Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1943-06-04

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Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1943-06-04 : 3. 1943 ~ 12 Ration Calendar Showers Ilation. t\JtL OIL ooupeD 1(• • 6 upt... 11.,1. lit. THE ' DAILY, IOWAN IOWA: Sbew~n ancI tblLblle.r­ DBOE S u»lr.. hoe 16; .Ie yester_ eo up." n ltornw, coo~r . lor trQUle Iowa City's Morning Newspaper ,08 River TSI A880ClATED .aESI IOWA CITY, IOWA FRIDAY. 1943 .,.1 A.IIOCI4'1I.D ..... or Speed_ nVECENTS 1UNE ., VOLUME XU11 NUMB R 214 Lake Me. hrough 8 Cine Was TROOPS ON A TTU HEED FIRST CALL FOR BREAKFAST =::o--.,....,~......,.::o-:"... =-== Chinese Sweep To Yanglle. Iii IRoosevelt Orders Ichang Drive, Other Units Capture I Miners' to Work 4,000 Jap Troops, Communique Say. --------------~----- CHUNGKING, China (AP)­ Supported by on American-Chi­ Davies Completes Establish.Monday as Deadline British, Greek Ships nese air force which dominated the ' . • AHack Italian Convoy cenlral China skies and was shoot­ Moscow Mission ing Japanese planes down at the Washington Queries For 500,000 Striking Workers Off Capo Spar1ivenlo rate of 14 to I, the Chinese armies Whether Roosevelt, swept last night to the s.outh bank BY THE AS OClATED PRESS of the Yangtze and were separated Stalin Will Meet Allied Destroyers Bag WASHINOTOl - Prt>sident Roos velt, acting a8 war-time only by the great river from the 2 Merchant V essels, WASHINGTON, (AP)-Joseph ~ommaDd r-in-c hieJ, yesterday flatly ordered some 500,000 strik­ main Japanese base Of Ichang in Torpedo Boat Escort Hupeh province, E. Davies COmpleted his "second Ing .mine workers to return 10 work Monday-and dra tic mea - mission to Moscow" yesterday- Ur weI' rt'ported in store in case' they di obey. Farth~r down the riVer. other Chinese troops were declared in: . and set this capital to speculating Backil1g to the limit the war labor board which ,John L. Lewis ALLIED HEADQUARTERS IN whether It meant a meeting has has defi d, II'. Roosel't>lt said that whcn the min rs r turn to NORTH AFRICA (AP) - Striking I .peclal communique 01 ChI"nr Kat Shek's command to bave been arranged for President th ir "wor dulie "tb di po ition of the ill put "willlorthwilh natlctahteionh", dr~rOI~!tBalrYlt·S.lS' hseaancdoGmmr~~': BiEAKFA~T IS SERVED at Holtz Bay on. Atlu III American troops, nOw firmly entrenched on the Roosevelt. Premier Stalln and d d tl . d· t· f th 1 b b d d . .., .. .... """" trapped . ,000 of the Japanese Prime Minister Churchill. proce ,un er Ie Juri. IC lon 0 war a or oar aD 10 ac- destroyers aHacked an n my con- Invaders - 30.00 of whom were island after llnnlhllatlnr it~ Jap defenders. rather around a field stove In the gray mist of mornlnc to ref a. hot breakfast. Note shell pockets In the plains at the ref1 r. Olflclal U. S. Navy photo, The form r ambassador to cordance with th ustoIDary and established proc dur gov rn- voy off Capo Sp rtll' nto t. tJle officially ..declared .. already .. to ------- Moscow. returning from a special ing all ca, s of thi sort. " toe of th Italian boot Tuesday have fallen al casualties. mlsslon there, arrived In Wash- 'rh pr . id nt made DO mention of wbat he would do if the night and ripped it to shr ds with­ In yet another drive in the ington by air at 3:5 1 p. m. (CWT) fl trik continued-in fact his t r tat m ilL did not m to I' - out themselves suifering ither counter-offensive now t11rowirtg and went at once to the White gnize "en Ii po ibility that the ord r could be ignor d. casualti ' or damagt'. the Japanese bhck all along the Red Army Begin's New Offensive House, where he delivered a reply R . ponsible ~oUl' s sid h Wli I' ad~' to r ort to 11 e In defiance of the big guns of upper Yangtze tront, Chinese col­ he brought from Stalin to a con- oop th d ft I nd oth r the Italian fl t. th straight- umns crossed inio Hupeh from Hu­ r . ra aw. 11 shooting ullied war 'hips wiped .lut nan province, sa id the high com­ fldential letter from Mr. Roose- mea if nee ar)'. two axis I'N.'tchont veo;. ell and an Eslabll"shed French ure s t mand, and surrou ded the Japan­ veil. Then he spent about two 1·\or ov r, I 'Val , t 8 d Oil escorttnj torpedo hoat and ent ese position of Kungan. thIs some Destroy Kuban Bridgehead hool' conferring with tne pres!- h' h h ' II I To. But 1St , . dent. G It? orlly t 1e go\' rn- an enemy destroyer u¥round, burtt- 70 miles southeast of Ichang. Davies had completed a trip of m nt is eon~iclering riou Iy jng fi rc Iy. On Greek d ·troyer So complete was Amerlcan­ overnmenl Headed the question ot wh ther men who participated in the stwck. globe-circling length as the presi. Chlltese mastery aloft that In dent's personal postman. He left B Gi" d DG II have struck would b entitled to Smashing of the Ilulhm ('0 tal two days allied pilots had de­ NYA Cancels Agreement 10 Train Nisei here by airplane in mld-May-the Y any retroactive pay Increase convoy, comin~ on the h ts of stroyed a minimum ot 28 Jap­ rau, e au e two heavy bombardments of P n- anese planes, and probably 36, exact date ot departure was not agr d upon. telJetia I 'land by BrH!.! h warships, After 'Unfounded' Charges Inve~tigalor disclosed- to take the president's 'Liberatl·on Comml'ttee' No decision has been reached Indicated that th allies haw Bralnst two allied planes lost. by communication to Stalin. b I be .Amerlcan bombers cot 20 Japan­ on this point, ut t may re- gained n val supr macy in Haly's Beforehand. Mr. Roosevelt had Promises to Pursue ferred to Attorney General Biddle southern waters to match their ese plll.nes In JI. sUltle aetlon. Soviet News Agency The air support, the most ef­ WASHINGTON (AP)- The war. (ll was lelJl'I1ed in Des Moines announced Davies was taking a War on Side of Allies tor a ruling. Government oW- domination ot th air 0'1 r the tecti ve ever given the Chi nese . Declares Air Forces relOcation authority announced yesterday, how vel', that the can- highly secret letter to Stalin fot clais are inclined to the vi w Mediterranean. In ruids on Pon- yesterday the national youth ad- c lIation was announced in time him, and had warned reporters ALGIERS (A+") _ A "Frencll that miners who struck may have tellel'lo and th southw 8t coast armies. was carried on to cut off Of BOth Sides Active against speculating over its con- ,.. II d .... mJ ( . S the retreating invader. On a single ministration had cancelled an ar- to stop tmnsportation of all but cance e Ule pro se 0 a retto- of ardiniu yesterduy Amt:r!can alt· ·th ·t ! th t . tents because. he said, they would committee of national llberatlon·· Dctive feature In any new con- forces trom north Africa did not avenue of Japanese retreat, the By The Associated Prell range me nt WI I or e ralUlI1g 15 boys. They had Jeft the Man- be wrong. 'can eva II es of J pa e headed jointly by Gen rals Charle tract. lose a Hi ngle plan . rOlld back from Changyang, Chi­ 'd TI R d of AmerIce a nes zanar. Calif., relocation cente,· B'nd Nevertheless. speculation per- nese dispatches estimated that al­ I• ONDON • Frl ay- le e ancestry "following the recent un- DeGaulle and Henri Giraud wa The miners' conlract expired Capo Spartivento. wh re the we . Mil slsted wlth much of Its centering d ti Iled planes alone had klJ led more army Has sprung II new ' offensive Sounded allegations made by an l·e sc Ile d u led t 0 arrI ve Ill. - about the Idea that the communi- established formally yesterday to 0i n April I, an if a r trooe ve enemy convoy w ambushed, than 1,500 enemy troops struggling nellr .Temryuk on the Sea of Azov Investigator of a congressional ford tonight. They probobly will ncrease were denied It would ~lands at the south rn oJ:)proach to on the ground. in an eUol't "to split G~rman corhrriittlie:" pe taken to D s Moines today.. cation Involved a suggestion tor a "put'sue the WDI· at the side or the mean th los9 of considerable the stroit of Me~billu, the narrow The enemY'1! behavior under forces:' clinging to the sW!lmpy The Cormal announcement did Admillistrutor Aubrey Willillms personal meeting. allies ulltll total victory over all money to the men. pas agclVsy b tween SICily lind the thts lethal fire convtneed a.lIied Kuban .bridgehead, but has n6t 'not fUrther describe the "unfound- of NY A offer d no comment. enemy powers," includinll Japan. Early 10 l night the United Itlllian muinland through which .Irmen that this \ "8 his first achleyed aoy. "lastihg SlICf!!ss." ed alle~ations ," but it was recalled W'RIt eowl'ed .into Dn arrang,e ~ M · 00 1 Formation ot thla trong central Mine Workers policy committee 1111 h pplng betw n the Hali n real e"JH'rlence of fieavy Usault the Berlin 1'3 d10 saId . lalitnlght. i hat Robert Y. StriplIng, 'chlef In- ment eal"ly I in Aprli with NY A a,ID Icer authority to OPP08 Pierre Laval's adjourned a prolonged se slon east and west coasts mUl>t thread from the air.
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    1,19(8 =::" GOOD MORNING, IOWA CITY! orf More drab and dreary days. Today partly cloudy. s OWQJ1 Tomorrow considerGble cloudiness. No. 278-AP News and Wirephoto Iowa City. Iowa, Wednesday, August 14, 1946-Five Cents mts Were 11lce over ,..... , pev ..... 1a 1111 , Walter II at ... II"",Market ' I rfllOl1e4 I dIat.... allure to ..... /" . Itrol, n- . Ihe frotal ~ MolotOY I (Iaims Iialian Plea a 1", Iv .. ,., Bri!ish Soy U.S. Funds Finance Promi~es ~o~stitutional R~le Iversw.. nbnuter 'ried to Exploit Allied Split I alld. U Ua,1. I. An.- Soviet Delegates Lend Support to Romanian onl, • Illega/immigration to Ho/y L.and ForLa~~~~~s,~~~:~m~~~!~n; rtpOrW AHempts to Gain Modification of Peace Terml IUt. Agr... to Negotiate All Pending Problems LONDON (AP)-A colonial oC- Britain announced new phases allreed to negotiate with Britain lastine until this morning. In I; on the PARIS (AP)-Calling Italian Premier Alcide De Gasperi's fice spokesman charged yesterday "without restriction" on the Pal­ Tel Aviv, police said a man lele­ 'lYe IIId In the drive to half illegal Immi- NANKING, WEDNESDAY (AP)-Genel'alissimo Chiang suggestion for a year's delay in deciding the fate of Trieste an at­ that "American financial sources" estine problem, but specifi£d the phoned a hotel, warnin. that the by ClIO I gration to the Holy Land where Kai·Shek today promi'led sol mnly to euo Kuomintang (govern­ tempt to "exploit divergencies of views among the allie ," V. M. were responsible (or "encourag­ ad Jack Jews should not be represented building was to be blown up in ml'nt) one party rule and institute a constitutional gO\' rnment in.
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