Nazi Influence
lIIIAT8, F ATH, fl' Ila.. ,. q! Ihu.,h Zt an. Al Ih,ou,,, lU II.W ,0.41, P.OCESS!!D FOOD8, bluo Ilamps yt Ih,.o,h Z~ .Dd Al Ihr.u,b TI nil•• ow, T SUGAR. bo.k r.or .Iam, .~ , ••d ror live pondl H E Ihr.. ,h A.,. 81. 8nOES, alrplan. Ilamp. I, ~ , 3 aad Fair • In book Ibroe .r. ,.... IndelloUol,. OASOLINE, tfl-A CO.pODt , ••d ror alX rallonl each ; B .. ' , B-8, C·, IOWA: Generally fair and eooler • &II' C-I e",o.1 '.041 ,., rlv. ,aUo • • ea.h, PUEL OIL, ,.,10' 0.' Ihr •• ,b lIy. CO.PO"" ,0041 Ib,.o,b DAILY IOWAN, 1D extreme east. AUI· IU I pulo. one couponl tor the HHtJ.46 lea.on , C f MIN aro now lood. La, 1 year'. p.rlod ro.r an' II.. 0 W a t y , • 0 r n n 91 e w • pap. r ~r=====;=======•• = "~p~.n='='=.=p=I'='~A~.~r~,~91~·_=====~======o=========================~====~~========~==~==========~======~============================================~================~==~==========================~====-.~ FIVE CENTS T.a aa.otJlAt'aP ...... IOWA CITY, IOWA TUESDAY, AUGUST 7, 1945 nm dlCMllAt'U .... VOLUME XXI NUMBER 269 aps, et First asteI o tornie om Nip Army Base UNRULY ITALIAN PRISONERS TAKEN FROM ROME JAIL Germans Granted Jet.Propelied Plane Explodes- ~~~ll« !.i' 1:. Devastating ~ r~""':b~~ ,;« Permission to Form Suffers Blow .. .;,. Major Bong Killed Force Turned Local Unions, Parties BURBANK, Calif. (AP) - Maj, for about 400 feel It was a terri Richard Ira Bong, 24-year-old ble sight." Full Freedom Depends American ace fighter pilot of all Other witnesses said the plane Of New Bomb , exploded with a terrillc roar, On'Enemy On Willingness time, was killed yesterday as his beIng diSintegrated as parts were Port of Hiroshima To Build Del.,,)Cracy jet-propelled P-80 plane was dis hurled In small bits over a wide integrated by an explosion a few area at a spot within a few mlles Weapon Carries Blow first to Feel Brunt BERLIN (AP) - The United minutes after he leU Lockheed air of the airport.
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