utterance grammatically. It means that, the speakers employ reformatting to reformat a WH question into a YES/NO question and vice versa.

Obama : Well that‟s a, that‟s one thing I proud of this stuff because my hope political career been based on the idea that, we constantly we wanted include people not exclude them, and how to we bring more more people in opportunity in success, and Feeling hopeful about their lives and the… but I would say we, we‟re driving over that, I mean to say that… I said to my staff I said it do as much as we done for the lost and shuddering one Changing hard their mind so much I don‟t think anyway more in fluencies than that you all that I really mean it That‟s a that‟s the truth And so… the a You‟re courage and you‟re just relievable and so as soon as, so you being willing to claimed who you are then suddenly empower other people And then suddenly your brother, it‟s your uncle, it‟s your best friend, it‟s your coworkers and then attitudes shift and the Lost followed but it started with folks like you


Universitas Sumatera Utara The marked words shows that Barrack Obama reformatting his utterances

“but I would say we” becomes “we‟re driving over that”.

h. Reordering

Reordering one of the characteristics of daily conversation is that it happens spontaneously. Due to its characteristic, the speaker often cannot plan the utterance s/he is going to say thoroughly. As the result, the elements in the utterance may be less-organized. Reordering is employed by the speaker to deal with the unorganized elements in the utterance. Reordering helps the speaker of the trouble source to re-organize the elements in his/her utterance. In the talk show, both the host and the guests perform reordering as the strategy of repair. It proves that the speakers are aware that they make mistakes with the order of the elements in their utterances.

Below is the first example of reordering.

Ellen : Well they have a great parents, you both you and Michelle are

really really amazing, Michele is such a strong wonderful role

model for all woman and she has been a great first lady.

Obama :I agree, that‟s I agree that!

Barrack Obama reformatting his utterances from “I agree” becomes “ that‟s I agree that!


Universitas Sumatera Utara 4.2 Findings

In this research, there are 4 kinds of repair and 10 types of repair operation.Therefore, according to the discussion and question of the research, the researcher found some findings.

1. Based on the first question, what types of repair are employed by the

participant in the talk show, Ellen DeGeneres Show. The answer of the

question is therefore, there are four types of repair by Schegloff (1977)

Self-initiated self-repair, self-initiated other repair, other initiated self-

repair, and other initiated other repair. The participant in this talk show,

Ellen and Barrack Obama, after about 20 minutes of the talk show, the

participants showed some repair. The repair itself, Self-initiated self-

repair, self-initiated other repair, and other initiated other repair. None of

other initiated self-repair found in this research. Self-initiated self-repair

showed 20 times in this research, following the others self-initiated other

repair appear 2 times, other initiated other repair appears 1 times, and the

last none of the other initiated self-repair was found.

2. Based on the second question of the research. How are the operations of

repair realized by the participants in the talk show The Ellen DeGeneres

Show? The method is almost the same with first question; the participant

also uttered some data, which is included as the part of repair operation by

Schegloff (1977). They are replacing, inserting, deleting, searching,

parenthesizing, aborting, sequence jumping, recycling, reformatting, and

reordering. Therefore for the repair operation replacing appears 3 times,


Universitas Sumatera Utara inserting 6 times, deleting 2 times, sequence jumping 2 times,

parenthesizing 2 times, recycling 1 times, reformatting 1 times, reordering

1 times. None of searching and aborting found in this research.

3. Based on the third question of the research. Why are such types of repair

found dominantly in the talk show The Ellen DeGeneres Show? The

dominant types of repair, which found in this research is self-initiated self-

repair. Self-initiated self-repair is the types of repair, which the one, who

makes repair, is the one, who repair the utterances that is why this kinds of

repair found dominantly in this research. In talk show, there are no written

rules so the participant often makes repair and the participant also ne the

one who repair it.


Universitas Sumatera Utara CHAPTER V


5.1 Conclusions

Based on research findings and discussion, the conclusions of this research

Could be drawn as follows:

1. Concerning the first objective of the research,

According to the first objective of the study to find the type of repair in the talk show. The Ellen DeGeneres show with the guest star the 44 President of

United States, Barrack Obama. Therefore, there are four kinds of repair but only

3 of 4 kinds of repair found in this research.

Self-initiated self-repair is the most often appearing type in the conversation between Ellen and Barrack Obama in The Ellen DeGeneres Show. It occurs 20 times. This condition seems normal since the participants in the talk show are aware of their own-making error in most of the time. Self-initiated self-repair is a type of repair which usually occurs without a discernible error such as grammatical or syntactic error. In most cases, the error is only inside the speaker‟s mind. Additionally, self-initiated other repair occurs 2 times in this talk show.

Self-initiated other-repair only appears twice. This type occurs because the speaker is at loss for words and needs assistance from his speaking partner. Infact, the participants in the talk show The Ellen De Generes Show seem ready to have such conversation and master the topic of the conversation. Therefore, the chance for self-initiated other-repair type to occur is limited.


Universitas Sumatera Utara Other-initiated other-repair is a type of repair in which both repair initiation and completion are done by other party. It occurs one times. This kinds of repair is in the last having a small number of occurrence. This type of repair usually employed by other party to make sure that s/he interprets the speaker‟s utterances correctly.

Other initiated other repair, is the type of repair, which have the last number in the rank, the research.

2. Concerning the second objective of the research,

The second objective of the research is to identify the repair operations. In line with the second objective, the research findings show that among 10 repair operations, only 8 operations employed by the speakers in the talk show Ellen

DeGeneres Show. They are replacing, inserting, deleting,parenthesizing, sequence jumping, recycling, reformatting, and reordering. Among 10 repair operations, inserting is the most occurring operation and it has the highest frequency of occurrence. Inserting is often employed by the speakers in the talk show whenthey experience slips of the tongue. The findings also show that inserting is employed to avoid a possible grammatical error.

The findings show that searching does not occur in the talk show.

Searching is employed in the utterance when the speaker suddenly unable to remember the intended word in the middle of production.

The findings show that aborting does not occur in the talk show Aborting is an operation of repair where the speaker stops the utterance and leaves it


Universitas Sumatera Utara incomplete. In other words, the speaker of the trouble source abandons the ongoing utterance.

3. Concerning the third objectives of the research,

Why are such types of repair found dominantly in the research? The interaction beetwen the host and the guest creates a self initiated self repair, the repair it self get the audience atttention and make s the talk show becomes more attractive and fun to watch.

Self-initiated self-repair is the types of repair, which the one, who makes repair, is the one, who repair the utterances that is why this kinds of repair found dominantly in this research.

5.2 Suggestions

Concerning of the result of the research, the researcher offer two suggestion in this research to complete this research, therefore the suggestion as well is the suggestion for the English department student and for the readers of this research. The researcher hopes that, this suggestion can be a good input and can be a good influence as well.

To the student of English department, in English department we learn about language and conversation. There are so many things we can learn about conversation and language, which also can be so much interesting to learn and so many aspects can be found in our daily life, so we can easily understand the many aspect of conversation analysis as well. There are so many aspects can be found and analyze by the student of English department in conversation analysis.


Universitas Sumatera Utara To the reader of this research, learning about language and conversation can be easily to learn and also can be a good motivation to learn more about many aspects of study in English department and can be a good source of learning many aspects of conversation analysis. This also can be found easily in our daily life conversation.


Universitas Sumatera Utara REFERENCES

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Universitas Sumatera Utara


Types of Repair





Repair Operation O1: Replacing O7: Sequence-jumping

O2: Inserting O8: Recycling

O3: Deleting O9: Reformatting

O4: Searching O10: Reordering

O5: Parenthesizing

O6: Aborting


Universitas Sumatera Utara

Types of Repair Operation repair no Data R R R R 0 O O O O O O O O O Explanation 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 1 Ellen : When I was a Ellen makes repair in her little girl, growing up in utterances. When she said, the the new Orland‟s I marked words. Therefore this never dream that to repair belongs to self initiated self have my own show, repair. and certainly

Never thoughtsI able

will be able to say In other way, the marked words

these words. Please are also one of the repair pattern

welcome the inserting. In other words, Ellen president‟s of United inserts an additional element in States, Barrack Obama. his utterance tospecify the interpretation of his utterance.

2 Obama: Now, that I want to say, I was watching some of the dance moves.

Ellen: Yes sir.

Obama: Backstage.

Ellen: Yup. Obama: You guys doing pretty good.

Ellen: Yap.

Obama: I have been impressed I like it. Ellen : That gentleman that were on the floor.

Obama: Yeah.

Ellen : Could follow the twist very well.


Universitas Sumatera Utara Obama : I thought they were hurts themselves.


Universitas Sumatera Utara

Types of Repair Operation repair n Data R R R R 0 O O O O O O O O O Explanation o 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 3 Ellen : Yeah, You felt you didn‟t want to complete without coming out.

Obama: I I couldn‟t once I saw them I said the marks to high.

Ellen: You‟re not gonna do it?

Obama: No.

4 Ellen: The last time you were here, you were running for president?

Obama: Yes.

Ellen: And now, you are leaving I feel like I have something to do with both, but do you, this is not an oblivious question, but what how do you feel now compared to you were here before?

Obam: Older

Ellen: Yes, I can say that

Obama : Ha haha

Ellen: Tired.


Universitas Sumatera Utara

Types of Repair Operation repair no Data R R R R 0 O O O O O O O O O Explanation 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 5 Obama : You know, the Interesting thing is I feel actually re- energetic, I, the first time I came you know there‟s a lot of possibilities out


but also uncertainty and

you know you‟re young, you‟re eager to get started, but you don‟t necessary know what you don‟t know, and now after pairing serve for seven years having got a lot of done, and seeingthe progress that we made and seeing the incredible Brazilian and American people are fighting back from procession and more, in some ways the fear aredrops away, you feel confident that Americas gonna do well you know the job better you more relax and the but it‟s just the enthusiasm because I was the First started.


Universitas Sumatera Utara

Types of Repair Operation repair n Data R R R R 0 O O O O O O O O O Explanation o 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 6 Ellen: Do you look it? What‟s going on now in the campaign? And do you miss it in any way and do you look at them,and oh you making a big mistakes. Obama: I don‟t miss it; it‟s always good to get out of Washington, which can sometimes being a little offs the president. Ellen repair the utterances it Ellen: What will... to √ herself, it called self initiated get out of Washington self repair, it shown in the or the part what part of marked words. the president?

The marked words show self 7 Obama: Oh well initiated self repair. Ellen try to

Washington. √ repair before someone else

repair it.

Ellen : Oh, that‟s a I

would think so, I mean The marked words show Barrack really Obama creates an self initiated

Obama: Oh ya, no self repair.

well but then i

Obama: Oh ya, no

well but then i

Ellen : But you are In the middle of the not kidding conversation, there is one self initiated other repair. Obama: I‟m a kind of Ellen tries to say something and not kidding then Barrack Obama says it again to make sure the repair.


Universitas Sumatera Utara

Types of Repair Operation repair n Data R R R R 0 O O O O O O O O O Explanation o 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 8 Ellen : I mean what the biggest surprise for you, when you became the president? What surprise you the most?

Obama : Well, the fact is that most of the time, if something reaches my desk, it means it‟s really hard which is why they bumped it out to me because nobody else can figure it out and when I came in the economy is collapse about going to a great pressure.


Universitas Sumatera Utara

Types of Repair Operation repair n Data R R R R 0 O O O O O O O O O Explanation o 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 we have to make a whole bunch of decisions, about saving the auto industry, or making sure that business got back on their feet or, the housing market will recover and you‟re have to make a big bass with the uncompleted information and you not sure that everything is going to work and I think that‟s parts of what

is happening on this

instragam or you know

culture is that

we expect quick

answer without sacrifice, without have to make any choices and Politician play into that but the truth no matter is, the world is a big complicated places the good news is that we generally going into the right direction and my hope is that we‟ll continue to do so.


Universitas Sumatera Utara

9 Ellen: That, I that‟s Ellen tries to create a correct are that‟severybody words that she wants to say but hope, but let‟s talk then she have difficulties to find about me, one, that time she also create self I feel like don‟t you initiated self repair. think if more people dance,and just have However, Ellen accidentally fun misses a word in her utterance. In her utterance, Ellen performs Obama : Yes. inserting by adding a word into her utterance by saying “That, I that‟s are that‟s”, and this is one of the kinds of Inserting.


Universitas Sumatera Utara Types of Repair Operation repair n Data R R R R 0 O O O O O O O O O Explanation o 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 1 Ellen : And said By employing recycling in her 0 everyone take utterance, Ellen can continue her everything so previous utterance without seriously, and I think abandoning it due to overlapping that we have this,you talk. know people that , hmm I‟m kind a kidding but obvious but I think we have peoplewe all that have the one thing in common which is we just want a good quality of life.

Obama : Right.

Ellen: And then we The repetition that has been

have these people that create, makes a self initiated self

feel one way someone repair, because Ellen itself is the

feels another way, one who create and then repair

We tend to hate them, it. It shown in the marked words.

and andit just really…

Obama: That‟s not Barrack Obama tries to say helpful. “that‟s not helpful”, and then

Ellen said it again to make sure Ellen:No it‟s not the repair. The other person is helpful. reapaired; it called self initiated

other repair.


Universitas Sumatera Utara Types of Repair Operation repair n Data R R R R 0 O O O O O O O O O Explanation o 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 1 Obama : The 1 amount of stuff, that a sometimes in news In the middle of his speech, broadcast Barrack Obama slipped his that‟s it‟s just hmm words and made replacing words actually un accurate, in the marked words. it‟s surprising and truly hard to catch up, since like we came in off we were reduce the deficit by 2 terms, but if you ask the average person they‟re sure they spending his shut up and the reason is because they bunch

focus to say, that we‟re

While over spending in the where we are. √ Barrack Obama just create self Ellen : Right. initiate self repair, because before the other speaker repair it, Obama:And, and that‟s just one small he makes the repair by his self. example, but it In the marked words. happens all the time

and the the that‟s

something that we

have to fix properly,

but people paying more attention to what‟s going on in every single day and it‟s hard people are busy drove off their kids, they‟re working they‟re… trying to figure out the.. How to get some exercise, do some sport shop, and you know…


Universitas Sumatera Utara

Types of Repair Operation repair n Data R R R R 0 O O O O O O O O O Explanation o 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 1 Ellen: Speaking of her. She stops after saying “what 2 you“. After that, she repeats the Obama : Ok. previous utterance and inserts the new word ‟what you and”. Ellen : What you, Thus, her utterance becomes What you‟ll and “What you, What you and”. Michelle disagree on? The inserted word functions to elaborate the reference in Ellen‟s Obama: Well… utterance.

Ellen : Like what you find about?

Barrack Obama tries to say Obama: You know a, “after” but then he finds a, after about15 years difficulties to say it, Ellen was I finally figure out that, not interrupting him, then he a she‟s always right. makes a repair by his self by So then surprisingly saying “after”. The marked we‟re just stop fighting words. after that.

Ellen: Yes, than no more fighting.

Obama : ha haha


Universitas Sumatera Utara Types of Repair Operation repair n Data R R R R 0 O O O O O O O O O Explanation o 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 1 Ellen: Well. She‟s a Ellen found difficulties to say 3 cheater you know that, something in the middle of the but when you talked conversation by saying “I‟m about not” then, Ellen did it again by the push up I‟m I‟m saying “see”. not I‟m not lying, I‟m not gonna tore you about it anymore, but she‟s a cheater ..See see look how down far I went.

In his utterance, Barrack Obama Obama: You still, So performs inserting by adding a you‟re still upset about word into her utterance, by that? saying “You still”, and then inserting another word by saying

Ellen: I am so, because “so you‟re still”.

she didn‟t go down all

the way and the she


she have longer arms

and so she… listen, it However after she‟s saying‟ a was very impressive word and then deleting it. Make that she kept new Utterances, “and so she‟s” going but she didn‟t go deleting it thenbecomes “listen”. down as far as me. One of the part of deleting. Obama : Okay


Universitas Sumatera Utara

Types of Repair Operation repair n Data R R R R 0 O O O O O O O O O Explanation o 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 1 Ellen : look at her, Ellen was so exited in this section 4 look look of conversation, and then she makes another self initiated self Obama : She‟s going repair. It‟s shown by the marked down very far. words.

Ellen : No, no, no, not

as far down as me,


This is an another initiated other Obama: I mean those repair are good, you have a The initiation is usually seen in

good form. the form of interruption, Ellen tries to make an argument Ellen: I have a better and then she creates another other form than her and I and initiated other repair. Taking the I . floor of the current speaker who

is considered making trouble.

Obama : You have a

good form

Ellen: Alright listen , I One of self initiated self repair. I

Obama : ha haha


Universitas Sumatera Utara

Types of Repair Operation repair n Data R R R R 0 O O O O O O O O O Explanation o 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 1 Ellen : We do have to 5 get a break, but before we got a break, we had a little bit of funwith you over theyears and I wanna…

Obama : I know, I‟ve heard about this.

Ellen: I don‟t know if you, I hope you watch every day, I don‟t know if you This is also the part of self watch every day but initiated self repair. you… I know you…

Obama: You‟re right WhenI‟m in A situatio Room, and we‟re Talking about.

Ellen: Me?

Obama: Kinds of The terms of strategy case you know what; we got to break for Ellen.

Ellen : Right.

Obama :


Universitas Sumatera Utara We‟ll come back; we‟ll figure it out in the other hand.

Ellen : That‟s why I like it, that‟s not a bad idea let‟s take a look


Universitas Sumatera Utara Types of Repair Operation repair n Data R R R R 0 O O O O O O O O O Explanation o 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 1 Ellen : We‟re back to 6 the 44 president of the United States Barrack Obama, so what willyou miss about being in a white house, being president what it is one thing that You‟re thinking this is gonna suck.

Obama:Well… Air force one really nice. Ellen feels exited to reply Barrack Ellen : I, I, I just Obama commented about the air seen how‟s the car is it force one, and then she creates like the plane? In another self initiated self repair. house the car

Obama: It‟s better.

Ellen : Is it? That‟s a good looking plane

Ellen : Is it? It‟s a good looking plane


Universitas Sumatera Utara Types of Repair Operation repair n Data R R R R 0 O O O O O O O O O Explanation o 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 1 Obama: That‟s a nice 7 plane, and the marine, want a helicopter lands off actually land the plane then you just got in the helicopter, that‟s a pretty good deal.

Ellen: So, you don‟t want to get any of these anymore?

Obama: No, You know I was told a Before finishing his utterance, he while back then, I just employs parenthesizing. The new won a million miles on clause functions to give a preface air force of her utterance. One and I ask is there „No you know”, before finishing any free com. Flyer this utterance he began with a new plane? You know that structure “I was told a while was makes sense back then” express you know I understand people have blackout dates

Obama: But, if the new person wasn‟t using it.

Ellen: Exactly, it‟s just sitting there.

Obama: It just sitting there, that‟s my point


Universitas Sumatera Utara Types of Repair Operation repair n Data R R R R 0 O O O O O O O O O Explanation o 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 1 Ellen : So, you‟ll fly 8 commercial from now on? Obama: No, ha haha

Ellen : But, I mean that is something to miss?

Obama: I, I, don‟t miss This section included as one of self flying commercial. initiated self repair. The speaker

itself who repair the utterances. Ellen : Ya Obama : Take me my shoes off on the plane

Ellen : Yes, it‟s stinky not yours not yours when other people Ellen performs inserting by adding a word into her utterance. “not yours”

and then she inserting a new word by Obama:I wore cleans saying “not yours when other up,, I don‟t know about people” you

Ellen :No, I when others

people take their shoes

off, on the plane

Obama : Oke

Maybe other people This is also part of self initiated self repair. Ellen : It is rude, so I didn‟t said in any way you have stinkyfeet, but if you want proofto me, then take the shoes One of repair operation, Deleting. off right now Ellen makes an argument but then she deleting it and makes another Obama : No, no we‟re Utterances by saying “No” and then not going there deleting it becomes “I when”.


Universitas Sumatera Utara

Types of Repair Operation repair n Data R R R R 0 O O O O O O O O O Explanation o 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 1 Ellen : Alright 9 Is there like a barber shop, and everything in the white house?

Obama : Yeah, I got my hair cut, it‟s all self

containand the great


is that you don‟t have to go anywhereand get some stuff done you know that you don‟t have to run to dry cleaners, you don‟t have to shop for foods, the bad parts is about this, is that it‟s a bubbleand you don‟t leave

Ellen : Ya

Obama : Or if you do than it follows,the bubbles follows you everywhere and that‟s something you never get used to andwhat is also means you don‟t have a certainspontaneous interaction with people

Ellen : Yup


Universitas Sumatera Utara

Types of Repair Operation repair n Data R R R R 0 O O O O O O O O O Explanation o 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 2 Obama : That‟s 0 you know you do in Sunday morning, you do put some sweps, youdon‟t shape, go to star bucks you go running on somebody have a niceconversation, that kinds of stuff or just taking a walk

Ellen : Yap

Obama: Which is the thing that probablyI

missed most about 2 being presidentjust 1 take a nice walk on the nice day.

Ellen : Can you drive?

Obama : I know how to drive

Ellen : but will you able to drive?

Obama: I‟ll continue that secret service, but, but

Ellen : Maybe in the back seat


Universitas Sumatera Utara

Obama: That‟s my point, we‟re gonna negotiated

Ellen : Ok


Universitas Sumatera Utara Types of Repair Operation repair n Data R R R R 0 O O O O O O O O O Explanation o 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 2 Obama : On the 2 nice day you got to comfortable

Ellen : I know

Obama: Maybe they can use it to tell me

Ellen : Ya

Obama: That‟s my hope However Ellen he attempts to modify her previous utterance by Ellen : Run, they adding the word “Run” becomes can runright behind “they can run”. you?

Obama: Hahaha

Ellen:Alright we have

to take another break, Barrack Obama performs 2 we‟ll be back parenthesizing. Ellen in the 3 middle o his utterances said “I

cannot tell you” but Ellen Obama :Alright haven‟t finished her utterances and began with a new structure Ellen : We‟re back with President Barrack utterance,” I are thank you Obama, and I enough”. By employing mentioned in my blog parenthesizing, she wants to make but, I cannot sure that the recipients clearly tell you, I are thank understand his utterance. you enough for what

you have done for the

gay community… so

thank you


Universitas Sumatera Utara

Types of Repair Operation repair n Data R R R R 0 O O O O O O O O O Explanation o 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 2 Obama: Well that‟s a, Another self initiated self repair in 4 that‟s one thing I this section, by Barrack Obama. proud of this stuff because my hope political career been based on the idea that, we constantly we wanted include people not exclude them , and how to we bring more more people in opportunity in success, The marked words shows that And Feeling hopeful Barrack Obama reformatting his about their lives and utterances “but I would say we” the… but I would say becomes “we‟re driving over we, we‟re driving that”. over that,I mean to

say that… I said to my

staff I said it do as

much as we done for

the lost and suddering

one Changing hard

their mind so muchI

don‟t think anyway more in fluencial than that you all that I really mean itThat‟s a that‟s the truth And so… the a You‟re courageand you‟re just relievable and so as soon as, so you being willing to claimed who you are then suddenly empower other people And then suddenly your brother, it‟s your uncle, it‟s your best friend, it‟s your


Universitas Sumatera Utara coworkers and then attitudes shift and the Lost followed but it started with folks like you


Universitas Sumatera Utara Types of Repair Operation repair n Data R R R R 0 O O O O O O O O O Explanation o 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0

2 Ellen: Well, that‟s a √ Ellen creates on more self 5 a initiated self repair. She repairs the utterances by Obama: I‟m so proud herself. of

Ellen : Thank you In this section Ellen creates on Obama: Ya more self initiated self repair. She repairs the utterances by Ellen : Hmm I‟m not herself. really gay... I I I‟m just

Obama: But on Tv 2 you played one of this 6 play just like it right

Ellen : I know this, I

just thought that it will

work and I had to stick

with these people These people will response it well Obama: So, like the dancing thing

Ellen : Exactly

Obama : It‟s like just gonna keep on rolling

Ellen : Exactly


Universitas Sumatera Utara Types of Repair Operation repair n Data R R R R 0 O O O O O O O O O Explanation o 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 2 Ellen : So, this is 7 milea is going off to college and that‟s gonna be…

Obama: That‟s hard

Ellen : Yes One of the repair types, self Obam: I… look, as Initiated self repair. Michelle remain me our daughters are Also one of the repair operations, prepared not to leave Deleting. us and both of my Barrack Obama talks about his daughters are daughter, in the first utterance he wonderful people and fell hesitance then deleting his milea more than ready first utterances and makes a new to leave but I‟m not utterances by saying “ I” deleting ready for her to leave, the utterances becomes “look”

and there‟s a one ask,

if I‟m speaker at

thegraduation? I said

Absolutely not, because I‟m gonna sitting there with dark glasses, sobbing .yes She‟s one of my best friends, and this is gonna be hard for for me, not to have her around all the time, but she‟s ready to go, you can tell when they‟re she‟s really smart, capable person and she‟s ready to make her own way.

Ellen : Right


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Types of Repair Operation repair n Data R R R R 0 O O O O O O O O O Explanation o 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 2 Obama: And they‟re 8 wonderful girls, and I Michellegets all the credit maybe add some assist from my mother in law but there are really just solid kids, they have an attitude, they‟re furious, kinds to everybody and they‟re work hard they don‟t feel like they‟re titled or anything

Ellen : Well they have a great parents,

you both you and

Michelle are really


amazing, Michele is

such a strong wonderful role model Barrack Obama reformatting his for all woman and utterances from “I agree” she‟s been a great first becomes “ that‟s I agree that! lady

Obama: I agree, that‟s I agree that!


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Types of Repair Operation repair n Data R R R R 0 O O O O O O O O O Explanation o 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 2 Ellen : That‟s 9 understandableand you have been great presidents! Like you said things over and over again about the unemployment, or economics, or anything else theycan, but if you really, if you listen to that you gonna believe it, if you look at and look in to see with thefacts or it‟s just the truth

Obama: We‟re better

off now that when we

were come in

Ellen : You‟ve done amazing job, you‟ve always been


Universitas Sumatera Utara