Jersey Parade Proclaims Moore, Marsh, Smith, Thomas and Driscoll As Garden Stale's Top-Ranking Leaders
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r APR 4 19 4 7. New Jersey's 7 Garden States 7 Most Popular Most Popular Auditors Grocers 1. Julio Castillo 1. John Lyons 2. Joseph Peia 2. H. Braverman 3. Vincent Russo 3. I. Glauberman 4. Chas. Bijou . M. Handler 4 5. Peter Davis 5. A Crawford 6. Frank Ellis \ 6. J. Wehman 7. Tom McNally i 7. Dave Davies Vol. 8 No. 4 WALD WICK, NEW JERSEY, FRIDAY, APRIL 4, 1947. $2 YEARLY — 5 4 COPY Jersey Parade Proclaims Moore, Marsh, Smith, Thomas and Driscoll As Garden Stale's Top-Ranking Leaders GOV. A. E. DRISCOLL A. HARRY MOORE LLOYD B. MARSH H. ALEXANDER SMITH A special survey conducted by the Jersey Parade discloses the fact that A. Harry J. PARNELL THOMAS Moore, of Jersey City, New Jersey’s only three time governor and Governor Emeritus, as the Garden State’s greatest Democrat, who has the greatest following, who is the top-ranking Jersey City Girl statesman and strategist among Democrats in the history of New Jersey. And Secretary of Waldwick to Have State Lloyd B. Marsh, of Hawthorne, is rated, according to the survey, as the top-ranking To Become Bride Republican and the greatest statesman and strategist in the history of New Jersey among Specialty Fabric Republicans. Printing Factory of Walter L. Holly SMITH, THOMAS, DRISCOLL ......................- - ' — ' ■- -------- i Grignon New Elks U. S. Senator H. Alexander All-Republican Plans have been completed Miss Evelyn Stubaus, daugh ■Smith, of Princeton; Congress for erecting a small factory in ter of Mrs. G. Stubaus of 215 Head; Succeeding man J. Parnell Thomas, of Al Ticket May Be Waldwick for a specialty faib- Fairviiew Ave., Jersey City, lendale, and Gov. Alfred E. ric printing company which is will become the bride of Wal Judge M. A. Dwyer Driscoll, of Haddonfield, are Filed in Borough now in New York City. The ter L. Holly, son of Arthur L. mentioned in the Jersey Par ground will be broken soon Holly of Prospect St., W a r Raymond Grignon was elec ade’s special survey as the Latest survey shows that an and it is said that close to 50 wick, on Saturday, June 26 in ted ruler of Ridgewood Lodge third, fourth and fifth most all-Republican ticket may be persons will be employed as the First Reformed Church of No. 1455 B.P.O.Elks, last Wed outstanding statesmen and tac filed in Waldwick to oppose the work progresses. Ridgewood. nesday night. He succeeds Mi ticians as well as strategists in Mayor Jdmes E. Daniels, and M. Martin Turpanjian, edi Walter Holly served nearly chael Dwyer. the Garden State. his running mates, Council tor of Jersey Parade and sec four years in the United man Fred F. Faraci, Candidate retary of Waldwick Chamber States Navy and was honora Named with Mr. Grignon The survey of Jersey Parade includes: “In order to honor Melvin Chapman and Tax Col of Commerce announced last bly discharged radioman, sec were the following: Cornelius lector Frank W. English. Friday night before the Mayor ond class, a year ago. He' is a Hayunga, esteemed leading the New Jersey’s five greatest statesmen, namely, Moore, Former Councilman Kenneth and Borough Council that a graduate of Waldwick Public knight; Charles Webb, es Howe will be asked to run for new industry is about to be es teemed loyal knight; William Marsh, Smith, Thomas and School and Ramsey High. His Mayor and Louis Langevin tablished in this borough and Z. Hinshaw, esteemed lectur Gov. Driscoll, it is respectfully father, Arthur L. Holly, who is may be asked to run for coun pointed out that before the end ing knight; Harris J. Weaving, recommended that Hudson nationally famous for being cilman and Councilman Nel of this year there will be at tiler; William Korn, treasurer; County be changed to Moore the inventor of the Holly Bat son Lumley would be prevailed least a half a dozen more teries, operates his service James Obrig, secretary. Trus County; Passaic County be changed to Marsh County; upon to seek re-election. All business firms in Waldwick. station and automobile repair tees are Charles Ilare for 5 three of them are Republicans shop on Prospect St in Wald years; Fred Weber, 4 years, Mercer County be changed to Smith County, Bergen County and are widely known in this wick. Young Holly is now as years and PPaul Henig 1 year. community. If the three Re Waldwick Notes sociated in business with his Officers will be installed on be changed to Thomas County publicans are selected offic Mrs. Rose Powley, East father. April 9. and Camden County be chang ed to Driscoll County. We also ially to make the run another Prospect St., was hostess to wish to recommend that the Republican will be selected to the Garden Club recently at Franklin Lake Notes Saddle River Notes name of the borough of Haw run for tax collector. her home. Twelve members were present, and they made Mrs. Roy Feudtner, the pre thorne, Passaic County, the On the other hand, the Fu Mrs. Charles J. Fox was re home town of Secretary of plans for the plant sale which sident of the Loyal League of sion group, according to ru cently hostess to Queen Esther State Lloyd B. Marsh be mors, may have former Coun will be held at the Legion Hut Zion Lutheran Church, has an Circle of the Methodist Church changed to “ Marsh City.” cilman William Ward to run on May 10 and 11 wth Mrs. of which Miss Clara Pulis is nounced the following stand ---------------■ *--------------- for Mayor, possibly with James Helen Hanley in charge. A President. ing committees for the organi- Oakland Notes W. Kerr and Judge Thomas schedule of plants to be sold was also discussed. zaion: Mrs. Howard Sulley, Hilton to run for councilmanic The Senior Choir rehearsed hospitality; Mrs. Edward Sea- All cadets of Oakland Mili nominations and a candidate Mrs. Helen Haniey and Mrs. the other night for Special ger, publicity; Mrs. George De- tary Academy are on an 11- for tax collector to be selected Joseph Ritter brought flower Easter Music. Lawter, missionary; Miss Min day Easter furlough, it was as son as a compromise under arrangements which were dis nie Taylor, Bible reading; Mrs. announced last night by Presi standing prevails. cussed by the members. Mrs. Woman’s Society of Chris David A. Pell, welfare; Mrs. J. dent John S. Sarcka of the po The year of 1947 seems to be A. Rucki, Mrs. William Vitz- tian Service of the Methodist G. Berdan, altar flowers; Mrs. pular educational institution. a year for G. 0. P. victory na hum and Mrs Grace Kneale Church attended the 150th an C. Woodruff and Miss Mar Approval of the 1947 budget- tionally and on state-wide ba Mott will bring arrangements niversary tea this week at the garet Ackerman, dining room from Local Government Com- sis, declares Councilman Barth to be discussed at the April Waldwick Methodist Church. and kitchen. Three new mem- mssioner Walter R. Darby was Vander Els. He us of the opin- meeting. (please turn to page six) (please turn to page six)(please turn to page six) (please turn to page six) (please turn to page six) JERSEY PARADE, WALD WICK, N. J. FRIDAY, APRIL 4, 1947 WEEKLY NEWS ANALYSIS PRESIDENCY: NURSES: 7> Curb Tenure More Needed End 14-Month Farm Equipment Strike; Bi-Partisan Senate and house conferees were Enrollment of approximately 45,- scheduled to put their heads to 000 new students in the nation’’* gether to work out a compromise schools of nursing will be the objec constitutional amendment to be sub * Support Develops for Truman Check on Russia tive of a nation-wide program to be mitted to the states limiting the conducted by American Hospital EDITOR’S NOTE — When opinions tenure of a president. Legislatures association throughout 1947, John C are expressed in these columns, they are those of Western Newspaper Union of 36 of the 48 states would have to H. Hayes, association president, an news analysts, and not necessarily of ratify the amendment within seven nounced. < . this newspaper. years for it to take effect. Low student enrollment, now 13,- While agreeing to the principle of 000 under school capacities, mean’s limiting the presidential tenure, the LABOR: the present acute shortage of grad two houses differed over the time uate nurses will become worse with End Long Strike allowed the vice-president if he in the next few years. should take over an unexpired term. Beaten In their attempt* to ob Discussing causes of the nurse tain “ union security," Local 180 of The house restricted his tenure to shortage, Hayes said the shorter the CIO-United Automobile Workers eight years in all while the senate permitted two years of an unex work week and day for nurses have ended its 14%-months-old strike at cut the amount of work done by the the J. I. Case tractor and harvest pired term and two additional full individual nurse. Statistically, it ing equipment plants in Racine, terms, or 10 years in all. can be demonstrated that 4.2 nurses Wis. Previously, union members The senate also adopted an amendment by Senator Taft (Rep., now are needed to do the work for had returned to work in Case’s merly done by two nurses. Rock Island, 111., Burlington, la., O.) which would permit President and Rockford, HI., factories after Truman to serve two full terms While the number of nurses in prolonged walkouts. after completing his present unex- hospitals has decreased and the pired term of three years.